‘Any Questions’ fielded the editor of the online ‘news site’ The Canary Kerry-Anne Mendoza without telling us it is essentially a mouthpiece for Corbyn…not a ‘news site’ at all is it?, good of the BBC to give it a platform…though maybe not as what we got was childish, ignorant, partisan nonsense from the editor…a bit of insight into what you could expect from The Canary itself?
Interesting to hear Dimbleby describe the audience as ‘self-selecting’…always thought they were carefully and rigorously vetted and selected for impartiality and to provide a good balance that represented the full spectrum of political viewpoints from across the country….Dimbleby also suggested that most of the audience would like to eat less meat….is that because he ran a poll or because he knows most of them are lefty sandal-wearing veggies? The latter I suspect.
Any instances of the BBC ‘self-selecting’ the news that suits it….list it all here….
Daytime wireless – radio sid/ aka 5 live .
Someone called Emma – the beeboid talking to another lady about lady masterbation . I had switched on to hear the Chancellor statement .
Instead I got a couple of minutes of extremely intimate lady talk – the stuff which used to be stuffed away on late night phone ins with a preamble warning about” adult subjects “ – now wanking and fucking are part of morning national al beeb radio . I’m supposed I’m repressed and out of touch with this and have some catholic guilt about self fiddling .,
I don’t know how much this went on – I turned off by the time the lady said she lost her cherry to an older man and then couldn’t get enough of it.
Am I wrong ? Is this subject on morning radio wrong ?
re daytime wireless.. its typical of bbc they think they are above the law of decency, and ofcom have the cheek to take talking pictures to task for a comment spoken on a 70s serial (family at war). i think we should report this program on bbc lunchtime to ofcom for innapropriate subject on daytime radio. they think the law is for everyone but not them.
I do so find a lot of humour on this site amongst the angst, frustrated and downright disgusted, and it brightens my day to have a good chuckle. This time its Fedup2 (above), and his observations – particularly the…… catholic guilt about self fiddling. Lol !!!
Only on here, only on here…..
Ah it was someone with a book to sell
\\ @annaefoster
Tune in now @bbc5live to hear @ericadgarza’s story
– she became addicted to sex and porn from the age of 12.
She’s frank and honest (and graphic),
hear how it affected her and how she got through it. //
\\ I really don’t think this is very appropriate to be talking about this on the radio Annae.
I enjoy your show but I do not like this at all!!!//
2014 … Jay report made in 2014 … 1400 Children r*ped over 16 years …. Lessons will be learnt …
2018 .. Telford we have 1000 children r*ped over 40 years … lessons will be learnt ….
. . .
They were r*ped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. . …Girls as young as 11 were r*ped by large numbers of male perpetrators.
{Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham – 1997 – 2013 – Jay OBE –pdf}
Tommy Robinson heading to Speakers Corner
3pm sunday 18 March
Should be fun, let’s see where we are on free speech there, or will the great tradition be broken by our lovely government – banned for his own safety or some malarkey .
Looks like he has joined up with Alex Jones Info Wars.
Somebody should start a petition to get Tommy knighted.
I would sign it.
Fat chance – we’re still working on one for Nigel.
GCHQ would update their “ watch list” for the time when a tribunal can withdraw British citizenship from Christians, Jews and other undesirables who are a threat to public order.
I’ll be surprised if he makes it to Speakers’ Corner or if he does, he actually gets to speak.
I was there last Sunday taking a gander and it’s virtually wall to wall Muzzies. There were a few police loitering in vans, one or two natives, bemused tourists and the rest of the crowd were our RoP friends.
If Tommy is definitely attending I’ll be there. However, I would certainly advise he gets some “back up”.
At the edge of Speakers’ Corner some gentlemen were selling the Koran. Under one of the massive plane trees was an older brown man kneeling in prayer facing towards Mecca (no, not the bingo hall!)
I used to really enjoy Speakers’ Corner. There was everyone there. It was entertaining. There were socialists, religious fanatics, vegetarians, jokers, one tubby bloke who claimed he was a “sex god”…no, it wasn’t me! Now it’s yet another place that has been hijacked by Ropers.
For those not familiar with “culturally enriched” London, this really is enemy territory!
Telford. Britain First held a march there last year. opposing rape gangs Not welcome by antifa or the local Tories.
Leader of the Tory group on Telford & Wrekin Council, Councillor Andrew Eade, accused the group of robbing the community of its resources and has insisted they are not welcome in the town.
Secure Beneath the Watchful Eyes … Orwellian Wet Dream!
What that means is that when you are robbed, raped or stabbed, there will be grainy footage of an ethnic youth with a scarf round his face.
Gee thanks, Mayor Khan and London Transport, I feel enriched.
Have read 1984 for o level eng lit I never thought I’d see a poster like that which wasn’t a spoof . Frightening or what?
Freedom is disappearing far more quickly than a pessimist like me expected
Read it again … 1984 is a good warning of what to look out for. Totalitarian thought!
. . .
BBC When Telford (1000 children raped over 40 years) most BBC Read is all about the Pies and Leggings …
One of the most poignant paragraphs from 1984 –
Every few minutes the old man kept repeating: “We didn’t ought to ’ave trusted ’em. I said so, Ma, didn’t I? That’s what comes of trusting ’em. I said so all along. We didn’t ought to ’ave trusted the buggers.”
Can imagine surviving millennials spouting this in 2084 !
There was a case a few years ago of a welsh man who started film a speed camera and asking the man inside if he was a policeman. ( He wasn’t). Anyway the old bill knocked on his door and the female copper asked him to stop filming from inside his house. He didn’t and then she threatened to have him arrested under the mental health act. That abuse of authority is frightening, and is how the authorities control the plebs.
It was not me!
Is that an artistic representation of the bridge where that Muslim ran all those folk over?
What would Jeremy Corbyn’s friend Stormzy say ….
“You (Theresa May) should do some jail time, you should pay some damages
We should burn your house down and see if you can manage this” – Stormzy . Brit Awards 2018
– Is this a Hate Crime and all those at the Brit Awards that clapped complicit in the crime?
Strong words “So we will end this absurdity ” from a weak lady …
“… there have been 551 asylum claims in Britain from people from other EU countries – like Poland and Spain. All but a handful were turned down – but they cost over £4 million to the British tax payer. So we will end this absurdity ….” – Theresa May – Oct2015 – @25:05
551 Asylum Claims @ £4 million?! (£7,259 per claim)
This is a story probably only worthy of a local newspaper and yet it’s made the main section of the BBC England section of the Website.
It concerns the clearly fraudulent use of a trademarked symbol of Nandos chicken and their legal cease & desist letter to a new restaurant which has clearly fraudulently used their trademark and allegedly the menu as well.
So why would the BBC want to report this? Well it all becomes clear when you learn the owner is one of the brown eyed favourites – Asam Aziz.
He unbelievably claiming that he is the victim and that he is being bullied, I don’t suppose it will be too much longer before he is claiming the meaningless ‘racism’ and imaginary ‘hate’ crime.
Bias on a stick !
Why another inquiry? Can’t the Crown Prosecution collect evidence and prosecute?
Treezer will do what the BBC have done. Clamp down on any discussion of the matter
“Why another inquiry?” What better way of kicking the issue of muslim paedophile rape into the long grass and postpone having to actually DO anything?
A female director of the CIA! Misogynist! 😉
BBC London lunchtime news features a London labour MEP lamenting Brexit.
I wonder if the fact that she has been an MEP for 18 years and earns EU100,000 per year might have anything to do with it?
The BBC somehow forgot to ask.
Sorry to be a pedant, I believe the correct phrase is “….paid €100000 “ and not “earns €100000”
The BBC’s continual gassing about Russia is beginning to get on my nerves.
AISI, would not disagree but we did learn something very interesting this lunchtime. Those of us kept in the dark by the BBC’s inability to ask meaningful questions have been wondering how and, more importantly who, would get their hands on Russian nerve gas. One would assume people like high ranking officers in the FSB (prev. KGB) like Colonels and so on. Oh wait!
What rank was Sergei Skripal?
Tom Tugenhadt MP (ex-UK military) is on TWatO and lets slip that this type of nerve agent decays quickly, even in storage. That lays to rest most of the possibility that it was a suicide attempt by father & daughter. Oh wait, again!
If that decaying occurs with stocks in storage, then it must apply even more once released (used) so what was that all about on Sunday – advice to wash clothes and possessions – if you had been in the Salisbury restaurant and/or pub.? Bit over the top.
Then there was that news conveyed with eagerness by the BBC that a table from the restaurant had been taken by forensic scientists and destroyed by the police. If the BBC reported that correctly, there is always doubt these days, then either Tom Tugenhadt is wrong or the table destruction is unnecessary. Or might it later reveal something that should not be revealed? All very strange.
No questions asked by Mark Mardell. In fact during today’s TWatO he appeared to be mostly silent. Not that that is unwelcome. Better than him continually rubbishing Brexit. He was particularly useless, though, to the inquisitive listener seeking more information and a better understanding of world events. That IS what the programme is for, is it not?
Perhaps he had caught Aussie ‘flu on his recent travels in Europe or eaten too many pies or something … ?
Telford (1000 children r*ped over 40 years) disappears from the BBC main website … 13mar2018 @13:56
Obviously no room on the BBC News main page to report Telford rapes today but there is room for
Leggings in and pork pies out of latest inflation basket
In fact a lot of other things are out but the BBC go for the pork pies to make the Muslims happy.
“Not now John, we’ve gotta get on with this” … Pink Floyd
“…and everything under the sun is in tune. But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.”
The sun is over rated.
At least the moon comes out at night when you need some light.
The sun only comes out at daytime when it’s light anyway.
St Patrick’s day this Saturday
Times has a tiny article : Three far-right figures have been refused entry to the UK.” It then names them
And that’s a Tory home sec – imagine what fatty abbot will do …
We are at this point …. keep the pressure on … write to your MPs and the BBC …
“I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or it they try, they will shortly be out of office.”
― Milton Friedman
Thank you for contacting us regarding the BBC News Website. We understand you feel there has been insufficient coverage of the Italian election results and the impact this may have on EU migration.
I appreciate the time you have taken to raise this with us, however, we would emphasise that our BBC News Italy Election Special, broadcast on Sunday 4th March at 10pm on the BBC News Channel and BBC World News, included full coverage of the exit poll and the reaction to them. At the same time, the BBC News at Ten on BBC
One reported live from Rome with our Europe Editor Katya Adler. We continued our coverage on Monday, and in our News at 10 programme Katya gave a full recap of the election results and gave her analysis of how the different parties viewed their votes. We also covered the election in our radio news bulletins and was on the front page of the UK facing news website for a majority of the day.
We reported this story across the BBC News Website:
In the weeks leading up to the vote itself we also considered how prominently the immigration debate featured in the parties’ campaigns:
There will sometimes be disagreements about whether we should have covered certain stories, and the prominence we give to others, but we’re confident that in this case we gave the Italian election results sufficient coverage.
Nonetheless, I am sorry to read of your views on this issue. Please know we’re grateful to you for taking the time to raise your concerns with us and we’d like to assure you that we value your feedback highly. The comments we receive from our audience help to inform decisions and go towards improving our services.
How many people even bother to look at BBC News these days?
Just looking at the BBC News twitter feed
Tweets by BBCNews
Looking at the number of comments, for each article, they barely gets over 20. The most engaged tweet (Spring Statement) has not even 500 comments. Just like the BBC News website ‘Have Your Say’ where most get about 50-300 comments. At best they only get a maximum of 2000-3000 comments.
Considering the UK population is 65 million (officially) the BBC at best get a 0.0046% engagement with the general public. If this was a business it would go bust. In fact it might be cheaper for a BBC employee to personally visit each of those 3000 people and deliver the news in person.
If only the BBC viewing numbers were made public then we could all see how they have become an untrusted news source.
Tabs, I gave up on Laura’s Blog – comments are not allowed there – totally some time ago. So much for free speech, balance, etc..
I occasionally look at Kamal’s or Simon’s (Business Ed) but in the latter case he is as much, if not more, part-time as Part-time herself. Simon doesn’t know anything near as much as Pesto about business and also doesn’t have the contacts. No insight and no insiders.
Kamal has obviously lost a chunk of his audience because of his weird understanding of economics (Pesto was far better, says a lot about Kamal!) and his obvious and almost constant anti-Brexit stance.
I did note yesterday that he had got 1440 comments for his most recent Blog. He struggles sometimes to get 40, so that wasn’t so bad.
The high old glory days of Nick, Steffie & Pesto are long gone. Can’t see the Beeb winning that audience back. More so if they keep rubbishing social media and online news because that is what they are providing too!
I don’t watch BBC news, Channel 4 News, Sky News, or similar. I haven’t done so for several years. Nor do I listen to any BBC radio channel.
It really isn’t worth the pent up anger.
I look for real news, at my own speed, elsewhere.
Personally, I`m hoping that paying your TV Licence will yet to be seen as aiding and abetting terrorism, treasonous funding and akin to inviting Myra Hindley to the kids Nativity( c/o Allison Pearson).
How can anybody face their grandkids knowing what we`re paying the BBC to do to them if we do?
From Ross/Brand-via Savile-through now to Lineker, Evans, Balding and Toksvig(and the rest of these worthless gobby phlegm hackers), we are without excuse. And at least Haw Haw and Tokyo Rose didn`t stay in the country to fleece and fondle us.
Is Matt Hancock the BBC’s useful idiot ?
Times quotes him after Kremlin guy was on
“The BBC must be muscular in asserting the objective truth and not air total nonsense”
… That’s naive ..many assertions are not proven before they air , one way to test them is too air them ..and spot the flaws, not just suppress them.
#2 is this true ??
Are they almost all Remain in the HiC Culture committee ?
So funny, the BBC that writes articles about the BBC and generates news ….
THE BBC must be tougher on fake news and bias and not give airtime to “total nonsense”, Culture Secretary Matt Hancock said.
Nazir Afzal said he thinks abuse (Telford 1000 children / 40 years) of this nature is happening all over the country {bbc.co.uk 13mar2018}
Nazir Afzal, who appears as the champion of these girls, prosecuting a fraction of the perpetrators and insisting that it has nothing to do with religion or culture.
‘In the highly charged fallout from the Rotherham report, Nazir Afzal, the Crown Prosecution Service’s lead on child sexual abuse and violence against women and girls, tries to offer a calm perspective. Unruffled by mounting media hysteria over the ethnicity of abusers in Rotherham, he suggests stepping back and taking a wider view of the nationwide picture of child sex abuse.
His role means he has oversight of all child sex abuse cases in England and Wales. “So I know that the vast majority of offenders are British white male,” he says, setting the number at somewhere between 80 and 90%. “We have come across cases all over the country and the ethnicity of the perpetrators varies depending on where you are … It is not the abusers’ race that defines them. It is their attitude to women that defines them.”
” It is not the abusers’ race that defines them. It is their attitude to women that defines them.”
And what defines their attitude to women? Their religion, which teaches them to despise ‘lose’ western women and see them as fair game. From age 6 onwards.
What are the ethnic & religious identity percentages of perpetrators in this specific type of abuse, I wonder?
The “elite” don’t care because they just want rid of the indigenous UK population; to be replaced (they believe) with one that is more malleable – good luck with that.
If he says 80-90% of child sex abuse is done by whitey then think about this.
There are 1000’s of abused little girls in places like Rotherham, Telford and all over the land, probably more than 100,000 being enriched. If that’s only 10% then there must be a million little schoolgirls getting sexually abused in England.
Something like every little girl is being abused.
This cannot be true.
We’ve often mentioned it on here but again, where are the families of these girls.
Why are the fathers not doing anything about this.
If I had a 12 year old daughter being enriched and gang banged by the perfect people my reaction would be bloody so where are their fathers.
The papers say these children are prostitutes, slags and were asking for it, doing it for cider or sweets.
How is this not the biggest story of the century.
Unless there is a news blackout, I can’t imagine why there isn’t much more outrage.
If this happened where I live, the Curry Club, Taxi rank etc would be burned to the ground.
BBC write about Telford, having found a couple of perfect people who claim it has nothing to do with heritage.
‘ Ansar Ali, a spokesman for Together Against Grooming, also appeared on the programme and was asked why Asian gangs are often blamed for child sexual exploitation.
“These gangs that operate are not what you call your classic, typical paedophile, that’s not their motivation,” he said.
“Yes they are sexual predators but it is more that they use these girls as a sexual commodity and it is about making money off them.
“I don’t think there is a link to their heritage because most people from their background don’t commit these sort of acts.
“The vast majority of people find their actions reprehensible, including the communities from which they originate.”
So now we have the official government position. Nothing to do with Islam, which is a religion of peace and chastity.
Lucy Allen, local MP calls for an inquiry so the matter can be kicked down the road.
“I don’t think there is a link to their heritage because most people from their background don’t commit these sort of acts”
But the overwhelming majority of paedo sex gang groomers, rapists and abusers are pakistani muslim men.
When I was in Tunisia, they used to call us “chicken nuggets”.
Cheap white meat, tanned to a frazzle.
Greasy gropey smarm merchants seeking a visa or a cheap rape date in most cases.
And because they`re useless prospects for the local girls(who at least get public sector jobs and tourism gigs, because they`re better educated and are not arrogant wannabe Travoltas)-they perch themselves at the harbour walls and dream of wrecking Europe.
Useless hustlers-much like the media who cover for them.
The Committee was reminded that in terms of data, CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation) was not a criminal offence and CSO offences were difficult to separate out.
. . .
A recent meeting of a Telford and Wrekin Council scrutiny committee heard evidence of “gang-related” child sexual exploitation was no longer being found in the wake of Operation Chalice.
Insanity this way comes
Part of the systematic campaign of denegrating white western civilisation, always, everywhere; we are to be made guilty and ashamed of our great civilised and civilising heritage. Then once we have been sufficiently weakened, emasculated and neutered, unwilling and unable to stand up for our country, heritage, values, religion, culture and civilisation, the invaders will just walk in and take over. (See Sweden)
Aided and abetted by the evil treacherous beebistan.
Allahu Akbar, friends, Allahu Akbar.
(roughly translated as ‘We’ve won, You’re fucked’.)
Bless al beeb -totally fixated on the government of a foreign country – namely the United States of A . So the foreign Secretary of State is fired – but no mention the the mysogenic President has appointed the first female head of CIA . Easy bias there . Doesn’t fit the narrative so never happened .
The only response to Russia
No diplomatic relations
No World Cup .
Visa controls
Financial seizures .
But we ll be on our own on this as solidarity has its limitations . Big test for NATO which I guess is part of the Putin chess game .
Where was the “white privilege” of these girls in Telford?
Didn’t seem to do much good in preventing them being “enriched” by five vibrant individuals at a time in various “rape houses”.
No World Cup?
Oh yes please.
And yes-about time the bloody Radio Times and its damned liberal brainwashing was called to account.
As for the Russian gangsters in Queensway?…well. surely the usual eggy looks and a refusal to pass the port(cocaine) at the liberal soirees ought to be punishment enough.
But as we might lose the World Cup and radio Times?…More inclined to swing a handbag around the nations Zizzis with my cockapoodle by way of thanks.
To Russia-with lots of love. As long as the World Cup is scuppered!
I have been to the UK’s provider of news to 50% of the UK population wiht the BBC and can say that John Bercow says “PMQs: John Bercow reminds MPs about harassment in Commons” … oh, wait … that was the old John ….
2018 feb “PMQs: John Bercow reminds MPs about harassment in Commons”
2018 mar “House of Commons Speaker John Bercow named in bullying claims”
BBC Most Read (Telford? Italian Vote?) … 13mar2018 ….
Anyone able to tell me why David Miliband gets a soundbite to tell us what HE would have done with Russia re the Salisbury difficulty. Didn`t he have Litvenenko on his watch?
And how did THAT pan out Labour scum?
Ten years for his wife to get any investigation, at least three/four of those under Bananaboy. But the BBC seem to think we need to know what he`d be doing?
Ah well-it`s all an end of austerity, a meaningless phrase that we can all say. Means nothing, but the BBC seem to want it said. Shout it in their letterboxes, might shut the pink scum up.
Despite Brexit ……………………
“Spring Statement: Philip Hammond hails better debt and growth forecasts”
Check out the HYS.
More Brexit threats ?……………
“Brexit: Jean-Claude Juncker says UK will ‘regret’ decision”
And a ‘full Brexit’ page of remoaning ?……………………..
I don’t think they like Brexit.
Bet he said it in the morning before he had his first drink
Well worth the 3.5 billion! Check out this vital bit of news, folks!
I wonder if they’ll have a replica in Broadcasting House that they will all be able to worship?
Well, all change in five hours on the Skripal story.
A Skripal suicide is slightly up again on the possibility list. Julia arrived in the UK only twenty-four hours before Sunday 4th March, BBC’s 6pm R4 News informs me tonight. Why did not the BBC – with their vast resources – seek out that vital bit of information last week?
I wonder if the BBC, instead of speculating [we can do that just as well 🙂 ], has asked the police if everyone appearing on CCTV cameras near the restaurant and public house have now been accounted for? How about inside both establishments as well?
Or, could Julia be the assassin?
Come on BBC, do some work on this story.
There are so many questions around this case it’s unbelievable and for the PM to have come out with the statement she did yesterday, when hardly any of them have been answered, isn’t how it should have been handled (IMHO).
At the rate Russians in Blighty are being killed off there won’t be any left to expel . RT did perform quite a few roles al Beeb never can.
If it was a “weapons grade” nerve agent (incidentally, is there any other kind?) wouldn’t it have killed the two Russians stone dead and goodness knows how many other folk in Salisbury who were anywhere near it; or them after it was administered to the intended targets?
The whole affair stinks. Not for one second do I believe that the Russian state is incapable of ‘silencing’ those who are deemed a threat, but no way would they make such a hash of this, with traceable Russian Nerve Agent, right in the middle of a town centre crowded with people, 8 miles from one of Britains most famous CBRN sites!
This has all the hallmarks of a classic false flag, I just haven’t figured out exactly what the purpose of it is yet. One thing I know for sure is that out of all the deadly enemies we may have, Russia isn’t one of them.
The thing that baffles me is that if the Russians wanted him dead, why didn’t they bump him off when he was in custody in one of their prisons? Why do it after they have released him and he has come here? It makes no sense to me at all.
He may still have been ‘active’ for all we know. I suppose with rolling news we get to know more than in the old days of D notices – when a news blackout was imposed. Clearly we only get to know the general stuff, its the journos who are like ferrets up a trouser leg in wanting to know everything. Whats the point in having a security system if we get to know everything, personally ? I’m not that interested, as long as I’ve got jam on the table and the tele works let ’em get on with it.
Maybe we`d have had less IS fighters taking the mick with us, had we dealt with Burgess, McLean and Philby like Putin might have done.
As things stand, traitors like Snowdon, Steele and Manning get lauded by our press and telly.
Wondere what it is about our treasonous traitors that attracts the BBC and Guardian , Corbyn and Blair to them?
Al, true except the PM SHOULD have all the facts in total from our police and security services. Whether that evidence could and should be made public – in whole or part – would be down to those services in conjunction with COBRA, the Home Secretary & the PM.
I suspect the PM’s statement was composed carefully to suit Government ends. Which may be almost anything.
As to the investigation, what I am hearing from the BBC, though, is nothing. Nothing at all.
Well, except speculation and as I observed above, the public can do that perfectly well without any help from the BBC, that is the £3.6bn funded BBC with lots of journalists and contacts.
No attempt to ask useful questions from the BBC about the attempt to identify the supposed assailant. In the normal way of things, I would have expected the police to have tried to establish who was in both establishments and who cannot be accounted for as tourists to Salisbury that day or as local residents. Normally a public appeal would be made via the media as quickly as possible, with perhaps artists impressions or actual CCTV images of unaccounted persons, for those displayed to contact the police in case they have information.
After ten days, is it slightly significant that this has not been done? Looks that way to me.
The evidence thus far does seem to point to a mutual suicide attempt or Julia being the assailant (for reason or reasons unknown), probably bringing the nerve agent with he from Russia. The witness statements that we do have – early on – courtesy of the BBC said that ‘Julia was stroking her father’s arm’ and ‘she had become unconscious before the older man’.
Was it not Conan Doyle who had his hero state: “How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?” ?
I’m aware that ACD also wrote for his hero: “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.” but then, mindful of that, I’m reliant upon the BBC to provide some data.
In that, they have been notably lacking.
(Sorry, this has been strangely moved by the site software – it should be under Al Shubtill’s first post above @ 6.48pm.)
Have you changed your mind ?…………………….
“Have voters changed their minds about Brexit?”
Check out the top HYS and ‘Let em have it !’
Who is the Radio Star ? Normally the injunction is breached by Irish or American free speech but not yet ….
Yeah, I checked but zilch..! I can’t stand the suspense! Chris Evans? Are we allowed to speculate? Has plod told us?
It’s meant to be from the 1990s so tricky to guess . I’m not risking libel yet but truth will out -super injunction or not .
I’m waiting for a paper to plant a clue in a report but haven’t got it yet. As long as al beeb is further damaged – all it means to me – I don’t do the ridiculous celebrity nonsense .
For anyone interested, Bullseye is on Challenge TV tonight from 23:00 to 01:00.
For her, War and Peace.
She may be appeasing the wring volume of voter.
We can always rely on al c4 news to prioritise the least important event – not the economy , not Russians using nerve agents in Blighty – no – they lead on an American President sacking one of his staff. And of course no mention of a woman becoming the first head of CIA. Then, of course , comrade snow interviews a democrat appointed to slag the American president off – another beauty .
Racebaiting from VD , what a surprise
Victoria Derbyshire
Video Fatima Rajina and Nasar Rehman claim they were rejected from a restaurant because of their race…
One gets the impression that to BBC libs
Stories for #BBCOperationBangingOn : 30 seconds if a seeming racist chant, a false flag letter about Punish a Muslim Day
Stories to be given lower profile : the plight of 1,000 groom/rape gang victims here, 1,600 victims there
While Sadiq complains about hate mail, across the city we have a hateful Islamic male:
Is the officer at the front armed? Or is it a taser?
Shiny steel handcuffs , in case anyone calls the drummer names
This is where all the Police and NHS money is wasted.
Wake up Great Britain.
It’s a disease. Shoot him.
A message to the bBC. The Evening Standard has published a number of Photos from 1976, Notice anything?

Hideously white!
no mobile phones
A Peugeot 404. A Mercedes Benz 230-6. A Daf 66.
A Renault 5. A green VW split bus.
And a black woman to the right of the Ford Cortina Estate underneath the garage sign…
Lots of flared trousers ! and there’s a Ford Anglia (I learnt to drive in one of those). 1976 – ahhh ! I was 28, engaged and dragged to White Hart Lane once a fortnight to watch a hideously white Spurs !
These photos are incredibly sad.
What we had and gave away.
As Tonto said, “What do you mean we White man?”
(Old Lone Ranger joke, when the Lone Ranger tells Tonto that they have had it as “We are surrounded by Indians!”)
Aaaaah, a decent London, soon to be ruined by Livingstone and his mad cronies.
He took on one of them at a huge salary, because he’d been a ‘councillor’ before somewhere, and was running a meatball shop somewhere else. Well qualified to be in the GLC then!
I still remember driving down Upper St Martins Lane at a rate of knots towards Northumberland Avenue, singing at the top of my voice with the radio ‘You can’t hiiiiiiide your lyin’ eyes’ (Eagles) on that final turn by Trafalgar Square…
Hideously English me! I never ever want to go back to the place, it stinks.
Sadiq Khan wants to follow Germany …. let’s not be like Sadiq Khan (who banned pictures of women in bikinis but went on GQ magazine twice which has pictures of ladies in bikinis) ….
. . . .
If this does not happen, Mr Khan said more countries “will start to follow or go further than what Germany has done“.
Germany has recently introduced tough new laws so that social media companies face large fines if they fail to quickly remove things like hate speech.
. . .
“remove things like hate speech” – like hate speech, surely it is hate or not hate. What does he mean like hate speech? Does he mean blasphemy?
No, he means speech from anyone who doesn’t agree with the ‘narrative’
““remove things like hate speech” – like hate speech, surely it is hate or not hate. What does he mean like hate speech? Does he mean blasphemy?”
It is the word, “like” that bothers me.
And what is hate speech?
Something that they hate, but is true-like facts?
Enoch Powell accurately predicted the number of immigrants in London and Birmingham uncannily well in 1967. Correct to the nearest couple of hundred over 25 years. A true prophet, eerily correct.
Was THAT hate speech to say it?
Not to me or any fact based person-but the BBC and Labour, Liberals, EU and Tory creepers would have HATED him saying it. let alone being so correct.
Khan will call this hate speech, as will Zuckerberg and Merkel. It`s not. When you hate the truth, or it being inconvenient? Then we`re in very dangerous territory, because we all know what we see. And we won`t be told it`s not true, not worth dealing with.
This is really disturbing – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPzzr0LpeuU
The totalitarian State is developing quite rapidly now. The UK Government is closing ranks with their European counterparts to quickly shut down any dissent and or criticism of multiculturalism. In return, they provide ‘wall to wall’ – SILENCE. Not a whisper. Not a mainstream politician breaking ranks. Its as if we will all receive the bad medicine whether we like it or not. Problem is, the ‘medicine’ is toxic. We know it, they know it or, at least should know it.
Oddly enough there is not a squeak from the constitutional lawyers who I would have expected to remind the public about their so-called, ‘Human Rights’ including the right (?) to free-speech. Meanwhile, the UK Stasi go about their business rooting out any subjectively claimed hate speech.
We really have only Katie Hopkins, Douglas Murray Tommy Robinson and a handful of others prepared to stand up and be counted. I wonder where Ann Marie Walters is in all this.
As Jordan Peterson regularly alludes, it will all end quite unexpectedly and horribly. I agree. The writing is on the wall for those who can read.
double scary………..
Direct to 7min 20s playing recording of police officer speaking to her father
“We’re detaining her under the terrorism act, we don’t suspect her of being a terrorist”
.. hmm then the police are probably breaking the law.
I still think it’s more likely the police know of serious threat TOWARDS the conservative activists and are protecting them by keeping them out of the country, afraid of a huge backlash if they are harmed
Handing out leaflets in Luton should be an OK thing , but it isn’t cos there are too many psychos there.
That is a very charitable interpretation of what happened.
As Elvis Costello once sang.
“Some people won`t be told, you know-they`ll have to learn the hard way”.
So it is with all this. The time has passed when anybody expects the Internet not to be made compliant for Soros and the EU, the UN and the lovely liberal globalisers.
So the likes of us will be hounded off, bullied, threatened and made unable to trade or exchange ideas.
China, Iran and Turkey already have this grip as do the Muslim nations that matter to us.
We`ll be back to friends and local networks, meetings at service stations and all that.
But we will win. For this screen life we lead is an illusion. Only firing us up for what`s next-and I for one am now thankful and aware of all kindred-minded people out here, out there who are silently biding their time, and praying for the energy and health to rise when the need comes.
The global pinch points and soft spots are obvious now.
And we know our history, and what befalls us if we lose or choke. Won`t happen.
Fire up the BBC £3.5bn News Service paying top presenters Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans and Garry ‘£1.75m’ Lineker to go into the real world and follow up on a BBC article in 2010 ….
2010 … BBC …. Det Ch Insp Alan Edwards said it’s under control ….
‘A spokeswoman for Cate said she was “surprised” to find the problem in Shropshire but it highlighted the fact it was a national problem.’
‘”We do have, and have had, problems with young people being moved around within Telford, and also moved around within the Midlands, so it’s a big issue.”
Det Ch Insp Alan Edwards of West Mercia Police said the force was tackling the issue through “preventative action”.’
{bbc.co.uk 2010}
Mark, is ‘moved around’ police newspeak for trafficking children for paedophiles?
This isn’t bias related but it was reported on Look North earlier, could I ask my fellow posters here to please sign this petition.
It relates to the heavy handed treatment by the Environment Agency of the (now) very few remaining inshore fishermen, of the small Yorkshire coastal town of Filey; which may well drive them out of business.
I’m sure they would appreciate immensley it if you could and perhaps encourage others to as well if possible.
Thank you.
Shub I didn’t see it on tonight’s Hull edition
There’s video from lunchtime news..from 35 second until 3m18s
Kevin Hollinrake MP tweeted
.@EnvAgency have advertised new byelaws for salmon&sea trout net&rod fisheries in #Filey.
They must revisit proposals & take local needs into account.
#FightForFileyFishermen by responding to consultation by 12th April
It was on Look North (Leeds) this evening.
Just signed.
We live near Amber Rudd’s constituency, and have two fabulous but depleted fishing fleets in Rye and Hastings.
Sadly, they don’t get positive publicity because of her naivety about Brexit. I’ll support any of the causes for fishermen in any town, she apparently doesn’t.
I see that the Telford story makes only the sixth item on the BBCs Red Button.
I`d have thought it matters just a little bit more than Tillerson getting sacked in America-the end of copper coins perhaps-and the nothing burger of a Russian spy getting what he was due according to his nation.
This in no way denigrates what happened in Salisbury, but seeing loads of police in protective suits whilst the native population have to take their chances must be pretty galling.
“Up To 1000 girls” abused by the usual in Telford says the BBC-and this follows all the other town and city sex abuse chains featuring our Muslim Peaceniks. But no links apparently, no history, no precedents. Just a clear blue sky and shit happening in Telford this time…over forty years of it.
Thank you, thank you again BBC.
Maybe the Russians could supply the giris in the nations kids homes with whatever they use…if it`s mace or vinegar in a perfume bottle though, this is strictly against the law. Hope they know that.
We appear to be entering an even more tense international phase for a number of reasons. Shame it is that, when honest reporting is required to keep the public informed of developments, there is not one member of the mainstream media firmament who can be trusted to report free of any bias or agenda. I am sure this was not the case totally during the last World War. Needless to say, at the top of my list of untrustworthy media is the BBC. At least an increasing number of people Worldwide recognise this fact.
Here’s something interesting: despite al beebeera doing everything in its power to delay, minimise, obfuscate and bury Telford deep in ‘Regions’ on its webshite, it seems it’s still become the 5th ‘most read’.
Are people becoming more savvy at sniffing out the stories the beeb tries so desperately to hide? Are they waking up from the evil beeb Matrix?
White working class girls ‘traded for sex’
Volkswagen ordered to RE-HIRE ‘ISIS recruiter’ sacked for telling colleagues they would ‘ALL DIE’
VW worker was sacked for threatening co-workers and pledging to join jihadists fighting in Syria. He was involved in the recruitment and support of Islamic fighters from Wolfsburg, and also threatened colleagues that they would “all die”.
But on Monday a judge ruled his sacking was illegal — saying VW had not been able to state that the “operational peace” of the plant had been “specifically disturbed.”
Saturday’s BBC Radio From OUr Own Correspondent
full of BBC agenda’s
#1 Story about Ireland pushed the romantic dream of migrants
#2 Another item about immigration
about the change since EU tightened the border. How Mrs Syrian was sent back after trying to illegally cross the Croatian border with her 7 children at night , and then her 6 year old child was killed as she walked along the train tracks.
(Jesus, it’s not our fault, if she’d stayed n Turkey it woudn’t have happened)
#3 An item not entirely against Trump about how the US is making friends with Vietnam and sending and pushing against China by sending a nuclear powered aircraft on a friendly visit
#4 The Dandy dressers of Congo
Females this time .. the BBC world service already did a couple of progs about Male Sapeurs
Irish friends have always been sanctimonious and superior about their attitude to immigrants. Let’s see how ‘open’ and welcoming they stay when the EUSSR starts dumping large numbers of invaders on the Emerald Isle.
This side of the water our own Nicola likes to play the moral high ground card, ‘Scots aren’t racist like the English’. Of course what she really wants are lots of anti-English immigrants to vote SNP.
The French-Canadians tried a similar game many years ago, anyone could come in as long as they spoke French. What they forgot was that they might speak another language as well, which they preferred to use, and that they may not be good Catholics, let alone Christian.
As Saint Jo might have said the Scots and English (and Irish!) have lots more in common than third-world imports. The same is true of Anglo-Canadians and French-Canadians, (who don’t even speak modern French).
The SNP have always been racist, much more than the average English person. To claim that she is either lying or showing a complete lack of self-awareness. Even that statement of hers is racist.
The poor Irish have Project 2040 to look forward to, which will have them caught up (demographically) with the rest of western Europe PDQ.
Why do Europeans have to be made into minorities in their own countries?
Needs to be seen. Britain is not the country I grew up in. For all its faults it was happier than it is now.
Towards the end they point out a contradiction
– Victims of bad-Muslims are asked to SUFFER in SILENCE
..whereas as Islam in general is given a platform for VICTIMHOOD
Here is Brittany Pettibone’s interview with Tommy.
It speaks for itself.
Apologies if already posted.
“Russian spy: Poisoning response deadline passes”
Putin has spotted our leader’s weakness in the Brexit dealings with a feeble EU and has taken the opportunity to demonstrate his strength.