I managed about 1min 30sec of BBC1 this afternoon. They have found some women’s march to focus on. I turned it off in the interest of keeping my lunch down. This weekend in London- Free Tommy Robinson and Hezbollah. But BBC reports a women’s march. If there was any doubt left that they are manipulating the public before today it’s gone.
“If there was any doubt left that they are manipulating the public before today it’s gone.
That is one encouraging thing. The BBC in particular, and MSM in general have been boxed into a corner where they have to openly censor or openly misrepresent. Which must have opened the eyes of many.
It is also noticeable that despite the reporting on website, TV and radio of the suffragette marches, @BBCNews haven’t yet touched Twitter with it, as far as I can see. They know what will come in the replies.
I’m surprised that the poor bugger who took the photo wasn’t covered in dandruff or worse, G.W.F.
Brings a whole new meaning to, “I saw her lips move!”
BBC Radio 4 presenter Eddie Mair has revealed how he was attacked by a gang on a bus in London. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-44431582
Mr Mair said he was too ashamed to report the incident, which happened in December, to police.
The 52-year-old was left with bruising to his head after being struck by one of a group of three youths riding bikes.
Writing in the Sunday Times, he said: “I felt I may have been in some way responsible for what happend
Ba ha ha ha
I bet the poor thing has his nose rubbed in diversity.
And yes he was responsible, he let them in the country
Here’s the photos from the BBC article:
BBC Radio 4 presenter Eddie Mair has revealed how he was attacked by a gang on a bus in London.
Evening Standard article:
Attack victim: BBC Radio 4 presenter Eddie Mair ( PA )
A google image search and what he really looks like these days.
So why use old photos?
Maybe to hide the fact that gays don’t age well with their sick lifestyle.
I wonder if mr Mair was ‘tired and emotional’ when this alleged incident occurred ?
I suppose those who listen to the Eddie Mair show will hear graphic details of his exposure to real life. Counselling all round.
And I can feel a documentary coming on…
Having a rest from al Beeb. – ITV news . President Trump fights for the interests of his own country and tells EU and snowflake Canada where to go. He knows how to treat opponents – perhaps he could give the useless UK PM a few lessons. But she’s a remainer so happy to deny democracy any way .
Grabbed only a few minutes at the end of “Sunday” with that hopeless Pope Eddie Stourton .
He had some stuff about the Tories needing to deal with their “Islamophobia”.
I`ll be watching this one-never seen a more obvious Hezbollah kite flying. This is just to equate hundreds of years of Lefty Islam Jew baiting with a Tory eating a bacon butty within ten miles of a mosque. A canary in the media salt mine this one.
Once Stourton had raised THAT, as a crock of white camels poo; we find that Canon Andrew White of Baghdad, MS sufferer, and a brave backer of Yazidis and Christians in Iraq has now been raided for “SUPPORTING terrorism”. And been hounded out of his own charities too.
This story simply followed the Tory Islamofauxbic one, as if there was no connection.
Building the British Caliphate. B.B.C.
But did it help with their anorexia?
Maybe the forced feeding was an early, if misguided diet regime.
And any fashionista knows that arrows do NOT help, they only draw attention to your wobbly bits, or turkey neck.
No, poor look, green and purple?
What WERE they thinking?
Trump is running rings around Al Beeb and the MSM. They don’t know how to handle him. All they can do is behave like school kids in the playground and call him names . https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-44430000
Carry on draining the swamp.
Eddie Mair has cleared up something for me which has had
my mind wandering for some time. Whenever there is a
terrorst atrocity in the UK, or muggings, stabbings etc. The BBC
very often tries to find a secondary reason why it happens.
The police are not very nice to the perpetrators. The terrorists.
muggers have had bad upbringings. They have a “social disease”
I think the lyrics of Gee, Officer Krupke from West Side Story
says it all. One of the great lines is
Well we now know that Eddie Mair like most of the rest
at the BBC know this. When being mugged Mair said he felt in
some way that he may of been responsible.
So folks maybe the BBC think that the mostly British Pakistani
Muslim men, who groomed and raped young girls , did
what they did because they were depraved because they
were deprived. And just like Eddie Mair the BBC don’t want
to talk about it. Thanks Eddie it explains everything about
the BBC.
from daily mail
”30 May 2018 – Radio 4 star Eddie Mair ‘is resisting a salary cut to help balance the BBC’s gender pay gap’ despite earning £350,000 a year. … ”
and now
”Eddie Mair has revealed how he was attacked by a gang on a bus in London.”
A grand a day..the riff raff one gets on public transport these days
ITTB has also noticed the ongoing attempts by the BBC to claim middle ground by caving in to Alistair Campbell’s demands to have as much airtime as he wants.
Robert Maxwells gimp on meds, with David Kellys blood on his hands? Pornographic liar?
And-get this BBC-he`s not on board with your wimmins football in 2006?
Now its THAT last one that`ll bring the nasty little turd down I`d imagine.
Remember-we once had Campbell and Prescott in government, as agreed with us.
Until Soubry and Clegg, quite possibly the two biggest skidmarks on our political nappy. And we call out the Yanks on voting for Trump?
Not even the biggest clown in America would have voted for any of those four I`ve named.
OK I’m going down another rabbit hole again
Actually those guys could be agitators ?
RedCapGreenShorts he still has his stick in his hands which can be seen at the first SkyNews pic when they are doing aggravation at front of the barriers
#2 Look and see how BlackShoesWhiteFlash the guy who is on the ground is wearing a hoody in that first photos
That sky news page has bigger photos https://news.sky.com/story/march-against-jailing-of-former-edl-leader-tommy-robinson-turns-ugly-11400086
#3 Note how 2 other people in that line have faces covered. That’s an Antifa habit, not something I have seen from Tommy’s lot.
Those guys could be
#1 Aggressive Tommy supporters
#2 Antifa infiltrators
or #3 Undercover police
Past livestreaming always show that Tommy supporters are largely peaceful, and are quick to close down violence if it starts]
** Another thing is Raheem seemed to be suffering soft blocking by Twitter. When I try searches like : “people protesting” Raheem
His tweet does not show up, but I can find it by going to his timeline.
I have something indicating Mr RedCapGreenShorts the stick carrier could be Antifa
“Red baseball cap” “red shoes”
Something strange is that when I type “antifa agitator” into a Google IMAGE search for last 24 hours
The only image it gives me is that Raheem Tweet (since nothing VISIBLE in that thread mentions those words)
Someone asked this question on Quora; What is the contribution of British Pakistanis to the UK.
A few vomit producing answers, from people with exotic handles and when some sticks his head over the parapet and tells it as it is, someone comes back with this; An obvious racist troll too cowardly to own their opinions. Funny how you use the terms “Muslim” and “Pakistani” interchangeably, like Muslims are a race or something.
Like Muslims are a race or something! I know it isn’t, just a pity our government, judiciary and police don’t! https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-contribution-of-British-Pakistanis-to-the-UK?share=1
Absolutely no political agenda on TV tonight pushing Feminism
7pm Antiques Roadshow “Pioneering Women Special”
“From the Houses of Parliament, with specially invited guests: ”
( wonder how many will be Labour MPs ?)
9pm C4 The Handmaid’s Tale season 2
10:50pm BBC2 How women can get ahead in TV (comedy)
10:50pm ITV Tribute to Foreign players in UK football
11pm BBC1 Suffragettes with Lucy Worsely
Good laugh on R4 this eve: ‘Profile’ by our friend Stourton on the ‘philanthropist’ Soros. He apparently didn’t see any conflict between Soros ‘demanding’ a second referendum in Britain and the programme’s closing claim about what a good ‘liberal democrat’ he was. Liberal perhaps, but only in the new definition of socialist as being ‘liberal’. And democrat?
Tell us another one, Stourton!
One of Soros people – kinnock junior -another with a family funded by our tax money thrift the ReichEU -is calling on a police investigation into meetings between a rich British citizen and representatives of the Russian government during the brexit campaign .
Mr kinnock is known to sleep with a foreign politician on a regular basis – it’s his wife . Maybe there need be an inquiry into that .
Haven’t we just known ever since the attempts to blame the Trump victory on the Russians, that the same tactics would sooner or later be tried with Brexit and Britain?
I wondered whether the big hype-up of the Skripal affair wasn’t an early warning sign that this strategy was coming our way.
A bit of mood music for the next step: trying to pin Brexit on Russian interference.
Documented that his wife tried to avoid tax on their Denmark home, u claiming Stephen owned it.
The authorities ruled they were in breach cos Stephen was living in Switzerland not Denmark.
First he plays his own song “Sing if you’re glad to be gay”
Then he reads out a request from anti-apartheid activists and plays “Free Nelson Mandela”
Then he plays Diana Ross “I’m coming out”
Wasn`t Tom the bloke who was gay when touring the college circuits in the punk era? And then became a heterosexual father once his career had taken a dive in the mid 80s?
Has the BBC even asked him how we went from gay to straight?
Conversion therapy? ECT? Meds?…finding Jesus or Allah?
Could save the NHS a few quid if he said how he did so.
Now, was “War Baby” the worst record ever to chart?
Or was it “Teardops” by Womack and Womack?
War Baby probably, but it`s close.
‘Die Welt’ this eve lays the blame for the scandal at the Federal Bureau for Migration and Refugees in Germany, squarely on the ‘do nothing’ Chancellor, Ms Merkel.
This scandal has received no coverage in the UK, but has been big news in Germany for weeks. In short, the incompetent Bureau has completely stuffed up its key mission. Now we have the blame being laid where it belongs. The only laugh is, this paper now reveals with great fanfare, what we have all known for a very long time.
I have also said before that I believe a certain other leader, not too far removed from us, has been taking a leaf out of the Merkel book for leadership at regular intervals.
I think the chapter ‘How to stay in charge by doing nothing’ is well-thumbed by now.
Of course, you have to have the eager press taking a telling snap of you, every now and then, to keep the little people agog. Say, a selfie with a few ‘refugees’.
Or a photo claiming her to lay the law down on The Donald, like the one above.
Seems from the lead story in ‘Die Welt’, some key newspapers are no longer falling for all the BS.
There's room for a lot of different opinions in political discourse. But those who pretend that the US didn't start embracing tyrants and dictators until Trump became President – like it's a new thing he invented – are engaged in rank revisionism of the worst kind: https://t.co/SADK2rsPLK
There was some programme on al beeb one which looked like a celebration of Wimmin in the Commons .
How irrelevant – don’t they realise the the house of expenses is out of touch with the public who pay for it whether it’s male , female or bloody Martians.
All that false pomp and circumstance should be moved to Milton Keynes or similar and Westminster turned into a museum .
No he’s sending the right message that gang members are animals
The BBC libs say that is wrong cos the link is to photo of a BLACK gangster
Tosh we want police to know who the bad guys are
He’s put an update
I am very clear PTSD can affect civilians. Animals was a bad choice of words. I don't delete my mistakes, I apologise and I do. My intention were the gang leaders who make money on drugs etc and ruin young lives they lead over and their colour is irrelevant with regards this.
He’s thinking: we defeated you twice last century, then we rebuilt your country from the ruins, then we airlifted Berlin, then we defended you from the Soviets for 40 years, now you’re lecturing ME?
Like the idea of community choirs at the football or “Free Tommy” having to pass an audition by a tone deaf copper with a lyric sheet.
We`re past the shark aren`t we?
Not that any BBC shill will ever risk a laugh at this madness will they?
Funny really-we`ve got a Tom and Tommy Robinson scale of hypocrisy and patriotism haven`t we? 100% patriot at one end 100% BBC poodle pet at the other.
Paul Weston at 90, Gerard Batten at 80, Morrissey at 50…below him, they`re all traitors.
Would “More Or less” care to audit for me?
People here know how much I love Countryfile. I should have been pleased because it was all about the Queen and they were very respectful. In fact they were all so respectful, it was dreadful. I know that she is the one person we should bow and curtsy to, but it was just too much. Plus I don’t know when it was recorded, but there was Adam standing in a fit field of wheat – which it won’t be for at least another 2 months. Look anywhere in an arable area and you will see green fields. So was it repeat footage to present a programme on the cheap?
But the thing that got me was the poor writing of the voice overs. If I heard once more that the Queen was ‘passionate’ about something rural, I would scream. Every time they changed topic it was to say it again. But it is what you get when you have second rate people writing a script. (I don’t know whether it is actually the presenters or someone who has never learned to write properly and stays in the background.
Never was Scott Adams’s theory that differing sides are watching two movies more starkly demonstrated. I don’t see a powerful and confident German leader. I see a leader used to bullying her way and not knowing how to deal with someone who plays the game better than her and isn’t going to back down.
It’s also clear that his opponents don’t know how to deal with him with regards to his meeting with the North Koreans. Katty Kay has been retweeting utter dribble about how unprepared Trump is. Have they learned nothing? He didn’t get where he is by being unprepared, he got where he is by making his opponent think he’s unprepared. Their hatred for him means they can’t admit it even to themselves and so they have to carry on as if they’ve learned nothing.
China is an authoritarian, quasi-communist regime. The EU contains some of the world’s most stable democracies. But this goes without saying – or, at least, it should https://t.co/Pb5sRl8NT5
I feel he really does not like May, Trudeau, Macron, Tusk and the rest. Like many if us he can sense their shallowness and uselessness. I think he was prepared to try with May but now knows it is hopeless.
It has been coming for a long time the day when the USA tells Europe to either shape up or get lost. I suspect even Obama would have liked to do this but could not.
He is first and foremost a businessman and he knows how capitalism works, and uses that knowledge for the benefit of his country. The rest of the G7 “leaders” would struggle to run a whelk stall.
That is why he is running rings round them, and they don’t know how to deal with him, having in the past only dealt with like-minded drones.
The man is a breath of fresh air.
I am so sorry you witnessed this disgraceful scene & I hope it hasn’t spoilt your holiday. These #FreeTommy supporters are a tiny minority with tiny brains stuffed full of hate. They represent only themselves and not the overwhelming majority of British people #notinmynamehttps://t.co/gfGYunSDOo
Please. Tell me that’s really the parody account of Guy Verhofstwat.
What a telling insight as to how our political masters view matters. This weekend has crystallised many things in my mind: the open contempt of Western politicians for anyone who gets in the way of their grand plans; the open censorship by the media of a demonstration that goes against these plans and the willingness of said media to lie, lie and lie again in pursuit of discrediting inconvenient groups. It tells me they are becoming increasingly desperate as their plans threaten to unravel. The powers-that-be will stop at nothing to prevent that and I think we are entering a very dangerous period.
Looking at some of the comments below, which I hadn’t read when I posted, it seems I’m not the only one to have come to a similar conclusion about where we now stand.
The failure of the MSM to cover this tells you all you need to know.
They dare not do so honestly and yet must realise that their silence is going to ruin their credibility in the future.
It is the same over the abrupt departure of the President from the G7
His contempt had to be downplayed and spun.
We have been in a pre revolutionary state for a while and our ancien regimes are running to form as always.
I think even many here underestimated the shock of the President’s election and Brexit to these regimes. They now have to react rather than initiate. In other words control is slipping away.
I expect events to suddenly escalate in unforeseen ways .
it is indicative that the old regimes are trying to fix blame everywhere but on themselves. The Russia thing is patently absurd but they are clinging to it .
I remember how quickly the USSR collapsed when the internal contradictions became too much and even the official liars stopped believing their lies .
In that case i think that Gorbachev was well aware of this and used it to hasten the collapse .
It is a common belief and quite wrong that historically great changes take place slowly. They have always happened very quickly Any one in doubt needs to look at the Reformation in Germany and the English Civil war in 1642. .Just two examples.I must add of course that the build up to the changes is over a much longer period and always only clear in hindsight . That is probably as true now as always
Dave S
And who could forget the image of Ceausescu standing on that balcony, totally bewildered by the events unravelling before his eyes. Like a rabbit transfixed by an approaching car’s headlights.
An interesting point. The entire MSM is a joke. There isn’t one outlet I can think of that offers anything remotely approaching objectivity. The coverage of the attempted coup d’etat in the States is so palpably orwellian, I only read them for a laugh. Of course I’m not sure so many people are aware of the extent to which our Government was involved in all this, but it will come out shortly as the IG reports start coming out over the summer, beginning this week with the first on the Clinton email fiasco. This will only add to further disillusionment with May and co. These people have been getting away with this for way too long and it looks like more and more ordinary people are being to wake up to it.
“There are 20,000 people here…..”
Well, Al Beeb has really tried to keep the lid on that one but by doing so the corrupt organisation has exposed its propaganda and censorship of the news.
You true Brits that were there , tell your mates and family what’s going on, spread the truth, Great Britain is under threat from within. The Second Battle of Britain has begun!
Message to maxincony, Evan and your mates ……
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
The Lion is beginning to wake up.
That the BBC choose THIS as an example of “Merkel sticking it to the Man” only shows how deranged they are.
Lord knows how many person-hours they spent trying to get this stunt of nothing. Looks like to me the pigmies are gathering around genial Harry Grout and getting a pasting.
Merkel and May( just about make out the pudding bowl uselessness) ? Womens tag team? Scary.
If only her Muslims were so awestruck as the BBC are.
Trump leads his country, these puff adders will hopefully be hanging in the Hague before too long.
May could have done some business with Herr Trump, and she`s screwed up-quelle surprise.
Trump and Tommy will be around long after we`ve scraped this bunch of Obama gummy bears off our boots.
BBCNews #2 now
“Italy’s Matteo Salvini shuts port to 629 rescued migrants”
The interesting thing is the tag they give the story
…[Europe Migrant Crisis]
..at least they own up to that now https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-44432056
The Welsh Government is a Bureaucratic White Elephant that wastes money. It closes hospitals down while it calls for more Assembly Members.
Abolish it.
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/bbcnews/status/1896834511125541255?s=61 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
Fedup2Mar 4, 08:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the almighty Bowen lives with a permanent sneer now . I think it comes from the years these…
JohndaMar 4, 08:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeremy Bowen just described Trump as distasteful in his approach to Kiev. It’s not his job to critique. No place…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 08:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 bbc verify is on the case:- Can Europe fill the gap now the US has paused military support for Ukraine?…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1896693369948311986?s=61 Clever. This may see ‘review’ their stances.
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TSMC acts as tariffs loom… The world’s biggest chipmaker is set to unveil a $100bn investment in advanced manufacturing facilities…
I managed about 1min 30sec of BBC1 this afternoon. They have found some women’s march to focus on. I turned it off in the interest of keeping my lunch down. This weekend in London- Free Tommy Robinson and Hezbollah. But BBC reports a women’s march. If there was any doubt left that they are manipulating the public before today it’s gone.
“If there was any doubt left that they are manipulating the public before today it’s gone.
That is one encouraging thing. The BBC in particular, and MSM in general have been boxed into a corner where they have to openly censor or openly misrepresent. Which must have opened the eyes of many.
It is also noticeable that despite the reporting on website, TV and radio of the suffragette marches, @BBCNews haven’t yet touched Twitter with it, as far as I can see. They know what will come in the replies.
Lord Hall Hall clearly knows what the real issue is.
This may of course be less than accurate.
Is this a slutwalk as well then?
No decent girl would be seen dead on THAT walk.
So-called ‘News’
So-called ‘British’.
Lily Allen shows her pussy on Twitter. It is not in this link but try google images for the thrill
Remember this when she gets her damehood.
I’m surprised that the poor bugger who took the photo wasn’t covered in dandruff or worse, G.W.F.
Brings a whole new meaning to, “I saw her lips move!”
#Igotears I hope the embedded BBC lily team were provided with safety equipment.
I thought at first it might be something like Mrs. Slocombe had
BBC Radio 4 presenter Eddie Mair has revealed how he was attacked by a gang on a bus in London.
Mr Mair said he was too ashamed to report the incident, which happened in December, to police.
The 52-year-old was left with bruising to his head after being struck by one of a group of three youths riding bikes.
Writing in the Sunday Times, he said: “I felt I may have been in some way responsible for what happend
Ba ha ha ha
I bet the poor thing has his nose rubbed in diversity.
And yes he was responsible, he let them in the country
I wonder if he would have reported it if it had been the “Far Right” who had done it?
I suppose we will never know..
Why would a beeboid not report a street crime? Because they were of the wrong hue of course.
Anyway we know what ‘gang’ is code for.
And ‘hoodie’.
Here’s the photos from the BBC article:

BBC Radio 4 presenter Eddie Mair has revealed how he was attacked by a gang on a bus in London.
Evening Standard article:

Attack victim: BBC Radio 4 presenter Eddie Mair ( PA )
A google image search and what he really looks like these days.

So why use old photos?
Maybe to hide the fact that gays don’t age well with their sick lifestyle.
Going all Clinton.
I wonder if mr Mair was ‘tired and emotional’ when this alleged incident occurred ?
I suppose those who listen to the Eddie Mair show will hear graphic details of his exposure to real life. Counselling all round.
And I can feel a documentary coming on…
Having a rest from al Beeb. – ITV news . President Trump fights for the interests of his own country and tells EU and snowflake Canada where to go. He knows how to treat opponents – perhaps he could give the useless UK PM a few lessons. But she’s a remainer so happy to deny democracy any way .
Grabbed only a few minutes at the end of “Sunday” with that hopeless Pope Eddie Stourton .
He had some stuff about the Tories needing to deal with their “Islamophobia”.
I`ll be watching this one-never seen a more obvious Hezbollah kite flying. This is just to equate hundreds of years of Lefty Islam Jew baiting with a Tory eating a bacon butty within ten miles of a mosque. A canary in the media salt mine this one.
Once Stourton had raised THAT, as a crock of white camels poo; we find that Canon Andrew White of Baghdad, MS sufferer, and a brave backer of Yazidis and Christians in Iraq has now been raided for “SUPPORTING terrorism”. And been hounded out of his own charities too.
This story simply followed the Tory Islamofauxbic one, as if there was no connection.
Building the British Caliphate. B.B.C.
Women’s March today in London.
100 years ago women got the vote.
And….? Has it all gone wrong since then? No? Any killed? Only one who tripped up a race horse.
How many men were killed by 1918 in WW1 fighting for freedom?
How many women were killed in comparison?
Also, Saint Pankhurst only wanted the vote for rich, upper class women. BBC, do you ever mention that?
But did it help with their anorexia?
Maybe the forced feeding was an early, if misguided diet regime.
And any fashionista knows that arrows do NOT help, they only draw attention to your wobbly bits, or turkey neck.
No, poor look, green and purple?
What WERE they thinking?
Trump is running rings around Al Beeb and the MSM. They don’t know how to handle him. All they can do is behave like school kids in the playground and call him names .
Carry on draining the swamp.
Eddie Mair has cleared up something for me which has had
my mind wandering for some time. Whenever there is a
terrorst atrocity in the UK, or muggings, stabbings etc. The BBC
very often tries to find a secondary reason why it happens.
The police are not very nice to the perpetrators. The terrorists.
muggers have had bad upbringings. They have a “social disease”
I think the lyrics of Gee, Officer Krupke from West Side Story
says it all. One of the great lines is
Well we now know that Eddie Mair like most of the rest
at the BBC know this. When being mugged Mair said he felt in
some way that he may of been responsible.
So folks maybe the BBC think that the mostly British Pakistani
Muslim men, who groomed and raped young girls , did
what they did because they were depraved because they
were deprived. And just like Eddie Mair the BBC don’t want
to talk about it. Thanks Eddie it explains everything about
the BBC.
from daily mail
”30 May 2018 – Radio 4 star Eddie Mair ‘is resisting a salary cut to help balance the BBC’s gender pay gap’ despite earning £350,000 a year. … ”
and now
”Eddie Mair has revealed how he was attacked by a gang on a bus in London.”
A grand a day..the riff raff one gets on public transport these days
….and that’s what the gang said.
Boom boom!
ITTB has also noticed the ongoing attempts by the BBC to claim middle ground by caving in to Alistair Campbell’s demands to have as much airtime as he wants.
Robert Maxwells gimp on meds, with David Kellys blood on his hands? Pornographic liar?
And-get this BBC-he`s not on board with your wimmins football in 2006?
Now its THAT last one that`ll bring the nasty little turd down I`d imagine.
Remember-we once had Campbell and Prescott in government, as agreed with us.
Until Soubry and Clegg, quite possibly the two biggest skidmarks on our political nappy. And we call out the Yanks on voting for Trump?
Not even the biggest clown in America would have voted for any of those four I`ve named.
Really PC Mark ?
Improbable, but did you mean to call #1 Lancashire County Council & #2 Lady Thornberry the Shadow Home Secretary SILLY ?
#1 2016 LCC contacted pub landlord to tell him to remove the bunting on basis it ‘contravenes the highway code’
#2 In 2014 Lady Thornberry the Shadow Home Secretary mocked people for putting up England flags
Ah, bobbies… the epitome of British values. So proud.
OK I’m going down another rabbit hole again
Actually those guys could be agitators ?
RedCapGreenShorts he still has his stick in his hands which can be seen at the first SkyNews pic when they are doing aggravation at front of the barriers
#2 Look and see how BlackShoesWhiteFlash the guy who is on the ground is wearing a hoody in that first photos
That sky news page has bigger photos https://news.sky.com/story/march-against-jailing-of-former-edl-leader-tommy-robinson-turns-ugly-11400086
#3 Note how 2 other people in that line have faces covered. That’s an Antifa habit, not something I have seen from Tommy’s lot.
Those guys could be
#1 Aggressive Tommy supporters
#2 Antifa infiltrators
or #3 Undercover police
Past livestreaming always show that Tommy supporters are largely peaceful, and are quick to close down violence if it starts]
** Another thing is Raheem seemed to be suffering soft blocking by Twitter. When I try searches like : “people protesting” Raheem
His tweet does not show up, but I can find it by going to his timeline.
I have something indicating Mr RedCapGreenShorts the stick carrier could be Antifa

“Red baseball cap” “red shoes”
Something strange is that when I type “antifa agitator” into a Google IMAGE search for last 24 hours
The only image it gives me is that Raheem Tweet (since nothing VISIBLE in that thread mentions those words)
Silly indeed, we all know the police will be too busy updating their social media and practicing walking in high heels for the next Gay Shame Parade.
Someone asked this question on Quora;
What is the contribution of British Pakistanis to the UK.
A few vomit producing answers, from people with exotic handles and when some sticks his head over the parapet and tells it as it is, someone comes back with this;
An obvious racist troll too cowardly to own their opinions. Funny how you use the terms “Muslim” and “Pakistani” interchangeably, like Muslims are a race or something.
Like Muslims are a race or something! I know it isn’t, just a pity our government, judiciary and police don’t!
It’s a gang, but somehow isn’t covered by the Gang intervention programme
Not sure having her pegged No.6 is really sending a confident message.
Absolutely no political agenda on TV tonight pushing Feminism
7pm Antiques Roadshow “Pioneering Women Special”
“From the Houses of Parliament, with specially invited guests: ”
( wonder how many will be Labour MPs ?)
9pm C4 The Handmaid’s Tale season 2
10:50pm BBC2 How women can get ahead in TV (comedy)
10:50pm ITV Tribute to Foreign players in UK football
11pm BBC1 Suffragettes with Lucy Worsely
Good laugh on R4 this eve: ‘Profile’ by our friend Stourton on the ‘philanthropist’ Soros. He apparently didn’t see any conflict between Soros ‘demanding’ a second referendum in Britain and the programme’s closing claim about what a good ‘liberal democrat’ he was. Liberal perhaps, but only in the new definition of socialist as being ‘liberal’. And democrat?
Tell us another one, Stourton!
One of Soros people – kinnock junior -another with a family funded by our tax money thrift the ReichEU -is calling on a police investigation into meetings between a rich British citizen and representatives of the Russian government during the brexit campaign .
Mr kinnock is known to sleep with a foreign politician on a regular basis – it’s his wife . Maybe there need be an inquiry into that .
Remainers are that desperate
Haven’t we just known ever since the attempts to blame the Trump victory on the Russians, that the same tactics would sooner or later be tried with Brexit and Britain?
I wondered whether the big hype-up of the Skripal affair wasn’t an early warning sign that this strategy was coming our way.
A bit of mood music for the next step: trying to pin Brexit on Russian interference.
Nice of the Russians to pay for David Cameron’s leaflet delivered to every household!
Documented that his wife tried to avoid tax on their Denmark home, u claiming Stephen owned it.
The authorities ruled they were in breach cos Stephen was living in Switzerland not Denmark.
BBC 6 music this evening, the Tom Robinson show:-
First he plays his own song “Sing if you’re glad to be gay”
Then he reads out a request from anti-apartheid activists and plays “Free Nelson Mandela”
Then he plays Diana Ross “I’m coming out”
Alright Tom, we get the message, enough already.
Wasn`t Tom the bloke who was gay when touring the college circuits in the punk era? And then became a heterosexual father once his career had taken a dive in the mid 80s?
Has the BBC even asked him how we went from gay to straight?
Conversion therapy? ECT? Meds?…finding Jesus or Allah?
Could save the NHS a few quid if he said how he did so.
Now, was “War Baby” the worst record ever to chart?
Or was it “Teardops” by Womack and Womack?
War Baby probably, but it`s close.
Seems Jenny from the block has mentioned ‘you know what’.
‘Die Welt’ this eve lays the blame for the scandal at the Federal Bureau for Migration and Refugees in Germany, squarely on the ‘do nothing’ Chancellor, Ms Merkel.
This scandal has received no coverage in the UK, but has been big news in Germany for weeks. In short, the incompetent Bureau has completely stuffed up its key mission. Now we have the blame being laid where it belongs. The only laugh is, this paper now reveals with great fanfare, what we have all known for a very long time.
I have also said before that I believe a certain other leader, not too far removed from us, has been taking a leaf out of the Merkel book for leadership at regular intervals.
I think the chapter ‘How to stay in charge by doing nothing’ is well-thumbed by now.
Of course, you have to have the eager press taking a telling snap of you, every now and then, to keep the little people agog. Say, a selfie with a few ‘refugees’.
Or a photo claiming her to lay the law down on The Donald, like the one above.
Seems from the lead story in ‘Die Welt’, some key newspapers are no longer falling for all the BS.
Just another day, just another rape in the BRD.
As Sadiq Khan might say, this is all part and parcel of living in a culturally diverse society.
What is shocking is that this is happening on a far larger scale in the UK and it has been happening for over 40 years now. And it is rarely reported upon.
Looking at you, bbc.
There was some programme on al beeb one which looked like a celebration of Wimmin in the Commons .
How irrelevant – don’t they realise the the house of expenses is out of touch with the public who pay for it whether it’s male , female or bloody Martians.
All that false pomp and circumstance should be moved to Milton Keynes or similar and Westminster turned into a museum .
Unbelievable, words fail me it’s just unbelievable
I don’t know why coppers waste their time on Twitter – it’s only for those shouting at each other.
No he’s sending the right message that gang members are animals
The BBC libs say that is wrong cos the link is to photo of a BLACK gangster
Tosh we want police to know who the bad guys are
He’s put an update
Victims of the system? WTF!
One Twitter user, sianalauren, said it was “disgusting” for a police officer to talk in this way about “victims of the system”.
Great picture and it shows the President could not give a stuff.
“Yeah yeah yeah . I’m out of here ,Places to go and people to meet”
He’s thinking: we defeated you twice last century, then we rebuilt your country from the ruins, then we airlifted Berlin, then we defended you from the Soviets for 40 years, now you’re lecturing ME?
FreeTommy protesters attended the Al Quds march today,
and the police tried telling them that all the chants and flags had been approved by their terrorism specialist.
Facebook video
more from unverified source
Like the idea of community choirs at the football or “Free Tommy” having to pass an audition by a tone deaf copper with a lyric sheet.
We`re past the shark aren`t we?
Not that any BBC shill will ever risk a laugh at this madness will they?
Funny really-we`ve got a Tom and Tommy Robinson scale of hypocrisy and patriotism haven`t we? 100% patriot at one end 100% BBC poodle pet at the other.
Paul Weston at 90, Gerard Batten at 80, Morrissey at 50…below him, they`re all traitors.
Would “More Or less” care to audit for me?
People here know how much I love Countryfile. I should have been pleased because it was all about the Queen and they were very respectful. In fact they were all so respectful, it was dreadful. I know that she is the one person we should bow and curtsy to, but it was just too much. Plus I don’t know when it was recorded, but there was Adam standing in a fit field of wheat – which it won’t be for at least another 2 months. Look anywhere in an arable area and you will see green fields. So was it repeat footage to present a programme on the cheap?
But the thing that got me was the poor writing of the voice overs. If I heard once more that the Queen was ‘passionate’ about something rural, I would scream. Every time they changed topic it was to say it again. But it is what you get when you have second rate people writing a script. (I don’t know whether it is actually the presenters or someone who has never learned to write properly and stays in the background.
Never was Scott Adams’s theory that differing sides are watching two movies more starkly demonstrated. I don’t see a powerful and confident German leader. I see a leader used to bullying her way and not knowing how to deal with someone who plays the game better than her and isn’t going to back down.
It’s also clear that his opponents don’t know how to deal with him with regards to his meeting with the North Koreans. Katty Kay has been retweeting utter dribble about how unprepared Trump is. Have they learned nothing? He didn’t get where he is by being unprepared, he got where he is by making his opponent think he’s unprepared. Their hatred for him means they can’t admit it even to themselves and so they have to carry on as if they’ve learned nothing.
Here’s Anthony.
The Donald REALLY doesn’t like the EU; imagine if we had a leader who thought the same, what our two countries could accomplish.
I feel he really does not like May, Trudeau, Macron, Tusk and the rest. Like many if us he can sense their shallowness and uselessness. I think he was prepared to try with May but now knows it is hopeless.
It has been coming for a long time the day when the USA tells Europe to either shape up or get lost. I suspect even Obama would have liked to do this but could not.
He is first and foremost a businessman and he knows how capitalism works, and uses that knowledge for the benefit of his country. The rest of the G7 “leaders” would struggle to run a whelk stall.
That is why he is running rings round them, and they don’t know how to deal with him, having in the past only dealt with like-minded drones.
The man is a breath of fresh air.
Dave S
Farage has Trump’s Ear.
He knows what’s going on in the UK.
And here’s Anna.
They should get a room.
And this is what the bbc wants in charge.
As if Trump cares a damn for what that fool, with his eyes like a Myxy-rabbit, thinks or says about anything.
And here’s his offsider.
If JCJ says Justo ‘sleeps with the fishes’ it will really raise eyebrows.
WTF were Tusk & Drinker doing there anyway?
Mutti’s bodyguards. And, clearly, there to provide twitter insights in complement to Katty and Anthony.
Please. Tell me that’s really the parody account of Guy Verhofstwat.
What a telling insight as to how our political masters view matters. This weekend has crystallised many things in my mind: the open contempt of Western politicians for anyone who gets in the way of their grand plans; the open censorship by the media of a demonstration that goes against these plans and the willingness of said media to lie, lie and lie again in pursuit of discrediting inconvenient groups. It tells me they are becoming increasingly desperate as their plans threaten to unravel. The powers-that-be will stop at nothing to prevent that and I think we are entering a very dangerous period.
Roland Deschain
Politicians are our Servants, not our Masters.
The mistake is that they have forgotten that.
Our mistake is allowing them to.
Looking at some of the comments below, which I hadn’t read when I posted, it seems I’m not the only one to have come to a similar conclusion about where we now stand.
But I see a new thread has sneaked in!
When representation gets misrepresented as rule, things tend to spiral.
@RaheemKassam giving the BBC both barrels at the #FreeTommy rally in London
There are 20,000 people here and the next time there will be 50,000 and then 100,000″
The failure of the MSM to cover this tells you all you need to know.
They dare not do so honestly and yet must realise that their silence is going to ruin their credibility in the future.
It is the same over the abrupt departure of the President from the G7
His contempt had to be downplayed and spun.
We have been in a pre revolutionary state for a while and our ancien regimes are running to form as always.
I think even many here underestimated the shock of the President’s election and Brexit to these regimes. They now have to react rather than initiate. In other words control is slipping away.
I expect events to suddenly escalate in unforeseen ways .
it is indicative that the old regimes are trying to fix blame everywhere but on themselves. The Russia thing is patently absurd but they are clinging to it .
I remember how quickly the USSR collapsed when the internal contradictions became too much and even the official liars stopped believing their lies .
In that case i think that Gorbachev was well aware of this and used it to hasten the collapse .
It is a common belief and quite wrong that historically great changes take place slowly. They have always happened very quickly Any one in doubt needs to look at the Reformation in Germany and the English Civil war in 1642. .Just two examples.I must add of course that the build up to the changes is over a much longer period and always only clear in hindsight . That is probably as true now as always
Dave S
And who could forget the image of Ceausescu standing on that balcony, totally bewildered by the events unravelling before his eyes. Like a rabbit transfixed by an approaching car’s headlights.
Many of the bbc’s Finest are only happy on hotel balconies gazing down at mobs in squares, oblivious to what happens in alleyways behind.
An interesting point. The entire MSM is a joke. There isn’t one outlet I can think of that offers anything remotely approaching objectivity. The coverage of the attempted coup d’etat in the States is so palpably orwellian, I only read them for a laugh. Of course I’m not sure so many people are aware of the extent to which our Government was involved in all this, but it will come out shortly as the IG reports start coming out over the summer, beginning this week with the first on the Clinton email fiasco. This will only add to further disillusionment with May and co. These people have been getting away with this for way too long and it looks like more and more ordinary people are being to wake up to it.
Bbc Trendling
“There are 20,000 people here…..”
Well, Al Beeb has really tried to keep the lid on that one but by doing so the corrupt organisation has exposed its propaganda and censorship of the news.
You true Brits that were there , tell your mates and family what’s going on, spread the truth, Great Britain is under threat from within. The Second Battle of Britain has begun!
Message to maxincony, Evan and your mates ……
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
The Lion is beginning to wake up.
That the BBC choose THIS as an example of “Merkel sticking it to the Man” only shows how deranged they are.
Lord knows how many person-hours they spent trying to get this stunt of nothing. Looks like to me the pigmies are gathering around genial Harry Grout and getting a pasting.
Merkel and May( just about make out the pudding bowl uselessness) ? Womens tag team? Scary.
If only her Muslims were so awestruck as the BBC are.
Trump leads his country, these puff adders will hopefully be hanging in the Hague before too long.
May could have done some business with Herr Trump, and she`s screwed up-quelle surprise.
Trump and Tommy will be around long after we`ve scraped this bunch of Obama gummy bears off our boots.
BBCNews #2 now
“Italy’s Matteo Salvini shuts port to 629 rescued migrants”
The interesting thing is the tag they give the story
…[Europe Migrant Crisis]
..at least they own up to that now
Horse , Door , Stable.
Same for the UK.
“The Welsh Government said it was involved in academic centres of excellence supporting the development of businesses within the sector.”
The Welsh Government is a Bureaucratic White Elephant that wastes money. It closes hospitals down while it calls for more Assembly Members.
Abolish it.
taffman – I always chuckle when I recall Farage’s comment to Carwyn Jones, on QT after listening to some of his piffle.
“If you’re the best Wales has got Carwyn, God help them!”
Carwyn is on his way out .
May is next .