Quangos like the Electoral Commission and OFCOM and others are now shelters ,or other sources of income, for ex Beeboids and other liberals looking for a gong. If we cannot depend on them for independent adjudication then what is to be done?
The bias keeps coming . Welcome to the weekend….
Shhhhh …. Bill Clinton is still haunting Monica …
“Monica Lewinsky gets apology after event snub over Bill Clinton” {bbc.co.uk 10may2018}
A US magazine has apologised to Monica Lewinsky, the ex-White House intern who had an affair with former president Bill Clinton, after an apparent snub.
– See that the pretext is put onto “intern who had an affair with former president Bill Clinton.”, why not an old man who abused his power and position to stain the floors of the White House with white stuff?
Thanks MM.
Read the article.
It was only an “apparent” snub according to the BBC.
And-in no way-to be confused with a “real” snub.
Bill Clinton you see, no further enquiries to be welcomed.
The Left hates to let the sunlight in where the magic and Kennedy flair is forever being whipped up.
Bloody Harvey Weinstein though eh?
Notice all US coverage by BBCseems like produced for team Hillary.
Just like all BBC Enviro progs seem like they have been subcontracted to Greenpeace.
And BBC UK politics items seem like they are produced to please Labour.
Just discovered this “whatiffery” piece on Hillary but published before the fact.
Laugh? I fractured ribs…..
Recent Gillard interview of Hillary.
The comment thread is the best bit. Unkind it could be said.
Back in time Thought for the Day was the preserve of high churchmen. These often elderly gents would pontificate on religious matters to a congregation they no doubt thought was listening attentively on the “Home Service”. These days it is less gaiters and wholly gas – agitprop hot air ramming the liberal bias of the corporation at every turn.
Today’s sermon was a routine green rant from a Buddhist windbag. But yesterday was a true classic with a three minute hate speech about Trump using references from the Book of Samuel and St Augustine. Welcome to the pulpit Tina Beattie, professor of catholic studies at the Roehampton seat of unlearning. Ms Beattie, needless to say, is politically correct up the wazoo and doesn’t appear to have much in common with the traditional teachings of the Roman church. No matter, her faith is of no concern.
But what she did on the radio yesterday is a matter of extreme interest. She referenced the Book of Samuel where it is written that “you will cry because of your king who you have chosen for yourselves but the Lord will not answer you this day”. To Ms Beattie this warning was relevant in the light of Trump’s policy on the muslim terror state of Iran. She felt there were “growing concerns about what others see as a disregard for good governance”.
What Ms Beattie was doing of course was dressing political propaganda with a cloak of religious respectability. She was of the view that there are limits to sovereignty and law when these become corrupted by injustice.
What injustice pray? An American president fulfilling clear pledges made over a long election campaign that he won. Election pledges widely supported in his own country. “If a leader plunges the country into tyranny and lawlessness then Christians must hold themselves accountable to a higher law and a more enduring sense of justice”, she helpfully suggested.
I suppose Thought for the Day does have a purpose in life on Radio 4. It’s the one place where liberals can openly call for a democratically elected politician they don’t like to be toppled in an illegal coup.
CM, excellent post, love the All Gas and Gaiters sentence.
It is quite a jump to go from a warning about human monarchy (after the experience of a successful period of living in a theocracy) to democracy (and that with its failures in hundreds of years) in the 21st century.
All, it appears, is fair in love and war and bashing Trump.
Chris – I do miss those Thought for the day” which start with a vicar talking about The Highway Code and then linking it seamlessly to the New Testament leaving one with a sense of disbelieve even as a believer .
Instead its Lawrence – mandella- illegals – Mohammed farah / Salah – green crap ,
Or free foody banks versus obesity …
Billy Connolly’s take on the BBC and Thought for the Day is still worth a look at…
I heard this too.
Our Buddhist boy regaled us with some nothing “parable” about kids playing as dad tries to put out the fire.
I`m guessing that the Parable of The Good Samaritan that he says is “related to it” might be a bit, well Thatcherite.
Wonder if Mick Philpott got the message, nobody else would have done.
Ah well-no doubt Welbys already nicked it for the Grenfell Towers memorial service.
“Our Buddhist boy”
Never had any time for those fellows; they never work for a living that’s why you always see them sat on the pavement/roadside begging for a meal!
Apparently, all they need to do for said ,meals – from western tourists – is too put their hands up as if praying for your tormented soul and joe tourist falls for it every time!
It’s not tourists who feed Buddhist monks, it’s locals buying heaven brownie points.
In a place like Thailand most men spenfdpart of their lives being monks and may go back to it say 1 week every year.
Full time professional monks might be like businessmen enjoying benefits like servants and cars.
Stew, Hi.
“It’s not tourists who feed Buddhist monks”
I realise this. I didn’t like mentioning the poor locals who give the monks hand-outs as I think that’s even worse.
I must admit my respect for that faith was fully dashed when I watched a BBC documentary on the monks who attend the burial sites on the Ganges river in India and Thai rivers some years ago.
Why? Well, believe it or not at the end of each day the camera crews followed those monks (those with really longed-haired monks who never seem to wash) while they rummaged in the ashes of the cremated bodies in order to EAT any remaining FLESH that was left on the bones of the poor departed.!
The camera went close-in and filmed those guys eating the flesh! It was an appalling sight! Made me feel sick!
Apparently, the monks were permitted to do this even in front of children! It was the either the BBC or channel 4; I’m sure it was the BBC! That particular episode must be available in the archives. I can’t seem to track it down?
I always put my hands up like that, but always to grasp some of the finer wines which are on the top shelf in any supermarket!
Never understood why people spend a whole life pontificating on things like meditation. Meanwhile the ‘doers’ create the wealth for the rest of us.
Got a rather unpretentious bottle of Chapel Down Bacchus though; does that comply?
Shame about that Parable of the Good Samaritan.
That archaeologist from academe, who chatted to Martha on the TOADY Prog on Friday, may not be please to have more evidence of the existence of Solomon and his bad parentling, distracted by women and all those horses.
Mind you, ol’ Solly can say that his dad, David, had a few flaws of his own.
I can’t better your comments, Chris, about the awful Beattie woman. She has form from previous appearances too. How a Christian can condemn an attempt to replace an ineffective policy against a Muslim terror state defeats me. Christians in the Middle East , or what few are left , have no future under Iranian sponsored terrorists. As for Jews, already under attack from Iranian army missile launchers based in Syria, why would they want Iran to develop nuclear bombs?
What are the BBC thinking in allowing these warped Christian messages? Do we really have to pander so much to our growing Muslim population?
Al Beeb ,
Here’s how you can help save the planet .
Stop sending your threatening letters which don’t intimidate me and lie about the licence . That’s a small forest saved from being pulped into paper .
Then stop polluting the earth’s atmosphere and wasting resources by not sending your goons about to harras and lie to good folks . Get them to visit drug dealers instead if they dare .
Then move over to a subscription based service . Of course you’ll find that your not the revered and respected organisation that you say you are , and lots of people actively dislike or hate you , but once you stop crying about that and get about being a properly funded organisation we should see wholesale improvement .
It won’t be easy moving from a troughing self entitled bubble to normality , but at least you can look in a mirror and say I’m not a two faced lying hypocritical hectoring gob but an honest asset to the truth .
Here’s the clip of today’s Global Warming propaganda TFTD
by a fervent Paris supporter
See how the IMPARTIAL BBC will give a slot to a Paris supporter
..but there’s no chance of a counter view.
When in fact Paris rubbish from both sides
– For sceptics it’s a huge waste of money.
– For those truly concerned about CO2 they understand that Paris provides for CO2 to grow significantly rather than reduce.
Text : https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p066w8w6
I get rather disturbed when the BBC plucks stories such as the following out of thin air and give it major prominence on the front of the home page of their website on the 10th May. It is still there on their US/Canada page. It is entitled, “White people use police as a weapon”
It highlights a Nigerian woman called Lolade Siyonbola who is a mature student at Yale.
If you have the time watch how, when the police are called she becomes offensively rude, aggressive and completely uncooperative.
Now read how the BBC completely distort and misrepresent what actually happened.
What was the motive of the BBC in giving such prominence to someone who is clearly an unpleasant individual and painting them as a victim?
On the flip side we hear nothing from the BBC about this, a story much closer to home and an egregious playing of the race card, thankfully to no avail:
“Ex-Met police poster girl who cried racism LOSES all 33 claims after tribunal heard she complained of prejudice whenever she was unhappy at work”
Apologies the Facebook link does not work. You’ll have to access it through the BBC webpage on the article.
Facebook Video that black girl posted about Yale
With an embarrassingly poor grasp of police procedures and an apparent readiness to ‘adapt’ situations in her favour, anyone would think ‘Police Poster Girl’ had gained positions and promotions based to looks and colour, rather than mental ability and a sense of vocation.
Thank goodness we can still enjoy and rely on our world-envied Police Service, which would never stoop to such transparent behaviour!
In addition to poster girl at the Met/ IPPC we have Leanne Carr at the Lincolnshire force going on world trips with a rich boyfriend, promoting his products when on extended heave due to ‘stress’. Now she’s on live steaming TV asking for money in return for provocative poses . The police say it’s nothing to do with them. As Littlejohn says, you couldn’t make it up. The police are completely infected by public sector political correctness.
“The police are completely infected by public sector political correctness.”
And a dislike of brass players, apparently:
I wrote some factious comments earlier today about what
the BBC considered the major sports event of the week .
It was a World title ladies boxing match between two ladies
from the GLBT community in the USA. Apparently ladies
boxing has a fair amount of particpants from the lesbian
sisterhood. Fair enough , I have no problem with that and of
course I shouldn’t.
However I was thinking this is a sport that really does tick
all the boxes so far as the BBC is concerned. The BBC is not
covering hardly any major male football or cricket anymore.
But are for sure the leaders in Womens football coverage.
In my opinion Ladies Boxing should become the default sport
on the BBC!
Gary Lineker could be finaly discharged from his duties and we could have
on a Saturday night instead a ladies boxing , fight of the week.
Maybe someone could come up with a good suggestion for
a presenter? This really could be a 64 million dollar baby for the BBC!!
Anyway for the diversity department. How about it BIG BROTHER ?
Sleaford Social Club, after chucking out time.
Madge fails to win the bingo.
Ellie spills her rose on Sids paper.
Madge is seeing Sid.
Bricks in handbags, rest of us taking it all to the car park.
Kellie Moloney to promote?
Now THAT is sport, and I`m happy to take up the evening wandering around the car park, commentating as I hold up the card.
If THAT`S not worth a license fee, and Linekers car park space-what is?
How about topless go-karting?
Bottomless mower-racing?
Isn’t a lineker one of those blowy great windbags that stick out the front of boats to get more puff?
We are near the end of another week. Will the BBC think to ask on Radio 4 News, today or tomorrow, how the clean up in Salisbury is going? Or whether Sergei Skripal is well enough to leave hospital yet?
No questions that I heard from Monday to Thursday.
I wonder why?
(Cancel the Licence Fee. The BBC are not worth it.)
I think Sergei has been out of hospital a while now, both he and his daughter have probably been relocated to another country along with some hush money.
Still no questions asked by the BBC News Editors and Presenters and journalists, Al.
Why does the DG bother to pay them?
Lord Hall would have us believe the BBC are struggling on without enough cash.
Sack the ones doing a lousy job & save some money.
Man from Brussels is posting pictures of Hate and Incitement on the Internet … Sadiq Khan must stamp this out …..
“Europe must act quickly to salvage the #IranDeal & this means a united & firm response. Trump ignored our advice & split the West. Now Europe must work with partners to defend the interests of the broader international community (Iran’s Reign of Terror)”
Anthony Zurcher just retweeted this.
I take my hat off to CityUnslicker, who explains the whole big Iran deal .
Of course, the bbbc doesn’t agree for at least two reasons, a) President Trump did it, and b) the EU don’t like it.
More reasons on several pages of A4, written in any crayon of your choice..;0)
While the massive Mosque building programme has now seen almost every nook and cranny of Britain with a Mosque for its growing Islamic masses:
And while Islamic billionaires continue to donate to British Universities for the further promotion of Islam and Islamic Studies within Britain:
Britain is allowing the next phase of the Islamification of Britain to occur by giving the go ahead to the expansion of Faith schools – which in practice is a Trojan horse for a massive expansion of Islamic Schools. The BBC prefers to focus on the Grammar school aspect of this British Government education policy:
The Beeb today reporting on one more aspect of left-wing lunacy where everyone has to be exactly the same: “School pencil cases banned to stop ‘stigma’
Poverty proofing? Sounds very much like Communism to me.
Edit: Apologies – I’ve just noticed that Toobiwan has already mentioned this story on the Midweek thread.
Let them have their own schools, anything which keeps them away from British female children and isolated more within their “communities” is a good thing for the rest of us.
Yes a bit strange to report on a Mosque opening as national news.
A lot of other Christian immigrants get into money making Evangelical Churches and new huge buildings are built, but I’ve never seen opening of them reported on the BBC.
The muslim community in Scotland is (ironically) more like the Christians in the Church of England. You know the type, they only go to church if there’s a funeral, a Christmas service or a decent school attached to it, they think that you can pick and choose what to believe etc. When I was in London I found it amusing talking to a Muslim colleague who’d transfered down to that office on a 6-month rotation and was trying to find a mosque to go to where he wouldn’t be attacked for his lifestyle or be shamed for not being openly vocal about what was going on overseas
Calvin – And there’s the rub.
Most secular Muslims do just this but as soon as they “get religion” they have no choice but to “buy” into the whole Islamic savagery – because fundamentally that is what it is about (despite the protestations of the likes of the BBC, Cameron and of course Sir Nick Clegg of Strasbourg). All violence is justified until the “peace” of Allah is achieved.
As we get mature many of us try to re-connect with our past/ culture and look for a little more meaning (other than just materialism – I now go to church a little).
Unfortunately if our religion preaches it is OK to murder/rape/enslave in the name of that religion – then society may have a problem.
Additionally if young men “get” Islam early on then you have an even greater problem as levels of energy/aggression are even higher.
We need to look at Islam in a different way. In my view Islamic “extremists” are those secular individuals who call themselves Muslims but seek peace (as this is not what Islam) preaches. And in all likelihood they have concentrated on the “peaceful” sections of the Koran at the expense of the real message.
This then leaves us with a problem when anyone re-connects with their Islamic roots.
Is Islam compatible in any society other than an Islamic one? – I think we all know the answer to that.
And here you go …. I present you with some evidence …
Address disproportionality issues amongst knife crime victims/offenders. This will -include supporting groups who are particularly affected by knife crime, notably young black men and women; (Please see Appendix B);
The Mayoral Knife Crime Strategy commits a provision of new funding to support grass-roots community
groups involved in protecting young people and ridding our communities of violence. We are delighted
to launch the MOPAC Community Seed Fund to support communities in London disproportionately
affected by knife crime.
‘Disproportionately affected by knife crime’.
I see what they did there.
Whoops, just liked my own post.
Bloody mobiles…
If you stare at the mopac cartoon of affected boroughs through half-closed eyes (or crosseyed – doesn’t matter which), it looks like some crazed individual doing some sort of dance to rap stuff!
Eurovision: The song inspired by a ‘miracle’ baby called Mercy
Less drip, drip, drip, more like bang bang bang.
Erdogan is coming. Not much in the media about his visit and no mention on the BBC
Some journalists will protest, so I wonder if the BBC will close down when their hacks join the protest .
I have not heard whether he will meet the Mayor of Londonistan but it looks as if he will meet the queen.
In answer to the question… more and more.
Another politico article:
If you hear the name Tendayi Achiume on the news my advice is to switch off if you value your health.
Beeboids must be creaming themselves. The main bBBC ‘news’ is that the racists have won and the Grenfell fire inquiry panel will include some people who look like those who lived there.
Sir Arthur – may really is a labour pm . If she thinks she ll get votes for bending over for the left – foreigners – she is plain dumb.
Best she can do is get the Grenfell site sold To private builders and use the money to pay for the jamboree public inquiry and let it run for 5 years like Reg obscene so called “Bloody Sunday” propaganda fest .
I caught a little bit of beeboid mardell laying into the policy change to increase Grammar school – obviously sold his soul for al beeb salary and pension but I thought I’d check him out .
He went to a private school – Epsom college -like Nicky witchell – this school is a patron HM Queen . And mardell criticises parents for doing their best .
There was a term called pissing on someone else’s strawberries “ or similar . Breathtaking hypocracy .
Sir Arthur –
Nail in or on the head . thanks
Absolutely Fed and Sir Arthur.
It’s ‘don’t do as I did, do as my under-manager’s autocue instructs me to do’.
Joe Corbyn should remember his days at Haberdasher’s with such hate.
I heard Jezza Vine, this lunchtime say that part of the show would be about Grammar Schools and the bad experiences which children from poorer backgrounds had when they went to one, due to it being full of rich kids.
FFS! They never give it a rest. Why not a segment about people from poor backgrounds who’d attended Grammar Schools and they’d achieved so much more in life than they would have otherwise?
Just checked on where mr vine went to school – guess what – independent Epsom college – same as mardell and witchell and guess knows who else .
Absolutely no legitimacy even if they self declared their background . I passed the eleven plus but Shirley Williams and the 1970s Labour Party blocked my education . Do I bare a grudge . Yes – put it this way. I’ll have a drink the day she kicks off .
Did you note the head teacher telling us that the poor kids got in with lower marks? At least if the met the same standard they could justifiably hold their heads high.
P.S. Thanks for the date in the thread header, it is a great help to keeping track for us bears of little brain!
I couldn’t go to a grammar school for a very good reason!
I failed my eleven plus.
But I still want compensation for loss of something I’ll conjure up if I can find a cheap solicitor and change my name to Grenfell.
I went to a Grammar School in Sunderland and I can say that at no time did I see or hear of any of this rich/poor business.
There were lots of us from council estates mixing with those from the better off areas and absolutely no divide on what clothes or ‘stuff’ you had.
Mind, we didn’t have anywhere near as much stuff as kids today have, rich or poor.
As far as I know there were no rich kids at Wellingborough Grammar School in the 1970’s.
Precisely my experience too, EG, in the sixties. Class or wealth just wasn’t on anyone’s radar and in fact one of the lads from a very poor background ended up at Cambridge.
You bet your life today’s kids, with the leftist indoctrination they get at school, are much more aware of ‘difference’.
Johnny, my time at the Grammar School was also in the sixties.
Just as an observation, I may have had a sheltered upbringing but the first time I actually saw a black man was when I was in the Army, a fellow soldier.
I have a full school photograph with what must be over 800 pupils and every person is white.
How times have changed.
Me too EG, and I’m sure it was the uniform that helped ensure the lack of ‘class awareness’. For sure it wasn’t until I went to a London art school of all environments – the Central, then run by the LCC – that I first realised that my father was on relatively low pay. At the other end of my new spectrum, one or two fellow students lived in castles.
Martha Kearney was in Jerusalem this morning.
She described her view of the skyline as having “crusader buildings, as well as ornate Ottoman houses”.
Ah bless, good old cake making Muslims eh? Nasty brutal and horrid Christians, as well as Jews who probably might have taken their bible a bit seriously, until the Koran came to make things better for us all.
i`m thinking of that cage where the Jordanian pilot was burned alive a few years back.
And that cell in Evin Prison Tehran, or that car boot where Brian Keenan was held, that radiator in the room where Waite and McCarthy were held for years?
Ornate Ottoman, urban minimalist Islam or environmentally-aware functionalism for the nowhere generation, between global professional jobs?
Thank You Martha.
She’ll be back to her bee hives in Suffolk by now – not too many Muslims there eh?
Talking of nutters – guido put up an extract with alibi brown admitting mental illness over brexit . This beeboid mouthpiece who fills the non male non white numbers for al beeb can’t wait to be on any programme to rubbish little englanders like me .
Wonder if they’ve got a draft obit ready ?
Well, I gritted my teeth and listened to most of Martha Kearney babbling on with the usual BBC babble:
“…..settlements condemned as illegal by the UN, the UK and other EU countries, but Israel disputes this”
As if the whole world is on the right side of it all and only stubborn Israel fails to see the light.
And “..Gaza, known, of course, as one of the most densely-populated places on earth.”
Except that, of course, it isn’t. Not even close. But it’s obviously become a mandatory part of the BBC’s idiotic interpretation of the Israeli-Arab conflict.
To be fair, if there’s a half decent hotel then the inside of that is probably VERY densely populated, what with all the hundreds of journalists and assistants with expense accounts packing it to the rafters.
Quick round-up on Syria I scribbled this evening:
And on GBC today (Grievance Broadcasting Corporation) we have as first news item on the 6pm news……shock horror……..some students have mental health issues and some commit suicide.
Now I dare say they do, and I dare say to those affected it is very unpleasant, but then again one can construct any number of defined groups with mental health issues and suicide rates, all the way from dustbinmen…oops I of course mean dustbin persons, all the way to Iraq mass destruction weapons experts. The ‘story’ is a context-free zone.
So what we have here really is just another nod to a Corbynista Labour supporting group of left wing tub- thumpers, grievance-encouragement masquerading as news.
The BBC. Never knowingly impartial.
Wake up from being ill all day and what am I confronted with when I turn on the tv? The BBC have an ethnic minority woman on from Amnesty – a discredited far left pressure group – spouting left-wing propaganda that our country is basically a far-right nasty racist nation in everyway and at all levels, with Brexit being a possible cause. Funny how the woman failed to mention the racist grooming gangs or the Kris MacDonald murder or the horrific Islamist terror attacks in this nation over years. Funny how these people who despise the British always forget to mention these small things. Almost as if these organisations have an agenda.
Driving I heard the start of the News Quiz R4. Leaving aside the fact that it is the hive mind par excellence and very unfunny tonight Hardy went just a little too far.
Now if it had been a series of comments about any other group there would be uproar but it was about Israel so guess what -Zilch.
It was as close to outright anti -Semitism as I have encountered on the BBC.
As close to denying the right of Israel to exist as Israel as I have heard in this country . Please listen and see what you think.
I never complain to the useless BBC but on this occasion I will and I will urge the Board of Deputies to say something. It must not be allowed to pass.
I’m not sure about it, Dave S. But will listen again tomorrow. You’re referring to the bit close to the beginning about Netanyahu and choosing a place in Britain for Israelis rather than Palestine?
The thing with comedy is we should allow a bit more leeway than for political discourse. There are funny lines like, “It would be hard for Iran to attack Israel because it doesn’t recognize it.” Not so funny, is: “It looks like Palestine.”
I’m sure it does indeed look like Palestine to the BBC.
There is leeway and Jeremy Hardy. Anyone who questions the right of Jews to a homeland in Israel is by definition anti Semitic. No ifs or buts.
It is this that lies behind BDS and the dreadful state of our universities now nothing more or less than apologists for anti Semitism .
AS Europe descends into barbarity it is all the more important that Israel exists and stays strong. The President of the US who has endured vile slurs as to his alleged anti Semitism knows this full well. His action on Iran is as important a blow for civilisation as I have ever seen in my lifetime. He could yet be a great leader .
Dave S, I’m not British, and therefore not knowledgeable about much of the BBC’s output, including the News Quiz. Having read your response above, including those of others, I’m inclined to agree that it was anti-Semitism expressed by Jeremy Hardy – since there seems to be consensus here that he is indeed anti-Semitic based on his past patterns of behaviour.
Thing is, I’m cautious about the label.
I agree with your observations re Trump. It’s such a refreshing change to see a politician keep his promises. He really does work for the benefit of ordinary people – and not only in the US. When he was asked if he would get the Nobel Peace Prize re North Korea he joked about it and then said what he really wants is “victory for the world.”
I spot only complaint on Twitter
@SimonMagus tweeted
\\ Reminded why I don’t listen to #r4 News Quiz.
This evening’s episode opens with a bigoted antisemitic rant from one panelist.//
@sjcoltrane tweeted
\\ commendable edition of The News Quiz with a majority female panel
rather spoiled by Jeremy Hardy’s tiresome invocation of Jewish stereotypes. //
At www comedians.co.uk you can hire mr Jeremy hardy as an after dinner speaker for between £5k and £10k . It doesn’t say whether he does bar mitzvah s though .
He and his partner have long been supporters of Palestine as well as Irish republic causes…. one of those….
Fed, I bet they have a great time between the sheets, comparing political jokes…
(“Would you like to Hava Nagila? No thanks I put one out earlier”)
Boom Boom, Ho Ho – actually I made that one up, but Jezza can buy it off me if he wants to…
I listened to him – he just sounds like a guess at a smug Islington dinner party after a bottle of red. And he gets paid for it.
It’s not surprising Hardy is antisemitic. He is an ugly, deformed little dwarf who is intent on putting out his vile bigotry to millions………….now who does that remind you of ?
As a result of your comment I forced myself to listen to The News Quiz. I was ready for jez hardy to go full anti Jewish . I didn’t notice him any worse that he usually is
Listening to kidult programmes like news quiz makes me sad because I think back to the times when there were truly quick witted funny people on the radio instead of the shit wasting air on it now . Back on the banned list – news quiz.
Unlikely BBC Panorama Titles:
1. ‘Trump’s Successes. An In Depth Analysis.’
2. ‘Obama’s Failures. An In Depth Analysis.’
@Up2snuff Italics ?
use (i)(/i) using > < brackets
Ta, Stew! I’ll give it a go soon.
Allah us
BBC going apoplectic about a small amount of money being made available to allow Grammar Schools to expand. It corresponds to growth of about 2%. A context missed out, needless to say.
They feature a Grammar School in London, called I think Townley.
But look more closely behind the interviewees. The floors are 1950s chevron woodblock. The walls are painted bare bricks.
As with so many Grammar Schools, Townley has been underinvested for years. Blair poured money into academies and ensured the Grammars were at the bottom of the pile. The Tories shamefully carried on with the same idea, renamed as Free schools. Yet still parents want their kids to go to Grammars.
Unwittingly bBBC showcase Grammar School underinvestment, not overinvestment. But of course to report that would be anathema to the narrative.
Fedup2, I am appalled. Surely you mean that Mr Hardy can be employed for after dinner speaking from 5p to 10p. He doesn’t do bar mitzvahs – obviously since he hates Jews – but he is also not very keen on polite company.
I think you’ll find that mr Hardy would do anything for money – I wonder if his al beeb money goes into a production company to reduce paying taxes to fund his precious International Health Service .
Good to know the British BC are on top of key global issues
Although al beeb is choosing not to cover the issue – the daily express has the prosecution of members of the security forces in Northern Ireland by our government on its front page .
HMG seems so devoid of common sense that only public opinion will fix it and the laws of common sense take over.
The IRA was fighting a war – but we treated it like a criminal situation – putting them in prison instead of killing them . Now they are free and our people – 40years on -are being abused by the state. As maxi might say “ a disgrace”.
Compare the establishment controlled BBC and the vile, spineless treacherous politicians’ outrage (virtue-signalling) about Windrush with their cowardly silence on the grooming gangs and you quickly see where their disgusting priorities lie. They care more about multiculturalism than young children… let that sink in folks. This country is finished.
“Brexit Britain more racist, says UN” drools the beebistan.
But it’s not quite the UN, just one solitary ‘official’.
She is the ‘Special Rapporteur on Racism’.
In other words her job is to go round sniffing out racism and being offended. No racism, no job. No first class travel and 5 star hotels. Nice work if you can get it.
No wonder Trump hates the useless UN and wants to stop funding it.
Every media twitter page is drooling over her and her ‘claim’.
But comments in response are, well…. 😉
I get the impression the bubble she and they inhabit is shrinking.
I saw this on BBC ‘News’ at about 5.45pm yesterday straight after I had accidentally caught the end of it on Channel 5 ‘news’.
It gave me palpitations (should have known better).
Hence the health warning I issued above.
Her report is being presented at the UN in June 2019 so the msm have a whole year plus to bang on about it.
As Raheem says:
Britain more racist? Yet half the world are still queuing up to get in.
“U.N Expert” is she?
Like Prescott and that Brazilian munchkin who told us our kids were more miserable than hers, our bedroom tax ideas worse that her favelas in Rio?
Only the Guardian would call this race hustler from some God-forsaken fly-blown hole a UN expert.
Basically a black female race hustler globe trotting for Soros.
Probably got a permanent job at Minnesota Tech, howling at Trump the rest of the year.
“We`ve had enough of experts”-real ones, not primped and privileged professional grievance thieves like this . Only the Guardian, the Times and the BBC would call think her “relevant”.
Brexit or death. Can`t take much more of this load.
Once again I was no infuriated by a programme I had to switch off; this time Five Live.
The UN’s ‘special rapporteur on racism’ is having a go at us. She probably earns six figures and gets put up for free in swanky hotels all over the world. The last thing in the world she would do is say there is no problem with racism as then this extremely cushy gig would be over for her. The entire race relations relations is a racket as they all have a vested interest in exaggerating and perpetuating ‘racism.’
She speaks of ‘structural racism’ which smacks of bullshit to me, a get out of jail card as there is no actual racism. If I watch football, I want to know if there are any goals – not ‘structural goals.’ Did she see anyone racially abusing someone or being actually racist? Of course not and never would in a billion years as we are rubbing along so well, especially considering the extent of the ‘challenges.’ Structural racism means someone else’s fault/unequal outcomes, the toxic abdication of vital personal responsibility so adored by the Left.
The presenter mentioned the old black kids at Oxbridge non-argument: the issue is not thinking studying is uncool, it’s that Oxford should offer stabbing studies degrees. Ever heard a single UK rap track where they boast of studying hard for exams? The absolute minimum you need to get into Oxbridge is top A Level results. If the structure is so racist why do some groups excel above and beyond the white British population, the Chinese for example?
Ms Achiume should have stayed in the ghetto of StPaul’s in Bristol or parts of Luton then she would have a hands-on understanding of the issues, whereas of course she probably stayed in a plush central London hotel and virtue signalled from an ivory tower. You could learn a hell of a lot about different outcomes by spending just half an hour in these terrifying areas.
The real discrimination is constantly telling us Brits we are horrible, nasty racists when nothing could be further from the truth. We are constantly smeared by professional shit stirrers when we have done everything humanly possible to get along with everyone. If you choose to commit crime or not value education unequal outcomes are just and inevitable.
Why are these race relations people always black? You should not be a judge in your own cause.
So boring, tedious and no FUN. I switched to Talk Sport and they were having a laugh and being light-hearted. As well as being so intellectually dishonest it is so, so, so f**cking boring. £3.5 billion and they just say the same few things over and over.
Excellent, Beeb!
Love the bit where you say “Ever heard a single UK rap track where they boast of studying hard for exams?”!
Spot on!
But they are such experts in weights and measures and chemical composition they could put a pharmacist to shame
Gonna blast my exams,
Get to Cambridge;
Then join da rat race to provide for my kids.
‘Rapporteur’ is a valuable word, as it immediately places the value of the person and their insights.
Think John Prescott on ‘Climate’.
Beeb. Just typed in a post in haste which mirrored your points before reading anyone else’s comments so deleted. I have a mate originally from the Caribbean and he 100% agrees that racism in this country is a self serving industry with no real concern for individuals, just pawns in a long drawn out game. This woman would be much better served by putting the African continent in order before preaching to us. I’m up to here with us having to apologise for this that and the other when this country is without doubt one of the most tolerant nations on earth both ethnically and religiously. The quicker she nips back to the southern nations of Africa and reports on the abuses of governments there I might give her the time of day.
She makes a living from smearing the hard-working, taxpaying, tolerant people who fund her priveleged lifestyle.
Beeb Brother,
“Once again I was no infuriated by a programme I had to switch off…She speaks of ‘structural racism’ which smacks of bullshit to me as there is no actual racism.
…Oxford should offer stabbing studies degrees. Ever heard a single UK rap track where they boast of studying hard for exams?”
Black people = stabbing + rap music.
“there is no actual racism”
“Ms Achiume should have stayed in the ghetto of StPaul’s in Bristol or parts of Luton… terrifying areas.”
Black people = ghettos + terrifying areas.
“there is no actual racism”
“The real discrimination is constantly telling us Brits we are horrible, nasty racists…”
Black people = not us Brits.
“Why are these race relations people always black?”
Bingo! “there is no actual racism”, but I’m just going to question someone’s motives and judgements according to their skin colour.
and your motive for posting here?……….
“Brexit Britain more racist” if that means objecting to the never ending adverts for giving money to feed African and Asian children and to prevent them getting raped whilst their fathers spend money on guns, bombs, and apparently raping kids, their government refuses to feed them or protect them, yet lives in luxury then maybe we are waking up to reality: Red Jumper day: have a look at how many billions the South Sudan government has stolen out of their oil reserves for private use and we have these fund raisers to feed the thieving corrupt bastards kids
I love the the little ring in the nose.
What a pity the UN didnt provide a more comely bird to tell us we are all racist shits – at least us blokes could have watched with the sound turned off. Instead we get someone who is about as comely as a glass of cold sick and with chips on her shoulder the size of fatbots thighs.
What amuses me about all of this is that most people these days would mentally just switch off as this globalist harridan wags her accusing finger at our nation. This just leaves the the North London set squirming in their seats and feeling guilty.
M advice to Ms Achiume’s is to “piss off and go and upset some Swedes instead – because most people here with half a brain couldnt give a flying F##k about anything you have to say!”
Yes ring in her nose, anyone else try that at an interview for an executive position ?…. how did that go ? of course if you are black its ok that says a lot about racism in our country more than she can say, and anyway since all males in her tribe are apparently contractually obliged to have white wifes and girlfriends according to all media outlets she does not have much else to do
You can bet she has been treated like royalty since she arrived: everyone courteous, respectful and bending over backwards to make her feel welcomed like we Brits always do.
What does she do to reciprocate? Denounces us as racist scumbags.
Agreed Oak, but: “This just leaves the North London set squirming in their seats and feeling guilty.” They don’t really, that’s the thing. It’s faux guilt. They actually feel extremely smug and superior that in a nation of racists, they alone are not.
You are probably right Vlad – But I dont really care. These absolute tossers will always look down their snooty patricians noses at us anyway. That is why we must not let them get away with destroying brexit.
The reality of the situation is by importing race hustling scolds like this particular heap of shit – it actually pisses people off and probably does actually make us more intolerant.
It does me anyway.
Whats the point in being a right on / social justice aware lefty if you dont have anything real to critiscise? So they make it up.
Knowing that up until now we have shown extreme tolerance to the importation of swarms of ingrates from warmer climes – Sometimes I think that they are seeing how far they can push us.
I think they may find out quite soon.
You’ve got to hand it to that presenter. He hides his opinions well.
It is possible The Canary approved.
Interesting the take outs noted.
I’d have thought tha Brexit will make Britain less racist, as it will mean we look after our own citizens the way we want to!
We should also restrict the overseas budget to making up the shortfall in the NHS which never gets paid for economic migrants filching an operation then running off without paying.
My Chinese wife pays hundreds of pounds to enable access to the NHS and no recourse to public funds, we do not object despite the tax I already pay, and thousands paid for our immigration applications, yet our beeg eeshue Romanian beggar down the street has no such economic quandries despite begging on the UK streets for 10 years now alongside hundreds of others up and down our streets,: theirin lies one reason for the Brexit vote, and God help us if Turkey get in as well….
Annunaki – Better teach your wife to have no standards, no self respect and be ready to play the racial/victim card at every turn and everything will turn out fine!
By the way what did you think of last Sundays demo (unfortunately I missed the march as I was stuck in a traffic jam at Chiswick)
Whilst I was glad I went, I was a little disappointed with the numbers (3-5 thousand)and thought there was too much singing (it was bloody hot there) and Milo went on too long!
Having said that I was glad I went and will try and go to other demos if I can.
What was interesting though is that twenty mussies protest about racism Aunty covers it – four or five thousand people protest outside Downing street about censorship – it never happened.
Maybe it didnt!
thousands more than reported during the march, women, children, couples with their pets and thousands applauding from the pavements and waving from open top buses yet, apparently a “small far right demo with scuffles”… wife is ashamed about censorship in China now laughs at the the same in our country..she literally was astounded at the lack of media acknowledgement or coverage yet they were all there filming waiting for something “interesting” to report…
Certainly wasnt small – Still when you consider that Old Trafford seats 50.000 plus people are still far too apathetic about what is happening.
Maybe people are now a little scared too. Unfortunately sitting on your hands will not make the problems go away , they will just get worse!
Newswatch this morning in which our Samira Ahmed and her BBC management guest, rather than address viewer concerns about BBC news output, would much prefer to contemplate their own BBC navels
Issue one is the splurge of lefty viewer angst over the recent local elections. Our minority of utopia-minded Corbyn fans who dream of the socialist heaven on earth were understandably put out that dear Jeremy failed to smash it at the polls.
One imagines most local electors worried more about the level of their community charge than the revolutionary march to utopia – but I digress.
Naturally Corbynistas had a heavy bout of angst on the morning after about how their precious BBC wasn’t reporting the dawn of a new golden age of man (sorry – new golden age of person) Perhaps they were sore over the fact they forgot to vote and took their annoyance out in a tweet to the BBC?
You’ll know the BBC thought they got all their reporting ‘about right’ – but you will also know that the BBC will be extra careful not to offend the lefties in future.
Issue two: the BBC is fretting about the stick their BBC Persian service is getting from the Iranian Mullahs (although you will know they didn’t put it that way). As a great man once used to say: Oh dear, how sad, never mind. However, the BBC don’t like being – as they put it – ‘harassed’ by the Iranian state (who used to bleat about being harassed – that was Frank Spencer – Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em – wasn’t it?) so the BBC are taking this all the way to the UN – so there!
Our Samira shows herself to be master (mistress?) of the understatment as she alludes to the dangerous tensions in this part of the world: “There’s things going on in the Middle East”
Issue three brings us to the subject of corporate branding. I warned you this Newswatch show was all about the BBC contemplating its own navel. The BBC is fretting about those dreaded fake news merchants apeing their BBC trademark. The fear is that in Africa and in Asia local politicians will fake the BBC World Service brand to put out advantageous news for their electoral advantage.
Our Samira does it again: “There’s all kinds of nonsense circulating on the internet”
“Are you worried trust is being erroded?”
Interesting response from our BBC chap. He thinks that with the growth of fake news people will ‘doubledown’ their trust in the BBC.
So it seems the BBC are keen to keep up the scare stories about fake news because they think it will bind the public ever closer to their version of the news. Now there’s a thing, hmmmmm…
Samira is the ideal msm type- sliding between al beeb and c4. No doubt living in the same journo colleagues and hoping for the next status job so strict party line stuff
-any way Toady Watch
Poor humph had to interview some yank who had done a North Korea road trip humph was so desperate to avoid attributing any success to President Trump . Priceless . I was trying to imagine the same interview if the Muslim president had been in the chair – a second Nobel peace prize ? Sainthood ?
I think Sopel might have had a breakdown as President Trump keeps delivering on his campaign promise
Our Justin celebrated the stupidity of putting 2 Grenfell industry characters on the inquiry – Ranji Batt – a solicitor who got his self into the hillsborough industry is now in Grenfell . Every one has to make a living I suppose . Maybe he can do a “shiner” and prosecute British security forces who were good enough to kill ira terrorists .
Ps – watch the Brillo interview of some Tory minister who collapses under Brillo s interigation of the morality of pursuing soldiers and coppers for doing their job whilst pretending the ira did nothing wrong .
“Poor humph had to interview some yank who had done a North Korea road trip humph was so desperate to avoid attributing any success to President Trump .”
Did you notice he rounded of the interview by adopting his ‘panel game’ tone of earnest disbelief. Not often displayed on Toady so clearly the interview was special.
Good speech by Brendan O’Neill on ‘Phobionics’ (my word) and heresy.
He correctly postulates that to close down free speech and free thought in certain controversial areas is to stifle the essence of mankinds progress.
“Structural racism.”
A structure is an inanimate concept, how can it be racist? Why not go into a school and help poor immigrant kids with literacy rather than dream up new forms of oppression.
‘White privilege’ is another one. This African lady feels free to openl spout off about how awful we are and get feted by our broadcaster. I can’t imagine a white man like me would enjoy equal privileges were I to attempt a similar manoeuvre in Kenya.
Thanks to our new leader for putting dates along with the thread. It will be useful in future to look back at what we were saying on exact dates, especially as momentous times seem imminent. This summer is going to be very vibrant indeed methinks.
Now we have “Structural racism”?
Shows where our priorities lie. It’s a bit like Eskimos having 100 words for snow.
Pity we don’t have 100 words for “progress”.
Theresa – I have a new one which I think fits Aunty and all her works very well – how about “Structural Deceit”
How is it that the BBC will report the views of some hideous, foreign, whinging, nose ringed minger, who refers to Brexiteers as “racist” and yet thousands of decent indigenous Brits turn up outside Downing Street, in a respectful and peaceful protest and they cock a deaf ‘un?
We’re the ones, after all, who pay the extortionate wages of these well heeled, lefty parasites and they won’t even give us a few minutes air time!
Anyone would think they were biased…
They love every country but their own.
BB – Was that Orwell or Disraeli?
WS Gilbert in the Mikado rings a bell.
Then the idiot who praises in enthusiastic tone,
all centuries but this and every country but his own.
Koko – “If someday it should happen” – but better known as “I have a little list”
“Build all navy ships in UK, says Corbyn ahead of Govan visit”
If he added that we should get out of the EU, I would consider giving him my vote.
The PM we have now is dragging her feet over Brexit. Is it her plan to give the media more time for their propaganda. Why on earth has she got Remainers in the cabinet? We should have left 2 years ago.
In common with what seems like everyone else, Corbyn appears oblivious to the surreptitious machinations of the civil service to keep us in the EU Defence Union – the ‘Deep and Special Partnership’.
Veterans for Britain @VeteransBritain have been warning about this for ages.
I don’t pretend to fully understand it all, but Whitehall is signing us up by stealth to a variety of interrelated EU Defence initiatives with a perplexing array of euphemistic names and acronyms. This has been gathering pace since the referendum.
Apart from the odd newspaper article, the MSM don’t talk about it. Even more worryingly it seems never to be discussed or voted on in parliament.
It looks like our overwhelmingly remainer senior civil servants are essentially setting our defence policy post-Brexit by tying us in with the EU long term.
Veterans for Britain keep trying to draw attention to this – RISKS ARISING FROM UK INVOLVEMENT IN EU DEFENCE – OUR LATEST BRIEFING PAPER
As far as shipbuilding is concerned, EU rules mean that UK warships do not receive an automatic exemption from the requirement for EU-wide defence procurement. As seen in the UK’s National Shipbuilding Strategy 2017, only selected future warship build is guaranteed to be done in the UK. It is EU rules which prevent all military ships being built in the UK. Specifically EU Defence Directive 2009/81/EC. Not all warships are exempted by Article 346 and the EU has also tightened its application recently. (Ref. @VeteransBritain).
At the very least these tie-ins should be halted until everyone understands the implications.
Or, better still, WALK AWAY NOW.
I wonder how much Gavin Williamson understands, and how many of the top military brass are ‘Common Purpose’?
I had an interesting encounter with the BBC this week.
I went to the recording of the World Service’s “World Questions” in Prague. It was very pleasant, in a nice theatre with free food and drink.
Here is the program
I spoke to the head of the English language section as she mingled and asked her what the show was about (I never had heard of it) and what the terms of the debate were. She told me the debate was lead by the questions from the audience, but, realised when I asked the question that perhaps this wasn’t self-evident.
Alan Little was the host who has a very good radio voice, mellow but clear and said we will be listened by 80mn people! – Really?
We were treated to a speech from the lady running the British Council who partner the event who didn’t say much but I recall she did mention diversity! Then we got a musical performance, from, I kid you not,…. “The All Star Refugee Band”! They were good, but looked to me very Czech. I talked to them after (nice guys) in the bar just to check it was there real name, it was, but they were Czech performers highlighting migration, just perfect for the Beeb.
The panel probably caused some hand wringing, 3 white males and 1 white women – sorry BBC you are in Central Europe. Political balance, 2 centre right, a Commy (who couldn’t be described as progressive though) and Liberal journalist, would be nice to see such a panel on Question Time. When it was time for audience comments Alan kept pleading to have more from women.
Then the lucky 8 or so questioners were called up to sit at the front. Now the Beeb could breath a sigh of relief, one of the questioners was a guy called Mo – YES, you can imagine the Producer high fiving the Research Assistant. Mo’s question was fine, but of course you assume it was chosen for the wrong reason.
The audience was probably more Czechs than expats, gender balance 60/40 male I would guess, young and old and mainly white (90%+).
I figured that I stood a pretty good chance of getting a comment in, and this I did when a question came on Brexit and how it effects the Czech Republic. The lady journalist claimed that one problem was that Brits who voted Leave subsequently regret their choice. There is no evidence of this and I managed to get to correct her on this; she looked a bit uncomfortable but the Commy enjoyed it! The audience also reacted nicely, some clapping/cheering others less than enthusiastic. However, when I listened to the program I found my comment not included! To be fair it could be argued I was making a primarily Brexit point rather than a Czech point (no pun intended), but it does show how easy it is for the Beeb to slant a program to their preferred agenda.
Me too Dreaming
I’ve been at an event and seen what the al beeb reporter ( Kate adie) saw and when I went home to watch the report I thought it was about a completely different event from my one,
There are so many opportunities to interfere with the truth – the producer – the reporter – the camera – the presenter – the editor – and more . Further up the chain – the choice not to cover stuff at all – like the freedom March.
Hi Fedup2, I would be interesting in hearing your report of the event – and then how this compared to the BBC report. Maybe you could write it up as a separate article and post it here on Biased BBC, when you get the time and patience. Cheers.
Hi England’s Dreaming, thanks for this important snapshot and insight into the workings of the BBC. These types of things don’t happen at random – it is the result of a lot of planning to put something like this together.
I was in the audience for Any Questions, and yes, the producers choose which questions are asked. They then heard the chosen stooges to the front of the audience.
I have had a listen again to the whole program and you can clearly see the bias in the way Alan Little steers the debate,
Funnily enough the part that aroused my audience comment contribution, which they decided to edit out, the Beeb chose to highlight on the program’s home page.
I’m pretty sure that they cut me simply because I was off message, not time constraint, or continuity, etc.
They fear you.
They are vulnerable.
The BBC World Service audience figures are as you say immense and imaginary but they use them to justify ever more funding.
Why do we pay for the rest of the world?
If the World Service was used and regarded as a form of soft power, then it would be well worth funding. In the past millions of people tuned in to hear and learn “proper” BBC English.
“Austerity and immigration rules concern UN racism official”
After a visit lasting a mere two weeks Tendayi Achiume, the Special Rapporteur on Racism for the UN, has decided that everyone in the UK is evil, racist and it’s all because of Brexit and the UK state. Wow, so the BBC/Guardian/Soft left, were right all along.
You’d think that a woman born in Zambia and raised in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana, would find more evil, racism and along with greater criticisms of the of the countries in which she was brought up. People are actually killed for racial and tribal reasons in these countries, where violence is often promoted by the state.
So how, I am sure you are reasonably asking, could a lass, who now lives in the US, arrive at such a hypothesis on the UK after a fortnight study. Well, she already knew it before she even ordered her business class lunch on the flight over.
According to her bio page, “The current focus of her work is the global governance of racism and xenophobia; and the legal and ethical implications of colonialism for contemporary international migration”. Ah I see. In fact, her entire bio is a box ticking exercise that would bring a BBC manager to orgasm over his skinny, low fat latte. All her positions are state funded of course.
I hope that on her flight back, flying from one open democracy to another, she gives some thoughts to the poor sods living in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana.
All (forgive the expression….), ‘part and parcel’ of the NWO trying to stabilise themselves following the recent shocks to the system i.e. Brexit and Trump. Anything connected with the UN is effectively only a cover for the NWO and their Globalist agenda.
SS – Just like the EU doting globalist puppets we have here Ms Achiume in all honesty probably has little regard for the country of her birth.
Because of their “qualifications” and the networks they move in these bastards can F##k things up in their own country and seamlessly move to somewhere else so they are never affected by their actions. They then repeat the whole cycle again.
Of course the rest of us do not have the luxury of that choice – hence why most of us here have to fight the slow demolition of our values, culture society by an elite with no interest in “Great Britain” that goes any further than their bank balance.
She sounds like a woman who would approach her research without agenda, bias or preconceptions doesn’t she? And she works for the UN you say? There’s another beauty, as the saying goes.
An alligator comfortable – very comfortable indeed, thank you very much – in her swamp.
Mugabe attacking white farmers and stealing their farms? love to see how she tackles that, attacks on Christians and Jews in muslim countries what does she have to say about that ? Pakistanis thrown out of Uganda, where was she then ? a lot of tumbleweed moments in her life apparently
Is she campaigning for diversity and equality policies in African and Middle East countries’ workplaces and Government institutions? if not why not ? and. of course sexual assault of Sikh children by Luton muslims seems largely inored https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb8RYDaP5zI
Following Dover Sentry’s earlier suggestions for unlikely Panorama titles, here’s another:
‘Man-made global warming – scientific hypothesis or settled science?’
And in the unlikely event of such a programme ever happening, just sit back and admire the twisting, contorting, distorting, verbal gymnastics from the rictus-grinning Brian Cox and assorted anti-capitalist, redistributionist eco-loons which will prove, irrefutably, it is indeed a ‘settled science’
Panorama titles many would like to see:
Why is antisemitism not called what it is: racism ?
Why are black racists not called racist ?
Only the BBC and their liberal/lefty/Islamic friends have the “moral privilege” to decide who is racist and who is not.
Why ? Because they say so.
Stanstead another arrest of Swedish Terrorist
“Woman arrested at Stansted Airport for alleged terror offence
…now released without charge”
Suspicion of possessing a document useful to terrorism.
That mirrors 4 months ago when papers reported Swedish Terrorist arrested at Stanstead ..and then just no more reporting
With everyone thinking is it a regular Muslim terrorist an Abbas Bomber. Or a new Abba bomber ?
It’s only a slim possibility I know but could the alarming rise in mental health problems among the student population have anything to do with spending their waking hours in an environment carpeted with politically correct eggshells?
Living and working in an atmosphere centered on direct fear of giving offence, or even holding an opinion at variance with campus thought-police – whether it be racist, sexist, genderist, feminist, anti-Semitic, anti-islamic, anti-democratic, anti-fascist, anti-abortion, anti-bloodsports, anti-farming or any other of the myriad choices providing opportunities to take life-changing umbrage, is not a particularly new situation for students. What has changed, and what very probably creates such mental anguish among the young, is the ability and ready facility to report, create issues and spread messages and criticism via the internet to an avid network of commissars.
As ever and to their disgrace, the BBC, Guardian and the overwhelming majority of university lecturers are equally culpable in creating a situation which they never admit to fostering, no doubt preferring to blame Savage Tory Cuts.
In George Orwell’s 1984, when referring to Comrade Mrs Parsons children, Winston was subjected to being called, “You’re a traitor! ‘You’re a thought-criminal…..’ by them. Comrade Mrs Parsons explained that the children were over exuberant due to being disappointed at not being able to go and see the hanging. Later, Winston mused that Comrade Mrs Parsons must lead a life of terror: “Another year, two years, and they (the children) would be watching her day and night for symptoms of unorthodoxy……It was almost normal for people over thirty to be frightened of their own children. Hardly a week passed in which the Times did not carry a paragraph describing how some eavesdropping little sneak – ‘child hero’….had overheard some compromising remark and denounced his parents to the Thought Police”.
Not quite there yet but developing quite nicely……………
It doesn’t help when students who have worked hard on their courses discover that examinations are squeezed together in order to clear the decks for ramadamalinglong
Let’s stop the pretence about gang murders: @thetimes column
“It’s politically unsayable, but most of those dying on our streets signed up to vicious, black-on-black postcode wars”