President Trump meets the Rocket Man today and its possible that the 1950 Korean War will officially end . Britain lost over 1000 dead in that war .So how will al beeb cover this historic meeting ? We can but guess.
This week marks a year since a fire in a tower block. There might be no better week to abstain from Al Beeb…but for those witnessing the bias here be a new thread .
And now over to Dele packing his toothbrushes and “happy socks” for Russia- BBC Sports providing their usual top-notch coverage and analysis of key sporting events. Must ask the stoats how many of their boys and girls are packing their ‘happy socks” for the fun in Russia..
Why is Toenails in Russia too?
I thought it was Jesse Lingard, but then again all these England players look the same.
Letter in the Times yesterday from Lord BBC and an idiot from C4, (sorry if I am late and has been posted), but this paragraph made me choke on my marmite:-
“In a world increcasinly characterised by fake news and echo chambers, we believe it is important that future generations of British viewers shoud have continued fast and easy access to programmes and content they can trust and which reflect British voices and democtatic values”
How about getting rid of the telly then tax Mr Hall??
Now I know if I start talking about boardgames and computer games most of you might switch off. But even Warhammer 40K is being attacked by the SJW/Marxist elite, of which the BBC is part off. Oh no say the SJW, and of course the BBC will at some point out, can’t have people like me enjoying a fantasy universe from my childhood and created by evil white men in the 1980’s! I grew up with Warhammer, so I’m evil.
Warhammer 40K might not matter to most, but it is the continual encroachment by ‘liberal/marxist left’ that just does not stop. It has it’s tentacles in every f**king thing.
Also notice how Youtube has made it just that bit more difficult to access your subscriptions should they be so called ‘right-wing’?
Listening to Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio this morning, I thought I had mistakenly tuned into the bBBC.
Disappointing that she cannot bring herself to praise the POTUS for this momentous achievement, but rather criticises him for “cosying up to a tinpot dictator”.
Highlighting the contrast between this meeting and the previous G7 summit suggesting that the only winner was Kim.
Apparently all a dictator has to do now is get themselves a nuclear bomb and they will be able to get what they want…
I love the sound of BBC bias in the morning.
Edit: I see Guest Who spotted this well before I did. Bears a repeat showing, I think.
😉 Spread far… and wide.
Not sure it is something Nick would want everyone to hear, mind. Ah, well.
Shame it seems to have ‘trended’ (not BBC Trending though; more likely that person of chromosomes at the awards bash with Bob Di PottyMarf.
I think the awful shit Robinson forgets about a country far more important than Russia – China
Which is behind all of this. They want a buffer zone but they don’t want a full on nuclear war destroying China
As I write one lightweight beeboid Called Laura bickpen is laying into the document President Kim and President Trump signed . Much as expected with her type .
She is classic BBC.
Useless at BBC Scotland, somehow weasled onto main news.
Must stay up a farm road, as make up obviously applied whilst driving to work.
NR is a tw*t but the problem they have is that POTUS has confused their tiny brains…
On the one hand his diplomacy is wrong…when he traded insults he was a buffoon..
when he said he would have a meeting they laughed
now he has had the meeting and employs the same sort of diplomatic words they do all the time when they meet dictators he is a buffoon again.
It is the left rule book….don’t discuss just insult even if the insults are the opposite each time you do it..
They need to get their story straight. Either it is a vacuous charade of no great significance, or it is a great triumph for President Kim. Either there is absolutely no way nuclear disarmament is going to happen, or it is inevitable because China wants it. Either President Trump is a very bad person for insulting and not engaging with North Korea, or President Trump is a very bad person for being friendly with North Korea. The BBC is not a news service. Why should we be forced to pay for it? I have absolutely no interest in what Jon Sopel has to say about anything.
#FreeTommyRobinson …. month 1.
#BringBackOurTommy …. month 6.
#RememberTommy … month 12.
#LoveIslandDiscussTommy … year 2.
797 lords hate their employer.
650 MPs hate their employer.
0 employers can hate them back …. it is a crime.
Priceless. BBC Breakfast are doing everything to avoid mentioning the Trump/Kim meeting with ridiculous items (women and bike riding/ CBBCs football song) and then have two of The Beach Boys on the sofa – pretty safe huh.
Then they both go on to praise Trump!! The expressions on Charlie and Louise’s face – brilliant. You could almost hear the producer screaming down their earphones to move it on and shut them up.
And what does this mean to Wimmin and trans sexuals?
How do black and Muslims think about it?
Does Owen Jones and polly Toynbee have a view ? And our darling maxi ?
Excellent example Pug of how the media manipulate…..
Haven’t we all been in a picture that if taken without context makes us look angry, sad , happy etc when we are far from it…that’s what the BBC and other MSM are good at. Find a picture and write their interpretation..
Top of the BBC’s web-site Home Page so it must be important
Unfortunately, it lowers it to the level of schoolboy smut. So much for feminism …..
718 Days Since UK voted to leave the EU@52%.
0 Days since leaving the EU.
1st Day of possible Peace in NK (once the mass graves have been hidden).
R4 Jon H interviews David Davis about Brexit.
What a bias approach to an interview…I thought David Davis handled it really well and didn’t let the BBC push their narrative. He did it with humour and without slagging anyone off…
What’s that? A Tory do an interview well? Had he cocked it up the BBC would have interrupted regular programs (which are usually shit these days anyway) just to let us know how badly the Tories are doing Brexit and then a special viewing of Corbyn will be broadcast with Corbyn slagging the Tories off.
The BBC must hate it when they cannot get a word in edgeways
James and smoogie.
Yes, it APPEARED to go well.
But Laura Kuennsberg and John Humphrys afterwards then told us why he was snivelling equivocating faintheart, both in Mays handbag and in Barniers trouser press? I`d just heard him-but he didn`t say what Laura and John had already decided he`d said. His last question to Davis was a set up for Lauras expert comment.
You might think that The Tempest was written by Shakespeare-but additional dialogue was by Alexei Sayle-so Sayle is the man to ask.
BBC Search Tommy Robinson … … notice how the BBC does not say why the march is happening … it gives no context, if this was Mandela it would be full of background and suffering and pain …. but here empty … just violence … THE BBC – Because the Omission of News is better for the Public.
Like Manuel, I -of course- know NOTHING about all of this stuff.
I would merely say that, had the police been facing ANTIFA thugs on the rampage, they’d know what being hurt was all about. Also, what happened to the ranks of helmeted officers who were seen to sweep all before them?
They’re missing from the Bbc footage. But back to ANTIFA:
There’d also have been burns and smoke inhalation damage to lungs, from trying to extinguish blazing cars, and serious glass cuts from shattered shop windows and trying to prevent looting in same.
Police should thank their lucky stars they were only kettling conservatively-minded folk who essentially stayed peaceful, even when bullied. If cries of ‘shame on you’ are about the worst they had to put up with, I’d keep schtumm. As for BBc reporting on the matter, does ANYONE really believe ANYTHING put out by them?
Something that will never make the Google search box graphic of the day:-
Today is Jordan Peterson’s birthday! Happy Birthday Dr. Peterson! ‘Lang may yer lum reek’!
Not sure if this is totally true. It would be really funny though.
” The BBC, when reporting on the summit this morning, there was a delay before POTUS came out to make a speech, which coincided with morning BBC news cut off time which is 9:15 am….Coincidence??? I think not!
President Trump TROLLS the BBC!!
I love it!”
Somehow I don’t think president trump thinks about past it lightweight state broadcasters like al beeb at all these days . I saw that bit you mentioned as I watched the press conference and it was a good cut off
Could Not Believe My Ears Dept.:
Jonathan Powell (yes, he of the pretentious older brother-fame who likes to be called a thick stick), former Chief of Staff to Tony Blair, was on the Today Prog TWICE this morning.
I think – my attention/concentration was not 100% – he was not on either occasion asked by Justin (Remainer & Name Forgetter) Webb to denounce Brexit or come up with a pro-Remain thought.
Unemployment down.
Come on Al Beeb, lets hear it – “despite Brexit !”
Unemployment down.
Come on maxincony, tag something negative onto it …………
“Wage growths slows despite ………..
As usual I’m doing my best to avoid all news sources, however the ITV online site mentions criticism of President Trump (I think they missed off the word President) for legitimising Kim on the world stage as being as important as the POTUS. Which is frankly ridiculous as they’ve spent the last 2 years telling us how UNimportant the POTUS is.
Talksport snidely mentioned the handshake took 13 seconds, well obviously they were posing for cameras! Then they snidely dismissed the menu they ate, Prawn Cocktail “a Classic”.
Maybe the lot of them will only be happy when they’re being nursed to their death from radiation sickness while North Korean missiles explode around them. Yes that’ll cheer them up.
……. and Its all because The President is “draining the Swamp”.
He has bypassed the liberal media and they “don’t like it up em”.
Carry on Mr President they are squealing.
The Employee (650 MPs/797 Lords) telling the Employer (6.5 million citizens) what they should really do.
Not sure if this has been posted before but I stumbled across this video on Youtube.
This was scenes from the Tommy Robinson protest in London and seems to be mostly fair and balanced. There where some drunken louts abusing the police and doing nazi salutes but these people were only a small number and are usually outcasted from the majority of protesters . Most of the crowds seemed decent and respectful and where listening to the speakers without any jeering or heckling.
I personally think that this girl makes a better reporter than anyone on the BBC who would be a lot less honest on their reporting and would of course highlight the conflict with the police rather than the fact that mot people where not there to cause trouble whatsoever
They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham – 1997 – 2013 – Jay OBE –
Annnnd…. she’s off!
World exclusive. well done Laura!
Where were YOU the day when this Tory Titan toppled?
Watching Trump meeting Kim were you?
God, have you NO sense of history. Only the BBC know the moment, and let`s hope CNN know Philip Lee is the REAL world event today.
BBC news has a video with the BBC reporter asking Singapore taxi drivers questions about the summit.
At one point the taxi driver is asked “Who is worse, Donald Trump or Kim Jong Un?”
The driver laughs and says “Both about the same”
How can Ofcom even pretend to be doing it’s job if it allows this sort of bias to go unchecked?
An then al beeb runs a pretty good press conference and then has liberal beeboid type commentators taking president trump apart .
I cannot understand how journos and beeboids can’t grasp that President Trump is not a career politician and so won’t act like one . It’s a hell of a big swamp to drain . Maybe the second term .
PS – I bet that snowflake Trudo junior will be less than happy when he wakes up to hear what’s said about him .,
Just watched Trumpy’s news conference.
What a bloke, what a leader, what a statesman.
How I SO wish there were others like him, on our side. Instead we’re stuck with the “M Trio” of useless wasters (Merkel, Macron and May).
When America starts waking in an hour their morning stuff will really go at him but I think ordinary Americans will appreciate it.
“What a bloke, what a leader, what a statesman.”
And what a non-politician. That’s his strength.
Our lamentable lot are dyed in the wool politicians who put party before country. But we keep on voting for them. Vote for somebody else, even Nick Griffin, anybody. Destroy the complacency of the main parties. UKIP went some way towards doing this.
Most people, I think, agree that monopolies need to be broken in order for service to improve. Thank god we don’t have to rely on just Sainsbury and Tesco, yet we continue to support political parties that are so similar they are virtually a monopoly (even with Corbyn). We need a political Lidl.
ITV’s sofa sloths choice of pundit for a commentary on the Korean summit?
Michael Ball.
You could not make this shite up.
Junior Tory minister ( a remainer ) resigns from the government . Good . Read his wiki and draw your own conclusion . He should be in the liberal party .
I notice al beeb does mention he is a remainer – but only if you listen hard .
Soros will be pleased .
I suppose at the end of this brexit will have shown that we don’t really live in a democracy and that the 1400 MPs and peers ruling us have no real regard for the people paying them and who put them there. Revolting ….
Fed, “He should be in the liberal party.”
Along with Dr Sarah Wollaston MP.
They both would appear to be internal opposition within the Conservative Party in Parliament and to the Party and its manifesto.
Makes you wonder about their constituency Party and its members. Hopefully, their respective electorates will wake up one day.
Regarding Trump and North Korea, the bBbc once again attempt to hide their lack of any real involvement in affairs or inside knowledge by questioning and sneeringly ridiculing the wisdom of Trump and his methods of diplomacy. Happy to rain on this parade, much more keen on those involving pseudo-Suffragettes or al-Quds.
Front and centre on VD was an academic with a great sense of self, and no apparent actual use, Dr John Nilsson-Wright, Cambridge and Chatham House, an expert on the Far East and so very, very obviously much more clever than President Trump. Oh, and, coincidentally of course, he’s married to Lucy Williamson, bBbc Paris correspondent.
You just have to laugh at the bBbc now, they are absurd.
They would be better off working for The Beano.
Not high enough resolution to read
Outrageous bias and exaggeration at the BBC! An article on the home page of the website says that ‘Three quarters of women never cycle’; however, the sub-title admits it is only 73% and clicking on the article itself gives a qualified headline of Almost three-quarters of women. But this willingness to exaggerate, trying to turn a tiny 73% into a massive 75%, typifies the level of distortion at the BBC. After all, 73% of women not cycling is hardly newsworthy, whereas 75% not cycling is a matter of national importance (forget all this nonsense about the summit in Singapore or the Brexit vote).
In other exciting ‘non-news’, the two articles next to this earth shattering one on the home page are ‘Life onboard a migrant rescue ship’ (I think the correct term is ‘NGO/People Smuggler’s ferry’) and ‘Bottle feeding is a woman’s right’ (that’s one in the eye for the patriarchy, eh, who spend all their time denying this basic right).
The BBC… farce, lies, tragedy, national disgrace. Scrap it.
Would that be because of Brexit or obesity or both, Ian?
I am reading ‘The Vision of the Anointed’ by Thomas Sowell. It is brilliant. It explains how liberals have an idea that sounds great but when put into practice yields poor or even disastrous results. Evidence is then cherry picked, ignored or their original ideas are respun to make them look better. The BBC could actually witness first hand children getting raped on an industrial scale yet prosecuting the man pointing it out for inciting racial hatred! There are countless other examples.
Thomas is gorgeous. The REAL Morgan Freeman for me.
What a story, fearless and utterly consistent. Hated and feared by all the right people too.
And NEVER been on the BBC, I can assure you of that, I`m thinking.
Love this man whilst he`s here-the genuine article.
If only I were forty years older or such…sigh, moon!
Back to class now.
But dreaming of the only other Tommy in town tonight.
I bottle-feed myself every night, and the only people who have tried to stop me are women.
I saw that cycle article and had to laugh at some of the bullshit within it. Seemingly women are positive about cycling but just don’t do it.
Well maybe they don’t want to do it. Maybe they don’t want to turn up to work and have a strip wash in the company bathroom like many guys are happy to. Maybe personal appearance and presentation are more important. Ultimately maybe they simply CHOOSE NOT to cycle rather than needing to be lectured at and encouraged to do something they DON’T HAVE TO DO.
Best of all though in the article was the utter bollocks that somehow cycle routes need to be designed more around women to make them feel safer etc. Why would they need that? I thought we were all about equality, I thought women were just as tough as men.
Why therefore would they need routes designed with them in mind. Are they going to detour past shoe shops, maybe some mirror stalls or even some pet shops?
Personally, I’d love to get more women on bikes. The hours cycle commute that I do in the morning and again in the evening would pass a lot easier if I had some more lycra wrapped tight female buttocks to stare at!
“The children were making money (prostitution) , the children had love … their pimp.” @08:31
Also watched the news conference by the POTUS. He was asked about the G7 summit and his criticism of Trudeau. The man went up a few notches in my estimation. Here is a leader who spoke for the people who voted for him, – like rubbishing the trade deals they had with the likes of Europe, and its clear he wont back down in what he wants for his country. There is not a single person in our Parliament who has any similar backbone that speaks for us.
What a laugh it would be if Trump was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize ! Oh to watch the reactions of Alibaba Brown and all the other Trump haters like the BBC having to comment on it with a mouthful of wasps !!!
Bris – I think the 2 muppets who turned up at the G7 got a full blast of reality ….
Pity Sopel / al beeb didn’t get a question I’m at the press conference . Would have enjoyed watching him get another slap down
Trump-Kim summit
BBC News Channel presenters and commentators are extemporising as fast as they can this morning and carping when and where possible.
I’m being told Trump’s news conference was too long, human rights will be forgotten and South Koreans will worry if joint military exercises with the US are cancelled.
This is very poor editorialising from the BBC.
I’ve even heard their criticism of the cost of holding the summit and that the fratricidal Kim was inappropriately applauded as a celebrity.
One gets the impression that these BBC people would rather witness a nuclear war than bear to see a Trump policy success where their best boy Obama did nothing.
Not to worry. A little more of this carping at Trump and they will soon switch back to bashing Brexit.
…One gets the impression that these BBC people would rather witness a nuclear war than bear to see a Trump policy success where their best boy Obama did nothing…..
I thought exactly the same thing AsI, all the channels are finding fault with everything – yet it didn’t stop them sending a shedload of journos to Asia with nice sunny backdrops instead of reporting it from the studios. I also remember the Peace Accord Agreement being signed after the Irish troubles, and I cant recall any criticism being levelled at the protagonists on that occasion. Trump is hated by the media, end of.
The New York Times is all sad-faced because ‘refugee’ numbers are down – there’s fewer immigration staff and stricter criteria being applied. It goes to show that some countries do not have to be hopeless pushovers, unlike the UK and our euro friends who welcome every scientist who can get on a leaky boat.
20,000 spread out across the USA might just be manageable, but that’s per year, and many will probably congregate in ghettos (see Dearborn Michigan) – but hopefully the tide might be turning.
Could we ever do the same? Not with Con/Lab, even with brexit. The first step is in stopping illegal migration and I can’t see much evidence of anyone in power being bothered.
The problem with this thrashing out of Brexit, is the concentration on trade deals and customs union etc etc, and very little discussion on what the majority of Leave voters wanted – immigration. Its a potato that still too hot to handle by Parliament, and is never discussed now on any of the debating programmes, yet the problem is still as rife as ever.
Sovereignty is MY bugbear.
Why do I care about Longbridge widgets when I`ll be in a burqa, up in stirrups if we don`t get this last chance to vote for an end to the Turks, Cologne and a poxy Euro Army and currency-before the conflagration they`ve already primed?
I want out. And that is all I want, happy to make turnip jam for a few month whilst we root out the traitors and send the buggers back.
As Trump attempts to bring harmony to the World …
“A moving vigil at St Clement’s Church this evening followed by a very welcoming iftar at Al-Manaar Mosque. #Grenfell”
“The Grenfell fire was a tragedy that should never have happened – and I am determined that it will never be forgotten.”
Pity she doesn’t feel that way about Manchester/Westminster Bridge/Borough Market/etc
“and I am determined that it will never be forgotten.”
No, that’s the BBC’s job, and they take it very seriously.
“And what do we do? We only kick off when a cat is thrown in a wheelie bin. If we allow our children to be attacked and prayed on this way we have failed as a decent and moral society.” – John Wedger @30:00
\\ DC John Wedger explains how Paedophiles avoid being monitored on the Sex Register by living anonymously on #NarrowBoats in London!
He also talks about #Institutional #Paedophilia //
Conspiracy theories, but seems very credible.
\\ DC John Wedger explains how Pardophiles avoid being monitored on the Sex Register by living anonymously on #NarrowBoats in London!
He also talks about #Institutional #Paedophilia //
On the same day Nick Robinson calls Kim Jong-un a “murderous, nuclear armed dictator” the BBC failed to mention that Leslie Grantham, who is seriously ill, is also a murderer.
Leslie Grantham was convicted for murder trying to rob a taxi driver. The sex obsessed BBC ignore that but instead mention he exposed himself in a dressing room.
Here is an abject lesson in the left wing media’s mindset.
The guy with the flamethrower is the victim..
Charlottesville Protester Who Used Aerosol Flamethrower in Iconic Image Sentenced to Jail
Sadly, because of Brexit, there won’t be enough humble pie to meet the BBC’s needs.
Is that the same as “eating crow”?
The US heroes like Hannity, Gorka and Oliver North all used that phrase for CNN and other lefty scum reeling from Trump and Kims meeting.
The bBbc have mentioned that Philip Lee, MP for Bracknell supported and voted to Remain in the referendum.
What the bBbc haven’t mentioned in their online report is that around 54% of his constituents, about 76% of whom voted, voted to Leave the EU.
I think that in his resignation speech he said he was resigning his post to better represent his voters. The bBbc don’t seem to have picked up on that either, because he won’t be representing the majority of his voters with regards to this matter at all,in fact,he is blatantly disregarding them.
Democracy bBbc style.
Rich – thanks – I was looking for that. Perhaps at the next election he will be spending more time with mr Clegg , Soros or his family . No honour in some
Breaking: BBC search for Asian criminal …. using google they release possible suspects. Middle Left looks like the most suspicious one!
Interesting article linked to by this tweet.
There are other men on trial with the one who has pled guilty, and the BBC names them all. I’d have thought that was pretty prejudicial to their trial, but presumably only if Tommy said it.
(Don’t know if it’s just my phone, but why do some Twitter links show the Tweet and others don’t?)
Actually, as has been pointed out to me on Twitter, the jury will know who the accused are and that one has pleaded guilty. Assuming it’s all one trial, which it must be. Should have engaged brain before engaging fingers.
How in the name of fuck is this not contempt of court?
An ongoing jury trial with five other accused people (all named and shown in artist impressions) yet one of them pleads guilty which surely casts doubt on the innocence of the other five.
Is the journalist going to be bounced into jail, will the judge call of the the BBC, are there cries that the case could be thrown out for corrupting and prejudicing the trial?
Don’t get me wrong, these ‘alleged’ pieces of shit need to go down if they did wrong and I certainly don’t approve of their actions or support their cause but how is this okay but what Tommy did landed him in prison for 13 months?
This is goddam outrageous.
After one of the most politically significant moments in recent history, the BBC headline is:
“Trump Claims progress after Kim summit”
This monumental understatement epitomises the contempt the BBC has for Trump.
One can only imagine it….
“A quizzical editor agonising over the reality of what this summit and joint declaration means. While simultaneously, through gritted teeth, a vaguely positive headline is hammered, letter by letter by a journalist, serotonin visibly leaching from his/her body. A frantic and rushed ‘thoughtshower’ (given ‘Brainstorm’ is offensive to 7% of Epilepsy sufferers in a recent survey) finally dribbles out ‘Trump Claims progress…’. There is simply no way out. Another dark day at broadcasting house.
Role on Arron Banks…!
1 person is a majority in a democracy. That is the important thing. Is Anna Soubry’s success less of a result than anyone elses?
She get a job on Wimmins hour when she gets booted out a dame hoody for undermining democracy .,
I think she`ll get a job as Edna the Inebriate Woman, underneath Charing Cross Arches and singing duets with Juncker the Drunker.
Eurinated, mannekins de pis, confusing pis with peace.
Soubrys just Sybil Fawlty after an Erasmus day at Torquay Tech. But without the range of lovely Prunella Scales, poor lamb,
Soubry stands for Sobriety I`m told…er…
See there are on ongoing issues with the Aquarias ship that’s loaded with migrants in the Med. No-one is taking them in, so now they’re being offloaded onto other ships and taken to Spain. Its also been shown that the rescue ships (Doctors with no Borders) are picking up migrants within striking distance of a safe port in Tunisia, so its being asked why they cant be put ashore there, instead of taking them to Europe. Why indeed ?
“so its being asked why they cant be put ashore there, instead of taking them to Europe.”
Not on the BBC, I assume?
Yes, and it’s not a question asked by the BBC. Take them and the others back to Libya and this trade will quickly come to a half.
Yes, Aquarius ship, apparently ‘overloaded’ and cannot sail that way to Spain. Dangerous. Will the skipper be prosecuted for sailing an ‘overloaded’ boat from Libya to the shores of Italy I ask myself…………….
So Jeremy Vine another lefty guest ?
@AaronBastani Co-Founder @novaramedia
PhD in political communications from @newpolcom
Author of Fully Automated Luxury Communism‘ with @versobooks (forthcoming 2018)
Right now he’s praising Karl Marx
Saying Communism is different to Socialism
says Marx praised capitalism
‘ Aaron Bastani who’s one of Corbyn’s flying monkeys, with Owen Jones’
His recent article
\\ The Tories are deeply racist and islamophobic.
Their allies in the establishment media won’t talk about it – because they are part of the problem //
Another example of the hatey speak coming out of Novara Media
\\ Tommy Robinson and His Mates Don’t Really Care About Abused Kids or Terrorism
by Benjamin Walters //
Yep Novara are in touch with BBC world
…but not really the real world.
Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell Grenfell

This must be the best today … UK arm its youth to tackle raise of far-right Tommy Robinson followers … (I made that title up) ….
What has the EU done for the UK?
The EU has made 650 MPS and 797 Lords turn against the people of the UK.
Off topic, but in case anyone’s interested you can see details of all reported homicides in London on this website:
Look for cases against the bombers in Manchester … 0 case! {}
Yes Murdermap is very good, I only wish there were equivalent sites for all parts of the UK. Just read a few pages of the stories under the Case Listings. A lot of it is teenage gang on gang murders, sometimes domestic, sometimes nutters who haven’t taken their medication. And occasionally terrorism – like London Bridge and Borough Market. You get a feel of how soft the sentencing is when the perpetrators get caught. I won’t shed any tears for the gang members killing each other but it’s also a condemnation of the left’s racism of low expectations.
To me it’s a standing advertisement for the reintroduction of the death penalty, and a slap in the face for lefty types who say that there’s always been a similar amount of crime in London. Or that it’s part and parcel of diversity or other rubbish.
‘Trump claims progress after Kim summit.’
God they are such bastards. He is literally bringing world peace and they have to sneer and downplay his immense achievement.
Imagine if Obama or Clinton had pulled this off: blanket coverage; interviews and sofa chats with every imaginable person saying how wonderful Obama/Clinton is; emotive montages of smiling children of all races against a backdrop of something mawkish like Elbow’s ‘One Day Like This’; a petition of millions demanding the Nobel Peace Prize, which would be a shoe-in.
I cannot wait for him to win another four years just to watch them wail and continue their epic tantrum. If there were justice in the world he would win the Nobel Peace Prize – how triggered would the BBC be! Safe spaces on standby!
Lunchtime , Thank the Lord.
Was just asked out for a girls night out next Wednesday after work for a drink.
I said I wasn`t sure-not sure if I`m due at mums, or if partner is working late.
Think I`ve said that before though.
So Laura Kuennsberg was then asked by the deputy head if that means that I hate their guts, am having an eppy, my marriage is crap, my mums a demanding old bugger and I`m a tearful, indecisive and failed woman on the edge of anervous breakdown. And that`s going to be the only story in the staffroom-and maybe assemblies to come-until I strangle the head with my hippie love beads.
Why all this? Well I heard David Davis be all courteous, clever and clear re Brexit on Today this morning at 8.25 am or so.
But Humphrys asked Laura what David REALLY meant by what she`d just heard.
And Davis just had to sit there, mic removed and she contrived some crap about David failing an MCQ on whther he
a) knows
d) rejects
May to be his Leader in the next few years.
He gave the wrong one as far as the BBC were concerned. They`d already written the scripts and lines to take whatever he answered, and off she went smearing, lying and fantasising.
Is there any other line of life where what you`ve just said needs a liberal millionaire to tell your mates why you`re lying, faking or an utter arsehole?
It`s as if they`re all in the translation and interpreters suite, and given up on listening, questioning or reporting on real things happening (and not whether Davis stirs his coffee, or chews with his mouth full). Remind me again-why DO we pay for this crap?
Oh wait, I don`t!
But this was fake, fakir and f****in fake bitch slurry on a new scale to me.
Maybe there`s a new Esperanto they`ve worked on at the BBC for Brexit. No chance of leaving people to speak for themselves without the BBC and their shit stabber to rule the stools.