Trade Wars, 2 new governments in the EU in 2 days , the anniversary of islamic terrorist murder on London Bridge and more. The weekend of endless bias awaits us.
I know I did you wrong last time – so I doff my cap to you and take my rightful position behind you. But I am really delighted with my third place. Oh – I seem to have relegated Alicia to fourth (many apologies).
Third again!
I`m dedicating my bronze medalling to Briss and all the girls here.
And can I have a cyber statue please, this glass ceiling in cyberworld has been broken…
Remember me Cassie!
I bloody knew it ! the moment I leave a comment on the last site, ups pops a new thread. I’m throwing my toys out of the pram here. Licia we have to have a survellience watch and take it in turns, so, come Sunday night………
I’m guilt ridden . Can every one look at the previous thread as a lot of effort might be missed . I tried to catch it at the right time by it really is a 25 Hour a day operation – which speaks for itself eh?
Thought a new Thread would open for the w/e, Brissles, at any moment when I was posting on the old one. Having had two brief ‘moments in the sun’ – one by accident! – in the past, I’m none too bothered & wasn’t diligently watching or lurking.
Having filed my Last Post and about to play same before retiring, I checked and lo – and behold! Crafty Fedup2 managed to camouflage the new one by placing it underneath the Mid-week Thread and the extra Arsenal footie Thread on the Home Page. Nice one, Fed! You played a blinder, son.
There were only three posts up and I nearly dived in, to spend time between the posts, and congratulate Cassandra for her header (enough with the footie analogies, already!) but couldn’t think of anything more than that, so didn’t. Book at Bedtime claimed my attention instead.
As it’s Literary festival time, I’m not sure why William Trevor is regarded so highly, at the Beeb and elsewhere. I was underwhelmed by Tuesday to Friday’s offerings and wish he had expanded the Monday night offering, ‘The Piano Teacher’s Pupil’, into a full novella or novel.
Came here, hoping for my PB to have been honoured.
But some rum `un…who won`t be named…has had a pop.
If I bring the rose and Doritos tomorrow evening-and Cassandra agrees to help-I reckon that we can freeze out the boys.
And especially “wrong” of them . Who I won`t name.
Noble seconding of Tommy saved him and his cat from ending up in my pot boiling fondue on the blasted heath tomorrow evening.
I ate pigs testicles in error , once in a Guangzhao cafe.
Was the owners name Mr Wong?….just saying!
If it`s in Delia I can cook it!
Free Tommy stil though!
Not really BBC but a nice little hit piece by Richard Pendlebury on Tommy Robinson that would do the BBC proud full of inaccuracies and accusations.. Comments are mixed with quite a few in favour of Tommy .
What struck me however were the comment votes. With one particular comment saying he was scum and anyone who supports him needs watching outnumbering the down votes by some 5000 to 1000 – interesting, I think someone on the Mail has been busy.
This really was an establishment lick spittle piece which the Mail has become very adept at. We need to remember this was the “right of centre” paper that championed the rise to the top of our current sharia compliant PM. Now it seems to be focusing energy on people like Tommy who represent a threat to that same craven establishment.
After reading this rubbish the Rudyard Kipling poem “Tommy” came to mind. Truer today than it ever was – “Its Tommy this and Tommy that —————–!
And the response to these people, including Piers Morgan, is what were they doing while all of our young girls were being systematically raped, tortured, trafficked and murdered, by muslims, over decades?
Oaknash-You are 100% correct in your assumptions. BUT what
can you expect from the Daily Malicious who with one paper
the Daily Mail is Brexit’s number one supporter. And it’s sister
paper the Mail on Sunday is opposed to Brexit!!.
I would like to ask Richard Pendlebury who did this hatchet
job on Robinson, did he or the rest of the fourth estate know
anything, with what was going on with the Muslim grooming raping gangs when Tommy Robinson and Andrew Norfolk of the Times
were reporting the atrocoties?
I am ashamed to be a citizen of the UK the way in which Tommy Robinson was banged up for 13 months in four hours. Whilst the
cowards at the BBC and the rest of the media kept “stumm” in
fear of being labelled racists, for twelve years.
TOMMY ROBINSON !!!! FREE TOMMY ROBINSON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have just clicked on your link and read the Comments – Best Rated. The first two as you noticed are anti Tommy with massive up-votes, ALL the rest are pro Tommy with massive up-votes! I have noticed this before with the Mail. The readership are usually fairly consistent in their views but now and again something this blatent happens. My fav. response is ‘such bias drivel is worthy of the BBC’… 883 up – 68 down.
Update – Do you suppose the DM follow this site? The Best Rated massively up-voted anti Tommy comments have vanished. Just one left as far as I can see.
The ‘bias drivel worthy of the BBC’ doing well now on 1524/109.
Funnily enough Pat I checked too and found the same thing! I didnt post anything about it because I thought I had missed something and didnt want to re-check.
Looks like someone doesn’t like being found out!
If the crooked establishment toadies want to fiddle they should at least do it well!
Richard you should be ashamed at calling yourself a “journalist”. anyone who does not see this appalling hit piece as more establishment virtue signalling to close the breach of effluent now pouring out of the British judiciary has been totally brainwashed by pseudo journalism such as your vile piece.
my reply to Richard-not published of course!
caught a bit of the so called bbc’s r4 so called comedy shite tonight
abortion is a human right apparently, by golly I dont really have skin in the abortion argument, but I thought human rights were invented to stop krauts trying to wipe every jew from the face of europe, not to entitle you to kill somebody cos you cant be arsed using a condom or keeping your legs shut.
then on to the blessed tommy, parents came from ireland and for some reason didnt have an abortion, oooooohhh how they laughed.
shame they wont actually mention the real details which get more disturbing by the day
thankfully jujitsu called and getting battered around was more fun than listening to their crap
Yes they think they do satire . But true satire is making fun of the powerful and the establishment .
Al Beeb no longer does that , instead it sneers at the powerless , as TR is now he’s banged up . Sneering at the licence payers who don’t hold liberal/ left opinions is their forte . We can’t answer back , we don’t have a media organisation to counter them , we don’t have millions of pounds to get back at them .
Al Beeb picks on conservative people and or libertarian , patriotic , old , white , middle class , ” left behinders ” , seekers of proper justice rather than social justice , people who think you should at least try to find work , people with higher mores and values than themselves ( who don’t think “edgy ” comedy is funny ) , traditionalists and anybody dubious about the new plan for mankind that the Gramscis want .
In short , the BBC is a bullyIng organisation .
Perhaps it should be called the Biased Bullying Corporation .
Or the Biased Bullying Cowards , as they back down if you do have right and might on your side .
Which is why the creepy little “comedians ” cling to Aunty’s apron and spout the approved line on every subject . They are afraid their meal ticket will end in a proper commercial market .
Satire ?
Don’t make me laugh BBC . Oh you don’t you humourless , intolerant , two faced bullying cowardly troughers .
I wonder if the Miliband major anti-Brexit rant at Hay this morning will be carefully edited into a soundbite or news extract for 10am, 11am, noon, 1pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 9pm, 10pm and 11pm (did I miss any?) News bulletins and News programmes?
Millipede held (holds?) some very dangerous views; which at one time embraced that the long term enlargement of the EU, should include North African countries.
It is incredible to think that at one time this man could have been in the running to be Prime Minister; potentially with a better chance of succeeding than his comparably loathsome sibling.
“…gradually bring the countries of the Mahgreb, the Middle-East and Eastern-Europe in line with the single-market, not as an alternative to membership, but potentially as a step towards it.” – David Miliband, speaking at College of Bruges as Foreign Minister, Nov. 2007.
As Miliband is no longer working for the International Rescue Committee – that’s the one financed by Soros, by the way, not the one on Tracy Island – he is continuing with his planned role as the Globalist’s puppet in No 10, a Macron or Trudeau for Britain. Hence him being parachuted in to help prevent Brexit and unlimited coverage on the BBC. Here’s a bit more about his involvement with Scott, Virgil, Alan, Gordon and John (brains being noticeable by their absence).
Incidentally, at his speech in Bruges, he was speculating on a timescale of 2030 for Turkey and North Africa making their geography-defying leap into Europe. The ‘Eastern-Europe’ he was referring to was Ukraine… and Russia. Think you might want to run that one past Mr Putin first, although it helps explain why your old bosses pumped money into financing the Ukrainian coup.
I listened to some of that – The News Quiz – and noted that they managed to get in two so-called jokes about Tommy Robinson. One during the Rosanne Barr item and one during the Irish abortion item. Apparently Andy Hamilton* thinks that TR’s parents should have taken the opportunity to abort him when they came from Ireland to England.
They had to fit TR in somewhere as part of the virtue signalling onslaught against TR. Another example of them thinking that it’s ok to do this because they are nice people and all nice people hate the likes of TR don’t they? The important thing is for as many people as possible to destroy this false link.
Also Susan Calman got in a comment about her bl**dy wife.
* It could have been Jeremy Hardy who sounds exactly like Hamilton to me.
This is the latest Islamic indoctrination piece by the BBC – which they put on their CBBC website today:
It is actually an updated “What is Ramadan” feature article that they have run for the past two weeks.
And did you know the BBC Asian Network Channel recently had a debate asking whether denying your children an Islamic learning at school (as part of Religion and Citizenship classes) is Islamophobic. This was after complaints were made that some non-Muslim parents were forbidding their children to attend such classes.
Wait, there’s more! The BBC loves Ramadan. It also loves menstruation. So why not combine the two? You (didn’t) ask, so here it is: “Ramadan: Women’s ‘shame’ of eating during menstruation”: (see
When it comes to depicting Muslim women, the BBC adheres strictly to the Saudi/Foreign Office line. Here’s a suggestion for BBC staff: visit Pristina, the capital of Kosovo (you can fly from Luton, chance to check up with some jihadis before you go). The population there is 95% Muslim (I mean Kosovo, not Luton!). Notice how the women are not covered or veiled? You’ll see more headgear on the BBC home page than you’ll see in real life during a weekend visit. And they have beer and wine festivals to boot. But it “doesn’t fit the narrative”, does it, BBC?
Been there, had that done, AS, but I am more concerned by the buggers employed in security.
Wasn’t Salman Abedi’s dad supposed be in airport security at Manchseter, one of the reasons (whispered) the son was able to fly around North Africa and Europe with impunity, whilst supposedly being on a watch list?
Flew from Bombay to Heathrow a few years back. All of the immigraton staff were ‘Asian’. I’d fallen asleep on the plane and my initial thought – honestly – was that the plane had turned back and landed at Bombay. Not only the staff, there was absolutely nothing in the arrivals area to indicate what country you might be in.
IR, one of the few times I’ve felt really embarrassed by my own country was in the early 2000’s, when I flew into Heathrow and EVERY SINGLE person on passport control was an Asian woman in a headscarf; with a sole, white, male supervisor.
I could see the Australians waiting alongside me in the queue exchanging looks and raised eye brows, it was the worst homecoming I’ve ever had; especially when I’d been away for a year and just endured a +12 hours long-haul flight.
Trump Park was dedicated yesterday in Kiryat Yam, Israel – a suburb of Haifa – in honor of President Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Thank you, Mayor Tzur, for your friendship with the USA!
I’m assuming there must be judicial guidance which led to Tommy Robinson getting thirteen months and no appeal process for a harsh sentencing provision
I’m not sure who Tommy Robinson’s MP might be but I’m sure that the current speaker will ensure all
back benchers have a nic e
Did anyone see the BBC’s latest vehicle for Prof Mary Beard?
Front Row Late at Night.
The only vehicle that should be considered for that hideous hag is a hearse.
When I switched on some bint was having an emotional breakdown. I suppose she is a leading accuser of Winestein, as she likened him to Walmart or Waldemort or whatever the archvillain in Harry Potter is called. Very original.
Also part of the coven was Laurie Penny. David Starkey taking this ” jumped up public-school girl” down a peg ion Youtube is a joy to watch.
Simply a tirade of manhate. Utter dregs from the bottom of the most toxic BBC barrel.
She was born to upper middle class parents , went to grammar school , then onto university which she has never left . In fact she’s never done a days proper work in her life , nor have her family . All academics who can be subsidised to sneer at the rest of us .
Then she’s a feminist , hates the USA , loves the EU , wants more immigration and admires Jeremy Corbin and supports Labour .
The fact that she is a bit vulgar ticks all the right boxes for Al Beeb and so she can trough it with them and think she’s a clever woman .
Oh and in Mary Beards and AlBeeb la la land it’s ok to wish death to millions of Americans but a slight bit of rough handling on her Twitter account is enough to call in the authorities . Perhaps that’s because she’s One Of Them .
I think Beard is best remembered for her “sneeriness” on a QT from Boston dealing with uncontrolled mass colonisation.
Rather than listen to “local people” who have to handle the problems of enrichment on a day to day basis, she read out some ridulous local authority report that suggested everything was hunky-dory and joyous. No doubt someone else on the panel suggested that what “local people” were reporting were merely their “perceptions” and that only writers of official reports, free of vulgar prejudice, were capable of determining what the truth really was.
A similar line from academic pontificators is that “complex problems require complex solutions”. Often heard when the horror of populism is beiing discussed on the BBC. These people athough they prattle away continually on the media, never actually come up with any solutions whether complex, simple or simplistic.
We got four days of coverage about Trump saying in private some patently awful countries were ‘sh*tholes’ and how racist this was; over Charlottesville it was about two weeks, all based on how he was not ‘quick enough to condemn the racists’ and DavId Duke liked Trump – all confected fakery turned up to eleven.
Yesterday we learn black unemployment is at a record low. Obama spoke of ‘anything being possible’ but nothing is possible if you are unemployed – utterly degrading, ruins your self-esteem and the most basic enjoyments of life are denied to you. And Obama did not get enough jobs for black people.
Not a single word about it from the BBC. That BBC that shrieks when a single black criminal is shot by a Police Officer has nothing to say about this fantastic news for hundreds of thousands of black Americans.
Trump may be uncouth but he has been in the thick of it his whole life and knows what he is doing: getting people a job and keeping them safe, which is all government should be about.
Also what you see is what you get with Trump. Clinton, David Miliband or countless other politicians would never call anywhere a sh*thole, but would think it perfectly ok to be paid 100k for a ‘speech’ from companies they helped whilst in govenment etc. Their devious actions speak louder than any mere words Trump might utter. Trump is honest and speaks as one of us, not down his nose to us or like most of our leaders do.
O’Bummer told the workers whose jobs were gone when the factories relocated abroad, that those jobs weren’t coming back; Trump is bringing many of those jobs back.
Raising money to ensure Tommy Robinson is served with the best legal advice possible and:
A his personal safety is considered as paramount (i.e. he is not attacked in prison as before for his political views)
B he is allowed visits (already cancelled without notice)
C his case is reviewed and appealed wherever possible (no proper and fit legal representation was provided and the grounds for his arrest be closely examined )
BBC News Channel at 7:35am did a bit about the World Cup and England’s “low expectations” (that was the BBCs words putting England down). They mentioned a bit about the gun tattoo on black player Raheem Sterling’s leg quoting it is a “personal work of art”.
Then a sudden jump to a group of black Nigerians in London queuing for 4 hours to buy the Nigerian team football top for £64 each. Who was sent to interview the black Nigerian fans? Yep, a black reporter.
So typical of the BBC. Didn’t even show the England tops but showed the Nigerian ones instead and plenty of black people. If they hate Britain so much why don’t they rename themselves to just “BC” or “bBc” at least?
BBC tv Biddy Baxter-style news alerts us this morning to all the Visa problems lately.
Turns out they are talking about both duff credit card company service and Roman Abramovich.
That first story really is the empitome of a first world problem. But we’ll link back to football later. Of course to the breakfast sofa team those computer glitches were a “nightmare” – where for one evening only you couldn’t pay your restuarant bill with a Visa card.
One had to smile when the eating house proprietor interviewed over the phone told them it wasn’t really so bad and he managed to work around the issue. Private sector, eh! Now if that had been the NHS etc he would surely have had a proper moan, been calling foul and demanding more investment.
So to fill the greivance gap suddenly opened up between the BBC’s scare headlines and the reality of the guest testimony our regulation presenters (the beta half-male and feisty female) have to tell us about people they know who had a bad time over this glitch. Very poor journo technique – but what we have come to expect.
And for our BAME viewers… but for those who don’t feel the need to condescend due to your overwhelming burden of white guilt you carry about with you… or if you don’t like association football, then do please look away now…
It’s the new Nigerian soccer jersey. Nice little BBC advert for Nike. Apparantly this new football shirt is the quite the fashion item. Seems there were very long queues in Oxford Street yesterday for this £64 worth of multiculturalism.
Gosh our BBC presenters do love this shirt.
Do you remember Norman Tebbit & his ‘cricket test’. You know his suggestion that when immigrants don’t come to support England at cricket but prefer to identify with their ‘home’ nation this might just possibly be an issue worth worrying about for the future?
A @BBCNews correspondent stupidly says despite the ‘special relationship’ #tariffs are placed by the #US on #UK steel. Doesn’t he realise because we are in the #EU#SingleMarket the #US are unable to separate out the UK? That’s another reason why we need #Brexit.
— Michael Fabricant ???????? (@Mike_Fabricant) June 1, 2018
Surely some mistake this morning by the BBC. They have Babita Sharma presenting on Breakfast. Informative, pleasant, professional and dare i say it, attractive instead of Naga who is not. Blimey they’ll be reporting on terrorist incidents and Trump successes next! Maybe not.
“This not just a book review; this is a bbc book review”
From 11am with Adrian Chiles@ChelseaClinton, the daughter of @BillClinton and @HillaryClinton, will be in our studio talking about her new book ‘She Persisted Around the World’.
Just after 0800 on Toady, Robinson asks Liam Fox a ‘flying question’ at the end of the interrogation over exports to the US. Robinson refers to Baroness Varsi’s assertion that the Conservative party and its MP’s is “simmering with islamaphobia” and what will they do about it. Fox diligently replies that they would investigate any allegation supported by evidence.
How nice it would have been if Fox answered, ‘if there is an underlying simmering of islamaphobia amongst the MP’s, it is reflected from the people the MP’s represent’………
But no, he fluffed it.
G, Dr Fox might have – even more usefully, in my view – used phobia correctly and observed that Islam is a religion and that some people do not like or even have a fear of organised religion. That can apply to any religion, not just Islam.
He might then have pointed out that sometimes people may be given cause to fear Islam, one year on from the Manchester and London Bridge/Borough Market terror attacks. Also that political decisions and democracy can trump religion and belief as in last week’s referendum on abortion in Eire.
But all that would require some personal will and quick thinking, an active mind and time, which is always in short supply if someone wishes to counter certain BBC narratives.
Footnote: It appears pretty obvious to me that the BBC (and others in the MSM) have been put up to push this ‘Islamophobia in the Conservative Party’-thing, by the Labour Party or some in the Labour Party.
As the BBC also appear very willing to perpetrate the Jeremy Thorpe saga for their own ends, perhaps they should be reminded to persist just a little more (my irony there – please note) in hounding Vince Cable, current leader of the Liberal Democrats for his recent massive slur against elderly voters who chose to vote Leave during the UK EU Referendum.
In an ideal world Up2, Liam Fox could have given an honest answer. But all readers of this site (except for the obvious) know that had Dr Fox given it, he would have been hounded out of office by the BBC within hours.
I’d have thought that HMG and the Conservative party would have more serious problems on their plate than dealing with gratuitous accusations of “Islamophobia”.
Brexit, for one, unemployment, the trade deficit and national debt, the woeful cash-strapped state of the Army, the knife murders in London, Russian agents murdering people on British soil, any number of things.
When the zero figures start increasing … then I will have hope for the future of the UK.
707 Days since UK voted to leave the EU @52%.
1 PM says ‘Brexit means Brexit’.
0 Days Since Leaving the EU.
. . .
22 Children murdered in Manchester.
1 PM said ‘Enough is enough’
0 Arrests followed.
. . .
600K Migrants Lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on Watch List.
3K Extreme Terrorists on Watch List.
1 PM who said ‘Enough is Enough’.
0 Removed from watch list.
. . .
364 Days of #WorldNoHijabDay NOT supported by UK Foreign Office.
1 Day of #WorldNoHijabDay supported by UK Foreign Office.
0 Requests for #WorldNoHijabDay (no hijab day)
. . .
184,595 People charged (2016) with non-payment of the BBC TV Licence Tax by Capita TV Licensing. (mostly women)
0 Apologies from Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans whose wages are paid under threat of prison.
. . .
448 Days since Owen Jones said he’d quit social media (11mar2017)
0 Days since Owen Jones quit social media.
. . .
137,000 girls and women living with FGM, and 144,000 girls at risk of FGM.
0 Arrests for FGM in UK even though it is illegal.
. . .
When the zero figures start increasing … then I will have hope for the future.
Stormin’ Norm is pointing out the entire Government and Civil Service establishment is doing everything in their power to drag their heels and mess this all up.
Which is brave.
Though I don’t think that is how it was meant to be taken.
Both bbc and Sky have gone completely over the top in their diversity quotas; the amount of ethnic minority news readers and reporters is surely now overrepresentative of their actual demographic. Please don’t think I am racist, I’m just sick that common purpose lefties are forcing companies to employ people based on ethnicity rather than talent. Some of the ethnic minority news readers don’t seem to be too bright and are obviously there to tick diversity boxes. It’s the same with women quotas, too. Every sodding sports review on the bbc now has to have women on it. We’ll get to the stage this century where men will be nothing but big Jessie soy boy gimps being walked around on a lead by their women.
Spot on Alex. All of the them are copying the channel 4 news model, apart from good morning Britain who are too busy fawning over the ridiculous Piers Morgan and the Madeley the tea leaf
Some of the ethnic minority news readers don’t seem to be too bright and are obviously there to tick diversity boxes.
This is something everyone knows, and talks about. Sadly even the sports reporters are not chosen for their knowledge , but to be a talking head reading an autocue. I refer in particular to Ore Oduba, who was in relative obscurity quoting the cricket scores on BBC News, then as a nobody he filled the black quota for Strictly and contentiously won it. Now he is pumped out at every opportunity to host this, front that, simply for winning a dance contest.
Londonistan crime: “….“African-Caribbean” people are “six times more likely than whites to be diagnosed as schizophrenic.” (Needless to say, that report blamed white “racism” for the higher black schizophrenia rates, even though it is an established fact that genetics plays the dominant role in that condition’s cause).”
I do admire The New Observers reporting on topics. This one is no exception. Journalism at its best. They cite sources and in this particular article, include these reports in the main article. Bravo I say. If more of the MSM and BBC reported this way i.e. factually, they would not be held in increasing ridicule.
#1 Anti-Brexit propaganda continues apace, especially from Miliband Major. Martha strove manfully to control or even interrupt his lengthy pro-EU, pro-mass-migration, anti-Brexit rants, but could not. The BBC will probably conclude ‘a balance has been struck’.
#2 The poor old skylark. Ignored by 40% (that then later became 60%) of the audience of ‘literary enthusiasts’ who could not recognise its song. Tsk, tsk! Fancy not listening to Tweet of the Day. Or Vaughan Williams. Call yourselves border literary enthusiasts? Hah!
Martha’s ‘country girl’ credentials took a bit of a battering when the birder expert, on the programme to wave a shroud for the skylark, pointed out that it was not an upland bird and that on Martha’s day off and out in the Welsh Border hills at the Licence Fee-payers’ expense, she was unlikely to have seen or even heard one.
The birder expert’s credentials then took a battering as an audience member stated they had plenty in the area in the downlands around Hay. There must have been a collective wince in the audience as he related that Victorians would catch larks and keep them as cage birds for their singing ability.
A worthy metaphor for the UK’s past membership of the EU. Kept in the EU cage to keep paying & following their rules (singing their song) at no real benefit to ourselves other than some strange form of security. Let the UK out, please, to fly, free as a lark, to rise to greater things!
#3 Not bias as such, although it is in a way. I note that the Toady Prog today had no less than four éditeurs du jour; two in London and two at the Hay Festival. Not only that, if I caught the garbled names correctly, they were all women.
Not sure having all those women on board (pun intended) helped the programme do better than its now standard pathetic, desultory and insultory, form.
The Rebel Media clip is long but it’s worth watching because it shows that Tommy Robinson was not the only reporter who has been covering the muslim rape gang trials and if anything his reporting is more restrained than the others but none of them had been jailed.
Vladtepes has a great blog that informs about the muslim problem in the UK, Europe, Canada, the USA and elsewhere.
Tonight on BBC 2 10.20pm
All girls Live At The Apollo
Get ready for a man hating fest
To behonest I’m not that bothered about lefty women ‘comedians’ (is there such a thing as a right wing British female comedian?) extracting the urine out of men through humour. Men often deserve it. We need to laugh at ourselves.
However, I begin to object to it when the BBC claim to haughtily support anti sexist values and then put this programme on.
For those of you outside the Greater London region you may
have no idea what a biased regional TV programme we
I have written about the Londonistan programme many times.
The number one hate topic of the programme is the revulsion
the fifth columnist,Trotskyist,anarchist editors, sub editors, and
researchers have for the Metropolian Police has no bounds.
I am just surprised that there is not a statue of Mark Duggan
in the studio.
Maybe those of you north of Watford dont know that all
the stabbing and gun murders in the metropolis are the fault
of the police in London. We have to watch, well we dont really
have to watch night after night Riz Lateef or Asad Ahmed telling
us from their prepared scripts. I wont blame them, that some
policeman is guilty of this or that.
I was surprised then when they did a feature on the LUSH
window advertisements.” What’s this all about ” I thought had
somebody seen the Road to Damascus? BUT as the feature
unfolded it became aware that from a promissing beginning
the story was twisted in a way that LUSH were correct in
their assumptions.
I know some of you are saying ” Foscari why do you watch this
bilge?” It’s because if we dont try to bring this
travesty of biased reporting by the BBC into view , who else
will do it?
I still find it incredibly amusing that women who were anti-establishment or anarchist political activists, suddenly want society to have rules – and the rule of law – to protect them from their own romantic and sexual choices of the past. Most peculiar.
Look North with Peter Levy is one of the most biased things on the BBC in our area. Tim Iredale, their political editor, always has the camera pointing at him from below to increase the sneer with which he speaks. We frequently have the Labour mp Diana Johnson (North Hull) giving her opinion freely, unquestioned whereas if we occasionally get a Conservative MP the interrupting is frequent and the sneering often, usually with a final question that is no question at all but a political point made with a rapid cut off so the Conservative MP has no right of reply. (That sort of point scoring frequently happens on Toady too).
I’d think that if the British people were anywhere near as racist as the BBC says, that some horrible bigot would end Choudary’s sojourn on this planet the moment he walked free.
It won’t happen, because the British people are astonishingly tolerant. He’s more likely to be offed by a rival Muslim, probably.
Grenfell on radio4 AGAIN
If the flats can rent there for £2,000 /week for 2 beds
Anyone knows that were the normal residents paying ?
This Londonbubble journalist keeps talking about the area having the worst poverty in the country.
(They’ve made a special 90min download of the prog, you paid for)
now @BbcRadio4 "Journalist Cole Moreton walks across the London Borough of Kensington" ☑London ☑Immigrants ☑Grenfell ☑Gay spoke to one ☑PovertyPorn ☑Labour MP Emma Dent Coad ☑Windrush ☑Polish ☑African No yet featured trans, nor overbias to women
Sunday 9pm BBC2 #FrankieGoesToRussia with Frankie Boyle
2 part series made by ITN
Comedian @frankieboyle heads to Russia before the World Cup to go behind the stereotypes and half-truths of Russian football and culture with his trademark provocative humour in our new series #FrankieGoesToRussia. Don't miss ep1 on Sunday at 9pm on
The FT has a misleading front page headline: “Top earners bear biggest tax rises”. When you dig a little deeper it appears that more Income Tax was paid in the High and Additional Rate bands last year, not that tax rises of the stealth variety had been applied on the quiet to high earners by Philip Hammond or his predecessor.
What has happened and the FT has mis-attributed, is that incomes have increased for higher earners and that it is that fact which has brought them within the scope of a higher band and led to the payment of more Income Tax. The process is known as ‘Fiscal Drag’ and is quite often mistakenly used by the Conservative Party as the reason to cut income taxes for high earners. Sajid Javid, the current Home Secretary, went in for that little bit of taqiyya on BBC Radio 4 when he was a Treasury Secretary for George Osborne.
The FT ought to know about this ‘Fiscal Drag’ thing.
I wonder if the BBC will repeat it without checking it first?
The recent attempt by Guardian writer Afua Hirsch to trash the reputations of both Nelson and Churchill is a valuable insight into a liberal agenda that seeks to destroy the British nation and its unique culture. Britain is in a weakened state, unsure of its place in the world and the vultures are starting to circle.
Hirsch views everything through the prism of race. Vice-Admiral Viscount Horatio Nelson spent his adult life protecting Great Britain from its enemies. His great victory at Trafalgar where he lost his own life destroyed any hope the despot Bonaparte had of invading Britain. Sir Winston Churchill roused the nation to defend itself when little stood in the way of the dominant German army and Adolf Hitler.
Privately educated Hirsch seems to care nothing about these achievements – it is not obvious that she is even aware of them. Nelson is said to have protected the slave trade by his navel actions and Churchill made some disobliging comments about some of the cultural practices found in India at the time. Unfortunate yes, but so are the actions of almost every historically important figure back to antiquity if they are to be judged on the standards of the present day.
Nelson and Churchill were creations of their time. What is Hirsch’s excuse for describing the corrupt, depraved Winnie Mandela as a hero? If she was white there would be no debate about it, she added. One wonders what Hirsch’s view would be if Horatio and Winston had had a penchant for burning black opponents alive by dousing them with petrol? Everything in Hirsch’s liberal world is connected to race – your race excuses or convicts everything. So a fighter against apartheid is seemingly forgiven the odd misdemeanor but a man such as Nelson who devoted his life to navel service in the cause of his country is lambasted for matters well beyond his control.
The state broadcaster recently allowed Tenayi Achiume to blow into town and pollute the airways by castigating the British as racists. Nobody in the liberal media thought to ask questions about her views on unlimited immigration. According to Achiume, we operate from a “baseline of entitled exclusion”. Put it another way – the nation state does not have the authority to regulate who lives within its own borders.
People like Hirsch and Achiume hate the lessons of history where the strong defend themselves and survive – was it ever so throughout history in nation, jungle or bush. Defending your culture is often hard, the enemies are always circling – and so liberalism is the smug new easy option. They have become rich enough to be stupid – the prerogative of louche and entitled aristocrats throughout history. Mark Steyn wrote recently about arrested adolescents passing off their self absorption as high-mindedness. Life is a silly John Lennon song and when 22 young people are blown to bits they chant “Don’t look back in anger”. It is so much easier than taking the hard choices required to defend the British culture that once elevated people like Nelson and Churchill to national heroes.
If Britain and its indigenes are so horrid to blacks and browns: why do so many of them still want to move here; whilst those who are already here, wish to remain?
And why, having completed postgraduate degrees in Racist White Colonialism Studies at SOAS, are they not going to Africa to benefit their kind with the knowledge they have acquired?
“I’m always amazed by the constant complaining of ethnics. They seem entirely oblivious to the fact that they are only a single major political shift away from sitting in the Third World, watching people fight to the death over rice and recalling they days they once inhabited paradise.”
Andrew Joyce
Country – You have hit the point on the head . However Oxygen thieves like this particular young lady do have a point – if you are a cultural marxist and want disassemble the current culture and society and want to try and replace it with something concocted on the back of a fag packet in a sixth form common room.
What individuals like this also do (when you have a disloyal and traitorous state broadcaster) is to push any debate further leftwards so the new centre ground lurches further to the left.
In addition they help to change and pervert societies perceptions. So in future when we think of Nelson we think of slave owners rather than a true hero. Similair manipulation of perceptions seem to happen when say there is a Jihadi terrorist attack , as soon as they think they can get away with it the BBC try and switch the debate away from the attack to concern about muslims suffering “looks in the street” rather than the real victims.
I know I am pushing a point but we would never have to suffer this sort of insufferable crap if we did not have a MSM and state dominated media that is complicit in the distortion of accepted facts and beliefs (that historically have helped to add to the unity of society)
What we are in fact getting from the left wing media is a complete package which aims to change our society into theirs. Remember we had years of the MSM talking about “Islamophobia ” and then if by magic we have “hate” laws and now with the aid of the MSM and the MCB they are doing it again.
The next subject they will be trying to destroy are mens relationships with women. Of course certain members of favoured groups wont have to worry about this because they take their lead from the perfect book written by the most perfect man rather than the BBC.
This wretched individual really is an indication of a society that has lost its self respect and is losing its way and is now being told what to do by those who do not have its best interests at heart.
Sorry its a bit long winded but I do believe all this stuff is linked.
It’s been suggested by many before that she might leave this ghastly country and its ghastly, racist indigenous peoples. I very seriously think that is what she should do, and if she needs any financial assistance, I’m ready and willing to make a contribution. Let her live in Ghana and let’s see how she progresses there!
How is she not committing ‘hate’ crimes in this country? 🙁
Chris M – good post.
The only reason that Hirsch and her supporting group of race grievance-mongers get away with all this is that we have so few ‘politicians’ prepared to stand up and point out that she’s talking rubbish. The BBC and Guardianistas will fully back her so she’s onto a good thing, despite having only a tiny army of fanatics who actually believe the silly bint.
The stuff she writes (along with Alibhai-Brown etc) is really just clickbait to annoy sensible people. And when people attack her personally for being an ungrateful bitch she can drop the booby-trap word ‘Racist!’.
Until some proper tory politicians (who you could count on the fingers of one hand) get a bit more militant and vocal, the leftward drift of political discourse can’t be stopped. Until their fairy tale world falls apart.
But I’m not expecting tory defections to UKIP, or other fringe right-wing-ish parties any time soon. So in the UK we will continue to be seen as “crazy people worried about nonsense” as this blog relates :
Note – in visiting some US blogs I often find you may get some anti-jewish American nutters in the comments, but I guess it’s probably no worse than visiting Momentum’s website.
It’s worth reading what Chris McGovern has to say about someone that ‘the left’ adore, the ‘black’ Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole.
She’s the sort of person that they think should have statues made about and to replace those of Nelson etc. Unfortunately she wasn’t too keen on niggers and maried a godson of Nelson called Edwin Horatio Hamilton Seacole.
We are all children of our times, we don’t get to choose the morals and actions of our current society or to remake those of the past.
I actually blame the media, social and otherwise for giving oxygen to her views. She has claimed her 15 minutes of fame by being controversial in decrying the history of this country, – in the same way that Katie Price used her breasts to seek her fortune. Had we heard of her 5 or even 3 years ago ? no. But now, like Alibaba Brown, she is a ‘fixture’ on the media circuit, and whereas I used to watch her to see what spurious twaddle she’d come out with, I just get annoyed and switch her off.
I don’t care if Corbyn is our next leader anymore…I don’t care if Brexit is stopped. Let’s see where the cards fall…
Today’s disgraceful two page spread in the Daily Mail on TR is the final straw for me. I’ve bought the DM for decades but, I won’t be buying it anymore…
Is there any commonsense Daily I can buy now? All recommendations gratefully received 🙂
“Today’s disgraceful two page spread in the Daily Mail on TR is the final straw for me. ”
Come on, don’t be silly! You need to understand that the DM is scrupulously respecting the principle of “innocent until proven guilty”, and the right of our criminal justice system to insist on restraint as the legal process takes its course.
I think the Mail are doing a little more than that, by bringing together every right wing person they can paint as black as possible. And all the stuff about mortgage fraud, football hooliganism, all disputable and irrelevant to the issue of protecting the right to a fair trial.
Various people have made serious attempts to analyse the TR affair, including Melanie Phillips. However, by concentrating solely on the legal arguments I think they are failing to understand why so many people are uneasy about what has happened:
– Justice has not been seen to be done by a significant number of people. This suggests to me that the affair has been mismanaged.
– It must be seen within the context of previous attempts to silence TR. A pattern is emerging.
– I’d like to know if similar situations have arisen in the past and, if so, whether the criminal justice system has responded in the same extremely diligent way. Unfortunately, I don’t have the resources to conduct an investigation myself and I can’t see any organisation bothering, or perhaps daring, to do it.
Hmn. Ironic, or classic deflection? Has to be one or the other, they surely can’t hang all of these young British girls out to dry and fail to explain why the media completely ignored their desperate plight for years? Or maybe they can? Utter disgrace.
Sorry that you’re depressed but were you really expecting anything else from a ghastly rag like the Daily Mail?
I despise the (so called) right wing press more that I do the Beeb or The Guardian. At least there’s no pretence that they’re on our side, but the Mail is just full of hypocritical crap. It hasn’t the balls to tell the truth, it runs with the hares and hunts with the hounds and has headlines suggesting that dithering Theresa is some sort of latter day Boudicca. It exists solely to muster support for the dreadful Conservative Party. It wouldn’t matter who was at the helm, Chamberlain or Churchill, it’s all the same to these charlatans.
The gutter press is in the gutter for a reason.
That’s where it deserves to be.
To have such a strong opinion of the DM I must assume that you read it every day? If you don’t…and be honest here…how did you form such opinions? I can’t see how you arrived at some of your conclusions whilst agreeing with some others.
I believe that I’m not greatly influenced by the News propaganda, whether it be on TV or in a Paper…I just try to pick out the truth and logic from both as best I can…and the Internet, of course.
So, in your opinion, is there any Daily Paper I might buy that is as close as possible to being unbiased and full of common sense? Does one exist? 🙁 🙂
I see that the lib mob are just theorising a new campaign.
They are using the words “dogs-brexit” to try to build animosity and get people to give up.
… Well people here would send a pitchfork army to London if we don’t get Brexit.
Perhaps, the quicker we get back to the 15th century or earlier, would be welcomed. The continuing salami slicing of all that we hold dear continues apace. There are so many Fifth Columnists in place already that it would take decades to get rid of these people that have spent equal decades plotting for the transition of the UK into an islamic caliphate. Bit by bit, the knot tightens and resistance? None. Did you know that after various and highly serious, ‘bacon sandwich’ type incidents around mosques, the Government put £2 million into the protection of ‘faith institutions’. Note the slippery term. Would that be churches, chapels and the like or, mosques and the mushrooming islamic schools? Bet I know. Taxpayers money. Where is our saviour? Nowhere to be seen. Only the 87.2% of the population (white 87.2%, black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%, Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%, Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%, mixed 2%, other 3.7% (2011 est.)) can do anything about it but, needless to say, in the main, they’re glued to the ‘telly’.
Can I add a little more to above?
You probably have seen this video before. It is Jordan Peterson with Jo Coburn and Ayesha Hazarika (“From 2007 to 2015, Hazarika served as a political adviser to senior Labour Party figures,[7] including Harriet Harman and Ed Miliband.” – If you go in to 5mins and play what Hazarika has to say about her political achievement in putting law, on to the “Statute Book”. A muslim advisor? It rings of the likes of Milliband et al, jumping on an idea thinking, “thats a good idea….”. Her efforts highlight one of the Fifth Columnists I refer to above.
True to type how Coburn manages a nasty dig at Trump near the end, drawing on Peterson’s comment that he would have voted for him. Why not make mention of the “Feminism” of Hilary Clinton in attacking and silencing any “sisters” who accused her husband of molesting them?
Here is an interesting development-
The sister of the newly married Meghan Markle tweeted a petition calling on British Prime Minister Theresa May to “free” the former leader of the English Defence League.
The petition, which has been signed by more than 500,000 people, praises the behaviour of Tommy Robinson and calls for his release saying: “Its time we stand together, stand strong, and stand by his side.”
Guess what? The BBC News Channel manages to spin the new law in Bavaria to display crucifixes in public buildings as potentially anti-Islam. Why does everything have to be linked to that religion?
Because the BBC love Islam. I wouldn’t be surprised if many bbc employees are converts or Muslims; the upper English classes and your average middle class metro-trendy left wing prats think it’s exotic and cool to dabble with foreign religions and cultures – it’s always been like this especially with the upper classes. But the working classes always pay the price for the elitists’ utter stupidity and immaturity. Also, Muslims are being used by cultural Marxists as ‘useful idiots’ to dilute the indigenous anglo-Christian population… it’s classic neoliberalist consumer theory; remove nationalism and open the borders – and ideally introduce a people who can be easily led. Blind and thick followers of a religion are easy to manipulate both politically and economically, thus the neoliberal globalists can use these brainwashed morons as potential consumers once the host nation’s secular society has cooled their religious fervour.
Excuse me while I put on my tin hat but I’d wager that the CIA/bilderberg/global finance elites are behind this huge diaspora of peoples. One people one world, run by an elite global leadership… however, in their one-world plan these globalist reptilian-human hybrids ????didn’t factor in how violent and uncontrollable Muslims actually are…. thus, the whole experiment will most likely backfire in which case the world will become an appalling cesspit of violence, suffering and war rather than a neoliberalist paradise.
How’s that for a crazy illuminati-type theory? ???? I think I had too much ale last night lol
Fear not, Alex.
“…. Muslims are being used by cultural Marxists as ‘useful idiots’….”. I’m afraid I don’t agree. Until we see prayers taking place five times a day to Marxism, I think islam has the upper hand. In fact, I’d go so far as to suggest reversing your assertion: I think that islam sees the cultural marxists as the ‘useful idiots’. Islam has a far greater plan than the ‘children of the Revolution’ will ever have. I think they’re simply, ‘cadging a lift’ until they can cast off on their own. Not too long now.
Correct, G.
When Kalergi dreamed about the Europeans of the future being coffee coloured through interbreeding, I bet he never imagined that the ones providing the shade would have an agenda of their own.
Room 101 here with your indoctrination news.
BBC2 1315 Saturday. Athletics Diamond League highlights.
At 1345 coverage is interrupted by a wordless piece of feminist advertising propaganda. The final caption was something like Yes Girls Can. I think I saw a logo from the National Lottery.
So we are now getting feminist extremism paid for not just by the licence fee but by the lottery as well.
Far from all the media making out that Tommy is an impetuous racist fool who deserved to go to prison, maybe at some point in the future they might have the grace to recognise how brave he was putting himself on the firing line.
He ran the risk of prison and breaking a ridiculous law to bring continued attention to a series of disgusting crimes that the MSM are doing their very best to ignore and give scant attention to.
Maybe when the crimes become so regular and can no longer be ignored or suppressed by the state and MSM, some people will look on Tommy as having done a noble thing to generate this groundswell of anger at a constantly ignored and rarely confronted problem.
I wonder if people at the time told Rosa Parkes that she was an idiot for defying the existing law or whether they would have told Emmeline Pankhurst that she got what she deserved when being arrested and jailed for her righteous fight – unlikely.
But history has judged them differently, honoured them for their actions in railing against the state and praised them for the courage of their convictions. Maybe one day we’ll be able to acknowledge Tommy for his courage and the sacrifices that he (and his family made) for being a driving force in raising awareness for these abhorrent acts perpetrated against this nation’s young girls and women.
I’m sure we’ll remember Tommy far longer than the out of touch politicians and moronic judges who seem more concerned with punishing the messenger rather than the criminals.
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” (Usually attributed to Schopenhauer).
I share your disbelief in the editorial judgement of the Daily Mail in publishing this piece, for the paper usually speaks for the silent majority of the decent, good people of this country in the onslaught of the Progressive Marxists.
My only suggestion is that it ticks some sort of box in the Mail’s view that they offer “balance”, just as the BBC put up a token Tory to throw tomatoes at.
Richard Pendelbury, the article author, is a typical guilt-ridden, bleeding-heart “Progressive” whose smugness and moral grandstanding arrogance comes from the fact that he is a self-confessed SJW:
…my personal mission is to serve the most needy in society, especially in my own city. It’s about justice – social justice.
He tried being an Army officer, but they turned him down for “lack of initiative”. He became an accountant, worked for a building society, then a property developer
The Army knows a limp-wristed wet when they see one for sure.
The fluff piece here says all you need to know about him:
E…I appreciate your shared disbelief, because I’m beginning to doubt my own sanity these days 😉
The silence from the MSM concerning the arrest and global interest/protests has been deafening. Whether they like him or loathe him, surely the TR affair has been very newsworthy? I can only assume that the MSM believes that ANY sort of coverage would be bad for the plebs.
Much is being made of the legal technicalities and the trial of rapist gangs etc. whilst totally ignoring the bigger picture…and I believe it’s the bigger picture that should be concentrated on.
The MSM deliberately ignores the TR affair assuming it will just fade away. I wonder…
Enoch the first line it says – “In an ideal world Richard Pendlebury would probably prefer you weren’t reading this. He has a secret, but it’s such a splendid one that he’s decided to share it.”
The Daily Mail went along with the ridiculous definition of a hate crime as anything that the person concerned thought was offensive, irrespective of any objective evidence. So there have been doubts about that paper for quite a while now.
Metro-Lib watch : Hey Kinnock family is the Eurocrat Royal Family
… I never knew
Neil and wife Glennock have their snouts in the Brussels trough
whilst son Stephen the MP lends support
and his wife Helle Thorning-Schmidt is the Danish Ex-PM
(AKA Gucc Helle ..well they all seem champagne socialists )
She @HelleThorning_S is now CEO Save the Children International, $257,360 p/a
Stephen was said to be the secret gay for the way he lived in Switzerland whilst his wife lived Copenhagen with the children.
I think they now live together in London.
(Vid of her instructing him what to say in TV interview in 2017)
HTS: “You don’t know anything.”
SK: “I know.”
Prince Kinnock was in trouble cos his wife tried to avoid Danish house taxes by saying he owned the house.
Trouble was he was claiming to be resident in Switzerland for tax purposes.
I haven’t been here for sometime, cancelled my licence with the BBC and migrated over to Netflix fully back around the New Year, and since then have generally been feeling rather more upbeat about life in general. Wish I’d done it years ago to be honest.
Anyway, from time to time I visit the BBC ‘News’ website still, and logging on today I can’t believe how utterly (pathetically, childishly) PC it’s become.
if you haven’t bothered to read it, it’s basically an excuse for an angry rant about ‘racism’, by an ‘academic’ described as: “Dr Kehinde Andrews, Associate Professor in Sociology at Birmingham City University, who is also the co-chair of the Black Studies Association.”
Only the thing is, I believe he’s wrong, wrong about the origins and reasons for ‘black face’ in all its many different forms, and about what it meant to many people in the past. Of course there is no counter-argument… just ‘black face’ is racist and wrong… fact, fullstop, any arguing otherwise is racist and likely to get you locked up by the thought police, so shut up if you know what’s good for you… or else…
But, the thing is, I’m quite convinced ‘blacking up’ has been around in Europe for much, much longer than black sub-Saharan Africans have. In which case, what we’re seeing in Medieval Mummers Plays and Morris Dancing can trace it’s origins back before most Europeans would have ever seen a ‘Black’ person. I’m not talking here about ‘black and white minstrels’ which I can agree does seem pretty ‘racist’ these days, but about much older, unconnected traditions, where people were ‘blacked up’ to represent spirits, and yes, doubtless evil ones too.
Hmm… that’s not possible though is it, because ‘black people’ were here before the white ones, right? Or so goes the more and more weirdly ahistorical and bizarre BBC narrative.
How does white, Europeans traditionally blackening their faces to play the part of ‘evil spirits and demons’, differ from: Australian Aborigines, South American Native Peoples, Black Africans, Papua New Guineans, Chinese etc… whitening their faces to play out the part of ‘ghosts’ and ‘witches’ and ‘evil spirits’ in their own folk dances and plays?!!
There isn’t one iota of difference is there.
The complete lack of awareness of the hypocrisy is what really makes me think we live in a world gone mad.
I’ve seen plenty historical dramas on the Beeb, ITV and C4 in the last few years and there were lots of ethnic minorities taking part. Luvvies changing history? Never!
Morris Dancers and others can trace their blacking up to historical sources unrelated to to people with black skin. Consider the notorious Black Act, which had sod all to do with de racist whitey. It was aimed at repressing de landless white man who dem property owners had hung. Dem poachers blacked dere faces at night so de masters could not see dem catching brer rabbit. Strange fruit was Dan de poacher.
Black Act
Status: Amended
The Black Act (9 Geo. 1 c. 22) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain passed in 1723 in response to a series of raids by two groups of poachers, known as the Blacks. Arising in the aftermath of the South Sea Bubble’s collapse and the ensuing economic downturn, the Blacks gained their name from their habit of blacking their faces when undertaking poaching raids. They quickly demonstrated both “a calculated programme of action, and a conscious social resentment”,[1] and their activities led to the introduction of the Black Act to Parliament on 26 April 1723; it came into force on 27 May. The Act introduced the death penalty for over 50 criminal offences, including being found in a forest while disguised, and “no other single statute passed during the eighteenth century equalled [the Black Act] in severity, and none appointed the punishment of death in so many cases”.[2] Following a criminal law reform campaign in the early 19th century, it was largely repealed on 8 July 1823, when a reform bill introduced by Robert Peel came into force.
Socil Justice Warriors who go on about blacking up might check the history of the people they despise.
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Free Tommy!
Seconded both in terms of position and Tommy
I know I did you wrong last time – so I doff my cap to you and take my rightful position behind you. But I am really delighted with my third place. Oh – I seem to have relegated Alicia to fourth (many apologies).
No worries Broadcasting,
Oh dear Alicia, are you now fifth?
The sisterhood won’t be happy.
And sack the judge and Yorkshire police chief who jailed him.
Third again!
I`m dedicating my bronze medalling to Briss and all the girls here.
And can I have a cyber statue please, this glass ceiling in cyberworld has been broken…
Remember me Cassie!
I bloody knew it ! the moment I leave a comment on the last site, ups pops a new thread. I’m throwing my toys out of the pram here. Licia we have to have a survellience watch and take it in turns, so, come Sunday night………
I’m guilt ridden . Can every one look at the previous thread as a lot of effort might be missed . I tried to catch it at the right time by it really is a 25 Hour a day operation – which speaks for itself eh?
Thought a new Thread would open for the w/e, Brissles, at any moment when I was posting on the old one. Having had two brief ‘moments in the sun’ – one by accident! – in the past, I’m none too bothered & wasn’t diligently watching or lurking.
Having filed my Last Post and about to play same before retiring, I checked and lo – and behold! Crafty Fedup2 managed to camouflage the new one by placing it underneath the Mid-week Thread and the extra Arsenal footie Thread on the Home Page. Nice one, Fed! You played a blinder, son.
There were only three posts up and I nearly dived in, to spend time between the posts, and congratulate Cassandra for her header (enough with the footie analogies, already!) but couldn’t think of anything more than that, so didn’t. Book at Bedtime claimed my attention instead.
As it’s Literary festival time, I’m not sure why William Trevor is regarded so highly, at the Beeb and elsewhere. I was underwhelmed by Tuesday to Friday’s offerings and wish he had expanded the Monday night offering, ‘The Piano Teacher’s Pupil’, into a full novella or novel.
Hope there is a better one next week.
Came here, hoping for my PB to have been honoured.
But some rum `un…who won`t be named…has had a pop.
If I bring the rose and Doritos tomorrow evening-and Cassandra agrees to help-I reckon that we can freeze out the boys.
And especially “wrong” of them . Who I won`t name.
Noble seconding of Tommy saved him and his cat from ending up in my pot boiling fondue on the blasted heath tomorrow evening.
I ate pigs testicles in error , once in a Guangzhao cafe.
Was the owners name Mr Wong?….just saying!
If it`s in Delia I can cook it!
Free Tommy stil though!
The future must not belong to those who slander the opponents of Islam
Not really BBC but a nice little hit piece by Richard Pendlebury on Tommy Robinson that would do the BBC proud full of inaccuracies and accusations.. Comments are mixed with quite a few in favour of Tommy .
What struck me however were the comment votes. With one particular comment saying he was scum and anyone who supports him needs watching outnumbering the down votes by some 5000 to 1000 – interesting, I think someone on the Mail has been busy.
This really was an establishment lick spittle piece which the Mail has become very adept at. We need to remember this was the “right of centre” paper that championed the rise to the top of our current sharia compliant PM. Now it seems to be focusing energy on people like Tommy who represent a threat to that same craven establishment.
After reading this rubbish the Rudyard Kipling poem “Tommy” came to mind. Truer today than it ever was – “Its Tommy this and Tommy that —————–!
Meanwhile, the BBC ‘one degree of seperation’ wet work team runs into problems…
And the response to these people, including Piers Morgan, is what were they doing while all of our young girls were being systematically raped, tortured, trafficked and murdered, by muslims, over decades?
Oaknash-You are 100% correct in your assumptions. BUT what
can you expect from the Daily Malicious who with one paper
the Daily Mail is Brexit’s number one supporter. And it’s sister
paper the Mail on Sunday is opposed to Brexit!!.
I would like to ask Richard Pendlebury who did this hatchet
job on Robinson, did he or the rest of the fourth estate know
anything, with what was going on with the Muslim grooming raping gangs when Tommy Robinson and Andrew Norfolk of the Times
were reporting the atrocoties?
I am ashamed to be a citizen of the UK the way in which Tommy Robinson was banged up for 13 months in four hours. Whilst the
cowards at the BBC and the rest of the media kept “stumm” in
fear of being labelled racists, for twelve years.
TOMMY ROBINSON !!!! FREE TOMMY ROBINSON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have just clicked on your link and read the Comments – Best Rated. The first two as you noticed are anti Tommy with massive up-votes, ALL the rest are pro Tommy with massive up-votes! I have noticed this before with the Mail. The readership are usually fairly consistent in their views but now and again something this blatent happens. My fav. response is ‘such bias drivel is worthy of the BBC’… 883 up – 68 down.
Update – Do you suppose the DM follow this site? The Best Rated massively up-voted anti Tommy comments have vanished. Just one left as far as I can see.
The ‘bias drivel worthy of the BBC’ doing well now on 1524/109.
Funnily enough Pat I checked too and found the same thing! I didnt post anything about it because I thought I had missed something and didnt want to re-check.
Looks like someone doesn’t like being found out!
If the crooked establishment toadies want to fiddle they should at least do it well!
Richard you should be ashamed at calling yourself a “journalist”. anyone who does not see this appalling hit piece as more establishment virtue signalling to close the breach of effluent now pouring out of the British judiciary has been totally brainwashed by pseudo journalism such as your vile piece.
my reply to Richard-not published of course!
caught a bit of the so called bbc’s r4 so called comedy shite tonight
abortion is a human right apparently, by golly I dont really have skin in the abortion argument, but I thought human rights were invented to stop krauts trying to wipe every jew from the face of europe, not to entitle you to kill somebody cos you cant be arsed using a condom or keeping your legs shut.
then on to the blessed tommy, parents came from ireland and for some reason didnt have an abortion, oooooohhh how they laughed.
shame they wont actually mention the real details which get more disturbing by the day
thankfully jujitsu called and getting battered around was more fun than listening to their crap
Kaiser ,
Yes they think they do satire . But true satire is making fun of the powerful and the establishment .
Al Beeb no longer does that , instead it sneers at the powerless , as TR is now he’s banged up . Sneering at the licence payers who don’t hold liberal/ left opinions is their forte . We can’t answer back , we don’t have a media organisation to counter them , we don’t have millions of pounds to get back at them .
Al Beeb picks on conservative people and or libertarian , patriotic , old , white , middle class , ” left behinders ” , seekers of proper justice rather than social justice , people who think you should at least try to find work , people with higher mores and values than themselves ( who don’t think “edgy ” comedy is funny ) , traditionalists and anybody dubious about the new plan for mankind that the Gramscis want .
In short , the BBC is a bullyIng organisation .
Perhaps it should be called the Biased Bullying Corporation .
Or the Biased Bullying Cowards , as they back down if you do have right and might on your side .
Which is why the creepy little “comedians ” cling to Aunty’s apron and spout the approved line on every subject . They are afraid their meal ticket will end in a proper commercial market .
Satire ?
Don’t make me laugh BBC . Oh you don’t you humourless , intolerant , two faced bullying cowardly troughers .
I am sure one of the B’s stands for bollocks, not sure which one though
Brussels Bully Corporation?
I wonder if the Miliband major anti-Brexit rant at Hay this morning will be carefully edited into a soundbite or news extract for 10am, 11am, noon, 1pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 9pm, 10pm and 11pm (did I miss any?) News bulletins and News programmes?
Millipede held (holds?) some very dangerous views; which at one time embraced that the long term enlargement of the EU, should include North African countries.
It is incredible to think that at one time this man could have been in the running to be Prime Minister; potentially with a better chance of succeeding than his comparably loathsome sibling.
“…gradually bring the countries of the Mahgreb, the Middle-East and Eastern-Europe in line with the single-market, not as an alternative to membership, but potentially as a step towards it.” – David Miliband, speaking at College of Bruges as Foreign Minister, Nov. 2007.
As Miliband is no longer working for the International Rescue Committee – that’s the one financed by Soros, by the way, not the one on Tracy Island – he is continuing with his planned role as the Globalist’s puppet in No 10, a Macron or Trudeau for Britain. Hence him being parachuted in to help prevent Brexit and unlimited coverage on the BBC. Here’s a bit more about his involvement with Scott, Virgil, Alan, Gordon and John (brains being noticeable by their absence).
Incidentally, at his speech in Bruges, he was speculating on a timescale of 2030 for Turkey and North Africa making their geography-defying leap into Europe. The ‘Eastern-Europe’ he was referring to was Ukraine… and Russia. Think you might want to run that one past Mr Putin first, although it helps explain why your old bosses pumped money into financing the Ukrainian coup.
Kaiser and Nibor
I listened to some of that – The News Quiz – and noted that they managed to get in two so-called jokes about Tommy Robinson. One during the Rosanne Barr item and one during the Irish abortion item. Apparently Andy Hamilton* thinks that TR’s parents should have taken the opportunity to abort him when they came from Ireland to England.
They had to fit TR in somewhere as part of the virtue signalling onslaught against TR. Another example of them thinking that it’s ok to do this because they are nice people and all nice people hate the likes of TR don’t they? The important thing is for as many people as possible to destroy this false link.
Also Susan Calman got in a comment about her bl**dy wife.
* It could have been Jeremy Hardy who sounds exactly like Hamilton to me.
This is the latest Islamic indoctrination piece by the BBC – which they put on their CBBC website today:
It is actually an updated “What is Ramadan” feature article that they have run for the past two weeks.
For the past two weeks they have also had a Ramadan Quizz placed on the CBBC homepage:
And there’s more Kids – want to know what it is like to fast?:
Here’s seven things you kids must absolutely know about Ramadan:
And it doesn’t stop there – they are even indoctrinating kids on their cbeebies channel (aimed at under 7’s):
Let’s Celebrate: Ramadan Quiz
Let’s Celebrate: Eid al-Fitra
Let’s Sing: Eid al-Adha
Let’s Make Pakoras for Eid al-Fitra
And did you know the BBC Asian Network Channel recently had a debate asking whether denying your children an Islamic learning at school (as part of Religion and Citizenship classes) is Islamophobic. This was after complaints were made that some non-Muslim parents were forbidding their children to attend such classes.
Well, this article looks interesting….
Sultan of Yogyakarta: A feminist revolution in an ancient kingdom
…and, they’re Muslims (yet again)
Interesting links there.
Would you let your children attend ‘Islam classes’ in what was known as ‘Religious Education’ at school?
Wait, there’s more! The BBC loves Ramadan. It also loves menstruation. So why not combine the two? You (didn’t) ask, so here it is: “Ramadan: Women’s ‘shame’ of eating during menstruation”: (see
Are they currently not running a story about pelvic thrusts whilst dressed in special attire to address this very issue?
When it comes to depicting Muslim women, the BBC adheres strictly to the Saudi/Foreign Office line. Here’s a suggestion for BBC staff: visit Pristina, the capital of Kosovo (you can fly from Luton, chance to check up with some jihadis before you go). The population there is 95% Muslim (I mean Kosovo, not Luton!). Notice how the women are not covered or veiled? You’ll see more headgear on the BBC home page than you’ll see in real life during a weekend visit. And they have beer and wine festivals to boot. But it “doesn’t fit the narrative”, does it, BBC?
“The population there is 95% Muslim (I mean Kosovo, not Luton!). “………
Have you been to Luton lately Ian ? its well on the way to being that percentage I can tell you.
Luton is only 95% if you include the security staff at the airport 🙂
A bit like Manchester, Ian.
I always look forward to having my passport Roper authenticated, when I fly back to the UK; the highlight of any return home.
Been there, had that done, AS, but I am more concerned by the buggers employed in security.
Wasn’t Salman Abedi’s dad supposed be in airport security at Manchseter, one of the reasons (whispered) the son was able to fly around North Africa and Europe with impunity, whilst supposedly being on a watch list?
Flew from Bombay to Heathrow a few years back. All of the immigraton staff were ‘Asian’. I’d fallen asleep on the plane and my initial thought – honestly – was that the plane had turned back and landed at Bombay. Not only the staff, there was absolutely nothing in the arrivals area to indicate what country you might be in.
IR, one of the few times I’ve felt really embarrassed by my own country was in the early 2000’s, when I flew into Heathrow and EVERY SINGLE person on passport control was an Asian woman in a headscarf; with a sole, white, male supervisor.
I could see the Australians waiting alongside me in the queue exchanging looks and raised eye brows, it was the worst homecoming I’ve ever had; especially when I’d been away for a year and just endured a +12 hours long-haul flight.
Frightening isn’t it?
SHouldn’t the leftie BBC be anti ALL religion equally?
I’m assuming there must be judicial guidance which led to Tommy Robinson getting thirteen months and no appeal process for a harsh sentencing provision
I’m not sure who Tommy Robinson’s MP might be but I’m sure that the current speaker will ensure all
back benchers have a nic e
Did anyone see the BBC’s latest vehicle for Prof Mary Beard?
Front Row Late at Night.
The only vehicle that should be considered for that hideous hag is a hearse.
When I switched on some bint was having an emotional breakdown. I suppose she is a leading accuser of Winestein, as she likened him to Walmart or Waldemort or whatever the archvillain in Harry Potter is called. Very original.
Also part of the coven was Laurie Penny. David Starkey taking this ” jumped up public-school girl” down a peg ion Youtube is a joy to watch.
Simply a tirade of manhate. Utter dregs from the bottom of the most toxic BBC barrel.
What’s not to like about Mary Beard ?
She was born to upper middle class parents , went to grammar school , then onto university which she has never left . In fact she’s never done a days proper work in her life , nor have her family . All academics who can be subsidised to sneer at the rest of us .
Then she’s a feminist , hates the USA , loves the EU , wants more immigration and admires Jeremy Corbin and supports Labour .
The fact that she is a bit vulgar ticks all the right boxes for Al Beeb and so she can trough it with them and think she’s a clever woman .
Oh and in Mary Beards and AlBeeb la la land it’s ok to wish death to millions of Americans but a slight bit of rough handling on her Twitter account is enough to call in the authorities . Perhaps that’s because she’s One Of Them .
I think Beard is best remembered for her “sneeriness” on a QT from Boston dealing with uncontrolled mass colonisation.
Rather than listen to “local people” who have to handle the problems of enrichment on a day to day basis, she read out some ridulous local authority report that suggested everything was hunky-dory and joyous. No doubt someone else on the panel suggested that what “local people” were reporting were merely their “perceptions” and that only writers of official reports, free of vulgar prejudice, were capable of determining what the truth really was.
A similar line from academic pontificators is that “complex problems require complex solutions”. Often heard when the horror of populism is beiing discussed on the BBC. These people athough they prattle away continually on the media, never actually come up with any solutions whether complex, simple or simplistic.
I wonder what the Romans would have made of her?
Or possibly out of her?
We got four days of coverage about Trump saying in private some patently awful countries were ‘sh*tholes’ and how racist this was; over Charlottesville it was about two weeks, all based on how he was not ‘quick enough to condemn the racists’ and DavId Duke liked Trump – all confected fakery turned up to eleven.
Yesterday we learn black unemployment is at a record low. Obama spoke of ‘anything being possible’ but nothing is possible if you are unemployed – utterly degrading, ruins your self-esteem and the most basic enjoyments of life are denied to you. And Obama did not get enough jobs for black people.
Not a single word about it from the BBC. That BBC that shrieks when a single black criminal is shot by a Police Officer has nothing to say about this fantastic news for hundreds of thousands of black Americans.
Obama looked and sounded good but he was useless.
Trump may be uncouth but he has been in the thick of it his whole life and knows what he is doing: getting people a job and keeping them safe, which is all government should be about.
Also what you see is what you get with Trump. Clinton, David Miliband or countless other politicians would never call anywhere a sh*thole, but would think it perfectly ok to be paid 100k for a ‘speech’ from companies they helped whilst in govenment etc. Their devious actions speak louder than any mere words Trump might utter. Trump is honest and speaks as one of us, not down his nose to us or like most of our leaders do.
O’Bummer told the workers whose jobs were gone when the factories relocated abroad, that those jobs weren’t coming back; Trump is bringing many of those jobs back.
Free Mohammad Gamoota. The unlucky grenfell one
Raising money to ensure Tommy Robinson is served with the best legal advice possible and:
A his personal safety is considered as paramount (i.e. he is not attacked in prison as before for his political views)
B he is allowed visits (already cancelled without notice)
C his case is reviewed and appealed wherever possible (no proper and fit legal representation was provided and the grounds for his arrest be closely examined )
Such an own goal locking him up like this. Now the whole world knows what he was reporting on.
Martha at the Hay Festival will be interviewing David Miliband. Oh goody….
Not for Anthony the three letter acronym. He prefers the one line zinger.
There are folk stealing their thunder on bikes?
Wow. Sopel gives credit to Trump. So the sneering was wrong, Jonny boy?!
OT, but it will be interesting how…. if the bbc covers it.
Interesting who gets to use ‘do as we say and don’t ask questions if we don’t’ mexemptions.
BBC News Channel at 7:35am did a bit about the World Cup and England’s “low expectations” (that was the BBCs words putting England down). They mentioned a bit about the gun tattoo on black player Raheem Sterling’s leg quoting it is a “personal work of art”.
Then a sudden jump to a group of black Nigerians in London queuing for 4 hours to buy the Nigerian team football top for £64 each. Who was sent to interview the black Nigerian fans? Yep, a black reporter.
So typical of the BBC. Didn’t even show the England tops but showed the Nigerian ones instead and plenty of black people. If they hate Britain so much why don’t they rename themselves to just “BC” or “bBc” at least?
From the footage I saw of the “England” team training, you could be easily forgiven for mistaking it for Nigeria’s.
First World Problems
BBC tv Biddy Baxter-style news alerts us this morning to all the Visa problems lately.
Turns out they are talking about both duff credit card company service and Roman Abramovich.
That first story really is the empitome of a first world problem. But we’ll link back to football later. Of course to the breakfast sofa team those computer glitches were a “nightmare” – where for one evening only you couldn’t pay your restuarant bill with a Visa card.
One had to smile when the eating house proprietor interviewed over the phone told them it wasn’t really so bad and he managed to work around the issue. Private sector, eh! Now if that had been the NHS etc he would surely have had a proper moan, been calling foul and demanding more investment.
So to fill the greivance gap suddenly opened up between the BBC’s scare headlines and the reality of the guest testimony our regulation presenters (the beta half-male and feisty female) have to tell us about people they know who had a bad time over this glitch. Very poor journo technique – but what we have come to expect.
And for our BAME viewers… but for those who don’t feel the need to condescend due to your overwhelming burden of white guilt you carry about with you… or if you don’t like association football, then do please look away now…
It’s the new Nigerian soccer jersey. Nice little BBC advert for Nike. Apparantly this new football shirt is the quite the fashion item. Seems there were very long queues in Oxford Street yesterday for this £64 worth of multiculturalism.
Gosh our BBC presenters do love this shirt.
Do you remember Norman Tebbit & his ‘cricket test’. You know his suggestion that when immigrants don’t come to support England at cricket but prefer to identify with their ‘home’ nation this might just possibly be an issue worth worrying about for the future?
Maybe that’s our First World Problem right there.
Excellent post, AISI. V. enjoyable read.
Slight tautology, but otherwise…
or perhaps he could have put it
after a barrage of insults and lies from every politician and newspaper and commentator in Britain
Trump imposes tarrifs
Surely some mistake this morning by the BBC. They have Babita Sharma presenting on Breakfast. Informative, pleasant, professional and dare i say it, attractive instead of Naga who is not. Blimey they’ll be reporting on terrorist incidents and Trump successes next! Maybe not.
“This not just a book review; this is a bbc book review”
Surprised they didn’t fly Katty back over again for a BOGOF.
Just after 0800 on Toady, Robinson asks Liam Fox a ‘flying question’ at the end of the interrogation over exports to the US. Robinson refers to Baroness Varsi’s assertion that the Conservative party and its MP’s is “simmering with islamaphobia” and what will they do about it. Fox diligently replies that they would investigate any allegation supported by evidence.
How nice it would have been if Fox answered, ‘if there is an underlying simmering of islamaphobia amongst the MP’s, it is reflected from the people the MP’s represent’………
But no, he fluffed it.
G, Dr Fox might have – even more usefully, in my view – used phobia correctly and observed that Islam is a religion and that some people do not like or even have a fear of organised religion. That can apply to any religion, not just Islam.
He might then have pointed out that sometimes people may be given cause to fear Islam, one year on from the Manchester and London Bridge/Borough Market terror attacks. Also that political decisions and democracy can trump religion and belief as in last week’s referendum on abortion in Eire.
But all that would require some personal will and quick thinking, an active mind and time, which is always in short supply if someone wishes to counter certain BBC narratives.
Footnote: It appears pretty obvious to me that the BBC (and others in the MSM) have been put up to push this ‘Islamophobia in the Conservative Party’-thing, by the Labour Party or some in the Labour Party.
As the BBC also appear very willing to perpetrate the Jeremy Thorpe saga for their own ends, perhaps they should be reminded to persist just a little more (my irony there – please note) in hounding Vince Cable, current leader of the Liberal Democrats for his recent massive slur against elderly voters who chose to vote Leave during the UK EU Referendum.
In an ideal world Up2, Liam Fox could have given an honest answer. But all readers of this site (except for the obvious) know that had Dr Fox given it, he would have been hounded out of office by the BBC within hours.
Sadly, D, too true.
I’d have thought that HMG and the Conservative party would have more serious problems on their plate than dealing with gratuitous accusations of “Islamophobia”.
Brexit, for one, unemployment, the trade deficit and national debt, the woeful cash-strapped state of the Army, the knife murders in London, Russian agents murdering people on British soil, any number of things.
RE: the Conservative party and its MP’s is “simmering with islamaphobia”
Let’s hope so! It’s about time the worm turned.
When the zero figures start increasing … then I will have hope for the future of the UK.
707 Days since UK voted to leave the EU @52%.
1 PM says ‘Brexit means Brexit’.
0 Days Since Leaving the EU.
. . .
22 Children murdered in Manchester.
1 PM said ‘Enough is enough’
0 Arrests followed.
. . .
600K Migrants Lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on Watch List.
3K Extreme Terrorists on Watch List.
1 PM who said ‘Enough is Enough’.
0 Removed from watch list.
. . .
364 Days of #WorldNoHijabDay NOT supported by UK Foreign Office.
1 Day of #WorldNoHijabDay supported by UK Foreign Office.
0 Requests for #WorldNoHijabDay (no hijab day)
. . .
184,595 People charged (2016) with non-payment of the BBC TV Licence Tax by Capita TV Licensing. (mostly women)
0 Apologies from Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans whose wages are paid under threat of prison.
. . .
448 Days since Owen Jones said he’d quit social media (11mar2017)
0 Days since Owen Jones quit social media.
. . .
137,000 girls and women living with FGM, and 144,000 girls at risk of FGM.
0 Arrests for FGM in UK even though it is illegal.
. . .
When the zero figures start increasing … then I will have hope for the future.
Stormin’ Norm is pointing out the entire Government and Civil Service establishment is doing everything in their power to drag their heels and mess this all up.
Which is brave.
Though I don’t think that is how it was meant to be taken.
GW, Stormin’ Norm ? Tebbit? Or someone else?
Smiffy. Laura’s sub-sub.
Oh! That is surprising. Obviously unintended then. Norm will probably be taken away for re-education.
If May had triggered Article 50 when she became PM, we would be out of the thing by the middle of next month.
Both bbc and Sky have gone completely over the top in their diversity quotas; the amount of ethnic minority news readers and reporters is surely now overrepresentative of their actual demographic. Please don’t think I am racist, I’m just sick that common purpose lefties are forcing companies to employ people based on ethnicity rather than talent. Some of the ethnic minority news readers don’t seem to be too bright and are obviously there to tick diversity boxes. It’s the same with women quotas, too. Every sodding sports review on the bbc now has to have women on it. We’ll get to the stage this century where men will be nothing but big Jessie soy boy gimps being walked around on a lead by their women.
“Please don’t think I am racist”
never apologise
That word has been overused so much its meaningless and people are starting to joke about themselves being rascists
Spot on Alex. All of the them are copying the channel 4 news model, apart from good morning Britain who are too busy fawning over the ridiculous Piers Morgan and the Madeley the tea leaf
Some of the ethnic minority news readers don’t seem to be too bright and are obviously there to tick diversity boxes.
This is something everyone knows, and talks about. Sadly even the sports reporters are not chosen for their knowledge , but to be a talking head reading an autocue. I refer in particular to Ore Oduba, who was in relative obscurity quoting the cricket scores on BBC News, then as a nobody he filled the black quota for Strictly and contentiously won it. Now he is pumped out at every opportunity to host this, front that, simply for winning a dance contest.
Orduba has the IQ of a fence post.
Thicker than a whale omelette, AS.
Londonistan crime: “….“African-Caribbean” people are “six times more likely than whites to be diagnosed as schizophrenic.” (Needless to say, that report blamed white “racism” for the higher black schizophrenia rates, even though it is an established fact that genetics plays the dominant role in that condition’s cause).”
I do admire The New Observers reporting on topics. This one is no exception. Journalism at its best. They cite sources and in this particular article, include these reports in the main article. Bravo I say. If more of the MSM and BBC reported this way i.e. factually, they would not be held in increasing ridicule.
Meanwhile, in La-La Land –
1969 …. man on the moon.
2018 … women in a cliterious suit. (ala BBC)
I can see how, in the spirit of education and information, there is value in intimate story reports to assist health matters.
However, quite how this ends up on BBC Science, rather than BBC Newsbe… BBC SexTeeHee using a nomark ‘comedienne’ in a daft outfit, escapes me.
There is no way anyone would shag Elaine
I think that this article is a little insensitive considering the BBC’s favoured and target audience and their penchant for clitoridectomy, MM.
BBC mock Islamic beliefs by showing a cliterios in it’s wholeness …
Sadly I may not be around in 20yrs too see the pc brigade conquer the western world. Gutted!!!!
Sm – for every action there is a reaction; you may well be around to see the re-conquest.
Back on the Chain Gang: TOADY Watch.
#1 Anti-Brexit propaganda continues apace, especially from Miliband Major. Martha strove manfully to control or even interrupt his lengthy pro-EU, pro-mass-migration, anti-Brexit rants, but could not. The BBC will probably conclude ‘a balance has been struck’.
#2 The poor old skylark. Ignored by 40% (that then later became 60%) of the audience of ‘literary enthusiasts’ who could not recognise its song. Tsk, tsk! Fancy not listening to Tweet of the Day. Or Vaughan Williams. Call yourselves border literary enthusiasts? Hah!
Martha’s ‘country girl’ credentials took a bit of a battering when the birder expert, on the programme to wave a shroud for the skylark, pointed out that it was not an upland bird and that on Martha’s day off and out in the Welsh Border hills at the Licence Fee-payers’ expense, she was unlikely to have seen or even heard one.
The birder expert’s credentials then took a battering as an audience member stated they had plenty in the area in the downlands around Hay. There must have been a collective wince in the audience as he related that Victorians would catch larks and keep them as cage birds for their singing ability.
A worthy metaphor for the UK’s past membership of the EU. Kept in the EU cage to keep paying & following their rules (singing their song) at no real benefit to ourselves other than some strange form of security. Let the UK out, please, to fly, free as a lark, to rise to greater things!
#3 Not bias as such, although it is in a way. I note that the Toady Prog today had no less than four éditeurs du jour; two in London and two at the Hay Festival. Not only that, if I caught the garbled names correctly, they were all women.
Not sure having all those women on board (pun intended) helped the programme do better than its now standard pathetic, desultory and insultory, form.
These links are well worth a visit.
The Rebel Media clip is long but it’s worth watching because it shows that Tommy Robinson was not the only reporter who has been covering the muslim rape gang trials and if anything his reporting is more restrained than the others but none of them had been jailed.
Vladtepes has a great blog that informs about the muslim problem in the UK, Europe, Canada, the USA and elsewhere.
thanks for the link
How can an appeal possibly fail? If it does fail there will certainly be trouble.
Tonight on BBC 2 10.20pm
All girls Live At The Apollo
Get ready for a man hating fest
To behonest I’m not that bothered about lefty women ‘comedians’ (is there such a thing as a right wing British female comedian?) extracting the urine out of men through humour. Men often deserve it. We need to laugh at ourselves.
However, I begin to object to it when the BBC claim to haughtily support anti sexist values and then put this programme on.
But could you imagine highlighting an all men ‘Live at the Apollo’? I presume the people on it were chosen because they are women. Isn’t that sexist?
In the recent commonwealth games boxing tournament. All the woman boxers wore headgaurds but the men never. The feminazis missed that one
For those of you outside the Greater London region you may
have no idea what a biased regional TV programme we
I have written about the Londonistan programme many times.
The number one hate topic of the programme is the revulsion
the fifth columnist,Trotskyist,anarchist editors, sub editors, and
researchers have for the Metropolian Police has no bounds.
I am just surprised that there is not a statue of Mark Duggan
in the studio.
Maybe those of you north of Watford dont know that all
the stabbing and gun murders in the metropolis are the fault
of the police in London. We have to watch, well we dont really
have to watch night after night Riz Lateef or Asad Ahmed telling
us from their prepared scripts. I wont blame them, that some
policeman is guilty of this or that.
I was surprised then when they did a feature on the LUSH
window advertisements.” What’s this all about ” I thought had
somebody seen the Road to Damascus? BUT as the feature
unfolded it became aware that from a promissing beginning
the story was twisted in a way that LUSH were correct in
their assumptions.
I know some of you are saying ” Foscari why do you watch this
bilge?” It’s because if we dont try to bring this
travesty of biased reporting by the BBC into view , who else
will do it?
I still find it incredibly amusing that women who were anti-establishment or anarchist political activists, suddenly want society to have rules – and the rule of law – to protect them from their own romantic and sexual choices of the past. Most peculiar.
It is beyond bizarre!
Look North with Peter Levy is one of the most biased things on the BBC in our area. Tim Iredale, their political editor, always has the camera pointing at him from below to increase the sneer with which he speaks. We frequently have the Labour mp Diana Johnson (North Hull) giving her opinion freely, unquestioned whereas if we occasionally get a Conservative MP the interrupting is frequent and the sneering often, usually with a final question that is no question at all but a political point made with a rapid cut off so the Conservative MP has no right of reply. (That sort of point scoring frequently happens on Toady too).
Be a football supporter, post-match, at Wembley Stadium this evening and you will soon feel the same way about the Met’s finest.
SO where is the FATWA against ANJEM CHOUDARY who is being released in OCTOBER 2018?
Where are all the moderates SHOUTING THAT he should stay in prison and rot for his VIEWS ON ISLAM?
– Let us see the MODERATE MUSLIMS on the street AGAINST THE EXTREMIST Anjem Choudary … or is his version of ISLAM the correct one?
how long do you think it will take for him to be back on the so called BBC
I’d think that if the British people were anywhere near as racist as the BBC says, that some horrible bigot would end Choudary’s sojourn on this planet the moment he walked free.
It won’t happen, because the British people are astonishingly tolerant. He’s more likely to be offed by a rival Muslim, probably.
Grenfell on radio4 AGAIN
If the flats can rent there for £2,000 /week for 2 beds
Anyone knows that were the normal residents paying ?
This Londonbubble journalist keeps talking about the area having the worst poverty in the country.
(They’ve made a special 90min download of the prog, you paid for)
Sunday 9pm BBC2 #FrankieGoesToRussia with Frankie Boyle
2 part series made by ITN
Great to see that it is not just the BBC who mislead and who do not understand economics: .
The FT has a misleading front page headline: “Top earners bear biggest tax rises”. When you dig a little deeper it appears that more Income Tax was paid in the High and Additional Rate bands last year, not that tax rises of the stealth variety had been applied on the quiet to high earners by Philip Hammond or his predecessor.
What has happened and the FT has mis-attributed, is that incomes have increased for higher earners and that it is that fact which has brought them within the scope of a higher band and led to the payment of more Income Tax. The process is known as ‘Fiscal Drag’ and is quite often mistakenly used by the Conservative Party as the reason to cut income taxes for high earners. Sajid Javid, the current Home Secretary, went in for that little bit of taqiyya on BBC Radio 4 when he was a Treasury Secretary for George Osborne.
The FT ought to know about this ‘Fiscal Drag’ thing.
I wonder if the BBC will repeat it without checking it first?
The recent attempt by Guardian writer Afua Hirsch to trash the reputations of both Nelson and Churchill is a valuable insight into a liberal agenda that seeks to destroy the British nation and its unique culture. Britain is in a weakened state, unsure of its place in the world and the vultures are starting to circle.
Hirsch views everything through the prism of race. Vice-Admiral Viscount Horatio Nelson spent his adult life protecting Great Britain from its enemies. His great victory at Trafalgar where he lost his own life destroyed any hope the despot Bonaparte had of invading Britain. Sir Winston Churchill roused the nation to defend itself when little stood in the way of the dominant German army and Adolf Hitler.
Privately educated Hirsch seems to care nothing about these achievements – it is not obvious that she is even aware of them. Nelson is said to have protected the slave trade by his navel actions and Churchill made some disobliging comments about some of the cultural practices found in India at the time. Unfortunate yes, but so are the actions of almost every historically important figure back to antiquity if they are to be judged on the standards of the present day.
Nelson and Churchill were creations of their time. What is Hirsch’s excuse for describing the corrupt, depraved Winnie Mandela as a hero? If she was white there would be no debate about it, she added. One wonders what Hirsch’s view would be if Horatio and Winston had had a penchant for burning black opponents alive by dousing them with petrol? Everything in Hirsch’s liberal world is connected to race – your race excuses or convicts everything. So a fighter against apartheid is seemingly forgiven the odd misdemeanor but a man such as Nelson who devoted his life to navel service in the cause of his country is lambasted for matters well beyond his control.
The state broadcaster recently allowed Tenayi Achiume to blow into town and pollute the airways by castigating the British as racists. Nobody in the liberal media thought to ask questions about her views on unlimited immigration. According to Achiume, we operate from a “baseline of entitled exclusion”. Put it another way – the nation state does not have the authority to regulate who lives within its own borders.
People like Hirsch and Achiume hate the lessons of history where the strong defend themselves and survive – was it ever so throughout history in nation, jungle or bush. Defending your culture is often hard, the enemies are always circling – and so liberalism is the smug new easy option. They have become rich enough to be stupid – the prerogative of louche and entitled aristocrats throughout history. Mark Steyn wrote recently about arrested adolescents passing off their self absorption as high-mindedness. Life is a silly John Lennon song and when 22 young people are blown to bits they chant “Don’t look back in anger”. It is so much easier than taking the hard choices required to defend the British culture that once elevated people like Nelson and Churchill to national heroes.
If Britain and its indigenes are so horrid to blacks and browns: why do so many of them still want to move here; whilst those who are already here, wish to remain?
Al Shubtill
And why, having completed postgraduate degrees in Racist White Colonialism Studies at SOAS, are they not going to Africa to benefit their kind with the knowledge they have acquired?
“I’m always amazed by the constant complaining of ethnics. They seem entirely oblivious to the fact that they are only a single major political shift away from sitting in the Third World, watching people fight to the death over rice and recalling they days they once inhabited paradise.”
Andrew Joyce
Excellent piece, Chris.
[ Wretched predictive text – uncheck the box on your device. 😉 ]
Of what use is a Hirsch to society? A humble factory worker produces something tangible…she is a parasite making a living by causing misery 🙁
Country – You have hit the point on the head . However Oxygen thieves like this particular young lady do have a point – if you are a cultural marxist and want disassemble the current culture and society and want to try and replace it with something concocted on the back of a fag packet in a sixth form common room.
What individuals like this also do (when you have a disloyal and traitorous state broadcaster) is to push any debate further leftwards so the new centre ground lurches further to the left.
In addition they help to change and pervert societies perceptions. So in future when we think of Nelson we think of slave owners rather than a true hero. Similair manipulation of perceptions seem to happen when say there is a Jihadi terrorist attack , as soon as they think they can get away with it the BBC try and switch the debate away from the attack to concern about muslims suffering “looks in the street” rather than the real victims.
I know I am pushing a point but we would never have to suffer this sort of insufferable crap if we did not have a MSM and state dominated media that is complicit in the distortion of accepted facts and beliefs (that historically have helped to add to the unity of society)
What we are in fact getting from the left wing media is a complete package which aims to change our society into theirs. Remember we had years of the MSM talking about “Islamophobia ” and then if by magic we have “hate” laws and now with the aid of the MSM and the MCB they are doing it again.
The next subject they will be trying to destroy are mens relationships with women. Of course certain members of favoured groups wont have to worry about this because they take their lead from the perfect book written by the most perfect man rather than the BBC.
This wretched individual really is an indication of a society that has lost its self respect and is losing its way and is now being told what to do by those who do not have its best interests at heart.
Sorry its a bit long winded but I do believe all this stuff is linked.
Amen to that…
It’s been suggested by many before that she might leave this ghastly country and its ghastly, racist indigenous peoples. I very seriously think that is what she should do, and if she needs any financial assistance, I’m ready and willing to make a contribution. Let her live in Ghana and let’s see how she progresses there!
How is she not committing ‘hate’ crimes in this country? 🙁
Chris M – good post.
The only reason that Hirsch and her supporting group of race grievance-mongers get away with all this is that we have so few ‘politicians’ prepared to stand up and point out that she’s talking rubbish. The BBC and Guardianistas will fully back her so she’s onto a good thing, despite having only a tiny army of fanatics who actually believe the silly bint.
The stuff she writes (along with Alibhai-Brown etc) is really just clickbait to annoy sensible people. And when people attack her personally for being an ungrateful bitch she can drop the booby-trap word ‘Racist!’.
Until some proper tory politicians (who you could count on the fingers of one hand) get a bit more militant and vocal, the leftward drift of political discourse can’t be stopped. Until their fairy tale world falls apart.
But I’m not expecting tory defections to UKIP, or other fringe right-wing-ish parties any time soon. So in the UK we will continue to be seen as “crazy people worried about nonsense” as this blog relates :
Note – in visiting some US blogs I often find you may get some anti-jewish American nutters in the comments, but I guess it’s probably no worse than visiting Momentum’s website.
It’s worth reading what Chris McGovern has to say about someone that ‘the left’ adore, the ‘black’ Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole.
She’s the sort of person that they think should have statues made about and to replace those of Nelson etc. Unfortunately she wasn’t too keen on niggers and maried a godson of Nelson called Edwin Horatio Hamilton Seacole.
We are all children of our times, we don’t get to choose the morals and actions of our current society or to remake those of the past.
Wise words, Jim.
I actually blame the media, social and otherwise for giving oxygen to her views. She has claimed her 15 minutes of fame by being controversial in decrying the history of this country, – in the same way that Katie Price used her breasts to seek her fortune. Had we heard of her 5 or even 3 years ago ? no. But now, like Alibaba Brown, she is a ‘fixture’ on the media circuit, and whereas I used to watch her to see what spurious twaddle she’d come out with, I just get annoyed and switch her off.
I’m really depressed today 🙁
I don’t care if Corbyn is our next leader anymore…I don’t care if Brexit is stopped. Let’s see where the cards fall…
Today’s disgraceful two page spread in the Daily Mail on TR is the final straw for me. I’ve bought the DM for decades but, I won’t be buying it anymore…
Is there any commonsense Daily I can buy now? All recommendations gratefully received 🙂
“Today’s disgraceful two page spread in the Daily Mail on TR is the final straw for me. ”
Come on, don’t be silly! You need to understand that the DM is scrupulously respecting the principle of “innocent until proven guilty”, and the right of our criminal justice system to insist on restraint as the legal process takes its course.
I think the Mail are doing a little more than that, by bringing together every right wing person they can paint as black as possible. And all the stuff about mortgage fraud, football hooliganism, all disputable and irrelevant to the issue of protecting the right to a fair trial.
Various people have made serious attempts to analyse the TR affair, including Melanie Phillips. However, by concentrating solely on the legal arguments I think they are failing to understand why so many people are uneasy about what has happened:
– Justice has not been seen to be done by a significant number of people. This suggests to me that the affair has been mismanaged.
– It must be seen within the context of previous attempts to silence TR. A pattern is emerging.
– I’d like to know if similar situations have arisen in the past and, if so, whether the criminal justice system has responded in the same extremely diligent way. Unfortunately, I don’t have the resources to conduct an investigation myself and I can’t see any organisation bothering, or perhaps daring, to do it.
Hmn. Ironic, or classic deflection? Has to be one or the other, they surely can’t hang all of these young British girls out to dry and fail to explain why the media completely ignored their desperate plight for years? Or maybe they can? Utter disgrace.
Sorry that you’re depressed but were you really expecting anything else from a ghastly rag like the Daily Mail?
I despise the (so called) right wing press more that I do the Beeb or The Guardian. At least there’s no pretence that they’re on our side, but the Mail is just full of hypocritical crap. It hasn’t the balls to tell the truth, it runs with the hares and hunts with the hounds and has headlines suggesting that dithering Theresa is some sort of latter day Boudicca. It exists solely to muster support for the dreadful Conservative Party. It wouldn’t matter who was at the helm, Chamberlain or Churchill, it’s all the same to these charlatans.
The gutter press is in the gutter for a reason.
That’s where it deserves to be.
To have such a strong opinion of the DM I must assume that you read it every day? If you don’t…and be honest here…how did you form such opinions? I can’t see how you arrived at some of your conclusions whilst agreeing with some others.
I believe that I’m not greatly influenced by the News propaganda, whether it be on TV or in a Paper…I just try to pick out the truth and logic from both as best I can…and the Internet, of course.
So, in your opinion, is there any Daily Paper I might buy that is as close as possible to being unbiased and full of common sense? Does one exist? 🙁 🙂
I see that the lib mob are just theorising a new campaign.
They are using the words “dogs-brexit” to try to build animosity and get people to give up.
… Well people here would send a pitchfork army to London if we don’t get Brexit.
Perhaps, the quicker we get back to the 15th century or earlier, would be welcomed. The continuing salami slicing of all that we hold dear continues apace. There are so many Fifth Columnists in place already that it would take decades to get rid of these people that have spent equal decades plotting for the transition of the UK into an islamic caliphate. Bit by bit, the knot tightens and resistance? None. Did you know that after various and highly serious, ‘bacon sandwich’ type incidents around mosques, the Government put £2 million into the protection of ‘faith institutions’. Note the slippery term. Would that be churches, chapels and the like or, mosques and the mushrooming islamic schools? Bet I know. Taxpayers money. Where is our saviour? Nowhere to be seen. Only the 87.2% of the population (white 87.2%, black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%, Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%, Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%, mixed 2%, other 3.7% (2011 est.)) can do anything about it but, needless to say, in the main, they’re glued to the ‘telly’.
Can I add a little more to above?
You probably have seen this video before. It is Jordan Peterson with Jo Coburn and Ayesha Hazarika (“From 2007 to 2015, Hazarika served as a political adviser to senior Labour Party figures,[7] including Harriet Harman and Ed Miliband.” – If you go in to 5mins and play what Hazarika has to say about her political achievement in putting law, on to the “Statute Book”. A muslim advisor? It rings of the likes of Milliband et al, jumping on an idea thinking, “thats a good idea….”. Her efforts highlight one of the Fifth Columnists I refer to above.
True to type how Coburn manages a nasty dig at Trump near the end, drawing on Peterson’s comment that he would have voted for him. Why not make mention of the “Feminism” of Hilary Clinton in attacking and silencing any “sisters” who accused her husband of molesting them?
Here is an interesting development-
The sister of the newly married Meghan Markle tweeted a petition calling on British Prime Minister Theresa May to “free” the former leader of the English Defence League.
The petition, which has been signed by more than 500,000 people, praises the behaviour of Tommy Robinson and calls for his release saying: “Its time we stand together, stand strong, and stand by his side.”
Lucy Pevensey
I guess she will not be allowed to enter the UK if Treezer or her Moslem Home Secretary finds out.
Anyway, she does look a bit on the white side. Prettier than the black princess.
Guess what? The BBC News Channel manages to spin the new law in Bavaria to display crucifixes in public buildings as potentially anti-Islam. Why does everything have to be linked to that religion?
Because the BBC love Islam. I wouldn’t be surprised if many bbc employees are converts or Muslims; the upper English classes and your average middle class metro-trendy left wing prats think it’s exotic and cool to dabble with foreign religions and cultures – it’s always been like this especially with the upper classes. But the working classes always pay the price for the elitists’ utter stupidity and immaturity. Also, Muslims are being used by cultural Marxists as ‘useful idiots’ to dilute the indigenous anglo-Christian population… it’s classic neoliberalist consumer theory; remove nationalism and open the borders – and ideally introduce a people who can be easily led. Blind and thick followers of a religion are easy to manipulate both politically and economically, thus the neoliberal globalists can use these brainwashed morons as potential consumers once the host nation’s secular society has cooled their religious fervour.
Excuse me while I put on my tin hat but I’d wager that the CIA/bilderberg/global finance elites are behind this huge diaspora of peoples. One people one world, run by an elite global leadership… however, in their one-world plan these globalist reptilian-human hybrids ????didn’t factor in how violent and uncontrollable Muslims actually are…. thus, the whole experiment will most likely backfire in which case the world will become an appalling cesspit of violence, suffering and war rather than a neoliberalist paradise.
How’s that for a crazy illuminati-type theory? ???? I think I had too much ale last night lol
Alex, Queen sang about it but Freddie is dead and not available to do the ruling. He would have been up for that job!
Deacy is in retreat, so that leaves Brian the Badger and the buffy old Colonel-type, called Roger, who used to play the drums something magnificent.
OTOH, maybe Freddie was thinking of something (or more likely someone) else when he wrote One Vision?
Fear not, Alex.
“…. Muslims are being used by cultural Marxists as ‘useful idiots’….”. I’m afraid I don’t agree. Until we see prayers taking place five times a day to Marxism, I think islam has the upper hand. In fact, I’d go so far as to suggest reversing your assertion: I think that islam sees the cultural marxists as the ‘useful idiots’. Islam has a far greater plan than the ‘children of the Revolution’ will ever have. I think they’re simply, ‘cadging a lift’ until they can cast off on their own. Not too long now.
I think you could be right mate. But I do like my bit about the aliens, though ????
Correct, G.
When Kalergi dreamed about the Europeans of the future being coffee coloured through interbreeding, I bet he never imagined that the ones providing the shade would have an agenda of their own.
Room 101 here with your indoctrination news.
BBC2 1315 Saturday. Athletics Diamond League highlights.
At 1345 coverage is interrupted by a wordless piece of feminist advertising propaganda. The final caption was something like Yes Girls Can. I think I saw a logo from the National Lottery.
So we are now getting feminist extremism paid for not just by the licence fee but by the lottery as well.
Truly, madly, deeply – disgusting.
Far from all the media making out that Tommy is an impetuous racist fool who deserved to go to prison, maybe at some point in the future they might have the grace to recognise how brave he was putting himself on the firing line.
He ran the risk of prison and breaking a ridiculous law to bring continued attention to a series of disgusting crimes that the MSM are doing their very best to ignore and give scant attention to.
Maybe when the crimes become so regular and can no longer be ignored or suppressed by the state and MSM, some people will look on Tommy as having done a noble thing to generate this groundswell of anger at a constantly ignored and rarely confronted problem.
I wonder if people at the time told Rosa Parkes that she was an idiot for defying the existing law or whether they would have told Emmeline Pankhurst that she got what she deserved when being arrested and jailed for her righteous fight – unlikely.
But history has judged them differently, honoured them for their actions in railing against the state and praised them for the courage of their convictions. Maybe one day we’ll be able to acknowledge Tommy for his courage and the sacrifices that he (and his family made) for being a driving force in raising awareness for these abhorrent acts perpetrated against this nation’s young girls and women.
I’m sure we’ll remember Tommy far longer than the out of touch politicians and moronic judges who seem more concerned with punishing the messenger rather than the criminals.
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” (Usually attributed to Schopenhauer).
For years the BBC and the left have attacked the Daily Wail for its right wing nationalist racist views.
Now it is sharing the Government line on TR.
Only thing missing is the demand that TR is stoned to death according to sharia laws
@countryblues 12:26 pm
I share your disbelief in the editorial judgement of the Daily Mail in publishing this piece, for the paper usually speaks for the silent majority of the decent, good people of this country in the onslaught of the Progressive Marxists.
My only suggestion is that it ticks some sort of box in the Mail’s view that they offer “balance”, just as the BBC put up a token Tory to throw tomatoes at.
Richard Pendelbury, the article author, is a typical guilt-ridden, bleeding-heart “Progressive” whose smugness and moral grandstanding arrogance comes from the fact that he is a self-confessed SJW:
The Army knows a limp-wristed wet when they see one for sure.
The fluff piece here says all you need to know about him:
…and now yet another disgraceful liberal-Left “Journalist”. A turd by any other name.
Got as far as half way down the article and my gagging reflex cut in.
Seems a typical SJW. More about what makes him feel good.
E…I appreciate your shared disbelief, because I’m beginning to doubt my own sanity these days 😉
The silence from the MSM concerning the arrest and global interest/protests has been deafening. Whether they like him or loathe him, surely the TR affair has been very newsworthy? I can only assume that the MSM believes that ANY sort of coverage would be bad for the plebs.
Much is being made of the legal technicalities and the trial of rapist gangs etc. whilst totally ignoring the bigger picture…and I believe it’s the bigger picture that should be concentrated on.
The MSM deliberately ignores the TR affair assuming it will just fade away. I wonder…
Enoch the first line it says – “In an ideal world Richard Pendlebury would probably prefer you weren’t reading this. He has a secret, but it’s such a splendid one that he’s decided to share it.”
I think I know his “secret” he,s an utter wanker!
The Daily Mail went along with the ridiculous definition of a hate crime as anything that the person concerned thought was offensive, irrespective of any objective evidence. So there have been doubts about that paper for quite a while now.
A treat for all Doreen fans! It appears she has been given her own newspaper column here in the Black Country.
Metro-Lib watch : Hey Kinnock family is the Eurocrat Royal Family
… I never knew
Neil and wife Glennock have their snouts in the Brussels trough
whilst son Stephen the MP lends support
and his wife Helle Thorning-Schmidt is the Danish Ex-PM
(AKA Gucc Helle ..well they all seem champagne socialists )
She @HelleThorning_S is now CEO Save the Children International, $257,360 p/a
Stephen was said to be the secret gay for the way he lived in Switzerland whilst his wife lived Copenhagen with the children.
I think they now live together in London.
(Vid of her instructing him what to say in TV interview in 2017)
HTS: “You don’t know anything.”
SK: “I know.”
Prince Kinnock was in trouble cos his wife tried to avoid Danish house taxes by saying he owned the house.
Trouble was he was claiming to be resident in Switzerland for tax purposes.
This Kinnock?
I haven’t been here for sometime, cancelled my licence with the BBC and migrated over to Netflix fully back around the New Year, and since then have generally been feeling rather more upbeat about life in general. Wish I’d done it years ago to be honest.
Anyway, from time to time I visit the BBC ‘News’ website still, and logging on today I can’t believe how utterly (pathetically, childishly) PC it’s become.
among the many pieces of utter drivel masquerading as ‘news’, this piece particularly got my goat:
if you haven’t bothered to read it, it’s basically an excuse for an angry rant about ‘racism’, by an ‘academic’ described as: “Dr Kehinde Andrews, Associate Professor in Sociology at Birmingham City University, who is also the co-chair of the Black Studies Association.”
Only the thing is, I believe he’s wrong, wrong about the origins and reasons for ‘black face’ in all its many different forms, and about what it meant to many people in the past. Of course there is no counter-argument… just ‘black face’ is racist and wrong… fact, fullstop, any arguing otherwise is racist and likely to get you locked up by the thought police, so shut up if you know what’s good for you… or else…
But, the thing is, I’m quite convinced ‘blacking up’ has been around in Europe for much, much longer than black sub-Saharan Africans have. In which case, what we’re seeing in Medieval Mummers Plays and Morris Dancing can trace it’s origins back before most Europeans would have ever seen a ‘Black’ person. I’m not talking here about ‘black and white minstrels’ which I can agree does seem pretty ‘racist’ these days, but about much older, unconnected traditions, where people were ‘blacked up’ to represent spirits, and yes, doubtless evil ones too.
Hmm… that’s not possible though is it, because ‘black people’ were here before the white ones, right? Or so goes the more and more weirdly ahistorical and bizarre BBC narrative.
How does white, Europeans traditionally blackening their faces to play the part of ‘evil spirits and demons’, differ from: Australian Aborigines, South American Native Peoples, Black Africans, Papua New Guineans, Chinese etc… whitening their faces to play out the part of ‘ghosts’ and ‘witches’ and ‘evil spirits’ in their own folk dances and plays?!!
There isn’t one iota of difference is there.
The complete lack of awareness of the hypocrisy is what really makes me think we live in a world gone mad.
I’ve seen plenty historical dramas on the Beeb, ITV and C4 in the last few years and there were lots of ethnic minorities taking part. Luvvies changing history? Never!
Morris Dancers and others can trace their blacking up to historical sources unrelated to to people with black skin. Consider the notorious Black Act, which had sod all to do with de racist whitey. It was aimed at repressing de landless white man who dem property owners had hung. Dem poachers blacked dere faces at night so de masters could not see dem catching brer rabbit. Strange fruit was Dan de poacher.
Black Act
Status: Amended
The Black Act (9 Geo. 1 c. 22) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain passed in 1723 in response to a series of raids by two groups of poachers, known as the Blacks. Arising in the aftermath of the South Sea Bubble’s collapse and the ensuing economic downturn, the Blacks gained their name from their habit of blacking their faces when undertaking poaching raids. They quickly demonstrated both “a calculated programme of action, and a conscious social resentment”,[1] and their activities led to the introduction of the Black Act to Parliament on 26 April 1723; it came into force on 27 May. The Act introduced the death penalty for over 50 criminal offences, including being found in a forest while disguised, and “no other single statute passed during the eighteenth century equalled [the Black Act] in severity, and none appointed the punishment of death in so many cases”.[2] Following a criminal law reform campaign in the early 19th century, it was largely repealed on 8 July 1823, when a reform bill introduced by Robert Peel came into force.
Socil Justice Warriors who go on about blacking up might check the history of the people they despise.
I expect it’ll be outlawed, sooner or later, for the military to use black/dark camo face paint for night ops.
The Beeb are loving the weekend. It’s all about diversity you know, but ahem, not at all news or newsworthy.
“Better orgasms and no leaks: Tips for a strong pelvic floor”
“Ramadan: Women’s ‘shame’ of eating during menstruation”
“Pride and prejudice in Northern Ireland?”
“Star Wars ranked on screen time for women”
“Why RuPaul’s Drag Race is big business”
Is this Hello! or OK! magazine you may well ask yourself? Nope, it’s the world’s leading new website (supposedly). Who pays their wages?
Chalky… I initially misread that line “Star Wars ranked on screen time for women” and thought it was something to do with Weinstein.