I thought it might be an idea to put a separate thread up for venting during the footy cup – and we can include ITV in the coming bias.
I calculate that the thread will be open until Eng er land get knocked out / win the Cup .
I respectfully ask that we concentrate comment on biased coverage as opposed to to footy itself but I know how it gets . …
I’m first unlike England will be!
My appetite for the world cup has diminished since I learned Raheem mutton chops Sterling has turned down a pay offer at man city. He already receives £175,000 per week but wants parity with the club’s top earners who receive about £300,000.
I can only assume if he learned to shoot properly he’d be asking for £500,000 a week.
Sterling has a massive 38 appearances for England, and has scored a magnificent 2 goals in that time. One against Lithuania and one against Estonia. It is a total mystery why he is on the squad, especially after he missed so many open goals this year playing for his cub.
Will repeat my post from the other week:-
“I am looking forward to the World Cup. I’m 44 so my first real WC was in ’86 and then ’90. Had the sticker albums and all the build-up and matches were just about one single thing….the football. Just football!! If England were crap (see Euro ’88) I’m critiquing the team. Nothing to do with the make-up of the team, if they are crap I will say so, and did with my friends. Now in 2018, well forget the football, that does not matter. Only thing that is important is evil racism and homophobia. And that Russia has a large population of the hideous white people. Even Talksport is at it, had Darren Lewis (Mirror) on the evening Sportsbar show to tell us white people how horrid we all are. Correct me if I’m wrong, but a large contingent of the England team are non-white? Yet still we are a nasty racist people even though I will be cheering them on”
But of course will be watching the football.
And indeed the virtue signalling. Hate the gambling adverts all the time, but when it comes to the virtue signalling score between BBC/ITV I bet:-
BBC 67% ITV 33%
Gary Lineker. I rest my case.
Can I place Gary Lineker in a case and post it to you??
You’d need to fold his ears first.
Could use these to flatten them.
Might flatten his head too, and would reduce the postage cost.
the bBC are doing re-runs back to the 70’s to reflect on the distant achievement when Scotland actually qualified for a world cup……….
Interestingly neither them nor the scottish media are pointing out the fact that we have qualified for hee haw under this dark period of snp rule.
I recall in 1978 our first opponents ,Peru, were described as old and particularly small men……….Peru 3 Scotland 1`
Here’s hoping England do well and fly the flag for the UK as a whole. Vindaloooooooooo oo oo
I still carry the scars from that game!
Am I fifth?
Lunchbreak at school?
So I don`t need to rely on others to get so exalted a place at the top table here?
Only wanted to commend one of Corbyns goons who grew a big pair in my estimation this morning.
She resigned from the Paperchase Commissariat this morning over Brexit.
Nick Robinson was enraged, as you`ll heat at 8.35 this morning on his Moscow Toe Suck.
She only had the nerve to vote against her supine lefty labour creeps last night.
She has some vague idea that-seeing as her constituents voted to leave-then she is honour bound to back them.
How very dare she?
Her name is Laura Smith, and she was great.
That Robinson revealed ALL that the BBC are in his line of questioning, abuse and interruptions was a joy to hear.
He is Labour BBC personnified. This Labour munchkin is now a heroine of the Order of Brexit, and I will raise a Prosecco, Thatchers cider mix cocktail to her precious name tonight. In Tims pub. And my back to the footy.
Have a listen.
To hear Robinsons agenda -from Moscow no less-with no excuse to be there, unelected, entitled and an utter scunbugger-howling down some ex primary teacher for simply doing what her votes wanted(as opposed to what Starmer and Robinson of the Beeb want) was MY education for the day. Pity I`ve got to teach crap at school, Laura is all I`m needing today.
A redeemable Corbynista-who knew? Love you Laura!
And keep sucking those toes Robinson, you sour coot!
World cup? Is that some sort of universal bra size?
Today’s the day when the fixture lists are produced. Also the day when Manchester United take bookings for all matches to the end of the season. Of course you get in the queue and wait until the touts have got their load for making huge profits from visitors from abroad.
Their system is total crap, you spend hours and still cannot get two seats together for any match despite paying two memberships a few weeks ago. It’s always a battle, even worse than trying to tickets for the Proms and the Globe (which are very bad).
However, this year has been impossible – I’ve been queuing since before 10:00. After three hours I finally got a screen to use, took me ages to find any remaining seats. Selected single sets for a couple of matches (sorry Mrs Demon) then found a third where our seats were on rows behind one-another but a few apart and went to pay as they only allow five minutes to complete purchase, and I was kicked out to the hamster wheel with the over-60 minutes wait message again. So I’m still waiting.
The phones are worse. I’m practically spitting blood on this.
Luvaduck, don`t they give us ANY respite from football? I`d have thought that the fixtures could have waited for a while.
I`m a United “fan”-come from Old Trafford itself, yet am always happy to help out the southern softie “reds” who block up our hotels up there whenever we choose to bore the nation under Mourinho and his Mogadon men. We could have had Pep!
Thanks for nothing Fergie, you cabbage!
Between a stroke and death…do we call that ” Fergie time” these days?
Bet the minutes applause types have now got red hands from clapping ever since the Champagne Ruddy nosed hypocrite had his brain fade.
I want Moyes back-so I need never care about United again.
Personally we should only play teams as far north as Preston and save the airmiles, and carbon footprint, no floodlights either. Why don`t the Greens fuss over this ludicrous waste of energy?
As some of you know I am on the gambling side of the football
business. So I may give you one or two tips until they all
start losing. Russia to win 2-0 today.
I have been thinking with all the football on BBC TV for
the next month, instead of having the replays at half-time and
all the bollocks spoken by the pundites. Do you think in
all fairness to Big Brother and the Diversity Dept we should
have some 15 minute programmes on Grenfell , The Suffragettes.
The failure of the Singapore Summit according to the BBC.Why the
” Remain” camp are right,according to the BBC. Why Israel has been
scoring own goals for 70 years according to the BBC. Yes that would be topical.
Orla Guerin and Jeremy Bowen would be the perfect pundits for that.
Or even maybe a feature on how Tommy Robinson was banged
up? Now that really would be diverse!
Well, that was the shortest tipster run in history..
OK we will give you another chance or two
I was going to answer earlier and say more like 4 or 5 Nill
Anyway don’t those kind of bets offer even worse value than the standard W/ L / D ones.
The Guardian reports that Peter Tatchell has been arrested in Moscow for an “illegal protest”.
It occurs to me that Russia is one of the few European countries that would see Peter Tatchell as a greater irritant than Tommy Robinson.
I’ll bet his arrest gets more coverage on BBC, as well
Hasn’t bent Peter being arrested in Russia before.
Didn’t some pro Tommy Robinson speakers get refused entry to UK a while ago.
But evil Russia lets people in who are likely to protest??
Are we the baddies…
Bent Peter, I thought it was that Dutch bloke at first, who helps St Nicholas out at Christmas, Eddy
I have been known in the past to watch all three games ( if time zones and shifts allow ) . I have always found the colour green very calming for my nerves when supporting one side . Today I think I will support the ref and will wonder which side gave him the biggest bung … perhaps toady can do an in depth investigation – but I fear al beeb journo skills went a long time ago – eh Robinson ?
Fedup2- As part of my job I have been thinking about the
possibility of the match being corrupt. I reckon that the Saudis
could outbid Russia for “favours” from the officials. But with VAR
it’s going to be a little bit more difficult than 2002 when
Byron Moreno was “influential” in the South Korea-Italy match.
A short while after the World Cup Moreno finished up in a
USA gaol for five years for drug smuggling.
Russia are the second worse side after Panama. So it could be
some upset stomachs or WORSE for the Saudis. Does novichok
prevent you from taking goal kicks or corners?
Gone for the Russia 2 nil at 5:1 as suggested
The guardian reminded us how the Russians got the World Cup by corruption in an article today – it will great if the bent Caribbean fifa bloke gets extradited to America to wear chains and a boiler suit in a fed prison …
As part of your job, have you considered that England may not have taken their strongest team.
I love to mock the kick racism out of football campaign, by looking at how 100% hideously white the England squads wives and girlfriends always are.
I’m not suggesting the players are racists- it could just have been an improbable coincidence.
This year is different, there are several non white ladies.
I’m thinking the FA has included players, not on merit, but on the basis they have ethnic minority wags.
In fact I’m convinced.
And predict we are going to get an even worse pasting than usual!
Don’t any of you realise why soccer exists?
It is a team game for people who don’t have fourteen real (non-internet) friends – and so cannot form a Rugby Union team
You know, if only the rugger buggers hadn’t clung to shamateurism for so long, then more people might actually be interested in the game. Also then they wouldn’t be so consumed with envy at the wealth and success of football.
Will the BBC support the English team?
They will support all “European” teams. By which they mean the ones from the EU prison, certainly not Russia.
I don’t think Pakistan qualified, so it’s possible, the “civil”war in Yemen didn’t seem to affect their players deegee.
The World Cup should really be called the ‘English Premiership Audition’.
Ha! Putin’s boys thrashed Saudi Arabia. Bad day for the BBC and Number 10…
5 nil ehh
has the beeb launched an investigation into the referees contacts with putin yet
Quick look at the BBC Sports website football live updates…
Owais Iqbal: re Saudi Arabia team fasting: it’s permissable to not fast if you’re traveling for more than 57.5 miles from your home and are staying for less than 15 days
BBC News Africa is asking who would make it into your “all time” African World Cup team?
I’ve seen a few tweets point out that it was Ramadan and Saudi Arabia players were fasting. I’ve found some articles, but nothing definitive, to suggest they have broken their fast intermittently in the build-up to the tournament.
So lots of “football” and no pushing of the usual BBC agenda I see!
Tabs did that mean that the Saudi guys got a papal dispensation thingy ? Is that why played like. A mid table championship team ?
Ramalama-ding-dong and fasting.
Presumably a BBC fixation as they see it as an established part of our culture.
Oh dear, part of me wishes for Islam to get a real hold on this country in time for me to witness the traumatic waking up moments of the open borders, multiculti morons at the BBC.
Just got in, only saw first few minutes of the game. Must say I liked what I saw-two teams attacking and evenly matched.
Guessing that the score flattered the Russians, thought that Saudis played well at the start.
Was surprised that the Saudi flag was laid on the ground at the start…or is that an optical trick?
The Saudi flag has the shahada on it, could be trouble to militant Islamic types I`d have thought.
But they did themselves credit-like Israel, they`re all shades which is a good sign maybe?
Good start, God knows what they made of those poppets gyrating around Robbie Williams. I`m with the Saudis on this one.
Good game though, the bit I saw, promising start.
And the Saudis chose to wear Islamic Green and not bloody Grenfell green too. The BBC might say otherwise, knowing what liars they are.
Missed the game, saw the highlights – only the goals.
Just from those goals it seemed the Saudis were outplayed.
Well, I’m happy with the result since I despise Russia slightly less than Saudi Arabia.
Always enjoyed the odd game especially when the national team are strutting their stuff. Trouble is, I always become transfixed by the layout of the halfway line and it’s varying relationship with the centre circle and how this corresponds with the centre spot and how the the overall pattern of the mown grass impacts the centre field.
Don’t ave much choice – this is where England spend 90% of their bloody time!
I could never work out why all those fine players fold when they’re playing for England. Can’t they pretend it’s WWII or something?
i have a theory its fear past on from team to team.
how that’s possible I don’t know , but i can’t think of no better reason
Eddy Booth,
Well, I hope England can break the spell this time around.
What’s the matter with you people of England?
You cannot fly the flag of England on the Royal Mail vans in England.
Have you become a bunch of wimps?
Just look at the flag waving here …………………..
The Royal Mail will be removing The Crown from their badge next.
You are run by Snowflakes.
taffman, that’s the thing: it’s the snowflake leaders, not the people.
Great idea to post this thread. I thought I’d try to bring BBC bias into this comment with some speculation:
We all know the BBC will be deeply unhappy with any goal England scores but what about other teams? Was the BBC hoping that the anti-American Russians would beat the terrorist-supporting Saudis?
Or perhaps Islam trumps all non-Islamic teams? What about Shia vs Sunni? What about Iran vs Morocco?
At the end the bbc has told folk to share this post.
So I have. It is funny.
This is the World Cup Thread
This is not really that important.
“I respectfully ask that we concentrate comment on biased coverage as opposed to to footy itself but I know how it gets . …”
Well, what else would one expect?
This is the World Cup Thread
Wonder why BBC doesn’t mention exactly what charities benefit…
Bet Paul Mason already has his. And Jasmine Lawrence. Lord Tony of course….
This is pretty special stuff even for a bbc employee.
Wasn’t this the World Cup bias thread at one point?
Until packed with posts about neither the World Cup or bbc bias.
Grumbler – that was the plan but let’s face it – easy to get emotional – and the bill shankley ( rip) line about footy being more important than life and death will always apply .
This may seem petty but I’ve no doubt that the bBbc are doing it intentionally.
Have you noticed that the shortened version of the bBbc World Cup coverage ident starts with an Egyptian, Mo Salah, given prominence as he raises his fingers to point towards Allah? Why?
It then, I think, goes to caricatures of the Spaniard Iniesta, Portuguese Ronaldo, and the England captain, Harry Kane. This being the bBbc however they can’t even put Kane in the centre of the trio, instead placing Iniesta front and centre, making him the focal point. Again, why?
Ronaldo, World Player of the Year, might warrant that position as it’s beamed across Britain. Perhaps even the German captain as they, not Spain, are the defending World champions, could be shown holding the trophy.
Surely however the captain of England, the only competing home nation, the country that the bBbc should be getting behind, the team that the vast majority of it’s viewers, despite their best efforts, will be supporting should be the figurehead for their coverage. They should be promoting and encouraging the English team at every opportunity, to hell with other nations, surely they want England to succeed, to try to win?
There are all sorts of reasons why the bBbc do this sort of thing; subliminal virtue signalling, attempting to replace their abandoning indigenous audience with the newly arriving Muslim hordes, an attempt to appear relevant and edgy, to show we’re all European first not English, and more. The crux of the matter is though that the bBbc dislikes Britain and the British, especially any representation of traditional Englishness, and are constantly and perniciously engaged in actively undermining even the most simple and accepted means of celebrating English national identity.
Some may say that I’m reading too much into a 5 second cartoon. I don’t think I am. The bBbc are truly, truly pathetic.
I don’t see that as petty . I think part of the problem is that the beeboids are trying to impress other beeboids with their ability to push the multicultural message into every thing and there is no one sane enough to say ‘ youve Gone to far’ bit like those idents they run with groups show its better as a collective than as an individual .
There is no doubt that Mohammed salah is a truly gifted player – he reminds me so much of George best – but al beeb fails by trying to badge him as the virtuous immigrate . Just makes al beeb embarrassing
Good post, Rich. You have really put your finger on it.
I’m working and have the BBC coverage of Egypt v Uruguay playing minimised on iPlayer.
Understandably, the commentators, when I joined the programme as the players were in the tunnel, were discussing Mo Salah’s absence and how it might affect the Egypt team, their game plan and so on.
However, I have lost count of the number of times a player who isn’t even on the pitch is mentioned. I didn’t quite catch exactly what was said at one point but something like “Not how Mo Salah would have played it”.
Having said that, I’d prefer Egypt over Uruguay for the simple and petty reason that I don’t like bitey Suárez.
You are not reading too much into the cartoon – it’s part of the agenda to gradually erase everything English.
Cultural Marxism rules at the BBC.
Of course they cannot cover the Egypt vs Uruguay game without shoehorning in a segment about how great fasting is, interviewing a friendly imam from Liverpool. Apparently fasting can have a positive ‘bounce’ effect.
Not eating or drinking is obviously ideal for optimum sporting performance; these teams of highly paid nutritionists at Premier League clubs just tell players to eat and drink nothing. It would explain why Saudi Arabia were so dreadful yesterday, especially in the last half hour as their energy levels dropped. Yeah fasting really helps athletes. 2 + 2 = 5-0
I don’t profess to be an expert but I’m sure I heard somewhere that according to the Koran there’s no compulsion to fast anyway. Something about not fasting but donating to charity an amount of money commensurate with that needed to feed another person. But don’t quote me on that, maybe it was aimed at the young and old.
Whatever, I’m looking forward to a full dissertation from the BBC about Lent next spring when whatever sporting event is taking place. Not holding my breath mind.
Sitting here south of Tel Aviv I figured I’d watch Uruguay vs Egypt on Israeli TV with the sound off and get commentary in my mother tongue via Radio 5. Then, so my thinking went, I could at the same time pick up on any bias from the commentators.
Alas, it turned out that the 5 commentary was about 30 seconds behind* the broadcast on Israel TV, so it was obviously impossible to listen to it. 5 did mention that the World Service Africa region was broadcasting the match but Google couldn’t find it for me so I settled down to enjoy what turned out to be an unexciting game.
*So they should have called it ‘5 almost live’.
So now there is a Sunni (Morocco) vs Shia (Iran) battle looming.
Iran has committed barbaric terrorist attacks against Israelis abroad, arms and trains Hezbollah terrorists against Israel and is committed to the country’s destruction, while Morocco appears not to be actively hostile against the Jewish state.
So I guess the BBC will be backing Iran.
This is not bias, just incompetence. Watching ITV coverage of Morocco v Iran, and there are three experts on the panel. Ryan Giggs ( Welsh manager), the current Fulham manager, Slaviša Jokanović, and a female called Eniola Aluka. Anyway, during half time, the female gets asked a question, as a member of the panel, along the lines of ‘ What would you do to increase the chances of Morocco/Iran scoring? ‘ The answer was ‘ during the break, I asked these two, as they are coaches ( referring to Mr Giggs and Mr Jokanović) what they would do, and they both said they would mix the midfield up to get more ball to the forwards’. And that was it. By the way, the FA paid £80,000 to shut her up. ITV should demand their money back.
Funny thing with radio 5. I was able to listen to their commentary, or at least it was available throughout the Uruguay – Egypt match. But when I tried to get it during the Morocco – Iran match, they wouldn’t talk to me due to copyright.
Seems a bit odd to put copyright on a radio broadcast of a football game.
The game started off in a promising fashion but deteriorated in the 2nd half with all the fouls. But that Moroccan own goal was really spectacular. He’ll have to become a Shia now.
The Iranians are lucky they won. If they’d lost they probably would have all been executed back in Iran
Since Spain was once Muslim and they are trying to draw it into the Caliphate again, I guess the BBC won’t be backing Portugal.
“I respectfully ask that we concentrate comment on biased coverage ”
How about this bit of news out of the BBBC:
I guess you think you’re hilarious spamming the World Cup thread with off topic stuff.
Dunno how many of my esteemed colleagues watched the Iran – Morocco game. There was this solid wall of sound throughout the game. I thought at first there was something wrong with the TV reception. It was like thousands of people playing one note on harmonicas in one key. Reminded me of the vuzevelas, or whatever they called them, at the SA world Cup in 2010. Takes a lot of the pleasure out of watching a game.
Perhaps they were praying or chanting at the Iran game. Whatever it was, it drowned out natural sounds like the crowd getting excited at a shot at goal.
I missed it because I was at 35 thousand feet over spain so missed out on the Sunni Shia game as some people realise that the factions of the rop leave simple tribal hatred between Roman Catholics and Protestants in the shade ( speaking as a practicing member of the Rc church – but hopefully not tribal ) . I sometimes wish the New Testament gave some direction about footy but wasn’t to be
If you were 35 thousand feet up I hope you were in a plane or something similar.
That wall of sound at the Iran – Morocco game was probably a Shia wall. I say that because of the cosy relationship between Russia and Iran, for example in Syria. The sound could have been designed to bludgeon Morocco into submission. The team certainly faltered during the second half.
World Cup inspired politics cartoon this week:
Switched on the BBC after the kick-off to avoid Lineker. Thought the ‘red button’ would help, but had to listen to 5dead and watch empty build up footage, and even worse the 5dead “news”. Not sure which is worse…but ..yes Lineker is far worse.
But see ITV have gone 1-0 up in the virtue signalling – Eniola Aluko. Yep she played the racist card and just look at her now….shocked the BBC did not sign her up.
The Spain/Portugal match was brilliant. Hard to see a better game happening throughout the tournament. And yes credit to Ronaldo, had a great game and superb freekick. Over to Lionel Messi…but great to see such players as Ronaldo and Messi
Ah its BBC 1-1 ITV. There is a ethnic women on the BBC as a so called ‘expert’
My dog has more knowledge of football….
Cannot get away from it. Turned over at half time in one game as the BBC were interviewing Raheem Sterling who in not one of my favourites, it was Gardener’s World at a flower show. There was a marquee full of white, middle aged British people and one black lady. The lady was one of the BBC’s presenters. What does she think when she looks around and sees her audience ? Tokenism at it’s finest.
I agree 100%. So often in the Cup the early games are the best and the quarter finals on are often tight, unwatchable affairs with players scared of making the mistake that will cost their team the game. Spain – Portugal was fine entertainment.
Just watched the first half of Australia – France. Disapointed in the Aussies. They started fouling from the kick off and who knows whether they’ll stop.
Australia are without Steve Smith and his balls…
Does anyone know why TV presenters are so smug these days? I remember when I started watching TV in the 1980s as a young child most of the presenters were fairly down-to-earth and modest, and you often ended up regarding them as honorary friends even if you’d never met them. I don’t feel like that with any of the presenters these days.
Yes I remember Des Lynam, Jim Rosenthal, Brian Moore and David Coleman.
Now all we have are the diversity tick box crowd. And the BBC sure love ticking those boxes.
I can’t really stand Mark Lawrenson and Danny Murphy. Whining, cynical, bumptious, deeply unpleasant miserygutses the both of them. I don’t know how the commentators can bear being in their presence.
Am I hallucinating or is the Iceland team made up of mostly if not all ethnic Icelanders? The players surnames look to be all Icelandic. How wonderfully un-multicultural!
It is illegal in Iceland to have a non Icelandic name- it must be passed by the Icelandic Naming Committee.
Not many Mohammedssons or Ahmeddottirs then?
Shockingly un-PC of them. Must be hell on earth for the bbc to report on. The Icelanders will need to start importing.
Then eventually, they’ll look like the French team.
Hmmm, I think I stumbled on something really unusual – a BBC article with no evidence of bias. The reporting on the Iceland vs Argentina game was fine. It even mentioned Israel without bringing up the Palestinians, believe it or not.
Only quibble I had was the description of the Icelanders as “debutants.” Google asked me if I was sure I didn’t mean ‘debutante’ – i.e. a young woman making her first entry into society. It was quite funny to visualize those beefy Icelanders in such a light.
Well, I’m sure the writer simply meant they were making their debut in the competition.
Now I’m going to watch Croatia play Nigeria.
I am unsure where this post should go but some of my younger relations who are arch Remainers are also footy fans and are keen for the English team to do well. I asked them how the reconciled their patriotic support of the NATIONAL football team with their Remainiacs views of an institution determined to do away with the nation state? Incomprehension. And it’s we Leavers who are supposed to be too thick to think things through!
The incomprehension could be because they really cannot see that the EU strips the sovereignty from member states and that remote, unaccountable government is always a bad thing.
But I agree, they should be consistent like the BBC – deeply in love with the EU while despising Britain.
And the Nigerian team look to be all Nigerians. I could only spot one Arab-looking fellow & one Muslim name among them. Good luck to them. Heaven knows they have enough serious trouble with Islam in their home nation.
The Croatians were er………Croatian. Is it only Western Europe has this bizarre obsession with “diversity” ?
Yes Lucy, It appears it is only white Western nation states who must have ‘diversity’ thrust upon them. Where do we hear of Japan being ‘hideously’ Japanese ? Black nations being hideously black ? China being hideously Chinese ? Or even islamic nations being hideously islamic ? Even though the latter would appear to be causing the majority of problems throughout the world ! ‘Diversity’ appears to be code for anti-white.
Well, both Costa Rica and Serbia both appear to be lacking somewhat in diversity of shade. I look forward to the disapproving article from the BBC. These countries must be oppressing their minorities, or not taking in their fair share of illegal immigrants.
It doesnt appear that the German team is playing in Stalingrad this tournament – probably for the best since they have a bit of a bad record there ( sorry that one wasn’t al beeb bias related but had to be said).
Just watched Phil Neville being interviewed pitch side by a female interviewer – Alex Scott (?). At the start of the interview the introductory captions come up showing that she won 140 caps playing for England and in comparison Phil Neville got 65 caps. When did this start, if I get interviewed will they include my Ribena swimming certificate ? In my opinion they are equating playing ladies football against chubby little lesbians with the pinnacle of men’s sport.
Phil Nevile though Richard?
Hardly a great, might have struggled against chubby lesbians. Saw him mess up a few times against Fulham, pretty much the same thing.
We should have taken his sister, and made Phil our main cone to drivel around.
Can we swap Mou for Pep on eBay, pretty sure we got sent the wrong one?
I got a real problem with Wimmin being pundits on men’s footy – they have no more experience of it than someone watching on the tv .
But then again the quality of all the pundits is a bit shaky – no managers – apart from Neville . So I’ve given up of the studio stuff and just catch the games.
Yeah – before any one like maxi screams at me at 3 in the morning – I am a sexist because I think men and Wimmin are different and hopefully always will be .
Will al beeb be screaming for a girl manager when our brave millionaire boys fail again ?
Anyone see the Germany – Mexico match last night? I won’t reveal the result in case someone has recorded it and has yet to watch it.
(Murphy’s Law seems to single out those who are trying desperately not to learn the result of a game they’ve recorded for later viewing.)
What I will say is Mexico were just so much more entertaining to watch than the plodding, unimaginative Germans – who win their games mostly by advancing on the enemy like group of Panzers.
I imagine, though, that the BBC would support Germany, as one of the prime movers behind the autocratic EU and the Islamic invasion of Europe. However, the BBC would also appreciate the leading role Mexico plays in the attempt by central Americans to colonise the US.
Had a quick look a BBC article on the match and could not find any bias.
Message to the England supporters. You will be on TV and the world will be watching.
So let us hear the Tommy Robinson song, loud and clear and often.
The BBC will block it but the rest of the world will probably have presenters who will explain what the song is about.
So come on guys, loud and clear. Show that bag in Number 10 what you can do.
The bbc probably have a fake soundtrack taken from previous tournaments to hide any Tommy chants. Wouldn’t put it past them.
Breaking news, just saw the BBC news headline clips and at least 5 white men with England shirts and flags. BBC standards are slipping. Where is Baroness Nugee??
Harry Fookin Kane what a lovely cockney boy