Al Beeb is carrying on with Project Fear in accordance with the wishes of the likes of Soros and the government is showing its true colours by increasing taxes. Not much hope of al Beeb changing any time soon but we must fight on showing the bias reason for change.
Weekend Open Thread 23 June 2018
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To think, these bastards could soon be running the country!
So Diane Abbott’s Guardian letter is trying to mobilise a protest-jihad against Tommy supporters ?
…. And since Tommy has made reports from Israel & has supporters there, Diane’s action fits with Labour’s anti-Semitic culture.
( I struggle on facebook or Twitter to find posts supporting her letter, I find more opposing it
This week’s take on the past few days
This morning the BBC headlines on Radio 4 was against Trump again – surprise , surprise ! But they are LIARS when they announce that the policy of separation of children was HIS policy . It was the US law and Obama enforced it as well in his first four years. We didn’t hear any criticism then!!
Lynette- Were you perchance listening to the programme ‘Sunday’, usually presented by Edward Stourton, but this morning by William Crawley on Radio4?
I heard the anti-Trump bit, accompanied by anti-Christian sentiments and an examination of Bible study in the White House. I was astonished at the extent to which this programme has been hijacked for political purposes, under the guise of ‘Religion and Ethics’. (Cultural Marxism?)
Crawley has a no-holds barred approach. One biased topic flows seamlessly into the next.
There was an item on ‘hate-crime’, which jumped to conclusions, presenting them as fact. The ‘far-Right’ were the guilty. The desecration of Jewish graves (in Urmston?) was discussed. It was then mentioned that Muslims were also victims of ‘hate-crime’.
I think Ian Levy may have been the person brought in to discuss the destruction of gravestones.
‘Professor of Hate Crime’, Chris Allen, University of Leicester came on. (Can you believe the title? Goebbels would have been proud.)He mentioned various organisations he held responsible for these hate crimes, which had ‘increased 40% since Brexit’, including ‘Britain First’.
This flowed into the Trump item. Apparently a Ralph Drollinger presents a White House Bible Study, which VP Pence, AG Sessions, and SoS Pompeo attend. Prayer took place. Obama also held these apparently, but they were ‘much quieter’. The link to ‘migrant children’ suddenly popped up. Nazism was mentioned by Tara McElvey of ‘Catholic Extension’. Or was it Jo Boland?
She discussed what was being ‘done to’ Latin American ‘migrants’ on the US/Mexican border. We need not go into details: this is currently a favourite topic of bBc propaganda. The horrible Trump, again.
There followed an item on abuse in the (Anglican?) curch. A bishop (Singleton?) put up his hand for ‘mea culpa’.
This entire programme, a model of self-righteous indignation, was based on lies, conjecture, smears, innuendo etc. and was -pure and simple- political propaganda. Ethics? Don’t make me laugh.
You anticipated my comments on that disgraceful programme. William Crawley has ‘form’, of course. I found the piece on prayer meetings and the evangelical Christians in the White House especially egregious by the way it was snidely presented as something not to approved of, but deplored. Jeff Sessions singled out and made to look like a bigot on ‘child separation’ – whereas those of us who have heard his full comments know that he was pointed out that they were obliged to follow the law in respect of illegal immigrants The programme also said that it was ‘Trump’s policy: a truthful broadcaster would have said ‘Obama’s policy inherited by Trump’ and that children were also separated from their illegal-immigrant parents during the Obama presidency (following the law).
Martin- Strange, how the increase in ‘hate crimes’, aimed at Jewish people, rose in Britain after a certain influx, a pictured mirrored -after the same sort of influx- in Germany. Strangely too, Germany has had no Brexit, which ‘Sunday’ skilfully linked to ‘hate crime’. Nor could any of us possibly think of a political party in the UK, in which anti-Semitism has been a problem. Not a ‘far Right’ party, I hasten to add.
Could all be coincidence, of course. I’m not as certain as ‘Sunday’ was, about who is guilty of what…
I too heard this appalling show in part.
1. Bypassed the “anti-Semitic rise” crap.
This is due to Islam being given free rein by the Left and liberals.
What else would they tell me about why Jewish cemeteries in Blackley are getting trashed?
All else is B/S.
And it`s ANTI-JEWISH assaults, not “anti Semitic”. That`s their lefty word to lump in the bacon butty with little Susannah in Weisbaden.
2. But that TRUMP crap?
Imagine that? A Bible study on Romans 13?
And neither the Crawley bloke or his airhead interviewee had ANYTHING to say about it, apart from some fashion goss. The woman had neither met the pastor , nor even seen him as far as i could tell. But they both still felt able to dissect nothing for a few minutes and contrast this with Pope Francis wiping shit off migrants shoes as his old priests get their throats cut in Rouen?
Catholicism is now Islamic window dressing for the BBC-they too crave the EU ring to kiss, they always did. Their flag is the Virgin Marys halo, queen of heaven stuff.
Somewhere on the Interwebby, IIRC, is a video of a White House Prayer Breakfast, at the start of the second term of one …..
….. Barak Obama.
At this Prayer Breakfast, an American surgeon, rescued from a troubled past as a youth, gives a mighty and fine and very impressive address. His name? Dr Ben Carson.
His political inclinations? He was a Republican candidate in the 2015 Primaries.
Clinton was president when it became law. Remind me – was he pro or anti-Trump?
And Clinton held Prayer Breakfasts in the White House. He also appointed two Presidential Spiritual Advisors after an incident that had arisen.
OK BBC, why do you therefore pick on President Trump?
I can’t remember the source, but one analysis goes as follows: the world is fractionating into 3 tribes:
1) the Nomenklatura, which comprises all the groups fakenewswatcher mentions above; politicos, media, crony capitalists, bureaucrats,
2) the Outcasts, who are unemployables, dole bludgers, migrant hordes, basically anyone who leeches off the state.
3) everyone else, including everyone who does any productive work, from driving a bus to discovering a cure for cancer.
The problem is that groups 1 & 2 pay no tax, or have fancy shelters to minimise the dent in their huge earnings.
Group 3 pays all the tax, while having its values sneered at from above, and, incredibly, from below as well.
I recommend watching Victor Davis Hanson on where our societies are headed. Here’s a good intro to the man’s views
‘Sarah Sanders kicked out of restaurant.’
I wish they would not report on tittle tattle like this. ‘Something happens to famous person.’ Such a lazy cop-out. Well if a BBC reporter ordered a beer in my local pub we might want to tell them to f**k off, but the whole idea of ‘protesting’ is so infantile. And such an event would not be news. They just have to shove their agenda down our throats constantly, the billionth attempt to show Trump is Voldemort.
What do they expect with all the hysteria they whip up? They can’t have a mature conversation based on the facts so they just liken opponents to Hitler and use children as pawns to evoke emotions. All from the side who wants you locked up for ‘hate speech.’ A young English man even tried to assassinate Trump a few years ago, I wonder where he learnt such hatred?
Look how the bbc entitle this story on their news site to give the impression it was Trump’s secretary who was to blame: ‘Trump’s secretary kicked out of restaurant’. Wow, what has she done? Behaved violently, been rude or refused to settle bill? No, a stupid liberal asks her to leave!
Yes, when you click on the story it turns out she was disgracefully asked to leave the restaurant because she worked for Trump.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a bit more than a secretary. She is the White House Press Secretary. She is a tough cookie and it’s unwise for the MSM to take her on.
The BBC report in the link was rather poor. A key bit of information omitted was that the restaurant is located in a small Democrat-supporting town hemmed in by a staunchly Republican county. Huckabee’s presence represented an ideal opportunity for the restaurant management to virtue-signal to the rest of the town.
When management made it clear that Huckabee, as a senior member of Trump’s team, was not welcome, she agreed to leave with seven members of her family.
Spot on Pug. Linked to that is the Beebs interpretation of the President’s employee being asked to leave a restaurant. They are practically joyous at this act of prejudice but imagine if for instance a Corbyn employee or Gina Miller was “thrown out” of one of Tim Martins establishments the fall out would have been such that the lefts mobilisation of the brown shirts to shut down every one of his chain would mirror 1930’s Germany.
Thanks for a great post, Jane-ite. Since you seem new to this group, I welcome you.
I have bitter personal experience of the pro-remain brigade. My lefty brother e-mailed me to rant cliches about Brexiteers being xenophobic Little Englanders, living in the fifties.
I replied along the lines of: ‘Perhaps the people genuinely living in the past are the ones who haven’t realised their multicultural dream is crumbling across Europe under the double impact of aggressive Islam and unsuitable, excessive immigration?’
I have yet to receive a coherent counter-argument, and that was two years ago!
(By the way, does your name imply you are – like me – a fan if Miss Austen?)
Thanks very much, Helena. Yes, definitely that kind of Jane-ite. I greatly admire Miss Austen’s cool appraisals and subtle subversiveness.
I have learned a great deal from her about the use of language and what can be inferred from it. It’s how I approach any encounter with the BBC these days, always aware of the treacherous undercurrents!
Nowt on Al Beeb about the European crisis ?
‘Comical Ali’ must be working for them.
I notice that the London stabbing score is up again according to Al Beeb “News” site .
We need more community centers. Oops wait a minute …………
Are they talking about us ?
That was the catchphrase from the almost-forgotten decades-old TV show in which a hard-bitten Fleet Street hack used to summarise foreign press coverage of events in Britain. Too tabloid and too near the knuckle for the modern mainstream. The closest the BBC ever come to a frank discussion of what they might be saying about us from abroad is the heavily filtered view from their Dateline London slot in which a limp lefty BBC journo hobnobs in a rarefied navel-gazing sense with some remarkably like-minded overseas journos who are all cosily and cushily ensconced in West London. You know Dateline London, it’s the one where mister nice guy Gavin Esler fauns over a panel of Brahmin-like internationalist bigheads with ingrained yet polite distain for the very concept of Britain and all her works. There’s usually a dyed-in-the-wool EU-fan from France or Germany, a Democrat-leaning Yank slags off their President (now that it’s not Obama) and an apparently civilised Arab hates on Israel and both Britain and the US.
But I digress from my opening notion – are they talking about us? This was the phrase that popped into my head in a different context as I listened in on a discussion between the Blue-Peteresque TV presenter Naga Munchetty and her guest, a consultant paediatrician, on the subject of childhood obesity initiatives – which forms, mind you, against a background of impending NHS-sugar-coated tax hikes, the BBC TV news top headline this morning. I choose the formulation listened in with care. It was a conversation about us the viewers rather than one conducted with us. Two would-be metropolitan elite societal engineers were chatting nicely about the best way to farm their crop of us – joe and juliet and little jimmy and jocasta public. American conservatives, justly wary of single-payer healthcare and by the way now receiving hefty Obamacare premium increases – were they privy to this interview segment – would have surely tutted in recognition and perhaps explained that when you seek to nationalise healthcare you inevitably invite the State in to manage every facet of your existence. To confirm this control-all maternalistic state of play our guest doc comes out with the new and rather sinister motto: “Not just cradle to the grave but conception to the grave”. Of course I can switch off – but as they’ve just told us – there’s to be no escape. The State, Death and Taxes.
Morning Folks
Well did anyone see or hear anything about the Pro Brexit march on the BBC? Nope not a thing except for their mistake showing the Pro Brexit video
This morning Naga says ..and pro brexit politicians have been saying we need…..followed immediately by 10,000′ thousands marched in support of remaining in EU yesterday…So a positive for Brexit immediately countered with a positive for EU.
A complaint going in …and they can’t say they couldn’t cover all marches because they had video of it!
The BBC bias is getting too visible now..Hopefully after Brexit we can get shot of the Bigoted Biased corporation
I heard it on the BBC R4 news at 2200 hrs yesterday. Glad no visual so blood pressure remained normal.
R4, was it 6pm or 10?, – a lengthy report on the anti-Brexit march, with interviews, and a single sentence, mentioning that there was also a pro-Brexit march with several thousands.
The usual Bbc ‘balance’ and ‘lack of bias’.
\\ Guardian couldn’t resist calling the pro Brexit march ‘far right’ ‘Tommy Robinson supporters’
– Remember; the Guardian was fighting Oxfams corner 24 hours after world discovered its workers raped children because ”the far right’ might try to use it as excuse to cut overseas aid. //
This little video is nothing more than outright propaganda, something the BBC is increasingly indulging in. What are these “truths” the BBC reveals?
1. The West is not being swamped by refugees, because the vast majority are fleeing terrorism and conflict, not bringing it.
2. Cities will drown because climate change.
3. Satellite images of fire show forest clearance and gas flares from fracking, showing human-led climate change.
4. Light pollution is a problem but where it’s falling it’s because old people, boo hiss, are dying and not so much nasty energy is used.
In short, it’s propaganda dressed up as science. The BBC is quite shameless.
I’m afraid I missed yesterday’s pro Brexit march through central London and it seems our beloved MSM missed it as well. My apologies, I really feel I should have gone, but I decided to enjoy the sunshine and work on my overgrown allotment. Anyway I had my little portable radio with me to keep abreast of events.
No surprise that the Beeb didn’t mention our demo at all. “There’s tens of thousands marching against Brexit” cooed some breathless BBC bint.
Classic FM was just as bad; indeed it was the lead story! Strange, Tommy’s big get together of a fortnight ago in Whitehall didn’t even get mentioned, but still…
At least on LBC they acknowledged the existence of an alternative march….but that was only for congestion reasons and they forgot to tell us what it was about.
You see, not that I need to tell anyone here, it’s not just the parasitic BBC that we’re up against. It’s the establishment. Whether it’s the industrial scale rape of working class white girls by RoPers, the justifiable outrage at the imprisonment of a man trying his best to expose this horror, or a march through London, our media is so foul and so biased they can only be described as fifth columnists.
We’re living in really strange times. Feminists, parliamentarians and the media squeal about the unpleasant and creepy “up skirting” but cock a deaf un’ when it comes to the utterly despicable, sub-human practise of FGM.
I often wonder what our old mate George Orwell would make of all this.
He must be must be spinning…
I’m afraid I missed yesterday’s pro Brexit march through central London and it seems our beloved MSM missed it as well. My apologies, I really feel I should have gone, but I decided to enjoy the sunshine and work on my overgrown allotment. Anyway I had my little portable radio with me to keep abreast of events.
No surprise that the Beeb didn’t mention our demo at all. “There’s tens of thousands marching against Brexit” cooed some breathless BBC bint.
Classic FM was just as bad; indeed it was the lead story! Strange, Tommy’s big get together of a fortnight ago in Whitehall didn’t even get mentioned, but still…
At least on LBC they acknowledged the existence of an alternative march….but that was only for congestion reasons and they forgot to tell us what it was about.
You see, not that I need to tell anyone here, it’s not just the parasitic BBC that we’re up against. It’s the establishment. Whether it’s the industrial scale rape of working class white girls by RoPers, the justifiable outrage at the imprisonment of a man trying his best to expose this horror, or a march through London, our media is so foul and so biased they can only be described as fifth columnists.
We’re living in really strange times. Feminists, parliamentarians and the media squeal about the unpleasant and creepy “up skirting” but cock a deaf un’ when it comes to the utterly despicable, sub-human practise of FGM.
I often wonder what our old mate George Orwell would make of all this.
He must be spinning…
Strange times indeed Jeff
I dont think there were much more than a couple of thousand there – Probably due to world cup as much as anything as the DFLA and the veterans are currently the backbone of the movement.
To me the irony of all of this is that it is the “working class , uneducated football oiks” that are the ones actually defending the rights and freedoms of “our betters” and their children all who it seems wish to wrap themselves up in the EU flag and carry their silly smart arse signs and give away our hard fought for rights and freedoms.
You couldn’t make this up
Strange times indeed Jeff
I dont think there were much more than a couple of thousand there – Probably due to world cup as much as anything as the DFLA and the veterans are currently the backbone of the movement.
To me the irony of all of this is that it is the “working class , uneducated football oiks” that are the ones actually defending the rights and freedoms of “our betters” and their children all who it seems wish to wrap themselves up in the EU flag and carry their silly smart arse signs and give away our hard fought for rights and freedoms.
You couldn’t make this up
Certainly begs the question – Just who are the ignorant ones or are they just exceedingly selfish shits who cant bear the thought of their lives changing even a little bit if it vastly improves the quality of lives of the vast majority.
I take it that by now, you have heard every appalling detail of the stomach turning tragedy of Grenfell Towers. 72 people died, and the BBC has consistently points the blame at the Tory party for those deaths.
You may just about have heard of the 600-1000 deaths at Gosport Hospital. According to the inquiry hundreds of people died from, at the least, medical incompetence, but what may be something far more sinister. Detectives claim that ‘political interference’ prevented them from investigating the deaths. The deaths took place under the Labour government from 1987 to 2001. Dr Jane Barton was found (quietly) guilt of some of the deaths and retired from practice. The matter was then hushed up.
An inquiry was forced by the loved ones of those killed.
Where is the BBC please? 77 dreadful deaths in an accident counts for far more than hundreds of deaths in an NHS hospital. If there had been 1 death in a private hospital would the BBC be so coy about reporting the news?
It’s not just the deaths, but the NHS cover up and the public need to know the full facts about the state interference preventing the original inquiry.
Come on BBC, be honourable for once in your miserable, conniving lives.
The deaths at the Gosport Hospital only involved old, bed blocking white people (the very people costing the NHS a fortune, allegedly), not the sort of people the BBC concern themselves with. The Grenfell fatalities however, involved an entirely different set on people held in high esteem and reverence by the BBC and their fellow travellers.
As to the political interference, this was nothing more than Common Purpose infiltrators watching each others’ backs. The NHS management, Police, local councils, media, justice system, etc., are crawling with the bastards. That’s why I think it will be an absolute waste of time and money for any outside force to be investigating Hampshire Police as to its failings.
If those old white people were still alive they would have voted for Brexit but the BBC won’t be arguing how the Brexit vote would have been even higher.
I’m sure I’ve read that families of those who were murdered are trying to raise money so they can initiate private legal proceedings against the doctor, the nurses and other hospital staff who are implicated in these deaths. But I can’t find a website where I can donate.
Apparently the CPS have refused to start criminal investigations, our am I mistaken?
But you are correct in thinking Common Purpose will have a hand in these deaths; it’s what I have also assumed.
So it now emerges the fake beeb / msm used a fake picture in the fake story about a child torn from her mother at the US border to stoke fake outrage. In reality the child was never separated, she was just crying, like children do.
Even the vile beeb now acknowledge this on their webshite, in a retraction so small you’d need a magnifying glass to find it. Just try for yourselves 🙂
“Migrant families separation poster girl not taken from mum”
Earlier in the year, the BBC had reporters with a large group of Mexican Families at the Mexican – US Border – and then went with them over the boarder as an invasion into the US as a “political protest” against Donald Trumps plans for border enforcement – which they irresponsibly and wilfully likened to Nazi Germany. The BBC know exactly what they are doing.
And authorisation for this behaviour must be coming from the top of the far-left bbc.
BBC1 Sunday Morning Live starts with a sofa of 3 blacks and 2 white people (tick). The black presenter starts by saying “this has been a interesting week for immigration with Windrush celebrations and Trump putting children in cages. Trump’s wife also wore a coat, when she visited children immigrants, which said ‘I dont care, do you?’ “.
They then do a live link up with another black man.
Hmmmm….. this will not be a balanced discussion on immigration then!
And now they have moved on and are interviewing author Kate Mosse, a Remainer and LGBT rights campaigner.
“So Kate, how much of modern day immigration do you try and get across in your books?”
Who is up next? JK Rowling for her views too?
Good enough reason to give up TV, Tabs, and with it to stop paying the TV Licence Fee. 😉
Now the sofa has 2 blacks and 2 whites….. discussing and showing a photo of the black preacher who spoke at the Royal wedding.
It’s relentless!
Now a bit about pilgrimages……. with a different black presenter!
Holy crap…. now discussing gene editing…. 5 people on the sofa, 2 are black, 1 Indian, 2 whites.
Is immigration needed? It is needed for the Sunday Morning Live programme!
Thanks for this Tabs – this is important. It would be great if there was some research group (or maybe the BBC) that transcribed every BBC broadcast – so that people like me, you and others could analyse these broadcasts carefully and where appropriate try to hold them (the BBC) to account.
ps: With voice recognition software – it may be possible to get audio copies of these broadcasts – and then run them through the voice recognition software. So here is a general question to all: has anyone have experience of doing this?
Momentum and BBC (apart from World Service) are one and the same. Same University’s, same courses, lecturers,, marxist mentality and indolence. You’ll never see them commissioning anything on the downfall of the organisation they resemble the most, the USSR!
Same on the Radio Tabs.
I tuned in for the Radio 4 “Sunday Worship” at 8.10 am.
Windrush, windup, whingerush.
That`s all we got.
Lots of Theophilus P Wildebeests, Ali Gs and Chalkies from Am Dram Casting, glued dreadlocks and black up impressions of Darcus Howe and Linton Kwesi Johnson.
Utter crap, start to finish. Like the Irish they came here, took their chances. Both did good as well as evil too, most are dead and dying now. Dementia.
But NONE of them but the race hustlers in politics and media are able to tell us the truth now, so let the BBC Drama Department and Welbys wallies give an act, a performance.
But no bible teaching, no true worship, just SisterActs shit for the St Simon Of Cowell tributes.
Appalling, guess only a militant atheist or radical Islamist could have been chipping away to make this in 2018 by way of “religious programming”,
Did however note at least TWO traditional hymns played, big cathedral and big organ sound.
Why not Bob Marley or Steel Pulse then?
Now THAT is patronising piggybacking “cultural appropriation” on Wesleys legacy. Disgusting.
Thought they weren`t allowed to do that-or is it all OK if the ethnic majority who are Christian take as much offence to that, as they freely dish up to us every day?
But of course the damage is done, the mud will stick, the msm can feel smug and deliciously outraged.
Job done.
There are plenty of versions taking the Mickey out of it, and they are the ones which I suspect will have the longer life.
I’ve posted this one before, but it’s worth another outing.
“We demand a second referendum”.
BBC Shit Watch: Ed Sheeran takes a shit and the BBC have a full report on it and feature it as a major news story.
BBC Headline: “Sheeran stops gig for the loo – twice”
Of course – this reveals one of the perks of the BBC – they get free passes to many of these music concerts as a quid pro quo for providing free advertisement for the event (this could be called corruption) – and then they get the British taxpayer to pay for all their expenses.
That must be the same Ed Sheeran that voted Remain and “is a big Corbyn fan” then…
Shit coming out of all his orifices apparently.
Probably this caught up with him.
One of the many things I find despicable about the so-called liberal msm/beeb is that secretly they enjoy the benefits of well-guarded borders, but are unwilling to sully their dainty white hands doing the necessary, and pour scorn on someone who does.
Here’s Tucker on the elites ‘self-righteous posturing… a kind of performance art’.
Tucker Carlson is such an admirable expert in getting across the hypocrisy and cant, in just a 4 minute succinct commentary, of the virtue signalling left in the USA, that surely nobody can fail to admire his journalistic dexterity? I could listen to his interviews all day .. he never loses his cool but his understated but amusing facial expressions and his rapier wit in filleting these pathetic SJW’s is priceless.
If anyone is worth £600 K a year (as per Humphreys) it is Tucker. In fact twice that amount! I would pay the licence fee just for him!!
Thanks for the link vlad.
I’m only 35 in my head .. my perfect age … but if I was really 35 …. Tucker .. I want your babies!
Tucker is the man, without a doubt. I like to go for a daily fix of Tucker, with maybe some Laura Ingraham if the topics are really spicey. I do also like Dan Bongino when he’s on the show.
The Greg Gutfield show at the weekend is always an entertaining roundup of the anti Trump hysteria.
Just received this notification from the Tax payers Alliance.
Seems May’s largesse wasn’t what it seemed to be. (we’ll still be paying the EU probably)
And from the same.
Lowest earners face high tax burden
Continuing the theme of rising taxation, statistics by the ONS (Office for National Statistics) showed that the bottom 10 per cent of earners pay almost half of their gross income in tax. Key findings from our analysis:
In 2016-17, the bottom 10 per cent of households paid an average of 49.5 per cent of their gross income in taxes. This excludes benefits in kind, such as travel subsidies, education and the NHS. This is an increase from 42 per cent in 2015-16.
Of the 49.5 per cent of tax that the bottom 10 per cent paid, 43 per cent of this is made up of VAT and Council Tax
John O’Connell commented:
“The reality of the tax system makes a mockery of the lazy socialist trope that we can simply tax the rich more. The highest earning 1% in the UK pay an estimated 28% of all income tax. But what is also clear is that taxes tend to hit the poorest families hardest. The lowest earners in Britain pay more than 49% of their income in tax, leaving them with less and less at the end of the month to pay for life’s necessities.”
When I was working part time a few (?) years ago, before they started upping the personal allowance, I was actually *earning* around 7K a year ( I had money from an asset which allowed me to work part time but live off part of my asset). I paid tax through Self Assessment online (I have to say I found this really good) but on my income I was paying around £150 to £200 income tax. Is that taxing the rich?
Well I think the Freedom March was a credible event considering ;
The elite were against it
It was not mentioned beforehand by the MSM especially the BBC , which mentioned other marches .
It’s in London , which is a completely different place to the rest of the country . The left/ liberals live there and can hop on a bus or bike to their marches , whereas the normal folk have to take the train or car .
It wasn’t sponsored by professional agitators ,unlike the other marches where Vince Cable turns up .
Many who are not of the liberal/left are still working so cannot attend .
I think ” lessons must be learned” though , to make future marches more successful where even the BBC can’t ignore them . Is there a website for that ?
RedPillPhil and Shazia Hobbs lot trapped behind enemy lines yesterday
and cos they are all livestreaming they have footage.
(At some point there is a claim that a Remainer has called Shazia a Negro Nazi or something, but I can’t make it out on the video.
.. so without proper evidence I wouldn’t make a big deal of it but Shazia might put an edit later
\\ JONAYA: A far-leftie on the pro EU demo just called me a “FILTHY NEGRO”!
And, we’ve got it on film, classic! //)
I note that Remainers seem to be able to have PA systems on the street when normally Tommy’s lot can’t .
In Phil’s latest video he seems to have his white nanna and very black grandmother supporting his cause and saying be careful of Antifa saboteurs trying to provoke violence.
This new site was mentioned yesterday
It doesn’t seem to be up and running yet but the implication is that it will provide news about future marches.
Thanks TI
I’ve signed up , see what happens .
I’ve signed up also, with the msm atempting to close us out and silence us, the more outlets we have to defend free speech and democracy, the better.
“UK Freedom Movement”
is close to sounding like “UK Freedom OF Movement”
I don’t know whether that is good or bad
Their Twitter account @UKFreedomMoveme has been up since January 2018
London BLOODBATH: ‘Violent attack’ in Colliers Row, Romford leaves 15 year-old dead
A TEENAGER is thought to have died after being stabbed on multiple occasions in a suspected murder in Colliers Row, Romford, Met Police have confirmed.
Multiple occasions?
BBC finds Andrew Marr guilty of rules breach over a ‘misleading’ claim that Israel killed ‘lots of Palestinian kids’
Follows a complaint about comments made on Sunday news programme
“The BBC finds Andrew Marr guilty of …”
Does the BBC report this anywhere on their website? I suppose it must have been serious (or at least impossible to cover up) if the BBC finds itself guilty of something. It’s a bit like the SS finding itself guilty of the use of excessive force.
Two marches in London yesterday
#1 The Pro-Brexit March
#2 The Marie Antoinettes Anti-Brexit March
I’ve been calling the MetroLibElites or MetroLibEstablishment
… but “Marie Antoinettes” sums them up
Those London people often working in the media who are SURE they know better than the working class say
– ‘Let them pay for wind/solar subsidies’
– ‘Let them pay give up their diesels and pay to subsidise our electric cars’
– ‘Let them pay for smart meters”
– ‘Let them pay for pay unfair EU taxes’
– ‘Let them pay for the consequences of open borders policy’
– ‘Let them pay for the kind of progs we like to make at the BBC,
.. even though our audiences are ever falling, we are going to make progs that appeal to Guardian Readers not the Daily Mail readers who pay the most licence fee’
“Marie Antoinettes” sums them up
Marionettes for short.
Brussels, not Brissles, pulling their strings!
Or f*ckwits – shorter still.
I’m not sure that puppets somes them up .
The MetroLibElites have an attitude of certainty that their twisted worldview is fact ..”everyone knows that”
eg “everyone knows that the EU is great”
“everyone knows that Brexiteers are racists”
“everyone knows that Tories are evil”
“Marie Antoinettes” sums up posh Labourites like Owen Jones
but I am not sure Corbyn or McDonnell who are coming from a different angle and just have flawed ideology.
Sunday Politics ‘team’ today includes Dawn Foster – Guardian journo. Blimey what a transformation ! first saw her 18 months ago being interviewed by Sky – vastly overweight, make up free and unkempt long dark hair. Clearly decided on becoming a tv ‘talking head’ so industrial make-over required, ergo weight loss, short hair with blonde highlights, and make up (bit iffy but hey ho). Love to see a ‘before’ and ‘after’. Some of us remember Dawn. Miaoooooow !
The Left is well known for its dogs Brissles.
Caroline Flint is looking better though, after her recent backing of Brexit in Parliament.
Hardly Kellyanne or whoever.
But compared to Anna Soubry?
Now THERE`S a face worth a timeline since 2015 and Brexit.
Yes-as we know here-inner virtue, being correct on all matters cultural-and being really nice people with good friends, nice men all about?
Well, what else can we do but radiate loveliness?
Poor Dianne Abbott eh? No-one should end up going from being as she was in 1987 to what she presents as today.
Bernie Grant in a bad wig.
Miaouw pussycatz!
“What’s the end game ?”
is the question we should ask these Anti-Brexit “Marie Antoinettes”
Come 2028 with us back in the EU at even worse terms and even more immigration… do they think we will be putting up memorials in gratitude ?
…. or will we be digging “Marie Antoinette” memorials 6 foot deep for them ?
It’s the question I ALWAYS ask of rabid Remainers, and they never have an answer because most have no real knowledge about the EU, only what they’ve been told by the likes of the BBC – that they are the righteous. They have no understanding that the EU is ever-changing and there is no comforting status quo.
They have no concept of where “progressiveness” is actually progressing to (totalitarianism, actually, though they don’t want to hear it). They think that it’s all being nice and living in a hand-holdy, Like to Teach the World to Sing kind of world, and who wouldn’t want that?
Not a shred of concern about democracy and understanding what is really happening to the unemployed of southern Europe, of course. Just happy to be eternal children being played by the corporations and their bought-and-paid-for politicians. And not a clue, not a single inkling of the big picture.
I direct them, as a first move, to the foundation stone of EU, and Jean Monnet’s words: “Europe’s nations should be guided towards the super state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.”
At that point, they usually change the subject and start calling me names, including “Stupid”. And I cannot understand how they still do not get it.
They do get it, but pretend not to. The reason so many scams work is because it is far easier to con someone, than it is for the victim to admit to being conned. Hence why so many people carry on sending money to the same scams over and over again, in the forlorn hope that their trust and belief will be finally vindicated, proving themselves right all along and the naysayers wrong.
Yes Major, the old chestnut says:
It’s much easier to fool people, than it is to convince them they have been fooled.
And it goes hand in hand with the con artists maxim:
Tell them what they want to hear.
I’m afraid a massive percentage of the electorate are simply sheeple.
So yesterday a Woman’s Hour staffer was on the Anti-Brexit march

Lucinda Hawksley tweets her saying “Tens of thousands of us in Pall Mall for the #PeoplesVoteMarch”
The Woman’s Hour staffer retweets “I’m one of them”
She then realises shes sent that from the @BBCWomansHour account and not her own
… so deletes it
some one screenshotted it
So incredible I thought it must be a photoshop, but no no one called it fake, so it does seem it is genuine.
Jasmine will be prepping her for a slap wrist and nice promotion.
Ah Craig was on the case , saw the tweet live, before it was deleted.
But what else does one name a Roedean poppet with a BBC internship lined up?
Should have been internment, what ho?
Great post Pug.
Will look up Hume, very good stuff.
”If only we could keep the hard-working Latin American newcomers and deport the contemptible Republican cowards — that would truly enhance America’s greatness.”
or turn it into Mexico 2.
i cannot understand if immigrants are so hard working and we so lazy, why are their countries poor?
Eddy, “I cannot understand if immigrants are so hard working and we so lazy, why are their countries poor?”
Because they keep electing rubbish politicians and governments? Oh! Hang on …
“Weapons found at the ‘Muslim Eton’, Darul Uloom”
The Sunday Times has an article (pay-walled) describing how a private, muslim school is clearly a front for terrorism. Weapons and over £400,000 was found in the private rooms of the headmaster and his son.
The school has history for promoting terrorism.
What do the authorities do? – sack the headmaster but allow the school to carry on as usual.
Meanwhile, in Russia, an England fan raises his arm in the air and the police release a statement saying “this sort of disgusting behaviour will not be tolerated”, give him a five year ban and start proceedings to prosecute.
Russians are a bit sensitive about raised arm salutes.
Sat in Santiago watching the match. You can quite clearly hear the crowd singing God Save The Queen and no BME England supporters in crilowd close ups. So have the BBC edited the background noise and do they have cameras scouring the crowd looking for BME supporters……apologies in advance if it’s not on BBC lol
Wuppertal explosion caused by too much beer, wurst and sauerkraut after last night’s football, claim German police. Absolutely no terrorist connection . BBC claim the explosion caused by drunken far right supporters farting in unison and that no Muslims were involved. Guardian claims this is an example of eco terrorism with large volumes of greenhouses gases being released and absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
‘Claims’, hmm, do I detect a stealth application for a position with the ‘world’s most trusted’ ? ;). Just a thought, but did anyone check nearby fridges ?
It’s not ramavan, Major G.
Is it only muslim fridges that explode?
It’s a design feature which activates if non-halal food is put in them.
A “Flying Gas Main” Nothing to see here, now move on ………….
“Boy killed in community centre party stabbing”
I’m confused: could these be the same community centres the beeb keep telling us we need more of, in order to prevent colourful ethnic knifings caused by the evil Tory cuts?
Surely bringing savages together under one roof, with sex, drugs and alcohol, all to the accompaniment of violent rap lyrics, is a good thing, no?
Nice point vlad – could well be ‘ youthful high spirits ‘ which bring the death level to 70 – another one as well yesterday .
I really hope the remainers enjoyed their little walk yesterday – as well as the brexit walk . Unless the a50 is extended I don’t see an exit deal being done by October this year -so a full British brexit come March 2019 .
But a question al beeb never discusses is rejoining the EUreich is our time away is a failure . I’ve never heard a discussion – yes I know we’d have to ditch the pound and become a nice eureich substate but it’s a matter of being grown up and looking at all options – head over heart. Don’t get me wrong – I want a full British brexit and know we will be great again .
Al beeb fails its customers by not discussing this – but I suppose is beeboids working on Wimmins Hour can tweetabout being on the remain march then we can see the bias . In this day and age that person should be sacked for public bias
So the Anti-Brexit march oganisers said “We have about “100,000 people”

And the BBC presenter stood in the crowd and said “There are 100,000 here”
and the organisers tweeted we love this BBC coverage
From @MonkeyBrains
The BBC found time for the knickers protest against Christopher Chope, involving perhaps a max of two people.
However the “Free Tommy” protest involving probably 10,000 people in central London got no coverage, apart from a brief negative report on a clash between police and demonstrators.
Peoples Vote March? Well Shawn, you’re an idiot, the people have already voted.
And Roger Helmer MEP agrees with you
“Peoples Vote” is a PR word and BBC shouldn’t be using it.
\\ Good grief, BBC news channel are showing the speeches live. //
Its not a “people’s vote” its a Remainer’s vote – simples !
The people spoke in 2016.
Please RT ?
(yeah, I know re-Tweet)
But how appropriate – Russia Today – when the anti-Brexit and so-called ‘People’s Vote’ obviously had all of the Internet involvement this month, whether Russian or not, that they accuse the Leave Campaign of having had back in 2016.
Fed, you are right. They don’t like it, they don’t – the pro-Remain voters – they don’t like the cold hard Euro up ’em!
I observed on a Forum, elsewhere, some weeks before the 2016 Referendum that a vote to Remain could well result in Britain being asked to join the Euro at a point in the near future. There would of course have to be another Referendum on giving up Sterling (the pound, not Raheem – just to show that a cricket dinosaur knows his footie) and I pointed that out, too, to those participating.
The instant meltdown and abuse from the pro-EU members of the Forum that followed was very revealing. The UK Pantomime Season had nothing on their “Oh, no it won’t.”
Not BBC, but I tried to Google pro Brexit march London and today’s Google banner has the World Cup picture representing England..I think it was mixed up with Rhodesia..
Bbc editorial integrity means…
“Smoke bombs thrown as a UK freedom march arrived.”
That’s a clear insinuation by the BBC that the freedom march threw it, whilst making sure they can weasel out of responsibility as they didn’t actually say who threw it. As the left were there, we can be sure who the real culprits were.
I refuse to believe there isn’t police video that shows exactly who threw it. That there were no arrests for it tells its own story.
And why exactly was it relevant to the story to state that lesser notice of the freedom march was given than the required 28 days?
‘Thomas Markle’s royal wedding suit worn to Ascot.’
A relative of someone famous wore an item of clothing. Why on Earth is this one of their lead stories? Do they not feel any shame sending pensioners to prison for refusing to fund such garbage?
A distraction story maybe? Theresa May has had a good week while Corbyn tripped up a few times? People no longer buying the BBC’s bullshit?
A distraction story maybe? Theresa May has had a good week while Corbyn tripped up a few times? People no longer buying the BBC’s bullshit?
If I were interested in celebrity crap I would go to the Heat or TMZ websites which do it much better than the BBC. We rightly expect better from such a lavishly funded ‘national treasure.’
Beeboid metrosexuals like that kind of stuff…
looks like the BBC’s party wiill do well in Turkey.
Two really good articles from the Gatestone Institute.
1.One taught me that Muslims DO have moderate branches-Sunni have Ahmaddiya, Shi`a have Baha`i.
And only in Israel are they given full state protection. And some Regents Park dhimmi slags ISRAEL off for not being nice to Christians. Great article-Professor Mc Eion formerly of Newcastle Uni until sacked for not being Wahhabi enough, with Saudi money as incentive.
2. And the other brilliantly shows how Islam and the Left have been parallel means of creating victimhood, and self loathing in the west. He speaks of Iran and Syria, but Saids “Orientalism doctrine” is their way of breaking us. The liberal left in universities and the BBC are doing it for nothing.
Will the BBC ever again tell us anything like this?
Dream on.
According to Douglas Murray, it’s the Ahmadiyya who generally turn out after a terrorist attack, eg: Westminister Bridge. They face persecution because they are not regarded as “proper Muslims” by many but organistions like the BBC tend to hold them up as proof that Islam is civilised.
Interestingly, according to Wiki, the sect was founded in Punjab, British India, in the late 19th century.
Very popular at Specsavers, apparently.
Not an expert, but I believe that Sufism is also non violent.
All of Islam is non violent according to our politcos and BBC, Marion. Religion of Peace and all that. Do keep up.
But the Ahmadiyya are used as examples when they are not typical.
And don’t be so effing rude.
Toobiwan is not being rude to you Marion. He is making a cynical comment about the state of the msm. It’s quite a good one.
“Do keep up” is often used on this site in a jocular manner.
You are dead right about the about the Ahmadiyya though and no one is disputing that.
Sufism is Islam with some mysticism thrown in but there are some dangerous clerics among them.
Both Ahmaddiya and Bahais are considered heretical and persecuted throughout much of the muslim world.
We must remember that while Christianity is just a religion, Islam is a “faith”, and therefore to be honoured and fawned over.
Someone posted @LucyFrown’s UKIP supporting video yesterday
– OK she is TR’s ex-camerawoman
She’s just done a podcast about loads of things
eg The way Dom Joly and others claim the Antifa attacking Tommy at McDonalds was faked (Their twitter thread )
She says of course it was real. @CaolanRob put every minute on Youtube.
– She told how once after being beaten up by Antifa, the next day she met with one woman organiser , who tried to talk to her and said “why are you saying you are all woman’s rights, when yesterday you were one of the ones beating me A WOMAN up”
– After the day for Freedom march she stopped working for Tommy ..the movement spat me out .. maybe cos she somehow invited Ali Dawah against Tommy’s wishes.
She says it’s weird people claim she is Antifa.(She claims that the first time years ago when she went to film Antifa she didn’t know the score so she wore a balaclava to protect herself. Then the Antifa just presumed she was Antifa as well)
– “Ali Dawah , Mo Hijab, were talking backstage with people, I was busy doing something else .. then I heard crowd people were taking a dislike to him and I dashed out, saw Mo Hijab put his gum shield in. I was more afraid of these football guys cos unlike antifa they are not masked. We had an emergency exit route planned, but then it went wrong came up against a pen.. I felt so disappointed ..and I got hit by someone on crutches he was trying to hit Ali
… I said the police should arrest those football guys .. I can’t say if I fell out with TR”
Well, I watched the scuffle live as people streamed it ..and the amazing thing was that it was very quick, like 45s to a minute..there were 3 or 4 guys who were out to throw punches, but likewise most didn’t join in and it was a Tommy steward who stepped between right away shouting “calm down calm down” and then it ended and the police got Ali away.
It was wrong of @LucyFrown to invite Ali, cos that fails a risk assessment .. How can she invite someone who previously physically attacked Tommy, and not expect there would be trouble ?
– She is now explaining Leeds
She is coming across as young, speaking with over certainty egy about Leeds “filming was highly likely to cause a mistrial” (We know it didn’t and that the police had 70 mins to act earlier to stop TR, but didn’t)
OK there is something wrong with her cos she Tweeted the Mail coverage of that Day of Freedom without comment
Since the Mail falsely portrayed that 45 second scuffle as the main focus of the 5 hours I think that is FakeNews by her is all info which has proper context withheld.
She knows Antifa are most violent, but is a afraid that a small proportion of TR supporters are punch happy football hooligans
.. Yes they are, but the peaceful way of the rest of the crowd was winning them round and that scuffle was controlled within a couple of minutes by the good guys.
Looking at Red Pill Phill’s video and some other footage I’ve noticed ;
The Remainers have the rudest placards and profanity is liked .
The Remainers sneer , scorn and hate those of the population that disagree with them .
The Brexiteers have more clarity and less abuse with their placards .
The Brexiteers don’t hate , demean or slander the minority population that voted Remain .
The Brexiteers are more likely to be anti government of whatever stripe and anti the elite , TPTB or any shadowy organisation . But not anti the people .
The Remainers think organisations know best , the Brexiteers think the people know better , perhaps not perfectly , but overall better .
Good post, pug. The BBC LibbyLefties and the Alt-Left do love little laws to live by though. They don’t go in for the big ones, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your might and your neighbour as yourself’ and love your nation and culture and traditions, such as free speech and democracy.
They do love bans on smoking, Environmental and Sugar Taxes and “Should we ban parking on pavements?”
Daily Politics – Farage v Campbell Brexit and Airbus.
How many votes has Campbell had in his career compared to Farage?
I could only stand about five minutes of that. Campbell redefines the word “arsehole”.
I think he has a drink problem ?
He did certainly did in the past, taffman, think he’s now on the waggon. I know someone who met him recently and thinks he’s lovely but is a fairly hardline Labour voter. Biased opinion? May well be.
Thing I find about some Labour folk is that they are somewhat deceptive, turning on the charm to win votes or supporters but are ‘snarling McDonnell gimlet eyed’ as soon as they have power.
Never see his CPN do we?
Wasn`t it Enoch who first mooted closing down the old psychiatric hospitals?
So shouldn`t Campbell have cause to praise Enoch for his enlightened policy towards the vulnerable pornographer who was Robert Maxwells wobbly wallet, before his final dip in order to circle the sharks?
No-he`s basically Lady Macbeth working out his ishoos at taxpayers expense, still trying to get David Kellys blood out of his nails, all that scratching can`t be good for them.
I think he`ll die early, doesn`t look well does he?
That hair dye might be giving off fumes, possibly to cover the smell of sulphur or booze.
But the BBC seem to like him, you do wonder how his meds are funded.
The BBC certainly like Vince and Tone as well as Campbell. Am surprised they didn’t bring on Broon, more often, for the full set. Vince Cable very clearly called older Brexit voters racist, xenophobic and anti-foreigner and he is now a major ally of Alastair Campbell.
That went down the BBC memory hole.
JoCo is really developing a prune face. If she gurns much more, her face will do a back flip.
No wonder Emmy is starting to make herself look a bit better.
Perhaps they are both going for the Dimbleby Major’s old job.
BBC news all over the obesity stuff. As the reality of what their reckless liberalism has created dawns darkly I imagine ‘news’ will increasingly consist of celebrity gossip, activism on pet issues and finger-wagging about minor thought crimes.
The BBC will do an item on Obesity and blame capitalism and lying tory scum. They will then do an item on the need for food banks for the starving poor, and also blame capitalism and lying tory scum.
I am always confused by the BBC. UI guess, capitalism and lying Tory scum are just always int her wrong and to blame for everything.
Let’s tax Coca Cola, Pepsi and my personal favourite Vimto. That will cure our fat kids. Nothing to do with a culture where making our kids do anything remotely competitive or physical might upset those less able. Remember folks there’s no losers at this sports day. I could also mention the many £1.99 chicken ‘n’ chips offers in our vibrant high streets, but I’m better than that. Back on topic, the BBC seem to be making a big deal about some Roma who were attacked in the Ukraine and I thought thats a bit obscure. Then I read the piece, always a fuckin’ agenda.
I’d suggest cutting back on the futile, fatten up the supermarkets’ Directors Government ‘Five a Day’ regime. I’m sure ‘some people’ think that because it is Government advice, it is OK to OD on the fruit and eat the usual veg which probably includes carrots. Fruit (and some vegetables, especially carrots) are loaded in sugar.
If the stupid mantra ‘Sugar makes you fat’ is at all true, (btw, it is not) it is through consuming massive amounts of Five-a-Day that the UK obesity crisis is supported and not halted.
Restrict yourself to meat and two veg with a small pud (which might include fruit) for six years together with appropriate exercise and obesity will be a thing of the past.
“Government ‘Five a Day’ regime”
Salad isn’t food. Salad is what food eats.
RJ, LOL x5!
I can never get the obesity versus food bank issue . If so many people are apparently poor why are there so many over fat ? Beats me .
Mind you albeeb uses food banks to beat the conservatives over the head .
Oh yes, and lots of roll-up fags as well.
We gave up because we couldn’t afford it, and as we had young kids, they would be affected too.
Smug? Us?
Don’t forget Sky subscriptions and ‘phone contracts either, S.
I have a distant family member, just had her second ankle biter nine months and three days apart. Minimum wage sperm donor, rented accommodation, full Sky package, latest Apple ‘phone x2, just “bought” a new car and off to Lanzarote in two weeks. ’tis a wonder how they afford it. At least they are doing their bit to reverse the declining birthrate I suppose. “Shag for Britain. Do you think it would catch on?
As you all know those Joos are making life tough for the Pallies in Gaza.
One of their evil strategies is to allow large quantities of food so that they are number 8 in the world obesity scale
Fed, there is a curious connection between the Fuel Duty Escalator and the so-called Obesity Crisis. When the FDE was introduced in 1992, it was observed that round fruit and vegetables, heavy with water, were more expensive to transport with refrigeration than flat-pack, pre-packaged ready meals.
Causation or a mere accidental correlation?
Of course capitalists & conservatives are always fat. They get that way by stealing food from poor Muslim “refugee” children.
BBC 2 is now broadcasting the anti-Trump documentary ‘Reporting Trump’s first year’. I am amazed that given what we now know, that the FBI and CIA illegally surveilled the Trump campaign and were aided and abetted by the fourth estate…they should be so dumb as to expose their corruption so blatantly. Breathtaking stupidity.
All through the eyes of the ….. New York Times! All with a background of ominous music, to make sure the viewer understands the Trump presidency is a disaster. They have reached General Flynn, whom they are trashing with innuendo. Flynn was induced to resign because he was accused by the FBI of lying to it, and was ‘persuaded’ to resign (the FBI reportedly threatened to go after his family if he didn’t do so). Of course, we now know that even Peter Strzok stated that, in his opinion, Flynn did not lie to the FBI. Dirty tricks, indeed. Back to BBC2, if I can bear it.
Telling us nunes was colluding with Trump to prove he was being surveilled because he made a midnight visit to the White house. He didn’t. …He had to get in to the fking Eisenhower building to see the Presidential daily briefs which revealed the massive amount of illegal unmasking that Obama’s regime had initiated…yes it is truly hard to watch such blatant partisanship and outright lies
Victor Davis Hanson is much more plausible on Hillary/FBI/Russia than the BBC, in my estimation.
He even makes a couple of predictions:
1) Obama is going to get dragged directly into this.
2) Mueller is going to find some peripheral wrongdoing of an irrelevant sort, which will be used to castigate Trump. As Hanson says “He has his criminal, now he has to find some sort of crime.”
France’s Macron, the BBC’s favourite right wing populist, blocks illegal migrants from crossing into France. The BBC as quiet as Marx’s corpse.
The Germans stop new migrants entering their country and step up attempts to remove them (good luck with that). The BBC as non-committal as a statue of Lenin.
Austria firms up its promise to keep out new migrants. The BBC quietly mutters about fascists.
Italy (at last!) takes steps to save itself and blocks illegal migrants entering the country. The BBC in Stalin mode tuts and wags its finger.
Malta sensibly decides not to have its small country overwhelmed by countless migrants. The BBC in Castro junta mode cares little for Malta’s reasoning, the BBC just know it is wrong.
Trump prevents illegal migrants from south America crossing the US border, with the support of the people who elected him. The BBC is squealing full on revolutionary fervour, blowing away truth and logic.
Stossel has put something out about Paris Climate and Trump.
Did I hear right?
On the BBC1 10 pm news Katya Adler reports on the EU minisummit to discuss migration.
In the context of the boats setting off from the African coast to the EU she first described ‘illegal migration’ and then ‘irregular migration’. I nearly spilled my vintage Bollinger.
Surely she should have said ‘vulnerable families with young children and many doctors and engineers’?
Was this a mistake? An editorial oversight?
Surely they cannot have tumbled that their multiculti open door Nirvana is now dead in the water and is being consistently opposed when European voters are given the chance?