‘Any Questions’ fielded the editor of the online ‘news site’ The Canary Kerry-Anne Mendoza without telling us it is essentially a mouthpiece for Corbyn…not a ‘news site’ at all is it?, good of the BBC to give it a platform…though maybe not as what we got was childish, ignorant, partisan nonsense from the editor…a bit of insight into what you could expect from The Canary itself?
Interesting to hear Dimbleby describe the audience as ‘self-selecting’…always thought they were carefully and rigorously vetted and selected for impartiality and to provide a good balance that represented the full spectrum of political viewpoints from across the country….Dimbleby also suggested that most of the audience would like to eat less meat….is that because he ran a poll or because he knows most of them are lefty sandal-wearing veggies? The latter I suspect.
Any instances of the BBC ‘self-selecting’ the news that suits it….list it all here….
Oh, well … guess the German Government think tanks didn’t think this through … we are all immigrants …we are all Germans … we are *sigh*
. . . .
Refugee women who were employed in their home countries often held informal jobs, such as household jobs, which could be done alongside caring for their own children. However, such work experience is hardly usable in Germany’s labour market.
n addition, Muslim refugees as a group focus on traditional roles and are not ‘work-oriented’.
I dont know where you get your information from.
All those immigrants you mention are surely highly qualified doctors and engineers.
The BBC has explained this to us many times, so it must be true.
Parsons Green Train bomber trial
– I come from a wealthy safe area of Iraq
– I worked as a labourer in Jawala
– I watched Attenborough on TV, and decided I should be a wildlife photographer like him.
– So I decided to come to Britain to go to university
– I crossed to Turkey, to Italy to Calais Jungle
– I stowed in a lorry
– I told UK immigration I needed asyum cos I’d been kidnapped by ISIS and been trained to kill.
They believed that story and helped me.
– In UK I was bored and decided to build a bomb, I got the instructions off YouTube.
– I planted the bomb in a train
– I never intended for it to detonate and kill anyone.
– I have heard the word ‘taqiyya’ but I’m not sure what it means.
Innocent on all charges.
And Lidl to clamber into the dock for selling flammable carrier bags on Mosque Day.
PS-is Bonos charity OK, if the staff only abuse each other and not the victims they were sent to help?
One for the Mortal Maze-which has been made mad by the conundrums it is now given to sort.
Melanie needs to get out and leave it to Giles.
Poor lamb!
BBC’s bully boy Sweeney plays the victim when up against Putin’s machine
He never got over the Scientologists poor beeboid snowflake
Comments… could be going better.
\\ So if I say I don’t want my country taken over by Scientologists that would be racist?
If I say I don’t want it run by Methodists is that racist?
How about Mormons? Buddhists?
Or perhaps you’re deliberately conflating race with religion #lugenpresse //
says Anglo Welsh Nehlen
NIck Clegg gets an honour from Students … a bin will be named after him … such is the trust in politicians …
An obvious hate crime . Student names and addresses to be taken for future action .
Noted that Coronation Streets film set will now have some kind of memorial to the 22 people (largely kids) who died at the Ariana Grande Concert at the M.E.N last May.
No comment needed-but who says that they died in vain?
Hope it won`t crowd out the Alf Roberts sapling in any event.
“Coronation Streets film set will now have some kind of memorial to the 22 people (largely kids) who died at the Ariana Grande Concert at the M.E.N last May.”
Just so long as they don’t write her lyrics to her songs on the side of the rovers! Truly filth!
Just shows you the kind of amorals that their parents talk to their young daughters about at breakfast table!
“Corruption of Minors” it was in my day!
To think that these wannabe child pop stars will be parents one day!
Here is a vid which the BBC could use to explain Hawkins.
It was all discovered by Islamist scholars
Now personally I thought Steven Hawking was a decent guy.
But the BBC are absolutely creaming themselves today over his death. Headlines, pages and pages of stuff.
Meanwhile…anyone seen anything about Telford?
Nope, me neither.
However….err…..Jim Bowen has also died.
Such ‘journalism’. Surely worth an award.
As Ian Hislop might say [glances stage left]: “allegedly”.
As freedom of speech becomes something that is just a mantra rather than something precious to be upheld, here;s Beebs report on the banning of Lauren Southern
Far-right activists barred from entering UK
Whatever your views of Ms Southern, there appears absolutely no grounds for banning her from entering the UK, the Beeb article itself couldn’t give a single example to support this stance.
PJW has a better report
The policy of the this Conservative Government is clear, Islam is to be protected and any news or opinions that are critical of Islam will be suppressed. Pressure is brought to bear on any media outlet which disobeys this ruling, for istance the Times which broke the Rotherham scandal hasn’t said a word about Telford. It has even been very reluctant to publish comments from its readers which mention Telford. The BBC suppressed the Telford story for as long as it could. We saw the Britain First folks jailed for trying to raise public awareness. We saw two people from the European Identitarian movement who were coming to the UK to attend a conference banned from entry and of course Lauren Southern.
The two big questions that must be asked are , a) how much other Islamic crime goes unreported and suppressed and b) why is the government adopting this policy. The answer to the first question is that we don’t know of course but I think most of us think that it is probably a lot. There are two possible answers to the second question, either it’s because the government fears that if the truth is widely known it will lead to mass violence, or its because the government is an active participant in the Islamification of our country. If the government is seeking to avoid violence by suppression of the truth it needs to recognise that this is in fact just leading to Islamification. We have a right to know and the government has a duty to tell us.
@doubleThinker incorrect to say Times has not mentioned Telford
Mar 13
Three girls are reported to have been murdered by paedophiles who are estimated to have abused hundreds of victims in Telford, Shropshire
March 14 afternoon
A police chief has claimed that allegations his force and social workers failed to tackle gangs targeting young girls over a four decade period have been “sensationalised”
excerpt from Anrew Norfolk lecture where he mentions a girl being raped 50 times in one night
People are now at last beginning to realize that the BBC and the state share the same platform and beliefs.
Good articles here from Conservative Woman.
Treezer really ought to consider putting some of these rape towns under military control.
Ho hum, perhaps like father like daughter.. eh Treezer.
G.W.F. – good article, this is another one in similar vein.
Hot news on bBBC1.
800,000 people live in the UK but do not speak English.
Taxpayers money is thus to be spent on ‘integration’.
Now is my memory failing me or did the SJW virtue-signallers tell us that immigrants brought a nett benefit to the economy?
I suppose the idea of managed migration based on the needs of the country is not to be considered.
Fluff -I dispute that figure . Where I live barely any one speaks English . I’d double that number . The female peasants brought in to breed more little mo s will never learn English because they are never out of sight of protectors .
A net benefit? I was under the impression that they had to pass a test to get in and they needed basic English. Ah well, further evidence of one rule for one section of the population?
Hawking only lived as long as he did, thanks to Israeli technology. Any chance of the Lefty BDS sponges for “our NHS” giving the Israelis just a bit of credit for that?
All the Palestinians would have given him is shards of glass and a Stanley knife in his rubber tyres.
I should love to know how many people’s lives have been extended by Islamic technology.
Less than one, possibly?
Lobster, “Islamic technology” is an oxymoron.
Not at all, they are conducting vital research into manned flight. So far, sadly, all the gays they have thrown from roof tops have fallen to their deaths, but despite this setback, the research continues!
No, its a reversal of the scale in view of their proclivity toward murderous activities so minus figures only please.
Alicia – at leat al beeb news has dropped the hawking love in from 14 minutes to 7 . Yes I know I’m Anoraking this but I’m more concerned about whether the Russians have hacked the power and internet yet . I’m sure they will . Buy shares in defence .
First Davros and now Hawking. Have the BBC explained what are the Daleks are going to do now?
At least 2 brave MPs accuse the beebistan of ignoring the fate of white working class girls in Telford, and guess what? The evil beeb ignores the MPs and doesn’t report them on the news webshite either.
PS. But of course it’s not the girls the beeb are trying so hard to ignore, it’s the invaders who raped them.
The BBC could have reported them to the police as they doubtless have many muslim staff who are ‘offended’. Or perhaps the MP’s spoke in the safety (for now) of the Chamber of the House of Commons.
But the depraved beeb are very happy to state that “Reports on the scale of sexual abuse in Telford are “sensationalised”, a police chief has said. ”
Naturally the clueless snowflake generation ‘police chief’ has been well indoctrinated to play down the scale of the mass epidemic of muslim rapes.
But he accidentally gives the game away: “I don’t believe Telford is any worse than lots of places across England and Wales,” he said.
Exactly so: it’s happening on a huge scale in every town in the country.
This is vlad’s image

Thanks Stew. Doesn’t he look like he rose through the ranks by passing all the papers on LGBTQIAXYZ Gender-Bending and probably got a distinction in Multiculturalism.
PS. I don’t know how to post images anymore since Google doesn’t show jpg’s anymore, how do you get the image URL?
Just when we need tough, sensible bobbies like never before, what do we get? Useless, timorous, politicised snowflakes.
PC PC’s whose main aim is to avoid offending ‘minorities’ (who will soon be ‘majorities’) and to prosecute imaginary offences committed by those of the wrong political leaning, i.e. anyone to the right of Karl Marx, Stalin and Mao.
Has someone photo-shopped a women’s hairdresser’s head onto a police officer’s body?
Precisely, and he talks like a women’s hairdresser too.
Please note: I have nothing against hairdressers, just not doing policemen’s work. Different skill set.
The irony will be, the police will suffer equally at the hands of the islamists when the time comes. They will not be immune.
The address that you were giving wasn’t the address of the actual image but rather the address of the Bing-Search page
(which is why it is long and has spaces in)
So I went to that Bing page
I then put the mouse over the image and right clicked to grab the image-URL
and inserted that into a post the normal way
Thank you Stew.
Sounds like Aunty could have been talking to Cressida “Common Purpose” Dick again.
“grooming gangs had been part of British society for centuries”
More on the complicity of the state with the far authoritarian left and the perfect people.
I’m still coming to terms with the loss of a great man who made such a big difference to the British public throughout his career – tributes to Jim Bowen have been coming in all day .
Sorry – but I’m concerned about the next attack on Blighty so beeb watching the news a bit more than I wanted too
Farage trailed item about Laura Southern now on LBC
item coming up after 7:30pm I guess
Southern item was quick
Farage spoke to her in Strasburg and is playing the interview excerpt
He’s promising the full 15 min interview in his Friday FREE podcast
Bit of irony in open border libs banning foreigners, who dare to say we should have proper controls on foreigners.
Meanwhile in a parallel dimension… the Guardian decides Rowan William’s comments at the independent enquiry into Church abuse deserves a high profile on their home page.
And their Opinions page manages a whinge “Economic abuse destroys lives – it must be taken seriously”.
But Telford abuse? Forget it.
Some religions are more equal than others.
LookNorth Hull edition
Foreigners come in, then the gypsies enslave them, we pay for the court and jail
Item about the Mr Rooney the final member of the slave owning family from Lincoln Gypsy site to go on trial
Polish guy came over to UK and then Lincoln, lived in a tent
Rooney picked him up , offering a bath
.. after 2 weeks he escaped, but family caught him
..he witnessed another slave getting beaten so he stayed for another 2 years.
Farage mentions Bercow the Bully

Yep he’s a bit of a bully say the leaks about women
well we knew that
#1 He screamed he wouldn’t allow Trump in Parliament
#2 He’s got a car sticker that says “B@llocks to Brexit”
Does he have a booster seat and blocks of wood strapped to the pedals so he can drive that?
Maybe Sally is drawing attention to parts of the male anatomy that is lacking among Tory MPs.
He’s also got a vehicle which is far too big for him…
How come Russian diplomats, suspected of being involved in espionage, can be kicked out of the UK in seven days by HMG; but it take years and costs millions of pounds for Muslim extremists and terrorists to be deported?
I only reported here a day ago about a couple denied entry to the UK on spurious grounds. Yet again I have to report on another incident, this time a Canadian reporter trying to legally enter via Calais.
Horrifying. Things are accelerating and I firmly believe the time is coming very quickly when every same man and woman in the street must stand up to the Governmental and police abuse.
Note Katie Hopkins warning – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxX_hRtf2eQ
Careful what you say as you might be considered a threat to the state the next time you come into Blighty. You’re right the pace of repression of political thought is speeding up. It’s a kind of 1950s McCarthyism in reverse .
On another note – the Irish Times is reporting that the foreigner who is currently Irish prime minister will be meeting President Trump tomorrow and re inviting him to visit Eire
. Way things are if President Trump tries to come to Blighty Amber Rudd would serve him a Public order refusal notice .
She might even be daft enough to try and detain him for three days, ask him if he is a Christian and if he would like to get in his car and run over Muslims on his way to interview Tommy Robinson.
As I have stated here previously, still no mention on the BBC website of a hunt for the perpetrators of the Salisbury nerve gas attack. Here is the latest from the BBC:
Given the apparent seriousness of the crime, why would this be the case? I wish I knew.
The public has not been asked to look out for any suspects meeting a police description or such like. No CCTV footage, for instance. In fact, no interest whatsoever by the government or our magnificent state broadcaster as to which person or persons might have undertaken such an attack.
Don’t get riled by BBC Trending, they are so close to Hatey no Hopers that the prog is probably recorded in the HnH office.
Absolutely diabolical. Pushing their lies about the “far right threat “ whilst ignoring Muslim rapist stories and the ever increasing threat from Islamic terrorism.
No HYS on this one…I wonder why!
Remember: “Let us remember those who died and let us celebrate those who helped, safe in the knowledge that the terrorists will never win – and our values, our country and our way of life will always prevail.” And,
“the spirit of Manchester and the spirit of Britain, a spirit that through years of conflict and terrorism has never been broken and will never be broken.” – Treezer after the Manchester bombing. Her Government is piling on the anti free speech laws now, aided by her stasi. So, our lives will not change?
Pull the other one liar.
There was also her speech after the Westminster Bridge attack: “While we have made significant progress in recent years, there is – to be frank – far too much tolerance of extremism in our country. So we need to become far more robust in identifying it and stamping it out across the public sector and across society. That will require some difficult, and often embarrassing, conversations.”
Who is supposed to start these ‘difficult, and often embarrassing conversations’ if journalists like Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettibone can’t even get into the damn country??
“…So we need to become far more robust in identifying it and stamping it out across the public sector and across society. That will require some difficult, and often embarrassing, conversations.”
So-called, “Free Speech”? virtually all gone.
“Students’ tributes to Stephen Hawking”
2 black children interviewed, black girl on video pic.
“Scientist in the public eye”
Video image is of Saint O’barmy.
Hawking’s Top Three Contributions to Science:
Female black scientist interviewed.
The racist propaganda never stops.
Beeb newshite:
I thought exactly the same, not that I watch the BBC anymore, a family member switched it on. It’s absolutely comical the racist bias and predictability. We switched straight over to the Bowen Bullseye marathon on Challenge. Bliss and normality.
Perhaps Hawking Radiation will allow us to escape from the ‘black hole’ we are falling into?
Time Martin has a letter in the Times
‘ your correspondent says Leave voters were misled by dishonesty about immigration
..No Leave voters do understand there can be benefits
but they want the rules controlled by ELECTED UK Parliament not an unelected EU’
Some weekends just seem to last forever……
The bias is there for all to see…no mention of the outrage across the house by Corbyn’s appeasing attitude to the ruskies.
Loobyloo, yes interesting response from Corbyn (who deep down is anti EU) in contrast to remainer Yvette Cooper’s support of May’s sabre rattling against Putin’s Russia.
The Maybot putting on a Churchillian act against Russia rather than her usual insipid Chamberlainistic stance that she seems to constantly adopt with the EU (as well as other situations) One could be forgiven for thinking that perhaps the government want to emphasize that it might be prudent to stay as close as possible to the EU (and it’s projected army) while another cold war with Russia ensues.
Are the Russians responsible for Salisbury or is it some other organization? Now who could that be?……………..
The analysis of any action such as this in Salisbury should begin with the question Cui bono?
Why would the Russian State, led by a man who doesn’t appear prone to emotion or recklessness; carry out the botched attempted assassination of an ex-spy, via a method which seemingly left an obvious trail right back to the gates of the Kremlin?
In what way would Russia benefit from the successful murder of this man and his daughter, that would be worth the costs if it were to fail in the way it has?
If you look at this entire situation and the background to it logically: none of it makes any sense (IMHO).
Al, none of it makes sense to me either. We all love a good conspiracy theory, however the immediate hawkish response of ‘the establishment’ particulary MPs such as Soubry and Cooper sets my mind racing!
cockneyboy, Al
I too smell an EU ‘defence union’ rat.
Notable conflict on the TOADY Prog this morn.
Young, aggressive female Mishal Husain is anxious for a military response from NATO to Putin and Russia over the Skripal poisoning.
Old and concerned (nervous ?) male, The Humph is worried about a return to a Cold War, let alone a Hot War.
Oh, goodie; Mishal can create another acceptable death tally chart to pin on her wall.
Be a shame if she was embedded in one of the few operational Leopards as they encounter some T-14s.
If in a class someone has written a notice saying “teacher sucks ”
and that is in bad boy John’s handwritingm and pen ink,
it is entirely possible that some other pupil has stolen the pen and copied the writing style
However it is still a legitimate teacher tactic for the teacher to strongly accuse bad-boy-John to judge what his reaction is
eg whether he replies that the message is clearly a nasty slur against teacher and that he will do his best to find out who did, or whether he denies it, but never stops grinning.
So it is not a wrong thing to directly accuse Russia, even tho the evidence isn’t 100%
Why do you call it botched?
A “public execution” where the executees die after a long period of pain and suffering is a classic intimidatory tactic.
Cui bono was fine for Cicero in the Roscius trial where there was just a body, no witnesses and, of course, no forensics.
Cicero daringly put a henchman of Sulla in the frame by cui bono arguments and got his client off, but no one was actually brought to justice for the murder. I doubt Cicero’s tactic would have worked if his client had committed a similar murder some years before.
Even Farage on LBC was indulging in Putin exculpation. Apparently, for some reason he believes it was a “russian actor” to blame but “without the knowledge of Putin”.
This is, of course, just a variation of the Führer defence. All those death camps were just overenthusiastic underlings getting the Führer wrong. If only the Führer had known he would have stopped it.
Farage seems to be unable to detect hostility from any quarter.
He does not want to perceive any threat from islam because “if there were a war with islam we would lose”. Although he does realise there is a 20,000 strong muslim 5th column in Britain.
His other bit of sage advice is “not to poke the Russian bear”.
Comrade Corbyn has been following the party line from Moscow for so long you can’t blame him for not being able break the habit of a life time – Soviet Union lite is better than nothing at all.
I find the all this worship of the new Veliki Vozhd rather puzzling. My nativist vision is not premised on a police state.
“May wins backing of Trump, EU leaders in showdown with Russia”
“May can’t rely on Trump and Europe against Russia – and Putin knows it ”
Which storyline will Al Beeb take ?
“Russians did it; wanted to send a message”
“Someone else did it; trying to create a sh*tfight”
Which one is it? Who knows?
For now, ‘highly likely’ seems at best inadequate.
Listening to Toady news this morning – For once I found myself agreeing with Ken Clarke when he said these poisonings were done deliberately with the Russians in effect leaving their unique signature on their work.
Putin has done this because he can. He has no respect for this country seeing a Government and institutions led by a bland collection of weak and cowardly liberal, hand wringing windbags who say they want to change the world for the better but lack the means or political will to do so.
They cant even protect their own population from large scale rape and now murder. Allowing what in effect is the institutionalised protection of sexual predators if they are members of a certain religion and at the same time restricting the actions of journalists who are trying to expose this Government and the elite for the amoral conmen, parasites and tricksters we know them to be.
Yes Sharia can use this situation to grandstand on the international stage and maybe even use it as an extra reason for cosying up to the EU. But at the end of the day Putin did this because we are weak as a nation and more to the point she and her Government are weak and cowardly when it actually comes to doing what the vast majority people of this country voted for.
In reality there is actually very little difference between Sharia and Putin. Perhaps the only real difference is that Putin is probably just a bit more honest about what his true motivations and intentions are.
And whether you like him or hate him at least he has the respect of his population and world leaders, something Sharia and friends will never have.
I am afraid democracy in this country died a long time ago. And with the Conservative party more than happy to jump onto the cultural Marxist bandwagon the mainstream parties all now represent nothing more than a slow slide into a totalitarian future. I t is fashionable to look at the USSR as the model for Orwells animal far. But in reality it is all much closer to home than that.
Keep on snorting Theresa (sorry I meant Napoleon)
“….they want to change the world for the better but lack the means or political will to do so.” Surely, ‘…but lack the ability…..’.
Not even possible to follow the principle without stealing the money to do so from the taxpayer who, in the main, would not agree with the expenditure if consulted.
Oak – I like a great many of your posts on here but I strongly disagree with you on this.
What great benefit to Russia is there, by the failed assassination of an ex-MI6 Russian spy (who they already caught; convicted and released long ago) and his daughter? Via a method which places “their unique signature on their work” and that we’re told puts the blame squarely on the Russian State.
Also: Ken Clarke? FFS!
Al – Your right maybe the Ken Clarke remark went a little far!
However my view is that I consider that it is likely that Putin is probably responsible for this this incident based purely on the fact that in the Warsaw pact days they placed great reliance on NBC warfare and Putin is certainly from that era and probably sees little difference between that and conventional warfare.
What they have to gain – who knows ? these people are genuine spooks and in reality we will never know their motives.
I suppose the point I was trying to make though was that really it is immaterial whether either Putin or Sharia “dun it” and I consider speculation on this matter is just another thing for the chattering liberal classes to perplex their so “right on ” brains about and something else that Sharia and the BBC can use as another distraction to obscure what is actually going on in this country.
What it also does is highlight the weakness in international credibility this country has seemed to embrace.
Morally I consider Sharia no better than Putin because at least he has some respect for the integrity of his own society and culture.
Putin’s Russia is now “our enemy” because he got rid of all the oligarchs who had robbed so much of what were national assets, when it was the USSR and who were supported by the elites here in the West, when Yeltsin was in charge.
This meant that although Russians had little under the Soviet system, they had far less under what followed.
What Putin did is intolerable to the West and its globalists, that’s why Russia led by him is now blamed for everything with the aim to make it a pariah state a la apartheid South Africa; it could well yet end in disaster.
I have just found out that Tommy Robinson has been kicked out of Hyde Park Speakers Corner. He went there ahead of his speech on Sunday. The police saw him and he was told to leave.
It’s a serious thing to take a stroll in a public park in the UK now. Only approved Leftists can do it or people of a certain religion.
On Sunday he is supposed to be reading the speech by Martin Sellner who was refused entry to Britain intended to give. Will it go ahead now?
Look what is happening in May’s Britain. Once ‘speakers corner’ goes under totalitarian government rule what hope is there? I’d like to know how the Conservative Party members on this site can continue to be associated with the May/Rudd government and its descent into police state tactics.
I am surprised nobody has commented on this but if this is the first you have heard about it remember you heard it from the US via NZ. Don’t rely on the BBC or any other msm to keep you informed.
Given who is allowed anywhere, and to speak, and act… this seems a situation where the woman responsible really needs a distrac… oh… hang on…
Thanks Yasser. Just found this on youtube.
They will let Hezbolah parade through our streets bearing flags with machine guns on them. They will protect Muslim hate preachers-but they will no longer protect our right to free speech! Tommy’s appeal is for a united front to go there and fight for one of the fundamental basic human rights. This is no longer about race, religion, colour or political preference. This is about saying NO to a government who are trying to oppress us, silence us and control us. The politicians are supposed to be our public servants, instructed by us, the people. The police are also supposed to be there to serve the public not their paymasters. This is the end of freedom as we now/knew it. Democracy is an illusion. The conservative government are fake conservatives infiltrated by the leftist libmob. May is a puppet. Forget Brexit it’s a con trick- it’s not about taking back our control it’s about the government stopping intervention by the ECHR when they take away our freedom. There is only one way to take back control. We need to get out there and make it clear that we will not tolerate this trampling of our freedoms and basic human rights.
“Jeremy Corbyn on Hamas and Hezbollah” – OUR FRIENDS!
The island
Failure to allow people to discuss their beliefs leads to the likes of events which happened in Northern Ireland .
It’s more important than biased al Beeb but they are complicit in this . I’m pretty sure this man won’t be invited onto question time or any where else on al Beeb – plenty of ‘banned lists’ floating about … then they burn books right ? Then we know what else gets burned ..
Tommy is mistaken when he says the Government is afraid of Islam. It actively supports them and all that is been done to our people.
The European Governments are replacing their populations.
Let’s see if I can get this right:
A Government create a crisis by bringing into the country millions of savages from the Third World without the consent of the people;
When the savages try and impose their will and lifestyle on the indigenous population, the Government side with their efforts by allowing a two-tier legal system to develop;
As the savages intensify their efforts to transform their new homeland to replicate their previous mode of living (that they, “escaped” from) by anything up to violence and murder, the Government’s leaders try to reassure the indigenous population that the savages will not affect or change the indigenous populations’ way of life;
When some of the population begin to speak out about the injustice and blatant discrimination, the Government impose serious restrictions or, in effect, curtailment of Article 10 rights under the EU Convention on Human Rights to stop them under threat of imprisonment. All using their stasi to enforce the ‘new’ laws.
Those in the World that looked up to the UK as the home of ‘Democracy’ now see it for what it really is. Democracy has always been a very fragile veneer on, what is in effect, no more than any other totalitarian state.
I’d say it was akin to any despotic state in Africa.
Feel free to add to the list above if I have missed anything from the summary.
Of course, in Beebworld, the real news is….
“There have been men-only spaces for centuries… women deserve spaces like that too.”
The women-only co-working spaces taking on the boys’ club of business. ???? (via BBC Money)
Comments… are pretty funny.
I think the tube trains should run at street level.
Another solution would be to make wheelchairs that can negotiate steps.
(When is ‘my’ BBC going to do a ‘first-world problem’ film for me? Is there a number one can call?)
“White House backs UK decision to expel diplomats”
The beebistan couldn’t quite bring themselves to say TRUMP backs UK, could they? Wouldn’t want to say anything positive about him, would we?
And it’s a miracle he DOES back the UK given the appalling treatment he’s received from, among others, the beebshite.
I assume that you are not THE Vlad , a contributor to this site said that he thought the Salisbury poisoning was not a Russian operation but an EU/ GB government false flag one.
I to am doubtful that it was a Russian operation after all what do they gain by murdering or attempting to murder a spy they released six years ago in such a way that they were bound to get the blame? If he was a danger to them why did they let him go in the first place and why then wait six years and why not kill him in a much less obviously ‘ Russian’ way. The only way that this could make any sense is that the operation was designed to send a message to other expat Russians that Putin has a long reach and long memory.
However, if you look at who would profit from creating friction between the UK and Russia there are several candidates. As stated the EU, the Remainiacs profit from opening another front on a Project Fear , the Bear is after us let’s stay in the EU for protection.
The Israelis would also like to keep tension high between the West and Russia because of Syria.
Both of these scenarios are at least as plausible as the Kremlin one.
You’re a long way from biased al Beeb but during the debate in parliament some bright spark MP suggested the UN security councils existance be reconsidered because of veto. Getting uk off the council or ending it could be any ones long game .
It’s a chess game ain’t it?
BBC keeps its love affair with all things American (except Trump and most Republicans) going. A British war-damaged former soldier has written a play about post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is to debut in and then tour the UK.
The BBC has to single out the American actor and former soldier for an interview on TOADY.
It was notable that both were male. No female? No equality, BBC? (Snigger.)
Mishal Husain does love to rubbish Britain.
Talking to a Finnish woman right now. Britain is down in 19th place on some chart or other. (19th out of 204 or 205!) At the end of finding out how superior somewhere ‘other’ is, Mishal is exceedingly warm, exceedingly enthusiastic and exceedingly grateful at the end of the interview.
From my brief visits in recent days to BBC ‘Have Your Says’ on the BBC web-site, it is obvious that the wider public have picked up on this negativeness and frequently complain about the BBC in their posts.
Not often that the Biased BBC brightens my day up – but this was classic – “How we laughed” : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-43410816
Remarkably light sentence for the accused, lojo.
Oh, I see.
The accused is female.
That would explain it.
Definitely a ‘ Darwin Award ‘ winner . As well as Russian spies apparently
Marmite Project Fear .
We have had this …………………………
“Tesco removes Marmite and other Unilever brands in price row”
Now Project fear 2………………………..
“Unilever goes Dutch for HQ as London loses out”.
However, anti-Brexit campaigners described the move as a “major blow” to the UK government as it prepares for next year’s exit from the European Union.”
Could this be a major blow for Unilever?
Come on Tesco revive the old “I am backing Britain ”
Eat Marmite from Unilever … Get Sharia! (via Halal)
Jars face Mecca whilst the Marmite is poured into the jar during an incantation. The thing to note here is that they are paying (funding) the Halal Food Authority which pushes for more Halal.
Halal means that the only people allowed to cut throats in slaughter houses must be ONE religion and ONE religion only. To hold the knife to a throat requires you to be special. Which Unilever are funding.
. . .
On Halal Food Authority website …. “HFA does not encourage or support political agenda”
HFA issue legal proceedings against Britain First leaders
Oh dear …

Erm, I’m certain that the people who live in the town (Bolton Lancashire ) where Unilever was created/founded will be furious with this news!
Lord Leverhume later took his factory to Liverpool and now this famous company is leaving Liverpool/London for other shores.
Wish the BBC would follow them.
I always thought it was Dutch.
“I always thought it was Dutch.
Unilever was founded in 1930 by the merger of the Dutch margarine producer Margarine Unie and the British soapmaker Lever Brothers”
“Unilever was founded in 1930 by the merger of the Dutch margarine producer Margarine Unie and the British soapmaker Lever Brothers”.
Following an apprenticeship and a series of appointments in the family business, which he successfully expanded, he began manufacturing Sunlight Soap, building a substantial business empire with many well-known brands such as Lux and Lifebuoy. In 1886, together with his brother, James, he established Lever Brothers, which was one of the first companies to manufacture soap from vegetable oils, and which is now part of the Anglo-Dutch transnational business Unilever
Without the name Lever brothers – both bolton lads – the word: Uni, would be pointless proving that most of the investment/manufacturing/inventing came from said brothers.
Uni/Dutch is simply a another word for: being partners. No lever brothers no company.
In the same way that REEBOK was established in Bolton by another Bolton lad which has now been taken over by ADIDAS!
This is why the name MACRON Stadium is the home of Bolton Wanderers. Macron is part of ADIDAS which is why ADIDAS has kept REEBOK’s association with the football club.
I’m confused. I thought Unilever was someone who has just graduated.
Long weekend thread ?
It began on Sunday and now it’s Thursday.
“Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani looks at the fine line between hate speech and harmless stereotypes in Nigeria.”
Because, just like racism, it can’t really be hateful when black people do it…
9pm ITV a 90min special about last years 3 +1 terrorist attacks.
\\ Westminster Bridge, Manchester Arena, London’s Borough Market and Finsbury Park Mosque;
on 22 March, it’s exactly a year since the first of those terror attacks.
In this film those caught up in the incidents re-live the fear and panic, as well as explaining how they are coping with the consequences. //
are they going to show us exactly where the finsbury park mosque is as it isn’t anywhere near where the van was
Can you spot fake news?
At 1m19s, is John Humphrys giving us a subtle hint that we need to get our news from sources other than the BBC
Tabs – ta – you must be a kid – or down with them as I believe they say . Yes I think our £650 000 pa national treasure ‘humph’ is giving out a little signal about al Beeb but but there are plenty of snowflake minders ready to take him away if required .
Toady watch
Only heard my rationed amount but a quality bit of bias by both interviewer ‘humph’ and interviewer – a lady paediatrician ….. why are infants in Blighty less healthy that comparable countries and why is it getting worse ….. no mention of the regulation ‘cuts’ and they both skirted around a truth that unhealthy third worlders are pumping out unhealthy offspring .
The special needs schools near me are crammed with diverse offspring of multicultural Blighty . On form or enrichment …
I just love the BBC News homepage link
In a hurry? Here’s what you need to know this morning”
BBC selected choice cuts from all the news around the world:
If you see one thing today
A pro Muslim piece about a Afghan female Muslim doctor is helping people (errr that’s their job isn’t it?).
If you listen to one thing today
A pro black people piece about music.
If you read one thing today
A pro snowflake piece about a white girl attempting 9 suicide attempts in 1 days.
I guess if people are in a rush they don’t have time to read about Telford – so the BBC didn’t bother mentioning it!?!
From the BBC that edited the news so you would feel sorry for a migrant and not angry or hate them in 2015 with Gavin Hewitt reporting …. the BBC brings you TRUTH ….
That’s something Today programme presenter John Humphrys and Reprezent radio presenter Debbii Adeladun know a bit about. {bbc.co.uk}
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement … {biasedbbc}
Toady watch 2
Poor sopel – had to report on the White House condemning the pesky ruskis and couldn’t find a negative angle . A first for him I think .
Are they still going on about Jim bowen or that other bloke who died yesterday ? I’d turning all media off because it was becoming Diana like .
But Sopel did manage a subtle dig at Trump. When he concluded his remarks about the forthright condemnation of Russia by the US government with “it’s not language we’ve heard previously from the White House” I immediately thought, well, it’s not the sort of language we have previously heard from the UK government either.
One of the dimbos on LBC was also in a state of hysteria about Trump not condeming Putin instantly. “We all know now that Putin “has something” on Trump” she shrieked triumphantly. Irrational hatred for Trump really has driven these people over the edge. You begin to understand why 18th century gentlefolk went to Bedlam to be amused by the grandiose illusions and frenetic rantings and ravings of the inmates. Listening to BBC and LBC provides the same kind of enjoyment.
I too switched off. At least we were spared the daylong Soviet-style funeral dirges, but there are so many Putin anilinctors about, we may have that to look forward to soon.
“You only notice the chains when you try to move.”
“Anti-terrorism laws were used to ban @Lauren_Southern from the UK this week. We should be able to criticise religion in a free society. http://l-bc.co/8zacJk”
Preached hate … Two decades (20 years) with seeming impunity.
Preached hate …Two decades (20 years) with seeming impunity.
Preached hate …Two decades (20 years)with seeming impunity.
. . . .
Anjem Choudary, who preached hate over two decades with seeming impunity from legal punishment, has been jailed for five years and six months for his activities to support Islamic State.
. . . .
And now the UK public are paying for his life in prison!
And now the UK public are paying for his life in prison!
And now the UK public are paying for his life in prison!
What’s happened to this site ? now my eyes have to re-adjust to looking to the right for ‘likes’. I’m old and I can’t cope with change !
Bris –
Somethings up. Blame the Russians or al Beeb .
It’s the longest weekend blog ever .
I’m aiming for ‘last’ and.’first’ on the next one – no ones done that yet . Ridiculous eh?
You deserve a medal if you achieve that ! (of course you could always stay up all night glued to the site and keep Lobby company !)
Yes someone messed with the page coding
now the post widths on a mobile (set on full view) are a bit screwed up
I have been thinking much about Salisbury and what the Russian motive might be (if it was them). I have been reading and hearing a lot of opinions on that. I have been wondering too, about the rush to judgement–indecent haste for such a serious matter?
I have been watching too, the outright BBC propaganda, like the John Sweeney programme last night. It’s really so crude, worthy of a Nazi piece of the thirties. Merely one of the endless ‘Putin is bad’ pieces that has replaced ‘Donald is bad’ for the moment.
The strongest explanation of the ‘why’ seems to be that the victim was not retired at all, but still working for MI6/some other party? There must be a lot we are not being told.
What we ARE being told is that the Russians are bad, bad, bad, bad. And we are good, good, good, good. We are the victims, victims, victims, victims. Well, THAT at least, is fashionable.
And, as far as chemical warfare goes, anyone who opposes Assad is also good, good, good, good AND a victim, victim, victim, victim. And guess who’s behind Assad? You guessed it: the Russians.
Is this really such a black and white tale? Have we forgotten about the ‘dodgy dossier’ and Saddam’s ‘chemical weapons’? And Dr David Kelly?
Or could there be shades of grey in this story? The government narrative seems to suggest they think we are too stupid to try to work that out ourselves, which is why we get all the crude ‘Putin, the new Tsar’ and Sweeney stuff. There is such wave of emotion, if you’re not caught up in it, you too must be bad? If you’re trying to think rationally and logically, that also makes you bad?
Also, could there be any really BIG stories all this is trying to divert our attention from, BBC?
I don’t discount anything May has said at all. But please, BBC and media, give us some credit for being able to think for ourselves.
dont we just light some candles leave a teddy bear and not let the russians divide us
as that would be russiaphobic
You raise a valuable point on community fears and official reactions that are at best ‘variable’.
Should there not now be much anguish about much wailing, gnashing of teeth and rending of traditional aprons in downtown Kursk, with the BBC sending their taxi driver in Petrograd to ‘interview’ the wonderful chaps running #TellBabushka about all the hurty stuff everyone bar Jez has being saying online?
dont we just light some candles leave a teddy bear and not let the russians divide us
as that would be russiaphobic
It’s easy to sucked into questioning everything. Are they injured at all? Did Blighty do it to cover something up ? All that stuff .
I don’t think any uk politician who cares about their country would want to pick a fight with Russia as we need it – particularly with Brexit coming up. And the fight could leaf anywhere.
The evidence for who really did the deed is unlikely to be made public which give the government a big problem accusing without proving
It’s the reprisal I worry about because it was clear from the last big public cyber attack affecting the international health service – and thus ordinary people – the uk infrastructure is no way upto it so who knows for how long the electricity is turned off. No internet – emptying supermarkets . I hope not .
Fedup: Indeed, the possible reprisal is something that needs to be thought about, before you rush out, shooting from the hip at the bad guy.
May could have said: ‘We think this may be your doing, Russia. However, we are going to examine all the evidence and see where this takes us…etc.
She could also have handed the Russians a sample, as requested, under that scenario. But she didn’t. So now they can simply say that she didn’t co-operate with them in the investigation.
The EU/states are not the only ones watching.