This might be an interesting week with all the Trump talk but would the BBC really want to offend our cousins from the USA by snubbing a President that we would never be able to elect anyway?
Smoog- short answer – I think is that the bubble is so far away from reality that it doesn’t think falling out with America would have any effect .
Let’s face it -even as an no American – one can see through the fog and see that president trumps’ ratings are going up and he has been doing what he promised . But then he is not a politician which explains that .
I think is president trump were to run for , and get, a second term it would really be payback time .
Still early days yet but if he keeps to his word ad more Americans can warm to him then he could get a second term. That is up to them I guess.
I question why the BBC don’t like him. Is it because he is an ‘American Tory’ or is because the BBC have become so far left with their Corbyn bias that anyone who represents capitalism is now the bad guy?
It’s because he said we would be ‘top of the queue’ for a trade deal post brexit, after Obama had cooperated with the remoaners saying the opposite! At that moment he was doomed as far as the BBC was concerned
Like the Americans, or not (I have mixed opinions about them personally), they are our closest allies, and have been for the last 100 years, at least. It would be churlish to forget they came to our aid in two World Wars and continue to be our best military allies.
The only other nations that we have comparable relations with are Australia, New Zealand and Canada, all three of which are as totally dominated by ‘progressives’ as we are, and two of which are now presided over by vacuous ‘women’ apparently shortlisted for their inoffensive lack of personality and willpower (not at all like the UK, hmm…).
We clearly do have a ‘special relationship’ with the US which you’d think was well worth nurturing – anyone with two brain cells would see our alliance was worth maintaining at almost any cost, especially given how powerful the US is, and how fickle some of our other ‘friends’ are.
So, bearing that in mind, I’d say we owe it to our friends over the water to make the President THEY elected feel welcome, yes – whether we actually like him, or not (personally, I have no grudge in this particular case, but he seems to have upset a few people due to the outrages of being white and not having a vagina).
At the end of the day a President (any President) is only going to be in power for so long, and will eventually be replaced, so is it really that difficult to grit your teeth and be polite to the current incumbent? No, not really, just shows how petulant, arrogant and childish (“I’ll stamp my foot and scweam, and scweam, and scweam, until you give me what I want!”) our MSM (BBC!) has become.
Fair comment. Last week in PMQs Ian ‘I am going to walk out of Parliament’ Blackford demand that we ignore Trump yet May’s reply was more fair. She was attacked for it of course but as I said, why should we offend America by snubbing their elected President? Personal opinions should be put to aside. May has disagreed with Trump on some things in the past but it is kept professional.
Meanwhile old Corbyn jumps the bandwagon and wants nothing to do with Trump. But then again a country that is predominantly Capitalist in nature and has never been able to hold any socialist party is no friend to Corbyn who has more of a taste for the east. As I said, some see America as the bad guy.
Our worthless MSM are just that…worthless..i only read and watch to re-inforce and confirm my view of them…i even savaged Breitbart today for a spat over using Guy Gibsons dogs real name, NIGGER….they just don’t like i said to them ..the truth is like a cork, you can’t sink it…stuff the grievance mongers and race-baiters…his dog was called NIGGER….again…NIGGER….FACT……any pathetic liberals here, i am all out of shits to give.
Or the Poles, did anyone see Emily Mateless on Newsnight tonight practically stamping her feet in anger at the Polish foreign minister for his refusal to admit Muslim terrorists (migrants), or that he should turn his peaceful Christian nation without any terrorism over to the Muslim “refugees”. who have turned London into the acid attack capital of the world (read: “2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain” by David Vincent). Astonishing.
Just seen it on YouTube kane.
The Hungarian was courteous and civilised whereas Maitlis was pathetic, embarrassing.
Our parasitic no-nothing elites are WAY out of control.
The BBC need their heads lopped off, to call a country “xenophobic” as she did, might have caused a war once.
Loose lips cost ships-and Maitlis and her BBC are pyromaniacs now, unhinged and nasty.
Who can blame Islam for thinking that these scum represent US?
Until we sort them, we`re exposed. Kick `em out. At any price.
I thought exactly the same…here we have somebody that locked up opponents, changes the laws on the media and dominated the whole process..he gets a big majority of 53%
Brexit – underdogs win and the Russian caused it and it’s not a real majority we need a second election…Not heard the BBC promoting a call for that in Turkey..
That is very strange indeed as I thought the Islamic rule about wiping your arse with your left hand and eating with your right hand was all you needed to know for a healthy life.
I guess either a) the stone age rule above isn’t adequate for the 21st Century or b) the UK needs to adapt and integrate better and reduce our hygiene rules to something from 700AD era.
Dyst, so the BBC and the Labour Party like to tell us but just wait and see …..
“…. there’s quite a way to go still and remember, Brian, it’s a game of two halves and it’s not over until the final whistle blows, it could be deja vu all over again.”
The Prophet said “If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari: Volume 4, Book 54, Number 537)
Having worked in kitchens for a long time now I know a fair bit about food hygiene and have worked alongside many chefs and kitchen porters who all have stores to tell.
If you work for say Weaherspoons or Greene King and the other big chains then food hygiene is taken seriously. Dare a manager get only four stars out of five then it is disciplinary action!
Hotels can be an eye opener but you get a lot of agency chefs and these guys have worked in a lot of places, including some right shockers! It is ‘these other types of food places’ to watch out for. The list in Birmingham is probably quite similar to elsewhere in the country.
In other words if you want to head out for a beef madras then just head to your local Weatherspoons, it would be microwaved but safer.
The herbs and spices hide the fact that the meat can be of low quality and dubious heritage…i will not visit a curry house for that reason…not after a pets digital ID chip was found in a meal…dirty bastards,,,,i detest these people.
Have any of the BBC ‘stars’ been poached by other stations as predicted by Lord Hall if their pitiful salaries were revealed??
No, is the answer.
Lord Hall kept their salaries secret for years for ‘fear’ of them being poached by the competition. What lies. He knew he was paying way too much for them and this was his cover.
Obviously, Lineker’s £2m per year is now revealed as being way, way above market price.
If the BBC dropped his salary to 500k, where else could he go? A saving of £1.5m amounts to a lot of Telly-Tax.
Next…. Graham ‘if Brexit wins I’ll go back to Ireland’ Norton. Hmmm… still not poached.
And there’s yet more of ’em at the BBC living the life with an annual lottery win for a salary at our expense.
RE BBC stars: I hear that North Korean TV were interested but found all the BBC presenters were far too biased and would ruin their reputation for truth and honesty
NHS love in . I’m no fan of the NHS – I’d sell it off and make the users pay – either through taxes or directly .
I didn’t catch much of toady but it didn’t sound like they talked about the mass murder of elderly white patients / victims much as compared to the mainly foreigners / guest workers killed in the tower block when the fire brigade told them to stay and burn .
No surprises
The arrogance and lack of accountability within the nhs is all too frequent. Typical of a monopolistic nationalised industry with no real competition in most instances and no feeling of accountability to its customers or funders- one and the same if you are on honest taxpayer who cannot afford private medicine on top of those taxes you pay. And now we will be paying yet more taxes to fund the extra £20b with no guarantee down the line there is a Brexit dividend to reduce them again, especially when May has agreed to stump up £37 b for benefits unknown to be graciously offered by Juncker and Barnier.
Justin Webb makes the same ‘mistake’ As James Naughtie and on the same Programme. Is it really an easy error for a professional broadcaster to pronounce the C word on air? Only if that’s what you and all your chums habitually call Jeremy Hunt in private.
The iPlayer now has the Today programme available but they have cleverly edited out the C word at around 1h38m50s into the programme. There seems to be a strange silent pause, change of subject to something already discussed a few minutes earlier and no mention of Jeremy Hunt (or C***) whatsoever.
Think the reason they do not like Hunt is that he is a ‘Quiet Gove’.
Yes, I do know how to spell cove.
In other words, he is very effective as a Minister in dealing with a near ‘toxic’ (never thought I would use a word beloved and misused in equal measure by the MSM, esp. the Beeb.) Department. Health must run Home closely for the title Biggest Basket Case Department of State.
“Eeeeeeughhh! Thinks. Those inishwils seem familiar to Bluebottle. Whhhere have I seened them before? Eccles, do you know?”
“Yes, I know Eccles.”
“No, no, silly! Do you know what BBC means, Eccles?”
“Yes, ‘bottle; it means Biggest Basket Case.”
“Eeuughh! Like the BBC!! HeeeHeeeeeee!!!”
I think there was more than met the eye to that power struggle of over a year ago between the Secretary of State for Health and the Junior Doctors.
The BBC and other Alt-Left media types are looking beyond 2021 to the General Election. I think they have a real fear of Hunt and Gove having proved themselves as good Ministers and likely successors to Theresa May. I cannot see May fighting the 2022 Election as Conservative leader, if for no other reason than the full five year term alone but with Brexit negotiations added, will have been enough for someone of her age.
Could be wrong on that, of course …..
Add Javid and Halfon into the mix and the Conservatives have some strength. If you look at Labour on the other hand, there’s Der Starmer and Chuka Umunna but Corbyn & McDonnell will not go without a fight and if they are gone, Corbyn mania will be gone with them. Starmer and Umunna, without ministerial experience, do not seem to me to be Likely Lads, not that the usual unthinking Labour voter will notice.
I admit a little bias but I think the future looks slightly rosier for the Conservatives.
Which Party in the USA was written off after the 2008 Election (esp. by the BBC & its journos and pundits) but which fielded the strongest bunch of Presidential candidates, by far, in 2016?
I think the Conservative party leaders are plotting to have a muslim Prime Minister.
In which case it world be dangerous to vote for any of the three main political parties. UKIP will hopefully get it’s act together, perhaps For Britain will gather support and between them they can thwart the plans of the traitors in our midst.
j-i-c, good point – it would be a ‘first’ that they think will really put Labour’s nose out of joint. First, an ethnic Jew as PM, then two women leaders followed by a Muslim, Sajid Javid. All those treasured measures of the LibblyLeftyAlt-Left and beaten to them by the eeeeevilll Tooories! Oh dear.
Javid might be good. I think there could be some surprises from him. Home will be a big test. The only SoS to survive Home in the modern era was one Theresa May. Defence appears to be finishing Williamson’s career. Bojo is seen as a threat by the BBC and the MSM, I think, but his career is as good as finished within the Party.
Strength in depth in the Conservatives.
I think I’d have to admit that even if I were a Labour supporter.
Javid Savid, – peace be upon him – is very likely the next PM unless we have an election first. He will be worse than May because he will directly favour his kind with no respect for the law other then the law of his prophet.
Up2, I will be surprised but delighted if Javid turns out to be pleasant.
But can you cite any evidence that he will roll back the May/Rudd surge towards a police state? He he done anything about the situation of Tommy Robinson. In fact please show me any evidence that he is not just another one of same bunch of disgusting Tories that are running that fallen party.
I won’t hear anything about him not having enough time. Had he possessed any value he would have announced he would scrap the hate speech laws as soon as he got his post. Look what Salvini has done in his brief time!
When Liz Kendall was standing for the leadership of the Labour party I thought that she might be the most dangerous from the ‘Conservatives’ point of few, because she was just so reasonable, in fact she could easily have slipped onto the government front bench and no-one would have noticed. Essentially that is just more evidence that the ‘Conservatives’ are now Blair-lite.
However it is clear that Liz Kendall was brought up as part of the Labour tribe, she would no more vote Tory than an orthodox Jew eat pork. And that is why Theresa May’s strategy of ‘de-toxing the nasty party’ will never work, she could get Tony Blair to write her manifesto and still the core Labour voter wouldn’t turn to her.
A true conservative would be pushing policies to encourage nuclear families, to reward taking personal responsibility and doing a good job. I think it is becoming quite apparent to the traditional ‘working class’ voter that Labour has found new victim classes to promote and a moment’s reflection, (helped by some straight-talking from politicians), should convince them that Labour never wants ‘its people’ to do better, ‘victims’ vote Labour.
Sadly no ‘Conservative’ seems to realise that you don’t win by playing the oppositions game, a smart general chooses the battleground and disrupts the enemy’s planning.
Theresa the Appeaser and the other Blue Labour types have no Conservative convictions at all. They are just administrators at heart, they want to manage things, but they have no coherent philosophy.
If the so-called Conservative Party had wanted to run on a platform of increasing taxes to spend an extra £20 billion a year on the NHS, last year’s election manifesto would have been a good place to start. This is just a panic reaction for which there is no mandate. A true Conservative would realise there is no way to outspend a Socialist, and that you should not even try.
It would be nice to be able to vote for a conservative party. Someone ought to start one, it could prove popular.
RiC, I’ve just had a listen to Victor D.Hanson’s address to the Young America’s Foundation (How the Obama Presidency Destroyed Todays Democratic Party) and he’s pretty much saying what we’ve set out here. The UK Swamp is in the same two places: 1. the Labour Party and their MSM, LeftLibbyLuvvie and Youth supporters, and 2. in the Conservative Party hierarchy. I think you may even see that replicated in a smaller way in UKIP.
I am wondering if Theresa May has learned a trick or two from The Donald. I hope she has. I wouldn’t be totally or partly surprised if she has. Just slightly. And pleasantly.
Victor D Hanson.
If taken with Thomas Sowell.
Is THE only course you`ll ever need.
Truly great men, I`m sure Roger Scruton would have to concede that these two are everything he could wish for.
This site told me of both, thank you so much.
Jim and RiC, I agree that May is selling out in trying ape the LeftyLibbies. The thing about Sajid Javid though is that while my generation had Julie Christie and Debbie Harry as our poster girls for Javid & Halfon and others, it was Margaret Thatcher.
I think Javid may be a bit of a ‘sleeper’. 😉
[Please note the word ‘may’ – nothing is certain – as people can change or ‘go off’ but on that one we will all have to wait and see.]
This is an impressive list:
Sajid Javid
Jeremy Hunt
Michael Gove
Robert Halfon
Kemi Badenoch
All under 50 years of age except for Hunt who is 51. Labour have to scratch around for Newbies like Ummunna and still they cannot match those five for experience. Tom Watson still has a ‘thug’ reputation to slough off and is as old as Hunt.
If those five as the next generation of Tories can put a good policy package together for the whole UK, then the future may not be as bleak as we thought it was for the past year.
The Tories will be fine in the next election. Corbyn has spent the best part of a year pissing everyone off. ‘Corbynmania’ burnt out when the young ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn’; types realised that no one was going to clear their debts and they where used as political pawns.
The morning after the next election will be interesting, I can see a lot of glum looking BBC presenters reporting a Tory landslide while always wondering ‘what went wrong for Labour?’ when it is clear that Labour have burnt themselves out and will continue to do so over the next few years.
I can imagine a few of Labour’s remaining supporters trying to blame everyone else. The BBC will be accused of being biased against Labour of course yet I expect that the BBC will try to help Labour out as much as possible. WE will have a few ‘poverty’ documentaries in the build up to the election to remind us about how wicked the Tories are and these very documentaries will feature the usual single parents with dozens of children complaining about Tory cuts ect.
The discussions between presenters will of course be full of pro Labour bias as well. Labour might be lagging in the polls but someone will chirp in ‘But Labour can still turn it around at this stage like they did last time?’ trying to offer hope to those who know that Labour are heading for a mighty defeat.
By that time I predict that the BBC’s viewership would have declined so much no one would even take any notice of them anymore.
God forbid we allow Javid a serious follower of Ismamic ideology to even get close to becoming Prime Minister-life in this nation would quickly be under Sharia Law. Candidates: David Davies, Duncan-Smith, Liam Fox, maybe Gove, all other current ministers can’t cut the mustard. Whoever it might be has to be very tuff with Europe, stop overseas aid or greatly reduce it, stop enviromentally harmful constructions such as a 3rd Runway at Heathrow, and if still possible stop the meaningless construction of HS2 which will service but a very few and I contest its reason as givien that it will increase trade throughout the UK-How? and certainly not if it only serves via London Birmingham, Manchester and later maybe Leeds. Daft & far too costly a venture let alone destroying so much countryside. Let the railways start by improving their own businesses.
If you are elderly and you need to go to hospital I think you might genuinely fear for your life.
In the ‘olden’ days, I wouldn’t have given a second thought to whatever medication a doctor or nurse gave me but hearing of the huge numbers being killed off (through ‘faulty’ syringe drivers?) I would be seriously concerned about simply taking any medication.
After all this is over, I’m sure that we will be told the usual rubbish (lessons will be learned) and life (death) will go on.
I suppose it wouldn’t happen in the private sector as there’s no financial gain in killing your customers so at least all the politicians (who, on their huge pay) can afford private health care, will be ok.
Will anyone be prosecuted for this?
Maybe the same number of prosecutions (so far) for the hundreds of thousands of illegal fgm procedures carried out.
All those under 60 today just don’t get that they will be the ones tomorrow, who could be subjected to neglect, abuse, sedated, starved, left to lie in their own faeces, and now the possibility of given a deliberate early death (which could be a release for some). When babies are found in that state the media go into meltdown, with relentless publicity, but an old person ? news for 24 hours and then forgotten, who cares? they’ll die anyway.
With what has been revealed recently about Gosport, I am concerned about what’s happening now within the NHS never mind about 20/30 years into the future when islam has taken control. That’ll be a whole different set of circumstances anyway. I’m sure Treezer & Co will have paid their private health insurance up to date.
I stand to be corrected, but doesn’t private health care only cover illnesses up to a certain age (70?), and then you’re set adrift. You’d have to be of millionaire status to receive an acceptable care package, not least receiving decent food and not the slop I’ve seen dished up in hospital and care homes.
I think the NHS as it is constructed now – with its internal management – common purpose – is structured to identify and kill off those over 60 where there will be no relative to question their going . Every one benefits from the early death apart from the victim. It makes the system work . Higher turn over , more people dealt with , more efficient health service – less pensions to worry about .
As a result of personal experience I know the Liverpool pathway has gone away and that Palkiative care is just another term for administrative killing . No main stream media source will give a damn about that whilst they can gorge themselves on the death of foreigners in council blocks .
Strictly speaking, if you’re a Leftist you want old people to die. People naturally become more conservative with age, as a consequence of experience and having seen the world the way it is. And as such, they are more likely to vote for right-leaning or small ‘c’ conservative parties. The really bad news for the Left is that their numbers are growing throughout the western world, thanks to increased average lifespans and improved healthcare, whereas young (native) people are in decline thanks to falling birthrates. If you are a Leftist who has thought these things through – and some have, they are not all stupid or irrational even if most are – then the answers are clear: import people from abroad who will vote for you; reduce the voting age; promote a hostile environment for the elderly; encourage euthanasia and mercy killing (effectively, ‘abortion for pensioners’). The BBC is very much in the forefront of all these things, having kicked off its ‘Old vs Young’ campaign in the immediate aftermath of the Brexit vote.
I always remember a sketch with the, ‘two John’s’ (Messrs Bird & Fortune) on one Rory Bremner series. I can’t locate it on YouTube unfortunately. In essence the two Johns as junior Ministers (I think) attended a meeting with senior civil servants. The viewers were gently led into the concept of old people being a ‘problem’. One of the John’s piped up with his solution. “Bingo Halls” he announced, others looked quizzical. He continued, “yes, send people up to the roof to sprinkle cyanide crystals down on the OAP’s”……………….. Laugh, did I laugh along with the studio audience. Now in my seventies, I see the Johns’ solution clearly no doubt along with others who shall not be named!
R4. Driving early. Is there nothing happening in the world? A bloody vomit inducing NHS love fest. I wish the reality was as good as the publicity and I am sick and tired of hearing how hard done to NHS staff are – I work in the NHS and it ain’t so.
There is waste everywhere and sick leave is still way too high. Yes there are good people, but they are doing a job they are paid for like everyone else. They are not Angels..BBC stop promoting it as some perfect system that is just let down by ‘lack’ of funding…
Then listening to Amol and his rag bag – how many times could they slag off POTUS…every sentence when it was Tina and Amol..good honest balanced discussion..
You know that an organisation is corrupt beyond reform when its governing bodies will do absolutely anything to prevent criminal prosecution of their members. The BMA and GMC are complicit in the deaths of patients throughout our country and need to be held to account. The same goes for nurses; why someone needs to have a degree to be a nurse is beyond my comprehension.
The NHS should be privatised, National Insurance abolished and replaced with an insurance system that puts the customer/ patient in charge and not patient-hating doctors and their entrenched bureaucracy.
Yes JamesA totally agree with you, as I retired from the NHS a few years ago. After a lifetime in the private sector, my eyes were opened when joining the NHS, as the practices that went on wouldn’t happen elsewhere. I found there was nobody at the top who took overall responsibility, the Chief Exec was no more than a figure head whose sole existence was to attend ‘meetings’. Waste was rampant, and outside contractors took full advantage of that fact – (a quote of £600 was given for a 4′ shelf to be put up in the photocopying room !). Throwing more money at the NHS just means higher salaries for the ‘managers’ who walk around with a file under their arms on their way to a ‘lunch meeting’.
starting the 28th June. “Celebrities on the NHS Frontline”.
– Stacey Dooley, who had a heart murmur as a child, visits the pioneering Heart Attack Centre and Liver Unit
– Paralympian Jonnie Peacock, had meningitis at the age of five and lost his lower right leg as a result + a dozen operations looks at life on the Children’s Ward and in theatre.
– Doctor & broadcaster Michael Mosley is reminded of the stresses of resus
– former Shadow Health Secretary Ann Widdecombe visits the Urgent Care department and investigates bed management.
Ann Widdicombe on R Humberside earlier said the NHS is like a 4 lane motorway system and that far from throwing money solving it, when you build an extra two lanes you find they fill up as well.
She says she advocated a total rethink years ago, but people were so wedded to “we love our NHS” that you can’t open up the conversation.
After discovering this on YouTube early last week, I did visit the BBC3 website and I could not find the, ‘genuine original article’. If the video is true, it warrants a letter to my useless MP. Notwithstanding her uselessness, I would appreciate it if anyone could find the direct BBC3 link. This is the one:
That same black man was on BBC1 Sunday Morning Live yesterday “debating” immigration.
One of his comments he made yesterday was “this country has only ever been great when it has relied on other people in the world” to which he got nods of approval from a pre-arranged camera closeup of the other black guest.
This man is nothing more than a racist but he is the correct kind of racist the BBC like so he appears on BBC a lot. I wouldn’t even bother asking him for his views on Trump as we already know what he would say.
He is Dr Kehinde Andrews of Birmingham University teaching….. wait for it……. brace yourselves……..BLACK STUDIES!
Google his name. He has been on Newshite ranting about how British Athletes should fist the air or knell down during the National Anthem as a protest against the flag. He says he will never stand again for the National Anthem – I very much doubt he ever has. He reckons the Anthem is “divisive”.
Here is the original video on the BBC Facebook page. The full version is even worse.
White man says “Your accusations of empire and the Crusades to normal people sound frankly ridiculous”
Kehinde says “To white people that might sound ridiculous but to normal people that I know that sounds perfectly reasonable. Actually, I think this kind of Britishness, Englishness identity is part of their problem.”
…and the BBC ends the debate right there – job done!
‘Prof’ Kehinde as the BBC keep calling him, but then they don’t recognise the title ‘Dr’ (apparently), unless the title holder also has a vagina and a sense of entitlement (it seems).
The BBC keep pushing ‘Dr’ Andrews, and his books, and he seems to be cropping up a great deal in various race baiting pieces like this. No doubt a nice little earner… so long as you’re ‘black’ and entitled, so that’s me out of the equation 🙁
We are now reaping the ‘benefits’ of the Windrush generation who have produced him and his ilk to spew bile on the country that gave his grandparents a new start. Yet we are told by the media and migrants themselves (of course) that we have benefitted from the influx of new cultures in our various industries, the NHS being the major one quoted.. Odd how we managed quite nicely without them before then ! Go to any hospital in Europe, and how many migrant clinicians and nurses will you find – barely any.
It was reported as “Two men are fighting for their lives and two have been taken into cutody after a suspected burglary in Bristol. My initial thought ‘Good, the police have caught some burglars at last.’
Then I had a re-think along BBC lines. ‘The criminal perpetrators are fighting for their lives and the police have arrested the victims.’
Looks like there may be further developments along re-thinking lines, if the BBC item linked above is anything to go by. I await developments.
Last week Bristol news headline
“We feel violated” – elderly residents of Bristol council block say they are terrified burglars will return @ASPolice”
\\ Police revealed earlier this month the attack on Gilton House in Brislington was one of 11 blocks of flats across the city which had been targeted by thieves – all of which have remained unexplained.//
Today’s incident happened at another block of flats in Redcliffe, Bristol
Interesting the police body tags are all around the bus stop
Does that mean the burglars got out, and residents bashed them at the bus stop. ?
Or was it one drug gang try to rob another drug gang ?
There’s an update page
“Two men arrested after allegedly fleeing scene”
I’m afraid that the commentators on the BBC have now decided this is a joke (and probably a dare) so this c/hunt stuff is going to continue, as long as the Biased BBC is staffed by overpaid infantile leftards.
Safia Akhtar Noor has been appointed to the Birmingham Children’s Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee. After the Westminster bridge attack, she said on Facebook: “Sadly people died in Westminster today but people die everyday in Syria, Palestine, Africa, Rohingya, Kashmir.. Need I carry on?!! […] Grow up and stop pointing fingers!”
NB: The Children’s Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chair is Mohammed Aikhlaq. Quick look at his Twitter feed; it seems to be a complete Corbyn/Eid/Syria love-in:
Back at the Selam orphanage centre in Gaziantep where I was reunited with little Taslim who I met at the opening in January.
Taslim featured in the photograph for my @JustGiving fundraising page.
You will find many former ISIS members have returned home and have miraculous been cured of their radicalisation – have declared themselves mistaken. They now proclaim moderate Islam and recognise Islam is Peace – and are rewarded by British and local government officials by being elevated into advisory positions as spokespeople for moderate Islam and allowed access to schools, interfaith meetings, given their own columns in local to national newspapers, given their own one hour slot on British radio, allowed to set up Islamic charities etc.
Birmingham is rapidly becoming the prototype for the future of urban Britain – Muslim, sharia courts, Trojan horse takeover of schools to ensure Muslim culture prevails in the future and integration is impossible. The political leadership locally is Muslim – existing institutions of authority are taken over and reinforce Muslim culture. The white hierarchy is displaced and key instruments such as police are neutered by self inflicted political correctness. Crimes such as child grooming and pimping by Muslims are covered up as much as possible. Underlying all is the higher Muslim birth rate , allowing more and more of a city to be taken over.
I would be very happy to use Birmingham as an example to see what happens when Islam takes over.
I’d allow mass Islamic immigration into Birmingham, the white people will leave when they become a worried minority. The city’s population will then be 100% Muslim and every job in that city will be taken by a Muslim. That includes hospital staff, cleaning the streets, courts, Police/Fireman, restaurant hygiene inspectors. Anyone on benefits has to be paid out from Birmingham’s own income so the city has to be self sufficient. Disabled children, from inbreeding, have to be looked after within the city’s budget.
Then we can see what kind of utter shithole it will (already has) become as a warning to everyone else in the world. Given enough time Birmingham will become like the Gaza Strip. The likes of the BBC would still say they are deprived due to white supremacy though.
R5 Now 10:45 Women and their role in the Orgreave flying pickets standoff
with the famous Lancashire actress Maxine Peake
She talks about her communist background while being a student.
FFS Womans Hour has just finished and Radio5 continues just the same.
Today they are running the same story on their CBBC channel – it is their LEAD STORY on the CBBC Newsround Entertainment page. But to save our children’s blushes rather than reporting he took a shit they are reporting he went for a piss:
This is yet another example of the BBC’s fearless reporting – they are prepared to dig down into the bowels of society to retrieve their shit stories, all paid at the British taxpayers’ expense.
As expected the Twitter stream of a 5Live Beeboid reflects their mad bubble world
eg she Tweets the Time cover against Trump, but doesn’t tweet anything when it’s proved to be FakeNews
As another mass killing scandal besets ‘our wonderful nhs’ I just wonder if Dr Opiate will ever face criminal charges. Thus far she has been protected by the usual hierarchy of vested interests in health notably the gmc and even her mp. She was allowed lucrative pensioned retirement.
What’s the betting that the cps will say there’s not enough evidence to prosecute her? The good doctor was not physically present during the daytime, merely giving out cryptic instructions, the syringes and pumps were notoriously difficult to calibrate etc etc
No individual to blame
Lessons will be learned
BBC News is bigging up story of MPs pledging to make special law against homophobic chants at football grounds, claiming existing lawsa are not enough
.. Em is it actually a problem these days ?
..cos the Guardian newspaper article mentions no UK examples.
\\ MP aims to ban homophobic chants at football matches
Tory Damian Collins and ex-rugby player Gareth Thomas to launch draft proposal //
The BBC claims “football fans are still getting away with homophobic chanting at matches”
I did a Twitter time search for last couple of years and although Mexico and LA came up, there was nothing like lots of UK examples all I could find was
\\ Mar 11 Full investigation launched by Cheltenham Town into alleged homophobic chant at Swindon //
It’s not easy being a Liberal – they are men/women/other out of their time, as all the ‘great victories’ were achieved 40 or 50 years ago. Decriminalisation of homosexuality? Done and dusted. Abortion on demand? Tick. Civil rights in America? Finished. Easy divorce? Achieved. Equal pay? Long time ago. As a consequence, it is necessary to engage in ever obscure, pedantic and invented problems to try and justify one’s existence and cope with the shame of not having been there at the metaphorical barricades. And having buggered up society (no pun intended) they will then turn upon one another. In the end, revolutions eat themselves from within.
‘In the end, revolutions eat themselves from within’
Let’s hope.
Wonder if we’re seeing some of that with the old school feminists vs transsexuals spats? You know, the “you aren’t a woman just because you lop your dick off”, and “a transsexual man can never be a real woman because he’s grown up with male privilege”, trans-bitch slapping cat fights – been a while, could do with some more of those.
So many identities to pander to and accumulate virtue points. It all gets so confusing.
Left wing actress Maxine Peake was on radio 5 this morning being given an inordinate amount of time to promote her new play at the Manchester Royal Exchange called “Queens of the Coal Age”. In her view, admittedly with a new play to tout, we don’t hear enough about the 1984-5 miners strike and by implication the women who stood by their men through the bitter year-long dispute. “Protest is more potent than ever”, she states, and her play is about “stemming the flow”.
The illegal strike was called by the communist Arthur Scargill for political purposes and was a working class tragedy. The pits would have closed anyway since coal is one of the dirtier fossil fuels covering everything in soot. It is also dangerous to mine and causes early death among the men who risk their lives to bring the stuff to the surface. Thankfully we have much cleaner, cheaper and more efficient fuels such as oil and gas to hand these days.
Eulogising the strike is understandable if mistaken. Kicking ten bells out of Thatcher is par for the course. But this would appear to be the same Maxine Peake busy ticking up further virtue points with the climate change crowd. In fact she is currently starring at the Royal Exchange in a re-run of Samuel Beckett’s Happy Days, which some critics have noted is now a long whinge about eco-catastrophe. Similar proselytizing is to be found in a film she made with Jeremy Irons about climate change called “I Wish for You”.
Last year this same Maxine Peake joined a group of high-profile actors demanding that pension providers move their money away from fossil fuels, which “harm the planet”. Fellow group actor Mark Rylance stated: “We must individually stop supporting those who, by their actions, deny that humans … are facing a mortal crisis of global warming”.
Cheers @ChrisMorrison Aren’t you driving your mobility scooter around the world, having endless baths, baking masses of cakes ?
Due all that money you are MAGICALLY saving due to installing a SmartMeter like Maxine Peake tells you to do in her adverts.
I was wondering why they used her
Now you say “Maxine Peake busy ticking up further virtue points with the climate change crowd” and that fits.
Stew – I did in fact install one of the first “smart meters”. Two years ago it ran out of internal battery power and rather than instal a new one the chap from British Gas reads it every quarter just like the old days.
Nice to know, however, that I am ticking all the right boxes for the climate loons, although I am considering selling my British Gas shares.
Hopefully I am some way off a mobility scooter. Nevertheless I am looking forward to that day since it means that I can start safely smoking cigarettes again. A lovely civilising habit that I was forced to give up in my youth for understandable health reasons.
Unfortunately I will not be able to install a cigarette lighter on the scooter or similar electric vehicle since a packet of ten will drain all the battery.
\\ Actors say it’s curtains for fossil-fuelled pensions
A group of famous actors and performers have said the curtain is coming down on pensions investing in fossil fuels. The celebrities have voiced support for the #PensionPower campaign, //
Having decided that Oil corps funding the arts someone using the actors names set up a GoFund me page
After more than a year they haven’t made their £5,000 target
That’s not likely to displace the millions that BP drops into the arts.
Maxine Peake is the BBCs glamour girl but I’d call her a hypocrite. The 1984 miners strike was overtly political , an old fashioned attempt to bring down a government industrial action by an old fashioned communist. A vote was not properly held and certain miners quite rightly refused to join in. As pointed out, deep mined coal was uncompetitive in the U.K. and anyway bound to be replaced by cleaner energy.
The miners had won generous pay settlements in the 1970s and were totally misled by Scargill. A more astute leader with their genuine interests at heart would have negotiated a phased rundown of the industry not impoverished gullible families and their wives.
Yes, instead of poncing about on the stage covered in make-up for decades, Rylance should have done a shift down the Pit at the coal face and covered in coal dust, to see what real work is all about ! I remember my Dad saying the coal face was about 3′ high -imagine that ! being on your knees with a pickaxe as your daily job.
And yet the BBC demand former ISIS members & their families be returned back to Britain and receive extensive government support to “de-radicalise” them and integrate them back into society – because these poor kids had been victimised by British Society and didn’t realise Islam is Peace.
According to the BBC only when British Society is fundamentally changed and diversified will this victimisation and islamophobia that caused these poor Muslim kids to become radicalised, stop. The BBC would like to say Allahu Akhbar – oops they mean peace be with you.
I would contrast the poor level of support given to any victims of Muslim violence in the U.K. compared to the Grenfell people. They are being given highly expensive housing in one if the worlds most expensive cities and I wonder if right to buy will apply in a few years.
I watched Stir Crazy again yesterday afternoon. Funny and entertaining film but what’s amazing about it is that not only are the two male leads black and white but the film was actually directed by Sidney Poitier.
But how could this be? Granted he was the first black actor to win an Oscar in 1963 but directing a film in 1980 – what! A black man directing a Hollywood film with a black co-lead. This can’t be true.
That was 38 years ago and going on the BBC and MSM, blacks were under the boot of white oppression until literally a week before Obama became president…
Wiki on Grenfell Fraud
On 19 September 2017, Commander Stuart Cundy briefed that eight people were being investigated for allegedly making false claims to financial support in the name of fictitious victims.[6][7]
By 1 June 2018, five people had been convicted for fraud offences after claiming to be victims of the fire to claim financial support. Mohammad Gamoota, 31, Joyce Msokeri, 47, Anh Nhu Nguyen, 53 Elaine Douglas, 51 (black) and Tommy Brooks, 52 (very black), were all found guilty and given prison sentences.
– 7 June 2018 of a further 9 people suspected of fraud.[387]
Four were charged a day later. Abolaji Onafuye, 54, Koffi Kouakou, 54 and Abdelkarim Rekaya, 28 were all charged with fraud whilst Yonatan Eyob, 25, was charged with drug and theft offences.[388] The other five were released under investigation. //
My thanks to thirdoption for originally posting “Weapons found at the ‘Muslim Eton’, Darul Uloom”.
With the exception of The Sunday Times and the Evening Standard that first ran the article, there is not a mention from the BBC and MSM generally.
Contrast that with cases involving this school and others in the Darul Uloom group where the Islamic schools are perceived to be the victims and the BBC are all over the story like a rash.
These schools in Chislehurst, Leicester and Birmingham (at least) have all been repeatedly slated by Ofsted for their lessons in hatred (as per the Channel 4 Despatches program), anti-Western literature, teaching “twisted ideology” and generally poor standards. And yet they are apparently the equivalent of Eton creating an Islamic elite who will rule the Muslim world; its very name inspires awe among the Muslim community.
Critics of the schools warn that it is time for the Government to wake up to the reality of what goes on in the world of the madrassas in Britain, where our way of life is deemed incompatible with that of the orthodox Muslim. A Civitas analysis of such schools in 2009 commented:
Again and again we are finding youngsters are becoming more hard-line than their parents. It’s the opposite of what we expect as these boys are British-born and bred.
And these religious schools are now part of the fabric of Britain’s education system. […]
But the risk lies in allowing such schools to become islands of Islam within Britain. To avoid tomorrow’s generation of Muslims retreating into a separate world, greater integration and a respect for core British values is key.
There are 166 Islamic schools in Britain and almost half of British Muslims wish to send their children to Muslim-only schools.
But nothing changes; the DoE tried to close Chiselhurst as a result of this but it will continue with temporary trustees and no doubt will be back to business as usual very soon. And so the continuous appeasement of the ROP continues.
Enoch, I worked near that place in Chislehurst years ago. It was a wealthy area. I found an unholy Koran on the train once. When the men in white robes & hats started using the train station they used to crap on the floor rather than using the toilet. Their “culture” we were told at the time. Disgusting and backward.
And now, with BBC help, they crap on British Society or rather we should say Indigenous / traditional British Society – which the BBC and others are determined to finish off.
The idea of multiculturalism has always been a wedge to displace and kill off indigenous / traditional British society. Nowadays multiculturalism has been replaced with new buzzwords such as diversity, white privilege, islamophobia, decolonisation …
UK Column with a Met police whistle blower and the corruption at the heart of British Policing; the involvement of Common Purpose and how the police are now using children in an attempt to create a Hitler Youth/STASI.
On the Weekend Thread, I posted a vid on Trump’s Duluth rally, and I would just like to say thank you to the thank-yous and kind replies received (Alicia Sinclair, fakenewswatcher, Holly Selassie). I was so surprised!
OK, so with President Trump’s visit coming up, do you think the BBC will remind its viewers what Trump said about Brexit, and how he showed his support? Of course not.
So, to refresh our memories, here’s Nigel Farage’s speech at a Trump rally in August 2016:
Note how then candidate Trump introduces Farage: “ … the man behind Brexit, and the man who led, brilliantly, the United Kingdom Independence Party in this fight and won, despite all odds …”
All Brexiteers, welcome The Donald with open arms!
If you asked Labour supporters they would say these words come from Corbyn.
if the real people, if the ordinary decent people are prepared to stand up and fight for what they believe in we can overcome the big banks, we can overcome the multinationals.
But it’s Farage ..he continues
…And we did it. We made June the 23rd our independence day.
When we smashed the establishment.
And we did it. Everybody said we would lose but what did we see?
We saw experts from all over the world. We saw the international monetary fund. We saw Moody’s. We saw Standard and Poor’s. We saw global leaders project fear.
Telling us that if we voted not to be run by a bunch of unelected old men in Brussels. [applause]
Yeah, well it’s okay, they don’t like me either so it doesn’t really matter does it? [applause]
But they told us our economy would fall off of a cliff. They told us there’d be mass unemployment. They told us that investment would leave our country. And David Cameron, then our Prime Minister, but no longer, told us that we might even get World War III.
And we saw the comentariate and we saw the polling industry doing everything they could to demoralize our campaign. On the day of the vote itself, that morning, they put us ten points behind. And actually, they were all wrong. And they were wrong because what the Brexit campaign did is we reached those people who’ve been let down by modern global corporatism.
More …
See what sh!ts the Independent are
They quote the start of Farage’s speech
..then end the quotation marks
..and continue with a load of hatey things HE DID NOT SAY
..They title their article “Was white British secessionist Nigel Farage”
Jesus that is a very hatey thing to do Indy, but normal lefty #Projection
“If the little people, the real people, the ordinary decent people, are prepared to stand up for what they believe in, we can overcome the big banks, we can overcome the multinationals,” Farage bellowed, the Donald gurning proudly on as only he can. We can overcome the refugees. We can overcome the immigrants. We can overcome the chinkies and the people who don’t speak English on the train. We can overcome the Romanians who’d better not be moving in next door.
Poor old Montacutie must wish she had remained on the TOADY Programme when Martha wanted more time to spend with her bees. It was a bit of a ‘train wreck’ this lunchtime as far as the TWatO Heathrow Airport item was concerned but was very revealing of the BBC mindset.
They are absolutely terrified of Boris Johnson.
Think they might prefer to hand over 55% and 70% upper bands Income Tax on their earnings to John McDonnell rather than have Bojo as PM.
I wish this government would ‘sack up’ and give the green light to the runways at both Heathrow AND Gatwick.
We need to be a player, especially post Brexit, and we can’t afford to hamper our growth to placate a couple of self absorbed nimbies. When you bought your property, you knew it was close to the airport, the purchase price would have reflected this, so just deal with it.
Living near something unpleasant/annoying is just part and parcel of living near one of the biggest, most cosmopolitan cities in the world. I live downwind of Crossness sewers, the second largest in Europe and a place that handles much of the shit that comes out of London. Get close to it and it stinks and if the wind blows in the wrong direction, you know about it but thems the breaks – someone has to live close to these things.
They can never just candidly state the facts; there is always spin, finger-wagging, emotional appeal, narrative et cetera. ‘Johnson misses Heathrow vote’ would be better, but why is a politician not voting on something even news? It must happen all the time, especially if you happen to be the foreign secretary. A fake story squared.
Imagine asking a Beeb journalist to write an objective report on someone bouncing a ball on a street and they would still manage to twist it in some way. ‘Street interferes with ball’; ‘Ball bounces weakly due to Tory cuts’; ‘Black boy bounces ball brilliantly in Labour-funded street art project.’
R4 drama seems like an unjust trial story from the time of Thatcher
but actually it’s fiction ” characters are based on GF Newman’s novels.”
In a meeting with Thatcher a character called Olinska is told by her that he can’t get a knighthood, cos his son is raising a fuss about his trial.
After the meeting his mother complains “We worked like blacks for that boy”
..that sounds like a lefty playwright putting swords into the mouths of friends of Thatcher to smear them as racists.
This is ridiculous from the BBC, organisers boasting of 100,000, most neutral observers think < 50,000. Substantial but nowhere near 500,000.
It would be very strange if people went on that march and hadn’t signed the petition
In fact you’d expect magnitudes more to have signed the petition than turned up for a march in London
There are 127K sigs on their petition and it doesn’t seem to have anything against fake voting etc.
i think it would be quite normal to have 25K of the signers on the march, and the rest to be in the rest of UK, or working, or in America, or in Europe
Jesus, what blatant lying. 500,000 people – that is a ridiculous amount. I’d love to see someone put them under some pressure to substantiate that figure.
But who bothers with them?
It`s what they do, have been doing since Noah was a lad.
Positive howling feedback.
Best not to react, they only count that as people being out there who give a hoot what figures , facts the BBC dole out.
Fake News-Magic Numbers.
Diannes calculator runs on brain farts.
So Trump’s visit will cost millions to Police, thanks to a tantrum from the same people who moan the Police is underfunded. I am taking my nephew to a swimming lesson and working that day, can they not find a more useful way to spend their time?
The Beeb say you are ‘sending a message’ to Trump by protesting but really you are just having fun in the sun and causing a nuisance to the Police who should be spending their time dealing with the murder etc which plagues the capital.
How will it cost so much more? They aren’t busting burglaries, so maybe the Twitter and Facebook trawlers can get off their hindquarters, put on some riot gear and get out there for some useful work – namely protecting the safety of the democratically elected leader of our greatest and most powerful ally.
Your tax money via the British Council has funded a doco about the migration of 3 Pakistani familes to the UK
Showing a few UK venues.
I can see it actually launched at the BFI in Feb
The ‘next generation of British Pakistanis’, dear God.
Surely, the ‘Pakistani’ tag will have been dropped by then, which begs the question, they still refer to themselves as from that culture. That must fly in the face of those that want integration at all costs.
Xi? Ceausescu? Mugabe? Erdogan?
No charge, cheap at twice the price eh?
How much did Bush, Clinton and Obama cost?
Thought that Miliband liked leaders who could “stop the traffic” when they come in!
Just because we`ve now a generation of loafers on benefits, free drugs and used to rioting who have all the time in their empty lives to cause malice?
Maybe it`ll be cheap to see the heads of those poppies and lilies emerge-so we can lop their heads off, when Donald has gone.
The Left need sorting, I live in a country where it is STILL legal to speak to vote Tory or welcome Donald Trump.
They say zip about Xi or Erdogan, and for good reason. |Maybe we need to learn the lessons-the left only understands terror when it`s as out of control and as evil as it is today.
Doing abs pumps with an old car battery in readiness.
Is there new hope for the young? Jordan Peterson attends the Oxford Union and the assembled student body applaud and laugh along with his jokes. (There is a very amusing bit right at the end when a Canadian asks what Peterson would say to Trudeau if given the chance. Peterson takes what seems like minutes before he says anything – perfect comedic timing, even if he really was just struggling to think what words that the pretty boy might understand!)
Here`s a beauty.
Very media savvy, some of our number eh?
But who knew she was married to Mark Flanagan, sure that`s a BBC hack isn`t it?
Great CV too(0.39 secs)
Holly – thanks for the video – I somehow get the impression that since the brexit vote and the coming of President Trump more Americans are getting concerned about what has been done to Blighty and how it has become a big limp lettuce .
Great video, thanks JimS.
Let`s hope these keen and clever kids won`t fall for the media or academia until the barns have been mucked out.
Great questions and answers-why the hell can`t cabbages at the BBC ask and get such answers?
Because they don`t want to know. Just stop Brexit and get Trump killed or hogtied.
Great to watch.
BBCTeach celebrate the writer of their book of life rules
#BrokenIronyMeter, every day is #OrwellDay on the #BiasedBBC
Today is George Orwell's birthday – #OrwellDay ????
If you're teaching #GCSEEnglishLiterature next year, we have some great films on characters, themes and plots for many GCSE texts including #AnimalFarm ????
Ah Justin Webb tries a ploy, he doesn’t hate Trump. Rather he opens his article in a way of channel Dems who do hate Trump.
Anyway him trying to look clever, is boring.
\\.. Now we have a border crisis exposing Donald Trump as a man who knows nothing about what it means to be an American.
His very own Katrina moment.
This is what the Democrats fervently hope
a political screw-up that will hand the Democrats control of Congress after the midterm elections in the autumn: a screw-up that torpedoes the Trump administration.
It is unlikely to be that simple. The tears and heartbreak of recent days are more likely to end in a political stalemate, or even, whisper it, a presidential win. Yes, this horror show has exposed Donald Trump’s personality. But it has also exposed, or is about to expose, the Democratic Party//
If that`s the best they`ve got, Trump will wipe the Dims out.
The Americans voted for stronger borders-no MS13 etc.
And this will put the Dims on the side of anti-American treachery.
They`ve long been there, but -what with the Russian stuff about to blowback-it only needs to be said that the Dims were fully complicit re border stuff.
The Dims will have their media running, but they`re Pravda now both sides of the pond.
We hate them,and won`t let them keep dong what they`ve been doing.
We know how the Bolsheviks and the Mullahs took over, how Occupy, Duggan and Moat, Grenfell and Moaning minnies have been disrupting. We`ve got right on our side, they`ve yet to fear us.
They`ve rolled our parents over, not happening here.
They live among us-as the Red Brigade used to say
“Strike one, and educate a hundred”.
Welcome to the New Open Universities Lefties. We`re not far from “retributive counselling situations”. We can talk bollocks as well, see?
Kaplinsky’s daughter has been badly injured in a fire on their boat in Corfu ..terrible
..but the story brings up something up
\\ Kaplinsky became the highest-paid newsreader on British television in 2007 when Channel 5 poached her from the BBC in a deal worth £1 million a year. //
why isn’t that mentioned more ?
Khan has set up a ‘Young Londoners’ Fund’ worth £40 million because apparently you need activities provided by the state to stop you from going out stabbing. I personally prefer to watch a film or read when bored, but I am not ‘diverse’ so my attitude is worthless.
The latest stabbing victim had just been at an event at a ‘community centre’, just the sort of thing Khan’s fund might put on. As well as potentially escalating tensions, what if you meet prospective gang members at a youth club? Away from school and parents I imagine it is an ideal setting to plot mayhem. Typical left wing ‘solution’: spend loads of someone else’s money to make a problem even worse.
Falling standards?
Pointless; Question on World Geography, cities named after people. Capital of Seychelles, named after British Monarch who celebrated a diamond Jubilee.
Clue was the initial V.
50 people out of the 100 asked knew the answer, Victoria, FFS!
I wonder where they find these 100 people and if they allowed to vote?
Not only if they are allowed to vote, but should they be allowed out of the house on their own?
Mind you, I expect they would vote for Corbyn “Cus he’s gonna give us free stuff, innit?”
There is a good article about the youth stabbings in The Times today. I note how the diverse are over-represented. If there are too many white men in a noble field like surgery this is used as heinous evidence of ‘racism’ though we never get any credit for being under-represented in these horrific crimes. If too many white CEOs is due to ‘institutional racism’ then surely too many diverse criminals is due to cultural criminalism or something? (There is not even a phrase for it, which shows how little left wing thinkers have considered it!) For all the denigration the silent majority in this country endure we are clearly doing something right.
Perhaps David Lammy could do a report into how being civilised and working hard at school leads to better outcomes than being lazy, glamourising criminality and stabbing people?
Its seems that if you’re mixed race or black, AND appear on SCD, your future at the Beeb is assured, and your profile guaranteed to go stratospheric. Anita Rani an unknown who presented 4 Rooms on Channel 4, then moved to the Beeb which gave her a shoo in for SCD, and since then has been given plum presenting jobs. The weekend saw her dressed to kill with her Countryfile colleagues, which could be compared with a photoshoot for Britains Got Talent – competing with Alesha Dixon in revealing frock. She must be the one BAME that ventures into the countryside on a regular basis !
Don’t get me started on the manic grin of Ore Oduba, who won SCD and is shoved in front of the camera at every opportunity. Now we have Nadya soon to be on BBC2 presenting family favourite meals ! Cardamom with everything Nad ?
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
First comment?
This might be an interesting week with all the Trump talk but would the BBC really want to offend our cousins from the USA by snubbing a President that we would never be able to elect anyway?
Smoog- short answer – I think is that the bubble is so far away from reality that it doesn’t think falling out with America would have any effect .
Let’s face it -even as an no American – one can see through the fog and see that president trumps’ ratings are going up and he has been doing what he promised . But then he is not a politician which explains that .
I think is president trump were to run for , and get, a second term it would really be payback time .
Still early days yet but if he keeps to his word ad more Americans can warm to him then he could get a second term. That is up to them I guess.
I question why the BBC don’t like him. Is it because he is an ‘American Tory’ or is because the BBC have become so far left with their Corbyn bias that anyone who represents capitalism is now the bad guy?
It’s because he said we would be ‘top of the queue’ for a trade deal post brexit, after Obama had cooperated with the remoaners saying the opposite! At that moment he was doomed as far as the BBC was concerned
Like the Americans, or not (I have mixed opinions about them personally), they are our closest allies, and have been for the last 100 years, at least. It would be churlish to forget they came to our aid in two World Wars and continue to be our best military allies.
The only other nations that we have comparable relations with are Australia, New Zealand and Canada, all three of which are as totally dominated by ‘progressives’ as we are, and two of which are now presided over by vacuous ‘women’ apparently shortlisted for their inoffensive lack of personality and willpower (not at all like the UK, hmm…).
We clearly do have a ‘special relationship’ with the US which you’d think was well worth nurturing – anyone with two brain cells would see our alliance was worth maintaining at almost any cost, especially given how powerful the US is, and how fickle some of our other ‘friends’ are.
So, bearing that in mind, I’d say we owe it to our friends over the water to make the President THEY elected feel welcome, yes – whether we actually like him, or not (personally, I have no grudge in this particular case, but he seems to have upset a few people due to the outrages of being white and not having a vagina).
At the end of the day a President (any President) is only going to be in power for so long, and will eventually be replaced, so is it really that difficult to grit your teeth and be polite to the current incumbent? No, not really, just shows how petulant, arrogant and childish (“I’ll stamp my foot and scweam, and scweam, and scweam, until you give me what I want!”) our MSM (BBC!) has become.
Very shortly Mrs May will have to decide between the US of A or the US of EU.
It will be either NATO or Fred Karno’s European Union Defence Force.
Fair comment. Last week in PMQs Ian ‘I am going to walk out of Parliament’ Blackford demand that we ignore Trump yet May’s reply was more fair. She was attacked for it of course but as I said, why should we offend America by snubbing their elected President? Personal opinions should be put to aside. May has disagreed with Trump on some things in the past but it is kept professional.
Meanwhile old Corbyn jumps the bandwagon and wants nothing to do with Trump. But then again a country that is predominantly Capitalist in nature and has never been able to hold any socialist party is no friend to Corbyn who has more of a taste for the east. As I said, some see America as the bad guy.
Our worthless MSM are just that…worthless..i only read and watch to re-inforce and confirm my view of them…i even savaged Breitbart today for a spat over using Guy Gibsons dogs real name, NIGGER….they just don’t like i said to them ..the truth is like a cork, you can’t sink it…stuff the grievance mongers and race-baiters…his dog was called NIGGER….again…NIGGER….FACT……any pathetic liberals here, i am all out of shits to give.
Or the Poles, did anyone see Emily Mateless on Newsnight tonight practically stamping her feet in anger at the Polish foreign minister for his refusal to admit Muslim terrorists (migrants), or that he should turn his peaceful Christian nation without any terrorism over to the Muslim “refugees”. who have turned London into the acid attack capital of the world (read: “2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain” by David Vincent). Astonishing.
Just seen it on YouTube kane.
The Hungarian was courteous and civilised whereas Maitlis was pathetic, embarrassing.
Our parasitic no-nothing elites are WAY out of control.
The BBC need their heads lopped off, to call a country “xenophobic” as she did, might have caused a war once.
Loose lips cost ships-and Maitlis and her BBC are pyromaniacs now, unhinged and nasty.
Who can blame Islam for thinking that these scum represent US?
Until we sort them, we`re exposed. Kick `em out. At any price.
Trump is draining the swamp. Al Beeb is part of that swamp.
Al Beeb don’t like it.
The BBC is a swamp
The POTUS is doing what he said he would do. He was democratically elected. But then the bbbc don’t like democracy unless it goes their way.
The Brexit result being a classic example of that.
Although there WAS a wonderful moment on TOADY this morning.
Martha Kearney, speaking of Erdogan’s likely victory in the election in Turkey, said “He is elected with a big majority of 53%.”
I couldn’t believe my ears!
I thought exactly the same…here we have somebody that locked up opponents, changes the laws on the media and dominated the whole process..he gets a big majority of 53%
Brexit – underdogs win and the Russian caused it and it’s not a real majority we need a second election…Not heard the BBC promoting a call for that in Turkey..
She’s of the Abbott school of Arithmetical excellence…..Goebbels would be proud of her….
Justin Webb on Toady…..”but that would use a lot of person hours.”
The BBC continues to push it’s PC agenda.
“No-one wants a miserable life for their daughter,” says Hussein.
Well they say you reap what you sow
Funny how the bbbc can condemn Muslim rape when it’s the right kind of victim
Just read this on the BBC News web page
‘Birmingham and Hyndburn ‘worst for food hygiene’
This is the photograph used to accompany the story…
I think this is the photograph that should have been used…
The Birmingham Mail have a list of restaurants that show merited a zero for hygiene, I wonder if you can identify what links most of them…
Strange, Solihull doesn’t appear on the list. Maybe it is because all the local BBC types on massive salaries live there.
That’s because it’s not part of Birmingham.
That is very strange indeed as I thought the Islamic rule about wiping your arse with your left hand and eating with your right hand was all you needed to know for a healthy life.
I guess either a) the stone age rule above isn’t adequate for the 21st Century or b) the UK needs to adapt and integrate better and reduce our hygiene rules to something from 700AD era.
Unless the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing …..
“Unless the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing
No that’s Treezer’s government!
Dyst, so the BBC and the Labour Party like to tell us but just wait and see …..
“…. there’s quite a way to go still and remember, Brian, it’s a game of two halves and it’s not over until the final whistle blows, it could be deja vu all over again.”
Don’t forget:
Having worked in kitchens for a long time now I know a fair bit about food hygiene and have worked alongside many chefs and kitchen porters who all have stores to tell.
If you work for say Weaherspoons or Greene King and the other big chains then food hygiene is taken seriously. Dare a manager get only four stars out of five then it is disciplinary action!
Hotels can be an eye opener but you get a lot of agency chefs and these guys have worked in a lot of places, including some right shockers! It is ‘these other types of food places’ to watch out for. The list in Birmingham is probably quite similar to elsewhere in the country.
In other words if you want to head out for a beef madras then just head to your local Weatherspoons, it would be microwaved but safer.
The herbs and spices hide the fact that the meat can be of low quality and dubious heritage…i will not visit a curry house for that reason…not after a pets digital ID chip was found in a meal…dirty bastards,,,,i detest these people.
Have any of the BBC ‘stars’ been poached by other stations as predicted by Lord Hall if their pitiful salaries were revealed??
No, is the answer.
Lord Hall kept their salaries secret for years for ‘fear’ of them being poached by the competition. What lies. He knew he was paying way too much for them and this was his cover.
Obviously, Lineker’s £2m per year is now revealed as being way, way above market price.
If the BBC dropped his salary to 500k, where else could he go? A saving of £1.5m amounts to a lot of Telly-Tax.
Next…. Graham ‘if Brexit wins I’ll go back to Ireland’ Norton. Hmmm… still not poached.
And there’s yet more of ’em at the BBC living the life with an annual lottery win for a salary at our expense.
RE BBC stars: I hear that North Korean TV were interested but found all the BBC presenters were far too biased and would ruin their reputation for truth and honesty
They rob from the poor to give to the rich, and they don’t care.
Toady watch
NHS love in . I’m no fan of the NHS – I’d sell it off and make the users pay – either through taxes or directly .
I didn’t catch much of toady but it didn’t sound like they talked about the mass murder of elderly white patients / victims much as compared to the mainly foreigners / guest workers killed in the tower block when the fire brigade told them to stay and burn .
No surprises
The arrogance and lack of accountability within the nhs is all too frequent. Typical of a monopolistic nationalised industry with no real competition in most instances and no feeling of accountability to its customers or funders- one and the same if you are on honest taxpayer who cannot afford private medicine on top of those taxes you pay. And now we will be paying yet more taxes to fund the extra £20b with no guarantee down the line there is a Brexit dividend to reduce them again, especially when May has agreed to stump up £37 b for benefits unknown to be graciously offered by Juncker and Barnier.
Did anyone else hear Radio 4 at 7.40am talking about Jeremy Hunt?
I heard “…..Jeremy C*nt….Hunt” with no apology.
iPlayer hasn’t got the programme available yet.
Justin Webb makes the same ‘mistake’ As James Naughtie and on the same Programme. Is it really an easy error for a professional broadcaster to pronounce the C word on air? Only if that’s what you and all your chums habitually call Jeremy Hunt in private.
The iPlayer now has the Today programme available but they have cleverly edited out the C word at around 1h38m50s into the programme. There seems to be a strange silent pause, change of subject to something already discussed a few minutes earlier and no mention of Jeremy Hunt (or C***) whatsoever.
Seems to be a few others on Twitter who said they heard the C word too
Think the reason they do not like Hunt is that he is a ‘Quiet Gove’.
Yes, I do know how to spell cove.
In other words, he is very effective as a Minister in dealing with a near ‘toxic’ (never thought I would use a word beloved and misused in equal measure by the MSM, esp. the Beeb.) Department. Health must run Home closely for the title Biggest Basket Case Department of State.
“Eeeeeeughhh! Thinks. Those inishwils seem familiar to Bluebottle. Whhhere have I seened them before? Eccles, do you know?”
“Yes, I know Eccles.”
“No, no, silly! Do you know what BBC means, Eccles?”
“Yes, ‘bottle; it means Biggest Basket Case.”
“Eeuughh! Like the BBC!! HeeeHeeeeeee!!!”
I think there was more than met the eye to that power struggle of over a year ago between the Secretary of State for Health and the Junior Doctors.
The BBC and other Alt-Left media types are looking beyond 2021 to the General Election. I think they have a real fear of Hunt and Gove having proved themselves as good Ministers and likely successors to Theresa May. I cannot see May fighting the 2022 Election as Conservative leader, if for no other reason than the full five year term alone but with Brexit negotiations added, will have been enough for someone of her age.
Could be wrong on that, of course …..
Add Javid and Halfon into the mix and the Conservatives have some strength. If you look at Labour on the other hand, there’s Der Starmer and Chuka Umunna but Corbyn & McDonnell will not go without a fight and if they are gone, Corbyn mania will be gone with them. Starmer and Umunna, without ministerial experience, do not seem to me to be Likely Lads, not that the usual unthinking Labour voter will notice.
I admit a little bias but I think the future looks slightly rosier for the Conservatives.
Which Party in the USA was written off after the 2008 Election (esp. by the BBC & its journos and pundits) but which fielded the strongest bunch of Presidential candidates, by far, in 2016?
I think the Conservative party leaders are plotting to have a muslim Prime Minister.
In which case it world be dangerous to vote for any of the three main political parties. UKIP will hopefully get it’s act together, perhaps For Britain will gather support and between them they can thwart the plans of the traitors in our midst.
j-i-c, good point – it would be a ‘first’ that they think will really put Labour’s nose out of joint. First, an ethnic Jew as PM, then two women leaders followed by a Muslim, Sajid Javid. All those treasured measures of the LibblyLeftyAlt-Left and beaten to them by the eeeeevilll Tooories! Oh dear.
Javid might be good. I think there could be some surprises from him. Home will be a big test. The only SoS to survive Home in the modern era was one Theresa May. Defence appears to be finishing Williamson’s career. Bojo is seen as a threat by the BBC and the MSM, I think, but his career is as good as finished within the Party.
Strength in depth in the Conservatives.
I think I’d have to admit that even if I were a Labour supporter.
Javid Savid, – peace be upon him – is very likely the next PM unless we have an election first. He will be worse than May because he will directly favour his kind with no respect for the law other then the law of his prophet.
GWF, am not so sure. He might be a bit of a surprise.
Of the pleasant kind, as far as Conservatism, and more importantly conservatism, go.
Up2, I will be surprised but delighted if Javid turns out to be pleasant.
But can you cite any evidence that he will roll back the May/Rudd surge towards a police state? He he done anything about the situation of Tommy Robinson. In fact please show me any evidence that he is not just another one of same bunch of disgusting Tories that are running that fallen party.
I won’t hear anything about him not having enough time. Had he possessed any value he would have announced he would scrap the hate speech laws as soon as he got his post. Look what Salvini has done in his brief time!
When Liz Kendall was standing for the leadership of the Labour party I thought that she might be the most dangerous from the ‘Conservatives’ point of few, because she was just so reasonable, in fact she could easily have slipped onto the government front bench and no-one would have noticed. Essentially that is just more evidence that the ‘Conservatives’ are now Blair-lite.
However it is clear that Liz Kendall was brought up as part of the Labour tribe, she would no more vote Tory than an orthodox Jew eat pork. And that is why Theresa May’s strategy of ‘de-toxing the nasty party’ will never work, she could get Tony Blair to write her manifesto and still the core Labour voter wouldn’t turn to her.
A true conservative would be pushing policies to encourage nuclear families, to reward taking personal responsibility and doing a good job. I think it is becoming quite apparent to the traditional ‘working class’ voter that Labour has found new victim classes to promote and a moment’s reflection, (helped by some straight-talking from politicians), should convince them that Labour never wants ‘its people’ to do better, ‘victims’ vote Labour.
Sadly no ‘Conservative’ seems to realise that you don’t win by playing the oppositions game, a smart general chooses the battleground and disrupts the enemy’s planning.
You are 100% right.
Theresa the Appeaser and the other Blue Labour types have no Conservative convictions at all. They are just administrators at heart, they want to manage things, but they have no coherent philosophy.
If the so-called Conservative Party had wanted to run on a platform of increasing taxes to spend an extra £20 billion a year on the NHS, last year’s election manifesto would have been a good place to start. This is just a panic reaction for which there is no mandate. A true Conservative would realise there is no way to outspend a Socialist, and that you should not even try.
It would be nice to be able to vote for a conservative party. Someone ought to start one, it could prove popular.
RiC, I’ve just had a listen to Victor D.Hanson’s address to the Young America’s Foundation (How the Obama Presidency Destroyed Todays Democratic Party) and he’s pretty much saying what we’ve set out here. The UK Swamp is in the same two places: 1. the Labour Party and their MSM, LeftLibbyLuvvie and Youth supporters, and 2. in the Conservative Party hierarchy. I think you may even see that replicated in a smaller way in UKIP.
I am wondering if Theresa May has learned a trick or two from The Donald. I hope she has. I wouldn’t be totally or partly surprised if she has. Just slightly. And pleasantly.
Victor D Hanson.
If taken with Thomas Sowell.
Is THE only course you`ll ever need.
Truly great men, I`m sure Roger Scruton would have to concede that these two are everything he could wish for.
This site told me of both, thank you so much.
Jim and RiC, I agree that May is selling out in trying ape the LeftyLibbies. The thing about Sajid Javid though is that while my generation had Julie Christie and Debbie Harry as our poster girls for Javid & Halfon and others, it was Margaret Thatcher.
I think Javid may be a bit of a ‘sleeper’. 😉
[Please note the word ‘may’ – nothing is certain – as people can change or ‘go off’ but on that one we will all have to wait and see.]
This is an impressive list:
Sajid Javid
Jeremy Hunt
Michael Gove
Robert Halfon
Kemi Badenoch
All under 50 years of age except for Hunt who is 51. Labour have to scratch around for Newbies like Ummunna and still they cannot match those five for experience. Tom Watson still has a ‘thug’ reputation to slough off and is as old as Hunt.
If those five as the next generation of Tories can put a good policy package together for the whole UK, then the future may not be as bleak as we thought it was for the past year.
Liz Truss
Priti Patel
There are plenty of good uns under 50. How come the rotten ones are running the party?
The Tories will be fine in the next election. Corbyn has spent the best part of a year pissing everyone off. ‘Corbynmania’ burnt out when the young ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn’; types realised that no one was going to clear their debts and they where used as political pawns.
The morning after the next election will be interesting, I can see a lot of glum looking BBC presenters reporting a Tory landslide while always wondering ‘what went wrong for Labour?’ when it is clear that Labour have burnt themselves out and will continue to do so over the next few years.
Then it will be How Can We Get Young People To Be Interested In Politics and campaign for the legal age to vote to be lowered to six .
I can imagine a few of Labour’s remaining supporters trying to blame everyone else. The BBC will be accused of being biased against Labour of course yet I expect that the BBC will try to help Labour out as much as possible. WE will have a few ‘poverty’ documentaries in the build up to the election to remind us about how wicked the Tories are and these very documentaries will feature the usual single parents with dozens of children complaining about Tory cuts ect.
The discussions between presenters will of course be full of pro Labour bias as well. Labour might be lagging in the polls but someone will chirp in ‘But Labour can still turn it around at this stage like they did last time?’ trying to offer hope to those who know that Labour are heading for a mighty defeat.
By that time I predict that the BBC’s viewership would have declined so much no one would even take any notice of them anymore.
God forbid we allow Javid a serious follower of Ismamic ideology to even get close to becoming Prime Minister-life in this nation would quickly be under Sharia Law. Candidates: David Davies, Duncan-Smith, Liam Fox, maybe Gove, all other current ministers can’t cut the mustard. Whoever it might be has to be very tuff with Europe, stop overseas aid or greatly reduce it, stop enviromentally harmful constructions such as a 3rd Runway at Heathrow, and if still possible stop the meaningless construction of HS2 which will service but a very few and I contest its reason as givien that it will increase trade throughout the UK-How? and certainly not if it only serves via London Birmingham, Manchester and later maybe Leeds. Daft & far too costly a venture let alone destroying so much countryside. Let the railways start by improving their own businesses.
If you are elderly and you need to go to hospital I think you might genuinely fear for your life.
In the ‘olden’ days, I wouldn’t have given a second thought to whatever medication a doctor or nurse gave me but hearing of the huge numbers being killed off (through ‘faulty’ syringe drivers?) I would be seriously concerned about simply taking any medication.
After all this is over, I’m sure that we will be told the usual rubbish (lessons will be learned) and life (death) will go on.
I suppose it wouldn’t happen in the private sector as there’s no financial gain in killing your customers so at least all the politicians (who, on their huge pay) can afford private health care, will be ok.
Will anyone be prosecuted for this?
Maybe the same number of prosecutions (so far) for the hundreds of thousands of illegal fgm procedures carried out.
All those under 60 today just don’t get that they will be the ones tomorrow, who could be subjected to neglect, abuse, sedated, starved, left to lie in their own faeces, and now the possibility of given a deliberate early death (which could be a release for some). When babies are found in that state the media go into meltdown, with relentless publicity, but an old person ? news for 24 hours and then forgotten, who cares? they’ll die anyway.
With what has been revealed recently about Gosport, I am concerned about what’s happening now within the NHS never mind about 20/30 years into the future when islam has taken control. That’ll be a whole different set of circumstances anyway. I’m sure Treezer & Co will have paid their private health insurance up to date.
I stand to be corrected, but doesn’t private health care only cover illnesses up to a certain age (70?), and then you’re set adrift. You’d have to be of millionaire status to receive an acceptable care package, not least receiving decent food and not the slop I’ve seen dished up in hospital and care homes.
Bris g and Emanuel ,
I think the NHS as it is constructed now – with its internal management – common purpose – is structured to identify and kill off those over 60 where there will be no relative to question their going . Every one benefits from the early death apart from the victim. It makes the system work . Higher turn over , more people dealt with , more efficient health service – less pensions to worry about .
As a result of personal experience I know the Liverpool pathway has gone away and that Palkiative care is just another term for administrative killing . No main stream media source will give a damn about that whilst they can gorge themselves on the death of foreigners in council blocks .
Stealth jihad?
Strictly speaking, if you’re a Leftist you want old people to die. People naturally become more conservative with age, as a consequence of experience and having seen the world the way it is. And as such, they are more likely to vote for right-leaning or small ‘c’ conservative parties. The really bad news for the Left is that their numbers are growing throughout the western world, thanks to increased average lifespans and improved healthcare, whereas young (native) people are in decline thanks to falling birthrates. If you are a Leftist who has thought these things through – and some have, they are not all stupid or irrational even if most are – then the answers are clear: import people from abroad who will vote for you; reduce the voting age; promote a hostile environment for the elderly; encourage euthanasia and mercy killing (effectively, ‘abortion for pensioners’). The BBC is very much in the forefront of all these things, having kicked off its ‘Old vs Young’ campaign in the immediate aftermath of the Brexit vote.
I always remember a sketch with the, ‘two John’s’ (Messrs Bird & Fortune) on one Rory Bremner series. I can’t locate it on YouTube unfortunately. In essence the two Johns as junior Ministers (I think) attended a meeting with senior civil servants. The viewers were gently led into the concept of old people being a ‘problem’. One of the John’s piped up with his solution. “Bingo Halls” he announced, others looked quizzical. He continued, “yes, send people up to the roof to sprinkle cyanide crystals down on the OAP’s”……………….. Laugh, did I laugh along with the studio audience. Now in my seventies, I see the Johns’ solution clearly no doubt along with others who shall not be named!
Anything on Al Beeb about yet another Grenfell fraud ?
R4. Driving early. Is there nothing happening in the world? A bloody vomit inducing NHS love fest. I wish the reality was as good as the publicity and I am sick and tired of hearing how hard done to NHS staff are – I work in the NHS and it ain’t so.
There is waste everywhere and sick leave is still way too high. Yes there are good people, but they are doing a job they are paid for like everyone else. They are not Angels..BBC stop promoting it as some perfect system that is just let down by ‘lack’ of funding…
Then listening to Amol and his rag bag – how many times could they slag off POTUS…every sentence when it was Tina and Amol..good honest balanced discussion..
You know that an organisation is corrupt beyond reform when its governing bodies will do absolutely anything to prevent criminal prosecution of their members. The BMA and GMC are complicit in the deaths of patients throughout our country and need to be held to account. The same goes for nurses; why someone needs to have a degree to be a nurse is beyond my comprehension.
The NHS should be privatised, National Insurance abolished and replaced with an insurance system that puts the customer/ patient in charge and not patient-hating doctors and their entrenched bureaucracy.
Yes JamesA totally agree with you, as I retired from the NHS a few years ago. After a lifetime in the private sector, my eyes were opened when joining the NHS, as the practices that went on wouldn’t happen elsewhere. I found there was nobody at the top who took overall responsibility, the Chief Exec was no more than a figure head whose sole existence was to attend ‘meetings’. Waste was rampant, and outside contractors took full advantage of that fact – (a quote of £600 was given for a 4′ shelf to be put up in the photocopying room !). Throwing more money at the NHS just means higher salaries for the ‘managers’ who walk around with a file under their arms on their way to a ‘lunch meeting’.
The NHS Love fest continues at 7pm BBC2
Only about 100 NHS accounts tweet about it
– 7:30pm Britain’s Best Junior Doctors hosted by top lefty Jo Brand
starting the 28th June. “Celebrities on the NHS Frontline”.
– Stacey Dooley, who had a heart murmur as a child, visits the pioneering Heart Attack Centre and Liver Unit
– Paralympian Jonnie Peacock, had meningitis at the age of five and lost his lower right leg as a result + a dozen operations looks at life on the Children’s Ward and in theatre.
– Doctor & broadcaster Michael Mosley is reminded of the stresses of resus
– former Shadow Health Secretary Ann Widdecombe visits the Urgent Care department and investigates bed management.
Ann Widdicombe on R Humberside earlier said the NHS is like a 4 lane motorway system and that far from throwing money solving it, when you build an extra two lanes you find they fill up as well.
She says she advocated a total rethink years ago, but people were so wedded to “we love our NHS” that you can’t open up the conversation.
“Shortage of staff on London Metropolitan Line”
They are all dooinn degrees in rapping and cutlery .
After discovering this on YouTube early last week, I did visit the BBC3 website and I could not find the, ‘genuine original article’. If the video is true, it warrants a letter to my useless MP. Notwithstanding her uselessness, I would appreciate it if anyone could find the direct BBC3 link. This is the one:
That same black man was on BBC1 Sunday Morning Live yesterday “debating” immigration.
One of his comments he made yesterday was “this country has only ever been great when it has relied on other people in the world” to which he got nods of approval from a pre-arranged camera closeup of the other black guest.
see 18m40s…
This man is nothing more than a racist but he is the correct kind of racist the BBC like so he appears on BBC a lot. I wouldn’t even bother asking him for his views on Trump as we already know what he would say.
how odd, the same “random” man what a coincidence
He is Dr Kehinde Andrews of Birmingham University teaching….. wait for it……. brace yourselves……..BLACK STUDIES!
Google his name. He has been on Newshite ranting about how British Athletes should fist the air or knell down during the National Anthem as a protest against the flag. He says he will never stand again for the National Anthem – I very much doubt he ever has. He reckons the Anthem is “divisive”.
The only thing divisive, Tabs, is arseholes like him. (and the BBC)
Black studies in the “Black country”, surprised that soubriquet is still allowed.
“Come the revolution”…………… All bills will be settled.
With poisonous, race baiting bastards like him in academia is it any wonder young people have the views they do?
Here is the original video on the BBC Facebook page. The full version is even worse.
White man says “Your accusations of empire and the Crusades to normal people sound frankly ridiculous”
Kehinde says “To white people that might sound ridiculous but to normal people that I know that sounds perfectly reasonable. Actually, I think this kind of Britishness, Englishness identity is part of their problem.”
…and the BBC ends the debate right there – job done!
So an implication that white people are not “ normal people”?
How very racist!
‘Prof’ Kehinde as the BBC keep calling him, but then they don’t recognise the title ‘Dr’ (apparently), unless the title holder also has a vagina and a sense of entitlement (it seems).
The BBC keep pushing ‘Dr’ Andrews, and his books, and he seems to be cropping up a great deal in various race baiting pieces like this. No doubt a nice little earner… so long as you’re ‘black’ and entitled, so that’s me out of the equation 🙁
We are now reaping the ‘benefits’ of the Windrush generation who have produced him and his ilk to spew bile on the country that gave his grandparents a new start. Yet we are told by the media and migrants themselves (of course) that we have benefitted from the influx of new cultures in our various industries, the NHS being the major one quoted.. Odd how we managed quite nicely without them before then ! Go to any hospital in Europe, and how many migrant clinicians and nurses will you find – barely any.
First heard about this in the 10am R4 News bulletin.
It was reported as “Two men are fighting for their lives and two have been taken into cutody after a suspected burglary in Bristol. My initial thought ‘Good, the police have caught some burglars at last.’
Then I had a re-think along BBC lines. ‘The criminal perpetrators are fighting for their lives and the police have arrested the victims.’
Looks like there may be further developments along re-thinking lines, if the BBC item linked above is anything to go by. I await developments.
Last week Bristol news headline
“We feel violated” – elderly residents of Bristol council block say they are terrified burglars will return @ASPolice”
\\ Police revealed earlier this month the attack on Gilton House in Brislington was one of 11 blocks of flats across the city which had been targeted by thieves – all of which have remained unexplained.//
Today’s incident happened at another block of flats in Redcliffe, Bristol
Interesting the police body tags are all around the bus stop
Does that mean the burglars got out, and residents bashed them at the bus stop. ?
Or was it one drug gang try to rob another drug gang ?
There’s an update page
“Two men arrested after allegedly fleeing scene”
BBC Online News:
“”What will Brexit mean for expat dogs?””
The BBC’s anti-Brexit slavering knows no bounds.
Re Justin Webbs’s C-bomb this morning
Radio Times has an article
Includes this tweet with audio.
So, he wins the tee-hee bbc NaughtieMarr prize this month.
I didn’t hear Justin cuntweb make that comment. Oh – did I misspell his name ?
I noticed they had a quiet morning in the Bournemouth a. and e.
I guessed the elderly they’d murdered over the weekend were already in the mortuary waiting for a tame coroner…our thought are with….yawn
I’m afraid that the commentators on the BBC have now decided this is a joke (and probably a dare) so this c/hunt stuff is going to continue, as long as the Biased BBC is staffed by overpaid infantile leftards.
Infiltration on ridiculous levels now:
Labour Councillor who said ‘no proof’ ISIS exists now helping protect kids from radicalisation.
Safia Akhtar Noor has been appointed to the Birmingham Children’s Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee. After the Westminster bridge attack, she said on Facebook: “Sadly people died in Westminster today but people die everyday in Syria, Palestine, Africa, Rohingya, Kashmir.. Need I carry on?!! […] Grow up and stop pointing fingers!”
NB: The Children’s Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chair is Mohammed Aikhlaq. Quick look at his Twitter feed; it seems to be a complete Corbyn/Eid/Syria love-in:
You will find many former ISIS members have returned home and have miraculous been cured of their radicalisation – have declared themselves mistaken. They now proclaim moderate Islam and recognise Islam is Peace – and are rewarded by British and local government officials by being elevated into advisory positions as spokespeople for moderate Islam and allowed access to schools, interfaith meetings, given their own columns in local to national newspapers, given their own one hour slot on British radio, allowed to set up Islamic charities etc.
Birmingham is rapidly becoming the prototype for the future of urban Britain – Muslim, sharia courts, Trojan horse takeover of schools to ensure Muslim culture prevails in the future and integration is impossible. The political leadership locally is Muslim – existing institutions of authority are taken over and reinforce Muslim culture. The white hierarchy is displaced and key instruments such as police are neutered by self inflicted political correctness. Crimes such as child grooming and pimping by Muslims are covered up as much as possible. Underlying all is the higher Muslim birth rate , allowing more and more of a city to be taken over.
I would be very happy to use Birmingham as an example to see what happens when Islam takes over.
I’d allow mass Islamic immigration into Birmingham, the white people will leave when they become a worried minority. The city’s population will then be 100% Muslim and every job in that city will be taken by a Muslim. That includes hospital staff, cleaning the streets, courts, Police/Fireman, restaurant hygiene inspectors. Anyone on benefits has to be paid out from Birmingham’s own income so the city has to be self sufficient. Disabled children, from inbreeding, have to be looked after within the city’s budget.
Then we can see what kind of utter shithole it will (already has) become as a warning to everyone else in the world. Given enough time Birmingham will become like the Gaza Strip. The likes of the BBC would still say they are deprived due to white supremacy though.
R5 Now 10:45 Women and their role in the Orgreave flying pickets standoff
with the famous Lancashire actress Maxine Peake
She talks about her communist background while being a student.
FFS Womans Hour has just finished and Radio5 continues just the same.
Greenham Common next, Stew.
Yes@ToobiWan there really is a Greenham Common play on September 7th.
Seems partially funded by lottery fund grant
BBC Shit Watch: Over the Weekend the BBC reported in a major article that Ed Sheeran took a Crap:
BBC Headline: “Ed Sheeran stops gig for the loo – twice”
Today they are running the same story on their CBBC channel – it is their LEAD STORY on the CBBC Newsround Entertainment page. But to save our children’s blushes rather than reporting he took a shit they are reporting he went for a piss:
CBBC Headline: “Ed Sheeran stops Cardiff concert for a wee! Twice!”
This is yet another example of the BBC’s fearless reporting – they are prepared to dig down into the bowels of society to retrieve their shit stories, all paid at the British taxpayers’ expense.
As expected the Twitter stream of a 5Live Beeboid reflects their mad bubble world
eg she Tweets the Time cover against Trump, but doesn’t tweet anything when it’s proved to be FakeNews
Anthony Lurcher continues to impress too.
As another mass killing scandal besets ‘our wonderful nhs’ I just wonder if Dr Opiate will ever face criminal charges. Thus far she has been protected by the usual hierarchy of vested interests in health notably the gmc and even her mp. She was allowed lucrative pensioned retirement.
What’s the betting that the cps will say there’s not enough evidence to prosecute her? The good doctor was not physically present during the daytime, merely giving out cryptic instructions, the syringes and pumps were notoriously difficult to calibrate etc etc
No individual to blame
Lessons will be learned
BBC News is bigging up story of MPs pledging to make special law against homophobic chants at football grounds, claiming existing lawsa are not enough
.. Em is it actually a problem these days ?
..cos the Guardian newspaper article mentions no UK examples.
\\ MP aims to ban homophobic chants at football matches
Tory Damian Collins and ex-rugby player Gareth Thomas to launch draft proposal //
The BBC claims “football fans are still getting away with homophobic chanting at matches”
I did a Twitter time search for last couple of years and although Mexico and LA came up, there was nothing like lots of UK examples all I could find was
\\ Mar 11 Full investigation launched by Cheltenham Town into alleged homophobic chant at Swindon //
It’s not easy being a Liberal – they are men/women/other out of their time, as all the ‘great victories’ were achieved 40 or 50 years ago. Decriminalisation of homosexuality? Done and dusted. Abortion on demand? Tick. Civil rights in America? Finished. Easy divorce? Achieved. Equal pay? Long time ago. As a consequence, it is necessary to engage in ever obscure, pedantic and invented problems to try and justify one’s existence and cope with the shame of not having been there at the metaphorical barricades. And having buggered up society (no pun intended) they will then turn upon one another. In the end, revolutions eat themselves from within.
‘In the end, revolutions eat themselves from within’
Let’s hope.
Wonder if we’re seeing some of that with the old school feminists vs transsexuals spats? You know, the “you aren’t a woman just because you lop your dick off”, and “a transsexual man can never be a real woman because he’s grown up with male privilege”, trans-bitch slapping cat fights – been a while, could do with some more of those.
So many identities to pander to and accumulate virtue points. It all gets so confusing.
Left wing actress Maxine Peake was on radio 5 this morning being given an inordinate amount of time to promote her new play at the Manchester Royal Exchange called “Queens of the Coal Age”. In her view, admittedly with a new play to tout, we don’t hear enough about the 1984-5 miners strike and by implication the women who stood by their men through the bitter year-long dispute. “Protest is more potent than ever”, she states, and her play is about “stemming the flow”.
The illegal strike was called by the communist Arthur Scargill for political purposes and was a working class tragedy. The pits would have closed anyway since coal is one of the dirtier fossil fuels covering everything in soot. It is also dangerous to mine and causes early death among the men who risk their lives to bring the stuff to the surface. Thankfully we have much cleaner, cheaper and more efficient fuels such as oil and gas to hand these days.
Eulogising the strike is understandable if mistaken. Kicking ten bells out of Thatcher is par for the course. But this would appear to be the same Maxine Peake busy ticking up further virtue points with the climate change crowd. In fact she is currently starring at the Royal Exchange in a re-run of Samuel Beckett’s Happy Days, which some critics have noted is now a long whinge about eco-catastrophe. Similar proselytizing is to be found in a film she made with Jeremy Irons about climate change called “I Wish for You”.
Last year this same Maxine Peake joined a group of high-profile actors demanding that pension providers move their money away from fossil fuels, which “harm the planet”. Fellow group actor Mark Rylance stated: “We must individually stop supporting those who, by their actions, deny that humans … are facing a mortal crisis of global warming”.
Up the coalminers!
Cheers @ChrisMorrison Aren’t you driving your mobility scooter around the world, having endless baths, baking masses of cakes ?
Due all that money you are MAGICALLY saving due to installing a SmartMeter like Maxine Peake tells you to do in her adverts.
I was wondering why they used her
Now you say “Maxine Peake busy ticking up further virtue points with the climate change crowd” and that fits.
Stew – I did in fact install one of the first “smart meters”. Two years ago it ran out of internal battery power and rather than instal a new one the chap from British Gas reads it every quarter just like the old days.
Nice to know, however, that I am ticking all the right boxes for the climate loons, although I am considering selling my British Gas shares.
Hopefully I am some way off a mobility scooter. Nevertheless I am looking forward to that day since it means that I can start safely smoking cigarettes again. A lovely civilising habit that I was forced to give up in my youth for understandable health reasons.
Unfortunately I will not be able to install a cigarette lighter on the scooter or similar electric vehicle since a packet of ten will drain all the battery.
\\ Actors say it’s curtains for fossil-fuelled pensions
A group of famous actors and performers have said the curtain is coming down on pensions investing in fossil fuels. The celebrities have voiced support for the #PensionPower campaign, //
Mark Rylance among actors to press Equity over fossil fuels FT
Commenter points out there is No Equity pension fund
Having decided that Oil corps funding the arts someone using the actors names set up a GoFund me page
After more than a year they haven’t made their £5,000 target
That’s not likely to displace the millions that BP drops into the arts.
Guido had a go at her for making Labour ads, yet her chosen accountant, just happens to be noted for tax efficiency.
Maxine Peake is the BBCs glamour girl but I’d call her a hypocrite. The 1984 miners strike was overtly political , an old fashioned attempt to bring down a government industrial action by an old fashioned communist. A vote was not properly held and certain miners quite rightly refused to join in. As pointed out, deep mined coal was uncompetitive in the U.K. and anyway bound to be replaced by cleaner energy.
The miners had won generous pay settlements in the 1970s and were totally misled by Scargill. A more astute leader with their genuine interests at heart would have negotiated a phased rundown of the industry not impoverished gullible families and their wives.
Yes, instead of poncing about on the stage covered in make-up for decades, Rylance should have done a shift down the Pit at the coal face and covered in coal dust, to see what real work is all about ! I remember my Dad saying the coal face was about 3′ high -imagine that ! being on your knees with a pickaxe as your daily job.
BBC Online News:
“”Tunisia attack survivor: ‘We’ve had no support financially'””
Some would say that you would have had full financial support if you’d been injured in an accidental tower block fire.
But this would never occur to the BBC as a worthwhile comment.
Wrong colour for the BBC, some might say?
And yet the BBC demand former ISIS members & their families be returned back to Britain and receive extensive government support to “de-radicalise” them and integrate them back into society – because these poor kids had been victimised by British Society and didn’t realise Islam is Peace.
According to the BBC only when British Society is fundamentally changed and diversified will this victimisation and islamophobia that caused these poor Muslim kids to become radicalised, stop. The BBC would like to say Allahu Akhbar – oops they mean peace be with you.
I would contrast the poor level of support given to any victims of Muslim violence in the U.K. compared to the Grenfell people. They are being given highly expensive housing in one if the worlds most expensive cities and I wonder if right to buy will apply in a few years.
“… I wonder if right to buy will apply in a few years.” Re-direct the benefits into mortgage payments?
I watched Stir Crazy again yesterday afternoon. Funny and entertaining film but what’s amazing about it is that not only are the two male leads black and white but the film was actually directed by Sidney Poitier.
But how could this be? Granted he was the first black actor to win an Oscar in 1963 but directing a film in 1980 – what! A black man directing a Hollywood film with a black co-lead. This can’t be true.
That was 38 years ago and going on the BBC and MSM, blacks were under the boot of white oppression until literally a week before Obama became president…
Another Grenfell Fraudster?? How many is that now
\\ @DavidLammy I am concerned that there is a lack of diversity in the long list of Grenfell fraudsters.
No white people guilty.
… It’s a disgrace //
Wiki on Grenfell Fraud
On 19 September 2017, Commander Stuart Cundy briefed that eight people were being investigated for allegedly making false claims to financial support in the name of fictitious victims.[6][7]
By 1 June 2018, five people had been convicted for fraud offences after claiming to be victims of the fire to claim financial support. Mohammad Gamoota, 31, Joyce Msokeri, 47, Anh Nhu Nguyen, 53 Elaine Douglas, 51 (black) and Tommy Brooks, 52 (very black), were all found guilty and given prison sentences.
– 7 June 2018 of a further 9 people suspected of fraud.[387]
Four were charged a day later. Abolaji Onafuye, 54, Koffi Kouakou, 54 and Abdelkarim Rekaya, 28 were all charged with fraud whilst Yonatan Eyob, 25, was charged with drug and theft offences.[388] The other five were released under investigation. //
BTW info about the guy whose flat the fire started in, and who won’t give evidence in person.
My thanks to thirdoption for originally posting “Weapons found at the ‘Muslim Eton’, Darul Uloom”.
With the exception of The Sunday Times and the Evening Standard that first ran the article, there is not a mention from the BBC and MSM generally.
Contrast that with cases involving this school and others in the Darul Uloom group where the Islamic schools are perceived to be the victims and the BBC are all over the story like a rash.
These schools in Chislehurst, Leicester and Birmingham (at least) have all been repeatedly slated by Ofsted for their lessons in hatred (as per the Channel 4 Despatches program), anti-Western literature, teaching “twisted ideology” and generally poor standards. And yet they are apparently the equivalent of Eton creating an Islamic elite who will rule the Muslim world; its very name inspires awe among the Muslim community.
Critics of the schools warn that it is time for the Government to wake up to the reality of what goes on in the world of the madrassas in Britain, where our way of life is deemed incompatible with that of the orthodox Muslim. A Civitas analysis of such schools in 2009 commented:
There are 166 Islamic schools in Britain and almost half of British Muslims wish to send their children to Muslim-only schools.
But nothing changes; the DoE tried to close Chiselhurst as a result of this but it will continue with temporary trustees and no doubt will be back to business as usual very soon. And so the continuous appeasement of the ROP continues.
Enoch, I worked near that place in Chislehurst years ago. It was a wealthy area. I found an unholy Koran on the train once. When the men in white robes & hats started using the train station they used to crap on the floor rather than using the toilet. Their “culture” we were told at the time. Disgusting and backward.
And now, with BBC help, they crap on British Society or rather we should say Indigenous / traditional British Society – which the BBC and others are determined to finish off.
The idea of multiculturalism has always been a wedge to displace and kill off indigenous / traditional British society. Nowadays multiculturalism has been replaced with new buzzwords such as diversity, white privilege, islamophobia, decolonisation …
UK Column with a Met police whistle blower and the corruption at the heart of British Policing; the involvement of Common Purpose and how the police are now using children in an attempt to create a Hitler Youth/STASI.
On the Weekend Thread, I posted a vid on Trump’s Duluth rally, and I would just like to say thank you to the thank-yous and kind replies received (Alicia Sinclair, fakenewswatcher, Holly Selassie). I was so surprised!
OK, so with President Trump’s visit coming up, do you think the BBC will remind its viewers what Trump said about Brexit, and how he showed his support? Of course not.
So, to refresh our memories, here’s Nigel Farage’s speech at a Trump rally in August 2016:
Note how then candidate Trump introduces Farage: “ … the man behind Brexit, and the man who led, brilliantly, the United Kingdom Independence Party in this fight and won, despite all odds …”
All Brexiteers, welcome The Donald with open arms!
If you asked Labour supporters they would say these words come from Corbyn.
But it’s Farage ..he continues
…And we did it. We made June the 23rd our independence day.
When we smashed the establishment.
And we did it. Everybody said we would lose but what did we see?
We saw experts from all over the world. We saw the international monetary fund. We saw Moody’s. We saw Standard and Poor’s. We saw global leaders project fear.
Telling us that if we voted not to be run by a bunch of unelected old men in Brussels. [applause]
Yeah, well it’s okay, they don’t like me either so it doesn’t really matter does it? [applause]
But they told us our economy would fall off of a cliff. They told us there’d be mass unemployment. They told us that investment would leave our country. And David Cameron, then our Prime Minister, but no longer, told us that we might even get World War III.
And we saw the comentariate and we saw the polling industry doing everything they could to demoralize our campaign. On the day of the vote itself, that morning, they put us ten points behind. And actually, they were all wrong. And they were wrong because what the Brexit campaign did is we reached those people who’ve been let down by modern global corporatism.
More …
See what sh!ts the Independent are
They quote the start of Farage’s speech
..then end the quotation marks
..and continue with a load of hatey things HE DID NOT SAY
..They title their article “Was white British secessionist Nigel Farage”
Jesus that is a very hatey thing to do Indy, but normal lefty #Projection
Poor old Montacutie must wish she had remained on the TOADY Programme when Martha wanted more time to spend with her bees. It was a bit of a ‘train wreck’ this lunchtime as far as the TWatO Heathrow Airport item was concerned but was very revealing of the BBC mindset.
They are absolutely terrified of Boris Johnson.
Think they might prefer to hand over 55% and 70% upper bands Income Tax on their earnings to John McDonnell rather than have Bojo as PM.
I wish this government would ‘sack up’ and give the green light to the runways at both Heathrow AND Gatwick.
We need to be a player, especially post Brexit, and we can’t afford to hamper our growth to placate a couple of self absorbed nimbies. When you bought your property, you knew it was close to the airport, the purchase price would have reflected this, so just deal with it.
Living near something unpleasant/annoying is just part and parcel of living near one of the biggest, most cosmopolitan cities in the world. I live downwind of Crossness sewers, the second largest in Europe and a place that handles much of the shit that comes out of London. Get close to it and it stinks and if the wind blows in the wrong direction, you know about it but thems the breaks – someone has to live close to these things.
‘Johnson defends missing Heathrow vote.’
They can never just candidly state the facts; there is always spin, finger-wagging, emotional appeal, narrative et cetera. ‘Johnson misses Heathrow vote’ would be better, but why is a politician not voting on something even news? It must happen all the time, especially if you happen to be the foreign secretary. A fake story squared.
Imagine asking a Beeb journalist to write an objective report on someone bouncing a ball on a street and they would still manage to twist it in some way. ‘Street interferes with ball’; ‘Ball bounces weakly due to Tory cuts’; ‘Black boy bounces ball brilliantly in Labour-funded street art project.’
R4 drama seems like an unjust trial story from the time of Thatcher
but actually it’s fiction ” characters are based on GF Newman’s novels.”
In a meeting with Thatcher a character called Olinska is told by her that he can’t get a knighthood, cos his son is raising a fuss about his trial.
After the meeting his mother complains “We worked like blacks for that boy”
..that sounds like a lefty playwright putting swords into the mouths of friends of Thatcher to smear them as racists.
Plus ca change.
It would be very strange if people went on that march and hadn’t signed the petition
In fact you’d expect magnitudes more to have signed the petition than turned up for a march in London
There are 127K sigs on their petition and it doesn’t seem to have anything against fake voting etc.
i think it would be quite normal to have 25K of the signers on the march, and the rest to be in the rest of UK, or working, or in America, or in Europe
Jesus, what blatant lying. 500,000 people – that is a ridiculous amount. I’d love to see someone put them under some pressure to substantiate that figure.
But who bothers with them?
It`s what they do, have been doing since Noah was a lad.
Positive howling feedback.
Best not to react, they only count that as people being out there who give a hoot what figures , facts the BBC dole out.
Fake News-Magic Numbers.
Diannes calculator runs on brain farts.
Couldn’t be much less that ‘Labour Live’ lol
So Trump’s visit will cost millions to Police, thanks to a tantrum from the same people who moan the Police is underfunded. I am taking my nephew to a swimming lesson and working that day, can they not find a more useful way to spend their time?
The Beeb say you are ‘sending a message’ to Trump by protesting but really you are just having fun in the sun and causing a nuisance to the Police who should be spending their time dealing with the murder etc which plagues the capital.
How will it cost so much more? They aren’t busting burglaries, so maybe the Twitter and Facebook trawlers can get off their hindquarters, put on some riot gear and get out there for some useful work – namely protecting the safety of the democratically elected leader of our greatest and most powerful ally.
Your tax money via the British Council has funded a doco about the migration of 3 Pakistani familes to the UK
Showing a few UK venues.
I can see it actually launched at the BFI in Feb
The ‘next generation of British Pakistanis’, dear God.
Surely, the ‘Pakistani’ tag will have been dropped by then, which begs the question, they still refer to themselves as from that culture. That must fly in the face of those that want integration at all costs.
Maybe it will be britpak or pakibrit by then… some might find either equally offensive .
Xi? Ceausescu? Mugabe? Erdogan?
No charge, cheap at twice the price eh?
How much did Bush, Clinton and Obama cost?
Thought that Miliband liked leaders who could “stop the traffic” when they come in!
Just because we`ve now a generation of loafers on benefits, free drugs and used to rioting who have all the time in their empty lives to cause malice?
Maybe it`ll be cheap to see the heads of those poppies and lilies emerge-so we can lop their heads off, when Donald has gone.
The Left need sorting, I live in a country where it is STILL legal to speak to vote Tory or welcome Donald Trump.
They say zip about Xi or Erdogan, and for good reason. |Maybe we need to learn the lessons-the left only understands terror when it`s as out of control and as evil as it is today.
Doing abs pumps with an old car battery in readiness.
Have a watch, we need this on the BBC too.
Where are our subverters of fake news like Beck then?
Is there new hope for the young? Jordan Peterson attends the Oxford Union and the assembled student body applaud and laugh along with his jokes. (There is a very amusing bit right at the end when a Canadian asks what Peterson would say to Trudeau if given the chance. Peterson takes what seems like minutes before he says anything – perfect comedic timing, even if he really was just struggling to think what words that the pretty boy might understand!)
Here`s a beauty.
Very media savvy, some of our number eh?
But who knew she was married to Mark Flanagan, sure that`s a BBC hack isn`t it?
Great CV too(0.39 secs)
Holly – thanks for the video – I somehow get the impression that since the brexit vote and the coming of President Trump more Americans are getting concerned about what has been done to Blighty and how it has become a big limp lettuce .
Great video, thanks JimS.
Let`s hope these keen and clever kids won`t fall for the media or academia until the barns have been mucked out.
Great questions and answers-why the hell can`t cabbages at the BBC ask and get such answers?
Because they don`t want to know. Just stop Brexit and get Trump killed or hogtied.
Great to watch.
BBCTeach celebrate the writer of their book of life rules
#BrokenIronyMeter, every day is #OrwellDay on the #BiasedBBC
It’s Monday, it’s 4 O’clock is their any Radio4 agenda pushing ?
Afro futurism is the buzz word
It’s only 4 hours to Episode 3 of The Long March of Corbyn’s Labour
Iain Watson looks at how the Labour party is changing across the country.
C4 10pm So how will they misrepresent Trump their documentary about the US embassy in London ?
Wow BBC4 has dropped it’s 7pm Trump Hating news and put Lineker and the football on until 9:10pm
One more too, a good class in media studies.
Will use in schools-as if!
Ah Justin Webb tries a ploy, he doesn’t hate Trump. Rather he opens his article in a way of channel Dems who do hate Trump.
Anyway him trying to look clever, is boring.
\\.. Now we have a border crisis exposing Donald Trump as a man who knows nothing about what it means to be an American.
His very own Katrina moment.
This is what the Democrats fervently hope
a political screw-up that will hand the Democrats control of Congress after the midterm elections in the autumn: a screw-up that torpedoes the Trump administration.
It is unlikely to be that simple. The tears and heartbreak of recent days are more likely to end in a political stalemate, or even, whisper it, a presidential win. Yes, this horror show has exposed Donald Trump’s personality. But it has also exposed, or is about to expose, the Democratic Party//
If that`s the best they`ve got, Trump will wipe the Dims out.
The Americans voted for stronger borders-no MS13 etc.
And this will put the Dims on the side of anti-American treachery.
They`ve long been there, but -what with the Russian stuff about to blowback-it only needs to be said that the Dims were fully complicit re border stuff.
The Dims will have their media running, but they`re Pravda now both sides of the pond.
We hate them,and won`t let them keep dong what they`ve been doing.
We know how the Bolsheviks and the Mullahs took over, how Occupy, Duggan and Moat, Grenfell and Moaning minnies have been disrupting. We`ve got right on our side, they`ve yet to fear us.
They`ve rolled our parents over, not happening here.
They live among us-as the Red Brigade used to say
“Strike one, and educate a hundred”.
Welcome to the New Open Universities Lefties. We`re not far from “retributive counselling situations”. We can talk bollocks as well, see?
Kaplinsky’s daughter has been badly injured in a fire on their boat in Corfu ..terrible
..but the story brings up something up
\\ Kaplinsky became the highest-paid newsreader on British television in 2007 when Channel 5 poached her from the BBC in a deal worth £1 million a year. //
why isn’t that mentioned more ?
Khan has set up a ‘Young Londoners’ Fund’ worth £40 million because apparently you need activities provided by the state to stop you from going out stabbing. I personally prefer to watch a film or read when bored, but I am not ‘diverse’ so my attitude is worthless.
The latest stabbing victim had just been at an event at a ‘community centre’, just the sort of thing Khan’s fund might put on. As well as potentially escalating tensions, what if you meet prospective gang members at a youth club? Away from school and parents I imagine it is an ideal setting to plot mayhem. Typical left wing ‘solution’: spend loads of someone else’s money to make a problem even worse.
Reminds me of the Blair years
Falling standards?
Pointless; Question on World Geography, cities named after people.
Capital of Seychelles, named after British Monarch who celebrated a diamond Jubilee.
Clue was the initial V.
50 people out of the 100 asked knew the answer, Victoria, FFS!
I wonder where they find these 100 people and if they allowed to vote?
Not only if they are allowed to vote, but should they be allowed out of the house on their own?
Mind you, I expect they would vote for Corbyn “Cus he’s gonna give us free stuff, innit?”
There is a good article about the youth stabbings in The Times today. I note how the diverse are over-represented. If there are too many white men in a noble field like surgery this is used as heinous evidence of ‘racism’ though we never get any credit for being under-represented in these horrific crimes. If too many white CEOs is due to ‘institutional racism’ then surely too many diverse criminals is due to cultural criminalism or something? (There is not even a phrase for it, which shows how little left wing thinkers have considered it!) For all the denigration the silent majority in this country endure we are clearly doing something right.
Perhaps David Lammy could do a report into how being civilised and working hard at school leads to better outcomes than being lazy, glamourising criminality and stabbing people?
But you forget – it’s all the fault of the white man.
How else are they going to repay those debts of civilisation, opportunity and healthcare if not by violence?
Its seems that if you’re mixed race or black, AND appear on SCD, your future at the Beeb is assured, and your profile guaranteed to go stratospheric. Anita Rani an unknown who presented 4 Rooms on Channel 4, then moved to the Beeb which gave her a shoo in for SCD, and since then has been given plum presenting jobs. The weekend saw her dressed to kill with her Countryfile colleagues, which could be compared with a photoshoot for Britains Got Talent – competing with Alesha Dixon in revealing frock. She must be the one BAME that ventures into the countryside on a regular basis !
Don’t get me started on the manic grin of Ore Oduba, who won SCD and is shoved in front of the camera at every opportunity. Now we have Nadya soon to be on BBC2 presenting family favourite meals ! Cardamom with everything Nad ?