Interesting, that Austria now has a new, specially equipped, police unit called ‘Puma’ to reinforce their border with Slovenia and -indirectly- Croatia. The so-called ‘Albanian Route’, from a variety of Balkan nations, has not been closed down, as eg the beeb might have you believe. With all the attention focused on the Meditteranean, that impression is now widespread.
This route is apparently also known as the Mosque Route to those using it.
There actually appears to be a large buildup of ‘migrants’, whose end destination is Germany, or possibly the UK, in Bosnia. The Slovenian Interior minister talks of at least 50, 000 in his country already.
Since installing a new government, Austria seems to have woken up. Pity the same can’t be said for Germany. Ms Merkel won’t mind: the Austrians are actually reducing any pressure on her to control German borders. A classic Merkel tactic, to do nothing, lie low…let someone else take any flak that might start up.
Problem here is, we do not have any likely political parties to match Europe. Europe has seen the growth of anti-establishment parties which are now either in a commanding position or, come next election, will be. The UK? Not one sufficiently substantial and then, the question of the electoral system……………..
We have patriotic parties, our main problem is the comatose electorate. There are simply too many who fall for the bread and circuses of the establishment.
Well, in the case of the working class, no bread but Eastenders.
They truly are marching towards their own extinction without a clue as to what is happening.
I am beginning to despair, having seen UKIP achieve enough growth in support to get us a referendum, and then it imploded.
Other patriots are available, and I can only take comfort from the factI’ll be pushing up daisies before the civil war takes hold.
I’m on the international al beeb website and it doesn’t show up there. Another Norwegian with mental issues which cause him to make ieds or is it eids?
The guardian coverage blames the police for not stopping him earlier of course.
My biggest issue is what is the use of locking this creature up . Blighty is ache ing for the death penalty. He ll get plenty of support from his brothers in bellmarsh and pass on his bomb making skills .
Right on cue the regal Lord Starmer of Doughty pronounces that death sententences are “inhuman.”
This is a fantastic step forward – mandatory death sentences anywhere in the world are inhuman. Years of persistent hard work by @DeathPenaltyP & colleagues pays off.
Pity he doesn’t feel the same about widespread corruption within the Justice system, not to mention the undermining of democracy.
He was networking again at the European Parliament on 26 June. Apparently he has told the Socialists and Democrats Group of EU MEPs that Labour has not ruled out a second ‘referendum’ on the final Brexit deal.
Delighted to hear Kir Starmer say to the #S&D Group in the #EP that #Labour has not ruled out a second Referendum on the final #Brexit deal.
A historic visit! We were happy to host Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, in the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem. Welcome!
Al beeb has a collective memory loss when it comes to the blesses InterNHS . It just wants to celebrate that it has got to 70 years and ignores Shipman , institutional murder of the elderly , state abortion and that’s just the stuff they haven’t been able to cover up .
It’s also an outfit to arrogant to learn lessons from its failures as well as plundering the medical ‘ expertise’ of third world countries because it won’t teach British kids to become doctors unless of the right” type “ ( like dad being a doctor ) .
8pm BBC2 90 mins of worshipping the NHS
Live from Birmingham hospital with an audience of staff and patients.
Let’s see how many Labour activists and agenda pushers they stuf into the prog.
\\ Jarman says that out of nine developed countries he studied, including the US, the NHS had the highest hospital death rate when adjusted for age, sex, diagnosis and other factors.
Information on mortality rates was not properly assessed by NHS officials.
“There really is a desire not to know,” he said.
What worried him was an NHS ethos that put the reputation of the health service before patients’ needs.
It was ever thus and always will be. That’s because the NHS is a state-run bureaucracy in which patients are viewed as units in a system that is rated principally in terms of political survival and national image.
Individual doctors, nurses, managers and others may well be compassionate and caring.
The evidence suggests, however, that the system has a morally corrosive, dehumanising and brutalising effect.
That’s why the extra billions and assurances that better systems are in place to guard against abuse will not solve the problem. //
Why did they choose Birmingham hospital? What’s the odds they won’t feature “normal” patients from 70 years ago.
Standby for lots of:
“Let’s meet Mohammed who is having shrapnel removed from his hand”
“Next we have his wife who not only has 5 disabled children but she recently had a car accident when her Burka slipped over her eyes when she was driving towards a busy junction”
Chuck in there a few more Muslims with diabetes caused by Ramadan and then a few transgenders and depressed Remainer snowflakes and we have a BBC messed up celebration of the NHS.
Melvyn Bragg beeboid thinking
The UK “used to be a clever country and now we’re stupid”
…except for “Hugh Grant and Benedict Cumberbatch”
His Radio Times Interview
“The small number of people who are trying to get us out of Europe”
Well then making the BBC a subscription service shouldn’t do it any harm should it? What are they afraid of if only a so-called “small number of people” stop paying for the BBC?
Never ending preaching ..on certain BBC progs
eg R4 Making History
Guest just told us that Glastonbury is about the “higher things like the Green Futures area”
..Now they’ve brought on someone to talk about walking
..They chose a black actor from the play “Black Man Walking”
Now they have moved on to an West Indian cricketer
ah an excuse to play Enoch Powell’s “The black man will have the whiphand”
“Nah didn’t make any difference to us we didn’t have any trouble”
(not the reply the beeboid was after)
None of that St Michaels/Joseph of Arimithea stuff then Beeb?
Don`t we have the most insufferably stupid airheaded limewashed chumps in the meeja these days?
And-as yet , no effort to show how Botham and Richard were both great rivals , but also great friends with much to link them forever.
Guess this isn`t wanted by the BBC any more-how would THAT ever give a riot, a Duggan moment.
The BBZ are truly evil…about the only time the words BBC and “true” could ever be in a sentence together,
Hey BBC how is your anti-oil/gas campaigning going ?
\\ Shell approves second North Sea project in six months, Fram Field
greenlighting a natural gas field that it considered uneconomical 6 years ago, and signalling new projected demand. //
PC watch : “My daughter was called selfish for wanting girls-only loos at school ”
Last September my daughter came home from her co-ed school crying. “Oh no,” she said. “They’ve made the toilets unisex.”
Be grateful Stew.
One of the schools in our “pyramid” has loos that are not only unisex, but are de facto shared by STAFF as well as kids!
Negotiations tend to ensure that we don`t drink anything so we needn`t use them-or can creep in quickly during lessons, as long as someone`s watching outside.
Probably on CCTV as well these days.
Ah well-unisex and transition rights come first, OFSTED will be happy.
No teaching though. They`ll be even happier.
I remember the pissing competitions boys used to have in school toilets. Highest piss up the wall won. How can girls compete without being branded as failures?
4:30pm R4 Book Prog guest Juno Dawson , who stated before that she knows Radio4 choose her, cos she is transgender and she if like virtue-signal-jewellery to them.
\\ French police continued the questioning of 10 suspected #farright extremists over an alleged plot to attack Muslims.
Police link those arrested to a little-known group called Action des Forces Operationnelles (#AFO) led by ex-police. //
Is Macron in Italy at present? Earlier, WatO (Lady Brooke) reported the Italians stating that they will no further accept MV Arcadia bringing in so-called, “Refugees”. Apparently the spokesperson for the Italian Gvt. went on to say that he had (Macron’s assurance? – I think I’m right) that the French would take in all-comers. If that’s the case, it is a sure sign that the axis between Germany/France to create a ‘New’ approach to migrants for Europe is doomed.
Watch out Calais!
Nigeria 86 dead
Tribal violence between Muslim nomad herders and Christian farmers
after a few rounds the nomads came and burnt 56 homes in the Christian village.
A British Empire bashing fest. Tomorrow at 0900 on BBC R4.
Years ago I would normally have listened but now, I will not suffer any more anti-British sentiment rammed down my throat. At least contributors here know that the nature of how the programme will negatively progress is so predictable. Avoid.
The day of reckoning cannot come soon enough for me………..
G, your presenter is Jan Morris.
You`ll not be surprised to know that “she”-used to be James Morris.
First sex-change old boy in the Travellers Cliub in the mid seventies.
Classic wet liberal, but glad to hear that hiser voice is old, neither male or female.
Maybe all the trannies will see that they end up like us anyway, and can therefore save their beloved NHS the costs.
He`s said nothing for years, but guess she`ll be wanted now by the BLT commissioners.
Trumps travel ban on Obama watch list is upheld by the Supreme Court.
But only the BBC would allow all manner of grumpy guttersnipes from the left to comment by way of “reaction”-and then quote from two of the dissenting judges.
Unbalanced or what? But that`s what we get these days.
Time to throw them out. Crooked isn`t the word.
I bet they had a full panorama ready on the evil Trump with his nasty illegal laws against Islam and its terrorists . Now they have to find a story to get the convicted Muslim bomber off the front page – suppose its princess Meghan pregnant shock or “ love Ireland ‘ whatever that is…?
But before I do that, I want us to remember why it’s important that we do control immigration. I believe there are three main reasons: its effect on social cohesion, on our infrastructure and public services, and on jobs and wages.
First, social cohesion. The debate around immigration often focuses on its economic costs and benefits, but the social consequences are often ignored. This is a big mistake, because not only is the social impact significant and important in itself, it’s often what bothers the public the most.
This ruling by the US Supreme Court is absolutely crucial to the long term future of the US . It means that the SC will only review wether or not a Presidential order was made in accordance with the constitution. If it is the law stands. They will not consider anything other than what is written in the Presidential order. For instance they will not consider any Presidential rhetoric which preceded or followed the order. Nor will they consider if the order complies with international norms or if it is wise.
This judgement puts judicial liberal left activism firmly back in its box. No longer will judges be able to thwart the will of a duly elected President. In the case of President Trump this certainly represents a great victory for the people who elected him over the liberal left elite.
How different things are in Europe and the UK where activist judges act as barrier to prevent anything that the people vote for , but the elite doesnt like , from passing into law. In the US democracy is emerging from the yoke of the facist liberal left but in Europe it ceased to exist a couple decades ago.
Thanks I’m a bit rusty on my US constitutional law but I’m sure al beeb will bury this major finding . It won’t affect the attitude of rubbish like the speaker of the commons and the others who pronounce on the leadership of another nation as though it is their own.
Only wish I could be as happy as you lads above.
That FOUR Supreme Judges DIDN`T think this a political stunt-out of only NINE judges?
Now that worries me, it won`t take much before the idiot Left mindset goes right to the basal ganglia of the US Constitution. Brain Stem death seems far advanced, only hope Trump will start to dig deep into the swamp to staunch the coming tsunaml if liberal slurry now getting their spurs at SPLC. NCCL etc.
Of course if a Democrat President gets to pick the next member of SC , vacancies only occur when one of the nine justices dies or retires , usually aged 90 plus, then they will undo this new ruling. The law is now heavily politicised with the left trying to use it to further their agenda against the will of the people if necessary. But for as long as the Republicans are in charge , even the Never Trump Republicans, the SC will stick to its constitutional role.
6:05pm outside Leeds Magistrates Court on ITV Calendar
reporter is running down the street chasing the accused as he leaves court
saying “Mr Batten do you have anything to say about the charges”
..he seems to be on video doing a Nazi salute in a Russian pub whilst there watching England
All I can see is a 45 second clip of 2 really drunk blokes doing about 15 seconds of the “Yid of White Hart Lane”
Certainly a wacky thing to do but the vid doesn’t give full context.
Doesn’t seem enough to destroy someones life about.
Does`n “wor Tommy” get put away for commenting outside courts, let alone pestering people coming out of court?
Tommy is still innocent. Why haven`t we got him out yet?
The BBC are VERY keen for you to know that the person convicted of planning terrorist attacks and making bombs is British. So much so they make absolutely sure you get the message.
Headline…‘British Taliban bomber guilty of Westminster plot’
First sentence…. ‘A British plumber has been convicted of planning a terror attack’
Mmmmm. Plumber. British. Could it be white anglo saxon John Smith for example?
Nope. It’s Khalid Ali !!!!!
Only down in the ninth paragraph do we get this quote from Mr. Ali.
‘Jihad is what we do. We are Mujahadeen’.
So what we have, yet again, is the arseholes at the BBC wantonly, deliberately glossing over the…. errrr… religious and true cultural preferences of those who want to kill us.
In total denial. As ever.
According to Sunderland plod, who threatened the Parents for Justice (one of the parents of the 3 lads who were run down by a “British” man) with arrest for handing out leaflets that contained the word “terrorist.”
They deemed this word to be racist.
Looks like Home Secretary, Javid Savid – peace be upon him – has extended the meaning of racism to cover acts of terror which might be associated with his kind.
The BBC on air keep saying “British man terrorist”
The BBC webpage says Khalid Ali,
\\ Ali was one of seven children born to an Ethiopian mother and Somali father in Saudi Arabia, where the family moved to after escaping civil war in Ethiopia and from where – in 1992 – they came to the UK. //
A couple of hours ago I added a comment, on Breitbart, using my other user name Horace Bachelor, to their story about the nhs saying they are the envy of the world.
I said that it’s similar to the bbc who tell us all that they are the worlds most trusted broadcaster and that they should visit this site to read about the bias and get lots of examples of their bias every day
It was removed.
I did call the bbc a shower of sh1t but there’s much worse appears on Breitbart comments.
I’ll copy and paste it if I can.
Here it is:
HoraceBachelor islandpilot an hour ago
It’s the same with the bbc.
They call themselves the worlds most trusted broadcaster but, as more and more are finding out every day, they are a heavily left wing biased anti Brexit, anti trump shower of sh1t.
Go to biased bbc (google it) and you find hundreds of examples of their daily bias such as pointing out the usual only one leave voter on question time against the rest of the panel who are remain voters, the omission of any positive news on items they don’t like, naming Islam when it’s a good story (baking a cake) but using words like ‘a man’ or ‘an asian’ instead of Muslim when it (as usual) is a horror event.
They are fake news.
Go to biased bbc, you will like what you read.
I had the same thought just before I saw your reply to Emmanuel Goldstein. Can’t think of another reason why Breitbart would remove that comment other than concern about competition.
But I’m no expert on Breitbart. I seldom visit there because my browser struggles to access the site.
So a black snowflake guardianista beeboid called Gary young writes an article saying that the US presidents ‘ staff do not deserve civil courtesy such as being allowed to buy dinner in a restaurant .
So we see the left again talking of using ugly undemocratic tactics just pushing the hostile environment agenda and politics getting nastier
No wonder posters like me expressing themselves themselves in writing things I thought I would never even dream of in Blighty – such as the use of propaganda to limit freedom of speech .
So a black snowflake guardianista beeboid called Gary young writes an article saying that the US presidents ‘ staff do not deserve civil courtesy such as being allowed to buy dinner in a restaurant .
So remind our black snowflake of the days when Democrats chased his people out of restaurants.
I see the BBC haven’t made any mention of the good economic figures from US and the fact that Trumps economics rating is at the highest ever…
No they report that Harley Davison are thinking about moving some manufacture outside the USA
Good balanced reporting – do the BBC really do news anymore?
Al Beeb don’t do news, they just do snowflake opinions.
BTW, they don’t do comedy either.
We know this and our educated politicians know this but they do nowt about it.
They should be helping Trump ‘drain the swamp’.
Dead right taffman. Did I see somewhere that Nigel Farage was happy that we`d passed the Euro Withdrawal Bill?
I`ve not seen the BBC, but doubt if that will have made the news for them.
So-they not only don`t and won`t do news-but they only offer catnip for agitators and New World Fashists like themselves.
This cannot stand can it? It`s crumbling before our eyes.
Well, I read the other week that Lily Allen say’s she gets all her news from facebook and twitter. Not so different from the BBC then? How much do we forcibly pay for the dirge they publish??
I think the BBC’s hope is that if Trump gets really annoyed with us he’ll abandon the plan for a US/UK Free Trade Deal. It’s just another way to sabotage Brexit.
Trump knows that the BBC is down in the sewer with CNN and that most of the UK politicians are working with the swamp creatures. Nigel’s friendship with Trump means that his key role is to repeat the message that the media and the politicians are not speaking for the people.
I am hoping Trump imposes hefty sanctions on this country and bans our elites from visiting the US. In addition he will declare the UK government a hostile power. The IG Report’s are rolling out over the next couple of months and the role of GCHQ and MI6 in attempting to destroy his predential run and his presidency will become more evident to the masses. The only question outstanding is which of our politicians were involved. Trump knows the names. Either way the UK is fcked unless she becomes the 51st State…and I am not joking.
No. Since 1999 Scotland has had a devolved Parliament and Government. Police Scotland comes under the jurisdiction of the Scottish Government not a Cabinet minister in the London government. Incidentally the SNP government believes so strongly in devolution that they scrapped local control of separate police forces and amalgamated them into one police force under their control.
It won’t last past this next visit. The President gave Mrs May every chance but she has blown it. Her behaviour has been unwise .
Either you are with America or against it. Most of Europe ( not Poland, Hungary and possibly Austria and the Czechs) have not understood that they have been under scrutiny. That they are being tested and have failed.
East Asia understands and it looks as if the ME does as well.
Being charitable I assume this is a legacy of Europe once dominating the world and not understanding that the wheel has turned and that a realignment is taking place.
I am certain the US is prepared use the inevitable riot etc when the President comes to alter it’s policy towards Europe .
The Poles have requested an American military presence . I expect they will get it. As for Nato in it’s present form it’s days are numbered . There is nothing in it for the US and it’s existence hampers US policy towards Russia . That looks complex but in the end not favourable to Europe .
There has always been latent hostility towards the US here and in Western Europe. This is despite the plain fact that the US created modern Europe. Time to cut Europe loose and let it sink or swim .
As all of you have said – Mrs May s behavior has definitely blown it with Trump.
Raheem Kassam for a long time was saying her petulant, over critical behavior towards Trump whilst simultaneously grandstanding to the liberals back home is in all likelihood a deliberate ploy so the US abandons us and who will wed look to for friends now.?
“Mr Junker – I am ringing you to apologise…………………….”
I see the good ol’ Beeb, are trying to put pressure on Boris Johnson to resign. Yesterday it was about the Heathrow vote. Today, they sense more blood and it’s about what he supposedly said about ‘Brexit business’. They do this to any Tory minister when they can. Trying to whittle away at the democratically elected government. So much for ‘unbiased reporting’! Today, they even printed the word ‘Fuck’ (with a warning beforehand, that ‘this story contains language some may find offensive’. Whatever). Have they ever done this before?? Even I would include a well placed asterix or two. Have they ever reported verbatim anyone saying ‘B***ard’, ‘C**t’ or similar?? NOPE. They are normally so PC it’s nauseating. Not here however, I wonder why?
Warning, this post contains language that some may find offensive: BBC: you low life fu*cking politically biased Cockwombles.
There is a bit of News night where Maitliss is taken on by – I think – the Hungarian foreign minister who has to remind her that his government is democratically elected and not run by the ReichEU .
I stopped watching Newsnight years ago after proper journos died and were replaced by lightweights like maitlis and the weird gay fella. Every so often twitter shows gems like that .
I think maitless is a production company so her pay isn’t made public for ‘ commercial ‘ reasons . I might be wrong though.
Just managed to watch that on Youtube. EM is rude and insulting, as he says, and certainly she represents the BBC agenda, in a very impartial way. They should be ashamed to broadcast that interview, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Hungarians tell the BBC to ** off in future.
BBC ‘journalists’ (loose term): I’m sure this post would generate mirth around the BBC ‘Newsroom’ (If you actually knew what mirth was). But as you think you’re so invincible and ‘right on’, I doubt you’d even read it. You’re so stuck up your own ar*es that you can’t see daylight can you? Any one of you read the Guardian or the Independent or twatter or facebook today?? Yes I thought so. No worries, If you’re actually offended by criticism, I’m sure somebody could set up a ‘safe space’ where you could consider why you’ve been mildly offended by actual criticism?
Haven’t watched this yet, but ‘Reporting Trump’s First year: The Fourth Estate’ on BBC2. Anybody expect this to be balanced? Not particularly a Trump supporter, but a supporter of democracy. The jury’s out!
It’s a behind the scenes look at the NYT covering the first year starting with Trump’s election win. As I am sure you are aware the NYT is populated by brainless progressives who still think Putin colluded with Trump to fix the election. It is exactly what you would expect. Unbearable to watch. Just like anything produced by the BBC.
The bastards who champion multi kulti and tell us all to celebrate bloody diversity need to go and live in places like this. Not just happening in Burnley but most town in the North f England.
BBC TV News main story tonight leads off with ‘British man convicted of terrorist offences’.
Good to know.
Sky mentioned he had been leader of a charity bus run to Gaza some years ago. Didn’t hear that on the Al-Beeb bulletin.
Something else the Beeb seem to be playing down, he was also a frequent attendee at Anti Racism demos. Oh joy. What a lovely, progressive sort of chap he sounds!
So, is this what your regular charming, Labour supporting Antifa type usually carries about with him when out for a London ramble? Several large knives and a stack of concealed bomb making material…
He’d spent five years alongside other Islamic extremists, building explosives and had by his own estimation been responsible for hundreds of bombings and he’s out and about wandering the streets of London.
Have we gone absolutely raving mad?
Meanwhile Tommy…
“Carol is going to talk about record temperatures”
Don’t we just know it. We tune into BBC tv news in the morning simply looking for a thumbnail weather forecast from our mumsy Carol Kirkwood. But what do we get? The equivalent of Roy Castle’s Recordbreakers. OK, let’s admit we’ve been experiencing a few warm days. No doubt somewhere or other there’s been some hottestest ever statistic. So, over to you Carol, if you insist, tell us all about the record temperature for a June Tuesday in Arbroath since the wee Met Office records began…
“Yesterday with 31 degrees recorded in Cheshire it was the hottest day of the year so far”
Really, hottest day so far this year. Is that all you’ve got?
Mind you, she’s standing in a British vineyard attempting to ram home the point that it’s warmer over here than it used to be. But remind me, wasn’t it the Romans who brought grape cultivation to England? And vineyards were pretty common here in the medieval period.
Quite right ASI, there were productive vineyards just south of Hadrian’s Wall, but as Rogerus Harrabinus wrote at the time, that was due to the high pulse diet of the legionaries farting their way into climate change.
TOADY Watch #2
OG, now that I’ve been able to wear shorts for three days in a row, I did smile when the Met man for the day, pre-8am forecast, mentioned that it is likely to be the hottest day, somewhere in the UK today, but only since 1995!
Now, what was the BBC telling me early in June or back in May, that 2017 was the hottest year ever around the planet? Good summer in 2017 notwithstanding, not in the south-east UK it wasn’t!
Hope you are enjoying some balmy weather where you are, in France.
Tony B liar on R4. I could not believe my ears..He said he listened to people about immigration and he did do something about it !!!!
He says people who come here must integrate and abide by our rules….well jolly decent. It’s a pity his lot started the whole problem
The man rewrites history – he is deluded and his interfering is hopefully the last thrashes of a dying politician desperate to support his EU chums..what a Tony Wat
He’s right, Kaiser, just think how bad things would have been if we hadn’t been in the EU. Any bugger could have waltzed in and we could have done nothing about it. Oh, hang on..
We do have Tony Blair to thank for getting us out of the EU. The more he supports the EU the more people know we should do the opposite and leave. Same for Obama’s “back of the queue” threats.
Everyone knows these Lefties talk rubbish and are only interested in lining their own pockets but it will never stop the BBC from giving them free air time.
Tabs “Everyone knows these Lefties talk rubbish and are only interested in lining their own pockets but it will never stop the BBC from giving them free air time.”
Exactly right – just look at Al Gore. Or not, maybe, it is not a pretty sight.
I would, however, drop the word ‘only’ from the quoted sentence of your post. Did you notice what Anthony Charles Lynton Blair let slip this morning in his TOADY interview? He wants everyone in the EU to have electronic identification.
TOADY Watch #1 ‘The Lizard that Lost its Legs at the Beginning of Time.’
Tony Blair is in the ‘pole position’, prime, post-8.10am Interview slot.
That man is a deceiver.
The Humph did a fair-ish job but missed a killer question right at the end. It appeared to continue ‘off-air’ in the hearing of Martha’s mic. Is that right? My hearing is a bit defective and with windows open for summer I wasn’t sure exactly where ‘the noises ‘off’ ‘ were from.
AIUI MPs voted in 2014 to stop the BBC getting mostly women criminally prosecuted and locked up for TV Tax dodging – but it’s still going on and the BBC / Crapita still issuing sneery, self regarding, misdirecting bilge to cover.
Yep, Tomo.
Have we heard anything about equivalent facilities for appropriate male prisoners today?
Are the BBC highlightingbthis inequality?
Another case where wimmin only want equality when it suits, otherwise they want unequal special treatment. And the BBC are right in there, as they are with all manner of other minority grievance groups.
Do as I say, not as I do.
A heterosexual couple have won a case at the Supremem Court today, that they can have a civil partnership, just like gay couples can.
This anomaly was created in 2013 when gays were given the right to get married. Since the ciivil partnership arrangements were created for gays in the first place this created an inequality. Heterosexuals were not afforded the equivalent rights.
It was as plain as the nose on your face and all that was needed was a little one page piece of legislation.
It never happened and so an (extra)ordinary couple have had to go all the way to the Supreme Court, five years later.
Which begs the question……..why was the government so reticent to give straight people the same rights as gays?
Answers on a postcard, please.
Kenneth Clarke, Anna Soubry, Dominic Grieve, the Guardian and Independent newspapers and the entire Remain campaign have sent the following communication to the President of FIFA.
Dear President,
We note with deep regret your decision to decide in favour of a hard exit for Germany from this year’s World Cup. In our (obviously deeply rational) opinion a 2-0 defeat is so close that it really amounts to a victory for Germany and on that basis we request that Germany stay in the World Cup.
The BBC have decided that:
Every news bulletin must include at least one item referring to the great disadvantages of Germany leaving the World Cup
Any mention of any remotely possible advantages of Germany leaving must be very short and very infrequent
All Panels on Question Time must consist of at least four people who are in favour of Germany staying in the World Cup
A documentary series, presented by Angela Merkel, will consider the consequences of Germany leaving the World Cup.
Ok let’s have another referendum regarding the UK and it’s immigration open borders policy for the next ten years….
The Question.
Should the United Kingdom ban all immigration for a period of ten years?
We all know what the result would be….
Note the irony of meeting the Palestinian President in Israeli-occupied West Bank was not noted. BTW they met in Ramallah, under Palestine Authority security and domestic control.
A very misleading but pro-gay title from the BBC. This bloke made a website telling other gay men where to buy Prep themselves. Prep is an expensive drug (£450 a month) to take before unprotected gay sex to reduce (not eliminate) the chances of getting HIV.
What this man has really done is made a website allowing for other gay men to take part in risky gay promiscuous sex without wearing a condom.
The BBC fails to mention that HIV can still be spread whilst taking Prep, it reduces the risk but doesn’t eliminate it. It is a very expensive drug, now available on the NHS, to allow promiscuous unprotected sex life. A 50p condom, as advertised in the 1980’s, would save more lives.
Of course this drug will never be made available on the NHS to straight men who want unprotected sex with a back alley prostitute – oh no, that would be equality and we cannot have that!
Seems people don’t quite understand Article 13, and 11 hence my anger in previous posts, of which I’m sorry. It is still being debated at the so called EU parliament, and is trying to change the copyright law within the EU to stop the small people like this very website.
If you don’t want to watch the videos I posted previously, please read this:-
I don’t use memes or pretend to know or care, but I did complain to my MEP about Article 11 and 13. Of course you could all listen to Holly…she knows best!
I was listening to radio 4 this morning at 8.00am after the main news. Humphreys was interviewing Marion Albright and talking about her new book. They must have given her 20 minutes of air time or at least it seemed like that. I have never heard such bias one sided liberal anti Trump rubbish in all my life. It was so left wing even Humphreys was a little surprised.
Don’t you get the feeling that the BBC has dropped immigration / Muslims / Europe / climate change as it’s pet projects and moved onto allthings WOMEN as it’s new “principale préoccupation” ?
No! It has kept all those pet projects, and added another. ‘Today’ this morning was a shocker. Frist a long free-strike by John Selwyn Gummer spouting nonsense about climate change (unchallenged by Humphreys) and then a long free-ride by the egregious Madelaine Albright spouting a whole series of blatant lies about President Trump, and again largely unchallenged by Humphreys. She was outrageous. and the conduct of her interview should be subject to review by Ofcom (not that they would say much, being staffed largely by ex-BBC and lefty media types).
AlthepalerpMar 4, 09:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelensky blew it. Trump was right, he has no cards. he was bluffing. Now Ukraine will pay the price.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘The world wants more Britain’: David Lammy on Trump, tariffs, Gaza and the Chagos Islands The foreign secretary’s diplomatic skills…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 09:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A big hint is it won’t be the middle classes who send their youth to the slaughter, it’ll be those…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 09:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I’m begging everyone please stop showing this, every time I see it I start laughing and at my age it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The art of doing something to achieve nothing … Digital advertising launches today in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 09:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK ads target Iraq to deter small boat crossings More like an advertisement for the UK, JUST INFORCE BORDER…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “On 26 October 2012, Ford announced that, as part of a larger cutback of their European production capacity, the Southampton…
JohnCMar 4, 09:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What is happening is so far beyond anything which makes sense to me that I’m in the old ‘Sherlock Holmes’…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:08 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK Army 80K UK Terror Watch List 40K ……………………………… Mr Khan said he assisted UK forces to source accommodation before…
Missing from bbc..
Hideous Richmond gets a taste of diversity ?
The immigrants were fine when it was just poor peoples neighbourhoods being enriched.
Motorbike gang subject mother and child to terrifying attempted robbery near school
Interesting, that Austria now has a new, specially equipped, police unit called ‘Puma’ to reinforce their border with Slovenia and -indirectly- Croatia. The so-called ‘Albanian Route’, from a variety of Balkan nations, has not been closed down, as eg the beeb might have you believe. With all the attention focused on the Meditteranean, that impression is now widespread.
This route is apparently also known as the Mosque Route to those using it.
There actually appears to be a large buildup of ‘migrants’, whose end destination is Germany, or possibly the UK, in Bosnia. The Slovenian Interior minister talks of at least 50, 000 in his country already.
Since installing a new government, Austria seems to have woken up. Pity the same can’t be said for Germany. Ms Merkel won’t mind: the Austrians are actually reducing any pressure on her to control German borders. A classic Merkel tactic, to do nothing, lie low…let someone else take any flak that might start up.
Problem here is, we do not have any likely political parties to match Europe. Europe has seen the growth of anti-establishment parties which are now either in a commanding position or, come next election, will be. The UK? Not one sufficiently substantial and then, the question of the electoral system……………..
We have patriotic parties, our main problem is the comatose electorate. There are simply too many who fall for the bread and circuses of the establishment.
Well, in the case of the working class, no bread but Eastenders.
They truly are marching towards their own extinction without a clue as to what is happening.
I am beginning to despair, having seen UKIP achieve enough growth in support to get us a referendum, and then it imploded.
Other patriots are available, and I can only take comfort from the factI’ll be pushing up daisies before the civil war takes hold.
Think we`re post political lads.
We had good riots in 81, 91, 01 and a lefty one in 2011.
2021 will kick off, and we`ll win.
Just think, if all the patriotic parties united ………….
And it’s another Muslim…..
Khalid Ali: British Taliban bomber guilty of Westminster plot
The BBC start the article with “A British man….” no surprises there! I suppose any “British” man may have plotted the same attack!?!
I’m on the international al beeb website and it doesn’t show up there. Another Norwegian with mental issues which cause him to make ieds or is it eids?
The guardian coverage blames the police for not stopping him earlier of course.
My biggest issue is what is the use of locking this creature up . Blighty is ache ing for the death penalty. He ll get plenty of support from his brothers in bellmarsh and pass on his bomb making skills .
I agree with you about the death penalty.
D. Vance advocates it for terrorists and child killers.
I would also extend it to rape gangs.
Right on cue the regal Lord Starmer of Doughty pronounces that death sententences are “inhuman.”
Pity he doesn’t feel the same about widespread corruption within the Justice system, not to mention the undermining of democracy.
He was networking again at the European Parliament on 26 June. Apparently he has told the Socialists and Democrats Group of EU MEPs that Labour has not ruled out a second ‘referendum’ on the final Brexit deal.
Al beeb has a collective memory loss when it comes to the blesses InterNHS . It just wants to celebrate that it has got to 70 years and ignores Shipman , institutional murder of the elderly , state abortion and that’s just the stuff they haven’t been able to cover up .
It’s also an outfit to arrogant to learn lessons from its failures as well as plundering the medical ‘ expertise’ of third world countries because it won’t teach British kids to become doctors unless of the right” type “ ( like dad being a doctor ) .
8pm BBC2 90 mins of worshipping the NHS
Live from Birmingham hospital with an audience of staff and patients.
Let’s see how many Labour activists and agenda pushers they stuf into the prog.
I don’t think Melanie will be on the BBC show
\\ Jarman says that out of nine developed countries he studied, including the US, the NHS had the highest hospital death rate when adjusted for age, sex, diagnosis and other factors.
Information on mortality rates was not properly assessed by NHS officials.
“There really is a desire not to know,” he said.
What worried him was an NHS ethos that put the reputation of the health service before patients’ needs.
It was ever thus and always will be. That’s because the NHS is a state-run bureaucracy in which patients are viewed as units in a system that is rated principally in terms of political survival and national image.
Individual doctors, nurses, managers and others may well be compassionate and caring.
The evidence suggests, however, that the system has a morally corrosive, dehumanising and brutalising effect.
That’s why the extra billions and assurances that better systems are in place to guard against abuse will not solve the problem. //
Aren`t the BBC also the “envy of the world”?
Like our beloved NHS, our Jo and our Mo.
Our Mo eh?….well, he`s some peoples. Less so others.
Why did they choose Birmingham hospital? What’s the odds they won’t feature “normal” patients from 70 years ago.
Standby for lots of:
“Let’s meet Mohammed who is having shrapnel removed from his hand”
“Next we have his wife who not only has 5 disabled children but she recently had a car accident when her Burka slipped over her eyes when she was driving towards a busy junction”
Chuck in there a few more Muslims with diabetes caused by Ramadan and then a few transgenders and depressed Remainer snowflakes and we have a BBC messed up celebration of the NHS.
Melvyn Bragg beeboid thinking

The UK “used to be a clever country and now we’re stupid”
…except for “Hugh Grant and Benedict Cumberbatch”
His Radio Times Interview
“The small number of people who are trying to get us out of Europe”
Stew, -Bragg “A small number of people”
Well then making the BBC a subscription service shouldn’t do it any harm should it? What are they afraid of if only a so-called “small number of people” stop paying for the BBC?
Melvyn Bragg
the BBC “Any time people are asked,they
over-whelmingly want to keep it.”
really …a vote would be interesting
”. I pay my licence fee to watch programmes!”
As opposed to most people who pay to avoid the fine and a criminal record.
Never ending preaching ..on certain BBC progs
eg R4 Making History
Guest just told us that Glastonbury is about the “higher things like the Green Futures area”
..Now they’ve brought on someone to talk about walking
..They chose a black actor from the play “Black Man Walking”
Now they have moved on to an West Indian cricketer
ah an excuse to play Enoch Powell’s “The black man will have the whiphand”
“Nah didn’t make any difference to us we didn’t have any trouble”
(not the reply the beeboid was after)
None of that St Michaels/Joseph of Arimithea stuff then Beeb?
Don`t we have the most insufferably stupid airheaded limewashed chumps in the meeja these days?
And-as yet , no effort to show how Botham and Richard were both great rivals , but also great friends with much to link them forever.
Guess this isn`t wanted by the BBC any more-how would THAT ever give a riot, a Duggan moment.
The BBZ are truly evil…about the only time the words BBC and “true” could ever be in a sentence together,
Any agenda pushing going on Sky and Yorkshire Post ?
#1 Sky boss calls for more women programmers as Leeds launches growth strategy
#2 Article : Programme to attract more girls into STEM
#3 Steph McGovern to present Excellence in Business Awards
Hey BBC how is your anti-oil/gas campaigning going ?
\\ Shell approves second North Sea project in six months, Fram Field
greenlighting a natural gas field that it considered uneconomical 6 years ago, and signalling new projected demand. //
PC watch : “My daughter was called selfish for wanting girls-only loos at school ”
Last September my daughter came home from her co-ed school crying. “Oh no,” she said. “They’ve made the toilets unisex.”
“What, all of them?”
“Are you sure?”
Cue eye-roll, then: “Of course I’m sure.”
“But why?” I asked.
She told me that it was to cater for transgender or transitioning children.
(Story ended after a petition got this school to change back)
(Gov has chosen not to change the law, but to leave unisex toilets as a decision up to the place)
Be grateful Stew.
One of the schools in our “pyramid” has loos that are not only unisex, but are de facto shared by STAFF as well as kids!
Negotiations tend to ensure that we don`t drink anything so we needn`t use them-or can creep in quickly during lessons, as long as someone`s watching outside.
Probably on CCTV as well these days.
Ah well-unisex and transition rights come first, OFSTED will be happy.
No teaching though. They`ll be even happier.
I remember the pissing competitions boys used to have in school toilets. Highest piss up the wall won. How can girls compete without being branded as failures?
And I can confirm that the circumcised lads were particulary good, we were most impressed.
I was in the top class – I used to bring me step ladder .
4:30pm R4 Book Prog guest Juno Dawson , who stated before that she knows Radio4 choose her, cos she is transgender and she if like virtue-signal-jewellery to them.
\\ French police continued the questioning of 10 suspected #farright extremists over an alleged plot to attack Muslims.
Police link those arrested to a little-known group called Action des Forces Operationnelles (#AFO) led by ex-police. //
Is Macron in Italy at present? Earlier, WatO (Lady Brooke) reported the Italians stating that they will no further accept MV Arcadia bringing in so-called, “Refugees”. Apparently the spokesperson for the Italian Gvt. went on to say that he had (Macron’s assurance? – I think I’m right) that the French would take in all-comers. If that’s the case, it is a sure sign that the axis between Germany/France to create a ‘New’ approach to migrants for Europe is doomed.
Watch out Calais!
He has been grovelling around the Commie Pope..
Nigeria 86 dead
Tribal violence between Muslim nomad herders and Christian farmers
after a few rounds the nomads came and burnt 56 homes in the Christian village.
A British Empire bashing fest. Tomorrow at 0900 on BBC R4.
Years ago I would normally have listened but now, I will not suffer any more anti-British sentiment rammed down my throat. At least contributors here know that the nature of how the programme will negatively progress is so predictable. Avoid.
The day of reckoning cannot come soon enough for me………..
G, your presenter is Jan Morris.
You`ll not be surprised to know that “she”-used to be James Morris.
First sex-change old boy in the Travellers Cliub in the mid seventies.
Classic wet liberal, but glad to hear that hiser voice is old, neither male or female.
Maybe all the trannies will see that they end up like us anyway, and can therefore save their beloved NHS the costs.
He`s said nothing for years, but guess she`ll be wanted now by the BLT commissioners.
Trumps travel ban on Obama watch list is upheld by the Supreme Court.
But only the BBC would allow all manner of grumpy guttersnipes from the left to comment by way of “reaction”-and then quote from two of the dissenting judges.
Unbalanced or what? But that`s what we get these days.
Time to throw them out. Crooked isn`t the word.
I bet they had a full panorama ready on the evil Trump with his nasty illegal laws against Islam and its terrorists . Now they have to find a story to get the convicted Muslim bomber off the front page – suppose its princess Meghan pregnant shock or “ love Ireland ‘ whatever that is…?
Don’t listen to this women … she has made promises before … she lied.
Why we need to control immigration – Theresa May – Published 12 December 2012
But before I do that, I want us to remember why it’s important that we do control immigration. I believe there are three main reasons: its effect on social cohesion, on our infrastructure and public services, and on jobs and wages.
First, social cohesion. The debate around immigration often focuses on its economic costs and benefits, but the social consequences are often ignored. This is a big mistake, because not only is the social impact significant and important in itself, it’s often what bothers the public the most.
Here’s another completely justified petition:
It is so sad that we cannot legally do more without the Stasi, ‘….come a’knocking’………………
This ruling by the US Supreme Court is absolutely crucial to the long term future of the US . It means that the SC will only review wether or not a Presidential order was made in accordance with the constitution. If it is the law stands. They will not consider anything other than what is written in the Presidential order. For instance they will not consider any Presidential rhetoric which preceded or followed the order. Nor will they consider if the order complies with international norms or if it is wise.
This judgement puts judicial liberal left activism firmly back in its box. No longer will judges be able to thwart the will of a duly elected President. In the case of President Trump this certainly represents a great victory for the people who elected him over the liberal left elite.
How different things are in Europe and the UK where activist judges act as barrier to prevent anything that the people vote for , but the elite doesnt like , from passing into law. In the US democracy is emerging from the yoke of the facist liberal left but in Europe it ceased to exist a couple decades ago.
Thanks I’m a bit rusty on my US constitutional law but I’m sure al beeb will bury this major finding . It won’t affect the attitude of rubbish like the speaker of the commons and the others who pronounce on the leadership of another nation as though it is their own.
Just thinking – maybe the American s will ask for the latest Norwegian lone wolf will be extradited to the states and a one way trip to Guantanamo
Only wish I could be as happy as you lads above.
That FOUR Supreme Judges DIDN`T think this a political stunt-out of only NINE judges?
Now that worries me, it won`t take much before the idiot Left mindset goes right to the basal ganglia of the US Constitution. Brain Stem death seems far advanced, only hope Trump will start to dig deep into the swamp to staunch the coming tsunaml if liberal slurry now getting their spurs at SPLC. NCCL etc.
Of course if a Democrat President gets to pick the next member of SC , vacancies only occur when one of the nine justices dies or retires , usually aged 90 plus, then they will undo this new ruling. The law is now heavily politicised with the left trying to use it to further their agenda against the will of the people if necessary. But for as long as the Republicans are in charge , even the Never Trump Republicans, the SC will stick to its constitutional role.
6:05pm outside Leeds Magistrates Court on ITV Calendar
reporter is running down the street chasing the accused as he leaves court
saying “Mr Batten do you have anything to say about the charges”
..he seems to be on video doing a Nazi salute in a Russian pub whilst there watching England
All I can see is a 45 second clip of 2 really drunk blokes doing about 15 seconds of the “Yid of White Hart Lane”
Certainly a wacky thing to do but the vid doesn’t give full context.
Doesn’t seem enough to destroy someones life about.
Does`n “wor Tommy” get put away for commenting outside courts, let alone pestering people coming out of court?
Tommy is still innocent. Why haven`t we got him out yet?
The BBC are VERY keen for you to know that the person convicted of planning terrorist attacks and making bombs is British. So much so they make absolutely sure you get the message.
Headline…‘British Taliban bomber guilty of Westminster plot’
First sentence…. ‘A British plumber has been convicted of planning a terror attack’
Mmmmm. Plumber. British. Could it be white anglo saxon John Smith for example?
Nope. It’s Khalid Ali !!!!!
Only down in the ninth paragraph do we get this quote from Mr. Ali.
‘Jihad is what we do. We are Mujahadeen’.
So what we have, yet again, is the arseholes at the BBC wantonly, deliberately glossing over the…. errrr… religious and true cultural preferences of those who want to kill us.
In total denial. As ever.
Sluff, a plumber? Was it pipe bombs then?
According to Sunderland plod, who threatened the Parents for Justice (one of the parents of the 3 lads who were run down by a “British” man) with arrest for handing out leaflets that contained the word “terrorist.”
They deemed this word to be racist.
Looks like Home Secretary, Javid Savid – peace be upon him – has extended the meaning of racism to cover acts of terror which might be associated with his kind.
Wait until he becomes Prime Minister.
The BBC on air keep saying “British man terrorist”
The BBC webpage says Khalid Ali,
\\ Ali was one of seven children born to an Ethiopian mother and Somali father in Saudi Arabia, where the family moved to after escaping civil war in Ethiopia and from where – in 1992 – they came to the UK. //
Posted this on the weekend thread by mistake.
A couple of hours ago I added a comment, on Breitbart, using my other user name Horace Bachelor, to their story about the nhs saying they are the envy of the world.
I said that it’s similar to the bbc who tell us all that they are the worlds most trusted broadcaster and that they should visit this site to read about the bias and get lots of examples of their bias every day
It was removed.
I did call the bbc a shower of sh1t but there’s much worse appears on Breitbart comments.
I’ll copy and paste it if I can.
Here it is:
HoraceBachelor islandpilot an hour ago
It’s the same with the bbc.
They call themselves the worlds most trusted broadcaster but, as more and more are finding out every day, they are a heavily left wing biased anti Brexit, anti trump shower of sh1t.
Go to biased bbc (google it) and you find hundreds of examples of their daily bias such as pointing out the usual only one leave voter on question time against the rest of the panel who are remain voters, the omission of any positive news on items they don’t like, naming Islam when it’s a good story (baking a cake) but using words like ‘a man’ or ‘an asian’ instead of Muslim when it (as usual) is a horror event.
They are fake news.
Go to biased bbc, you will like what you read.
Perhaps they are worried about competition
I had the same thought just before I saw your reply to Emmanuel Goldstein. Can’t think of another reason why Breitbart would remove that comment other than concern about competition.
But I’m no expert on Breitbart. I seldom visit there because my browser struggles to access the site.
So a black snowflake guardianista beeboid called Gary young writes an article saying that the US presidents ‘ staff do not deserve civil courtesy such as being allowed to buy dinner in a restaurant .
So we see the left again talking of using ugly undemocratic tactics just pushing the hostile environment agenda and politics getting nastier
No wonder posters like me expressing themselves themselves in writing things I thought I would never even dream of in Blighty – such as the use of propaganda to limit freedom of speech .
So a black snowflake guardianista beeboid called Gary young writes an article saying that the US presidents ‘ staff do not deserve civil courtesy such as being allowed to buy dinner in a restaurant .
So remind our black snowflake of the days when Democrats chased his people out of restaurants.
I see the BBC haven’t made any mention of the good economic figures from US and the fact that Trumps economics rating is at the highest ever…
No they report that Harley Davison are thinking about moving some manufacture outside the USA
Good balanced reporting – do the BBC really do news anymore?
Al Beeb don’t do news, they just do snowflake opinions.
BTW, they don’t do comedy either.
We know this and our educated politicians know this but they do nowt about it.
They should be helping Trump ‘drain the swamp’.
Dead right taffman. Did I see somewhere that Nigel Farage was happy that we`d passed the Euro Withdrawal Bill?
I`ve not seen the BBC, but doubt if that will have made the news for them.
So-they not only don`t and won`t do news-but they only offer catnip for agitators and New World Fashists like themselves.
This cannot stand can it? It`s crumbling before our eyes.
Well, I read the other week that Lily Allen say’s she gets all her news from facebook and twitter. Not so different from the BBC then? How much do we forcibly pay for the dirge they publish??
The BBC/Left have to realise that Trump is the most powerful man in the world by far.
The USA can dictate both militarily and economically to the world. They cannot be challenged.
The BBC/Left for all our sakes need to wind their necks in and accept this. So far the USA has been benign and very patient.
It may not last.
I think the BBC’s hope is that if Trump gets really annoyed with us he’ll abandon the plan for a US/UK Free Trade Deal. It’s just another way to sabotage Brexit.
Trump knows that the BBC is down in the sewer with CNN and that most of the UK politicians are working with the swamp creatures. Nigel’s friendship with Trump means that his key role is to repeat the message that the media and the politicians are not speaking for the people.
I am hoping Trump imposes hefty sanctions on this country and bans our elites from visiting the US. In addition he will declare the UK government a hostile power. The IG Report’s are rolling out over the next couple of months and the role of GCHQ and MI6 in attempting to destroy his predential run and his presidency will become more evident to the masses. The only question outstanding is which of our politicians were involved. Trump knows the names. Either way the UK is fcked unless she becomes the 51st State…and I am not joking.
If anything happens to Trump on his UK visit it would be an act of war and with a bit of luck, we might get invaded.
Trump is going to Scotland where he will be protected. Is this bunch under the jurisdiction of Home Secretary Savid Javid – peace be upon him?
No. Since 1999 Scotland has had a devolved Parliament and Government. Police Scotland comes under the jurisdiction of the Scottish Government not a Cabinet minister in the London government. Incidentally the SNP government believes so strongly in devolution that they scrapped local control of separate police forces and amalgamated them into one police force under their control.
It won’t last past this next visit. The President gave Mrs May every chance but she has blown it. Her behaviour has been unwise .
Either you are with America or against it. Most of Europe ( not Poland, Hungary and possibly Austria and the Czechs) have not understood that they have been under scrutiny. That they are being tested and have failed.
East Asia understands and it looks as if the ME does as well.
Being charitable I assume this is a legacy of Europe once dominating the world and not understanding that the wheel has turned and that a realignment is taking place.
I am certain the US is prepared use the inevitable riot etc when the President comes to alter it’s policy towards Europe .
The Poles have requested an American military presence . I expect they will get it. As for Nato in it’s present form it’s days are numbered . There is nothing in it for the US and it’s existence hampers US policy towards Russia . That looks complex but in the end not favourable to Europe .
There has always been latent hostility towards the US here and in Western Europe. This is despite the plain fact that the US created modern Europe. Time to cut Europe loose and let it sink or swim .
As all of you have said – Mrs May s behavior has definitely blown it with Trump.
Raheem Kassam for a long time was saying her petulant, over critical behavior towards Trump whilst simultaneously grandstanding to the liberals back home is in all likelihood a deliberate ploy so the US abandons us and who will wed look to for friends now.?
“Mr Junker – I am ringing you to apologise…………………….”
I see the good ol’ Beeb, are trying to put pressure on Boris Johnson to resign. Yesterday it was about the Heathrow vote. Today, they sense more blood and it’s about what he supposedly said about ‘Brexit business’. They do this to any Tory minister when they can. Trying to whittle away at the democratically elected government. So much for ‘unbiased reporting’! Today, they even printed the word ‘Fuck’ (with a warning beforehand, that ‘this story contains language some may find offensive’. Whatever). Have they ever done this before?? Even I would include a well placed asterix or two. Have they ever reported verbatim anyone saying ‘B***ard’, ‘C**t’ or similar?? NOPE. They are normally so PC it’s nauseating. Not here however, I wonder why?
Warning, this post contains language that some may find offensive: BBC: you low life fu*cking politically biased Cockwombles.
There is a bit of News night where Maitliss is taken on by – I think – the Hungarian foreign minister who has to remind her that his government is democratically elected and not run by the ReichEU .
I stopped watching Newsnight years ago after proper journos died and were replaced by lightweights like maitlis and the weird gay fella. Every so often twitter shows gems like that .
I think maitless is a production company so her pay isn’t made public for ‘ commercial ‘ reasons . I might be wrong though.
Just managed to watch that on Youtube. EM is rude and insulting, as he says, and certainly she represents the BBC agenda, in a very impartial way. They should be ashamed to broadcast that interview, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Hungarians tell the BBC to ** off in future.
BBC ‘journalists’ (loose term): I’m sure this post would generate mirth around the BBC ‘Newsroom’ (If you actually knew what mirth was). But as you think you’re so invincible and ‘right on’, I doubt you’d even read it. You’re so stuck up your own ar*es that you can’t see daylight can you? Any one of you read the Guardian or the Independent or twatter or facebook today?? Yes I thought so. No worries, If you’re actually offended by criticism, I’m sure somebody could set up a ‘safe space’ where you could consider why you’ve been mildly offended by actual criticism?
Haven’t watched this yet, but ‘Reporting Trump’s First year: The Fourth Estate’ on BBC2. Anybody expect this to be balanced? Not particularly a Trump supporter, but a supporter of democracy. The jury’s out!
It’s a behind the scenes look at the NYT covering the first year starting with Trump’s election win. As I am sure you are aware the NYT is populated by brainless progressives who still think Putin colluded with Trump to fix the election. It is exactly what you would expect. Unbearable to watch. Just like anything produced by the BBC.
I had to give up. Listening to their delusions and seeing just how badly out of touch they are was too much. The BBC did not get the irony.
I smell a leadership bid on the way for a new PM?
The bastards who champion multi kulti and tell us all to celebrate bloody diversity need to go and live in places like this. Not just happening in Burnley but most town in the North f England.

BBC TV News main story tonight leads off with ‘British man convicted of terrorist offences’.
Good to know.
Sky mentioned he had been leader of a charity bus run to Gaza some years ago. Didn’t hear that on the Al-Beeb bulletin.
Something else the Beeb seem to be playing down, he was also a frequent attendee at Anti Racism demos. Oh joy. What a lovely, progressive sort of chap he sounds!
So, is this what your regular charming, Labour supporting Antifa type usually carries about with him when out for a London ramble? Several large knives and a stack of concealed bomb making material…
He’d spent five years alongside other Islamic extremists, building explosives and had by his own estimation been responsible for hundreds of bombings and he’s out and about wandering the streets of London.
Have we gone absolutely raving mad?
Meanwhile Tommy…
“Carol is going to talk about record temperatures”
Don’t we just know it. We tune into BBC tv news in the morning simply looking for a thumbnail weather forecast from our mumsy Carol Kirkwood. But what do we get? The equivalent of Roy Castle’s Recordbreakers. OK, let’s admit we’ve been experiencing a few warm days. No doubt somewhere or other there’s been some hottestest ever statistic. So, over to you Carol, if you insist, tell us all about the record temperature for a June Tuesday in Arbroath since the wee Met Office records began…
“Yesterday with 31 degrees recorded in Cheshire it was the hottest day of the year so far”
Really, hottest day so far this year. Is that all you’ve got?
Mind you, she’s standing in a British vineyard attempting to ram home the point that it’s warmer over here than it used to be. But remind me, wasn’t it the Romans who brought grape cultivation to England? And vineyards were pretty common here in the medieval period.
Quite right ASI, there were productive vineyards just south of Hadrian’s Wall, but as Rogerus Harrabinus wrote at the time, that was due to the high pulse diet of the legionaries farting their way into climate change.
Daft Caledonian bint. Wait until the decade of cold winters kicks in.
Dinnae ferget to wear yer woollies – brrrr….
TOADY Watch #2
OG, now that I’ve been able to wear shorts for three days in a row, I did smile when the Met man for the day, pre-8am forecast, mentioned that it is likely to be the hottest day, somewhere in the UK today, but only since 1995!
Now, what was the BBC telling me early in June or back in May, that 2017 was the hottest year ever around the planet? Good summer in 2017 notwithstanding, not in the south-east UK it wasn’t!
Hope you are enjoying some balmy weather where you are, in France.
Tony B liar on R4. I could not believe my ears..He said he listened to people about immigration and he did do something about it !!!!
He says people who come here must integrate and abide by our rules….well jolly decent. It’s a pity his lot started the whole problem
The man rewrites history – he is deluded and his interfering is hopefully the last thrashes of a dying politician desperate to support his EU chums..what a Tony Wat
yes he listened then he doubled down
what a liar that man is ,
to me it sounded like a last gasp effort
we must stay in the EU to secure our borders
He’s right, Kaiser, just think how bad things would have been if we hadn’t been in the EU. Any bugger could have waltzed in and we could have done nothing about it. Oh, hang on..
We do have Tony Blair to thank for getting us out of the EU. The more he supports the EU the more people know we should do the opposite and leave. Same for Obama’s “back of the queue” threats.
Everyone knows these Lefties talk rubbish and are only interested in lining their own pockets but it will never stop the BBC from giving them free air time.
Tabs “Everyone knows these Lefties talk rubbish and are only interested in lining their own pockets but it will never stop the BBC from giving them free air time.”
Exactly right – just look at Al Gore. Or not, maybe, it is not a pretty sight.
I would, however, drop the word ‘only’ from the quoted sentence of your post. Did you notice what Anthony Charles Lynton Blair let slip this morning in his TOADY interview? He wants everyone in the EU to have electronic identification.
I wonder why?
TOADY Watch #1 ‘The Lizard that Lost its Legs at the Beginning of Time.’
Tony Blair is in the ‘pole position’, prime, post-8.10am Interview slot.
That man is a deceiver.
The Humph did a fair-ish job but missed a killer question right at the end. It appeared to continue ‘off-air’ in the hearing of Martha’s mic. Is that right? My hearing is a bit defective and with windows open for summer I wasn’t sure exactly where ‘the noises ‘off’ ‘ were from.
(Ooops, apologies for being repetitive.)
I am fed up listening to the BBC portray the evil Tories as jailing more women unfairly – it seemed unending on Radio 4 this morning.
The BBC’s agenda about women in prison resolutely avoids the numbers of women jailed for not paying the BBC….
In England the BBC accounted for 10% of criminal prosecutions
Women are 3 per cent of the prison population, they are disproportionately over a third of the jailed TV tax “offenders”
– that’s something they (BBC) won’t bring up of their own volition.
More at The Register
AIUI MPs voted in 2014 to stop the BBC getting mostly women criminally prosecuted and locked up for TV Tax dodging – but it’s still going on and the BBC / Crapita still issuing sneery, self regarding, misdirecting bilge to cover.
Yep, Tomo.
Have we heard anything about equivalent facilities for appropriate male prisoners today?
Are the BBC highlightingbthis inequality?
Another case where wimmin only want equality when it suits, otherwise they want unequal special treatment. And the BBC are right in there, as they are with all manner of other minority grievance groups.
Do as I say, not as I do.
A heterosexual couple have won a case at the Supremem Court today, that they can have a civil partnership, just like gay couples can.
This anomaly was created in 2013 when gays were given the right to get married. Since the ciivil partnership arrangements were created for gays in the first place this created an inequality. Heterosexuals were not afforded the equivalent rights.
It was as plain as the nose on your face and all that was needed was a little one page piece of legislation.
It never happened and so an (extra)ordinary couple have had to go all the way to the Supreme Court, five years later.
Which begs the question……..why was the government so reticent to give straight people the same rights as gays?
Answers on a postcard, please.
Kenneth Clarke, Anna Soubry, Dominic Grieve, the Guardian and Independent newspapers and the entire Remain campaign have sent the following communication to the President of FIFA.
Dear President,
We note with deep regret your decision to decide in favour of a hard exit for Germany from this year’s World Cup. In our (obviously deeply rational) opinion a 2-0 defeat is so close that it really amounts to a victory for Germany and on that basis we request that Germany stay in the World Cup.
The BBC have decided that:
Every news bulletin must include at least one item referring to the great disadvantages of Germany leaving the World Cup
Any mention of any remotely possible advantages of Germany leaving must be very short and very infrequent
All Panels on Question Time must consist of at least four people who are in favour of Germany staying in the World Cup
A documentary series, presented by Angela Merkel, will consider the consequences of Germany leaving the World Cup.
Ok let’s have another referendum regarding the UK and it’s immigration open borders policy for the next ten years….
The Question.
Should the United Kingdom ban all immigration for a period of ten years?
We all know what the result would be….
Low key or no key? The BBC as with most Western media didn’t think this important enough to mention.
Prince William Stoned by Palestinian Arabs During his Visit to Ramallah
This didn’t even make Now Trending. Editing gaffe of the Day from Reuters

Note the irony of meeting the Palestinian President in Israeli-occupied West Bank was not noted. BTW they met in Ramallah, under Palestine Authority security and domestic control.
The HIV-positive man who stopped thousands getting the virus
A very misleading but pro-gay title from the BBC. This bloke made a website telling other gay men where to buy Prep themselves. Prep is an expensive drug (£450 a month) to take before unprotected gay sex to reduce (not eliminate) the chances of getting HIV.
What this man has really done is made a website allowing for other gay men to take part in risky gay promiscuous sex without wearing a condom.
The BBC fails to mention that HIV can still be spread whilst taking Prep, it reduces the risk but doesn’t eliminate it. It is a very expensive drug, now available on the NHS, to allow promiscuous unprotected sex life. A 50p condom, as advertised in the 1980’s, would save more lives.
Of course this drug will never be made available on the NHS to straight men who want unprotected sex with a back alley prostitute – oh no, that would be equality and we cannot have that!
how long before we realise that females in higher office is a problem
Seems people don’t quite understand Article 13, and 11 hence my anger in previous posts, of which I’m sorry. It is still being debated at the so called EU parliament, and is trying to change the copyright law within the EU to stop the small people like this very website.
If you don’t want to watch the videos I posted previously, please read this:-
I don’t use memes or pretend to know or care, but I did complain to my MEP about Article 11 and 13. Of course you could all listen to Holly…she knows best!
I will leave you all now, good luck!
I was listening to radio 4 this morning at 8.00am after the main news. Humphreys was interviewing Marion Albright and talking about her new book. They must have given her 20 minutes of air time or at least it seemed like that. I have never heard such bias one sided liberal anti Trump rubbish in all my life. It was so left wing even Humphreys was a little surprised.
Don’t you get the feeling that the BBC has dropped immigration / Muslims / Europe / climate change as it’s pet projects and moved onto allthings WOMEN as it’s new “principale préoccupation” ?
No! It has kept all those pet projects, and added another. ‘Today’ this morning was a shocker. Frist a long free-strike by John Selwyn Gummer spouting nonsense about climate change (unchallenged by Humphreys) and then a long free-ride by the egregious Madelaine Albright spouting a whole series of blatant lies about President Trump, and again largely unchallenged by Humphreys. She was outrageous. and the conduct of her interview should be subject to review by Ofcom (not that they would say much, being staffed largely by ex-BBC and lefty media types).