So much going on despite parliament being on holiday again . Italy having a wobble , Hungary trying to stop immigration and al beeb desperate to tell us all is well. Well we will see…
Wow they found an immigrant who lied about being a Syrian child to get into the country. Well there’s a surprise who’d have thought it!
Well done lefty libtards this one is on you!
EU officials have deleted footage of a Q&A session Jean-Claude Juncker did today, in which he said Italians should do 'more work' and that 'Russia bashing has to be brought to an end', from their in-house video service. They're now saying the remarks were taken 'out of context'.
No comments on last night’s QT? I turned off after 10 minutes of predictable garbage – with a Scotch flavor – so most of you must have beaten me to it. Sensible people.
It’s pathetic excuse for a ‘debate’.
Dimbleby hectors and interrupts the token Tory on every show to the whoops and cheers of the dyed hair/pierced face brigade.
Like Dimbleby, Question Time needs putting out of it’s misery.
Would love to see it’s viewing figures.
Perhaps Maxicnut can make something up?
I see that Guido’s weekly thread on it has reached a total of 21 comments, instead of the usual four figure number.
I don’t know why he just doesn’t call it a day.
Lobster, I tried to post a rather limp comment about a picture of Berkcow’s tax payers car which had a silly anti-Brexit sticker; the picture had a caption ‘click to enlarge’.
I pointed out that no matter how many times I clicked on the link, Berkcow was still a poisoned dwarf.
The comment never made it on the site because hopefully it was because I would have caused offence to people of shortened stature and not to Berkcow.
But I suspect that the Guido site has lost its spine recently and cannot take any more robust comments, so their numbers are way down, not like this wonderful site where you can say almost anything.
Radio5 Phone-in now women coming out strongly against feminists, cos of their double standards.
eg TV advert where office women gather to watch the Coke delivery man with his top off
That they didn’t shout “Stop objectififying men”
Nor do they complain about the papers having topless photos of rugby players.
@LC It might have been rugby players on reality TV shows
They certainly mentioned the Aidan Turner topless front pages , which someone post on the previous page of this thread.
Try the Times this morning. Not a rugby player but perhaps a hunky ‘Poldark’ would do? Page 1 Boys, eh, at least they can make a contribution towards filling some of the empty space. (Oops, sorry Lucy, I thought we were in a lift!)
Wow that was the shortest ever phone-in; just about 16 min in total.
Will all their faff News: Sports/weather/traffic they didn’t start until 9:15am then aafter the 9:30 faff they went into a live Tyson Fury interview and then returned to the phone-in for 2 minutes
\\#5liveYourCall with @NickyAACampbell.
Is it okay for women to ogle men?
Would it be okay if it was the other way round? //
When you do sexual things like expose areas of your body that other men/women are not, you trigger the sexual part of the opposites sexes brain.
It seems to be used by WOMEN more than men
… and is a form of passive BULLYING
Breakfast male/female TV producers know that, that is why they use a sofa cos they know MALE viewers will stay watching, if there’s a one in a million chance of getting glimpse up the female presenters skirt.
The libmob assert that the reason why women’s outcomes is not the same as mans is cos of patriarchy.
Whereas the old thinking was that roles originate with genetics
..and lead to things like girls wanting to be princesses being rescued by men, hence why old TV police dramas often had a female victim and a MALE cop hero who solves the case.
Recent viewing stats showed that women liked watching cop dramas where women are the victim.
I remember watching my local al Beebus news, Look North, where the female sports reporter Tanya Arnold, went to interview two male divers from Yorkshire (poolside) who were in the Olympic team.
When they cut back to the studio the female anchor joked with Tanya with something about her: “Certainly not drawing the short straw to do that interview.” Or some such, because they were well made; good looking; young lads in their Speedos.
I thought at the time, if an older male presenter had dared to say the same about two young; female; swimsuit clad divers, to a male sports reporter – they’d be lucky to keep their job.
Be interested how the bbc ‘reports’ the interesting car/bike-related ‘interaction’ involving a cycling non-white Crocodile Machete of colour remonstrating with a certain vigour.
Lucy Pevensey
Yes, we have learned that the police believe what they are told to believe, even if their own colleagues are murdered by bearded men shouting Allah Akibar, Bar T’at .
When Treezer said ‘Enough was enough’ she gave a clear message to the police and media that we have had enough reporting on the misdeeds of followers of the perfect religion.
The original report hinted at a fight outside the club prior to the car hitting the people. That disappeared, so I imagine he just drove into them for reasons unknown!
All I know is a few years ago, cars crashing into groups of people was extremely rare. Yet here we have 2 ‘incidents’ within 3 days within a few miles of each other. What are the chances? I wonder how many times it has happened this year, or last? Could even the BBC spot a pattern? Could it join the dots? We’ll probably never know, as these incidents will be flushed down the memory hole. But will we get to the point of absurdity, where… no, i think we’re already there. The BBC and the rest call them ‘hit and runs’ but with ‘murder’ attached as an afterthought. Sounds like terrorism to me.
Probably an infection which has been lying latent for years and now suddenly emerging. There are so many germs around. We need a political diagnosis. Can the World Health Organisation investigate?
650 Members of UK Parliament.
18% Pay rise to all MPs (since 2010) during austerity and recession.
1% Offered to NHS.
0 Members of Parliament turned down the pay rise so they could sympathise with the citizens.
It’s not true that NHS staff are receiving just 1% more than in 2010
– The very bottom tier have had substantial rises due the introduction of the living wage.
– The rest have in the last 8 years progressed up the career ladder into different pay bands ..I don’t know what averages out to be , but it’s a lot more than 1%
I think comparing NHS staff and MP’s salaries is the fallacy of comparing apples vs oranges
I only add it for a case in point that was over the news … 18% verses 1%. I know the facts are different … but I want to highlight that MPs get pay rises and are supposed to feel as normal people do … but they are in their own protected bubble … note that the wages never go down!
In their incessant proselytising for islam, the beeb webshite post “Can you brush your teeth and other Ramadan questions”
It’s meant to make muslims look fun and cool – see? they’re just like us! But oh dear what a cringe-worthy embarrassment.
The questions are idiotic, the answers even more so, the ‘acting’ is hammy and the whole thing feels stilted and awkward.
Most normal viewers (does the beeb have any?) will come away thinking ‘what a bunch of freaks’.
BBC the £3.5bn that serves the libmob fraction of society, yet all the public are required to pay for.
11am 5-Live Chelsea Clinton, talking about her book.
From 11am with Adrian Chiles@ChelseaClinton, the daughter of @BillClinton and @HillaryClinton, will be in our studio talking about her new book ‘She Persisted Around the World’.
BBC have a new podcast serving people supporting the Pakistan and Indian teams on their UK tour.
That sounds like shouting “whitey you must change, but non-whitey’s don’t need to change and integrate.”
Are you a Belgian expat football fan living anywhere in the UK? BBC Radio 5 live are looking for a Belgian who lives in the UK, to join them on the radio during the World Cup.
‘Are you a Belgian expat who’s been affected by the multiple killings by a muslim in Liege this week?’
Talking of which, I notice the evil beeb don’t do follow-up ‘human interest’ stories about how friends and family have been affected by such killings. Only if the victims are of the right sort, and the perpetrators.
BBC .. I could not find any reference to WHY Tommy was outside the court – Muslim Rape Gangs ….
Tommy Robinson arrested outside Leeds Crown Court
Ex-EDL leader Tommy Robinson jailed at Leeds court
Contempt of court – what does it mean?
Tommy Robinson banned from Twitter
Didn’t make the front page, or pop us as a news flash at the bottom of the BBC web page. But I suppose police people getting stabbed is not a major issue these days.
“There is no evidence to suggest it was terror related. But if we do find evidence we sure as hell will keep it to ourselves” said a police officer.
I made that last bit up, but yeah it’ll be a terrorist attack.
PS does anybody know if it’s still ramadam? Don’t celebrate it myself yet.
Depending on which source you look at Ram-A-Van will end on the 14th, 15th or 16th of June. That’s another two weeks before you can plug in you headphones when going for a walk.
Not the bbc but how come it’s okay for George Galloway (on Talk Radio now) to refer to the POTUS as “little hands” whilst criticising his tariffs?
I thought the left were against taking the p1ss out of someone based on their appearance etc.
TWT (that’s The World Tonight) Watch – as a rest – for me from TOADY Watching. 🙂
The presenter last night, Razia Iqbal, was noticeably put into a tight-lipped, disapproving state by the thought of Italy expelling illegal immigrants or other immigrants whose asylum applications have been refused. She gave a contributor a noticeably frosty time.
The BBC with no integrity: disapproving of the strict application of the law and approving, instead, the breaking of laws.
Up – I posted one about the 10pm presenters and particularly the one last night questioning why Bavaria has passed a law putting the crucifix on public buildings . A beeboid Muslim presenter indeed .
lib definition of diversity is airing the SAME black people all the time
..just like in the old days a young black guy couldn’t get a lead role in Hollywood, cos of white producers.
…… The white producers gave ALL such lead roles to Eddy Murphy.
(The movie Hollywood Shuffle takes the mickey our of this)
Well the other day David Olusoga was race-baiting on BBC, whilst Afua Hirsch was over on Channel4
Yet from the conservativewoman story someone linked to here, we see : Afua Hirsch’s prog “The programme was made by historian David Olusoga’s Banjo TV”
So not only are they both London and black, both progs were under David Olusoga’s control.
That is not very diverse is it ?
Given the BBC’s obsession with equality for women, women on boards, etc., I wonder how many women hold positions of power in the MCB and other peaceful charities and institutions?
Will they address the lack of female imams and other clerics?
These are questions on everone’s lips and it’s high time we were told (yawn).
Tommy’s Petition: now slowing – only 600 over the past hour. When visited, it stood at 562,835 a few moments ago.
It will be a shame, but, the political elite will ignore this petition when presented. Treezer & Co (along with her EU counterparts) are taking strict instructions from their masters now. Masters? I refer to the NWO & Saudi Arabia.
“Standing on the Italian Island of Lampedusa one day … some days the same number of people who live on the Island, it’s about 5000, that number of people (migrants) would arrive in a single day on that (Italian) Island.”
Get used to the new lexicon. We are now all familiar with certain islamic terms such as ‘taqiyya’ but, if you don’t know, here’s a new one that I expect to come into general use soon as the islamicists overwhelm the rest of us.
“Baksheesh – (in parts of Asia) a small sum of money given as alms, a tip, or a bribe.” The islamic World is ridden with bribery and corruption so, could there be a prize for whoever overhears the first, “baksheesh” being demanded?
As the BBC continues to promote Islam (vlad at 10:12am) I was truly shocked to find this (apologies if it’s old news here, but a search didn’t show it).
Not much surprises me any more about our political class and media – but this did. I had always given Theresa May the benefit of the doubt overall, because I thought that she was essentially a decent person with at least some judgement and traditional British views.
Oh, yes, she’s making a total mess of Brexit, trying everyone to please and never will and hasn’t got the first clue about how to negotiate.
But on the bewildering, constant appeasement of Islam by politicians and the media, this explains it all. You see it’s all the fault of the Far-Right (that’s you and me and and the silent majority of conservative-thinking people). Watch and weep…
It’s not a conspiracy: like all who appease Islam, she just doesn’t understand, is badly advised and has never taken the time to study what the backward, barbaric ideology is about despite all the evidence available.
As Home Secretary, she banned Robert Spencer of the excellent Jihad Watch from entering the UK along with Pamela Geller. Her prodigy, the munter Amber Rudd followed suit more recently banning Lara Southern, Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner.
It is just plain ignorance and that is inexcusable. I know virtually nothing about Buddhism, Hinduism and very little about Judaism because I have never had the need or interest to learn. But after 9/11 I very much wanted to understand what lay behind Islam and have read extensively on the subject.
The facts about Islam are undeniable to anyone prepared to take the time to find out. And this woman would rather describe the likes of Britain First, the EDL or Tommy Robinson as “hateful and divisive” and in opposition to “…common British decency”. You may not like any of these people but they all call out Islam for what it is.
And now she had appointed a Moslem as Home Secretary. Watch him emerge as a true follower of the prophet and continue to protect the interests of his kind.
The BBC is really ramping up their promotion and teaching of Islam. It is only Islam that they promote year round on their children’s channel (CBBC), while during this Ramadan it has gone absolutely crazy. There is no promotion of Christianity – even for Easter and Christmas – they will have quizzes and activities based on the pagan & commercial aspects of those festivals (easter eggs, easter bunny, present giving, Christmas dinner, Queens speech).
On the subject of BBC Radio trails for future programmes, I thought after hearing one today for next week, whether it might fall foul of some peoples view of Contempt of Court and prejudice a trial?
Well, a trial of sorts. More of a pre-trial. Some (many?) people are hoping that the Grenfell Inquiry will result in some criminal prosecutions. The BBC are broadcasting from noon, every day next week, a series on The Grenfell Memorial Wall. I would have thought that that might prejudice the Inquiry and, thus, any subsequent prosecution trials.
The BBC might be well-advised to observe a period of radio (and television) silence, other than reporting on a day’s evidence providers, on the subject of the Grenfell tragedy.
Young Kinnock was already given free reign at top of Radio Lincs 2pm news, to spout on the steel tariffs and call Trump a bully etc.
“Stephen Kinnock, Labour MP for Aberavon whose constituency includes Port Talbot steel works has criticised US President Donald Trump .. ” plays the tape
While I enjoy hearing it called ‘Alan’s snack bar’ I must admit I always hear something else. A Yorkshire man walking into a pub and greeting his mates with ‘allo at bar’
Perhaps that is why I assume they all come from Bradfordistan.
Saw a police documentary a while ago an “officer” had to stop chasing a 16 year old offender because he was “on ramadam” and tired, oh thats ok then in PC Britain ? he is not fit to serve in my opinion
Hi Annunaki – if you were able to provide more details that would be great – there should be a means of referencing the documentary as well as giving details of when it was broadcast (or when viewed if viewed from the net). This is needed if we (some of us) later develop more public criticisms of the BBC as well as criticisms of our British institutions (through books, published articles and the like).
During a police documentary called “Traffic Cops” shown at 3pm on 23 May 2016 on the W TV channel there featured a car chase where a youth decamped from a stolen vehicle and escaped.
A Muslim officer who seemed quite proactive was sick during the incident and he put this down to fasting during Ramadan which affected his performance.
Please provide an documents relating to any feedback following this incident and also any risk assessments concerning fasting Muslim officers on patrol during the month of Ramadan.
Following your request, searches were conducted at Bedfordshire Police for information relating to the series Traffic Cops that you have watched and requested further detail on.
Various enquiries have been made across the force to see what information is held, but we have been unable to find any recorded information. We would need to be able to identify the incidents involved in the series and then try to determine which ones relate to your request. However, we have been unable to find any record of this and as such we cannot provide the information you have requested.
The Act does not cover information that is in someone’s head and we are only obliged to provide information we already have in recorded form. We are unable to find any recorded information in relation to the information requested as the only way we would have of identifying the relevant information would be if someone within the force can remember which incidents the programme relates to.
Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of complaint.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in Bedfordshire Police. Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter please do not hesitate to contact me quoting the above reference number.
Hi thanks Annunaki. For your information I am beginning to document activism and activists within British Universities and it is a bit of a nightmare – outside of STEM subjects – it seems to be full of activists of various kinds.
They are young and easily influenced, and a lot of time on their hands if they are not studying a science, and seem to exhibit a most violent and complete intolerance of anyone who disagrees with their world view that would put the Nazis to shame
I am focusing on the Academic Activists – the professors & lecturers. It defines their “research”, their field of study, and their teaching. These academic activists spend their time re-interpreting and rewriting history, art, literature, culture … They have created tools to prevent funding agencies funding certain types of research, they try to influence what journals publish and refuse to publish …
Sounds Orwellian and does make one think what could motivate these prats with, it seems not much anything better to do, I was quite annoyed at C4 producing a programme about immigrants and general BME ie second generation immigrants wanting to ban statues and memorials in this country
It makes me think sometimes that these people want to create as much aggression and friction between our inhabitants as they can as all they do is aimed at attacking our own culture and they also seem to have a strange self hate that needs a psychological intervention
Although I mean by qualified psychologists LOL whatever that means, as this seems to be the new sociology in crap degrees
Hi Annunaki – it is ego-driven – often associated with their upbringing and childhood / teenage understanding of the world. The problem with non-STEM subjects is that it doesn’t rely on “proof” – it is “interpretation” and opinion. They enter academia with a “mission” and never much change their thinking.
How many are in the fire service and will just sit and watch burning buildings because they are tired, I was working awhile ago in a public authority and we were all told to be sensetive with where we eat our lunch out of sensetivity to those fasting for F’cks sake….
In North Kensington?
And as to ramavan, it would explain the number of vehicles mounting the pavement and mowing down pedestrians, during this time. Low blood sugar and all that!
Frying onions is the way to go, A it supposedly brought a prison roof top protest to an end a few years ago, as the salivating scroats made their way down the ladders.
Bacon might have worked but it is harem.
Well at a certain other local authority we had garlic bread being cooked in the middle of the office at 8 am by the wonderfully diverse staff and fish curries stinking the office out all day
I hope any cladding on the outside of the office was fire proof, A, cooking indoors in areas not designed for it can soon get out of hand with tragic consequences I’ve heard .
Your leaders twitter review (names hidden so you get to guess)….
“Tommy Robinson latest: Family visit to Hull Prison to confirm his safety cancelled with no explanation. Are they planning to move him? If so it must not be to Woodhill Prison where an Islamic gang are serving time for planning to kill EDL members.” [1]
“Lovely to spend a few hours at the Test today. If only we’d seen one or two more wickets… #ENGvPAK” [2]
“Happy 80th birthday Prezza. Thanks for your fantastic support in the 2017 General Election and a lifetime campaigning for XXXXXX.” [3]
“Column by @XXXX for @NewStatesman on breaking tribal taboos and how @XXXX are looking to change the nature of British politics” [4]
“XXXXX has treated our Agricultural business and Farmers very poorly for a very long period of time. Highly restrictive on Trade! They must open their markets and take down their trade barriers! They report a really high surplus on trade with us. Do Timber & Lumber in YYYY?” [5]
. . . .
[1] Gerard Batten. [2] Theresa May [3] Jeremy Corbyn [4] Vince Cable [5] Donald Trump
Good example of group think . Al. Beeb goes on about the. WTO as though it’s a holy body. But President Trump is not too impressed by these bodies and who is to say he would obey any findings.
I couldn’t find out who funds the. WTO but I bet. America pays. a lot. That would wind up the ReichEU.
During a police documentary called “Traffic Cops” shown at 3pm on 23 May 2016 on the W TV channel there featured a car chase where a youth decamped from a stolen vehicle and escaped.
A Muslim officer who seemed quite proactive was sick during the incident and he put this down to fasting during Ramadan which affected his performance.
Please provide an documents relating to any feedback following this incident and also any risk assessments concerning fasting Muslim officers on patrol during the month of Ramadan.
Following your request, searches were conducted at Bedfordshire Police for information relating to the series Traffic Cops that you have watched and requested further detail on.
Various enquiries have been made across the force to see what information is held, but we have been unable to find any recorded information. We would need to be able to identify the incidents involved in the series and then try to determine which ones relate to your request. However, we have been unable to find any record of this and as such we cannot provide the information you have requested.
The Act does not cover information that is in someone’s head and we are only obliged to provide information we already have in recorded form. We are unable to find any recorded information in relation to the information requested as the only way we would have of identifying the relevant information would be if someone within the force can remember which incidents the programme relates to.
Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of complaint.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in Bedfordshire Police. Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter please do not hesitate to contact me quoting the above reference number.
The US economy has put on 223 000 jobs in the last month and 190 000 the month before that . I’m guessing that al beeb won’t be too interested in that whilst they are going at President Trump after he carried out a campaign promise regarding tariffs.
Compare and contrast Camerons lies during his election and Trump fulfilling his promises..
The internet won’t forget Cameron’s lies, and neither will the British people
If you delete all the speeches and programmes where you promised a better, fairer country from your archives and attempt to prevent anyone from accessing them without somebody noticing and asking why, the people serving you dinner are not going to pretend
Laurie Penny
Follow @@pennyred
The throne was golden and the lectern was golden and the speech was very clear: austerity will not be temporary policy in Tory Britain. It will last forever. Addressing a roomful of diplomats and business leaders who had just dined lavishly at the Lord Mayor’s banquet, the Prime Minister this week promised a “leaner, more efficient state”. “We need to do more with less,” said David Cameron, looking comfy in his white tie and tails. “Not just now, but permanently.”
But he hadn’t counted on Ruth Hardy, a journalism student, who was working as a waitress that night. “The contrast of the two worlds was striking; someone said it was like a scene from Downton Abbey,” wrote Hardy in a viral piece for the Guardian. “Maybe Cameron didn’t see the irony; perhaps he forgot about the army of waiting staff, cleaners, chefs and porters who were also present at the banquet. Perhaps he thought he was in a room of similarly rich people, who understood the necessity for austerity. Perhaps it didn’t occur to him that this message might not be as easily comprehended by those who hadn’t just enjoyed a four-course meal. Perhaps he forgot about those of us, disabled or unemployed or on the minimum wage, for whom austerity has had a catastrophic and wounding effect.”
The decimation of higher education funding was one of the first cuts the coalition imposed, in direct violation of their election promises, after taking office in 2010. Undergraduates are now facing tens of thousands of pounds of debt, and it is likely that the Prime Minister will find many more disgruntled students serving him dinner before he leaves office. Of the many kinds of revenge angry waiting staff can take, a Guardian article strikes me as amongst the most considerate.
We are no longer living in an era where power is permitted to speak only to itself without pushback. It is significant that the speech in which Cameron chose to announce permanent austerity – a clear contradiction of his earlier position that his party “didn’t come into politics to make cuts” – was delivered not to parliament, or to a press conference, but to the guests at the Lord Mayor’s banquet. Business leaders, captains of industry and diplomats – unelected power and privilege at its most scoffingly self-congratulatory.
The Lord Mayor’s banquet is the date in the calendar of the City of London when the Prime Minister is invited to tell the well-fed business community how wonderful they are. The press and public are allowed to know what goes on, but we’re expected to show proper British deference. Cameron really shines at this. There are many points on which the former PR man falls down but when it comes to stuffing a tailcoat and telling big business what it wants to hear, Call Me Dave really comes into his own.
The next day, the world found out that the Cameron government hasn’t just lied for years about its true intentions- it has attempted to delete the evidence of those lies from the internet. Ten years of speeches and press releases about how the new Tories were all about modernising conservatism, how they cared about the environment, the NHS, the poor. All gone. Not just from the Conservatives’ website and YouTube page, but from the Internet Archive, the world’s digital library. As Mark Ballard commented at Computer Weekly:
Conservatives posted a robot blocker on their website, which told search engines and the Internet Archive they were no longer permitted to keep a record of the Conservative Party web archive…The erasure had the effect of hiding Conservative speeches in a secretive corner of the internet like those that shelter the military, secret services, gangsters and paedophiles.
Cory Doctorow reminds us at Boing Boing that now-deleted WebCameron videos were…
…launched by the Tories in 2006 with great fanfare and were billed as a way for the public to see a more natural image of the then-leader of the opposition … The message of transparency was echoed in one of the speeches now removed from the party’s website. George Osborne said in 2007: “We need to harness the internet to help us become more accountable, more transparent and more accessible – and so bridge the gap between government and governed.”
Well, that bridge just got burned. The gap between the government and the governed, the gap between rulers and ruled, has not been so stark in a generation. The Prime Minister puts on a tailcoat, dines on fillet of beef and “a celebration of British mushrooms” and announces that he has lied to the public for three years. He has lied to them before, during and after the election at which he promised to be the most “transparent” leader ever, lied in a way that will make this country a harder, meaner, more unequal place to live for generations, and he expects not only to stay in power, but to finish his tasting plate of patriotic fungus first.
Every welfare organization in Europe have condemned halal slaughter, and stunning was introduced as a compromise. The animal dies as it is choked in its own blood. As for the prayer, it is blasted out on loudspeakers.
Just been to fill up the Toobimobile and word has it at the pumps is that a 15p per litre price hike is imminent. Probably down to Trump or Brexit or even both.
Toobi, is that through a tax increase? At present, Brent Crude is struggling get back to the $80pb mark that it reached recently.
If the Conservative Party did something like that it probably would result in fresh protests and Theresa May would be unlikely to survive. A new leader would have to be wheeled in for the Party Conference. My prediction of an October/November General Election might not be far off the mark.
It would be interesting to see how Labour & McDonnell played that situation if it came about.
Didn’t hear, U2S, it was the garage owner and a tanker driver telling him the scuttlebut from the refinery.
As to an autumn GE, I wonder who could possibly be being groomed to take Treezers place? The appointment of the heir apparent would certainly go down well in some quarters.
I had a remarkable chance encounter with a small-scale, industrial estate, car dealer in February 2008 who told me the oil price was about to rocket. I now wish I had asked him how he knew.
He was right.
As to Theresa May’s successor, I think the Beeb – if those are the ‘some quarters’ that you are thinking of – would quite like the current Home Secretary if the Conservatives go in government.
And just look at how the prat dresses. Our Victorian industrialists who built this great city on their own risk and private enterprise will not only be turning in their graves but (hopefully) rising to join the forth-coming civil war.
The idea of a city Mayor had been denigrated to the point of absurdity with Emir Khant but this is beyond parody.
Enoch, please be fair, if he dressed as a victorian industrialist with a top hat they would think he was Baron Samedi out of Live and Let Die, frighten the lives out of them
Good on Trump for hitting the EU (and Canada and Mexico) with those tariffs.
His No 1 priority is his people and having watched him recently at his latest rally, I have to say that his passion for his country and put the US people first comes across loud and clear.
If only we had a leader so unashamedly patriotic.
And as others have said, the hypocrisy of any media living and working in the EU criticising him for the tariffs from behind our own protectionist wall is utterly ridiculous.
vladMar 4, 10:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Muslim Teacher Says Muslims MUST CONTROL THE WEST in 50 Years!” With Starmer, Khan and the BBC all rooting for…
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AlthepalerpMar 4, 09:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelensky blew it. Trump was right, he has no cards. he was bluffing. Now Ukraine will pay the price.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘The world wants more Britain’: David Lammy on Trump, tariffs, Gaza and the Chagos Islands The foreign secretary’s diplomatic skills…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 09:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A big hint is it won’t be the middle classes who send their youth to the slaughter, it’ll be those…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 09:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I’m begging everyone please stop showing this, every time I see it I start laughing and at my age it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The art of doing something to achieve nothing … Digital advertising launches today in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to…
Wow they found an immigrant who lied about being a Syrian child to get into the country. Well there’s a surprise who’d have thought it!
Well done lefty libtards this one is on you!
Who went on to beat up and rape a 14 year old girl.
Well there’s a surprise who’d have thought it!
(14? A bit old for the Religion of Peace and Paedophilia)
1) All over the BBC for a week.
2) BBC Editorial Integrity means there is no time or space.
No comments on last night’s QT? I turned off after 10 minutes of predictable garbage – with a Scotch flavor – so most of you must have beaten me to it. Sensible people.
It’s pathetic excuse for a ‘debate’.
Dimbleby hectors and interrupts the token Tory on every show to the whoops and cheers of the dyed hair/pierced face brigade.
Like Dimbleby, Question Time needs putting out of it’s misery.
Would love to see it’s viewing figures.
Perhaps Maxicnut can make something up?
I see that Guido’s weekly thread on it has reached a total of 21 comments, instead of the usual four figure number.
I don’t know why he just doesn’t call it a day.
Lobster, I tried to post a rather limp comment about a picture of Berkcow’s tax payers car which had a silly anti-Brexit sticker; the picture had a caption ‘click to enlarge’.
I pointed out that no matter how many times I clicked on the link, Berkcow was still a poisoned dwarf.
The comment never made it on the site because hopefully it was because I would have caused offence to people of shortened stature and not to Berkcow.
But I suspect that the Guido site has lost its spine recently and cannot take any more robust comments, so their numbers are way down, not like this wonderful site where you can say almost anything.
Radio5 Phone-in now women coming out strongly against feminists, cos of their double standards.
eg TV advert where office women gather to watch the Coke delivery man with his top off
That they didn’t shout “Stop objectififying men”
Nor do they complain about the papers having topless photos of rugby players.
“Nor do they complain about the papers having topless photos of rugby players.!
What papers? I’m missing out! 😉
@LC It might have been rugby players on reality TV shows
They certainly mentioned the Aidan Turner topless front pages , which someone post on the previous page of this thread.
Try the Times this morning. Not a rugby player but perhaps a hunky ‘Poldark’ would do? Page 1 Boys, eh, at least they can make a contribution towards filling some of the empty space. (Oops, sorry Lucy, I thought we were in a lift!)
Wow that was the shortest ever phone-in; just about 16 min in total.
Will all their faff News: Sports/weather/traffic they didn’t start until 9:15am then aafter the 9:30 faff they went into a live Tyson Fury interview and then returned to the phone-in for 2 minutes
\\#5liveYourCall with @NickyAACampbell.
Is it okay for women to ogle men?
Would it be okay if it was the other way round? //
When you do sexual things like expose areas of your body that other men/women are not, you trigger the sexual part of the opposites sexes brain.
It seems to be used by WOMEN more than men
… and is a form of passive BULLYING
Breakfast male/female TV producers know that, that is why they use a sofa cos they know MALE viewers will stay watching, if there’s a one in a million chance of getting glimpse up the female presenters skirt.
The libmob assert that the reason why women’s outcomes is not the same as mans is cos of patriarchy.
Whereas the old thinking was that roles originate with genetics
..and lead to things like girls wanting to be princesses being rescued by men, hence why old TV police dramas often had a female victim and a MALE cop hero who solves the case.
Recent viewing stats showed that women liked watching cop dramas where women are the victim.
I remember watching my local al Beebus news, Look North, where the female sports reporter Tanya Arnold, went to interview two male divers from Yorkshire (poolside) who were in the Olympic team.
When they cut back to the studio the female anchor joked with Tanya with something about her: “Certainly not drawing the short straw to do that interview.” Or some such, because they were well made; good looking; young lads in their Speedos.
I thought at the time, if an older male presenter had dared to say the same about two young; female; swimsuit clad divers, to a male sports reporter – they’d be lucky to keep their job.
“Uganda’s parliament has passed a law to impose a controversial tax on people using social media platforms.”
A bit like the controversial tax on people in Britain watching telly.
Part of me would be in favour of that here. I’d love to see them try to implement it!
“Police do not believe the collision was terror related.” Which is often media newspeak language for “the driver was Muslim”
Be interested how the bbc ‘reports’ the interesting car/bike-related ‘interaction’ involving a cycling non-white Crocodile Machete of colour remonstrating with a certain vigour.
Lucy Pevensey
Yes, we have learned that the police believe what they are told to believe, even if their own colleagues are murdered by bearded men shouting Allah Akibar, Bar T’at .
When Treezer said ‘Enough was enough’ she gave a clear message to the police and media that we have had enough reporting on the misdeeds of followers of the perfect religion.
And 3 days before in Stockport…
“Man killed as car hits people outside Stockport club”
The original report hinted at a fight outside the club prior to the car hitting the people. That disappeared, so I imagine he just drove into them for reasons unknown!
All I know is a few years ago, cars crashing into groups of people was extremely rare. Yet here we have 2 ‘incidents’ within 3 days within a few miles of each other. What are the chances? I wonder how many times it has happened this year, or last? Could even the BBC spot a pattern? Could it join the dots? We’ll probably never know, as these incidents will be flushed down the memory hole. But will we get to the point of absurdity, where… no, i think we’re already there. The BBC and the rest call them ‘hit and runs’ but with ‘murder’ attached as an afterthought. Sounds like terrorism to me.
Probably an infection which has been lying latent for years and now suddenly emerging. There are so many germs around. We need a political diagnosis. Can the World Health Organisation investigate?
650 Members of UK Parliament.
18% Pay rise to all MPs (since 2010) during austerity and recession.
1% Offered to NHS.
0 Members of Parliament turned down the pay rise so they could sympathise with the citizens.
You can send this to your MP ….
IPSA Site:
It’s not true that NHS staff are receiving just 1% more than in 2010
– The very bottom tier have had substantial rises due the introduction of the living wage.
– The rest have in the last 8 years progressed up the career ladder into different pay bands ..I don’t know what averages out to be , but it’s a lot more than 1%
I think comparing NHS staff and MP’s salaries is the fallacy of comparing apples vs oranges
I only add it for a case in point that was over the news … 18% verses 1%. I know the facts are different … but I want to highlight that MPs get pay rises and are supposed to feel as normal people do … but they are in their own protected bubble … note that the wages never go down!
RUN | HIDE | TWEET (Citizens)
HIDE | BEHIND | BODYGUARDS (Politicians and Celebrities)
Which foot should I use when entering a room ….
As for entering or leaving the house with the right foot first, the Maaliki scholar Khaleel ibn Is-haaq, regarding the etiquette of entering the bathroom, said, “It is recommended to enter with the left foot and leave with the right foot, unlike entering and leaving the mosque and house.” There is no specific evidence for this; rather, it is based on the general statement of ‘Aa’ishah may Allaah be pleased with her who said, “The Prophet , loved to start with the right side in all his affairs; in wearing his sandals, in combing (his hair) and in performing ablution.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
In their incessant proselytising for islam, the beeb webshite post “Can you brush your teeth and other Ramadan questions”
It’s meant to make muslims look fun and cool – see? they’re just like us! But oh dear what a cringe-worthy embarrassment.
The questions are idiotic, the answers even more so, the ‘acting’ is hammy and the whole thing feels stilted and awkward.
Most normal viewers (does the beeb have any?) will come away thinking ‘what a bunch of freaks’.
BBC the £3.5bn that serves the libmob fraction of society, yet all the public are required to pay for.
11am 5-Live Chelsea Clinton, talking about her book.
A suggestion of a book … No One Left To Lie To … by Christopher Hitchens.
Well, now she can persist off, along with Mummy & Daddy.
“the daughter of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton…”
Does Webster Hubbell know something different?
Manchester hit-and-run: “There was no evidence to suggest the incident was terrorism-related at this stage, Greater Manchester Police said.”
So probably terrorism-related then.
taking into account how the manchester evening news reports
you could /should read it as 21-year-old muslim in car mows down crowd in hit and run
motive unknown at this time
manc evening news
I think it would have been sung from the rooftops had his ethnicity been of the Caucasian variety, Kaiser.
“So probably terrorism-related then.”
If it isn’t it still reminds us of the seek and destroy cancer coming our way:
BBC have a new podcast serving people supporting the Pakistan and Indian teams on their UK tour.
That sounds like shouting “whitey you must change, but non-whitey’s don’t need to change and integrate.”
The article focuses on the glamorous female commentator, OK women and men watch cricket, and she is an England womens player, but what’s with the other two : stand-up comedian Aatif Nawaz and BBC Asian Network host Ankur Desa ?
Also BBC special service for UK Bellgians now
Ads you won’t see on the beebistan:
‘Are you a Belgian expat who’s been affected by the multiple killings by a muslim in Liege this week?’
Talking of which, I notice the evil beeb don’t do follow-up ‘human interest’ stories about how friends and family have been affected by such killings. Only if the victims are of the right sort, and the perpetrators.
Wonder if the bbc will report this;
Probably not.
News disappearing
#1 What’s happening with the suspended 5-Live host George Riley ? there a gagging order ?
#2 And the UKIP EU parliament punch on Steven Woolfe, we were led to believe it would end in a prosecution for Mike Hookem ?
BBC .. I could not find any reference to WHY Tommy was outside the court – Muslim Rape Gangs ….
Tommy Robinson arrested outside Leeds Crown Court
Ex-EDL leader Tommy Robinson jailed at Leeds court
Contempt of court – what does it mean?
Tommy Robinson banned from Twitter
BBC Twitter words “Carnage” … Article words “Chaos” … two very different things and when mentioned with trains can imply a different thing entirely …
Typical. You wait ages for a train and then two come at once!
Two police officers injured in Greenock ‘stabbings’
Didn’t make the front page, or pop us as a news flash at the bottom of the BBC web page. But I suppose police people getting stabbed is not a major issue these days.
“There is no evidence to suggest it was terror related. But if we do find evidence we sure as hell will keep it to ourselves” said a police officer.
I made that last bit up, but yeah it’ll be a terrorist attack.
PS does anybody know if it’s still ramadam? Don’t celebrate it myself yet.
Depending on which source you look at Ram-A-Van will end on the 14th, 15th or 16th of June. That’s another two weeks before you can plug in you headphones when going for a walk.
Not the bbc but how come it’s okay for George Galloway (on Talk Radio now) to refer to the POTUS as “little hands” whilst criticising his tariffs?
I thought the left were against taking the p1ss out of someone based on their appearance etc.
Not BBC, and apologies if posted before, but it would seem some ethnics have listened and taken up cycling.
Italy are on the receiving end of this madness … “Its leaders have chosen to commit suicide … ”
100K Tents Empty near Mecca.
0 Migrants in Saudi’s 100K Tents in Mecca.
Camp site fees can be pretty steep when the weather is warm and sunny, MM.
Perhaps the migrants are worried that they may be charged with “Loitering Within Tent.”
(I’ll get me coat …..)
Crikey, Glastonbury is looking a lot cleaner nowadays…
Everyone should keep this picture as a reminder – look at the numbers.
Yet they have the audacity to come here under virtually open borders and claim special minority status.
We are the true minority. Our so-called leaders need reminding of that.
The Saudis don’t want trouble-making muslim riff-raff in their country, no sirree.
TWT (that’s The World Tonight) Watch – as a rest – for me from TOADY Watching. 🙂
The presenter last night, Razia Iqbal, was noticeably put into a tight-lipped, disapproving state by the thought of Italy expelling illegal immigrants or other immigrants whose asylum applications have been refused. She gave a contributor a noticeably frosty time.
The BBC with no integrity: disapproving of the strict application of the law and approving, instead, the breaking of laws.
Unless it’s Tommy Robinson.
Up – I posted one about the 10pm presenters and particularly the one last night questioning why Bavaria has passed a law putting the crucifix on public buildings . A beeboid Muslim presenter indeed .
lib definition of diversity is airing the SAME black people all the time
..just like in the old days a young black guy couldn’t get a lead role in Hollywood, cos of white producers.
…… The white producers gave ALL such lead roles to Eddy Murphy.
(The movie Hollywood Shuffle takes the mickey our of this)
Well the other day David Olusoga was race-baiting on BBC, whilst Afua Hirsch was over on Channel4
Yet from the conservativewoman story someone linked to here, we see : Afua Hirsch’s prog “The programme was made by historian David Olusoga’s Banjo TV”
So not only are they both London and black, both progs were under David Olusoga’s control.
That is not very diverse is it ?
According to the muslim Council of Britain the Conservative Party is rife with islamophobia.
I can’t imagine why.
Given the BBC’s obsession with equality for women, women on boards, etc., I wonder how many women hold positions of power in the MCB and other peaceful charities and institutions?
Will they address the lack of female imams and other clerics?
These are questions on everone’s lips and it’s high time we were told (yawn).
Tommy’s Petition: now slowing – only 600 over the past hour. When visited, it stood at 562,835 a few moments ago.
It will be a shame, but, the political elite will ignore this petition when presented. Treezer & Co (along with her EU counterparts) are taking strict instructions from their masters now. Masters? I refer to the NWO & Saudi Arabia.
Why are Italy worried about immigration …
“Standing on the Italian Island of Lampedusa one day … some days the same number of people who live on the Island, it’s about 5000, that number of people (migrants) would arrive in a single day on that (Italian) Island.”
Get used to the new lexicon. We are now all familiar with certain islamic terms such as ‘taqiyya’ but, if you don’t know, here’s a new one that I expect to come into general use soon as the islamicists overwhelm the rest of us.
“Baksheesh – (in parts of Asia) a small sum of money given as alms, a tip, or a bribe.” The islamic World is ridden with bribery and corruption so, could there be a prize for whoever overhears the first, “baksheesh” being demanded?
Soon ‘Climate Refugees’ … the new set of words.
As the BBC continues to promote Islam (vlad at 10:12am) I was truly shocked to find this (apologies if it’s old news here, but a search didn’t show it).
Not much surprises me any more about our political class and media – but this did. I had always given Theresa May the benefit of the doubt overall, because I thought that she was essentially a decent person with at least some judgement and traditional British views.
Oh, yes, she’s making a total mess of Brexit, trying everyone to please and never will and hasn’t got the first clue about how to negotiate.
But on the bewildering, constant appeasement of Islam by politicians and the media, this explains it all. You see it’s all the fault of the Far-Right (that’s you and me and and the silent majority of conservative-thinking people). Watch and weep…
It’s not a conspiracy: like all who appease Islam, she just doesn’t understand, is badly advised and has never taken the time to study what the backward, barbaric ideology is about despite all the evidence available.
As Home Secretary, she banned Robert Spencer of the excellent Jihad Watch from entering the UK along with Pamela Geller. Her prodigy, the munter Amber Rudd followed suit more recently banning Lara Southern, Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner.
It is just plain ignorance and that is inexcusable. I know virtually nothing about Buddhism, Hinduism and very little about Judaism because I have never had the need or interest to learn. But after 9/11 I very much wanted to understand what lay behind Islam and have read extensively on the subject.
The facts about Islam are undeniable to anyone prepared to take the time to find out. And this woman would rather describe the likes of Britain First, the EDL or Tommy Robinson as “hateful and divisive” and in opposition to “…common British decency”. You may not like any of these people but they all call out Islam for what it is.
“There are those who conduct acts of terror in the name of Islam, but it is not in the name of Islam.” @0:34
“The Government might say they act in the people’s interest, but they are not acting in the people’s interest.”
And now she had appointed a Moslem as Home Secretary. Watch him emerge as a true follower of the prophet and continue to protect the interests of his kind.
The BBC is really ramping up their promotion and teaching of Islam. It is only Islam that they promote year round on their children’s channel (CBBC), while during this Ramadan it has gone absolutely crazy. There is no promotion of Christianity – even for Easter and Christmas – they will have quizzes and activities based on the pagan & commercial aspects of those festivals (easter eggs, easter bunny, present giving, Christmas dinner, Queens speech).
On the subject of BBC Radio trails for future programmes, I thought after hearing one today for next week, whether it might fall foul of some peoples view of Contempt of Court and prejudice a trial?
Well, a trial of sorts. More of a pre-trial. Some (many?) people are hoping that the Grenfell Inquiry will result in some criminal prosecutions. The BBC are broadcasting from noon, every day next week, a series on The Grenfell Memorial Wall. I would have thought that that might prejudice the Inquiry and, thus, any subsequent prosecution trials.
The BBC might be well-advised to observe a period of radio (and television) silence, other than reporting on a day’s evidence providers, on the subject of the Grenfell tragedy.
If their minute by minute bulletins of the fire/inquiry could jeopardise any future prosecution trials, I’d say let the bastards get on with it, U2S.
Young Kinnock was already given free reign at top of Radio Lincs 2pm news, to spout on the steel tariffs and call Trump a bully etc.
“Stephen Kinnock, Labour MP for Aberavon whose constituency includes Port Talbot steel works has criticised US President Donald Trump .. ” plays the tape
While I enjoy hearing it called ‘Alan’s snack bar’ I must admit I always hear something else. A Yorkshire man walking into a pub and greeting his mates with ‘allo at bar’
Perhaps that is why I assume they all come from Bradfordistan.
Saw a police documentary a while ago an “officer” had to stop chasing a 16 year old offender because he was “on ramadam” and tired, oh thats ok then in PC Britain ? he is not fit to serve in my opinion
Hi Annunaki – if you were able to provide more details that would be great – there should be a means of referencing the documentary as well as giving details of when it was broadcast (or when viewed if viewed from the net). This is needed if we (some of us) later develop more public criticisms of the BBC as well as criticisms of our British institutions (through books, published articles and the like).
I will try and think back it was a while ago, one of those camera crews following cops around type of thing on TV
Ha ha the wonders of the intenet:
FOI request:
During a police documentary called “Traffic Cops” shown at 3pm on 23 May 2016 on the W TV channel there featured a car chase where a youth decamped from a stolen vehicle and escaped.
A Muslim officer who seemed quite proactive was sick during the incident and he put this down to fasting during Ramadan which affected his performance.
Please provide an documents relating to any feedback following this incident and also any risk assessments concerning fasting Muslim officers on patrol during the month of Ramadan.
Following your request, searches were conducted at Bedfordshire Police for information relating to the series Traffic Cops that you have watched and requested further detail on.
Various enquiries have been made across the force to see what information is held, but we have been unable to find any recorded information. We would need to be able to identify the incidents involved in the series and then try to determine which ones relate to your request. However, we have been unable to find any record of this and as such we cannot provide the information you have requested.
The Act does not cover information that is in someone’s head and we are only obliged to provide information we already have in recorded form. We are unable to find any recorded information in relation to the information requested as the only way we would have of identifying the relevant information would be if someone within the force can remember which incidents the programme relates to.
Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of complaint.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in Bedfordshire Police. Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter please do not hesitate to contact me quoting the above reference number.
Hi thanks Annunaki. For your information I am beginning to document activism and activists within British Universities and it is a bit of a nightmare – outside of STEM subjects – it seems to be full of activists of various kinds.
They are young and easily influenced, and a lot of time on their hands if they are not studying a science, and seem to exhibit a most violent and complete intolerance of anyone who disagrees with their world view that would put the Nazis to shame
I am focusing on the Academic Activists – the professors & lecturers. It defines their “research”, their field of study, and their teaching. These academic activists spend their time re-interpreting and rewriting history, art, literature, culture … They have created tools to prevent funding agencies funding certain types of research, they try to influence what journals publish and refuse to publish …
Sounds Orwellian and does make one think what could motivate these prats with, it seems not much anything better to do, I was quite annoyed at C4 producing a programme about immigrants and general BME ie second generation immigrants wanting to ban statues and memorials in this country
It makes me think sometimes that these people want to create as much aggression and friction between our inhabitants as they can as all they do is aimed at attacking our own culture and they also seem to have a strange self hate that needs a psychological intervention
Although I mean by qualified psychologists LOL whatever that means, as this seems to be the new sociology in crap degrees
Hi Annunaki – it is ego-driven – often associated with their upbringing and childhood / teenage understanding of the world. The problem with non-STEM subjects is that it doesn’t rely on “proof” – it is “interpretation” and opinion. They enter academia with a “mission” and never much change their thinking.
Revelation starts at 20 minutes
Told you so…its a bloody scandal…
How many are in the fire service and will just sit and watch burning buildings because they are tired, I was working awhile ago in a public authority and we were all told to be sensetive with where we eat our lunch out of sensetivity to those fasting for F’cks sake….
In North Kensington?
And as to ramavan, it would explain the number of vehicles mounting the pavement and mowing down pedestrians, during this time. Low blood sugar and all that!
Wonder if you can buy fish chips and vinegar scent or a nice fragrant curry to waft around LOL
Frying onions is the way to go, A it supposedly brought a prison roof top protest to an end a few years ago, as the salivating scroats made their way down the ladders.
Bacon might have worked but it is harem.
Well at a certain other local authority we had garlic bread being cooked in the middle of the office at 8 am by the wonderfully diverse staff and fish curries stinking the office out all day
I hope any cladding on the outside of the office was fire proof, A, cooking indoors in areas not designed for it can soon get out of hand with tragic consequences I’ve heard .
Your leaders twitter review (names hidden so you get to guess)….
“Tommy Robinson latest: Family visit to Hull Prison to confirm his safety cancelled with no explanation. Are they planning to move him? If so it must not be to Woodhill Prison where an Islamic gang are serving time for planning to kill EDL members.” [1]
“Lovely to spend a few hours at the Test today. If only we’d seen one or two more wickets… #ENGvPAK” [2]
“Happy 80th birthday Prezza. Thanks for your fantastic support in the 2017 General Election and a lifetime campaigning for XXXXXX.” [3]
“Column by @XXXX for @NewStatesman on breaking tribal taboos and how @XXXX are looking to change the nature of British politics” [4]
“XXXXX has treated our Agricultural business and Farmers very poorly for a very long period of time. Highly restrictive on Trade! They must open their markets and take down their trade barriers! They report a really high surplus on trade with us. Do Timber & Lumber in YYYY?” [5]
. . . .
[1] Gerard Batten. [2] Theresa May [3] Jeremy Corbyn [4] Vince Cable [5] Donald Trump
RE TR: Maybe we can start a crowd fund to get proper legal representation
Good example of group think . Al. Beeb goes on about the. WTO as though it’s a holy body. But President Trump is not too impressed by these bodies and who is to say he would obey any findings.
I couldn’t find out who funds the. WTO but I bet. America pays. a lot. That would wind up the ReichEU.
If the BBC do not report accurate news … then they are breaking their side of the contract thus should not be paid?
During a police documentary called “Traffic Cops” shown at 3pm on 23 May 2016 on the W TV channel there featured a car chase where a youth decamped from a stolen vehicle and escaped.
A Muslim officer who seemed quite proactive was sick during the incident and he put this down to fasting during Ramadan which affected his performance.
Please provide an documents relating to any feedback following this incident and also any risk assessments concerning fasting Muslim officers on patrol during the month of Ramadan.
Following your request, searches were conducted at Bedfordshire Police for information relating to the series Traffic Cops that you have watched and requested further detail on.
Various enquiries have been made across the force to see what information is held, but we have been unable to find any recorded information. We would need to be able to identify the incidents involved in the series and then try to determine which ones relate to your request. However, we have been unable to find any record of this and as such we cannot provide the information you have requested.
The Act does not cover information that is in someone’s head and we are only obliged to provide information we already have in recorded form. We are unable to find any recorded information in relation to the information requested as the only way we would have of identifying the relevant information would be if someone within the force can remember which incidents the programme relates to.
Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of complaint.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in Bedfordshire Police. Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter please do not hesitate to contact me quoting the above reference number.
Annuaki, You are now, a marked, man, woman, person, tv, and/or any other Heinz variety the idiots choose.
Wasn’t me but wish it was, the persons name is there just look it up maybe he is inside already
Bedfordshire Police investigative capacity seems to leave a lot to be desired hmmmm
The US economy has put on 223 000 jobs in the last month and 190 000 the month before that . I’m guessing that al beeb won’t be too interested in that whilst they are going at President Trump after he carried out a campaign promise regarding tariffs.
Compare and contrast Camerons lies during his election and Trump fulfilling his promises..
The internet won’t forget Cameron’s lies, and neither will the British people
If you delete all the speeches and programmes where you promised a better, fairer country from your archives and attempt to prevent anyone from accessing them without somebody noticing and asking why, the people serving you dinner are not going to pretend
Laurie Penny
Follow @@pennyred
The throne was golden and the lectern was golden and the speech was very clear: austerity will not be temporary policy in Tory Britain. It will last forever. Addressing a roomful of diplomats and business leaders who had just dined lavishly at the Lord Mayor’s banquet, the Prime Minister this week promised a “leaner, more efficient state”. “We need to do more with less,” said David Cameron, looking comfy in his white tie and tails. “Not just now, but permanently.”
But he hadn’t counted on Ruth Hardy, a journalism student, who was working as a waitress that night. “The contrast of the two worlds was striking; someone said it was like a scene from Downton Abbey,” wrote Hardy in a viral piece for the Guardian. “Maybe Cameron didn’t see the irony; perhaps he forgot about the army of waiting staff, cleaners, chefs and porters who were also present at the banquet. Perhaps he thought he was in a room of similarly rich people, who understood the necessity for austerity. Perhaps it didn’t occur to him that this message might not be as easily comprehended by those who hadn’t just enjoyed a four-course meal. Perhaps he forgot about those of us, disabled or unemployed or on the minimum wage, for whom austerity has had a catastrophic and wounding effect.”
The decimation of higher education funding was one of the first cuts the coalition imposed, in direct violation of their election promises, after taking office in 2010. Undergraduates are now facing tens of thousands of pounds of debt, and it is likely that the Prime Minister will find many more disgruntled students serving him dinner before he leaves office. Of the many kinds of revenge angry waiting staff can take, a Guardian article strikes me as amongst the most considerate.
We are no longer living in an era where power is permitted to speak only to itself without pushback. It is significant that the speech in which Cameron chose to announce permanent austerity – a clear contradiction of his earlier position that his party “didn’t come into politics to make cuts” – was delivered not to parliament, or to a press conference, but to the guests at the Lord Mayor’s banquet. Business leaders, captains of industry and diplomats – unelected power and privilege at its most scoffingly self-congratulatory.
The Lord Mayor’s banquet is the date in the calendar of the City of London when the Prime Minister is invited to tell the well-fed business community how wonderful they are. The press and public are allowed to know what goes on, but we’re expected to show proper British deference. Cameron really shines at this. There are many points on which the former PR man falls down but when it comes to stuffing a tailcoat and telling big business what it wants to hear, Call Me Dave really comes into his own.
The next day, the world found out that the Cameron government hasn’t just lied for years about its true intentions- it has attempted to delete the evidence of those lies from the internet. Ten years of speeches and press releases about how the new Tories were all about modernising conservatism, how they cared about the environment, the NHS, the poor. All gone. Not just from the Conservatives’ website and YouTube page, but from the Internet Archive, the world’s digital library. As Mark Ballard commented at Computer Weekly:
Conservatives posted a robot blocker on their website, which told search engines and the Internet Archive they were no longer permitted to keep a record of the Conservative Party web archive…The erasure had the effect of hiding Conservative speeches in a secretive corner of the internet like those that shelter the military, secret services, gangsters and paedophiles.
Cory Doctorow reminds us at Boing Boing that now-deleted WebCameron videos were…
…launched by the Tories in 2006 with great fanfare and were billed as a way for the public to see a more natural image of the then-leader of the opposition … The message of transparency was echoed in one of the speeches now removed from the party’s website. George Osborne said in 2007: “We need to harness the internet to help us become more accountable, more transparent and more accessible – and so bridge the gap between government and governed.”
Well, that bridge just got burned. The gap between the government and the governed, the gap between rulers and ruled, has not been so stark in a generation. The Prime Minister puts on a tailcoat, dines on fillet of beef and “a celebration of British mushrooms” and announces that he has lied to the public for three years. He has lied to them before, during and after the election at which he promised to be the most “transparent” leader ever, lied in a way that will make this country a harder, meaner, more unequal place to live for generations, and he expects not only to stay in power, but to finish his tasting plate of patriotic fungus first.
Halal Food Authority ….
HFA issue legal proceedings against Britain First leaders [1]
HFA does not encourage or support political agenda [2]
Yes, all slaughter is manually carried out by Muslim slaughterman/men whilst Bismillahi-Allahu Akbar is recited.[3]
[2] conflicts with [1]. [3] is positive employment, Buddhists cannot work in Halal slaughter houses.
Halal is religiously sanctioned torture of animals, which our supine authorities daren’t admit or address.
Every welfare organization in Europe have condemned halal slaughter, and stunning was introduced as a compromise. The animal dies as it is choked in its own blood. As for the prayer, it is blasted out on loudspeakers.
Just been to fill up the Toobimobile and word has it at the pumps is that a 15p per litre price hike is imminent. Probably down to Trump or Brexit or even both.
Toobi, is that through a tax increase? At present, Brent Crude is struggling get back to the $80pb mark that it reached recently.
If the Conservative Party did something like that it probably would result in fresh protests and Theresa May would be unlikely to survive. A new leader would have to be wheeled in for the Party Conference. My prediction of an October/November General Election might not be far off the mark.
It would be interesting to see how Labour & McDonnell played that situation if it came about.
Didn’t hear, U2S, it was the garage owner and a tanker driver telling him the scuttlebut from the refinery.
As to an autumn GE, I wonder who could possibly be being groomed to take Treezers place? The appointment of the heir apparent would certainly go down well in some quarters.
I had a remarkable chance encounter with a small-scale, industrial estate, car dealer in February 2008 who told me the oil price was about to rocket. I now wish I had asked him how he knew.
He was right.
As to Theresa May’s successor, I think the Beeb – if those are the ‘some quarters’ that you are thinking of – would quite like the current Home Secretary if the Conservatives go in government.
They are saving up to buy Wembley, probably turn it into a mosque, or a fine venue for whipping raped women for adultery and some stonings
I rest my case: God help us all…
And just look at how the prat dresses. Our Victorian industrialists who built this great city on their own risk and private enterprise will not only be turning in their graves but (hopefully) rising to join the forth-coming civil war.
The idea of a city Mayor had been denigrated to the point of absurdity with Emir Khant but this is beyond parody.
I wonder whether someone might just investigate his election – who where the other candidates, what was the turnout … Thanks.
LOL I never thought Ali G would achieve such lofty heights, but of course the free bling was always an attraction
Enoch, please be fair, if he dressed as a victorian industrialist with a top hat they would think he was Baron Samedi out of Live and Let Die, frighten the lives out of them
Good on Trump for hitting the EU (and Canada and Mexico) with those tariffs.
His No 1 priority is his people and having watched him recently at his latest rally, I have to say that his passion for his country and put the US people first comes across loud and clear.
If only we had a leader so unashamedly patriotic.
And as others have said, the hypocrisy of any media living and working in the EU criticising him for the tariffs from behind our own protectionist wall is utterly ridiculous.
9:30pm BBC1 Tracey Ulman show will feature a sketch with a grown up Jacob Rees Mogg and his nanny.