Two good pieces of news
The EU withdrawal bill received Royal Assent-
the US Supreme Court ruled that President Trump’s ban on travel from certain Islamic States was lawful .
No doubt all of those politicians sneering at him for attempting to defend his country will issue fulsome apologies .
Al beeb quickly found other stories to tak attention away but we bear witness to their bias.
4 months until Brexit negotiations and due completion and 275 days until the UK leaves the EU.
TOADY Watch #3 Lead Item on 9am News Bulletin
Covered in TOADY, itself, with an interview with David Gauke, Prisons Minister. HMG are abandoning plans to build five new Womens Prisons and will instead lock up female terrorist in cosy community centres.
Strange that there was no mention of equality, eh BBC?
Up2 -The same thought crossed my mind. There must be ‘equality’ lawyers in this country like flies around…..
Perhaps we should put them to the test and find out whether they really are equality lawyers…
Certainly, a letter to the Minister, Gauke, pointing the inequality out to him, is the additional task.
Saves women being locked up for non serious crimes eh?
Wonder how many were banged up for tv licence evasion?
Strangely the bbc dont say.
fnw, I have grumbled about inequity of sentencing on here in the past. There were two different trials for murder last year in Manchester. Male in one, female in other, very similar in perpetration but very different sentences – less for the female – at the end of the trial. No equality. Surprising that equity would allow that.
I tend now to keep an ear open, after a verdict and when sentencing is reported by the BBC, for equality of sentence when there are co-defendents who are male and female. It is now starting to occur – most recently in a terrorist case where the female actually had a longer sentence as the Court decided she had been instigator. It is still rare.
Just trying my luck to push in front of Brissles actually.
I`ve long wanted to mansplain and use my drinking elbow to keep the women out at the top of this site.
Bit uppity some of the newer ones.
My name is Ben Elton-good night and strewth, cobbers!
Jan Morris is currently on, prog on R4 after TOADY, deliberately misrepresenting the Last Night of the Proms and the playing of Elgar.
Is there no end to the deceivers that the BBC roll out on Radio 4?
Now she is rubbishing the skirl of the pipes! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
I’ve been deliberately resisting the Off-switch (and the lure of the garden) just to find out what Morris has to say about Empire but my resolve is weakening by the second.
Yes I had a switch on bingo win at 9:03am.
Morris was telling this story.
\\ I was on the train in the Middle East with a colonel, we walked down the aisle and came across a native blocking the way. He smiled at us , but the colonel simply kicked him in the seat of the pants.
I SUPPOSE that the colonel in this age of empire thought this native was just one of the stupid wogs , he could push around. An attitude than cam from this age of empire //
…. Is not Morris doing the same thing that he accuses the colonel of , stereotyping people ?
Is it true that empire turned people into awful humans or was that colonel a flawed character anyway.
Anyway that narrative would have suited the BBC editors.
Later in the prog Morris did mention some positives of empire like the introduction of democracy and justice systems.
Stew, “Later in the prog Morris did mention some positives of empire like the introduction of democracy and justice systems.” Yes, but only as mere passing reference and after he had rubbished Scottish bagpipes. 🙁
Thing that struck me about that eye-witness account was that Morris was incapable of recognising that there are good and bad, ‘nice & polite’ and ‘pushy’, well-spoken and loud/common, couth and uncouth, among all races and nationalities and peoples.
I’ve been barged out of the way in places home and abroad by different races but tend not to push and shove, even on the London Underground except when absolutely necessary, ie. to try to avoid injury.
You are right, Stew, about that programme suiting the ‘BBC line’. When Morris mentioned the word ‘racist’ I could take no more and switched off.
Memo to BBC Editors: remember the power of the Off switch.
I turned on the programme a few minutes in, so I didn’t hear the name of the person presenting it. However, the whole thrust of the programme seemed odd, and I thought the presenter was a male historian whose voice I did not recognise. I have just read the above comments – well, well! It was a BBC favourite.
I note you’re referring to Jan Morris as a “she”.
Jan is certainly a colorful character; a former solider, spy and an historian…but also born a man.
A transgender left-wing historian given free rein at the Beeb to question our former empire.
What a surprise!
Anyone would think they had an agenda…
But she has definitely become a ‘she’, Jeff, and would be happy with that so that’s why I typed it. Am aware of Morris’s history as she is a BBC favourite and has been a BotW, perhaps twice.
I used to be addicted to Book of the Week on R4 although now that dear Gwyneth has subverted/diverted it, I am losing a lot of my previous affection (learned in childhood!) and will check what it is about first now, before listening. That is, if it is a ‘book’ at all. That’s by the way.
I’m going to have a real problem, in the future, with some of our much younger indeterminates who insist they have a right to special pronouns and none and some, at different times, all of their choosing. I think I will refer to them as ‘Zips’.
In fact, ‘aZip’ seems to be very appropriate title for gender fluidity people and suitable respectful: it is all encompassing (from ‘A’ to ‘Z’), pulling everything together or leaving things open. Remember, you read it here first. It could be a historic moment. My one and only significant contribution to world society.
“…she has definitely become a ‘she’…”
Perhaps not definitely. The use of the feminine gender is dictated more by politeness than by reference to any physical reality.
I’ve just spotted and inadvertent typo, Jeff, in my reply to Stew. Eeeek!
You switch on the radio and you hear a male voice
It was only when I checked the schedule that I saw it was SHE Jan Morris.
Last night’s Channel 19 Abandoned History tried to stay away from white male experts so they chose to add, the Asian female engineer and the man-in-a-dress expert Lynette Nusbacher.
Doesn’t bother me it’s a free world, but surely your subconscious also says “it’s a man-in-a-dress”.
Shaved her eyebrows on the way. Crossed his legs, then he`s now a she!
Thanks for nothing Reed, you plinth.
You started something that you`re not around to be made to reckon on!
His poor wife must squirm at old Drag Act Jan.
Hope all the trannies look at what THEY1`LL be looking at, sounding like when they`re old-if indeed Islam will let them into the harems then.
No option to revert to having a dick either please-why should we pay for THAT on our beloved B.H.S (Bevan Health Surface)
Stew, “Doesn’t bother me it’s a free world, but surely your subconscious also says “it’s a man-in-a-dress”. indeed, but I heard the intro, and have endured the BotW telling of the transition and have been a Times reader so recognise the name. Jan seems to be getting a bit doddery, now, but has an interesting tale to tell. Think she was RAF not Army, btw, but need to check. No. You are right, Army it was.
I seem to recall that she, as a he, was a sex-change pioneer. Wiki doesn’t mention whether it was a first.
And-to be fair-she exuded class and dignity as blokes of her age did back then.
Lived a modest, quiet life. As far removed from the screeching queens today as it is possible to be.
If my memory serves me right, in around 1951/2, when I was about 11 or 12 years old I remember reading in my dad’s newspaper about a male spitfire pilot who became a woman. The pilot’s name was Robert Cowell and he was married with children. Any relation to Simon i wonder? Anyway he became a she – one Roberta Cowell, a racing car driver. I believe it was said at the time that this was Britain’s first sex change op. Anyway, to me as a young boy, the result still looked like a pantomime dame.
Jan Morris? Is that the trannie? I’m not sure that passes as a healthy mind on any subject.
Think they now liked to be referred to as “geezerbirds” JiC!
It used to be cocks in frocks but that seems to have fallen into disuse.
… climbed Everest … a bit of a Goddess, actually …
Bugger, if I hadn’t sent that last email, I wouldn’t be sitting here in Bronze position !!
Perhaps Fed will let you move up two, Brissles, with a bit of computer jiggery pokery.
Am happy to hold the ‘door’ open for you and say “After you.” . 🙂
I’d like too but the start the week post is ‘sticky’ meaning it turns up at the top until one of our masters- like Rufus – works top magic .
I was going to drop the midweek as it’s feels like things are slowing down a bit but went with it in the end .
Toady today sounded like an old married hetero couple with humph and the bee lady . Only listen for the gg tips and didn’t have the heart to listen to a private citizen called Blair doing Soros bidding to get another few million for his nests and perma tan .
I bet he still dreams of being president of the ReichEU.
Pheeew, top magic, eh?
Just pushed in at number 5 for you Brissles.
I`m pretty hot on equality, and it`s such a shame that others at this site fail to acknowledge the role of ladies and their lovely gentleness.
AS you know I`ve long written such inclusive things as “Fat Bottomed Girls”, “Thin Blue Line” and other paeans to diversity and inclusivencessity.
My name is Sir Benjamin-Eton-Elton-pip pip, my dear!
“To all the girls I`ve loved before”.
Love Lou Reed though-“Mother of Mine” was Sooper!
Christ, I was no.3 at 9.30, now I’m halfway down the sodding page ! what a lot of usurpers you are muscling you’re way to the top. Glad I’m not fighting for a place in a lifeboat !!! 🙂
Think we`ve finally got our lawsuit Briss!
Is it me or you who should tell Womans Hour and demand compo?
My feelings are devasated and my glass table top is shattered , but my pelvic floor is a ceiling that we were told we`d break through in 1997.
Er, yes…hate crime anyway-do they still call themselves MCPs here?
They`re all old enough to know what that means-we need a Wimminz Byers BBC of our own.
If only we could have a cyberloo to go off here and have a good cry-well, a Sanatogen, Red Bull and Vodka cocktail in a pewter mug anyway. Cocktail-are we still going to call them that?
Get the Russians to hack this site and have you put in first place.
They won the American election for Trump and Brexit for us so this would be a doddle for them.
Almost first? Hmm, maybe not.
Just to continue with my concerns about just who our bloody hopeless government are allowing into our country.
This last nutter, Khalid Ali, had been out in the middle east killing fields for 5 years. A known Jihadist, a killer, a bomb maker, an Islamist…and he’s wandering about the capital with a concealed arsenal.
Is this not insanity? Have we lost our reason? Is our nation on the verge of committing suicide? It really seems so to me.
The last estimation I heard regarding returning Jihadists suggested something like 750 of the blighters out and about among us. Cheering thought, isn’t it! The security services can’t possibly keep an eye on all of them 24 / 7.
Meanwhile the petulant, Muzzie mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is more concerned about the visit of the American president. Along with that other political giant, John (the bully) Bercow, he doesn’t want the POTUS here.
I really despair.
These feeble non entities are grandstanding and virtue signalling, while on the streets of London knife crime soars, Jihadis wander freely and Tommy Robinson is stuck in a dingy nick.
Jeff, had I been sitting in the chair occupied by The Humph in the TOADY studio, I would certainly have raised that with Tony Blair and with it the absolutely key question of the damage to integration that terrorist attacks always achieve.
Interesting, that Blair’s reply to the Andrew Nether accusation did not elicit any coherent answer. There was some garbled diversion about Eastern Europe that made no sense. It was asked again. Again a lot of rambling…then it was rubbished.
Humph left out a key aspect: that the motivation was to rub Conservative faces in ‘diversity’, or similar. Likely that would have been rubbished as well.
At the end you could clearly hear Blair still in favour of mass immigration, as long as there are ‘rules’ and ‘integration’.
Yup, the man is incurable. One shouldn’t confuse him with facts.
fnw, yes. Well spotted & remembered.
I wish Blair was given far, far more airtime, he is the best weapon against the Ultra-Remainers that there is; despite being in favour of the UK staying in the EU, this creature has a level of toxicity that must have most Remainans tearing their hair out when he supports the cause.
… the flaw here is that Integration is not even remotely a Leftist priority …
Listening to the glib Bliar being interviewed on Toady by Humphreys in respect of immigration to the UK during his period of PMship, my mind drifted to the rational:
“What happens next?
When you leave hospital, you will get free aftercare. This is known as section 117 aftercare. It is likely that mental health services will plan your care under the ‘Care Programme Approach’.”
Hanging from a lamppost springs to mind as suitable “aftercare”.
G, I agree.
Hang Blair from a lamppost.
And the senior civil servants .
Lucy – What did one or more lampposts do to you for one of their number to deserve that fate?
Have you ever wondered why modern lamp posts don’t have ladder crossbars anymore? Just that bit harder to hang a rope…
Elf and safety
Or Alf & Sadie
Beeboids ,
Next time you are mentioning the problems about shops or restaurants closing in our towns , put the blame on the high rates they have to pay and forget about Brexit . Brexit isn’t killing them off although you’d like it to .
In fact when mentioning about any business or industry closing remember it’s because we are a high taxed country and thus high overhead country and our taxes are wasted .
Get someone who’s run a business to explain it to you , and not gobby stupid trade organisations like the CBI run by an administrative class .
TOADY Watch #4 (special thanks to Nibor for the reminder!)
Must go and do some work but the first thing that struck me this morning (switching on at 7.39am) was a discussion about taxation for public spending with Paul Johnson of the IFS. It escaped the Beeboid memory (no surprise there), the The Humph in this case, as well as Johnson’s memory (surprising – he used to be good on tax and everything until he lost his and IFS’s neutrality) that Gordon Brown effectively doubled the rate of Income Tax for the lowest earners and pensioners in the UK in the 2007 Budget with the measure becoming active from April 2008. Just in time to help crash the UK banks, especially RBS!
This is the thing that gets to me about the BBC. The Today Programme is a generously staffed programme. Some might say it is over-staffed. Editor in Chief (1) Editors of the Day (at least 5 or 6, I think) Producer (1), Production Assistants (unknown number) Presenters (4) plus (1) {Naughtie – a floater – yuk} and the Sport brothers, Gary & Rob, with Karthi Gnanasegaram (3).
In addition, they call in various Editors and others, including other presenters to help with the programme, each day and whenever.
Out of that vast number, who have all lived through most of what I have lived through, or in some cases more (The Humph is older than I am) and mostly in the same country (Irish Republic, India and NZ excepted) you would think that they have similar memories of what has happened in UK politics, business, society, etc., as well as elsewhere around the world but no.
No-one on TODAY today was capable of remembering that tax increase. No-one.
OK, to be fair, few at the BBC would have been affected by it and probably no-one working on Today as their incomes were above that level where the band would apply. IIRC, it was a special introduction by Gordon Brown as Chancellor of a Low Rate band for Income Tax when he realised that he was forcing too many people to become Benefits Claimants, possibly even to give up work, although it was presented as ‘doing something for the poor and low paid’ (Labour cheers from all benches in the House) at the time.
The BBC as a ‘premier news organisation’ and no doubt with all sorts of archive material available to their people (yeah, us Oiks have to put up with the BBC’s rubbishy on-line search facility of their web-pages but the Beeboids must surely have better directories at their disposal) – uniquely funded and seeking to be 100% accurate at all times, eh Ritula? – really ought to be capable of remembering that increase in Income Tax.
Not least, because it affected the poorest and lowest earners, but also because of the time when it occurred and the effect it had. 2007-2009 and all that! Just like 1066.
Wonder if anyone at the BBC remember what happened in 1066?
They probably think it was when England won the World Cup.
It is a shocking indictment of all at the BBC, from the DG downwards, that their capabilities for news recall, including their memories, are so deficient. And for £3.5bn of guaranteed taxpayer money, too.
It is a disgrace.
Lammy blames ‘colonial slave pathologies’ for the stabbing etc endemic in his community. He really is a Houdini victim artist.
‘That’s not an excuse for not parenting your child, or stabbing an individual, but they are important pathologies in families.’
It is not an excuse but it is: classic doublethink.
It is the very attitude he is demonstrating which is an issue: victim mentality and never taking responsibility. The Japanese had two atomic bombs dropped on them yet within forty years they had the second strongest economy in the world, because they work hard, get on with it and have strong family values. How can you achieve anything if you like in the past and never take responsibility. Response ABLE. If you blame others it robs you of agency and control which are vital to human happiness.
The white guilt reserve really is running on empty, Mr Lammy. Our capital is a hellhole yet you blame things that happened hundreds of years before we were even born.
Lammy would no doubt condemn this black individual and assert that he’s got it all wrong and, in any event, he was, ‘put up to it’ by ol’ whitey. Prick he is.
All true, history confirms.
“So, for the same crime, if you are a man you go to prison, if you are a woman you don’t. This is not fair to the victims of crime, and certainly isn’t about equality of the sexes. We have different laws for different people. A road to ruin.” @GerardBattenMEP Twitter
In the midst of this dismal verbiage and euphemism, the plain statement—”There’s one law for everybody and that’s all there is to be said”—still stands out like a diamond in a dunghill. It stands out precisely because it is said simply, and because its essential grandeur is intelligible to everybody. Its principles ought to be just as intelligible and accessible to those who don’t yet speak English, in just the same way as the great Lord Mansfield once ruled that, wherever someone might have been born, and whatever he had been through, he could not be subject to slavery once he had set foot on English soil.
To Hell With the Archbishop of Canterbury { feb2008}
A blatant piece of anti-Brexit shit-stirring by bBbc NI on their ‘Spotlight’ programme as they investigated monies the DUP received to help their Leave campaign, supposedly called the”DUP dark money”. No, me neither. Far too much detail to go into but, as usual, much more opinion and could ofs, probablys and may wells, typical of the bBbcs supposedly cutting edge journalism. To be honest it’s not really worth watching at all.
Loads of suggestion, hyperbole, feigned bemusement, an obvious attempted stitch-up packaged as an ‘expose`’, so full of self-satisfaction that it ended with, ‘ two years after Britain voted to leave the EU this information will ask serious questions of the Brexit vote two days before negotiations start again’. What cliched and conceited crap from an increasingly smug Jim Fitzpatrick.
‘Obtained’ documents were trawled through by a roving reporter who did indeed rove, popping up all over NI, Scotland, and England with jaunts to Ukraine and America thrown in for added bBbc-value. This of course when he wasn’t sitting at his paper-strewn office desk in a darkened shipping container, so very bBbc-edgy. A programme that did ask questions, questions that no-one outside the bBbc or Irish Republican media appears interested in this morning, but was more obviously interested in posing and in attempting to undermine the legitimacy of the Brexit vote and Vote Leave and to once more discredit the ‘populist’ and ‘non-progressive’ DUP.
Clutching excitedly at these straws , the bBbc may well have raised some points of interest to lawyers and electoral pedants as they push out yet more hurried propaganda but to suggest that myself and 17 million others were hoodwinked into voting for Brexit by the DUP and their questionably funded Leave campaign insults the intelligence and integrity of us all and proves yet again how duplicitous and detached the bBbc really are.
Rich, excellent post and good to have clear examples of BBC bias from places that some of us cannot go. No telly Licence. At least when Brexit happens, as I hope it does as a full British Brexit, it will have been tested to the uttermost by the Remainers and Remoaners who really will have to then sit down and shut up.
Won’t they?
Perhaps not.
Thought that has been occurring to me all morning as we have nailed BBC bias after bias ‘Where is maxi?’ Am sure he should be around to fault pick. Maybe – unlike the BBC – B-BBC gets everything 100% correct?
Lammy has a very large chip on his shoulder and an equally large agenda. He’s not looking for Truth. He’s firing at his ‘enemy’ in the hope of doing major damage.
We all know who the target is. Windrush, Lawrence, Grenfell…that’s all just the ammunition.
I have never heard him say a single positive word about the country whose taxpayers pay him extremely well and facilitate his charmed life. So much ‘equality/diversity’ work is just anti-white racial hatred.
I’d tell that Lammy to get on his bike …
Definitely a chap in search of a stroke / heart attack
BBC2 Last Night — NHS 700 Years – Live .. BBC Nick Robinson discussed how the NHS needed more money. But I have been informed by my child that her teachers have told her that the NHS is FREE unlike the nasty USA.
So why do they need more money?
Probably not told by the teachers is the spend per patient in the US is roughly double the UK spend. The service is not particularly great for the poor. It kind of shows throwing more money at something does not necessarily bring better outcomes.
MM “Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings” …..
Yemen …
Latest update:
Terrorism section (Kidnaps) – update to existing information on the risk of kidnap; any international presence (including UN, NGOs, oil and gas workers, journalists, teachers, students, tourists, long-term residents, and westerners of Yemeni origin) are viewed as legitimate targets if an opportunity arises; if you’re kidnapped, the reason for your presence is unlikely to serve as a protection or secure your safe release
Iran ….
Still current at: 27 June 2018 Updated: 25 June 2018 Latest update:
Summary – addition of information on protests in and around the Grand Bazaar in Tehran on 24 and 25 June; you should exercise caution, avoid any protests or rallies and follow the instructions of local authorities
Chad ….
Still current at: 27 June 2018 Updated: 25 May 2018 Latest update:
Safety and security section (Crime) and summary – the number of reports of car-jackings on roads outside N’Djamena has increased, including during daylight hours; it is recommended that you use a police or military escort when driving outside the capital, and carry working communications equipment
Venezuela …
Drug traffickers and illegal armed groups are active in these states and there is a risk of kidnapping. See Crime
Saudi Arabia ….
Still current at: 27 June 2018 Updated: 25 June 2018 Latest update:
Safety and security section (Saudi Arabia-Yemen border) – factual update; there have been 6 intercepted missile attacks over Riyadh since the first missile attack on 4 November 2017, the most recent on 24 June 2018
Somalia ….
Still current at: 26 June 2018 Updated: 11 June 2018 Latest update:
Terrorism section – factual update on statistics for recent attacks
Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Somalia, including kidnapping. There’s a high threat to western, including British, interests in Somalia, including Somaliland. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in crowded places, high-profile events, events involving government officials and in places visited by foreigners, such as hotels and restaurants
I wonder when the FO will offer travel advice to those thinking of visiting London?
The Mayor’s Office is, apparently.
Well, to one potential American visitor.
The American State Department has the following advice for those visiting the UK:
“United Kingdom – Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution
Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in the United Kingdom. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports, and other public areas.”
Other ‘Level 2’ countries include Eritrea, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, South Africa, Algeria and Colombia, if that helps our US cousins and ourselves put the risk in context…
Isn’t the Blair legacy wonderful? Embrace the diversity ……..
It began long before that c**t Lobbie; blame Atlee leading the most Left wing government this country’s ever had, then all the governments since which did nothing to stop Third World immigration destroying our nation.
It can only be down to all these far right groups, Ian
O/T Fired up a twitter search on Rotherham this morning
and top of the list was local Muslims braggging about a convert
\\ A 61 year old woman from St Vincent in the Caribbean, who has lived in England for 50yrs, has just accepted Islām with us here on* Rotherham Alhamdulilah //
* (They mean “in”)
Of course the thread then leads to grooming gangs
..where someone mentions that in the biography Call The Midwife a 1950’s London Muslim groom/rape gang is mentioned.
“Call The Grooming Gang”—Famous Midwife Memoir Proves “Grooming” Started In London In 1950s.
On “Mary’s” very first visit, she is forced to drink until she’s drunk. Then she watches as an obese white woman does a strip tease, which finishes when she produces ping-pong balls out of her vagina as part of the “show.” Then she lies on a table while the customers at the “café” line up, pay money, and one by one have sex with her.
Here was I thinking that CO2 was a nasty pollutant and we were in mortal peril according to the BBC because tonnes of it keeps escaping into the atmosphere and now I learn that I shall be sitting down to end 52 years of hurt and watch England winning the World Cup and there wouldn’t be any fucking beer.
Chris – must be due for al beeb to blame it on brexit .
Could more Immigration help with CO2 Crisis?
BBC Staff Reporter.
We are all familiar with the benefits of immigration: the massive boost to the economy; the very survival of the NHS; the key role that just 700 people from the Empire Windrush played in rebuilding Britain after World War II. But now experts have advised that far higher levels of migration from Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and the Asian subcontinent could help resolve the CO2 crisis in the UK. When human beings exhale after breathing, there are increased amounts of CO2 in their breath. It logically follows that the more people there are, the more CO2 will be produced. Of course, Climate Change means we need to be careful with this, as rising atmospheric CO2 levels are destroying the environment and causing sea levels to rise. However, if people were equipped with suitable breathing apparatus, the CO2 could be captured and then taken to special EU-approved sites, from where the gas could be extracted and used in fizzy drinks and other things. An unexpected side benefit is that fizzy drinks are subject to the Sugar Tax, meaning that government revenues will be maintained.
Isn’t the CO2 crisis because we don’t produce it anymore and rely on imports from China?
Not making essential things ourselves: what could possibly go wrong?
R4 11am prog opens “Here I am at Labour Live,”
..background singing “Oh Jeremy Corbyn, Oh Jeremy Corbyn… ”
How can anyone say anything other that a lot of the time BBC Red-io4 sounds like an official Labour Party radio station ?
R4 11am prog opens “Here I am at Labour Live,”
..background singing “Oh Jeremy Corbyn, Oh Jeremy Corbyn… ”
How can anyone say anything other that a lot of the time BBC Red-io4 sounds like an official Labour Party radio station ?
Switch to Radio 5
All female MP panel …of course
One of whom has just tweeted her support for Nigeria in the World Cup.
Ah she is the white Conservative.
(They didn’t mention Nigeria are out)
I’m sure the white Tory lady MP will think that Nigeria will win in the third half against the plucky argies. Shame the game was last night .
Must be a Remain voter, hoping that there will be another UK EU Referendum …
… and Nigeria can have a re-match with the previous result annulled.
Why doesn’t she show her full support for Nigeria and do the same as they have. Get out.
Pretty disgusting, seeing as Boko Haram STILL have loads of girls captive in her choice of country.
So much for lefty feminism then.
Alicia, to be fair I think most of the Nigerian footballers are Christian or other than Muslim.
I noticed more than a couple crossing themselves (like Catholics). Their names seem to be mostly ethnically Nigerian rather than Arabic. I didn’t pick out any Mohammeds. They do have a Victor Moses though.
Look here Alicia, I will not have you lying.
All those captured girls were fteed because Michael Obama held up a hashtag on camera.
Job done, do not take the piss.
The White Pro-European elite forced Nigeria out without a referendum on 1st October 1960, although a white Pro-Brexit woman remained head of state until 1st October 1963.
I think the European Union does not want to rule over Black nations, only White nations, until they become majority Black nations, and then they will want to kick them out, because it’s a sin for the European elite to rule over people that are not White skinned. The liberal schizophrenia implies that Black people should be ruled over by democratic sovereign nation states, but White people should be ruled over by the White elite, because democracy is populist, therefore evil. However in the opinion of White Liberals, populism is democratic if its in Africa, so is O.K. for people with Black skin, because the Liberals do not want to look racist by showing themselves up as white elitists who are opposing populism, or as the Black skinned people would see it, democracy.
It looks mad and very complex, but the simple answer to this problem could be for all the members of the Liberal elite to have their heads chopped off outside of the House of Lords by a Guillotine. If it was done by employing people of colour, then the white Liberals would go peacefully to the chopping block, if not actually welcome the Black skinned executioner to chop their head off, to prove that they are not racist. I cant see Emily Thornberry complaining.
Hope I got this right, and you can see an embedded video here – ToobiWan posted this near the end of the Start the Week thread, and I’ve (hopefully) reposted it here as I really wanted to comment on it (and for others to see it before we shift on with more BBC bias). Thanks Toobi for posting this, and hope you don’t mind me reusing it.
Many of you might be familiar with things like this, perhaps you’re living with it everyday (if so, I feel for you), I wasn’t aware how bad it had actually got, and this one video has really shocked me in a way that news of a terrorist attack, or isolated cases of grooming really wouldn’t.
Can’t recall who said it, but I know I’ve heard a famous quote along the lines of ‘if you want to see your country as it truly is, see it through the eyes of a foreign visitor’.
Or, as the BBC would put it in a cute little video about dancing brains, ‘challenge your cognitive prejudices’, or something? Thanks BEEB, good advice, you Beeboids should do it more yourselves BTW.
I think what shocked me the most is that the two, very ordinary women – local, white, heavily accented, working class, ‘Northern’, who are interviewed by the US reporter in the video are genuinely frightened, for their children, for their community, and for themselves.
You can hear it in their voices, you can see it in their faces and the way they stand, it took courage for them even to give that interview, and it’s not just the usual nervousness about being on camera. Look at how the blonde one is balanced, tense, on the edge of the kerb, ready to run – she does, in fact, part way through.
The American reporter seems a bit shaken too, and has every right to have been, that’s full blown intimidation going on there, and by individuals who know what they’re about. Have encountered it abroad in my youth (been to some rough places), but never seen it in the UK.
I was shaking after watching that video, and I don’t think I’ve ever been so angry to think it happened in an English High Street in broad daylight, and without the police lifting a finger. Happily for me and my family, and I’m quite sure like most of the Beeboids, I live in a very sheltered, rural enclave of ‘old England’, where the BAME people are mostly very keen to fit in. I know many immigrants who’ve come here precisely because they want to be ‘British’, and to be honest, I like them on the whole, they’re decent, law abiding, hard working, tolerant people – like most of the British indigenous population. This isn’t about race, or racism, it’s about invasion.
What people like me, and like most Beeboids, don’t encounter in our everyday lives is what you can see in that video. I don’t think the pain and fear of those women (and it is a very real pain and fear) can simply be brushed under the carpet and ignored. I don’t think the grooming and rape of young white, working class girls (and boys) can simply be air brushed out, like some unsightly mole on Emily Maitless’ hairy chin either!
What is being done to our own white, indigenous, working class, is almost genocidal. Now, finally (sorry I’ve been a bit slow on the uptake), I get Tommy Robinson.
Apologies for the rant, and for this not being specifically about the BBC.
Most welcome BBC, I like your “version” better
As to your rural enclave, long may it last but the video shows what we can expect for our children, et al, unless something happens. This is just one town in the North, towns in Lancashire and Yorkshire are now unrecognisable from what they were 20 years ago. You can spend a day walking about in them ( if you are brave enough or have to visit on business) and not hear a word of English spoken apart from the odd profanity telling you to get off their patch. The time to tackle this “problem” democratically has long passed, if ever it could have been. The governments, police etc., are complicit in the replacement of the majority white indigenous people with primitive, inbred, lawless, untouchable savages masquerading as people of religion. They will not be stopped by the ballot box or peaceable means.
Apologies for rant unnecessary.
Thanks Toobi, that video is truly horrific – I can’t pin down why it’s disturbed me so much, but something about it has, maybe it’s just because the women, and the setting, are so ‘everyday’, and yet listen to what they’re saying, and all the while you can feel the growing tension in the air. Sinister is the right word.
I live in the SW and don’t usually have much reason to visit towns and cities in the North other than for work a couple of times a year, and then it’s always on the outskirts. When they take me out for lunch, or I stop for a break, it’s usually in villages, or country pubs – most of which are peaceful and scenic, and the locals always seem friendly and cheerful, have more than once thought ‘this would be a nice place to live’.
I completely believe this other, nightmare version exists, I just haven’t had contact with it personally, and it’s very easy to put fingers in your ears when you don’t want to hear. Don’t know if many around me are aware of what’s going on either, I suspect most aren’t, and considering the lies fed to us by the likes of the BBC, I’m not sure what exactly it would need for them to wake up.
We have a lot of ex-Londoners (white/mixed race) move down this way, it puts up house prices and annoys locals, and they always seems to be going on about the ‘black tide’ driving them out, which has earned them a reputation for racism. I used to think that way too, but over the last few years, and a number of visits to a rapidly, visibly, deteriorating London my opinion has moved on and I’m prepared to listen to them with an open mind now.
There will come a time though when there is nowhere left to run to, BBC.
Take those two women for instance, they are surrounded by people who hate them but are most unlikely to move away because if they own their house, no one would buy at a price that would enable them to relocate, considering who the new owner would have as neighbours. They would end up having to virtually give the house away to those they wish to escape from.
As to incomers from London, you could buy a whole street up here from the sale of a modest flat in London.
Interesting take on the situation and how Enoch was almost right, from Paul Weston here, even the bBBC gets a mention towards the end.
Big Brother,
and what if someone like President Trump were to Tweet that video? The issues would be ignored and the Tweeter would be branded a Nazi.
Our government is at war with it’s own people. They are apathetic to our cries for help. If you shout too loud there’s a jail cell waiting.
These women from Justice for our Boys have been campaigning for recognition that the vehicle which mounted the pavement and killed their three boys was an act of terror. No one in authority gives a shit about them. They were threatened with arrest for racism because the
world ‘terrorist’ appeared on one of their leaflets. Check their story and ask just how far this country has been misdirected
Only racists and Nazis complain about their kids being murdered.
The background.
There is a curious and disturbing legal anomaly with this. In the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report (‘Macpherson’), a racist incident is define as “any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.” This definition is used by the Crown Prosecution Service, which futher defines a religious incident as “Any incident which is believed to be motivated because of a person’s religion or perceived religion, by the victim or any other person” (see The same principle has been adopted in the handling of other so-called ‘hate’ crimes.
Now, it might be the case that the horrible incident involving the killing of the boys might be exactly as described by the authorities. If, say, the South Asian population of the country is 10%, then statistically and in the absence of other factors one would expect 10% of such incidents to involve them. Likewise, if 70% of the population is White, then one would expect 70% of the victims to be so. It is possible to adjust the factors, to account for regional variations plus the fact that drunken drivers are more likely to be young men than elderly grandmothers and so on. Nevertheless, using the same logic and standards, it follows that a terrorist incident should be “any incident which is perceived to be terrorist by the victim or any other person“. Clearly, in this case, there are many other persons who perceive this to be a terrorist incident, as well as one motivated by racial and perceived religious factors. The concept of perception by “any other person” is either universal, or needs to be scrapped entirely and replaced by traditional English concepts of law and justice.
Lucy “Our government is at war with it’s own people.”
Now there’s a question for Margaret MacMillan after one of her Reith Lectures!
“Our government is at war with it’s own people”
When we think of civil war, we tend to think of armed conflict, occuring during a relatively small and self-contained period, typically 5-10 years. The idea that there is a civil war taking place in Britain, one that has been running for several generations, primarily involving legislation, population replacement and cultural change, taking place at such a glacial pace as to be barely perceptible, is a difficult concept. But, after all, we are British so we are making sure our civil war really is ‘civil’. It is even possible to specify a nominal start date for the proceedings: July 30th 1948, when royal assent was given to the British Nationality Act 1948. The effect of this legislation was to open up this country to 1/4 of the World’s population and the rest, as they say, is history.
Top, top post. That video which i saw on here earlier this week is partly what prompted me to finally pluck up the courage and sign up. Those two ladies do seem genuinely scared, even then still trying to come over as well as they can. There is no way that is fake news footage and we know of attacks in north west towns in the past eg 2002 the murder by an”Asian” gang of a young man, GH, who had simply lost his way and asked for a taxi. A mob was assembled and he was beaten to death. No one has ever been convicted for his murder, a 19 year old man who did not even live in the town. Notice the ladies in the video saying that the white kids are frightened to walk to school. This betrayal of the very fabric of our land, the white working class and the white professional but no-liberal class is truly appalling. And would such ladies get any help from the local MP ? Who is it ? We will always hear about Stephen Lawrence, an appalling murder too, and yet GH and many others like him, as well as female victims, are rarely talked about. Has anyone thought about their families ? The abused girls who probably never get over it. Shame on the political class that allowed this to happen, safe in their leafy suburbs and big houses, deriding private education and yet always sending their kids to the best schools. Hypocrites who should NEVER be forgiven. Apologies for shouting but the video upset me so much, plus things I have discovered about treatment of whistleblowers in police, NHS,education, law etc, people who have seen corruption and wrongdoing and reported it, only to be then persecuted themselves up to and including incarcerating in mental hospitals. Only some very brave alt media campaigners have had the courage to help these victims, some of whom are now free again, but others still banged up. Sorry again, but just had to let off steam.
Bank of England criticised for £390,000 travel bill
Good on the BBC for highlighting this, two American employees
enjoying their expense account a little too much.
But surety standard practice at the BBC.
No mention of why we need experts from USA when we have 400,000,000 EU folk next door.
”The FPC has 13 members – only one of whom is female – ”
they had to get that dig in too
God knows how you lot above stuck Today long enough to listen to Blair after the news.
All my chuckle muscles were gone.
Surely you all heard Ben Elton(formerly of this parish) “shooting through “(same as “follow through” really!)-what an accent!
Like Sir Basil Rathbone channelling Paul Hogan.
Have a listen-like Tony Curtis in Some Like It Hot as he affects a Cary Grant accent.
Hilarious-and the skewered prawn of righteousness even said that he was promoting the UJarra-Tribe-or whatever Gus in Crocodile Dundee was maybe from, as he hit a crim with a boomerang. They`re from a place called “Western Australia” and Bendy Benji thinks we may not know too much about it then?
Two words.
“Rolf” and “Harris.”
Only Martha Kearney of the Beehive failed to note what a joke his accent is.
Am I right in saying that any man worth his salt will keep his own accent, and not become some hamming tribute act to his surrounding culture? As opposed to jokes like Joey Clouseau-Bartonne or Shteve McLaren?
Maybe time to bring Elton back to Blighty, has he not served his time at Queens Pleasure for that Godwaful shite “We Will Rock You”?
I`m dedicating this rant to Helena-a REAL Queen of the Shielas.
G`day cobblers!
Great piece, Cobber!
I noticed BE’s accent but having an interest in such things I assumed that it would be natural for Ben’s ‘performing Mockney’ from his stand-up days to naturally transform into ‘strine.
On the homepage, “Behind the Headlines” — two current stories (if you can call them that) and: ‘Why the US shot down a passenger jet in 1988’ detailing an incident during Iran/Iraq tensions in the Persian Gulf.
One can only guess as to why the beeb might have chosen this 30 year old event — from all the military errors throughout history — to promote at this time.
A day after protests against US sanctions, and with Trump’s upcoming visit, any bets on some more pro-Iranian/anti-imperialist pieces to come from our state propagandists…?
Five years earlier the then USSR shot down a South Korean airliner over the Pacific. I wonder if they’ll mention that?
I expect they would if Putin had been in charge then and not the Communists.
Lobster, someone on a previous thread posted a bit of inside info on the mechanics of how the BBC editorial team line up auxiliary ‘news’ items in advance of their output for any given day/week (it would be good to reread that if anyone remembers who).
Maybe there’s a giant spreadsheet of political outrage and social injustice listings they share with the Guardian that they can just copy/paste from
TM, the Iranians got their own back at Lockerbie.
Which includes 10 homes – there is only ONE Tony? So why 10 homes?
Revealed: Tony Blair worth a staggering £60m
Exclusive: Tony Blair’s fortune now stands at three times the amount he has previously claimed, at some £60 million – which includes 10 homes
Soros favourite son – our tony – a barrister by trade so sold for the highest fee.
Watched the preamble and was reminded of how far the bubble is detached from real life.4 months of negotiating time to go . How can Brexit be properly completed -or even kicked down the road .?
All politicians will be shown up as self serving bastards and even those with principles such as Frank field and JRM are either keeping their heads down or being silenced .
The labour types such as Corbyn are wearing badges with “NHS 70 “on them – presumably this must be the number of elderly patients the NHS murders each day – almost a towerblock full .
Still muse on the consequences of the bubble suppressing discussion of uncontrolled immigration in both uk and the Reich EU leading to the mess there is now . Blighty has been split down the middle by remainers and leavers and some ReichEU countries are suddenly waking up to the ReichEU policy of importing aliens to European Judeo Christian
Culture . Bloody sad .
Al beeb doesn’t seem to be that interested in criticising the fire brigade over the tower block fire . The incident commander is being fried in the box at the moment but I’m waiting for some one from ha to be challenged about the failure to send more fire people to put the fire out .
I some how fear that this won’t happen as there is the narrative of council / government culpability which al beeb has been running with since the first day .
I won’t accept -a benefit of hindsite accusation – because the fire brigade is paid to put fires out .
“Late-night hosts unite against President Trump”
I can picture now the BBC reporters sitting watching this, sides heaving with mirth, saying to each other, “We’ve got to show this. It’s so funny”.
Trust me, guys, it isn’t.
Nope, it really doesn’t do it. Trump had it right.
“British plumber Khalid Ali has been convicted of planning a terror attack in Westminster and making bombs for the Taliban”
“Saudi born Taliban bombmaker, who has besmirched his British citizenship, which should be forfeited” . Try that as an edit to your suffocatingly PC headline
What is the common factor with all these terrorists?!? We have had plumbers, taxi drivers, kebab shop workers – I can’t see any link.
Is it caused by the unsociable hours some men have to work?
BBC covering every homosexual story in the world, well the ones that suits their agenda.
”Australian police acknowledge 27 deaths as probable hate crimes”
”The killings of 27 men in Australia between 1976 and 2000 were most likely homophobic hate crimes, police say.
A New South Wales police taskforce has spent three years reviewing 86 cases in Australia’s most populous state.
In some cases, men were found dead in parks and at the bottom of cliffs near known gay beats in Sydney. ”
Well they should steer clear of cliffs bottom and not take over parks to conduct their filthy activities.
No mention of why they were attacked /killed, perhaps they were hanging around in public lavatories etc, as all gays do or have done.
Or pretending to be women and rightfully paying the price.
No it’s all classed as irrational hate.
Why don’t the police / BBC fanboys compile statistics showing what percentage of paedophiles are gay?
I’m sure they will only be 2%- reflecting gays proportion of society, and not be involved in 50% or more of cases as is suggested by looking at recent court cases.
”Assistant Commissioner Tony Crandell … said society and police had effectively given attackers a “licence” to target gay people. Homosexuality was only decriminalised in New South Wales in 1984.”
Another example of the police thinking they make the laws and shape society.
Has dogging in parks being decriminalized?
Why don’t the police spend their time hunting down active homosexuals pre 1984.
Posthumous pardon for Dennis Nielsen then?
Dole clerk who couldn`t bear Thatchers cuts, so made his own.
Repressed, couldn`t get a plumber in Onslow Gardens. Bloody Uber.
Statue in Muswell Hill…NOW!
Is BBC Four doing yet another run of Australian crime drama Deep Water?
BBC ‘news’ and programme promotions tend to blend together a lot nowadays.
Is the post from Eddy Booth a joke in poor taste or the latest thinking from ISIS Central?
I wondered that. Eddy does seem to have a bit of a problem with gay people – He had a dig at me a couple of weeks ago.
Just for the record, I’ve never hung around a public lavatory in my life, but perhaps I’m the exception.
I like you, and I was just trying to help you by being honest,
The first step to overcoming any problem is admitting you have one.
The ones clapping and cheering everything gay people do are the evil ones.
I think that someone who thinks that the right price for a man who dresses as a woman is to be thrown off a cliff does not have the right to lecture others about the nature of evil.
Lobster, I think Eddy studied at the University of Woolloomooloo. He got as far as rule number one and couldn’t take in any more.
What`s this about a heath fire on Saddleworth Moor?
Can`t blame Hindley or Brady anyway. BUT
a) isn`t this between Burnley type of towns and Dewsbury types of towns up there?,,where Alastair Campbell and Jimmy Savile have sway still?
b) hasn`t Eid just ended?
c) And aren`t those Grenfell fridges a problem we`ve yet to discount-they`re white after all.
Points a-c above? Make it up, join the dots as and when into madness just as the BBC do.
Religious leader backs drive for cartoons for Muslim children
“The show’s main objective is to show children what it is like to be a practising Muslim as well as a good citizen in their community,” the company said in a statement.
They can have Peppa Pig or nothing!
If a children’s programme could be monitored properly than it may be a good idea. But this would never happen!. The BBC in its editing of the children’s news service Newsround clearly shows how it is incapable of giving children a fair account of what Israel is doing and this would inevitably come up in this programme . See how it undoubtedly would incite hatred against the Jewish State amongst the children who watched it. . ( Misleading URL title but the site is correct)
It’ll go down a bomb, MM.
The only flaw in that reasoning as I see it, is that muslims don’t laugh. They find very little funny. But hey, if the cartoons feature beheading, hand chopping, stoning and throwing gays/or other species off tall buildings I’m sure they would find that entertaining………….
I thought the standard muslim response was to kill the cartoonists.
everything has to be lecturing teaching conditioning etc
what happened to cartoons just been fun and playtime for children been just that.
Egypt calls for BBC boycott amid dispute over critical report {27feb2018}
CAIRO (Reuters) – Egypt’s government press centre called on Tuesday for Egyptian officials and prominent individuals to boycott the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) after a report on human rights it said was “flagrantly fraught with lies”.
What great news – wouldn’t it be good if entire countries banned al beeb . Mind you I suppose that would heighten the insane group think that beeboids have that they are telling the truth without bias . Let’s hope Hungary , Poland and Italy start the process in Europe .
More excellent news – some swamp dwelling democrat in New York got beaten by one from the left – which on my read suggests the democrat snowflakes are splitting . My guess though
The BBC flagrantly trying hard to influence another national election?
Problem is for the BBC on its Globalist, free movement agenda, whilst a dictator has quietened things down in Egypt, the nature of that regime means that they can attack the BBC with impunity unlike the US pre Trumps election. At least its one part of the Middle East that’s calm now proving that a dictator (if he is) keeps the lid on islam which has been the problem for other parts compliments of Bliar/Bush.
European terrorism. The cost.
“The European Union lost €180 billion (USD $210 billion) in GDP due to terrorism between 2004 and 2016. The United Kingdom (€43.7 billion) and France (€43 billion) suffered the highest losses, followed by Spain (€40.8 billion) and Germany (€19.2 billion), according to a Rand Corporation study.”
Question: Is the 43.7 billion Euro losses by the UK offset against the claimed, financial benefits of immigration?
Or, do I see every immigrant whether EU citizen or not, working hard 24 hours a day to redress the balance?
Observation: It would be very interesting to see the figures for Germany and France post 2016 when most of the major terrorist incidents occurred.
The UK is also due to free 80 Islamic fundamentalists from prison.
There shouldn’t be any of these koranderthals in prison, they should all have been shot whilst evading capture.
G, I think the European Union also ‘lost’ €4bn or €5bn to the Palestinian Authority, every year since, I don’t know when, probably the beginning of this century. According to the BBC on the 6pm R4 News tonight, the Palestinian Authority also ‘lost’ the share of those billions that should have gone to the Palestinian village that Prince William visited today.
That money, a generous gift from European Union taxpayers, works out at over €1000 per head per annum if the grant is €5bn for the year just past.
Anyone seen maxincony?
No – I’m concerned about the resident troll. I hope s/he hasn’t fallen foul of the crime wave albeeb isn’t reporting . I did assure maxi that despite having access to the ‘edit’ button I am still eager to hear all those original views as opposed to maxis trolling through the comments of others and then doing a ‘cut and paste ‘job at 0300 when on Nights. Or maybe maxi just grew up ?
Perhaps he is on hols, Fed. Somewhere like Ibiza or Lanzarote or a Greek Island, perhaps Mykonos?
Rock climbing in Sydney, Australia?
He’s been redpilled and posts under the name ‘MaxiTrump’
Facebook Ads in today’s media

‘Oh we are getting fact-checkers”
… Hm As if that is a fix, cos we know Snopes and FullFact, get filled with biased libs, who refused to highlight certain things but bang on about others.
Hey BBC how will get the Yoof back ?
… Ah we’ll launch a new trendy App
(Me : App is usually the same as a website anyway)
It won’t change how I listen to them – I don’t listen at all.
I’ve never been able to tolerate “talk” radio. If it isn’t music, I turn it off anyway BBC or not. Radio is for Music 😉 And most of the music on radio today isn’t worth listening to if you don’t have a digital receiver.
Guardian reporting John Lewis closing 5 shops . Oh the humanity . Have people finally realised how overpriced their stuff is ? As well as some meaningless tag line about never knowingly under sold.
As far as I can see all but one are small Waitrose convenience stores, so it’s hardly worth them getting their ethically-sourced Fair Trade knickers in a twist over.
Oi, Fed. I like John Lewis! Don’t rubbish John Lewis. A place of civilisation. Not many of those left on our High Streets.
Waitrose? Well, the late, great, Alan Coren will have me down as RiffRaff as I go into Sainsburys (under sufferance) more than I do the shopping at Waitrose. Waitrose can have bargains at times, or even some pricey delights, such as their mini-mince pies last Christmas.
As I’m rubbish at cooking Lasagne from scratch – the best ready made variety ever is Charlie Binghams in Waitrose. Just saying, in case you blokes feel the need to cook for yourselves !
Sorry to offend , I’ll make sure I get a John Lewis carrier bag before Aldi or some other reich outfit take em over and close em down. John Lewis carrier bag could be worth something some day .
Wonder where the beeboids will do their expenses shopping then – roughing it with the plebs like me down at Sainsbury’s ?
There are UN peace keepers in my local ASDA
What are Al Beeb , the snowflake politicians and the PC police doing about the moped thuggery in Londonistan?
Will they charge scaffolders with ‘carrying offensive ‘ weapons ?
Sweet FA.
You forgot Emir Khant.
They are too busy looking for people wearing the wrong sort of hat, Taff.
A job for the Royal Marines – undercover ? Good training for them
Bonkers. All that time arguing over nothing. Little wonder the police no longer have the respect of the public.
Bit of a “Don’t tell ‘im, Pike” moment there, when the woman tells the police they aren’t going to get his details, then shouts “Max, walk away” at him…
You don’t think he could be our “Max” do you, OG?
Forgive my ignorance, MBGA cap?
MGA, I know. 🙂 and love, esp. the 1500. MGB, too. Almost a 🙂 as the passing of time has made them (only the chrome bumper ones) look quite respectable now. Have driven both, but only the former for a few miles.
Make Britain Great Again, U2S. Homage to Trump’s MAGA.
Something a lot of people (especially in the smoke), wouldn’t like to happen.
Do you remember the MGA Twin Cam?
Electrics by Lucas – the Prince of Darkness.
MGBGT or LGBT which is better ??
MGBA News.
Dianne Abbot’s “Stand up to Racism” meeting boot Iraqi ex muslime out for trying to ask a question.
Something for the BBC to consider ?
How about using the telly tax and foreign aid on ‘ Care of the Elderly ‘
I’d vote for any party which did that – I might even get a licence
( bit of troll fodder)
#me to
Stop press ” hottest day in Wales ”
(Of the year ) so far.
For god’s sake there will always be a hottest day of the year !
It’s summer shock .
Roast lamb for tea then :0)
Gang theme on Radio4 ?
4pm Laurie the Socialist’s prog : Gangs and spirituality
8pm Moral Maze : Gang Culture
\\ On Saturday night, a 15-year boy was stabbed to death in East London.
He was the 50th person to be killed by a knife in London in the first six months of 2018 //
Or should British black communities stop feeling victimised, ‘own’ the problem, and tackle it from within? //
Let me guess – lammy , princess Doreen of Lawrence , the afra creature and some token black police type all blaming lack of yoot clubs, too many knife sharpeners and whitee generally . Man .
My kids keep getting told that they need to stay out of gangs, no end of plastic plod and leaflets doled out. Our school PCSO looks like he`s got a bulletproof vest on, turns out his pads are only “victim crime leaflets” and “crime number dockets”
I tell my kids that I`ll ensure that MY lads will join a decent gang before they grow up, might put their names down for one soon if it keeps getting worse as it is.
A gang is just about the only way white lads will be able to ensure their won safety at this rate. Thank you Blair and his Nether regions.
Holly at least it’s all vibrant eh?
at 16.30 On today’s @BBCRadio4 The Media Show , three top guests:
Seymour Hersh : Journalist at The New Yorker *
@emmatimes2 : Deputy Editor, The Times
and @Alex_Bilmes : editor of the British edition of Esquire magazine
Talking about, well, journalism
* Over here flogging his book
“ITV GMB with a nauseating puff piece PR-ing the disgraced Assad propagandist Seymour Hersh”
Krauts out of World Cup – brexit blamed says al beeb ( only the first bit is true at the moment )
It’s not the first time Germany have suffered a defeat in Russia, F2 🙂 🙂 🙂
Ha ha but shoosh – don’t mention the war – I’m off to read my beevor book on Arnhem
Germany bricks it.
Arnhem 1944 By William F Buckingham?
If so, It’s a good read.
“Boy” Browning comes in for some well deserved criticism.
No – it’s the recent Beevor work- monty doesn’t seem to be covered in glory either – might try the Buckingham one after.
Neither does the 11th armoured div, who was supposed to provide the relief at the bridge but refused to travel in the dark thus delaying their arrival.
The Poles weren’t too chuffed either, at taking most of the blame for the debacle.
Thanks toobi – I’m trying to shake the film version off …
Think the MetrobLib world is a bit cliquey ?
#1 There’s Alistair Campbell always on BBC
#2 his daughter was on BBC Woman’ Hour today talking about her Feminist activism
#3 Rebecca Steinfeld is in the news “A heterosexual couple have won their legal bid for the right to have a civil partnership instead of a marriage.”
Her chief witness was Education campaigner and journalist Fiona Millar
That’s her mother Fiona Millar “partner of the former Labour spokesman Alastair Campbell “
BBC the diversity champions
..whose diverse guests come from the same house in North London.
Alistair Campbell was ‘in power’ when civil partnerships came into being around 2004.
When gay martiage was legalised in 2013 this created inequality for straight couples. Its a scandal the government did jack all and did not pass a one page law to allow civil partnerships for straights.
Pathetic that it took a couple, for whatever reason, to battle to the Supreme Court to put the situation right. Shame on the government.
But how ironic that the partner of the person whose governing party set it up in the first place should then campaign to have it reformed,
Its a sort of perpetual job creation scheme for the political class.
Sluff, that’s right. Labour, the BBC tell me in the 7pm R4 News Bulletin “are asking the Government to change the law.”. The BBC Amnesia has kicked in, once again, I note.
The Newsreader should have said ….. “change their law.”
Civil partnerships were always a political ‘lie’, “Oh, no we don’t want gay marriage at all, trust us!” Then along comes gay ‘marriage’ and a new inequality is created. [Note: There never was an inequality before, all men and women were essentially free to marry, the man/man, woman/woman relationship was no no different from the single man or woman who can’t get/doesn’t want a ‘partner’].
If the law is changed to allow man/woman civil partnerships then there is still an inequality as there is no requirement for a man/man or woman/woman civil partnership to involve a sexual relationship, (that is implicit in man/woman marriage), but they get to gain pension and inheritance rights that are denied to other non-sexual co-habiting couples, e.g. brothers/sisters or literally ‘just good friends’.
“…for whatever reason…”
That bit really puzzles me.
BBC Womans Hour will even make special tweet videos for their friends.
Long item was about “How women campaign”
The results of our Woman’s Hour poll conducted by ComRes revealed three in four women would be willing to take some form of action for a cause they believe in, but only one in four have done so in the past year.
More were willing to take part in an online campaign than protest or march,
while just three per cent said they would break the law. (why say “just” ? Shouldn’t zero percent break the law ?)
The pinned Tweet at top of WomansHour account is from @ChelseaClinton
Police rush to home of hate preacher Anjem Choudary to protect him and his family after threats as he blames Cameron’s ‘crusade’ for ‘turning young Muslims to terror’ { 30May2013}
Rally: Michael Adebolajo (circled) pictured at a demonstration in Paddington Green, London, in 2007 with Anjem Choudary
And so begins his campaign for early release. Actually, he did not misinterpret ‘mein koran’, but acted in exactly the way that book and the vile 7th century warlord instructs.
Simon Thornton was the Tory Mayor of Godalming and a Councillor. On 18 June he pleaded guilty to over 20 child sex offences and was jailed for 9 years at Guildford Crown Court.
David Boswell was the Tory Mayor of Pembroke and a Pembrokeshire County Councillor. On 18th June he was convicted at Swansea Crown Court after having been found guilty of raping a child, as well as three indecent assaults against her and another young girl.
{ 20jun2018}
Death pen?
How is that relevant to this discussion?
Sorry I didn’t add context …. paedophiles popping up everywhere … will it’s reported by BBC?
I find the reaction of the media to Jordan Peterson quite fascinating. Most of the articles that I have read about him quote other articles. What they have have in common is that no-one has actually read/watched or heard anything that he has produced.
This makes me think that perhaps Peterson is wrong in his political analysis, he still sticks to the left/right model, but I think that there is a collectivist/individualist political axis that is currently more important. (I accept that there is a problem with language being used in different ways between North America and Europe and that the PC-istas have done their best re-define just about anything).
Peterson tells us that ‘the left’ are high in the trait of openess (to new ideas) yet most of these journalists would describe themselves as ‘of the left’ (whilst being totally impartial!) but are incapable of being open to anything to what Peterson might say. I can see the same in my own family, I have a relative that is in a mental mess yet he outright refuses to even give Peterson a minute of his time. He knows he shouldn’t need to do this because the collective have told him that Peterson’s ideas are old and rejected by all the (old!) intellectuals that he admires. Seeing as 90% of Peterson’s videos give down-to-earth advice as to how to get along with other people I think my relative is an idiot. (I probably ignored Peterson’s advice when I said that to the aforesaid relative, but then patience has its limits!).
I thought again of the closed minds of these open-minded people after watching this Norwegian documentary, which discusses the ‘Norwegian Paradox’, i.e. why don’t Norwegian women do “men’s” jobs. In it a couple of Norwegian academics insist that there is no biological difference between the male and female brains and they can’t understand why other researchers put so much effort into proving it. Meanwhile in the UK Simon Baron-Cohen manages to demonstrate different behaviour between day-old male and female babies, or perhaps more precisely, high v low testosterone exposure. When this evidence is put to the ‘gender studies’ academics they blubber about how it doesn’t fit their hypothesis so it must be wrong! They are hardly ‘open’ but most definitely ‘of the left’.
Jim – YouTube is full of videos by prof Peterson and about him. The Cathy Newman interview now has over 10 million views.
I think the clarity of his views overwhelms those who think they know about him . I was watching him appearing before the Canadian parliament being questioned about the law which was proposed to require certain words to be used in relation to sexual orientation and his challenge on freedom of speech grounds . The snowflakes exhibited the same lack of intellectual graph as ms Newman did on channel 4.
Since then every lefty journo has been after his scalp.
His book is next on my summer reading list
‘Twelve Rules’ is good when Peterson sticks to the rule, reasons and anecdotes, all the myth and legend stuff doesn’t work for me.
Having said that the idea that ‘essential truths’ reside in our ancient ‘stories’ seems reasonable to me. I enjoy a good tale but I’ve never been keen on ‘taking them apart’ – each to their own, students of literature appear to enjoy that process.
I am halfway through reading Peterson’s book “12 Rules for Life.” Now, I’m not sure whether I have learned much but I have certainly had quite a few of my own instincts confirmed and it’s keeping me entertained. By the way there is quite a long waiting list for this book at my local library- which tells me something.
Another author I have got to reading lately is Tammy Bruce. Her books “The Death of Right and Wrong” as well as “The New Thought Police” are eye openers. I can imagine quite a few of the folks on this site would appreciate her work, If you are not already familiar with it go for it. I recommend it.
Strange that al beeb news chooses to down grade the coverage of the tower block fire inquiry with the incident officer finishing his third day in the box .
Apparently they are concerned about his mental health which is quite understandable since his higher paid senior managers have left him to ‘take one for the team’. There may well be a need for big changes in the fire brigade if they haven’t planned for a 9/11 style fire in a tower block
The union will try to blame the government but me thinks fire people need to look to themselves .
Declaration – I am not and never been a fire person . I don’t question their bravery – just ability.
The Fire Brigade Union is very left wing. Something akin to the Miners.
The BBC won’t go there.
Easier to criticise Tory-Cutz.
Germany beaten by Korea!
Merkel’s Team beaten by Trump’s ally.
Ode to joy!
BBC tears.
We are told that the number of first class degrees awarded at UK universities has been ‘soaring’, indeed 40% of students at the University of Surrey received them .
Now when this bear of little brain studied for his first degree I believe it was only the ‘top 10%’ that made it to university and I doubt if as many as 10% of those finished with ‘a first’. Along comes Tony Blair and lots of universities are created so that half of all school leavers now get a place at ‘uni’ (that says it all doesn’t it!).
In the ‘olden days’ out of a cohort of 100 typical pupils only ten were deemed good enough to go to university and only one worthy of a ‘first’. Now the doors have been opened to take in 50 of the typical, but there should still only be one worthy of a ‘first’. That means that rather than the percentage of ‘firsts’ rising from 10% of intake to 40% it should fall to 2%. Or maybe all ‘our’ students now are from China?
Had an NQ teacher at a school I visited, Eng Lit graduate. I told her about the time Shakespeare went into a pub to be told to get out as he was “barred”. She said “and”? I then went on to explain, barred and bard but still got an “and”?
I then told her that Shakespeare was known as the bard and the story was supposed to be funny if somewhat corny.
With a blank look on her face she said that she had never heard of Shakespeare being referred to as a (the) and anyway, what’s a bard?
It’s not shocking – at a lesser level I often go to my local big supermarket and buy candles . If four are available I get four . Then I go to the human checkout and say something like ‘ I didn’t realise you sell four candles ‘ i always get the blank look . I’m thinking it’s an age thing ……
“I’m thinking it’s an age thing”.
FedUp it’s age related, but is really a cultural problem. We’re old enough to have been brought up in the British cultural tradition. The younger generation has been “educated” that all white culture is evil and our humour is racist – even if it’s a joke about four candles. Although the Two Ronnies did make a lot of sketches where they both dressed up as women, so they might still be acceptable to the easily offended.
I had a customer called ‘Brock Construction’ who had been on chasing a quote.
I said ‘are you badgering me for a price?’
I overheard the manage interviewing an employee, saying, “Oh, come in, Pugh, take a seat”. Alas, he was not joking.
Jim – I suppose in the real world employers know which firsts mean firsts and which really are not.
I read for my degree at about age 24 doing a full time job and i was told at the outset that as a part timer I stood little chance of a first . I was almost happy with a 2:1 after 4 years .
I heard that the quality control on awarding degrees isn’t what it was – particularly with regard to the ability of undergraduates to construct sentences and spell . Guess computers can do all that so it matters not .
So BBC do you have an agenda about IllegalMigrants/Refugees ?
Can anyone tell from you output and tweets this week ?
– Their “Hidden Truths video map”
(Seems “Truths” used in say way as in “DEMOCRATIC” used in the name of North Korea/Vietnam)
21 June BBC Claim ” the islands are disappearing and people no longer have a country”
Anote’s Ark: The story of Kiribati’s environmental refugees
Looks like Trump will get to appoint another judge to the SCOTUS bench – the hits just keep coming!
I bet he appoints a black girl judge just to wind the snowflakes up ….
She ll be pro death penalty , anti abortion , anti positive discrimination and anti immigration
Ted Cruz is a possibility.
Ha ha yes ted is about right .
Least it will distract the libs for a while
Moral Maze is fun.
ALL Labour and liberal, except for Melanie. It`s about gangs.
So the clueless London liberal lefties and labourites are fighting like rats in a burlap. But loads of “tiptoes through the tulips”-as Brums Labour shill squabbles with Owen Jones about David Lammys ideas-schools not providing sheaths for drugs, that kind of thing.
But Jones is evil. Tories have blood on their hands(pt94). Not Alastair Campbell though, David Kelly wasn`t in a gang after all was he?
In short, no-one has a clue. Just blame slavery, schools and the Tories.
Wicked crap-and Jones gets a free pass.
Abandon ship Mel, let them sink!
It`s making my blood boil, hell knows what it must be doing to you dear!
It’s very simple – once the police gave up trying to control the streets the ferals were bound to take over . The old policing by consent is withering away because they are targeting political issues and not criminals .
The next series of riots – facilitated by twitter – and subsequent failure to control – will push the call for a royal commission again which , in a few years , will deliver little .
In the mean time more victims of various ages , shades and genders and the likes of al beeb saying “ something must be done”
I think many know what the solution is and also know that the tide is running in a different direction for the time being .
Concepts like “policing by consent” only function in homogenous societies, as Britain was in the 1950’s and before; as our country becomes ever-increasingly “diverse” and atomised, policing is certain to be anything but consenting.
Guess you’re right – another benefit of vibrant diversity – there are so so many .
Fed up & Al, Re: Police.
Remind me, why are we paying taxes?
To fund a police force that keeps the silenced majority silent.
Simples Lucy.
To pay Plod to arrest as many as possible for Hate Speech on the word of anyone (but probably a follower of islam or a convert like Treezer).
You can’t police a Third World city with unarmed police officers. They have no chance of controlling the streets.
“…The old policing by consent is withering away….”. Its gone actually.
Consider this list of fundamental principles of the concept:
Nationally, the police are in breach of all the principles one way or another.
Got to hand it to you for listening to the amoral mess . Not a partaker because the structure is too beeboid for me .
Some of the killings in London are ‘turf’ related but I would say that the majority are unplanned and more about ‘ dissing’ than any thing else . If imported kids have no Dads and no control and no fear of the system then a good few are bound to tool up in a survival arms race.
Yep, the least I could do Fedup2, given how much bilge you and friends wade through for me etc.
What struck me is the complete avoidance of any framework and meaning to it all.
If you self-censor re “race” “single parents” “anti-fathers” “drugs” “Islam”, “Yardies v Somalis”-and refuse to ask WHY these boys(for that is what 90% of them are) would rather yell into social workers mics some rap shite for radio 1-and can`t be let onto school premises for “sex, drugs and rock n roil reasons”?….
then you`re stymied. No solutions, no words to correspond to reality.
Hence Owen Jones.And hence the BBCs wish to get his like on to give answers-oh dear.
Laurie Taylors boy says his lads were affected by this issue. Which makes you wonder why their dad, grandad and all that BBC free broadcasting have only NOW decided that there`s a wave to ride-finally. With 80 lads dead.
How brave Taylor-and Cameron asked him for advise re colleges
too. Look-if Taylor and dad are the sharkbait, then fine.
But let no gangscum think that WE are the BBC.
If my dad was Laurie or Matthew Taylor, I`d be FAR better in any gang.
Owen Jones` mentioned plenty of trawling Lisbon drug rehab as well as black men in London.
That`s news?…as if we`d ever NOT think he had some skin in the gayme….
Thanks Chris
There are limitations for anyone having to listen to al beeb . Personally I feel really sorry for anyone who has to listen to “the worlds’ favourite radio station’ namely the oh so sad World Service .
I wonder if the ‘ immoral maze’ has ever achieved anything apart from payments to the panel production company
Climate : No BBC news page on the dismissing of a California Climate Change Lawsuit against Oil Corps
but June 10th BBC have Who are the Koch brothers?
The article on the Koch brothers was, by BBC standards (sic), almost borderline balanced. The Left are obsessed with the brothers, believing them to be financing climate scepticism on behalf of Big Oil and Big Business (which don’t care either way, as long as there’s money to be made). In reality, the entire amount spent by all sources who question man-made global warming is only around 1% of that spent by the climate change lobby.
Rotherham and the Guardian convenient story of March 2018
\\ In the early 90s, when I reached comprehensive school in Rotherham, I quickly learned that girls’ bodies didn’t belong to them.//
\\ The gang of white local men would hang around at ice rinks to meet and groom girls for sex. //
The thing AFAIK Rotherham has never had an ice rink ,
by “ice rinks” she’d have to be talking about Doncaster or Sheffield . If so why didn’t she mention it .
Ah hang on, there was one for a short time at the Rotherham Bowl.
\\ extract from The Silence of the Lamb, Katie Edwards’ Radio 4 Lent Talk, which is being broadcast on 21 March at 8.45pm //
It is quite extraordinary how this level of deceit is now so common place in the liberal media. To actually mention a group of white men and imply these people were in some way responsible for what has gone on in Rotherham and what is continuing to this day requires a special kind of cognitive dissonance. Or to imply there is even a remote equivalence between what was probably nothing more than a group of young lads being lads with the sheer malice and hate that drives these muslim pakistanis to rape, murder and torture underage white girls all in the name of Allah.