Al Beeb is carrying on with Project Fear in accordance with the wishes of the likes of Soros and the government is showing its true colours by increasing taxes. Not much hope of al Beeb changing any time soon but we must fight on showing the bias reason for change.
Weekend Open Thread 23 June 2018
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Radio 4 The Food Programme at midday
Problems in the catering trade . Why are they closing ?
Number one reason is
Brexit .
Higher food prices apparently , even though we haven’t left yet .
Number two is the high business rates and number three well I can’t remember as its ten hours ago and they’ve probably got it wrong .
Beeboids . It’s the business rates . That’s the killer . Look into it .
Or don’t and that’s another reason not to buy your telly tax .
Our food prices will be cheaper when we are out of the protectionist EU market.
Third world countries will benefit by our freedom to source their cheaper food and in return benefit the third world nations.
The Useless EU is playing ‘catch up’…………
Did anyone here watch that BBC documentary on Friday about the positives of Brexit?
I’d be surprised if they did.
It doesn’t exist and never will.
But very, very exceedingly rich Lord Hall of the BBC did promise back in 2016, didn’t he, that the BBC would produce a pro-Brexit programme?
No link because there is nowt on Al Beeb, but latest news from the EU is that the EU solution on migration has “failed”.
Perhaps Al Beeb’s researchers will catch up and report it soon or perhaps they are hoping to work out a way to ‘spin’ it?
Since the BBC is having an NHS wankfest to ‘celebrate’ its 70 th birthday, I am indebted to a recent correspondent not on this website whose point I shamelessly repeat.
‘From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs’. A piece of pure Marxism and why not? It is from Karl himself in 1875.
Let’s rephrase that a little. ‘From each according to his ability (to pay tax) to each according to his (health) needs (free at the point of delivery)’
The NHS is full – on Communism. The ultimate redistribution of wealth, with all the lack of incentives to improve and centralised control that entails, and protection of the bureaucracy as a prime, essential, feature. As with the Soviet era, so now with Gosport.
No wonder it is a basket case.
Snot honey (Predictive text for Anthony… I’ll leave it) goes with a ‘claim’. Journalism seems to be filtering twitter for what they fancy to RT.
Remarkably eloquent for a three year old ……..
Al Beeb can’t be arsted to name the 15 year old. Stabbed to death in Londonistan this weekend. Jordan doughty wins the. ‘Youngest Londonistaner toBe stabbed to s death in 2018 ‘award
So it’s not a Racial So al Beeb. Couldn’t give an F
Just watching the Iran v Portugal game.
The BBC, lambasted many times on here for promoting hijab ‘fashion’, must be spitting with frustration that the Russian cameras have failed to find a single Iranian female supporter voluntarily wearing one – when of course it is compulsory in their own country.
Very few of their supporters are actually from Iran – they are nearly all Americans (American-based Iranians), who constitute the 3rd largest group of visiting supporters, even though the USA team is not present.
Fair point, if that is the case (a link confirming it would be useful) – but if they are Iranian-born then logically my comment still applies.
Anyone else noticed that the more frantic bBC becomes in its outpourings whether its anti Brexit (now with Royal Assent) ,Trump, Boris, Mexican borders, anti Israel………………one man is noticeable by his absence………….Lord Hall ………..
“Why is your organ pumping out all this anti British anti Government guff at OUR cost.
You Beauty………….
PS We’re OUT.
A couple of hours ago I added a comment, on Breitbart, using my other user name Horace Bachelor, to their story about the nhs saying they are the envy of the world.
I said that it’s similar to the bbc who tell us all that they are the worlds most trusted broadcaster and that they should visit this site to read about the bias and get lots of examples of their bias every day
It was removed.
I did call the bbc a shower of sh1t but there’s much worse appears on Breitbart comments.
I’ll copy and paste it if I can.
Here it is:
HoraceBachelor islandpilot an hour ago
It’s the same with the bbc.
They call themselves the worlds most trusted broadcaster but, as more and more are finding out every day, they are a heavily left wing biased anti Brexit, anti trump shower of sh1t.
Go to biased bbc (google it) and you find hundreds of examples of their daily bias such as pointing out the usual only one leave voter on question time against the rest of the panel who are remain voters, the omission of any positive news on items they don’t like, naming Islam when it’s a good story (baking a cake) but using words like ‘a man’ or ‘an asian’ instead of Muslim when it (as usual) is a horror event.
They are fake news.
Go to biased bbc, you will like what you read.
“Ali travelled to Afghanistan in 2011 and spent five years making bombs to maim and kill coalition troops.”
Treason Mr Blair , treason.
Remake of Summer Holiday here taffman.
Or at least an Eid Blylon book.
Bless-ginger beer anybody?