another hospital found to be killing off old people . The BBC has mainly given the NHS a free pass as far as criticism is concerned . About time that changed
All evidence of an BBC bias greatly welcomed
another hospital found to be killing off old people . The BBC has mainly given the NHS a free pass as far as criticism is concerned . About time that changed
All evidence of an BBC bias greatly welcomed
Very Orwellian : from the Hatey No Hopers
Does it change ‘Hope Not Hate’ into ‘Facist thugs’?
Yes HnH are incredible
..they do exactly the opposite to “what it says on the tin”
They are supposed to be against demeaning/dismissing people based on boo-word labels
eg “Ha that person is black, and all black people are thick, so that person is thick”
..Yet that is exactly what they do
.. they attempt to define Tommy Robinson by that simple negative label.
Sure we can probably find someone who was bullied by Jeremy Corbyn at school, but we wouldn’t try to define 70 year old JC by that simple label.
As their propaganda gets more desperate and transparent my regular message to Al Beeb is ………….
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Lord Sugar in trouble with the bbc Libmob over harmless Senegal team joke.
But he should know by now NEVER to say ANYTHING about blacks unless it’s to compliment them on being such fine doctors and engineers.
I’m surprised the li mob haven’t complained about the lack of diversity in the Senegal team seeing as they are so keen on shoving it down our throats 24/7.
Great outrage at Trump on Al Beeb about the “migrant family separations policy”, Children in cages.
Where is Al Beeb’s outrage on the rape of British kids on an industrial scale by so called ‘Asian’ grooming gangs ?
What is the agenda of Al Beeb , broadcasting treason on an industrial scale comparable to Lord Haw Haw ?
Fracking data : The Bishop pages Lord Harra Harra
Wow Lefty smear-labellers pay out
MaajidNawaz won his action against the US SJW organisation
The SPLC issues a retraction almost 2 years after labelling @MaajidNawaz an anti-Muslim extremist.
June 18 \\ BREAKING: @splcenter Admits It Was Wrong,
Apologizes to @QuilliamOrg & @MaajidNawaz for its Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists, and Agrees to Pay $3.375 Million Settlement //
Douglas Murray
This is quite big : that organisation collected that almost $3.5m from donors on the premise it would be used to fight poverty.
Instead this money is being paid to someone it smeared .
(It’s a large amount cos Quilliam’s fund raising ability was knocked by the smear)
Screenwriter Rabia Khan @zacharysquest
\\ I’d rather be a stripper than be left alone with a mullah under the guise of religious studies.
We just reported one to the poloce for abusing our friend’s two boys. //
\\ Evil knows no bounds.
It is a known psychological fact that the appetites of people who hurt others only grows and does not abate.
It feeds on the silence of others. Lets help each other speak up.//
I suspect the abuse by mullahs and imams is widespread. Occasionally a story trickles out, ignored by the beeb and msm, but behind the veil of silence…
Johnny Marr returns to save us from ourselves
I read Marr’s interview in the telegraph and was disappointed that it was used to attempt to smear Morrissey. He has put his head above the parapet etc. So here are the bbc trying to do the same, but commendably Marr is having none of it. He manages to get in some veiled references to trump and the environment though.
The cynic in me thinks that Al Beeb wouldn’t be interested in him if it wasn’t for Morrisseys views.
Marr is a good lad, used to knock about Ardwick, Manchester whilst visiting friends at Manchester Uni.
He`s the classic Springsteen auto didact, street smarts and very rich and liberal as a result.
But he`s not Billy Bragg.
Pity that musos seem to think that their politics matters to anybody but the patronising grooming liberal left.
Morrissey is still learning and is his own man. Poor Johnny fails to know the punk and rebellious joy of Trump or Brexit. And so he`s become the sort of liberal idiot we used to laugh at at Virgin records, Lever St.
So many people become exactly the “they” that they used to hate or rebel against. Johnnys one of `em.
His namesake in the Buzzcocks was much more the real thing-but he was Whalley Range and Moss Side. TMI-but at my “Memoirs Group” tonight, so a bit of groupie credibility ought to help me.
Gavin goes fulll ‘Views uniquely the BbC’s own’. Never go full ‘Views uniquely the BbC’s own’.
I saw him whist he was playing away from his wife a few years ago.
National Gallery steps. What a seed.
When ex bbc Newsnight Economic with Truth Editor Paul Citizen Mason retweets something, you know the shark has been jumped.
Time to catch VD? Today’s Victoria Derbyshire programme is about the allegation that “Aid workers at charity Medecins Sans Frontieres used local prostitutes while working in Africa”. The term ‘used local prostitutes’ is charitable (no pun intended), as it appears that many ordinary young women and girls (not prostitutes) were forced to sell themselves in order to receive medical treatment and other aid. MSF are in the news elsewhere: they also go by the name Doctors Without Borders, and are involved in the people smuggling operation/ferry service in the Mediterranean, euphemistically described as ‘rescuing migrants’. This week, several hundred invaders have been transferred to Spain via a ship called Aquarius, operated by SOS Mediterranee. According to their website: “Our partner Doctors Without Borders (MSF) contributes to the monthly costs for the Aquarius and staffs the medical team on board.”
Liberals and Globalists: anything to do with them reeks of corruption, exploitation, hypocrisy and human misery.
People I talk to these days say they only give charity money to smaller local charities because so many are treated like businesses . I recommend Demntua UK which is an excellent small national charity and I speak to groups about its specialist carer support .
The idea of aid workers getting aids from African prostitutes and claiming expenses is true sick comedy .
Should have said “ dementia UK”
Toady watch
Happy midsummer – all downhill from now ..
Our Justin interviewed an emeritus prof about the latest NHS mass killing and described an outfit within the dept of health / nhs called “ common purpose” at which at the end of the interview the learned prof pointed the finger of guilt . Our Justin promptly terminated the interview ..
I can see a time coming when instead of those tedious PPI adverts it will be “ has an elderly relative been murdered by the NHS ?” You might be due compensation.
This case was one of those few cracks in the saintly NHS which happens every so often . I don’t know if there is a website on NHS killings akin to biased Al beeb but there needs to be one .
On another issue – President Trump took flak for pulling the USA out of some self serving ooman rights UN outfit .
I looked up how much the USA gives to the UN . About 8 billion plus -22% of the budget . America must be as mad as us to give tax cash away overseas for nothing in return . Wish he could run the UK
“……Our Justin promptly terminated the interview ..” For the weather just before 0800 if I’m not mistaken.
Yes you may be right . But it proved to me that al beeb toady has this habit of not giving important issues insufficient time in order to keep some kind of false “ excitement” in their programme .
Our Justin was more interested in the fucking running order than the content or importance of the interview . He doesn’t care about the content of answers – or saying that we will follow this up
No – the hospital story will be buried by al beeb with the rest of the fucking NHS sins.
Fedup, In addition to “has an elderly relative been murdered by the NHS ?” I predict we’ll also see “paid unnecessary Carbon Taxes in the last 20 years?”
I’m still too busy checking for signs of gum disease and blood in my poo :0)
With you there FedUp2.
Within twenty four hours, it`s been removed to a “process problem”.
A matter of oversight lacking, no guidelines and lack of training.
This was euthanasia on the sly.
Plenty state sponsored killing fields now with long grass to kick things into now
ckBut approved off by the NHS quangos, unions and professional associations,law and police etc. No-one will be held to any account.
Never are.
Shipman, Mid-Staffs, Alder Hey, Bristol Childrens-you name it
But the NHS is a national god, we preserve the dead babies at Alder Hey, we keep the limbs and body parts there as well as Bristol. But no consequences.
Moloch at least burned them in needless sacrifice , these NHS ghouls prefer them to be on display to the annointed.
As for the old though-up the chimney, sad eyes at the morgue trolley by those whose job it is to cover for it.No, this is Sharon Shoesmith and a corporate Shipman with a Liverpool accent.
The NHS is the new Chinese Army. Only may would choose to order more drugs for it yesterday, more screens and more unions to hold us all hostage.
Savile would have been safer as Gosports chaplain than any political Crippen since 1990.
On the news “had whistle blowers been listened to at the time hundreds of lives could possibly have been saved”.
Interviewed “whistleblower”
” people face hostility from organisations, they have their concerns played down and they spend years trying to battle these big organisations on there own”
Frankly, I’ve heard it all before;
Jimmy Saville
Tommy Robinson….
Nothing will ever change whilst the masses are lied to by the likes of the BBC.
If they want to kill off old white people they will be championed by the BBC
BBC in full flow…Trump evil..the headline should be reading
“Trump overturns Obama’s Clinton Reagan’s nasty policy”
Not Trump “caves in”
They are despicable in their rewriting of the truth…and I am sick of the bleeding hearts with their one off stories that cannot be validated.
Currently R4 have let an American Leftie state it was a policy Trump challenge from BBC. She actually said you have to blame Trump..
When did fact, logic and truth become so irrelevant and opinionated emotion the dominant process of argument
Trump is a tyrant because he makes executive orders;
Trump is unfeeling because he won’t make executive order.
TDS in full-flow.
I believe Obama holds the record for most presidential executive orders signed.
When the left realised that fact, logic and truth always lost them the argument.
Mohammed owned slaves.
Buddha the Prince owned slaves.
Jesus owned a chisel.
Bristol remove pictures of slave traders and owners.
Will mosques and temples be closed down?
. . .
Bristol remove portraits of slave trader.
Will Bristol close down buildings that teach slavery is a good thing?
Will Bristol close mosques that teach Mohammed was good … but really he was a bad man trading slaves.
The best thing you can say about mohammed (pbuh) was that he owned slaves. Best not to get started on the murders, rapes and paedophilia…
Below is a section from US Investors Business Daily yesterday …maybe the BBC should try looking outside of their box..
“President Trump can’t get a break from negative press coverage, but somehow his approval rating continues to edge upward. In fact, it’s now tied with where the “extremely popular” President Obama was at this point in his first term.
The latest Gallup poll puts Trump’s job approval at 45%. That’s the highest it’s been since he took office, and it’s up from 37% at the start of the year. Although you’d barely know it from the press Trump gets, his approval number has been on a slow but relatively steady rise all year.
Not only that, but Trump’s approval in this poll is now equal to Obama’s at the same point in Obama’s presidency. Gallup had Obama at 45% approval by late June 2010.
The difference is that while Trump’s approval has been climbing, Obama’s was dropping steadily over the course of his first term.
When Obama took office, he had an approval rating of 67%. By August of that year, it had fallen to 50%. A year later it was down to 43% in Gallup’s poll.
By this point in Obama’s presidency, his average approval was 47.9% and falling, according to Real Clear Politics. By October of 2010, it dropped down to 44%. Trump’s average is currently 43.7%, and on the uptrend.”
And yet R4 produced an America contributor who claimed that for every American who supported Trump, two now disliked him. Would have to listen again to who he was (a Democrat, no doubt) and what research source he was quoting.
Does show though that you can pick what you want among polling sources, to support your narrative. (Although we take everything on R4 with a large dose of salt.)
My instinctive feeling is that Trump has somewhat increased his support; not everything he does is popular, but he is seen as carrying out his promises, an unusual scenario for a politician, that voters like.
I heard that and that’s what made me look as I had heard from other sources that Trump’s rating was up. My view is the reason he used that statistic is to avoid saying Trump’s rating was up – to quote Disraeli There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
I agree Trump is doing what he said he would when elected and for some reason other politicians don’t like that…despite voters disagreeing
The American I’ve just seen on the news was fully in support of Trump.
“If you don’t want to be separated from your children then don’t bring them to the border. Which part of that is so hard to understand?”
Mosques in UK … London (467), Birmingham (167), Bradford (92), Leicester (73), Manchester (66), Blackburn (45), Sheffield (37), Glasgow (34), Oldham (32), Dewsbury (31), Bolton (30), Nottingham (28), Leeds (26), Luton (26), Coventry (24), Preston (24), Walsall (21), Edinburgh (21), Cardiff (20),
The number of existing churches in England is estimated to stand at 37,501.
Mosques preach that slavery is OK.
Churches preach that slavery is HORRIFIC.
Churches are being used to preach Islam – this is a conflict of interest.
Marky, your list of towns with high numbers of mosques corresponds closely to another list: that of paedo rape and grooming gangs.
Any resemblance is purely coincidental I’m sure.
Marky, your list of towns with high numbers of mosques corresponds closely to another list: that of car insurance fraud.
Any resemblance is purely coincidental I’m sure.
There’s another practice which, whilst not exactly fraudulent, people should be aware of.
House up for sale, buyer makes offer, offer accepted. OK so far. Immediately before exchange of contracts the buyer pulls out. Soon after, another customer turns up and makes a much lower cash offer with no chain, relying on the desperation of the seller who might be in a hurry to sell for a multitude of reasons.
Obviously this is pre-arranged and I’ve heard of many examples in certain areas.
I’m sure the BBC will be doing a feature on it any time soon.
(And please, don’t tell me it can’t happen in Scotland.)
Marky, your list of towns with high numbers of mosques corresponds closely to another list: that of producing the most terrorists.
Any resemblance is purely coincidental I’m sure.
Islam preachers slavery is good by its leader Mohammed.
Islam preachers that being racist to Jews is OK.
Yet ….. “Liverpool student fights to remove Gladstone’s name from building …. Legacy of William Gladstone, who was British PM four times in 19th century, is ‘racially marred’ due to slavery links, student argues”
So, why not closing Mosques as well as removing slavery and racist memories?
Marky- Virtue signallers are impervious to rational argument; they need to earn emotional brownie points. The correctness of their cause when placed under logical scrutiny is not an issue.
Mark, although I have never agreed with banning the unholy Koran, I do believe mosques should be closed. Mosque building should never have been allowed in a Christian nation. We know from the Koran that the Islamic plan is complete religious, cultural & political Muslim domination. Peaceful coexistence is only a temporary measure.
Eventually there won’t be any room for fence-sitting. Islam itself will force people to decide for or against.
5Live now Brexit phone-in
Arif made the big point that No-Deal must be a government options to give us a strong negotiating positions.
Whereas remainiacs are dtermined to undermine that option.
Not ‘our’ Laura (Kuenssberg) surely?
If sneering was an Olympic event, LK would give Usain Bolt a run for his money on the medal front, Jim.
You know, I get sick beyond the back teeth at the endless race baiting we’re constantly subjected to .
It’s unhealthy, it’s obsessive and it’s also dishonest. The Beeb, in particular, love to promote a nice “race story” that fits their narrative, but the rest of the media are also culpable. We’re inundated with stories about slavery, minorities are constantly offended by statues, paintings and ceremonies, it’s a wonder they choose to live here… and we’re constantly made to feel guilty simply because we’re white. Enough!
Perhaps it might do all these ethnic whingers and their lefty cohorts a power of good if they stopped griping for a couple of minutes and contemplated just how much the white race has benefited mankind.
Every invention, every modern appliance, every medical advancement, every scientific breakthrough has been down to white European heritage men. The rest of our species don’t get a look in. If it wasn’t for white men, the much maligned “male, pale and stale” humankind would still be living in mud huts, foraging for food, dying of diseases we have now virtually abolished and starving. Blacks wouldn’t be driving top of the range BMW’s, they’d be running around without shoes and our constantly malcontent Muzzie mates wouldn’t be leaving rucksacks of bombs on trains; because, for a start off, there wouldn’t be any trains!
Nonsensical talk about “cultural appropriation” when some daft bint puts her hair in dreadlocks or dons a sari should be treated with the contempt they deserve. Minorities appropriate everything.
Without white men this world as we know it wouldn’t exist.
Islam promotes slavery …. shout it loud! Shout it proud!
Muhammed – businessman by marriage, slaves, child brides, war and head chopping.
Jesus – a chisel for woodwork and love they neighbour.
“…..if they stopped griping for a couple of minutes and contemplated just how much the white race has benefited mankind.”
Problem is, they don’t care for our progress: it is subservient to islam. If the desire of these people is to take us back to the middle ages, what of technological progress? – zilch. If the one thing you relish in life is dying for their cult there can be no hope whatsoever of them integrating.
The only thing they are any good at, is sacrificing their own lives. That’s what makes them the best terrorists.
If only we could convince these suicide bombers to do a practice run at home first. They could always blame it on a faulty fridge or something…..oh wait!
Odd that wiki gives Islam a good light on slavery .. should it mention that Mohammed fought against tribes and killed all the men and took the women and kids as slaves … giving them as bounty to his followers?
“The mainstream view is that the Quran accepts the institution of slavery. It may be noted that the word ‘abd’ (slave) is rarely used, being more commonly replaced by some periphrasis such as ma malakat aymanukum (“that which your right hands own”).”
Time to paint Islam in its true light … one of using slavery to pay his followers, kill his enemies and entrap women and children … under the name of Muhammed (Slavery Be Upon Him).
There is a story on page seventeen of The Times today about a former gangster who accuses the BBC of legitimising black on black violence by playing drill music on Radio 1xtra. He is spot-on. Such is the BBC’s insane quest for ‘diversity’ that producers no doubt patted themselves on the back for such vibrant content.
How many murders this year? God, how much money and air time devoted to the single murder of Stephen Lawrence whilst such endemic violence is not merely ignored but actively encouraged. If we ever come to our senses this obsession with ‘diversity’ at any cost must go down as one of the greatest examples of mass insanity in history.
“Madness in individuals is rare – but in groups, parties, nations and ages it is the rule.”
(if) “…we…”? If, “…they…”, surely.
@BBC The Times article just again demonstrated the BBC’s normal lack of self-awareness
‘Yes we love black kids and we take special interest in helping them develop, win and stay out of trouble’
The R4 prog maker was alarmed that his son heard lyrics in street-speak which clearly said ‘Yeh don’t stop the violence’
\\ his son was singing along to a track called No Words, on 1Xtra, in which the rapper known only as Dave said: “I don’t wanna dead no beef, I don’t want to sort it out.”//
If we want oil, we have to take Islam.
The EU elites corporations – all with ties to larger elite groupings – are constantly depending on large amount of competitive oil and fuel delivery (for machinery, factories, transport, infrastructure, aviation, seafarers etc.). To meet these demands on competitive market conditions they need to be in good standing with the Arabs since Russia and China are not preferential partners. At the same time the Arabs put a lot of their investments into EU which the EU companies barely would be without. In return the Arabs demand favourable conditions for their people – which means Muslims – and Islamisation of Europe. The whole hidden agenda is covered up in excuses about stability, development and integration which especially is culturally emphasized. That is in fact a smart move to achieve sympathy in the population – particularly among lefties. However, the numbers don’t lie. Virtually none of the official aims has been reached or achieved significant improvements (because it’s all fake excuses). Only big corporations seems to have benefited while the Islamisation is rapidly expanding and dividing the population.
Danish video, subtitled.
A must watch, confirms much of what we were only vaguely aware of in the 70s.
Now we see the fruit, thank you Toobi. Clear as a bell, best teaching of today this far.
Most welcome, Alicia, glad you found it instructive.
Glad you’ve found a ‘grown up’ story BB. Just watching Sky and I thought I was watching CBBC – stories about Graffitti , and now its ponds and toads and frogs !!! Am off to walk the dog.
629 Immigrants from Africa/Libya.
123 Unaccompanied children with 246 terrible parents or 492 terrible grand parents.
26 absconded so are now illegal immigrant, possibly criminals.
0 impact on the do gooders on the Aquarius Boat.
The UK Freedom March in London on Saturday 23rd (2nd anniversary of the referendum) isn’t getting much publicity – there’s a surprise.
@UKFM23June twitter account
Starts at Victoria Station at 1pm then heads towards Millbank. Gerard Batten will be the first speaker.
Island – surprise ,surprise google have tried to bury it under details about a pro EU “Peoples” Voice demo.
Maybe Soros,s voice or Quislings voice would be nearer the mark!
However hopefully I will be going – train this time.
UK Freedom March promo
Islam promotes slavery …. shout it loud! Shout it proud!
Muhammed – businessman by marriage, slaves, child brides, war and head chopping.
Jesus – a chisel for woodwork and love they neighbour.
Certainly in mad times if an apology has to be given in such circumstances. Great leaders are great leaders what ever the circumstances.
If they were on the wrong side this should be taken into account .
Like the yesterday apology – I’m still waiting for lord sugar to have to stand naked in the court of snowflake opinion .
If anyone knows any animal rights advocates, show them this.
Funded by KFC … !
Well done doctor Craig, but it hardly takes a scientist to tell me that being hung upside down and having my throat cut to drain the blood is a slow, painful, terrifying and barbaric death.
I’d be happy to prove this point to any Religionist of Peace and Torture who thinks otherwise.
This has been a welfare disgrace recognized by every institution representing animal welfare, organizations in the food chain across Europe. But it is protected by the EU’s Article 13 and a succession of UK Governments.
Stunning is a poor compromise but even that is ignored. And we cannot even persuade MPs to support labeling so that we could exorcise consumer choice.
As a rule the so called prayer is played over a tannoy.
As with feminism and gay rights, animal welfare stops at the gates of Islam and hunt saboteurs and the animal rights movement will not condemn it.
Anyone interested please note an important distinction between animal welfare and animal rights. The former is usually based on scientific facts, the latter on political analogies.
Food in this country is subject to all sorts of labelling: the ingredients are specified; the nutritional values are listed; any ingredients which might cause allergies; country of origin/production; whether it is free-range, organic, GM; if it adheres to any other standards e.g. rainforest alliance, etc. There are several dozen programmes dedicated to food shown on British television each week. Yet when it comes to stating whether meat has been ritually slaughtered… total and utter silence. The pros and cons of Halal and Shechitah (Kosher) slaughter are not under discussion here – for better or worse, they are recognised in UK law. The point is that meat should be labelled, so that those who wish to avoid it, seek it out, or simply know what they are eating, should be easily able to do to so.
For the record, the last time this was discussed in Parliament was 13th May 2014, as part of the Consumer Rights Bill. Only 3 Labour MPs turned up. 42 Lib Dems voted against labelling. Of the 248 ‘Conservative’ MPs, only 9 voted in favour of labelling.
Let the people eat pork
Should it not be a concern to other religions that they are eating something which has been slaughtered under the blessing of a God that isn’t theirs or a false prophet possibly?
Cowards all.
I can only see a blue box with a ? in it. No link.
I am afraid it is much worse than this – just go to YouTube and check for yourself – if you can stomach it!!
Weasel words CNN trying to say St Obama didn’t separate children at Mexico border except that his policy states they
“would separate children from adults in certain circumstances, including concern for their well-being or inability to verify the adult was the guardian or parent of the child”. Hmm how did they verify the adult was a parent, guardian etc and why were there protest about Obama’s administration taking kids?
All you have to do is search “children at Meixco border” and exclude Trump period in time line and you will see that Obama put in place policies that if Trump were to do them there would be an outcry..even the Guardian printed things against his policies. Does nobody at the BBC look at detail, history?
I am sick and tired now of this’s all over R4…is there nothing happening in the UK or Europe worthy of being news? Not on BBC. Button off
Today programme this morning with its anti-Trump rhetoric kept talking about children being taken away from migrants at the Mexican border. Gasp of horror – the children were crying ….well it is what children do.
But without the word ‘illegal’ that the Today programme didn’t use about the migrants, the story didn’t make sense. It sounded as though the children were being taken off people who had properly planned their move to America. And once you have read that some of the children don’t actually belong to the people illegally crossing the border but are being used as an insurance policy for the adults to be let in – well the story and Trump’s plans makes a lot more sense.
I have just returned on the ferry from France and could not find a place to sit in peace because of children crying and babies screaming with distraught parents trying to silence them. Shame, as they had spent a lot of money on their holiday.
I think the media ought to report this.
‘New Zealand PM gives birth to baby girl.’
You can bet they will have an intrepid reporter flown over for this unprecedented story of a female reproducing. A lovely safe space of empowerment and celebrity gossip rolled into one.
Aren’t they being a bit premature in assigning its ‘gender’? It might believe itself to be a bi-sexual unicorn.
Can they still say that in New Zealand?
That`d be illegal in Toronto?
Time for the Commonwealth to rule.
There won’t be a day of remembrance or a minute’s silence for this brave man.
We would have locked him up had he returned home, G.W.F.
If the UK cannot keep 1400 children safe from sadistic rapists who pour petrol over children and rape them for 16 years …. then we should not be inviting more vulnerable people to these shores. ….
“#CBeebiesRadio presents four stories based on the real life experiences of refugee families and told from the perspectives of young children for #RefugeeWeek2018: @CBeebiesHQ”
Note that normal heterosexual is not on the agenda ….
@MM’s image (cos that particular size was deleted from their website)

Note …. Trending … also no mention of the normality of being normal as per the majority … minority rules!
Kids like to rebel … so this will be natural?!
Maybe the thinking behind making kids gender weird is to stop Muslims from raping them.
Suppose they`ll have to check what has been circumcised, once they`ve pulled the pants down. Hence the wish for velcro I guess.
If you`re a Danish hottie, who identifies as a Peter Schmeichel on a self-certificate, it might confuse the rape gang, or get them arguing anyway.
Imagine all this bunch of students to come, who`ll know climate change is a fact; but whether they`re a bloke, lady or geezerbird is mere speculation.
In that case I’m going to self identify as a pig
I quote \\The world of Google.
Having been away for a couple of days, I was using a tablet rather than my normal laptop.
During that time I researched some news in Spanish – actually local opinion on the result of the Colombian presidential election.
Today I find an ad here warning me in Spanish that I should have a TV licence.
I don’t watch TV even via the internet (yes, no World Cup for me).
I wonder how many languages the as is translated into, and which other ones might be triggered by searching for news. //
The Anniversary/Special-Day trick enables you to get your PR into the news.
News :’ An NGO called Global Action Plan has fed us some PR so we are going to report as fact in the 5th item in the news’
‘Children who are driven to school are exposed to twice as much pollution as those who walk’
\\ New research by Global Action Plan, coinciding with this year’s #CleanAirDay 21 June,
found that primary and nursery school children were being exposed to 30% more toxic #pollution compared to adults when walking along busy roads //
#1 this pushes the questionable idea that pollution is defined by car exhausts
#2 Adults are much bigger than kids so they actually breathe in far more air.
.. but considering as a proportion of body weight would give a different result.
Something I haven’t checked
Allegations of BBC bias in China
Do sense that the New World Order types deliberately want to piss off Russia, China and America.
Three countries who between them could spring us out of any lingering cringing before the EU.
Trump ought to have been in the bag by now, how much nicer could he have been to us?
And just look at what we`ve said and done about HIM.
The Soros BBC and EU.N blob want us destroyed for voting Brexit, and despising their world plans.
All three countries have history, culture and national pride, all three know what Islam is up to.
hence the hatred by the BBC, and their Euroland “partners in Brussels and the UN Tower of Babel in NYC.
Let John Bolton clear them out of New York, he`d love to do it.
During all the recent fuss about the alleged “Russian spy poisoning”, it occured to me that all I know of Russia is what the establishment and the media have spoon fed us all since I was a nipper.
They have always been portrayed as the big bad wolf from whom we need protection and a nuclear deterrent.
And all the while the real big bad wolf is being welcomed into our country with open arms.
Why you can’t talk about John Oliver in China
We all know that there is censorship in China, but the bBBC are particularly peeved when it concerns obnoxious lefty liberal John Oliver. They love to stick their nose into foreign policy….and don’t see the irony that they censor by omission here. Or they just laugh and continue with the agenda.
The genius of Jeremy Vine: “Surely if you are studying chemistry you don’t need to be able to spell anything?”
Do you think he puts sodium chlorate on his egg or sodium chloride? Same fing innit.
Potassium chloride might suit us better, it being the third of the lethal injections.
Might do a Breaking Bad at the weekend, and see if I can make some , and fill a cruet with it.
We still have cruets in Alcester you know, but not in Bromsgrove.
This surely needs Laura Kuennsberg and You and Yours to look into this, got to be Brexytrumpy in origin.
I’d go with Potassium Cyanide, Alicia, it’s only spelling after all.
Do sense that our society has chosen to have an endless drip of that first lethal injection.
Not lethal, but it anaesthetises and is a muscle relaxant, so you`ll not see or hear what happens once the others are injected.
The BBC and political classes seem to think that if it looks calm and sterile, then we`ll stay on the gurney for them.
The BBC and Islam would rather we do so. Brexit ought to get a few of us out of our stupor. telly off, computer and friends alert and we`re good to go.
What an imbecile.
If you have a sloppy attitude to spelling (and he has clearly never tried to do a computer search with a misspelled word), how meticulous are you going to be with a chemical formula?
Was it C6H5COOH or C6H5CHO? Nah, never mind. Same stuff innit?
Sodium Chlorate, hopefully.
BBC Brainwash the kids bus
BBC Radio Lincs around 11:20
‘Here we are at the LIncolnshire Show and I’ve just bumped into a BBC bus .. tell us what you do’
Woman ‘ Yes we are the BBC FakeNews bus children come in an we demonstrate to them all about FakeNews
eg they get to make a report based on a video from outside Big Ben about Aliens landing on this planet send in by a Mrs Fay K News (or Mrs Fay Knews’
..lots of laughing and back slapping
Procurement , I sense.
Chubby lady with safe face invites kids onto the BBC bus.
If only Ian Brady hadn`t been so spontaneous, he`d be making hay with the Beeboids these days.
How about making a video about illegal aliens landing on the shores!
So the Tories are going to allowthe Mirror group take over of the Express to go ahead. The left captures yet another chunk of the MSM. The Tories can only be doing this because they broadly agree with the aims of the liberal left and want a right of centre newspaper silenced. I am sure that within a few years the Express will either be leftist or closed.
Such lovely people these Hollywood elite who think they have the right to tell us all what we should think.
Peter Fonda tweets he wants to ‘rip Barron Trump from his mother’ and put him in a ‘cage with pedophiles’
Google for “Pallywood” to see the extent of Palestinian lies and collusion with Western MSM, including the BBBC.
“I believe diversity leads, equality advisors, inclusion leads; call them what you like, do a sterling job” – Yvonne Coghill
That’s odd because I’m just the opposite – I’ve heard of the Taxpayer’s Alliance, but I’ve never heard of a “Diversity Lead”.
but but but …. I was under the impression the entire NHS is staffed by foreigners
In the words of Mandy Rice Davies…..
@Marky is Yvonne Coghill part of the system ?
\\ Yvonne Coghill OBE, CBE, what an honour to speak alongside this warrior, especially as the NHS celebrate 70years //
…not one honour but two
I’m so tired of Islam … how come Islam has so much energy and Government following?
I know that Islam is not tired of us!
Silencing a rape victim, MM
Ah, the Religion of Peace… and Blood.
Lots and lots of blood.
And then some.
Excellent. They really are barbaric sick foox aren’t they.
Absolutely horrific.
That poor camel is fatally cut across his throat, and yes-he does get the bloke.
But that fat fucker who tortured the camel is now in Karlsruhe or Kettering by now.
And that poor camels life is worth 100 of the likes of these blokes.
Only wish I could smile, this is truly awful.
A good indictment of what Muslim men are capable of, might as well be a third wife tethered up.
BBC and democracy .
On the Toady programme this morning the interviewer was outraged at Prsident Trump and the “news” that parents (?) were separated from their (?) children when arrested for illegal entry to the USA . Lots of emoting , Democrats given airtime .
Now it was a few hours ago so I must paraphrase , but the interviewer noted that there were no protests from the respective organisations that had to process these illegals and he definitely said there was NO SUBTERFUGE to counter the situation .
That is the BBC and liberal/left , use Gramcsi tactics .
If you in state employment you should enact any policies that the democratically elected governments or presidents bring in . Whatever your own opinions .
But to the Gramsci riddled BBC it’s OK to sabotage anything you like if you feel you’re morally superior to the electorate .
Rule of the Vision Of The Anointed .
Allegations become facts for Ms Impartiality.
“Young immigrants detained in Virginia center allege abuse”
I wonder if I’m being paranoid? The programme Conviction – Murder in Suburbia on Tuesday and Wednesday looked at the case of Glynn Razell, convicted of murdering his wife Linda 15 years ago and in prison ever since, by a team who examine possible miscarriages. Glynn is making an appeal to the Criminal Cases Review Commission. To start with, there were some troubling questions about the case. Linda’s body was never found. Another local murderer Anthony Halliwell is suspected by the police of having committed further murders. All sort of normal stuff for a possible miscarriage examination. But gradually, Glynn’s character was demolished when he admitted that he had somehow pushed Linda through a glass door. (Ah, a wife beater) Then he refused a polygraph test which he had initially agreed to. (Liar) Then experts concluded that Linda’s blood stains found in the car he was driving at the time could only have come from her body. (Proof!) In short they did him up like a kipper and probably dashed any chance of his being found innocent. Is that a reasonable way to proceed? Evidence of a possible wrong conviction is one thing but if that can’t be established should the BBC broadcast a programme which effectively damns a man whose appeal is still proceeding?
Miker, it is very troubling to see the BBC prejudicing an appeal that is proceeding. The only place in which to test an appeal is in a court which would find no place for the dubious polygraph test. Without making any judgement about the merits or otherwise of the possible appeal, blood stains in themselves prove nothing and can arise in a multitude of circumstances. The glass door incident in itself proves nothing and would also require the full scrutiny of the court to determine its level of significance to the appeal. Trial by television is so wrong on so many levels. Can you just imagine the fuss the BBBC would make if an unfavoured person or organisation sabotaged one of its causes celebre? If the appeal does go ahead, I just hope the BBBC has cameras outside the courtroom on the expected verdict date so that we can all see what happens.
Anna Soubry quotes Churchill and says Islam is great .. but does not quote Winston on Islam?
“Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities, because, as has been said, ‘it is the quality which guarantees all others.’ “ Winston Churchill 1937 – Anna Soubry Twitter
. . . .
Anna Soubry: If White British Community Learned More From Muslims Then UK Would Be A Better Country { sep2017}
“And my goodness me(Anna Soubry), she (Halimah Khaled) and members of her (Muslim) community could teach many white British people many a good thing. And if my community, such as as it is, learned more from your community, this country would be a better country.”
This is news – apparently.
The term “Who gives a f**k?” doesn’t even come close.
They are trying to be more appealing to younger and BAME viewers, Lobby, they become more like Hello or Heat, etc., every day.
Been going on for some time.
Apologies for using the BBC in print as a reference.