Quangos like the Electoral Commission and OFCOM and others are now shelters ,or other sources of income, for ex Beeboids and other liberals looking for a gong. If we cannot depend on them for independent adjudication then what is to be done?
The bias keeps coming . Welcome to the weekend….
Doncha luv it when some uber-liberal, virtue signalling ‘actor’ gets hoisted by their own petard?
I give you Cynthia Dixon of Sex and the City, who made some daft speech about blacks, marijuana and ‘reparations’, all well-intentioned and suitably guilt-wracked, that went terribly wrong and she’s now facing the fury of such august organisations as, you guessed it, BLM.
She’s now frantically back-pedalling, getting into even deeper water.
If you’ve got the patience, below is one article about the sorry saga.
It’s also trending on my msn screensaver / Homepage thingie, under the heading ‘Nixon’s idea of ‘reparations’ for black people sparks rage’.
You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh.
Sunday politics today.
Julia Hartley Brewer got in the sentence “now that Ian Duncan Smith has left I’m probably the only leaver in the building”
Reminded me of Camille Tominey and the “I’m the only leaver on the panel” on question time.
It’s good when these biases are brought up, every little helps.
Any brexiteers who manage to get onto a bbc panel show need to keep on bringing this up.
Fascinating mindset Column by mr A Rawnsley of the guardian but formerly Al beeb .
He does a critique of brexiteers who attack the institutions of Blighty such as the lords, al beeb , House of Commons .
He thinks if brexiteers love Blighty that much they’d support such institutions .
Drain the swamp as they just don’t get it . Despair .
The Sunday Times has a review of a book entitled: “The House of Islam: A Global History”
“In a chapter on women, the author relates the extraordinary story of how in 2002 the Saudi religious police allowed 15 teenage girls to burn alive in a school that had caught fire. The authorities first turned the fleeing pupils back because they were not wearing Islamic dress, then stopped firefighters from entering because there were immodestly dressed girls inside, and finally prevented the parents from recuing their children.”
If Theresa May was able to break out of her liberal BBC mindset and actually read the above paragraph then maybe she would reconsider her “it’s nothing to do with Islam” statement.
Horrifying… but doesn’t surprise me from the Religion of Peace and Insanity.
If I offered you a billion pounds as an inducement to say “it’s nothing to do with Islam” ?
Many people would, and it is not known exactly how much money Mays husband will make should the Saudi’s choose to float Aramco on the London stock exchange, but it will be an enormous amount of money.
We see from the story below, we now have concrete proof Western politicians are taking bribes to make deals which are not in the interests of the countries they are representing. Saudi are suspects in this as well as Iran.
We know why it’s happening and I can point you to several stories which involve May and the Saudis which are inexplicable save for a bribe being involved.
Did you know the UK vetoed a UN investigation into possible Saudi war crimes in Yemen ? Why would we do that?
Maybe because we’re the second biggest arms seller in the world and the KSA is one of our biggest customers?
Final Score on bBbc, 10 Premier league matches, 5 of them covered by female reporters. It’s becoming f’kin farcical, back onto Kodi to watch the action I think, Portuguese commentary is a welcome respite from this football pc c!iche club.
Saying that, among the reporters in question are a Lindsay, Robin, Jackie, and a Vic, could be either, or, or both. There’s a Sue as well, father a Johnny Cash fan perhaps? Christ knows how many boxes are ticked amongst this lot. Do you know what, who tf cares anymore? Football on the bBbc is in Fergie time, relying on Steph instead of Steve.
I think I watch the Travel Channel now more than I watch the bBbc.
Indeeed Rich. Yet programs about women’s interests never have a hetrosexual male on them. That’s the BBC for you.
Their current trailer for the upcoming FA Cup Final has a male front and centre, appears to be white as well although his accent and speech, generic urban youth, make this intentionally unclear.
Unnecessarily aggressive, simplistic rhyming rap-like bs, who is this aimed at? Once again, the audience they portray and target is in no way representative of their actual audience, in this case generally older male licence payers, who are turning off because of this and a lack of good quality or relevant content. And if the bBbc are attempting to make football accessible to all, especially to women by inclusion and promotion at every possible opportunity, how can this lazy stereotype possibly appeal to them?
I know it’s only football but it is one of the most blatant examples of why the the bBbc is in irreversible decline. Their output in general, not just football, or sport, ignores a no longer captive audience in pursuit of an uninterested and fickle group, nowhere near as numerous or as representative of the viewing public as the bBbc thinks, continually producing output that increasingly fails to retain the viewers they have or to attract the audience they want.
If the bBbc wants to disproportionately employ female football reporters that’s fine. If they want to continually promote pseudo-street, aggressively urban stereotypes that’s ok by me as well. I’ll just get my football, my drama, my lifestyle programmes, films, documentaries and news somewhere else.
The bBbc don’t know who their audience is anymore, but I know it’s not me.
I suppose the kidults get most of their tv from Netflix and similar as opposed to al Beeb and similar. Hopefully once the habit of going to al Beeb ends its decline will speed up. Problem then will be politicians pushing al Beeb s’ future into a royal commission . So unless we get a conservative government soon we ll be stuck with fucking aunty for another 10 plus years.
On the upside here is one who won’t be paying for it.
My daughters, 13, 11 and 10 watch absolutely nothing on the bBbc. Sorry, the latter stages of Strictly, once, twice? a year. That’s it. Not worth the guts of £150 is it?
They watch Netflix and Youtube. Even my wife now binges on Netflix, ignoring the bBbc when she hasn’t a book on the go. She watches a series of her choice in a few days on her tablet or at night in bed, or whenever else best suits her, mainly because she has become so disappointed in the mediocre dramas that the bBbc churns out, most specifically because of their contrived and clumsy sequel enabling endings.
I myself stream practically everything that I watch as well, at times that suit me, free from amongst all the other things the bBbc’s insistence of starting every decent film at a time best suited to insomniacs. I’ve even got to the stage where I stream matches the bBbc are showing just to avoid their coverage with Lineker and the like. I’ll probably do this with the World Cup and definitely won’t be watching the FA Cup final on the bBbc.
The thing is as a family I know that we’re not alone in this.
Same here Rich.
None of my four kids(aged from 20-32) have ever watched the BBC since University. Even then it was for “Breakfast Telly”-or “Pointless” as the rest of us call it.
The Man here is on the allotment now, and says we`ll get rid of the license after Wimbledon and the World Cup. I`ve offered him a picture ofMaria Sharapova taped over the screen, scratching her bottom with the sound on. He likes that for some reason(bit pervy, but hey).
I`ve got my boys from Northern Exposure on box sets, and Netflix on order. And a book cover with Alan Titchmarsh in various poses when he was fit, if there`s nothing on. Just his gardening gloves.
NOBODY in a normal family would now bother with the BBC surely. Even in a weird one like ours.
Thanks rich very reassuring ….
The stage invader who grabbed the BBC Eurovision entry SuRie’s mic was Konstantin Bouki. An Anti-BBC activist called Dr A C Activism. He has previously attacked the BBC saying “every time I try to challenge the ideas of the BBC, they call the police, they call the security and they silence my voice “ “How can they call themselves an independent media when they don’t allow independent thinkers to express ideas?” “we demand a platform where we can express the freedom of ideas, the right to be heard, to be supported by the BBC and big media who control information”
“I am on a mission to disrupt UK media to raise awareness that they have become a dictator”’ “for the Nazis of the UK media, we demand freedom”
He is not known to have read the GWPF Report “The BBC and Climate Change: A Triple Betrayal“. Or the Mensa article “BBC Censorship”.
I hope they check his immigration status as they might be able to bar his entry. …
Many readers will know that for a long time I have been banging on about Western politicians being bribed by the oil rich Middle East, however without any concrete proof. Today is different as I am able to offer some.
Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari warned Western officials this week that if they do not put pressure on the Trump administration the Iranian regime will leak the names of all Western officials who were bribed to pass the weak deal.
It now calls into question why Boris Johnson was so anxious to get himself on Fox TV to pressure President Trump, and why it is that the BBC have not reported any of this?
Is that from Iranian PM saying that on TV ?
Nope it’s from analyst Raman Ghavami’s tweet quoting someone “H.J.Ansari Zarif’s senior advisor”
So not extraordinary evidence , to support the extraordinary claim.
Have the Iranians denied this? No they haven’t !
As Harry Truman said, “you can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook”
I wonder how Anthony Lynton managed it ?
With its typical lack of self awareness the BBCnews sidebar mixes stories of ‘Children’s views’ with items about ‘Rough Sex’ and women being too fat.
#BiasedBBC #MetroLibElite bubbleworld
Apparently a British playboy is getting married to an American slutty playgirl, who is ‘mixed race’.
The race-baiting BBC One Six o’clock ‘news’ thinks it is important to find out what ‘black’ British people think about it. Probably no more than the ‘white’ British people who aren’t ‘mixed race’, playpeople or immigrants either. They no doubt ‘identify’ with this ‘mixed race’ person as much ‘black’ Americans did with their ‘mixed race’ president who shared none of their ‘black heritage’. Just as the ‘black’ British have nothing in common with our latest immigrant of interest.
If that isn’t enough the programme was followed by a typical BBC racist ‘advert’ – “We’re all ethnics now!”. Fifty years ago immigrants sang along with The Black and White Minstrel Show, they shared jokes with their mates at work and generally ‘got along’. The race-baiting BBC look for the conflict points, they rub them to make them worse, they create division where none existed before. They are beneath contempt.
Meanwhile, evidence about the Skripals has now probably been destroyed on the orders of Sir Mark Sedwill. This is probably necessary to avoid a scandal about MI6 officers making money using intelligence that turned out to be fake, to try and stop Trump being elected. But Sedwill must still be worried about leaks from whistleblowers, revelations from the States and those in Britain allowed to live, as well as court actions against Orbis Business Intelligence. It may be necessary for the Liberals to push the Skripals into a Power Station furnace to solve two of the problems. It would be easy for the Government to prove the Skripals aren’t Britain’s first disappeared, while keeping the location of the Skripals secret, but who knows how far the Liberals have fallen from grace?
The Eurovision contest when the man grabs the mike.
Not BBC bias but stupidity.
Take a look at the interviews with the witnesses who were in the stadium when it happened.
My favourite was the young woman who did not see it happen because she was filming her friends.
She only found out when she received a text from someone who saw it at home on the TV.
So why interview her?
I wonder if the BBC cover wars in this way
Sentencing Council Madness … Orwellian & Thought Crime
As we know this society is NOT equal.
There is us and there are #SpecialVictimhood groups and they are #MoreThanEqual
[The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) is set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010]
The 2010 law says that we have to consider that we have a duty to put right societal injustices such as racism and all.
“protected characteristics” including “race; sex; disability; age; sexual orientation; religion or belief; pregnancy and maternity; and gender reassignment.”
– So if I punch atypical white heterosexual, I’ll get X year sentence
#1 However if I punch a Muslim that counts as a HATE CRIME and I get a bigger sentence.
#2 If a Muslim punches me, the law has consider that
his \\offending may be partly a product of discrimination and “negative experiences of authority” //
..so he will get less than X years (Oaknash 2017)
As Breitbart says there is a PUBLIC CONSULTATION about the toughening up of sentencing.
The gov has put an online consultation form for us to fill in. FFS it’s 42 pages long !
Who the heck is going to fill it in apart from somebody paid to work for BlackLives Matter or Muslim Council or Gay charity ?
One of the first questions is, ‘What is your organisation?’.
Not a public, as most on here I’m sure would define the word, consultation at all, as you rightly point out.
This is another one for their friends who know the rules in the quangos, pressure groups, and thinktanks. Anywhere with a vested interest and an able intern.
Yes The survey seems very much designed for people with a professional interest rather than members of the public.
“Hostility” “aggravating factors” are not mentioned until Q8
also Text is often in image form, so not word searchable
Am I the first this week to have a moan about our favourite Sunday night BBC programme Countryfile?
Tonight a report on ‘Agritec.’ Interconnected farm electronic technology.
Apparently it is vulnerable to hacking, not unlike The NHS hacking thing last year.
Of course they find a farmer called Colin Rain, bringing this technology into his farm. Who has already been hacked. “It is more frightening than brexit….” he proudly states.
Of course, the editors choose to keep this statement in the report..
No, I took that the other way, they accidentally let it thru.
By saying “This is a lot more frightening than Brexit….”
he seemed to be saying ‘This a REAL problem, NOT like your scaremongering about Brexit’.
That was from the intonation I perceived.
Can’t see this on the BBC website. I ‘wonder’ why?
She tweeted her withdrawal 8 hours ago
BTW – “LGBT campaigner rejected MBE”
She rejected the award in the 2016 New Year’s Honours list in protest at the British Empire’s treatment of LGBT communities.
It is a bit strange she refers to herself as Lady Phyll
BBC stories that mention her
BTW Elizabeth Pears (News editor @BuzzFeedUK)
and @paulwaugh (Executive Editor, Politics, HuffPost UK)
have both been plugging her “Watch out for Lady Phyll folks..”
I wonder if AMW will still stand?
Dear For Britain supporter,
I announced something pretty surprising today. Surprising to me, and probably surprising to you!
I am going to stand in the Lewisham East Parliamentary by-election. Lewisham East is a pro-Remain seat in London. The by-election will be held on June 14th, and I will be up against a Labour/Momentum/Corbynista/radical left candidate who is almost certainly going to win. There is already controversy surrounding the selection of the Labour candidate, and according to Guido Fawkes, one of the front-runners is endorsed by the Lewisham Islamic Centre
And I say ‘almost certainly’ and not ‘certainly’, because I’m tired of the complacency of these politicians. They assume they have it in the bag every time. They take voters for granted and treat elected office as their personal stage, or personal vehicle.
I want to put an end to it.
About 40% of Lewisham voters voted Brexit. And about 30% of people didn’t vote in the last General Election. I want to give a voice to those people, and to the people left behind by Labour, the Tories, and UKIP.
That’s why I need your help. That’s why I need you to join me in Lewisham and help me in the month leading up to the by-election.
And that’s why I need your financial support. I hate to ask, but this party only exists because of your support. This is going to be a VERY hard battle to fight – but we can do it with resources and man power.
By donating, you’ll help me pull off a professional campaign in just four weeks. I have lots of ideas up my sleeve. We’ll need three rounds of leaflets to cover the constituency three times, and we’ll need to pay for office/admin costs…and a few other amazing marketing ideas we’re not ready to announce yet!
We need to really make an impact. Get noticed. But we need your help.
So if you want to be a part of this difficult and daring election campaign, please consider donating, or registering as a part of our campaign team.
You can donate here: http://www.forbritain.uk/donate
Become a Lewisham campaigner by emailing us your name and phone number to:Lewisham@forbritain.uk
As always, THANK YOU for your support. I really hope to see you on the campaign trail. This is going to be tough, but exciting!
Local Election results
If you need some inspiration, I’ve attached the full results of the recent local elections as promised. I am extremely proud of what we achieved in these elections. Please see my recent webcast on these results here.
Thank you,
Anne Marie Waters
I see Guido exposed Lady Phyll on Friday afternoon, and she hung on for 45 hours before dropping out.
What the lying beebistan won’t tell you:
– Canada: Muslim who stabbed soldiers and said “Allah told me to come here and kill people” acquitted of terror charges.
– UK: Muslim doctor cleared of sexual misconduct charges due to his “different cultural background”
– Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama promise to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Trump delivers
– Ending The Iran Deal Is The First Step Toward Addressing Iran’s Aggression
– 1,200 cases of forced marriage annually — one involving a two-year-old child
And on and on…