‘Any Questions’ fielded the editor of the online ‘news site’ The Canary Kerry-Anne Mendoza without telling us it is essentially a mouthpiece for Corbyn…not a ‘news site’ at all is it?, good of the BBC to give it a platform…though maybe not as what we got was childish, ignorant, partisan nonsense from the editor…a bit of insight into what you could expect from The Canary itself?
Interesting to hear Dimbleby describe the audience as ‘self-selecting’…always thought they were carefully and rigorously vetted and selected for impartiality and to provide a good balance that represented the full spectrum of political viewpoints from across the country….Dimbleby also suggested that most of the audience would like to eat less meat….is that because he ran a poll or because he knows most of them are lefty sandal-wearing veggies? The latter I suspect.
Any instances of the BBC ‘self-selecting’ the news that suits it….list it all here….
BBC where reporting of 30dB crimes is prioritised over the reporting of 120dB crimes.
Letters & knee-touching vs groom/rape gangs.
“We are females of Europe & we have a right to voice our concerns, without being insulted or assaulted
We’ve had enough.”
????They don’t wear the Pink Pussy Hats and Prance around naked nor act provocatively in public
???? The real women’s movement #120db
The laughable nonsense that is the “World Happiness Report” was given copious uncritical airtime on the Today programme. Ranking 157 countries, this annual report found that Finland is the happiest place to live followed by the other Scandinavian countries. Of course it depends what you mean by “happiness” since these countries also have some of the highest suicide rates in the world.
The report is actually published by the so-called Sustainable Development Solutions Network, a UN body full of the usual blowhards, activists, out of work politicians and minor royal celebs. Perhaps unsurprisingly one of their number includes Tarja Halonen, a former president of Finland. It aims to provide “practical solutions for sustainable development, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement”. In other words happiness brownie points all round if you tax plastic bags and sign up for dodgy unproven activist climate studies.
I suppose if you think you can accurately measure the temperature of a whole planet with a thermometer, you probably think you can measure the happiness of a country. In fact the measurements have little to do with happiness and everything to do with political criteria such as “social support” and the “well being of immigrants”. Mark Wiking, the CEO of something called the “Happiness Research Institute” noted that the five Nordic countries “reliably” ranked high in the survey and said their happiness “derives from healthy amounts of both personal freedom and social security that outweigh residents having to pay ‘some of the highest taxes in the world’”. So we understand from this that the liberal elites are happy for the Nordic countries to import huge numbers of unskilled immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa and pay almost all their income in helping to support them. Good luck on that one. See you in the next “happiness” survey.
Needless to say liberal bad boys like the UK and the USA are well down the pecking order. The US is said to be in the midst of a major depressive disorder that is “remarkable by global standards”. A bit like the suicide rate in Finland – remarkable, to coin a phrase, by global standards.
Reading this garbage just draws you inexorably to the conclusion that there are just too many academics, out of work politicians and attentions seekers with nothing useful to do.
Muslims are happy in Scandinavia. Lots of women to rape, police too scared to say boo, generous welfare. Sometimes they resist, the bitches, but a good beating sorts them out.
Replete with bbc ‘unique’ grammar:
Tony Blair must be glowing with pride.
Behold … the BBC are going into schools to explain what fake news
spread propagandais … did you think you paid the BBC to report the news of generate it? Here they are generating news about how the BBC is going to stop fake news … JUST REPORT THE REAL NEWS!BBC Economics Editor @bbckamal travels back to his old school to talk about real news, and it’s opposite, fake news.
It’s all part of the @BBCSchoolReport News Day today. #BBCSchoolReport {twitter}
. . .
Will the BBC report on itself? I think not ….
. . .
“Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s”
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
“Behold … the BBC are going into schools to explain what fake news spread propaganda is … did you think you paid the BBC to report the news of generate it? Here they are generating news about how the BBC is going to stop fake news … JUST REPORT THE REAL NEWS!”
Won’t that close them down altogether?
It’s the kind of thing Goebbels did with his excellent exploitation of the media to sell the Nazi message. He managed to convince an entire country to believe him by declaring the truth to be lies and lies to be true .
Someone inal beeb must really admire him
GW, is the ‘old school’ in Pakistan?
The kid who suggested checking around the internet probably was taken to one side.
Was his school in Britain then ?
London killings update
Even the useless albeeb London doesn’t report teenage killings anymore unless they can blame whitee for it . Any way
14 years serious after being shot in Tottenham
14 year old and 19 year old charged with murder of 20 year old Tuesday . There are bound to be plenty more but who cares?
Certainly gives a new meaning to ‘vibrancy’
Government is developing ‘strategies’ ‘interventions ‘ ‘scoping studies ‘ ‘strategies’ ‘workshops’ ‘education’ and other very excellent beauocratic remedies – normally involving stickers and posters .
But in my view – it’s part of the cost of multiculturalism – the vast majority of these kids are non white and don’t have any social control so naturally revert to their animal territorial ‘dissing’ instinct .
My solution would be far too drastic. You’d never hear it on al Beeb
Guy from the European Union shouts for more European Union to solve all the problems in the world … says people have been murdered!
“Xi Jinping crowned himself emperor for life in China. Trump starts an old fashioned trade war. Putin gets away with murders on European soil. Welcome back to the future, welcome to the new world order. We need a strong Europe to face our common challenges #FutureofEurope “
That’s so-called ‘Globalism’ for you………..
Marky: Do you think Comrade Xi learned from Merkel? (He still has a long way to go to catch up with her!)
“Swedish police chief Linda Staaf recently tried to dissuade (‘immigrant’ – my addition) gangs from using hand-grenades in Sweden by pointing out that grenade-throwing is dangerous because the person who pulls out the pin could “expose themselves to a huge risk.”
All part of the la-la land that the left/liberals like to occupy…..
Clearly prejudicial to hand grenades going forward
Perhaps the authorities could consider a ‘ no hand Grenade zone’ that ll do it
“‘The same outlets now condemning the Labour leader recently tried to label him as a Czech spy. They are not seekers after truth. They have an anti-Corbyn agenda.’ | Read my editorial for day 4 of my weeklong @LabourList guest edit “- Diane Abbott
A bit of background before you start watching Diane Abbott in action. The Lord Harris Review (oct2016) on terror attacks said we should put up barriers (recommendation 31) on the Bridges in London to protect pedestrians, Diane had not read or forgotten the report – who if elected would be in charge of UK security.
{Diane Abbott – Harris Report youttube }
More lies from the media.
Good luck, Tommy, on Sunday, at Hyde Park, if you’re allowed to speak.
300 years of free speech at Speakers Corner. Will it be ended by a Mayor whose cultual traditions do not even connect with it or by a Prime Minister scared of people expressing dislike over the rape gangs she is protecting?
This should be a call to action for the British people. If May, her mayor antifa and her cops are allowed to end freedom of speech at speaker’s corner I suggest we urge people not to attend the armistice parades this year which will be an insult to the those who fought for our freedoms. They would not want this generation of cowardly shits mocking their graves
Brand new TR video where he interviews Lord Pearson
I set it to play at the moment he asks Lord P about the role of the media in suppression
“The BBC are no hope at all”
“Their coverage of Brexit is a scandal”
“They cannot send me a single trascript showing me that they have discussed the opportunities of Brexit, I don’t mean promoted it, just discussed the opportunities”
BBC need to show some of their own examples of fake news … so we are clear …
Checking the story{bbc.co.uk 15mar2018}
If you want to be sure a story is right, you need to make time to check the evidence.
There are a number of things you can do to help you decide whether a piece of information or a picture is true or false.
A good starting point is to simply ask yourself is this real – or do I just want to believe it is true? It may sound simple – but how many of us really stop to think about the information we see and share?
I ask myself whether it was ‘real’ when Sarah Montague, 7 or 10 days before the last US election, announced very clearly that the next President would be, “Hillary, Hillary Clinton”. Don’t let the small matter of the US electorate get in the way of our agenda.
Can this be a prime example of the BBC’s ‘fake news’?
Or Britain: Stronger in Europe campaign which showed pictures of Hillary Clinton being a World Leader …. FAKE NEWS …. not picked up by the BBC.
3pm Radio4 Black Men’s Walking for Health Group
\\ Clare Balding walks in the Peaks with Maxwell Ayamba, who founded a rambling group for other black men, from Sheffield //
#agenda, #agenda, #agenda,
BBC only 10 days ago had extensive pieces about the play about the founding of the group.
9:45 Daily series about artists
(it’s radio you Tw@ts we need to see the art)
today’s a prog is about a woman famous for getting banned due to her art being so sexual.
10:45 The daily serial about a Muslim cop
11:30 art on the radio again
23:00 Jamaican comedian
Rwanda … expect some problems soon …
Last month, around 700 churches were closed for not complying with building regulations and noise pollution.
The government says the reason is that some preachers “deceive their congregation with misleading sermons”, AFP reports.
But some preachers have accused the government of trying to control their message to congregants in a country accused by human rights groups of stifling free speech.
“Rwanda bans Kigali mosques from using loudspeakers” {bbc.co.uk 15mar2018}
Labour made a ‘spectacular mistake’ on immigration, admits Jack Straw {telegraph 13nov2013}
Former Home Secretary admits opening Britain’s borders to migrants in 2004 was a ‘spectacular mistake’
On Monday Mr Blunkett said anti-social behaviour by Roma people in his Sheffield constituency has resulted in “understandable tensions” among the indigenous community, and the conflict must be addressed to avert disorder.
Hi Mr Moderator – any chance of a new thread, it takes an age to scroll down this one. And why has the “likes” botton been moved to the right – the human eye naturally read from Left to right.
Political language, which, according to Orwell, “is designed to make lies sound truthful (Consensual Sex in Telford) and murder respectable (Grooming), and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. (Lessons Learnt from the Police)”
The answer to this will be interesting:
Because the Biased BBC does not stand up for freedom of speech in Britain – now a Canadian journalist – and a citizen of a Commonwealth nation – speaks at the European Parliament about the travesty of her detention on spurious, faked accusations when trying to enter Britain – https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=32&v=odGiYJdFtE0
Of course this interview will never appear on the BBC – because it asks the wrong kind of question about the wrong kind of behaviour.
Amazing what is out there:
Click to access Evidence-of-past-electoral-support-and-evidence-of-current-support-ahead-of-the-English-local-and-mayoral-elections-taking-place-on-3-May-2018.pdf
Mental Health is the number one cause of madness …
Police don arrest ‘madman’ wey kill two pickin for Ogun state
I’m sorry I thought that web page was a piss take or the work of a mad spell checker .
Alex salmon – that wonderfully failed politician – a onetime favourite of al beeb because his occupation of the moral high ground now sells his soul on RT .
Now – I have no time for Mr Salmon because of his consistent hatred for the English – but he claims RT isn’t. Propaganda tool . Mr Salmon it’s As much a propagandist tool for Russia as Al beeb is a propaganda tool for Islam , remain and the cursed multi culturalism
Tory MP questions Treezer over Telford. No mention of the perfect people, only reference to criminals. All praise the local authority there because they are going to launch an inquiry whilst the Government goes to sleep until people complain about the rapes and have to be arrested for dividing the communities. Gutless MPs do not raise the possibility that readers of a certain book might be responsible.
I guess if your dad was a member of a religious outfit with a reputation for child abuse, you grow up with little concern for the victims.
Don’t worry, GWF, at least Tommy Robinson will be unable to speak at Speakers’ Corner, so all is well.
‘groomed’ = There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent r*pes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators.
. . . .
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
“How many of those 400 (Jihadists) have come back to London?” – Presenter
“The estimate (not sure) is just over half (can’t say 299).” – Sadiq Khan
And how many of those Jihadis returned with new families, dependents, relatives, friends claiming asylum etc.
Hi all, has anyone tried contacting David Vance to find out what is happening with this site? I note that since about the third week of December of 2017 only Alan has been creating new articles and open threads. It seems that without Alan this site would sort of cease to function. Maybe someone could use the “Contact Us” facility to find out what is happening. As StewGreen has mentioned above there also seems to be a problem with a “change of coding” either intentionally, that has not gone to plan, or maliciously. Best wishes.
Be good to get a few trusted old hands to rotate with Alan here.
So many good people consistently writing good stuff-maybe a vote or nominations, and let them run a few threads as needs arise.
Not been here long, only grouse sometimes is that it can all be a mix and match of pearls (with jagged, clashing other precious stones lobbed on) the necklace. An Islam Thread, a Channel 4 thread, a Radio 4 one etc…if we keep our focus, we can see the emerging histories of the endless media agendas. And tool ourselves and spread the word.
I don’t post much here anymore (don’t watch any BBC, very occasionally turn on Radio 4, and hardly ever visit the BBC website) – but I do tend to visit this site everyday. It’s a little oasis of sense in a world gone bonkers.
I do think however that the system of comment threads could be looked at – categorised (and archived) somehow as you mentioned. A page of ‘stickied’ top posts perhaps?
We have BBC bias which is the raison d’etre of why it was set up, but there’s also the evil media siblings of Channel 4, The Guardian, Independent etc singing the same tune.
There could also be a birds eye view of the UK’s malaise in general – around culture, immigration, economics, policing, public sector failings etc – which may not actually be currently in the news, but the decline is always there to see. Maybe some stats, facts and figures that show up the government or EU’s hopeless tractor production propaganda for what it is.
It would also be nice to have some external links to to some ‘approved’ similar sites on the sidebar.
But I’m not whingeing, I’ve never run a blog or website so can only imagine the work that Alan, David Vance put in to keep us all able to vent on these threads!
Anyway I’m not technically qualified to make serious suggestions on website layout and content categories and I’ve rambled on enough, time for a beer instead!
He’s been twittering a bit but might have gone awol
‘I wish that Murray were wrong. Alas, I am fairly certain he is right.’ A review of ‘The Strange Death of Europe’.
“Well written, logical summary of European demise at the hands of weak leaders led by psychological Globalists and pathological idealists.”
When Stormzy sang “We should burn your (Theresa May) house down and see if you can manage this” and everyone in the audience clapped … were the audience, including the host Jack Whitehall, all agreeing with what Stormzy said and they want to join in on the act (we) … is this inciting violence?
Lyrics: https://genius.com/Stormzy-brits-2018-performance-lyrics
“Thousands flee Eastern Ghouta and head towards Saudi Arabia’s Empty Tents!” (made up news)
Time for Saudi Arabia to show the World the Change that is coming
means looking after the people in it’s own backyard ….
“Syria war: Thousands flee Eastern Ghouta as army advances”
The British defence secretary has shown unusual backbone for a politician comrades .while The Russians in the are in their normalpeace loving mood he should stay away from open wondows, heights and have his heart checked regularly .
Up until recently the comrades have been skilled out offing people they don’t like. Always the word “ provocation “ too
I get sent trails for a rather grandiose podcast called ‘Media Masters’.
Their next feature is Sarah Sands, so I am surprised the Persons of Person brigade are not daubing an outrage banner as we speak.
The blurb is as follows:
‘Sarah Sands is Editor of Today, the BBC’s flagship news programme. In this in-depth interview, she shares how her appointment surprised many after a long career in print, the changes she has already made to the show and her plans for its future direction; reflects on life in the Editor’s chair at the London Evening Standard, where she stands by her former paper’s support for Zac Goldsmith – though conceding he “would’ve been terrible” as London’s Mayor; discusses the BBC gender pay gap problem and her efforts to get more female voices on the show; and given that for the first time in the BBC’s history it’s likely the next Director General will be a woman… she reveals whether she wants the top job.’
That word ‘likely’ crops up a lot these days, doesn’t it? Nerve agent attack perps… BBC DGs…
Not sure a BBC editor should be ‘conceding’ anything, especially ‘terrible’, about London Mayors or anything else, especially when Sadiq Khan seems to be doing such a bang up job only the Luftwaffe could envy.
Cathy Newman wonders why ITN has a 19.6% pay gap, and 77% bonus gap.
“Shows how pervasive inequality is, I’m fortunately well paid”
If you don’t perform well you don’t get a bonus.
Those Stormzy lyrics are interesting to read! Let us imagine they had been sung by anyone else.
Lauren Southern, for instance, had she been let into the country.
Likely response to Hate Speech, Incitement to violence, Threats against the PM etc: I see dozens of armed and helmeted police swarming over the stage to arrest her. Then, banged up in solitary in some high-security prison. The BBC going ballistic on all their main news outlets. Telford may have been a no-news item for them, but this would be big.
Statements from Amber in the house. Statements from PM in the house. Then deportation to Canada, where that shining light of Leadership, Justin Trudeau, does nothing, cos Canada is all Peace and Love.
But Stormzy? No. Give him a prize. What was that? Did someone say something about extreme double standards?
CSE issues : “As part of a national child abuse inquiry, involving international efforts to trace youngest abroad” almost 70 children have been taken into care in Rotherham.
Details cannot be released.
Involves one very large extended family which moved to UK, then Rotherham, then around UK and abroad
The issue is neglect.
Standards around Rotherham social work are quoted as very high.
Lionising some black chap called Stormzy has become the norm in appeasing the black community in making them ‘winners’. Young Musician of the Year / Bake Off, and is anyone watching Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year ? I love it, but once again we are going down the road of diversity. Over the past 8 weeks its been fun picking my own ‘winners’, – generally those who have painted recognisable interpretations of the sitter, as opposed to the judges choices of almost Picassoesque likenesses. I’ve decided that art Judges are like wine snobs, pontificating with long winded reasons as to why something is ‘far reaching / edifying/ see where they are going ‘ comments. Nevertheless, we are now down to the semis, and one black lady’s version of Lily Cole was nothing more than a blob with another blob for an eye and another blob for her mouth – yet she’s through to the final !! Hell, what do I know, but if this lady wins the entire competition it will be a sodding travesty when (to my mind) much better artists should have come through for the prize.
“Brutal” ….
Should be other way around
Open up Corbyn and you find a Russian inside.
Open up Corbyn and you find a Communist inside.
YP Letter
“The Victoria Derbyshire Show is 20mins of content stretched over 2 hours”
International Health Service
100 Roma children are under treatment for hearing impairment in Sheffield Childrens Hospital
Roma are 11% of the patients in that department.
All are living in the city.
Despite Brexit : Deutsche Bahn have placed a first big order for rails from the Scunthorpe Works which have customized machines to make the 120m length.
Orwellian Filtering : Facebook removed the Britain First page quoting it had “hate like a photo marked Islamaphobic & Proud”.
(Which of course is an expression against a belief system rather than a race)
Within hours another page had been set up.
It was removed when a group called ” Faith Matters” intervened
They are led by Fiyaz Mughal.
Let us see what lessons were learnt from Rotherham …
Rotherham trial: Girl’s diary detailing abuse ‘disappeared’ after being given to police – The Star {paywall}
Not much, I think?………………
Well my little blow for freedom:
Well said and done.
Halal : The Times strangely spins this as TV ‘s Selina Scott speaks out , she’s now a vegan activist
Don’t be too hard on them Stew, they were only practising cutting infidels’ throats as required by their religion.
If they want to murder us, who are we to judge?
Their addresses should be posted to the Animal Rights groups and we can sit back and watch if the activists give these two bastards what they deserve.
Halal: legalised torture.
I hope re-incarnation and karma exist and these animals come back as sheep in some muslim hell-hole.
Did I say animals? Sorry, that’s to insult animals.
I got to the Times letter page and there was a long letter from Selina Scott saying she is outraged that Thirsk plays on its image as James Herriot the Vet town , yet has this appalling activity on it’s doorstep.
To me it’s disgrace that the Times went with that angle , and buried the Islamic angle deep in the text.
The BBC have, at last found an angle to present the Telford rapes and torture by ‘Asians’ on the indigenous white children of that area.
Apparently, it was all to do with “A frontline team set up to tackle child sex abuse in Telford was overworked and under-resourced, a report says. Youth workers were unable to keep appointments with vulnerable girls due to facing “almost double” the recommended caseload.”
– So cuts from lying Tory scum is the reason for the assaults and the lack of response from social services.
BBC: “Specialist youth workers flagged concerns around “decreased capacity” and said there was no time to train other organisations in how to tackle child sexual exploitation.”
– Or to put it another way, they couldn’t be asked. I wonder if they would have been unable to act if children were thought to be racist or if someone ate a bacon sandwich near a Mosque.
BBC: And only a 100 girls were targeted according to the BBC.
– No BBC, no one knows the figure. Besides, 100 children raped and abused by Muslims is 100 too far.
The BBC, devoid of honesty, integrity and any concern for the indigenous working class children of this country.
The article on Telford, if correct, is astonishing. One strategy to cope with the situation was Barnados being paid £80,000 by the WM Police to help address it.
Is that not a charity? And is that not peanuts? How is it that a charity is expected to deal with a substantial number of criminal activities? With peanuts? Is this not a matter for the Law? And the Lawmakers?
If the article is true, despair is really all that’s left. It suggests a massive and ongoing ‘looking away’ on the part of the authorities; a sort of helpless shoulder-shrugging and buck-passing that is really pathetic beyond description.
The ‘honourable’ members don’t seem particularly interested. The ‘noble’ lords, increasing constantly in number, don’t seem particularly interested. Instead of the resources being put in to sort out a critical situation, we seem to have ever more troughers…
Would you have to be an extremely cynical conspiracy theory adherent to observe that the Home Secretary and PM, having found something 007ish to strut and shout about, don’t seem particularly interested? Have we had any public statements?
That great moral authority, our public broadcaster, appears anxious to keep this as hidden as possible.
So I DO hope that article and all the related reports are UNTRUE. For, if they are not, we see here a tale of moral and physical failure, an apparent -at best failure of duty, at worst -complicity in crime by various authorities at various levels, that is truly beyond belief.
Finally, I DO NOT downplay what has happened in Salisbury. It is a very worrying situation- I am pretty familiar, btw with the Convention on Chemical Weapons and related issues. I know a little about the nature of this agent, where it was originally produced, who has already died due to accidental leakage etc etc. So yes, the public need to know something is being done.
But if the telford article is true, well ditto!
I believe, back in the day, allowing for inflation, £80k was about enough to get Linda Evangelista out of bed for a week, if that helps.
Or Botney’s main squeeze some private time in the pool.
The head of Barnado’s is Javed Khan, who is a British born Pakistani
\\ Former teacher, since worked as Assistant Director of Education in Birmingham, Director of Education in Harrow, a stint in the Civil Service and CEO of Victim Support.
He is a member of the Advisory Board for the Children’s Commissioner for England and a lay member on a London Clinical Commissioning Group //
He awarded the ‘Spirit of Britain’ award at the prestigious British Muslim Awards Feb 2016
“I am immensely proud to have been able to help improve the lives of the UK’s most vulnerable children”
\\ Javed Khan. He is the head of Britain’s largest children’s charity Barnardo’s which now stands accused of having known about the Muslim rape gang problem for well over a decade – but which chose to do next to nothing to confront it. //
‘Colonel Mustard‘ gets it ‘just about right’, (some say).
Dear BBC, Mrs. May and, now, Mr. Corbyn,
This is worth reading in full, especially the last bit.
Another comment there
\\ Today, the elite turn away & pretend our Oldest Enemy is not attacking the least
powerful & least protected in our country.//
Mary Robinson replied
\\ No its all over Mumsnet and they’re saying exactly the same as us //
Grenfell Tower fire ‘widow’ guilty of fraud {bbc.co.uk 15mar2018}
“Joyce Msokeri was convicted of three counts of fraud and a charge of possessing a false document”
“She wanted a bigger flat than would have been given to a single person.”
Seems all of Labour has turned on Jez because he is asking questions about facts.
Seems that, for balance, one BBC employee is doing the same thing about the BBC. For balance?
I sense a temor in the Farce.
BBC now working very hard to de-toxify Comrade Corbyns astonishing mess over the Soviet poisoning.
They have brought in people to claim how lax security is in Russian bases where toxic agents are stored (people could have just syphoned some off) Oh yeah I remember the Police guy nearly dying just from being near Skrypal and his daughter I imagine sucking it up a tube would be pretty much instant death!
There are constant mentions that absolute proof is not available (making Corbyn appear more reasonable). Even with others who are telling them it couldn’t really have come from anywhere else.
The BBC working hard against the interests of this country when their political leaders are doing the same !
Time for some of that ‘what he meant when he said…’ analysis from the BBC PR team?
Odd how the policeman was made so ill yet a doctor who treated Skrpal’s daughter at the scene wasn’t, despite placing her in the recovery position.
How times change. At one time you needed shorthand and be able to type, now all you need is to be able to spell your own name and have a following on social media !
They left out an implicit but important bullet point :
“You are a left-wing progressive.”
Al beeb 6 pm tv news
Signs that al beeb is getting bored with use of nerve agents and wants to get back to slagging off “cuts” , brexit or white people in general
It’s cut the political judgement of Corbyn who has been chased all day to keep digging the hole he started yesterday .
I do like their persistent claim that they know the difference between news and fake news . Their editorial stance is so perverted now that there is no truth for them any more apart from brexit bad Islam good
Must Watch – shocking honesty by Jack Straw at 2:30 as he points out that Pakistani men are the perpetrators of gang rape against small white girls. Suggest you watch this, because it is something the Biased BBC has avoided for years. Note Jo Coburn immediately calls them ‘Asian’ and Straw corrects her, saying ‘no, Pakistani’ …..http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06175zj
Jack Straw; the man who did nothing about the Paki rape gangs raping and abusing children in his own constituency of Blackburn.
Jack Straw’s legacy will be for pushing the Iraq War whilst at the same time burying his head in sand when thousand’s of children are being raped by Paki rape gangs a few streets away from his constituency office.
Ironic that Straw was sure about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction in the other side of the world but will claim that he new nothing about what was going on in the streets of his own constituency.
Straw. A disgusting hypocrite. Jail him
Solid post wronged.
He also immediately wheeled out a variation of the old “Nothing-to-do-with-Islam” line straight after, this despite there being many rape gang cases, including Oxford (Dagestanis; Eritreans; Chechans) and Bristol (Somalians) where gentlemen of Pakistani-Heritage were significantly underrepresented.
There all do share another commonality with said Pakistanis, aside from their unatonable sexual proclivities, though I shouldn’t hold your breath waiting for Jack Straw to state it.
What is really surprising, Al, is: how did all these people get in to the UK and get permission to stay? There has never been an open abolition of the border, as Merkel did in Germany (in contravention of various laws/treaties).
Someone like Lauren Southern could be refused permission to enter, yet these various nationalities, who are not EU citizens, entered freely it seems. Maybe a certain recently promoted Home Secretary-now at the top- was in charge, so we probably have an answer?
Re Merkel: if someone who breaks the law is, by definition, a criminal, one wonders how such a person can be elected for a fourth term, to lead a nation? European leaders do not inspire confidence, do they?
As a kid I went to see a movie called ‘It’s a mad, mad, mad world’. How true…
PS: The movie was funny. The present is not.
Whatever Straw did/said in the past, he seemed to be saying the right thing
here is a link direct to 2m57s
Around 7min he makes the point that Pakistani are disproportionately in the “night-time economy”..which is a point they’ve never got to mentioning before
This seemed very open for BBC
but they should have made these points 15 years ago
Believe me, if have you read my past posts you wll understand that I detest ‘lefties’. But I fear for once Corbyn maybe right in asking for evidence. It irritates me enormously to suggest that Teezer is overdoing, the ‘tough’ idiot against an easy enemy in Putin.
To me this has all the hallmarks of a spineless leader overcompensating her ‘toughness’ attempting to make good the impression that most of the country have of her as being weak.
In Telford and other cities – mainly Labour controlled-many, many children are being raped and assaulted, yet she sits on her hands and even expells anybody from entering the country who voices concerns about Muslims and their uncivilised, unwestern culture. Apparently because they spread’hate'(truth) about Muslms. -Lauren Southern. Against this she also allows former ISIS members to return to the country.
May is nuts, she has been seen to be weak over Brexit and is now trying to get us into a conflict with Russia over the killing of a spy.
I thought spies knew that there is every possibilty of being jailed or killed. It’s a known job risk. Isn’t it?
This is a woman who hates free speech, ignores any acts of violence made by Muslims, jails anybody who speaks the truth and accepts 820,000 pounds of funds from Russian criminal oligarchs who push up the housing market. She won’t freeze their funds.
I do not trust May. I did not trust Blair, Wilson,Heath,Cameron or Major. I won’t trust a word she says on national security until she starts working on maintaining and protecting the British people, and most importantly its culture.
One final thought, just to get it off my chest.
Why don’t Muslims put a fatwa on muslim child rapists if it against the writings in the Koran? I’ll ask Salman Rushdie if he agrees.
Wronged wrote:
“Believe me, if have read my past posts you wll understand that I detest ‘lefties’. But I fear for once Corbyn maybe right in asking for evidence. It irritates me enormously to suggest that Teezer is overdoing, the’ tough’ idiot against an easy enemy in Putin.
The nerve agent used, is a specialist one, that was invented by Russia, only held by Russia. which is why the finger points at…Russia. Also something overlooked, the 2 initial victims are Russian born.
Wronged wrote:
“To me this has all the hallmarks of a spineless leader overcompensating her ‘toughness’ attempting to make good the impression that most of the country have of her as being weak.”
There was nothing tough in the the kicking out of 23 non essential diplomatic staff from the Russian embassy . She could have ordered the ambassador leave, closed down the Embassy (Like we did the Libyan embassy) but she didn’t. In other words she kept the punishment as low as possible.
Wronged wrote:
“In Telford and other cities – mainly Labour controlled-many, many children are being raped and assaulted, yet she sits on her hands and even expells anybody from entering the country who voices concerns about Muslims and their uncivilised, unwestern culture. Apparently because they spread’hate'(truth) about Muslms. Against this she also allows former ISIS members to return to the country.”
There is that, as much as we all would like to see, the jailing of Islamic paedophiles, can you imagine the outrage if she did as you wish. The UN and their ilk would ensure the UK was closed down, Islamic terrorists would target us, and the cock suckers at the bBC would wage a campaign against white people. and Labour and the Trade unions would cripple the country, forcing a new election resulting , in a proper Muslim friendly government
Wronged wrote:
This is a woman who hates free speech, ignores any acts of violence made by Muslims, jails anybody who speaks the truth and accepts 820,000 pounds of funds from Russian criminal oligarchs who push up the housing market. She won’t freeze their funds.
In the UK,Political parties can only accept monies from…British citizens. Also yesterday she stated she would enact laws which would target…Russian oligarchs
Wronged wrote:
“I do not trust May. I did not trust Blair, Wilson,Heath,Cameron or Major. I won’t trust a word she says on national security until she starts working on maintaining and protecting the British people, and most importantly its culture.”
Far cop, on that note did you by chance trust Gordon Brown?
Wronged wrote:
“Why don’t Muslims put a fatwa on muslim child rapists if it against the writings in the Koran? “
Its not against the writing of the Koran, which is why so many Muslims are paedophiles.
I hope you don’t mind if I reply to your comments about my previous post
You said
‘The nerve agent used, is a specialist one, that was invented by Russia, only held by Russia. which is why the finger points at…Russia. Also something overlooked, the 2 initial victims are Russian born.’
I don’t understand why a hitman wasn’t used. Maybe by using a nerve agent made a statement. Spies get killed. Give me a gun and I would have killed Sir Anthony Blunt. Isn’t there the production of nerve agents in Portondown which is just seven miles from Salisbury. This I have read but unsure of its veracity.
You said
‘There was nothing tough in the the kicking out of 23 non essential diplomatic staff from the Russian embassy . She could have ordered the ambassador leave, closed down the Embassy (Like we did the Libyan embassy) but she didn’t.’
She is just trying to look tough intalking tough. I seem to remember Heath threw out over a hundred Russian diplomats in the early seventies. I’m disappointed that she has gone to the EU and asked for their support.
My personal view is- stuff them.Isn’t Germany totally dependent on Russia for oil and gas? As I recall it was the Germans who were responsible for creating mayhem in Russia in order to get Russia out of WW1 and then placed Lenin in charge. I don’t trust either country. History has taught us this.
‘There is that, as much as we all would like to see, the jailing of Islamic paedophiles, can you imagine the outrage if she did as you wish. The UN and their ilk would ensure the UK was closed down, Islamic terrorists would target us, and the cock suckers at the bBC would wage a campaign against white people.’
If she did what I ask she would definitely get my vote an I suspect most the country. We are, as a country sick to death of Londoncentric pro Muslim -fear of being called a racist- favouritism.
You said
‘In the UK,Political parties can only accept monies from…British citizens. Also yesterday she stated she would enact laws which would target…Russian oligarchs ‘
Read this- There are always ways and means. Money talks.
Tories will not return £820,000 in Russia-linked donations, Philip Hammond says
I forgot about that idiot Brown. Don’t let him near any gold.
You said
‘Its not against the writing of the Koran, which is why so many Muslims are paedophiles.’
Might be right there but like all religions, it is open to interpretation. Bet if I looked at the Koran I could find a line that fitted with the anti abuse of children.
Having said that I am aware that Mohammed married an under age child.
Could you explain why May is such a Muzzy lover, opposed to expanding stop and search having previously restricted its effective use, a Remainer, anti free speech, pro BBC (in doing nothing to stop its bias), pro foreign aid, anti British soldiers who are homeless.
I still don’t trust her Pounce but I appreciate your reply.
For what it is worth I’d like to be wrong about Corbyn on the spy thing.
normally agree with most of your output. But….Putin has introduced a highly toxic poison into GB which by its deadly nature is indiscriminate and had the potential of causing serious harm or even death to British citizens going about their business.
These are the actions of an arrogant terrorist dictator who courts notoriety and revels in his capability to engender fear in those whom he targets and the wider audience.
All things being equal, we should visit upon the bully Putin the same fate as he hands out to his opponents. This is the only language he understands.
Thank you honestus,
I am having a difficult few moments in my life when I find that I agree with Corbyn on the spy issue.
I’ll get over it after my hot chocolate and a good night’s sleep.
I’ll ask my wife to slap me around the face and bring me to my senses. She’s a nurse and will understand the medicinal value in its implementation.
I just hope she doesn’t enjoy it.
There’s a reason we have a security service, its so we are not privy to all the facts. Would we be happy in knowing everything ? no, we would still believe that it was all a conspiracy and they were keeping information from us. Well, I’m glad we don’t know everything – others are getting paid mega bucks for having the responsability and they’re welcome to it, and the stress !
‘There’s a reason we have a security service, its so we are not privy to all the facts. Would we be happy in knowing everything’
Brissles, this is a really interesting point you raise.
If I trusted our politicians I would agree with you.
It’s a big ask for me.
I never trusted a word Tony Blair said. I certainly wouldn’t trust Corbyn if he became our Prime Minister-God forbid
I never trusted any of our leaders except Margaret Thatcher.
So on balance Brissles, as much as I love reading your posts, on this occasion I think you might be wrong on this one.
While all this stuff about scientists dying , Russians being poisoned , Doddy and Jim Bowen passing – has anyone seen the para Winter Olympics – last week al beeb was full of rich kids sliding along things now there seems to be no coverage at all .
Channel4 have the monopoly ?
People complain about the lack of on air coverage
but @C4Paralympics on Twitter has extensive coverage.
Have you noticed how when a non white person is attacked in the Uk. The bBC is always the first to scream ‘racist hate crime. But the sad case of a 16 year old Egyptian girl attacked in Nottingham and then on a Bus and who died doesn’t appear to have the bBC screaming such:
Mariam Moustafa: Egyptian teen’s Nottingham death sparks anger
Police are keeping an “open mind” about whether an attack on an Egyptian student that sparked outrage in her home country was racially motivated. Mariam Moustafa, 18, died on Wednesday after being attacked by a group in Nottingham three weeks earlier.
Yup to the bBC, only the natives in Egypt would think this was a racist hate crime.
And here is a video of her been attacked:
Notice something about the colour of her attackers. Apparently to the bBC when your murderers are 10 foaming at the mouth black rabid split arses , then it can’t be a racist murder.