It is lucky that the BBC is not funded through viewing figures because the decline must be substantial – particularly amongst people using paid platforms.
The question must be “when will politicians from the right have the courage to challenge and change the bias of al beeb ?”
Radio 4 1pm news started with Jezzfest – loud cheers. Going better than predicted.
Thornberry would meet President Trump ?
Is she softening ?
Why would the elected President of the US, leader of the free world, wish to meet with a third rate, acheivementless, box-ticked, loud-mouthed lump of ridiculed scorn, who is only famous for trashtalking English people flying English flags in England, and so desperate for any power, she’ll even pretend to be a socialist ?
Well said Major.
“Vicky Beeching, the lesbian shut out by the stained glass ceiling”
“A gay music star urged by Justin Welby to become a priest says church infighting has forced her to abandon her dream”
Absolutely pathetic.
We need an answer .. pink or white ? lacey ? where do you stand on this
Sunday: The World This Weekend.
The BBC keeps referring to these boat people as ‘migrants’ when in fact they are illegal immigrants; they have not gone through official channels to arrange migration with the country they land in, undergone rigorous health checks or used recognised formal travel routes. They have paid criminals a small fortune to travel illegally to a country.
The BBC ‘reports’ that these illegal immigrants have been ‘rescued’, rescued from whom or what exactly? Kidnap victims don’t usually pay their kidnappers to kidnap them, as I have stated, they have paid criminals for their illegal crossing.
These boats should be towed straight back to Libya or whatever country they set sail from.
Can the BBC stop using terms like ‘migrants’ to describe these people as it gives them a legitimacy that is totally misleading.
Has anyone been arrested for taking a photo under anyones skirt ? this is true crime
“…this is true crime”. On a par with Hate Speech I don’t doubt.
“Has anyone been arrested for taking a photo under anyones skirt ? this is true crime”
Those of us of a certain age will remember “Round the Horne” running regular jokes about “mirror on a stick” cases – usually featuring J Peasemold Gruntfuttock. Modern politicians have no sense of our cultural heritage. Or perhaps our “white privilage” heritage now counts for nothing – even if it was originally broadcast by the BBC.
I`m wearing a dress today. Does it only count if I`m wearing a skirt, or can I claim for “updressing violations”?
Got to be a Supreme Court case here.
How much compo am I due?
Let alone those north of the border(oo er) who wear kilts?
Who`s got Gareth Peirces number? Can`t imagine she needs to worry unless her plus fours are flared.
“Let alone those north of the border(oo er) who wear kilts?”
That reminds me of a scene from the Simpsons where Groundskeeper Willie the grumpy, Scottish school caretaker was reading a magazine called something like “Upkilt”. He was chortling then he said “There’s a lassie who needs to do a bit of garden maintenance. ” Then he screamed “Aaargh it’s Willy.”
“…..They have paid criminals a small fortune ….” ? Probably, truth be know, the invasion was paid for by the UN and/or Soros and Co.
Cassandra, this may be considered pedantry by some, but, people who ‘arrive’ in a country, uninvited, without going through official channels to arrange their ‘migration’, undergone health checks or indeed used recognised travel routes, then demand on arrival, that the host country puts their ‘culture’, wants and needs ahead of the host country’s citizenry are not traditionally called ‘immigrants’, they are/were known as invaders !
G and Major Gannon, you’re both right, Europe is being invaded! But so long as we’ve got The World Cup, Love Island and Katie Price the public don’t really appear to care.
Sadly true, Cassandra, but I have hope, and believe I am starting to see signs of an awakening.
If I nick a paddle boat from a Plymouth park and set sail from the promenade do you think the US Coastguard will rescue me from Plymouth Sound and land me in the USA if I ‘lose’ my passport?
thats the way to improve society : jail people for criticising arabs who dress lkie batman and wave placards outside paki gang rape trials
“Reality check”: ‘all you need to know’ about Grenfell.
A big building caught fire, possibly due to a mysterious spontaneous-combusting fridge, though ‘some say’ more likely a late-night ram-a-van snack.
Some people died, though no-one’s sure how many because our government has lost track of illegal immigrants, and there was much illegal sub-letting and over-crowding.
The Left, including the beeb, are trying to make political capital out of it, while various politicians and celebs are busy virtue-signalling and emoting on camera, to show solidarity with the sort of diverse riff-raff they wouldn’t want anywhere near their own homes.
The Great Appeaser sees it as yet another opportunity to apologise. No-one’s sure why, possibly for not crying enough.
Er, that’s it.
Some violent enrichment at a cycling festival in Manchester.
Tucked away under Regions, of course.
I can handle enrichment but for my wife and son I think we need to weapon up to protect them from our new enrichment thanks f0cking Blaire hope you rot in hell for this our lovely Somali c@nts in Luton got a phone give it over or get stabbed our new Britain of diversity muslim hate ghettos and Somali thugs running wild
opinion or experience…
Two points:-
1) I can’t handle enrichment – I hate it
2) Thank you for having the courage to post things that others are afraid too.
Two points to add if you dont mind also: and a cheeky third,
1) I thought this was a carnival ? but no, it is common knowlege that the immigrants take over and fight, everyone in Luton knows this
2) If this was my wife I would take her away from this but…there are clearly women and men running towards the violence and loving it and they are all black….that is a fact and can be proved just watch, so Wacism? NO, FACT they love violence, stabbings and people being run over by cars as is open for everyone to see and they cannot get enough of it, the women and the men,
3) they are very good at running away also for those that think they are good at fighting so not particularly good army recruits , f@cking snidey cowards slide a knife into someone then run like the wind oh how many can you see running away they are good at that
‘But iz dere kultur innit’, and as we all know from the non-stop lecturing from our self appointed moral guardian, the so-called bBC, ‘all cultures are equal’. Sometimes, when viewing the myriad of videos of what our ‘leaders’ have forced upon our civilisation, I get the same sense of anger, frustration and loss that Charlton Heston portrayed in the ‘Planet of the Apes’ scene, when he saw the ruined Statue of Liberty.
rather have the apes, they mean no harm
Yes, think that I heard this on Radio 3 on Wednesday, Radio 3 10pm or so.
Worth a listen, but do feel Murray`s not the bravest of souls.
These days it has to be the cold hard Brexit coupled with the mention and advocacy of Tommy Robinson. Nothing less defines courage in the culture we`re now in.
You’re right. Promoting or approving of hard Brexit, Trump and Tommy Robinson is a virtual social death knell. Would be an intriguing exercise for a vanilla individual with a ton of FB followers to suddenly post support and see what the de-friended numbers would be.
A letter from TR thanking supporters – written before he was transferred from Hull.
There Is. Already a typed transcript on Twitter. Tough reading.
You’d have thought the 20 billion quid for the NHS would be difficult for the soft left to fault.
Sky, on their website, screaming “May’s claim of ‘Brexit dividend’ for NHS dismissed as ‘tosh’”
Apparently Sarah Wollaston is proclaiming her usual anti Brexit claptrap, though Sky only mentions her name near the end of this garbled nonsense.
Should be amusing to watch the soft left trounce billions going into the NHS,
Being a lefty does this brain twisting madness.
The idiot left have suddenly discovered that North Korea is not quite the workers paradise they`ve long pretended.
Trump pals up-so N.K are no longer the chippy little underdogs, but the playthings of Trump.
This weekend anyway.
So all this NHS spray-well its the Tories doing it, and it`s a vague nod to some Boris Bus and Brexit.
If only we could ALL be lefties. Dense hypocrites on stolen stilts.
But they`ll be callipers or vaulting poles on other days.
Mr Benn used to walk into his wardrobe and be somebody else-that`s the left for you, let them keep walking into it, it`s locked.
We are lucky to have such white dog shit to deal with. Why aren`t we?
This week sees what I suspect is my last visit to London. The last few trips have been fraught with concerns about being knifed or having my iPhone nicked. On Saturday i will see Billy Idol in Brixton, and hopefully I’ll fly home on Monday unharmed. France and Germany are off the list and England is now sadly about to join that list.
I wonder if I could claim political asylum in the USA given what’s happened to TR…………..
Thatch – being born and bred east londonistaner
I have obviously witnessed the enrichment . I can’t fault people visiting the city wanting to get out soonest because I think English speakers are a minority now – even in the outer areas where real Londoners have always lived and which visitors don’t see.
The only laws being unforced are parking and so called racials. Other crime is just assigned a number and you get a notice of investigation closure .
I think the next set of riots might change things as there is no way the cops could deal with marauding animals like they just managed to achieve last time .
But from where I live it was sobering seeing smoke from Tottenham burning for a couple of days and i think next time it will take more than a few H&M’s conscious snowflake coppers .
As for going to Brixton – not for whitee .
I watched a bit of BBC1 Sunday Morning Live programme today. Presenters are 50% black (tick). First panel discussion about snowflake children worrying about exams (tick) had Liberal Leftie feminist Laurie Penny (tick) another black person (tick) and then an interview with a Muslim father and Muslim daughter wearing a Hijab (tick tick) talking about her GCSEs.
A few minutes later was a video about a Muslim refugee girl wearing a Hijab (tick tick tick) doing football coaching with loads of black children (tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick ). Also interviewed a black adult male to say the girl is doing very well (tick tick).
I gave up watching anymore of this crap. I can remember when early Sunday BBC TV was all about Christianity but not anymore.
Hopefully there will be a time, surely not in the too distant future, when all this nonsense will be reversed and/or abandoned. I guess it will be about the same time as images of Treezer et al, hanging from a lamp post will be circulated.
G, I pray for that day to arrive, with one small difference, instead of ‘images’, I would prefer verified photographic proof !
The mainstream media has been convulsed this weekend by Sir Christopher Chope’s attempt to prevent proposed legislation which would have created a new criminal offence, punishable by imprisonment, from being hurried through without due parliamentary scrutiny. Sir Christopher has a long history of attempting to prevent well-meaning but muddle-headed legislative proposals from being given this casual treatment. If we were still a mature and sensible society, which we have not been for some decades, the idea of attenuating proper scrutiny of a bill proposing to create a new criminal offence would be anathema to us. As it is, the Twitterati merely insult Sir Christopher.
Prior to this kerfuffle I had no idea what “upskirting” was. When the practice was explained to me (somewhat laboriously, my mind, such as it is, being constructed more or less along the lines of Lord Emsworth’s) my thoughts went back fifty five years or so to when I was a small boy in the primary school playground. We little boys found it amusing and thrilling to peek up the girls’ skirts. The girls gave us very short shrift indeed. It occurs to me that the kind of men who indulge in the modern version of this this crude, vulgar and stupid practice are really just little boys who have never grown up; and would be best responded to by the offended ladies slapping the perpetrators in the face and calling down on them appropriate imprecations in the loudest of voices designed to cause them maximum embarrassment and humiliation in public. I cannot help thinking this would be a great deal more efficacious than involving our Political Correctness Enforcement Squads who have quite enough to do patrolling Twitter and Facebook.
On a lighter note I have finally caught up with A Very English Scandal. For a BBC production I have to say I rather enjoyed it, despite it being written and played more along the lines of Carry on Jeremy rather than a serious drama about one of the great Scandales Celebres of our time. Nevertheless, it was largely, as far as I could see, agenda-free and I would love to have, on my bedside table, a framed photograph of the fabulous Patricia Hodge wearing that wonderful monocle as JT’s mother…..
Skeldings, I agree wholeheartedly with what should be the common sense response to such behaviour, unfortunately, it would appear common sense would now be classed as some kind of hate-thought crime !
“…Sir Christopher Chope’s attempt to prevent proposed legislation which would have created a new criminal offence, punishable by imprisonment, from being hurried through without due parliamentary scrutiny.”
That’s rather disingenuous, Skeldings. There was time allocated to debate the legislation but Chope’s mate Philip Davies filibustered (purposefully wasted time) so that the time ran out.
Secondly, this vote wouldn’t have created any new criminal offence, it would just have passed it on to various committees before coming back for another vote.
And just like a bad smell…………………….
“ thoughts went back fifty five years or so to when I was a small boy in the primary school playground. We little boys found it amusing and thrilling to peek up the girls’ skirts. The girls gave us very short shrift indeed.”
My recollection of primary school was that little girls were constantly upending themselves against playground walls to reveal their knickers. When they weren’t doing that they were doing ‘gambols’ or cartwheels that had the same effect. Girls skipping over a long rope would often tuck their skirts inside their knickers.
When they grew up perhaps some of them went on to be ice skaters who, for some perverse reason, love to skate backwards causing their short skirts to be blown up, putting their knickers in full view.
I had always assumed that knicker exposure was hard-wired into the female brain.
I, and I’m sure others, always used to scream at the telly when the Brexit Bus thing was being discussed.
It was never a promise, just an example. Hence the language “LET’S spend…”
When you are trying to get someone off the bottle or gambling, you might say “Hey, let’s spend that money on something else, like a nice holiday”.
In all honesty I don’t think it swayed anywhere near the numbers Remain always liked to claim. There was so much negativity and ‘pressure’ from the establishment that the chance of people being swayed by just 1 message is ridiculous. But what Remain hated was that Leave weaponised the NHS, a darling child that only the left are usually allowed to use.
apologies if anyone else has already posted a link to this article from Gatestone:
Maybe you can show it to anyone of your acquaintance who has been taken in by the MSMs portrayal of ramamdan as a heartwarming hugfest.
You would think they would ban fasting for health and safety reasons. I mean, look at all these Muslims who lose control of their vehicles and end up “crashing” into pedestrians.
Dystopian, they would, if they were interested in the health and safety of their citzens, the ones who are British and pay their taxes.
In my mind I imagine Winston from 1984 having to read it prior to putting it in the memory hole …..
Thanks for contacting the BBC.
I understand you are unhappy with the level of coverage given to the arrest, imprisonment and relocation of Tommy Robinson.
With regards to his imprisonment, the BBC reports every story depending on its editorial merit. Where reporting restrictions are in place, we follow them to ensure a fair trial and to avoid being in contempt of court.
In this case the BBC reported the arrest and sentencing of Tommy Robinson once those reporting restrictions were lifted. The Judge had imposed the restrictions in order to safeguard an ongoing trial.
The story was featured on TV, radio and online:
We appreciate you feel we have overlooked his recent relocation, and we know that not everyone will agree with our choices on which stories to cover, or the order in which they appear. Our news editors make these complex decisions, based on the editorial merit of all the stories at hand. We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision – various factors are at play and there’s often debate in the newsroom too.
A range of factors affect how we put together our news bulletins. Is it breaking news, or a dated story? Does it follow on from a recent event, or change our understanding of things? Is it unusual, or attracting national interest? We consider these things and also put great importance on verifying events and building up a clear picture – before reporting in a reliable and trustworthy way.
Finally, Editorial decisions are more of a judgement call, than an exact science – so you’ll even find variety from one BBC programme to the next.
We appreciate the feedback that our audience give us when it’s felt a story has been overlooked – it too can inform our ongoing work. Suggestions for other stories to consider can be made here:
Nevertheless, your comments have been added to our audience feedback report, which is compiled daily and circulated among BBC senior management and it will also be seen by our News editing team. This report is one of the most widely read reports within the BBC, and helps inform future decisions.
Thanks again for getting in touch.
Kind regards
Ciara O’Gorman
BBC Complaints Team
Haha so the implication is that the Tommy case has no editorial merit (but blokes taking sneaky photos up skirts does).
Anyone who says Islam is bad is not welcome in the Conservative Party … is that all Christians?
“Stamping” is a rather intolerant way of dealing with an irrational fear.
Meanwhile the islamisation and stupidisation of our once great police force continues apace…
UK: Police took part in Ramadan fast to “show unity” and “gain better understanding” of Muslims.
The police are no longer a ‘Force’, they are now a multiculti ‘Service’.
They have been neutered, just like my tomcat, ‘No balls’ since most of their Commissioners are now women.
I would say they’re worse than neutered, they’re actively colluding with the enemy.
Perhaps our finest should be made to partake in a little paedophilia to “show unity” and “gain better understanding” of muslims, possibly followed by some van-ramming, and the whole day rounded off with some jolly arena-bombing.
What a pair of pricks.
Circumcised, presumably. Mustn’t upset the hosts …..
vlad, all that’s missing in that photo is the orange boilersuits, and the look of dawning horror on their faces as their multyculty, leftylib, diversideefied, fantasy dreamland comes crashing down around their knees to the sound of rusty knives being sharpened, as they are finally forced to face reality.
David Dimbleby to leave Question Time
Hip Hip Hooray!
There is a God after all.
Don’t speak too soon. Look at some of the plonkers lining up to replace the toad: “Kirsty Wark recently revealed she would be interested in taking over the role and would “throw her hat in the ring” when Dimbleby stepped down.
Other suggested contenders include John Humphrys, Huw Edwards, Jeremy Vine and Nick Robinson…
As if it won’t be a women.
They could replace him with Owen Peter Jones.
On reflection, Dumbldore’s best ever programme was when he announced the Brexit result.
Fake news alert.
Melania did NOT call for an end to “Trump’s separation policy”. It isn’t Trump’s policy to separate; that is a consequence of the parents committing a crime and being sent to jail. Even if it were his policy, she didn’t say that.
Why aren’t the Beeb showing this desire for family unity when it comes to Tommy being thrown in jail without a chance to say goodbye to his kids…
“B”BC – another beauty!
I understand that someone called Mogg or something similar has been offered Dimblebores job.
🙂 🙂
Dover Sentry
Doubtful ?
He has been earmarked for other, more ‘important’ tasks.
Thornberry would meet ‘asteroid of awfulness’ Trump
But Mrs Thornberry, the headline begs the question.
Why on earth would Donald Trump want to meet a thick, stupid and self important woman like you?
The UN should know, they paid the lions share to the traffickers.
Message from Treezer re the wonderful contribution our muslim friends make to he UK!
I don’t know who the hell is advising her nowadays, or who is writing her ‘speeches’, but one thing I definitely do know is they do not have the interests of the British people or the conservative party at heart ! That is a disgrace, even from someone as clueless as her. At least the creature blair had the sense to try to keep his treachery secret from the British people.
The question must be “when will politicians from the right have the courage to challenge and change the bias of al beeb ?”
That’s one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time! Who do you have in mind as a politician of the right?
Theresa May is a Communist – maybe not of the revolutionary school, but of the conviction type.
Jeremy Corbyn is a Fascist with momentum funded by son of British Union of Fascist leader Oswald Moseley, and most people fallen victim to revisionist thinking they don’t know what Fascism really is.
So who exactly were you thinking of as a right wing politician ?
I see your point Thoughtful.
I find that,in time, Communist led states are governed in the same manner those of the Fascist states. They eventually coelesce into a dictatorial statehood of mass murderers.
They start from different positions but end up in the same place.
I have always been puzzle as to why the ‘extreme right’ are used by the media as having Nazi sympathies.
This is odd as Hitler led a Socialist Party.
The media never associate the largest mass murderers ever in Mao Tse Tung (China)and Stalin (Russia) with the extreme left. In fact they never mention the extreme left at all. To the media, the Soros backed, extreme left does not exist. Only the extreme right.
The strangest thing of all is that the people of this country -especially those on the right of the politics- don’t see this as a problem. The Tories silence on this subject is worryingly deafening.
Our ‘balanced’ national broadcaster the BBC, believes this imbalance to be perfectly acceptable. Ironically so do the Tories, maybe this is because the Tories have emerged into a Blair Party Mark 2.
The Tories don’t like people of the political ‘Right’. Just ask Tommy Robinson. Enoch Powell was another shining example of Tory disownership.
Goodness me, what is the presenter on the BBC News channel wearing in Singapore? I’m not complaining as such, but is it really appropriate to wear that type of top on a news show? (Referring to the midnight news on BBC News channel).
ah @JamesG you mean the Singapore casino in the background ?
She’s not on Twitter but her colleague Babita Sharma previously tweeted photos
Police / rape-gangs : Worth sharing

Never a truer word spoke in jest………..wait…I hope that was ? Tbh, it would not shock me if it was real.
When you google WYP below is the link that comes up in the search.
Home page | West Yorkshire Police
You will be taken to the BBC News website – this is in case you don’t want someone to see you on this website
Google police and get the bloody BBC?
And this is the stupid looking mare they speak to!
can I call her if someone calls me speccie
BTW Pamella Geller answers Saturday’s Times hit piece against TR
She quotes most of the article
CBBC 17:30 Windrush: A Newsround Special. Got to get them young.
Has anyone looked at the BBC4 schedule for this week?? Lost for words!! No agenda or bias.
And whilst ITV can’t compete with BBC4, they do have Trevor McDonald Return to South Africa, in a build up to some chap being born 100 years ago….maybe the BBC will remind me of his name.
Is it Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn?
Nelson Mandela 😉
Oh the man who ordered the deaths and maiming of hundreds of white, but mostly black, men, women and children? The committed Stalinist, who supported Gaddaffi, Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat, and Kim Jong-il? Oh that guy.
Mandela did all that? Fascinating, I had no idea!!! But glad you are here to educate me….
Solzhenitsyn: Hideously white, hated socialism/communism, risked his life to speak the truth: don’t expect HIM to be honoured by the dishonourable lying beeb.
No, but Mandela is a saint! The BBC will tell you the truth, he turned water into wine…passed bread to the people and did the same with the fish……the BBC told me so, that is the truth!!
After he took power, Mandela became quite a good diplomat, big on the reconciliation theme.
Before he was given power, he would have slit your throat for sixpence, if you got in his way , or -more likely- got someone else to do it. You Tube has him in a group that’s dancing and singing ‘Kill the boer, kill the farmer’.
And that’s exactly what they have been doing, right up to the present day: murdering farmers, their families and their employees, on a grand scale. Frequently accompanied by unbelievable torture.
Let’s give Mandela the benefit of the doubt, that he would now have disapproved, had he been alive. All that would show, is how difficult is to turn the tap off, once you’ve opened it.
Plus they can work on getting beach body ready.
Nice pair of tits 🙂
I was being sardonic about Mandela, sorry if my comments are clumsy. After all there is still a whole month to go…
Got your sardonicity all the way, OEO.