The youngest kid stabbed in Londonistan so far has been named and is black. Three kids are arrested but it sounded like a big fight. On my count the body count is now over 70. Maybe the emir will say London isn’t safe enough for a visit by the head of state of America .
On Boris the media take their line from Labour PR
Why don’t they similarly call out Yvette cooper and Lily Allan’s hypocrisy ?
..dunno but theres no pressure from Labour PR on that.
I wonder if readers are aware that the BBC is using the money from the ‘unique’ way it is funded, not for the benefit of those who pay for it, but to provide its own distorted take on education – BBC teach, a service for teachers used to indoctrinate kids with the BBCs own special insight into where society needs to be going.
Whenever you think you’ve seen the beeb hit rock bottom, you discover -as shown in this ‘teach’ bit (racist propaganda?) – that they have been able to drop down even further. How do they manage it?
That’s wot I fink, like; and wot I wanna like aks, like.
sorry , accidentally pressed report comment! hope nothing comes of it.
The video is enlightening. These children seem to think its important that someone representing a person looks like that person.
really? So ho is an MP going to look like everyone in their constituency. Surely you want the best person to look after your interests, and it matters not one hoot how some looks.
Just flicked off Start the Week.
Andrew Marr probably doing his Shaking Stevens impression. So we get Amol Rajah,
Who is really just Gary Bellamy from Down the Line I`d say.
His guests were ex Big Apple shagbag for someone as she spoke of 80s frocks and from over there, two gay things, a Commie Gay hybrid thing and -oh, I don`t know, I`d gone to Somerset by then.
Would somebody find out what % of shows on the BBC aren`t gay lefty, disably, austerily, blackish or unhealthy in need of druggy?
If it`s as high as 10% then I`ll seek out the Labia Party and look cow eyed at the vulnerable in Bridgwater this weekend for five minutes, tops.
Put a windsock in it Beeb, you`re a bulbous bouncy castle in the air, I`d rather take my chances on the Hindenberg.
You can always watch the ‘unbiased’ Channel 4, Chris. ‘Inside the American Embassy’ story. (I think they’re talking about the US embassy rather than say, a Latin American one.) They’ve managed to squeeze in a mention of a R4 interview with the US Ambassador at an early point. Then, later – we get bits and pieces from a R4 news programme popping up now and then. Cosy relationship between Channel 4 and the beeb?
Perish the thought…
See here how a complaint was dealt with on the use of a fake photo in a Channel 4 documentary from the past.
It is interesting for various reasons and still very relevant ,, not least because the BBC are learning how to deal with complaints about fake photos the BBC use.
La Maitlis having a major meltdown when faced with Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjarto who gave short shrift to her virtue signalling multi-culti waffle. She was doing a poor imitation of a show trial judge, not asking questions, but throwing accusations at him and not letting him answer. God, she is insufferable !!
The Hungarians seem to have the measure of beeboids as evidenced by Humph trying to call out a Hungarian minister at the weekend .
The problem beeboids have is that Hungarians have a long history of fighting the moor so when the Reich Eu says take some the collective Magyar response is “ fuck off” . And the Hungarians know that al beeb is a pro Islam shitfest which doesn’t represent the British people any more .
I’m surprised ms maitliss isn’t in Israel with the hrh doing Middle East stuff but suppose the Bowen has it .
WATCH | "You are unbalanced. You are one-sided." Hungarian foreign minister Péter Szijjártó calls out the BBC's @maitlis on her bias – she was seething with rage because Hungary dares to oppose mass immigration!
I see BBC2 have just started on demonising the Poles now….simply because they point out that many muslim pakistani men are paedophiles. Perhaps the dumb bint should ready ‘Easy Meat’. I really don’t think there is anything controversial about what these ‘far right’ Poles are claiming. Having just read the book , and it is truly disturbing. I can vouch for the fact…it appears to be 100 percent true.
Do you think Radio Humberside has any political connections >
Thursday news : Airbus says Hard Brexit will be very difficult
Friday news : Siemens says Hard Brexit will be very difficult
(Why do the stories on two different days ? That looks like a PR campaign)
Saturday Promoting Labour Party connected event in Hull
: Engage for Change festival : \\ Speakers include MP for West and Hessle, Emma Hardy, The Fire Brigades Union, Dave Langcaster from UCU, talking about the recent strike action at Hull College, Women’s Lives Matter, Hull Homeless Community Project, and coming from Ireland, ROSA member and activist Jessie Kelly, who’ll be talking about the recent Repeal vote//
Then Sunday they were doing their show live from the Jo Cox event in Grimsby
A party's being staged in Grimsby's Grant Thorold Park and everyone's invited. It's one of a series of get-togethers happening this weekend in memory of MP Jo Cox. @LaKingabout's and Lara's show will be coming from Grant Thorold Park from 10.
— BBC Radio Humberside (@RadioHumberside) June 24, 2018
Irrespective of what shade of politics one might have be the idea of the leader of the opposition having to run off to a refugee camp to avoid a brexit march and then s foreign secretary running of to chat to the affgees to avoid the Heathrow vote shows up how inferior the political class in Blighty is .
Boris should resign from politics even if he is a brexiter . Let us down badly again
Personally they can build 2 runways at Heathrow and another at Gatwick for all I care .
Fedup: Trouble is, if Boris goes, Treezer will be damaged. You may think that is not a bad thing. But if she is forced into a leadership contest now, a General Election may be on the cards. (Although I think that shouldn’t follow, the media will be pushing hard for it.) Javid may have a go at party leader. The party may then go for it, thinking they now can’t be beaten, so diverse are they….
Tories should win a GE, but beeb et al will be baying for blood; they will be sending the yoof onto the streets, every wimmins group will be out there for Jeremy, the Tories being ‘The Patriarchy’, etc etc. WE are in a fragile state.
Brexit may disappear entirely from the agenda.
I’m pessimistic to think that there won’t be a meaningful brexit at all and that it is inevitable that the Marxist party will gain power because people either have forgotten on not know what they are and do . And I think it will be wherever interest rates , inflation , unemployment rates and oil remain relatively low or not .
It will be a crying shame but the way the current liberal government if performing no wonder they’ll get their arses handed to them
As I come back from church each Sunday I often see little clusters of labour campaigners doing canvassing in by London Borough – which has been solid conservative for ever ….
Another Trump rally starting in 10 mins well sometime
President Donald Trump MASSIVE Rally in South Carolina
The crowd have been telling CNN to go home
bit of PR in the not the biggest room.
Thank You Stew.
Am watching it now!
He is a phenomenon, we will NEVER see him live like this unedited on the BBC.
Weird genius, and funny as heck.
Thank the Lord he`s on the side of the angels, he`d be really dangerous if he`d been a Leftie.
Can`t wait to hear him live in England.
Only hope I don`t make a fool of myself, as I once did when Marc Bolan and Bruce Springsteen came to town.
Can`t guarantee it though, he`s THAT good when he speaks like this.
“now its the Poles according to Al Beeb”
They are only ‘obeying orders’. Poland, as one of the Vizegrad nations, is not attending the EU summits this week on how more African and Middle East migrants can be shoe-horned into Europe against the wishes of the local populations. Expect a lot more anti-Polish and anti-Hungarian propaganda in the coming weeks and months. Anyway, to a BBC’er, Poles and Russians are all the same thing aren’t they – Slavs or something?
The other aspect of this which is being de-emphasised in the British and Europe media took place a few weeks back. Poland has asked the US to establish a permanent military base in Poland, and has offered $2 billion to get it going. Having suffered for the past couple of hundred of years, caught between the demands of Berlin and Moscow, the Poles want American military muscle to protect them. It is an enormous slap in the face to the EU, effectively a vote of ‘no confidence’ in the ability of the organisation to look after their interests.
At least Anthony Zurcher remains scrupulously impartial.
Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters called for administration officials to be confronted when they go out in public. Trump has now responded with an insult – and a last line that sounds like a threat.
Anthony Zurcher – didn’t realise he was a Beeboid..
but doesn’t this tell you all you need to know.
Firstly it was ‘Maxine’ who incited confrontation – no condemnation of that Anthony.
Then when Trump says ‘be careful what you wish for’ – how is that a threat? He is merely pointing out that there may be consequences of her (Maxine’s) incitement.
Well done Anthony – you have secured you pay rise..
Guest, James, and Zurcher wonders why Trump describes some journalists as ‘enemies of the people’. Who’s doing the threatening?
Maxine Waters: ‘… and with this kind of inspiration I will go and take Trump out tonight.’
Urban dictionary: Take him out. To eleminate someone. To kill him.
Anthony Zurcher, another beauty, another British Brownshirt Contributor.
You watch how quick that arsehole Zurcher would be at the police if someone offered to ‘confront’ him next time him and his boyfriend shared a bottle of Rose at the pub.
Rhod Sharp did a piece by an architect/planner or similar, who’d written a book about cities. I missed the first half, but when Hull was mentioned, the interviewee just popped in that they voted to ‘leave’!
Tumbleweed from our intrepid East Coast Messiah…
‘”Er, they voted out because of the loss of fishing then”?
“Of course”!
Rhod again, “So Brexit may have affected lots of cities then”?
“Only the inner cities like London, Birmingham, Manchester and the Scottish inner cities. The rest of the country didn’t see it that way”!
Silence from the East Coaster, a gulp, and a one-way street to nowhere except to ask “If we leave the EU…”!
Can’t he understand what’s going to happen or are they all so stupid on the Eastern Seaside resorts of Boston, Massachusetts?
Had to get up to let the dog out – at least she understands!
Apparently railway lines in the south west can’t cope with normal summer warmth, without the trains running more slowly than they usually do because the rails have expanded, and may buckle.
I am reminded of the TGV, here in France, the Ave in Spain, and the Pendolinos in Italy, the ICE trains in Germany, etc., etc., where no such problems appear to be experienced.
BigBrotherCorporation, you earlier referred to Australia, New Zealand and Canada, saying “two of which are now presided over by vacuous ‘women’…”
True, Jacinda Ardern heads NZ – but who is the other woman? Malcolm Turnbull is Australia’s PM. I have long held suspicions about Justin Trudeau’s pretty face and soulful eyes, so perhaps he has transitioned into Justine? (Do you know something we don’t?)
Julia Gillard was Australia’s Labor (no “u”, in Australia’s Labor party) PM until 2013. I wouldn’t call her vacuous (obnoxious, yes).
You also asserted that the Americans are “our closest allies and have been for 100 years”. I wouldn’t agree. Australia entered the two world wars as soon as Britain had done so. The US declared war on Germany in 1917 and didn’t enter World War Two until after Pearl Harbour.
But obviously I agree that our leaders should nurture our US alliance and not alienate President Trump.
The US Army only became fully operational in the late spring of 1918 – although units were of benefit in countering the effects of the Kaiserslacht in March. Despite this, Pershing’s insistence that the US Army operated as a separate military entity, rather than simply helping the British and French where needed, delayed any truly effective impact. The main benefit was numerical and more psychological than physical since as an army US forces took the field in May 1918 and the war ended six months later. Even then the British Army, despite immense losses, was by far the most effective fighting force against a demoralised German army, effectively fighting a rearguard action. Of the 100,000 American casualties nearly half, 45,000, were deaths from the influenza epidemic.
Pershing’s refusal to join with the allies and join the French and British et al cost the American forces a lot of casualties. The prevailing gung ho attitude being they have been trying to win for almost the last four years, we’ll show em how to do it. A lot had been learned (at enormous cost in lives) up to the time of the dough boys arrival, the creeping barrage just one of the innovations, but the Americans decided to discover this for themselves and fight the way the war had been fought just after the war stalled and the trench stalemate began. Attacking strong points, etc. This cost them a huge number of casualties.
They were still sending troops out to attack villages on the day of the armistice, in one instance, because the troops need a bath,FFS! General Wright, of the 89th American Division decision to do this cost over 300 casualties! The last allied soldier to die in WWI was an American, killed at 10:59 on the 11th day, granted the cease fire didn’t take effect until six hours later.
The German attacks (first use of Stoßtruppen, storm troopers) in the spring of 1918, wiping out almost all the territorial gains of the last four years, was their last throw of the dice before the US forces found their feet. Something to do with a German general being given a US ration pack that contained a cake that had been baked about a week before and the realisation that they could not compete with this level of resupply, both in men and materiel.
It’s a minor point – but the cake story is from the script of the 1965 film “Battle of the Bulge”. The lines are spoken by Robert Shaw as Col. Hessler.
You’ve got me thinking now, RJ where I read the the cake reason. I’m not a “fan” of WWII and never seen the film BotB either, my main interest being WWI. I just need to find the book now that “mentioned’ the resupply issue and the German inability to compete in this area. Maybe the author had seen the BotB and got his decades mixed up 🙂
ToobiWan, there are several reports of German troops becoming demoralised during their 1918 offensive when they overran allied supply dumps and saw how well stocked with food they were. But that was during the offensive not before.
If you ever watch Battle of the Bulge you’ll need to suspend rational thought. Telly Savalas’s tank takes a direct hit that blows the turret off – but none of the crew are injured – even those in the turret.
Justin/e Trudeau is a man?! That’s news to me Max. S/he may have testicles, you never can tell these days, but honestly, I’d be prepared to wager it wears a dress around the house.
Watched an interesting documentary series recently on the Roosevelts. It was far more interesting than it sounds, probably because it was in-depth and seemingly unbiasedly presented, without any overt agendas – the kind of thing you can find on Netflix, but not the BBC, for some reason. Anyway, there was a lot about US attitudes and involvement in both the World Wars which was new to me.
In both cases we should probably thank the Roosevelts for dragging their country into it, but then they were Pro-British, whereas a lot of Americans (especially some of German stock) were definitely not. Franklin (the second Roosevelt President) was keen to back up the UK right from the start of WWII, but was handicapped by inertia at home – at least partly, and understandably, inspired by the heavy US casualties of WWI. He did what he could without openly going to war, which he requested, but was denied. So when Pearl Harbour happened, although it was a disaster for the US, it also gave him a chance to mobilise the armed forces he’d been building up ready for action. He and Churchill (part American himself, of course), were firm allies and friends, a lot of our ‘special relationship’ goes back to those two it seems.
My take on the history there is that, although not all Americans like us, it’s well worth keeping the POTUS on our side. Trump has hinted that he feels he has some affinity with the UK (and admires his Scottish ancestry), on more than one occasion now. Not saying we should whore ourselves (like Blair with Bush Jnr., that was degrading), but honestly, all it looks like it would require with Trump is a little restraint and good manners – supposedly British strengths.
Do agree 100% on Australia and NZ’s often overlooked and under appreciated role in both world wars, lived in Aus for 5 years as a young boy, and I recall the ANZAC marches (and cookies!). They did stand by us in both World Wars, and relatively lost a large share of their young men in the process.
If they’re not as ‘significant’ allies to us as the US, that’s entirely to do with relative populations and hence military and economic importance, and not due to any lack of goodwill on their part.
Our relations with Australia could do with a bit of burnishing, right now, I feel, they too are (or ought to be) respected allies, and all that hypocritical crap from the BBC about their supposedly draconian (actually very humane and tolerant) immigration policies haven’t helped relations. We did them a real disservice when we cast them aside to join the EU too, and I think we owe them an abject apology for that as well.
That was very interesting. My father-in-law was a WW2 veteran and a son of a WW1 veteran. He was very intelligent and well informed. I asked him about the US involvement in WW1 and his view fits with your comments. He said at best the US may have shortened WW1 by a few months.
This is the BBC pushing for more cash for the NHS. It doesn’t need any more £££. It needs fewer immigrants using it, fewer bureaucrats parasiting off it, and better care for patients.
Good post – but the BBC will ignore any evidence that doesn’t fit the narrative – even if there are good reasons for it. The discussion won’t happen.
Maybe it’s the fact that NHS staff are paid a lot more here than most of Europe and in Europe Medics have to prove their worth or patients just go to the next one. Not much I like about France but the GP service seems far superior …
Good post – but the BBC will ignore any evidence that doesn’t fit the narrative – even if there are good reasons for it. The discussion won’t happen.
Maybe it’s the fact that NHS staff are paid a lot more here than most of Europe and in Europe Medics have to prove their worth or patients just go to the next one. Not much I like about France but the GP service seems far superior …
Toady reports the Academy Award panel is to become more diverse. What an absolutely fascinating, original story. However much they pay their editor it is not enough as she must have had to sweat bricks to grab this scoop.
What evidence do they even have that ‘diversity’ brings net benefits? It sounds great but so did communism and national socialism. This female terrorist recently in court had a diverse social worker whom she knew from school who failed to raise the alarm when she knew what was going on. Diversity here has let a terrorist slip through the net, perhaps as community ties trump everything among certain groups. No doubt this treacherous woman was given all sorts of preferential treatment in the recruitment process as she is so ‘diverse.’
Toady reports the Academy Award panel is to become more diverse. What an absolutely fascinating, original story. However much they pay their editor it is not enough as she must have had to sweat bricks to grab this scoop.
What evidence do they even have that ‘diversity’ brings net benefits? It sounds great but so did communism and national socialism. This female terrorist recently in court had a diverse social worker whom she knew from school who failed to raise the alarm when she knew what was going on. Diversity here has let a terrorist slip through the net, perhaps as community ties trump everything among certain groups. No doubt this treacherous woman was given all sorts of preferential treatment in the recruitment process as she is so ‘diverse.’
Is evidence a hate crime now? I suspect the equalities industry, worth a billion pounds a year, may well not bring net benefits at all. Had this woman succeeded she would have wrought unimaginable horror. By exalting certain groups they are effectively have immunity as everyone is terrified of any criticism being construed as racism, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Plus by placing such emphasis on group identity organisations may well become more divided and less effective.
lI must admit I was only half watching breakfast TV a short
while ago when there was an item on Prince William’s
official visit to Israel. It’s my impression that the BBC want
to make this very low key, and to be honest I am not that
much interested. BUT the reporter I can’t remember her name
told us that William was first visiting the Israeli side. As if he
was going to meet the Israeli football team. Then she spoke
one or two incoherant sentences. I am always a bit fuzzy
headed when getting up in the morning. So I completely
gave up on her ,and just concentrated on my porridge.
“Britain is to team up with France, Germany and other willing nations to launch a military crisis force operating outside the framework of the European Union after Brexit. In all nine nations, including Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Estonia, Spain and Portugal, are due to sign a letter of intent in Luxembourg on Monday to take part in the so-called European Intervention Initiative (EII) …” (Telegraph)
Anyone watching the launch of the #EuropeanInterventionInitiative and wondering whether it’s an EU project should note that Macron said it’s “one of the six keys of European defence integration” along with those the EU Commission has already created:
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) June 25, 2018
“If you want to make money invent something that will enable these Europeans to cut each others throats with greater facility.”
He also built the Captive Flying Machine at Blackpool Pleasure Beach as well, Rob.
Was that Rachel Sylvester on Toady, this morning, leading the charge against Boris? My goodness, didn’t she get carried away. Wonder if the beeb paid her a little extra for that?
Got the class coming in from assembly in four minutes.
Heard only two random clips on Today. Martha and her Tobin tax, Mishal and the 2008 crash.
Am I right is saying that the three houred theme was all about a need for Corbynomics to be imposed ASAP?
of course,they`ll bitch about Brexit, trash Trump and fellate football-being the Peoples Flagship-but can I just write ” Corbynomics” when I tick my box re “what I learned today”?
Pravda-Prada-and now it`s Pravda for a while yet.
Oh dear, you missed such a treat: Mishal and Yannis Varoufakis on the evils of Capitalism, and whether it is collapsing.
Or maybe the 2008 crash was part of that? I tend not to listen too closely. Toady rots the mind and does nothing for the blood pressure…
A statist organisation like the BBC with the ability to tax, to stifle competition, to ignore its majority listenership/ viewers and peddle lefty claptrap, is never going to be in favour of free markets.
At 9pm C4 is trolling you
\\ In south London, 38-year-old Junior is desperate to marry his 27-year-old girlfriend Sobiah – who is Muslim. Before Junior can propose, he has to convert to Islam.
Meanwhile, Shaaba and Jamie continue to persuade Shaaba’s mum Fai to accept the fact that Jamie is transgender. //
BBC R4 Trolling you
Friday 11:30 the first of 4 episode comedy
Based on biography of a junior Labour activist
BBC Red-io4 All Labour, All the Time
BBC4 10:10pm Africa’s Great Civilisations
BBC buys in a series that says Africa was more advanced than Europe
\\Henry Louis Gates Jr looks at the powerful, cosmopolitan cities that dotted Africa at the time when Europe was in its Middle Ages. From 1000 to 1600, commerce, wealth and prosperity expanded across Africa, building new cities and founding new powerful states that mark this golden age.//
Did u watch Channel 4 on the US Embassy last night? Bits of R4 kept creeping into the script. Wasn’t too bad, but in episode two I think we will see the real agenda taking off. Some Mexican border stuff, apparently.
I can see it now…
A man decides to call himself a woman and then wins a court battle to ensure he can draw his pension five years earlier than he should have been able to.
BBC News website front page seems to have an obsession with sex today, some headlines are:
1. ‘My husband filmed me in the bedroom’
2. Young women ‘not having enjoyable sex’
3. Soldiers accused of raping Rohingya women
4. Transgender woman wins pension court battle
5. Indian sex workers lose their bank
#1 and #3 (maybe #5 too) above are a combination of Islam and sex so double tick boxes for the BBC.
The BBC is 'forgetting' to tell viewers that nearly all the plastic entering the oceans comes from Third World countries, where people chuck vast amounts of rubbish straight into rivers:
My favourite “Zulu” story concerns the briefing to the actors and crew before filming started. The South African police warned them that having sex with a native woman was a flogging offence. Stanley Baker asked whether it could be arranged for both to take place at the same time.
‘But we believe that the choice of the film Zulu, with its inaccurate portrayal of historical events and its distortions and racist overtones, could have a negative effect on relationships within the changing and richly diverse communities…’
No, wrong film, that was Braveheart you idiots, not Zulu!
I was astonished, nay gobsmacked to learn that Senior Fire Officers don’t appear to be trained in tower block fires ! Listening to the excruciating testimony of the Commander in charge of the fire crews attending Grenfell, and admitting he was ‘out of his comfort zone’ was, well, words fail me ! He hadn’t even a clue of procedure, well I hope he isn’t typical of our national Fire Chiefs. What the hell do they sign up for then ? just to rescue cats out of trees or lads getting their heads stuck in railings ? I was NOT inspired with confidence at his revelation in first class incompetence.
At least the gorgeous Steve McQueen as the Fire Chief in the Towering Inferno (and what female wouldn’t want to be rescued by him) made the best truthful quote;…
“Now you know there’s no sure way for us to fight a fire in anything over the seventh floor. But you guys keep building them as high as you can.”
If it wasn’t for more important things like footy I’d be watching the Grenfell saga with me popcorn aplenty . The extracts of some station chief getting fried in the box ( pun intended – sick eh? ) is too painful for words .
Some might have thought the 1977 ‘ towering inferno ‘ movie film might be a training film for the fire brigade but obviously they are not upto inspecting any high rise building yet alone evacuating or , indeed, putting the bloody fire out .
There continues to be group think even after Grenfell for the next time a town block burns . The government must be hoping it won’t be a council one so they can duck the blame . If I lived in one I think I’d have a full bucket of water ready ….
Fed, it doesn’t get any better when he admits to not knowing the cladding was made of flammable material – yet he was the one who had done a maintenance check on Grenfell not so long ago !! How can such a numpty be a ‘commander’ with zero training on rescuing people ???? Clearly they are more concerned at getting promotion within their service – police as well, than doing the job they’re paid to do; good job he wasn’t in charge of the fire crews attending the Twin Towers – can you imagine the outcry ?
G – Just as well your MP was there, even if she did have a Diane Abbott moment, otherwise everyone may as well have gone home…
Do the ‘Labour’ party not have whips?
MM – is that Windrush overlapping with the SL team? Treezer can always be relied on to look for a few PC Brownie points. Looking forward to the 3 in 1 moment when it happens.
Yet more ‘Brexit’ bullshit on News at One. Now the car industry is on the point of collapse with sales falling off the scale, all due to the uncertainty of Brexit.
Nothing, then, to do with plummeting diesel sales, thanks to punitive, unsubstantiated and iniquitous tax penalties brought in by HM Government – evidently more interested in short term revenues than long term manufacturing stability. Or the fact that every major manufacturer has at least as many diesel-powered as petrol in their model ranges. Or the lack of choice and reliability of electric and hybrid models, together with required charging points. Or the fact that most major manufacturers are still introducing new model ranges with both inefficient petrol and new-technology diesel engines, despite customers having reservations about both options. Or the number of drivers deciding to stick with what they’ve got until the situation clarifies. Or none of the above. It’s obviously Brexit.
I should be changing my diesel car and we have delayed it (and I usually have a brand new one). But my advisor (Mr D) is unable to advise. If I buy a hybrid, then by time I am due to change again, the technology on the hybrid will be so out of date to make it worthless. Do I buy a petrol? Will the government or mayor Kahn start to tax them to make them impossible? In the mean time we have decided that my second hand diesel in immaculate condition is worth nothing, so I might as well keep it an extra couple of years and another sale is lost to the car industry.
Exactly Deborah, like most in the same position it’s a choice between rock and rockier. Another problem for the industry, in common with most manufacturing, is that models are planned years in advance, so the current mania for the speedy death of diesel has caught many, if not most, out.
Top end, it’s true, but for one example Jaguar’s new SUV, the E-Pace (not electric or especially economic) came originally with 5 diesel and 2 petrol engines though they have just configured a third, supposed ‘economy’ model. Both original petrol lumps are top performance aimed unashamedly at JegWar owners who don’t give a toss about fuel costs or the environment, nor blench at paying 3 or 4k more for the privilege of gaining speed points.
The sole semi-environmentally friendly engine is, of course, the 150D diesel – and the government have just re-rated its performance figures to ensure that it creates its own guilt complex with every press of the accelerator. Happy motoring.
— Footballer’s hair ‘too wild’ for Iranian TV
— How do you do your make-up after an acid attack?
— Actress gets China talking about periods
— Twitter users share tips on escaping unwanted male attention
— Arrested Development stars slammed for mansplaining
— I wish mum’s phone was never invented
FFS Main BBC Twitter account : Outrageous amount of POLITICAL social engineering.
Did you pay your licence fee for the BBC to do news/entertaintment
or to do POLITICAL campaigning for causes which you might not agree with ?
If someone has POLITICAL agenda to push ?
Then they could start an NGO lobby group raise donations from the fraction of society that supports their cause, then use THEIR MONEY to do a media campaign.
… Then media like BBC should criticise THEM and hold them to account
They shouldn’t be allowed to just use ENTRYISM to hijack the £3.5bn funds that the WHOLE spectrum of society has paid into BBC licence I tweeted them about their main BBC Twitter homepage with it’s special anti plastics banner and their pinned anti plastics top tweet.
Their “mission” is to lie, obfuscate, indoctrinate, withhold factual information, promote sexual deviancy, immigration, and other subjects involving people who aren’t white, whilst swamping the airwaves with leftie bias.
Women’s voices are too high-pitched for football commentary. Why make fans suffer? It is not as if women are queueing up to commentate anyway. And of course the camera man is going to focus on hot female fans as that is what the overwhelmingly male audience wants.
Can they not just accept that on average men like football more than women? That is about as controversial as saying grass is green. Even with the greatest show on earth they have to shoehorn in their toxic, divisive politics. Just give the fans what they want.
They have ruined Star Wars, comedy, films and so much else. Please leave football alone.
It’s a totally different experience watching 3-4 blokes in a studio, who have actually had experience of what they are viewing and commenting on. I’m not discounting the odd, female player but in no way can they match the experience, insight, chemistry, humour and banter that you get from a group of male ex players. The games I’ve watched that had women in the studio were bloody awful. The women either just parroted everything one of the men had said or tried to change history by the continual harping on about, “was it a penalty, did VAR get it right!”
The just men looked uncomfortable being careful not to say something that could be misconstrued by the slavering twatterati.
I wonder if there are any figures available for the increase in female viewers, if any, since the commenting became more diverse?
Totally agree Toobi. Women are good at many things, but commentating on male sporting events is not one of them. Personally I think women who want to commentate on football played by men, are just being bloody minded, and honestly ? sound ridiculous and I don’t care how clued up they are, they don’t have the ‘voice’ for the job. In fact, being female, I find it completely irritating to hear one of my own gender reporting on anything where a man’s voice is better.
It’s also one of the reasons there is no atmosphere at a lot of prem grounds as it’s become family friendly and blokes can’t let go at visually impaired referees .
Their second tweet is the same
a POLITICAL agenda for #BlackLivesMatter #MoreThanEqual
..The MSM/BBC role should be to criticise these campaigns, not use all licence payers money to run the campaigns and thus put the campaign above being called to account.
Again I tweeted them a comment and screenshot
After yesterday’s TWatO disaster, it’s TOADY that is upside down this morning. It’s hotter here in the UK than in Brazil. That’s because it is winter in Brazil but the Meteorological Office and the BBC don’t do science, geography and the calendar. There’s a contributor, a Brit and male, who is returning to Sydney. The Met man says it’s cold there compare to our heatwave. It would be. It is effectively Boxing Day, or the equivalent thereof, in Australia and across the southern hemisphere.
Says the BBC, no all-year round massive global warming? Not hotter than evvah temperatures, everywhere you can fly on this planet on a taxpayer provided income or taxpayer provided expenses? Better pack a BBC sweatshirt, then, and leave the budgie-smugglers at home.
#BREAKING: Protesters have swarmed Tehran's Grand Bazaar amid nationwide anger over the country's troubled economy – semi-official news agency in Iran
Look out for this on the BBC. Mishael Hussein will have a fit. Iranian protesters shout ‘Death to Palestine’, which ‘allegedly’ means they don’t care for the regime’s foreign policy
Tube drivers to strike when president trump visits – I’m guessing there will be a general strike that day – Friday 13th July . And no al beeb coverage .
Might be riots it people don’t get their dose of ‘East Enders ‘
I don’t think POTUS will be planning to go anywhere on the tube so he won’t mind. On the other hand the BBC inspired protesters, reportedly only countable in Abbotial numbers, may find arriving at the protest a little incnvenient.
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sadly John, I think that it may be that those two groups have only a single standard, a glazed far-left…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Perfect example of a single-hammer roof structure, with obloid grunches, nibbled flangelets, perpendicular willy-braces, teeteekay phnarghs, decorated scrabsterites, knotted wanquers, plonkette tenants,…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Morning Fed! Back in the eighties, I was working with a construction company and discovered rich pickings, building for the…
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
The youngest kid stabbed in Londonistan so far has been named and is black. Three kids are arrested but it sounded like a big fight. On my count the body count is now over 70. Maybe the emir will say London isn’t safe enough for a visit by the head of state of America .
Why are all the media going on about Boris and his throwaway joke remark about lying down in front of a bulldozer if they go ahead with runway 3.
I don’t remember anything like this on Yvette cooper when she was virtue signalling and (sincerely) promised to house refugee(s)
Don’t bother answering, we all know why, I just feel better mentioning it.
On Boris the media take their line from Labour PR
Why don’t they similarly call out Yvette cooper and Lily Allan’s hypocrisy ?
..dunno but theres no pressure from Labour PR on that.
I wonder if readers are aware that the BBC is using the money from the ‘unique’ way it is funded, not for the benefit of those who pay for it, but to provide its own distorted take on education – BBC teach, a service for teachers used to indoctrinate kids with the BBCs own special insight into where society needs to be going.
Whenever you think you’ve seen the beeb hit rock bottom, you discover -as shown in this ‘teach’ bit (racist propaganda?) – that they have been able to drop down even further. How do they manage it?
That’s wot I fink, like; and wot I wanna like aks, like.
I wonder if the female in the short skirt and leather boots has ever complained about being treated as a sex object?
I think the ‘female in the short skirt’ is Baroness King, MP for Bethnal Green and Bow from 1997 to 2005 and enobled in 2011.
Bet she’s a great MP.
I’m sure dressing like a tart and talking rubbish is only a front.
A bit transphobic to assume that zhe is a female!
sorry , accidentally pressed report comment! hope nothing comes of it.
The video is enlightening. These children seem to think its important that someone representing a person looks like that person.
really? So ho is an MP going to look like everyone in their constituency. Surely you want the best person to look after your interests, and it matters not one hoot how some looks.
Scrib – some times the “ report “ jobs come to me for adjudication as I sit in my VAR booth . I can ‘ fix’ yellow cards for a few roubles ….
Just flicked off Start the Week.
Andrew Marr probably doing his Shaking Stevens impression. So we get Amol Rajah,
Who is really just Gary Bellamy from Down the Line I`d say.
His guests were ex Big Apple shagbag for someone as she spoke of 80s frocks and from over there, two gay things, a Commie Gay hybrid thing and -oh, I don`t know, I`d gone to Somerset by then.
Would somebody find out what % of shows on the BBC aren`t gay lefty, disably, austerily, blackish or unhealthy in need of druggy?
If it`s as high as 10% then I`ll seek out the Labia Party and look cow eyed at the vulnerable in Bridgwater this weekend for five minutes, tops.
Put a windsock in it Beeb, you`re a bulbous bouncy castle in the air, I`d rather take my chances on the Hindenberg.
Be nice to Marr as the next stroke will likely kill him . There’s always another beeboid . Maybe a dusky female one next time.
chrisH – I don’t know the percentage but generally only on BBC4 (TV) between noon and 6:30 pm.
You can always watch the ‘unbiased’ Channel 4, Chris. ‘Inside the American Embassy’ story. (I think they’re talking about the US embassy rather than say, a Latin American one.) They’ve managed to squeeze in a mention of a R4 interview with the US Ambassador at an early point. Then, later – we get bits and pieces from a R4 news programme popping up now and then. Cosy relationship between Channel 4 and the beeb?
Perish the thought…
See here how a complaint was dealt with on the use of a fake photo in a Channel 4 documentary from the past.
It is interesting for various reasons and still very relevant ,, not least because the BBC are learning how to deal with complaints about fake photos the BBC use.
Ofcom? Interesting outfit. Especially who runs it.
An interesting view from across the pond.
“Limited state”
This comes up
Hmm what’s Lionel from RT upto ? Still goinng on his YouTube channel
lotta vids every week
RE: An interesting view from across the pond.
“Political correctness is rarely correct”
Where do I get the t-shirt?
But who is doing the censoring? The BBC and the newspapers themselves are choosing not to give TR publicity, but why?
La Maitlis having a major meltdown when faced with Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjarto who gave short shrift to her virtue signalling multi-culti waffle. She was doing a poor imitation of a show trial judge, not asking questions, but throwing accusations at him and not letting him answer. God, she is insufferable !!
The Hungarians seem to have the measure of beeboids as evidenced by Humph trying to call out a Hungarian minister at the weekend .
The problem beeboids have is that Hungarians have a long history of fighting the moor so when the Reich Eu says take some the collective Magyar response is “ fuck off” . And the Hungarians know that al beeb is a pro Islam shitfest which doesn’t represent the British people any more .
I’m surprised ms maitliss isn’t in Israel with the hrh doing Middle East stuff but suppose the Bowen has it .
Was that recent Donbob? Just googled it but only old references came up.
Newsnight tonight (25th) before she interviewed the wonderful Tim Martin.
Well worth a watch. Here is a taster.
Maitlis needs to be sacked if she can’t keep her personal opinions out of the discussions. Why is she always so aggressive?
I see BBC2 have just started on demonising the Poles now….simply because they point out that many muslim pakistani men are paedophiles. Perhaps the dumb bint should ready ‘Easy Meat’. I really don’t think there is anything controversial about what these ‘far right’ Poles are claiming. Having just read the book , and it is truly disturbing. I can vouch for the fact…it appears to be 100 percent true.
Do you think Radio Humberside has any political connections >
Thursday news : Airbus says Hard Brexit will be very difficult
Friday news : Siemens says Hard Brexit will be very difficult
(Why do the stories on two different days ? That looks like a PR campaign)
Saturday Promoting Labour Party connected event in Hull
: Engage for Change festival : \\ Speakers include MP for West and Hessle, Emma Hardy, The Fire Brigades Union, Dave Langcaster from UCU, talking about the recent strike action at Hull College, Women’s Lives Matter, Hull Homeless Community Project, and coming from Ireland, ROSA member and activist Jessie Kelly, who’ll be talking about the recent Repeal vote//
Then Sunday they were doing their show live from the Jo Cox event in Grimsby
I thought they were called Great Get Togethers rather than mere Get Togethers. Are ‘ the people ‘ losing interest already ?
I thought they were called Great Get Togethers rather than mere Get Togethers. Are ‘ the people ‘ losing interest already ?
They must be, even Billy Bragg couldn’t be bothered to fly in from his Dorset manor house.
Irrespective of what shade of politics one might have be the idea of the leader of the opposition having to run off to a refugee camp to avoid a brexit march and then s foreign secretary running of to chat to the affgees to avoid the Heathrow vote shows up how inferior the political class in Blighty is .
Boris should resign from politics even if he is a brexiter . Let us down badly again
Personally they can build 2 runways at Heathrow and another at Gatwick for all I care .
Fedup: Trouble is, if Boris goes, Treezer will be damaged. You may think that is not a bad thing. But if she is forced into a leadership contest now, a General Election may be on the cards. (Although I think that shouldn’t follow, the media will be pushing hard for it.) Javid may have a go at party leader. The party may then go for it, thinking they now can’t be beaten, so diverse are they….
Tories should win a GE, but beeb et al will be baying for blood; they will be sending the yoof onto the streets, every wimmins group will be out there for Jeremy, the Tories being ‘The Patriarchy’, etc etc. WE are in a fragile state.
Brexit may disappear entirely from the agenda.
I’m pessimistic to think that there won’t be a meaningful brexit at all and that it is inevitable that the Marxist party will gain power because people either have forgotten on not know what they are and do . And I think it will be wherever interest rates , inflation , unemployment rates and oil remain relatively low or not .
It will be a crying shame but the way the current liberal government if performing no wonder they’ll get their arses handed to them
As I come back from church each Sunday I often see little clusters of labour campaigners doing canvassing in by London Borough – which has been solid conservative for ever ….
Another Trump rally starting in 10 mins well sometime
President Donald Trump MASSIVE Rally in South Carolina
The crowd have been telling CNN to go home
bit of PR in the not the biggest room.
Thank You Stew.
Am watching it now!
He is a phenomenon, we will NEVER see him live like this unedited on the BBC.
Weird genius, and funny as heck.
Thank the Lord he`s on the side of the angels, he`d be really dangerous if he`d been a Leftie.
Can`t wait to hear him live in England.
Only hope I don`t make a fool of myself, as I once did when Marc Bolan and Bruce Springsteen came to town.
Can`t guarantee it though, he`s THAT good when he speaks like this.
First its the Russians and now its the Poles according to Al Beeb…………
“now its the Poles according to Al Beeb”
They are only ‘obeying orders’. Poland, as one of the Vizegrad nations, is not attending the EU summits this week on how more African and Middle East migrants can be shoe-horned into Europe against the wishes of the local populations. Expect a lot more anti-Polish and anti-Hungarian propaganda in the coming weeks and months. Anyway, to a BBC’er, Poles and Russians are all the same thing aren’t they – Slavs or something?
The other aspect of this which is being de-emphasised in the British and Europe media took place a few weeks back. Poland has asked the US to establish a permanent military base in Poland, and has offered $2 billion to get it going. Having suffered for the past couple of hundred of years, caught between the demands of Berlin and Moscow, the Poles want American military muscle to protect them. It is an enormous slap in the face to the EU, effectively a vote of ‘no confidence’ in the ability of the organisation to look after their interests.
Trumps sanctions are beginning to work……………..
At least Anthony Zurcher remains scrupulously impartial.
Anthony Zurcher – didn’t realise he was a Beeboid..
but doesn’t this tell you all you need to know.
Firstly it was ‘Maxine’ who incited confrontation – no condemnation of that Anthony.
Then when Trump says ‘be careful what you wish for’ – how is that a threat? He is merely pointing out that there may be consequences of her (Maxine’s) incitement.
Well done Anthony – you have secured you pay rise..
Guest, James, and Zurcher wonders why Trump describes some journalists as ‘enemies of the people’. Who’s doing the threatening?
Maxine Waters: ‘… and with this kind of inspiration I will go and take Trump out tonight.’
Urban dictionary: Take him out. To eleminate someone. To kill him.
Anthony Zurcher, another beauty, another British Brownshirt Contributor.
You watch how quick that arsehole Zurcher would be at the police if someone offered to ‘confront’ him next time him and his boyfriend shared a bottle of Rose at the pub.
Lovely bit on R5Dead earlier today.
Rhod Sharp did a piece by an architect/planner or similar, who’d written a book about cities. I missed the first half, but when Hull was mentioned, the interviewee just popped in that they voted to ‘leave’!
Tumbleweed from our intrepid East Coast Messiah…
‘”Er, they voted out because of the loss of fishing then”?
“Of course”!
Rhod again, “So Brexit may have affected lots of cities then”?
“Only the inner cities like London, Birmingham, Manchester and the Scottish inner cities. The rest of the country didn’t see it that way”!
Silence from the East Coaster, a gulp, and a one-way street to nowhere except to ask “If we leave the EU…”!
Can’t he understand what’s going to happen or are they all so stupid on the Eastern Seaside resorts of Boston, Massachusetts?
Had to get up to let the dog out – at least she understands!
Another sad ‘hot’ day
I see the BBC and the Met Office doing their best to frighten the bejesus out of pensioners this morning with their ‘weather warnings’.
Have we really come to the stage where we are persuaded to fear the British summer by our global warming obsessed weather forecasters?
Apparently railway lines in the south west can’t cope with normal summer warmth, without the trains running more slowly than they usually do because the rails have expanded, and may buckle.
I am reminded of the TGV, here in France, the Ave in Spain, and the Pendolinos in Italy, the ICE trains in Germany, etc., etc., where no such problems appear to be experienced.
BBC news… give them a good story and they’ll give you the bad news (no, not Brexit, one of their other obsessions)
A toe-curling piece of BBC TV reporting this morning indicative of their condescending attitudes and agenda-laden outlook on race and Russia.
It’s the world cup so let’s find a black/white couple bringing reggae music to the Ruskies. “One Love” as Robert Nesta Marley used to say.
He’s from Jamaica and she’s a Russian and here comes the BBC race question… “Do you find much racism being a mixed race couple in Russia ?”
“Er, no”
So it’s all good, the Muscovites are jammin…
But wait. The BBC voice-over insists “… many people do find racist attitudes persist in Russia”
So there you have it. You can tell the BBC what you think and what you have experienced of the race vibe… but apparently the BBC know better.
BigBrotherCorporation, you earlier referred to Australia, New Zealand and Canada, saying “two of which are now presided over by vacuous ‘women’…”
True, Jacinda Ardern heads NZ – but who is the other woman? Malcolm Turnbull is Australia’s PM. I have long held suspicions about Justin Trudeau’s pretty face and soulful eyes, so perhaps he has transitioned into Justine? (Do you know something we don’t?)
Julia Gillard was Australia’s Labor (no “u”, in Australia’s Labor party) PM until 2013. I wouldn’t call her vacuous (obnoxious, yes).
You also asserted that the Americans are “our closest allies and have been for 100 years”. I wouldn’t agree. Australia entered the two world wars as soon as Britain had done so. The US declared war on Germany in 1917 and didn’t enter World War Two until after Pearl Harbour.
But obviously I agree that our leaders should nurture our US alliance and not alienate President Trump.
The US Army only became fully operational in the late spring of 1918 – although units were of benefit in countering the effects of the Kaiserslacht in March. Despite this, Pershing’s insistence that the US Army operated as a separate military entity, rather than simply helping the British and French where needed, delayed any truly effective impact. The main benefit was numerical and more psychological than physical since as an army US forces took the field in May 1918 and the war ended six months later. Even then the British Army, despite immense losses, was by far the most effective fighting force against a demoralised German army, effectively fighting a rearguard action. Of the 100,000 American casualties nearly half, 45,000, were deaths from the influenza epidemic.
Pershing’s refusal to join with the allies and join the French and British et al cost the American forces a lot of casualties. The prevailing gung ho attitude being they have been trying to win for almost the last four years, we’ll show em how to do it. A lot had been learned (at enormous cost in lives) up to the time of the dough boys arrival, the creeping barrage just one of the innovations, but the Americans decided to discover this for themselves and fight the way the war had been fought just after the war stalled and the trench stalemate began. Attacking strong points, etc. This cost them a huge number of casualties.
They were still sending troops out to attack villages on the day of the armistice, in one instance, because the troops need a bath,FFS! General Wright, of the 89th American Division decision to do this cost over 300 casualties! The last allied soldier to die in WWI was an American, killed at 10:59 on the 11th day, granted the cease fire didn’t take effect until six hours later.
The German attacks (first use of Stoßtruppen, storm troopers) in the spring of 1918, wiping out almost all the territorial gains of the last four years, was their last throw of the dice before the US forces found their feet. Something to do with a German general being given a US ration pack that contained a cake that had been baked about a week before and the realisation that they could not compete with this level of resupply, both in men and materiel.
It’s a minor point – but the cake story is from the script of the 1965 film “Battle of the Bulge”. The lines are spoken by Robert Shaw as Col. Hessler.
You’ve got me thinking now, RJ where I read the the cake reason. I’m not a “fan” of WWII and never seen the film BotB either, my main interest being WWI. I just need to find the book now that “mentioned’ the resupply issue and the German inability to compete in this area. Maybe the author had seen the BotB and got his decades mixed up 🙂
ToobiWan, there are several reports of German troops becoming demoralised during their 1918 offensive when they overran allied supply dumps and saw how well stocked with food they were. But that was during the offensive not before.
If you ever watch Battle of the Bulge you’ll need to suspend rational thought. Telly Savalas’s tank takes a direct hit that blows the turret off – but none of the crew are injured – even those in the turret.
History according to Hollywood, RJ.
Is that how Telly lost his barnet?
Justin/e Trudeau is a man?! That’s news to me Max. S/he may have testicles, you never can tell these days, but honestly, I’d be prepared to wager it wears a dress around the house.
Watched an interesting documentary series recently on the Roosevelts. It was far more interesting than it sounds, probably because it was in-depth and seemingly unbiasedly presented, without any overt agendas – the kind of thing you can find on Netflix, but not the BBC, for some reason. Anyway, there was a lot about US attitudes and involvement in both the World Wars which was new to me.
In both cases we should probably thank the Roosevelts for dragging their country into it, but then they were Pro-British, whereas a lot of Americans (especially some of German stock) were definitely not. Franklin (the second Roosevelt President) was keen to back up the UK right from the start of WWII, but was handicapped by inertia at home – at least partly, and understandably, inspired by the heavy US casualties of WWI. He did what he could without openly going to war, which he requested, but was denied. So when Pearl Harbour happened, although it was a disaster for the US, it also gave him a chance to mobilise the armed forces he’d been building up ready for action. He and Churchill (part American himself, of course), were firm allies and friends, a lot of our ‘special relationship’ goes back to those two it seems.
My take on the history there is that, although not all Americans like us, it’s well worth keeping the POTUS on our side. Trump has hinted that he feels he has some affinity with the UK (and admires his Scottish ancestry), on more than one occasion now. Not saying we should whore ourselves (like Blair with Bush Jnr., that was degrading), but honestly, all it looks like it would require with Trump is a little restraint and good manners – supposedly British strengths.
Do agree 100% on Australia and NZ’s often overlooked and under appreciated role in both world wars, lived in Aus for 5 years as a young boy, and I recall the ANZAC marches (and cookies!). They did stand by us in both World Wars, and relatively lost a large share of their young men in the process.
If they’re not as ‘significant’ allies to us as the US, that’s entirely to do with relative populations and hence military and economic importance, and not due to any lack of goodwill on their part.
Our relations with Australia could do with a bit of burnishing, right now, I feel, they too are (or ought to be) respected allies, and all that hypocritical crap from the BBC about their supposedly draconian (actually very humane and tolerant) immigration policies haven’t helped relations. We did them a real disservice when we cast them aside to join the EU too, and I think we owe them an abject apology for that as well.
Thanks Beltane,
That was very interesting. My father-in-law was a WW2 veteran and a son of a WW1 veteran. He was very intelligent and well informed. I asked him about the US involvement in WW1 and his view fits with your comments. He said at best the US may have shortened WW1 by a few months.
The BBC always sees the nhs rather like itself, a wonderful state quasi monopoly that should rightfully be fed ever more money.
The reality is an inefficient service run by arrogant management with producer interests always outweighing consumer interests. These statistics show some of the facts
I say scrap both the BBC and the NHS.
One of Diane Abbott’s Black British nurses schooling a racist Norwegian nurse on how to kill off bed-blocking old white women?
Good post – but the BBC will ignore any evidence that doesn’t fit the narrative – even if there are good reasons for it. The discussion won’t happen.
Maybe it’s the fact that NHS staff are paid a lot more here than most of Europe and in Europe Medics have to prove their worth or patients just go to the next one. Not much I like about France but the GP service seems far superior …
Good post – but the BBC will ignore any evidence that doesn’t fit the narrative – even if there are good reasons for it. The discussion won’t happen.
Maybe it’s the fact that NHS staff are paid a lot more here than most of Europe and in Europe Medics have to prove their worth or patients just go to the next one. Not much I like about France but the GP service seems far superior …
Toady reports the Academy Award panel is to become more diverse. What an absolutely fascinating, original story. However much they pay their editor it is not enough as she must have had to sweat bricks to grab this scoop.
What evidence do they even have that ‘diversity’ brings net benefits? It sounds great but so did communism and national socialism. This female terrorist recently in court had a diverse social worker whom she knew from school who failed to raise the alarm when she knew what was going on. Diversity here has let a terrorist slip through the net, perhaps as community ties trump everything among certain groups. No doubt this treacherous woman was given all sorts of preferential treatment in the recruitment process as she is so ‘diverse.’
Is evidence a hate crime now?
Toady reports the Academy Award panel is to become more diverse. What an absolutely fascinating, original story. However much they pay their editor it is not enough as she must have had to sweat bricks to grab this scoop.
What evidence do they even have that ‘diversity’ brings net benefits? It sounds great but so did communism and national socialism. This female terrorist recently in court had a diverse social worker whom she knew from school who failed to raise the alarm when she knew what was going on. Diversity here has let a terrorist slip through the net, perhaps as community ties trump everything among certain groups. No doubt this treacherous woman was given all sorts of preferential treatment in the recruitment process as she is so ‘diverse.’
Is evidence a hate crime now? I suspect the equalities industry, worth a billion pounds a year, may well not bring net benefits at all. Had this woman succeeded she would have wrought unimaginable horror. By exalting certain groups they are effectively have immunity as everyone is terrified of any criticism being construed as racism, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Plus by placing such emphasis on group identity organisations may well become more divided and less effective.
lI must admit I was only half watching breakfast TV a short
while ago when there was an item on Prince William’s
official visit to Israel. It’s my impression that the BBC want
to make this very low key, and to be honest I am not that
much interested. BUT the reporter I can’t remember her name
told us that William was first visiting the Israeli side. As if he
was going to meet the Israeli football team. Then she spoke
one or two incoherant sentences. I am always a bit fuzzy
headed when getting up in the morning. So I completely
gave up on her ,and just concentrated on my porridge.
More jiggery-pokery.
“Britain is to team up with France, Germany and other willing nations to launch a military crisis force operating outside the framework of the European Union after Brexit. In all nine nations, including Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Estonia, Spain and Portugal, are due to sign a letter of intent in Luxembourg on Monday to take part in the so-called European Intervention Initiative (EII) …” (Telegraph)
See also Veterans for Britain latest ‘Risks’ leaflet
As now being EU members, Croatian citizens will have the right to move to the UK after 30.06.18. I can’t think of a better incentive to do precisely that:
This was why Maxim invented the machine gun.
“If you want to make money invent something that will enable these Europeans to cut each others throats with greater facility.”
He also built the Captive Flying Machine at Blackpool Pleasure Beach as well, Rob.
Was that Rachel Sylvester on Toady, this morning, leading the charge against Boris? My goodness, didn’t she get carried away. Wonder if the beeb paid her a little extra for that?
I hate how the BBC pays Abbot, Toynbee etc ‘appearance fees.’ You are not going to stray from the script when it pays to stay on message.
Despite the BBC’s largesse, the appearance of the ladies in question seems to have shown little improvement or benefit.
Got the class coming in from assembly in four minutes.
Heard only two random clips on Today. Martha and her Tobin tax, Mishal and the 2008 crash.
Am I right is saying that the three houred theme was all about a need for Corbynomics to be imposed ASAP?
of course,they`ll bitch about Brexit, trash Trump and fellate football-being the Peoples Flagship-but can I just write ” Corbynomics” when I tick my box re “what I learned today”?
Pravda-Prada-and now it`s Pravda for a while yet.
Oh dear, you missed such a treat: Mishal and Yannis Varoufakis on the evils of Capitalism, and whether it is collapsing.
Or maybe the 2008 crash was part of that? I tend not to listen too closely. Toady rots the mind and does nothing for the blood pressure…
A statist organisation like the BBC with the ability to tax, to stifle competition, to ignore its majority listenership/ viewers and peddle lefty claptrap, is never going to be in favour of free markets.
At 9pm C4 is trolling you
\\ In south London, 38-year-old Junior is desperate to marry his 27-year-old girlfriend Sobiah – who is Muslim.
Before Junior can propose, he has to convert to Islam.
Meanwhile, Shaaba and Jamie continue to persuade Shaaba’s mum Fai to accept the fact that Jamie is transgender. //
BBC R4 Trolling you
Friday 11:30 the first of 4 episode comedy
Based on biography of a junior Labour activist
BBC Red-io4 All Labour, All the Time
BBC4 10:10pm Africa’s Great Civilisations
BBC buys in a series that says Africa was more advanced than Europe
\\Henry Louis Gates Jr looks at the powerful, cosmopolitan cities that dotted Africa at the time when Europe was in its Middle Ages. From 1000 to 1600, commerce, wealth and prosperity expanded across Africa, building new cities and founding new powerful states that mark this golden age.//
Did u watch Channel 4 on the US Embassy last night? Bits of R4 kept creeping into the script. Wasn’t too bad, but in episode two I think we will see the real agenda taking off. Some Mexican border stuff, apparently.
I can see it now…
BBC buys in a series that says Africa was more advanced than Europe
So when did they stop eating missionaries?
Bbc4 10.15 African slavery
All other parties are UNPOPULAR – like Labour and LibDem and Greens!
** What is popular and unpopular?
Confirmation from our beloved broadcaster that the lunatics really have taken over the asylum.
“Transgender woman wins pension court battle”
A man decides to call himself a woman and then wins a court battle to ensure he can draw his pension five years earlier than he should have been able to.
Bring on the strait jackets.
BBC News website front page seems to have an obsession with sex today, some headlines are:
1. ‘My husband filmed me in the bedroom’
2. Young women ‘not having enjoyable sex’
3. Soldiers accused of raping Rohingya women
4. Transgender woman wins pension court battle
5. Indian sex workers lose their bank
#1 and #3 (maybe #5 too) above are a combination of Islam and sex so double tick boxes for the BBC.
They are obsessed. Until they get diverted onto plastic. Oh wait …
The elephant in the room never forgets,
Bless. Just…. bless.
Doesn’t the closing summary exactly describe the BBC?
Idiots try to stop screening of ‘Zulu’.
Hands off!!!!!
What have they got against the Welsh?
My favourite “Zulu” story concerns the briefing to the actors and crew before filming started. The South African police warned them that having sex with a native woman was a flogging offence. Stanley Baker asked whether it could be arranged for both to take place at the same time.
Nowt to do with the Welsh.
Its that there are no white men portrayed in the Zulu army.
I think you’re right, Taff.
Search on silk cut Zulu advert circa 1970 on you tube …
Sounds a bit Jamaican doest Zulu, F2.
I can just imagine an advertising firm taking something like this on these days.
‘But we believe that the choice of the film Zulu, with its inaccurate portrayal of historical events and its distortions and racist overtones, could have a negative effect on relationships within the changing and richly diverse communities…’
No, wrong film, that was Braveheart you idiots, not Zulu!
I say, don’t tell those Scotch chaps Braveheart’s not true old boy, they’ve based a whole political movement on it.
If this has been mentioned before, apologies.
I was astonished, nay gobsmacked to learn that Senior Fire Officers don’t appear to be trained in tower block fires ! Listening to the excruciating testimony of the Commander in charge of the fire crews attending Grenfell, and admitting he was ‘out of his comfort zone’ was, well, words fail me ! He hadn’t even a clue of procedure, well I hope he isn’t typical of our national Fire Chiefs. What the hell do they sign up for then ? just to rescue cats out of trees or lads getting their heads stuck in railings ? I was NOT inspired with confidence at his revelation in first class incompetence.
At least the gorgeous Steve McQueen as the Fire Chief in the Towering Inferno (and what female wouldn’t want to be rescued by him) made the best truthful quote;…
“Now you know there’s no sure way for us to fight a fire in anything over the seventh floor. But you guys keep building them as high as you can.”
If it wasn’t for more important things like footy I’d be watching the Grenfell saga with me popcorn aplenty . The extracts of some station chief getting fried in the box ( pun intended – sick eh? ) is too painful for words .
Some might have thought the 1977 ‘ towering inferno ‘ movie film might be a training film for the fire brigade but obviously they are not upto inspecting any high rise building yet alone evacuating or , indeed, putting the bloody fire out .
There continues to be group think even after Grenfell for the next time a town block burns . The government must be hoping it won’t be a council one so they can duck the blame . If I lived in one I think I’d have a full bucket of water ready ….
Fed, it doesn’t get any better when he admits to not knowing the cladding was made of flammable material – yet he was the one who had done a maintenance check on Grenfell not so long ago !! How can such a numpty be a ‘commander’ with zero training on rescuing people ???? Clearly they are more concerned at getting promotion within their service – police as well, than doing the job they’re paid to do; good job he wasn’t in charge of the fire crews attending the Twin Towers – can you imagine the outcry ?
Good to see Conservative MPs like @LeoDochertyUK & @JohnnyMercerUK standing up for British soldiers & veterans facing legal assaults.
Where the hell were Labour?
Do I spot my MP wearing trousers and sporting a manly haircut on the front Labour bench? After all, she’s the Shadow Defence Secretary. Yes, this Shadow Minister……………..
G – Just as well your MP was there, even if she did have a Diane Abbott moment, otherwise everyone may as well have gone home…
Do the ‘Labour’ party not have whips?
The Political GoldRush for WindRush continues ….
MM – is that Windrush overlapping with the SL team? Treezer can always be relied on to look for a few PC Brownie points. Looking forward to the 3 in 1 moment when it happens.
Iran economic protests shut Tehran’s Grand Bazaar
BBC Article Word Search: Islam x 0; Muslim x 0; Religion x 0; theocracy x 0; dictator x 0; freedom x 0;
– It’s all about the economy … nothing to do with tyranny .
Yet more ‘Brexit’ bullshit on News at One. Now the car industry is on the point of collapse with sales falling off the scale, all due to the uncertainty of Brexit.
Nothing, then, to do with plummeting diesel sales, thanks to punitive, unsubstantiated and iniquitous tax penalties brought in by HM Government – evidently more interested in short term revenues than long term manufacturing stability. Or the fact that every major manufacturer has at least as many diesel-powered as petrol in their model ranges. Or the lack of choice and reliability of electric and hybrid models, together with required charging points. Or the fact that most major manufacturers are still introducing new model ranges with both inefficient petrol and new-technology diesel engines, despite customers having reservations about both options. Or the number of drivers deciding to stick with what they’ve got until the situation clarifies. Or none of the above. It’s obviously Brexit.
I should be changing my diesel car and we have delayed it (and I usually have a brand new one). But my advisor (Mr D) is unable to advise. If I buy a hybrid, then by time I am due to change again, the technology on the hybrid will be so out of date to make it worthless. Do I buy a petrol? Will the government or mayor Kahn start to tax them to make them impossible? In the mean time we have decided that my second hand diesel in immaculate condition is worth nothing, so I might as well keep it an extra couple of years and another sale is lost to the car industry.
Exactly Deborah, like most in the same position it’s a choice between rock and rockier. Another problem for the industry, in common with most manufacturing, is that models are planned years in advance, so the current mania for the speedy death of diesel has caught many, if not most, out.
Top end, it’s true, but for one example Jaguar’s new SUV, the E-Pace (not electric or especially economic) came originally with 5 diesel and 2 petrol engines though they have just configured a third, supposed ‘economy’ model. Both original petrol lumps are top performance aimed unashamedly at JegWar owners who don’t give a toss about fuel costs or the environment, nor blench at paying 3 or 4k more for the privilege of gaining speed points.
The sole semi-environmentally friendly engine is, of course, the 150D diesel – and the government have just re-rated its performance figures to ensure that it creates its own guilt complex with every press of the accelerator. Happy motoring.
The BBC stirring again.
To this succinct, but rather popular reply.
Ah I remember that particular author as being behind such enlightening articles as “Never Again: Is gun control movement too white?”
Other goodies include:
— Footballer’s hair ‘too wild’ for Iranian TV
— How do you do your make-up after an acid attack?
— Actress gets China talking about periods
— Twitter users share tips on escaping unwanted male attention
— Arrested Development stars slammed for mansplaining
— I wish mum’s phone was never invented
Licence fee worth every penny
What about the classic. Refusing a trannys advances should be seen as transphobic and you could end up getting arrested ….
FFS Main BBC Twitter account : Outrageous amount of POLITICAL social engineering.
Did you pay your licence fee for the BBC to do news/entertaintment
or to do POLITICAL campaigning for causes which you might not agree with ?
If someone has POLITICAL agenda to push ?
Then they could start an NGO lobby group raise donations from the fraction of society that supports their cause, then use THEIR MONEY to do a media campaign.
… Then media like BBC should criticise THEM and hold them to account
They shouldn’t be allowed to just use ENTRYISM to hijack the £3.5bn funds that the WHOLE spectrum of society has paid into BBC licence

I tweeted them about their main BBC Twitter homepage with it’s special anti plastics banner and their pinned anti plastics top tweet.
Their “mission” is to lie, obfuscate, indoctrinate, withhold factual information, promote sexual deviancy, immigration, and other subjects involving people who aren’t white, whilst swamping the airwaves with leftie bias.
There, fixed it, for ’em
‘World Cup 2018: Are women being picked on?’
Women’s voices are too high-pitched for football commentary. Why make fans suffer? It is not as if women are queueing up to commentate anyway. And of course the camera man is going to focus on hot female fans as that is what the overwhelmingly male audience wants.
Can they not just accept that on average men like football more than women? That is about as controversial as saying grass is green. Even with the greatest show on earth they have to shoehorn in their toxic, divisive politics. Just give the fans what they want.
They have ruined Star Wars, comedy, films and so much else. Please leave football alone.
It’s a totally different experience watching 3-4 blokes in a studio, who have actually had experience of what they are viewing and commenting on. I’m not discounting the odd, female player but in no way can they match the experience, insight, chemistry, humour and banter that you get from a group of male ex players. The games I’ve watched that had women in the studio were bloody awful. The women either just parroted everything one of the men had said or tried to change history by the continual harping on about, “was it a penalty, did VAR get it right!”
The just men looked uncomfortable being careful not to say something that could be misconstrued by the slavering twatterati.
I wonder if there are any figures available for the increase in female viewers, if any, since the commenting became more diverse?
Totally agree Toobi. Women are good at many things, but commentating on male sporting events is not one of them. Personally I think women who want to commentate on football played by men, are just being bloody minded, and honestly ? sound ridiculous and I don’t care how clued up they are, they don’t have the ‘voice’ for the job. In fact, being female, I find it completely irritating to hear one of my own gender reporting on anything where a man’s voice is better.
It’s also one of the reasons there is no atmosphere at a lot of prem grounds as it’s become family friendly and blokes can’t let go at visually impaired referees .
Their second tweet is the same

a POLITICAL agenda for #BlackLivesMatter #MoreThanEqual
..The MSM/BBC role should be to criticise these campaigns, not use all licence payers money to run the campaigns and thus put the campaign above being called to account.
Again I tweeted them a comment and screenshot
After yesterday’s TWatO disaster, it’s TOADY that is upside down this morning. It’s hotter here in the UK than in Brazil. That’s because it is winter in Brazil but the Meteorological Office and the BBC don’t do science, geography and the calendar. There’s a contributor, a Brit and male, who is returning to Sydney. The Met man says it’s cold there compare to our heatwave. It would be. It is effectively Boxing Day, or the equivalent thereof, in Australia and across the southern hemisphere.
Says the BBC, no all-year round massive global warming? Not hotter than evvah temperatures, everywhere you can fly on this planet on a taxpayer provided income or taxpayer provided expenses? Better pack a BBC sweatshirt, then, and leave the budgie-smugglers at home.
Iran … outside Iran and inside Iran …
Mark, Lucy
Look out for this on the BBC. Mishael Hussein will have a fit. Iranian protesters shout ‘Death to Palestine’, which ‘allegedly’ means they don’t care for the regime’s foreign policy
Tube drivers to strike when president trump visits – I’m guessing there will be a general strike that day – Friday 13th July . And no al beeb coverage .
Might be riots it people don’t get their dose of ‘East Enders ‘
I don’t think POTUS will be planning to go anywhere on the tube so he won’t mind. On the other hand the BBC inspired protesters, reportedly only countable in Abbotial numbers, may find arriving at the protest a little incnvenient.