Two good pieces of news
The EU withdrawal bill received Royal Assent-
the US Supreme Court ruled that President Trump’s ban on travel from certain Islamic States was lawful .
No doubt all of those politicians sneering at him for attempting to defend his country will issue fulsome apologies .
Al beeb quickly found other stories to tak attention away but we bear witness to their bias.
4 months until Brexit negotiations and due completion and 275 days until the UK leaves the EU.
BBC Online News:
“”Homeless shoot photos for exhibition””
Why are the BBC so in love with the ‘homeless’?
Are they an ethnic minority of some sort?
BBC webshite
Front page – Grenfell Tower enquiry story
Meanwhile, buried under England, regions, Hampshire – a follow up story about the Gosport Hospital scandal.
Spot the difference?
“One of the men then allegedly told the other two to get out and grab her before she ran away to safety.”
“A West Midlands Police spokesman said the men did not threaten the girl and there was no physical contact. ” – so there’s no problem then?
I can’t see any mention of this on the BBC local news for the Black Country.
I wonder why that might be?
It’s a cultural matter for Asian/ Paki boys to intice white school girls into their cars at 1130 am to exchange vibrant cultural values.
I got into trouble / criticised here a while ago because i explained that these peasants weren’t allowed to touch their hoes before marriage so they went off to drug white girls and practice on them .
If out of towners find that sociological fact unpalatable then I feel sorry for them in their sheltered lives . For Asian Wimmin their virginity is prized so the menfolk find other outlets – as well as the need for white trophies .
I grew up in that environment so don’t ask me for evidence of the assertion .
I think it was T E Lawrence in his book Seven Pillars of Wisdom, said of the Arab male that sex with a woman was OK for exercise but for a true meeting of minds, it had to be Hombre en hombre.
…a true meeting of…. what ?
Told any truth recently Matt McGrath ?
“Why I Hate The Left” by Owen Benjamin – the death of dialogue in the service of collectivist dogma.
Because they’re worth it.
Nice work if you can get it…
Just watched the Sky’s newspaper review, and the actual amount of talking and reviewing in a listed 30 minute programme was……. 9 minutes !!!
23.30 programme introduced
ad break
23.34 introduce paper reviewers and comment on the various newspaper headlines.
23.47 ad break
23.51 resuming of reviewing
23.56 goodnight and on to the weather.
I know its not the Beeb, but how much do these reviewers get for just NINE minutes of airtime ? they ain’t gonna turn up for a pint and sandwich are they.
I see from Al Beeb that the French are bringing back conscription . I predict that this will be the way that the EU Defence Force will go. What will our snowflake Remainers think about that ?
The MoD has just signed up to the European Intervention Initiative (EII) launched on Mon June 25.
Veterans for Britain say “We’re told that the EII is not an EU initiative, but that is not correct. Mr Macron said it is ‘one of the six keys of European sovereignty’ which allows the ‘full integration of EU armed forces’. Once again, MPs are being side-lined by civil servants.”
“What will our snowflake Remainers think about that ?”
All flock to France to sign up I wouldn’t wonder, to share with their close European friends.
”Young will pick up climate change bill, advisers warn”
Young people will be left to pick up the bill for climate change because politicians are dodging the issue, a UK report warns.
The government must act faster to cut carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from road traffic, homes and farming, the Committee on Climate Change says.
Without action, the coming generation will have to pay much more to curb emissions in a heating world.
The government says it is committed to being a world leader on climate change.
It will introduce its low-carbon transport plan soon.”
Then the usual dramatic looking, but harmless water vapor cooling tower
BBC Still Using Cooling Tower Images, In Defiance Of BBC Trust Ruling:
”The Committee noted that clear guidance had been issued to specialist science correspondents and to output editors in the newsroom regarding the use of footage of cooling towers, and considered that it was important that this guidance was also shared with all factual programming areas to ensure that the inaccurate use of footage concerning cooling towers was not repeated.”
The thing that baffles me about this CO2 business is, that in one breath we’re producing too much, and in the next breath pubs and breweries are struggling as we’re not making enough.
CO2 isn’t an issue – it never was, and never will be. Most of us know that, by now, yet still the BBC pushes the rubbish for all it’s worth.
They’re heading for a major climb-down, I think – unless they just quietly forget about it (their normal practice).
Isn’t that building with the cooing towers one of those that generate the stuff that fuels those “green” electric cars?
They have the water vapour base covered as a driver of CC, Dystopean.
As of 08:30, our massive investment in wind “power” was producing less than 5.5% of the UK’s demand
Just wait for a similar anticyclone during a cold winter, power cuts will be the least of it.
BBC TV News do love a statistic
One stat I could have lived without was delivered by our Carol Kickwood this morning. “Talking of temperatures…” she hardly talks about anything else “…yesterday was another hottest day of the year so far with 32 degrees in Porthmadog”
I’m sure the local tourist board will be delighted, boyo.
I stayed in Porthmadog for 4 years (for work nearby) almost exclusively at the Travelodge. There is a reason why it didn’t have Air Con and not just because it was cheap(ish)!!!
I remember my Geography teacher saying back in the 70’s that Britain had a Med’ Climate – Hot Dry Summers & Warm Wet Winters – has something changed apart from our obsession with the obvious?
Listening carefully to BBC news coverage of the fire on the moors near Manchester I note a pattern. The BBC are keen on a vox pop of the locals. And the favourite soundbite on this kind of incident – whether it be summer fire or autumn flood – is remarkably similiar…
“The worst I’ve ever seen”
My take on this is – if the BBC itself were to attempt to categorise these events as the worst ever it could be caught out by fact checking, whereas the broadcast of the public exaggerating the uniqueness of such events is simply hearsay. You know, that prized BBC concept of people telling their stories.
You mean ‘some say’, the PM, that nutter down the pub, or the voice in the reporter’s own head? A very useful vehicle for pushing a favoured message.
The discussion above about Jan Morris reminded me of a bizarre personal experience. A climatologist named Penny Whetton was introduced on our TV. ‘That’s a bloke in a frock!’ I said. Mr Hand-Basket then exclaimed, ‘That’s Peter!’ It turned out he’d known Peter since childhood, and we’d dined with him years ago when when he was a youngish married man.
He still lives with his wife Janet Rice (a senator with Australia’s lefty Greens party) and is an ardent believer in climate change. (Since Australia has recently legalised gay marriage, do you think they had to remarry as lesbians?)
It sounds like the plot of a hilarious sitcom satirising politcially correct preoccupations, but a Google search reveals the Wlkipeda page of Penelope Whetton, and there’s an interview in the Sydney Morning Herald, illustrated thus:
My other ‘trannie’ experience goes back thirty years to when I was a young writer with IPC Magazines. A strapping young fellow in the art department received management permission to ‘come out’ as ‘Jane’. He came into work each day looking like Corporal Klinger from MASH. His/her only problem was having to take the lift down about sixteen floors to the unisex loo in the medical department.
He was invited to some girls-only pub lunches, where we tried to socialise him into femininity. (Well, we couldn’t have him letting the side down by knowing the cricket score or sitting with his legs wide apart.) But he was never wholly convincing, having an Adam’s Apple you could see from space.
Priceless -“ an Adam’s apple you can see from space “ made my day with a laugh out loud thingy —after spending an hour of self abuse being exposed to toady .
I chuckled at the comparison to Corporal Klinger from Mash !! well written Helena.
Toady watch
Humph gave over 10 minutes to a nice chat with baroness chakrabati ( who still sounds shamed by selling her soul ).
It was all about an unseen report aimed at screwing uk security services into being nice to Islamic terrorist suspects . No mention to the consequences of failure and the killings of innocent people by failing to deal with suspected Islamic terrorists .
Followed by a chat with Katia Adler about theEU meeting today . Hopefully it will be a complete failure and further weaken the ReichEU and if really successful end the haus Frau career by putting up border controls in krautland . The beeboids sounded worried
The next one was that fruit cake Selwyn Gummer who made a nice career going on and on about CO2 emissions and how Blighty is failing as usual
The best one was some knight of the Bank of England trying to justify the spending of hundreds of thousands of taxpayers money on business flights .
He used the “ right sort of people argument “ ( which of course if bollocks ) followed by the “ Blighty is a big country so needs to spend on the best “ argument .
If the Bank of England can’t do a value for money job with an airline it shows how disfuctional it is . I think this was a tricky subject for beeboids as I’m sure they enjoy the business / 1st class world.
Lastly Andy burnham was on talking about the moor fire . Incredibly he didn’t blame the police or call for an expensive public inquiry and that empty ‘ we want justice ‘ crap -which was a first for him .
Very lastly – feel for the mental health of Sopel as president trump gets to move the Supreme Court further toward sanity and countering the snowflakes . Let’s hope he gets another couple onto it in the next 6 years .
Toady two
Humph has the 0810 chat with maddy Albright who is selling a book . She wasn’t really introduced as a Democrat who worked for Clinton carter and Obama or as an enemy of President Trump .
Anyway she went to off on a losers ‘ story about polarisation in politics which- in my view – was caused by liberals suppressing people’s feelings about immigration and multiculturalism and giving any bloody pressure group – gays – Muslims – trannies – whoever – anything they damn want .
I could hear Hilary Clinton whineing in the background .
Albright was born in chekoslovakia so coundnt run for President thank God.
Londonistan murder update
In fairness al beeb carried this one on the local news . 20 year old stabbed to death by a 16 year old – allegedly . Doesn’t mention race so you can guess- nor whether there are any yoot clubs nearby which of course stop street stabbings.
I’m guessing the mayor will set up a working group to come up with an action plan frame work and treat it not as a crime but a public health emergency . Comedy .
I’m thinking that’s body number 75.
From the Daily Telegraph, F2 following the death of the 15 year old at the Community Centre.
It is believed his death takes to 79, the the number of murder investigations launched in London since the start of the year.
So these are the ‘communaeees’ that are so big on being ‘communaeees’ that deaths are now occurring at the ‘communaeee’ centres !!!
Jack the Ripper couldn’t hold a candle to these fuckers.
BTW I heard that Maddie Albright’s nickname among her staff was “Notat”
Fed, I just checked the ‘Pop Charts’ for that book and a well-known ‘South American bookseller’ is already discounting it.
I have to say that although I was rushing around engaged on a variety of tasks, the bits I caught of Maddy’s chat with The Humph appeared to indicate that she is starting to lose her marbles. The effects of having to work for Bill Clinton, perhaps, although to be fair she is 81. The BBC and M/s Albright did not fall short, however, in taking the opportunity to bash The POTUS as hard and frequently as possible.
Perhaps they would prefer it if President Trump nuc’d the Kremlin rather than talk to one of those nasty fascists of the Left variety?
Thanks Toobi – easy to lose count – so now its 80. I think the year total for londonistan was 110 last year so well on the way. The killing rate is also affected by the weather as well .
Creates jobs for funeral directors .
And candle (four) makers, teddy bears, etc.
One could say London is suffering absolute Khanage, F2.
“Listen up everbody. I am sick to death of seeing all these
men talking about the World Cup. I want another womens
hour in fact I want a WOMENS three hour on the 28/6. If the
men are given 3 hours of football I want three hours of just
women presenters, women sport’s reporters, women weather
forecasters. Get Yolande to report from the Israeli SIDE the
Palestinian SIDE. And tell her to make sure she knows what SIDE
the BBC supports. There will be no VAR used in fucking Israeeeeeel.” Yes BIG BROTHER. What about after Gloria and the girls which follows Women’s three hours?”
Is it the heat ? Can I suggest watching back to back beeboid avarice programmes like that ‘omes under the ‘ammer ‘ or ‘cash in the arctic’…?
Wondered about all this debate in respect of Brexit and the Northern Ireland border?, I have. Beneficiaries of the so-called, “No Hard Border”? EU migrant dispersal I believe. That would fit in rather well with Treezers commitment to the UN Refugee Council and the NWO to continue taking migrants after whatever form of pseudo Brexit we get. They sneak in via the open back door.
Northern Ireland Police Chief gets it absolutely right –
Consider the Police warning against the backdrop of this –
And you can see where it’s heading……………
Treezer et al, rumbled again!
And then its just a quick sneak on Stenaline or Irish Ferries to Scotland or England, and yeahhhh ! we’ve finally made it to the land of milk and benefits.
That is actually quite good news, as it might just cause some people to adjust their thinking on Israel and the ‘pally’ never-ending-intifada-terrorism.
At least it’s happened in Palestine not here……….yet……….
We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” – Winston Churchill
“We shall
fight onGIVE THEM the beaches, we shallfight onGIVE THEM the landing grounds, we shallfight inRUN THROUGH the WHEAT fields and in the streets, we shallfightHIDE in the hills; we shallneverALWAYS surrender TO THE EU UNELECTED GOVERNMENT.” – Theresa May (made up)Story 1: Revealed: The Birmingham restaurants and takeaways rated ZERO for food hygiene
Story 2: White Brits set to become minority in Birmingham, report reveals
Saudi Arabia give women keys to cars (with conditions) then tell women they cannot wear lose clothing .. comedy that writes itself … welcome to 2018 ….
“The Saudi authorities are investigating a female TV presenter after she wore “indecent” clothing while reporting on the end of the ban on women driving.
Shireen al-Rifaie was being filmed when her abaya – a loose-fitting, full-length robe – was blown open by the wind, revealing her clothes underneath.”
Saudi TV presenter investigated over ‘indecent’ clothing { 27jun2018}
I reported earlier in the year on my Freedom of Information request to the Department of Work and Pensions. I had asked about the number of prosecutions for benefit fraud over a period of 5 years prior to the date of request. I also asked the DWP to identify what proportion of the total were EU citizens living and working in the UK. The response stated that the DWP did not, “Capture” the information on differences in nationality. Would you believe! (no, I don’t). The figures show a marked decrease in prosecutions over the past 5 years. Why? Are the fraudsters becoming more adept at avoiding being caught out or what? I’m sure the DWP know. Personally, I think it has much to do with a cosy arrangement between Government and Social Landlords.
The issue of EU citizens remaining in the UK after Brexit has been a hot topic. Of the criteria set by Government, I note that those having, “…a serious or recent criminal record,..” will not be granted status to remain –
I’ll go no further……..
Back in the mid-90’s I did a mature degree (seemed better than the dole at the time), and got to know quite a few foreign EU students. Thinking back it was probably because they were young, female and pretty but I digress..
In whatever digs they lived in they used to fiddle the electricity meter, all being edgy anarchists trying to stick it to ‘the man’. This was a time when student loans had started but I bet not one of them ever paid a penny back. Most of their weekends were spent going to festivals or lefty demonstrations. And these were French, Spanish, Italian. Since then we’ve had all sorts of Eastern Europe’s finest low-brow criminals, who I’m sure we are stuck with forever.
I watched this on YouTube last night. If it’s true then who the hell is Mr Obama and why isn’t he in jail, together with others who are named in the video interview.
Breaking news. Report on UK supporting US rendition gives BBC a chance to attack British people.
Baronness Chakrabbity will never be off the TV
China buy a cow, UK sell their souls …
“It is great news that the Chinese government is lifting its ban on UK beef and lamb exports. This reflects the importance of the UK’s trade mission to China earlier this year.” – Theresa May Twitter
. . . . .
“CHINESE ‘ON TRACK FOR HS2’ Chinese rail firms are leading race to run HS2 trains because British rivals appear to be in crisis” {sun 28jun2018}
Standing next to the Chinese vice-premier, Osborne – then chancellor of the exchequer, now the editor of the Evening Standard – announced that China would be investing in Hinkley Point as part of a £2bn deal. The state-owned China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN) would own a third of the project. According to one source who worked on the deal, Osborne’s deal was structured as a “first step” in a grand plan for CGN to roll out a string of nuclear plants in the UK.{guardian 21dec2017}
China buy a cow, UK sell their souls.
And what’s the first one mentioned? Yup, “A hijab-wearing Barbie”

Any Islamic terrorist toys?
Looks like a bloke to me………..
These dolls are very popular in Birmingham…

Is there a British sex-slave Sindy-doll?
Any Islamic terrorist toys?
J I (Had) Joe for the boys?
Made for Maxi
Dear BBC … you forgot to add “Acid Victim, Rape Victim, FGM Victim, possible Islamic female terrorist cell member ….
“BBC News – Is Sara a ‘refugee’ or a ‘would-be surgeon’? …. We have dreams/ Others have more dreams/ Wars stifle all…”
Dear BBC … you forgot to add “Acid Victim, Rape Victim, FGM Victim, possible Islamic female terrorist cell member ….
Let’s not forget the row of men dolls that can be placed on the floor sticking their arses in the air.
This quote from the american comedian and actor Rob Schneider perfectly sums up The Now Show and other alleged BBC comedies…
having listened to R4 last night whilst driving – I thought I would sample their comedy. Jesus – it was exactly as described above and seemed to be canned laughter. No matter how much I tried the face muscles couldn’t respond…Comedy my A..e.
And the moral maze…..a bunch of first class liberals except for the one Black guy – Ken Hinds who for 30 years has been dealing with knife and gang issues – and he was the only honest one who didn’t want to apportion blame to everyone else and was looking at solutions..
Owen Jones – what an idiot.. it’s everyone outside of the community’s fault – the racist police, the hideous uncaring Tories, their cuts in police, schools, welfare, etc….
He is what is wrong with this solutions just accusations despite evidence against what he says.
Between 2001 and 2011, more than half of the growth in the population of England and Wales was accounted for by immigration.
This is what Western World is fighting …
“Said he had been taught ‘women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground'”
so they can all pull the same line of defence now can they
I thought ignorance of the law was no defence
Maybe when the child screamed?
The puscillanimous beebistan webshite announces:
“Merkel: Defining moment for EU on migration”
The Speccie has a more robust assessment: “Angela’s ashes: Merkel’s grand project is crumbling”
Not only is Mutti Merkel finished, but so is Merkelism: “The German Chancellor’s grip over Europe has ended and a new pro-border consensus is emerging”
The tide is turning from so-called ‘liberal’ open border policies to more ‘populist’ ones, from Italy to Austria, Britain, the Visegrad group, and increasingly Scandinavia and Germany itself.
Attitudes once condemned as far-right, racist, xenophobic by the likes of the beeb are now becoming mainstream.
The ‘Liberals’ lost.
The beeb was wrong. Scrap the extortion tax. Scrap the beeb.
” Scrap the extortion tax. Scrap the beeb.” Scrap the odious Hate Speech laws as well and then we can really get down to “debating” islam.
Theresa May agrees … mass immigration means IMPOSSIBLE SOCIAL COHESION.
Why we need to control immigration – THERESA MAY 12dec2012
But before I do that, I want us to remember why it’s important that we do control immigration. I believe there are three main reasons: its effect on social cohesion, on our infrastructure and public services, and on jobs and wages.
First, social cohesion. The debate around immigration often focuses on its economic costs and benefits, but the social consequences are often ignored. This is a big mistake, because not only is the social impact significant and important in itself, it’s often what bothers the public the most.
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
‘It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’ – THERESA MAY 12dec2012 speech
‘It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’ – THERESA MAY 12dec2012 speech
Guy’s motto is “United in diversity” .. and then promotes groups with #ZeroDiversity …
“This #EUCO will be a crucial one for the #FutureofEurope . We, the ALDE family, are ready to move Europe forward ???????? #IamEuropean”
“The UK tolerated “inexcusable” treatment of US detainees after the 9/11 attacks, MPs have found.”{ 28jun2018}
“The UK tolerated “inexcusable” Theresa May using the word ‘Lost’ when describing 22 murdered in Manchester, UK Citizens have found.”
Re-arrange in the following words in the correct order:
Gives. Flying. Who. Shit. A.
Or, number of tosses given = zero, Ian.
Is that a urinal ??
York Festival of Ideas : oh I missed it
Then I check the events list : full of lefty, arty activist stuff and low on proper serious stuff like science/history
Schedule shows the lefties take over and ruin everything just like they did at Ra dio4 and UK universities.
6:25am Switch in bingo win
The pet issue R4Today was banging on about was DIVERSITY in the boardroom again.
Surely not diversity of opinion?
But then there is only one truth, except that these post-modernists believe there is no truth. Confused?
I was listening to radio 4 this morning at 8.00am after the main news. Humphreys was interviewing Marion Albright and talking about her new book. They must have given her 20 minutes of air time or at least it seemed like that. I have never heard such bias one sided liberal anti Trump rubbish in all my life. It was so left wing even Humphreys was a little surprised.
Iran .. a perfect God with a perfect book .. 50% of the population locked up.
Saudi Arabia .. a perfect God with a perfect book .. 50% of the population locked up.
Yemen .. a perfect God with a perfect book .. 100% of the population fighting.
USA … religion freedom with religion separated from politics … 100% population have a chance at liberty.
You forgot Turkey
47% locked up…..wins election with other 53%
I was listening to radio 4 this morning at 8.00am after the main news. Humphreys was interviewing Marion Albright and talking about her new book. They must have given her 20 minutes of air time or at least it seemed like that. I have never heard such bias one sided liberal anti Trump rubbish in all my life. It was so left wing even Humphreys was surprised.
Marion Albright on Jeremy Vine says that Trump isn’t a facist but Vine keeps pushing and pushing to make her say he is!
These people are deranged.
She did, in effect, draw parallels with Mussolini and “other fascists” on the Today programme., which is utterly disgraceful. It sounded as though she was just about to say ‘Hitler’ but just caught herself in time. Of course, President Trump is the exact opposite of a fascist, being the first president for years whose whole objective is to return power to the people and away from Washington and the co-called ‘elites’ (an appellation they have coined for themselves and not recognised by me).
BBC documentary tonight: ‘Japan’s Secret Shame’ and the experience of Japanese journalist Shiori Ito. She goes public ‘with her allegations in a country where speaking about sex crimes remains strictly taboo.’ She ‘visits the institutions she believes failed her, meets with other women who are too frightened to even report assaults’.
British Brownshirt Collaborators, I think you may have a beam in your eye. Matthew 7:5
Unlike the Londonistan evening standard al beeb does not report a potential terrorist attack on its own HQ / madrasa in central londonistan .
It seems that after the roads were closed around Oxford Circus , the bomb squad called , a robot used to examine the suspect car , a beeboid cane forward and said that the car belonged to them.
Stupid really —as if any terrorist would attack an outfit which spends its time minimising Islamic terrorism and suppressing negative news – as it did in its pro republican days .
Where’s the line drawn between art direction and state controlled propaganda? Well don’t trust the beeb to tell you anything accurate. Two exhibitions promoted on the homepage:
—The Great Depression I: story behind the photo “Migrant Mother”
‘Great Depression’ … ‘Migrant Mother’ … ‘Ease the plight of the migrant workers’ … ‘Drought Refugees’ … Anything you want to tell us BBC?
—The Great Depression II: “Killed Negatives”: A photo project that rejected off-brand images (oh the irony) Their intro bangs on about ‘propaganda and manipulation’ … ‘systematic censorship’ … and ‘one of the darkest episodes in the history of photography’.
Really? Because other accounts suggest that division head Roy Stryker’s heavy editorial policy was not a fascistic state-controlled cull. Rather it likely was down to his exacting standards, his “very particular vision”, composition, and the photographer’s technical competence. With 77,000 prints made from 164,000 negs, mainstream publications were given access to the photos to help “focus public attention on the plight of the rural poor and set up the commercial careers of his photographers”. And he ensured that “nowhere could Americans be shielded from the images of despair and hope that he circulated across the nation”.
But the beeb doesn’t care; it’s pure censorship from a beastly US government agency and that’s just that. (Even Whitechapel Gallery’s blurb is noticeably free of anything resembling their terrible bias.)
Both exhibitions in fashionable east London. No doubt they’ll provide ample ammunition to progressive columnists to lionise the working class sods and fawn over the beautiful nobility of the shat upon (monochrome for added nobility).
All from afar of course — food banks and Northern towns with grooming gangs don’t ever seem to feature much. I guess they must not convey the same triumph of the human spirit or something.
#LabourJustAboutLive ….
6 Days since Bercow promised to leave. {22jun2018}
0 Days since he left.
I suppose he doesn’t want to give up being ‘ bully in chief’ and go get his peerage as there are so many other odious creatures in the Lords that he’d become just another £300 a day tax parasite .
Probably a safe bet that the delectable Sally promises to make his life hell if he walks away from all the perks. That said, as a nationally recognised cuckold, perhaps the perks are all that give the little chap his mojo.
We are reaching a tipping point … Retired police officer among 10 charged over plot against Muslims { 28jun2018}
An ex-police officer is among 10 people charged over a plot to attack Muslims in France.
Nine men and one woman, aged 32 to 69, were arrested in raids across France on Saturday.
Despite officials urging French citizens not to confuse the actions of extremists with the six million Muslims who live in the country, anti-Islam sentiment is on the rise.
In 2017, there were 72 violent anti-Muslim acts, up from 67 the year before.
Le French, heroic when it comes to burning sheep alive, not so brave when national pride is very literally at stake. Maybe next time the vote against Marine won’t be quite so fiddled, especially when they begin to realise what a truly rice-paper tiger they have in Macron.
I don’t think I’d buy a mug, but I might be tempted to buy a chamber pot.
Sorry this has absolutely nothing to do with BBC or media bias. It isn’t even political. But sometimes we can all do with a laugh. This Twitter account is a scream.
All cultures are equal, this culture is worth showing on the BBC.
Trump is worshipped as a God
Over to Maxi
There’s no love lost between Hindus and the “peaceful ones”.
Used to go to India with work quite regularly.
One trip we were in the Madras hotel bar watching Eng vs Pakis test cricket and England were giving them a good hiding.
England won the match and the Indian bar staff gave us a round of drinks on the house they were so happy.
… moslem v Sikh sexual violence in Rochdale, Rotherham, Luton etc etc apparently taken for granted as a heritage trope by leftist media … rarely mentioned though many convictions achieved – as in Leeds recently…