Quangos like the Electoral Commission and OFCOM and others are now shelters ,or other sources of income, for ex Beeboids and other liberals looking for a gong. If we cannot depend on them for independent adjudication then what is to be done?
The bias keeps coming . Welcome to the weekend….
Times interview with Prof Bruce Gilley
who was hounded for writing about positives of colonialism.
“If you’re not left wing in academia, you’re in a very hostile work environment and at a certain point you have a choice — either exit the business because you’re a pariah, or you decide not to give a sh*t anymore and just offend away, be yourself come what may. That’s where I got to. I was going to write what I thought was true.”
I suppose the biggest “Positive” of colonialism is the English language. The end result is that tonight the Eurovision Song Contest will almost be totally be in English.
I suppose the biggest “Negative” of colonialism is rule from Europe by the European elite. The end result is that the European elite think that Africa proves that nations cannot economically survive independence from European rule.
Our language is also our curse, since so many foreigners can speak it and are thus attracted to come here.
When they do they are also able to (mis-?)use our legal; benefits; health; education and social housing systems much more easily than if they couldn’t speak or understand a word of it.
‘U.K. more racist.’
How do you quantify ‘racism’?
“How do you quantify ‘racism’?”
Just calculate the percentage of white people, apparently.
All success to AMW….but using the Maserati logo isn’t the most patriotic theme to win hearts and minds.
Biased BBC’s anti-Trump propaganda in action – even the Gruniadad is reporting this : https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/10/trump-isis-leaders-captured
On the BBC – no mention : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world/us_and_canada
If it was Obummer, there would be an industrial scale butt licking operation.
British tourists captured in Congo – perpetrators not identified : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-44092592
British subject and wife abducted by ISIS in South Africa – BBC is keeping that right off the news – no news updates for over 2 weeks – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-43901056
A very moving story …….
Doreen is a national treasure
Any questions? on Radio Bore, just had a priceless moment when a American gentleman called Drew Liquerman (me neither) was asked about deals with ‘Europe’; his response to the stunned Marxist audience in doom – laded, Dunoon Scotland, led me to ask whatever liquor Drew is drinking, I want it!
Wondeful stuff!
at 22m.20s
Heartrending. Doreen is a National Treasure. No way she would ever be allowed on the BBC. ” Mary Weird”, LOL ! It reminds me of my mate , Jim, who has never thrown away a bus or train ticket in his life and has a room full of them. Very sad.
I think she’s wonderful! Not only is she funny, but her humour is very clever and she often makes very valid points if you listen carefully to what she says. Here’s another one for you.
Tendayi something or other is a black American
Member of the race industry who has got a job with the UN. She is telling us we are more racist after the Brexit vote. Al beeb loved this one.
I pondered on how much we pay the UN for such valuable criticism – about $100 000 000 a year – the 6th biggest donor . America pays $8 billion .
I suppose our money is a bribe to keep us on the security council .
I don’t know if the lady in question mentioned anything about black lives mattering . I’m guessing “not” anyway the latest one died today as a result of being shot earlier in the week . Killing number 65 I think – losing count .
😉 Back of the net?
Clear the airways – Tenayi Achiume is back in town to give us her pre-arranged view that the British are more racist after Brexit. Also under similar attack are current immigration laws despite the fact that 300,000 people a year migrate to the UK. We are however in good company. Ms Achiume has a pop at everyone, even the Swedes who have been inundated with muslim migrants and where there have been “spikes in xenophobic violence and politicised rhetoric”.
Writing for the University of California, where she is apparently a professor of law, Ms Achiume argues that the protection of national borders is an “untenable strategy”. She also regards attempts to persuade economic migrants to remain in their own countries as untenable – “to say nothing of their horrific consequences”.
Of course Ms Achiume says nothing about the consequences of sudden and mass migration, notably cultural clashes and large rises in violence. No species on earth can survive with a territorial free-for-all. Humans are a social animal but they also compete for resources, food and suitable mates – it’s just the way nature works. Without social structures based on trust including nation states and without the rule of law governing property rights we are back to a very dark age where only the strong survive.
A woman of such profound stupidity can only be employed by an American university. In addition Ms Achiume picks up human rights jobs as a special rapporteur on racism and xenophobia for the United Nations – or the United Landmass as it may well soon be called. Far from being concerned for human rights, she is interested only in taking away rights from humans.
In her warped view and using one of her favourite words, xenophobia operates from a “baseline of entitled exclusion”. In other words the nation state does not have the authority to regulate who lives within its own borders. You are not “entitled” to deny entry and furthermore you are racist and – wait for it – xenophobic. She further argues that migration channels should be expanded to include all those affected by climate change (everyone?) and “those whose involuntary movement is forced by severe socioeconomic conditions” (almost everybody?).
This woman and her appalling views are a menace to a civilised modern nation state. Shame on the BBC for giving her such publicity, allowing her to insult the British people and failing to question her underlying motives.
The UN have appointed her Witch Finder General, so wherever she goes she has to find witches.
No witches = no job.
Mr. Neil seems gobsmacked too.
Joanna Williams
11h11 hours ago
UK more racist after Brexit says UN. This is quite funny. https:// http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/uk-more-racist-after-brexit-qb7hd7xl7 …
I believe her formal job title is Witchsmeller Pursuivant
Shame on the beeb? Au contraire, the 2 are a perfect fit – a marriage made in hell.
In the comments, which indeed could be going better, the term ‘own goal’ is used. That seems an understatement at best.
Guest – priceless thank you . I’ll think of that during queer night at al beeb – otherwise known as the Eurovision Song Contest . Don’t worry dear reader – it’s only mild homophobia -it’s just that I remember a time when the Eurovision thing was just a nice set of bad songs and voices from far away -like Brussels or where those European people live .
Now it’s Wimmin with beards and chaps married to other chaps .i shan’t be viewing .
”own goal”
how so?
You lost me.
And I haven’t got the stomach to wade through a twitter thread to find out
Sorry to hear that.
Speaking as a gay man, all I can say to the BBC is “Give it a rest, for Christ’s sake!”
They are utterly beyond parody.
Lobster – I hope my comment didn’t cause offence . It’s just al beeb puts that Irish gay bloke in charge of their coverage of the euro song thing and just does that tedious – Alan Carr – type stuff . It comes with being a bit “old school” despite not having free bus travel yet.
Be rest assured that no offence was taken, and I’m sure that none was meant. My sexuality isn’t something that I had a choice in, but I’m quite happy to be who I am and everyone I know seems to be happy with who I am – it’s just one minor part of my life, but as far as the BBC is concerned it should be the be all and end all of my existence. I’ve got news for them – it isn’t. They seem to be totally obsessed with homosexuality.
That’s because what you do and who you are is simply a natural expression of difference Lobs. To the BBC, although they cannot admit it themselves, it’s all still a bit secretive and furtive – probably because so many remain closeted due to the alpha male pay structure. Ned Sherrin springs to mind, though I rather wish he hadn’t.
Again Lobster?
How many times is that you’ve ‘come out’ on bBBC?
It’s got to outnumber Pavarotti’s lifetime curtain calls, and he had a fair few of them…
”gay man”
haha my favourite oxymoron
I think you meant gay male..
And people fretting over ‘giving offence’ –
the politically correct have certainly done a number on all of us,
free speach trumps safe space.
Sorry to read that.
You and Maxi would make a lovely couple.
Hi Eddy, in this comment of yours you are criticising Lobster rather than the BBC. Yet Lobster was criticising the BBC and rejecting the way in which the BBC maliciously appropriate identity from others, for the self-serving reason of pushing the BBC’s own socio-political goals. As Lobster is one of those people from whom the BBC appropriate identity, Lobsters comment was fully appropriate and relevant.
By ignoring this and merely criticising Lobster, you are attempting to shut down relevant criticism of the BBC. And in so doing you are justifying Guest Who’s criticism of you that you are acting no differently to that of Maxincony.
BBC report on a worker’s march for better pay and conditions. Nowt wrong with that
But —
‘The star of the show, Jeremy Corbyn – wearing a cream jacket and a big smile – was cheered like a pop star. The applause was long and loud.’
Ah, takes me back to those heady days when Laura K’s job was tweeting about Ed Miliband’s glowing aura as he entered a room or ascended a train step.
Not that we needed any, but the “proof of the pudding is in the eating” as the old saying goes.
Last week’s “Freedom” demo outside Downing Street was virtually entirely ignored by the media. It received no publicity prior to the event, no coverage of the event and, of course, no comment on the event. It didn’t happen.
Had the Beeb covered the meeting it would have been one endless sneering smear job, referring to the demonstrators as “far right or “extreme right” or even “fascist.” They would certainly have mentioned Tommy’s “colourful” past and his involvement with the “far right” EDL.
Today there was another rally in central London, and guess what…the BBC and Sky have been all over it!
This TUC / Corbyn demonstration has been publicised in the news for weeks and I’ve just heard a breathless BBC harpie inform me that “Tens of thousands turned out…” She sounded as though she was drooling.
There were interviews and snatches of Compo’s speech. The “demonstrators” haven’t been tarnished with pejorative descriptions, like “far left” or “hard left” or even “ultra left.” No-one has mentioned Mr Corbyn’s long standing friendship with numerous terrorists or his deep admiration for poverty stricken, crime riddled Venezuela.
Nope, not a syllable of criticism.
We’re living in sinister times…
“Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn must change stance, says Lord Kinnock”
Vestige interest anyone?
I think there was a pretty heavy twitter battle about lord and lady kinnock , his mp son and foreign daughter in law politician versus Aaron banks who brutally and rightly reminded this remainer family how far in the ReichEU their collective snouts are.
I’m sure ex commissioner kinnock has a pretty generous Reich EU pension . “We’re All Right”
“We’re all Right!”.
Furthermore is Jeremy Corbyn a Brexiteer ?
Which side of the fence does he sit on ?
Or does he sit on the fence ?
I think Mcdonald keeps doing the calculation of votes lost/ gained if labour policy changes to “ remain “ .
My hope is that there is no agreement as we run out of time come October when the Eu parliament / states are due to agree out exit . We will be in a mess but even more so the ReichEU.
In the words of Mandy Rice Davies, he would say that wouldn’t he, Taff.
Ah yes I remember her . Nice girl.
A few of us here have expressed concern over Geedo’s censorship. I have copied and pasted a couple of comments here. I don’t think Geedo has given an adequate answer – methinks pressure has been applied.
’70s Cab driver • 6 hours ago
I’ve been visiting this blog for about 10 years (under a different name that was banned last year), never, did I think it would stoop to the political correctness that it has.
Geedo replies
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guidofawkes NotModBot ’70s Cab driver • 5 hours ago
You only see a fraction of the problem posts, we have people who are demented racists, who do everything they can to circumvent the moderation. They are the people who have caused this jihad. My preference is not for heavy handed censorship. The people who just want to go on about race issues all the time have brought about this state of affairs.
We are close to closing comments period. 2 million comments a year means if 1% are complete cunts that is 20,000 cunt posts. We’ve had enough. It is a waste of man hours every day.
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Sozzinski guidofawkes • 5 hours ago
Perhaps “race issues” is what people are most concerned about. After all, anti-semitism in the Labour party is a “race issue” and that exercises you enormously. So I can’t quite take this reply seriously.
A look at the comments complaining about moderation and it is clear that they are not from demented racists.
I made a comment there about excessive moderation and received a reply that it is policy to reject comments about moderation .
Bye bye Geedo
I might as well complete the discussion as it is an interesting pointer to the direction the media – left and right – appear to be taking
CheshireRed Sozzinski • 5 hours ago
Gratuitous is fair to be modded.
Legitimate concerns are another matter. Paul Joseph Watson showed this week that the two main concerns for people right across Europe are immigration and terrorism.
It’s a serious issue but is being buried by politico’s.
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guidofawkes NotModBot CheshireRed • 5 hours ago
Read Breitbart for that kind of stuff. Post in their comments.
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Michael H Kenyon guidofawkes • 2 hours ago
Quite: the American right-of centre blogs quickly descend into eye-swivelling blame for Red Sea pedestrians which has led me to stop bother reading them.
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guidofawkes NotModBot Sozzinski • 5 hours ago
They should get their own site where they will be free to expound their views. Not here.
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Sozzinski guidofawkes • 5 hours ago
You don’t have to let this comment through, but I’ll continue to retweet some of your stuff because you do some very good work exposing the ‘nasty’ side of the Labour party, but this capitulation to the establishment group-think and that fascist little twitter site ‘exposing’ so-called racism on here is sheer cowardice mate.
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guidofawkes NotModBot Sozzinski • 5 hours ago
That site was useful and saved us time identifying people to ban.
This statement from an elected MEP and political party leader ought to be investigated and reported by our impartial state broadcaster
Gerard Batten MEP
I’ve just heard: a man at the Freedom March last Sun took his children for a day out. One child told his primary school teacher who then reported the father to the police. He was then summoned to meet the police at the school. I am alerting the press of details. Story unfolding.
Didn’t the Nazis go for getting kids to denounce their parents for activities against the State ? The restriction on freedom of certain believes is accelerating . I’m not concerned if I’m accused of over reacting to what you are posting but it is too important to be ignored.
Fedup you are certainly not over-reacting to GWF’s post, you are exactly correct comparing the way the nazis wanted the children to watch and report their parents. I believe this is also a mainstay of any left-wing government from the French revolution to the USSR and Eastern Europe, from China to Cuba etc. It was many years ago when I read 1984 but if I remember correctly it was predicted by Orwell too.
May I suggest everyone reads it again. More relevant today than ever.
He says it will be in Mail on Monday
Sound like one of “those men” have been at it again in France ?
It’s really nothing – just a Norwegian knife sharpener looking for alans’ snack bar again .
Or maybe those Surrey teenagers again?
Oxford men?
Damn those lone wolf Burgundians!
Interesting insight into bbc thinking.
“We don’t need outside agitators”
Only Al Beeb.
So nice to see you slagging off your country Emily.
Looks like the protestor at the Eurovision was complaint about Nazi UK media and He “appears” to be Asian.. …over to you BBC
I’m surprised he wasn’t “heard” to shout Britain First, Halifax.
No bearded ladies? Surprised the Beeb hasn’t been complaining about a lack of diversity!
North London gang leader

Gang names the Crapps
I think he’s just heard that Israel won the Eurovision Song Contest.
Quotes from winner
‘I love my country. Next time Jerusalem’.
Hahahahahaha Jezza and all of anti-semitic Labour.
Not to mention RoPers.
I don’t think the Arabs will be rushing out to buy the recording ?
“I love my country” and diversity, Sluff, don’t forget diversity.
Alan’s Snackbar Paris
“Two dead in Paris knife attack”
\\”Please only share information coming from a trusted source,” the police tweeted.//
Who is a trusted source, Al Beeb ?
Foreign “Freedom marches” can be reported
.. They are outside NUJ no reporting rules.
I see that our friends in Paris are again enjoying the diversity and multiculturalism the left have Inflicted on us for years.
Strangely the BBC seem unable to spot any possible connection with any other similar incidents. It must just be a one-off, then.
“Police are investigating possible motives…”
Inspector Jacques Clouseau on the case?
Again ?
I haven’t heard the old standard reply “nothing to do with Islam” for the last few islamickal atrocities.
Have they stopped using it.
What’s the current one being used?
To get things in perspective. Chechnya: Religion –
“Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya, practiced by 95% of those polled in Grozny in 2010.[81] Chechens are overwhelmingly adherents to the Shafi’i Madhhab of Sunni Islam,[82] the republic having converted to Islam between the 16th and the 19th centuries. Due to historical importance, many Chechens are Sufis, of either the Qadiri or Naqshbandi orders. Most of the population follows either the Shafi’i or the Hanafi,[83] schools of jurisprudence, …..”
Just saw the start of this show ……………..
“The Button”
And reached directly for the Off Button !
Why do you all pay the telly tax for such tosh, absolute tosh?
Caught a few songs in the middle, one was quite decent (Eurovision quite decent = rubbish in normal standards) and the others were bad, including the British girl who gamely carried on despite the “Freedom for Nazis” terrorist incursion. Left the room soon after!
Caught the very end of the voting and saw that Israel was in a good position to win. The winner was a lesbian-shaped lesbian. So after the last time Israel won with a man who thought he wasn’t with an awful song I feared the worst. But, I thought it was (Eurovision standard) quite decent by being a bit different. Certainly not good enough for me to go out and buy it but probably better than the usual crap winners.
Thinking about it this will put the left in a quandary. A despised Israeli who loves her country, but is also one of the favoured “minorities”. They’ll be pulling their blue hair out in anguish until they get their instructions from their leaders via the BBC propaganda service.
Bread and circuses, Taff.
‘My mixed up world.’
Half an hour on BBC World Service of people talking about the mixed race identity/experience. One man complains there is not enough material on the curriculum and is recorded reading a story about a white bear and a black bear to a young child.
“I am not black enough to have suffered enough for being black and not white enough to have felt the privilege.”
Beyond parody. Peak SJW. Utter garbage.
One of my best friends at university was mixed race and I don’t think we once mentioned it. The content of your character is what matters, is that not what we agreed long ago?
I recall not that long ago the ‘race relations’ people were pleading for us all to be ‘colour blind’.
Seemed like a humanistic, common sense approach to me as well as the best way to heal any perceived divisions.
Ah, but we must have division else the hard Left would lose their raison d’ etre and client vote with it.
So grievance-mongering ‘racial equality’ was aggressively adopted by the Left to exploit difference and the common sense approach is long forgotten.
What a crying shame.
BB – Glad I didnt hear that one the radio would have been flying into the wall.
The “World Service” loves crap of this sort. I sometimes listen to it first thing and it always seem s to be some sort of heartening tale about either lesbians/lesbian resistance/lesbian artists/disabled artists/revolutionaries/gay disabled revolutionaries/everyday race baiting – I could go on but you get my drift!
I remembered a few weeks ago they did a piece about the last German offensive of WW1 – I was shocked because there was no mention of an sort of disabled/revolutionary/gay people.
God knows what people think of this country – I suppose they must think we all sit around all day discussing such bilge. No wonder many of them think we are ripe for conquest – because we are.
I really do think this channel is just a vehicle for Cultural Marxism.
It certainly does no-one a “service” except those who hate us or wish to see the demise of the West.
BB – Glad I didnt hear that one the radio would have been flying into the wall.
The “World Service” loves crap of this sort. I sometimes listen to it first thing and it always seem s to be some sort of heartening tale about either lesbians/lesbian resistance/lesbian artists/disabled artists/revolutionaries/gay disabled revolutionaries/everyday race baiting – I could go on but you get my drift!
As for the lesbian “resistance” to this day I still do not know what they were “resisting” maybe nature or common sense!
I remembered a few weeks ago they did a piece about the last German offensive of WW1 – I was shocked because there was no mention of an sort of disabled/revolutionary/gay people.
God knows what people think of this country – I suppose they must think we all sit around all day discussing such bilge. No wonder many of them think we are ripe for conquest – because we are.
I really do think this channel is just a vehicle for Cultural Marxism.
It certainly does no-one a “service” except those who hate us or wish to see the demise of the West.
At least you restrict your rage internally and at no risk to anyone else. Others, however…
It seems to have got a lot worse recently. They are playing a dangerous game for now there are so many alternative forms of media soon nobody will be listening.
Very serious faces on BBC tv this morning as presenters who would much rather chuckle over Eurovision must deliver the bad news from Paris – suspected terrorist attack, Islamic State claimed responsibility, Chechen-born attacker, shouting about some snack bar, revenge on the anti-ISIS coalition and it’s another jihadist attack.
You have to hand it to the French authorities, at times they can be unexpectedly…. frank
Oh dear, poor old BBC, they almost had to mention all of the truth – except any specific religious identity of the attacker.
Meanwhile there’s also nine (?) killed in Indonesia in multiple attacks on Christian Churches – but not a clue as to any motivation there as yet.
Has Ramadan started? I must concentrate on the BBC, they’ll tell us.
But it’s OK apparently because Macron has said, “……. but (we) will not give an inch to the enemies of freedom.” Where have I heard that kind of response before…………..
Most MSM seem to be keen on either the ‘died by knife’ or ‘it was the Russians’. Or both.
Same as on the radio AISI.
Poor Chris Aldridge reading the 8am news on Radio 4 had Tony Blairs catch in his voice, flares at half mast as well as his sober black tie on.
Oh Lord, I though-Lady Di flashbacks as Harry prepares to lead out the Chelsea United Wimmins Final next week? Lost a Brexit vote, or Trupms done something right in their eye?
No-they`d only gone and lost “One of their Own”.
Ah- Jo Cox rolodex out, sat back and giggled.
Jowell was only Harmans sibling saviour, never saw one without the other.
Jowell was the waster who pissed millions up through her femshield, left our kids fat, East London an Islamic hellhole, but with great travellers skid pans. But what an Olympic Flagpole. She also wanted the anti-Iraq demo banned on health and safety grounds, wore my highest heels that day to spite her.
She`s also the one who let her ex- hubby(David Mills) “do the mortgage, as men do”-as he coined it in from Berlusconi and was up for corruption there. And all the purring feminists agreed, that she`d have been ironing shirts and making breakfasts as her funny money mortgage etc, got paid.
This nobody personnifies Blairs babes to a tee. One of their won alright, as safe a manbag for Blair as it was possible to be.
No wonder the BBC etc love her-let`s hope Momentum throw their monkey shit into the liberal wind turbines going slow for a few days by way of tribute.
Check her coffin, if you don`t find some EU receipts from Berlusconi, Blairs expenses or Livingstons Kapo Commemorations anytime when he was mayor-then I`ll be surprised.
Blarilesconis Clara Pettachi…without the looks or principles.
Thankfully, Last Words gone already-nice day to bury good news.
Expect the full ten minutes next Friday.
But, at least Campbells not managing their news cycle these days, or else he`d have smothered her tonight for the main news on Monday.
Emily Nugent on expenses.
David Mills the forgotten ex… momentarily famous for inventing a new mortgage disappearance trick that would put a Mandelson to shame – thereby putting meaning to the phrase bunga bunga. Oh how we forget. I’m reminded of this:
Great post Holly,
I have never laughed at anyone dying because I feel it is an insult to that person’s family. But, equally, seeing gushing eulogies for people who don’t deserve it is nauseating.
Tessa Jowell was part of the Blair stable that did everything possible to ruin this country. You mention the whole mortgage scandal that she was involved in – her mortgage being mysteriously paid off just after her husband received a six figure payoff from Berlusconi.
She denied knowing anything about it even though she signed the documents and the mortgage was in her name. When this was discovered she claimed she was too busy to know what documents she had and hadn’t signed.
She then engineered a PR “split” from her husband so that she could pretend it was all his fault, even though they continued to live as a married couple and it was never mentioned again.
I would never celebrate the death of such a person but to pretend that she was anything other than a deceitful, dishonest, self-serving leech from the Blair cabal of criminals is a bit rich.
It’s all a question of degree, isn’t it? Faced with the mendacity of Mandelson, the bi-polar piss-head Goebells-Campbell, the greasy duplicity of Vaz, the unprincipled thuggery of Watson, the boorishness of Brown, the outrage to politics that is Blair and our new court jester Corbyn, the little women don’t seem quite so bad. We would still surrender our bus seat to one, even Thornberry, although she might be driving, come to think of it.
What a sad reflection on the state we have become when we are reduced to thinking Tessa Jowell is not so bad even though she was Harriet Harman in fancy dress.
A bit like saying attacked with knives was okay because now they’ve got guns.
Agree with much of what you`re saying Holly.
I would one have been respectful, but heard Mardell blather on for fifteen minutes about this Jowell.
Falconer, Harman-hells bells, the whole wrecking crew of 2001-2010 were there.
What an appalling load of pigmies we let rifle our handbags. And aren`t most of them in the Lords still doing it , and derailing Brexit as they do so?
Baroness Jowell of Brixton was it? Utterly shameless aren`t they?
After the way they trashed Thatcher on her death, they`re fair game now this lot of Blair crud.
Roche, Eagle, Hughes, Kelly, Morris. Harman, Hewitt, Beckett, Armstrong, Hodge and Blears.
Now THAT`S a Harridan XI that would scare the Russians or the Iranians.
Maybe we should commit to five minutes quaffing as much rose as we can get down our necks-or spent in loud laughter-every time one of Blairs Bunga-Bunglers pegs it.
Blairlesconis Phonies….
Sounds awful. Just imagine what, like the McAlpines, that must be like.
If this doesn’t see the Marr guests bumped for Adonis and Campbell by Robbo, what will?
Seems the Graun has hired Diane Abbott as Politics Ecitor.
1 million actually means :
121 ‘students leaders representing 1 million students ‘ say
I wnder what the “Gays for Palestine” movement thought
about that Israel win last night. Let alone the Corbyn legions
at the BBC. Never mind I can cluck like a duck just as well as Netta.
Three woman on the sofa on Andrew Marr. No doubt seven different diversity/change managers are measuring how long they speak for, the shade of their skin and whether they have ever had homosexual thoughts.
I would just want one tough person to order them to stop talking bollocks and virtue signalling all the time. Just do your job for f**k’s sake and keep us informed and entertained.
Bring on Isabel Oakeshott, Melanie Griffith, Julia Hartley Brewer and Ruth Dudley Edwards! And perhaps Caroline Flint as a token socialist.
These CBeebies ‘How to’ Guides are real eye openers.
BBCDSM and consent: How to stop rough sex crossing the line into abuse
How is this BDSM guide in any way news?
It is just another of those selective ‘explainer’ pieces, “One of our own got caught, but really it is all a misunderstanding and not at all bad”.
Possibly, somewhere under Oakham Parish Council local news there are ‘explainers’ telling us that there are (unlikely) reasons why someone might vote ‘Brexit’, oppose mass immigration, oppose Islamisation or think Tommy Robinson might have a valid viewpoint. (If the BBC could manage it they would publish this stuff on Alpha Centauri).
The Islamic Whitewashing Corporation has a piece on their webshite about the Paris attack that fails to mention Islam once.
He’s Chechen you see, sort-of Russian, it’s all a bit complicated, it’s political you see, nothing to do with you-know-what.
Here’s a complicated map that explains nothing at all and is just there to confuse and distract.
Nice to see this. Also interesting how the steam is clean and no mention of any nasty… byproducts of production.
Ronald Mcdonald issues statement after latest London stabbing
When Sadiq Khan stabbed Ronald in the back.
News from other sources :
PJW on The Truth About Virtue Signalling ..Lily allen etc
#1 Academic ‘Brexodus’ Fails to Materialise as EU Profs Flock to British Universities
‘Project Fear’ has been dealt yet another blow as a threatened ‘Brexodus’ of EU academics failed to materialise last year, with British universities attracting foreign staff in even greater numbers.
5,416 EU staff did leave the United Kingdom in 2017, but 6,801 new staff arrived — a significant net increase, and a rise in recruitment of 25 per cent on the previous year.
Same as NHS, more EU employed than leave. Labour & Remoaners never quote net, only leave.
#2 Polish Immigrants Returning Home Cite Fear of Terrorism, Anti-White Racism by Black Brits
Polish migrants living in and leaving the United Kingdom for their native country have cited concerns about life in contemporary Britain, with issues including economics, anti-white racism, and terrorist attacks.
Polish leaving Khan’s Londonistan may be more accurate.
#3 Poll Finds Immigration and Terror Top Issues for People Across Europe
The top two issues facing the European Union (EU), according to voters in Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Sweden, Finland, Poland, and Lithuania, are immigration and terrorism.
.. The only nation where another issue occupied one of the top two spots, according to a new YouGov poll, was Italy, where they were immigration and unemployment.
Hmm, what will EU reaction be to their people’s top issues?
#4 Macron, Merkel Call for ‘Full Force’ EU Integration, Vow Brussels Won’t Tolerate Resistance to Migrant Quotas
Emmanuel Macron has demanded closer and faster EU integration towards a superstate, in a speech where he vowed to “yield nothing” to conservative eastern members which believe in a Europe of strong nations.
The French president urged Brussels to move full speed ahead on monetary union and creating a single foreign policy and defence strategy for the whole bloc.
Angela Merkel also repeated previous calls for a new EU migration policy based on “solidarity” across the bloc, insisting that closing the border to people from the third world was “not a solution”.
No surprise, EU reaction is ignore voters and carry on regardless.
It’s why John still gets the big bucks. Impartially.
Meanwhile, Emily shows her impartiality like a pro.
Just when you were thinking that the EU madness and grievance industry could not possibly get worse……..here’s ‘how to stuff the taxpayer’ part 245.
Rich List 2018
Is the Times still going?
anyway this years BBC slant on the list
seems to be work hard and you can make the list ….
umm, as opossed to the average person who can’t afford a walk on train fare.
”A businessman who once lived in a council house near Manchester is the richest person in the UK, according to the Sunday Times Rich List”
Then unusually for the BBC an anti EU plug allowed..
but why?
maybe to say you don’t need brains to get rich or something.
In 2015, he said the UK could thrive outside the European Union. “The Brits are perfectly capable of managing the Brits and don’t need Brussels telling them how to manage things,”
then they warm to the rags to riches theme
Robert Watts, who compiled the list, said: “Britain is changing. Gone are the days when old money and a small band of industries dominated the Sunday Times Rich List.
“Aristocrats and inherited wealth has been elbowed out of the list and replaced by an army of self-made entrepreneurs.
“Today’s super rich include people who have set up businesses selling chocolate, sushi, pet food and eggs.
“We’re seeing more people from humble backgrounds, who struggled at school or who didn’t even start their businesses until well into middle age.”
BBC forget about basic journalism, not giving info like,
how much wealth is needed to get on the list or
how much is derived from dirty money, 3rd world sweatshops, the property ponzi scheme and not hard work.
OT If the Tories made Sajid Javid party leader before an election,
where would that put Labour/libs ?
BTW notiice how when you search Twitter : “Times of Israel” Sajiv
It hides ALL the tweets from you
Immigration controls? “Naturally, as your Government, we follow the democratic mandate vested in us”. That’s the UN’s “democratically” elected members of the Council not you or me. Our wishes? Don’t be silly, we follow the higher authority of the UN which, (forgive me) ‘Trumps’ yours as voters……………..
Listening to a repeat of Fridays ‘Any Questions’ I couldn’t help but conclude it should be renamed ‘Dimbleby Questions’ as Jonathan appeared to be the predominant questioner with the audience and panelist just there to ape a herd of trained Seals clapping their flippers in approval. A little like his brother David another example of BBC nepotism, who on BBC Ones ‘Dimbleby Time’ sees himself as unbiased and loses it when someone points out both he and the BBC are anything but.
Radio4’s ‘J Dimbleby Questions’
BBC1’s ‘David Dimbleby Time’
Didn’t even know about ‘Dimbleby Time’ (thank goodness), but Jonathan is huge turn-off with his ‘ I’m the no.1 attraction around here’ approach, his predictable questions, and his biased audiences.
Don’t watch much TV, so am also spared David.
Manipulators supreme, both of them.
I hate his stammering-yammering deliver too, his accent is so posh it’s almost merges into a speech impediment.
Story about yet another sleaazy lib/lefty being exposed for the very thing he condemns in others.
France: just a smidgen ahead of us. But, coming to a town or city near you soon if Treezer or the dumb treasonous bunch of current politicians have anything to do with it………….
The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid {gatesofvienna.net sep2017}
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
. . .
BBC fails to follow up on a refugee related News story … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’.
They did follow up
It’s just that BBC’s own search function is rubbish.
And there is a difference between two types of coverage
‘BBC report on web and bury’, vs ‘BBC banging on’
March 2018 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-43498151
Also 5 Sep 2017 story about him pretending to be underage.