another hospital found to be killing off old people . The BBC has mainly given the NHS a free pass as far as criticism is concerned . About time that changed
All evidence of an BBC bias greatly welcomed
another hospital found to be killing off old people . The BBC has mainly given the NHS a free pass as far as criticism is concerned . About time that changed
All evidence of an BBC bias greatly welcomed
First! Yippee!
Have been itching to post will do so later after football.
For Mr. Qasim Rashid Islam is the cure, not the problem … “How the teachings of Islam could help us prevent more sexual abuse scandals” {independent 15oct2017}
“In other words, Islam isn’t just compatible with Western values; it started to espouse and establish them long before western democracies. Islamic and Western values are one and the same, and they have been for longer than you could possibly imagine.“
No doubt that’s what the worshippers of Baal/ Moloch also claimed as they tossed their babies into the furnace.
It is outrageous that I – a straight, white man – continue to be over-represented as the initial first poster. This site must set up a vast bureaucracy to fix the hugely important ‘first post gap’ to ensure that every group gets the equal outcome of proportionate first postings; regardless of their profession, interests or volition.
Blast! So near!
Well done BB!
And I`m third -so get lost lads….room for Briss and any ladeez in da hoose!
Periods, leaky tits and pelvic floor leakages. Gender pay gap, and Jenni Murrays gastric band doubling as a catapult. That should keep you away for a while.
Anything else you’d like to charm us blokes with, Alicia?
Where would we be without you, you gorgeous sexy lady!
This was not the reaction I was expecting Scroblene.
But I sense a new marketing opportunity to get myself out of Sunset Towers, it is that time of year when the sap rises and a young mans(!) fancy turns to matters fruity.
Jenni Murrays gastric band braided into a tickling whip, as Brissles and I tease her chihuahau with Sanatogen from a brown paper bag?
Pay Pal (5 Euros, or a white fiver will do it!).
I`m new to this, but if it gets me free from any Gosport Fast Tracking suspicions, count me in, big boy!
A cyber sex worker, Antoine De Caunes might want to know.
First time I’ve been on the first page let alone top half-dozen – I’m satisfied with that.
Splendid Cooper Man.
How refreshing to see a man comfortable in his own skin. There are too many driven oddballs on this site who take such things personally, have pretty sad lives and who have little else to do but grind on about “not being top of the shop” re this site.
Might do a Radio 4 show about it-if any of you know some sadsacks like this, do let me know.
Maybe when cannabis is compulsory, we`ll ALL be as mellow a fellow as Cooper Man.
I blame Theresa Gorman and her HRT drive way back….can I sue someone?
Cooperman, don’t encourage her, she’s on a roll and that’s what matters at my time of life!
Luckily I slept the whole night and didn’t have to hear R5Dead at all.
Has anything happened?
Good Lord Scroblene, you`re an early bird.
See plenty of that sort of thing , on the night shift, it`s called Morning Glory I`m told.
But what would I know?
Cooperman is playing a gentlemanly blinder, if only I could lay my hands on the bromide flakes for others more saucy.
If the BBC had anything worth commenting on and was new, I sense our minds would not be racing away on us like this.
Put this picture in towards the end of The Start the Week thread and I think it deserves a bit longer than the couple of hours it’s had.
Who are they?
Comments: Microsoft staff demand firm ends Border Patrol contract.
The BBC appear to be having a little local difficulty. “Sorry, there was a problem. Please refresh your browser and try again.”
Would it be because comments are roughly 2:1 against the view that the BBC would, no doubt, wish to promote?
I was getting that message this morning and assumed it was my dodgy tablet – maybe the Beeb have found another method of ‘news by omission’ – they don’t let you see the negative comments when their narrative goes south.
Talking of going south, the Beeb are really going over the top about this story – headline of “Global outcry rises over US border separations.” What business is it of any other country what US domestic policies are? Even Theresa the Appeaser is wading in – god help us.
C_M, interesting about that message early on. There are rumours of all sorts of filtering going on, on BBC HYSs. No evidence myself, other than the ‘browning’.
As to going south, it’s a necessary consequence of the BBC no longer reporting news impartially and also of adopting ‘a house’ political stance.
They covered Obama’s wall building, it was on FOOC (‘From our own Correspondent’, for the uninitiated) as a segment (part) of a less-than 30 minute programme. IIRC, it also appeared briefly on the BBC w/s. But that was it.
It wasn’t day after day after day.
Trump is different. Trump is a Republican. That means he is a Conservative. He is a Right Wing Conservative. And he is on the Far Right of the Right. (Sort of makes him a Left Winger then, doesn’t it BBC?) Even worse, he is a Christian. [All American Presidents say they are Christians, from the ones that are (Carter) thru’ the ones who should be (Kennedy) to the unlikelies (Nixon) because they want the votes.] That makes him a Christian, Conservative, Far Right, Right Winger and “he should not be behaving this way, it is deplorable.” say the BBC.
You might think that the BBC would expect all Far Right right-wingers to behave that way and for it to be unremarkable. The BBC, however, hate President Trump. Because they do not do history at the BBC they think the USA is a country built on immigration, of immigrants (both refugees and the selfish economic ones) and always will be, right now and into the future. They do not know that the USA has always had restrictions on legal immigration (because the BBC, no doubt, gets an automatic Green Card when it wants one) and is now deciding enough illegal immigration is enough. They are thus supporting a rule, a law, that was introduced in the 19th Century USA, if my memory serves me well. If not in the 19th, it was certainly operative in the first decade of the 20th century.
When I explain to friends and colleagues that the annual rate of immigration into the U.S from 1925 up until 1965 was a paltry 200,000 a year, and the vast majority of them from Europe, they shake their heads in disbelief and quote the Democratic Party’s mantra of “we’re a nation of immigrants.” There have always been waves and pauses and the U.S. needs a major pause now after the huge wave from 1965 onwards – and that desire for a pause is a large part of the reason why President Trump was elected.
Of course, that goes against the agenda of the left, including the BBC, who all desire continued mass immigration into every Western country.
Update: still not working. The BBC are browned out on that one Thread!
Must share this…read a post on the Breitbart site regarding the QT drivel on the BBC, and how leftist and virulently anti-Trump the BBC and the dumb Left is here…this poster wrote..’ It must be nice to have a leader of your country that puts his own people first…so, as i live in the UK, and white, and British, i have not experienced this…’. Wonderful sarcasm with bite, and the truth of course. I would add that our Govt also has people that tell the truth about immigrant crime and official wrongdoing arrested and jailed…
‘Bbc Editorial Integrity means that when, yet again, the bbc totally misreads the public the bbc claims to represent, the bbc goes in a blind funk and pulls the plug whilst they huddle in Frankie Howerd trying to concoct a face-saver’.
If 20 BBC staff (around 1%) signed a petition about lack of microwave ovens for their baked spuds, pretty sure the bbc would simply raise the licence fee to accommodate them.
All it took was a memo from one to Lord Hall to get himself cast as everything from Sauromon to The Milky Bar kid.
Austerity … For the Many, Not the Few ….
So Theresa May condemns President Trump AGAIN, this time on border security. That makes it at least four occasions when she has very publicly ‘slagged off’ the President of the United States on policy and/or behaviour. It is though she doesn’t want Britain to be able to forge close relationships and have decent trade deals with the USA. She is either mendacious or stupid – I think both. Sorry, this isn’t about the BBC, but I can’t comment on Conservative Home because I was banned years ago for not being a Bright Blue or Liberal-Conservative (and despite having been scrupulously polite in all my comments).
I think we all agree that she is a bit of a numpty…initially I thought she was okay but it is now clear she is told what to say and just says it – as long as it follows political etiquette…regardless of the potential impact.
The BBC however love to make the point about what she says when she knocks Trump…I have a feeling her advisors are left wing 🙂
I retain my feeling that Treezer is the BBC’s appointed PM and says what she is told to say. Together No 10 and the BBC are fulfilling their objective to wreck Anglo US relations and keep in with the EU and the Arab dictators.
I think mendacious is closer to the mark than ‘a bit of a numpty’, save for the fact that mendacity – as illustrated by Mandelson and Grieve – implies a certain level of mental deftness. An attribute Treesa significantly lacks, to her cost as much as ours.
JA – that is a new level of understatement.
MW, I think ‘our Terry’ loses the plot at times. For me, it is a sign of some autism in her. Not only some autism but that, as a struggling leader, she has become totally addicted – as many Tory leaders become – and thinks that trying to ape the Liberal Left and their policies will win them more and more votes.
Heath did it. Major did it. Hague did it. Duncan Smith wobbled in that direction. Only Thatcher and Howard stand out in the last fifty years.
Problem is, if you do it you can end up completely sacrificing your integrity and your government.
you cant buy their votes no matter what you promise, its as if the tories have completely lost the plot , who the hell are they actually speaking to ??
Ive visited conhome and often struggle to find it remotely conservative
It is though she doesn’t want Britain to be able to forge close relationships and have decent trade deals with the USA.
She doesn’t, Martin or more correctly those pulling her chain don’t. Trump was supportive of the UK leaving the EU and promised all sorts of deals after we had left. What better way of pissing him off royally and scuppering any deals that would have come our way, than the unbridled hate campaign carried out by third rate politicians, media and in the vanguard, our very own, world respected BBC.
I wrote the sentence “it is as if she doesn’t want ….” as a sarcastic comment. It has been clear for a long time that May has not and does not care about making mutually advantageous trade deals with Trump’s USA, but is instead focussed on maintaining close ties with the EU even if that means we become a vassal state (as we certainly will if her grossly inept ‘negotiations’ reach their inevitable ends).
Never mind Martin, the Tories are now officially Facists anyway…you’re better off out of it….i’m on my 6th facebook jail term…like Tommy..for telling the swearing..just the facts..and Mayor Khan’s 900 Met coppers just love their snooping role…for my part, the Police are now the enemy. In Italy, the riot Police refused to baton charge a crowd, stood still and took off their helmets…to the applause of the Italian protesters…good for them..Can you see our Police doing the same? can’t vote for a Referendum & then renege on delivering the result because you don’t like the result
Anna Soubry 11:54 AM – 26 Jan 2017
“Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!
You can search Twitter using the search box below or return to the homepage.”
Too late to edit … sorry … can’t find the link now.
‘Is Sara a refugee or a surgeon?’
Typical garbage on their website about a Lebanese asylum seeker.
If a Muslim commits an atrocity, we are told they do not represent their community. When an outlier rescues a baby or wants to become a doctor, they do represent their entire community. Double standards, the only ones liberals have.
Narrative over facts again. This individual may be lovely, but what are the facts overall for the hundreds of thousands of Islamic immigrants? Little Sara is irrelevant when you wander into a no-go zone, your daughter gets ‘groomed’ etc. To use a child is especially distasteful seeing how unfathomably young girls have suffered at the hands of ROP gangs.
This is typical of the vision of the anointed Thomas Sowell writes about: you can have some utopian vision of open borders, rainbow nation etc but you have to test whether not it has worked. Given the terror, destruction of free speech and so on ad nauseam it clearly has been an absolute disaster. They just ignore the evidence and double down. It is moronic, reckless and causes so much unnecessary suffering. As those who promote these ideals live in areas unaffected by the consequences of their policies the nightmare continues.
797 people (LORDS) telling 650 people (MPS) what 65 million (CITIZENS) should do.
Quick links : my post about sargon getting banned in Scarborough
Back to page 3 of last thread … posts from last 24 hours
Grieve withdraws support for the Meaningful Vote amendment to the Withdrawal Bill, because the govt’s amendment to the amendment might or might not be meaningful, but even after his withdrawal there’ll be a vote on the Meaningful Vote. That vote might be meaningless. Clear now?
. . . .
The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is SEVERE.
The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is SEVERE.
The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is SEVERE.
Our Leader speakers dealing with 600K immigrants lost by the Home Office? Nope! Reducing the 23K on the terror watch list? Nope? Taking the UK terrorist alert down a notch? Nope! You guessed ….
“I (Theresa May) said at the weekend that the law should change to criminalise upskirting. I am delighted we are introducing a bill in Government time In the Commons to do just that this Thursday.”
everyday revisionism
Slightly ironic really because if I remember my race relations training the reasons why West Indians are in Blighty is because of whitee guilt because of the slave trade and the empire .
I would have thought she’d be grateful otherwise she’d be back in one of the islands with a far lower life expectancy.
The Scots I recall particularly enjoyed slaving hence so many black people with Scottish surnames .
fed up.. if I remember my history correctly our Arab chums were also vigorous and energetic slavers. Not that one would guess it from todays narrative. The Irish who lived in cities along the Irish sea (the Ostmen they were called )also were very partial to Anglo Saxon slaves Which gave Henry the second one of the excuses he needed to invade Ireland..
Yes that’s the thing isn’t it – al beeb narrative – white man bad – every one else a victim .
So what do we do ? Look at the source of the money that paid for the private education of MPs and if its’ source is ‘ unethical ‘ we ban them from public office …?
Fed As you say its the narrative but it is now a narrative that is barely challenged .As well as the BBC the left seem to have managed to grab just about all our institutions and are using them as vehicles to drive their agenda forward With precious little opposition from what I can see. That’s why I value sites such as these.
“The Irish who lived in cities along the Irish sea (the Ostmen they were called )also were very partial to Anglo Saxon slaves”
From memory: St Patrick was a Briton who was kidnapped by Irish slavers. After escaping he became a priest and then went back to Ireland to convert them to Christianity.
When do Politicians demand start removing Mosques that condone a man who promoted slave trade?
Treezer is both stupid and malicious. Stupid for not inquiring into the fake photo of children in cages, which is now revealed as a fake, and malicious because she seizes on every opportunity to rubbish Trump in the build up to his visit by mentioning her outrage at the children in cages.
Link to Treezer in Parliament
Look out for the leftie street thugs in antifa, SWP, and Class War who are planing mayhem during the state visit in the knowledge that May and her cops will bless them
If President trump manages to get the money to build the wall no kids will have to be parted from anyone as none will get through and they’ll soon get the message that unlike the ReichEU American is not an easy touch .
I commented at the very end of the last thread that the BBC would prefer the children to be left in the hands of the people trafficers. The BBC don’t like the idea that if the authorities place them in protective custody they are not available for gang rape and child prostitution.
The “cages” look to be about five feet high. A small child could climb out of them with ease. Of course the pictures are fake, you’d have to be as stupid as Theresa May to be taken in by them.
I wonder if the al beeb is going to follow up on the murdering of elderly people in NHS hospitals.
The medical mafia have been doing it and covering it for years . I hope a few doctors and nurses get charged – I know they won’t get convicted because the records will have been lost or falsified as usual .
It’s astonishing how many inconvenient documents go “missing” or are “accidentally” shredded in the public sector.
Blair’s expense claims being a prime example if I remember correctly.
or rotherham forensic evidence
Or Ruth Kelly’s insurance claim for the so called flood in her constituency home
Or Emily Thornberry’s diet sheet
She loaned it to the SNP front bench.
Yes but Jeremy wants docs to be able to learn from their mistakes, not to be scared to admit them…
So shut up whiteys and suck it up!
I note this morning on Talk Radio, JHB is asking why no one seems to be calling this out for what it is. The deliberate “killing” of people equals “murder”.
I made the mistake of keeping radio 5 on after the footy ended this afternoon and there was a serious discussion about a picture lord sugar put on Twitter comparing an African footy team with looky looky men who plague the beaches of southern Spain.
They even got some git from an outfit called red card racism or similar to condemn lord sugar – I was waiting for him to ask for the death penalty or the end of “ the apprentice”.
On a game a couple of days ago there was a whole row of black supporters who had “whited up” I thought it quite funny but no doubt al beeb would put me in actual or metaphoric pillary and tell me to get with the programme .
Footy – sport – entertainment – fun – humour – delete as applicable ( sorry I realise I should have put this on the World Cup Thread)
From the Indy:
“Labour MP Dawn Butler said she would be writing to the House of Lords Commissioner for Standards and the BBC calling for an investigation.”
Quite why the BBC would the go-to guys for a Dawn raid I am unsure, but they are clearly up for the new role.
The BBC’s laziness & penny-pinching apparently extends to repeating web-articles now. This is a one year old (it says near the start) piece :
This passage caught my eye: “The president’s portrait stares down on Recep Tayyip Erdogan University in his family’s hometown of Rize, on Turkey’s Black Sea coast. Little says “personality cult” like naming an institution after a leader while he’s still alive.”
I wonder if the author looked at this Wiki page: before writing that?
I thought not.
‘Paragordius obamai, a parasitic worm’.
No need to say anything more really.
Remember the principle that we shd ignore actors’ own words, only listen to them when they mindlessly recite words written by pple with higher capacities of reasoning, when they impersonate much worthier humans.
For the Romans, actors were the lowest form of human life.
He playing the Hanoi Palladium next week? Dad must be beaming down from above.
I had a dream about Lord Hall crying as he was dragged towards a Guillotine outside of Parliament. A Frenchman asked me why it took England over 200 years to free itself from this elitist tyranny.
If the House of Lords was not democratic enough for the 17th Century, why the hell do we have the embarrassment of its existence in the 21st Century?
Abolition of the House of Lords by Act of Parliament: 19th March 1649: I declare that “the House of Lords is useless and dangerous to the people of England” and “henceforth the House of Lords in Parliament shall be and is hereby wholly abolished and taken away; and that the Lords shall not from henceforth meet or sit in the said House called the Lords’ House, or in any other house or place whatsoever, as a House of Lords; nor shall sit, vote, advise, adjudge, or determine of any matter or thing whatsoever, as a House of Lords in Parliament” “And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, that no Peer of this land, not being ELECTED, qualified and sitting in Parliament as aforesaid, shall claim, have, or make use of any PRIVILEGE of Parliament, either in relation to his person, quality, or estate, any law, usage, or custom to the contrary notwithstanding”: Act Repealed: 25th April 1660: Act Restored: After a Referendum.
Richard- I can’t see the Commons doing anything about the Lords: think of what a cosy set-up this is…defeated or retired from the Commons? No problem, there’s probably a place for you in the Lords.
And if the Commons won’t help, who else is there?Then again, there’s always your dream…
Mosques – places that worship a man who promoted slave trade.
Churches – places where people worship a man who said fight slavery.
While I agree with your point. Too many churches are like my own – places where they collect whatever they can to provide clothes and comfort to the invading migrants.
The news at 6 has a lengthy report on Lord Sugar’s ‘racist’ tweet, with an intrepid reporter even going to his house. He said something flippant – he has not crashed the stock market. I could not care less, neither does any reasonable individual.
They speak to an expert activist who wags his finger about ‘casual racism.’ Well if you lot did not publicise one pathetic Tweet that would probably help, but then that might mean having to do some actual work rather than just studying Twitter all day.
“On the pitch Senegal won and their fans helped clear up afterwards.”
Irrelevant, saccharine fluff to finish a report on nothing. Just pad it out as any actual reporting on real things happening in this country probably constitutes a ‘hate crime.’
They whinge they are not paid enough? Just chat to a random drunk in Wetherspoons and they will talk a lot more sense then the BBC – might be funny or interesting as well rather than sneering about the same nonsense constantly.
I’m waiting for the twatterati to get into a flap about Roy Keane when he was asked if he regretted having words, over his coach’s lack of respect, with his then coach, Carlos Queiroz (Iran coach) and he said, “yes, I regretted not ripping his head off!”
Probably won’t see him for the rest of the tournament.
If Roy Keane gets any browner, then he can say what he wants cos he can pull out the race card. He is only two shades lighter than Patrice evra
Good point!
I see he’s now on ITV Steve, will wait and see if he’s allowed to keep Gary company again. Ian Wright found his comment highly amusing, so he may end up on the naughty step as well.
Weak and Mentally unstable
Had the misfortune of watching PMQ s – particularly since Brillo was chairing the daily politics ( he looks less happy about doing it now by the week).
Using PMQ to criticise the immigration policy of another country and trying to get president trump banished before he arrives is certainly fashionable .
I can’t see the problem with ‘parents’ trying to illegally enter another country to know that their kids are going to be taken away .
As for assylum – end it as it is currently used or reverse the burden for the illegal to prove their need -few should pass the test and most deported .
PMQ really is a weekly snowflake job now -every week someone is in our thoughts . This time they missed out on the 3 train vandals who came sticky end . They should have done it up north where there Arnt any trains .
Not strictly BBC bias, but the virtue signalling McDonald and the signatures on the Guardian article indicate where the BBC sympathies will lie on the anti Trump demo 13th July and the anti Tommy Robinson demo on the 14th.
link to the signatures. Missing is Treezer May and Javid Sadjit – peace be upon him – who will supply police protection for the left thugs.
He’s got the look of an executioner hasn’t he?
Likes to talk about hanging people who don’t agree with him
Grammar school boy of course
First heart attack in 2013 ….
He could happily sign a hundred death warrants before breakfast. Probably use a firing squad though, it’s quicker than hanging, as the Soviets soon found.
That the ‘World’s #1 actual racist’ is first signatory has a certain irony.
Of course he doesn’t like Tommy. He believes like Naz Shah that the Muslim rape victims in Labour constituencies should keep their mouths shut for the sake of diversity.
G.W.F. is this photoshopped? It would be very bold not to say stupid of the proposed Chancellor of a future Govt to call the democratically elected President of USA an outright Racist. But ..maybe?
As to aligning Nazis with TR supporters, thanks for your Guardian link. “The 15,000-strong violent far-right protest to “free Tommy Robinson” on Saturday 9 June has raised major questions for all those who value our diversity.”
So easy to add those adjectives, ‘Violent’ and ‘ Far Right’ to dismiss a gathering that was diverse, multi-cultural and on the whole, peaceful. Those who value diversity in the UK were there, and trying to ask for the truth to be acknowledged, something that those in power seem to be unable to do.
“For all those who value our diversity” You could ask Tommy Robinson, he’s just a working class oik who witnessed it all first-hand and through his friends.
This is how the story broke, through Andrew Norfolk, from the Times. He had to fight hard to have it published. It’s a difficult listen And credit to the Times.
Len McCluskey retweeted that Guardian smear piece …he got 315 retweets
even though he is head of a union with millions of members
Jon Gaunt … mid time podcaster got 130 retweets when he called the story tripe
\\ The usual lefty suspects accuse everyone who went on #FreeTommyRobinson demo as violent far right thugs in the @guardian letters.
I see @HackneyAbbott has signed up.
Utter tripe and nonsense as per usual. //
I think it’s interesting that Michael Portillo’s train programme is just about the only thing worth watching on BBC TV a lot of the time. Compared to the sort of stuff that was on BBC TV 20 or 30 years ago it’s a pretty lightweight programme, but that just goes to show how far their output has declined over the years IMO.
“Brexit: Theresa May wins ‘meaningful vote’ battle”
Parliament has kicked the Brexit can down the road once again.
Time for the people of Great Britain to kick the bunch of actors down the road and set up a new political party to get us out of the ‘Swamp’. UKIP did get us a referendum for freedom , now its time for them to rally once more and finish the job off . Rule Britannia!
There is a Have Your Say, do your damnedest
‘The Have Your Say’ on the above seems to have frozen at 09:27.
Are the posts not running well for Al Beeb’s propaganda?
maxincony/Evan, please correct me if I am wrong .
Rule Britannia!
Dear me. Someone will be getting a bonus for finding this story
Baghdad mall sorry for turning away orphans at Eid
In which the BBC political editor again shows the impartiality for which they are justly famous.
As fellow peroxide-sink Katty might say (in fact has, when particularly verbose), ‘OMG’.
Some members of the public have offered similar comment, if less than flattering.
That would be this Laura K:
And the now hair (of any hue)-bereft offsider to the divine Ms. K…
I would rewrite that Tweet to, “what does bombproof Gary Lineker have to do before he’s kicked off the Walkers Ad, and given the boot by the BBC ?” Him and Trump are controversial Tweeters, but the media don’t give Lineker the kicking they give Trump.
That’s because there are no enemies on the Left. Lineker is a virtue signalling prick, but as long as he is on the Left, he knows he is safe.
The best example is Bill Clinton. He literally raped women and got away with it because he was pro-abortion and a “Feminist”! The hypocrisy and moral depravity of the Left is beyond belief.
What does the beeb have to do to have its licence revoked?
Brexit HYS
seems to be blocked for me
It says reload your browser, but that makes no difference.
Wonder if the BBC HYS system has crashed?
Yes doesn’t work from a differnt browser different account either.
Is it a coincidence that the libmob seemed to be losing in all of the articles ?
Ah now the article World runs short of food grade CO2
..has had its comments close after just 4 hours
The Brexit article is still giving the reload error.
Stew, you can no longer browse privately. You need to use something like a basic Mozilla browser. And if you sign in on a private browser, it will not keep you signed in when you switch from that to a basic, cookie laden browser. Not that the BBC w/s software does keep anyone signed in properly from day to day, anyway. The BBC definitely ‘does not do what it says on the tin’.
Everything that James Purnell touches apparently turns to dust.
It is also becoming increasingly sinister how much information the BBC is trying to collect on and from people, especially children. As usual, they hypocritically point at data collection by Facebook, etc., while doing exactly the same or far worse themselves.
Purnell must go.
Lord Hall, please sack Purnell and then resign.
It’s strange really – if you stand back a bit -the two things stopping the majority of people in this country from getting what they want is the elected and unelected representatives playing their games and the msm led by al beeb.
In more effective countries such as Hungary and Italy politicians have stepped up and listened to their electorate .
Unfortunately in this disfunctional country that hasn’t happened yet and even potential leaders such as mr Farage and JRM lack the courage to carry through what they know to be right .
I’m not just talking about brexit either – I’m talking about the whole political and media order. Perhaps when it feels truly threatened it will shake up but until then we ll all be posting away here as the place slides further into the toilet of false togetherness and false grief over the latest sadness
What’s frightening too – is that these words are likely to lead to a prison sentence as freedom diminishes month on month . But if I was lucky maybe I could share with TR.
Further to that – perhaps the left – al beeb – labour their message so remorselessly with that goebells touch is that deep down they know that can’t hold back those who are truly fedup with the way Blighty is being wrecked without their consent .
Of the people I meet most have become redpilled to the fact that we have a priest class ruling over us who think they are better than the plebs (as they genuinely believe that anyone who doesn’t agree with them must be an evil racist).
The people can see this libEstablishment make fools of themselves on air, but the fools cannot see this themselves, cos they are too close to it all.
Update on BBC Have Your Say problems. It appears that the BBC have made some more technical changes to online services, again like earlier in this month and about a couple of years ago (to the Scheduling Data), without telling anybody about it.
It has really killed the HYSs. Well, I guess it saves some money. They can sack the Moderators and other technical staff and pay Carrie Gracie a lot more. Who she? Where is she? That fox appears to have gone to ground.
The BBC: gradually killing their audience figures.
Some of you won’t have seen this as it seems to be only on the bBbc NI page, not in their UK news, but at least they have mentioned it.
Charlotte Caldwell, mother of Billy and at the heart of the highly emotive and sometimes hysterical campaign to legalise medicinal cannabis is the director of a company that sells ……. medicinal cannabis!!!
Billy’s Bud Ltd was started by her last year and sells legal cannabis oil in the UK, oil that doesn’t contain THC and so isn’t used by Billy and isn’t claimed by her to be of any use to her son, for about £50 a bottle.
It’s the stuff that contains THC that she has been using her sons epilepsy to promote and campaign for, exclaiming loudly all over MEN that he will die if it is not legalised and available to him, claims that appear to have been swallowed willingly by our political poseurs.
Ffs, you couldn’t make it up.
Rich, am not surprised. It struck me as rather strange, the three (?) women constantly on the BBC, never a mention of the fathers or wider family. I didn’t guess that that sort of business might be part of the ‘agenda’.
Might be time to see if Terry Gilliam’s friend has been brought back to life. 😉
“exclaiming loudly all over MEN”.
Sounds a bit Vaz-esque doesn’t it? I meant to write ‘the MSM’, mainstream media.
Dam you pre-emptive text!
Telegraph from Tuesday night open comments
Cheers Stew, I’m not sure how to do that from my kindle.
BBC fearing EU legislation, but no mention of Brexit.
Astonishing …
‘Disastrous’ copyright bill vote approved
”A committee of MEPs has voted to accept major changes to European copyright law, which experts say could change the nature of the internet.
They voted to approve the controversial Article 13, which critics warn could put an end to memes, remixes and other user-generated content.
Article 11, requiring online platforms to pay publishers a fee if they link to their news content, was also approved.
One organisation opposed to the changes called it a “dark day”.
The European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs voted by 15 votes to 10 to adopt Article 13 and by 13 votes to 12 to adopt Article 11.
It will now go to the wider European Parliament to vote on in July.”
Does that mean that the Beeb won’t be able to use twitterfeed in their ‘journalism’? That would be a big hurrah.
Just seen this:
Ah, Oxford, which also brought the BBC, and hence a grateful nation, Polly Toynbee. It was written in the stars.
Rooting for you, Sam.
Yeah, Guest, anyone but Toynbee!
Samira Ahmed does tick all the right boxes. But I expect she
will get top competition from Riz Lateef, Mishal Husain, Naga
Munchetty, Jo Coburn ,Laura Kuensberg and a host of
other women presenters.
I think that’s spelt wimmin.
biz, &, v well….and it is all one sentence…yes wonderful use of English. She is suitably qualified
Don’t you just love these people who think that throwing their name out on social media is professional.
They could get a different guest presenter each week.
Like HIGNFY (which I don’t watch anymore I hasten to add)
Jo Brand, Frankie Boyle, Graham Norton, they could dig up Brucie.
French police arrest knife-wielding man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ – report
Sargon’s latest video ends by saying both Count Dunkula and he have joined UKIP
“cos its the only party that supports free speech”
bbc news leads with trump child migrants “problem of his own making”
really the pictures have been debunked , it happened under obuma how is this of trumps “making”
Catching up with the ten o’clock news just now. In what possible shape or form was Lord Sugar’s tweet racist? You can just hear the BBC reporter’s voice impartially dripping with scorn. Won’t somebody please just tell them to f*ck off?
He has done the required walk.
Carole Thatcher please note.
It won’t work. The pack smells blood and he encouraged it by apologising.
Thanks BBC can we now have Linekers head on a plate for his seriously misjudged tweets please?
Isn’t it strange how, when Lineker is F-ing and blinding and airing his views, the biased BBC turn a blind eye and state that it is Linekers personal Twitter account and he is entitled to his views.
When Alan Sugar tweets his views the bBBC are up in arms!
The bBBC, hypocrisy at its best.
I see that once again our saintly, sainted, ‘finest health service in the world’, the NHS, has done us all proud, this time at Gosport Hospital.
And some of the period under question, from 1997 to 2000 was under Labour.
What a dilemma for the BBC. Do they trash the NHS, call the perpetrators to account (‘our wonderful doctors and nurses’) and do some proper investigative journalism – or do they bury the bad news as quickly as possible, sweep it under the carpet and hope no one will notice.
In World Cup football terms we might say the score is Gosport 456 Grenfell 72
I wonder if the BBC coverage, transmission times, and website column inches will mirror that ratio?
I think we all know the answer…………
Sluff I wonder if we will be having a minutes silence or a Gosport day being announced in the near future. Mind you 456 is pretty small beer with the thousands of unnecessary deaths that the NHS achieved at Mid Staffs under Andy Burnham’s watch..
I doubt it S, looking at the photos of those who “died”, they all appear to be of the white variety (melanin deficiency a contributory factor?) so unworthy of the BBC’s faux grief and virtue signalling.
Decades of cover ups, hospital staff whistle blowers ignored or told to keep quiet, police unable to find evidence of foul play, vulnerable patients’ rights violated in such a horrific way. The perpetrator getting away with it well into old age
Why on Earth would the bBBC run with this when there are so many parallels with the Jimmy Saville case!
The most subversive word I can think of? At the moment that would have to be ‘migrant’. Used in the R4 10.00pm bulletin in the sort of matter of fact way, which conjures up visions of necessary paperwork done, job found, everything nice and legit. ‘Migrant children seperated…’ – a gift for the bBc and their ilk, to pull at the heartstrings. No arguments required. One word sweeps away all the accepted norms of the past.
Needless to say, Trump was the naughty one, for having the cheek to enforce his nation’s borders. So effective is that term, it seems even he has had to compromise.
I predict that this simple word is going to be a killer for the PC crowd. The moment the term ‘illegal migrant’ conveniently lost its adjective they must have known they’d struck gold. Especially when linked to ‘children’. For who would want to be ‘nasty’ to children? Who could imagine demanding paperwork from ‘migrant children’?
The antidote? Can’t think of one that doesn’t require long explanation and argument, except for one: ‘invader’.
That, however, sounds so melodramatic and excessive at this stage, I can’t see it gaining traction. Not with the airwaves and print media being dominated by you know who.
And surely ‘invaders’ come with tanks and guns? Language, as a whole, is down the tubes, it seems…
We could always start off with ‘scrounger’ before moving on to ‘criminal’ and ‘invader’!
BBC London news leads with the inquest into the death of Rashan Charles, the criminal who evaded arrest then died having swallowed his drugs. Some rent-a-gob ‘community leader’ says how this has put their relationship with the Police back decades.
The best way to have good relations with the Police is to not break the law or evade arrest. If we said how having drug dealers on our streets disrespecting our law enforcement is no aiding our ‘relationship’ with communities it will be hate speech, but these ‘minority leaders’ are free to express open contempt for us just because we do not want to live in a third world hellhole.
Programme Makers appeal
You could try sending a photo of #1 you and #2 a friend of different skin colour doing crafts … and see if they rush to call the non-white person
Hmmmm, why appeal for participants when they’ve got some on their books already ? Nadya could knock up some cakes, and Jay Blades can paint some chair legs odd colours. I do wonder how they’ll find a diverse bunch to take part though. I’m heavily into Craft, having stalls at Fairs and Fetes, and over the many years involved I have seen only a couple of Indian ladies with jewellery selling their wares. Black people don’t seem to get involved – although in Africa and the Caribbean you cant move for their wooden craft work. I think the UK are unique in having Craft Fairs per se – they seem to be unheard of in many part of Europe (although I stand to be corrected), I know in Switzerland when living there, I offered to get one off the ground as it was an unusual concept for them.
When did the bbc liberalatti decide it was our business telling the US government how to manage their immigration policy, especially given the royal cockup our own successive governments have made of it? If we’d had a Trump we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in.
Not Beeb, but Sky…how the heck can they get away with this!
‘President Trump is by no means the worst leader, in terms of human rights, that Her Majesty will have met over the years.’ Pics of Mugabe, Putin, Assad, Ceausescu and others. It really is beyond the pale that they are able to make these inferences without reproach.
Luckily, I don’t ever watch sky, but there again, I hardly ever watch or listen to the bbbc, but all this is mainly down to hating lefties and their unhinged dribbling about ‘rights’ and ‘diversity’.
Why do these mental lightweights think they can present their crass opinions as fact?
I think President Trump is a great bloke, he does what he said he would do!
I hope the antifa bunch get a good slapping when the main man we want to work with comes to see us.
I’d like the bbbc to welcome him as he deserves, but won’t hold my breath.
This might not be a popular comment, but we obviously have to remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. We seem to be on the verge of having another potential witchhunt situation with the news today from the Gosport hospital. (I’m using “we” to mean people in general, not people on this forum).
“Please Stop flying this terrible (England) flag”
Via The Rebel : BBC Three propaganda attacks the English flag | Jack Buckby
Jesus it is a new BBC3 thing
With dreadful stereotyping
: Skinhead vs Kende the man of colour
☑ Racebaiting
Kehinde Andrews @kehinde_andrews
\\ Associate Prof #BlackStudiesBCU @MyBcu and Chair of @OBU_BlackUnity.
My new book ‘Back to Black: Retelling Black Radicalism for 21st C’ out July with @zedbooks //
Doh, If you tell blacks to unite , but don’t include whites ..then that is RACIST.
\\ Really @bbcthree ? You want to platform a provocateur like @kehinde_andrews?
He has hateful views, such as “The West was built on racism”, “all universities are racist” and “of course the Enlightenment was racist”
Do your homework before you platform such an individual please. //
Second time in a day the BBC has promoted people who have books out that say that black people are a special group.
Brexit Parliament today .
Notice the term used by Al Beeb, ‘Rebels’.
They are bloody Traitors.
Next rebel video Labour ISIS-denying councillor in charge of kid’s anti-radicalisation Jack Buckby
Ezra’s latest video
“I’ve seen Tommy’s life and it’s more multicultural than the Guardian newsroom
.. He grew up in Luton for gods sake so of his best friends from childhood I have met is black”
He’s talking about the horrible hit piece in today’s Guardian against TR
“The Guardian said ‘Nazi salutes & Islamophobia were at the centre of the mobilisation’, well that’s a lie for a start”
(I monitored various livestreams for 5 hours and saw nothing like that)