I thought it might be an idea to put a separate thread up for venting during the footy cup – and we can include ITV in the coming bias.
I calculate that the thread will be open until Eng er land get knocked out / win the Cup .
I respectfully ask that we concentrate comment on biased coverage as opposed to to footy itself but I know how it gets . …
Finally England start sending them home!
Is it waycist not to let them win?
Woo Hoo!
Only just!!! But even the ArchWanker Lineker was happy to see a white man score twice. The backroom staff at BBC HQ must hate having to show Kane’s goals instead of some refugee coming of a boat and scoring the winner.
I’m all for positivity, even a bit of flag-waving patriotism, (GAWA), but it seems I’ve just watched a different England team play than the one that Lineker and the boys watched.
They were poor, really poor, glad they won, but ffs be honest.
Nb, 4 in the studio, 2 pitchside, and 2 commentating. How many front of house staff have the bBbc got in Russia, why do they need so many? Gabby Logan and Jermaine Jenas contributed nothing to the overall coverage at all.
Wiki page for the ref was briefly changed to ‘World Cup referee and wrestling fan’. 😉
Wot’s going on in the VAR room?
I think it was a German for the England game, Lucy.
Might explain things.
Don’t know if al beeb is covering but apparent that famous footy pundit and al beeboid sir st simon sharma had a bit of a spat on the Twitter with Alan shearer about the English style of footy . This led to mr shearer having to remind Sir sharma about which one of them had actually played footy as well S being England captain . Sharma really slime and even worse of course – a smug remainer .
I’m watching the games on the internet, usually in Spanish.
I don’t understand a word, but it saves me listening the those dour, gloomy gits and endless statistics about the players etc
Gloomy Gits? In the multi gender world of the BBC you should at least add gitesses . The shouty one and the one that keeps asking exactly the same questions to all the players she interviews.
Al-Beeb, manufacturing Muslim victims 24/7
World Cup 2018: “Kane breaks Tunisian hearts”
So which hideously mono raced team is going to knock England out of the World Cup?
What could go wrong with our vibrant, diverse, multi-racially enriched, bed wetting team.
Maybe Japan or Poland.
Either would be richly satisfying.
For Poland it would be a double, after unloading all their Tyskie
drinking chavs on us .
I guess it’s inevitable that England will come up against the Russians and a ‘ bought’ referee who only sees the fouls by English players .
I used to buy Tyskie when it was brewed in Poland.
Now it’s one of those EU brews or from the Great Brewery in Northampton that seems to produce most of the beer in the world. Do they just stick different labels on?
OK nothing to do with BBBC, but maybe with football.
Just hope there is enough CO2 for it D, and to think, there’s supposed to be too much of the stuff in the atmosphere!
Unfortunate that it looks as those al beebs favourite Mohammed is going home at the end of the week after Egypt has been taken apart by the Russians .
I suppose they’ll transfer their allegiance to some other African nation like Senegal or similar .
i was glad putin bribed the ref again im f*in fed up hearing about mo salah
ballon dor ronaldos still gonna take some catching for me… if not the beeb
I don’t think Senegal looked diverse enough for the BBC, oh..wait..
RE: Mo Salah’s departure
Awe, no more lingering close-ups of him bowing to
SatanAllah on the pitch?Plenty more Muslim footballers for the cameras to focus on as they pray though.
I’m rooting for Russia cos it’s going to be hilarious if they win the tournament – the big bad hacking bogeyman of the world.
I tried to rate Mo Salad on the BBC player thingy & when I put zero in a message popped up saying ‘Racist’ & the number changed to 9.
Just had a second response from the government that it is going to ignore the HoL petition, because it has other priorities. Ms May will, apparently take it easy over shoving more failed/retired politicians into the Lords. (Presumably they will try to avoid going over 1000.)
Meanwhile the unelected Lords keep ‘defeating’ the government (as the BBC puts it) over Brexit, and get up to all sorts of mischief; witness Lord Vague, trying to make a name for himself and virtue signal frantically.
The entire system is rigged to keep the people in their places, along with bread and circuses. And the unacceptable response, twice now, fails to reply properly in detail, and merely says ‘we’re too busy; go away’.
Whet we need now is a further petition to make it clear that we will not be fobbed off. The wording should make all those stuffed shirts sit up and take notice.
Apologies. This shouldn’t have gone on the World Cup thread! Difficult to wake up before noon…
And, since I’ve just realised where I am, I’m going to have my say: if the commentators said one more time, during the Russia-Egypt match, that ‘Mo wasn’t himself’, I’d have switched off. I think they must have prattled on about that on a dozen occasions. But I wanted to see Russia win and I did.
Football and sadly it’s on the BBC. Woman commentator following every page of ‘Commentating for Dummies” even when she tries a bit of banter it is still in her commentating style voice. Like in a supermarket when you hear the ‘Supervisor to check-out two’ call.
Thought I’d go to the red button & select radio commentary from 5 Live..guess what ..yes, no alternative available – You WILL listen to the woman. Err, no …click!
I logged on to make the same observation as you, her monotone mutterings are awful, but luckily enough for me the 5 live female free commentary is working.
Losing Martin Keown at the press of the same button is an added bonus.
I wonder how many terrorist flags we will see among the Iranian fans tonight?
It’s not the flag, Lucy, it’s the intent.
Ask Sadiq.
World Cup: Japan fans impress by cleaning up stadium http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-44492611
Excellent! And it’s their culture! I think it needs a bit of diversifying tho….
Best bit of this article, Al Beeb say “in fact Senegal fans have been seen doing this too’ lol!
Noticed the BBC had their own ‘crowd cam’ picking out headscarves in the Saudi Arabia pen. Probably their own staff.
Noticed the same last night with the Egypt game. There was a glimpse early on in the game followed by a lingering head shot of what appeared to be a mother and daughter.
Also thought that the seating arrangements wasn’t as relaxed, not many men and women together as it was at other North African games. I never saw any modestly dressed woman at the Morocco-Iran match but some were found for the game against Portugal.
Mother and daughter?
Probably Wife 1 and Wife 2.
My bad, Rich 🙂
Further to my own comment about terrorist flags among the Iranian fans, I did not see any. I’m pleased to say I saw not even one Palestinian flag. There were more during the Egypt match. I also noticed quite a number of beautiful women free of headbags. I only spotted one hijab the whole match.
I wonder if they have to slip the the oppressive black niqab on upon returning to Iran. I also wonder how many of them are expat Persians living abroad.
There were also a lack of players bowing to Allah on the pitch.
How refreshing.
Don’t cry for me Argentina ….
Half time during Argentina v Croatia they had 2 England players at press conference and they showed 3 England fans celebrating the goal against Tunisia.
I can’t even be bothered to write about bias against whites fill the rest in yourselves it’s disgusting.
Did me good to see those lanky, speedy Senegalese teach the Poles how to play the game.
Senegal plays Japan next. Should be interesting watching those tough little Japs compete against players twice as tall as them.
Dunno if any of my esteemed colleagues here have thought about Russia being in such an easy group, aside from Uruguay, which can be tough.
Guess the Russians had their hands on the scale when the groups were chosen. Also, it cannot be a coincidence that they opened the tournament against the Saudis, arguably the weakest team in the Cup – and during Ramadan, to boot. (Excuse the pun.)
I doubt the BBC had or will have anything to say about that.
World Cup 2018: Gareth Southgate ‘didn’t particularly like’ England performance against Panama
6-1 win and miserable git BBC find a way to cast a negative spin on it.
Don’t care what Garaf nor the BBC have to say. I’m over the moon Trevor, over the moon!
My flag waving. You’re not laughing now 😉
Just noticed one of Nigel’s relatives , Al Faraj, scored the winning penalty for Saudi Arabia.
Typed the word “Biased” into the search engine to get here. Only to have some of the liberal press around the country being cheesed off with Danny Murphy being “biased towards England”.
Won`t dignify it with clickbait trending responses re their whipped up souffle of a “talking point”.
But do wonder if its the media or Yahoo etc that run up this crap for us by way of options to read.
1, I`m a United fan, but do know Murphy played for England. So is perfectly entitled to speak of “WE”-HIS former team.
2, If he played for England, he`ll be English, so -like us-he can say this freely, on behalf of the rest of us.
3. If the Scots etc and their SNP/Plaid and Sinn Fein England baiters would spend a bit more time on the pitch in practice, and less time trolling ex-England players from who they might learn something(always a first time!)? The maybe they could swallow their lardy Mars Bars and firelighters/Semtex salads and get behind our bhoys!
Imagine there`s already a Nugee petition to get him fired, these are bitter people.
Murphys Law takes on anew meaning-refer to England as “WE”-and watch the bitter vicious, time rich leftward ho`s go off on an epi.
World champions Spain (2010) must be the most boring team in the Cup because of their obsession with possession. I suppose it’s an effective tactic because as long as you can hold onto the ball the less chance there is of your opponent scoring. And of course it can wear the other players down as they run around trying to regain possession from the experts.
Apart from boring spectators and viewers half to death, Spain’s tactic of passing the ball back and forth (sometimes it seems more back than forth, so to speak) seems to lull the opposition into a feeling of security until, like a giant crab moving slowly back and forward along the field, Spain passes its way into the goal mouth and past the goalie to score.
At one point during the match against Morocco, a stat popped up showing that Spain had 73% possession to Morocco’s 27%. However, the game was much more interesting and exciting than the usual game involving Spain as Morocco gave it everything they had to grab some glory before they went home, obliging Spain to get moving.
Aside from the risk of being bored half to death at the Cup (Spain of course is not the only team with a boring style of play, though it’s the master) there’s the prospect of being utterly disgusted by the frequency of vicious fouls and the apparent inability of the refs to kick the offenders off the field. In practically every game, I’ve seen tactics that resembling street fighting rather than football. Fouls that would have resulted in an immediate red card in decades past now often only result in a caution.
I apologise that this comment has nothing to do with BBC bias. I’m interested in feedback on these thoughts from my esteemed colleagues here.
I find now that when I googled “Biased BBC” in, I got the “Wantage Guardian” moaning about Danny Murphy.
I`d expect the toxikjox under Sturgeons writ to do this-it`s what they do.
I`d expect the liberal broadshits to do it too. Pack ponces and pansies that hey are, loathing England as they do.
But where does the “Wantage Guardian” get off on this non-story?
My thinking is that if you virtue signal for Zuckerbergs minions as Wantage just did-then you`ll get to the top of the clickbait chain, and people might go to your sad little rag. Cheap advertising, promotion and a screengrab of your organ on the Guardians lap. Regional lapdog award.
PS TooTrue, I watched Mourinhos mogodon men last season, so even Iniesta cutting his toenails is more exciting that that.
Thank God (if there is a God) for games like Mexico vs Germany a while back and Spain vs Morocco yesterday. They make one forget how tedious football can be much of the time.
Every two years I pray, cast spells and stick pins in dolls so that a certain nameless country will not win the tournament…but they usually do 🙁
Today I’m overjoyed to see them knocked out 🙂
So many boring pundits. Zabaleta, Drogba, etc.. The last interesting panel was the ITV one in 1970 – Clough, Allison, Dougan and Crerand.
Imagine Germany will now be seeking further harmonisation in the football now.
Maybe a German EU hybrid of a team-Germans to pay for it all, a few exotic Mediterraneans to add gaiety and colour, spicy snacks and so on.
Clearly all and any number of Muslims will be free to come and play, kill a few players as needed.
All via Germanys players entrance tunnel(oo er!)
Auf wiedersehen pet,
couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of immigrant importers!
“Don’t mention ze Var” is the wittiest comment I’ve seen about the German football catastrophe.
Hopefully this thread is open again – come on Engerland …
Thanks Fedup2 for the prompt action.
Spain’s tactic of boring the opposition (and the spectators) half to death with endless passing of the ball back and forth has backfired. I could have (and should have) cat napped throughout that match. Wouldn’t have missed much. I’m no fan of the Russians, as they play an ordinary, unspectacular game, but happy to see the back of Spain.
The west needs to immediately impose massive economic and geo political sanctions on Russia. So much so that the country will be on the brink of economic collapse and the fall of the Putin regime and the subsequent collapse of the Russian economy. Then all those super fit attractive Russian women will be begging old men like me to ask them to move over here (only if they have a actual invite from single male) but must stop with there invitee for 2 years or face deportation…..we can also look at relaxing immigration rules for females (size ten max) from the Russian federation…..im sure I can also get a converted trawler to patrol the Baltic.. …
Telling how the average to poor Brit has become fantastically less well off relative to other countries, as globalism has taken hold
First they came for the cheap holidays in Spain
then Greece became expensive
next Thailand and its neighbours went from dirt cheap to just cheap compared to here, same with East Europe –
Don’t even think about a long holiday in Australia,
or even a weekend,,,
Never mind at least I can visit the seaside in Britain,
if i can afford the train fare and put up with:
sealed in widows and doors/ constant announcements to stop any real thinking / CCTV cameras filming every move ( how long before sound too )/ pompous VIP guard with chest camera,,,
long gone are the days when you could have a pleasant ride and stick your head out of the window,
Qatar 2022?
we will probably have a hundred fans there,
Last week the Guardian had two pieces that were derogatory about the Euro. One headlined: The Italians Cannot Blame Germany for its Problems, which the piece actually did! A second one saying how Germany has to leave the Euro to give the other countries a chance to grow their economies.
Now the Observer today has a few articles one wouldn’t associate with the BBC/Guardian:
1. EU accused of Making false Brexit claims over aid contracts. NGOs had been told by the EU their funds would dry up if Brexit occurred. This was a lie.
2. Another admitting Radio 4’s today program is pants, with dramatically falling audience figures. Though it has an interesting assertion that John Humphries is a Brexiteer. Also, of interest is that Jess Philips won’t go on the show unless she can say who will interview her, what the piece will be about and who she is willing to discuss it with. Wonder if any Lying Tory Scum are afforded such a privilege.
3. It asks why Trump is still so popular. A fact the BBC avoids as if its life is staked on hiding the polls from its listeners. Trump has had a shift upwards in popularity amongst the general population and is now at 90% amongst Republicans.
Wonder if the BBC will follow suit with some element of honesty.
Happy that both the plodding unimaginative Germans and the time-wasting, back-and-forth passing, boring Spaniards are out of the Cup.
The other day Belgium Reserves beat England Reserves in a game that ideally both teams would have liked to have lost! I was a little surprised to see the media here generally hostile to England’s failure to field our ‘A Team’ to try and win the game and ‘keep up momentum’.
Personally, I was pleased to come second in the group to enhance our chances of progressing. We may or may not beat Colombia but, you can bet that the knives will be out if we don’t.
Our whole tournament will be judged by this one game…ridiculous 🙁
A lady journo writes in The Guardian today that it’s great that girls are reporting / punditing the footy World Cup but then rants on about the sexism to which they are allegedly being subject .
I suppose once the cup has been bought home al beeb will run a sour documentary on the experience of punditesses in the World Cup
More importantly – I wonder which one is hottest ? And I don’t mean just the Blighty girls .
As a lady who quite likes sport, I do feel there is an obsession with
packing in the female presenters/pundits. It is tokenism really. Presenters, no problem. Pundits…better hear from those who have played in tense World Cup matches. Terry Butcher is good. Deon Dublin is good fun, but is getting too far ahead of himself ie pencilling England’s name into the final already.
Having grown up going to a certain north London football stadium which is not arsenal – pre seating – the nature of the terraces would shock people – especially snowflakes to day – maybe gentrification and making it family friendly adds stuff – but it also turns grounds into libraries .
On a happier note – if the Thai s get the footy team out of the cave and they are OK I hope they get a free trip to the World Cup – it would do a lot to improve the image of a corrupt FIFA as well as being a real propaganda for putin
As a lady football fan of a certain age, I also grew up standing on the terraces at The Hawthorns and certainly heard some questionable language, but it didn’t bother me at all, I accepted it as part of the game and team that I loved and still love to this day.
I go now and sit where I used to stand and the difference is amazing, it’s almost silent at times until some brave person at the back starts singing. Hardly any bad language and of course no smoking. How do the expect a person to get through 90+ minutes of watching the Baggies without a cigarette!
If you put most young people on the ’80’s terraces today, they’d be running for a safe space within 5 minutes!
My club was hoping to bring back safe standing, the request was refused by the government, so a petition was launched and now it has to be debated again, I’m hoping that the request will be granted and we get safe standing, it would mean that fans would have a choice.
Back on topic, good luck England tonight.
“Cry God for Harry, St George and England”
Perhaps this thread wants bumping up now.
I’ve always admired Ian Wright’s Passion for the game & for the national team.
if only everyone was as patriotic as wrighty I would be a happy man
Scottish and rooting for England, as were probably about half the pub last night. Don’t believe the SNP hype of ‘anyone but England’.
Imagine Sturgeon’s Bulldog/Piss/Thistle face if England win.
Was only half the Pub cheering for Colombia? I’m pleasantly surprised 🙂
Just watched the game I’d recorded yesterday. Great how those ‘little Englanders’ stood up to the foul play by the Columbians! I’m over the moon re the result!!
BBC news: … “VICTIMS of England’s, nasty, brutal, vicious and racist beating of Columbia in the world cup will be offered compensation, refuge and a free house in Milton Keynes” A source has revealed….. Desperate Colombian children have been seen clinging to overturned KFC boxes in the serpentine in Hyde Park London….The BBC would like to express our solidarity with those affected by this cruel tragedy with a 15 minute (promo) interview with Jeremy Corbyn to follow soon.
I wonder if there to be a run on Swedish Shirts in the Glasgow Sports Direct – I’m guessing they’d only be borrowed …
This is a comment re the 2022 world cup but please indulge me. If Israel manage to qualify what will the Qataris do? Will they suddenly decide that they can’t host it despite spending sqillions on new stadia, will they encourage their population to attack the Israeli squad and their fans?
How will the BBC report it? Ignore all Qatari attacks on Israelis or actually justify them in the same way they justify all attacks on Israelis anywhere in the world? All I can say is come on Israel – please qualify and embarrass the Qatari government and their Beboid sycophants.
That’s been my fantasy for some time – not only to see Israel qualify for the World Cup, but to see them drawn against a side from a radical Islamic country like Iran.
Qatar, which funds Palestinian terror against Israelis, will of course automatically qualify to play as the hosts. If they’re drawn to play the hated Jews they’ll have a stark choice – either risk being defiled by infidel, kafir sweat or refuse to play. Refusal would no doubt have dire consequences as FIFA, with all its faults, tends to be strict with those who flaunt its rules.
And if they played against Israel and lost?? The shame would almost be too much for them. There would be wailing and gnashing of teeth for at least a generation.
And the BBC would turn away and pretend it hadn’t happened.
Fifa, like the Tory Party can be bought by Qatar
Good point, and one I was half-thinking of as I wrote that comment.
Still, FIFA would have to take some disciplinary action against any side that refused to play.
At the end of the World Cup there’ll be a review of images and moments . One which will stick with me is not a beeboid moment – but an itv tick box job with an Asian girl so out of her zone that it went beyond embarrassment when she wandered around before the engerland – Columbia rugby team trying to get sense out of fans. Hilariously bad . – but inclusive .
Ain’t nobody gonna venture to forecast the result for the upcoming game – you know, like England 7 Sweden 2?
Pessimist that I am I remember England always struggling against Sweden. I think we’ll fail as normal. Due to be home but delayed in a foreign airport by hours. Due to be flying for the whole match. Not seen BBC bias in it as I’ve been away. But I expect it’s been bad as ever.
Yeah, you’re probably right.
Still, I have a good feeling about the game.
And a decisive win by England would highlight May’s treachery.
I predict 2-0 😉
Hope you put a bet on that country
No anti-England bias here:
Or here:
Or here:
What a breath of fresh air to read three BBC articles without a hint of bias.
At 3pm on Saturday afternoon the tvlicence inspector calls ….
I can hear all the pro-eu freaks sobbing into their chilled soy latte’s
England on the road to moscow
st george’s cross’s flying everywhere for another few days
lady nugee must be apoplectic with rage
Kaiser – http://www.alstewart.com/publicfiles/LYRICS_roadstomoscow.htm
I’ve no idea but…are the England WAGs diverse?
I bet the al beeb high command must have debated en mass on the attitude of the Russian footy director for ever showing images of very attractive lady football supporters in each game .
Oh how they must have wanted to edit it to include creatures in burkas or similar . Personally I was deeply insulted by Black footy supporters painting their faces white and demand compensation for such cultural theft .