So much going on despite parliament being on holiday again . Italy having a wobble , Hungary trying to stop immigration and al beeb desperate to tell us all is well. Well we will see…
I’ve just had a look at the interview with Mishal. All I can say is what a smug bitch. Did you see that contemptuous look on her face. Sitting safely in the studio how easy it is to be so dismissive. What makes this even more appealing is this woman still has a job.
Re Hard Talk;..She wasn’t comfortable with Ed Huseins’ truth telling about Hamas, quickly shutting off the conversation with “We won’t talk about Hamas”, then later again with “We don’t want to go down that line”, same topic…..A revealing interview, it seems if we are to live in peace with these funda-mental self detonating beardy bacon dodgers how much of our ‘freedom’ must we be prepared to give away? ….
they will give nothing.
Maybe to be honored by a GIF of a lone bugler playing the Last Post? No, I have no idea how to make that happen, but maybe one of our more computer literate contributers does?
Great article.
My ex boyfriends brother used to beat him up at St Marys in Manchester.
Finally speaking sense-and what a thorn in the liberals side.
Great man, the Jordan Peterson of music!
Someone who phoned into the Nigel Farage Show mentioned that there was something awful that happened on Friday, but we are not permitted to talk about it. “Yes” said Nigel.
There is an article in the Times today about Tommy’s arrest. Exceptionally no readers comments are allowed. I reckon that 99% of articles in the Times allow comments with a fairly high degree of moderation. So there little reason to think that the editor was concerned that the moderated comments would be a problem. More likely the editor has agreed to some form of government restriction . Do we need any further proof that we livei in a police state where the law is used as a weapon against those who the government fears? Tommy Robinson is a political prisoner because he was a leader of those opposed to the government’s betrayal of the British people and the Islamification of the country.
On the Rush Limbaugh podcast from yesterday , free in the UK this morning, there is a piece aboutthe arrest of Tommy Robinson. Rush a conservative , in the true sense of the word, radio talk show host, gets a few things wrong about this issue but he rightly castigates the UK government. Clearly the Tommy Robinson arrest is big news internationally and should anything happen to Tommy in prison the government will reap a whirlwind of condemnation from anyone but fully paid up members of the crazed liberal elite. Rush is always worth listening to as his views are sound on just about every issue and he gives excellent summaries on the Trump v the elite war.
As Shakespeare said ‘Hell is empty the Devils are all down here.’ So they are and enforcing the continuation of the last 45 yrs of subjugation, enslavement to the so called authorities that rule from the castles of money that dictate the way we all now live. Like Tommy Robinson’s recent meaningless arrest, impressing noone who has a the little grey matter working, the arrest of Paul Golding and Jada Franzen of Britain First also further illustrates the farcical situation this nation now finds itself in and the contagion so corrupt speading across our delicate society.
As Shakespeare said ‘Hell is empty the Devils are all down here.’ So they are and enforcing the continuation of the last 45 yrs of subjugation, enslavement to the so called authorities that rule from the castles of money that dictate the way we all now live. Like Tommy Robinson’s recent meaningless arrest, impressing noone who has a the little grey matter working, the arrest of Paul Golding and Jada Franzen also further illustrates the farcical situation this nation now finds itself in and the contagion so corrupt speading across our delicate society.
I note we`ve been pushed back to numbers 9 and 10 Brissles.
I am now naming and shaming the lads with sharp cyber elbows above us.
I`d put my handbag down in the queue and thought my massive sleeping bag with an extra tog duvet atop would have deterred the following
G.W( who I had rather thought was a bit of a swell too!).
Next time, I`m bringing my knitting and will remind them of my Tricoteuse Tendency…if I learned nothing else from Monroe Bergdof. Paris Lees, Emily Weightless and Afia Hirsch, it`s that real women are fed up with this cyber sexist prejudicial manspreading that keeps me in a care home scouring peoples pvivies-and doesn`t pay Claudia Winkleman enough.
Bit confused now. We need a Wymynz Offissa….NOW!
It`s what Dame Tessa died for, half a brain being better than one.
The Daily Mail reported Israel nearly at war during the night and it has dropped far down the front page with only 2 comments (wonder why it is being limited?). But the article includes video starting with the of the baby who purportedly died from tear gas but the UN has taken off their list of known deaths because there is a possibility it died from congenital heart disease.
Its now gone way beyond American Mensa members talking about BBC Climate science censorship. The headlines are now “World Shocked By UK Government Banning Reporting On Tommy Robinson”
There are reports of protest outside of British Embassies throughout the world. Israel, Netherlands, Australia, Canada etc. BBC Censorship has gone global. Liberal left-wing Media in Britain has come under international condemnation. The government had to give way at 3pm on Tuesday for fear Donald Trump would comment.
But the news headline on BBC Look North Hull was something about foodbanks causing an obesity crisis for children living near Hull Prison.
We cannot have it all ways we have to trust the judiciary to remain impartial. If someone is in contempt and in some ways predudices a case then they deserve to be reprimanded. It’s the same as the House of Lords again it’s pointless ditching the EU laws courts and governance for ours if we complain about our due process when it doesn’t suit our stance.
If the judiciary become corrupt the army will take over you can be sure of that.
We get the chance to vote for a party that wiill modernise the lords an option we don’t get in Europe
But I don’t understand how this will prejudice the case if the jury is waiting to give their verdict.
Tommy kept saying alleged and only read out what was available to read on the BBC website.
I’m fine if we are going to clamour that ALL jurors reviewing ALL cases need to be kept in a hermitically sealed bubble but we don’t seem to have that in place for other big event cases or the recent high profile celebrity sex attack cases.
Why do the jurors need to be protected from outside influences, why do the suspects in these cases get to be treated with such apathy allowing them to breeze into the courts like it’s a day care centre?
Why was Tommy arrested for Breach of the peace but charged with contempt of court? Why wasn’t his lawyer allowed to be called? How can the courts and police move so quickly for one individual but take an eternity to prosecute this vile individuals.
I agree that no one should be above the law but it shouldn’t be one standard of law for some people and another standard of law for another. That unfairness, that injustice and that zealotry applied to some people and not others is what causes the widespread anger and crumbling faith in the law, the police and the state.
That is the core (in my opinion) of the anger being expressed at this treatment of Tommy.
TR was already on a suspended charge for contempt he clearly broke the law as the judge had not lifted reporting restrictions so the 13 months is the suspended sentence applied.
The US do not see contempt of court as a criminal offence so that might explain the head scratching over there.
I believe that we need people like TR but he must act within the law otherwise his actions will be used against him not by the law but by the very system he seeks to expose.
I think what you fail to see, Halifax, is the context of this action. Most people understand the reason why contempt of court is a crime and have no problem with it being enforced. But surely you are aware of the increasing move towards a British police state with moves to restrict freedom of speech thought and expression and the Orwellian nature of the state broadcaster let alone the slackness in the way certain laws are enforced when it comes to certain groups!?
There is no denying that Tommy has been the subject of police harassment for many years now. There are many examples many witnesses. It’s even on film. Yet the uk establishment hasn’t said a word. Much of the public knows that the cops would nab him for riding a bicycle without lights if they could.
I’m not saying that the law is a ass, a idiot. But what I do say is the implementation of the law in the UK is now so obviously discriminatory and politically motivated that the public will no longer see contempt of court as a crime anymore, at least not compared with child molestation. They will not be concerned about vague points of law they will want justice instead! This will become the political reality.
And, Halifax, may I ask why , if this was a just a simple case of contempt of court why the draconian press blackout?
I don’t say the Judge was part of any conspiracy, but he/she was acting within the, now normal, police state culture/apparatus that is trying to curtail freedoms in order to impose alien values and idiotic concepts (like ‘hate speech’ for example) on a supine British citizenry.
From what I’ve seen Tommy was at least trying to comply with the law. The response was of sledgehammer proportion.
Halifax, in different times I would have agreed with you. But Dixon of Dock Green is not around anymore and he won’t be turning up to sort things out. The police state is being introduced as the totalitarian regimes of the west are getting desperate to maintain their hold on power. Whether Tommy did or did not step over the line will be seen as a very minor point. Try and see the bigger picture
Well said Yasser my thoughts exactly. Many of us still want to live in the past because justice still meant something. The world under the Globalists has now moved on and getting your head around that fact can be very difficult..I know I have struggled with this too.
This is why the extreme BBC biased is tolerated by the Government. The BBC only reflects the views of those in power -Mainstream politicians personal viewpoints and beliefs have now been all but dropped in favour of embracing whatever fashionable diversity issue they think may help them grab a few more votes in a marginal seat (whilst still expecting the majority of us sheepie to still support them). Hence why all the main parties are soft on sexual abuse perpetrated by certain ethnic groups yet come down like a ton of bricks on the likes of Tommy for much lesser offences.
We even have parties like the “Greens” now seemingly in favour of unlimited migration. Still who cares if our population doubles as long as we-cycle a few plastic bags.
The Tories/Labour are now just imitations of eachother and if this carries on will eventually merge under a one party state. They have also been allowed to break election rules to make it difficult for any third way (ie UKIP) parties to break through Good news for Auntie then but perhaps not so good for us.
And perhaps not so good if you are a 12 year old working class girl in a Northern town.
Oaknash I agree with most of what you say except that I don’t believe the BBC reflects the Government inasmuch the Government follows the BBC lead due to being frightened of the power the BBC wields with their relentless propaganda. They know that one step out of line; the BBC will be relentless until they have enough “Conservative” scalps.
The BBC is the sheep-dog, and the “Government” and the electorate are the sheep. And just like in Far From the Madding Crowd, the BBC sheep-dog is mad (and/or evil in their case) and leading the sheep over the cliff to their (our) destruction.
The “Government” dares not do anything the BBC doesn’t like, that’s why they have imposed these draconian laws on us and treat the honest people with contempt. They are frightened of people like Tommy because enough like him and the whole political structure could come crashing down. That’s why they are trying to silence him (in any way possible) which will also encourager les autres to stop fighting for truth and fairness.
If Tommy does come out of prison in one piece, he will be a broken man. There’s only so much a person can take. The situation is dire.
Excellent analogy Demon.
But to suggest the politicians are powerless in the face of the BBC I believe lets these craven bastards off the hook just a little too much.
I think most of them are more than happy to go along with the BBC globalist outlook on the world because like the BBC in the main their pampered and privileged existence is entirely separate from the people they purport to represent. Hence many MP’S slavish loyalty to the EU.
If only theY didnt have to undergo this pesky election thing every few years it is such a nuisance!
Yasser, “if this was a just a simple case of contempt of court why the draconian press blackout?”
I guess the draconian press blackout was either
1. an error. The Judge briefly thought ‘this case has reporting restrictions, therefore contempt related offences in conjunction with the case must carry the same restriction’.
2. produced by fear. The Judge was afraid of the various parties involved and others taking an interest in the case and was worried for a) its integrity and proper outcome, or, b) worried for other reasons.
“….a British police state with moves to restrict freedom of speech thought and expression….”. I’ve got a problem with, “..moves to….” It is already in place and enforced with a zeal that, if applied to many other crimes would receive the commendation of the public. Within my circle (and age group), the police are now seen as being as evil as the Government. And that’s the age group who always respected the police.
“….yet the uk establishment hasn’t said a word.” That’s what is so so evil about the whole matter. Yes, to, “say a word” would invoke legitimate debate which the NWO certainly does not want and, Treezer the Appeaser simply follows the NWO position.
I can only speak for myself, Dasmahbebi, as a police officer who managed to get to his pensionable service, within the Met Police for the entire time. I think your example of all officers ‘nicking’ TR for not having lights on his bike is absurd. Any of my local clientele without lights at night would be offered a few soothing words of advice, such as try pushing the bike on the pavement. As a Custody Officer, the person responsible for authorizing detention after arrest, in six years nobody brought such an arrest into my custody suite. Never. If they had, and that was the sole evidence, that prisoner would be leaving
PDQ. The words of advice to the arresting officer would be more forthright. So, sorry, but you are plain wrong.
Well, Halifax, you shouldn’t post here just to be popular. In many respects I agree with you. It seems the accused (guilty?) in this trial are involved in other trials which the authorities didn’t want prejudiced, hence the restrictions and TR may have broken these. I say “may” as details are still sketchy and I’m not sure in what way he broke them as I believe what was in his report was already in the public domain. Nor is it clear how this becomes an arrest for breach of the peace. If we accept TR broke restrictions whilst under a suspended sentence he deserves what happens to him subject to the due process of law.
Why, then, has this caused uproar leading to half a million signatures on a petition to free him? Well, it’s well known that the authorities have been persecuting TR for some time. Sending police into the pub where he’s having lunch with his family to throw him out of town on some flimsy pretext. Dragging him to court on trumped-up charges which would have had him back in prison had crowd funding not provided him with a decent lawyer. He then gets arrested, tried and convicted within 2 hours, in marked contrast to the prevarication shown in prosecuting anyone for industrial-scale child sexual abuse. With a reporting ban thrown on top. No wonder so many smell a rat, even if there isn’t one there. The authorities are paying the price for their previous treatment of him.
Many people can’t understand how an individual with such a criminal past gathers this support. To me the answer is clear. Probably a majority of the population sees the problems brought to these shores by Islam. But they are frightened to talk about it, because they’ve seen it means the end of careers or arrest and detention. Only a certain type of character is prepared to talk about it under these conditions. Many who might not like him are glad that he’s talking about it and will quietly support him because there’s no one else speaking up for their point of view.
And the authorities, with their cack-handed approach to this case, have revealed to these quiet supporters that they are not the only ones who think that way.
Roland – I think that most people are “fair minded” and certainly with the examples you use there is a large disparity between what most people understand as “natural justice” and judicial justice which is now being used to cow us all into silence whilst ignoring despicable sexual crimes perpetrated on working class minors
The reaction of > 500,000 (et al.) to TR’s incarceration is really all to do with the despair and the general frustration at seeing things rapidly sliding into an abyss with the Governments sanction. Its all to do with the conspiracy of the Western Governments Grand Plan i.e. that of the Globalists. TR epitomised the widespread frustration. Of course the issue at the court played its part.
Having had the pleasure of being arrested a few times (never charged before you ask)
what normally happens is one or two officers , not a mob of them, stick you in a van and take you to the cop shop. There they process you remove your shoelaces and stick you in a cell.
They will leave you there to stew for a while and if you request the duty solicitor, you will be told it will take at least 4hrs to get one, If its late they lock you in for the night and interview you in the morning.
Tommy was arrested by the plod for breach of the peace, its there for everyone to see, after causing no breach of the peace which is also there for everyone to see, and its not the first time.
Magically they then went into court and the charge of breach of the peace morphed into contempt and the previous 3month suspended sentence magically became 13months.
You can argue about the nuances of the law, but this is a political arrest to attempt to shut tommy up pure and simple.
Be of no doubt without the likes of Nick Griffen , Tommy Robinson the EDL and a tiny few others these peado rape crimes would have been ignored and covered up as they were before the levy finally broke when one journalists conscience finally got the better of him.
Even Nazir Afzal will you tell how far his(our) “CROWN PROSECUTION LAYWERS” went to distort the truth in an attempt to stop these crimes going to court.
Good post Kaiser. I think the whole “set up” comes down to the fact that TR was arrested for “breach of the peace”. This was clearly not the case to anybody who has watched the video. Having then been arrested the “contempt of court” and the suspended sentence came into play. But surely the last two could not have been instigated if the first stitch up of breach of the peace had not been executed. It is a law which can be used for political ends as it is open ended. How many screaming Antifa scum have been arrested for ” breach of the peace”. It’s the unfairness of it that get’s my goat. They (the State) have always been out to get TR on any trumped up charge and it’s all down to how he tells the truth about Islam. Period.
Caolan Robertson, TR’s regular cameraman of the last year or so who was actually in court for the brief hearing has some curious things to say on the court proceedings now the ban is lifted. That the judge had only watched a minute or two of TR’s livestream but was willing to proceed and give a hefty potentially life-threatening sentence on that basis. And that the contempt of court which has been assumed is the main reason for the sudden sentence was not put forward by the judge but seemed irrelevant. That the judge was indifferent to any danger to TR in gaol (this is the same judge who was photographed laughing out of the window as the police moved in to arrest TR). These elements, plus that the case was rushed through with such speed that not only had the judge not considered the whole of the evidence (TR’s very real attempts to stay inside the law, as evident if you watch the livestream) but also that it ensured that his misled lawyer was STILL under the impression, as told by the police, that he’d been released. There is also the small matter of the delightful defendants making throat-slitting motions out of that same window to TR, the cameraman and a woman who was with them – ignored by plod. If it wasn’t contempt, but TR’s actions on the day in question, it’s hard to find where he fell foul of the law on that day.
If you can get past Alex Jones’s bluster (he once or twice slightly mis-repeats what’s said but I reckon he means very well and he’s got a big audience) Caolan Robertson’s first-hand account of events makes for very interesting listening.
Quite revealing isn`t it montmorency?
In the second line you use a phrase “now the ban is lifted”.
When in our lifetimes would such a phrase have crossed our minds ?
Court reporting bans was something that Europe and Asia did. Not America and Britain.
“It`s a free country”( so do what you like).
Anybody else remember the last time we ever heard THAT phrase, let alone said it?
We`ve let that slope get steep and slippery haven`t we? Only hope Tommys arrest will remind us all just how abased, cringing and lowly submissive we`ve all become.
Alicia, you are spot on. The ban has been atrocious and not something I would normally recognise in this country. There are greater injustices to be battled now that the story is public, more details are coming out bit by bit and the MSM are doing all they can to slander TR to avoid dealing with the primary issue. We have to keep watching.
There is no reason why you “have to” believe in the impartiality of the judiciary. They will be judged on how impartial they actually are. MPs like Lammy see a racial bias amongst the judges, others a sexist bias. It’s essentially the old male, pale and stale accusation. Yet “self identifying” remainer M’luds can act impartially in the Gina Miller case.
Im not sure about the popularity of your post as i cant understand what point you are trying to make. But If you think that our judiciary is impartial and apolitical you must have been living somewhere else for the past twenty years.
The people in the Soviet Union felt they were always being lied too so that even when the Soviet government actually told the truth it wasn’t beleived .
So our Powers That Be only have themselves to blame if they are distrusted even if they are right in this instance .
Suppose it had been proved in court that an accused person has prejudiced a case, having been given the right to a defence. Then a punishment may be understandable.
But there are no grounds to justify that details of this punishment should be kept out of the public domain – unless such information is a threat to national security.
If unpopular then rightly so. He was arrested for breach of the peace, which evidently didn’t happen, then charged with contempt only so he could be disappeared, then his case could not be reported, for which there was no justification at all. All this happened in four hours: clearly a trap planned in advance. As usual the attempt to cover up makes it all worse. Roll on the appeal!
Richard, add Brasil to the list as a relation of mine forwarded me an article about Tommy. I saw these reports last night about childhood obesity. I visit schools in Bransholme and my observation is that it is a tiny minority. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story.
I must confess to being intrigued to see whether the US runs with the Tommy story.
Part of me is embarrassed and fearful that if Trump weighed in it would solidify the support against Tommy because Theresa and co would drape themselves in some kind of patriotic ‘the nasty yanks are picking on us’.
Whereas the other half wants to think the US would be expressing their disgust at how we are behaving and openly saying that it’s another nail in the coffin for how they view us.
I know that this is what the left wants – to distance the UK from the US but given that the Govt and the Tories are refusing to listen to us ordinary folk, maybe the derision of the US may have a little more weight.
I used to love the history and spirit of this country but lately I’m beginning to really hate what it is becoming and what it represents to the rest of the world.
RE: Afua Hirsch
Using her premise regarding our nations` collective racism…. When Nelson and Churchill were instrumental in defending our shores from foreign invaders, were they acting out of some kind of racist contempt ???? Let`s face it, Islam is an idealogy not a race… As is Nazism and also the Idealism of the new French Republics` expansionist policies under Bonaparte… As for Cecil Rhodes….. Who would you class as the more racist… Rhodes or Mugabe (with his Hitler Moustache) I suppose in her view Mugabe is in no way a racist due to him being responsible for the deaths of more blacks than white people, just like Winnie Mandela (who she recently eulogised as a misunderstood `freedom activist`…
F**king bitch, why doesn`t she go live in Ghana or Norway or wherever….. ??? She hates us that much why is she not living overseas like Toynbee???
Don’t over react to this creature – she does what she does to make a living . And it appears sadly that she is very good at it
I won’t hear her anymore – which is difficult since she is now a ‘go to” voice for msm. Same people will listen to her and realise she has ‘issues’ I feel pity more than anything else .
Putting across anti-British propaganda is what the BBC do a lot of. We know that and it annoys us and the BBC don’t care.
But to claim to stand for some sort of happy multi-culturalism then to put ethnic people on fronting programmes that are designed to rouse the ire of any patriotic Brit is simply trying to rub salt into the wound.
The BBC plunge to new depths when they use people from minorities they claim they want to protect. All they are doing is risking stirring up racial hatred towards them. Not all people will be as understanding to this woman and others like her as Fedup is.
I can see why the warped and poisoned minds in the state broadcaster would want to attack the the stature of heroes like Churchill and Nelson. It stimulates their festering, distorted brain cells. But to get ‘vulnerable minorities’ to do it reminds me of the accusation that US tactics in Vietnam were to put mainly blacks in the front line. I don’t know if it was true or not but it is a shocking thought. But the BBC have no qualms about it. It says heaps about their true nature
You are making the assumption that Hirsch et al. think that defending our shores from foreign invaders is a good thing.
There was plenty of support for Hitler in India, Africa and even Ireland as they saw this a way of destroying the British Empire.
White British, and particularly white English are still too “imperialist” for Hirsch. Loss of Empire is not humiliation enough. She expects self abasement for “past crimes” on a German scale. Monuments of National Shame. Reparations, etc., etc.
ID I know a little about the irish attempts at destabilising the British Rule during both wars…..
In WW1 my N.Irish Catholic Grandfather was a volunteer and as such was a part of the first Somme offensive as part of 1st Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (36th Ulsters) He was lucky to survive and afterwards was promoted to Corporal and due to his Catholic identity causing resentment amongst the replacemnts who were mainly protestant was transferred to the Gordon Highlanders in time for the Second somme offensive in which he saw action on the first day as part of the initial attacks… When he got back he found himself shunned by those he had known all his life (he was a Postman) but he got on with life after what he had been through it`s understandable…. He married my Grandmother after his first wife died in childbirth whose family were very hardline Nationalists and active in the civil unrest throughout WW1 and afterwards too….
He always said he had volunteered because the British identity its` ethics and it`s Democracy had allowed him to find a career, feed his family and something he felt worth fighting to protect…. It wasn`t a problem until the Easter Rising, many other Catholic soldiers in France were treated badly after they returned home and many ended up moving North after the creation of the Irish Free State those who didn`t got caught up in the Civil War after being forced to choose a side, as they had military training etc….. My family is proud of him, he was a good decent man and had enough common sense to appreciate being British and the values that came with it… At that time let`s be honest…. Being British was the Gold Standard when it came to Nationality back then, it might not be comparable to modern times but twice last Century we basically stopped real racism, genocide, slavery and subjugation of the Western World even though it cost us our place as the leading World power and put us trillions in debt….. These days wherever a Muslim majority country borders with a non muslim one there is conflict and war and famine… Wherever a Muslim Country borders with another Muslim State there is conflict, famine and war between sects….. I know what Hirsch is about… just another profesional race baiter…. I agree she must have mental issues… I wonder if she still has contact with her white relatives, I doubt it….. I just don`t understand why other people of BAME ethnicity don`t see her for the rabble rousing charlatan that she is…..
“There was plenty of support for Hitler in India, Africa and even Ireland as they saw this a way of destroying the British Empire.”
Can I just make one point. Any suggestion that the British Empire was anything other than totally evil is met with incredulity in many quarters including, of course, the BBC. It simply isn’t possible to point out its good points without some clown taking it as a justification of slavery.
If so, how was the creation of the British Commonwealth (as it used to be known) even remotely possible? Do the oppressed normally join the oppressor’s club?
And lastly, is there a French/Spanish/Dutch/Belgian/Portuguese Commonwealth? Perhaps there is, but I’ve never heard of it. In fact I believe some former French colonies have joined the British Commonwealth, or the Commonwealth of Nations, as it is now known.
Spot on Marion. The British Empire was and still is something to be very proud of. Yet the Brits show very little interest in it. They seem to be content to have their glorious past damned by ideologues and nutters.
If you study the topic you will find that it’s greatness was not in it’s design because there was no plan, but in it’s achievements. That a ramshackle empire, and that’s what it really was, could grow so large and last so long and do so much for civilization is truly remarkable.
And in it’s story there is much to be learned about the true nature of people and politics.
Unfortunately with the growth of nationalism in the third world and aspiring leaders need to have an enemy they could lay the blame on the British Empire was a convenient target. And to make things easy for them the Brits did not contest the arguments but more or less pleaded guilty on all counts. And the Brits now know very little of their own history to be proud of. (Apart from winning the soccer world cup 1966).
Generally speaking the British Empire tried not to acquire territory and didn’t want colonies because they cost a lot of money so colonization was a last option. The 1880’s and the 1890’s were a bit of an exceptions in this regard but when it comes to consistency rules or policy it is hard to find any with our Empire. It was the other ones that went for rules, conformity, and national grandeur. Maybe that’s they were nowhere near so successful.
Anyway most of the ‘horrors of colonialism’ were the result of the industrial revolution arriving on unprepared societies. It was disruptive enough in Britain the home of the process so it was bound to seriously effect undeveloped societies whatever policy options were tried. The BBC of course will not tell you this, they will stick with Lenin’s version.
In regards to your question. Yes colonies from other empires are now joining the Commonwealth. e.g. Cameroons, Rwanda. But don’t expect it to be headlines on the BBC.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
Yep! Spot on.
The Commonwealth of 53 Nations that are so proud to be associated with Great Britain.
Not bad for a former empire, Eh?
The liberals do not like this, in fact they abhor it and teach our children to despise our past.
What other nation does this?
The BBC should drop ‘British’ from its title.
Thanks, good comments and, in particular, your comment about the industrial revolution in the penultimate paragraph. It was rough on lots of people.
Another thought – it’s not unheard of for people of former colonies to praise the Empire, perhaps with qualifications and, very occasionally, to say that they were better off. It’s not frequent, but it happens. I wonder if people in, say, Algeria and Congo also believe this?
The ‘Allahu Akbar’ deaths in Liege yesterday have already disappeared from Toady’s news. Even when the shocking news of the singling out for death of female Belgian police officers was reported, the MSM seemed baffled as to any motive.
Thank heavens for BBC weather forecasting. If it weren’t for Carole Kirkwood I wouldn’t now know that yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far – in Auchtermuchty… or some such?
A sneering discussion about the Tommy Robinson case . The journo who got the media ban lifted explained that the only journos really subject to the ban were the TWO locals actually in the trial – which says much but wasn’t followed up.
This was followed – with an ironic sense of houmour which the toady editor missed – by a piece on ‘totalitarian’ North Korea and how the media is controlled as well as everyone else .
Soros’ bitch – bollock Brown was on telling us how he was going to stop brexit because we were wrong . No challenge to him
A reporter who had done some research on Grenfell explaining the the fault lies with the management organisation and the idiot fire brigade who fucked up on the night telling people to stay inside and fry .
This one was difficult to listen too because it came as a shock to poor meeeshaaal who hadn’t heard the truth before. She was helped by a lefty race lawyer who she chatted too afterward . He sounded happily on the race gravy£££ train.
Two omissions
The two murdered lady Brussels cops didn’t get a mention – no st jo cox treatment for them as terrorist victims . Strange since al beeb is so girly – Islam beats genda it seems .
The other omission is the Italian constitutional crisis which let’s hope gets worse and brings down the Reich EU.
I forgot one- the excellent law in Hungary criminalising help to illegal immigrants and putting it in the constitution so the ReichEU can’t challenge it.
Al beeb won’t talk much about that because other sensible countries might get a similar idea – not Blighty of course – too busy self destructing .
FE2 – You forgot the glowing report on Ruth Davison “possible Tory leader of the future”. As far as the BBC is concerned she must almost have it all – a wifey, a baby on the way, Remainer and of course she wants to drop any immigration targets so they can keep on filling the nation with people who have no real wish to integrate.
Just a pity she is not a bit more effnik or goes around in a wheelchair.
Oak apologies – I must have been making the tea when that was on . Al beeb will love a”married “ girl couple with baby (colour?) at the door of number 10 “ look how far we’ve come “ crap.
Maybe she’d do better with the happy clappers in the Lib Dem’s .
I thought she was brilliant on Monday , handling the BBC like she didn’t care about their egos , then yesterday she was in their good books because she wanted more immigration .
It will be interested to see if she (or Rees Mogg) have been invited to next month’s Bilderberger meeting in Italy. That’s where the future PMs and Presidents usually get the nod.
Ladies Day at, Ladies Day at the TOADY Programme.
Lord Malloch-Brown undermines his own argument for remaining in the EU.
A journalist, Andrew O’Hagan has actually done some journalism, researching the Grenfell tragedy. Remember journalism, BBC? It is what you are meant to do. Mishal struggles to get her head around what journalism is, let alone good, thorough journalism. (I haven’t seen O’Hagan’s piece but he certainly sounds as though he knew what he was doing and did a thorough job.) She repeats standard LeftLibbie/Alt-Left views of Grenfell and gets knocked back by the results of O’Hagan’s work. Work. Remember that, Mishal? No? Thought not.
Instead, the BBC appears to deliberately undermine Andrew O’Hagan’s by the juxtaposition of 8am News of a report commissioned by Muslim Aid and an uncomfortably staged and ’emotivated’ interview (well, that is how it came across to me) with a Grenfell firefighter of whom Mishal asks no hard questions.
Back to Russian meddling. A journalist has been killed. It must be by Putin. The BBC and Ladies Day at TOADY are happy to do second-hand journalism, getting telephone contributors onto the programme. No questions asked about a murder of a Russian closer to home. BBC silence on Skripal. BBC silence on Nikolai Glushkov.
I wonder why?
It is a condemnation of the present state of the BBC that a small literary magazine does the work of a major news organisation.
The BBC tell me in a programme trail that I’m a feminist. I disagree. I believe all humans are equal, irrespective of skin colour and gender, but I am not a feminist. As it is Ladies Day, Gender Wars are brought to the TOADY studio but Mishal has trouble with two contributors getting into a spat.
Twitter Rules but Mishal is not up to refereeing and everyone talks over each other. Hilarious. 8.39am approx if you missed it and want to catch it on iPlayer.
Back to child poverty. Never mind the poverty of the BBC. It is long overdue, Lord Hall, for that ‘difficult conversation’ with Sarah Sands. You have to tell her it really is not working out well and it is time to look for another job.
The bbc email summary has decided on what focus needs to be taken:
Grenfell authorities’ response ‘badly flawed’
Story detail
Kensington and Chelsea Council has been criticised for its response to last June’s Grenfell Tower fire in a report which says it was “slow to provide direction, co-ordination and information and to address multiple pressing needs”. While the investigation, commissioned by the charity Muslim Aid, also recognises that the voluntary sector came up short, it says in a major disaster, local secular and faith organisations could draw on their “local rootedness” to act quickly and sensitively to help their communities. You can find out who the Grenfell fire victims were here.“
Be fair Fedup. The BBC have mentioned the Italian crisis this morning, it was on the text pages and ended with the words:
‘On Sunday, Italy’s two populist parties failed to form a coalition cabinet.’
No mention of Euro-sceptic Paolo Savona, rejected by President Mattarella to precipitate the crisis, but that’s the risk you take when space is at a premium. I’m quite sure they would have gone on to explain that when they said ‘failed’ they really meant ‘were prevented in an outrageous yet all too typical EU reaction to an unfavourable democratic vote’.
Credit where due. I’ll say that again in case you think you read it wrong. Credit where due. It’s cat out of the bag time.
On Toady, they gave airtime at 0735 to one Andrew o Hagen, a journalist who owned up to preconceptions but for 10 months has investigated Grenfell Tower and comes up with distinctly ‘unhelpful’ conclusions. The council were in the main not to blame. Their budget surplus was earmarked for capital projects sich as a special needs school. The Tower was run not by the council but by a Tenant Management Organisation who decided on the refurb. The council increased the budget, not decreased it. The fire brigade’s response on the night and in particular the ‘stay where you are’ policy was deeply flawed. By implication LeftMob are utterly denounced. O’Hagen was interviewed by Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein in full snidy bitch mode but he answered well. Then it goes downhill. Uselss ‘interviews’ either a lawyer representing some of the families or a spokesperson for said lawyers. He, without interruption, is allowed to trash o Hagen’s inconvenient findings, though his predictably one-sided comments were I thought in stark contrast to o’Hagen’s sober analysis. Yet after setting him off, Useless issues not a single question or challenge. Her next comment is ‘Thank you very much’.
Even when the bBBC talk to an impartial person, they cannot help themselves be biased!
But black, female, amd muslim, Useless is untouchable.
Still, one to diarise for the future.
Thank you for this Sluff. Took me two hours over the day in school, but worth the time. Quite the best thing on Grenfell that anybody will ever need to know.
That`s the report.
Toady news bulletin includes a report from that sacrosanct authority ‘Muslim Aid’ saying something like the council response to Grenfell was useless and in future they should coordinate more with ‘faith groups.’ Britain baaaad, immigrants gooooood. Bit cheeky as I would bet my house the fire was actually started by a Ramadan fire.
One ‘report’ that will never be written is how much money is ripped off by all these ‘charities’, ‘community groups’ et cetera. A divinely sanctioned compulsion to deceive non believers and laws rendering any criticism of the group illegal is a perfect storm. Did Cameron pledge £20 million to teach certain Muslim women English? How easy would it be to rip that off – like taking candy from the liberal babies our leaders are.
Then at 8.10am another emotionally incontinent wallowing in Grenfell. All those lovely immigrants ostensibly hurt by evil whitey – BBC producers must be in a state of perpetual orgasm. It happened almost a year ago but time is no issue for The Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation.
Beeb, ” Did Cameron pledge £20 million to teach certain Muslim women English? How easy would it be to rip that off – like taking candy from the liberal babies our leaders are.”
Quite correct.
I often wonder what would be the result if there was a forensic audit of the Prevent programme. Where has the money gone, into whose pockets? A quick bit of searching reveals that it is not easy to find how much taxpayer money the Prevent strategy costs, either overall or each year.
Oh how I love the BBC giving a platform for woman to complain about Twitter denying woman stating biological facts. Would that be like men saying on average men are better suited to certain occupations based on biological facts? That always gets shot down
One argument put forward by anti woman is that the Girl Guides now let boys who identify as girls join.
So it’s okay for girls to join the boy scouts (equality) but not boys girls is quite funny that it’s woman who are the ones fighting back against men identifying as woman and doing ‘female’ activities..the poor lefties don’t which side to stand on..feminist or the LGBTQ..
“Italian political crisis hits Asian stocks”
Could this be the first casualty of the Euro € ?
What with Soros and Lord Adonis, this summer is going to be an interesting time for Great Britain.
Don’t let the media kid you that “You did not know what you were voting for”
Everyone had Mr Cameron’s £9 Million booklet through the letterbox. Mr Cameron said that there would be no second vote , “People really need to understand it is a single decision, it is a final decision.”………….
I haven’t watched the bBbc news at 10 for a few years now but happened to tune into their BAME mid-week edition, where every story seemed to be about race in some way, while they were talking about Italy. Funny, this story didn’t mention race.
According to Katya Adler the ‘populists’, democratically elected politicians to you and me, were voted in because of people protesting against corruption and organised crime and voting simply for change.
Mass immigration, the country being swamped by millions of Romanians, Albanians, Africans, and Asians and the Italian/ EU rulers doing nothing about it is apparently not a reason or even worth mentioning. The dog in the street knows that this is why Italians in the main voted for people who actually represent them, this and their economy.
Not only are the bBbc biased, their news coverage is poor, they don’t actually report correctly or thoroughly. They’re rubbish at what they do.
If the system had recognised the dire problem that verges on terrorism with regard to child rape by muslim gangs, Robinson would not have needed to make a stand.
He is another victim of the politically correct bias of the elite.
The system has recognised the dire problem that verges on terrorism with regard to child rape by muslim gangs. It just refuses to do anything about it, other than turn a blind eye.
‘England players discussed what to do about racism in Russia.’
The second story on their sport website! A story based on something which has not actually happened yet/at all -the BBC’s speciality.
I am no highly-skilled equalities professional, but I imagine the best ‘plan’ is to ignore any naughty words safe in the knowledge that you are a multi millionaire. It is not like they are going to get kidnapped and thrown onto a slave ship.
The way the BBC talk about racism you would think it was an epidemic and one could barely leave the house without hearing racist abuse. In reality it is more like the Loch Ness monster. Who ever sees anyone even remotely racist these days?
See loads of them on the bBbc and Channel 4, professional shit-stirrers and irritants like Afua Hirsch. They’re usually the ones calling everyone else racist.
But in everyday life? I agree, very few, but if they keep pushing this agenda, you will see a lot more.
Kaiser, don’t forget the labour costs in that price. That’s not just the price of the door. That’s two workmen from a private company to fit it plus another to supervise and a fourth to drive the van. Then a Council Official will have to check 1. that it is done, 2. how it has been done, 3. whether the work is up to standard, and 4. that no Health and Safety rules have been breached. Forms will be completed, boxes ticked and lessons not learnt. Then more money will be handed to another private company to survey residents about how they feel about their new front doors.
I earlier pulled up Lord Malloch-Brown’s Wiki page because I thought Fedup2 had misspelt his name and I was doubting my memory. After I finished the post to BeebBro @ 9.20am above, I thought I would just glance through it. Two bits popped out and poked me in the eye! Yoouwch!
I quote directly from Wikipedia. The usual caveat about Wikki applies here.
Look what I found about ‘forensic audits of public funded programmes’, oh ho-ho!
” Malloch Brown succeeded Louise Fréchette as United Nations Deputy Secretary-General on 1 April 2006, retaining the position until December 2006.[6]
Oil for food. Malloch Brown publicly defended handling of the Oil-for-Food Programme by the UN in general, and Kofi Annan in particular. While he countered critics that “Not a penny was lost from the organization,”[22] an internal UN audit of the Oil-for-Food programme revealed that there had been overcompensation amounting to $557 million.[23] A separate audit of UN peacekeeping procurement concluded that at least $310 million from a budget of $1.6 billion could not be accounted for.[22]
Malloch Brown, briefing the Security Council, argued that, while the situation uncovered by the audit was “alarming”, and that nearly $300 million out of a $1.6 billion budget was involved, it showed more that there was significant waste with only narrow instances of fraud. He noted that the UN Secretariat, based on the reservations expressed by the department being audited, did not entirely accept the auditor’s conclusions.[24] ”
Then my eye was caught by this and this ought to be very worrying for the BBC – and for all Leave voters – concerned as the BBC are about interference in our Election, EU Referendum and the US Election. :-J
“Malloch Brown became chairman of the board of directors of SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company whose primary asset is the election technology and voting machine manufacturer Smartmatic, in 2014.[43][44] Citing Malloch Brown’s former and present relationship with politicians in the Philippines as well as his role in Smartmatic, the IBON Foundation, a non-profit research organization based in the Philippines, criticized him as being “a foreigner who made a career out of influencing elections”.[17]”
I wonder if the BBC will ask him any questions about that, especially in the light of his desire, and perhaps that of the BBC, to have another EU-related Referendum to overturn the 2016 Leave vote?
The Hounds of Hell continue to bark and bite and snap and harass the UK’s democratic decision to leave the EU. I still think we will only get out of the EU ‘on our knees’. 😉
At least the BBC has been fairly ‘honest’ in at least owning up to George Soros’s and Lord Malloch-Brown’s inolvement in trying to overturn Brexit. They appear to have covered it up for quite a while.
Hopefully the public will now become increasingly aware and will develop some resistance and courage in the face of this unholy bullying.
There are reports this morning that the evil creature George Soros is starting and funding a campaign to hold a second referendum to remain in the EU.
Is this latest assault on our decision to leave the EU, by Mr Soros and his groupies, a credible threat or can it be dismissed as just frivolous and nasty?
Given the large amount of money this man has at his disposal, no doubt he can cause a lot of trouble but can his activities be ignored? I don’t know but I hope so.
Compare and contrast:
Semi-literate Twitter and Facebook messages from Russian hackers: a wicked attempt by the Russians to interfere in the US Presidential Election, the Brexit Vote etc.
Foreign billionaire pumps millions (much of it indirect and undeclared) into trying to undo democratic decision of British people. Something wonderful for the BBC to celebrate. Does not constitute any interference whatsoever.
Well said – evil, ageing billionaire who made much of his fortune from betting against the stupidity of a previous UK govt now aims to use his wealth to overturn a democratic referendum.
So one of the most shining examples of popular democracy where every single voter had a hand in the decision without partisan politics and this is to be challenged by a foreign billionaire – and this is celebrated?
Aaron Banks invests his own money into funding UKIP and helping to bring about the referendum and he’s some kind of grubby, cash in hand market stall trader. George Soros who just needs a cat and a mountain top residence to complete the look of a million fictional bad guys is noble and generous, driven onwards only by a charitable and selfless heart.
j-i-c, the BBC ought to be really upset about this foreign attempt to influence our democracy after all the things they said about Putin, the Russians, Cambridge Analytica, Facebook, Twitter …..
They should be very upset.
The BBC should be howling from the rooftop of Broadcasting House.
Last night on BBC2 there was a long program on BBC2 making out that the existence of the 11+ causes children and parents alike considerable angish when they fail because the parents cannot afford hundreds of pounds a month for many years to pay for out-of-school coaching. Misleading and irrelevant statistics were (of course) included. Doubtless the left wants the quality of all schools to be brought down to the worst available and everyone to be given 100% (or better still 110%) in every test. Equality of opportunity is to be sacrificed on the altar of equality of outcome. Naturally the BBC is contributing by hiring on a diversity basis, despite the fact that many of the on-screen persons are functionally illiterate and numerate up to, but rarely beyond, Diane standard.
DR I’m so glad I missed it. There are so many levels of misrepresentation and hypocrisy in the BBC slamming of grammars, I don’t know how they get away with it (well I do, just don’t present the facts or a positive view to balance).
It doesn’t take years of out of school teaching or thousands of pounds – if it does, the child probably should not be heading for a grammar. In any case, many kids blossom later, around year 4/5 so it’s impossible to tell if it would suit them or not until then. It’s simply that, in this 11+ area at least, primaries do not offer any preparation at all for an exam which has a distinct and unique format and a very specific answer paper which must be pencilled by the child in an absolutely exact way for the answer they have given to be read properly by a computer. If they get the answers out of order on the day the computer will not know that, so they need to know to check details. The sections are timed, they have to know if they need to turn over, and when. Small errors, or big ones, in understanding the format can be a crucial difference in marks. No children of 10/11 will have seen an exam paper formatted like that, or understand how to answer it, unless they are given some guidance. There are no doubt much better ways to assess suitability for a grammar, but here we’re stuck with it.
That’s it! It’s not about hot-housing or training them to be better at Maths, English etc, it’s all about familiarity with format and it can definitely done either by a parent at home, or if your rays of sunshine don’t listen to a word you say, by a helpful tutor once or twice a month, max. I reckon at most £30-£50 quid a month in year 5 so that they’re ready – and if it’s right for them! Even six sessions or so would be worth it. That’s not going to break the bank or cause massive trauma.
It’s when I see the smug Labour benches of ex-grammar school boys and girls telling us the evils of selective education whilst sending their offspring to selective schools (Blair, Abbot, Chakrabaty, et al even Corbyn) I get really cross. Esp when Abbot laughs it off. Chakrabaronessy just looks like a rabbit stuck in headlights, but that seems to be her permanent look now. And the Beeb who has power to make or break governments have decided where they stand on this, so it’s wobble time all over again. I just wish TM would have the courage of her convictions and stick to it. (sorry this is long, bit of a bugbear!)
@BBCPanorama TODAY on BBC1 at 7.30pm.
Last Chance for Justice
What if you were jailed for a crime you didn’t commit?
– #Panorama investigates the cases of two convicted murderers who have always protested their innocence
I just watched ” Hard Talk” on I Player. I ask everybody to
watch it. It says everything that needs to be said about Biased
We had Zeinab Badawi interviewing Ed Husain. If one would of
watched this on Al Jazira you would of said “Even the BBC would
not of allowed such a biased interviewer. ” BUT THEY DID !!!
Ed Husain from the same school of Moslem liberal thought as
Maajid Nawaz was trying to make points on subscribed Islamic terrorist organizations ,such as Hamas and Hezbollah. But Badawi
was having none of it. I employ you to watch this . And then ask
yourself is somebody like Badawi the right person to be employed
by the BBC.
The only thing I wil say in her defence , is that she was PROUD
to show her true feelings , against Husain’s liberal
Muslim pragmatism.
First they took the straws, and you sucked it up.
Then they took the sugar, and you forgot how life can be sweet.
Then they took the cartoons … just like they did with Mohammed.
I`m surprised the cereal packaging is getting such a frosty reception…. Not surprised Uncle Bens isn`t a problem though…. Will they also be removing the chickens head decals on the cornflakes too???
Rice Krispies might be a problem though….. how the hell can three characters be redone to show a true demographic of the population??? All I see is three racist white EDL supporters and i suspect that behind the bowl are a few million undocumented migrants hiding from the three guys on the Far – Right next to the bowl….
Yea …… Just this morning I was looking for somehing to find offensive, and what do ya` know…. I spotted to my horrow that there was a Rice Krispie in my Coco pops!!!! I was just about to post a picture on social media when I realised that cultural appropriation is also highly cited as a form of racism, much in the same way as Afua Hirsch does when she uses the term `WE` prior to running her mouth off with yet more edgy observations about how racist everyone except for her and whatever bandwagon of bile she is riding on that day is !!!! She is the modern day equivalent of Quisling ….. He was born in Norway and despised the people of the UK too…. I expect she came here because she found the Snow offensive….
The more silly leftist parties there are the better because they will split the idiot left vote. The Tories are social democrats but Corbyn is a Marxist so keeping him out of number ten is important. Mind you I am so annoyed and disappointed by the Tories over the past couple of years in particular that it will be with no enthusiasm whatsoever that i trudge to the polling station. You can see by the appalling illegal treatment handed out to TR that there is no chance of us ever getting a proper Conservative party in our country. Voting Tory now just slows down the descent into Islamic hell hole but we are still heading in that general direction..
I understand you are unhappy with a tweet made by Gary Lineker on his Twitter account.
While I appreciate your concern, I would explain that the account in question is Gary’s personal Twitter account, and BBC Guidelines do not prohibit non-news presenters from expressing their views.
Please rest assured your complaint as been forwarded onto senior management on our audience feedback report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback within the BBC and help inform both current and future output.
Once again, many thanks for taking the time to get in touch.
Kind regards
Janine McMeekin
BBC Complaints Team
. . . .
Complaint Summary: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker
Full Complaint: What are you going to do regards Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker breaking your BBC guidelines …
News and Current Affairs, Global News, News Staff in the Nations 15.4.9 {bbc editorialguidelines jul2017} “BBC News and Current Affairs staff, and correspondents and freelances primarily known as BBC news presenters or reporters should not normally write regular columns for non-BBC websites or external publications which are not published by or for the BBC.(Twitter is quite regular) … In particular, they should not write a regular column which deals with: news, current affairs, politics or current world affairs economics, business or finance matters of public policy, political or industrial controversy media issues moral or ethical issues or religion. …” “should not write a regular column which deals with…moral or ethical issues” – “do the right thing”.
The support for Tommy has taken the ruling progressives by surprise . That much is clear. Even those who do not support him have been taken aback by the state effectively “disappearing” him. Hence the sudden lifting of restrictions.
It was impossible in the internet age to keep it secret. We have had the state over reach itself before as old Cobbett knew well . Six Acts and the rest of it. The English do not like this sort of thing and it has shaken the elites. And the MSM has shown it’s cowardice and true colours.
There will be a concerted campaign to rubbish and demonise Tommy that we can be sure of but it might be counter productive.
Perception is everything and whatever you think of Tommy few can doubt his commitment to England and it’s people . Strange people the English. Once they have decided that a man is the right stuff then that is that for them and he will have them at his back come what may.
Do not feel any pity for the progressive class. They have brought this on themselves by assuming that an ancient and proud people would quietly go into the darkness .
Over and above points of law and policy and reputation is always the life of the nation and the keeping of the unbreakable bond between the past present and future generations .
Our rulers hate us that we can be sure but they usually have so what is new.
This is our land.
I think it’s the “justice must be seen to be done” thing. It used to be considered important.
I’m not qualified to decide whether the judge was right or not, most people aren’t, but on a simple level it looks all wrong and that shouldn’t have been allowed to happen. It can’t be good for anybody in the longer term, even if it does get TR off May’s back in the short term.
When the machinations of judges become incomprehensible to ordinary folk, except perhaps in very rare complex cases like corporate fraud or certain financial crimes, we’re in trouble.
“The power of the executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any real charge known to common law, and natural justice; and to particularly deny him due trial by his peers, is odious in the highest degree and the foundation of all totalitarian regimes, be they Communist or Nazi”.
Winston Churchill( some tweaks by me though, call me Clemmie!)
No free man shall be taken, imprisoned, dispossessed, outlawed or exiled, nor destroyed in any way, we will not go after him or send our forces against him , save for lawful judgment of his peers, or by the Law of the land.
Magna Carta, Clause 39,-ish!
Free Bikes and an 18% pay rise … recession and austerity proof ….
How much in total did fraudsters cost the Tax Payer … paid by the David Lammy who uses expenses to pay for bikes … nope … these expenses do not impact the MPS … but they should … for each one found the MPs foot the bill!
When Tommy R gets out of prison can we give him the full Nelson Mandela treatment please? Can we ordain him as a national hero and make him the leader of our nation?
Perhaps the Queen may have a lot more sympathy for Tommy than we might suspect but of course we will never know. However her son and his off spring seem to be very keen on keeping in with our enrichers. Self preservation I suppose. Anyway once the Queen is gone I will be withdrawing my support of the Royal Family unless Charles springs some very big surprises.
Lucy: I’m not sure we can give him the full Mandela treatment, he doesn’t qualify.
You see, AFTER he got into power, Mandela was the Great Reconciliator. But BEFORE he got into power, he -and the organisation he headed up- were in favour of blowing up civilians in city centres, a little like the Manchester scenario, in order to achieve power.
So you see Tommy, not being in favour of blowing up civilians in city centres, doesn’t qualify for ‘the full Mandela treatment’.
Were he to do that and then achieve power, well – no problem.
(Would he still want the full Mandela treatment, is part of my point. You see the FMT is doled out by hypocrites and applauded by hypocrites.)
I am aware of Mandela’s past & agree TR is nothing like him in that respect. I was only thinking in terms of his having become the leader of a nation after serving prison time.
A leading fashion designer, who made history at New York Fashion Week by having all her models wear headscarves, has been jailed for 18 years for fraud.
Prosecutors say they were paid over $60m (£45m) to organise mini pilgrimages to Mecca.
But they were accused of embezzling the money and the trips never took place.
The BBC still cannot bring itself to say the jailed woman is a Muslim as that would be using the M word in negative light. Instead they skirt around the issue but only mention Islam/Muslim in sentences which promotes Islam, like “Hasibuan has been described as a leader in Islamic fashion, due to her luxurious designs.”.
This is about my own apartment building in relation to the actions taken after the Grenfell fire. As the BBC are constantly keeping us up to date I thought it reasonable to say a few words. Immediately after the fire our evacuation procedures were altered as well as an immediate check on all automatic door closers attached to our front doors to ensure that they shut tight on leaving. Notices were coming through constantly. I remember being assured that our cladding was safe. Then it wasn’t. Tests revealed that it was indeed a major fire hazard. Immediate plans saw the removal of the cladding. New state of the art cladding was ordered and meant to be completed by now. It meets the current legislation standards. However another notice advising me of the governments ‘Hackett Review’, which has led to the government announcing a further review into combustible materials which could lead to further changes in legislation. Replacement of what was meant to be the new acceptable cladding has now been suspended. Reviews and reviews leading to legislation changes and possibly more legislation changes. Meanwhile there are piles of brand new cladding stored somewhere which may or may not be used. I’m intrigued as to how much the new cladding cost . If it turns out that this new cladding is unsuitable It becomes another expensive bureaucratic cock up. Not only in relation to my estate. How many other estates have had new cladding ordered which now can’t be fitted. Or have some buildings already been re clad only to be told that it too must now be removed again. Every single second huge amounts of your money, wasted through cock ups and corruption. Is this something that would interest the BBC. They could swing the story either way. As a wise government decision or an expensive waste of tax payers money. That’s something the BBC know a lot about. Billions of pounds to play with and all they can manage is fake news, fake drama and very questionable children’s programming. This would be tricky for the BBC as it involves both sides of politics. Continuing to remain impartial would prove problematic.
703 Days since UK voted to leave the EU @52%.
1 PM says ‘Brexit means Brexit’.
0 Days Since Leaving the EU.
. . .
22 Children murdered in Manchester.
1 PM said ‘Enough is enough’
0 Arrests followed.
. . .
600K Migrants Lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on Watch List.
3K Extreme Terrorists on Watch List.
1 PM who said ‘Enough is Enough’.
0 Removed from watch list.
. . .
364 Days of #WorldNoHijabDay NOT supported by UK Foreign Office.
1 Day of #WorldNoHijabDay supported by UK Foreign Office.
Irate Swedes.
The reality is that Muslims start civil wars everywhere they go. Islam was conceived by war, with war. Will the BBC ever own up to that?
If they ever report it, irate Swedes acting in self defence will be morphed into “extreme right wing” attackers with Muslims in the innocent victim role. We know what to expect from that corrupt BBC cesspit.
Times today totally respins the Belgium Allahu Akbar man
Title : Drug dealer killed police.
“no known links to Islamist groups”
“Unconfirmed reports that the killer shouted Allahu Akbar”
Yes, they’ve really got themselves into a spin over how to categorise this one. Sky’s first report mention Allahu etc, and said probably terrorism. Later it was contested – not known. Today it was back to terrorism and AA. But the authorities are tying themselves in knots – how can this be?? How did they not know?? It is so confusing!! I think someone might explode (sorry for the tasteless phrase). The disgusting thing is that the coverage is more concerned with the determination of what category of attack, than the poor innocent victims who died a cruel, vicious and unnecessary death. Sack the bastards who let him out.
Mood- at least they’ll have enough cladding to do taxpayers’. Money Tree which never stops growing.
On the. Subject of tax – the head girl ( monty ). Started talking about someone wanting to tax “puddings”during the lunchtiiime radionews. my heart leapt at the Thought of expensive Yorkshire. And overtaxed spotted dick. .
But no. – it was not pudding but “sweet’ or ‘afters ’ depending on your social clarrss or class.
Not sure if someone else might have linked to this already but here’s Jordan Peterson in another interview with a snippy BBC harpie. Anne McElvoy, never heard of her.
He is so compelling – I could watch him all day. Can you remember the last time a Beeboid had your rapt attention? I struggle to even listen to them these days.
Trump, Rees Mogg and Peterson have such support as they are genuine. We are tired of identikit leaders who all say the same safe things, most of which are lies. The BBC had the chutzpah to say Trump and Brexit meant we were living in a post truth age! More like post bullshit as nobody is swallowing their lies anymore.
She was so eager to get revenge for Cathy Newman and get a notch on her vibrator. She runs the Economist blog which is probably now owned by Soros – a metropolitan smug remainer.
It appears to be a prerequisite for BBC “presenters” to be utterly ill-mannered. They constantly interrupt the guest and rarely let them finish a sentence – unless it’s a lefty they’re inteviewing.
Hear hear, thanks. Isn’t it wonderful to watch someone so fluent and educated – I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone win a point against him in a debate. He just makes them look like the fools they are. And exposes their attempts to label him so clearly. Hurrah!
Black. Went to Oxford. Wonderfully polite, decent and articulate unlike the nasty whinger Lammy. Living proof that with the right attitude skin colour does not hold you back – indeed, it has probably very much helped his career.
It is what the BBC omits and those it does not give a platform to which creates such a fake impression of the country. He could send a really positive message rather than the toxic, divisive victimhood mentality promoted by their favoured voices. Fewer black kids probably want to go to Oxford now Lammy has been on the BBC saying how awfully racist the place is.
The problem, of course, is that he’s a Conservative MP.
According to Wikipedia, he describes Winston Churchill as his biggest hero – that’ll please that silly cow Afua Hirsch!
To be fair to David Lammy MP that is how he earns his living, and it has proved a very successful strategy for him. Most democratic politicians are hucksters, and when they are not they stick out like a sore thumb. The assumption that politicians are self-serving liars is well justified. Edward Health and Harold Wilson and David Cameron and Tony Blair are the rule, Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher the exception. Both the latter became Party leaders under unusual circumstances.
Good point Beeb Brother,
I have often wondered how the Tories select some the worst MP’s to represent them on television.
One can only suppose the Tories have no input into this as I constantly see the likes of Soubry, Clarke, Woolaston,Morgan and Grieve representing their opinions.
Now then let me think, is there the semblance of a connection here or an agenda even.
The Tory party HQ seem quite happy with these representatives.
What does that tell you?
Al beeb spent Wednesday morning leading with the execution of a Russian journo by President putins Smersh then the chap turns up saying it was all a spoof !
Al beeb telling the truth ??
Mmm. Pretend murders of Russian dissidents seem to be on the up. It’s not just in Ukraine – I think there were a couple in Salisbury at the beginning of March…
The KGB clearly aren’t as good as they used to be. Perhaps Putin need to import load of “migrants” to do those jobs that the lazy Russians don’t want to do …….
Sky Arts awards : Times Breakthrough nominees
Of the 10 of 40% are BME
30% are white men, one of which is famous for a Yorkshire/Romanian gay live drama
20% are described as Northern
the rest seem to be from London
Because the “arts” are so loosely defined these days (deliberately) that almost anybody can be shoehorned in. Hence Tracey Emin etc.
You can’t fake your way through the Walton violin concerto. On the other hand, who can say whether one unmade bed or bit of rap doggerel is better than any other?
Needs stripping back to basics, IMO. A bit of old fashioned talent here and there wouldn’t hurt. “Art” has been devalued, which was probably the intention anyway.
Fedup2Mar 3, 21:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wwfc Yes – im overseas and looking forward to Ash Wednesday and lent – but not sure what to try…
wwfcMar 3, 21:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There is only one true church and that’s the catholic church have yourself a great ash wednesday a peaceful lent…
Fedup2Mar 3, 21:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Looks like he prefers Islam than the ;church ‘ he is supposed to be the head of ( but let’s…
Fedup2Mar 3, 21:05 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Recent Islamic attacks in Germany – 5 kiIIed, 200 injured in Magdeburg 2 kiIIed, 28 injured in Mannheim 1 kiIIed,…
Philip_2Mar 3, 21:01 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Starmer could say, (and he might) if that were to ever happen in the UK, (it has) he will state…
wwfcMar 3, 20:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 King Charles ‘kept aware’ as Muslims break Ramadan fast inside Windsor Castle [img][/img]
Philip_2Mar 3, 20:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC does understand GAZA, and its endemic to the BBC socialist cause since it was ‘exposed’ 2004. Sadly, even if…
pugnaziousMar 3, 20:42 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 [img][/img] R4 asks if Dicken’s was anti-Semitic in his portrayal of Fagin in Oliver Twist… ‘Fagin was first dreamt up…
Fedup2Mar 3, 20:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC news pushing the ‘German man mental issues ‘ narrative – one for verify methinks – on the 4×4 killer…
Philip_2Mar 3, 20:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A torrid week for the BBC ‘There’s something going seriously wrong at the BBC. Our national broadcaster seems to be…
Fedup, another open thread. You’re spoiling us.
Glad to see Zeinab Badawi is once again pushing her Islamists are OK trope on todays Hard Talk with Ed Husein.
Speaking of the bbc family, I wonder if someone is feeling more satisfied with ‘balance’ these days?
I’ve just had a look at the interview with Mishal. All I can say is what a smug bitch. Did you see that contemptuous look on her face. Sitting safely in the studio how easy it is to be so dismissive. What makes this even more appealing is this woman still has a job.
Re Hard Talk;..She wasn’t comfortable with Ed Huseins’ truth telling about Hamas, quickly shutting off the conversation with “We won’t talk about Hamas”, then later again with “We don’t want to go down that line”, same topic…..A revealing interview, it seems if we are to live in peace with these funda-mental self detonating beardy bacon dodgers how much of our ‘freedom’ must we be prepared to give away? ….
they will give nothing.
Can I be awarded the wooden spoon for last on the previous thread?
I don’t see why not since the ‘last post’ was awarded at the end of the. Previous thread.
It’s either that or the Order of the Torn Up TV Licence…
Maybe to be honored by a GIF of a lone bugler playing the Last Post? No, I have no idea how to make that happen, but maybe one of our more computer literate contributers does?
Might be a little long for the finale of a thread though.
Well it looks good to me. But will FedUp2 like it?
An update…from”breach of the peace” to a retroactive rebranding as “contempt of court” eh?
Wow…a new low.
Congratulations RJ – there I was trying to put up a new thread when no one was looking but you got me .
I just came across this article, and although it’s a few weeks old I thought it was worth sharing.
All I can say is “Good old Mozza”! I don’t expect to see him on the BBC anytime soon …..
He has some odd ideas on some things, but he sure gets up the noses of the Guardian/ Huffington crowd.
Great article.
My ex boyfriends brother used to beat him up at St Marys in Manchester.
Finally speaking sense-and what a thorn in the liberals side.
Great man, the Jordan Peterson of music!
Someone who phoned into the Nigel Farage Show mentioned that there was something awful that happened on Friday, but we are not permitted to talk about it. “Yes” said Nigel.
“UK: You’re Not Allowed to Talk about It. About What? Don’t Ask“.
Its not about a Judge sending a BBC journalist to Hull Prison for sending a helicopter to film the police raiding the home of an innocent Muslim.

There is an article in the Times today about Tommy’s arrest. Exceptionally no readers comments are allowed. I reckon that 99% of articles in the Times allow comments with a fairly high degree of moderation. So there little reason to think that the editor was concerned that the moderated comments would be a problem. More likely the editor has agreed to some form of government restriction . Do we need any further proof that we livei in a police state where the law is used as a weapon against those who the government fears? Tommy Robinson is a political prisoner because he was a leader of those opposed to the government’s betrayal of the British people and the Islamification of the country.
On the Rush Limbaugh podcast from yesterday , free in the UK this morning, there is a piece aboutthe arrest of Tommy Robinson. Rush a conservative , in the true sense of the word, radio talk show host, gets a few things wrong about this issue but he rightly castigates the UK government. Clearly the Tommy Robinson arrest is big news internationally and should anything happen to Tommy in prison the government will reap a whirlwind of condemnation from anyone but fully paid up members of the crazed liberal elite. Rush is always worth listening to as his views are sound on just about every issue and he gives excellent summaries on the Trump v the elite war.
As Shakespeare said ‘Hell is empty the Devils are all down here.’ So they are and enforcing the continuation of the last 45 yrs of subjugation, enslavement to the so called authorities that rule from the castles of money that dictate the way we all now live. Like Tommy Robinson’s recent meaningless arrest, impressing noone who has a the little grey matter working, the arrest of Paul Golding and Jada Franzen of Britain First also further illustrates the farcical situation this nation now finds itself in and the contagion so corrupt speading across our delicate society.
As Shakespeare said ‘Hell is empty the Devils are all down here.’ So they are and enforcing the continuation of the last 45 yrs of subjugation, enslavement to the so called authorities that rule from the castles of money that dictate the way we all now live. Like Tommy Robinson’s recent meaningless arrest, impressing noone who has a the little grey matter working, the arrest of Paul Golding and Jada Franzen also further illustrates the farcical situation this nation now finds itself in and the contagion so corrupt speading across our delicate society.
Tommy was arrested on the final day of the trial. Has anyone heard how the trial went because I can’t find any news coverage.
Number five though!
No queue jumpers allowed-except for Brissels or any other of the sistahud here!
Yeah go Licia girrrrl !!
I note we`ve been pushed back to numbers 9 and 10 Brissles.
I am now naming and shaming the lads with sharp cyber elbows above us.
I`d put my handbag down in the queue and thought my massive sleeping bag with an extra tog duvet atop would have deterred the following
G.W( who I had rather thought was a bit of a swell too!).
Next time, I`m bringing my knitting and will remind them of my Tricoteuse Tendency…if I learned nothing else from Monroe Bergdof. Paris Lees, Emily Weightless and Afia Hirsch, it`s that real women are fed up with this cyber sexist prejudicial manspreading that keeps me in a care home scouring peoples pvivies-and doesn`t pay Claudia Winkleman enough.
Bit confused now. We need a Wymynz Offissa….NOW!
It`s what Dame Tessa died for, half a brain being better than one.
“Israel strikes Gaza after heaviest mortar barrage in years”
Surely the headline should be, ‘Israel Defends Itself’ ?
See above.
Mishal will at least be able to play with her chart.
The Daily Mail reported Israel nearly at war during the night and it has dropped far down the front page with only 2 comments (wonder why it is being limited?). But the article includes video starting with the of the baby who purportedly died from tear gas but the UN has taken off their list of known deaths because there is a possibility it died from congenital heart disease.
Its now gone way beyond American Mensa members talking about BBC Climate science censorship. The headlines are now “World Shocked By UK Government Banning Reporting On Tommy Robinson”
There are reports of protest outside of British Embassies throughout the world. Israel, Netherlands, Australia, Canada etc. BBC Censorship has gone global. Liberal left-wing Media in Britain has come under international condemnation. The government had to give way at 3pm on Tuesday for fear Donald Trump would comment.
But the news headline on BBC Look North Hull was something about foodbanks causing an obesity crisis for children living near Hull Prison.
We cannot have it all ways we have to trust the judiciary to remain impartial. If someone is in contempt and in some ways predudices a case then they deserve to be reprimanded. It’s the same as the House of Lords again it’s pointless ditching the EU laws courts and governance for ours if we complain about our due process when it doesn’t suit our stance.
If the judiciary become corrupt the army will take over you can be sure of that.
We get the chance to vote for a party that wiill modernise the lords an option we don’t get in Europe
I don’t think this will be my most popular post.
But I don’t understand how this will prejudice the case if the jury is waiting to give their verdict.
Tommy kept saying alleged and only read out what was available to read on the BBC website.
I’m fine if we are going to clamour that ALL jurors reviewing ALL cases need to be kept in a hermitically sealed bubble but we don’t seem to have that in place for other big event cases or the recent high profile celebrity sex attack cases.
Why do the jurors need to be protected from outside influences, why do the suspects in these cases get to be treated with such apathy allowing them to breeze into the courts like it’s a day care centre?
Why was Tommy arrested for Breach of the peace but charged with contempt of court? Why wasn’t his lawyer allowed to be called? How can the courts and police move so quickly for one individual but take an eternity to prosecute this vile individuals.
I agree that no one should be above the law but it shouldn’t be one standard of law for some people and another standard of law for another. That unfairness, that injustice and that zealotry applied to some people and not others is what causes the widespread anger and crumbling faith in the law, the police and the state.
That is the core (in my opinion) of the anger being expressed at this treatment of Tommy.
TR was already on a suspended charge for contempt he clearly broke the law as the judge had not lifted reporting restrictions so the 13 months is the suspended sentence applied.
The US do not see contempt of court as a criminal offence so that might explain the head scratching over there.
I believe that we need people like TR but he must act within the law otherwise his actions will be used against him not by the law but by the very system he seeks to expose.
I think what you fail to see, Halifax, is the context of this action. Most people understand the reason why contempt of court is a crime and have no problem with it being enforced. But surely you are aware of the increasing move towards a British police state with moves to restrict freedom of speech thought and expression and the Orwellian nature of the state broadcaster let alone the slackness in the way certain laws are enforced when it comes to certain groups!?
There is no denying that Tommy has been the subject of police harassment for many years now. There are many examples many witnesses. It’s even on film. Yet the uk establishment hasn’t said a word. Much of the public knows that the cops would nab him for riding a bicycle without lights if they could.
I’m not saying that the law is a ass, a idiot. But what I do say is the implementation of the law in the UK is now so obviously discriminatory and politically motivated that the public will no longer see contempt of court as a crime anymore, at least not compared with child molestation. They will not be concerned about vague points of law they will want justice instead! This will become the political reality.
And, Halifax, may I ask why , if this was a just a simple case of contempt of court why the draconian press blackout?
I don’t say the Judge was part of any conspiracy, but he/she was acting within the, now normal, police state culture/apparatus that is trying to curtail freedoms in order to impose alien values and idiotic concepts (like ‘hate speech’ for example) on a supine British citizenry.
From what I’ve seen Tommy was at least trying to comply with the law. The response was of sledgehammer proportion.
Halifax, in different times I would have agreed with you. But Dixon of Dock Green is not around anymore and he won’t be turning up to sort things out. The police state is being introduced as the totalitarian regimes of the west are getting desperate to maintain their hold on power. Whether Tommy did or did not step over the line will be seen as a very minor point. Try and see the bigger picture
Well said Yasser my thoughts exactly. Many of us still want to live in the past because justice still meant something. The world under the Globalists has now moved on and getting your head around that fact can be very difficult..I know I have struggled with this too.
This is why the extreme BBC biased is tolerated by the Government. The BBC only reflects the views of those in power -Mainstream politicians personal viewpoints and beliefs have now been all but dropped in favour of embracing whatever fashionable diversity issue they think may help them grab a few more votes in a marginal seat (whilst still expecting the majority of us sheepie to still support them). Hence why all the main parties are soft on sexual abuse perpetrated by certain ethnic groups yet come down like a ton of bricks on the likes of Tommy for much lesser offences.
We even have parties like the “Greens” now seemingly in favour of unlimited migration. Still who cares if our population doubles as long as we-cycle a few plastic bags.
The Tories/Labour are now just imitations of eachother and if this carries on will eventually merge under a one party state. They have also been allowed to break election rules to make it difficult for any third way (ie UKIP) parties to break through Good news for Auntie then but perhaps not so good for us.
And perhaps not so good if you are a 12 year old working class girl in a Northern town.
Oaknash I agree with most of what you say except that I don’t believe the BBC reflects the Government inasmuch the Government follows the BBC lead due to being frightened of the power the BBC wields with their relentless propaganda. They know that one step out of line; the BBC will be relentless until they have enough “Conservative” scalps.
The BBC is the sheep-dog, and the “Government” and the electorate are the sheep. And just like in Far From the Madding Crowd, the BBC sheep-dog is mad (and/or evil in their case) and leading the sheep over the cliff to their (our) destruction.
The “Government” dares not do anything the BBC doesn’t like, that’s why they have imposed these draconian laws on us and treat the honest people with contempt. They are frightened of people like Tommy because enough like him and the whole political structure could come crashing down. That’s why they are trying to silence him (in any way possible) which will also encourager les autres to stop fighting for truth and fairness.
If Tommy does come out of prison in one piece, he will be a broken man. There’s only so much a person can take. The situation is dire.
Excellent analogy Demon.
But to suggest the politicians are powerless in the face of the BBC I believe lets these craven bastards off the hook just a little too much.
I think most of them are more than happy to go along with the BBC globalist outlook on the world because like the BBC in the main their pampered and privileged existence is entirely separate from the people they purport to represent. Hence many MP’S slavish loyalty to the EU.
If only theY didnt have to undergo this pesky election thing every few years it is such a nuisance!
Exactly so.
Agree yasser – if Tommy Robinson’s actions could affect the outcome of a jury trial then maybe the days of jury trials are numbered .
Yasser, “if this was a just a simple case of contempt of court why the draconian press blackout?”
I guess the draconian press blackout was either
1. an error. The Judge briefly thought ‘this case has reporting restrictions, therefore contempt related offences in conjunction with the case must carry the same restriction’.
2. produced by fear. The Judge was afraid of the various parties involved and others taking an interest in the case and was worried for a) its integrity and proper outcome, or, b) worried for other reasons.
“….a British police state with moves to restrict freedom of speech thought and expression….”. I’ve got a problem with, “..moves to….” It is already in place and enforced with a zeal that, if applied to many other crimes would receive the commendation of the public. Within my circle (and age group), the police are now seen as being as evil as the Government. And that’s the age group who always respected the police.
“….yet the uk establishment hasn’t said a word.” That’s what is so so evil about the whole matter. Yes, to, “say a word” would invoke legitimate debate which the NWO certainly does not want and, Treezer the Appeaser simply follows the NWO position.
I can only speak for myself, Dasmahbebi, as a police officer who managed to get to his pensionable service, within the Met Police for the entire time. I think your example of all officers ‘nicking’ TR for not having lights on his bike is absurd. Any of my local clientele without lights at night would be offered a few soothing words of advice, such as try pushing the bike on the pavement. As a Custody Officer, the person responsible for authorizing detention after arrest, in six years nobody brought such an arrest into my custody suite. Never. If they had, and that was the sole evidence, that prisoner would be leaving
PDQ. The words of advice to the arresting officer would be more forthright. So, sorry, but you are plain wrong.
You don’t do humour, do you captain?!
I read elsewhere that the suspended sentence was only 3 months
Well, Halifax, you shouldn’t post here just to be popular. In many respects I agree with you. It seems the accused (guilty?) in this trial are involved in other trials which the authorities didn’t want prejudiced, hence the restrictions and TR may have broken these. I say “may” as details are still sketchy and I’m not sure in what way he broke them as I believe what was in his report was already in the public domain. Nor is it clear how this becomes an arrest for breach of the peace. If we accept TR broke restrictions whilst under a suspended sentence he deserves what happens to him subject to the due process of law.
Why, then, has this caused uproar leading to half a million signatures on a petition to free him? Well, it’s well known that the authorities have been persecuting TR for some time. Sending police into the pub where he’s having lunch with his family to throw him out of town on some flimsy pretext. Dragging him to court on trumped-up charges which would have had him back in prison had crowd funding not provided him with a decent lawyer. He then gets arrested, tried and convicted within 2 hours, in marked contrast to the prevarication shown in prosecuting anyone for industrial-scale child sexual abuse. With a reporting ban thrown on top. No wonder so many smell a rat, even if there isn’t one there. The authorities are paying the price for their previous treatment of him.
Many people can’t understand how an individual with such a criminal past gathers this support. To me the answer is clear. Probably a majority of the population sees the problems brought to these shores by Islam. But they are frightened to talk about it, because they’ve seen it means the end of careers or arrest and detention. Only a certain type of character is prepared to talk about it under these conditions. Many who might not like him are glad that he’s talking about it and will quietly support him because there’s no one else speaking up for their point of view.
And the authorities, with their cack-handed approach to this case, have revealed to these quiet supporters that they are not the only ones who think that way.
Roland – I think that most people are “fair minded” and certainly with the examples you use there is a large disparity between what most people understand as “natural justice” and judicial justice which is now being used to cow us all into silence whilst ignoring despicable sexual crimes perpetrated on working class minors
The reaction of > 500,000 (et al.) to TR’s incarceration is really all to do with the despair and the general frustration at seeing things rapidly sliding into an abyss with the Governments sanction. Its all to do with the conspiracy of the Western Governments Grand Plan i.e. that of the Globalists. TR epitomised the widespread frustration. Of course the issue at the court played its part.
Having had the pleasure of being arrested a few times (never charged before you ask)
what normally happens is one or two officers , not a mob of them, stick you in a van and take you to the cop shop. There they process you remove your shoelaces and stick you in a cell.
They will leave you there to stew for a while and if you request the duty solicitor, you will be told it will take at least 4hrs to get one, If its late they lock you in for the night and interview you in the morning.
Tommy was arrested by the plod for breach of the peace, its there for everyone to see, after causing no breach of the peace which is also there for everyone to see, and its not the first time.
Magically they then went into court and the charge of breach of the peace morphed into contempt and the previous 3month suspended sentence magically became 13months.
You can argue about the nuances of the law, but this is a political arrest to attempt to shut tommy up pure and simple.
Be of no doubt without the likes of Nick Griffen , Tommy Robinson the EDL and a tiny few others these peado rape crimes would have been ignored and covered up as they were before the levy finally broke when one journalists conscience finally got the better of him.
Even Nazir Afzal will you tell how far his(our) “CROWN PROSECUTION LAYWERS” went to distort the truth in an attempt to stop these crimes going to court.
Good post Kaiser. I think the whole “set up” comes down to the fact that TR was arrested for “breach of the peace”. This was clearly not the case to anybody who has watched the video. Having then been arrested the “contempt of court” and the suspended sentence came into play. But surely the last two could not have been instigated if the first stitch up of breach of the peace had not been executed. It is a law which can be used for political ends as it is open ended. How many screaming Antifa scum have been arrested for ” breach of the peace”. It’s the unfairness of it that get’s my goat. They (the State) have always been out to get TR on any trumped up charge and it’s all down to how he tells the truth about Islam. Period.
Does anyone know if the judge was wearing a black cap when pronounciing the13 months sentence?
He’s not required to wear one when he’s “only obeying orders”. No matter what the implication of the sentence.
Caolan Robertson, TR’s regular cameraman of the last year or so who was actually in court for the brief hearing has some curious things to say on the court proceedings now the ban is lifted. That the judge had only watched a minute or two of TR’s livestream but was willing to proceed and give a hefty potentially life-threatening sentence on that basis. And that the contempt of court which has been assumed is the main reason for the sudden sentence was not put forward by the judge but seemed irrelevant. That the judge was indifferent to any danger to TR in gaol (this is the same judge who was photographed laughing out of the window as the police moved in to arrest TR). These elements, plus that the case was rushed through with such speed that not only had the judge not considered the whole of the evidence (TR’s very real attempts to stay inside the law, as evident if you watch the livestream) but also that it ensured that his misled lawyer was STILL under the impression, as told by the police, that he’d been released. There is also the small matter of the delightful defendants making throat-slitting motions out of that same window to TR, the cameraman and a woman who was with them – ignored by plod. If it wasn’t contempt, but TR’s actions on the day in question, it’s hard to find where he fell foul of the law on that day.
If you can get past Alex Jones’s bluster (he once or twice slightly mis-repeats what’s said but I reckon he means very well and he’s got a big audience) Caolan Robertson’s first-hand account of events makes for very interesting listening.
Quite revealing isn`t it montmorency?
In the second line you use a phrase “now the ban is lifted”.
When in our lifetimes would such a phrase have crossed our minds ?
Court reporting bans was something that Europe and Asia did. Not America and Britain.
“It`s a free country”( so do what you like).
Anybody else remember the last time we ever heard THAT phrase, let alone said it?
We`ve let that slope get steep and slippery haven`t we? Only hope Tommys arrest will remind us all just how abased, cringing and lowly submissive we`ve all become.
Alicia, you are spot on. The ban has been atrocious and not something I would normally recognise in this country. There are greater injustices to be battled now that the story is public, more details are coming out bit by bit and the MSM are doing all they can to slander TR to avoid dealing with the primary issue. We have to keep watching.
If you have time to watch Tommy Robinson addressing the Oxford Union he illustrates that police treatment made him stronger and more determined.
It was a bold move by TR and he made a good case.
Popularity tends to win only friends in fair weather.
Ask Treezer.
So speak freely and sincerely, hopefully free of repercussion.
Now, any thoughts on matters of disproportion or selectivity, which can trouble the BBC. Well, only sometimes, ironically.
There is no reason why you “have to” believe in the impartiality of the judiciary. They will be judged on how impartial they actually are. MPs like Lammy see a racial bias amongst the judges, others a sexist bias. It’s essentially the old male, pale and stale accusation. Yet “self identifying” remainer M’luds can act impartially in the Gina Miller case.
Im not sure about the popularity of your post as i cant understand what point you are trying to make. But If you think that our judiciary is impartial and apolitical you must have been living somewhere else for the past twenty years.
Halifax ,
The people in the Soviet Union felt they were always being lied too so that even when the Soviet government actually told the truth it wasn’t beleived .
So our Powers That Be only have themselves to blame if they are distrusted even if they are right in this instance .
Suppose it had been proved in court that an accused person has prejudiced a case, having been given the right to a defence. Then a punishment may be understandable.
But there are no grounds to justify that details of this punishment should be kept out of the public domain – unless such information is a threat to national security.
If unpopular then rightly so. He was arrested for breach of the peace, which evidently didn’t happen, then charged with contempt only so he could be disappeared, then his case could not be reported, for which there was no justification at all. All this happened in four hours: clearly a trap planned in advance. As usual the attempt to cover up makes it all worse. Roll on the appeal!
Richard, add Brasil to the list as a relation of mine forwarded me an article about Tommy. I saw these reports last night about childhood obesity. I visit schools in Bransholme and my observation is that it is a tiny minority. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story.
I must confess to being intrigued to see whether the US runs with the Tommy story.
Part of me is embarrassed and fearful that if Trump weighed in it would solidify the support against Tommy because Theresa and co would drape themselves in some kind of patriotic ‘the nasty yanks are picking on us’.
Whereas the other half wants to think the US would be expressing their disgust at how we are behaving and openly saying that it’s another nail in the coffin for how they view us.
I know that this is what the left wants – to distance the UK from the US but given that the Govt and the Tories are refusing to listen to us ordinary folk, maybe the derision of the US may have a little more weight.
I used to love the history and spirit of this country but lately I’m beginning to really hate what it is becoming and what it represents to the rest of the world.
RE: Afua Hirsch
Using her premise regarding our nations` collective racism…. When Nelson and Churchill were instrumental in defending our shores from foreign invaders, were they acting out of some kind of racist contempt ???? Let`s face it, Islam is an idealogy not a race… As is Nazism and also the Idealism of the new French Republics` expansionist policies under Bonaparte… As for Cecil Rhodes….. Who would you class as the more racist… Rhodes or Mugabe (with his Hitler Moustache) I suppose in her view Mugabe is in no way a racist due to him being responsible for the deaths of more blacks than white people, just like Winnie Mandela (who she recently eulogised as a misunderstood `freedom activist`…
F**king bitch, why doesn`t she go live in Ghana or Norway or wherever….. ??? She hates us that much why is she not living overseas like Toynbee???
Don’t over react to this creature – she does what she does to make a living . And it appears sadly that she is very good at it
I won’t hear her anymore – which is difficult since she is now a ‘go to” voice for msm. Same people will listen to her and realise she has ‘issues’ I feel pity more than anything else .
Putting across anti-British propaganda is what the BBC do a lot of. We know that and it annoys us and the BBC don’t care.
But to claim to stand for some sort of happy multi-culturalism then to put ethnic people on fronting programmes that are designed to rouse the ire of any patriotic Brit is simply trying to rub salt into the wound.
The BBC plunge to new depths when they use people from minorities they claim they want to protect. All they are doing is risking stirring up racial hatred towards them. Not all people will be as understanding to this woman and others like her as Fedup is.
I can see why the warped and poisoned minds in the state broadcaster would want to attack the the stature of heroes like Churchill and Nelson. It stimulates their festering, distorted brain cells. But to get ‘vulnerable minorities’ to do it reminds me of the accusation that US tactics in Vietnam were to put mainly blacks in the front line. I don’t know if it was true or not but it is a shocking thought. But the BBC have no qualms about it. It says heaps about their true nature
You are making the assumption that Hirsch et al. think that defending our shores from foreign invaders is a good thing.
There was plenty of support for Hitler in India, Africa and even Ireland as they saw this a way of destroying the British Empire.
White British, and particularly white English are still too “imperialist” for Hirsch. Loss of Empire is not humiliation enough. She expects self abasement for “past crimes” on a German scale. Monuments of National Shame. Reparations, etc., etc.
ID I know a little about the irish attempts at destabilising the British Rule during both wars…..
In WW1 my N.Irish Catholic Grandfather was a volunteer and as such was a part of the first Somme offensive as part of 1st Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (36th Ulsters) He was lucky to survive and afterwards was promoted to Corporal and due to his Catholic identity causing resentment amongst the replacemnts who were mainly protestant was transferred to the Gordon Highlanders in time for the Second somme offensive in which he saw action on the first day as part of the initial attacks… When he got back he found himself shunned by those he had known all his life (he was a Postman) but he got on with life after what he had been through it`s understandable…. He married my Grandmother after his first wife died in childbirth whose family were very hardline Nationalists and active in the civil unrest throughout WW1 and afterwards too….
He always said he had volunteered because the British identity its` ethics and it`s Democracy had allowed him to find a career, feed his family and something he felt worth fighting to protect…. It wasn`t a problem until the Easter Rising, many other Catholic soldiers in France were treated badly after they returned home and many ended up moving North after the creation of the Irish Free State those who didn`t got caught up in the Civil War after being forced to choose a side, as they had military training etc….. My family is proud of him, he was a good decent man and had enough common sense to appreciate being British and the values that came with it… At that time let`s be honest…. Being British was the Gold Standard when it came to Nationality back then, it might not be comparable to modern times but twice last Century we basically stopped real racism, genocide, slavery and subjugation of the Western World even though it cost us our place as the leading World power and put us trillions in debt….. These days wherever a Muslim majority country borders with a non muslim one there is conflict and war and famine… Wherever a Muslim Country borders with another Muslim State there is conflict, famine and war between sects….. I know what Hirsch is about… just another profesional race baiter…. I agree she must have mental issues… I wonder if she still has contact with her white relatives, I doubt it….. I just don`t understand why other people of BAME ethnicity don`t see her for the rabble rousing charlatan that she is…..
Justin, thanks for that open and heartfelt post. Outstanding!
I think you have it right, M/s Hirsch is an opportunist milking her family for all it is worth.
Your grandfather, on the other hand, served a nation (more,
several in factual outcome) at a cost to himself.
“There was plenty of support for Hitler in India, Africa and even Ireland as they saw this a way of destroying the British Empire.”
Can I just make one point. Any suggestion that the British Empire was anything other than totally evil is met with incredulity in many quarters including, of course, the BBC. It simply isn’t possible to point out its good points without some clown taking it as a justification of slavery.
If so, how was the creation of the British Commonwealth (as it used to be known) even remotely possible? Do the oppressed normally join the oppressor’s club?
And lastly, is there a French/Spanish/Dutch/Belgian/Portuguese Commonwealth? Perhaps there is, but I’ve never heard of it. In fact I believe some former French colonies have joined the British Commonwealth, or the Commonwealth of Nations, as it is now known.
Spot on Marion. The British Empire was and still is something to be very proud of. Yet the Brits show very little interest in it. They seem to be content to have their glorious past damned by ideologues and nutters.
If you study the topic you will find that it’s greatness was not in it’s design because there was no plan, but in it’s achievements. That a ramshackle empire, and that’s what it really was, could grow so large and last so long and do so much for civilization is truly remarkable.
And in it’s story there is much to be learned about the true nature of people and politics.
Unfortunately with the growth of nationalism in the third world and aspiring leaders need to have an enemy they could lay the blame on the British Empire was a convenient target. And to make things easy for them the Brits did not contest the arguments but more or less pleaded guilty on all counts. And the Brits now know very little of their own history to be proud of. (Apart from winning the soccer world cup 1966).
Generally speaking the British Empire tried not to acquire territory and didn’t want colonies because they cost a lot of money so colonization was a last option. The 1880’s and the 1890’s were a bit of an exceptions in this regard but when it comes to consistency rules or policy it is hard to find any with our Empire. It was the other ones that went for rules, conformity, and national grandeur. Maybe that’s they were nowhere near so successful.
Anyway most of the ‘horrors of colonialism’ were the result of the industrial revolution arriving on unprepared societies. It was disruptive enough in Britain the home of the process so it was bound to seriously effect undeveloped societies whatever policy options were tried. The BBC of course will not tell you this, they will stick with Lenin’s version.
In regards to your question. Yes colonies from other empires are now joining the Commonwealth. e.g. Cameroons, Rwanda. But don’t expect it to be headlines on the BBC.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
Yep! Spot on.
The Commonwealth of 53 Nations that are so proud to be associated with Great Britain.
Not bad for a former empire, Eh?
The liberals do not like this, in fact they abhor it and teach our children to despise our past.
What other nation does this?
The BBC should drop ‘British’ from its title.
Thanks, good comments and, in particular, your comment about the industrial revolution in the penultimate paragraph. It was rough on lots of people.
Another thought – it’s not unheard of for people of former colonies to praise the Empire, perhaps with qualifications and, very occasionally, to say that they were better off. It’s not frequent, but it happens. I wonder if people in, say, Algeria and Congo also believe this?
The ‘Allahu Akbar’ deaths in Liege yesterday have already disappeared from Toady’s news. Even when the shocking news of the singling out for death of female Belgian police officers was reported, the MSM seemed baffled as to any motive.
Ah they are reporting it now.
The takeaway message we are told is the effect of prison on radicalisation. Errrm… how about the effect of Islam on radicalisation, al beeb?
Thank heavens for BBC weather forecasting. If it weren’t for Carole Kirkwood I wouldn’t now know that yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far – in Auchtermuchty… or some such?
Now I wonder if I should take an umbrella today?
Toady watch – it s been a beauty .
A sneering discussion about the Tommy Robinson case . The journo who got the media ban lifted explained that the only journos really subject to the ban were the TWO locals actually in the trial – which says much but wasn’t followed up.
This was followed – with an ironic sense of houmour which the toady editor missed – by a piece on ‘totalitarian’ North Korea and how the media is controlled as well as everyone else .
Soros’ bitch – bollock Brown was on telling us how he was going to stop brexit because we were wrong . No challenge to him
A reporter who had done some research on Grenfell explaining the the fault lies with the management organisation and the idiot fire brigade who fucked up on the night telling people to stay inside and fry .
This one was difficult to listen too because it came as a shock to poor meeeshaaal who hadn’t heard the truth before. She was helped by a lefty race lawyer who she chatted too afterward . He sounded happily on the race gravy£££ train.
Two omissions
The two murdered lady Brussels cops didn’t get a mention – no st jo cox treatment for them as terrorist victims . Strange since al beeb is so girly – Islam beats genda it seems .
The other omission is the Italian constitutional crisis which let’s hope gets worse and brings down the Reich EU.
I forgot one- the excellent law in Hungary criminalising help to illegal immigrants and putting it in the constitution so the ReichEU can’t challenge it.
Al beeb won’t talk much about that because other sensible countries might get a similar idea – not Blighty of course – too busy self destructing .
FE2 – You forgot the glowing report on Ruth Davison “possible Tory leader of the future”. As far as the BBC is concerned she must almost have it all – a wifey, a baby on the way, Remainer and of course she wants to drop any immigration targets so they can keep on filling the nation with people who have no real wish to integrate.
Just a pity she is not a bit more effnik or goes around in a wheelchair.
Oak apologies – I must have been making the tea when that was on . Al beeb will love a”married “ girl couple with baby (colour?) at the door of number 10 “ look how far we’ve come “ crap.
Maybe she’d do better with the happy clappers in the Lib Dem’s .
I thought she was brilliant on Monday , handling the BBC like she didn’t care about their egos , then yesterday she was in their good books because she wanted more immigration .
It will be interested to see if she (or Rees Mogg) have been invited to next month’s Bilderberger meeting in Italy. That’s where the future PMs and Presidents usually get the nod.
Agree, Fed.
Ladies Day at, Ladies Day at the TOADY Programme.
Lord Malloch-Brown undermines his own argument for remaining in the EU.
A journalist, Andrew O’Hagan has actually done some journalism, researching the Grenfell tragedy. Remember journalism, BBC? It is what you are meant to do. Mishal struggles to get her head around what journalism is, let alone good, thorough journalism. (I haven’t seen O’Hagan’s piece but he certainly sounds as though he knew what he was doing and did a thorough job.) She repeats standard LeftLibbie/Alt-Left views of Grenfell and gets knocked back by the results of O’Hagan’s work. Work. Remember that, Mishal? No? Thought not.
Instead, the BBC appears to deliberately undermine Andrew O’Hagan’s by the juxtaposition of 8am News of a report commissioned by Muslim Aid and an uncomfortably staged and ’emotivated’ interview (well, that is how it came across to me) with a Grenfell firefighter of whom Mishal asks no hard questions.
Back to Russian meddling. A journalist has been killed. It must be by Putin. The BBC and Ladies Day at TOADY are happy to do second-hand journalism, getting telephone contributors onto the programme. No questions asked about a murder of a Russian closer to home. BBC silence on Skripal. BBC silence on Nikolai Glushkov.
I wonder why?
It is a condemnation of the present state of the BBC that a small literary magazine does the work of a major news organisation.
The BBC tell me in a programme trail that I’m a feminist. I disagree. I believe all humans are equal, irrespective of skin colour and gender, but I am not a feminist. As it is Ladies Day, Gender Wars are brought to the TOADY studio but Mishal has trouble with two contributors getting into a spat.
Twitter Rules but Mishal is not up to refereeing and everyone talks over each other. Hilarious. 8.39am approx if you missed it and want to catch it on iPlayer.
Back to child poverty. Never mind the poverty of the BBC. It is long overdue, Lord Hall, for that ‘difficult conversation’ with Sarah Sands. You have to tell her it really is not working out well and it is time to look for another job.
The bbc email summary has decided on what focus needs to be taken:
Grenfell authorities’ response ‘badly flawed’
Story detail
Kensington and Chelsea Council has been criticised for its response to last June’s Grenfell Tower fire in a report which says it was “slow to provide direction, co-ordination and information and to address multiple pressing needs”. While the investigation, commissioned by the charity Muslim Aid, also recognises that the voluntary sector came up short, it says in a major disaster, local secular and faith organisations could draw on their “local rootedness” to act quickly and sensitively to help their communities. You can find out who the Grenfell fire victims were here.“
cant this report influence the outcome of the inquiry, perhaps they should be arrested for contempt.
Be fair Fedup. The BBC have mentioned the Italian crisis this morning, it was on the text pages and ended with the words:
‘On Sunday, Italy’s two populist parties failed to form a coalition cabinet.’
No mention of Euro-sceptic Paolo Savona, rejected by President Mattarella to precipitate the crisis, but that’s the risk you take when space is at a premium. I’m quite sure they would have gone on to explain that when they said ‘failed’ they really meant ‘were prevented in an outrageous yet all too typical EU reaction to an unfavourable democratic vote’.
Beltane – ok – I must have nodded off – I’m sure it was an unbiased reflection of the wishes of Italian voters.
Italian voters who have the BBCattitude , all three of them .
Credit where due. I’ll say that again in case you think you read it wrong. Credit where due. It’s cat out of the bag time.
On Toady, they gave airtime at 0735 to one Andrew o Hagen, a journalist who owned up to preconceptions but for 10 months has investigated Grenfell Tower and comes up with distinctly ‘unhelpful’ conclusions. The council were in the main not to blame. Their budget surplus was earmarked for capital projects sich as a special needs school. The Tower was run not by the council but by a Tenant Management Organisation who decided on the refurb. The council increased the budget, not decreased it. The fire brigade’s response on the night and in particular the ‘stay where you are’ policy was deeply flawed. By implication LeftMob are utterly denounced. O’Hagen was interviewed by Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein in full snidy bitch mode but he answered well. Then it goes downhill. Uselss ‘interviews’ either a lawyer representing some of the families or a spokesperson for said lawyers. He, without interruption, is allowed to trash o Hagen’s inconvenient findings, though his predictably one-sided comments were I thought in stark contrast to o’Hagen’s sober analysis. Yet after setting him off, Useless issues not a single question or challenge. Her next comment is ‘Thank you very much’.
Even when the bBBC talk to an impartial person, they cannot help themselves be biased!
But black, female, amd muslim, Useless is untouchable.
Still, one to diarise for the future.
Poor Mishal. As one mortar round looks promising, another Iron Dome intercepts.
O’Hagen’s (long) article and inconvenient conclusions are published in the London Review of Books
A great read . Wonder how different the report will be ?thanks
Thank you for this Sluff. Took me two hours over the day in school, but worth the time. Quite the best thing on Grenfell that anybody will ever need to know.
That`s the report.
Toady news bulletin includes a report from that sacrosanct authority ‘Muslim Aid’ saying something like the council response to Grenfell was useless and in future they should coordinate more with ‘faith groups.’ Britain baaaad, immigrants gooooood. Bit cheeky as I would bet my house the fire was actually started by a Ramadan fire.
One ‘report’ that will never be written is how much money is ripped off by all these ‘charities’, ‘community groups’ et cetera. A divinely sanctioned compulsion to deceive non believers and laws rendering any criticism of the group illegal is a perfect storm. Did Cameron pledge £20 million to teach certain Muslim women English? How easy would it be to rip that off – like taking candy from the liberal babies our leaders are.
Then at 8.10am another emotionally incontinent wallowing in Grenfell. All those lovely immigrants ostensibly hurt by evil whitey – BBC producers must be in a state of perpetual orgasm. It happened almost a year ago but time is no issue for The Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation.
Beeb –
Felt sorry for the fireman man person – he did his bit but his organisation screwed up again . Health and safety beat common sense .
We can’t be far off from “Grenfell – the musical “
Beeb, ” Did Cameron pledge £20 million to teach certain Muslim women English? How easy would it be to rip that off – like taking candy from the liberal babies our leaders are.”
Quite correct.
I often wonder what would be the result if there was a forensic audit of the Prevent programme. Where has the money gone, into whose pockets? A quick bit of searching reveals that it is not easy to find how much taxpayer money the Prevent strategy costs, either overall or each year.
I wonder why?
First headline on BBc website
‘Grenfell disaster response badly flawed’.
Yep. First headline. Yep. It’s the Muslim Aid report.
But o’Hagan’s report … mention at all.
The BBC. Another word for disgusting.
Wasn’t Muslim Aid the one funding an Islamic terrorist organisation “charity” some years ago?
Anyway, this report may as well been written by Momentum, The Labour Party, any Anti Tory group, Owen Jones etc
Oh how I love the BBC giving a platform for woman to complain about Twitter denying woman stating biological facts. Would that be like men saying on average men are better suited to certain occupations based on biological facts? That always gets shot down
One argument put forward by anti woman is that the Girl Guides now let boys who identify as girls join.
So it’s okay for girls to join the boy scouts (equality) but not boys girls is quite funny that it’s woman who are the ones fighting back against men identifying as woman and doing ‘female’ activities..the poor lefties don’t which side to stand on..feminist or the LGBTQ..
“Italian political crisis hits Asian stocks”
Could this be the first casualty of the Euro € ?
What with Soros and Lord Adonis, this summer is going to be an interesting time for Great Britain.
Don’t let the media kid you that “You did not know what you were voting for”
Everyone had Mr Cameron’s £9 Million booklet through the letterbox. Mr Cameron said that there would be no second vote , “People really need to understand it is a single decision, it is a final decision.”………….
Taff, about Italy
I haven’t watched the bBbc news at 10 for a few years now but happened to tune into their BAME mid-week edition, where every story seemed to be about race in some way, while they were talking about Italy. Funny, this story didn’t mention race.
According to Katya Adler the ‘populists’, democratically elected politicians to you and me, were voted in because of people protesting against corruption and organised crime and voting simply for change.
Mass immigration, the country being swamped by millions of Romanians, Albanians, Africans, and Asians and the Italian/ EU rulers doing nothing about it is apparently not a reason or even worth mentioning. The dog in the street knows that this is why Italians in the main voted for people who actually represent them, this and their economy.
Not only are the bBbc biased, their news coverage is poor, they don’t actually report correctly or thoroughly. They’re rubbish at what they do.
Despite what is perhaps commonly thought of ‘InfoWars’, this is as accurate as it gets –
Fortunately, the NWO can increasingly be identified. They’re coming out the shadows to display their true motives.
Re Tommy Robinson:
If the system had recognised the dire problem that verges on terrorism with regard to child rape by muslim gangs, Robinson would not have needed to make a stand.
He is another victim of the politically correct bias of the elite.
“How dare he prejudice the trial of those gang rapists torturing children?!”
Their heavy-handed treatment of him has given him great publicity
The system has recognised the dire problem that verges on terrorism with regard to child rape by muslim gangs. It just refuses to do anything about it, other than turn a blind eye.
Kim Jong Speaks Out 🙂
‘England players discussed what to do about racism in Russia.’
The second story on their sport website! A story based on something which has not actually happened yet/at all -the BBC’s speciality.
I am no highly-skilled equalities professional, but I imagine the best ‘plan’ is to ignore any naughty words safe in the knowledge that you are a multi millionaire. It is not like they are going to get kidnapped and thrown onto a slave ship.
The way the BBC talk about racism you would think it was an epidemic and one could barely leave the house without hearing racist abuse. In reality it is more like the Loch Ness monster. Who ever sees anyone even remotely racist these days?
See loads of them on the bBbc and Channel 4, professional shit-stirrers and irritants like Afua Hirsch. They’re usually the ones calling everyone else racist.
But in everyday life? I agree, very few, but if they keep pushing this agenda, you will see a lot more.
had to laugh today with bbc reports daying kensington had tested front doors and they were not safe so would be replaced
4000 costing 3.5million quid, yep £875 a pop, I do hope the council come round and replace my old front door as im sure its not up to latest regs
Kaiser, don’t forget the labour costs in that price. That’s not just the price of the door. That’s two workmen from a private company to fit it plus another to supervise and a fourth to drive the van. Then a Council Official will have to check 1. that it is done, 2. how it has been done, 3. whether the work is up to standard, and 4. that no Health and Safety rules have been breached. Forms will be completed, boxes ticked and lessons not learnt. Then more money will be handed to another private company to survey residents about how they feel about their new front doors.
I could not possibly comment.
I earlier pulled up Lord Malloch-Brown’s Wiki page because I thought Fedup2 had misspelt his name and I was doubting my memory. After I finished the post to BeebBro @ 9.20am above, I thought I would just glance through it. Two bits popped out and poked me in the eye! Yoouwch!
I quote directly from Wikipedia. The usual caveat about Wikki applies here.
Look what I found about ‘forensic audits of public funded programmes’, oh ho-ho!
” Malloch Brown succeeded Louise Fréchette as United Nations Deputy Secretary-General on 1 April 2006, retaining the position until December 2006.[6]
Oil for food. Malloch Brown publicly defended handling of the Oil-for-Food Programme by the UN in general, and Kofi Annan in particular. While he countered critics that “Not a penny was lost from the organization,”[22] an internal UN audit of the Oil-for-Food programme revealed that there had been overcompensation amounting to $557 million.[23] A separate audit of UN peacekeeping procurement concluded that at least $310 million from a budget of $1.6 billion could not be accounted for.[22]
Malloch Brown, briefing the Security Council, argued that, while the situation uncovered by the audit was “alarming”, and that nearly $300 million out of a $1.6 billion budget was involved, it showed more that there was significant waste with only narrow instances of fraud. He noted that the UN Secretariat, based on the reservations expressed by the department being audited, did not entirely accept the auditor’s conclusions.[24] ”
Then my eye was caught by this and this ought to be very worrying for the BBC – and for all Leave voters – concerned as the BBC are about interference in our Election, EU Referendum and the US Election. :-J
“Malloch Brown became chairman of the board of directors of SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company whose primary asset is the election technology and voting machine manufacturer Smartmatic, in 2014.[43][44] Citing Malloch Brown’s former and present relationship with politicians in the Philippines as well as his role in Smartmatic, the IBON Foundation, a non-profit research organization based in the Philippines, criticized him as being “a foreigner who made a career out of influencing elections”.[17]”
I wonder if the BBC will ask him any questions about that, especially in the light of his desire, and perhaps that of the BBC, to have another EU-related Referendum to overturn the 2016 Leave vote?
I will not hold my breath.
Up – I. Looked up bo. brown last time. Soros put him up to undermine democratic vote.he has a direct financial involvement.
Yes, the EU does not like democracy.
The Hounds of Hell continue to bark and bite and snap and harass the UK’s democratic decision to leave the EU. I still think we will only get out of the EU ‘on our knees’. 😉
At least the BBC has been fairly ‘honest’ in at least owning up to George Soros’s and Lord Malloch-Brown’s inolvement in trying to overturn Brexit. They appear to have covered it up for quite a while.
Hopefully the public will now become increasingly aware and will develop some resistance and courage in the face of this unholy bullying.
We can only pray …..
There are reports this morning that the evil creature George Soros is starting and funding a campaign to hold a second referendum to remain in the EU.
Is this latest assault on our decision to leave the EU, by Mr Soros and his groupies, a credible threat or can it be dismissed as just frivolous and nasty?
Given the large amount of money this man has at his disposal, no doubt he can cause a lot of trouble but can his activities be ignored? I don’t know but I hope so.
Compare and contrast:
Semi-literate Twitter and Facebook messages from Russian hackers: a wicked attempt by the Russians to interfere in the US Presidential Election, the Brexit Vote etc.
Foreign billionaire pumps millions (much of it indirect and undeclared) into trying to undo democratic decision of British people. Something wonderful for the BBC to celebrate. Does not constitute any interference whatsoever.
Well said – evil, ageing billionaire who made much of his fortune from betting against the stupidity of a previous UK govt now aims to use his wealth to overturn a democratic referendum.
So one of the most shining examples of popular democracy where every single voter had a hand in the decision without partisan politics and this is to be challenged by a foreign billionaire – and this is celebrated?
Aaron Banks invests his own money into funding UKIP and helping to bring about the referendum and he’s some kind of grubby, cash in hand market stall trader. George Soros who just needs a cat and a mountain top residence to complete the look of a million fictional bad guys is noble and generous, driven onwards only by a charitable and selfless heart.
j-i-c, the BBC ought to be really upset about this foreign attempt to influence our democracy after all the things they said about Putin, the Russians, Cambridge Analytica, Facebook, Twitter …..
They should be very upset.
The BBC should be howling from the rooftop of Broadcasting House.
What do I hear?
Yes, nothing!
Total radio silence on Soros!
The BBC and Brexit – The Movie:
‘Carry on Interfering’
Promises from the women who cannot keep promises …
Brexit means Brexit.
Islam has nothing to do with Islam.
Enough is enough …. followed by no action and 23K still on watch list.
wouldnt say theres been no action
Right Wing Extremists proscribed
Right Wing Extremists prosecuted for stickers and procurement of a book from amazon
“Right Wing Extremists” clamped down on
border security increased by excluding known “Right Wing Extremists”
“Right Wing Extremist” citizen journalist jailed
Anti “Right Wing Extremist” joke hate speech laws enacted to shut up the complaining masses
“Right Wing Extremist” communist scots comedian prosecuted for a joke in poor taste
she seems to have been quite busy
So true what Trump says of politicians; all talk no action.
Still going strong at > 505,000 incrementally increasing at an unchanged steady rate.
Last night on BBC2 there was a long program on BBC2 making out that the existence of the 11+ causes children and parents alike considerable angish when they fail because the parents cannot afford hundreds of pounds a month for many years to pay for out-of-school coaching. Misleading and irrelevant statistics were (of course) included. Doubtless the left wants the quality of all schools to be brought down to the worst available and everyone to be given 100% (or better still 110%) in every test. Equality of opportunity is to be sacrificed on the altar of equality of outcome. Naturally the BBC is contributing by hiring on a diversity basis, despite the fact that many of the on-screen persons are functionally illiterate and numerate up to, but rarely beyond, Diane standard.
No longer a news service – it has become a propaganda machine and the people of these great islands are beginning to see that .
is the so called beeb are really going to hit those diversity targets they are going to have to sack a lot of homo’s to make some space
Kaiser they won’t sack them. They will just take them up to the roof garden.
DR I’m so glad I missed it. There are so many levels of misrepresentation and hypocrisy in the BBC slamming of grammars, I don’t know how they get away with it (well I do, just don’t present the facts or a positive view to balance).
It doesn’t take years of out of school teaching or thousands of pounds – if it does, the child probably should not be heading for a grammar. In any case, many kids blossom later, around year 4/5 so it’s impossible to tell if it would suit them or not until then. It’s simply that, in this 11+ area at least, primaries do not offer any preparation at all for an exam which has a distinct and unique format and a very specific answer paper which must be pencilled by the child in an absolutely exact way for the answer they have given to be read properly by a computer. If they get the answers out of order on the day the computer will not know that, so they need to know to check details. The sections are timed, they have to know if they need to turn over, and when. Small errors, or big ones, in understanding the format can be a crucial difference in marks. No children of 10/11 will have seen an exam paper formatted like that, or understand how to answer it, unless they are given some guidance. There are no doubt much better ways to assess suitability for a grammar, but here we’re stuck with it.
That’s it! It’s not about hot-housing or training them to be better at Maths, English etc, it’s all about familiarity with format and it can definitely done either by a parent at home, or if your rays of sunshine don’t listen to a word you say, by a helpful tutor once or twice a month, max. I reckon at most £30-£50 quid a month in year 5 so that they’re ready – and if it’s right for them! Even six sessions or so would be worth it. That’s not going to break the bank or cause massive trauma.
It’s when I see the smug Labour benches of ex-grammar school boys and girls telling us the evils of selective education whilst sending their offspring to selective schools (Blair, Abbot, Chakrabaty, et al even Corbyn) I get really cross. Esp when Abbot laughs it off. Chakrabaronessy just looks like a rabbit stuck in headlights, but that seems to be her permanent look now. And the Beeb who has power to make or break governments have decided where they stand on this, so it’s wobble time all over again. I just wish TM would have the courage of her convictions and stick to it. (sorry this is long, bit of a bugbear!)
@BBCPanorama TODAY on BBC1 at 7.30pm.
Last Chance for Justice
What if you were jailed for a crime you didn’t commit?
– #Panorama investigates the cases of two convicted murderers who have always protested their innocence
I just watched ” Hard Talk” on I Player. I ask everybody to
watch it. It says everything that needs to be said about Biased
We had Zeinab Badawi interviewing Ed Husain. If one would of
watched this on Al Jazira you would of said “Even the BBC would
not of allowed such a biased interviewer. ” BUT THEY DID !!!
Ed Husain from the same school of Moslem liberal thought as
Maajid Nawaz was trying to make points on subscribed Islamic terrorist organizations ,such as Hamas and Hezbollah. But Badawi
was having none of it. I employ you to watch this . And then ask
yourself is somebody like Badawi the right person to be employed
by the BBC.
The only thing I wil say in her defence , is that she was PROUD
to show her true feelings , against Husain’s liberal
Muslim pragmatism.
First they took the straws, and you sucked it up.
Then they took the sugar, and you forgot how life can be sweet.
Then they took the cartoons … just like they did with Mohammed.
I`m surprised the cereal packaging is getting such a frosty reception…. Not surprised Uncle Bens isn`t a problem though…. Will they also be removing the chickens head decals on the cornflakes too???
Rice Krispies might be a problem though….. how the hell can three characters be redone to show a true demographic of the population??? All I see is three racist white EDL supporters and i suspect that behind the bowl are a few million undocumented migrants hiding from the three guys on the Far – Right next to the bowl….
look at these racists!!! Laughing at all the Syrian children, Doctors and engineers drowning in the sea of white supremicism!!!!

Anyone noticed how Kellogs Coco-Pops has a dark skin cartoon character who looks a bit like a monkey? That has to be racist in this modern PC age.
Yea …… Just this morning I was looking for somehing to find offensive, and what do ya` know…. I spotted to my horrow that there was a Rice Krispie in my Coco pops!!!! I was just about to post a picture on social media when I realised that cultural appropriation is also highly cited as a form of racism, much in the same way as Afua Hirsch does when she uses the term `WE` prior to running her mouth off with yet more edgy observations about how racist everyone except for her and whatever bandwagon of bile she is riding on that day is !!!! She is the modern day equivalent of Quisling ….. He was born in Norway and despised the people of the UK too…. I expect she came here because she found the Snow offensive….
The most sexist and exclusive Party in the World … … Misandry!
The more silly leftist parties there are the better because they will split the idiot left vote. The Tories are social democrats but Corbyn is a Marxist so keeping him out of number ten is important. Mind you I am so annoyed and disappointed by the Tories over the past couple of years in particular that it will be with no enthusiasm whatsoever that i trudge to the polling station. You can see by the appalling illegal treatment handed out to TR that there is no chance of us ever getting a proper Conservative party in our country. Voting Tory now just slows down the descent into Islamic hell hole but we are still heading in that general direction..
How is this for a total non-news story?
The Balenciaga T-shirt shirt that has the internet baffled
Has the internet baffled? Are all the hardware servers and routers around the world confused where to route the IP data?
No, just a small handful of Twitter users liking a tweet.
I would guess this “news” made it on the BBC only because they could show the same photo of a male black model 4, yes 4, f’ing times!
I understand you are unhappy with a tweet made by Gary Lineker on his Twitter account.
While I appreciate your concern, I would explain that the account in question is Gary’s personal Twitter account, and BBC Guidelines do not prohibit non-news presenters from expressing their views.
Please rest assured your complaint as been forwarded onto senior management on our audience feedback report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback within the BBC and help inform both current and future output.
Once again, many thanks for taking the time to get in touch.
Kind regards
Janine McMeekin
BBC Complaints Team
. . . .
Complaint Summary: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker
Full Complaint: What are you going to do regards Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker breaking your BBC guidelines …
“Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing by their women today. #Repealthe8th”
@GaryLineker 22may2018″
News and Current Affairs, Global News, News Staff in the Nations 15.4.9 {bbc editorialguidelines jul2017} “BBC News and Current Affairs staff, and correspondents and freelances primarily known as BBC news presenters or reporters should not normally write regular columns for non-BBC websites or external publications which are not published by or for the BBC.(Twitter is quite regular) … In particular, they should not write a regular column which deals with: news, current affairs, politics or current world affairs economics, business or finance matters of public policy, political or industrial controversy media issues moral or ethical issues or religion. …” “should not write a regular column which deals with…moral or ethical issues” – “do the right thing”.
The support for Tommy has taken the ruling progressives by surprise . That much is clear. Even those who do not support him have been taken aback by the state effectively “disappearing” him. Hence the sudden lifting of restrictions.
It was impossible in the internet age to keep it secret. We have had the state over reach itself before as old Cobbett knew well . Six Acts and the rest of it. The English do not like this sort of thing and it has shaken the elites. And the MSM has shown it’s cowardice and true colours.
There will be a concerted campaign to rubbish and demonise Tommy that we can be sure of but it might be counter productive.
Perception is everything and whatever you think of Tommy few can doubt his commitment to England and it’s people . Strange people the English. Once they have decided that a man is the right stuff then that is that for them and he will have them at his back come what may.
Do not feel any pity for the progressive class. They have brought this on themselves by assuming that an ancient and proud people would quietly go into the darkness .
Over and above points of law and policy and reputation is always the life of the nation and the keeping of the unbreakable bond between the past present and future generations .
Our rulers hate us that we can be sure but they usually have so what is new.
This is our land.
First rate post, Dave!
I think it’s the “justice must be seen to be done” thing. It used to be considered important.
I’m not qualified to decide whether the judge was right or not, most people aren’t, but on a simple level it looks all wrong and that shouldn’t have been allowed to happen. It can’t be good for anybody in the longer term, even if it does get TR off May’s back in the short term.
When the machinations of judges become incomprehensible to ordinary folk, except perhaps in very rare complex cases like corporate fraud or certain financial crimes, we’re in trouble.
“The power of the executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any real charge known to common law, and natural justice; and to particularly deny him due trial by his peers, is odious in the highest degree and the foundation of all totalitarian regimes, be they Communist or Nazi”.
Winston Churchill( some tweaks by me though, call me Clemmie!)
No free man shall be taken, imprisoned, dispossessed, outlawed or exiled, nor destroyed in any way, we will not go after him or send our forces against him , save for lawful judgment of his peers, or by the Law of the land.
Magna Carta, Clause 39,-ish!
Beautifully put by Mr Churchill, as always.
What a load of dross in Parliament these days. Nobodies.
Free Bikes and an 18% pay rise … recession and austerity proof ….
How much in total did fraudsters cost the Tax Payer … paid by the David Lammy who uses expenses to pay for bikes … nope … these expenses do not impact the MPS … but they should … for each one found the MPs foot the bill!
Maybe reduce the MPs pay when this happens …
When Tommy R gets out of prison can we give him the full Nelson Mandela treatment please? Can we ordain him as a national hero and make him the leader of our nation?
Lucy Pevensey
Arise Sir Tommy
Brilliant GWF, just brilliant
Arise Sir Tommy.
Perhaps the Queen may have a lot more sympathy for Tommy than we might suspect but of course we will never know. However her son and his off spring seem to be very keen on keeping in with our enrichers. Self preservation I suppose. Anyway once the Queen is gone I will be withdrawing my support of the Royal Family unless Charles springs some very big surprises.
Lucy: I’m not sure we can give him the full Mandela treatment, he doesn’t qualify.
You see, AFTER he got into power, Mandela was the Great Reconciliator. But BEFORE he got into power, he -and the organisation he headed up- were in favour of blowing up civilians in city centres, a little like the Manchester scenario, in order to achieve power.
So you see Tommy, not being in favour of blowing up civilians in city centres, doesn’t qualify for ‘the full Mandela treatment’.
Were he to do that and then achieve power, well – no problem.
(Would he still want the full Mandela treatment, is part of my point. You see the FMT is doled out by hypocrites and applauded by hypocrites.)
I am aware of Mandela’s past & agree TR is nothing like him in that respect. I was only thinking in terms of his having become the leader of a nation after serving prison time.
Nah – NO chance he hasnt got a Spanish wife, worked for the EU and unfortunately still loves his country.
A negative about the Muslim cause … BBC are slipping …. Indonesian designer Anniesa Hasibuan jailed for fraud { 30may2018}
A leading fashion designer, who made history at New York Fashion Week by having all her models wear headscarves, has been jailed for 18 years for fraud.
Prosecutors say they were paid over $60m (£45m) to organise mini pilgrimages to Mecca.
But they were accused of embezzling the money and the trips never took place.
Religion of honesty?
The BBC still cannot bring itself to say the jailed woman is a Muslim as that would be using the M word in negative light. Instead they skirt around the issue but only mention Islam/Muslim in sentences which promotes Islam, like “Hasibuan has been described as a leader in Islamic fashion, due to her luxurious designs.”.
Not much on the BBC about the Amnesty report, covered by the Guardian of Rohingya militants who massacred Hindus in Myanmar
This is about my own apartment building in relation to the actions taken after the Grenfell fire. As the BBC are constantly keeping us up to date I thought it reasonable to say a few words. Immediately after the fire our evacuation procedures were altered as well as an immediate check on all automatic door closers attached to our front doors to ensure that they shut tight on leaving. Notices were coming through constantly. I remember being assured that our cladding was safe. Then it wasn’t. Tests revealed that it was indeed a major fire hazard. Immediate plans saw the removal of the cladding. New state of the art cladding was ordered and meant to be completed by now. It meets the current legislation standards. However another notice advising me of the governments ‘Hackett Review’, which has led to the government announcing a further review into combustible materials which could lead to further changes in legislation. Replacement of what was meant to be the new acceptable cladding has now been suspended. Reviews and reviews leading to legislation changes and possibly more legislation changes. Meanwhile there are piles of brand new cladding stored somewhere which may or may not be used. I’m intrigued as to how much the new cladding cost . If it turns out that this new cladding is unsuitable It becomes another expensive bureaucratic cock up. Not only in relation to my estate. How many other estates have had new cladding ordered which now can’t be fitted. Or have some buildings already been re clad only to be told that it too must now be removed again. Every single second huge amounts of your money, wasted through cock ups and corruption. Is this something that would interest the BBC. They could swing the story either way. As a wise government decision or an expensive waste of tax payers money. That’s something the BBC know a lot about. Billions of pounds to play with and all they can manage is fake news, fake drama and very questionable children’s programming. This would be tricky for the BBC as it involves both sides of politics. Continuing to remain impartial would prove problematic.
703 Days since UK voted to leave the EU @52%.
1 PM says ‘Brexit means Brexit’.
0 Days Since Leaving the EU.
. . .
22 Children murdered in Manchester.
1 PM said ‘Enough is enough’
0 Arrests followed.
. . .
600K Migrants Lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on Watch List.
3K Extreme Terrorists on Watch List.
1 PM who said ‘Enough is Enough’.
0 Removed from watch list.
. . .
364 Days of #WorldNoHijabDay NOT supported by UK Foreign Office.
1 Day of #WorldNoHijabDay supported by UK Foreign Office.
It begins … will the BBC report it?
“Civil War Erupts In Sweden as Irate Swedes Burn Nine Muslim Refugee Centers to the Ground. Failed Immigration Policy has gotten us to this Sad State! ” – Mike Allen @AMike4761
Irate Swedes.
The reality is that Muslims start civil wars everywhere they go. Islam was conceived by war, with war. Will the BBC ever own up to that?
If they ever report it, irate Swedes acting in self defence will be morphed into “extreme right wing” attackers with Muslims in the innocent victim role. We know what to expect from that corrupt BBC cesspit.
Could this item from 2017 have been Fake News?
I simply don’t believe that any anti-immigration party will see a reduction in their support. But hey! its the Swedes: they will accept anything.
Times today totally respins the Belgium Allahu Akbar man
Title : Drug dealer killed police.
“no known links to Islamist groups”
“Unconfirmed reports that the killer shouted Allahu Akbar”
Yes, they’ve really got themselves into a spin over how to categorise this one. Sky’s first report mention Allahu etc, and said probably terrorism. Later it was contested – not known. Today it was back to terrorism and AA. But the authorities are tying themselves in knots – how can this be?? How did they not know?? It is so confusing!! I think someone might explode (sorry for the tasteless phrase). The disgusting thing is that the coverage is more concerned with the determination of what category of attack, than the poor innocent victims who died a cruel, vicious and unnecessary death. Sack the bastards who let him out.
Mood- at least they’ll have enough cladding to do taxpayers’. Money Tree which never stops growing.
On the. Subject of tax – the head girl ( monty ). Started talking about someone wanting to tax “puddings”during the lunchtiiime radionews. my heart leapt at the Thought of expensive Yorkshire. And overtaxed spotted dick. .
But no. – it was not pudding but “sweet’ or ‘afters ’ depending on your social clarrss or class.
Not sure if someone else might have linked to this already but here’s Jordan Peterson in another interview with a snippy BBC harpie. Anne McElvoy, never heard of her.
He is so compelling – I could watch him all day. Can you remember the last time a Beeboid had your rapt attention? I struggle to even listen to them these days.
Trump, Rees Mogg and Peterson have such support as they are genuine. We are tired of identikit leaders who all say the same safe things, most of which are lies. The BBC had the chutzpah to say Trump and Brexit meant we were living in a post truth age! More like post bullshit as nobody is swallowing their lies anymore.
Seconded. and thanks for the share.
She is pretty much a BBC hive clone for sure.
And talk about telegraphing her sad attempts a mile off. To him of all folk.
Why does she have headphones (albeit not pretentiously whizzing around her head like Nick Robinson’s dome polishers) and he not?
Getting questions screamed at her from ‘the team’?
What. A. Clown.
She was so eager to get revenge for Cathy Newman and get a notch on her vibrator. She runs the Economist blog which is probably now owned by Soros – a metropolitan smug remainer.
Thanks for the link
It appears to be a prerequisite for BBC “presenters” to be utterly ill-mannered. They constantly interrupt the guest and rarely let them finish a sentence – unless it’s a lefty they’re inteviewing.
Hear hear, thanks. Isn’t it wonderful to watch someone so fluent and educated – I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone win a point against him in a debate. He just makes them look like the fools they are. And exposes their attempts to label him so clearly. Hurrah!
Excellent. Thanks for sharing.
Why do we never see Bim Afolami MP on the BBC?
Black. Went to Oxford. Wonderfully polite, decent and articulate unlike the nasty whinger Lammy. Living proof that with the right attitude skin colour does not hold you back – indeed, it has probably very much helped his career.
It is what the BBC omits and those it does not give a platform to which creates such a fake impression of the country. He could send a really positive message rather than the toxic, divisive victimhood mentality promoted by their favoured voices. Fewer black kids probably want to go to Oxford now Lammy has been on the BBC saying how awfully racist the place is.
The problem, of course, is that he’s a Conservative MP.
According to Wikipedia, he describes Winston Churchill as his biggest hero – that’ll please that silly cow Afua Hirsch!
“divisive victimhood mentality”
To be fair to David Lammy MP that is how he earns his living, and it has proved a very successful strategy for him. Most democratic politicians are hucksters, and when they are not they stick out like a sore thumb. The assumption that politicians are self-serving liars is well justified. Edward Health and Harold Wilson and David Cameron and Tony Blair are the rule, Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher the exception. Both the latter became Party leaders under unusual circumstances.
Good point Beeb Brother,
I have often wondered how the Tories select some the worst MP’s to represent them on television.
One can only suppose the Tories have no input into this as I constantly see the likes of Soubry, Clarke, Woolaston,Morgan and Grieve representing their opinions.
Now then let me think, is there the semblance of a connection here or an agenda even.
The Tory party HQ seem quite happy with these representatives.
What does that tell you?
Does any one know what’s going on ?
Al beeb spent Wednesday morning leading with the execution of a Russian journo by President putins Smersh then the chap turns up saying it was all a spoof !
Al beeb telling the truth ??
Mmm. Pretend murders of Russian dissidents seem to be on the up. It’s not just in Ukraine – I think there were a couple in Salisbury at the beginning of March…
The KGB clearly aren’t as good as they used to be. Perhaps Putin need to import load of “migrants” to do those jobs that the lazy Russians don’t want to do …….
Yes, Newsshite last night were using Casualty actors and a Casualty set to “explain” away what was really two junkies overdosing.
BBC News at One : I was amazed at the In depth, sympathetic and thoughtful coverage of the serious TR case and all the possible ramifications 🙂
I’m just kidding…there was absolutely zilch 🙁
Sky Arts awards : Times Breakthrough nominees
Of the 10 of 40% are BME
30% are white men, one of which is famous for a Yorkshire/Romanian gay live drama
20% are described as Northern
the rest seem to be from London
Because the “arts” are so loosely defined these days (deliberately) that almost anybody can be shoehorned in. Hence Tracey Emin etc.
You can’t fake your way through the Walton violin concerto. On the other hand, who can say whether one unmade bed or bit of rap doggerel is better than any other?
Needs stripping back to basics, IMO. A bit of old fashioned talent here and there wouldn’t hurt. “Art” has been devalued, which was probably the intention anyway.