So much going on despite parliament being on holiday again . Italy having a wobble , Hungary trying to stop immigration and al beeb desperate to tell us all is well. Well we will see…
Just walked out on Montys endless moaning on the lack of women on blue chip boards , and her fears about gaslighting. You blokes do it to us apparently, but the BBC do it to all of us I`m thinking.
So a double header of agitprop faux feminist B/S from a Lady of the Realm between Montesstori classes. Paid for by us.
So I went straight over to Radio 2 where Venessa Feltz was gassing on to Bobbi Prior as we ladies do.
But blow me-Radio 2 recorded Billy Oceans pretty piss poor version of “No Woman No Cry”, and played it as something from their recent “Biggest Weekend” freebie-again we`re paying.
So-Radio 2 have paid Billy to tell me the “No Woman No Cry” is the BBCs message this lunchtime.
While at the VERY SAME TIME-Radio 4 are telling me that we need far more women on company boards, as well as they need to further pester the courts to lock blokes away who flash their headlights without warning us in writing.
Or such.
Someone help me out here. What the hell do the BBC want you to do, curl up and die like the slugs you are?
Or refuse to give us houseroom, because you`ll be happier if we`re not making you all sad in Trenchtown.
Back to work now.
All women on the airwaves too, did Billy have to wear a frock before he was allowed to sing to us.
Hold that thought.
Can we now add “No Woman No Cry” to sexist banned claptrap, like Brown Sugar or Under My Thumb?
Or do blacks get away with this?
Who do I contact to be a hopeless harpie with too much time on my hands, and no exams left to do? Just to cause them grief?
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee)raping children is your Muslim custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive rape children we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee {wiki}
How telling that the EU commissioners posters says “make your organisation’s voice heard”.
No mention of people, citizens or individuals. Just organisations – as in the one with agendas, masterplans and the funds to pay for lobbyists, bribes and inducements.
I follow the Pound Euro exchange rate for obvious reasons……just thought I would take a look on the Biased Business news website. Hit Market data, then scrolled down to Pound Euro and hit that. Pound is up a bit today. Then I hit the scroll down button……….Well virtually every piece of news on the pound was negative….Pound slips, Pound falls etc etc although it IS UP on the last three months!!!
Who are the morons at the biased that keep on with the bad news? I certainly wouldn’t want to be anywhere near them in the evening (or in the day for that matter) because I think I’d end up slitting my wrists!!
Shoddy reporting from a shoddy organisation… needs closing NOW!!
It was the same with the GBP/USD rate. The BBC kept reporting the pound was down against the USD, but it depends where you start from. The BBC always used the rate that latest for a couple of minutes in the early hours of the morning when it looked like Remain might win the Referendum whereas compared to the rate three months before June 2016 it was at par and had not fallen. Then little or no news when it rose back to 1.45. It’s back down a bit now, but hey ho.
The Muslim Council of Great Britain has called on the Conservative Party to launch an independent inquiry into alleged Islamophobia in the party. The Muslim elders waggle their collective finger and say that the Tories must ensure that “racists and bigots” have no place in the party. Oh dear, I haven’t stopped laughing all morning particularly since the BBC seemed to want to treat this as an actual news story.
Will nobody tell this august Council that the problem here is not the long suffering indigenous British people. According to reliable and consistent polling evidence, around 25% of British muslims are sympathetic to jihad – that is holy war conducted against the infidel (all non-muslims) according to the holy Koran. On any account sympathy for such aims, which infects around one million British muslims, suggests a degree of radicalisation that presents a clear and present danger. In the face of intolerable and continuing actions such as massacring 22 young people at a pop music concert it seems to me that the British have been remarkably restrained. So restrained in fact that the message has not yet percolated through to the Muslim Council, who happily blow smoke around to confuse the real issues.
Instead of worrying about British people expressing understandable anger at the situation, the Muslim Council might care to lead large “not in our name” demonstrations against all acts of jihad, continuing extremist preaching in mosques and organised muslim, sorry Asian sex slavery gangs.
The obnoxious Baroness Warsi is stirring this particular crock of shit as I write on LBC with Iain Stale.
I haven’t heard her “calling out” Big Beard child rape gangs.
The title of her book “The Enemy Within” is no doubt meant to be ironic in the same way as “the Religion of Peace”.
Islamophobia my arse.
and why the f@ck do they need a “council” ??? they are adequately whingeing whining complaining and demanding as it is, a less than 7 % minority in this country that never shut up about their poxy religion and Kulcher
President Trump imposes tariffs on imports on steel etc. Jean-Claude Juncker calls it totally unacceptable! The EU impose things on their own member states on a fairly regular basis but Mr. Juncker cry’s foul when someone outside of his club does such a thing. He really is pissing in the wind if he thinks he can bully the US on trade. A farmer in the mid west isn’t going to give a flying fig what the EU has to say. I can hear it know from POTUS, my tariffs are bigger than yours.
Think Jean Claude Drunker called it
“ushherlyy…hic, I mean utley unasshlpetibubbe”
He`s just Hitler in his Reichs basement drinking all the wine.
Hitler at least paid for his own painkillers at the end.
I don’t think President Trump would want us. Most people in Britain have a leftist mindset compared to most Republicans in the USA. Theresa the Appeaser and the rest of her Cabinet would fit in to the Democratic Party without any problem at all.
Coming soon to the UK … you can smell it on the winds of change … when the UK starts to burn the American flag like our Iranian friends did in Parliament …
They are starting already, planning to demonstrate at Trumps visit, there is a website recruiting the rent a mobs already, to shame our country that will appear to our traditional ally when they arrive, to be full of shouting arabs jumping up and down and screaming abuse, it is what they do best, burning flags and screaming abuse, such cultural enrichment they bring to the UK when greeting visitors on a diplomatic visit
BBC are going full steam ahead on being a Muslim mouthpiece.
Yesterday we had them running with a report from Muslim Aid. I switch on the TV today and now they are reporting on what the Muslim Council are saying demanding. Todays load of bollox is the claim that the Tory party has Islamophobists within it.
I don’t recall them repeating what EDL, Britain First etc said or demanded – funny that isn’t it?
Salman Rushdie to chair it Muzzies?
Who voted for THAT shower then?
Are the current crop as weasly as Iqbal Sacrani and as oily and creepy as Inyat Bunglawally?
Guess they hope to get Tariq Ramadan out to give evidence from his Paris cell, as well as get all their IS fighters back too.
Note to Muzzies…there is NO SUCH THING as Islamophobia.
You lifted it clean off some woolly Christian cracker pamphlet put out by the Runnymede Trust(thanks guys!). There`s no Arabic word for it- phobic is a Greek suffix, so f**** off!
Not in the Koran-so make up a few of your own words….religion of peace or piss?…Arabic does have problems with its consonants and roots, so hard to know the difference unless your diction is clean.
Er, yas.
When people mention islamophobia in my presence I say “I don’t ‘phobe’ islam, I just DONT LIKE it”.
The more I find out about it, the less I like it so I can’t be ‘cured’ by ‘talking to an imam’ which is what muslims recommend.
Wasn’t the word ‘islamophobia’ invented by the muslim brotherhood in the 1920s, deliberately as a device to shut down criticism of the cult, the better for it to attain it’s aims?
The BBC used to be known as Belittle Britain Constantly at Wan Towers, Tabs; It has now morphed into Broadcasting (on) Behalf (of the) Caliphate.
Not as snappy as the former but more but a much better description to describe its evolution.
The wahabis infiltrated al beeb long ago . There may be reasonable al beebs ( trying to be fair) but their hierarchy is such that there cannot be dissent – eveb amongst the queer ones who would be first off the balcony when sharia comes along .
Adding to this of course of the growing Muslim voting population which has infiltrated constituencies and may form their own party – similar to the traitorous SNP. Add a bit of voting fraud to that and – bang!
Let us hope they do form their own party it will be the furthest right this country has seen since the brown shirts, of course they will attempt to hide their demands for the right to mutilate genitals of chidren, have their own special schools to teach hatred of other cultures including the country that has the grace to allow them in, the right to force their children into marriage against their will, the right to have their own special courts and laws against the laws of our country, the right to slaughter live animals with knives, the right to force 5 year old female children into wearing ridiculous clothing at school despite the unform regulaions, the list goes on.. feel free to add to the anticipated secret manifesto hidden below the “moderate muslim” joke we are all encouraged to believe in
I read once that it only takes 30% of the UK’s votes to elect a government. I think it won’t be long before the peaceful ones realise they have tied their camel to the wrong date palm (if they haven’t already) in using “labour” (going nowhere) as a receptacle for their block votes and wander off to form their own party, as is the case in Belgium. When this happens, with the soon to be required demographic percentages, it won’t just be a Cameron wet dream, muslim PM iat number 10, but the green flag flying over the HoC (not the breakdown people either)
If they form their own party – or part of a party I can foresee the first stage of power being in a position the DUP occupies
I am assuming that the British non Muslim population will be fully brainwashed or distracted by al Beeb to be impotent by then or the repressive state will ‘do a tommy’ to them
Just have to hope and pray that if and when that happen, the victors in the following election get enough seats to form a majority, a bit like the one Treeser threw away at the last election. As to the non Muslim population, I think that quite a few would welcome the emergence of such a party, give them an opportunity to show how tolerant, welcoming and diverse they are.
News of Tommy Robinson and protests : BBC none ; Daily Paper none.
News of Roseanne Barr tweet : HEADLINES!
I’ve been busily informing friends and neighbours of the TR affair and not one had any idea of what is transpiring. I think the cover up is succeeding quite well 🙁
I think that they`re keeping Tommy fresh and clean for the coming revolution.
They think he`s in their cage either to be burned alive or drowned like a cat.
Sorry elites.
He`s our Nelson Mandela without the tyre burning klepto nutter he ditched as soon as he remembered what she was like.
Without the baggage.
He`s also got a touch of the Vaclav Havels about him too,
They broke it, they`ll be made to fix it.
Tommy`s fine.
Feel like joining a queue outside Hull for him, for when he comes out.
It is said that history belongs to the victors, and even in the internet age this holds mainly true. However….
Most would presume ‘the victors’ to be states. But these days it is as much if not more ideologies within states, though often epitomised by state media such as the BBC.
And now more than ever the power of the edit suite outweighs both the sword and the pen.
Certainly good old fashioned propaganda backed by censorship still needs some basics to be enforced, but so much can be shaped now in ways that are so nuanced that in isolation they seem nothing much, but in combination and cumulatively over relatively short timeframes can be massive.
On the whole it is almost exclusively negative and destructive in nature. Yes, those favoured can be be boosted, but most public can see through that in a heartbeat. look how the BBC’s efforts for Labour have flatlined, even with May at the helm. But chipping away at foes…. even if grotesque it can have an effect and too often be impossible to reverse if based on deception or inaccuracy. Be they university professors or flawed rebels like Tommy.
Think back at what is known, not known, then and through time, and now, about others who have bucked the establishment.
Most Scots revere William Wallace, but his character and methods to achieve an ultimate calamitous loss appear ignored.
The Che T-shirt is still iconic, though many either don’t know or don’t want to know the reality behind their poster boy.
And folk have already raised Nelson Mandela. Recanting with evident sincerity and forgiven for a violent past, it seemed most of the BBC decamped there to mourn his loss.
I wonder who in years to come from this era will be remembered fondly, or with scorn, and what part the ideological meddlers in government, judiciary, civil service, teaching, media, etc will have in shaping it all?
The absolutely stupid, misguided and morally bankrupt idea of forcing “diversity” upon a population with a proud past whether they like it or not, attacking our culture, our way of life, our laws, and even now on C4 attacking our choices of statues and memorials….forcing us to adjust to other cultural minorities despite some of them being completely and utterly intolerant of other cultures themselves, and having some pretty disgusting cultural norms such as forced marriage and genital mutilation, the idiocy of it, a good enough excuse for civil war methinks
I think they noticed how many he motivated to march on Downing Street a while ago, families, couples, a cross section of the UK ,thousands of them, and “they” were just watching and waiting, unfortunately he did himself no favours in this affair, bang to rights it appears on the surface …..
hmm he plays a good chess game old Trumpy boy. I reckon you may be right DS . From what I can gather Germany is biggest of the EU steel exporters to US. I don’t think he likes Mutti Hitler very much . We in turn seem to send a lot of steel to France and Germany – all seems a bit muddled but I am sure he has thought this out 5 moves ahead
I see that grooming gangs have formed in the UK but I cannot see why the UK citizens are so angry when the grooming gangs are only doing their jobs as per the BBC report ….
Racially aggravated immigrant gang rape, slavery, assault and forced prostitution, does not trip off the tongue but is entirely true, takes over 5 years for action if any action is taken, took 5 minutes for Tommy off the streets
I agree and hope you don’t see my comment as criticism – I’m as guilty of using msm santising language as anyone else .
Bit like the way msm uses the term “ radicalised” when they really mean Islamic terrorist .
Now they don’t use the term “ President Trump”- they use “Trump Regime “ – al beeb does anyway .
If i run the weekend thread tomorrow I might invite examples of language bias in albeeb and the msm
Not seeing much diversity in the BBC ads before tonight’s Now Show as they were full of black people and Asians with only two whites. Bare faced propaganda.
Now you come to mention it; I’m sure it’s a coincidence that within a month of him being appointed the leading campaigner against muslim rape gangs is fitted up and jailed.
As the BBC etc create their nasty little hit pieces on the likes of Katie Hopkins, Margaret Thatcher and Nigel Farage -using their arts platform, so its not libel(just wish fulfilment, as we all know)?
I would love to see a drama or a radio play on how May turned out to be a Soros stooge in reality, how the Kinnocks were able to cream so much money, despite Kinnock being responsible for the1999 corruption misappropriations as flagged up by Mart Andreasen(who lost her job).
I`d like to see a play on mid-Staffs and Julie Bailey, how OFSTED and Haringey covered up for Sharon Shoesmith and team, how Batmanghedli got her money and conned the likes of Letwin and Cameron for millions of our cash.
And why the Pope retired himself for the only time in Papal history, after getting nuns killed after his Regensberg speech.
There`s a FEW off the top of my head, but the Beeb etc only want to fantasise about killing right wing/independent minded women, then call it “art”.
OK then-what about Osbornes fantasy of putting Mays body parts in his freezer?
Come on BBC-some REAL drama please, not the usual crap about migrants, deviants and Muslim supremacists not getting a free ride home on the back of a tank.
May, Soros and Barnier-the troika that Theresa will get a job for life out of.
All the best women I can think of are under BBC censorship. I did see Marta Andreasen on the BBC once, but that was because she was a UKIP MEP at the time. Also the best Canadian Journalist in Canada is a woman called Donna Laframboise. I did see her on the BBC, but only because the BBC couldn’t censor her appearance on the BBC Parliament coverage of a Government Committee. But on Saturday a woman called Jenny Gill is leading a group of Mensa members on a behind the scenes investigation into the BBC MediaCity in Salford. So they may find out why the BBC uses censorship to discriminate against intelligent men and women. Also I think its time that the BBC through off its sexist image by announcing that my local UKIP MEP Jane Collins will replace Lord Hall in March next year.
Also I think its time the Labour Party through off its sexist image by appointing Kate Hoey as its leader. Also I saw that new carry on film “Carry on Brussels” were the LibDems lose all their MEP,s but one, a woman who in a comedy scene in a Lift, laughs and squirms while admitting that she sometimes wonders why she supports the sexist LibDems.
But then all the new men on the BBC are either low IQ remain supporting metropolitan liberals, Homosexuals, Black or Asian. And the women on rural programs used to be from rural areas such as Scotland and Wales. Now the new women are Asian and mixed race, so as to reflect the BBC’s more London centric ideas about turning brown girls, Green.
Springwatch – ‘ There are more mature oak trees in Gloucester than there are in the whole of Switzerland’ WTF is that supposed to mean. They have some new tanned presenter this year too she has one major drawback for a presenter – ‘ she can’t string a coherent sentence together’ have a watch absolutely laughable she reminds me of Norman Collier. But the BBC is a meritocracy the best person for the job gets the job unless we can find somebody who can’t speak English
Happened to look at the BBC ‘news’ website at lunchtime. Jeez, what a load of obnoxious biased cr*p.
“Staggering failure to pick woman for bank”. so. is diversity better than ability? YES according to the BBC.
Some report of a same sex couple proposing somewhere or other. Doesn’t particularly bother me, but is it a newsworthy story?
Lots of stories with the word ‘Brexit’ in the title. All of them belittling ‘Brexit’. It’s your fault, you little xenophobic, racist retards.
‘Black applicants ‘face more university fraud claims’. Yawn, anymore chips on shoulders? But the BEEB picked this one up and ran with it like an antelope on heat.
‘Popularists’ in Italy and Spain are all xenophobic racists (See ‘Brexit’ above’). What exactly is a ‘populist’, isn’t Macron one? Not according the the BEEB.
An article bigging up Soros as a philanthropist. How many people did he make unemployed? What a hero!
I could go on, but to be honest, I can’t be bothered.
Just insidious mind washing propaganda for those who believe everything the BBC publishes.
Forgot to say, no mention that the ‘EU is playing hardball on everything from the UK’s participation in the Galileo satellite navigation programme and the European Arrest Warrant to the Irish border issue’.
These Oxbridge clots DO see it as a “game”. Eton Wall Game or rugger.
If we had ANYBODY from planet real in politics who was thinking straight or hadn`t had a vasectomy or tubes tied; wouldn`t they know that you just take your hard ball(or soft) and walk away on March 29th.
We`ll have a week of fussing, if they want riots we`ll be ready. And after that, the new soul vision where its imperial, one-man, one vote and Tommy Robinson freed from the Bastille and made King of all our Hearts.
~You may say I`m a dreamer”~ . But we need this political class and party schmucks burned off the boat like the seedy barnacles they are.
They`ll sink us if we don`t sear them off. How can I go to my grave knowing that I let Prescott and Clegg have my money between 2005-2015?
On the pledge tonight Gregg Dyke says that referendums should be at least 60% to make a change and 52%-48% was too close.
So then Gregg, as we’re now leaving, if we have another referendum on the eu do you agree that to rejoin the eu we would need at least a 60%-40%win for the re-joiners.
The indomitable Katie Hopkins telling it like it is about black gangs, skyrocketing killings, Sadiq Khant and much more. What a gal.
She has more balls than the entire bbc staff combined.
Razia Iqbal is a beeboid Muslim Who presents the 10 pm news on r4. Tonight she interviewed a German Christian democrat politician from Bavaria . Bavaria has passed a law requiring all public buildings to display a crucifix . The law arose from a regional referendum .
Mr Iqbal didn’t celebrate this act of democracy by the Bavarians – in fact – she approached it from an ‘anti ‘ – anti christ Ian point of view . Which is why I looked her up across google and found she had won an award for being a female muslim journalist .
I found her bias offensive but I won’t complain to al beeb as I know the outcome .
Why do the bbc refuse to discuss immigration in debates on the nhs? It’s so ridiculous. Blaming everything on the elderly is despicable. Yes, the complex health needs of the elderly is one factor along with government incompetence, financial profligacy and red tape. But to completely ignore gimmiegrants is simply offensive.
Why do the bbc refuse to discuss immigration in debates on the nhs? It’s so ridiculous. Blaming everything on the elderly is despicable. Yes, the complex health needs of the elderly is one factor along with government incompetence, financial profligacy and red tape. But to completely ignore gimmiegrants is simply offensive.
ITV news talking about the NHS £1Billipn+ deficit and funding crisis.
Female talking head says that more money is needed and some should be arriving later in the year, but the problem is how it will be raised.
Ring fencing a tax rise is one option or an increase in National Insurance another. She then went on to say that the latter would not be popular as it would fall entirely on workers, when, as everyone knows, the NHS is mainly used by the elderly.
In other news, not enough women in the boardroom and North German town refusing to take in any more immigrants. Heart rending images of a star wars extra with twins who cannot live in the town with her husband as he would lose his benefits. Interview followed with “heartless” AfD rep who went to say that they were not interested in bringing families together, but repatriation instead.
Yes, and like most of the hospitals in this country, we’ve all seen the foreign / immigrant (those who cannot speak English) elderly who also take up valuable space. We’ve all seen them sitting with their families in the waiting areas. Somehow we never get to hear the media OR the NHS speaking out about that though !
That would be racist, Briss.
I was talking with a taxi driver last week at Manchester Airport and he mentioned a flight that comes in from Islamabad, once a week.
Full of elderly (and their relatives who had gone out to collect them), infirm, disabled and some obviously suffering from some sort of illness.
They get into taxis and taken straight round to the nearest A&E depts.
Any shortfall in NHS budgets should be made up from Foreign Aid. From my personal experience, my local NHS seems to be at the fore when it comes to delivering aid to foreigners.
Will David Davis give Northern Ireland joint UK and European Union status so that there will be no need of border control ? Will this confound the EU ?
Will Al Beeb report it ?
Maybe not?
The EU has been weaponising the Irish border to overturn the democratic vote of the people of the UK
Hitler threatened to bomb Great Britain into submission but our grandparents never surrendered, but now the ‘snowflakes’ in this country are already flying the white flag because of what?………
Strawberries yes, bloody strawberries!
Trump keeps his promise ……………..
“The US is to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports from key allies in Europe and North America.” he looks after his own country.
The present UK PM looks after others. We should have left the EU long ago .
It’ll turn out to be one of those nasty cars again or a lone wolf with mental health issues. Or maybe a poor hungry driver who fainted at the wheel due to fasting whilst looking for Alan’s snack bar!
It’s so disappointing to see so many in the media, especially papers like the Daily Mail which would normally be expressing concerns about unchecked immigration and our eroding culture really going after Tommy.
Though the biggest area of annoyance, and a real marker for those who by the very utterance of this reveal this pre-determined bias against Tommy, are the multitude of twats who feel compelled to give out his real name as if they are some kind of Sherlock Holmes that have managed to find something out that no one else has.
When they talk about the British actor from Zulu, The Italian Job and Get Carter, do they refer to him as Maurice Micklewhite in the same tiresome fashion?
I think Tucker Carlson summed up this whole sorry saga best when on his show he said “being able to say what you think on a public street is now forbidden in the UK”.
But still, I can’t wait (and I’m sure Tommy can’t either) until October time when the media ban on this particular case is lifted and the BBC, Daily Mail and all the other worldwide media will go through a careful dissection of this huge rape gang case meticulously detailing all of the convicts, giving us all of their backgrounds, previous crimes, any pseudonyms, character assassinations, timeline of events, how they got arrested, political and religious affiliations, exactly why they got the sentences they did and a blow by blow account of each heinous act that these sub humans may have committed.
I’m sure it will be a shining moment for the integrity, efficiency and thoroughness of the British media.
It’s so disappointing to see so many in the media, especially papers like the Daily Mail which would normally be expressing concerns about unchecked immigration and our eroding culture really going after Tommy.
Though the biggest area of annoyance, and a real marker for those who by the very utterance of this reveal this pre-determined bias against Tommy, are the multitude of twats who feel compelled to give out his real name as if they are some kind of Sherlock Holmes that have managed to find something out that no one else has.
When they talk about the British actor from Zulu, The Italian Job and Get Carter, do they refer to him as Maurice Micklewhite in the same tiresome fashion?
I think Tucker Carlson summed up this whole sorry saga best when on his show he said “being able to say what you think on a public street is now forbidden in the UK”.
But still, I can’t wait (and I’m sure Tommy can’t either) until October time when the media ban on this particular case is lifted and the BBC, Daily Mail and all the other worldwide media will go through a careful dissection of this huge rape gang case meticulously detailing all of the convicts, giving us all of their backgrounds, previous crimes, any pseudonyms, character assassinations, timeline of events, how they got arrested, political and religious affiliations, exactly why they got the sentences they did and a blow by blow account of each heinous act that these sub humans may have committed.
I’m sure it will be a shining moment for the integrity, efficiency and thoroughness of the British media.
It’s so disappointing to see so many in the media, especially papers like the Daily Mail which would normally be expressing concerns about unchecked immigration and our eroding culture really going after Tommy.
Though the biggest area of annoyance, and a real marker for those who by the very utterance of this reveal this pre-determined bias against Tommy, are the multitude of twats who feel compelled to give out his real name as if they are some kind of Sherlock Holmes that have managed to find something out that no one else has.
When they talk about the British actor from Zulu, The Italian Job and Get Carter, do they refer to him as Maurice Micklewhite in the same tiresome fashion?
I think Tucker Carlson summed up this whole sorry saga best when on his show he said “being able to say what you think on a public street is now forbidden in the UK”.
But still, I can’t wait (and I’m sure Tommy can’t either) until October time when the media ban on this particular case is lifted and the BBC, Daily Mail and all the other worldwide media will go through a careful dissection of this huge rape gang case meticulously detailing all of the convicts, giving us all of their backgrounds, previous crimes, any pseudonyms, character assassinations, timeline of events, how they got arrested, political and religious affiliations, exactly why they got the sentences they did and a blow by blow account of each heinous act that these sub humans may have committed.
I’m sure it will be a shining moment for the integrity, efficiency and thoroughness of the British media.
It’s so disappointing to see so many in the media, especially papers like the Daily Mail which would normally be expressing concerns about unchecked immigration and our eroding culture really going after Tommy.
Though the biggest area of annoyance, and a real marker for those who by the very utterance of this reveal this pre-determined bias against Tommy, are the multitude of twats who feel compelled to give out his real name as if they are some kind of Sherlock Holmes that have managed to find something out that no one else has.
When they talk about the British actor from Zulu, The Italian Job and Get Carter, do they refer to him as Maurice Micklewhite in the same tiresome fashion?
I think Tucker Carlson summed up this whole sorry saga best when on his show he said “being able to say what you think on a public street is now forbidden in the UK”.
But still, I can’t wait (and I’m sure Tommy can’t either) until October time when the media ban on this particular case is lifted and the BBC, Daily Mail and all the other worldwide media will go through a careful dissection of this huge rape gang case meticulously detailing all of the convicts, giving us all of their backgrounds, previous crimes, any pseudonyms, character assassinations, timeline of events, how they got arrested, political and religious affiliations, exactly why they got the sentences they did and a blow by blow account of each heinous act that these sub humans may have committed.
I’m sure it will be a shining moment for the integrity, efficiency and thoroughness of the British media.
No problem – you’ve repeated yourself by accident. The BBC do it deliberately. Every day it’s:
Gender gap this.
Black women’s hair that.
Wonderful Muslims this.
Menstruation that.
Stop Brexit this.
Man becomes woman becomes man that.
Russia did this.
Trump said that.
Obama interferes with our democracy, warning us we must ‘get to the back of the line’ if we vote to leave: BBC gleeful.
Trump imposes tariffs: Trump a monster ‘betraying allies.’
No ‘condemnation’ of Obama though I personally found is disgusting.
I just do not believe anything they say anymore. It is such a shame. It is like when a partner cheats on you: you can never trust them again even if you have them back. Alas we cannot entirely dump the BBC as it is our national broadcaster.
Oh God now Toady has a choir singing ‘Lean on Me’ to commemorate the Tower Bridge attacks. Yeah – that will have the terrorists quaking in their boots. So utterly pathetic.
To hear Obama sneering at business in that supercilious manner caused Mrs O’Blene to break off relations with her US family for several days. Well done that Lady!
And of course he got it wrong didn’t he!
I think he caused quite a lot of remainers to change their minds and vote for a real chance to make the UK a better place.
Of course, the bbbc lapped it up then, and Simon Jack still doesn’t understand the real issues now!
The attack has brought traders closer together – the same narrative we had about Manchester. Also five different nationalities died in the attack and the ceremony will be a multi faith affair. We all die together, what a triumph for multiculturalism!
You beat me too it. The report lasted 5 minutes and neither the world “Islam “ or “Muslim “ was mentioned . Nor any view by an imam or the so called Muslim council of Britain . So I’m guessing those poor people were killed by corbynites , greens or the IRA.
In an earlier report one K Adler a beeboid – said that the “Italian Government is now more acceptable to Brussels “ . This was said casually and not commented on so it shows that al beeb just acceots the primacy of Brussels over national voters and those they vote for . The federal state had arrived .
Let’s hope President Trump make the ReichEU bleed.
Al beeb said Dr Liam Fox had declined an interview with al beeb . Good . It’s not the first time . I’m guessing dr Fox is worried that he will land up punching smug Robinson’s lights out as a result of the hostile approach to all things British and brexit .
There is no ‘outrage’ – which the BBC can be so good at creating – or inquest into how these people could possibly hate us so much. Where did the killers worship? Has that mosque been closed down? How can we stop it happening again? Are we to believe they were ‘radicalised on the internet’ and the ‘community’ here played no part whatsoever in the process?
Just lazy cowardice as we sleepwalk into another tragedy. Perhaps they will have crack teams of choirs on standby around London so you can feel reassured a good sing song as you lay dying on the pavement.
Fed,” I’m guessing those poor people were killed by corbynites , greens or the IRA.”
I think there’s a real danger that many more will killed or injured or harmed by the Kraptonyte that the BBC is now putting out on a daily, even hourly, basis.
Alas we cannot entirely dump the BBC as it is our globalist national broadcaster.
Actually we can. It won’t be easy and it might take a generation, but the first step to achieving something is to have the dream that it’s possible. Examples:
End of the Soviet Union.
End of apartheid.
Leaving the EU.
Cannot entirely dump the BBC? I dunno, with the right people in Parliament – an Emergency Powers Act decreeing the BBC is treasonous & longer fit for purpose (chuck in the House of Lords while we’re at it).
Or in another scenario one company of troops and one tank should see the employees of Broadcasting House vacate their desks without a fuss.
That’s the hypocritical comment promoted on BBC tv news this morning about Donald Trump.
Apparently you can relentlessly slag the bloke off for just about everything he does and just about everything he says and still reckon he’s supposed to treat you as his friend.
A further bundle of old tosh we’re fed is the line that in contrast to Trump the precious EU (of which we are still a member, mind you) is a liberal free trade-loving organisation. If that were truly the case then how come the UK is having such a problem negotiating free trade with Brussels? Does the BBC ever report on the plethora of EU import tariffs and restrictions we could be rid of once we’re free of the superstate?
AISI “Apparently you can relentlessly slag the bloke (Trump) off for just about everything he does and just about everything he says and still reckon he’s supposed to treat you as his friend.”
I was amused this morning when the Beeb correspondent on TOADY made a comment about the Korean talks. This past week came to mind.
BBC, Monday or Tuesday, to the effect – “Some are right to question or condemn President Trump for making President Kim a world figure, able to meet and negotiate on the same platform with world leaders.”
BBC, Friday, to the effect – “If these talks do not go ahead, it will be a tragedy and all the fault of Donald Trump.”
I am reminded that Jesus of Nazareth, fairly early on in his public ministry of just three years, had encountered exactly the same attitude, especially among two groups in that society. His response:
“To what then shall I compare the men of this generation, and what are they like? They are like children who sit in the market place and call to one another, and they say, ‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not weep.
For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon!’ The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’
Yet wisdom is vindicated by all her children.”
Has the BBC become the ultra-Pharisee or Scribe of our day?
R4 Farming Today..which I quite like, as farmers are usually sensible people – However BBC people are not. Start of programme” BREXIT causes asparagus to rot.this year..!” We can’t get the overseas people…usual tripe
They didn’t seem to think .BREXIT can’t be the reason that they are not coming this year…
Switch to farming people…the reasons they are not coming are varied including home economies are improving so they don’t want to pick fruit, they get visa for fruit picking and get a job in the towns..and so it went on..So nothing to do with BREXIT! Well done BBC..on with TRUMP attack
The BBC tv morning sofa duo – feisty female and beta male – act unabashed as viewers call them out on their blatant double standards.
In their early newspaper review the pair lingered longingly over front page publicity pics of that fella from the BBC’s Poldark. Seems the costume department still can’t find a suitable shirt to go with his britches and three-cornered hat.
But the ladies love him.
Now of course there are a few guys and some females (those without the regulation feminazi three-cornered head) still watching the BBC and the corporation received some emails this morning calling them out on their bias – afterall they would hardly praise the British press for front page totty shots, were the riding boot worn on the other foot – so to speak. These days topless Cornish lasses would never Jamaica Inn….
To give them their due the sofa team read out the complaints but naturally they think they got it about right – to coin a phrase.
Beeb website reporting Italy has a new government with the economy minister an advocate for remaining in the single currency. The two majority parties have pulled a blinder in my opinion as the saying goes, “keep your friends close and your enemies even closer”. As Gil Grissom once said to a colleague in an episode of CSI, “slow is fast”. These guys are smart enough to realise they now have the ball and to risk giving it back with another election would be a major gamble.
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sadly John, I think that it may be that those two groups have only a single standard, a glazed far-left…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Perfect example of a single-hammer roof structure, with obloid grunches, nibbled flangelets, perpendicular willy-braces, teeteekay phnarghs, decorated scrabsterites, knotted wanquers, plonkette tenants,…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Morning Fed! Back in the eighties, I was working with a construction company and discovered rich pickings, building for the…
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
NOT on the beebistan: “Denmark joins some European nations in banning burqa, niqab”.
I wonder why? Wouldn’t want to give the plebs any ideas, would we?
If they do ever announce it, it’ll be to tut-tut…
Just walked out on Montys endless moaning on the lack of women on blue chip boards , and her fears about gaslighting. You blokes do it to us apparently, but the BBC do it to all of us I`m thinking.
So a double header of agitprop faux feminist B/S from a Lady of the Realm between Montesstori classes. Paid for by us.
So I went straight over to Radio 2 where Venessa Feltz was gassing on to Bobbi Prior as we ladies do.
But blow me-Radio 2 recorded Billy Oceans pretty piss poor version of “No Woman No Cry”, and played it as something from their recent “Biggest Weekend” freebie-again we`re paying.
So-Radio 2 have paid Billy to tell me the “No Woman No Cry” is the BBCs message this lunchtime.
While at the VERY SAME TIME-Radio 4 are telling me that we need far more women on company boards, as well as they need to further pester the courts to lock blokes away who flash their headlights without warning us in writing.
Or such.
Someone help me out here. What the hell do the BBC want you to do, curl up and die like the slugs you are?
Or refuse to give us houseroom, because you`ll be happier if we`re not making you all sad in Trenchtown.
Back to work now.
All women on the airwaves too, did Billy have to wear a frock before he was allowed to sing to us.
Hold that thought.
Can we now add “No Woman No Cry” to sexist banned claptrap, like Brown Sugar or Under My Thumb?
Or do blacks get away with this?
Who do I contact to be a hopeless harpie with too much time on my hands, and no exams left to do? Just to cause them grief?
“Be it so. This
burning of widows (India/suttee)raping children is your Muslim custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When menburn women aliverape children we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”– Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee {wiki}
EU Motto ….”United in diversity” .. EU Commission .. not very diverse …
by any rights that should be a wanted poster
Dead or Alive
How telling that the EU commissioners posters says “make your organisation’s voice heard”.
No mention of people, citizens or individuals. Just organisations – as in the one with agendas, masterplans and the funds to pay for lobbyists, bribes and inducements.
Grooming … is this what people mean?
Hello all,
I follow the Pound Euro exchange rate for obvious reasons……just thought I would take a look on the Biased Business news website. Hit Market data, then scrolled down to Pound Euro and hit that. Pound is up a bit today. Then I hit the scroll down button……….Well virtually every piece of news on the pound was negative….Pound slips, Pound falls etc etc although it IS UP on the last three months!!!
Who are the morons at the biased that keep on with the bad news? I certainly wouldn’t want to be anywhere near them in the evening (or in the day for that matter) because I think I’d end up slitting my wrists!!
Shoddy reporting from a shoddy organisation… needs closing NOW!!
It was the same with the GBP/USD rate. The BBC kept reporting the pound was down against the USD, but it depends where you start from. The BBC always used the rate that latest for a couple of minutes in the early hours of the morning when it looked like Remain might win the Referendum whereas compared to the rate three months before June 2016 it was at par and had not fallen. Then little or no news when it rose back to 1.45. It’s back down a bit now, but hey ho.
Still nothing on al-beebeera about Denmark banning the burqa and niqab.
The resistance to the conquerors is spreading and soon the beeb will be shown to be thoroughly out of step on this as on so many other issues.
The Muslim Council of Great Britain has called on the Conservative Party to launch an independent inquiry into alleged Islamophobia in the party. The Muslim elders waggle their collective finger and say that the Tories must ensure that “racists and bigots” have no place in the party. Oh dear, I haven’t stopped laughing all morning particularly since the BBC seemed to want to treat this as an actual news story.
Will nobody tell this august Council that the problem here is not the long suffering indigenous British people. According to reliable and consistent polling evidence, around 25% of British muslims are sympathetic to jihad – that is holy war conducted against the infidel (all non-muslims) according to the holy Koran. On any account sympathy for such aims, which infects around one million British muslims, suggests a degree of radicalisation that presents a clear and present danger. In the face of intolerable and continuing actions such as massacring 22 young people at a pop music concert it seems to me that the British have been remarkably restrained. So restrained in fact that the message has not yet percolated through to the Muslim Council, who happily blow smoke around to confuse the real issues.
Instead of worrying about British people expressing understandable anger at the situation, the Muslim Council might care to lead large “not in our name” demonstrations against all acts of jihad, continuing extremist preaching in mosques and organised muslim, sorry Asian sex slavery gangs.
Now that would be news.
The obnoxious Baroness Warsi is stirring this particular crock of shit as I write on LBC with Iain Stale.
I haven’t heard her “calling out” Big Beard child rape gangs.
The title of her book “The Enemy Within” is no doubt meant to be ironic in the same way as “the Religion of Peace”.
Islamophobia my arse.
and why the f@ck do they need a “council” ??? they are adequately whingeing whining complaining and demanding as it is, a less than 7 % minority in this country that never shut up about their poxy religion and Kulcher
To add insult to injury the MCB actually displays the Union Jack on its webpage.
President Trump imposes tariffs on imports on steel etc. Jean-Claude Juncker calls it totally unacceptable! The EU impose things on their own member states on a fairly regular basis but Mr. Juncker cry’s foul when someone outside of his club does such a thing. He really is pissing in the wind if he thinks he can bully the US on trade. A farmer in the mid west isn’t going to give a flying fig what the EU has to say. I can hear it know from POTUS, my tariffs are bigger than yours.
Ironic given that fortress Europe is one huge protectionist racket.
Think Jean Claude Drunker called it
“ushherlyy…hic, I mean utley unasshlpetibubbe”
He`s just Hitler in his Reichs basement drinking all the wine.
Hitler at least paid for his own painkillers at the end.
Hitler finished up using a 7.65mm painkiller administered by a Walther PPK.
Just saying, Jean Claude…
As things stand now I’d be quite happy for us to become the 51st State. Britain USA. 😉 Make a democratic vote mean something again.
I don’t think President Trump would want us. Most people in Britain have a leftist mindset compared to most Republicans in the USA. Theresa the Appeaser and the rest of her Cabinet would fit in to the Democratic Party without any problem at all.
I agree. We are an embarrassment on the world stage and, I’m afraid to say, with very good reason.
We need somebody to MBPA – Make Britain Proud Again.
Coming soon to the UK … you can smell it on the winds of change … when the UK starts to burn the American flag like our Iranian friends did in Parliament …
A prominent activist in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for “defaming” the country on social media. { 31may2018}
They are starting already, planning to demonstrate at Trumps visit, there is a website recruiting the rent a mobs already, to shame our country that will appear to our traditional ally when they arrive, to be full of shouting arabs jumping up and down and screaming abuse, it is what they do best, burning flags and screaming abuse, such cultural enrichment they bring to the UK when greeting visitors on a diplomatic visit
BBC are going full steam ahead on being a Muslim mouthpiece.
Yesterday we had them running with a report from Muslim Aid. I switch on the TV today and now they are reporting on what the Muslim Council are
sayingdemanding. Todays load of bollox is the claim that the Tory party has Islamophobists within it.I don’t recall them repeating what EDL, Britain First etc said or demanded – funny that isn’t it?
Salman Rushdie to chair it Muzzies?
Who voted for THAT shower then?
Are the current crop as weasly as Iqbal Sacrani and as oily and creepy as Inyat Bunglawally?
Guess they hope to get Tariq Ramadan out to give evidence from his Paris cell, as well as get all their IS fighters back too.
Note to Muzzies…there is NO SUCH THING as Islamophobia.
You lifted it clean off some woolly Christian cracker pamphlet put out by the Runnymede Trust(thanks guys!). There`s no Arabic word for it- phobic is a Greek suffix, so f**** off!
Not in the Koran-so make up a few of your own words….religion of peace or piss?…Arabic does have problems with its consonants and roots, so hard to know the difference unless your diction is clean.
Er, yas.
When people mention islamophobia in my presence I say “I don’t ‘phobe’ islam, I just DONT LIKE it”.
The more I find out about it, the less I like it so I can’t be ‘cured’ by ‘talking to an imam’ which is what muslims recommend.
Wasn’t the word ‘islamophobia’ invented by the muslim brotherhood in the 1920s, deliberately as a device to shut down criticism of the cult, the better for it to attain it’s aims?
The BBC used to be known as Belittle Britain Constantly at Wan Towers, Tabs; It has now morphed into Broadcasting (on) Behalf (of the) Caliphate.
Not as snappy as the former but more but a much better description to describe its evolution.
The wahabis infiltrated al beeb long ago . There may be reasonable al beebs ( trying to be fair) but their hierarchy is such that there cannot be dissent – eveb amongst the queer ones who would be first off the balcony when sharia comes along .
Adding to this of course of the growing Muslim voting population which has infiltrated constituencies and may form their own party – similar to the traitorous SNP. Add a bit of voting fraud to that and – bang!
Nasty times ahead methinks
Let us hope they do form their own party it will be the furthest right this country has seen since the brown shirts, of course they will attempt to hide their demands for the right to mutilate genitals of chidren, have their own special schools to teach hatred of other cultures including the country that has the grace to allow them in, the right to force their children into marriage against their will, the right to have their own special courts and laws against the laws of our country, the right to slaughter live animals with knives, the right to force 5 year old female children into wearing ridiculous clothing at school despite the unform regulaions, the list goes on.. feel free to add to the anticipated secret manifesto hidden below the “moderate muslim” joke we are all encouraged to believe in
I read once that it only takes 30% of the UK’s votes to elect a government. I think it won’t be long before the peaceful ones realise they have tied their camel to the wrong date palm (if they haven’t already) in using “labour” (going nowhere) as a receptacle for their block votes and wander off to form their own party, as is the case in Belgium. When this happens, with the soon to be required demographic percentages, it won’t just be a Cameron wet dream, muslim PM iat number 10, but the green flag flying over the HoC (not the breakdown people either)
If they form their own party – or part of a party I can foresee the first stage of power being in a position the DUP occupies
I am assuming that the British non Muslim population will be fully brainwashed or distracted by al Beeb to be impotent by then or the repressive state will ‘do a tommy’ to them
Just have to hope and pray that if and when that happen, the victors in the following election get enough seats to form a majority, a bit like the one Treeser threw away at the last election. As to the non Muslim population, I think that quite a few would welcome the emergence of such a party, give them an opportunity to show how tolerant, welcoming and diverse they are.
News of Tommy Robinson and protests : BBC none ; Daily Paper none.
News of Roseanne Barr tweet : HEADLINES!
I’ve been busily informing friends and neighbours of the TR affair and not one had any idea of what is transpiring. I think the cover up is succeeding quite well 🙁
I think that they`re keeping Tommy fresh and clean for the coming revolution.
They think he`s in their cage either to be burned alive or drowned like a cat.
Sorry elites.
He`s our Nelson Mandela without the tyre burning klepto nutter he ditched as soon as he remembered what she was like.
Without the baggage.
He`s also got a touch of the Vaclav Havels about him too,
They broke it, they`ll be made to fix it.
Tommy`s fine.
Feel like joining a queue outside Hull for him, for when he comes out.
I have been mulling this.
It is said that history belongs to the victors, and even in the internet age this holds mainly true. However….
Most would presume ‘the victors’ to be states. But these days it is as much if not more ideologies within states, though often epitomised by state media such as the BBC.
And now more than ever the power of the edit suite outweighs both the sword and the pen.
Certainly good old fashioned propaganda backed by censorship still needs some basics to be enforced, but so much can be shaped now in ways that are so nuanced that in isolation they seem nothing much, but in combination and cumulatively over relatively short timeframes can be massive.
On the whole it is almost exclusively negative and destructive in nature. Yes, those favoured can be be boosted, but most public can see through that in a heartbeat. look how the BBC’s efforts for Labour have flatlined, even with May at the helm. But chipping away at foes…. even if grotesque it can have an effect and too often be impossible to reverse if based on deception or inaccuracy. Be they university professors or flawed rebels like Tommy.
Think back at what is known, not known, then and through time, and now, about others who have bucked the establishment.
Most Scots revere William Wallace, but his character and methods to achieve an ultimate calamitous loss appear ignored.
The Che T-shirt is still iconic, though many either don’t know or don’t want to know the reality behind their poster boy.
And folk have already raised Nelson Mandela. Recanting with evident sincerity and forgiven for a violent past, it seemed most of the BBC decamped there to mourn his loss.
I wonder who in years to come from this era will be remembered fondly, or with scorn, and what part the ideological meddlers in government, judiciary, civil service, teaching, media, etc will have in shaping it all?
The absolutely stupid, misguided and morally bankrupt idea of forcing “diversity” upon a population with a proud past whether they like it or not, attacking our culture, our way of life, our laws, and even now on C4 attacking our choices of statues and memorials….forcing us to adjust to other cultural minorities despite some of them being completely and utterly intolerant of other cultures themselves, and having some pretty disgusting cultural norms such as forced marriage and genital mutilation, the idiocy of it, a good enough excuse for civil war methinks
I think they noticed how many he motivated to march on Downing Street a while ago, families, couples, a cross section of the UK ,thousands of them, and “they” were just watching and waiting, unfortunately he did himself no favours in this affair, bang to rights it appears on the surface …..
Trump’s introduction of a 25% tax on EU steel imports:
We would be exempt if we had left the EU.
Maybe he’s driving May that way?
hmm he plays a good chess game old Trumpy boy. I reckon you may be right DS . From what I can gather Germany is biggest of the EU steel exporters to US. I don’t think he likes Mutti Hitler very much . We in turn seem to send a lot of steel to France and Germany – all seems a bit muddled but I am sure he has thought this out 5 moves ahead
I see that grooming gangs have formed in the UK but I cannot see why the UK citizens are so angry when the grooming gangs are only doing their jobs as per the BBC report ….
Extremist grooming appears to be harmless fun according to Police and Social Services
We need to stop using the word ‘grooming’ its too clean for such evil
Racially aggravated immigrant gang rape, slavery, assault and forced prostitution, does not trip off the tongue but is entirely true, takes over 5 years for action if any action is taken, took 5 minutes for Tommy off the streets
I agree and hope you don’t see my comment as criticism – I’m as guilty of using msm santising language as anyone else .
Bit like the way msm uses the term “ radicalised” when they really mean Islamic terrorist .
Now they don’t use the term “ President Trump”- they use “Trump Regime “ – al beeb does anyway .
If i run the weekend thread tomorrow I might invite examples of language bias in albeeb and the msm
Good call, Fedup2.
And thanks for everything.
What’s all this ‘ho ha’ about a chap called A C Greyling ?
Has he ever done a real job ?
Nothing about him on Al Beeb ?
Amazing to see President Trump carrying out another campaign promise – protecting American industry through tarrifs.
The main stream media seems to be surprised that he has done it. Let’s hope it harms mainland Europe rather than us .
Not seeing much diversity in the BBC ads before tonight’s Now Show as they were full of black people and Asians with only two whites. Bare faced propaganda.
I see that the Muslim Council is accusing the Tories of Islamophobia, an offence created by the Tories.
Any Christians in the Pakistan government? Any Christians in any muslim government anywhere? Any at all?
We have a muslim Home Secretary.
“We have a muslim Home Secretary.”
Now you come to mention it; I’m sure it’s a coincidence that within a month of him being appointed the leading campaigner against muslim rape gangs is fitted up and jailed.
BBC Online News:
“”What could Brexit mean for the UK’s creative talent?””
I lost count of the number of ‘coulds’ and ‘mays’ in the article.
No facts, but it promotes the standard BBC anti-Brexit message.
Still waiting for the promise made by Lord Hall two years ago that we would eventually see a BBC pro-Brexit programme.
hahah yeh woulda , shoulda , coulda from the plankton that staffs the BBC ‘News’ Desks
As the BBC etc create their nasty little hit pieces on the likes of Katie Hopkins, Margaret Thatcher and Nigel Farage -using their arts platform, so its not libel(just wish fulfilment, as we all know)?
I would love to see a drama or a radio play on how May turned out to be a Soros stooge in reality, how the Kinnocks were able to cream so much money, despite Kinnock being responsible for the1999 corruption misappropriations as flagged up by Mart Andreasen(who lost her job).
I`d like to see a play on mid-Staffs and Julie Bailey, how OFSTED and Haringey covered up for Sharon Shoesmith and team, how Batmanghedli got her money and conned the likes of Letwin and Cameron for millions of our cash.
And why the Pope retired himself for the only time in Papal history, after getting nuns killed after his Regensberg speech.
There`s a FEW off the top of my head, but the Beeb etc only want to fantasise about killing right wing/independent minded women, then call it “art”.
OK then-what about Osbornes fantasy of putting Mays body parts in his freezer?
Come on BBC-some REAL drama please, not the usual crap about migrants, deviants and Muslim supremacists not getting a free ride home on the back of a tank.
May, Soros and Barnier-the troika that Theresa will get a job for life out of.
All the best women I can think of are under BBC censorship. I did see Marta Andreasen on the BBC once, but that was because she was a UKIP MEP at the time. Also the best Canadian Journalist in Canada is a woman called Donna Laframboise. I did see her on the BBC, but only because the BBC couldn’t censor her appearance on the BBC Parliament coverage of a Government Committee. But on Saturday a woman called Jenny Gill is leading a group of Mensa members on a behind the scenes investigation into the BBC MediaCity in Salford. So they may find out why the BBC uses censorship to discriminate against intelligent men and women. Also I think its time that the BBC through off its sexist image by announcing that my local UKIP MEP Jane Collins will replace Lord Hall in March next year.
Also I think its time the Labour Party through off its sexist image by appointing Kate Hoey as its leader. Also I saw that new carry on film “Carry on Brussels” were the LibDems lose all their MEP,s but one, a woman who in a comedy scene in a Lift, laughs and squirms while admitting that she sometimes wonders why she supports the sexist LibDems.
But then all the new men on the BBC are either low IQ remain supporting metropolitan liberals, Homosexuals, Black or Asian. And the women on rural programs used to be from rural areas such as Scotland and Wales. Now the new women are Asian and mixed race, so as to reflect the BBC’s more London centric ideas about turning brown girls, Green.
Springwatch – ‘ There are more mature oak trees in Gloucester than there are in the whole of Switzerland’ WTF is that supposed to mean. They have some new tanned presenter this year too she has one major drawback for a presenter – ‘ she can’t string a coherent sentence together’ have a watch absolutely laughable she reminds me of Norman Collier. But the BBC is a meritocracy the best person for the job gets the job unless we can find somebody who can’t speak English
Couldn’t have put it better myself. She is trying….very trying!
I blame Blairy Boy…..where else in the world do you not select the best person for job? But you select by other means?
It needs CLOSING NOW and QUICKLY at that.
Shame on our National Broadcaster.
Happened to look at the BBC ‘news’ website at lunchtime. Jeez, what a load of obnoxious biased cr*p.
“Staggering failure to pick woman for bank”. so. is diversity better than ability? YES according to the BBC.
Some report of a same sex couple proposing somewhere or other. Doesn’t particularly bother me, but is it a newsworthy story?
Lots of stories with the word ‘Brexit’ in the title. All of them belittling ‘Brexit’. It’s your fault, you little xenophobic, racist retards.
‘Black applicants ‘face more university fraud claims’. Yawn, anymore chips on shoulders? But the BEEB picked this one up and ran with it like an antelope on heat.
‘Popularists’ in Italy and Spain are all xenophobic racists (See ‘Brexit’ above’). What exactly is a ‘populist’, isn’t Macron one? Not according the the BEEB.
An article bigging up Soros as a philanthropist. How many people did he make unemployed? What a hero!
I could go on, but to be honest, I can’t be bothered.
Just insidious mind washing propaganda for those who believe everything the BBC publishes.
Forgot to say, no mention that the ‘EU is playing hardball on everything from the UK’s participation in the Galileo satellite navigation programme and the European Arrest Warrant to the Irish border issue’.
Nope, we xenophobic retards aren’t worthy!
These Oxbridge clots DO see it as a “game”. Eton Wall Game or rugger.
If we had ANYBODY from planet real in politics who was thinking straight or hadn`t had a vasectomy or tubes tied; wouldn`t they know that you just take your hard ball(or soft) and walk away on March 29th.
We`ll have a week of fussing, if they want riots we`ll be ready. And after that, the new soul vision where its imperial, one-man, one vote and Tommy Robinson freed from the Bastille and made King of all our Hearts.
~You may say I`m a dreamer”~ . But we need this political class and party schmucks burned off the boat like the seedy barnacles they are.
They`ll sink us if we don`t sear them off. How can I go to my grave knowing that I let Prescott and Clegg have my money between 2005-2015?
On the pledge tonight Gregg Dyke says that referendums should be at least 60% to make a change and 52%-48% was too close.
So then Gregg, as we’re now leaving, if we have another referendum on the eu do you agree that to rejoin the eu we would need at least a 60%-40%win for the re-joiners.
Gregg who?
If memory serves, this was the Dyke complaining about too many ‘hideously white’ managers around his organisation not too long ago…
I wonder how much police time is spent investigating muslim terrorism and muslim paedophile gangs?
And how much has this cost the tax-payer?
And how much as a percentage of national police time is spent on these investigations?
I suspect that it is islamophobic both to ask these questions and also to provide the answers?
So, could we compare these percentages with say a similar number of Hindus or Methodists to make a fair comparison?
The BBC I’m sure will run with this, I’m sure. Or perhaps not….. 😉
The celebration of diversity does not come without cost, DS.
The indomitable Katie Hopkins telling it like it is about black gangs, skyrocketing killings, Sadiq Khant and much more. What a gal.
She has more balls than the entire bbc staff combined.
(Accidentally posted on an older thread)
Razia Iqbal is a beeboid Muslim Who presents the 10 pm news on r4. Tonight she interviewed a German Christian democrat politician from Bavaria . Bavaria has passed a law requiring all public buildings to display a crucifix . The law arose from a regional referendum .
Mr Iqbal didn’t celebrate this act of democracy by the Bavarians – in fact – she approached it from an ‘anti ‘ – anti christ Ian point of view . Which is why I looked her up across google and found she had won an award for being a female muslim journalist .
I found her bias offensive but I won’t complain to al beeb as I know the outcome .
Good luck to the Bavarians I say.
Why do the bbc refuse to discuss immigration in debates on the nhs? It’s so ridiculous. Blaming everything on the elderly is despicable. Yes, the complex health needs of the elderly is one factor along with government incompetence, financial profligacy and red tape. But to completely ignore gimmiegrants is simply offensive.
Why do the bbc refuse to discuss immigration in debates on the nhs? It’s so ridiculous. Blaming everything on the elderly is despicable. Yes, the complex health needs of the elderly is one factor along with government incompetence, financial profligacy and red tape. But to completely ignore gimmiegrants is simply offensive.
ITV news talking about the NHS £1Billipn+ deficit and funding crisis.
Female talking head says that more money is needed and some should be arriving later in the year, but the problem is how it will be raised.
Ring fencing a tax rise is one option or an increase in National Insurance another. She then went on to say that the latter would not be popular as it would fall entirely on workers, when, as everyone knows, the NHS is mainly used by the elderly.
In other news, not enough women in the boardroom and North German town refusing to take in any more immigrants. Heart rending images of a star wars extra with twins who cannot live in the town with her husband as he would lose his benefits. Interview followed with “heartless” AfD rep who went to say that they were not interested in bringing families together, but repatriation instead.
Yes, and like most of the hospitals in this country, we’ve all seen the foreign / immigrant (those who cannot speak English) elderly who also take up valuable space. We’ve all seen them sitting with their families in the waiting areas. Somehow we never get to hear the media OR the NHS speaking out about that though !
That would be racist, Briss.
I was talking with a taxi driver last week at Manchester Airport and he mentioned a flight that comes in from Islamabad, once a week.
Full of elderly (and their relatives who had gone out to collect them), infirm, disabled and some obviously suffering from some sort of illness.
They get into taxis and taken straight round to the nearest A&E depts.
Any shortfall in NHS budgets should be made up from Foreign Aid. From my personal experience, my local NHS seems to be at the fore when it comes to delivering aid to foreigners.
Will David Davis give Northern Ireland joint UK and European Union status so that there will be no need of border control ? Will this confound the EU ?
Will Al Beeb report it ?
Maybe not?
The EU has been weaponising the Irish border to overturn the democratic vote of the people of the UK
Hitler threatened to bomb Great Britain into submission but our grandparents never surrendered, but now the ‘snowflakes’ in this country are already flying the white flag because of what?………
Strawberries yes, bloody strawberries!
Trump keeps his promise ……………..
“The US is to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports from key allies in Europe and North America.” he looks after his own country.
The present UK PM looks after others. We should have left the EU long ago .
Breaking …………
Five people have been seriously injured in a hit-and-run crash in Greater Manchester.
Hit and run ?
How will Al Beeb run this ?
It’ll turn out to be one of those nasty cars again or a lone wolf with mental health issues. Or maybe a poor hungry driver who fainted at the wheel due to fasting whilst looking for Alan’s snack bar!
It’s so disappointing to see so many in the media, especially papers like the Daily Mail which would normally be expressing concerns about unchecked immigration and our eroding culture really going after Tommy.
Though the biggest area of annoyance, and a real marker for those who by the very utterance of this reveal this pre-determined bias against Tommy, are the multitude of twats who feel compelled to give out his real name as if they are some kind of Sherlock Holmes that have managed to find something out that no one else has.
When they talk about the British actor from Zulu, The Italian Job and Get Carter, do they refer to him as Maurice Micklewhite in the same tiresome fashion?
I think Tucker Carlson summed up this whole sorry saga best when on his show he said “being able to say what you think on a public street is now forbidden in the UK”.
But still, I can’t wait (and I’m sure Tommy can’t either) until October time when the media ban on this particular case is lifted and the BBC, Daily Mail and all the other worldwide media will go through a careful dissection of this huge rape gang case meticulously detailing all of the convicts, giving us all of their backgrounds, previous crimes, any pseudonyms, character assassinations, timeline of events, how they got arrested, political and religious affiliations, exactly why they got the sentences they did and a blow by blow account of each heinous act that these sub humans may have committed.
I’m sure it will be a shining moment for the integrity, efficiency and thoroughness of the British media.
It’s so disappointing to see so many in the media, especially papers like the Daily Mail which would normally be expressing concerns about unchecked immigration and our eroding culture really going after Tommy.
Though the biggest area of annoyance, and a real marker for those who by the very utterance of this reveal this pre-determined bias against Tommy, are the multitude of twats who feel compelled to give out his real name as if they are some kind of Sherlock Holmes that have managed to find something out that no one else has.
When they talk about the British actor from Zulu, The Italian Job and Get Carter, do they refer to him as Maurice Micklewhite in the same tiresome fashion?
I think Tucker Carlson summed up this whole sorry saga best when on his show he said “being able to say what you think on a public street is now forbidden in the UK”.
But still, I can’t wait (and I’m sure Tommy can’t either) until October time when the media ban on this particular case is lifted and the BBC, Daily Mail and all the other worldwide media will go through a careful dissection of this huge rape gang case meticulously detailing all of the convicts, giving us all of their backgrounds, previous crimes, any pseudonyms, character assassinations, timeline of events, how they got arrested, political and religious affiliations, exactly why they got the sentences they did and a blow by blow account of each heinous act that these sub humans may have committed.
I’m sure it will be a shining moment for the integrity, efficiency and thoroughness of the British media.
It’s so disappointing to see so many in the media, especially papers like the Daily Mail which would normally be expressing concerns about unchecked immigration and our eroding culture really going after Tommy.
Though the biggest area of annoyance, and a real marker for those who by the very utterance of this reveal this pre-determined bias against Tommy, are the multitude of twats who feel compelled to give out his real name as if they are some kind of Sherlock Holmes that have managed to find something out that no one else has.
When they talk about the British actor from Zulu, The Italian Job and Get Carter, do they refer to him as Maurice Micklewhite in the same tiresome fashion?
I think Tucker Carlson summed up this whole sorry saga best when on his show he said “being able to say what you think on a public street is now forbidden in the UK”.
But still, I can’t wait (and I’m sure Tommy can’t either) until October time when the media ban on this particular case is lifted and the BBC, Daily Mail and all the other worldwide media will go through a careful dissection of this huge rape gang case meticulously detailing all of the convicts, giving us all of their backgrounds, previous crimes, any pseudonyms, character assassinations, timeline of events, how they got arrested, political and religious affiliations, exactly why they got the sentences they did and a blow by blow account of each heinous act that these sub humans may have committed.
I’m sure it will be a shining moment for the integrity, efficiency and thoroughness of the British media.
It’s so disappointing to see so many in the media, especially papers like the Daily Mail which would normally be expressing concerns about unchecked immigration and our eroding culture really going after Tommy.
Though the biggest area of annoyance, and a real marker for those who by the very utterance of this reveal this pre-determined bias against Tommy, are the multitude of twats who feel compelled to give out his real name as if they are some kind of Sherlock Holmes that have managed to find something out that no one else has.
When they talk about the British actor from Zulu, The Italian Job and Get Carter, do they refer to him as Maurice Micklewhite in the same tiresome fashion?
I think Tucker Carlson summed up this whole sorry saga best when on his show he said “being able to say what you think on a public street is now forbidden in the UK”.
But still, I can’t wait (and I’m sure Tommy can’t either) until October time when the media ban on this particular case is lifted and the BBC, Daily Mail and all the other worldwide media will go through a careful dissection of this huge rape gang case meticulously detailing all of the convicts, giving us all of their backgrounds, previous crimes, any pseudonyms, character assassinations, timeline of events, how they got arrested, political and religious affiliations, exactly why they got the sentences they did and a blow by blow account of each heinous act that these sub humans may have committed.
I’m sure it will be a shining moment for the integrity, efficiency and thoroughness of the British media.
Christ, I’m sorry for the multiple entries. Machine, website, satellite, connection all spassed out on me. Apologies.
That’s alright Payne…
That’s alright Payne…
That’s alright Payne…
That’s alright Payne…
That’s alright Payne…
That’s alright Payne…
That’s alright Payne…
Lol, nice.
I might have been guilty of the screen freezing, me jabbing at post comment repeatedly and it suddenly catching up!
No problem – you’ve repeated yourself by accident. The BBC do it deliberately. Every day it’s:
Gender gap this.
Black women’s hair that.
Wonderful Muslims this.
Menstruation that.
Stop Brexit this.
Man becomes woman becomes man that.
Russia did this.
Trump said that.
Obama interferes with our democracy, warning us we must ‘get to the back of the line’ if we vote to leave: BBC gleeful.
Trump imposes tariffs: Trump a monster ‘betraying allies.’
No ‘condemnation’ of Obama though I personally found is disgusting.
I just do not believe anything they say anymore. It is such a shame. It is like when a partner cheats on you: you can never trust them again even if you have them back. Alas we cannot entirely dump the BBC as it is our national broadcaster.
Oh God now Toady has a choir singing ‘Lean on Me’ to commemorate the Tower Bridge attacks. Yeah – that will have the terrorists quaking in their boots. So utterly pathetic.
Quite agree, Beeb!
To hear Obama sneering at business in that supercilious manner caused Mrs O’Blene to break off relations with her US family for several days. Well done that Lady!
And of course he got it wrong didn’t he!
I think he caused quite a lot of remainers to change their minds and vote for a real chance to make the UK a better place.
Of course, the bbbc lapped it up then, and Simon Jack still doesn’t understand the real issues now!
It had the opposite effect to what he intended. We sensed something must really be afoot if the US President was telling us what to do.
The attack has brought traders closer together – the same narrative we had about Manchester. Also five different nationalities died in the attack and the ceremony will be a multi faith affair. We all die together, what a triumph for multiculturalism!
Off, off, off! That is all I can stomach today.
You beat me too it. The report lasted 5 minutes and neither the world “Islam “ or “Muslim “ was mentioned . Nor any view by an imam or the so called Muslim council of Britain . So I’m guessing those poor people were killed by corbynites , greens or the IRA.
In an earlier report one K Adler a beeboid – said that the “Italian Government is now more acceptable to Brussels “ . This was said casually and not commented on so it shows that al beeb just acceots the primacy of Brussels over national voters and those they vote for . The federal state had arrived .
Let’s hope President Trump make the ReichEU bleed.
Al beeb said Dr Liam Fox had declined an interview with al beeb . Good . It’s not the first time . I’m guessing dr Fox is worried that he will land up punching smug Robinson’s lights out as a result of the hostile approach to all things British and brexit .
There is no ‘outrage’ – which the BBC can be so good at creating – or inquest into how these people could possibly hate us so much. Where did the killers worship? Has that mosque been closed down? How can we stop it happening again? Are we to believe they were ‘radicalised on the internet’ and the ‘community’ here played no part whatsoever in the process?
Just lazy cowardice as we sleepwalk into another tragedy. Perhaps they will have crack teams of choirs on standby around London so you can feel reassured a good sing song as you lay dying on the pavement.
Fed,” I’m guessing those poor people were killed by corbynites , greens or the IRA.”
I think there’s a real danger that many more will killed or injured or harmed by the Kraptonyte that the BBC is now putting out on a daily, even hourly, basis.
Alas we cannot entirely dump the BBC as it is our
globalistnational broadcaster.Actually we can. It won’t be easy and it might take a generation, but the first step to achieving something is to have the dream that it’s possible. Examples:
End of the Soviet Union.
End of apartheid.
Leaving the EU.
Cannot entirely dump the BBC? I dunno, with the right people in Parliament – an Emergency Powers Act decreeing the BBC is treasonous & longer fit for purpose (chuck in the House of Lords while we’re at it).
Or in another scenario one company of troops and one tank should see the employees of Broadcasting House vacate their desks without a fuss.
No way to treat your friends
That’s the hypocritical comment promoted on BBC tv news this morning about Donald Trump.
Apparently you can relentlessly slag the bloke off for just about everything he does and just about everything he says and still reckon he’s supposed to treat you as his friend.
A further bundle of old tosh we’re fed is the line that in contrast to Trump the precious EU (of which we are still a member, mind you) is a liberal free trade-loving organisation. If that were truly the case then how come the UK is having such a problem negotiating free trade with Brussels? Does the BBC ever report on the plethora of EU import tariffs and restrictions we could be rid of once we’re free of the superstate?
AISI “Apparently you can relentlessly slag the bloke (Trump) off for just about everything he does and just about everything he says and still reckon he’s supposed to treat you as his friend.”
I was amused this morning when the Beeb correspondent on TOADY made a comment about the Korean talks. This past week came to mind.
BBC, Monday or Tuesday, to the effect – “Some are right to question or condemn President Trump for making President Kim a world figure, able to meet and negotiate on the same platform with world leaders.”
BBC, Friday, to the effect – “If these talks do not go ahead, it will be a tragedy and all the fault of Donald Trump.”
I am reminded that Jesus of Nazareth, fairly early on in his public ministry of just three years, had encountered exactly the same attitude, especially among two groups in that society. His response:
“To what then shall I compare the men of this generation, and what are they like? They are like children who sit in the market place and call to one another, and they say, ‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not weep.
For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon!’ The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’
Yet wisdom is vindicated by all her children.”
Has the BBC become the ultra-Pharisee or Scribe of our day?
R4 Farming Today..which I quite like, as farmers are usually sensible people – However BBC people are not. Start of programme” BREXIT causes asparagus to rot.this year..!” We can’t get the overseas people…usual tripe
They didn’t seem to think .BREXIT can’t be the reason that they are not coming this year…
Switch to farming people…the reasons they are not coming are varied including home economies are improving so they don’t want to pick fruit, they get visa for fruit picking and get a job in the towns..and so it went on..So nothing to do with BREXIT! Well done BBC..on with TRUMP attack
Seems like only yesterday the BBC ladies were foaming at the mouth about sexual objectification.
I wonder how such a promo shot made its way to the Times to secure front page prominence?
I believe the expression is ‘doubling down’.
The BBC tv morning sofa duo – feisty female and beta male – act unabashed as viewers call them out on their blatant double standards.
In their early newspaper review the pair lingered longingly over front page publicity pics of that fella from the BBC’s Poldark. Seems the costume department still can’t find a suitable shirt to go with his britches and three-cornered hat.
But the ladies love him.
Now of course there are a few guys and some females (those without the regulation feminazi three-cornered head) still watching the BBC and the corporation received some emails this morning calling them out on their bias – afterall they would hardly praise the British press for front page totty shots, were the riding boot worn on the other foot – so to speak. These days topless Cornish lasses would never Jamaica Inn….
To give them their due the sofa team read out the complaints but naturally they think they got it about right – to coin a phrase.
Rather sweet when the bbc let obsessive loon Zurcher play with his thesaurus.
Beeb website reporting Italy has a new government with the economy minister an advocate for remaining in the single currency. The two majority parties have pulled a blinder in my opinion as the saying goes, “keep your friends close and your enemies even closer”. As Gil Grissom once said to a colleague in an episode of CSI, “slow is fast”. These guys are smart enough to realise they now have the ball and to risk giving it back with another election would be a major gamble.
What next are they going to ban the hijab as well? Doubt it.
If that doesn’t see the entire Wheel Tappers and Shunters meeting in aisle nine for a business meeting involving no purchases, what will?
I wonder whether the security guard was a member of a protected ethnic/religious group?
Yes, I’ve always wanted to know the answer to that one.
WTF……if they don’t know that then assume they are Christians..What is going on!!