The BBC in full anti brexit mode in the run up to more votes in parliament to overturn Lords’ votes .So called conservative backbenchers plot to derail brexit too .
The current government celebrates the 70th anniversary of the inter- National Health Service by throwing more borrowed money at it .
Crucifixes are torn from peoples’ homes by muslim delivery drivers and they get a ‘ chat’ with the police.
i understand the appeal by TR has been submitted and a letter written by him has been published o
On the upside it’s possible that Mother Merkel will lose her job this week . Let’s hope. Al beeb will be so upset
STOP PRESS dimbly to leave Question Time – replacement suggestions ?
Why is there all this speculation about who will replace Dimbleby on Question Time?
Surely the position is hereditary and will be filled by Henry. After all, we now know that he went to school with JRM (one of the classic clips of all time).
In a second devastating blow to Western Culture (what’s left of it) 3 graffiti ‘artists’ have been killed on the railway tracks, no doubt pursuing their ‘art’.
When did vandals become artists?
I think there should be a law against trains hitting ‘artists’, (that’s how the system works nowadays isn’t it?).
Vlad. Good bit of zero tolerance on. Vandalism (. Little. Bit of bait for maxi on nights. )
A taste of history … The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990, by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States senators and President George H. W. Bush in their rationale to back Kuwait in the Gulf War.
In her emotional testimony, Nayirah stated that after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital, take the incubators, and leave the babies to die.
Yemen … where Islam is the both the problem and the answer.
Yemen … where Sunni Islam and Shiite Islam create a new Utopia.
Yemen … where two religions of peace fight for ultimate peace in the land of peace using the peace of Islam to bring peace in a double Sunni and Shiite dose.
So when are the losers from the Yemen war coming here to enjoy our children and demonstrate their superior culture?
The bBbc are really going all out in their efforts to help bounce the Govt into legalizing cannabis and not just for medicinal purposes, despite Charlotte Caldwell seeming to be genuine in her campaign for this alone, however she is being funded.
It seems to me however that the bBbc aren’t putting much effort into providing any actual medical data or supporting evidence of any real, clinically proven benefits in the use of medicinal cannabis in their coverage.
It seems that they expect legislation to be changed by a weak and appeasing Govt simply because of unsubstantiated claims and the emotions of a mother around the health of a child, who they are more than happy to opportunistically exploit to further their own pro-legalisation agenda.
Throw in some compliant and virtue-signalling politicians and a perceived public outrage which, like that supposedly around the Finsbury Park incident, doesn’t in my opinion actually exist, and the bBbc have got the sort of ambiguously pliable and vague news story they thrive on, short on fact and full of opinion.
London has the greatest population of Muslims in the country
whats the bet if you overlaid the map of “grooming” scandals over the top the correlation would be extremely close
When the zero figures start increasing … then I will have hope for the future of the UK.
25 Days since Tommy Robinson arrested for highlighting continued child mass rape and torture (25may2018)
0 Days since Tommy Robinson’s release.
44 Days since Day for Freedom March in London (06may2018)
0 Days since BBC reported on Day for Freedom March.
2.5 Years since Anjem Choudary arrested for preaching moderate Islam.
0 Days since Muslim community condemn Anjem Choudary and demand he serves his full 5 year sentence.
725 Days since UK voted to leave the EU @52%. (24jun2016)
1 PM says ‘Brexit means Brexit’.
0 Days Since Leaving the EU.
. . .
22 Murdered in Manchester.
1 PM tweeting that 22 people were LOST.
0 Arrests followed.
. . .
600K Migrants Lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on Watch List.
3K Extreme Terrorists on Watch List.
1 PM who said ‘Enough is Enough’.
0 Removed from watch list.
. . .
364 Days of #WorldNoHijabDay NOT supported by UK Foreign Office.
1 Day of #WorldNoHijabDay supported by UK Foreign Office.
0 Requests for #WorldNoHijabDay (no hijab day)
. . .
184,595 People charged (2016) with non-payment of the BBC TV Licence Tax by Capita TV Licensing. (mostly women)
0 Apologies from Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans whose wages are paid under threat of prison.
. . .
465 Days since Owen Jones said he’d quit social media (11mar2017)
0 Days since Owen Jones quit social media.
. . .
137,000 girls and women living with FGM, and 144,000 girls at risk of FGM.
0 Arrests for FGM in UK even though it is illegal.
. . .
100,000 Air-conditioned Tents in Saudi Arabia near Mecca, near God.
0 Fellow Muslim migrants sleeping in those tents.
When the zero figures start increasing … then I will have hope for the future.
I’m all for gender equality in the workplace. Maybe we can start with the following professions:
Bricklaying 99.6% men
Garbage collection 99.4% men
Sewer cleaning 99.3% men
Mining 99.1% men
How about it, ladies? Or is it just air conditioned corporate office jobs you want?
Unfortunate author title with Diane Abbott … “BLACK DOG: Diane Abbott causes alarm when she visits the wrong chamber”
#RefugeeWeek2018 … time for some people to be reminded ….
“The SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon said she would even take in some migrants. That was two years ago and she doesn’t seem to have her family of migrants.
“Labour MPs – Yvette Cooper said she’d take in a family of migrants. Endless people… none of them have got them. Lily Allen has still not got her group of young men from sub-Saharan Africa living in their spare room.
“These people are grandstanding on a massive scale about a continent-wade catastrophe and they should feel enormous shame if they could.
“We have to look at the whole problem in its totality. The point is ‘can we take in all of the world who wants to come to our continent. If you ask a grandstander like Lily Allen or Nicola Sturgeon or Yvette Cooper, they will not, when put on the spot, say ‘keep anyone out.’ They can’t.
Read more …
Sky and BBC doing excellent job of conflating the Finsbury driver attack with the murder of 22 children in Manchester……Khan is a little glimpse of what life in the UK will look like in th not too distant future.
PS – I notice when I type ‘uk’ I have to change to capital letters. When i type ‘muslim’ it automatically puts a capital ‘M’
East vs West ….
Watching the Colombia v Japan match, and Alex Scott has said Colombia are down to 10 players. I would have said down to 10 men. Slowly but surely the beautiful game is being hijacked with tokenism. The next world cup will be like watching loose woman. Leave our game alone please.
Just to spoil your day – I think next year is girls World Cup, love that screaming
They all scream when Phil Neville walks in the dressing room
In conclusion … if you listen to politicians then generally they don’t make any sense and never do what they say unless it is spending the countries wealth to make them look good!
This is all you`re going to need for the next few months. Just replace “Communism” with “Islam”-and the tactics, the lying media and do-gooders-and you`ve got all you`re going to need.
We are now at the CRISIS stage, NORMALISATION under ID cards and a thought police prior to Islamic takeover.
Yes, the idiot left will be first up against the wall, but they`ll not spare us. And our kids won`t forgive us if we don`t listen to Yuri 1983/4.
Look at those handouts, copy(5.27, 10.17, 34.39,49.45/51.15)-and weep. This is a prophet who knew how his lousy KGB operated-the soft left and Islam are only dong what we know of them . Free Tommy, rerun Lewisham East and stuff the footy!
The claim: US President Donald Trump says the Democrats created a law that separates children from parents who cross the US-Mexico border illegally.
Verdict: There is no law on separating children from parents at the border, but rather a policy introduced recently by the Trump administration.
Reality Check: Who decided to take away children at the US border? { 19jun2018}
Chope was on Vine, gave a fine account by me.
#1 The proper way is for government to introduce bills in its own time
… the government cheated by using a private members bill.
Had he left it this bill would have leapfrogged up the list meaning that other bills already debated would run out of time to be passed.
That’s why he objected to similar bills.
#2 The upshot is that law will actually be introduced faster, cos the government has now introduced a government bill.
Chope counts this as a win, cos he has always supported the law.
Secondly rushing through laws without proper debate time leads to poor law, the government rather private members route allows for that.
The crowd on the outrage bus against Chope , looks like a bullying pitchfork mob.
Even Vine seemed to agree with Chope!
The ‘theatre director’ that followed just wouldn’t shut up, her opinion was the only one that mattered and she illustrated ‘the mob in action perfectly’ – no facts, just ‘action’.
She claimed to have ‘decorated’ Chope’s constituency office door with several pairs of her own knickers. (Similar ‘direct action’ on mosque doors appears to lead to a death sentence).
And there`s more.
Chris Parrys full article is in the New English Review-be very surprised if you can get it so easily now as in 2006.
Every day these days there is a UK ISIS trial going on
Just finished the mother and daughter trial, now they’ve moved onto Buckingham palace Samurai sword guy, I think there’s another as well.
June 16 The Yorkshire Post had a Jo Cox item, like it does almost every week
‘Oh it was her death anniversary last weekend so next weekend will be the Big Get Together on her birthday.
#MilkIt, #MilkIt.
AS long as Brendan Cox isn`t rattling his tin as we enter.
I`ll wear a hijab anyway, hope Jos` sister will keep him safely behind the barbecue….spit roasts are NOT acceptable Brendan, this is not Haiti.
Five years time maybe?
“PM @Theresa_May hosted an Eid reception at Downing Street to celebrate the inspiring contributions made by British Muslims in this country #EidMubarak”
Did Theresa May read the Lords Prayer and a section from the Koran where Jesus is ….
“Jesus didn’t die on the cross (Koran Version). He was born of a virgin(Koran Version), but he isn’t the son of God(Koran Version). He did not redeem the sins of humankind.(Koran Version) He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, and raised the dead. He spoke complete sentences even as an infant in the cradle, announcing to his mother, Mary, that God had granted him the scripture and made him a prophet. Jesus is neither almighty nor eternal(Koran Version). Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus is a Muslim.(Koran Version)“
please dont bomb me , kill all the rest first
‘If you don’t have borders, you don’t have a country’
Donald J Trump , 19th June 2018.
Boss had his Guardian out earlier.
Saw some headline saying that Trump “won`t let America end up like Europe as one big migrant camp”.
Good headline.
Don`t know how and where he said it-but is it safe to say that the BBC haven`t quoted THIS tweet or comment of his?
Can`t imagine the BBC reading THAT out easily, might disturb and worry “we the deplorables”.
Trying to catch up with the posts here after a busy weekend, and I’m rather confused about the minute’s silence today. For what? A supposed terrorist attack in which one elderly muslim man, who’d already collapsed onto the street, eventually died from his ailment (he wasn’t run over). Will we be having a minute’s silence for all terrorist attacks in future, because the calendar will become overly full of them, you can guarantee that.
I suggest we have one minute’s silence for each victim, like just for balance
As you would expect there is plenty on the BBC web site about the manufactures anti Trump story of the separation of children from illegal migrant parents. But there is total silence about the growing scandal of the FBI undoubtedly trying to prevent Trump being elected and when that failed trying to have him impeached by employing all manner of illegal manoeuvres and dirty tricks. It is becoming increasingly apparent that Obama was fully aware of what was going on and may well have the instigator in chief.
Obviously the likes of the BBC would do whatever they can to get rid of the President, but when this scandal becomes confirmed as the greatest political scandal in the history of the USA, i do hope that everyone who isnt a committed right on liberal , will ask themselves how come the BBC never reported it.
Abusive Birmingham husband ‘beat wife and locked her indoors’
Coming to a town near you very soon.
IN BBC the dictionary a “man” or “husband” lways looks like

(Aziz Rehman from this story)
BBC rules
Negative story : Keep Muslim/African names out of the headline
Positive story : Make the Muslim/African name the first thing in the headline
“IN BBC the dictionary a “man” or “husband” lways looks like
I think I’m starting to see the appeal of lesbianism
I thought this was one of the unaccompanied children!
What? A muslim beat his wife and treated her as a second class citizen? How can that be? Surely nothing to do with the Religion of Peace and Misogyny.
Is being in Birmingham part of his defence?
\\ Zainab Patel, 11, of Leeds, is the first girl to make her local and school cricket teams //
Times runs with a photo
BBC not picked it up yet
“I didn’t have any doubt in my mind about playing cricket – I was better than all the boys,”
\\ She now plays twice a week for her club’s junior teams and also plays cricket for Rossett school in Harrogate //
" rel="nofollow ugc">
I hope she enjoys it while it lasts, once the boys have been through puberty and overtaken her physically she’ll struggle to play against them. Assuming of course that by then she hasn’t disappeared from the local area to be married off back “home” like so many girls from her background.
Or baking cakes somewhere……….
Sweden shooting: Three dead in Malmo cafe attack
Looks like the BBC had successfully buried this news for 5 hours but now its appearing as most read top 10.
Love this bit in the BBC report – “Malmo has gained a reputation for violent crime.” I wonder how that happened….
That`ll be Trump, it was going SO well in Sweden until he opened his fat mouth.
No further questions, moving swiftly on, riding pillion with a cannister of acid…
A clear promise {Theresa May – 12 December 2012}
Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.
As yesterday’s census statistics show, the legacy we’ve been left with is a substantial one. Between 2001 and 2011, more than half of the growth in the population of England and Wales was accounted for by immigration.
Since we came to government, we’ve taken action across the board. We’ve capped economic migration, reformed family visas, and cut out the widespread abuse of the student route into the country.
And the results of those changes are beginning to show. Official statistics, released two weeks ago, show that in the year to March, we cut net immigration to Britain by one quarter – that is, by 59,000 people. That’s the biggest fall in net migration since 2008.
And we can expect immigration to continue to fall.
Guido giving both barrels to Lord hailsham aka lord moat who is doing all he can to frustrate brexit .
Guido claims he got his peerage because he stood down after becoming a national embarrassment for claiming taxpayers cash to get his moat cleaned .
I recall there was no contrition
This is clear evidence of remainer bias with al beeb failing to expose this amoral turd for what he is .
I wonder which word is unparliamentary – “turd” or “amoral”.
Fedup, the full story is even better.
He was a Tory minister as Douglas Hogg – probably best known as Douglas Hurd’s right hand man in the post-Hungerford panic, although he later became Minister of Agriculture – where he screwed up the BSE crisis. He inherited the title of Viscount Hailsham in 2001, but stayed on as an MP because hereditary peers no longer had an automatic right to sit in the House of Quislings. After the moat cleaning scam was exposed he decided not to stand for re-election in 2010. He couldn’t join the Quislings because the other hereditaries wouldn’t elect him to one of their seats (twice). Finally Cameron took pity on him in 2015 and gave him another title, Baron Hailsham, so he’s there as one of Cameron’s cronies, as a life peer – as is his wife.
If he was a Brexit supporter I’d be worried that I’d voted the wrong way.
Even if i WAS a thick, amoral and nasty little remoaner( are there any other kinds)?
I would be getting pretty bothered, given how provocative all of this is?
When the likes of Clegg, Soubry, Hogg and Campbell, Blair and Verhofstad are so scathing, scornful and contempuous of what we might have thought was a sacred duty to leave the E.U , after due democratic process?
All of these, and more are totally compromised -expense claims, drunk, David Kelly and mental illness etc.
And I`m taking no lessons from addicts, nutters off their meds, war criminals and those who`ve nicked our money for their country piles and trouser presses.
To quote Neville Staples
“People Getting Angry”-Ghost Town 1981.
The Marxists and Italian Socialists used to say “strike one and educate a hundred”.
Well, there`s 600 people who deserve access to higher education based on the scum , slops and human slurry I`ve mentioned above.
Thanks . I remember him being truly repulsive during the moat scandal . Even though he is an old Etonian it’s shocking how thick the creature is .
Is he now Lord Lord Hailsham or Lord Hailsham Hailsham?
Day 3 of Females only on Four, as BBC4 is menless again tonight
Bet the ratings are great .
‘Britain should establish a global nature conservation fund of £1bn per year,’
say Bright Blue and the Conservative Environment Network
They add in the Mail ‘let’s call it the Attenborough Fund’
The reply ‘Get lost you Tories, you are not using my name’ The Times
If the planet is sick why not use some of the money borrowed to pay for their NHS to cure the sick planet ? I mean if they can afford to piss away 13 billion on overseas give away s… its only a billion …
Anyone know why, in terms of rape rates per 100,000, Sweden is in the top ten? In fact it stands at the heady heights of number six?
Sweden is the only western country to achieve the unwanted feat of getting into the top ten alongside mainly African countries. Belgium is the next European country at 13th.
Wonder what Sweden and Belgium have in common.
According to the page for the UK, SS, we are in sixth position for rape.
Good job Yorkshire isn’t classed as a country!
“May Allah accept (good deeds)…”
Maybe he doesn`t know how to say
“May Your Drugs vibrate in harmony with my yieldings, can I claim lube on expenses Peter?”
4:30pm R4 Law show opened with deceptive framing tricks
“Supporters of Tommy Robinson clashed with police in London *
.. the POLITICAL activist had posts on Facebook risked prejudicing a trial”
*( well you could have said 25,000 TR supporters were peaceful and that Antifa and undercover provocateurs had clashed with police)
“Does the law need updating re social media”
They may come back to TR later
but then moved onto another example
a MURDER case where a febrile atmosphere was created meaning a trial had to be put off for a number of months with the Appeal Court deciding that media COULD cover the trial
In the Angela Wrights case 2 vulnerable girls brutally murdered an old woman.
There was vilification on Twitter, which was then embedded on newspaper websites.
So the judge decided to discharge the jury ..and wait for a less febrile atmosphere, a few months later in a different city, all difficult and expensive to rearrange.
Now they are back to TR
Pres ‘surely we can TRUST juries after all we order them to stay away from social media’
Ans ‘ If there has been a lot of noise or trending on Twitter a defendant will argue that his trial must have been influenced’
Asked about the US the reply was that the jury is often sequestrated.
So they discuss the TR case without saying that very special Reporting Restrictions applied
and that what he reported was normally public in other trials
..So a the radio report is prejudicial itself.
Tricky if TR has an appeal coming.
The show began immediately with that TR framing
a tiny but dark clip of grunting
rather crowds peacefully canting “Tommy Robinson”
Then they had the show intro and then went into the Angela Wrightson Case
.. and eventually got to a mention of the TR trial about 5 mins in
where they played the arrest clip of 20 second.
It was not a large item about TR despite the big framing right at the top of the show.
The BBC framing of TR was not fair , but it could of been far far worse
..they just can’t helped themselved.
‘If people are bombarded by info from the internet they will be prejudiced’
..what as if ‘ people are NOT bombarded by misleading info from the BBC and rest of MSM’ !!
… that leads to massive prejudice as well.
typo : rather than crowds peacefully chanting “Tommy Robinson”
I used to listen to Law. In Action regularly but after Rosenberg took over it just adopted the. Left. Liberal stance as the rest of al Beeb . Just another propaganda piece .
Show was at 4pm not 4:30pm
“And a bonus item about the Aquarius migrant rescue Ship in the podcast edition this week.”
Isn`t he married to Melanie Phillips?
And isn`t Steve Rosenberg , our BBC boy in Moscow their boy?
Bizarre if so, given how good she is and how shit her men are.
Hope she`s not compromised.
Many of us on here have noticed that, according to the tv, just about every family in England is mixed race, usually black fathers (if they haven’t legged it) and white mums.
I’ve just seen 3 adverts where the family is white.
The first, paying for your funeral so that your children don’t have to.
The second, equity release where you get money from your property before you die.
The third, life insurance for over 50’s.
Are they trying to tell us old whiteys anything?
Around here many families are mixed race
In that, the partners often come from different villages
..and on occasion even include a partner that was born over the border in Yorkshire.
I’ve not heard of cases of people marrying people that move in from down south (like Birmingham and even Essex)
I’m a product of a mixed marriage also; my mum is from Lancashire and my dad from Yorkshire.
Are they trying to tell us old whiteys anything?..
Yes, we’re the generation who didn’t attempt to pro-create with the same gender, didn’t hold any truck with marrying a non-white (God forbid what my Mum & Dad would say), and didn’t put the cart before the horse i.e. having babies out of wedlock (for most part anyway). So of course we stand for everything that’s hated by all the young lefties and the BBC.
Looks like we could be getting some more EU citizens. Coming to a campsite/playing field/brewery near you.
‘The ones here illegally, we will deport, the ones with citizenship we have to keep………..unfortunately’. Wow, imagine having a leader of your country showing such patriotism and respect for his own people, culture and way of life !
“Mohammed Afzal said many Muslims felt “under siege” after recent terror attacks” { 25jun2017}
“As millions of Muslims around the world celebrate Eid, Birmingham is hosting Europe’s largest event with more than 140,000 people gathering in Small Heath Park.” { 15jun2018}
‘Sessions denies migrant centres Nazi-like.’
The trademark intellectual rigour of the BBC: Trump is Hitler, based on a few photographs. He has literally just brought world peace yet the tantrum continues apace. I love how it is phrased: a psychopath might ‘deny’ murder.
If I upended my kids and family to recklessly attempt to illegally enter another country any negative outcomes would be entirely my fault. The utter abdication of personal responsibility the Left promotes is disgusting, as personal responsibility is the bedrock of civilisation.
BB, The left don’t do personal responsibility.
Personally I believe there are plenty of reasons to remain, but barely any to leave. Love Europe, love being part of Europe. #Remain {Gary Lineker twitter }
Love Europe (you will always be in Europe) , love being part of Europe (you will always be part of Europe).
But does Gary Lineker like the EU Government?
Why is the BBC (Gary Lineker’s employer) and EU leaders (Gary Lineker’s Government) lacking diversity?
Why doesn’t Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker speak to Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage?
Why is Gary ‘£1.75m’ Linker only second in the Gender Pay Gap behind Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans?
Looks like he’s upset Piers Morgan (hard pressed to decide who is the biggest shit!)as well with his twitter.
That’s a lot of money for a potato salesman !
I reckon the dimbly production company beats all of that lot.
we the electors , your employers, dont want it, we’ve told you many times
Short, succinct and to the point.
i really really really am getting f*****g frustrated with the greedy troughers ruining this country
Me too. And I have an extra amount of disgust for this particular greedy trougher.
Mel Phillips today writes about her experience of Question Time
– ‘The team insist that the audience are not biased, but on a wide range of issues a lefty outlook seems to predominate regardless of party’
– Will Self told me in 2001 ‘you are biased. cos of your DUAL LOYALTY’ , I was astounded no one called him out on this smear
..the idea that everyone Jewish is loyal to both Israel and the UK
.. that sets the frame for the antisemitisim in Britain
cos I was not at that time associated with Israel I had by coincidence visited for the first time the previous year, and was not minded to go back’
I surprised that people in the street stop me all the time and ask me to go back on
.. now I understand they see the prog as a bear pit, but they the TV viewers are very different from the studio one, cos they are rooting for the bear, which is me ‘
Guido Fawkes reports that Sally Bercow has rejoined twitter after her long absence.
In one of her tweets she lists the things she’s been up to – “On Friday I look forward to s school visit, lunch with a friend, son’s football tournament and my mum coming to stay for the weekend”
All she missed out was “drinking myself into a stupor and having sex with John’s cousin in the back of the car”.
It gets even more embarrassing when John’s actually driving.
Watching the World Cup you see how drastically different all the fans are. What sane person would think equal outcomes for every group is remotely possible or desirable?
What I’ve noticed, BB whilst watching the likes of Morocco (>99% Sunni) and Tunisia (99.1% Sunni) games, is the lack of female head gear/binbags on display in the crowd shots. Not only this, the women also seem to be sat with the men, which seems to be harem in the UK. They don’t pray together, learn together or attend political meetings together, all such events, amongst other things, segregation is the norm.
So, do Moroccan and Tunisian men have more control over their sexual urges, at the sight of a coiffed female, or do they follow a more relaxed interpretation of their book of fairy stories, than the male of the species that infest the UK or are the ones we have just taking the piss? (answers on a postcard)
Will be watching the Egypt game tonight and see if the lack of head gear continues.
BB. Having all ‘diversity’ abolished, and advocating all differences must end to ensure everyone is the exact same, is not what Mother Nature intended. Therefore is unnatural.
Labour Brexit donor John Mills broke TV influence rules
Ofcom ruled that his TV corp JMP Shopping Channel has been breaching rules since 2013, cos the directors of TV groups can’t be political executive at the same time.
(BBC management seem to clearly have anti-Tory/Brexit politics !)
Gowdy … “With this case I feel I (Trey Gowdy) have unfinished business. I unleashed it with the Clinton Email investigation, now I need to fix it and finish it.” @18:07
Trey Gowdy GRILLS IG Horowitz On FBI Bias 6/19/18 DOJ & FBI Oversight Hearing
Who does the modern slavery ?
We can also add that our enrichers :rape young girls, abuse their own women, slaughter animals in a repugnant way, indulge in election fraud and , I think we all suspect , practise tax evasion on a massive scale. But whenever they can the authorities avoid taking any action. These liberal leftist idiots are presiding over the destruction of our way of life.
you forgot welfare fraud on a massive scale
and car insurance fraud on a massive scale.
and an affront to the English language calling their way of ‘living’ a civilisation !
Radio 2 tea-time news – interesting editorial choice of items covered – medical cannabis, enricher plots to kill May, Finsbury Park ‘a minute’s silence has been held…’, and….Matteo Salvini’s comments regarding Roma communities??? on UK news headlines?? Just Al Beeb stirring up racial shit again.
And…not going to comment again, but how Simon Mayo can bear to continue with his ‘new’ programme fronted by Jo Whiley!! What an embarrassment. Surely he must be preparing to leave. As usual Al Beeb have interfered and turned a great show into shit. You’d almost think they wanted to do that.
So the liberal left are happy enough to piggyback on a seriously -ill kid(Alfie?)-just so they can get their drugs that bit safer, maybe a little more costly in the short term?
But didn`t they use Millie Dowler to get Leveson passed, the Jo Cox bunfight to stop Brexit?
There is no depth to which the left won`t go to ensure a drugged up hell, no access to kindred spirits online or to manacle us to the prison bars as the Muslim fires burn beneath us in the EU buildings.
Funnily enough-no ethical considerations about the blood spilled, kids raped and imprisoned mules seem to bother Eddie Mair and the other druggy media types at the BBC.
Air miles? smoking into the air? passive cannabis fumes?
Pah, man up dude!
Feedback seemed to be discussing the collapse on any interest in Drivetime.
Loads of angry emails and boycotts.
The Controller seemed sanguine, it`s not as if he has to LISTEN to us does he?
Good listen, talk about entitlement,no consequences and sheer insouciance.
why would anyone possibly not want the roma/tinker/pikey community around them , I cant possibly imagine.
surely everyone who has ever come in contact with these fabulous people has nothing but praise for their public spirited altruism.
they did a great job of burning down the local hardware super store last time they spent a month defecating all over the car park in my neighbourhood, such public spirited people
I am a cynic. Reading about Grenfell, I’d like to know why they are using a Prof of forensic studies instead of fire service statements, evidence and analysis. Are all causes of fires determined by Profs? They haven’t come up with conclusive evidence, or by their admission analysed the electrics of the freezer (though others haven;t been advise to stop using??). Sky’s report states temp in kitchen 263C – temp strip on bodycam doesn’t match that. They’re said to have extinguished fire 3 times. Why aren’t the fire service explaining why? Could it have come in through the window from another room? They seem extraordinarily calm on that video. There is too much lacking detail and explanation, but it may be just omitted from the media reports.
As they like to say – the science and debate is finished – we all know what happened.
Yes, it’s all very odd and confusing. I thought it was compulsory for everyone to have at least one fire extinguisher in a flat so they could put on a small fire as soon as it begins.
I’m always surprised (. Still). By al beebs attitude to different crimes. The 3 kidult vandals – sorry graffiti artists- have tributes paid to them on the al Beeb site. So that is an okay crime – as is cannabis consumption or tearing up a. Crucifix. .
But chuck a bacon sandwich at a mosque and is. Jail and. Death.
ahhh the culture enhancing graffiti artist google new york broken windows policy
and where is fridge man? why doesnt he want a swanky new house in kensington
He’s gone back ‘home’ to Ethiopia, after living here for 25 years. It was all too traumatic and he was scared for his life – the police apparently considered putting him on a witness protection scheme. All very convenient methinks – wonder if he got a bit of help on the way.
Loobyloo, A lot harder to criticise a ‘prof of…..studies’ than a mere report from a fireman. Sniff, is someone decorating, or did I just get a whiff of whitewash there ?
I see the Beeb are banging on about the European Arrest Warrant and how bad it is for the UK if we weren’t a member. Lots of stuff from Barnier et al trying to bully the UK. Lots of negative rhetoric from the Beeb about how important it is. BUT, according to the article…..”Mr Barnier said the UK could not (stay in), because of its desire to leave the EU’s court and free movement scheme”. Hold on, isn’t free movement a major part of the problem? “…..other EU members requested the arrest of 14,279 UK-based suspects in 2015-6 The UK made 241 such requests in 2015-6. Hmm, so what this is saying (unless I’m particularly stupid, which I may be) is that the EU are prepared to cut their nose off to spite their face? How did 14,279 criminals get to the UK in the first place? Open borders maybe?? Funny how the EU are happy to bang on about this and excluding the UK from Galileo etc, but they still want our brave boys and girls in the military to wipe their arses. ‘Cherry picking’, ‘cake and eat it’ BY THEM springs to mind (god how I detest those phrases). Are any countries in the EU part of the ‘Five Eyes’ perchance?. Nope, not on your Nelly! Obviously they can’t be trusted. How many of them spend 2% GDP on defence?? The last time I looked it was only Poland and Greece. Dream on Mr Barnier. But the good ol’ biased BBC, true to form, are happy to project the negatives. Jeez.
Forgot to say, the opening phrase from the BBC article is ‘The UK will be kicked out of the European Arrest Warrant deal after Brexit, EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier has said’. Well, start as you mean to go on BBC. ‘Kicked out’! Where they his own words? I doubt it. Just another example of the biased condescending rhetoric used by the Beeb to propagate their biased view of the UK.
If Theresa May, Boris Johnson or Jacob Rees-Mogg had said something similar, the BBC would have shredded them to bits as fast as you can say ‘Brexit’. They’d probably have a ‘Reality Check’ (Whose reality?) article backing up their biased slurs! BBC Tossers.
suits me, we can deport all our crims to europe and not ask for them back, the taxpayers will be well chuffed
I would think the EU want to export their criminals to us and leave them
Nothing on Al Beeb website yet, the envy of the world! At least 5 mins behind Sky. Editorial meeting – how to present this news! Bet it’s right wing extremists again! TR supporters!
they will be desperately running around looking for some persecuted muslim story just in case
Mo Salah?
A perfect description of the BBC!
A bunch of aerosols.
Aerosol or ball?
You just had to post that, didn’t you, Toobs!
We still use all these phrases in everyday life. They all came from that era, when British comedy was fabulous and very funny.
I have to watch all that on Youtube now, as today’s comics are just pathetic, and not even amusing! Luckily we don’t watch the crap slurped up by tv companies now, where they have blokes like Jeremy Hardy and his ilk, gawping bile into the microphone and thinking they’re going to make us laugh.
“Make us laugh!” Oh, is that what they are trying to do?
Looby, that may be how the fire started at the Glasgow School of Art.
A useful reminder of Andrew Neil’s limitations.