It is lucky that the BBC is not funded through viewing figures because the decline must be substantial – particularly amongst people using paid platforms.
The question must be “when will politicians from the right have the courage to challenge and change the bias of al beeb ?”
Listening to the Moral Maze.
My God, what a shower of lefty shit on offer.
So pompous, patronising and smug.
Anybody would think that the likes of McElvoy, Taylor, Buerk and Saddiqi , entitled puffballs like “Sir” Robert Cooper? Utter wind tunnels who crave the smack of Mosley and his Brownshirts, the UN and EU-and dripping hate for Trump, America and anybody with a mind of their own.
Cooper wants us all “dealt with” so we`ll not go populist…luvaduck, where do people like him get off on all this-as if Roy Jenkins is being channeled in a seance.
But it all shows the BBC for what they are. Louche, lazy minded sneering fascists in hipster guise, a blagged Prius.
Excellent- channeling Roy Jenkins. A real nightmare.
Excellent post chrisH. 🙂 🙂
The Left and the BBC will lead not only to the death of western civilisation, but also to the death of themselves.
But they can’t see it.
Churchill had it right, DS, when he said, “Appeasement is feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last.”
How can a government justify immigrating a bunch of foreigners who rape our children in gangs object to our foreign policy and organise themselves into ghettos and demand halal food and their own mosques their women shrouded and gay saunas to be shut down well BLAIR well done
Last weeks Sunday Times gave these viewing figs for Week ending May 20.
Bear in mind this country has 65m people and top BBC shows get 5 or 6m.
1 The Royal Wedding 8.92
2 FA Cup Final 6.22
3 EastEnders (Mon) 5.99
4 A Very English Scandal 5.93
5 Antiques Roadshow 5.19
6 Countryfile 4.98
7 BBC News (Sun, 10pm) 4.76
8 All Round/Mrs Brown’s 4.63
9 Have I Got News For You 4.36
10 Casualty 4.31
1 Wedding Highlights 3.37
2 Gardeners’ World 2.49
3 The Bridge 1.67
4 Pangolins/Most Wanted 1.53
5 Inside The Factory 1.47
6 Frankie Boyle/New World 1.40
7 Burma/Simon Reeve 1.33
8 Love In The Countryside 1.29
9 Heart Transplant 1.26
10 Amazing Hotels 1.25
Top show : Inspector Montalbano 0.89m
So, as viewing figures dwindle, the Telly Tax increases.
In a few years, we’ll all be paying for as many as 38 viewers on a Friday night.
Stew – thank you for the figures – I was guessing – anecdotally that mass watch of al beeb had gone but I didn’t realise it was that bad – and really good news
I was trying to remember the threshold below which the stats are unreliable . No doubt al beeb would say their output is being viewed differently from the way figures are compiled or some of lie .
Can but think what the numbers are for al beeb political shows other than people inside the bubble .
Shows how so much of the sound and fury is without value to non bubble dwellers .
I would imagine Newsnight’s viewing figures are tiny – barely more than the number of Guardian readers in the Country. I mean who except middle class public sector workers would look forward to watching that Leftist shite every night, never mind pay for it.
Smearing Conservative politicians as paedophiles is about their moral level. I saw some Gollum like figure saying that Korea was about a publicity hungry dictator getting some attention, and he did not mean Trump. How we laughted in the aisles.
Expecting any sort of intellectually balanced analysis on Newsnight is like expecting the BBC to come up with a solution that does not involve raising taxes. Newsnight is made by Lefties for Lefties and paid for by the rest of you, because (sanctimoniously) living off everybody else is all they know. The BBC is about abuse of power and little else. Scrap the Licence fee.
It can only be a matter of time before those who have grown up in the pre internet years are not habitual viewers of al beeb -perhaps as long as 10 to 20 years so anything this site can do to hasten that is good with me -particularly declining to pay for al beeb whatever the consequences .
My judgement on change is often wrong so that assessment of 10 to 20 years might be 5 years if we get a conservative Government some day .
Sky News states that Brexit will provide an NHS financial bonus greater than promised by the infamous ‘Red Bus’.
“”Mrs May is setting out the five-year budget to mark the 70th anniversary of the health service and says the extra money will come from what is being termed a “Brexit dividend”.””
BBC Online News cover this news, but doesn’t mention May’s quote regarding the ‘Brexit dividend’.
Anti-Brexit BBC ignores the Brexit Dividend mentioned by May.
The BBC really does hate Brexit.
Since posting the above, the BBC have now added ‘Bexit Dividend’ to their report.
Here’s a novel suggestion for Mrs May and her gang:
1. Get rid of all the third world immigrants from our country. This will ease pressure on the NHS, roads, education, housing, policing, in fact every aspect of our lives where we are expected to keep paying increasing amounts of our money to the state.
2. Give us back our money. This can be done by abolishing or at least drastically reducing VAT. Again this will significantly reduce the cost of living for everyone. After all VAT was introduced to fund our contribution to the EU coffers, so once we are out it shouldn’t be necessary.
No way. They simply just enjoy spending others’ money with (forgive me) ‘gay abandon’. [I hope I have not offended anybody with that expression in view of the fact that, Amy was threatened by the police to break her door down if she did not open it to be, as we eventually saw, arrested ( Why? She casually used the expression, “Have a gay day” which the police saw as homophobic].
FFS Alistair Campbell is on Nolan show Radio5
“Big red bus lie”
Seems the more he screams at the bbc they don’t have him on enough, the more they have him on.
Its the defenition of racism that is wrong in this country, none of the muslim whingers have ever experinced true racism but are more than happy to whine about it, I have travelled far and wide and been treated badly at airports due to my race and just shrug, this bunch will whnige and whine at every opportunity
race baiting is an industry, where theres blame (bme) theres a claim
But, maybe we can really look at why this website is apparent, if there is any comment by someone in the general media about electric cars being useless there will be a shutdown…even the car manufacurer said he was correct in his review but the whole media came down on him, Clarkson 2009 , Tommy Robinson ……
laughably at full tilt round top gears test track a prius that was followed by an m5 returned lower mpg than the m5
Oh BRISSELS I did so like Muffin the Mule! And Pearl Carr, there’s a name I haven’t heard for 60 years at least.
Now there was a character called Willoughby drawn by a young Aussie guy with a beard . His name, for the moment, escapes me. He had an engaging manner. I wonder what happened to him?
Strange, I can’t find anything about the case on the world’s most trusted and most funded broadcaster.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who has received multiple death threats from those peaceful religionists of peace, has more balls than the entire sisterhood at al beebeera.
If the victims of crimes like these know the perpetrator in any way the German national media ZDF etc say they do not report the case on the pretext that “it is a personal relationship gone wrong” and so has no national political significance. It is only by reading the German local press that you can find out what has been going on.
ID — since quitting MSM I have found local papers to be really quite good sources of info. If I hear a headline on the radio and want to find out basic facts I invariably look at the local news online.
I believe they are engaged in something that used to be called ‘journalism.’
The Standard gives prominence to a muslim delivery driver ripping a cross off the wall of a Christian woman’s home. Strangely the beebistan don’t seem too interested. At all.
Imagine if a Christian had desecrated a muslim symbol, or worse, had bacon sandwiched a muslim home.
The indignation would be heard all the way to mecca. Another case of the bias lying in what the beeb FAILS to report.
The gutsy woman called the police and is prosecuting. No doubt the beeb webshite will give extensive coverage of the case, and no doubt the boys in blue will treat it with the severity they would show towards islamophobia. Or does it only work one way?
It’s a good job he didn’t put bacon on her door handle, vlad could have been the death of him. Oh, wait…
Even the boys in blue know what’s going on . They are getting out of Londonistan in droves .
I see from the ES report that the muslim was not arrested but interviewed under caution.
Then of course there is what may occur during the preparation stage….
“Bacon Sandwiched”, what a great expression, conjures up marvellous images. If only Richard the Lionheart had know about the military power of the bacon sandwich. He could have expelled the Islamic invaders from the Holy Land by catapultimg vast quantities of bacon sandwiches at Saladin and his muslim hordes from bacon sandwich firing Trebuchets. If only I had a time machine and a solar-powered bacon slicer!
Scronker, has successfully been done in the past, albeit not by a pc, lefty liberal, common purpose gonk !
A good little video, spoilt, at the end by the mis-spelling of the word “boost” . So many otherwise good videos and cartoons are ruined in this way. Care is everything.
Call me pedantic, I don’t really care.
“….. ripping a cross off the wall of a Christian woman’s home.” Seen it with my own eyes. Ripping the small cross off an American’s neck by the Mutaween (religious police) in a Panda Store in Saudi. He just happened to be pushing a trolley around after his wife and small children. The cross was thrown on the floor and ground in under the foot of the one ripping it off.
I’ve not heard of anyone suffering the spitting yet though. They love to spit at those who offend them and/or annoy them. I guess its a, ‘watch this space’ point in time.
Monday the 18th July marks the centenary of Nelson Mandela’s birth. What’s the betting the BBC will be all over this like a bluebottles on a cow-pat, if ITV don’t beat them to it. It might even take Grenfell of the top spot!
The Phase shift in UK politics………………
UKIP are the new Conservatives
Conservatives have become Liberals
Liberals have become Labour
Labour have become Communists
And the BBC has become a propaganda medium.
Perfect summing up taffy +1000 likes
“Conservatives have become Liberals”.
I see the Conservatives more as Bliar’s New Labour.
And the British population, and that means the British population and not the 6% muslim immigrants dressed in tribal dress (not religiously required dress by the way) are no longer represented yet we are the idiots paying for these deluded idiots that support these individuals dressed like batman in the middle of a heatwave for no good reason other than to provoke the indigenous population, ask any reasonable muslim that came over here in the 70s they had no need to dress like a fool
its a uniform … one with fuck you written all over it
I can say the same with eye contact and then with the child rapist husband but despite our English culture they will persist in gettoing themselves and making white enlish unwelcome in their “communities” unless they are 13 year old girls FACT not opinion
You will not be allowed into a bank with a helmet on and some silly deluded bitch can wander around the town like that ? not good enough this is ENGLAND
Not much on the BBC about that much anticipated event of the year Labour Live, dubbed ‘for the few not the many’festival where masses of people turned out to see the hugely popular Eddie Izzard and the chosen one himself ‘oh oh oh oh Jeremy Corbyn’. Some estimates put the crowd after some massive advertising at 13000, though Diane Abbott thought 300 000 was nearer the mark which she hopes will double to 400 000 next year.
ha ha she good at maff innit
A comment on Nigel Farage show on LBC, that the event is likely to cost the islamic Labour party a million pounds. Apparently, they were giving away tickets; with a face value of, I think,£35; to try to increase attendance.
And yet, and yet.
Yes, a typical Lefty grief fest of indoctrination with ex comedians in their mums heels , seeking a third kind of loo to pout in.
A godwful line up of politicians and under the radar anonymous virtue signalling shriekers.
All true. But the Brownshirts started up on the back of haywains, getting laughed at by the Weimar liberal press too. And-lest we forget- at least Labour HAVE a few useful muppets who`d show up to a car crash of an event like this. The Tories sure don`t, and this will be a one party system if this lot get into power, so I`d worry if I were a Tory.
The culture is gone to the left, all we have is Islam on one side, and the hope of Tommy Robinson by way of a bolthole on the other.
As I say-I`d be worried.
Does anyone think there is any way of these twats understanding the real concerns of those who pay for their jobs and pensions ? :
Thank you for getting in touch regarding BBC News Website.
Your correspondence doesn’t specifically refer to an article which caused you concern, but your concern appears to the lack of reporting about rape perpetrated by ‘Pakistani gangs’ against young girls and that you feel the BBC are “Muslim sympathisers”.
In previous reporting on Operation Sanctuary, we’ve stated that those prosecuted were from the Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian and Turkish communities and mainly British-born, with most living in the West End of Newcastle. Where relevant we will continue to report in the same manner.
BBC News never takes a position on anything that we cover. We are careful to check and report the facts surrounding any debate, examine relevant arguments, and offer detailed analysis. We believe that by doing this our audience can then make up their own minds.
I appreciate your feedback and I can also assure you that your complaint was included in our overnight feedback report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly.
Kind regards
Gareth Murray
BBC Complaints Team
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
“BBC News never takes a position on anything that we cover.”

Mr Murray did not address my observation on his keen interest in reporting those taking pictures up wiimins skirts and a white film producer who has touched some film stars legs and the massive detail in those reports, vs 13 year old girls tied to beds and repeatedly raped assaulted beaten, whipped and racially abused and given to their teenage children as presents to be raped again by pakistani gangs from Oxford, London, Newcastle, Rotheram, Luton and how many more ?
“Fenton… orde in an artic of popcorn, please…”
Guest Who it’s gone. What did it say?
Bit of premature SJW ejaculating from our Nicky bit him on the tush…
She only wanted to, ‘spend a penny’ and should have been asked, ‘how many pennies will you spend on this?’. The response would have indicated that her mental health is questionable.
She can read as well as she can count. She will certainly make budgets fun when she becomes Chancellor!
Yes seems Gameshow deleted the first tweet
and went with this
(I wonder if Nicky is married to a Labour person)
People have tweeted siimilarly “BLACK DOG” stories
even involving Diane Abbott
Dozens appear on a search
An example from Apr 22 : BLACK DOG: A new corridor clash for Dianne Abbott
A previous example was one in Feb 2017
which one person was outraged about
If someone genuinly believes this is “absolutley shocking” they need mental health treatment
This is the problem with Twitter, so many absolutely shocked wankers allowed a platform who are happy to let our children be raped by immigrants and stabbed and are never absolutely shocked, or even bothered in the slightest it seems
It is a psychological problem, known as ‘denialism’. A concise definition was given by the French anthropologist Didier Fassin: “an ideological position whereby one systematically reacts by refusing reality and truth”. In the case of liberals, the problem is compounded in that much of their world view is based upon falsehood and denial, such that they are not capable, intellectually or psychologically, of acting in a rational manner. Falling back on emotivism, known colloquially as ‘hurrah/boo theory’, they obsess with trivia and avoid real issues. Very useful, if you want a world in which people worry more about upskirting photographs rather than, say, asking questions about who is behind mass migration and its purpose.
So, Annunaki, whilst it would be wrong to describe people with different views as mentally deranged, such as was done in the Soviet Union and which some people here want, it may not be too far off the mark to say that some may benefit from mental health treatment.
Walking around with a chip on your shoulder
Looking for outrage
.. and hence leaping to get the wrong end of the stick .
Paranoid behaviour followed by being hatey.
Good post Ian. So much of the continuous media noise being pumped out is distraction, and so much of the basic activity of our culture nowadays is displacement.
Worrying more about upskirting photographs instead of mass migration indeed.
What do you expect from Thicky-Campbell ?
Has the Brexit bus arrived to deliver more money for the NHS ?
The brexit boat will help our fishermen from thieving Spanish and any other thieves and reduce Romanian beggng Beeg Eeshue thieves, shoplifters and pickpockets
An unintentional wry smile but no praise for the newspaper review this morning.
Yesterday I was moved to praise the BBC Breakfast newspaper guest reviewer for his honest admission:
“I have a soft spot for the Lib Dems”
No such frankness from our press review guest today. Although her choice of a ‘Tory Cuts’ story, together with a parting side-swipe at the bad “unintended consequences of Brexit”, more than hint at where this female commentator might sit on the political spectrum.
And this is the problem, for unless the BBC’s newspaper review guests tell us their politics how can we judge whether the BBC is providing a fair balance of views?
I promised a little humour. Well, it went like this: today’s female guest was a rather striking lady of ample proportions and of african heritage with an utterly unpronounceable name and whose obvious point of interest for the BBC was her promotion of diversity in so-called stem subjects. You get the picture. Her reaction to the apparent discomfort of ‘male pale and stale’ performers in the arts who are now apparently feeling they no longer fit in, was, she said, “they need to give up their seats”.
So, I’ve set the scene; the BBC’s beta male / feisty female pairing of the gurning Chris Mason and the dumb-but-non-blonde Sally Nugent are perched on the sofa on lefty-liberal social-justice-warrior absolute diversity BAME tenterhooks with this guest…
They pull up a folded page from the Sunday editions to show to the camera so as to highlight the chosen press report their guest wants talk about…
So, Frank Bruno is a Grandfather…
Oh no, it wasn’t that diversity interest article she chose… it was the Tory Library Cuts report on the same page.
Whoops. Bit of a micro aggression there. Next you’ll be asking the black woman if she likes reggae music.
And, after that awkward moment of white-liberal-cringe, we close with an after-thought – through gritted teeth we get a muffled half-hearted BBC shout-out for Father’s Day.
I wake up, turn on the tv and the first thing I am confronted with is Andrew Marr’s face.
Imagine what it is like for whoever he helped readjust her knickers the night before when she was pissed.
Polly Toynbee on Marr: typical nepotism beneficiary, identikit lefty so beloved by the BBC. Such a cop out how the same few safe voices are always on.
Polly… on Marr…. Again? What will Rob Burley say? Well, if it doesn’t suit, likely nothing.
And for the rest, there is always the delete button.
Perhaps it suggests a dearth of alternatives that do refuse to participate in bias?
The BBC can never resist a completely and utterly irrelevant dig at Trump.
Apparently more people are doing Tarot. And it’s thanks to Trump. Why?
1. People don’t like Trump
2. ???
3. Therefore more people are using tarot
Outrageous that this nonsense propaganda is funded by taxation.
Defund it, shut the bastards down.
I wonder if she mentioned that of her own accord or needed some, er, prompting? “Would you say, Ms Vogel….?”
But, as they say, “BBC News never takes a position on anything that we cover.”
Google Trends reckons tarot has got less popular over time.
BBC just lies to suit their agenda.
Look for the little ethnic minority box with buttons on it, Radio 3 if you have enough of fat afro / whatever they want to be called stealing our culture away from us with the help of the BBC and showing every white woman to have a black boyfriend and only black “thug music” to have any relevance, (apart from millions who apparently follow Iron Maiden, as an example, not my cup of tea but worth looking at how many millions they have sold and not a rape song among them apparently) do what every other British person does: move away from London and let them stab, bomb and shoot each other to their little hearts content
“move away from London and let them stab, bomb and shoot each other to their little hearts content”
Stupid comment, it’s increasing everywhere. Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Newport and Bristol to name just a few with significant problems.
London has a population of 8m, the others don’t. Look at the percentages.
Saw this on Twiiter regarding Jezfest…
And how is Peakoil ? has he been released yet ? must admit I do miss him…such fun
A couple of minarets short of a mosque
On the Beeb website
Spain welcomes disputed Aquarius migrants
Probably a more accurate headline would be “Left wing Spanish politician welcomes illegal migrants”, but never mind.
The photo used in the article shows a light skinned women with a child, but the video shows exclusively young African males. I have not read anywhere that there are any Syrians amongst them.
The key point that the article doesn’t address is that these 600 or so migrants have absolutely no right to enter the EU.
“Italy’s populist coalition – and in particular its interior minister, the right-wing League party leader Matteo Salvini – has taken a hard-line approach to immigration and refused to let it dock.”
This is wrong, Italy has taken a hard line approach to ILLEGAL immigration, which surely should be the policy of every sane government it is clearly what the Italian people want.
If the Spanish make a habit of this, then their already flaky tourism industry will soon be stone dead.
A wee bit of beach jihad like Algeria and that would be that.
I don’t visit France or Germany anymore due to muslim domination, at least Italy looks to reverse the trend.
Oh we are being enriched on a daily basis, problem is only a few are paying taxes for this wonderful enrichment and have trouble getting a doctor or dentist appointment thanks Mr Blair wish you lived in one of their ghettos and run the risk of your wife being “enriched” up a back alley or your mobile phone getting enriched via a moped and there are plenty now in this country that would love to take your white very young female offspring in a taxi and enrich them in their own particular “cultural” ways Blair you have enriched our country in so many wonderful ways, burn in hell
And unfortunately our socialist government under the hopeless May think more spending and taxation is the answer to our problems.
NHS gets £20bn ‘birthday present’
Helped, as I read in the newspapers, by an unannounced new ‘death tax’ of £100 imposed on every bereaved family. One obvious priority should be to stop (under criminal penalty) hospitals providing services for those who are not entitled to them.
Blair and Mandleson braged they were going ” to rub the right wings face in diversity”. One has a £100m property portfolio ( a socialist no less ) and the other would be thrown off a high building or strung from a crane by the newcomers. But it is us the working class that has to live with this ” diversity” and suffer the consequences.
I remember as a youngster welcoming the Blaire election success at 5 am oh dear what has he done to this country, the folly of youth……
And how many rapes and stabbings in this country apart from the hundreds of thousands in the middle east, sleep well Mr Blaire
Never mind we will sort out taking photos up skirts that will help us all BBC headline FFS and wimmin not getting paid enough, well wish I could take a year off work and then decide in the 51st week whether I could be bothered to return while my company is required to keep my job open to me and pay me to sit on my arse and also have to employ someone else in the meantime on a temporary (and therefore very expensive) contract …,hmm does anyone ever consider this risk? of course they bloody do and what a massive burden this is on a business and to be frank it is ridiculous and anyone with any sense will think twice about this risk to their business
Great post
Oh dear what could have gone wrong? It must be Brexit. I’m gutted 😉
“Plans for UK-Germany high speed rail services shelved due to significantly changed economic environment|”
Nothing to do with any strains on the social security fund for, “refugees”?
BBC web site headline: “Moscow crash taxi driver ‘feared crowd lynching’”
The BBC excuses the Kazakhstan man’s actions with the line “The man says he had been at the wheel for 20 hours, and mistakenly pressed the accelerator instead of the brake.”
Now the problem here is that there is a clear video of the event.
So, we all know that not only would the man have accidently had to press his foot on the accelerator to cause the assaults, but he would have accidently had to veer out of the traffic. He then would have accidently had to direct his vehicle at the crowd of people, rather than any where else on the street. He would finally have had to accidently continued to accelerate until he hit a post, which stopped his ‘accident’.
The BBC’s views rest on the Russian police force being honest. I’m not sure they are can rely on that.
Could be as described, could be a terrorist. Could be a false flag operation organised by the same nice people who gave you the Salisbury ‘poisoning’ that probably never was, and the Ukrainian ‘assassination’ that didn’t happen.
I’ve seen the video on Facebook and there’s no way it was an accident.
When every utterance of the Blair creature or sad grey Major reaches the headlines, and every shouty utterance of Nicola ‘Wee Burnie’ Sturgeon on Scottish Independence is instantly given prominence on the BBC, it is most surprising that Gordon Brown comments that ” Scotland would run up £100billion in debt in a decade if they win independence” has been ignored. I would have thought that that was a pretty significant comment. However, it does have to compete against Jezza-fest, Trump derangement syndrome and … football (Ugh!).
Scotland, Iran ….and my father apoplectic at the goalkeeper LOL I learnt some new interesting words that day, 1978 Scotland has a proud heritage of football fuckups
It’s amazing to see a goalkeeper without gloves !
Aaww, bless!
Pie diagrams, yes I remember them from primari skool well done BBC I fink I understand, now what about ethnic culture and knife crime and rape gangs can we see this as a proportion of our population by ethnic origin ?
Utter shite the BBC pass as business news
”The tarot revival thanks to Brexit, Trump and Dior
By Didem Tali Business reporter ”
First up a fashion range by Dior based on tarot card designs
”Dior’s tarot collection saw sales at Motherpeace’s cards rise strongly ”
Tarot themed ? how ??
Then some statistics from our lightweight reporter- neglecting to mention any base level
”sales across the industry were up by 30%”
”Our sales have been up 268%”
Next an attack on Trump
” other reasons for tarot’s accelerating popularity.
Our societies are going through an extreme sense of alienation, says Ms Vogel, mentioning Donald Trump’s presidential victory in the US, as well as the rise of far-right groups, violence and misogyny. ”
BBC wheels in some heavyweight validation.

”The reality TV star Kim Kardashian West has employed the services of a tarot reader ‘;
Finally a little unintended irony: business UP because of Brexit..
Well there’s a first from the bBBC
”Ms Wallace, tarot reader and psychic:
The UK’s decision to leave the European Union brought new business her way.”
“We have always been busy, but it’s been particularly hectic since mid-last year,” explains the clairvoyant, who charges up to £120 ($160) per session.
Since Brexit, most businesses in London are worried about their economic future. I’ve had bankers and people in finance coming for business advice.”
Meh….tarot …schmarot..
I had an appointment with a medium once, but when I got there a note on the door said ” cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances”
How low can the British national broadcaster go. they refuse to allow any complaint to be upheld, they brook no opposition to their editorial policies and it seems are ideologically opposed to an elected American President
You are absolutely right.
Whatever happened to the mantras ” MPs are representatives not delegates”, “MPs are elected to use their own best judgement in the interests of their constituents”, “the Lords do no wrong when they act within the constitutional conventions of parliament” and “populism is mob rule”. Suddenly, the medja volte faces about “the will of the people” -supposedly a bogus concept – and uses some form of thought transfer to determine the “will of the people”. Nothing distinguishes medja activism from mob rule – neither have any democratic legitimacy.
If you really think an elected oligarchy is a good thing (parliament not the people are sovreign) then why are you outraged when an oligarch excercises his rights?
A little trawl on news websites and they have a lot to say about “hate crime”: there is hate every day in our country, those who hate britain but bow and scrape to get a british passport for some twisted reason, maybe the benefits, and health service, , those who teach their children to hate, I have seen it plain in Luton schools, muslim 6 year olds loving Al Quaeda, who tought them that ? the “moderate muslims” who smile to us in the street. if you want the truth try 3pm when the 14 year olds come out of the “special schools” and they have not yet learnt to hide their hate, sit in a coffee shop in Bury Park road and have the affront to be a white british citizen……and you will really see what our immigrants think of the country that has the grace to accept them and you will learn what hate really is
“”Every message, no matter how poisonous the message is, should have the right to be expressed.” — Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam, the Netherlands.”
You’ll be alright Ahmed, but try that in the UK if you are white and British!
Was that Rotterdam or Rotheram we have lots of rights being expressed in the latter
RE message: opinion is one thing, experience either negates or confirms it I honestly had no opinion until I had the misfortune to work in Luton and then what a shock….no English language spoken, my wife was absolutley shocked she comes from China and could not believe she was in England, she actually said this is like Morocco and took some pics to show friends in China what a state the UK is and she has to go to English school and pass many exams, but our friends in Luton have no such challenges for some strange reason, Oh I do know the reason, Luton college and a quick £500 pound in the back pocket, hush my mouth it was very quickly covered up…..
The two main issues facing Britain today. Javid Dajit – peace be upon him – had his mobile taken by mopedeers. Treezer virtue signals over upskirting and manages an upskirted pose. Link here. Varicose veins airbrushed out.×714.jpg
In the early days Treezer insisted on wearing plunging décolletés. Put me off many a bowl of Cornflakes in the morning.
Mercifully someone seems to have had a quiet word in her ear.
Which leaves an uncomfortable dilemma for those on our side of the debate. Do we need to start using the same tactics? Make BBC journalists feel in need of police protection if they won’t acknowledge the problems of, for instance, Muslim terrorism? Threaten violence for their anti-Trump and anti-Brexit stance?
Is that a lesser evil than doing nothing? Because if things go on as they are, it’s going to get ugly. Perhaps sooner rather than later. We may be only an attack on Tommy Robinson away from serious civil unrest.
I think so Roland.
Rather like did Heydrich take precautions wandering from interrogation centre to railway sidings in Prague? Rather like Hans Frank being careful by the Warsaw Ghetto.
Just read the first paragraph of Tommy Robinsons letter.
I`m blazing-how are BBC trators and scum like Campbell and Grieve able to get a safe nights sleep in our country?
Are we REALLY the foreskins and pussy willows that the Beautiful People think we are?
Free Tommy. And let`s get what`s left of this craphole of a country as deemed by the political class and its deep state, its shadow puppets chipping at the pit props by the day.
sorry dont even want to look, any upskirters are probably running for the hills, but morbid curiosity demands, parliament approved panties are they split down the middle…or just to the right and with the LGBT vote a bit of pink showing maybe, now I really have let mself down..sorry
The one main issue facing Britain today..Theresa Mays panties and apparenty our concern over the nations panties…according to the BBC
If they are split down the middle, how do you know which way is back to front?
I seem to remember in the old days, they put a handy label in some, marked “C and A”
I’ll get me coat
Male or female as well !
Strewth, you can get in trouble trying to say genders are binary!
Me? I self identify as a chinese bint today. Prob change timorrow.
Beth Rigby has been on rubbishing the 600 million per week for the nhs, she says it is only 80 million.
She says “spendin’ on nhs means more taxin’ for the fundin’ and the governments figures are all lies anyway”
Remoaner traitor Sarah Wollaston is also rubbishing it, surprise surprise.
Jeremy Hunt has found an extra £20bn of funding to inject into the NHS and claims it will transform the service.
No it won’t.
It’ll be swallowed up by the increasing demand made on the NHS from immigrants who can’t speak English so have to have a translator (all paid for out of the NHS budget), have no form of transport so have to have taxis to take them home (all paid for out of the NHS budget), and are allowed to bring over their family dependents who will repeat the cycle many times over.
I am sick and tired of the lies and deceit from our politicians and the compliant MSM.
Sick of their bleeding stump schtick on behalf of “our NHS”.
Get stuffed-the BBC are doing a whole week of shit about Nye Bevan, and (doubtless) erasing the role of William Beveridge- a LIBERAL when they existed, and not a bloody Labour flatfoot nonce from the Rhondda.
Am sick of the Spastics Society boy with his callipers on permanent display like bloody Pavlik Morosov or Stalin.
If health tourists want to give us TB, and leave countless IS fighters in our incubators-then piss off and let someone else pay for it, not our gutless, flailing, permanently grasping NHS executive class
Can only assume they`re all at the drugs in there or neutered , endless ECT sessions behind their flapping , filthy doors-why else would they presume to think we see them as some antiseptic god, and not one sex changing, tattoo scrubbing terrorist patching bunch of idiot lefties and BBC snoopers?
Startfrom MY end of the spectrum and work over to where your reality is, but do NOT fall for the saccharine, gummybear IV lines of the bastard BUPA swigging BBC wankers.
Employs more than the Moscow State Circus I`m told.
It IS the Moscow State Circus with a begging bowl and a Pudsey cake stall-fuck off BBC!
The Labour Party opposed the creation of the NHS. The Labour MP’s who voted for it in Parliament defied their Party. Read William Beveridge’s memoirs for the actual (as opposed to the made up) history of the creation of the NHS.