It is lucky that the BBC is not funded through viewing figures because the decline must be substantial – particularly amongst people using paid platforms.
The question must be “when will politicians from the right have the courage to challenge and change the bias of al beeb ?”
They will not change it as they both belong to Common purpose. We watch a hour a week and thats enough for any one. By the way I’m first to post,a exclusive club me thinks.
Make the Tories conservative again. Then take down the outdated BBC
Rumours are UKIP will include subscription model for BBC in it’s next manifesto – surely worth a vote ?
What a brilliant idea. If it was pegged as the same price as the current licence fee, those who want it would be no worse off and those who don’t would be better off. Win-Win as I see it (except for the overpaid “stars”).
Well, someone has to post it, I guess …
….. congratulations on trotting from The Bog (or even the bog or wherever) to get to top, Pete.
I wonder if the government are even aware of the BBC bias? Is that they are too busy to notice which wouldn’t surprise me or are not enough people yet campaigning against the BBC?
When will the government act? Will no-one rid us of this of this turbulent beast!
It’s beyond repair and must be scrapped now.
Demon – The Government will not act because they are all travelling to the same totalitarian destination as the BBC and all its progressive Imps.
Can’t let a chance to be first slip by! – Oops, too late!
Was trying desperately to think of something to say … anyway, since I have already started, I may as well finish:
I agree the BBC is hardly likely to survive if people could choose whether or not to subscribe to it.
Just look over the pond at CNN’s ratings – they are tanking month by month:
Over there, Fox News is dominating the cable news networks. Sky News may have its own biases (especially when it comes to the newspaper review presenters), but at least you can see they do take the trouble to go down to the ground and find out people’s views, rather than staying stuck in a studio for most of the time.
I have to say I still find them watchable, compared to the BBC.
Begone, Biased Corporation!
What it doesn’t say, because that would spoil the open border narrative, is that the parents have committed a crime by illegally entering the USA so are sent to jail. Is it the custom in this country to send children to jail as well if both parents are imprisoned?
He looks sad.
Do I still write my cheques out to Brendan Cox?
Or is it Benjamin Zephaniah and his “Teaching Trees Your Poetry” Foundation?
Still looks sad too.
All those American TV channels are pretty unwatchable because of the ceaseless ads if nothing else. Netflix who are taking down the BBC in ratings terms are the way forward. Pay for what you want through subscription.
There are several million people in the UK who want wall to wall diversity programming/propaganda. Let them pay for it but why must we?
Interesting to hear the BBC’s justification for the yoof tabloidisation of their interweb news. I presume they want to destroy the Mail as they have done all the local papers whose news they suck out for free.
There is no justification for the tabloidisation. That market is more than ably catered for by the private sector and a compulsorily-funded public body has no place trying to muscle in. I don’t understand why private entities tolerate that sort of restraint on their trade without complaining.
A little praise this morning for the BBC Breakfast guest newspaper reviewer.
I’m unsure of his name (something like Tim West) anyway, he was a well-spoken somewhat fey chap in a beige suit who praised Prince Charles for his greenie credentials and suggested we ought all to be driving electric cars.
Quite where he imagined all that electricity might be coming from was not explained. There’s not enough infrastructure, apparently. I’m guessing that would be his excuse for probably not putting his money where his mouth is. The attitude reminds one of a selfish teenager bemoaning the lack of a charging point for their gadgets whilst happily remaining without a care in the world for who pays the utility bill. Perhaps electricity could be elevated to the status of a human right then everything would be just hunky dory?
Our Naga Munchetty gets chatty and hints darkly of ‘vested interests’ blocking our obvious logical drive toward the utopian future uplands. That’s right Naga, blame The Man.
But I said I had praise for this guest, Tim-what’s-his-name. Well I do. I’m quite happy to hear BBC guests spout all sorts of daft political views. If only they will own up to their own allegiances. Certainly then we might judge whether the BBC was giving us a fair balance of views. Instead of what we have which is wall-to-wall left-liberal right-on group-think. And sure enough, on this occasion at least, from this chap we hear:
“I have to admit, I have a soft spot for the Lib Dems”
Hallelujah ! At last. If only more BBC guests and presenters were more often as honest with their viewers.
we ought all to be driving electric cars. Quite where he imagined all that electricity might be coming from was not explained.
Am thinking. One of the fundamental laws of nature is Conservation of electric charge. So its not a matter of creating electricity, its already created, but to group it together enmasse at particular points, and make it available. Free of course, as Obama would say ” You didnt create that”.
The electric charge might well already exist but the problem is putting it where it doesn’t want to be.
It is a bit like saying that all the water in the world is in the oceans but to do something useful with it it needs to be at the top of mountains. Fortunately for us the Sun does that job and provides the energy to put water up there.
I am thinking that some sort of parallel can be drawn with money. The BBC types would like all the rich people’s money shared out, (with obvious exceptions!). The result of that is that everyone would be a few dollars better off and sitting around starving. Push the money ‘up hill’ into a few hands and we create a modern civilisation with i-phones, Twitter etc.
I like your comment, Jim.
It sums up the situation we have with tax-paid idiots in W1A and their agenda!
Great stuff!
That`ll be the Swamp of Soros then.
Surely not the bloke who shorted the Labour-led depression, Chris!
No wonder Bliar licks his boots, and slurps his anti-Brexit bile everywhere!
And we still pay for his ‘protection’?
AISI, “Perhaps electricity could be elevated to the status of a human right then everything would be just hunky dory?”
If I recall correctly, AISI, some Conservatives and many conservatives were unhappy about privatising energy and water on those very grounds – that the two were essentials for life.
Maggie didn’t listen. Now half the country resent the thought of her and her successors, whether in government or not, with their past policies, never mind the current ones.
If only ……
The MSM right across the West, with a very few exceptions, are in the hands of liberal left Globalists. It is easy to see how state run organisations such as the BBC could be taken over by a Gramscian plot , less so how private companies like those in the US could be. Nonetheless it is clear that CNN, NBC, CBS, Wahington Post, New York Times et al are all members of the Globalist club and behave in a very similar way to the BBC.
They are determined to remove President Trump no matter how much they have suppress, distort and lie about the news. Their mission is to fool the American people into withdrawing their support of the President so that the Democrats can have him impeached.
The Globalists in the Washington swamp see that the President is a real danger to their control and their fellow Globalist right across the West agree with them and havejoined them in this attempted slow motion coup. The parallels with Brexit are striking.
The Globalists aim to run the world free from democratic oversight, free from intereference from voters. To do this they need to get rid of nation states so they cant let Trump ‘Make America Great Again’ , they cant allow Brexit, they must stop the EU from falling apart. They promote mass migration because in the long term they want these migrants to help destroy the nation state. They know that ordinary people will resist their agenda so control of what people know and think is vital. They already control the MSM and are increasing their control of the internet.
The Tories are run by Globalists and share the internationalist agenda outlined above. They need the BBC to fool the British people into following their agenda without realising the final destination. That is why the BBC is safe in Tory hands.
Spot on my doublethinking friend. This is the Thought For The Day that we ought to have heard this morning,not some creeping Jesus with his nose in an iPhone.
Now say it to yourself in a creeping Welby Way-and you`ve got a podcast for the nation.
Looking forward to tomorrows now!
We want Tommy Out….we want Tommy out!
I think that you’ve summed up the UN pretty well, there, DT. All spearheaded, of course, with cash from Uncle George.
Part of that agenda is to emasculate men.
Its too the danger that as White men have created this universal civilisation, they might just wake up. Moreover, if men wake up, they have the potential of creating such organised violence and havoc that nothing can stand in their way. Nothing.
Hence, the continuous effort to marginalise men and their invention and creation of Western civilisation. We see this in the predominance of women and girls, Black men and boys on TV, even the ads. Many a time they show that men are oafs, while women and Black men are technically and scientifically superior, showing the oafs the way how to.
One could be forgiven in thinking that White men and boys do not exist, or if they do, are a tiny minority confined to mental institutions.
Right on Katie.
Treezer, the beeboids and their masters hate us because they don’t even understand the concept of patriotism.
Dead souls.
I am afraid after hearing Treezers “ever so umble” special message my “puke bucket ended up overflowing” If she had offered to wipe the backsides of all of the MCB with her tongue then I dont think I would have felt any more embarrassed after listening to this sycophantic, cloying tripe.
Maybe one day she should start trying to govern rather than becoming some sort of servile Uriah Heep. No maybe not – that would mean like acting in a dignified fashion like a Prime Minister should – obviously something she is ill suited to.
Oh and just in case any of you want to hear it again
And here is Jezza’s contribution – mentioning Grenfell of course!!
Muslim numbers have now reached a level where all parties will increasingly pander to them for their votes. We are at Stage 2 or even 3 of the Conquest. Expect ever more compromises, appeasements, concessions, Special Pleading, censorship, and early morning knocks on the doors of those who resist.
The whole terrifying process aided and abetted by the beebistan.
We’re finished.
At the start of Corbyn’s message he says “Eid is a good time for people of all faiths and people of none to celebrate…”
That sentence alone is proof why Corbyn is so out of touch he is not fit to be a MP let alone PM.
I live in a small very British village with plenty of thatched cottages. I don’t think slaughtering sheep in the road is “a good way to celebrate” anything. Just a few weeks ago the local school did a Maypole dance but, hey, time for a change I suppose!
Edit: I think the sheep slaughtering is actually a different Eid “celebration” but you get my point.
Yes Treezer and Jezza, let us celebrate the huge contribution they have made from Manchester Arena to London Bridge, from Accrington to York…
(Below is just A and B, the full list was way too long)
• Accrington 2012
Burnley and Preston courts. Victims 16 yo/Abusers 19-39 yo. Offences 2009, trial 2011. Stephanie Knight. Rochdale. Hussain brothers shouted that they were innocent as they were convicted. Express: “Outside court the men’s families waved placards claiming a miscarriage of justice.”
• Aylesbury 2015
Old Bailey court. Offences 2006-2012. Convictions 2015. Two victims 12-13, abused by 60 men. 11 Men in court, 6 convicted aged 29-45. Five Muslim, one Sikh. Chesham
• Ashton-under-Lyme 2017
Manchester-Minshull Street court, Victim 14 yo/Abuser 20. Jailed for 4y 6m for sexual activity with a child, making indecent images of a child. He gave her alcohol and cannabis whilst they listened to music and a few hours later, Hussain poured the teenager several shots of vodka before he had sex with her several times and proceeded to take indecent images of her. Denton
• Banbury 2015
Oxford court. Seven victims 13-15 yo/Seven men convicted, 18-21 yo. Three of the convicted had non-Arabic names. Offences 2009-14. ‘Africans’ convicted; Afghans, Iranians, Muslim converts from the Caribbean and Muslim Slavs said to have participated in abuse
• Bath 2017 (in progress)
Bristol court. Victim’s age not reported/Accused 31 admitted sexual assault. Sentencing 30 January 2018
• Batley 2017
To be heard at Leeds Crown court on 6 September 2017
Victim 12 yo/Abuser 25. Accused of snatching the girl from outside her home on 21 August 2017. Charges: child abduction, sexual assault, taking a vehicle without the owner’s consent and driving without a licence or insurance.
• Birkenhead 2017
Liverpool court. Three victims 13, 14 / Abuser 41, father of two. Guilty of two counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. Jailed for four years. Leicester
• Birmingham 2013
Birmingham court. Victim 14 yo/Jailed men 23 and 27 yo. Offences from July 2011. Sparkbrook, Alum Rock
• Birmingham 2017 (1)
Birmingham court. Victim 17/Abuser 25 – Afghan illegal immigrant. Jailed for one year for sexual assault. Judge: “She was plainly vulnerable, she was in care and she was 17.” Grooming. Edgbaston
• Birmingham 2017 (2)
Birmingham court. “Vulnerable woman” – age not reported / Rapist 39, taxi driver. Offence in April 2017. Jailed for nine years in July 2017
• Birmingham 2017 (3)
Birmingham court. Victim a teenager with learning difficulties/Abuser 28; jailed for seven and a half years for assault and attempted rape. Lozells
• Birmingham 2017 (4)
Birmingham court. Victim a woman/Abuser 27. Convicted of sexual 2015 assault and sentenced to two years jail in 2017. He bit the victim and left DNA evidence. Nechells, Aston
• Birmingham 2017 (5)
Birmingham court. Victim 14 yo/Abuser 17 yo at time of attack. Jailed six years for rape. Kings Norton
• Blackburn 2007
Preston court. Victims aged 12 and 14 yo/Abusers 32 and 46. Victims passed around abusers’ families. Operation Engage. Darwin, Burnley
• Blackburn 2009
Preston court. Victim 12 yo/ Two perpetrators 24 and 27 yo. 27 yo’s sister had killed her unwanted husband from an arranged marriage. Accrington, Hyndburn, Oswaldtwistle
• Blackburn 2014
Lancashire Telegraph:
Preston court. Victim 14 yo/Rapist 36 and abuser 44 yo and father of three. Judge: “There is no remorse for what you have done.”
• Blackburn 2017 (1)
Preston court. Victims two police officers/Abuser 30, father of three. Jailed 22 months for sexual assault and perverting the course of justice
• Blackburn 2017 (2)
Preston court. Victim a vulnerable woman/Abuser 38. Life – a minimum of 8 years. Administering a noxious substance, rape, controlling or coercive behaviour. Offences 2014-2017. Colne, Nelson
• Blackpool 2003-08
Preston court. Over 60 victims 11-15 yo. Charlene Downes. Paige Chivers. Perpetrators said to be Jordanian, Iranian. Case collapsed and £250,000 compensation paid. Actual perpetrator likely to be late middle-aged Englishman
• Blackpool 2006
Preston court. Victim 16 yo/Abusers 28 and 31 yo. Both illegal immigrants. Judge: “Your victim became an abused sexual plaything to the four of you.”
• Blackpool 2016
Preston court. Victim 14/Abuser now 39; offences in 2003. Guilty of indecency with a child. Acquitted of multiple rapes. Operation Boron. To be sentenced in January 2017
• Bournemouth 2017 (1)
Bournemouth court. Victim an adult/Rapist 34, Turkish. Jailed for 15 years for raping the victim 20 times over 4 years. Judge: he “had a desire to dominate and control … believed he was superior to women and had viewed females as his personal property”.
• Bournemouth 2017 (2)
Bournemouth court. Victim in her early 20s/Abuser 31, married; a junior doctor at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital. Had been drinking on the second night of Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim festival which marks the end of Ramadan, a month after he arrived in the UK from Pakistan. Jailed eight months for sexual assault
• Bradford 2012
Bradford court. Victim was 13 yo from a “traditional Asian family”. Jailed men 39 and 42 yo. Little Horton, Manningham. Judge: “Your arrogance is startling as indeed is the depth of your depravity.”
• Bradford 2016 (Rape without grooming)
Bradford court. Victim 13 yo “troubled and vulnerable”/Rapists 26 yo. One a father of three. Offences 18 April 2016. Convictions for rape, attempted rape, taking indecent photos, possession of indecent photos. Judge: “You took it in turns to abuse her and each of you behaved like an animal … vile abuse and degradation” Prosecutor: “the child had self-harmed since she was attacked, cutting her arms and legs”
• Bradford 2017 (1)
Bradford court. Victim 13 (Romanian)/Abuser 64, a father of five. Abuse in September 2014. Denied all charges. Jailed 13 years for rape and perverting the course of justice. Judge: “He groomed and terrified his victim.” Gave the girl phones, clothes, and a computer tablet and forced her to have sex with him. He said if she did not let him do it, he would kill her and bury her. NSPCC: “His lack of remorse, coupled with his attempts to evade justice, are deeply shocking.”
• Bradford 2017 (2)
Bradford court. Victim 13/Abuser 53 – married with 3 children. Jailed for 4½ years for sexual activity with a child. Victim Polish. Abuser came to UK in 1980 but needed interpreter for the trial. Judge: “Your interests were driven entirely by sexual gratification.”
• Bradford 2017 (3)
Bradford court. Victim: “highly-vulnerable 12 yo”/Accused 26. Met the victim on Facebook and groomed her with alcohol and drugs in exchange for sex. Jailed for 12 years for rape of a child under 13, oral rape of a child under 13 and sexual assault. Judge: “Your disgraceful, immoral and deplorable behaviour has caused a huge amount of damage. She was already extremely vulnerable, you should have realised she was not behaving like an ordinary 12-year-old girl. You knew shortly after you began an intimate relationship with her that she was just 12. You didn’t become disgusted with yourself after finding out. You didn’t mind. That is why you have to be classified as a paedophile. You groomed her. You were a grown man who caused a little girl to believe she was your girlfriend.” Manningham
• Bradford 2017 (4)
Bradford Court. Victim 15 yo/Abuser 31 yo. Travelled from Manchester to Bradford to groom victim with alcohol and cannabis. Jailed for five years and three months for sexual activity with a child under 16, and perverting the course of justice.
• Bradford 2017 (5)
Bradford court. Victim 13/Abuser 44 convicted of sexual assault that occurred on 9 July 2017. Girlington
• Brierfield 2012
Burnley court. Offences 2010/trial 2012. Victim aged 14/perpetrators 21-25 yo. 7 men charged. Jury discharged June 2012. Manchester court retrial: one man pleaded guilty. A year later the gang leader’s brother was convicted of trying to pervert the course of justice in the case, another man of threatening to rape the victim and her mother and his girlfriend of illegal data access. All denied the charges
• Brighton 2014
Lewes court. Victim a student. No age given/Rapists 21 and 27. Offence in October 2014. Sentences: 13 and 11 years for rape and aiding and abetting rape. Judge: “he specifically targeted her as a drunk young woman in no position to prevent him raping her. He then telephoned his friend to come along and do the same.” Acton, Stanmore
• Brighton 2017
Brighton magistrates. Victim 13 yo cab passenger/Alleged abuser 53; cab driver. Case adjourned to Crown Court on 5 October 2017. Woodingdean
• Bristol 2014
Bristol court. Four victims 13-17 yo/13 Somali Muslims 20-22 yo convicted. Easton. Operation Brooke. Judge: “One girl was raped in a rough, callous and very nasty manner using significant force, leaving the girl totally humiliated and bleeding”. She was then raped by another man whom the judge described as acting “without humanity and with no pity whatsoever”
• Bristol 2016
Bristol court. At least 7 victims, 12-15 yo/Seven Somalis accused of 46 charges. All defendants denied all charges. Three convicted of: sexual assault, trafficking for sexual exploitation, rape, supplying class B drugs. Most alleged offences 2011 – 2012 – 4 years of cover-up. The judge described the consequences of the abuse on the victims as ‘disastrous’. ‘You made them feel worthless, dirty, unloved’. A serious case review found that the gang was able to continue the systematic abuse due to failings by social services, police and doctors. Operation Button
• Burnley 2011
Preston court. Two victims 18 and 22 yo/Abuser 38, an illegal Bangladeshi immigrant, jailed indefinitely for rape and attempted rape. Judge said: “What you did was brutal, determined and premeditated. Both victims feared for their lives.” Will be deported on release. Colne Road. Leeds Liverpool Canal.
• Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire 2014
Stafford court. Victim under 13/Perpetrators 19-41 yo. Staffordshire Police: “They show no remorse” for offences over a seven month period
etc etc etc…
And they should have all been hanged.
Do these creatures lack any sense of self awareness whatsoever ? Do they really not realise just how pathetic they sound ? She could not have come up with a surer way to kill British support for the former conservative party short of offering jezza a knee-trembler round the back of the socialist club after applauding a speech about the joys of Marxism ! That whimpering, gurning, sorry excuse for a ‘leader’ is not a PM. Here is what a leader, and a PM should be ;
I was thinking that in this video she looks like a cross between Alastair SIm and Anna sourbrie
Why was she wearing a slave collar round her neck?
The political elite have given the keys of the UK to Islam
Pastor Paul Song was a volunteer Chaplain at HMP Brixton for nearly 20 years. Many prisoners became Christians through the courses he ran (including Alpha) and had their lives transformed. He had full security clearance for all his activities and had even been given keys to the prison as a sign of the high esteem in which he was held.
But in 2015, this changed – the Senior Chaplain at the prison was replaced by a Muslim. Imam Mohamed Yusef Ahmed began scrutinising the material used in Pastor Song’s courses, commenting that the material was “too radical”; and that the Christian views expressed were “extreme” – despite the fact that these courses are mainstream Christian courses, used by Christians throughout the world.
Imam Mohamed asked Paul to stop running the courses, which he reluctantly agreed to, though Paul carried on going into the prison to meet with prisoners. At no point were complaints made by prisoners either about the content of the courses or Paul’s attitude towards any of the prisoners.
Then, in August 2017, Paul received an email from Imam Mohamed, telling him that he no longer had permission to enter the prison wings or speak to any prisoner at HMP Brixton.
Mrs May might just as well have shouted Hail satan.
Fantastic stuff from Katie. Love the bit about seeing the ‘guys in orange jump suits’ in the background.
“Blink three times May if you can’t talk!” Hilarious.
Here’s another take on that craven dhimmi video that suggests that May is bonkers:
DT, you may find some of the answers to USA private concerns amongst Kevin Shipp’s three hour lecture.
Bit of a marathon watch, particularly in the first hour, but worth the effort.
Many thanks. I will warch it.
Doublethinker, spot on ! A solid post.
Excellent post, Doubs!
Intuitive, thoughtful and correct as well!
Will you become my MP please, we only have Greg Clark, and he’s pretty useless.
Your analysis is correct. However the momentum is now in Trump’s favour and he will undoubtedly be re-elected by a landslide in 2020, ensuring the 21st century is American. Unfortunately things look far less rosy for the Europeans and particularly the British, whose fate is already sealed. When the Islamic Caliphate will be introdcued is now just a question of time. My guess is around 2050, but it could be sooner. One thing is certain though. It is coming.
BBC Online News. Video Feature.
“”The Brexit comic using satire to ‘laugh at our leaders'””
The voice over is provided by the author. There is no opposing side to this anti-Brexit left wing production. The BBC always do this to promote their views on video features.
The characters in his comic/video represent politicians. The production is similar to ‘Trumpton’.
These are quotes from the video with times:-
“Boris Johnson, his job is to stand in front of that big red bus and tell a lie every week” (0.24)
“Brexit is the biggest divisive issue of this decade. Maybe for the next four or five decades” (01.36)
“I’m quite open that I voted for Remain” (02.35)
“I find it easier to laugh at people on the right than the people on the left”
“Jeremy Corbyn is the grandad who’s down with the kids” (02.28)
Note that Corbyn gets an easy ride. The agenda is anti-tory and anti-brexit.
And Farage gets a walk on part…
What is it with the politico-media establishment and Dicks?
Spotted, chequered, or otherwise.
Don’t forget dykey, and midget…
The one who likes killing Brazilians and persecuting patriots like Tommy Robinson? The same one who is best mates with the muslim mayor of London, who, if he ever gets to full power, would throw her from a tall building?
Thank you for confirming what I’d guessed. I saw that article but couldn’t be bothered watching because I knew the BBC would only be promoting it if it came from one angle. They’ve become so predictable.
Finding BBC bias is like shooting fish in a barrel these days. The challenge now is to spot when they aren’t biased.
And on the Today programme this morning another of John Simpson’s highly partisan opinion pieces on Donald Trump, presented in his usual insufferably smug and condescending tone. Notable, as usual, were his sound-bites of President Trump truncated carefully to put him in the worst possible light, and by other careful omissions, effectively broadcasting lies. Simpson again repeating his mantra that the President “reportedly made little preparation” for his meeting with Kim Jong Un, whereas we know from administration reports that such a meeting has been subject of intense Presidential discussions for many months. Again, for example, readers of other (and reliable) news sources know full well that the President’s stated wish to withdraw the military from South Korea is entirely conditional on completely verified denuclearisation of the North (and would obviously have been a matter for prolonged WH discussions between Trump and his military and political staff) but, incredibly, Simpson decided to omit that condition and opine that that policy was apparently made up on-the hoof. Disgraceful. All Simpson’s pieces need fisking line by line and the results published, preferably in a sympathetic newspaper.
Simpson seems to think of himself as a kind of late great Alistair Cook – naughtie suffers from the same delusion . I suspect the trick with Alistair cook and those wise 15 minute talks was that he was in touch .
These senior beeboids deny my views which are very different to theirs – despised for not being liberal and not wanting a multicultural mess of a country being dominated by the evil of Islam .
Those beeboids have cash in the bank separating them from real life . Fortunately they are getting old-
I’m the terms used by spiteful remainers .
They are narcissists who earn a very good living from following the Party line. Why the rest of us should be forced to pay their wages they never deign to explain.
Well said, Martin, Fedup and Wild(sounds like a solicitors firm or market research MFW?)
Never know the difference between Sargeant and Simpson-ones a fat florid dancer, the others a pompous drag act in a burqa.
Given this mans voice, he`s obviously-like Yentob, Attenborough and Dimbleby Major-BBC royalty, so I prostated myswelf before the old bakelite and listened to The Bastambassador.
Gather he does`nt like Trump.
But says it like he knows something and is greasing suppositories at the Court of St Caracacticrackers.
But another poncey plummy voiced eunuch that we`re paying for.
Morrissey was right-hang the Bjs…and this fat lardarse of Mallardy Towers will need a bigger noose than normal for his fat empty head.
The BBC-not good for your health are they?
Always inherently suspicious of anyone so insecure that they have to add ‘news’ to their twitter handle to reassure themselves.
Paul Mason does it too. Of course he is now… pursuing other interests, so can try on whatever he fancies.
John, I believe, is still one of the higher paid employees of the state national propagandist, though does not speak for the entity that speaks for the nation. Apparently.
Confused? You will be.
John Simpson, like most BBC third rate E. Lit., graduates thinks that no one can surpass his intelligence and knowledge, so the rest must be fools.
I would like to see John Simpson be successful in multiple careers, such as creation of TV series, top notch Hotel& business in the most cut throat city in the world – New York. And just for fun, get elected as President of the USA with marginal financial outlay compared to the opposition, while slaying seventeen Republican contenders with bigger name recognition and money. All this while the MSM was totally against him.
Once John Simpson shows he can do what Pres Trump has done, he has the right. In the meantime, he better stick to a nice safe job on the license payers dime.
Absollutely, NC!
Turn-off time when he arrives; his smug knowitall presence just demands a click-off toot-sweet.
Wasn’t he the man who liberated Iraq.
Good post, MW.
Businessmen and businesswomen invariably delegate, good business people learn how to spot good people to whom they can delegate and they then have the choice of micro-managing, managing or freeing new birds to fly, to succeed or fail or both.
President Trump spent a year learning on the job. The BBC gleefully reported the chaos. I suspect Trump knows now the capabilities of both his administration and the wider Washington world, and the opposition he faces within the Beltway and perhaps in the Pentagon, and has put the two teams to work on the Korea thing.
Off to a good start but the BBC will not acknowledge that, as Simpson demonstrated.
I am enjoying their obvious discomfort.
(Oops – site software shifted this, not me – honest, I clicked reply on Martin’s post.)
It seems to me that President Trump grows in stature as the days pass. I was discomfited at first when candidate Trump appeared on the scene by his bombast and rather limited vocabulary, but very soon understood his mission and concern for working Americans. And his occasional mis-steps early on as President were inevitable – it happens to every leader bar none when they first enter office. His genuine concern for the ‘ordinary’ person is so clear to an unbiased observer and is one of his most commendable qualities. I thought the recent impromptu interview (when he strolled down unexpectedly to the North Gate) showed him to be pretty much on top of his brief . As Bill Still said “any reasonable person will love this scene”. Of course, there are things to criticise Pres. Trump for, but they should be viewed in the context of overall good. I would like to live to see his second term.
Pres Trump’s talk to the press after the N korea summit was a balance of serious talk, humour, and a leg pull the MSM. It was brilliant. The MSM in the US just couldn’t hack it.
What was even better was he looked at the camera, as well the person he was talking to, as opposed to the Tele-prompter bloke “whatshisname”, who couldn’t put two words together without his TP Aid.
I wonder how long it will be until the Country grinds to a standstill with all these minutes silences and anniversaries etc.
No sooner have you done your silence for jo Cox then it’s grenfell again, Stephen Lawrence always has lots of virtue signallers ready to show everyone how much better they are than us with their righteous sadness, any old celebrity popping their clogs always turns out to have been an angel in our midst but we didn’t know it until they left us.
Pmq’s is taking longer because they keep on finding more and more people to thank, praise, commend etc so that you can fast forward the first 5 minutes to where the questions start.
Just get on with it, virtue signalling is only used to show off to others. As if they really cared.
How many minutes silence for the Jack Vetriano print of Andy Murray scratching his crabs under his tennis kilt as he heads back to the baseline. A casualty of Brexit and austerity?
Got singed I think, but “No Painting Left Behind”.
I`m playing it safe-ten minutes clogging the exit at Waitrose and let the queue build up behind me, engines off for all.
I care too much.
Isn`t Sturgeons nickname Wee Burney?
She`s after the insurance, a true Jock.
I`ve also got a warped copy of Billy Connollys ” Parkinsons Disease” show from last year, took three hours to put his wellies on and wasn`t funny as usual.
Another Scottish art masterpiece gone-oh, the humanity!
If only the Scots had done the maintainance on the BBC helicopter over Sir Cliffs house eh?….fuck off Frankie Boyle! This is humour.
How many “silence remembrances” for Charlene Downes or for the tens of thousands of young girls brutally gang raped and shipped around the country for further use.
Will there be “silence remembrances” for Tommy Robinson, under a death penalty if its carried out.
Have you heard those BBC announcers in full Grenfell Green Voices all over the news bulletins about some squitty little fire in Glasgow?
WGAFF? Isn`t that what Devomax was about? Get a grip Jockland!
That`s what you`ve got Sturgeon for ? Her heart is breaking….who writes this shit, let alone gets to have it read out as if its Churchill after Omaha?
STFU you BBC scum…we don`t give a fuck down here. You`re in the way of Brexit and fires on a bombsite, building site are pretty common!
Especially is SNP cabbages are back home on the bru and shooting up, burning bongs in Kelvingrove.
This belongs in Gaelic…on Alba and not on Radio 2 ,3 or 4.
Sick of the Joks getting onto the news, like the IRA they`re simply EU puppets.
AND-let`s be clear-this is NOT aimed at Grant and all the other great Scots on this site. This is aimed at the Shortbread Shites and Tartan Tendencies who choose to blather on about a croft fire in Glasgow as our kids are getting acid thrown in their faces only a mile away from where our Plastic Paisleys weep over a devolved arts college.
F.OffBBC, and stuff Lindsay Kemp-how does HE get ten minutes free adverts before 8am then? He met Kate Bush-well, wupdidoo!
The BBC are just dead aren`t they?
Old Queen does the gay gordons with a zimmer frame in a sequinned frock….on the top of a shortbread tine and greased up with cannabis oil. That`s news is it, Gompertz Minor? Twat!
AS Enoch said-MAD, literally MAD!
Oi, chrisH, good to have you back posting but that squitty little building is one that a lot of people really like and I am one of them.
I did note that when Mathew Price, BBC TOADY presenter today, asked the BBC female reporter to tell us about the significance of the building all she could do is waffle. She could not even get out the fact that it was designed by the great Charles Rennie Mackintosh and was kept and maintained as something of a memorial to him as architect, designer and artist.
Nah, mate.
Another heritage building gone on the second attempt. I wonder what they want to build there instead?
I don’t suppose there is a muslim coefficient in this fire? They do like lighting fires, after all.
The best Jihad is always at the end of Eid.
Sorry Up2.
Am actually a huge fan of all things Scottish at their best.
Can`t say I remember my Kelvingrove pub crawl as I`d like to, but had a great time starting from George Square. The Clyde is magnificent, and I`m pretty sure I saw the building. Is that where Dali is?
Anyway-promise you I`m not belittling the good people who`d have a great attachment to its architecture, its meaning in the city.
It`s just the bloody BBC and its utter phoniness.
If that had been Albert Square, Manchester and the Town Hall, the BBC wouldn`t be anywhere near as morose, and the Tories wouldn`t be offering money as they do from grasping nasties like Sturgeon.
I`m sure you`re right, hope you`ll understand it`s the BBCs take on it that gives me the pip.
Had a nice cider or two, much mellower now!
Take home lesson-if the BBC is maudling and doing s Grenfell-then expect the good people of England to snarl. We want Tommy Out you see-we do want Tommy out!
Chris – at least we won’t have to stomach listening to the awful SNP In the British Parliament doing their false grief this over a building in Glasgow . Spoke they’ll want a bloody minutes silence and their thoughts are with someone or thing – like their bank balance and subsidies from English taxpayers to fund their benefit giveaways
Whenever I hear the SNP I recall that their population is 7 million with 4 million voters . Small country – big mouth .
As Edinburgh born and bred, I rarely say good things about the Weedge, but the destruction of that building is a great loss to Scotland. Very strange to have had two such catastrophic fires in a short space of time, and I’d have thought the reconstruction from the last one might have included some sort of sprinkler system. In Charles Rennie Mackintosh design, of course.
Up here we all know the real reason why the fire spread so much. Gales of hot air from Storm Nicola.
On my pit stop visit to Toady this morning I part heard the interview between Carney and Andy Burnham re the subject of care in the home for the elderly. Particularly bed-blockers who cannot be sent home due to no home support. Burnhams vision? A tax on assets for homeowners. All talk of the fairness of this proposal which would mean the elderly asset owner would be liable for a contribution to the State Coffers when they’re dead. The contribution, it was said, would relate to the property owners help in the home. Note the blatant lie, “the property owners”. Prima facie, it seems reasonable but, but, but, it was not said (and neither did Carney question the elephant in the room). That would be ‘renters’ whether Council or private without assets. ONS figures for 2015/2016: 14.29 million private owned. Of the total households, 23.1 million, that leaves 8.81 million renters – >38% without assets to accommodate the, let’s call it the, ‘Burnham Prudent Property Owners Tax’. So the BPPO tax presumably would work on the basis of you, homeowner, pay a tax for your self + 38% to pay for others, ‘less fortunate’. Socialism at work?
A Carney is a term used for a circus grifter, fairground huckster – a dodgy traveller with a zippo lighter, dare i posit m`lud?
A Burnham is someone who burns things, so i`m told…and he is a scouser, dare I muse?
Were these two spouting shite from the banks of the Clyde I wonder? This morning after a cannabis cook in turned bad for the end of Ramadan?
Just saying….Ciderman of the Yard reporting, job done!
I remember the liberals back in the 80s before age of negative equity ( remember?) talking about putting capital gains tax at 40% on house sales to fund this or that . That policy was the best to guarantee election suicide .
Al beeb would probably like that now I suggest next time any party is up for election they be asked that tax question and see it they trick their way out of it.
Yes indeed, socialism at work. Socialism will always be a disincentive to anyone providing for their ‘old age’, since they’ll be paying for someone else’s.
Now, one wouldn’t mind if those someone else’s had been incapable of providing due to say, disability. But an awful lot will have simply been living it up on the ‘live for today, tomorrow we die’ principle.
In almost every other aspect of life, socialism will punish the hard-working, the ambitious, the achievers. Society will suffer, because many of these will eventually simply say: why should I bother?
It’s not limited to Burnham, though. Ms May thought it would be a good idea to include property-grabbing in her election manifesto, thereby revealing her own socialist instincts. That went well, didn’t it?
People who have slaved their guts out and gone to work and done the right thing everyday, won’t been keen to hand the fruits of their labour to Burnham or May. The Burnhams and Mays should have seen to a system that really treats people FAIRLY, not just because they can cover their redistributive instincts with that word.(They will have provided for an escape route for themselves, I should imagine).
But isn’t it socialism ie strict regulation by government/councils that created and keeps the property ponzi bubble going and prices so high.
Under purer capitalism, the amount of building land would not be controlled, houses would be built to meet the excess demand and prices would fall substantially.
Perhaps you just like just enough socialism to keep the status quo, ..
Sorry Fakey!
“Socialism at work”.
Five words-one oxymoron .First sentence.
“Socialism burrowing up the fallopian tubes like bilharzia”?
More like it.
We keep hearing that an income tax rise would be acceptable to pay for the nhs.
I assume all the people they asked were the lower paid and those on benefits who would likely not have to make these contributions.
In other words, more money for the nhs if someone else pays.
I saw on here a little while back this idea.
Increase vat (to 40-50%) and give the increase to the nhs.
I wonder if those on low pay or benefits would still be so keen to fund the nhs this way where everybody contributes.
Or would they prefer to get rid of many managers, wasteful procedures and start to make non entitled users pay for their treatment as the rest of the world appears to do.
The better off may well be private anyway so it’s the poorer paying for their own health service.
You regularly see surveys that say people would pay a penny on tax for [insert the BBC hobby horse here]. It always turns out that they mean other people should pay a penny.
No one ever reveals how many of those supposedly in favour actually pay any tax.
One solution might be to introduce a voluntary component within income tax. Income tax would remain at the standard rate, 20% at present, but on your tax return you could opt to pay, say, 22% for the forthcoming tax year. That additional amount would be for hypothecated (i.e. ring-fenced) purposes and you could specify where it would go from a small selection of choices: additional money for NHS; additional Defence spending; additional money for education; general charity; your own pension fund; even to fund the BBC (the licence would be scrapped). Democratic, allows people to put their money where their mouth is, would cause the various bodies to sharpen up their act and ‘compete’ for the extra funding.
How about cutting down on managers and stopping foreign aid,
and using the saved money for the NHS?
That would solve the problem, but just to keep everyone happy we could have a Two Minutes Of Hate event, say every Saturday afternoon.
Where the well heeled gather and watch a giant screen showing low paid workers and benefit claimants,
and join together in a frenzied group hate against this manufactured enemy..
London Marathon cheat pleads guilty to fraud
‘’A man who pretended to finish the London Marathon after he found someone else’s starting number has pleaded guilty to fraud.
Stanislaw Skupian, 38, was pictured at the end of the 26.2-mile race in April celebrating with a finisher’s medal.
But he was finishing with a “stolen race identifier” belonging to Jake Halliday, who had lost his number, court documents said.
He pleaded guilty to one count of fraud by false representation.
Skupian, of no fixed address, intended to gain “a finisher’s medal and other items associated with completing the London Marathon”, according to the court.
Appearing at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court, he also admitted three further charges of theft at Heathrow Airport.
He is due for sentencing next week.
Mr Halliday, who had been running for blood cancer charity Bloodwise, did not complete the race after losing his number.
A London Marathon spokeswoman said organisers would not comment until the end of the legal process.’’
What a pathetic, miserable, uptight country we have become.
Isn’t this just a spur of the moment bit of fun?
Courts should have fined the bloke who lost his number, on two counts: being a plank and littering .
We use to laugh at Singapore, now we have more rules than them.
Only surprise is the BBC didn’t refer to Stanislaw as a London man.
I guess as ‘charity’ work is a well paid career for the lazy folk that control us, so the establishment will add it to things that you cannot make fun of.
If that had been Judge Geoffrey Marson QC (in the TR case) the poor guy would have been looking at 40 years hard labour plus 40 tickets to a Des O’Connor concert.
Don’t temp them, Marathon man hasn’t been sentenced yet.
Are those some kind of Christian rosary beads around his neck?
He’s doomed if they are.
I’d love to see a photo zoomed back more, he’s probably wearing jeans and normal shoes..
Stanislaw Skupian – the name suits the photograph, – like some villain from a Bond film. I know I’m generalising and probably doing them a great injustice, but Is it me or do all Eastern European men have a look of evil and criminality about them ?
Yeah Brissles the hideously white skin doesnt help. Definitely not a victim. I am sure our wonderfully moral PM would have a special place marked out for for this particular swine I bet he eats babies as well.

‘A CHEAT who faked a London Marathon finish after picking up another runner’s lost number said last night: “I deserved my medal.”
Stanley Skupien, 38, who sleeps rough at Heathrow Airport where staff know him as the Jogging Tramp, said he was in tears as he crossed the line — after running only 14 miles.
Stanley had dumped a suitcase containing all his possessions near Tower Bridge, and hopped over a barrier at the 12-mile mark. He swigged champagne, beer and wine from the crowd while running.
A few hundred yards from the finish line he saw Jake’s lost race number — 35179. He crossed the line four hours after he joined the race — and was given a finisher’s medal and T-shirt.
Stanley said: “I saw the number face-up in the middle of the road. I knew if I had one I would get a medal — my heart leaped, it was a dream come true. I had no thoughts of the person whose number it was.
“I picked it up and held it to my chest as I crossed the line, I was in tears.
“A woman put the medal around my neck and told me ‘well done’. I kept kissing it — it was my biggest moment ever.”
Hope they`ll not fine our over-excited chap here.
Think he`s probably dropped his bandana , and was racing for Polish Neuroblastacancer Avoidance Charitimabob.
Might get into my dinosaur costume and race for HIM tomorrow, to raise funds to pay his fine. Probably pays his fine in Beck bottletops.
Probably gave his address as Grenfell Towers as well.
Got to say that when people like this take the piss, we have to laugh at how low we`ve got as a cringing nation, the butt of New Europe.
He`s the future I fear.
But at least he`s more of a catch than Tom Daley.
Driving into Birmingham early evening Friday something didn’t feel right, something was missing. Then I realised that it was the almost complete absence of the BBC’s favourite brown-eyed boys.
Turns out that there was a reason, 120,000 of them were holding a Nuremberg Rally nearby, to celebrate their invasion, to which ‘everyone’ was welcome. About as welcome as a motorist at a Hell’s Angels rally I would think!
The BBC reminded us that yesterday was the last day of Ramadam and today supplemented Simpson’s pension in return for his regular hate speech. This time it was totally incoherent except at the end he said America is now diminished in the eyes of China, as if that is somehow more important that achieving peace.
Yep, here they are, in their hundreds of thousands. Beeb all cock-a-hoop, Yippee, more Labour voters, more Sharia, more groomers, more jihadis…
If they all farted at the same time, they’d probably gas themselves.
More methane gas aimed at the atmosphere by the looks of em !
Meanwhile the ‘equal’ women were up on the hill watching, but just having one woman on a quiz show panel of four and the BBC is up in arms!
“more Labour voters”
Got it in a nutshell. The playwight Bertold Brecht (who earned the millions he accumulated in a Swiss bank account by writing plays which promoted equality) said that if the electorate don’t vote the way you want, change the electorate. It is not ignorance it is indifference. Brecht knew all about the suffering caused by Communism, he just didn’t care. In the long run I (the only thing that matters to me) am dead so why should it bother me was the essence of his personal morality.
The Left know full well what every single Muslim Country in the world is like, they just don’t care. If they do care what they care about is the destruction of Europe – some of them are honest enough to admit it. For whatever reason (malignant narcissism is the technical name psychologists use to describe it) they have nothing in their heart except hatred.
There is only one reason why all those people are gathered together in that huge crowd – to intimidate the natives. Pakistan is a backward, corrupt, and violent Country, made even more so by Islam – which by the way was imposed by invasion.
How can you study at a British university and pass exams if you do not speak/understand English?
No need.
1. Sing the first verse of “Imagine”
2. What two materials “E—- and I—-” live together in perfect harmony on Stevie Wonders keyboard.
3, When the BBC say something is “disappointing”, as opposed to “regrettable”…how many angels fall off their pin?
4. Are we to look back in anger or not about
a) Grenfell? Y/N
b) Mid Staffs? Y/N
Welcome to Britain, here`s a scalpel and some battery acid.
With Sam Jaffacake in charge of the HO, surely it was only a matter of time. Give him a year and he’ll be providing taxi boats across the channel for those who cannot get here legally.
Looks like Ray Wilkins with a touch of the Ian Duncan Smiths about him, peering out at Dover Beach.
Resolute, firm jaw-and let`s hope Islam is wetting himself, at meeting this Bisto kid after an hour under the sunlamp here.
No-it`s Montalbano.
Yesterday the BBC spent the day highlighting a report by the National Audit Office about Universal Credits. A ‘damning’ report said the BBC. Isn’t the word ‘damning’, subjective? But the BBC wouldn’t worry aboutYesterday the BBC spent the day highlighting a report by the National Audit Office about Universal Credits. A ‘damning’ report said the BBC. Isn’t the word ‘damning’, subjective? But the BBC wouldn’t worry about that. I don’t think I heard the word ‘fiasco’ but the roll-out was I think described as ‘botched’. Again, a subjective word, but hey-ho.
The BBC News on BBC1 used as an example a young Scottish man in a wheelchair. No explanation of where he was living, but curtains closed while he was filmed to highlight the dreadful 1980s curtains to emphasise the poverty (or does he just prefer a retro look?) But to the horrified voice in a strong Scottish accent of the reporter, so strong it made understanding more difficult, told us how dreadful things were for this young man. One of the things that this person was having to buy out of his emergency funding was ‘baby milk’ – we were not told why. The chap himself explained that a Scottish summer can be cold, so he has to wear a pullover – well so did I last night because it was a bit cool. It is what we do. He also said that he had to drink water (shortage of money implied). Well do you know what? As I was watching this report I was drinking…. yes a glass of water… from a tap. Look, I am sure things were very difficult for this young man. Nobody wants to live on benefits and we were not told the circumstances of why he was on universal credits and why his payments were slow. But if the best the BBC could find was someone who had had to wear a pullover and drink water, surely things cannot be that bad?
It’s good to know that If anything happens to our heartless leader Teresa, then there are replacements around.
As regards the report, I think the main gist was that (dispute being enormously expensive) universal credit wasn’t even going to be able to show, that when fully up and running, that it would even save money over the legacy system.
Also that claimants found it more complicated and prone to mistakes and delays than the old system.
As simplification and cost cutting were it’s main selling points
It’s hard to argue the report wasn’t damming.
How in the age of computers it can take 8 years already to roll out Universal Credit and at least 3 or 4 more to go, is anyone’s guess.
8 million people are eligible, but 7 million of those are still to be moved onto it.
The original social security was thought up and implement very quickly in the 1940’s
Drink plain tap water?
I almost puked last time I tried that
“How in the age of computers it can take 8 years already to roll out Universal Credit and at least 3 or 4 more to go, is anyone’s guess.”
Possibly because the benefit system that it is supposed to replace is very complex and has ‘grown like Topsy’. We can see why the system is complex when we consider another current story, that of ‘upskirting’. One bad example that takes the fancy of MPs and they rush to produce new legislation without regard to existing laws or whether they will make a difference anyway. (Perhaps there should be a law against shouting “Alan’s snack bar!”, I bet that will work, not). (Good for Christopher Chope for keeping that rubbish ‘off the books’ at least.)
Another more likely reason is that Universal Credit is a punitive system, with sanctions, stress, ingrained bullying and extreme micro management of the claimants ( many whom are working as best they can), unpleasant job centres visits with G4SS guards,
So the government realized the only way they were going to get away without it , without causing mass protests and discontent, was to roll it out real, real slow, catch a few a month …
Start with the voiceless single people and work up to big families.
They are doing the same with no smoking in prisons, rolling it out over many years, so they can isolate and contain protests.
Prisoners and welfare claimants, same same to the government .
A better idea would have been to simply scrap the working tax credits etc which are just welfare under a cute name, and only serve to subsidize employers.
And build more houses/ cut immigration to reduce the £25 billion housing benefit bill.
When al Beebus do any reports about benefit claimants, I’ve noticed it’s one of the few times they don’t mind the “overrepresentation” of white people.
‘The question must be “when will politicians from the right have the courage to challenge and change the bias of al beeb ?”’
There is no longer such a beast as ‘right wing’. The progressives and their PR outfit Al beeb have re-defined the franchise and they make sure that you see the revised branding every – single – day.
Centre Ground = Populist or Far Right
Right = Far Right or Nationalist
Far Right = Nationalist Racist or Nazi
Other terms are interchangeable dependant upon who’s shot calling – ie Facist bigot etc, just to drive home the point. Such is the concentrated firepower, few genuine conservative right of centre ever lift their head above the parapet, not in politics nor especially in the media. I guess this means we are effectively voiceless.
I doubt this will appear on the bbc!
What`s this about upskirting being banned or authorised by a Tory or whatever?
I don`t use the London Underground at Bethnal Green so it`s not a problem. Random knicker inspection does need licenced personnel I guess , but what university offers that as a course.
CCTV and drones, endoscopes? Just another hassle, no problem if you stay off public transport anyway.
N0 the issue is NOT knicker inspection, but knocker ones.
It`s downboobing that worries me, I change my bra less than my knickers and would rather seedy caretakers or CCTV pervs didn`t get the right to check on that.
Maybe this pains women over 35 like me…wouldn`t have bothered ten years ago. Now can I go onto Womans Hour?
One final point-the Labour bird(Victorial Atkins) shouted out “shame” when Old Chope objected to her bill.
But only five minutes later, Humphrys sai that “there were shouts of shame in the Commons yesterday…”
We need an inspection if not an enquiry-was it singular or plural, and Humphrys or Atkins needs to explain.
Majoring on minors-it`s all the BBc have ever done from Jimmy Savile onwards. Might be worth a niggardly complaint over this conflation of verbiage that the BBC are wont to do.
Sod upskirting-say NO to down boobing….hope you`re reading this Mike, you….
Holly – I’m deeply disappointed on behalf of kilt wearing chaps for it to still be legal to ‘ up kilt’ .
It’s a bloody sad hobby to want take pics like that but I suppose there are specialist websites for it.
^ Holly is the typically selfish post 35 lady, only thinking about themselves.
Yes what about men?
I’ve occasionally bent to pick up something and released from the cool breeze that I’m probably showing prime arse crack
I then get that sick feeling that down trousering could have taken place from a mobile phone carrying perv the crowd.
A few times I’ve caught my self gawping longer than necessary at a short skirted lady ascending the stairs.
I guess in the future the artificial intelligence CCTV would spot my crime and deduct a fine from my bank and tag me for further analysis .
Maybe there should be a law against up-skirting photos.
It seems the MPs who vetoed the bill did so because they disagree with the idea of private members bills in general and not the issue , a fact buried by much of the media.
Eddy – writing in my moderator ( part time volunteer ) capacity I’m not sure it the term ‘ prime arse crack’ is within the editorial rules – perhaps ‘ bottom groove’ or similar ha ha
Interesting this one.
Is there some kind of quiz where pictures of both old boobs and workmens bums are mixed and you`d have to say which is which?
When I say workmens? Ladies are welcome to display their big bottoms, as long as thongs are not going to give the game away.
We`ll need some pictures though.
Got an old Pentax with a telephoto lens, a seedy husband and an Oystercard that covers Mile End and Aldgate/Liverpool St.
Would the BBC be interested?
Not a fan myself but, surely, that seen is no more that what’s seen on a beach in the Summer? Anyway, perhaps the beach viewings will also be banned. Merely a slow but positive step toward what islam is seeking – a complete cover-up will not be far further down the line. Nothing like preparation and well-prepared politicians just, ‘thinking of us’.
Sunday : BBC to start airing all male Shakespeare production ?
Nope ..Julia Caesar won’t have any men in.
..The other two menless plays will be put on IPlayer
BBC paying its feminist activist mates.
In fact Sunday’s BBC4 will be mostly menless
– Film about Mongolian Eagle tamer
– Victoria Wood
– All female Shakespeare
– Alice Roberts
Mongolian girl eagle tamer
10pm More menless TV with episode 2 of “All Girls Live at the Apollo” on BBC2
Sunday : Country file features Brexiteer James Dyson.
Re: Brexit. Maybe we can hope that he’ll tell the BBC to ‘suck it up’?
The attack on Christopher Chope has been pretty awful in my opinion. If for example he believes that we already have laws that cover the situation in question, he should be allowed to say so without being ridiculed by the entire media.
James -true -but the rules of that place really sometimes seems like a historic joke. Bit like watching the SNP shananagans during PMQ
Which remains the best comedy al beeb puts out other that Dads Army from 1974. Surprised that’s not been banned yet.
He seems like an odd one.
However the principle of waving through legislation, especially regarding prosecution and incarceration, is one already not working out too well.
Trying to find a copy of “Beyond Terror: Islam’s Slow Erosion of Western Democracy” by Anne Marie Waters.
Waterstones online has not heard of her at all and Amazon says “Temporarily out of stock”.
Maybe it is. On the other hand….
I’ll have to wait and see.
Only 4 reviews as well Marion.
This from a Sahhid Uddin. (not in the least biased) not a verified purchase though, hhmmm!
A book written by a fascist who calls socialists fascists in a bid to confused the population who are on the lower end of the IQ spectrum.
(co religionists, Sahhid? )
Writes a book based on laughable sources and literally bonkers tin foil hat conspiracies.
Yes, I saw that.
It means she’s over the target.
Interesting article from the publisher Something or Other Publishing giving Amazon statistics for AMW’s book including:
#57 overall fastest riser in Australia
#235 of ALL books in the UK – by far the highest ranking ever for a SOOP book
#7 Hot new release OVERALL in the UK (note that for some reason the book was not “counted” as a new release on Amazon in the UK, but based on reaching #235 of ALL books, this is where it would have landed)
So perhaps it has sold out?
I’m becoming cynical. Can’t imagine why.
Ever since my local WH Smith failed to stock Douglas Murray’s The Strange Death of Europe – despite it being a best-seller at the time – and were unable to explain why, I am suspicious of book retailers (and refuse to shop at Smith’s if I can avoid it).
I suspect certain organisations apply pressure, such as the muslim Council of Britain, and/or perhaps the retailers self-censor out of cowardice.
184,595 people across the UK charged with non-payment of the TV Licence by Capita TV Licensing
A lot. but it looks like the nasty BBC’s power to stress people out in waning.
At least by google search rankings.
What a fine country we have become..
Try “fined for”
..I’m on the mobile right now.
“Fined for n”
Provokes the suggestion
“No TV licence”
“Not having TV licence”
I wonder whether this is the first time in history you are forced to pay for propaganda against yourself, and fined/jailed if you don’t?
Goebbels would have loved it.
So, probably it’s not the first time in history.
The Times monsters Tommy Robinson as per NUJ rules.
#1 Label something/one as far-right
#2 Use NUJ rules on covering “far right” as an excuse for not doing fair coverage.
– In Guardianland TR might be a thug
– In the real world he’s a guy who’s always has non-white friends. Whose recent marches featured all minorities
And whose last public event he shared the platform with every minority including transvestite and ex-Muslims but not evangelical Muslims.
is that rag still going?
Wow that Times article gets a kicking in the comments
The main journo Dominic Kennedy tweeted his story but then failed to answer his 6 critics
BBC presenter tries risky Charity stunt
… Then gets rescued by US coastguard
20 days into his US to Scotland solo row.
So BBC admit ONCE that studio expert was really Labour activist.
What about the other 9 out of 10 that are batting for left/libs ?
They didn’t know he was a Labour activist cos it’s not like they’d ran a news story about him being a Labour candidate /sarc
Dozens of 2016 Tweets tweeted the link
The al beeb is leading with a fire in a building in Glasgow – second time in a few years apparently.
No injuries but it was an important building – but not enough to prevent from burning down . There will be calls for a nice long expensive public inquiry with various lawyers getting rich on the back of it .
Suppose they’ll blame the cladding to try to make the building look nice again . Or cuts .again
Have to remember that the next time some kidults claims al beeb is biased to the right .
In 2016 the BBC story about his candidacy was tweeted dozens of times
More cowardice and appeasement.
You’ll never guess what Treezer is promoting now…
I did something I promised myself not to do – what hrh Dimbleby lording over Russia
The thing that struck me was that once upon a time – al beeb would have done a documentary like this and I’d have thought “ Russia – what a bad place “ we could never be like that . But this time I looked at the repression of freedom and the state going against dissent and I thought – actually we are closer to Russia by the year . Conform – fine – say something the state doesn’t like and you’re in prison for 13 months under daily fear of death. And I fear that will become more common with the so called ‘ hate crime’ laws which seem to encompass any words or actions the state doesn’t like . Bloody sad
I seem to recall, Fedup, there was a lady who was detained for all of 14 hours, and that shocked Dumbleby.
Yes quite . I thought the irony of Dimbly sneering at RT was priceless . Al beeb thinks it is fair and balanced to put 5 remainers on the QT programme and claim it is a balanced state broadcaster .
It’s a shame that fond memories of a fairer al beeb remain by people humanising the monster by calling it ‘ aunty’ when it’s now an illegitimate bitch.
Aunty. Now that’s the same mindset that has allowed Merkel 14 years of being referred to as ‘Mutti’ (mom). And wasn’t Stalin ‘uncle joe’?
cosy as a cuppa tea on a dark winter afternoon…
bbc trump bias .bbc headline US separates 2 thousand children in 2 weeks. Separating children at us border is a democrat law that trump wants to change.Markets slide on trump china tarriffs,its down 0.34, 40% up since trump got in office.Migrants found in lorry in texas,wrong illegal immigrants stopped.Lazy lying jounalism.
Anyone wanting a bit of peace and quiet today should have gone to LabourLive.
Looks like the entire Guardian readership turned up:
I’m sure it will be on the BBC, later this evening.
No doubt the BBC camera angle will be about two feet from the stage looking towards it.
Marion -priceless -pity it didn’t rain .
Perhaps socialists are more interested in footy rather than listening to comrade Corbyn. Promising cash for every one from the money tree of capitalism
The ones who turned up are probably from al beeb – who won’t report this at all
If it had been a UKIP event, the BBC would have shown much derision at such a low turn out.
I’ve just checked the BBC Teletext pages and there’s no mention of the event at all, either in the main section or the Politics one.
I can’t imagine why ……
Owen Jones was on Today desperately trying to get Today staff to go.
He kept calling it experimental, as if he knew what a doughnut of a show he was putting up.
Utterly desperate.
Lot of fat tubs in taffeta, can almost smell the patchouli and old dope.
Did he show up?
So in addition to Ali C screaming at the bbc they don’t have him on enough, so they have him on more, so Owen ‘toys out of pram’ Jones swings it too?
Fake News in the making – Sky caught red handed – at c.19.30 Lewis Goodall reports live from the event and shows and states c. 5,000 people and a lot of grass. At c. 20.30 the narrative has been corrected, the camera angles have lowered and he talks about “thousands” and the 20,000 prediction, as if it came true. Blatant Fake News.
Despair ….
Soph doing her bit too.
Comments could be going better.
Just looked at the thread GW.
How true.
Comments could be…..
Hope you`ve got a TradeMark protection on that, for when we leave the EU.
Nah the BBC would want to keep that quiet.
I actually first heard about this ‘even’t after the BBC advertised it for Labour. It is clearl;y trying to relive that wacky Glastonbury experience from last year.
The thing is most of those people at Glastonbury where going to go there anyway. Corbyn was just an extra ‘act’ put in and by chance a few of his lefty supporters who had voted for him happened to be there as well starting the whole ‘Oh. Jeremy Corbyn’ thing off.
Once word got out that Corbyn was not going to cancel student debt then his popularity took a deep plunge and now ‘Labour Live’ has already died.
The BBC would want to keep that quiet for sure!
An interesting event has happened in Moscow.
Just an observation – I see that comments are now unavailable and the existing ones have been removed. That seems to be the norm for the Express these days when the story concerns “You Know Who”.
bit like the so called bbc
Re the crowds (ahem) at the Corbyn non event…
Perhaps they’re all queuing up trying to decide which bog to use.
Male, Female, Gender Neutral, Non Specified, Male to Female Trans, Female to Male Trans, Indeterminate, Undecided, Sitting on the Fence…
Taking a pee for the pc must be a bloody minefield…
Chances are there are more toilets at the event than people!
See other laughable stuff on @LOLabourLive
Not all shithouses are toilets, smoog.
You have to feel sorry for the poor snowflakes – going to a piss poor event and having to listen to Owen schoolboy jones and Lammy – enough to want to get on your bike .
Today I went to use the ‘facilities’ at a Nero’s coffee shop. The one door to the WC had a man, woman and a wheelchair on the sign. As I didn’t know what lurgies awaited me behind the door, I decided to abstain, preferring the option to ‘hang on’ rather than share a toilet with other ‘options’. We might just as well revert back to sharing a hole in the ground than this new idealogy of toileting.
Mixed wards in hospitals have been decried for years, but has this been swept under the carpet in light of the recent march of transgenderism ?
Why not free Shewees on the NHS for we of a certain age?
My old mum used to good as wet herself when Les Dawson was on.
Pelvic floor stuff, not for you boys
I used to pity her, these days I envy her.
At least SOMEONE was funny on the telly back then.
It`s my human right to have shewee and a migrant houseboy to carry it around for me, as I flit from disability scooter to bariatric taxi.
Not that I`m` fat, just want some space.
Funny you mention Les Dawson.
Can I recommend an eerily prophetic book by Les called ” A Time Before Genesis”-1986.
Spookily accurate. He writes of the SUMP (Socialist Union Movement Party) and their role in the following
a) worship of slim people, drugging up and addictions welcome
b) Diet pills leading to harder drugs and loads of crime required to fund them, armed police intervening in family disputes.
c) taking property, removing cash and the old hiding money and bartering to survive.
d) VD epidemics and live sex shows replacing television programmes.
e) nosey watch committees arresting a comedian who made a joke about his wife being fat.And imprisoned.
f) Raping and killing young girls taken as trivial, but insulting a government official can get you killed.
Need I go on? This man was much more than a funny man, he seems to be reading todays news. Who knew?
Some months ago I saw an illustration that encapsulated the sensible position on toilets. It used the three standard symbols with a small amout of text.
“If you should be using this toilet”. Male symbol.
“But you follow my wife or daughter into this toilet”. Female symbol.
“You’re going to be needing this toilet”. Disabled symbol.
It’s so pathetic they are banging on about ‘upskirting’ when these rape gangs are clearly still endemic. When it was being properly covered up they could get away with it but now it is darkly surreal that they could still go on about such non-issues. They could make a real impact in stopping these heinous crimes but instead they are memory holed by the feckless cowards at the BBC. When Baroness Warsi or whoever is on could they not ask her to do something rather than lapping it up as she plays the victim? These are unfathomably evil crimes, why are they not outraged?
Trump is concerned with what matters and offers solutions: tactics to deter terrorists; tariffs; meeting personally with the leader who poses the greatest threat to bring peace. Our lot just go on about irrelevant stuff nobody cares about and not only ignore the real problems but will lock you up for even mentioning them. I do not care about: gender pronouns; a politician’s thoughts on gay marriage; what percentage of every pursuit is female/BAME; what a celebrity thinks on something; and so on ad nauseam.
An Eritrean cycle celebration disrupted by the vibrancy and enrichment with a riot several injured, a huge Police presence, and news headlines in several papers I wonder what the BBC will say.
I can’t find nowt on Al Beeb about it?
Perhaps maxincony will enlighten us if he is working tonight ?
Oops, reported by accident, sorry.
And you didn’t have to mention his name three times.
BBC Online News:
“”Battle of Orgreave rally: Scores join call for inquiry””
“”Saturday’s rally, which included some of those miners arrested in 1984, heard how policing during the clashes needed re-examining.””
Well, well. The BBC give a full feature because ‘scores’ of people demand action for an event 34 years ago.
What about the hundreds of thousands worlwide who today are seeking justice for Tommy Robinson?
Oh, not a left wing piece of narrative therefore ignored by the left wing biased BBC.
Scores eh?
Suppose they tried to write Soros, but it`s Dianne Abbotts turn to do the spelling.
I am not too fussed about modes of dress, bar those designed to convey threat or conceal it.
However, the BBC’s daily obsession with one is getting beyond a joke.
Guest Who,
Will they ever talk about how NOT wearing a hijab can cause problems in Muslim majority countries? How Not wearing a hijab can get a woman beaten, raped and killed?
BBC Editorial Integrity means there is not always time or space to go within a barge pole of topics that don’t suit the narrative.
“How about not wearing a hijab can get a woman beaten, raped and killed?”
Don’t confuse the BBC with an organisation interested in any reality other than how much (taxpayers) money is in their bank account and what is in today’s Guardian.
Another paki rape gang and the BBC have failed to spot a pattern here but happy to give a headline to women having a photo taken up their skirt, hmm, a 13 year old girl tied to a bed and racially abused then serially raped by a bunch of pakis .. no news apparently
You forgot – they don’t care.
Upskirt scandal. (unless you are a paki) but if you are a paki raping a 13 year old girl go for it as it is apparently part of our diverse life
And anyone objecting to my use of the word paki i will refer to my country of origin being regularly referred by those immigrants as brit as a term of abuse, why do we allow this scum into this country why do I pay taxes to keep them in prison why do we allow these who obviously hate us to live here ? f!!cking Blair started it and he should be made to live among them and their hate and maybe, just maybe it would dawn on him that this bunch have no intention of being British or accepting our heritage and history , if they hate us that much that they are happy to rape our children then they are indeed the worthless paki immigrants they were treated as in the 70s
Europe shipping more invaders into the EU during 2016 than even 2015. Needless to say a veil of silence by the media. Recollections of Churchill’s expression of, “an iron curtain descending” and all that.
BBC2 now normal lefty comedian “Yeh Katie Hopkins wrote Daily Mail article mocking childless women”
Audience “ha ha ha”
Google : no such article exists
One the next comediennes walked into the audience climbed on a guy and put her crotch 10 cm away from his face .I haven’t seen a male comedian do that.
“BBC2 now normal lefty comedian ‘Yeh Katie Hopkins wrote Daily Mail article mocking childless women’. Audience ‘ha ha ha’.
Google : no such article exists”
“Childless women over 45 are a curious thing. Somehow of the other; a bit like grown men who still like Star Wars, Mary Beard, men with Cuban heels. Lacking a human connection.”
Presumably the comedienne who “walked into the audience climbed on a guy and put her crotch 10 cm away from his face does exist” though.
I am just hoping it was not Mary Beard.
Wrong again Maxi : The article is not about mocking the childless; it’s about about Theresa May, mentions in passing that such Childlessness seems weird, but it ends
Please note that maxincony is Al Beeb’s self appointed moderator.
He scrutinises the posts on this site behalf of an organisation that Robs From the Poor to Give to the Rich.
What the dipstick does not realise is his posts are counterproductive.
Well Maxincony has an opportunity to apologise for his error, so let’s see if he takes it.
“apologise for his error”, No.
He is a Beeboide , they never apologise.
“Wrong again Maxi : The article is not about mocking the childless; it’s about about Theresa May…”
Oh well done Stew. Pedantry at it’s finest. Except, except, the comedian didn’t say; “Katie Hopkins wrote Daily Mail article mocking childless women”.
Blimey, it’s almost as if you’re walking around with a chip on your shoulder Looking for outrage….
So what did the comedian say?
Reading the article it says
“Childless women over 45 are a curious thing…Perhaps being childless has made her a little bit invincible…Walking over the Cornish sands with my children I understand, perhaps for the first time, she has no Achilles heel…It is no coincidence the last man standing is a childless woman.”
So Hopkins is asserting (rightly or wrongly) that a Prime Miniiser who is childless has advantages as well as disadvantages.
“So what did the comedian say?”
I’m sure Stew will be along here in a minute to let you know.
How do you know that his account is inaccurate if you don’t know what the comedian said? In your post you said that “the comedian didn’t say” and so I am waiting for you to supply a quotation of what they did say.
“How do you know that his account is inaccurate if you don’t know what the comedian said?”
Oh, I know what she said; but I thought StewGreen (being the honest and no-nonsense guy he claims to be) would welcome the opportunity to tell you himself.
He seems to be rather reluctant, however.
As it happens there is a transcription online.
“There are loads of reasons for not having kids…People get angry with me, so angry! Because I don’t want to have [kids]…Often the people who get most angry with me for not wanting to have children are the same people that are angry about high levels of immigration in this country. Well, are we full up or not? Pick a team! Right? Last year, Katie Hopkins wrote an article in the Daily Mail in which she said that childless women were odd and lacked a human connection. Katie Hopkins thinks that I lack a human connection! That is like being called racist by also Katie Hopkins! It’s madness! Right?”
So the (black female) comedian was not mocking childless women (she is childless herself by choice) she was asserting that Katie Hopkins is a racist, and that she deserves to be mocked for saying (in an article about the childless female Prime Minister) that childless women are odd and lack a human connection, because that is (so to speak) the pot in the kitchen calling the kettle black.
So there I have cleared it up for you both. Maxincony (and the comedian) is correct to assert that Hopkins did write an article saying that women over 45 lacked a human connection, but StewGreen is right to say that she was arguing in her article that being a woman without children can have positive aspects, and it would appear that a black left-wing comedian calling a white conservative journalist a racist is viewed as humour fit to be broadcast, whereas a white conservative comedian calling a black left wing politician a racist would not be considered by the BBC (at least with an approving audience) to be fit for broadcasting.
That childless women over 45.
Kinife crime on the increase I wonder why…….. BBC very careful not to show pictures of the asssailant for only one reason… Black Knifes matter
Black men inseminating as many women as possible and leaving them I had the wonderful experience of one of them returning to his “bitch”, a quiet white blonde girl next door. with a very terrified mixed race child when daddy turned up for some fun again.. she tried to kil herself by throwing hersef out of the window until my lady intervened and polce were called police with dogs, before that we watched her getting dragged into a car by her hair.. real life experiences versus BBC crap
Don’t confuse the people who work for the BBC with people who have any interest in your experience of the world, you are just forced to pay their wages.
So many black mixed race kids with no male role models, no father to protect them because they do not care, so the children turn to gangs and every local authority and central Government knows this for an absolute fact, but will not admit it : a majority of black males and their treatment of women are the fault and it is an insult to show so many adverts with mixed couples as married and also an absolute lie to show white males as sexist comapred to this disgusting behaviour of our “ethnic” community
So true Ann, and the feelings of most of the UK, but its the discussion that dares not speak its name. Like the U.S most of the criminals in jail are black or brown, and the current generation of inmates have a single parent. White and black will never stop mixing, racism will never be stamped out, and despite cries of “its unacceptable in 2018” regardless of the bloody year there will always be those who have strong views which won’t be quelled.
“…an absolute lie to show white males as sexist comapred to this disgusting behaviour of our “ethnic” community”
Of course you’re not sexist at all, are you, Annunaki? You just speak of women being inseminated.
Like cattle.
its called biology you moron, most with even a basic education are aware of this, but of course you never got that far even in your GCSEs it seems, “media studies” ? well done ! and just to help you along the way it is where babies come from, even stupid ones…..
“Anyone worked for a wimmin boss ? some of the nastiest bullies out there, seen it many times”
Of course you’re not sexist at all, are you, Annunaki?
Case closed.
Well done ! you CAN study and compare and contrast. if you go back to skool I am sure they will give you a second chance, and it seems you have taken a long time to look back at previous posts I made and that shows for a start that you really do have a chance retaking your exams and who knows you may even make your way out of the job centre and please do try with the biology, it may serve you well if you manage to find a girlfriend or boyfriend LOL
And, I stand by what I said through a lifetime of working, women ganging up in the workplace and deciding who is in the gang or not, sucking up to the boss (if male) then choosing who to attack and denigrate in front of him once they have his approval, young girls bullied to tears, whispering in the workplace, little out of work nights out to gossip …only (SOME) women do this and they will time and time again use their sex to make sure they are well in with the boss, that is where they start their nastiness
Annun, you are SO right. Yes I might identify as a woman (cos I was born one !!), but thankfully on the rare occasions in my working career when I had a female boss, my life was an absolute misery, and it was only my strong mindedness of character that stopped me from dissolving in tears in the ‘ladies only’ toilets !
My late husband gave me a piece of valuable advice. When a bully starts criticising and pushing, just agree with them. What they are after is a ‘reaction’, but when you agree with all they’ve said, there is nowhere else for them to go. And it worked.
“Anyone worked for a wimmin boss? Some of the nastiest bullies out there, seen it many times”
You are confusing Maxincony with somebody who is interested in any reality other than that which conforms his political ideology. If your experience does not accord with his creed your experience is ipso facto invalidated.
Have worked for both.
Find women easier, the best women bosses are better than the best men.
But the men are simpler, more direct and more consistent overall.
And to be honest, most male bosses in the public sector are now failed women anyway.
“Like cattle”.
Mehdi says hi.
This is really for those of a certain age on here. Remembering the days when we grew up with only the one channel – BBC – for our tv entertainment – the likes of Mr Pastry, Muffin the Mule, Café Continental, and when McDonald Hobley and Sylvia Peters were announcers who dressed in evening attire. In 1959 the UK was runner up in the Eurovision Song Contest, a song performed by Pearl Carr & Teddy Johnson, who along with Alma Cogan, Leta Roza and Dickie Valentine, were the big names in music at the time. Earlier this week Teddy Johnson passed away at age 98, survived by his wife Pearl Carr. Considering how big they were at the time, not a mention by the BBC was made at his passing. Hardly surprising I suppose, when even most of the current generation haven’t a clue who Frank Sinatra was, and shrug their shoulders at Fred Astaire.