President Trump meets the Rocket Man today and its possible that the 1950 Korean War will officially end . Britain lost over 1000 dead in that war .So how will al beeb cover this historic meeting ? We can but guess.
This week marks a year since a fire in a tower block. There might be no better week to abstain from Al Beeb…but for those witnessing the bias here be a new thread .
Out of interest I’ve tuned into LBC to see what’s being said about President Trump.
Sheelagh Fogerty has fielded three phone calls all supportive of the President and she refuses to call what he’s done an “achievement” and is using her journalism training and weasel words to show her hatred of President Trump while badly disguising it as her being impartial. She’s now changed tac to focus on North Korean concentration camps and President Trumps lack of action against them and called the States “just about a democracy”.
Normal service has been resumed as an on message caller has been put through and she’s having a love in with him. Just what I’d expect from an ex BBC presenter.
It is not just Trump derangement, or anti-Brexit derangement, it is lunacy about everything, from deranged man hatred to love of cultural relativism. Feminists for Islam! This generation of Leftists are every bit as insane as the generation who supported Castro and CND, and the generation before that, who supported Stalin and the Soviet Union.
The difference being that this generation of Leftists (or idiots as they are colloquially known) have taken over the BBC. They are not just useless (as useless as a bicycle is for a fish to coin a phrase) they are posionous. They are totalitarians to their fingertips.
Scrap the Licence Fee.
A reminder …
The BBC, who blocked her groundbreaking investigation from airing and spent the next few years attempting to destroy her reputation, are reporting that she died of “complications from a stroke.”
The BBC reporting on the 1 pm news was a disgrace. No surprise to most contributors here. Anyone would think that Kim is the peacemaker. He has only come to meet Trump because he realises that Trump is a tough guy whereas Obama was a weak little pussycat.
I think the Font of Truth had the wind taken out of its sails early in the day by Trump’s success. After a few hours trying to come up with something effective the best they could find was Trump “sharing a platform with a mass murderer and human rights violator”. The much heard platitude “you can only make peace by talking to your enemies” does not seem to apply in this case.
Supporters of the “glorious NI peace process” did not not bat an eyelid when car bombers and other mass murderers were included in the NI government.
Whatever Trump does, the BBC will find a way to talk it down.
Notice our favourite broadcaster is in full propaganda mode today, on just about everything that’s happening, which is a lot.
1.Trump/Kim: Trump is hated by the BBC because he’s not Hillary. That won’t change, so all reporting will be negative, and all TV footage will try to portray him in a bad light. They will pounce eagerly on any slip-up, but they will come up empty-handed, like Sylvester the cat…
2. Brexit: like much of our parliament, the BBC don’t understand Direct Democracy. Fact of the matter is, if we wanted parliament to have control of decisions, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO POINT IN HAVING A REFERENDUM. They are part of the Representative Democracy, but when a referendum takes place, the people INSTRUCT THE EXECUTIVE. Parliament are the legislature. Parliament seem to be, or are, clueless when it comes to Politics 1.1
3. H.o.L. That part of parliament which is not only clueless, but also fundamentally ANTI-DEMOCRATIC. The sooner they ride off into the sunset, the better. My Jack Russell has more natural ermine than those pretentious fools like to dress up in. KEEP THEM AWAY FROM BREXIT, THEY SPEAK ON BEHALF OF NOBODY.
4. ‘Dr’ Lee: good riddance.
5. BBC Russophobia: It’s getting out of hand a bit. But then, much of parliament is subject to frothing at the mouth over ‘Russian interference’. More sanctimonious people who thought Hillary was it, and haven’t yet recovered.
6. SOS Aquarius: Nothing quite like aiding and encouraging the invasion of your own continent. German-owned. Didn’t work for Adolf, so let’s try again under another guise. This time round we camouflage ourselves in ‘compassion’. With our beloved Comrade Merkel, successor to Walter Ulbricht and Erich Honecker, in charge, that should fool the crowds.
7. ‘Neo-nazis’ on trial, says the bbc. They should be careful with their terminology. Nazis are socialists, which grouping the bbc is a bit partial to. They are ‘national’ socialists, but they are still SOCIALISTS. Please, bbc, don’t try to fudge this and link them to the ‘Right’. On the Right you will find conservatives, who DO NOT approve of violent methods. I am happy to provide all those in the BBC, who do not know what conservatism is (ie almost everybody), with textbooks on the political ideals of conservatism. (Also, free to Conservative MPs who also don’t have a clue).
Fifa World Cup 2026: Canada, US & Mexico v Morocco
Usual glib biased slant from the BBC.
”One side has David Beckham lobbying and Donald Trump menacing on social media. The other is promising a “European” World Cup in Africa.
But who will prevail on Wednesday when a vote is taken to decide on the hosts of the 2026 Fifa World Cup?
Morocco and a combined ‘United Bid’ between the United States, Canada, and Mexico are fighting for the right to stage the biggest World Cup ever held – with 48 teams playing 80 matches over 34 days.”
Donald Trump menacing?
”US president Donald Trump took a slightly different tack, issuing a veiled warning on Twitter to “countries that we always support” in case they think about voting for Morocco on Wednesday.”
the full tweet
”The U.S. has put together a STRONG bid w/ Canada & Mexico for the 2026 World Cup. It would be a shame if countries that we always support were to lobby against the U.S. bid. Why should we be supporting these countries when they don’t support us (including at the United Nations)?”
Aethelflaed: The warrior queen who broke the glass ceiling
Article about some woman warrior who died 1100 years ago and…..
… the BBC still manage to get a image of a modern day black woman into the article.
22 Lost in Manchester … 600K Immigrants lost by the … 23K on UK terror watch list … but MP gets 6 officers … amazing .. Protection For the Few, Not the Many.
“Soubry says one MP had to have six undercover police officers with them at an event because of the atmosphere around Brexit. #Brexit”
Robbie Williams to kick off World Cup
Brilliant , British, has a few great songs,
”He will perform alongside Russian soprano Aida Garifullina, just half an hour before the first match kicks off.”

What an honour!
the BBC must be proud of our countryman…
ok let’s see what negative spin the miserable gits put on it
”Robbie Williams to kick off World Cup – despite offending Russia in 2016”
offending Russia ?
” Russian newspapers said he should be banned from performing there.”-
”over a song Party Like A Russian
which portrays Russia’s elite as unsmiling, super-rich autocrats .”
2018 and the bbc think newspapers are the voice of the people.
I’m not a fan of his (Robbie Williams that is), he always has the look of a maniac – but then, I’m not of his generation, at least we had a few more singers to choose from.
Wasn’t our choice, the Russians asked him and are paying him,
Who would you suggest instead?
Lily Allen of course! Morrissey?!! Simply Red…. Billy Bragg…
Loobyloo – who is the odd one out on your list?
Answer for thems that don’t know – Morrissey is the only Brexit supporter amongst them.
Wouldn’t mind performing alongside her to be honest!
“Let me…entertain yoooooo..”
(I’ll get my coat )…
“He accused the government of trying to “limit” Parliament’s role and called for another referendum once ministers’ chosen path becomes clear.”
What ! , another referendum?
Does he still get a wage ?
Remember this is what Parliament Promised ……………
“I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or it they try, they will shortly be out of office.”
― Milton Friedman
How on earth did she know about the EU decades before it came into existence?
Amazing things coming out of the House of Quisling on the EU (withdrawal) bill.
Philip Lee in full santimonious mode is claiming that the MAJORITY who voted Brexit need to be saved from themselves by having their decision overuled by their more perspicacious “betters” cunts like Grieve, Clark and Soubry.
It really is time for action.
Until today, had anyone ever heard of Philip Lee ?
Philip K Dick?
Didnt he do some homo erotic Kung foo films – I think Enter the Dragon and Fisting Fury were two of his.
I thought he was Asian and it was a goat not a dragon?
Governments really don’t care … plenty of people to go around …
A group of survivors and families of victims of the 2015 Paris terrorist attack at the Bataclan concert hall in Paris has filed a lawsuit against the French state over its response during the police operation that night.
The group which includes 17 victims and families of victims wants to know why eight soldiers from the “Sentinelle” anti-terror patrols armed with assault rifles, who were outside the concert hall while the massacre was taking place inside, were told by their superiors not to intervene.
Bataclan terror victims sue French state for not allowing armed soldiers to intervene
Will Parliament honour its promise to the people?
Or was the referendum a wasteful charade? Is Parliament a stage full of actors and clowns?
HM Gov . The world’s eyes are upon you .
We need to be clear that one of the key ingredients of the insane Western media coverage of President Trump is the dawning realisation that the West ( Europe that is ) no longer runs the world. That the BBC etc can pontificate all it likes but the nations that matter and the people that matter are just not interested or listening.
This is a profound shock to them and like the kiddies they are they are flailing around for somebody to blame. President Trump in the US and us voters in Europe who are slowly regaining control of our own affairs ( and really have little interest in the rest of the world).
To be fair it is not their fault that the power has shifted to the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
The USA is now firmly back as a Pacific power with little interest in Europe. The days of our Empire are long gone. Would that our silly progressive media understood this fully.
The G7 debacle could not have been more pointed. The US is not interested and Europe is just a bunch of has- been nations still wealthy but losing influence by the day.
BBC Website,
Arron Banks sticks it to MPs in the committee hearing. Great stuff !
I liked it when he pointed out that everyone on the panel was a remainer.
None of them replied.
Message To Mr Arron Banks from the majority of the people of Wales – we would say that ‘You played a blinder’.
You, my man, should get yourself into politics and sort out the career politicians.
They are absolutely bloody useless.
Just seen this Arron Banks/Andy Wigmore double act in front of a load of faceless chiselling public sector nomarks. Business ignorant, sneery and whipping up fake news by the yard, while ostensibly seeking out the purveyors.
If this is the political class, we`ve got to get them out.
Can only thank these two for showing us how stupid, corrupt and hypocritical our MPs are.
Surprised they didn`t go over and clock them. Arron and Andy were losing thousands of pounds per hour wasting their time with these thick Remoaners on the sniff.
And we were paying these MPs for this circus.
650 MPS to choose from. 797 Lords to select.
Imagine if we reduced both …. the money could go to the NHS!
650 MPS (salary 77K) = 1300 Nurses (£35k)!
797 on say 30K per year = 797 Nurses!
Grant – yes saw it . Lunch was more Important. Bet the chair runs off to his remainer mate – the outgoing speaker.
Am I getting paranoid, or is this headline meant to give the impression it was “Kim’s” summit?
“Trump claims progress after Kim summit.”
And remember: just cos you’re paranoid doesn’t mean the beeb aren’t out to get you. Cos they are!
Sky have lost the plot:
Fox news last night was great – fab commentators – Tucker had Steyn and Farage, and Hannity gets the post summit interview with Trump!
Media frenzy.
No Vlad – the name Trump in BBC land can never be associated with any sort of success. This man will never be forgiven for beating Saintly Hilary in the US election.
Or for mocking the reptilian Sopel.
5pm Radio2 Nadiya has a new book out
So she’ll be all over the Simon and Jo show
probably pushing SpecialVictimhood
It used to work a treat. What went wrong?
Daft overfunded NGO full of space cadets sends stop press release to BBC kindergardens.
Infant picks it up, and cuts and pastes it on Facebook.
So far, so guaranteed outrage. However…
This truly a WTF story of no consequence…I see loads of women how cycle and they will say – WTF it’s not a problem. I know lots of woman who like me (not a woman) prefer not to cycle..not because the roads are made for me but I don’t want to…
The BBC seem to look for things to divide the genders/cultures/colours.
I know many men who don’t wear high heels – not because they are not designed for them but because they don’t bloody want to…
BBC you are a bunch of T..ts if this is what you call news – or even interesting!
Ps you notice the survey only ‘suggests’..good old BBC faddle word
Sorry about typos..for some reason the edit bit didn’t come up..should say who cycle and not because roads are not made for me…
mrs kaiser doesnt cycle, it messes up her hair and makeup, if the bbc can find a way to fix that good luck to them
Being from a rural idyll where all roads are of colour, and not au fait with the current level of diversity vs. social exclusivity vs. cultural appropriation, I am intrigued as to why all everyone of pinkish hue appear to be on one bit, bar she (by guess) who is clearly not so constrained. Some kind of segregation? Positive or negative? Politically based? I’d ask the BBC, but they don’t answer questions.
It proves it’s not PATRIARCHY that governs the world, and women’s choices,
The fact that more women CHOOSE not to cycle (a FREE activity)
(with 80% of mileage being done by the men who choose to cycle)
shows that when stats show male/women differences say salary
you can’t simply shout PATRIARCHY
In a group of men fat Bob and Fat Bill choose not to cycle and fit Steve and fit Tom choose to,
In a similar group of women only fit Wendy chooses to cycle, the other 3 fat or thin don’t.
Now there are factors like safety, chidcare and risk-taking to be taken into account .. I bet most cycle injuries are men.
Further to my post about my beloved Warhammer 40K…..
Can’t the BBC/MSM/Social Wankers etc… just leave me alone to enjoy what I like?? Apparently not, they want to invade every little piece of ground.
To quote from the Genesis song “I know what I like, and like what I know” NO according to the ‘government’ and the msm. I can’t just enjoy anything, instead I must wear a Mao suit and fall in line with the BBC narrative.
But will leave you all with the great Melvins..
Great album!! Although some Melvins albums are crap.
MP does her job
How many of those flag wavers are employed by Al Beeb?
Why treezers tactics won’t work this time.
A good video by ‘Brian of London’ and here is a recent article by him:
Jess Philips got 600 rape threats in one night
.. therefore the world should give up internet anonymity.
The Positives
Anonymity is an important part of free speech, without it Iranians would not be able to criticise their own government.
Nor would they be able to speak up about being gay etc.
The Negatives
Words are just words unless they incite action.
Jess Phillips isn’t really in any physical danger.
The tools
In the real world high-profiles don’t use a single identity
eg BBC staff could use a pseudonym account to express their own political views.
So far in proven court cases, rape threats have often come from teenage girls rather than the middle aged men that you’d expect.
(BTW she’s not a model)
But Jess Phillips gets 600 rape threats every time she walks down Broad Street doesn’t she?
I doubt it – I’m from the Black Country, and I concede that even Brummies have standards!
My innocuous Times comment for some reason is still stuck in the Times Moderation queue. Why would that be ?
\\ Magic solution of just banning anonymity
Wow so many people think this is workable .
#1 Anonymity is an important part of free speech, without it Iranians would not be able to criticise their own government.
Nor would they be able to speak up about being gay etc
#2 Accounts linked to bank accounts would cut out the young
#3 You could just use mule accounts, or hack your enemies and using their accounts and getting them jailed.
#4 In the real world high-profiles don’t use a single identity
eg BBC staff could use a pseudonym account to express their own political views.
Outrage bus fallacy.
If you are genuinely angry by an article like this, then you are probably being played.
….. People use emotional blackmail to get a kneejerk response out of you.
In the real world you don’t need to get angry you just deal with problems step by step. //
The woman who started the whole #MeToo nonsense by claiming she was sexually assaulted many years ago, Rose McGowan, has been convicted of being a drug-smuggling, cocaine snorting liar in the US.
I’m sure the BBC will be all over it like a rash and lead with headlines of her conviction.
Well it had to happen but I don’t expect anything on BBC until tomorrow as they are always at the back of the queue
Huffington post (the online BBC) already posting articles saying Donald Trump didn’t achieve anything from meeting and any of the previous presidents could have sat down with Kim etc etc…
Wait for BBC to follow suit….
Met a man today who said he used to do a lot of charity work for NGOs. I knew exactly what to expect as soon as he said this and I was not disappointed it was like having to listen to the hilarious Johny Dymond just after Trump got elected.
Of course Kim will be running rings around that idiot blah, blah, blah.
Just like the BBC who do little for their money, It is interesting that these sort of people who permanently have had their snouts stuck in the charity troughs and who seem to look down on us lesser mortals who actually have to work for a living, seem to hate this man so much.
I wonder if they can feel the current moving against their legs as the sluice gates are opened and the level of the swamp slowly starts to drop – And the man they all vilified and treated as a running joke has turned the joke on them because he seems to do the one thing they will never able to get their heads around – Being honest about his intentions.
Deportation flights often use 3 security guards for each migrant
Can we not use a military type plane with the migrants strapped down ? or something
maybe straitjackets
BBC News at One : Significant ‘win’ for Kim 🙂
Of course, what such event cannot benefit from the skilled impartial input of John Simpson… ‘News’ (Views his own)?
Muslim woman and partner stabbed ex-boyfriend an Afghan refugee to death for harassing her.
And filmed it
#2 Chester Uni built a £120m Science Park only for the locl council to refuse retrospective planning permission cos it’s too near to an oil refinery
BBC Online News:
“”The government has avoided a major defeat on its Brexit bill by 324 votes to 298 after a late concession.””
Does Arsenal ‘avoid defeat’ by beating Tottenham?
The BBC can’t accept that the Conservatives won the vote.
BBC Editorial Guidelines.
Nothing if not ‘unique’.
I hope some of the people who come here will take the time, about half an hour, to watch this video. An ex-policeman exposing the depravity at the heart of our country and his persecution for doing so:
Just watched it. Entirely credible given the fact we have heard nothing about child abuse in London nor in Birmingham, which both have very large muslim populations. Clearly his claims of a massive cover up by the police, the judiciary and the social services are beyond probable. All confirmed by ‘easy meat’ of course. 1 Million children effected? I suspect the number is alot higher.
It makes one wonder if they are all in it together and covering one another’s backsides. Maybe the reason the ROPers are “looked after” is that they know too much. Either that or as fellow “groomers” they have a mutual respect for one another.
Can you imagine if a certain judge in a recent stitch up was covering his own tracks after recognising his partners in crime (allegedly)…
As I live and breath – al beeb wants war… games ! It found a rent a mouth to say that President Trump was wrong to stop war games .
Al beeb still doesn’t realise that if promises sent kept and the North Koreans try to fiddle things President Trump will just say – once bitten twice she .
The likes of Sopel seem to accept anything instead of saying anything decent about President Trump – like the rest of al beeb
I think President Trump has done something clever here. The 2018 war games have already taken place (April). It is an annual vent. Gives him time to evaluate if the process is going well. If not, all the plans are already done for next year and easy to start up again. Pity the BBC don’t have “analysts” that can work that one out.
Like him or hate him but don’t underestimate him. The BBC and the rest of the media are so blinded by hate they never pick up on things and end up looking dumber and dumber with each broadcast.
Isn’t it despicable that the establishment-controlled BBC are now criticising Trump’s meeting with Kim Jung-un. If that was the Obamessiah the BBC would be calling for a Nobel Peace prize. Pathetic. The British media is so smug, arrogant and snooty.
They are smug, arrogant and snooty but worse than that, they are corrupt to the core. They have a depraved mind.
Its even worse than that they are alsoo anti democratic believing that they and those who share their agenda have a right to ride rough shod over the rest of us. This view is shared by MSM right across the West. As we can see from the titanic struggle in the USA between President Trump and the lib Dem MSM axis, winning an election isnt enough to overcome them, they hold so many of the levers of power, and use them so ruthlessly, that getting rid of them by democratic means may not be possible. We see exactly the same thing with Brexit and lets see how the Italian government is subverted by Brussels.
if the so called bbc are criticising it
it must be a good thing
and vice versa
thats my default position on all the poison they spew out
Yes I don’t think president trump can do anything good . What will Hillary say? Or the other swamp dwellers?
And if president Kim doesn’t live past the day president trump will get the blame for that too
And incredibly itv news is even more anti trump than al beeb – which is quite something
I rather suspect that, in Casa Clinton, another glass of Xanax-laced Bourbon is being wiped off the kitchen wall.
He had that Nobel Prize, but it was for being black.
How odd.
BBC Sopel has long stood high on his self-created dunghill of spite and prejudice, but ITN’s Robert Moore runs him close. To listen to this mealy-mouthed arsehole, you’d think Kim conceived and engineered the whole affair, with ‘Trump’ out-manoeuvred and sidelined by a consummate political paragon.
You’re a prat Moore.
I thought Sopel was unusually reserved about criticism of Trump on the bbc six tv news this eve, initially sounding quite complimentary. I’ve often thought that Moore, on the other hand, is consistently as you have so colourfully described him.
Robert Moore is a complete prick.
Look North Hull redeemed themselves a bit today.
Last night they just covered a German car moving corp guy who want us to repeal Brexit.
Now in a part two it appears that whilst in Germany she asked some normal German’s about Brexit at least one of which supported it.
A fish shop guy said it was ridiculous the way Britain and Germany were being to subsidise the rest EU.
Please “Like” this comment if you think President Trump should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
I wouldn’t want to award that politically soiled prize to anyone.
It’s meaningless after they awarded it to Al Gore and Obama.
Please “Like” this comment if you think Obama did nothing to deserve his Nobel Peace Prize.
Well, Obama was black and a Democrat, and I guess no one knew at the time he was going to be the lamest ever president.
Also why didnt Reagan get a Nobel peace prize for his work in bringing the cold war to an end and freeing the poor sods who had been under the Soviet’s tyrannical wing.
Good try Aunty.
Not sure anyone is buying anymore.
Third world, sh*thole barbaric practices, carried out by a third world, sh*thole barbaric people, following a third world, sh*thole barbaric cult, from third world, barbaric sh*thole countries, have no place in civilised human societies, end of ! If that attitude offends their culture, good ! Their ‘culture’ certainly offends me !
BBC wales news was a disgrace. It finally reported on FGM and but only to say allegations of FGM ares about Islamophobia.
At one point the BBC stated that “Campaigners say it doesn’t happen in wales.” (Hmmm! Which campaigners?)
The BBC then said, there were only 17 cases of FGM in Wales last year, and they happened to children born outside the UK (as if that matters!)
All this is odd, as the BBC report below said there were 123 victims in Wales last year, which “Charity Welsh Women’s Aid, said those “figures showed just the “tip of the iceberg”.”
or, as the BBC puts it on the web page below: “An estimated 2,000 women and girls in Wales are living with FGM in Wales”
“Some 220 victims of FGM have been supported since 2013 by Bawso, a charity which helps women affected by the practice in Wales.”
“Charity Welsh Women’s Aid said it was estimated 2,000 women in Wales are living with FGM.”
Found here:
So who is lying, the BBC or the BBC?
Or as The Guardian, the BBC in print put it in the item below: Muslims will do anything to hide FGM:
“The BBC then said, there were only 17 cases of FGM in Wales last year,”
So these are the ones they know about?
How many arrests were made?
How many prosecutions?
FGM only becomes a statistic if an arrest is made.
One law … notice that the article does not mention religion, Muslim or Islam …
When detective chief inspector Leanne Pook began investigating allegations that a father in Bristol had allowed his six-year-old daughter to undergo female genital mutilation, she hoped the case – the second to reach court – could go on to make legal history. It has been more than three decades since FGM was made illegal in the UK, but there is yet to be a successful prosecution. The first case, in 2015, resulted in an NHS doctor being acquitted in less than 30 minutes.
If you wanna cheap laugh look at the citation by the Nobel committee to justify giving Obama the peace prize a few months after gaining office . And that at some time 61% of Americans didn’t think he deserved it . In his always florid acceptance speech he cited the struggle to get saints like the Burmese leader an sang Sui shi out -well that was an achievement leading to war and not peace .
I’m not saying President Trump deserves the prize but he has done more than Obama ever did already- after all the last US President to have dealings directly was another beauty – jimmy carter about 5 presidents ago .
The polarity of Al beeb where 1 man can do nothing right and another can do nothing wrong just doesn’t register with the beeboids and I really don’t get it – even with daily evidence of bias here .
In the words of “The Stranglers” something better change
Nominations for the peace prize closed 11 days after Obama became president. What a guy!
I think Donald Trump should change his name to Ron Seal.
Does exactly what it says on the tin.
And there’s a golden brown version
Trump bringing world peace not even the main story on Five Live news bulletin, and their mention of the story is perfunctory and says critics say (we think) the plan lacks detail.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! It just gets better and better with Trump. How childish and pathetic they look for giving him no credit even when he is literally saving the world. What losers!
Quite right Beeb!
Last night – or maybe the night before that silly Berkshire wireless bird said that Mrs May’s ‘dilemma’ was keeping President Trump’s triumph off the front pages!
Silly bitch. Not so! I checked, and it wasn’t the case at all. Where do they get these junior autocue readers from?
Probably already been said, but the headline on the BBC ‘news’ website finishes with the words ‘but it appears Donald Trump gave significant ground’. Jeez, they just don’t give up do they. Snide comments, what else do you expect?
The bookies have President Trump at 7/4 fav to win the next election with colonel” Bernie “sanders next at 12/1 despite – msm ( nearly wrote brexit out of habit)
Chalky, you can never ever believe a single prat-note from the bbbc these days.
Negative, silly, a bit thick and above all, leftie trash autocueisms from their undermanagers!
Forget their ridiculous bias, watch Fox and others, and think of England!
Better still read the info we all like here, and it’s a much better place for blood pressure!
BBC news have correspondent on …. but do not say he works for this allowed?
Chris Mason.
Political Correspondent, Westminster, BBC News 20:11 BBC news.
Apologies to all on this site as I posted on this thread yesterday about the EastEnders character Stuart Highway being indicated to be a paedophile. I may have jumped the gun a bit as it appears it’s a red-herring storyline that continued tonight with Queen Vic landlord Mick Carter reporting him to the police. According to Metro online’s spoilers he’s not a white, middle-aged paedophile but actually a white, middle-aged paedophile hunter trying to lure pervs out by posing as a child:
Still, I’d be (mildly) interested to see what the scriptwriters make of this, and how paedophiles are portrayed in the EastEnders-verse. It’s not like they don’t already have form with another recent “torn from the headlines” story – about London knife crime, where all the stabby gang members were white English teenagers.
My basic presumption remains the same – that EastEnders will continue to exhibit a left-wing, anti-British agenda. For example, when ignorant, gobby, workshy Karen Taylor was revealed a few months ago as – surprise! – a Brexit voter.
Enough trivia. I believe there’s something else going on in the World?
Haven’t watched that shite, or ITV’s offering either for over 15 years, TC. Grim, social engineering posing as so called “entertainment”.
True. Even Emmerdale has had a story lately about historic child sex abuse – all committed by a white police officer.
I really ought to stop being so lazy and find something more productive to do in the evenings.
Observing brush applied, pigment based coatings as its solvent evaporates is a good substitute, TC. 🙂
Might as well.
Recently bought a new telly as my old plasma gave up the ghost. It’s a beautiful OLED model with fantastic picture quality.
Same old sh!t on it, though.
Well observed, Pug.
This document is so vague as to almost be meaningless, is how the chief foreign correspondent of NBC News described the historic signing by Trump and Kim of a document that could well be the first step towards real peace in the region.
(At 4 minutes 30 seconds in)
I thought for a moment I was watching the BBC.