So much going on despite parliament being on holiday again . Italy having a wobble , Hungary trying to stop immigration and al beeb desperate to tell us all is well. Well we will see…
I have found something rather strange regarding the current Labour MP for Grimsby Melanie Onn….. Opinions please……
Search the name Melanie Stattersfield and see what resilts come up…..
hmmm….. I wonder what could explain this??? … Actually I already know…. I will soon be posting everything about her non existent past relating to the reason why at age 17 she was suddenly disowned by her Great Aunt who had brought her up after her mother had left her and cleared to london…… They never spoke again …. must have been something really bad to be disowned by the family and disinherited too, her Aunt was quite well off and owned property too…… I will collate the evidence based results of my research very soon, please feel free to post wherever you wish as she desrves it…. you will see what I mean…… FYI neither surname is the name she used when she was married….
Melanie Onn competes with Diana Johnson for number of appearances on Look North (Yorkshire and Lincolnshire edition). I don’t know what Justin is going to tell us but the way she appears on Local TV she is all sweetness and light.
Very surprised fiddling immigrants are not headline news on the BBC. Trying to scam over 100,000 pounds from grenfell is more important than crap coming out of Russia
“After complaining about the food in the hotel, she was given a pre-paid credit card, running up charges of more than £11,000.”
This says it all about the way these scroungers take the p1ss out of our country. Complaining about the food in a posh London hotel whilst the nurses supposedly have to resort to food banks.
One has to wonder how many more handouts have been given to illegal immigrants without any/proper checks being made into their eligibility to receive anything.
According to an item on the 6 o’clock news, it looks like strawberries will be rotting in the fields as farmers are struggling to get East European labour because of (you’ve guessed it!) ……. Brexit.
I wonder who picked them before 1973, or didn’t we have strawberries then?
Good question Lob. More in the ’80s than 1973 but it was me, my sister, all our mates, student seasonal jobbers. I did runner beans as well, my sis did hops. And some from EE who are now my in-laws did lovely summer stints on short-term working visas that they remember fondly before going home. If the BBC is worried about mushy strawbs they shouldn’t be, there’s a generation growing up in the UK who’d love seasonal jobs! But they know that already, don’t they?!
It was funny looking at the little bunch of strawberries on the ground being slowly picked by a couple bent double.
Last night BBC 4 had a (repeat?) programme on horticulture in Britain today. The ‘pick your own’ strawberries were growing in long rows, supported on framework so that no-one had to bend. The commercial pickers were shown lying on a carriage that allowed them to lie on their stomachs while picking the fruit.
Which view is correct BBC, your ‘news’ programme or your documentary? I call ‘fake’ news!
Can I add something else to the TR discussion. I have previously stated my police experience with the Met Police. If you arrested someone for Breach of the Peace (BOP) it was to Prevent the BOP. If, as you left the scene, the arrested person stopped the behavior, then you had to release them under common law. If the behavior continued, or you believed it would continue, ( you did not believe the stated apology), then they had to be taken to the Police Custody Officer for detention to be authorized. And this is where I have the problem, not pointed out so far. Why was TR not taken to a designated police station for a decision on the BOP? Why was the evidence so far nor presented to a designated Custody Officer? Who and why authorised that he be taken directly to a Court, and who therefore authorised the total breach of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. Name that ACPO Officer.
The rule of law and it’s equal application to all is now a thing of the past in this country . Tommy is feared by the government and the heavily politicised police and judiciary. So they decide what happens to him without bothering about due process etc. They fear him because he may become a rallying point for insurrection by the oppressed natives of these islands and want to make an example of him to serve as a warning to anyone else who mat attempt to rally the British people to fight back against Islamisation.
A foreigner called Soros has announced he is funding a remain campaign so I was thinking of running a separate thread for renewed evidence of pro remain propaganda by al beeb.
In the (non)independent rag today there is a deceitful article by a couple of remainer mep snouts in the trough jobs saying the EU has changed the law to prevent free movement labour exploitation so we don’t have to leave the ReichEU anymore . It’s crap and a lie .
Al beeb is claiming once we are out Israel will have better access to EU science than us – good luck with that lie too .
Gonna be a long summer. Thank god for the footy and the tennis .
Think we should be making our own ballot boxes out of discarded tea chests, already giving ourselves multiple identities and being ready to buy student votes, scare the pensioners off in white seaside and rural towns. When the chest is full, send to Brussels via Corbyns office and the MCB too in Tower hamlets.
That, after all is all that any “second referendum” would be about.
Clegg, Blair and Heseltine to head up a Government Troika of National niceness.
Quite so. The way Tommy was ‘disappeared’ is the most chilling aspect of this. It makes all the arguments over contempt irrelevant.
if it can happen to him it can happen to anyone.
There can be no justification for secret justice. My understanding of the basis of our Common Law is that it serves us not we it. That it must be open and that a man must have the right to defend himself. .
DT, I am inclined to agree with you. For instance, why is no there no application to the High Court over this by TR’s normal solicitor. I have no idea who the person was, but after false information by police preventing a fair representation, the court appointed barrister to replace any properly briefed representation, the illegal arrest, the illegal detention, the judge laughing on camera, surely someone must have demanded a high court hearing. I have spent many days in Crown Court, and the cases that made me cringe were those where a tannoy announcement was made asking if there were any Barristers free of cases within the building, could they please attend the cell block. You used to think, Poor Bastard. At least a normal barrister would have read your case the previous evening. This one will have only a few minutes to work out a case. And thus was TR Advised to plead guilty? I hope the Barrister who advised him hangs his head in shame, but experience tells me that you can find him in a local pub having a chat with the prosecutor. And such has it ever been.
CP, think it was Contempt of Court not a BotP offence. Wheeling the offender back in to the trial Judge is correct, I think, if offence is within Court precincts.
Sorry, CP. You could be right. I was relying on ……
” Tommy Robinson arrested outside Leeds Crown Court
Former English Defence League (EDL) leader Tommy Robinson has been jailed for 13-months for potentially prejudicing a court case.
Robinson, who appeared in the dock under real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was arrested in Leeds on Friday. A ban had prevented media from reporting on the sentencing at Leeds Crown Court.
The 35-year-old was broadcasting on social media outside the city’s crown court when he was arrested. 29 May 2018″
….. from the BBC.
Given significant confusion abounds from supposedly professional media, it would not be unreasonable to have doubts.
Perhaps why it was attempted to circumvent the public, who these days have a nasty habit of making their own minds up and deliver results the establishment does not like.
Which in this case could, again, have gone better.
I watched a recording of the arrest of TR on YouTube, The male officer told TR that he was arresting him on “Suspicion” of Committing a Breach of the Peace.
As a former police officer if I saw someone committing what could be considered a Common Law Breach of the Peace I would arrest him for Conduct Likely to cause a Breach of the Peace. i.e. he could incite others. I would not (or could not) arrest someone on “Suspicion of Causing a Breach of the Peace” as this would mean that I had not witnessed the incident, but that information had come my way through another party. (I would think that the offender could be summonsed to appear, but I have never known this to happen). He would appear before a magistrate and be Bound Over to be of Good Behaviour for a certain period of time. In fact I doubt that a police officer can arrest someone on Suspicion of Causing a Breach of the Peace under the Common Law as his power of arrest applies only if he (the officer) and another are present. Another person or more must be present as a police officer himself cannot be incited to commit a breach of the peace under the Common Law. If this is the case then TR was unlawfully arrested in my humble opinion. However much has changed (for the worse I fear) since I retired.
Scronker, firstly, from my limited law and Jury Service knowledge, BotP is a Magistrates Bench job but CoC is Crown Court and immediately back in before the Judge presiding. CoC would trump a BotP arrest because it is an instantly imprisonable offence, if I recall correctly. Please feel free to correct any misunderstanding.
It wouldn’t be the first time a PC has got something wrong (sorry, Scronker & Captain P – but there are too many recent examples) but is it possible that the Court Bailiff was in the vicinity? Did you see any Court Officer or was filming stopped before anyone else intervened?
Secondly, if it was filmed were there any indications whether TR had left the Court precincts? If he was still deemed within the Court precincts, I would have thought that again it would have made it easy for him to be taken back in to face the more serious charge.
Did the offender say things which made his situation worse?
The CoC sentence appears to be amazingly harsh. Seem to recall Rumpole spending an afternoon or evening or even a night in a cell for CoC in the UK and rather longer, in a recent episode, in Africa. The normal sentence is seven days, is it not, but if the prisoner is willing to present an abject apology to m’Lud with the promise to behave in future, they are normally let out immediately.
My last spell of Jury Service necessitated (nature of the case) some at length training on this subject from both the Jury Usher and the Judge. We were told in no uncertain terms that any breaches would result in immediate incarceration.
CP you write ” If you arrested someone for Breach of the Peace (BOP) it was to Prevent the BOP. If, as you left the scene, the arrested person stopped the behavior, then you had to release them under common law.” But what was “the behaviour” that TR was doing that was likely to cause a BOP. He was filming himself. There was nobody around to cause a breach of the peace, except for a lot of police officers. They didn’t give him the opportunity to “leave the scene” they immediately arrested him for BOP. As I said previously and as you state in the post above .. the initial arrest/charge was not conducted lawfully ! ?
I feel much more encouraged than you boys.
I for one have now taken the title of “far right”.
Tommy is way above that.
He`s our first political prisoner, pure and simple in my lifetime.
So I`m making sure that everybody called him a citizen journalist, a humanitarian prisoner of conscience and a peace activist who only doesn`t want Muslim rapists to keep getting into our kiddies knickers in northern towns, southern cities.
Take the title far right…and let“s see how much further down Equality Street we can go. Got my Dorothy shoes on, and to be a racist far right islamophobe are my hoped-for three stamps on my bingo card from now on.
Embrace your inner fascist. If the Left call you anything like this, be very proud and tell everybody.
Quite right Holly .. there are many people on the blogs I frequent who are claiming Gammon as part of their user name. LOL If we claim these nasty slurry names that the lefties think up (knuckledragger is another one for Brexit voters ) it will back fire on them. Racist as a word means nothing these days as it has been used to extinction. People blank it out. Being “Far Right” is meant to be something to abhor! If I remember rightly …. so was the word Deplorables and that was claimed to perfection by a master of the art of media neutralisation. If the Tories are supposed to be a right wing party .. then the Far Right is the only place to be in our country today if you have ever voted Tory previously.
I’m ‘far right’ now too although I always thought I was a bit on the liberal side. Amazing how what you see and learn can change what you believe – it’s called learning isn’t it?
Radio 4 Midday News item about floods in Sparkbrook. Lady (with the characteristic pakistani/brum accent – sorry if i’m wrong but don’t think so) understandably distraught over her house being flooded. However, she then goes on to say something to the effect that ‘we’ are being treated like second class citizens. Lets see how this develops with shades of Grenfell, and how it contrasts with how people were treated following the Somerset floods.
Radio 4 news 5-6:30 pm We have sneering and gloating about Tommy Robinson
There was the usual reference to ‘ex EDL leader’. Known as someone that the ‘far right’ rally around. The implication being it served him right and the country will be a nicer place with him out of the way for a long while.
What annoys me is this assumption that most people will agree with their assessment. We are nice people, nice people abhor the far right, TR is far right, so nice people don’t like him.
On the anniversary of the Manchester Arena massacre, the Today interviewer in Manchester (forget who) got a comment out of a bystander about the bomber. He just happened to be muslim, the man agreed and you don’t think most people agree with the FLA? ( who were having a demo there). No they don’t, the man agreed.
The point of the latter ill-remembered piece is that the BBC (probably other MSM too) seem to assume that the only problem is a small band of not-very-nice far right people. Do they believe this? Are they right? Do they think if they keeping bashing away WE will believe it.
Having almost completed reading Jordan Peterson’s fine book the thing that strikes me about the interviews he has given is the complete lack of interest in the positives of the work. Interviewer after interviewer seem only to be interested in attacking his theories and thoughts in order to fit the new world order which they seem to think is the only way forward. None of them seem in the least bit interested in opening up to looking at the future of civilisation from a different angle. I am of course referring to the MSM whose journalists have been so indoctrinated not to ask questions of their own but “stick to the script luvvie “. Orwell, Bezmenov and the like warned us and I fear warnings from people like JP are also not going to be heeded.
I’ve just had a younger relative tell me why he doesn’t need to read the book. It sounded like his ‘script’ was straight from The Guardian that has run at least half-a-dozen articles telling us why Peterson is wrong, based on North American authors’ articles that tell them that Peterson is wrong. Pretty well all of these authors say that they haven’t read his book or watched any of his lectures, but they know they don’t need to!
If they actually had looked at Peterson’s work they would find that he advocates a reasoned balance between stability and change, in earlier times his messages would have been considered apolitical, but now, of course, there is one ‘approved’ stance.
Recently I attended a talk on a technical subject during which the academic speaker questioned the ethics of driverless cars, this was a live experiment to which the public hadn’t given their consent. It is a pity that the so-called social engineers that have been busy overturning Western societies don’t have the same ethical concerns.
It’s simply that Peterson is stating facts which are well documented and irrefutable, but at the same time unacceptable, even unthinkable, to his interviewers.
The combination causes a meltdown, a cognitive dissonance, what Scott Adams calls ‘hallucination’ in his interlocutors.
Watch the McElvoy interview, she hangs in for 20 minutes or so, then just collapses into jellified silliness.
For Newman’s “so we should all live like lobsters“, substitute McElvoy’s “4 dimensions has become 5. Magic!”
That was one of my points Rick, hallucination is a very good way of describing it. These interviewers are almost in a hypnotic trance like state that asking a question outside of their remit/agenda is beyond them. Angst, angst, angst is all they seem to come back with and not the intellect to broaden the discussion.
It comes from being taught “Here are the things you must think” rather than “Use your intellect to find out what is true.”
Neither Newman nor McElvoy can believe that there is not systematic oppression of women by “the patriarchy”. It’s what they were told to believe, and encompasses their worldview.
When solid facts contrary to their entrenched belief are raised, they have no mechanism with which to reconcile the two. Hence, meltdown.
I had the misfortune to hear that, Stew. What a waste of 15 mins of radio time – also found the one woman in the audience laughing rather annoying. But the Irish woman is way behind the time. My wife gave a speech at our wedding in 1992.
Brexit caused a fall in the pound and this has resulted in a shortage of strawberry pickers travelling from Romania .
A major story on BBC News at 10 – BBC you are a fking joke of a Broadcaster
I never realised only Eastern Europeans were qualified to pick strawberries. However did we cope before they came to our rescue?
Perhaps the farmers need to pay a decent wage, or the 1.4 million unemployed need to be told if they won’t do these jobs they won’t get benefits. They can’t all be too infirm.
Premoderation. Because those who read his site won’t play ball. As an exercise in destroying your own brand, it’ll become a case study for students of business.
Calling your own readership “knuckle draggers” never ends well.
I saw a strange bit in Guido headline piece where he actually attacked his followers. It made me wonder whether there may be some ‘social problems’ among those running the site?
Can’t tiptoe around it, let me be blunt.
Do some people running Guido have a drink (or drugs) problem? Regular evening drinking can become regular lunch and evening drinking and then, if an individual or group is not careful, that can lead to problems with alcohol being a constant presence & influencing decisions and behaviour.
One of the early lessons I quickly learned on the BBC forums a decade ago was that alcohol had a noticeable influence on some posters and what they put up. Especially late at night. That can apply to moderators and site administrators and organisers, too. In addition, another web forum community that I know really well had several members who eventually revealed in their posts their personal problems. It was noticeable that a high proportion had mental health problems. That can affect on-line behaviour.
I am not saying the GF people are all alcoholics and/or druggies and/or depressives but as a non-member but a slightly more than occasional viewer of the headline GF articles, I am wondering what lies behind the amazing change, the change that appears to be for the worse, there.
“knuckle draggers” Guido’s site ran a whole series of articles on whether the new Parliament branch of Greggs was open yet
… that is hardly a sophisticated mind.
When @Dysgwr_Cymraeg tweeted at him about the demise of his site, and his gutless ‘no comments’ on his TR insults, I told him ” when they come for you, none will speak out”
He replied ” they already have, they failed”
Someone answered, I paraphrase,
Looks like they came and you lost, looking at your site.
“An individual was arrested this afternoon after attempting to scale scaffolding outside Parliament, according to unconfirmed reports. Parliamentary authorities saY they are aware of an “incident”. Police presence has been intensified”
These reports have, eventually, been kind of borne out, if only vaguely. The BBC Far Right Editorial Team have been scrambled. In fact Guido may now be a consultant rather than hiding behind a curtain.
In other news, given the current state of the place, that the police have higher levels of intensity only to bring out to show off, much is explained.
The letter, sent by the MCB’s secretary-general Harun Khan, calls for the Tories to “publish a list of incidents of Islamophobia within the party where action has already been taken”, and “adopt a programme of education and training on Islamophobia”.
Chilling isn’t it? “adopt a programme of education and training on Islamophobia”.
We can all feel the backlash building. And the likes of the BBC, by refusing to admit there’s a problem, will make it all the worse for the innocents who are all the more likely to be caught up in it.
Naturally the Appeaser will do what she does best: appease, in pursuit of the muslim votes (which she won’t get anyway).
There may also be votes in standing up to the conquerors, but who in Parliament has the balls? None that I can see.
I think a lot of this is to remind us all that the Muslims are the real victims in all the recent publicity about as to why Tommy Robinson was locked up. Poor accused Muslim men accused of rape – How can it be rape when the victims were all Kaffirs?
Apparently one of the quotes that so offended the MCB is that someone in the Tory party referred to the most perfect man ever as a F###### paedophile. If its not paedophillia not quite sure what having sex with a 9 year old is – Education maybe?
It was interesting that the sharia compliant BBC news gave few details about what was actually said – Just mentioned the accusation. Why would they want to be so shy?
Still I am sure it will have the sharia compliant Theresa wetting her knickers again in panic and who knows maybe she will reach for her ” ever so umble” headscarf and rush down the local mosque for tea and apologies and get our new Home Sec to draft some new draconian “islamophobia” legislation.
The predominant reason cited for Britain leaving the EU was the uncontrolled number of immigrants coming to the UK.
Since Brexit, has anyone noticed the number of advertisements/programmes on TV featuring the totally disproportionate number of BAME people appearing in these productions?
Is there an ‘unhealthy’ drive in the media to change the mindset of the Brexiteers ready for a second referendum?
Looby, yes you are. It was revealed by the BBC, day before yesterday, in a standard moment of BBC investiga … er, no … in a standard example of BBC integri …. er, no – again! – I’ll start afresh.
The BBC were about to be embarrassed by the Tommy Robinson jailing. In the 6pm News on Tuesday, to help with a ‘bad news day’, the BBC came clean on that Soros’ bid to interfere in UK democracy together with news of Robinson’s jailing for Contempt of Court.
Soros backed Best for Britain to march on 23 June “to demand a final say on the Brexit deal and to make sure there’s an option to remain in the EU.”
No wonder they made sure TR was out of the way.
More censorship by the BBC will be necessary. Revelations across the pond about further evidence of British Establishment interference in the American elections with the naming of Stefan Halper.
Indications are that documents concerning the face to face meeting between John Brennan and GCHQ Director Robert Hannigan two years ago, are to be released. Also they think GCHQ was responsible for “zero days” malware attacks during the Tommy Robinson censorship incident. Also evidence for Spygate is being twisted into the narrative of Halper spying on the Russians from within Trumps team.
It looks like traitors such as Theresa May and the Liberal EU Remainer Establishment in Britain are about to get more and more unpopular with millions of Americans. But because of the BBC, most people in Britain probably wont find out until the Orwellian system of censorship in Britain collapses.
BBC are hammering on about the NHS deficit. No word on, no apology for, the £2000 NHS tax ‘misspeak’ from a few days ago. In the meantime, the BBC appear to want the NHS to spend money they haven’t got recruiting Doctors from overseas instead of ‘growing our own’.
No embarrassment, no apologies at all from the BBC for broadcasting FakeNews yesterday about Arkady Babchenko. It was noticeable that the BBC were very quick to lay the blame at the door of Putin & the Kremlin powers.
Beeb finger wagging about not enough women on FTSE boards, sneering at reasons given.
“Most women don’t want the hassle or pressure of sitting on a board.”
Exactly. It is much easier to just marry someone who works 70 hours a week so you get to live in a big house etc and have none of the hassle. Men do not have the option as no female knight is going to sweep us off our feet and pay for everything.
What evidence do they even have that women want to be on board rooms? In medicine, where women are over-represented and most will be highly intelligent, men still fill most of the top positions. This strongly suggests women simply do not want to live the lives feminists demand.
Young children love having their mum around; the child is the father of the man – early years are crucial. If the infant is in the care of some moronic nanny as their mum is working 70 hour weeks there could be all sorts of developmental problems. Plus why deny women the absolute, unfettered joy of being with their baby? Such experiences would trump the extra 100k or whatever which would matter so much more to a testosterone driven male.
Could the BBC ever accept that maybe things are as they are because they work best this way? They are always ‘campaigning’ for some sort of change – they can never just leave us alone. Human societies have evolved over a long time to function as smoothly as they do. You mess with these things at your peril. They told us how horrible white men are, and maybe our society was far from perfect, but at least we did not gang rape school children.
Beeb Bro, I suspect a lot of serious, capable and eligible women in business do not want to put up with the bullshit & politiking around directorships and Board meetings and instead just want to cut to the chase and get things done. To be fair, a substantial amount of that bullshit & politiking found at the top of companies has been foisted on (male-majority) Boards by … er, ummmh .. how can I put this delicately, ….. let us say the more militant and strident feminists around the world but especially in the US and western Europe.
If you listen to the Anne McElvoy interview with Professor Jordan Peterson (link previous page), he explains why that should be so.
Beeb Brother, I usually agree with your posts but I have to tell you it’s not that easy for a woman to “just marry” anyone these days. Even a poor fellow. You seem to have acquired an unrealistic idea about women having the option to get married to anyone they wish. I’m afraid it isn’t so in the real world. Extreme feminists have changed things a lot. It’s very difficult these days to find a man who will consider marriage at all. I know many increasingly older single women who have always wanted but never found a husband.
Sorry about that – yeah I am sure it is not that easy. God nothing is easy for we humans, the sick animal! I tend to be a bit moody the first few hours of the morning and it colours my musings somewhat.
The most evil man in the world? The BBC website is currently running a hagiography on George Soros, one of its favourite people but whom some consider to be ‘the most evil man in the world’. They revert to the old canard that “Much of the criticism aimed toward the 87-year-old has been criticised as having anti-Semitic undertones.” In fact, they mention this twice just to make sure the message gets across, it being an old trick to try and shut up any discussion about global governance and the role of the super rich.
No, BBC. Criticism of Soros is not motivated by anti-semitism, any more than criticism of Nazism was motivated by anti-Austrianism directed against the chap with the moustache. It is motivated by a deep distrust of a man who is unaccountable, operating outside of democracy, who has made a lot of money out of morally questionable means (currency speculation) and is using that vast wealth to manipulate countries and undermine Western societies. Whether he is Hungarian, American, Jewish or David Icke-style lizard is utterly irrelevant – it is what he does and facilitates, not what he is.
I’ll tell you this for nothing, I am getting sick to bloody death of the anti-male, feminazi agenda being pushed by the leftwing establishment controlled media. It is relentless. Funny how many of the media companies reporting this are some of the worst offenders i.e. the bbc.
You should be a leader based on merit not on what genitalia you possess, though that doesn’t anymore I suppose.
Have you noticed more and more woman on the BBC are covering mens football.i bet a crisp ten pound note that there will be female commentators within two years.
My morning blood pressure rise..Breakfast BBC stories
People who get into debt buying the latest phones etc are victims of those horrible companies that sell them
Not enough woman in top companies – poor female victims note that they use the most ridiculous reason but don’t ascribe to any company.Fake news?
Brexit will send all those intelligent Creatives back to home lands – victims of democracy – no mention of fact that they could all apply for a visa or citizenship like most of my Italian and Polish friends
The NHS needs a load more overseas medics and nurses…NHS chap allowed to make statement about job vacancies without long can the NHS go on not investing in UK people to train (personal experience of their attitudes)
Muslims complaining about Conservatives..Islamophobia..just a tweet with no substance gets headline news
It has been a glorious BBC Labour party propaganda morning.
Just for fun and maybe posted yesterday.
Listening to Media Show R4 with the ‘redoubtable’ Amol. Discussing media..newspapers etc. A good mix of presenters who between them criticised Daily Mail, Sun Mirror,
Then when one of the (better) guest said the Guardian was practicing a begging bowl’ model to fund..Amol jumped in immediately with ‘can i just say the Guardian is doing a better job of not losing as much money’….
Hilarious..he showed his true colours – slag off every newspaper but not the bias here eh!
Sorry if this video has been linked before. I think this is a great explanation of the cancer that is destroying all we love and hope to pass on to future generations.
I spent only 3 weeks on holiday in Japan many years ago and loved it, might have to dig out my old language books and look to live there.
I wasn’t going to watch the whole video but I did. It is really good piece of work. No sensationalism, fact based arguments, not irrationally emotive. Everything the Left hate…funny it’s not been on the BBC.
My only mild criticism is the use of white Christians.. I don’t think any of us have problems with non white Christians that follow the law and respect the indigenous culture as well as their own.
Did my ears deceive me? Just a moment or two before the 0800 news on Toady a trailer for a programme at 1030 Saturday morning. Overview: ‘a short walk through parts of London where the life expectancy rate has plummeted by 14 years’………..
When the BBC got going on this ‘increasing life expectancy’ thing some years ago, I e-mailed them some home truths, not least that life expectancy (like the value of investments) can decrease as well as increase. They ignored me.
Then some reality hit them last year with the latest (regional) numbers.
The BBC routinely forget their own news reports, anyway. On one notable occasion it was in the same programme.
G, yes, I caught the latest version of that prog trail either then or before TWTonight. I think Cole Moreton has that wrong then. He’s going south to north, so unless he is going to Glasgow, not just across Kensington, it is unlikely he’ll meet a 14 year drop. I wonder what it is based on? There is an acknowledged fall in life-expectancy from WEST to EAST across London, even since the Clean Air Act of the 1950s, but it is in single figures and the number 3 comes to mind but I could be wrong.
Will the Force be with us after #Brexit? Some of the team behind the Star Wars special effects show us how things might change for them.
A quick look through Al Beeb’s news pages and all I get is
Brexit Fear ,Brexit Fear ,Brexit Fear ,…..
Brexit warning, Brexit warning, Brexit warning, Brexit warning,…….
The broadsheet type papers are also running moe remainer articles . The Londonistan evening standard – owned by a foreigner and edited by s failed remainer politician is full of Soros funded lies and brexit fear . Fortunately the majority of people in londonistan are foreigners away and few can read or speak English .
I’m trying to think of a nice bit of bait for maxi but s/he seems less literate since I started posting threads….
I see this morning the Bogus Broadcasting Corporation had its fingers burnt by their mates in Kiev. Oh dear, they’ll be wanting a refund on some of that BBC/EU money spent on training up border-country-based sympathetic young truth-telling left-leaning journos.
The BBC news is now in desperate rear-guard action mode giving the line that this all a Ukrainian police anti-Putin sting operation. Well, they got the first bit right.
By the way, how’s our own just-outside-Porton-Down hoax (sorry, sting operation) going – drawn any Putin spies with snow still on their boots out of the woodwork yet?
As Jacob Rees-Mogg points out … people will still be able to work in the UK for jobs that are required. Why is the BBC pushing this nonsense using BBC TV Tax Payer money?
I read the post and it probably reflects the legal situation. However this has gone beyond this and it is now a matter of perception. Tommy is regarded as a state prisoner -rightly or wrongly. The PTB have bought this upon themselves by their conduct towards him and their attitude to the so called grooming gangs. See Mark Steyn on this. He actually went to Rotherham and his report is damning.
It is also a outlier of what has been building for a long time.
The attempts by the establishment now completely in thrall to progressive ideology to contain this will probably be successful in Tommy’s case but this is not going away.
There is an unbridgeable gulf now between the progressive’s ideal of a future England and the wishes of millions of citizens. Their views have been consistently ignored and rubbished for a generation .The Brexit vote was a clear indication of this and the warning to the governing class could not be clearer.
But since when did an ancien regime ever show sense?
WE are certainly in a pre revolutionary situation that most do
not yet perceive .
If and when the regime manages to achieve Brexit in name only it will be seen by this regime as a victory. it will be nothing of the sort. No regime can be victorious long term against the wishes of the nation .
What has all this to do with Tommy?
A great deal. He is a man they cannot predict or silence easily and whose support they fear.
The politics in this country are no longer left and right but between the progressive idealists who desire to socially engineer an ideal nation and the common man rooted in a realistic view of human nature and the world.
It is not going to end well for anyone and the blame is squarely upon those who had the power to return common sense to politics and the country but failed.
Women can be such bitches when they get power, especially towards younger and better looking females. Overall women would suffer more with more women in charge, but such nuance is lost on the BBC.
Since last night \\ Please note: we are aware that Kipper Central has been taken down & we are working to get the site back up as soon as possible.
Please check this Twitter account & our Facebook page for further updates.//
It is always instructive to examine what the BBC chooses not to report to get a clear picture of its biased news and cultural agenda. So you might have missed the news that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is forecasting that Britain’s growth rate will accelerate faster over the next couple of years than previously expected.
Previously expected no less than by the OECD just three months ago when the BBC went large with its view that the UK economy was growing at a slower pace than any other major advanced or emerging nation in 2018. Indeed the BBC seems to have a hot line to what it usually describes as the influential Paris-based think tank. Rarely do the OECD’s pronouncements fail to fill the Corporation’s headlines. On 17 October last year it reported the OECD view that reversing the Brexit process would boot the UK economy. A new referendum or a change of government leading to the UK staying within the EU will have a “significant positive impact on growth”.
Publicity-seeking think tanks, economic forecasting operations, rating agencies – the list goes on and you can put all their forecasts in the bin so far as your correspondent is concerned and put your faith in the stars. The bias is obvious in most of their forecasts – but the BBC is more biased still in that it picks whatever biased report suits its own biased agenda.
And here they are again – trotting out the old USA = Bad Cop/EU = Good Cop routine. God forbid that the President might actually want to help out US industry and its blue-collar workers.
What kind of girls would get a job keeping a smile on Anjems face like THAT as he walks by in his nightie?
Quite the creepiest reptile in the exotic raptor section of this human zoo of ours.
Anjem out-Tommy in….the libs think they`re getting away with this.
I don`think that they are, history is a study in itself.
and that is largely an illusion, cos as we know most money from BBC “charities” end up being spent in the running of them , rather than on the ultimate causes.
Itereatd…reinterated…demanded…insisted….contrived….made up…conflated…
Bombed, lovebombed, threatened or …oh I give up,
But trust the BBC to get that wrong wordy verb in again…they are deliberately craven malicious , but not stupid.
If it were stupid, there`d be some small chance that they`d be right once or twice, random events and all
But they`re wrong 100% of the time.
So that`s evil that is.
Baroness Warsi according to accurate reporting for BBC TWato.
Her, “Foundation” –
Checkout the photo of a group of people in a hall. How many white faces are there? And, whose to say that the white faces are not converts to islam. ‘People like us’.
And its a “legal charity” that can show NO discrimination of the public it serves.
“Who the charity helps – The general public/mankind”. A bit more narrow than that, if the photo referred to above shows its ‘Public’. Unless, I’ve blinked and UK has a 95% Asian population.
Income: £61.3K: so it is a massive charity………………..
That’s exactly what I said to my wife this we are not alone 🙂
What I want to know is – What/where is the evidence we need to spend a load of public money on this? It smacks of pushing to see how far this Government and our other leaders will go to placate this bunch
No muslims were hurt or arrested during the filming of this hate protest against UK law and order …
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjem Chordary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjem Chordary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him. So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjem Chordary
Non muslims destined to go to hell, British Police Go To Hell Muslim Extremists. [May 2013]
“Stacey Dooley returns to her hometown of Luton, in the UK, to investigate Muslim extremists protesting the arrest of Mona Thorney, the wife of the Stockholm bomber.”
Not BBC bias as such, rather highlighting the ridiculous trivial nonsense some of our elected representatives worry about. Scottish Parliament MPs ‘earn’ about £62,000 a year. Nice work if you can get it.
“Tavish Scott, the Lib Dem MSP for Shetland, says that putting the islands in a box causes people to forget about the challenges they face on account of their remote location.”
It could be worse, I hear that New Zealand often gets completely left off world maps.
Tommy has gone viral too.
But the BBC seem not to care so much.
Could we send a lesbian to his prison, so he might get out quicker.
Angela Eagle? Buggers can`t be choosers, not too many lookers is there?
Do they do Beauty Contests these knickerpickers?l
Not only has this non story gone viral (i.e. 3 people at the BBC saw it on Social Media) but the BBC interview is utter drivel:
Becky “I was like…you know like… and she was like… OMG… I was like…”
Jessa”you could see like…the right moment like…and then I was like….. and she was like… and I was like OMG…”
For the record Tabs was like “WHAT A LOAD OF BOLLOX!”
The Malian super hero was a lead story on their website, whereas I cannot find anything about the Grenfell fraudsters. Anyone might think the BBC has an agenda.
Also one of their lead stories is someone writing that uni girls love rape at a university property! Clearly this is ribald, male humour and I bet whoever wrote it was just being a drunken idiot; sounds like a healthy part of the university experience to me. We used to joke about all sorts of dark nonsense at university and our jokes bore no relation whatsoever to our actions. They do not seem to get the words/actions dichotomy, or indeed humour.
What about actual rapes, BBC? What was that ‘far right’ man Tommy Robinson reporting on? Their selective outrage is sickening: a joke in bad taste is a lead ‘news’ story whilst the worst offences committed against children in the history of this island are memory holed.
Maybe it’s because it would fly in the face of yesterday’s story on the problem with cyclists in London – too white, it seems. Good to see someone doing their bit for diversity.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
I have found something rather strange regarding the current Labour MP for Grimsby Melanie Onn….. Opinions please……
Search the name Melanie Stattersfield and see what resilts come up…..
hmmm….. I wonder what could explain this??? … Actually I already know…. I will soon be posting everything about her non existent past relating to the reason why at age 17 she was suddenly disowned by her Great Aunt who had brought her up after her mother had left her and cleared to london…… They never spoke again …. must have been something really bad to be disowned by the family and disinherited too, her Aunt was quite well off and owned property too…… I will collate the evidence based results of my research very soon, please feel free to post wherever you wish as she desrves it…. you will see what I mean…… FYI neither surname is the name she used when she was married….
Top link doesn’t appear to work. Saw nothing on a search.
Take care!
Yea sorry about that…… however I will show you a screenie….
Melanie Onn competes with Diana Johnson for number of appearances on Look North (Yorkshire and Lincolnshire edition). I don’t know what Justin is going to tell us but the way she appears on Local TV she is all sweetness and light.
Very surprised fiddling immigrants are not headline news on the BBC. Trying to scam over 100,000 pounds from grenfell is more important than crap coming out of Russia
Actually the total is over £250,000 combined ……
“After complaining about the food in the hotel, she was given a pre-paid credit card, running up charges of more than £11,000.”
This says it all about the way these scroungers take the p1ss out of our country. Complaining about the food in a posh London hotel whilst the nurses supposedly have to resort to food banks.
One has to wonder how many more handouts have been given to illegal immigrants without any/proper checks being made into their eligibility to receive anything.
According to an item on the 6 o’clock news, it looks like strawberries will be rotting in the fields as farmers are struggling to get East European labour because of (you’ve guessed it!) ……. Brexit.
I wonder who picked them before 1973, or didn’t we have strawberries then?
I actually travelled to many European countries before 1973…now who would have thought that was possible!? 😉
Easy answer to that is to do away with benefits and get the scroungers out picking strawberries.
With no benefit system to play, let’s see how many immigrants are attracted to the British weather then.
I remember that, as a kid, I was forced to pick my own.
Good question Lob. More in the ’80s than 1973 but it was me, my sister, all our mates, student seasonal jobbers. I did runner beans as well, my sis did hops. And some from EE who are now my in-laws did lovely summer stints on short-term working visas that they remember fondly before going home. If the BBC is worried about mushy strawbs they shouldn’t be, there’s a generation growing up in the UK who’d love seasonal jobs! But they know that already, don’t they?!
It was funny looking at the little bunch of strawberries on the ground being slowly picked by a couple bent double.
Last night BBC 4 had a (repeat?) programme on horticulture in Britain today. The ‘pick your own’ strawberries were growing in long rows, supported on framework so that no-one had to bend. The commercial pickers were shown lying on a carriage that allowed them to lie on their stomachs while picking the fruit.
Which view is correct BBC, your ‘news’ programme or your documentary? I call ‘fake’ news!
Can I add something else to the TR discussion. I have previously stated my police experience with the Met Police. If you arrested someone for Breach of the Peace (BOP) it was to Prevent the BOP. If, as you left the scene, the arrested person stopped the behavior, then you had to release them under common law. If the behavior continued, or you believed it would continue, ( you did not believe the stated apology), then they had to be taken to the Police Custody Officer for detention to be authorized. And this is where I have the problem, not pointed out so far. Why was TR not taken to a designated police station for a decision on the BOP? Why was the evidence so far nor presented to a designated Custody Officer? Who and why authorised that he be taken directly to a Court, and who therefore authorised the total breach of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. Name that ACPO Officer.
The rule of law and it’s equal application to all is now a thing of the past in this country . Tommy is feared by the government and the heavily politicised police and judiciary. So they decide what happens to him without bothering about due process etc. They fear him because he may become a rallying point for insurrection by the oppressed natives of these islands and want to make an example of him to serve as a warning to anyone else who mat attempt to rally the British people to fight back against Islamisation.
A foreigner called Soros has announced he is funding a remain campaign so I was thinking of running a separate thread for renewed evidence of pro remain propaganda by al beeb.
In the (non)independent rag today there is a deceitful article by a couple of remainer mep snouts in the trough jobs saying the EU has changed the law to prevent free movement labour exploitation so we don’t have to leave the ReichEU anymore . It’s crap and a lie .
Al beeb is claiming once we are out Israel will have better access to EU science than us – good luck with that lie too .
Gonna be a long summer. Thank god for the footy and the tennis .
Think we should be making our own ballot boxes out of discarded tea chests, already giving ourselves multiple identities and being ready to buy student votes, scare the pensioners off in white seaside and rural towns. When the chest is full, send to Brussels via Corbyns office and the MCB too in Tower hamlets.
That, after all is all that any “second referendum” would be about.
Clegg, Blair and Heseltine to head up a Government Troika of National niceness.
Quite so. The way Tommy was ‘disappeared’ is the most chilling aspect of this. It makes all the arguments over contempt irrelevant.
if it can happen to him it can happen to anyone.
There can be no justification for secret justice. My understanding of the basis of our Common Law is that it serves us not we it. That it must be open and that a man must have the right to defend himself. .
DT, I am inclined to agree with you. For instance, why is no there no application to the High Court over this by TR’s normal solicitor. I have no idea who the person was, but after false information by police preventing a fair representation, the court appointed barrister to replace any properly briefed representation, the illegal arrest, the illegal detention, the judge laughing on camera, surely someone must have demanded a high court hearing. I have spent many days in Crown Court, and the cases that made me cringe were those where a tannoy announcement was made asking if there were any Barristers free of cases within the building, could they please attend the cell block. You used to think, Poor Bastard. At least a normal barrister would have read your case the previous evening. This one will have only a few minutes to work out a case. And thus was TR Advised to plead guilty? I hope the Barrister who advised him hangs his head in shame, but experience tells me that you can find him in a local pub having a chat with the prosecutor. And such has it ever been.
CP, think it was Contempt of Court not a BotP offence. Wheeling the offender back in to the trial Judge is correct, I think, if offence is within Court precincts.
Up2, the arrest was for BOP. I am afraid that you are wrong.
Sorry, CP. You could be right. I was relying on ……
” Tommy Robinson arrested outside Leeds Crown Court
Former English Defence League (EDL) leader Tommy Robinson has been jailed for 13-months for potentially prejudicing a court case.
Robinson, who appeared in the dock under real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was arrested in Leeds on Friday. A ban had prevented media from reporting on the sentencing at Leeds Crown Court.
The 35-year-old was broadcasting on social media outside the city’s crown court when he was arrested. 29 May 2018″
….. from the BBC.
Silly me!
CP, however the Yorkshire Post has it rather differently:
One to be researched, I think
Given significant confusion abounds from supposedly professional media, it would not be unreasonable to have doubts.
Perhaps why it was attempted to circumvent the public, who these days have a nasty habit of making their own minds up and deliver results the establishment does not like.
Which in this case could, again, have gone better.
Those who saw it on livestream, heard the constabule clearly say BOP.
I watched a recording of the arrest of TR on YouTube, The male officer told TR that he was arresting him on “Suspicion” of Committing a Breach of the Peace.
As a former police officer if I saw someone committing what could be considered a Common Law Breach of the Peace I would arrest him for Conduct Likely to cause a Breach of the Peace. i.e. he could incite others. I would not (or could not) arrest someone on “Suspicion of Causing a Breach of the Peace” as this would mean that I had not witnessed the incident, but that information had come my way through another party. (I would think that the offender could be summonsed to appear, but I have never known this to happen). He would appear before a magistrate and be Bound Over to be of Good Behaviour for a certain period of time. In fact I doubt that a police officer can arrest someone on Suspicion of Causing a Breach of the Peace under the Common Law as his power of arrest applies only if he (the officer) and another are present. Another person or more must be present as a police officer himself cannot be incited to commit a breach of the peace under the Common Law. If this is the case then TR was unlawfully arrested in my humble opinion. However much has changed (for the worse I fear) since I retired.
Scronker, firstly, from my limited law and Jury Service knowledge, BotP is a Magistrates Bench job but CoC is Crown Court and immediately back in before the Judge presiding. CoC would trump a BotP arrest because it is an instantly imprisonable offence, if I recall correctly. Please feel free to correct any misunderstanding.
It wouldn’t be the first time a PC has got something wrong (sorry, Scronker & Captain P – but there are too many recent examples) but is it possible that the Court Bailiff was in the vicinity? Did you see any Court Officer or was filming stopped before anyone else intervened?
Secondly, if it was filmed were there any indications whether TR had left the Court precincts? If he was still deemed within the Court precincts, I would have thought that again it would have made it easy for him to be taken back in to face the more serious charge.
Did the offender say things which made his situation worse?
The CoC sentence appears to be amazingly harsh. Seem to recall Rumpole spending an afternoon or evening or even a night in a cell for CoC in the UK and rather longer, in a recent episode, in Africa. The normal sentence is seven days, is it not, but if the prisoner is willing to present an abject apology to m’Lud with the promise to behave in future, they are normally let out immediately.
My last spell of Jury Service necessitated (nature of the case) some at length training on this subject from both the Jury Usher and the Judge. We were told in no uncertain terms that any breaches would result in immediate incarceration.
CP you write ” If you arrested someone for Breach of the Peace (BOP) it was to Prevent the BOP. If, as you left the scene, the arrested person stopped the behavior, then you had to release them under common law.” But what was “the behaviour” that TR was doing that was likely to cause a BOP. He was filming himself. There was nobody around to cause a breach of the peace, except for a lot of police officers. They didn’t give him the opportunity to “leave the scene” they immediately arrested him for BOP. As I said previously and as you state in the post above .. the initial arrest/charge was not conducted lawfully ! ?
I feel much more encouraged than you boys.
I for one have now taken the title of “far right”.
Tommy is way above that.
He`s our first political prisoner, pure and simple in my lifetime.
So I`m making sure that everybody called him a citizen journalist, a humanitarian prisoner of conscience and a peace activist who only doesn`t want Muslim rapists to keep getting into our kiddies knickers in northern towns, southern cities.
Take the title far right…and let“s see how much further down Equality Street we can go. Got my Dorothy shoes on, and to be a racist far right islamophobe are my hoped-for three stamps on my bingo card from now on.
Embrace your inner fascist. If the Left call you anything like this, be very proud and tell everybody.
True Holly,
A far right extremist nowadays is defined as one who doesn’t want their daughters to be raped by Muslims. So I’m far right as well.
Quite right Holly .. there are many people on the blogs I frequent who are claiming Gammon as part of their user name. LOL If we claim these nasty slurry names that the lefties think up (knuckledragger is another one for Brexit voters ) it will back fire on them. Racist as a word means nothing these days as it has been used to extinction. People blank it out. Being “Far Right” is meant to be something to abhor! If I remember rightly …. so was the word Deplorables and that was claimed to perfection by a master of the art of media neutralisation. If the Tories are supposed to be a right wing party .. then the Far Right is the only place to be in our country today if you have ever voted Tory previously.
I’m ‘far right’ now too although I always thought I was a bit on the liberal side. Amazing how what you see and learn can change what you believe – it’s called learning isn’t it?
Above ‘learning’ should be ‘education’.
Tuesday 29th May. Sorry a bit late.
Radio 4 Midday News item about floods in Sparkbrook. Lady (with the characteristic pakistani/brum accent – sorry if i’m wrong but don’t think so) understandably distraught over her house being flooded. However, she then goes on to say something to the effect that ‘we’ are being treated like second class citizens. Lets see how this develops with shades of Grenfell, and how it contrasts with how people were treated following the Somerset floods.
Radio 4 news 5-6:30 pm We have sneering and gloating about Tommy Robinson
There was the usual reference to ‘ex EDL leader’. Known as someone that the ‘far right’ rally around. The implication being it served him right and the country will be a nicer place with him out of the way for a long while.
What annoys me is this assumption that most people will agree with their assessment. We are nice people, nice people abhor the far right, TR is far right, so nice people don’t like him.
On the anniversary of the Manchester Arena massacre, the Today interviewer in Manchester (forget who) got a comment out of a bystander about the bomber. He just happened to be muslim, the man agreed and you don’t think most people agree with the FLA? ( who were having a demo there). No they don’t, the man agreed.
The point of the latter ill-remembered piece is that the BBC (probably other MSM too) seem to assume that the only problem is a small band of not-very-nice far right people. Do they believe this? Are they right? Do they think if they keeping bashing away WE will believe it.
Found this on Twitter.
Scary Biscuit
May 29
JUST IN: first photo of Italy’s new prime minister.
ah that is a photo of the ruler of Italy and Greece
..and Spain ?
And all but 52% of us Stew.
GWF things have moved on a bit.
Having almost completed reading Jordan Peterson’s fine book the thing that strikes me about the interviews he has given is the complete lack of interest in the positives of the work. Interviewer after interviewer seem only to be interested in attacking his theories and thoughts in order to fit the new world order which they seem to think is the only way forward. None of them seem in the least bit interested in opening up to looking at the future of civilisation from a different angle. I am of course referring to the MSM whose journalists have been so indoctrinated not to ask questions of their own but “stick to the script luvvie “. Orwell, Bezmenov and the like warned us and I fear warnings from people like JP are also not going to be heeded.
I’ve just had a younger relative tell me why he doesn’t need to read the book. It sounded like his ‘script’ was straight from The Guardian that has run at least half-a-dozen articles telling us why Peterson is wrong, based on North American authors’ articles that tell them that Peterson is wrong. Pretty well all of these authors say that they haven’t read his book or watched any of his lectures, but they know they don’t need to!
If they actually had looked at Peterson’s work they would find that he advocates a reasoned balance between stability and change, in earlier times his messages would have been considered apolitical, but now, of course, there is one ‘approved’ stance.
Recently I attended a talk on a technical subject during which the academic speaker questioned the ethics of driverless cars, this was a live experiment to which the public hadn’t given their consent. It is a pity that the so-called social engineers that have been busy overturning Western societies don’t have the same ethical concerns.
Good point, Synch.
It’s not as sinister as you think.
It’s simply that Peterson is stating facts which are well documented and irrefutable, but at the same time unacceptable, even unthinkable, to his interviewers.
The combination causes a meltdown, a cognitive dissonance, what Scott Adams calls ‘hallucination’ in his interlocutors.
Watch the McElvoy interview, she hangs in for 20 minutes or so, then just collapses into jellified silliness.
For Newman’s “so we should all live like lobsters“, substitute McElvoy’s “4 dimensions has become 5. Magic!”
That was one of my points Rick, hallucination is a very good way of describing it. These interviewers are almost in a hypnotic trance like state that asking a question outside of their remit/agenda is beyond them. Angst, angst, angst is all they seem to come back with and not the intellect to broaden the discussion.
It comes from being taught “Here are the things you must think” rather than “Use your intellect to find out what is true.”
Neither Newman nor McElvoy can believe that there is not systematic oppression of women by “the patriarchy”. It’s what they were told to believe, and encompasses their worldview.
When solid facts contrary to their entrenched belief are raised, they have no mechanism with which to reconcile the two. Hence, meltdown.
8:45pm R4 an Irish woman lectured us about her promoting at new tradition of women doing speeches at weddings see women don’t get enough voice
Really ?

it was proceeded by this Moral Maze panel
And they all live in a capital city.
I had the misfortune to hear that, Stew. What a waste of 15 mins of radio time – also found the one woman in the audience laughing rather annoying. But the Irish woman is way behind the time. My wife gave a speech at our wedding in 1992.
My wife didn’t didn’t give a speech at our wedding, RR she waited until afterwards and she hasn’t stopped giving “speeches” for over 40 years! 🙁
Nice one ToobiWan !
Ha ha! I’ve spilt my coffee.
Schiedam City : Axe-wielding man shrieking ‘Allahu Akbar’ kills police dog in the Netherlands
Anything on Al Beeb about this yet maxincony ?
maxi,…… maxi?
Brexit caused a fall in the pound and this has resulted in a shortage of strawberry pickers travelling from Romania .
A major story on BBC News at 10 – BBC you are a fking joke of a Broadcaster
I never realised only Eastern Europeans were qualified to pick strawberries. However did we cope before they came to our rescue?
Perhaps the farmers need to pay a decent wage, or the 1.4 million unemployed need to be told if they won’t do these jobs they won’t get benefits. They can’t all be too infirm.
The only strawberry most have seen is likely in a Jamie Dodger.
I am sure we can manage without a few strawberries/ Romanians
In Fife, the most popular road sign is not 30mph, National Speed Limit Applies, Directions or Destinations…………….
it’s ‘Pick Your Own Strawberries’
Aah, Fife soft fruit! Marvellous.
Just gone onto Guido’s site and the latest thread has had only four posts printed in five hours! WTF has happened to it?
Premoderation. Because those who read his site won’t play ball. As an exercise in destroying your own brand, it’ll become a case study for students of business.
Calling your own readership “knuckle draggers” never ends well.
I saw a strange bit in Guido headline piece where he actually attacked his followers. It made me wonder whether there may be some ‘social problems’ among those running the site?
Can’t tiptoe around it, let me be blunt.
Do some people running Guido have a drink (or drugs) problem? Regular evening drinking can become regular lunch and evening drinking and then, if an individual or group is not careful, that can lead to problems with alcohol being a constant presence & influencing decisions and behaviour.
One of the early lessons I quickly learned on the BBC forums a decade ago was that alcohol had a noticeable influence on some posters and what they put up. Especially late at night. That can apply to moderators and site administrators and organisers, too. In addition, another web forum community that I know really well had several members who eventually revealed in their posts their personal problems. It was noticeable that a high proportion had mental health problems. That can affect on-line behaviour.
I am not saying the GF people are all alcoholics and/or druggies and/or depressives but as a non-member but a slightly more than occasional viewer of the headline GF articles, I am wondering what lies behind the amazing change, the change that appears to be for the worse, there.
“knuckle draggers” Guido’s site ran a whole series of articles on whether the new Parliament branch of Greggs was open yet
… that is hardly a sophisticated mind.
When @Dysgwr_Cymraeg tweeted at him about the demise of his site, and his gutless ‘no comments’ on his TR insults, I told him ” when they come for you, none will speak out”
He replied ” they already have, they failed”
Someone answered, I paraphrase,
Looks like they came and you lost, looking at your site.
“An individual was arrested this afternoon after attempting to scale scaffolding outside Parliament, according to unconfirmed reports. Parliamentary authorities saY they are aware of an “incident”. Police presence has been intensified”
These reports have, eventually, been kind of borne out, if only vaguely. The BBC Far Right Editorial Team have been scrambled. In fact Guido may now be a consultant rather than hiding behind a curtain.
In other news, given the current state of the place, that the police have higher levels of intensity only to bring out to show off, much is explained.
“Muslim group tells Tories to ‘remove Islamophobia from party’ ”
They’re flexing their muscle. The net closes, the noose tightens, the vice grips…
Labour under Corbyn / Khant are already in their power. Next the Tories.
Remember the 4 stages of Islamic conquest?
Be afraid, be very afraid.
The beeb lickspittle lapping it up.
The letter, sent by the MCB’s secretary-general Harun Khan, calls for the Tories to “publish a list of incidents of Islamophobia within the party where action has already been taken”, and “adopt a programme of education and training on Islamophobia”.
Chilling isn’t it? “adopt a programme of education and training on Islamophobia”.
The end is nigh. Glad I’m old.
We can all feel the backlash building. And the likes of the BBC, by refusing to admit there’s a problem, will make it all the worse for the innocents who are all the more likely to be caught up in it.
I honestly fear it’s too late, the situation is irremediable, irredeemable.
I wonder if the MCB ran this demand through the Labour Party before publication.
A counter to accusations of Labour’s antisemitism
Naturally the Appeaser will do what she does best: appease, in pursuit of the muslim votes (which she won’t get anyway).
There may also be votes in standing up to the conquerors, but who in Parliament has the balls? None that I can see.
I think a lot of this is to remind us all that the Muslims are the real victims in all the recent publicity about as to why Tommy Robinson was locked up. Poor accused Muslim men accused of rape – How can it be rape when the victims were all Kaffirs?
Apparently one of the quotes that so offended the MCB is that someone in the Tory party referred to the most perfect man ever as a F###### paedophile. If its not paedophillia not quite sure what having sex with a 9 year old is – Education maybe?
It was interesting that the sharia compliant BBC news gave few details about what was actually said – Just mentioned the accusation. Why would they want to be so shy?
Still I am sure it will have the sharia compliant Theresa wetting her knickers again in panic and who knows maybe she will reach for her ” ever so umble” headscarf and rush down the local mosque for tea and apologies and get our new Home Sec to draft some new draconian “islamophobia” legislation.
She can say “Islam is Islam”
There, problem sorted.
The News Quiz tomorrow . How will they sneer at anyone troubled by the treatment of Tommy Robinson ?
Well there will be plenty to have a go at, last time I looked had well over half a million angry people on its petition
The predominant reason cited for Britain leaving the EU was the uncontrolled number of immigrants coming to the UK.
Since Brexit, has anyone noticed the number of advertisements/programmes on TV featuring the totally disproportionate number of BAME people appearing in these productions?
Is there an ‘unhealthy’ drive in the media to change the mindset of the Brexiteers ready for a second referendum?
“Two illegal immigrants have admitted claiming more than £125,000 in relief costs by falsely posing as victims of the Grenfell Tower fire.”
Comment unnecessary.
And on the same page…bastards!
Can we bear any more doctors and engineers like these?
Am I missing something here…the open declaration from Soros that he is funding a shortly to begin campaign to have a second Brexit referendum, not mentioned by Al Beeb or Sky website.
PS Tucker had Katie Hopkins on to discuss Tommy Robinson, removal of freedom of speech and justice in UK tonight, hurrah!
Looby, yes you are. It was revealed by the BBC, day before yesterday, in a standard moment of BBC investiga … er, no … in a standard example of BBC integri …. er, no – again! – I’ll start afresh.
The BBC were about to be embarrassed by the Tommy Robinson jailing. In the 6pm News on Tuesday, to help with a ‘bad news day’, the BBC came clean on that Soros’ bid to interfere in UK democracy together with news of Robinson’s jailing for Contempt of Court.
Soros backed Best for Britain to march on 23 June “to demand a final say on the Brexit deal and to make sure there’s an option to remain in the EU.”
No wonder they made sure TR was out of the way.
More censorship by the BBC will be necessary. Revelations across the pond about further evidence of British Establishment interference in the American elections with the naming of Stefan Halper.
Indications are that documents concerning the face to face meeting between John Brennan and GCHQ Director Robert Hannigan two years ago, are to be released. Also they think GCHQ was responsible for “zero days” malware attacks during the Tommy Robinson censorship incident. Also evidence for Spygate is being twisted into the narrative of Halper spying on the Russians from within Trumps team.
It looks like traitors such as Theresa May and the Liberal EU Remainer Establishment in Britain are about to get more and more unpopular with millions of Americans. But because of the BBC, most people in Britain probably wont find out until the Orwellian system of censorship in Britain collapses.
Bbc moves on to its next race-baiting stir fry.
Does not go well in comments.
BBC are hammering on about the NHS deficit. No word on, no apology for, the £2000 NHS tax ‘misspeak’ from a few days ago. In the meantime, the BBC appear to want the NHS to spend money they haven’t got recruiting Doctors from overseas instead of ‘growing our own’.
No embarrassment, no apologies at all from the BBC for broadcasting FakeNews yesterday about Arkady Babchenko. It was noticeable that the BBC were very quick to lay the blame at the door of Putin & the Kremlin powers.
Beeb finger wagging about not enough women on FTSE boards, sneering at reasons given.
“Most women don’t want the hassle or pressure of sitting on a board.”
Exactly. It is much easier to just marry someone who works 70 hours a week so you get to live in a big house etc and have none of the hassle. Men do not have the option as no female knight is going to sweep us off our feet and pay for everything.
What evidence do they even have that women want to be on board rooms? In medicine, where women are over-represented and most will be highly intelligent, men still fill most of the top positions. This strongly suggests women simply do not want to live the lives feminists demand.
Young children love having their mum around; the child is the father of the man – early years are crucial. If the infant is in the care of some moronic nanny as their mum is working 70 hour weeks there could be all sorts of developmental problems. Plus why deny women the absolute, unfettered joy of being with their baby? Such experiences would trump the extra 100k or whatever which would matter so much more to a testosterone driven male.
Could the BBC ever accept that maybe things are as they are because they work best this way? They are always ‘campaigning’ for some sort of change – they can never just leave us alone. Human societies have evolved over a long time to function as smoothly as they do. You mess with these things at your peril. They told us how horrible white men are, and maybe our society was far from perfect, but at least we did not gang rape school children.
Beeb Bro, I suspect a lot of serious, capable and eligible women in business do not want to put up with the bullshit & politiking around directorships and Board meetings and instead just want to cut to the chase and get things done. To be fair, a substantial amount of that bullshit & politiking found at the top of companies has been foisted on (male-majority) Boards by … er, ummmh .. how can I put this delicately, ….. let us say the more militant and strident feminists around the world but especially in the US and western Europe.
If you listen to the Anne McElvoy interview with Professor Jordan Peterson (link previous page), he explains why that should be so.
Beeb Brother, I usually agree with your posts but I have to tell you it’s not that easy for a woman to “just marry” anyone these days. Even a poor fellow. You seem to have acquired an unrealistic idea about women having the option to get married to anyone they wish. I’m afraid it isn’t so in the real world. Extreme feminists have changed things a lot. It’s very difficult these days to find a man who will consider marriage at all. I know many increasingly older single women who have always wanted but never found a husband.
Sorry about that – yeah I am sure it is not that easy. God nothing is easy for we humans, the sick animal! I tend to be a bit moody the first few hours of the morning and it colours my musings somewhat.
The most evil man in the world? The BBC website is currently running a hagiography on George Soros, one of its favourite people but whom some consider to be ‘the most evil man in the world’. They revert to the old canard that “Much of the criticism aimed toward the 87-year-old has been criticised as having anti-Semitic undertones.” In fact, they mention this twice just to make sure the message gets across, it being an old trick to try and shut up any discussion about global governance and the role of the super rich.
No, BBC. Criticism of Soros is not motivated by anti-semitism, any more than criticism of Nazism was motivated by anti-Austrianism directed against the chap with the moustache. It is motivated by a deep distrust of a man who is unaccountable, operating outside of democracy, who has made a lot of money out of morally questionable means (currency speculation) and is using that vast wealth to manipulate countries and undermine Western societies. Whether he is Hungarian, American, Jewish or David Icke-style lizard is utterly irrelevant – it is what he does and facilitates, not what he is.
Excellent post, Ian.
Amazingly how quickly memories fade at the integrity-free BBC!
Very good. The Israelis are not exactly his greatest fans!
Having just slagged off The Spectator, good article here:
Europe has a democracy problem
It is by Douglas Murray, mind.
I’ll tell you this for nothing, I am getting sick to bloody death of the anti-male, feminazi agenda being pushed by the leftwing establishment controlled media. It is relentless. Funny how many of the media companies reporting this are some of the worst offenders i.e. the bbc.
You should be a leader based on merit not on what genitalia you possess, though that doesn’t anymore I suppose.
Meanwhile, from deep within the bbc…
Have you noticed more and more woman on the BBC are covering mens football.i bet a crisp ten pound note that there will be female commentators within two years.
But in most cases they lack real passion or insight, it’s not in their bones, just a job.
My morning blood pressure rise..Breakfast BBC stories
People who get into debt buying the latest phones etc are victims of those horrible companies that sell them
Not enough woman in top companies – poor female victims note that they use the most ridiculous reason but don’t ascribe to any company.Fake news?
Brexit will send all those intelligent Creatives back to home lands – victims of democracy – no mention of fact that they could all apply for a visa or citizenship like most of my Italian and Polish friends
The NHS needs a load more overseas medics and nurses…NHS chap allowed to make statement about job vacancies without long can the NHS go on not investing in UK people to train (personal experience of their attitudes)
Muslims complaining about Conservatives..Islamophobia..just a tweet with no substance gets headline news
It has been a glorious BBC Labour party propaganda morning.
……and just in case you think James’s list is not long enough…..
On Toady, they even managed to shoehorn Grenfell into ‘Thought for the Day’!!
Pass the tranquilisers. And the sick bag.
JA, only another 4 minutes to go. I’ve done all three hours again today! 🙁
Take the pills..BP will lower…
Just for fun and maybe posted yesterday.
Listening to Media Show R4 with the ‘redoubtable’ Amol. Discussing media..newspapers etc. A good mix of presenters who between them criticised Daily Mail, Sun Mirror,
Then when one of the (better) guest said the Guardian was practicing a begging bowl’ model to fund..Amol jumped in immediately with ‘can i just say the Guardian is doing a better job of not losing as much money’….
Hilarious..he showed his true colours – slag off every newspaper but not the bias here eh!
Sorry if this video has been linked before. I think this is a great explanation of the cancer that is destroying all we love and hope to pass on to future generations.
I spent only 3 weeks on holiday in Japan many years ago and loved it, might have to dig out my old language books and look to live there.
Good Post Old
I wasn’t going to watch the whole video but I did. It is really good piece of work. No sensationalism, fact based arguments, not irrationally emotive. Everything the Left hate…funny it’s not been on the BBC.
My only mild criticism is the use of white Christians.. I don’t think any of us have problems with non white Christians that follow the law and respect the indigenous culture as well as their own.
Glad you liked it. I agree it was an argument the left could never refute without resorting to childish behaviour.
The part about ‘white Christians’ was a clip of Stefan Molyneux?? If it was look at his youtube channel as he debates very well and fair.
Did my ears deceive me? Just a moment or two before the 0800 news on Toady a trailer for a programme at 1030 Saturday morning. Overview: ‘a short walk through parts of London where the life expectancy rate has plummeted by 14 years’………..
Probably not, G.
When the BBC got going on this ‘increasing life expectancy’ thing some years ago, I e-mailed them some home truths, not least that life expectancy (like the value of investments) can decrease as well as increase. They ignored me.
Then some reality hit them last year with the latest (regional) numbers.
The BBC routinely forget their own news reports, anyway. On one notable occasion it was in the same programme.
Heard again just before TWato. “Western London” referred to.
G, yes, I caught the latest version of that prog trail either then or before TWTonight. I think Cole Moreton has that wrong then. He’s going south to north, so unless he is going to Glasgow, not just across Kensington, it is unlikely he’ll meet a 14 year drop. I wonder what it is based on? There is an acknowledged fall in life-expectancy from WEST to EAST across London, even since the Clean Air Act of the 1950s, but it is in single figures and the number 3 comes to mind but I could be wrong.
I wonder where they are going with this:
‘Will the Force be with us after #Brexit?’
Someone has to say it…. we vote to leave but… The Empire Strikes Back
UK Car exports rise !
So much for Brexit Fear .
Anything positive about this on on Al Beeb yet ?
maxi, tell your mates to wake up.
PS maxi , here is a clue for your ‘researchers’ …………
A quick look through Al Beeb’s news pages and all I get is
Brexit Fear ,Brexit Fear ,Brexit Fear ,…..
Brexit warning, Brexit warning, Brexit warning, Brexit warning,…….
I think someone at Al Beeb doesn’t like Brexit ?
No really the impartial state broadcaster’s remit to turn what they don’t like into ‘stories’, is it?
The broadsheet type papers are also running moe remainer articles . The Londonistan evening standard – owned by a foreigner and edited by s failed remainer politician is full of Soros funded lies and brexit fear . Fortunately the majority of people in londonistan are foreigners away and few can read or speak English .
I’m trying to think of a nice bit of bait for maxi but s/he seems less literate since I started posting threads….
Not so much Fake News as Flaky News
I see this morning the Bogus Broadcasting Corporation had its fingers burnt by their mates in Kiev. Oh dear, they’ll be wanting a refund on some of that BBC/EU money spent on training up border-country-based sympathetic young truth-telling left-leaning journos.
The BBC news is now in desperate rear-guard action mode giving the line that this all a Ukrainian police anti-Putin sting operation. Well, they got the first bit right.
By the way, how’s our own just-outside-Porton-Down hoax (sorry, sting operation) going – drawn any Putin spies with snow still on their boots out of the woodwork yet?
Call the supporters of David Lammy and Diane Abbott “knuckle draggers” and you’ll be prosecuted for racism of the most appalling kind.
Call the supporters of Tommy Robinson “knuckle draggers” and you’ll be rewarded with an article in the MSM.
Double standards doesn’t even come close.
As Jacob Rees-Mogg points out … people will still be able to work in the UK for jobs that are required. Why is the BBC pushing this nonsense using BBC TV Tax Payer money?
at least 4 of them dont look very european to me
I read the post and it probably reflects the legal situation. However this has gone beyond this and it is now a matter of perception. Tommy is regarded as a state prisoner -rightly or wrongly. The PTB have bought this upon themselves by their conduct towards him and their attitude to the so called grooming gangs. See Mark Steyn on this. He actually went to Rotherham and his report is damning.
It is also a outlier of what has been building for a long time.
The attempts by the establishment now completely in thrall to progressive ideology to contain this will probably be successful in Tommy’s case but this is not going away.
There is an unbridgeable gulf now between the progressive’s ideal of a future England and the wishes of millions of citizens. Their views have been consistently ignored and rubbished for a generation .The Brexit vote was a clear indication of this and the warning to the governing class could not be clearer.
But since when did an ancien regime ever show sense?
WE are certainly in a pre revolutionary situation that most do
not yet perceive .
If and when the regime manages to achieve Brexit in name only it will be seen by this regime as a victory. it will be nothing of the sort. No regime can be victorious long term against the wishes of the nation .
What has all this to do with Tommy?
A great deal. He is a man they cannot predict or silence easily and whose support they fear.
The politics in this country are no longer left and right but between the progressive idealists who desire to socially engineer an ideal nation and the common man rooted in a realistic view of human nature and the world.
It is not going to end well for anyone and the blame is squarely upon those who had the power to return common sense to politics and the country but failed.
is it us against them ?
westmonster article
personally I would call this treason
The lady doth protest too much, methinks……………….
“Is the European Union a ‘protectionist racket’?”
RE: More women on boards.
Women can be such bitches when they get power, especially towards younger and better looking females. Overall women would suffer more with more women in charge, but such nuance is lost on the BBC.
Women goooood.
Men baaaaaaad.
If the ‘gender pay gap’ were a thing then surely companies would save a fortune by hiring women to do the top jobs?
They have posted this story on Facebook and responses are scathing. They have totally lost control of the narrative. Nobody believes them anymore.
BBC visit the Moslem book festival at Hay on Wye.
Since last night \\ Please note: we are aware that Kipper Central has been taken down & we are working to get the site back up as soon as possible.
Please check this Twitter account & our Facebook page for further updates.//
Must have come back at 10:30am
i’m guessing it was a fault on their part.
It is always instructive to examine what the BBC chooses not to report to get a clear picture of its biased news and cultural agenda. So you might have missed the news that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is forecasting that Britain’s growth rate will accelerate faster over the next couple of years than previously expected.
Previously expected no less than by the OECD just three months ago when the BBC went large with its view that the UK economy was growing at a slower pace than any other major advanced or emerging nation in 2018. Indeed the BBC seems to have a hot line to what it usually describes as the influential Paris-based think tank. Rarely do the OECD’s pronouncements fail to fill the Corporation’s headlines. On 17 October last year it reported the OECD view that reversing the Brexit process would boot the UK economy. A new referendum or a change of government leading to the UK staying within the EU will have a “significant positive impact on growth”.
Publicity-seeking think tanks, economic forecasting operations, rating agencies – the list goes on and you can put all their forecasts in the bin so far as your correspondent is concerned and put your faith in the stars. The bias is obvious in most of their forecasts – but the BBC is more biased still in that it picks whatever biased report suits its own biased agenda.
And here they are again – trotting out the old USA = Bad Cop/EU = Good Cop routine. God forbid that the President might actually want to help out US industry and its blue-collar workers.
Welcome to 2018 …
May 2018 …. Tommy Robinson locked up in prison.
Oct 2018 … Anjem Choudary released from prision early.
What kind of girls would get a job keeping a smile on Anjems face like THAT as he walks by in his nightie?
Quite the creepiest reptile in the exotic raptor section of this human zoo of ours.
Anjem out-Tommy in….the libs think they`re getting away with this.
I don`think that they are, history is a study in itself.
The power of the image
I think one of the most powerful tools of the BBC is omission .. and filing the news with details about it’s only superiority.
Comic Relief – where it uses BBC presenters to feel good by doing good.
Sports Relief – where it uses BBC presenters to feel good by doing good.
and that is largely an illusion, cos as we know most money from BBC “charities” end up being spent in the running of them , rather than on the ultimate causes.
This was reported on the 9 o’clock news this morning
The Muslim Council of Britain has reiterated a call for the Conservatives to launch an independent inquiry into alleged Islamophobia within the party
Balancing anti Semitism in the Labour Party obviously..
What about an inquiry about “phobia” of every other religion within Islam?
I won’t hold my breath on that one – I’d die of oxygen starvation.
Id like to see an Inquiry about the morality of following a religion where their greatest ever prophet was having sex with a nine year old.
Yemen …. when two religions of peace (Sunni/Shiite) fight for peace!
#”When Two Tripes Go to War”#
Itereatd…reinterated…demanded…insisted….contrived….made up…conflated…
Bombed, lovebombed, threatened or …oh I give up,
But trust the BBC to get that wrong wordy verb in again…they are deliberately craven malicious , but not stupid.
If it were stupid, there`d be some small chance that they`d be right once or twice, random events and all
But they`re wrong 100% of the time.
So that`s evil that is.
Baroness Warsi according to accurate reporting for BBC TWato.
Her, “Foundation” –
Checkout the photo of a group of people in a hall. How many white faces are there? And, whose to say that the white faces are not converts to islam. ‘People like us’.
And its a “legal charity” that can show NO discrimination of the public it serves.
“Who the charity helps – The general public/mankind”. A bit more narrow than that, if the photo referred to above shows its ‘Public’. Unless, I’ve blinked and UK has a 95% Asian population.
Income: £61.3K: so it is a massive charity………………..
That’s exactly what I said to my wife this we are not alone 🙂
What I want to know is – What/where is the evidence we need to spend a load of public money on this? It smacks of pushing to see how far this Government and our other leaders will go to placate this bunch
No muslims were hurt or arrested during the filming of this hate protest against UK law and order …
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjem Chordary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjem Chordary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him. So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjem Chordary
Non muslims destined to go to hell, British Police Go To Hell Muslim Extremists. [May 2013]
“Stacey Dooley returns to her hometown of Luton, in the UK, to investigate Muslim extremists protesting the arrest of Mona Thorney, the wife of the Stockholm bomber.”
“Black applicants ‘face more university fraud claims’ ”
Let me just re-write that headline for you BBC:-
“Black applicants cheat more often”
There, sorted.
Found this from 2016 … ” 10 June 2016 15:19″ … if you don’t comply with Ramadan … look what happens ….
perhaps there was a grenfell dispute
Not BBC bias as such, rather highlighting the ridiculous trivial nonsense some of our elected representatives worry about. Scottish Parliament MPs ‘earn’ about £62,000 a year. Nice work if you can get it.
“Tavish Scott, the Lib Dem MSP for Shetland, says that putting the islands in a box causes people to forget about the challenges they face on account of their remote location.”
It could be worse, I hear that New Zealand often gets completely left off world maps.
Stop the press: for once, BBC has story of world shattering importance!
Er, two lesbians have ‘proposed’ to each other. It’s on the front page of their ‘news’ website. Presumably it’s a quiet day with nothing else of significance going on in the world today.
Were they at least police persons? At a carnival?
No? Well, golly. Is Emily M hopping back on the red eye again to interview all concerned?
She must need some organic maple syrup or something.
Tommy has gone viral too.
But the BBC seem not to care so much.
Could we send a lesbian to his prison, so he might get out quicker.
Angela Eagle? Buggers can`t be choosers, not too many lookers is there?
Do they do Beauty Contests these knickerpickers?l
Not only has this non story gone viral (i.e. 3 people at the BBC saw it on Social Media) but the BBC interview is utter drivel:
Becky “I was like…you know like… and she was like… OMG… I was like…”
Jessa”you could see like…the right moment like…and then I was like….. and she was like… and I was like OMG…”
For the record Tabs was like “WHAT A LOAD OF BOLLOX!”
The Malian super hero was a lead story on their website, whereas I cannot find anything about the Grenfell fraudsters. Anyone might think the BBC has an agenda.
Also one of their lead stories is someone writing that uni girls love rape at a university property! Clearly this is ribald, male humour and I bet whoever wrote it was just being a drunken idiot; sounds like a healthy part of the university experience to me. We used to joke about all sorts of dark nonsense at university and our jokes bore no relation whatsoever to our actions. They do not seem to get the words/actions dichotomy, or indeed humour.
What about actual rapes, BBC? What was that ‘far right’ man Tommy Robinson reporting on? Their selective outrage is sickening: a joke in bad taste is a lead ‘news’ story whilst the worst offences committed against children in the history of this island are memory holed.
Strangely, I can’t seem to find this photo or story on the bBBC either!
Maybe it’s because it would fly in the face of yesterday’s story on the problem with cyclists in London – too white, it seems. Good to see someone doing their bit for diversity.
You sure the black man is not a hero trying to smash a window to save the white car driver after an accident?
“Police said no arrests have been made after the shocking incident”
Not even a Breach of the Peace charge to bring. Is it because I is black?