Lucy Pevensey
I found this on Al Beeb earlier…………………………
“A4 London – A4 Trafalgar Square in Central London blocked and traffic congestion at the A400 Northumberland Avenue junction, because of a demonstration. Congestion to Strand Underpass and on A400 Charing Cross Road to Leicester Square Station.”
“because of a demonstration” Was that some sort of cooking demonstration ? Perhaps maxincony will tell us ?
The only report you’re likely to see will concern clashes with police, which I noted on the previous page are being reported by the Mail.
Reading some comments on Breitbart, the march itself seems to have passed peacefully but there are suggestions that a bus “full of EDL types” arrived. They won’t have been, of course, but will be agents provocateurs whose role is to give the BBC the only story they want to report regarding the march. Give the media the story they want, get arrested then mysteriously released with no charges.
No the Mail TR story is still there when I look
– We know that NUJ are there only to get scuffle photos
and usually fail to mention that the thugs arrested in the past are generally Antifa the Hatey No Hopers
– The article allows no comment
“Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.”
– But strangely ends with a link to the Breitbart story.. I have never seen the mail do that
Orwellian how they can state it’s 1,000 people when their own photos show many more.
And then the livestreams do make 20K, 25K seem like plausible numbers.
They say 1000 protesters at demo, disable the comments on the page and wonder why no one trusts the MSM when there’s video proof showing thousands
Yes are surely normal readers are thinking ‘thousands of people and the police only arrested 5 people, that shows that was overwhelmingly peaceful people
On Twitter about 200 people tweeted the article : First 50 people like DV pointing out the extraordinary bias, then 150 people tweeting saying ‘See if the DM says they are thugs, they must be thugs’
Interesting how the voices of the right keep falling
– The Mail wasn’t always 100% great, but did have a policy of letting certain reporters cover immigration or climate alarmism logically. However now it has become twisted as it goes with its hyperbolic Attenborough led plastic hyperbole and now misrepresenting Tommy.
– And Paul Staines /Guido was giving a great service with his debunking info & open comments. And then he changed with closing comments and his vile cartoon mocking TR, when he would never do that against a black person.
– Both possibly changed by the stop funding hats campaigners (who ironically full of HATE themselves)
– Farage won’t back TR, but since he has done so much good in the past, he can forgiven for anything.
Yes I bought the DM Saturday cos it has a cheap TV guide
These days I would not want to put money in the pockets of anyone in London, but don’t generally support consumer boycotts cos the poor people in the middle like factory workers, van drivers etc. get hurt.
hang on when I list ALL the tweets , the ones opposing the Mail disappear,.
Yet I can see them when I click the TOP tweets button, where they make up about half of them.
This is an amazing piece of social history.
It is a short American documentary from the early eighties, about the indoctrination of children at school; by the “Loony Left” in certain boroughs in London.
When you watch it now, and compare it with what is presented today as mainstream; it makes you wonder what will be “mainstream” in thirty years time.
It also may explain why parts of the capital are virtually un-policeable now, due to the anti-police indoctrination of black school children back then. It is well worth the watch.
A must watch.
My kids began in Haringey 1989, knew none of this.
To see Caroline Cox there annoyed me.
To have effete Tories like her and Letwin moaning about the likes of Bernie Grant and Abbott in the mid-80s is pathetic.
They were in power then, the cultural wars needed to be fought, and the Tories were guilt-filled shits. The Tories really should have focused on education like the Left did.
Tebbit and Ridley would have dealt with them, but the Tories hung out Ray Honeyford to dry.
And now we`ve got what we see today.
And, of course; it had to be the Americans filming this. Seeing it could make you cry and how much we`ve ceded.
Solid post.
It’s amazing to think what you’re watching happened in the capital city of the UK; I cringe to think of what is going on right now and where we’re heading.
This statement is doing the rounds on social media sites. From what I have heard independently it is very likely true. Javid Sadjid, peace be upon him, is clearly adapting to his role as a Mohamidan Home Secretary
‘Quite frankly the police tactics today just re-enforced the reason why we were all protesting. This government is operating a dictatorship style police state.
The police at Manchester Train station issued everyone section 35 dispersal orders and threatened people with arrest if they boarded the train to London.
The Press issued fake headlines today about the protest being cancelled to deter travellers.
The police were issuing announcements across the tannoy system in London train stations informing the public that the protest in Whitehall had been cancelled, again to try and reduce numbers
The police moved the time back that the guys could get in to set up the stage from 12 noon to 1.30 at the last minute (just one hour to set up stage and scaffolding etc) to try and mess the whole thing up.
The police refused to let the van through with the screen which we had hired for the protest.
They held a huge group of protestors from moving from Trafalgar Square to the demo point in Whitehall.
They applied extremely heavy handed tactics with batons raised, pushing protestors and forcefully removing people signs!
These tactics were probably ordered by the home office to cause chaos and provoke a reaction which is quite frankly a disgrace.
Despite all this tens of thousands of normal British citizens stood to support Tommy and tens of thousands more will be at the next protest! #FreeTommy #Policestate
Message to the Home Secretary. These tactics won’t work here, get some better ideas from the shitholes you get your information from. Or better still, listen to ordinary British people, who, unlike your kind, feel deeply about our children being raped, and understand that Tommy Robinson protests are only the tip of the iceberg.
g.w.f. you stated in your report that there will be another demonstration…how can i find out when and where…i dont do twitter or facebook..i watched the utube videos of the march and will definantly want to attend next one. section 35 or not. let them take a 72 year old woman to court i dont care. i have no respect for the police or polititions anymore. thank god we have those thousands of people who marched yesterday, ordinary people who have had enough.
That is amazing, though on reflection entirely in keeping with what happened in Leeds with TR’s arrest and hustling secretly into prison. Have you heard anything about an appeal?
An msn Lifestyle feature entitled ‘Travel hotspots from the 20th century you can no longer visit’ features 35 slides of places now too dangerous for tourism.
And guess what: every single one is of the beeb’s favourite faith, except for a handful in some Philippines islands, judged too dangerous because of… Islamic insurgency and terrorism!
Not a bloody whisper about today’s mass demo in London on the Beeb, or anywhere else in the utterly useless, gutless and spineless MSM come to that. What a surprise! It’s all a bit East Berlin….before they kicked down the wall!
I got there a little late and things had already become “lively”. A mass of blokes (well, mainly blokes) headed towards Trafalgar Square chanting that well known song “Tommy, Tommy Robinson.” I followed them and things became a little ugly with the police charging, traffic cones being thrown and the odd plastic container of beer heading towards the boys in blue.
Overall, however, it was very good natured. Incredibly noisy with lots of bemused tourists wondering WTF was going on and a befuddled old duffer (me) ambling about, looking confused.
People are justifiably angry. We’ve been betrayed and we’ve been lied to.
As you wander about London now the silent witnesses to Muslim extremism are everywhere. Every bridge has massive iron and concrete bollards protecting pedestrians from low flying cars. We’ve been bombed and our daughters have been raped en mass. Our politicians. our police and our media have conspired to hide the truth from us. No more! We know. And we’re making our voices heard.
The catalyst for today’s demo was the incarceration of an innocent and honest man. He risked his life and his liberty while our docile, bovine media snoozed and the gormless and gutless worried about the lottery, soap operas and soccer.
Not for much longer.
Things are really beginning to happen,
At long long last!
Thank you for going . The protest will be buried in the news cycle and the Mail – under new management – has moved rapidly left – for reasons I cannot understand . I’m sure TR got some morale support from this even though I’m sure HMG is turning him over to make sure he hasn’t got a mobile like everyone else .
Haven’t had internet for a few days so just catching up via this site.
Hats off to all who attended the march. When is the next one?
This tweet from Raheem Kassam seems to confirm how the police are being ‘instructed’.
Sunday Times : summarises the LRB article that got beneath relentless hijacking/weaponising of Grenfell for political reasons.
\\ epitomised very early on when a BBC reporter asked a local ‘how ANGRY are you?
Not ‘how are you’ or ‘are you actually a resident?’ //
Political opportunism at it’s very worst.
\\ No, the residents didn’t feel neglected at Grenfell; they enjoyed living in one of the most exciting parts of London.
It was the Grenfell Action Group that “hated” the council and carped about everything including fire risks (but never mentioned the cladding //
\\ council employees — pulled out all the stops to help.
You just wouldn’t know it. //
Seeing that the G6 7 or 8 is so dysfunctional that they allow EUreich bitches to attend perhaps president trump is right to treat it as part of the swamp .
There is a similar argument for the UN and WTO . I can guess who pays for them so maybe they need to be reworked as they seem not to serve a purpose any more .
How many of the London Bobbies attending today’s march were very sympathetic with today’s cause? They are the very same Bobbies that at have to deal with the cesspit of Londonistan and its multi-culti crime wave of stabbings, thuggery and rape, hamstrung by their politicly correct leader of a Commissioner.
Look at those coppers run!
Shouts of Alan’s snack bar and Kuffar.
People throwing things at police.
Zero arrests.
Quite a contrast to the free Tommy Robinson event.
Just shows the state have no control of the Islamists.
Bet there were plenty of bbc anchors on hotel balconies who saw and heard plenty, but because it didn’t suit, have been told or know its best not to mention.
Nadya back in the headlines, she finds Corbyn ‘endearing’ and recently turned down Strictly. No surprise there – bit difficult to do Movie Week (western style) in a hijab, but her doing a tango in Halloween week would’ve been interesting. This is the perfect example about Muslim women who identify as British, they want everything that goes with being British because they are born here, but religious restrictions are so entrenched in their psyche – like dancing with a man, that their aspirations become laughable.
The only way that Corbyn could be ‘endearing’ would stick to his original commitment, that is to get us out of the EU and back Brexit. I am sure he would have the majority of the British people behind him, Torys included, because May is a limp lettuce and a Remainer at heart. May supports the EU before the USA.
She has deliberately closed the door to President Trump and the USA to make sure we are stuck in the EU.
She has forgotten our allies of the Second World War.
May has got to go.
She is a quisling.
I think we can assume the governing class is a bit spooked by all this. So sudden and involving those normally peacefully going about their lives. And an unusual demographic.
They will behave as this class always has. Badly and unimaginatively thus compounding the matter. The British state is repressive by temperament and always has been. Nothing has changed much for a thousand years.
This time it is a little problematical since the world will be watching and is not likely to be forgiving if the police and the authorities overstep the mark. Already one can sense that the police are acting as the agent of state power and not as citizens in uniform. Not that they have never done this before as we all remember from the miners’ strike. Whatever your view on that.
I am rather surprised at the MSM. uniformly sticking to a script as if it has been written for them .There is no real mileage in continually calling any protester ‘ far right’ . It is just lazy.
However it is fair to assume that the state has much to lose it it is seen to waver and the money power also needs to stop this challenge to the order it needs .
Solzhenitsen tells us that the state operates by picking us off one by one and in near secrecy- the 5am smashing in the door. Our state will be no different so be warned.
The media , which is pro EU is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Brexit . ‘it was the Russians that did it’ now.
The closer to the target the more the flak.
The Remainers are getting desperate !
Rather interesting that in the minds of some, the bbc quite rightly is not mentioning a massive demonstration at best misreported by the MSM, whilst lambasting the bbc not mentioning a so far nothing burger the Remain MSM is trying to spin up into something massive.
I saw an entire squad of police escorting Wilders some distance to his car after his speech, which made me wonder:
*Why was he allowed into the country in the first place?
*Why was he given such royal treatment?
Perhaps the ‘Home Secretary’ realized it would be a step too far to deny him entry in the current climate and bad for what’s left of the reputation of the Tory ‘government’ should he be attacked and injured or worse by Intifa or like thugs with the police looking on indifferently.
But perhaps the disastrous powers that be – currently overseeing the destruction of Britain – are cunning enough to use the protection of Wilders as a cover for disrupting the demonstration in ways indicated in the post by G.W.F. above.
From the comment by Roland Deschain on the previous page, I had a look at that bizarre article in the Daily Mail with its bizarre headline:
Violence explodes at Tommy Robinson protest after Dutch far right MP Geert Wilders calls for him to be released from jail and the EDL’s founder’s supporters injure police officers near Downing Street
*Wilders was the cause of the violence? How would the Mail know that? Maybe a cop hit a protestor with a baton
*Only police officers were injured?
*”The EDL’s founder’s supporters??” It’s rare to see such a clumsy phrase in a headline. I guess the writer was so keen to include anything to disparage Tommy Robinson that he/she sacrificed economy of expression for his/her little dig at the man. (Which dig of course ignores the fact that he left the EDL because of its racism.)
FIFA has rules about political message at International football
But I can’t imagine Putin wanting to stop a publicity about a British political prisoner.
Trump is torching a joint statement on the part of the world’s most powerful democracies because of a press conference by the peom minister of Canada.
If truth is the first casualty of war, then we have been at war for a long time …..
Grooming. .. truth is the sadistic rape of children. Rotherham case is 1400+ over 16 years or 2.3 million cries for help (based on 2 rapes a week per child).
Racist …. truth is that this word hid 1400 children bein raped.
Dreamer, undocumented,irregular or climate refugee …. truth is these are people illegally crossing borders with 1.5 million in 2015 when Merkel suggested Africa migrates to Germany without eu28 consent.
Far right ….. truth is that the BBC have a far left in Labour but ignore it because you cannot have too much socialism, but ignore Venezuela . Also far right is connected with Hitler.
Victim …. truth is being warped to include criminal as victim.See BBC reporting suicide bomber in Germany as Syrian migrant blows up. Or when total dead includes the criminals.
Came down to make coffee for breakfast and, as always, switched on the radio for the Sunday service. Today it was from St Barts and was in celebration of 70 years of the NHS. The sermon was given by a former lady Chief Nursing Officer and current bishop, of what branch of the church I don’t know. It was a pure advert for Leftoids and the TU view of ‘our’ NHS, or the INHS as i call it.
A report by Amnesty International found the force’s Gang Violence Matrix was “racially discriminatory” and breaches human rights law.
The report found the matrix tracked a disproportionate number of minorities, as well as 1,500 people who police had assessed as posing no danger of committing violence.
This country is being ruined by Liberal idiots. If London gangs are mostly blacks (which they are) then the Met Police database on gangs will be mostly black people – common sense.
It’s like arguing a disproportionate number of Travellers are evicted from playing fields compared with football players or a disproportionate number of car drivers get speeding convictions compared to horse riders.
Whatever next? Astronomers can no longer search for Dark Matter in the Universe in case it offends someone black?!?
Amnesty International is a play pen for people with a one-sided understanding of “rights”, who can’t find useful employment elsewhere, but know how to drive a gravy train.
There are many – the UN is another, mainly third world, play pen.
Seems to me that the case for a judge-led public inquiry into spending and foreign influence on the Brexit Referendum campaigns is getting stronger every day.
Anniversaries are such a cop out – just a point d’appui for them to shove their agenda down our throats for the billionth time. They have TWO hours covering the march later? Obviously the Beeb are applying their standard humour and understatement. What absolute torture that programme must be.
Who is going to cook Sunday lunch if all the women are out marching? ; )
News bulletin just said Russia influenced Brexit; next story about a pay gap!
Hansard 7 June Philip Davies (Shipley) (Con)
May we have a debate on how out of touch this House is with public opinion? The EU referendum proved beyond all doubt that the House was out of touch with public opinion on the EU. It is clearly also out of touch with public opinion on sending more criminals to prison—which clearly the public want to do, whereas the House always wants to send fewer—and on the splurge in overseas aid, which most people think is ridiculous but people in this House seem to think is wonderful. May we have a debate on this to see whether there is anything at all on which the House is in step with public opinion?
Andrea Leadsom
I think that that would be a great subject for a debate. It would certainly be a very broad-ranging and well-attended one. I do not quite know where to start. I personally support that. I will give it some thought.
If like me you are the sort of person who… likes the rule of law but not rule by lawyers…
The notion as to the present actual utility of spending time highlighting the bias from our mainstream Bloody Bias-monger in Chief is surely now all but moot.
Shooting fish in a barrel is the expression that might spring to mind – were we not even yet still afraid we could be obliged to obey EU quotas on fishy proverbs under some Brussels regulation or other (for some elastic transitional period stretching inexorably into the future): there’s plenty of them still in the sea; the bigger ones always get away; a sleeping boy catches no fish; and, my new favourite, a fish may love a bird but where would they live? That one’s got me thinking.
Come on Theresa – do we go boldly thither or ineptly dither?
The stinky barrel contents the lazy journo Beeb crew would tip out on our televisual dockside this morning after their regular dragnet trawl through the depths of the Twitter Bank, Guardian Blight and North Utsira (Sturgeon and Salmond country) include audible off-camera sniggering and visible smirking at that bloke Trump.
Contrast the ten milli-second serious face silence for today’s murdered bloke in London – come in number 74 your time is up. Blink and you’ll miss it, we’ve probably got a feature on wimmin’s football to cover here so let’s not linger. Not for me – I’ll have switched off by then. One did notice a quick shot of a familiar Tube Station one used to regularly commute many, many moons ago – so proud! The district, already about as colourful and vibrant, as you would have wished back in the day, heaven only knows what it’s like now.
So, to the straw that broke the back of my patience this morning and sent me reflexively to the off-switch. Suffragette march and commemoration. Haven’t we had a belly full of this green and purple knicker-banner-waving already? I remain listening for just long enough to understand the point of their long-running daily BBC sloped opera is to remind us of past-grievance… ‘previously on the hiddiously male chauvinist patriarchy show…’ plus of course to leave us on a new cliff-hanger and insist there’s battles still to be won… BBC female presenters will surely have a pay renegotiation coming up soon. Chaps, you think this stuff is not relevant to you? If you’ve still just the one cojone left, they’re coming for it.
Room for optimism? Hope….? More like Bob Hope. I think old Bob got it about right when he said ‘I’m leaving before they make it compulsory’
And on theme of much of the thread above, for some reason, we should quote a middle bit from a song by Simon and Garfunkel :
Hide it in the hiding place where no one ever goes
Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes
It’s a little secret just the Robinson’s affair
Most of all you’ve got to hide it from the kids
So is this the best our national broadcaster can come up with?
No reports about yesterday’s free Tommy event.
No reports about the dirty stinking paedo rapists.
Sorry but how the f**k is this news?
They really are a pile of shit and unfit for purpose.
We need to stop funding these dirty horrible perverts now!
Join the dots, BBC! “I mean, somebody who defecates in public has mental health issues. It’s as simple as that. If you’re socialised, that’s the last thing that you would do.”
I wonder if any of those politicians who will be appearing on shows such as the daily politics or question time will have the guts to simply ask where is the coverage of the Tommy Robinson march yesterday.
Just ask “why the news blackout”
‘Our’ people such as JRM, Peter Bone, Tebbit and others could easily ask Jo Corbyn or Dimbleby why this is being kept secret.
Maybe they think that they will never get on tv again if they bring this extremely important subject up.
If that is true, what a terrible place the UK has become.
Free speech is all but dead.
Is Batten the man to give us back our freedom?
Anne Marie Waters?
Who else? Nigel is mellowing and JRM is a paper tiger.
Maybe they could also ask why the stitch up in the first place.
I watched all 1 hour 15 minutes of Tommy’s live stream from that day and he was clearly arrested for breach of the peace. There was no breach of the peace by Tommy.
He politely asked the alleged perpetrators what they were in court for.
At least two of them replied with insults including sexual references to Tommy’s mum!
Tommy did not react.
Throughout the video he was calm, polite and respectful to the families and supporters of the accused by not filming them.
Neither of the accused expressed concern or remorse about their situation.
Tommy can be clearly heard asking the police if he was ok to be out on the street and can be heard to confirm that he was not on court property whilst not on the steps to the court.
Anyone who actually watches the video can see it’s a stitch up.
At one point Tommy is pushed by one of the alleged perpetrators and asks the police why they would arrest him (Tommy) if it had been the other way around. The police claimed they had not seen anything.
Also if Tommy was supposedly arrested for breach of the peace howcome he was punished for a different offence of contempt of court?
The whole thing is a miscarriage of justice and I hope Tommy will one day be compensated for his false inprisonment.
If it isn’t, I’d like to hear why he’s not up on a charge of impersonating a police officer. And if I’d been the gentleman at the table I’d have told him to f**k off, policeman or not.
These are questions that need answers – but given what we think we know, how come his lawyer hasn’t got him out yet? In fact, how come we’ve heard nothing about what his lawyer IS doing about it?
Maybe we have to contemplate the possibility that what we think we know is wide of the mark?
I am beginning to doubt almost everything I have heard. Why is no one been in touch with him?
Here is a recent interview with cousin Kevin Carroll. Not much news there
Highlights of the greatest show on earth, how could you go wrong?
The programme is ruined by extremely ‘diverse’ presenters who do not speak proper English: “them teams are good”; “dat commentary is lit”; “got pride innit.” To the BBC this is hallowed ‘diversity’ but being black does not mean you cannot speak English properly.
How little attention must you have paid at school to speak like this as a grown man? Why does Lammy not berate them for their patently terrible attitude? You are not going to pass your Oxbridge exam if you say ‘dem poems is buff’ and no top company will make you CEO if you cannot be bothered to learn basic grammar.
I went to school with, and grew up with quite a few black kids and many years later I still keep in touch with a large number of them and see them socially. All of them speak normal English, and not one speaks all this “innit” and “bruv” bollocks.
“Jaswant Narwal is the Chief Crown Prosecutor of CPS South East, which is responsible for prosecuting crime in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.”
I wonder what proportion of Chief Crown Prosecutor’s around the country, come from an immigrant background………… Just saying. It could explain the joy and relish in which they carry out their task.
The legal definition of, ‘Race’.
We are all ‘diced and sliced’ by the criminal law so it is possible for the police / CPS to find an offence for just about any reason. And even a ‘suspicion’ of a ‘crime’ having been committed or about to or contemplated is enough for the police to demand entry to your private property.
“Diced and Sliced” even more if Sharia takes a firm hold as the Government wish –
In fact, if that occurred, literally, ‘life would not be worth living’.
If, after a few more years, we have some sort of Brexit, not the one we voted for but at least a form of independence, can we build on that?
In 2022 or whenever the next election is, maybe there will be a party we can vote for which will actually offer what we voted for and in the way that UKIP got us the referendum, this ‘party’ might force the lab/con party to include in their manifesto a further distancing from the eu.
In a few elections time we might even have the Brexit we voted for.
A sort of thin end of the wedge scenario where we gradually get our freedom in spite of our politicians trying to deny us.
Start off with maybe a Swiss type Brexit and keep chipping away at it until it’s the Brexit we voted for.
Ideally, we would vote for a completely new party which would do as we voted for but our politicians would never allow that to happen, the best we could hope for is to gradually force our politicians to do things they do not want to do (a proper Brexit) or risk losing their job (and all the money they love so much that goes with it)
Oh Farage commented on Aaron Banks & Wiggmore
‘Of course AB had meetings with Russians, cos his wife is Russian,
I was invited to one, but I declined
Yes I knew Banks had contact with Russians re Donald Trump’s transition team, but that was after the election, not before , so it wasn’t about rigging the election etc.’
– Maajad Nawaz is ow explaining the Sunday Times story
‘Isabel Oakshott was commissioned by AB to write a book about him and the campaign, and he simply handed ALL his emails over to her.
She now says that 2 years later her emails were hacked and that is how these emails about Russian meeting have become public.
#1 She is in breach of data protection if she didn’t hold the info securely.
MN is asking if its a witch-hunt.
Maajad just tweeted this about Islam’s negatives
\\ @MaajidNawaz
The Prophet Muhammad is said to have described women as deficient in intellect and religion (full Bukhari hadith below).
Dear conservative Muslims & their #RegressiveLeft apologists, tell me…. does this count as mansplaining?
Not pointless it’s job is to BRAINWASH the remaining 10% of UK population that watch BBC News still.
Yet round here it has the opposite effect; almost all people see the bias and know the BBC and MetroLIbEstablishment are giving us false narratives.
It’s only when I go in the pub and hear the white teachers who have moved up from London, that I hear people who actually believe those narratives are true.
I’ve been busy moving home so not been dropping in as often as I’d like with you good people at the BBBC. I’m guessing though that everything’s grand now? Brexit all on track? Sadiq Khan personally swapping chrysanthemums for knives on the streets of London? Excellent.
Anthony Bourdain’s death gets a box-ticking write-up from the Guardian this weekend (I bought it only for the World Cup guide, honest guv), with mentions of:
– Having a beer with Obama in Hanoi
– Being a passionate advocate of #MeToo
– A quote of his that manages to cover Hezbollah supporters, communist functionaries, anti-Putin activists, feminists and Palestinians all at once
And somehow — amongst the usual testimonials from various luminaries across the culinary world — we get this standout tribute: “The civil rights activist Imraan Siddiqi hailed Bourdain’s representation of the Middle East. ‘In this age of Islamophobia and otherisation of Muslims through media, Anthony Bourdain used his platform to humanise Muslims through culture and food […]’”
Grade *A* Guardian writing; made from 100% propaganda
How dare you! Absolutely vile and outrageous fake news, typical of the way in which basic facts are distorted for political purposes. I don’t recall being so incensed by any previous post.
They were marigolds, NOT chrysanthemums.
I try and avoid any BBC politics on a Sunday morning but I made the mistake of looking twice just for a few minutes each time today.
1st mistake I made was watching Andrew Marr interview Gordon “The Destroyer” Brown. Brown was going on about how, since Brexit, many EU countries have introduced new rules for immigrants “to register for work” and the UK could do this right now instead of leaving the EU – as if the EU referendum was only about getting immigrants registering for work. Ruling Elite missing the whole EU thing yet again.
2nd mistake was sitting down 3 hours later with a cup of tea and putting BBC Sunday Politics on. Caught a bit about “how most of Labour support free movement and want this after Brexit” and then the old chestnut about UK fruit/veg farmers not having enough immigrant staff to pick veg and fruit which “will lead to a food shortage”.
I only need one guess what BBC Countryfile will be about this evening.
Tabs a give yourself a rest . No high blood pressure on Sunday -no albeeb . Brown should just have been buried by history by now after the famous decision to allow Poland unrestricted access to the Blighty labour market on accession. This , I believe , was the real kick off for brexit . HMG -without science -estimated 64 thousand poles in year one . It was probably really 500 000 year one and the same the next year . So public services and rate of pay were reality fucked ( no better word) . Brexit belongs to Blair / Brown . Happy to be told I’m wrong .
If you want to see pure snowflake leftie diversity hold hands and sing ‘Give Peace a Chance’ orgasm-fest look no further than BBC Radio Bristol’s facebook page. Terrible!
The co-called exit negotiations masterminded by Ollie and Hammond (with T. May possible understanding what’s going on) are certainly designed to keep us tied into the EU indefinitely. It is tragic that Richard North was side-lined from the start. His proposal of going for an EEA-Efta seems eminently sensible, and explained in great detail in his FLEXCIT document and in subsequent monographs. It’s not the perfect solution (as he admits), but at least it would have got us properly out of the EU in the next 10 months at the latest. We would have control of UK trade, begun the process of regaining control of our fisheries, and being able to control immigration to a large measure. And what a strong position we could have had by March 2019 – when we could have worked with Visigrad countries and Austria and Italy, as well as Efta members. The likelihood is that with such a large block, the EU would soon flounder. As it is, it seems we are going to get the worst possible agreement, and become a non-voting vassal state powerless to refuse whatever diktak to EU wishes to impose. It is shame that Rees-Mogg and Farage (both of whom are admirable, splendid and honest men) still convince themselves that jumping to WTO rules would be a solution. In my opinion that would make life very difficult.
The Soros plan to undermine brexit seems to be three stranded.
1 undermine the original vote in the Sunday press each week
2 try project fear again – we won’t be able to do this and that when we are out
3 spread confusion within the political classes with the likes of Adonis , soubry and Sir Clegg on point ably assisted by al beeb and the combined msm now including the poor old Daily Mail .
Got to say Soros isn’t doing a bad job . His problem is that there will be life after the end of the A50 period and whoever screws us over will pay dearly at the next election .
ps -seems only one stabbing murder Saturday night – londonistan is getting safer – right ? ( the shooting half a mile from where live only made the local paper )
The BBC did a soft lube job on Soros yesterday. Stourton called him a global philanthropist whose task is to give history a push, a helping hand as it were.
The bloke screwed us all over in 1992, idiot Tories apart.
As for ” giving history a nudge”? Genghis, Mao, Hitler and Stalin could be said to have only been doing the same.
Was surprised to see that Stourton was able to get out of Soros` rectum, so deep had he been up it. He was on the radio this morning, so his proctology was done. Did learn one thing though.
Soros is his name in Esperanto.
Now THAT`S the EU dream,surely we need to campaign for all political remainers to be forced to speak only THAT abortion of a language. And only that.
It has been noted on this site many times before, how the BBC in particular and the media in general omit very relevant details when reporting on incidents or crimes concerning immigrants or descendants thereof. So we get the infamous “Oxford MEN” when they mean Pakistani Muslims in stark contrast to “Mali immigrant Spider-Man saves child”.
As has also been mentioned, the recent “London teenager guilty of terror plot” reports the case in great detail, but never mentions the perpetrators’ race or religion once.
And where the (rare) reporting of FGM without any mention of race or religion leaves the impression that it is a generic problem in Britain, while we all know only too well where the practise comes from.
Not relevant? I beg to differ: it is highly relevant.
We all know how the MSM, police and judiciary are now hopelessly dominated by the liberal-Left and paralysed by political correctness but what I didn’t know is how openly that stance is documented.
Paul Weston in his excellent recent video (credit to ToobiWan) explains that journalists are explicitly instructed by the National Union of Journalists guidelines to avoid any negative reporting about incidents when the perpetrators are from an ethnic or religious minority but to do the exact opposite in terms of smearing right-wing “racists”. Of course the definition of “racist” is subjective and as we all know, merely criticising Islam is now considered to be racists.
What? Islam isn’t a race? Oh, they are about to fix that. The MCB, MEND, Tell Mamma and all the other Islamic fascist groups want to redefine “Islamaphobia” as “Anti-Muslim racism” and I have no doubt that they soon will.
And if you wondered why the recent “Free Tommy” marches have been ignored, the NUJ guidelines with no sense of shame, advises journalists to check with recommended organizations as to whether people or some political parties are racist or Islamophobes and can thus be ignored or smeared: “You do not have to report on racist organisations” but should “Seek to broadcast or publish information exposing the myths of racist organisations.” And the organizations that the NUJ recommends include Searchlight, UAF and Hope-not-Hate – well you couldn’t get a more impartial bunch of hard-Left boot-boys if you tried!
If you get the feeing that the judiciary have lost the plot, it is no accident or exaggeration. Take a look at the insane Equal Treatment Bench Bookproduced by the Judiciary College. To quote Weston:
…which quite astonishingly admits they treat Muslims differently to non-Muslims for they consider them a “disadvantaged” minority and that in order to treat all races and religions fairly, some must be treated more equally than others thus undermining in one fell swoop, Britain’s democratic bedrock of equality before the law. “All races and faiths are equal but some are more equal than others” is now a mantra of the British judiciary.
You can find this in the Introduction, paragraph 4 on page 19.
As Weston says:
…the most extraordinary and shameful thing about all of this is that when the British judiciary is confronted with a lone year 13-year-old girl being violently gang-raped by Muslim men, the mens’ oppressed status must be considered while the girl herself will have her white privilege and white-oppressor status held against her.
If you link directly to the video on Youtube you will see that Paul provided the above links in the comments. You can also get a transcript of the video here too. Though 29 minutes long it is well worth watching.
Thanks for the link. I’ve downloaded a copy of the Bench Book and glanced through it. Conclusion? We are totally lost and with the contents of this guidance, can see that the white English are doomed. The extent to which islam has wrapped its tentacles around our everyday World can and will never be reversed. Sorry to admit this but if the “independent” judiciary will be biased in favour of the poor muslims there is no hope. Justice is no longer.
Thanks Enoch, I would like to look more in detail your links. Took a quick look at that Judicial Equal Treatment pdf:
Anti-Muslim Racism: Islamophobia gets 6 sub-sections. In a section entitled “Treatment of Muslims in Court”, there’s a list of recommendations starting with “As in all cases, it is important to demonstrate respect for cultural difference.” It goes on: “Showing understanding of any issues regarding times when a Muslim person cannot attend court, eg because of an important holy day, or because they need time off or facilities to pray.”
Antisemitism gets 3 sub-sections. There is NO SECTION for treatment of Jews in court or list of recommendations I can see… nor for any other religious group.
Enoch – I wonder that Orwell would have thought of the irony that the ministry of truth turns out to be th National Union of Journalists ( Islam branch ) .
So people read the news and have to decode it to find “an alternative truth” . Bit like shooting in londonistan when the race of those involved isn’t mentioned but then it is mentioned that the “ trident “ unit is investigating – meaning black or other vibrant people and involved . Press freedom indeed.
Tommy is in prison. I think it might be a bit frightening being a young white British girl in many of our towns & cities.. But let’s focus on Muslim celebrity Nadia & her phantom fear (as if it’s news)
Interesting that BBC bake-off winner Nadiya Hussain claims, “its really scary to be a muslim right now”.
Why’s that then, she should be asked? Anything to do with Terrorist carnage in the name of Islam, her religion?
I say, its really scary for a white christian to walk the streets of his own capital now.
Are all those barriers for traffic calming? No. They are there in expectation of another islamic attack. White supremacists wouldn’t attack London Bridge.
Always a joy to read so much good stuff up above.
Maybe we hang around with different types, or we select out own. But I know this. My friends will not put up with the E.U after March next year.
We will need the cold dead hand of Ted Heath pulled out of Geoffrey Rippons arse, to be used to sign any EU plans. Not only the Frankfurt 2020 stuff they`ve got in line for themselves, the Turks and their EU Army. But whether VAT or metric are cultural appropriations that we`ve indulged too long, the legitimacy of ECHR and Supreme Court machinations or London Assemblies.
The acid test will be our fish. On April 1st next, will we be pouring out of Shields, Grimsby and Brixham to catch our “fishies on dishies”?
Or are we going to meekly surrender all our grandads fought and died for?
When Tommy is getting worried video clips from Lima, Buenos Aires about his political prisoner status -a complete reversal from the Pinochet, Aubisson and Galtieri days-then we`re getting taken for hog tied morons and monkeys. Time to bite.
Start with your recycling bins-these are EU constructs, they are health risks, put out backs and you can`t get insurance for them rolling into a car…we really need to get active, and stop moaning. Don`t pay your licence, and go out and meet the opposition. Usually in `spoons with a blacklab outside, I find!
And if Remoaners feel safe to walk your streets, if a Campbell, Clegg or Robinson are free to roll up after the Blitz in a Nazi outfit?-then we`re not doing our jobs, nowhere near clear enough are we?
Radio “Free Of Europe”-if we can`t scare the BBC pussywillows locally, then just join the Milice!
Last seen heading out of the tradesmans entrance at Camp Soros, and off to China to flog dodgy fags to the Chinese. Just the man to advise us on our moral duties.
Doesn`t look well though, hope he knows he can`t take it with him-and , if he could, :it would burn anyway.
Hell has a Heseltine Suite i`m told-true fact.
A tweet by some arsehole on the above; Austerity is justified by this gvt because it would be ” unfair” for our children and grandchildren to inherit the national debt and deficit. On the other hand it appears that the gvt considers that for them to inheriti the chsos of Brexit is reasonable
I wonder what is thoughts for our children are on the chaos of the coming Islamisation?
I’m taking a break from the garden and turned the tv on, bBbc of course comes up, ‘Britain Celebrates Live, 100 Years of Women’s Votes’.
10s of thousands of women marching in London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast apparently. Well nobody seems to know about it apart from them because marchers aside, ,and the usual shoppers and tourists, the streets seem empty, devoid of supporters or interest. What a lacklustre and strangely detached ‘celebration’.
This, after years of warnings I should have heeded, is the day the bBbc have finally ‘jumped the shark’ for me.
I understand that there was a (much larger) event in Central London yesterday, which the BBC never mentioned for some reason …….
How strange. It’s unlike them to miss something like that (sarc) ….
I could have said, ’10s of thousands of white women’.
But, prior to being patronized as a man by that silly, silly woman Shirley Williams, I did notice that there were actually some BAME women other than the bBbc employees there as the bBbc seemed to interview them all.
Amongst them a niqabbed representative of the Islamist MEND in Cardiff. Discussing their banner, the pretty poor Tanni Grey-Thompson remarked that the women pictured looked like strong women.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
“More than a million on social housing waiting lists”
Cut down on the people coming in, its common sense, in fact its Simples !
Can’t our government see this ?
Is there something going on in London then?
Lucy Pevensey
I found this on Al Beeb earlier…………………………
“A4 London – A4 Trafalgar Square in Central London blocked and traffic congestion at the A400 Northumberland Avenue junction, because of a demonstration. Congestion to Strand Underpass and on A400 Charing Cross Road to Leicester Square Station.”
“because of a demonstration” Was that some sort of cooking demonstration ? Perhaps maxincony will tell us ?
I see that the Express and the Mail are both reporting the “demonstration”, but comments are disabled.
Ain’t that a shock.
Then Al Beeb are bound to run a HYS on it aren’t they ?
The only report you’re likely to see will concern clashes with police, which I noted on the previous page are being reported by the Mail.
Reading some comments on Breitbart, the march itself seems to have passed peacefully but there are suggestions that a bus “full of EDL types” arrived. They won’t have been, of course, but will be agents provocateurs whose role is to give the BBC the only story they want to report regarding the march. Give the media the story they want, get arrested then mysteriously released with no charges.
Taff – Nude suffragettes on bikes ( then I woke up)
I bet the antifa lot all arrived on mopeds.
Was that a dream ?
A wet dream.
Yesterday it was reported on the Daily Mail website, including ‘clashes with police’ but has totally disappeared this morning (Sunday).
No the Mail TR story is still there when I look
– We know that NUJ are there only to get scuffle photos
and usually fail to mention that the thugs arrested in the past are generally Antifa the Hatey No Hopers
– The article allows no comment
“Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.”
– But strangely ends with a link to the Breitbart story.. I have never seen the mail do that
That Breitbart link
Orwellian how they can state it’s 1,000 people when their own photos show many more.
And then the livestreams do make 20K, 25K seem like plausible numbers.
Yes are surely normal readers are thinking ‘thousands of people and the police only arrested 5 people, that shows that was overwhelmingly peaceful people
On Twitter about 200 people tweeted the article : First 50 people like DV pointing out the extraordinary bias, then 150 people tweeting saying ‘See if the DM says they are thugs, they must be thugs’
Interesting how the voices of the right keep falling
– The Mail wasn’t always 100% great, but did have a policy of letting certain reporters cover immigration or climate alarmism logically. However now it has become twisted as it goes with its hyperbolic Attenborough led plastic hyperbole and now misrepresenting Tommy.
– And Paul Staines /Guido was giving a great service with his debunking info & open comments. And then he changed with closing comments and his vile cartoon mocking TR, when he would never do that against a black person.
– Both possibly changed by the stop funding hats campaigners (who ironically full of HATE themselves)
– Farage won’t back TR, but since he has done so much good in the past, he can forgiven for anything.
Yes I bought the DM Saturday cos it has a cheap TV guide
These days I would not want to put money in the pockets of anyone in London, but don’t generally support consumer boycotts cos the poor people in the middle like factory workers, van drivers etc. get hurt.
hang on when I list ALL the tweets , the ones opposing the Mail disappear,.
Yet I can see them when I click the TOP tweets button, where they make up about half of them.
This is an amazing piece of social history.
It is a short American documentary from the early eighties, about the indoctrination of children at school; by the “Loony Left” in certain boroughs in London.
When you watch it now, and compare it with what is presented today as mainstream; it makes you wonder what will be “mainstream” in thirty years time.
It also may explain why parts of the capital are virtually un-policeable now, due to the anti-police indoctrination of black school children back then. It is well worth the watch.
A must watch.
My kids began in Haringey 1989, knew none of this.
To see Caroline Cox there annoyed me.
To have effete Tories like her and Letwin moaning about the likes of Bernie Grant and Abbott in the mid-80s is pathetic.
They were in power then, the cultural wars needed to be fought, and the Tories were guilt-filled shits. The Tories really should have focused on education like the Left did.
Tebbit and Ridley would have dealt with them, but the Tories hung out Ray Honeyford to dry.
And now we`ve got what we see today.
And, of course; it had to be the Americans filming this. Seeing it could make you cry and how much we`ve ceded.
Solid post.
It’s amazing to think what you’re watching happened in the capital city of the UK; I cringe to think of what is going on right now and where we’re heading.
Can we expect the BBC to focus their attention upon an incompetent Labour Party and an inept Conservative Party?
There’s plenty of evidence to justify it.
This statement is doing the rounds on social media sites. From what I have heard independently it is very likely true. Javid Sadjid, peace be upon him, is clearly adapting to his role as a Mohamidan Home Secretary
‘Quite frankly the police tactics today just re-enforced the reason why we were all protesting. This government is operating a dictatorship style police state.
The police at Manchester Train station issued everyone section 35 dispersal orders and threatened people with arrest if they boarded the train to London.
The Press issued fake headlines today about the protest being cancelled to deter travellers.
The police were issuing announcements across the tannoy system in London train stations informing the public that the protest in Whitehall had been cancelled, again to try and reduce numbers
The police moved the time back that the guys could get in to set up the stage from 12 noon to 1.30 at the last minute (just one hour to set up stage and scaffolding etc) to try and mess the whole thing up.
The police refused to let the van through with the screen which we had hired for the protest.
They held a huge group of protestors from moving from Trafalgar Square to the demo point in Whitehall.
They applied extremely heavy handed tactics with batons raised, pushing protestors and forcefully removing people signs!
These tactics were probably ordered by the home office to cause chaos and provoke a reaction which is quite frankly a disgrace.
Despite all this tens of thousands of normal British citizens stood to support Tommy and tens of thousands more will be at the next protest! #FreeTommy #Policestate
Message to the Home Secretary. These tactics won’t work here, get some better ideas from the shitholes you get your information from. Or better still, listen to ordinary British people, who, unlike your kind, feel deeply about our children being raped, and understand that Tommy Robinson protests are only the tip of the iceberg.
If the police actions are true, it goes to demonstrate the fear of the State.
Trafalgar Square?
They have 24 hour live tourist webcams there.
Strange I could not get one to work yesterday…
Did anyone capture any of this misinformation on a smartphone? If there’s nothing, I’d be very suspicious.
Perhaps Paul Joseph Watson will look into it.
g.w.f. you stated in your report that there will be another demonstration…how can i find out when and where…i dont do twitter or facebook..i watched the utube videos of the march and will definantly want to attend next one. section 35 or not. let them take a 72 year old woman to court i dont care. i have no respect for the police or polititions anymore. thank god we have those thousands of people who marched yesterday, ordinary people who have had enough.
Sorry for delaying with my answer. Next march 14th July
That is amazing, though on reflection entirely in keeping with what happened in Leeds with TR’s arrest and hustling secretly into prison. Have you heard anything about an appeal?
I wonder how the authorities will treat the Hezbollah pro-terrorism march in London tomorrow?
I imagine the BBC will be all over it and singing them praises.
Then a CBeebies special on it for the kids.
Come on it’s not like the Al Quds march is funded by a foreign power
…is it Iran ?
An msn Lifestyle feature entitled ‘Travel hotspots from the 20th century you can no longer visit’ features 35 slides of places now too dangerous for tourism.
And guess what: every single one is of the beeb’s favourite faith, except for a handful in some Philippines islands, judged too dangerous because of… Islamic insurgency and terrorism!
Mmm, smell the Peace.
Not a bloody whisper about today’s mass demo in London on the Beeb, or anywhere else in the utterly useless, gutless and spineless MSM come to that. What a surprise! It’s all a bit East Berlin….before they kicked down the wall!
I got there a little late and things had already become “lively”. A mass of blokes (well, mainly blokes) headed towards Trafalgar Square chanting that well known song “Tommy, Tommy Robinson.” I followed them and things became a little ugly with the police charging, traffic cones being thrown and the odd plastic container of beer heading towards the boys in blue.
Overall, however, it was very good natured. Incredibly noisy with lots of bemused tourists wondering WTF was going on and a befuddled old duffer (me) ambling about, looking confused.
People are justifiably angry. We’ve been betrayed and we’ve been lied to.
As you wander about London now the silent witnesses to Muslim extremism are everywhere. Every bridge has massive iron and concrete bollards protecting pedestrians from low flying cars. We’ve been bombed and our daughters have been raped en mass. Our politicians. our police and our media have conspired to hide the truth from us. No more! We know. And we’re making our voices heard.
The catalyst for today’s demo was the incarceration of an innocent and honest man. He risked his life and his liberty while our docile, bovine media snoozed and the gormless and gutless worried about the lottery, soap operas and soccer.
Not for much longer.
Things are really beginning to happen,
At long long last!
Thank you for going . The protest will be buried in the news cycle and the Mail – under new management – has moved rapidly left – for reasons I cannot understand . I’m sure TR got some morale support from this even though I’m sure HMG is turning him over to make sure he hasn’t got a mobile like everyone else .
I don’t think the media are so much useless and gutless, as deceitful and devious. They know exactly what they are doing.
Just consider who owns them. “Follow the money”
Still no political party of note to rally round though. Shame. Come back Farage all is forgiven…………..
Haven’t had internet for a few days so just catching up via this site.
Hats off to all who attended the march. When is the next one?
This tweet from Raheem Kassam seems to confirm how the police are being ‘instructed’.
And another good speech from AMW on the day (see Breitbart article).
Apologies if already posted.
the island
next march 14th july
Sunday Times : summarises the LRB article that got beneath relentless hijacking/weaponising of Grenfell for political reasons.
\\ epitomised very early on when a BBC reporter asked a local ‘how ANGRY are you?
Not ‘how are you’ or ‘are you actually a resident?’ //
Political opportunism at it’s very worst.
\\ No, the residents didn’t feel neglected at Grenfell; they enjoyed living in one of the most exciting parts of London.
It was the Grenfell Action Group that “hated” the council and carped about everything including fire risks (but never mentioned the cladding //
\\ council employees — pulled out all the stops to help.
You just wouldn’t know it. //
\\ “Yo Theresa May,” Stormzy rapped to cheers at the Brit awards. “Where’s the money for Grenfell?” As a matter of record, nearly £25m was raised in donations to various charities last year; by May this year, nearly £24m of it had been distributed to survivors and next of kin. But who’s counting? //
Seeing that the G6 7 or 8 is so dysfunctional that they allow EUreich bitches to attend perhaps president trump is right to treat it as part of the swamp .
There is a similar argument for the UN and WTO . I can guess who pays for them so maybe they need to be reworked as they seem not to serve a purpose any more .
A BBC reporter reports
“Two weeks back in Trafalgar Square,
I met a march that wasn’t there!
It wasn’t there again today,
I wish that it would go away.”
From The Tommyknockers
Brexit Propaganda ……………..
We all know how the march went . Media propaganda .
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
“Neither Batten nor Wilders made any mention of the violence at the protests on Twitter.”
Perhaps because they saw none?
How many of the London Bobbies attending today’s march were very sympathetic with today’s cause? They are the very same Bobbies that at have to deal with the cesspit of Londonistan and its multi-culti crime wave of stabbings, thuggery and rape, hamstrung by their politicly correct leader of a Commissioner.
I’ll bet they’re still ‘smarting’ from being chased down the street by a gang of ‘multicultural’ imports.
Look at those coppers run!
Shouts of Alan’s snack bar and Kuffar.
People throwing things at police.
Zero arrests.
Quite a contrast to the free Tommy Robinson event.
Just shows the state have no control of the Islamists.
Bet there were plenty of bbc anchors on hotel balconies who saw and heard plenty, but because it didn’t suit, have been told or know its best not to mention.
Nadya back in the headlines, she finds Corbyn ‘endearing’ and recently turned down Strictly. No surprise there – bit difficult to do Movie Week (western style) in a hijab, but her doing a tango in Halloween week would’ve been interesting. This is the perfect example about Muslim women who identify as British, they want everything that goes with being British because they are born here, but religious restrictions are so entrenched in their psyche – like dancing with a man, that their aspirations become laughable.
The only way that Corbyn could be ‘endearing’ would stick to his original commitment, that is to get us out of the EU and back Brexit. I am sure he would have the majority of the British people behind him, Torys included, because May is a limp lettuce and a Remainer at heart. May supports the EU before the USA.
She has deliberately closed the door to President Trump and the USA to make sure we are stuck in the EU.
She has forgotten our allies of the Second World War.
May has got to go.
She is a quisling.
Maybe they should have asked her to go paintballing?
I think we can assume the governing class is a bit spooked by all this. So sudden and involving those normally peacefully going about their lives. And an unusual demographic.
They will behave as this class always has. Badly and unimaginatively thus compounding the matter. The British state is repressive by temperament and always has been. Nothing has changed much for a thousand years.
This time it is a little problematical since the world will be watching and is not likely to be forgiving if the police and the authorities overstep the mark. Already one can sense that the police are acting as the agent of state power and not as citizens in uniform. Not that they have never done this before as we all remember from the miners’ strike. Whatever your view on that.
I am rather surprised at the MSM. uniformly sticking to a script as if it has been written for them .There is no real mileage in continually calling any protester ‘ far right’ . It is just lazy.
However it is fair to assume that the state has much to lose it it is seen to waver and the money power also needs to stop this challenge to the order it needs .
Solzhenitsen tells us that the state operates by picking us off one by one and in near secrecy- the 5am smashing in the door. Our state will be no different so be warned.
Multi culti London knife deaths up to 74 ?
All at yesterday’s march, once the Mail gets done?
The media , which is pro EU is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Brexit . ‘it was the Russians that did it’ now.
The closer to the target the more the flak.
The Remainers are getting desperate !
Ali has gone full Adonis. Never go full Adonis.
Rather interesting that in the minds of some, the bbc quite rightly is not mentioning a massive demonstration at best misreported by the MSM, whilst lambasting the bbc not mentioning a so far nothing burger the Remain MSM is trying to spin up into something massive.
Boom! As the BBC Ramadan Editor might say.
Rob Hurly Burley responds..
See, the bbc can join the mob if it is righteous!
Excellent, Mr Tucker!
This is in response to the comment by Fedup2 on the previous page.
I saw an entire squad of police escorting Wilders some distance to his car after his speech, which made me wonder:
*Why was he allowed into the country in the first place?
*Why was he given such royal treatment?
Perhaps the ‘Home Secretary’ realized it would be a step too far to deny him entry in the current climate and bad for what’s left of the reputation of the Tory ‘government’ should he be attacked and injured or worse by Intifa or like thugs with the police looking on indifferently.
But perhaps the disastrous powers that be – currently overseeing the destruction of Britain – are cunning enough to use the protection of Wilders as a cover for disrupting the demonstration in ways indicated in the post by G.W.F. above.
From the comment by Roland Deschain on the previous page, I had a look at that bizarre article in the Daily Mail with its bizarre headline:
Violence explodes at Tommy Robinson protest after Dutch far right MP Geert Wilders calls for him to be released from jail and the EDL’s founder’s supporters injure police officers near Downing Street
*Wilders was the cause of the violence? How would the Mail know that? Maybe a cop hit a protestor with a baton
*Only police officers were injured?
*”The EDL’s founder’s supporters??” It’s rare to see such a clumsy phrase in a headline. I guess the writer was so keen to include anything to disparage Tommy Robinson that he/she sacrificed economy of expression for his/her little dig at the man. (Which dig of course ignores the fact that he left the EDL because of its racism.)
This is journalism?
Watching some of the videos, I thought wouldn’t it be great if at the World Cup the English fans did the Tommy chant.
Englands Dreaming,
Watching some of the videos, I thought wouldn’t it be great if at the World Cup the English fans did the Tommy chant.
Good idea, but they need to chant Free Tommy Tommy….
But I should be optimistic and hope he’s out by then.
FIFA has rules about political message at International football
But I can’t imagine Putin wanting to stop a publicity about a British political prisoner.
FIFA has rules about political message at International football
True, I’d forgotten about that.
Anthony has a covefe moment. Ironically.
And one just for Zurch…
Trump runs rings around ’em all.
12 Angry Men.
I include Angela.
The black and white: looks as if they’re praying to him on the left………………
What is fascinating is how differently the image is being taken, depending on the commentator.
Without context (something the MSM now specialises in; almost all claiming Don has dissed Justin without mentioning why) hard to know the reality.
But as Guido pointed out, it will play well in Michigan.
If truth is the first casualty of war, then we have been at war for a long time …..
Grooming. .. truth is the sadistic rape of children. Rotherham case is 1400+ over 16 years or 2.3 million cries for help (based on 2 rapes a week per child).
Racist …. truth is that this word hid 1400 children bein raped.
Dreamer, undocumented,irregular or climate refugee …. truth is these are people illegally crossing borders with 1.5 million in 2015 when Merkel suggested Africa migrates to Germany without eu28 consent.
Far right ….. truth is that the BBC have a far left in Labour but ignore it because you cannot have too much socialism, but ignore Venezuela . Also far right is connected with Hitler.
Victim …. truth is being warped to include criminal as victim.See BBC reporting suicide bomber in Germany as Syrian migrant blows up. Or when total dead includes the criminals.
Maybe a silly point to make but if I drive a car without a licence am I simply an “undocumented driver” or, in fact, driving illegally?
Nowt on Al Beeb about yesterday’s March ? It’s beginning to become an embarrassment as a ‘so called ‘ news provider .
‘Beginning’ !?
Came down to make coffee for breakfast and, as always, switched on the radio for the Sunday service. Today it was from St Barts and was in celebration of 70 years of the NHS. The sermon was given by a former lady Chief Nursing Officer and current bishop, of what branch of the church I don’t know. It was a pure advert for Leftoids and the TU view of ‘our’ NHS, or the INHS as i call it.
Apologies if this was posted already.
Met Police ‘gangs matrix’ ‘not fit for purpose'”
A report by Amnesty International found the force’s Gang Violence Matrix was “racially discriminatory” and breaches human rights law.
The report found the matrix tracked a disproportionate number of minorities, as well as 1,500 people who police had assessed as posing no danger of committing violence.
This country is being ruined by Liberal idiots. If London gangs are mostly blacks (which they are) then the Met Police database on gangs will be mostly black people – common sense.
It’s like arguing a disproportionate number of Travellers are evicted from playing fields compared with football players or a disproportionate number of car drivers get speeding convictions compared to horse riders.
Whatever next? Astronomers can no longer search for Dark Matter in the Universe in case it offends someone black?!?
Amnesty International is a play pen for people with a one-sided understanding of “rights”, who can’t find useful employment elsewhere, but know how to drive a gravy train.
There are many – the UN is another, mainly third world, play pen.
A lot of them about.
Tabs: You do realise that “A report by Amnesty International” means “the extreme left’s version of events and facts”.
RE: Women’s vote anniversary.
Anniversaries are such a cop out – just a point d’appui for them to shove their agenda down our throats for the billionth time. They have TWO hours covering the march later? Obviously the Beeb are applying their standard humour and understatement. What absolute torture that programme must be.
Who is going to cook Sunday lunch if all the women are out marching? ; )
News bulletin just said Russia influenced Brexit; next story about a pay gap!
Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation.
Maybe Alistair is miffed he is not invited on enough?
Now, how do other Remain loons swing a week long residency?
Lord knows.
The BBC’s picture of the G7 summit on its front web page. Shows Trump as evil and angry and the glorious Trudeau pleading patiently with him.
They never stop.
sadly cannot post a pic of the web site for some reason. But I am sure you know what I mean.
Meanwhile, on Marr..
Getting the distinct impression the establishment is moving from lack of trust to outright contempt.
Hansard 7 June
Philip Davies (Shipley) (Con)
May we have a debate on how out of touch this House is with public opinion? The EU referendum proved beyond all doubt that the House was out of touch with public opinion on the EU. It is clearly also out of touch with public opinion on sending more criminals to prison—which clearly the public want to do, whereas the House always wants to send fewer—and on the splurge in overseas aid, which most people think is ridiculous but people in this House seem to think is wonderful. May we have a debate on this to see whether there is anything at all on which the House is in step with public opinion?
Andrea Leadsom
I think that that would be a great subject for a debate. It would certainly be a very broad-ranging and well-attended one. I do not quite know where to start. I personally support that. I will give it some thought.
I wish Philip Davies were my MP, instead of the buffoon we’ve got.
If like me you are the sort of person who… likes the rule of law but not rule by lawyers…
The notion as to the present actual utility of spending time highlighting the bias from our mainstream Bloody Bias-monger in Chief is surely now all but moot.
Shooting fish in a barrel is the expression that might spring to mind – were we not even yet still afraid we could be obliged to obey EU quotas on fishy proverbs under some Brussels regulation or other (for some elastic transitional period stretching inexorably into the future): there’s plenty of them still in the sea; the bigger ones always get away; a sleeping boy catches no fish; and, my new favourite, a fish may love a bird but where would they live? That one’s got me thinking.
Come on Theresa – do we go boldly thither or ineptly dither?
The stinky barrel contents the lazy journo Beeb crew would tip out on our televisual dockside this morning after their regular dragnet trawl through the depths of the Twitter Bank, Guardian Blight and North Utsira (Sturgeon and Salmond country) include audible off-camera sniggering and visible smirking at that bloke Trump.
Contrast the ten milli-second serious face silence for today’s murdered bloke in London – come in number 74 your time is up. Blink and you’ll miss it, we’ve probably got a feature on wimmin’s football to cover here so let’s not linger. Not for me – I’ll have switched off by then. One did notice a quick shot of a familiar Tube Station one used to regularly commute many, many moons ago – so proud! The district, already about as colourful and vibrant, as you would have wished back in the day, heaven only knows what it’s like now.
So, to the straw that broke the back of my patience this morning and sent me reflexively to the off-switch. Suffragette march and commemoration. Haven’t we had a belly full of this green and purple knicker-banner-waving already? I remain listening for just long enough to understand the point of their long-running daily BBC sloped opera is to remind us of past-grievance… ‘previously on the hiddiously male chauvinist patriarchy show…’ plus of course to leave us on a new cliff-hanger and insist there’s battles still to be won… BBC female presenters will surely have a pay renegotiation coming up soon. Chaps, you think this stuff is not relevant to you? If you’ve still just the one cojone left, they’re coming for it.
Room for optimism? Hope….? More like Bob Hope. I think old Bob got it about right when he said ‘I’m leaving before they make it compulsory’
And on theme of much of the thread above, for some reason, we should quote a middle bit from a song by Simon and Garfunkel :
Hide it in the hiding place where no one ever goes
Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes
It’s a little secret just the Robinson’s affair
Most of all you’ve got to hide it from the kids
“What makes people poo in public places”
So is this the best our national broadcaster can come up with?
No reports about yesterday’s free Tommy event.
No reports about the dirty stinking paedo rapists.
Sorry but how the f**k is this news?
They really are a pile of shit and unfit for purpose.
We need to stop funding these dirty horrible perverts now!
Join the dots, BBC!
“I mean, somebody who defecates in public has mental health issues. It’s as simple as that. If you’re socialised, that’s the last thing that you would do.”
Another bloody female Chief of Police!
There can be cultural contributions too.
Squeaky clean Singapore has discovered the phenomenon in public too, though it appears often to be what recent guests have brought with them.
I wonder if any of those politicians who will be appearing on shows such as the daily politics or question time will have the guts to simply ask where is the coverage of the Tommy Robinson march yesterday.
Just ask “why the news blackout”
‘Our’ people such as JRM, Peter Bone, Tebbit and others could easily ask Jo Corbyn or Dimbleby why this is being kept secret.
Maybe they think that they will never get on tv again if they bring this extremely important subject up.
If that is true, what a terrible place the UK has become.
Free speech is all but dead.
Is Batten the man to give us back our freedom?
Anne Marie Waters?
Who else? Nigel is mellowing and JRM is a paper tiger.
Tommy out.
May out.
Amazing what marches they can report when it suits.

Even when they haven’t happened yet.
Maybe they could also ask why the stitch up in the first place.
I watched all 1 hour 15 minutes of Tommy’s live stream from that day and he was clearly arrested for breach of the peace. There was no breach of the peace by Tommy.
He politely asked the alleged perpetrators what they were in court for.
At least two of them replied with insults including sexual references to Tommy’s mum!
Tommy did not react.
Throughout the video he was calm, polite and respectful to the families and supporters of the accused by not filming them.
Neither of the accused expressed concern or remorse about their situation.
Tommy can be clearly heard asking the police if he was ok to be out on the street and can be heard to confirm that he was not on court property whilst not on the steps to the court.
Anyone who actually watches the video can see it’s a stitch up.
At one point Tommy is pushed by one of the alleged perpetrators and asks the police why they would arrest him (Tommy) if it had been the other way around. The police claimed they had not seen anything.
Also if Tommy was supposedly arrested for breach of the peace howcome he was punished for a different offence of contempt of court?
The whole thing is a miscarriage of justice and I hope Tommy will one day be compensated for his false inprisonment.
I am seeing some images not from the MSM (hence equally in doubt until verified) of some frankly shocking police behaviour.
And most of them look more like unfit bouncers in baseball caps and high vis jackets.
However, for ‘balance’…
I think that is a cop. It may be the changing of the guard though.
And Robert Peston and Paul Mason are fretting that ‘they’ are laughing at ‘us’.
If it isn’t, I’d like to hear why he’s not up on a charge of impersonating a police officer. And if I’d been the gentleman at the table I’d have told him to f**k off, policeman or not.
These are questions that need answers – but given what we think we know, how come his lawyer hasn’t got him out yet? In fact, how come we’ve heard nothing about what his lawyer IS doing about it?
Maybe we have to contemplate the possibility that what we think we know is wide of the mark?
I am beginning to doubt almost everything I have heard. Why is no one been in touch with him?
Here is a recent interview with cousin Kevin Carroll. Not much news there
Why does that not surprise me.
Remember Orgreave?
World Cup’s Maddest Moments, Radio 5 Live.
Highlights of the greatest show on earth, how could you go wrong?
The programme is ruined by extremely ‘diverse’ presenters who do not speak proper English: “them teams are good”; “dat commentary is lit”; “got pride innit.” To the BBC this is hallowed ‘diversity’ but being black does not mean you cannot speak English properly.
How little attention must you have paid at school to speak like this as a grown man? Why does Lammy not berate them for their patently terrible attitude? You are not going to pass your Oxbridge exam if you say ‘dem poems is buff’ and no top company will make you CEO if you cannot be bothered to learn basic grammar.
I went to school with, and grew up with quite a few black kids and many years later I still keep in touch with a large number of them and see them socially. All of them speak normal English, and not one speaks all this “innit” and “bruv” bollocks.
“Jaswant Narwal is the Chief Crown Prosecutor of CPS South East, which is responsible for prosecuting crime in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.”
I wonder what proportion of Chief Crown Prosecutor’s around the country, come from an immigrant background………… Just saying. It could explain the joy and relish in which they carry out their task.
The legal definition of, ‘Race’.
We are all ‘diced and sliced’ by the criminal law so it is possible for the police / CPS to find an offence for just about any reason. And even a ‘suspicion’ of a ‘crime’ having been committed or about to or contemplated is enough for the police to demand entry to your private property.
“Diced and Sliced” even more if Sharia takes a firm hold as the Government wish –
In fact, if that occurred, literally, ‘life would not be worth living’.
If, after a few more years, we have some sort of Brexit, not the one we voted for but at least a form of independence, can we build on that?
In 2022 or whenever the next election is, maybe there will be a party we can vote for which will actually offer what we voted for and in the way that UKIP got us the referendum, this ‘party’ might force the lab/con party to include in their manifesto a further distancing from the eu.
In a few elections time we might even have the Brexit we voted for.
A sort of thin end of the wedge scenario where we gradually get our freedom in spite of our politicians trying to deny us.
Start off with maybe a Swiss type Brexit and keep chipping away at it until it’s the Brexit we voted for.
Ideally, we would vote for a completely new party which would do as we voted for but our politicians would never allow that to happen, the best we could hope for is to gradually force our politicians to do things they do not want to do (a proper Brexit) or risk losing their job (and all the money they love so much that goes with it)
“…. a further distancing from the eu.”
What about a re-run?
Farage is back on LBC thank god
.. but even he was forced to have Lord Adonois on 5 minutes.
Oh Farage commented on Aaron Banks & Wiggmore
‘Of course AB had meetings with Russians, cos his wife is Russian,
I was invited to one, but I declined
Yes I knew Banks had contact with Russians re Donald Trump’s transition team, but that was after the election, not before , so it wasn’t about rigging the election etc.’
– Maajad Nawaz is ow explaining the Sunday Times story
‘Isabel Oakshott was commissioned by AB to write a book about him and the campaign, and he simply handed ALL his emails over to her.
She now says that 2 years later her emails were hacked and that is how these emails about Russian meeting have become public.
#1 She is in breach of data protection if she didn’t hold the info securely.
MN is asking if its a witch-hunt.
Maajad just tweeted this about Islam’s negatives

\\ @MaajidNawaz
The Prophet Muhammad is said to have described women as deficient in intellect and religion (full Bukhari hadith below).
Dear conservative Muslims & their #RegressiveLeft apologists, tell me…. does this count as mansplaining?
Good post. Needs to be circulated at every woman’s meeting.
And a copy to Lilly Allen.
BBC 1 weekdays 17.15-1800 Pointless.
BBC 1 weekdays 18.00 -18.30 Pointless aka bbc news
Not pointless it’s job is to BRAINWASH the remaining 10% of UK population that watch BBC News still.
Yet round here it has the opposite effect; almost all people see the bias and know the BBC and MetroLIbEstablishment are giving us false narratives.
It’s only when I go in the pub and hear the white teachers who have moved up from London, that I hear people who actually believe those narratives are true.
I’ve been busy moving home so not been dropping in as often as I’d like with you good people at the BBBC. I’m guessing though that everything’s grand now? Brexit all on track? Sadiq Khan personally swapping chrysanthemums for knives on the streets of London? Excellent.
Anthony Bourdain’s death gets a box-ticking write-up from the Guardian this weekend (I bought it only for the World Cup guide, honest guv), with mentions of:
– Having a beer with Obama in Hanoi
– Being a passionate advocate of #MeToo
– A quote of his that manages to cover Hezbollah supporters, communist functionaries, anti-Putin activists, feminists and Palestinians all at once
And somehow — amongst the usual testimonials from various luminaries across the culinary world — we get this standout tribute: “The civil rights activist Imraan Siddiqi hailed Bourdain’s representation of the Middle East. ‘In this age of Islamophobia and otherisation of Muslims through media, Anthony Bourdain used his platform to humanise Muslims through culture and food […]’”
Grade *A* Guardian writing; made from 100% propaganda
How dare you! Absolutely vile and outrageous fake news, typical of the way in which basic facts are distorted for political purposes. I don’t recall being so incensed by any previous post.
They were marigolds, NOT chrysanthemums.
Beltane, humble apologies for the error — I should of course have referred to them as “so-called flowers”.
I am carting myself off to the Department of Botanical Rectitude immediately
Bourdain also said that the world would be better when whites didn’t exist anymore; it certainly is now that he doesn’t.
I try and avoid any BBC politics on a Sunday morning but I made the mistake of looking twice just for a few minutes each time today.
1st mistake I made was watching Andrew Marr interview Gordon “The Destroyer” Brown. Brown was going on about how, since Brexit, many EU countries have introduced new rules for immigrants “to register for work” and the UK could do this right now instead of leaving the EU – as if the EU referendum was only about getting immigrants registering for work. Ruling Elite missing the whole EU thing yet again.
2nd mistake was sitting down 3 hours later with a cup of tea and putting BBC Sunday Politics on. Caught a bit about “how most of Labour support free movement and want this after Brexit” and then the old chestnut about UK fruit/veg farmers not having enough immigrant staff to pick veg and fruit which “will lead to a food shortage”.
I only need one guess what BBC Countryfile will be about this evening.
Tabs a give yourself a rest . No high blood pressure on Sunday -no albeeb . Brown should just have been buried by history by now after the famous decision to allow Poland unrestricted access to the Blighty labour market on accession. This , I believe , was the real kick off for brexit . HMG -without science -estimated 64 thousand poles in year one . It was probably really 500 000 year one and the same the next year . So public services and rate of pay were reality fucked ( no better word) . Brexit belongs to Blair / Brown . Happy to be told I’m wrong .
If you want to see pure snowflake leftie diversity hold hands and sing ‘Give Peace a Chance’ orgasm-fest look no further than BBC Radio Bristol’s facebook page. Terrible!
The co-called exit negotiations masterminded by Ollie and Hammond (with T. May possible understanding what’s going on) are certainly designed to keep us tied into the EU indefinitely. It is tragic that Richard North was side-lined from the start. His proposal of going for an EEA-Efta seems eminently sensible, and explained in great detail in his FLEXCIT document and in subsequent monographs. It’s not the perfect solution (as he admits), but at least it would have got us properly out of the EU in the next 10 months at the latest. We would have control of UK trade, begun the process of regaining control of our fisheries, and being able to control immigration to a large measure. And what a strong position we could have had by March 2019 – when we could have worked with Visigrad countries and Austria and Italy, as well as Efta members. The likelihood is that with such a large block, the EU would soon flounder. As it is, it seems we are going to get the worst possible agreement, and become a non-voting vassal state powerless to refuse whatever diktak to EU wishes to impose. It is shame that Rees-Mogg and Farage (both of whom are admirable, splendid and honest men) still convince themselves that jumping to WTO rules would be a solution. In my opinion that would make life very difficult.
The Soros plan to undermine brexit seems to be three stranded.
1 undermine the original vote in the Sunday press each week
2 try project fear again – we won’t be able to do this and that when we are out
3 spread confusion within the political classes with the likes of Adonis , soubry and Sir Clegg on point ably assisted by al beeb and the combined msm now including the poor old Daily Mail .
Got to say Soros isn’t doing a bad job . His problem is that there will be life after the end of the A50 period and whoever screws us over will pay dearly at the next election .
ps -seems only one stabbing murder Saturday night – londonistan is getting safer – right ? ( the shooting half a mile from where live only made the local paper )
The BBC did a soft lube job on Soros yesterday. Stourton called him a global philanthropist whose task is to give history a push, a helping hand as it were.
The bloke screwed us all over in 1992, idiot Tories apart.
As for ” giving history a nudge”? Genghis, Mao, Hitler and Stalin could be said to have only been doing the same.
Was surprised to see that Stourton was able to get out of Soros` rectum, so deep had he been up it. He was on the radio this morning, so his proctology was done. Did learn one thing though.
Soros is his name in Esperanto.
Now THAT`S the EU dream,surely we need to campaign for all political remainers to be forced to speak only THAT abortion of a language. And only that.
Gun crime in gun free Britain. I am sure Javid Sadjid, peace be upon him, will be on the job after a demand or two from the BBC
Gun man shoots at point blank range.
Is it a hate crime?
It has been noted on this site many times before, how the BBC in particular and the media in general omit very relevant details when reporting on incidents or crimes concerning immigrants or descendants thereof. So we get the infamous “Oxford MEN” when they mean Pakistani Muslims in stark contrast to “Mali immigrant Spider-Man saves child”.
As has also been mentioned, the recent “London teenager guilty of terror plot” reports the case in great detail, but never mentions the perpetrators’ race or religion once.
And where the (rare) reporting of FGM without any mention of race or religion leaves the impression that it is a generic problem in Britain, while we all know only too well where the practise comes from.
Not relevant? I beg to differ: it is highly relevant.
We all know how the MSM, police and judiciary are now hopelessly dominated by the liberal-Left and paralysed by political correctness but what I didn’t know is how openly that stance is documented.
Paul Weston in his excellent recent video (credit to ToobiWan) explains that journalists are explicitly instructed by the National Union of Journalists guidelines to avoid any negative reporting about incidents when the perpetrators are from an ethnic or religious minority but to do the exact opposite in terms of smearing right-wing “racists”. Of course the definition of “racist” is subjective and as we all know, merely criticising Islam is now considered to be racists.
What? Islam isn’t a race? Oh, they are about to fix that. The MCB, MEND, Tell Mamma and all the other Islamic fascist groups want to redefine “Islamaphobia” as “Anti-Muslim racism” and I have no doubt that they soon will.
And if you wondered why the recent “Free Tommy” marches have been ignored, the NUJ guidelines with no sense of shame, advises journalists to check with recommended organizations as to whether people or some political parties are racist or Islamophobes and can thus be ignored or smeared: “You do not have to report on racist organisations” but should “Seek to broadcast or publish information exposing the myths of racist organisations.” And the organizations that the NUJ recommends include Searchlight, UAF and Hope-not-Hate – well you couldn’t get a more impartial bunch of hard-Left boot-boys if you tried!
If you get the feeing that the judiciary have lost the plot, it is no accident or exaggeration. Take a look at the insane Equal Treatment Bench Book produced by the Judiciary College. To quote Weston:
You can find this in the Introduction, paragraph 4 on page 19.
As Weston says:
If you link directly to the video on Youtube you will see that Paul provided the above links in the comments. You can also get a transcript of the video here too. Though 29 minutes long it is well worth watching.
Thanks for the link. I’ve downloaded a copy of the Bench Book and glanced through it. Conclusion? We are totally lost and with the contents of this guidance, can see that the white English are doomed. The extent to which islam has wrapped its tentacles around our everyday World can and will never be reversed. Sorry to admit this but if the “independent” judiciary will be biased in favour of the poor muslims there is no hope. Justice is no longer.
Thanks Enoch, I would like to look more in detail your links. Took a quick look at that Judicial Equal Treatment pdf:
Anti-Muslim Racism: Islamophobia gets 6 sub-sections. In a section entitled “Treatment of Muslims in Court”, there’s a list of recommendations starting with “As in all cases, it is important to demonstrate respect for cultural difference.” It goes on: “Showing understanding of any issues regarding times when a Muslim person cannot attend court, eg because of an important holy day, or because they need time off or facilities to pray.”
Antisemitism gets 3 sub-sections. There is NO SECTION for treatment of Jews in court or list of recommendations I can see… nor for any other religious group.
Enoch – I wonder that Orwell would have thought of the irony that the ministry of truth turns out to be th National Union of Journalists ( Islam branch ) .
So people read the news and have to decode it to find “an alternative truth” . Bit like shooting in londonistan when the race of those involved isn’t mentioned but then it is mentioned that the “ trident “ unit is investigating – meaning black or other vibrant people and involved . Press freedom indeed.
Please pass the sick bucket.
Tommy is in prison. I think it might be a bit frightening being a young white British girl in many of our towns & cities.. But let’s focus on Muslim celebrity Nadia & her phantom fear (as if it’s news)
Thanks LP.
Interesting that BBC bake-off winner Nadiya Hussain claims, “its really scary to be a muslim right now”.
Why’s that then, she should be asked? Anything to do with Terrorist carnage in the name of Islam, her religion?
I say, its really scary for a white christian to walk the streets of his own capital now.
Are all those barriers for traffic calming? No. They are there in expectation of another islamic attack. White supremacists wouldn’t attack London Bridge.
But these questions are never, never asked.
“its really scary to be a muslim right now”
What humbug!
Just seen on Twitter-
“Make liberalism ridiculous again.”
Love it!
That implies it isn’t ridiculous now.
Always a joy to read so much good stuff up above.
Maybe we hang around with different types, or we select out own. But I know this. My friends will not put up with the E.U after March next year.
We will need the cold dead hand of Ted Heath pulled out of Geoffrey Rippons arse, to be used to sign any EU plans. Not only the Frankfurt 2020 stuff they`ve got in line for themselves, the Turks and their EU Army. But whether VAT or metric are cultural appropriations that we`ve indulged too long, the legitimacy of ECHR and Supreme Court machinations or London Assemblies.
The acid test will be our fish. On April 1st next, will we be pouring out of Shields, Grimsby and Brixham to catch our “fishies on dishies”?
Or are we going to meekly surrender all our grandads fought and died for?
When Tommy is getting worried video clips from Lima, Buenos Aires about his political prisoner status -a complete reversal from the Pinochet, Aubisson and Galtieri days-then we`re getting taken for hog tied morons and monkeys. Time to bite.
Start with your recycling bins-these are EU constructs, they are health risks, put out backs and you can`t get insurance for them rolling into a car…we really need to get active, and stop moaning. Don`t pay your licence, and go out and meet the opposition. Usually in `spoons with a blacklab outside, I find!
And if Remoaners feel safe to walk your streets, if a Campbell, Clegg or Robinson are free to roll up after the Blitz in a Nazi outfit?-then we`re not doing our jobs, nowhere near clear enough are we?
Radio “Free Of Europe”-if we can`t scare the BBC pussywillows locally, then just join the Milice!
aaaaaargh….screw his lid down next time!!
Last seen heading out of the tradesmans entrance at Camp Soros, and off to China to flog dodgy fags to the Chinese. Just the man to advise us on our moral duties.
Doesn`t look well though, hope he knows he can`t take it with him-and , if he could, :it would burn anyway.
Hell has a Heseltine Suite i`m told-true fact.
A tweet by some arsehole on the above;
Austerity is justified by this gvt because it would be ” unfair” for our children and grandchildren to inherit the national debt and deficit. On the other hand it appears that the gvt considers that for them to inheriti the chsos of Brexit is reasonable
I wonder what is thoughts for our children are on the chaos of the coming Islamisation?
F**k off Ken, you old soak!
I’m taking a break from the garden and turned the tv on, bBbc of course comes up, ‘Britain Celebrates Live, 100 Years of Women’s Votes’.
10s of thousands of women marching in London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast apparently. Well nobody seems to know about it apart from them because marchers aside, ,and the usual shoppers and tourists, the streets seem empty, devoid of supporters or interest. What a lacklustre and strangely detached ‘celebration’.
This, after years of warnings I should have heeded, is the day the bBbc have finally ‘jumped the shark’ for me.
I understand that there was a (much larger) event in Central London yesterday, which the BBC never mentioned for some reason …….
How strange. It’s unlike them to miss something like that (sarc) ….
I could have said, ’10s of thousands of white women’.
But, prior to being patronized as a man by that silly, silly woman Shirley Williams, I did notice that there were actually some BAME women other than the bBbc employees there as the bBbc seemed to interview them all.
Amongst them a niqabbed representative of the Islamist MEND in Cardiff. Discussing their banner, the pretty poor Tanni Grey-Thompson remarked that the women pictured looked like strong women.
‘Yes’, replied the Muslima wearing the veil,
‘ Can’t you see their faces?’
Emm….. No.
Al Beeb managed to put the word ” detoxify” in the mid day news – about Brexit .
The upshot of gender madness: