Hello all – half way through 2018 and our forthcoming brexit is really causing tension eh?
A gentle plea – it’s not easy to limit comment to just the bias of al beeb because the BBC poisons the whole of National life but …. please keep it clean and choose your words so that they are acceptable to all ( yes I include me in this ) .
Anyway -lots to talk about .
Saw an earlier comment that mentioned about people hitting back at the Antifa thugs.
Don’t know how to do the link thing on here but go search antifa punch out on YouTube and see one if these scumbags get knocked senseless with one punch after hitting a guy with a section of pipe.
Absolutely fantastic.
They must have been in the US, TR. UK antifa have the blessing of the government and police and anyone who decks one could be sharing a cell with Tommy R. (forgot, he’s in solitary)
These are the bastards who start the trouble at TR marches, pro Brexit rallies, etc, to allow the media to report on the violence at such turn outs. They pull the same stunts in Germany.
There should no reason for anyone to be walking the streets, wearing a mask and its time it was made illegal. Try walking down your high st and see how long it would take for plod to leave the FB and twitter screens.
Hi Thatch,
Just right click and copy/paste the YouTube directly. It doesn’t show the video in the preview window but will show up when you post it.
Hey BBC…instead of bigging up drill music and Stormzy, why not tell the youngsters about…Duke Ellington, Erroll Garner, Louis Armstrong, Charlie Parker, Art Tatum, to name just five great black American jazz musicians. One hopes some good schools do tell the pupils about jazz and classical music.
Because those plonkers in charge of music selection at the Beeb are of the Stormzy generation no doubt. For years Radio2 was easy listening, then lost millions of listeners when it became Radio 1 Mk2. To those numbnuts at the Beeb I expect Charlie Parker is a cartoon character, and will probably say “Art who ?”
Art Who Dee Two?
The liberal elite tell us having 50% of politicians female will be glorious, based on no evidence whatsoever.
I am mindful of Jordan Peterson saying women on average are more agreeable/compassionate than men, which accords with my experience. Merkel was too compassionate with the migrants and has ruined her country as a result. I think you need harsh people to run countries. How could the USA or Australia have become such wonderful nations had their founders not been ruthless men? Merkel would have refused to build Los Angeles in case it offended the native Indians.
BB- Which goes to show that compassion, while being a good thing of itself, can pose problems in the hands of the stupid and the mischieveous…
325 thatchers would be driving the beeb to suicide … roll on the day
325 thatchers would be driving the beeb to suicide … roll on the day
What we need is a leader to lead the country. I am afraid Mrs May is no leader…..Mrs Thatcher was a leader, Cameron was almost one, the Queen is a leader (Charles isn’t). A leader will take decisions, because they feel they are right, not just to please the liberal left. Why have a Windrush day? An easy decision but doesn’t take us anywhere. We need a leader who can say ‘sod off’ to the EC and not worry whether Monsieur Barnier crawls back, or not. What doesn’t matter is whether the leader is female or male or something in between, in spite of BBC targets.
Cameron was almost one?
Any mention of Cameron and the “first in the queue” fiasco in the media news tonight ?
Clearly ‘editorial integrity’ has kicked in again due to time and space constraints, as doubtless this ex-BBC employee predicted and continues to hope will do so.
Odd. As it does seem rather newsworthy that a national leader conspired with another national leader to try and further rig a referendum.
I for one am unsurprised but still take an even dimmer view of such shenanigans. As I would expect our current leader to do, were she not cut from the same tainted rags.
And it seems even senior ex-Labour figures at the bbc and LBC have decided that such abuses of power are not worth bothering folks’ heads with, much less holding clearly corrupted powers to account.
Well, those who do not seek information and happy to continue being served what they need to know for the bargain tax of £150 per year.
Banania, “Cameron was almost one?”
He probably led in the rush to the bar during Bullingdon Club dos.
Cameron said he wanted to become PM because “he thought he would be good at it.”
Well, he wasn’t. (If you’ll excuse the massive understatement)
When he went I cheered.
Never in my wildest dreams think any Tory PM could possibly be as bad.
His replacement is even worse!!! Massively worse!!!!!
Somewhere along the line I fear I slipped into a parallel universe where nothing makes sense anymore.
This is how May should be negotiating. Have a plan B and make sure the other side knows it.
From: http://www.david-morrison.org.uk/eu/british-rebate.htm
“Thatcher got her way at Fontainebleau by threatening to withhold Britain’s contributions to the EEC budget altogether. As Nigel Lawson, who was her Chancellor at the time, told the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union on 24 September 2004:
“ … it would never have happened if we had not made it clear that if we did not get satisfaction, we would withhold our contributions. I think it is widely known that we had a draft bill printed to give us the legal authority to withhold our contributions. It was never published, but it was printed. It was discreetly made known to those who we negotiated with that this is what would happen if we did not get satisfaction. Almost certainly the European Court would have eventually decided that this was illegal and it would be struck out, but that would have lasted a long time and would have been quite an effective measure in the context of these negotiations. Without that threat to withhold our contributions, to the extent of having the law officers produce a bill, we would not have got it.”
Excellent post, gb. Well remembered.
Is Al Beeb “fixing” the HYS votes on their main Brexit story today?
Most of the time that I have checked the HYS on Brexit the leavers came well on top . But today there has been a sudden change ?
well they are very selective about where they have them
fixing them isnt a big step
any mediocre programmer could do it
Has Mrs May been wasting two years negotiating with the EU causing uncertainty to our trade with the rest of the world when we should have left immediately after the Great Vote for Freedom ?
I don’t think the EU will accept Mrs May’s “peace in our time” paper.
Al Beeb and maxi will not be amused . Enough is enough , Brexit means Brexit.
Rees-Mogg for Prime Minister ! He needs your support .
We`re post-political.
Both sides of the pond, the media and the chattering classes are at war with their native populations and the democratic choices they keep on making.
Their game is up, simply a matter of waiting for their tanker to gum up and catch fire. It can`t now be reset, we`ll have civil war in 2021 and a reckoning.
What have we to be scared of? Far more of us than there is of them, and Islam expects us to show us what we`ve got in the locker against our cake-icing, manicured political class with their high heeled police.
If we can`t deal with this lot, given they`re a bunch of fey pussy willows relying on our being willing to be bled dry-then Islam might as well take us over.
Maybe the coming to power of Corbyn or his goons will set us off. May needs to get out of the way if she`s not going to give us what was unambiguously our message to her and the EU in June 2016.
David Kelly is dead-Alastair Campbell is alive-and we`re sanguine about THAT?
we`ll have civil war in 2021 and a reckoning.
If this weather keeps up Chris, it could kick off sooner. Tempers tend to get a little short in spells of hot weather, lack of sleep, too much beer, etc., if past riots are anything to go by.
Londonistan crime update
You’ll have seen the story of the 14 year old stabbed and seriously injured in Holloway yesterday – well today in my bit of east London – which is more of a backwater for beeboids another 14 year old has been seriously injured in a stabbing . ( I get the local paper each day )
I suppose it’s the heat in Blighty at the moment …
The local al beeb news carried another story of a doctor in Holloway who went out to post a card 3 years ago and was stabbed to death by a mad Nigerian whom the cps had days earlier declined to prosecute for knife possession and assault on police. Very vibrant . The card the doctor was sending was to announce the birth of his baby daughter.
Naturally although Albeeb showed a picture of said Nigerian it didn’t discuss what he was doing in the country or when / if he will be deported…
Wasn’t it the cps who gave us Keir Starmer? Makes you think, doesn’t it?
We should have left immediately Taffman.
A Remainer in charge of ‘Project Leave’ was always going to muck about, if you think carefully about it…
If UKIP was anti-gay, segregated women, supported FGM and created UKIP courts…..do you think that the BBC/Left would be supportive?
BBC4 NHS Love-in
9pm The NHS: A People’s History *
10pm Black Nurses: The Women Who Saved the NHS
\\ The story of the thousands of Caribbean and African women who answered the call 70 years ago to come to the UK and help build the National Health Service. Told by the women themselves, the documentary reveals the price they paid in leaving behind their families, and examines their struggle to overcome racism and their fight for career progression, as well as their cultural impact here and abroad. //
What’s on Cross Talk Russia Today ? 8:30pm
a mixed discussion : Freedom of Speech in Ukraine, Nato etc.
The RT journo just got deported on arrival
* \\Alex Brooker presents this three-part documentary in which patients and staff dig out treasured mementos to tell personal stories about the National Health Service. They include the newly qualified medic who was thrown into surgery on the NHS’s first day, the doctor who invented a device that revolutionised hip replacement surgery and a booklet of medical fees proving a stark reminder of life before the NHS. //
So the BBC are displaying personal mementos of the NHS? I wonder what the genuine articles would look like:
‘Here’s the pickled appendix that burst because I couldn’t get a GP appointment for three weeks, leading to peritonitis.’
‘This is the healthy left leg that got amputated (by mistake for the gangrenous right one) because the surgeon couldn’t read medical notes unless they were in Somali.’
‘Here’s the iron spike that got lodged in my skull when a drug-addled lunatic attacked me in casualty while I was waiting for three hours to get my sprained wrist deal with.’
Sorry – very tasteless!
What an excellent idea
Here is a map of Liverpool showing the path used to mass murder the old to free up beds and make life a bit easier for those hard working staff
Here are the empty bags of blood I had to carry at 3 in the morning because there was no one else to do it when the wonderful NHS killed my dad by a wrong diagnosis
Fedup2 – Similar stories here
The island
I’m sure that neither The Countess of Chester or al beeb will be pleased that an NHS angel nurse has been arrested today on suspicion of killing at least 8 babies. Good for the 70th anniversary – see how quickly that story disappears like the systematic killing of elderly patients last week.
Bound to be a few bad apple murderers in such a bloated outfit.
Fed – Surely you mean a “healthcare professional” (female)
If I see another one of those Save our NHS stickers I’ll go mad.
Just starting on channel 66
The Honour Killing : South London : the unbelievable story of Banaz Mahmod, a woman murdered by members of her own family.
Iraqi refugees
Already shown December 11, 2017 but an exclusive CBS Reality Original commission
\\ The British-Iraqi Kurdish woman who lived in Wimbledon, London, was murdered at age 20 in 2006 on the orders of her family.
Mahmod’s uncle and father had her raped and murdered, in revenge for her refusal to accept their determination to control who she saw and who she married. //
\\ her family felt she had “shamed” them by divorcing her arranged marriage husband and choosing her own partner.
The 20-year-old had even heard her family discussing the plot to kill her and her boyfriend at a ‘family war council’ and had delivered a handwritten letter to police revealing the men who were “ready to do the job.”
Months later she was dead, buried several feet beneath the ground below a leaking pipe, her body bundled into a suitcase where it was left to rot. //
BBC News managing to track down some LGBT supporters in Moscow and seemed disappointed to discover that they had been treated quite well and had not been stoned or tar and feathered. The closing words on the piece went something like, “well, Putin’s PR campaign seems to be working for now but it won’t last”
There you have it, supposition and opinions masquerading as news.
I. Put up a post a. While ago about the use of language
Honour killing
Female genital multilation
Religion of peace.
Lone wolf
Of them all I would ban the word “grooming” from this site because someone came up with that terminology to minimise the harm caused by third world Islamic peasants. preying on chaotic white English girls expecting to get away with it by using the race card .
I couldn’t upload this pic yesterday; trying again. The page is a World Service section called ‘Outlook inspirations’, presumably inspiring tales from across the globe (though it’s not really clear). It does fit the vision of the world beyond these dreadful shores our trusted and impartial broadcaster likes so much.
Homogeneous diversity wins again.
‘My daring grandfather took a bit of East Berlin for himself’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-44601030
First sentence….stopped reading. Agenda, agenda.
The chrome-domed loon the bbc has chosen to inform and educate the Public about key events in North America speaks.
You have been warned.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
The BBC reports ‘Sir Ranulph Fiennes wants Belvoir Hunt attackers jailed’
‘One of the victims had his neck broken, but the attackers were given suspended sentences after Princess Diana’s sister gave a character reference in court.
Sir Ranulph said the judge may have been “unduly influenced” by this.’
On the other hand, it wouldn’t be undue at all to be influenced by ‘Sir Ranulph’.
BBC verbs are rather strange ‘had his neck broken’ implies that somebody deliberately broke it – the reality is he was pushed down a slope and his neck was fractured in the fall – there is no suggestion that there was intent to cause this kind of injury, hence the suspended jail sentence, which is entirely consistent with sentencing guidelines.
Examples with similar suspended sentences:
1. https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/local-news/birmingham-riots-hero-tariq-jahan-182629 – Tariq Jahan broke man’s jaw, numerous criminal convictions
2. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-43558741 Lavinia Woodward – brutal stabing
3. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/joaquim-cardoso-sentenced-to-suspended-prison-sentence-for-grievous-bodily-harm-offence-on-73-year-old-man-in-brandon-1-3717950 – attacked man in wheelchair, died four days later
4. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-25466507 – brain injuries, broken neck
5. http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/8774320.Soldier___s_neck_is_fractured_in_attack/ – broken neck
A normal day on radio 4
Brexit will be a disaster , lack of progress in negotiations is an implied British fault. EU intransigence not mentioned
Trans issues . Woman attacking self identification by men as woman given a rough interview by Nick Robinson
Windrush issues – Yvette Cooper given sympathetic interview by Martha Kearney.
Trouble is England, Brexit probably will be a disaster we are led by a woman who does not want to us to leave and the media is dominated by snowflakes and progressives who also do not want us to leave.
As for all the other progressive “padding” I dont know why our world class broadcaster “News” dept just does not move its headquarters to the Labour party HQ – at least it would all be a bit more honest and release more money for Party political Broadcasts on behalf of the Labour Party (or more commonly known as BBC News)
Oak, there is no doubt that Brexit will be a compromise in some ways if May stays in post. May is a fudger, clearly didn’t want Brexit and has never convinced the EU that she would walk away, hence they know that being intransigent will force concessions.
We have conceded £37-40 billion for an as yet unknown trade deal. No other country pays lump sums for trade deals. Maybe there will be no deal and we will escape this impost. But May just won’t countenance not doing some kind of deal, hence the latest suspicion that this week she will back a customs partnership, so beginning the detachment of Northern Ireland from the U.K. Hence the EU gets what it wants – some kind of punishment and the Brit hating Veradker, who reminds me of the monkey on the organ grinder’s shoulder , is also happy.
Meanwhile can we do trade deals with anyone but the EU.? It’s in doubt . What is Fox’s job for? Was there any point in Davis when key capitulations are driven from Downing St by this eminence gris, Olly Robbins.
You forgot Rohingya Muslims..It was focus yesterday as well. It’s full of emotive crap…why don’t the BBC focus on Christians being killed and displaced.
Don’t you just love the women versus transgender women issue…Woman who wanted male free zones now want ‘ woman free zones”. The BBC don’t know which way to side. How come men get abused by the left if we want woman free zones? Equality at its best
R4.. woman pontificating on World Cup. Lynn Truss? WTF. I wouldn’t mind if she actually knew anything – She liked the way she didn’t know any of the England team..well there are lots of people who do..
BBC stop this bloody virtue signalling – most women don’t give a stuff about women talking about football..
Some good BBC stuff on Con Woman website today. Definitely worth a look.
“THE BBC has been left stunned after a confidential internal survey revealed that it employs more than 400 transgender staff – four times higher than the proportion in the population at large.”
“A further point. One box the survey respondents were not asked to tick was: Do you tell porkies? It doesn’t take a genius to realise that, if applying for a job at the targets-obsessed Beeb, especially if you have hitherto been a straight white male, it would do your career prospects no harm at all to have a sudden attack of the gender dysmorphic heebie-jeebies.”
Nobody at the BBC understands what diversity means. They just use it as an excuse to promote minority agendas and opinions (their own).
Im actually more surprised the express thinks its 1 in 200 as opposed to the so called bbc,s 1 in 50
I would be very surprised if its more than 1 in a few thousand
The Revolution will eat the children of the Revolution
File this one under ‘you couldn’t make it up’
Asad Ahmed our anchor for BBC London news amuses us this morning with his top headline:
“The gay rights group Stonewall has pulled out of the London Pride March due to a lack of diversity”
I’ll certainly bear that in mind as I set out on the daily commute. I guess this minor storm on a campaign t-shirt is someone’s notion of a news story. Glad to know that Licence Fee isn’t completely going to waste.
Well, they do say most Pride events are comprised of ten percent gays and ninety percent Public Sector employees desperately ticking their diversity boxes.
Anyway – not to propagate stereotypes and so forth, but – seems Stonewall have thrown a hissy fit and flounced out… citing a dearth of racial diversity at the annual event. To get technical, there’s not enough BAME in the LBTGQ+
[That’s the kind of algebra it takes a Diane Abbott to get her head around]
If they really want diversity they should call in the Right. They could send an invite to Milo Yiannopoulos, I hear he has many a black friend.
If this twist on inter-sectional in-fighting catches on I can’t wait to see what grouping drops out of Sadiq-little-man-Khan’s next London Al-Quds march. These little frictions are all part and parcel of living in the big city – as our Mayor will tell you. Perhaps he can have a word in the right ear and pre-empt problems. Hizbollah might be rebranded Her-bollah or better still, call it “They“ (gender neutral) Bollah. Good luck with that one, Sadiq!
Just read your excellent post, AISI, and see that you have been suffering as well. I trust your furrowed brow, the immense mental gymnastics demanded by the TOADY world, will be eased by having deal with all that paid employment throws at you. Blessed relief, I guess.
These lines are wonderful
“To get technical, there’s not enough BAME in the LBTGQ+
[That’s the kind of algebra it takes a Diane Abbott to get her head around]” 🙂
Switched on BBC R4 @ 6.30am approx. and immediately wished I had not. It seemed to me that during the night I had involuntarily fallen down a rabbit hole into a mad wonderland or slipped through a time warp into a parallel but totally crazy universe.
We’ve got no money, it’s cuts, cuts, cuts and austerity everywhere so Government is spending more money, new money, old money, money from existing budgets, money from new budgets and are doing more and proposing to do more and being asked to do more.
The only little bit of sanity came from a ‘wimmin’ when asked by another ‘wimmin’ – with her motive of messing up Brexit – who made it quite clear that she had nothing to say on the subject.
Three cheers, I say, for Penny Mordaunt who produced the only bit of sanity (her Ministerial job notwithstanding) on TOADY today.
yes I was rudely awoken too by the discussion on transgenderism (now we all know why the beeb is so keen)
K, not just that but the anti-Brexit malarchy, the Bojo bumblings, the BBC disconnect between inflation (I remember the BBC on-air and web-site panicing on that subject from earlier in the year – they have obviously forgotten) and Fuel Duty and Fairness (remember that firm commitment, PM?) and the war between ‘Feminism’ and ‘Minority Rights’ groups and almost worst of all, except it was all TOADILLY terrible, Mrs Ed Balls coming on to TODAY to talk cobblers wiv ‘er glo’all stops.
BBC misinformation
Airbus threatens to leave Britain over fears of having to pay tariffs on leaving the EU.
Fact:-Under WTO rules Aerospace do not have to pay tariffs, whether we stay in or leave is irrelevant to their tariffs. All aerospace goods are exempt from tariffs
Not one BBC interviewer questioned Airbus on their lying nasty veiled threat of leaving the UK over the subject of uneconomic ‘rising’ aerospace tariffs.
wronged, excellent spot – well done.
Even if ‘aerospace’ faced tariffs, Airbus in the UK would only be affected by what the UK Government chose to do here and only here. If HMG chose to not introduce tariffs on EU goods, then no tariffs (taxes) would apply. The EU cannot (after March 2019) dictate the tariffs on goods & services coming into the UK. All they can do is make life more expensive for those within the 27 member States.
The BBC really do not understand tariffs or, led by others who should know about them, they are choosing for some reason to deliberately misrepresent tariffs and their application. Could it be in order to try to undermine or even overturn Brexit?
I wonder.
These Remoaners must be a nightmare to live with or be friends with or related to.
Imagine their none stop badgering if you buy something they don’t like and think you shouldn’t have bought. You can just imagine the hissy fits each time you meet them, berating you for your choice of toaster, or car or even choice of home and school for your children. Being told you didn’t have enough information to make such a stupid choice; you’re just too stupid to be allowed to make your own decisions, you should throw away these things and let them tell you what you should have.
Conversely, imagine their outrage if you tried to do the same to them.
“South Koreans Revolt Against Arrival of Muslim Refugees”
That’s easy to deal with, the South Koreans simply don’t know or understand the benefits of diversity and the Religion of Peace. They need educating. Apparently, they, “Don’t want to be like the UK or Germany”. How can they cite the ‘Crucible of Democracy’ i.e. the UK when they don’t understand that our muslims are well integrated, accommodating and provide much to the economy?
Having lost several hundred thousands of their people to the Japanese during the first half of the 20th Century, and with upwards of 200,000 women forced into sexual slavery, the South Koreans might feel a bit ambiguous about the ‘benefits’ of the new-style colonialism sweeping the world.
Spent the afternoon chatting with a lovely lady who gave up a commercial career in Singapore to volunteer in Myanmar for a Buddhist charity. A truly caring, thoughtful soul.
Fascinating. But her view of western media… could be better.
Also interesting to learn that the Beeb’s ex-fave lady has one thing in common with Donald Trump, namely that she gives approximately no hoots for what SJW Western journos and PC pols say about her country and the people she has devoted her life to serving and protecting.
Just turned on Toady on Radio 4 8.55am and yet again the BBC proved how narcissistic it is by running two ‘humorous’ stories about two of their ‘personalities’. First up was a story about some English BBC female football presenter on Radio 5 and how her Columbian husband is encouraging their children to support Columbia while she is in Russia covering the the world cup match between the two countries tonight. Nick Robinson had them talking to each other. Literally after this utterly ‘hilarious’ report, we had Esther Ranzen being interviewed about her sunbathing in the nude (as Terry Wogan would have said, “What fun.”).
I’m old enough to remember Brian Redhead (and Jack Demanio) who would treated these reports with the contempt they both deserved.
No wonder Toady’s audience is leaving in droves.
Radio4 : “Many say that if women ran the world it would be more peaceful
..my answer to that is very short Margaret Thatcher ”
☑ a dig at Margaret Thatcher shows you are in the BBC libmob club
My answer to that assertion would be: Like Sweden then?
And Germany. That is, of course, if Mrs Merkel is actually a woman.
And Theresa Mayhem who can’t understand the difference between leave & remain
Jordan Peterson has made interesting comments on the differences between men and women in this regard. In essence, women tend to be more agreeable, less confrontational, more willing to compromise. This might even be advantageous if everyone followed the same rules i.e. in relations between countries with a common culture, such as Western nations. The problem, of course, is when you are dealing with other cultures who consider compromise to be a fundamental weakness and nations with female leaders to be fundamentally flawed and emasculated (literally). Alas, there aren’t many Margaret Thatchers and Golda Meir’s in the world, and female leaders such as May, Merkel and Macron (honourary woman) are about as useless and damaging as it is possible to be.
you forgot canadas big girls blouse trudeau
“…..in this regard. In essence, women tend to be more agreeable, less confrontational, more willing to compromise.” Take the all-women Swedish Government for example…………..
I don’t post very often these days. But is does make me laugh when those lovelies from the BBC bleat on about the NHS, which we all know is a failed socialist experiment, when in all probability alongside their excessive publicly -funded salary, they have private health care insurance.
Cast your minds back to the Panama Papers when the BBC got on their high stallion over tax avoidance, how many of the BBC reporters are on contract? how many had Limited Companies?
How many just self employed?
As I have always said, with liberals, hypocrisy is never far away.
I caught an “advert” last night on the ad free BBC, whilst waiting wing nut linneker to go on about football. It was for one of the shite hospital dramas, Casualty City or some vomit inducing tripe. The, “staff”, when not involved in some inappropriate, one on one behaviour, clips of which are usually shown before the watershed, were banging on about how they love the NHS. The bloody preaching never stops!
I wonder how many of the bastards at the BBC have even seen the inside of one of the envy of the worlds hospitals?
I think the correct turn of phrase is “Champagne Socialists” . The EU ruling gentry is also stuffed full with them. Probably why they (BBC) are so keen for the UK to stay amongst” their friends”.
Another hugely common trait amongst such gentry is NIMBYISM, especially when it comes to welcoming in migrants. So generous of Angela to open the doors of poor Italy, Spain and Greece to all and sundry!
The second story on Toady news bulletin is something about £4.5 million to stop anti-gay bullying. Is that really the second most important thing to have happened recently?
Why not spend that money on buying slap up dinners for poor families? I imagine few of these tragic stabbing victims ever have a decent dinner and eating well makes you feel so immeasurably better. Instead this fortune will be squandered on useless/actively bad ‘initiatives’. They had a gay pride event in my home town last week which required a heavy Police presence – the Police should have besn catching robbers etc. Pride is a deadly sin.
Some will always resent homosexuals, so what? Gay men are often extremely talented and do not have women and children confusing them and taking all their money – what’s a charmed existence! God, to actually understand how my partner thinks . . . How patronising and demeaning to say they require mollycoddling and special treatment.
Their obsession with oppressor/oppressed is flawed as humans are essentially selfish. I am too worried about my job etc to care about if someone likes sex with men – I couldn’t care less. The ‘equalities’ industry is worth a billion pounds a year, why not spend all that money feeding the poor?
The ‘equalities’ industry is worth a billion pounds a year,
And here lies the rub, BB. There is a lot of funding and jobs jobs at stake should everyone just get along together. Same with the “race” industry.
It just seems that the more of these outfits there are, the more “problems” they uncover to justify their existence.
In a way though, we should be grateful to the BBC for pointing out all these ists, isms and phobias we didn’t know we had.
I agree, direct the money squandered on homos to poor families
”Gay men are often extremely talented ”
1st- homosexuals are not men – it’s a classic oxymoron
2nd -are you saying gay males are more talented than the normal population? I think thats bullshit, and you may be getting a knock on your door from the equality/ discrimination police. (or does that only work if you had said the opposite)
As regards the Gay Shame Event, the organisers should pay the police costs. But what are the police there for anyway? :
Normal people tend to simply avoid the sickly sight.
Muslims seem to have a pact with gays – as both want normal western society destroyed, so they won’t target it for a terrorist attack.
So why the police presence? maybe to monitor the chemical danger the filth in the air, the miasma of HIV or homo particles generated by the crowd of disease riddled marchers.
”Some will always resent homosexuals,”
Not surprisingly.
When most gays seem emotionally stuck at that difficult, obnoxious adolescent age of about 16.
When they continue to have a much higher rate of being paedophiles – 2% of the population, but 50% ? of the crime (the authorities simply don’t compile the stats)
When they demand special treatment from courts and police,
eg rapid response, ‘hate’ crime enhanced tariffs for anyone disagreeing with them
When they develop new venereal diseases though their filthy sex practices and drug use and kill millions.
When they demand expensive and resource consuming cosmetic surgery on the NHS, to play at looking like the opposite sex.
When vulnerable little children are experimented on by being given to gay ‘couples’ in adoption.
When the gays bore everyone silly by ‘coming out’ over and over and over.
When they creepily hang around public toilets, and turn parks into homo dogging areas.
When they nastily set up and take people who dislike them to court – eg the cake makers.
(Gays have) ”…a charmed existence!”
That’s a bit of a stretch, considering the way higher levels of
STDs, depression and suicide among gay sufferers , of course that’s never blamed on the homosexuals and their skin crawlingly filthy lifestyle – – but on society.
I think you are generalising on this, Eddy.
In what way are homosexuals not men?
What defines a man?
Some of the toughest bastards in history were homosexual, Spartans for example.
I’ve known and know several gay men and you would have a great deal of trouble picking them out for their lifestyle in a crowd. Quiet, unassuming, 30 40 year relationships, couples who just want to get on with their lives. They also absolutely hate the Peter Tatchells, GP marchers and those who seek out guest houses and bakeries, with a passion
As to talent, it is no secret that gay people tend to gravitate to industries that “showcase” them, music, theatre, TV where they have a massive representation.
As to disease, I don’t think that this is only confined to the gay community. I managed to escape a few infections from the ladies in my youth by knowing reputations.
But, you are correct, some will always resent homosexuals.
Spartans ?
Those pedos often paired the soldiers with young boys
Practiced slavery
The supposed 300 defending a pass were actually helped by other 4700 soldiers,
They surrender at Sphactria because the opponents were using bow and arrows, haha
It’s even doubtful they were as homosexual as modern day SJW would like,,It’s all modern day spin
I have a friend who sounds like you, Eddy. I don’t think he is secure in his masculinity. He is either worried that a gay man might make advances toward him and him not sure how he would respond, or he’s worried a gay man wouldn’t make advances toward him and he wouldn’t be able to handle the rejection.
As to the Spartans, they always paired young boys (those that survived the training that is) with soldiers, doesn’t alter the fact they were pretty handy in a scrap, even if they did have a little help from the Thespians at Thermopylae.
You are correct again, it is all modern day spin, you cannot judge history by the mores and conventions of today.
I’m still waiting for what defines a man.
Sorry, but even though I do enjoy reading this site, I find this comment utterly offensive. I have many gay friends who are hard working members of society, just as I and other members are.
There are also gay people who post here and must find comments like this utterly distasteful.
If this makes me a snowflake, so be it, but I would prefer not to read such comments, perhaps someone with a little more internet knowledge than me can tell me if there is a way to block such offensive posts on this site.
1)Why is this personage ( Ms Carrie Gracie) free to choose where she donates a significant chunk of bBC licence Tax stolen from the Tax Payers.
2) Why are so called bBC investigative sorts not all over the recent story that there exists 150,000- Scots who have never worked a day in their lives!!!! I have to say that one stopped me in my tracks..
3) And perhaps an investigation of 2 would reveal how many of this 150,000 were part of nearly £500 million of unpaid poll tax/community charges written off by the SNP ahead of that Independence nonsense.
What exactly are we paying for here?
Does anyone know why the commentators on Wimbledon always have to sound so incredibly smug? I mean, I’m a tennis fan and it must be nice to get paid for doing something that most people have to pay through the nose for, but is it really necessary to sound quite so self-satisfied in the commentary box?
‘Gay conversion therapy’ to be banned as part of LGBT equality plan
”A 75-point plan to improve the lives of LGBT people, costing £4.5m, has been produced in response to the survey.
Its results also showed the respondents were more likely to be “less satisfied” with life than the rest of the population.”
I guess cancer sufferers are less satisfied too,,
Sherlock Holmes alive and well at the BBC
‘As part of the plan, it said it would “consider all legislative and non-legislative options to prohibit promoting, offering or conducting conversion therapy”.’
So why shouldn’t companies etc research to prevent homosexuality happening and reverse it ?
It must be caused by something, why not try and find out?
I guess they are afraid of a cure being found.
Even if you think conversion therapy is a load of nonsence, is that reason to ban it being offered ?
What will they come for next, fortune tellers etc?,
”non-legislative option”
That sounds sinister
”Experts say the word therapy is misleading because there is no scientific basis for it”
arr the phantom experts the BBC love,
and that whole statement itself is misleading
And on another level:
If people with homosexuality think they need curing and someone is offering a cure, whats it got to do with the government and gay activists?
Unless they are terrified a cure might be found…
I’m less satisfied too, that’s £4.5 million that could have gone on care for the elderly, for example. What an appalling waste of money. It’s as if an army of liberal-lefties have all been brainwashed. So a homophobic tweet will get more coverage than serious failings in some areas of the NHS. A sure sign that our country is on the verge of meltdown,
What’s going on today? Is it LGBTQweerty day/week/month?
Just about to turn off Radio 4 phone in on this topic, after Home Front.
Watching Daily Politics
I have a question
How can I get traitor BBC luvvie, Tory ponce Ed Vaizey deselected?
He thinks he’s bright but isn’t.
All Remainer MP’s should be sacked.I include Teezer May. They are not supporting the democratic will of the British people. They are tying our hands. Get rid of the traitors I say.
If May reneges on Brexit I’m ready to go to war.
R4 You and Yours pouring lib agenda into your ears again
Winifred is pushing the idea that trans are less happy than rest of society.
emm that is stereotyping
One survey says that some replies from some trangender took that linemore often than non-trans
.. but that doesn’t mean that many trans aren’t happy
nor that many non-trans fall into the unhappy category
Caller now
\\ The trans driver is getting abuse from kids
.. she was asked to report it to the police
but she prefers to come into the school to do a talk about trans issues
..there have been no replies on this
.. due to all these schools having a very proportion of ‘minorities’ (Muslim I guess he means) //
Good job Radio 2 isn’t shoving agenda at you
\\ He’s back! @Ed_Miliband returns to guest present @thejeremyvine show for 3 days from Monday July 9.
Last time THIS happened – what could happen this time? //
And Impartial BBC entertainment have a view
\\ Ed will present @theJeremyVine show for 3 days from Monday July 9 then Lord (Michael) Howard of Lympne will present 3 days from Thursday July 12. //
Remainer ? ..no Brexiteer
Ed needs more throat! Nah, he needs a pair of hands around it.
Coming up on @theJeremyVine Show before 2pm ????
1️⃣ Ahead of its 70th birthday this week, we’re speaking to people whose lives have been changed by the NHS.
We talk to 93-year-old Norman Sharp who got his new hip in 1948, the year the NHS was created.
2️⃣ Two British cavers have been the first to reach the missing Thai children,
Coming after 1pm
3️⃣ The transgender activist @parislees joins us for What Make us Human. She says forgiveness. (podcast not yet up)
4️⃣ As England seek to reach the quarter-finals of the World Cup, we speak to Columbians in this country about how they would celebrate if they win.
10 Downing Street has apparently told officials planning The Donald’s visit to make sure he doesn’t get the chance to meet his best British pal:
Also reported in The Telegraph, but I couldn’t find it in Sky News. A cursory Google search showed, surprise, surprise, that it was not on the BBC either.
Read the comments in response to the DM report!
Oh, and has everyone got their paraphernalia ready – if not, “I welcome Donald Trump” T-shirts are available on Ebay!
I tried add a comment saying he should go and see TR in Hull chokey, but the “unmoderated” comments section came up the the message saying that there seems to be a problem and to try again later.
I do hope the President finds a way to meet Nigel. If only for the pleasure of watching lefty heads explode.
Nigel Farage should be in the cabinet as the government’s main Bexit advisor.
I’m guessing the political bubble must be dreading the visit as they won’t be able to control President Trump the way they do others .
Telling ‘officials’ who gets to meet whom in a supposed Western free speaking democracy just one of a bunch of less than stellar calls by our Treez.
Be funny if, when out and about with her in public, he casts about to give Robert Spencer and Pamela Gellar a shout out… and asks why he can’t.
Then the BBC can all rush to Frankie Howerd to discuss in a conference call with Anthony, Katty and Jon the Beauty how they avoid this, plus Tommy Robinson and Dave and Barry’s Excellent Adventure in rigging votes… badly.
“Nobody should ever to have to hide who they are or who they love.” – PM Theresa May
Don could remind her of this mixed message too.
more news from the worlds greatest health service
There are an awful lot of fires (other than Grenfell) lately.
Tommy Robinson’s legal appeal, scheduled for next week in London’s Royal Courts of Justice, has been postponed because the government’s lawyers say they’re not ready. They were quick enough to throw him into prison but now they need more time???
‘Tommy Robinson is indeed a political prisoner.’
‘The rule of law no longer is the rule of law in the United Kingdom’
Ezra Levant
Perhaps they want to keep TR banged up until after President Trumps’ visit next week .
Wouldn’t it be great if the President raised his case during the visit ?
I was thinking of starting some kind of day count for the time TR is banged up but wondered if it’s outside the parameters of “ biased bbc” and wonder if the site would be closed by another political judge like the one who gave 13 months
To think Blighty crows about ‘the rule of law’ fairness and proportionality . For some but not for others such as dissenters and those trying to protect kids when the system fails them and protects the evil doers .
I’m sure that if Trump (he who is mightier than May) wants to meet Farage, it will happen.
Deep joy!
Even more, “deep”, if DT ignores Treezer and meets up with Nigel. Alternatively, DT could just say, ‘No’ forget the visit.
I would love it if President Trump were able to raise TRs case, and the less known ones eg Melanie Shaw and other persecuted “whistleblowers”. In Britain now, you can get locked up for speaking the truth about child abuse or mass immigration and we have a state broadcaster that covered for paedos such as Savile and Harris. Not the envy of the world.
Ezra’s right, if the CPS don’t want their prosecution against TR to look like a stitch up
… then they are going about it the wrong way.
: 12 minutes for TR to defend himself in the first case
versus 12 weeks for CPS to prepare their case to defend their super rapid prosecution.
It was so cut and dried that he was arrested, tried and banged up in hours. Yet somehow it’s now so complicated that they need extra time to prepare?
I call bullshit.
When the bbc says it holds power to account, it seems awfully selective on when. And at what level.
Dave and Barry….
What a state broadcaster indeed.
Interesting for the comments, many of which contain useful factual input… and some that seem ‘scripted’.
I haven’t listened to the above so can’t confirm (I’m not registering or signing in) but apparently Lord Leveson gave an interview to Radio 4 in June in which he mentioned the TR case.
I think this was before he was allocated the Appeal?
See also:
Interesting that BBC Youtube vid about TR has 106K views
and the Channel 4 has 350K
Whereas a lot of TR videos have 1 million plus and one has 3.5million
It seemed quite normal that TR’s own videos would get a million
Interesting conflict of interest : Justice Levenson has already judged on TR’s Leeds case
He did it on the BBC Law In Action prog Youtube
Apologies Stew – I didn’t notice you had already posted this.
Great Minds etc.
if you are in a room with the a mixed group, you soon find we are on the same wavelength and council workers/ BBC etc are on another.
BBC Radio 2: Jeremy Vine talks to a transgender activist: I wont be listening, but I suppose the conversation could go like this.
JV: Why do you think there seems to be so many transgender people in the London Metropolitan area, appearing on the BBC. Much more than London’s Mensa members or even Brexit supporters? TA: I do not know, that’s up to the BBC. JV: Could it be that someone is poring hormones into the Thames Water supply. TA: I don’t know, it could be possible. JV: Are you a member of the Tory London Metropolitan elite who thinks it could be the Russians, or are you a member of the Labour London Metropolitan elite who thinks it could be the Jews. TA: No, I’m a LibDem supporter who thinks it could be Brexiteers pouring hormones into London’s water supply. JV: What about Trump? TA: I don’t like Americans and Italians any more, unless they want to change sex. JV: Would you welcome Trump to London? TA: Only if he announced to the World, that he wants to change sex. JV: Thank you Sir, Madam or Thingy. TA: Fuck Off.
BBC News – “Nobody should ever to have to hide who they are or who they love.” – PM Theresa May.
Treez may not have what it takes to run a whelk stall but she sure knows what gets the bbc to swing her way.
Hardly, she could cut and paste the ‘conservative tree’ and put it on Labour’s manifesto and still she wouldn’t get the BBC’s ‘vote’.
One doesn’t win wars by fighting on the ground of the enemy’s choosing and adopting their battle plan. May is the equivalent of Gerald Ratner being made CEO of Rolex.
Well, Mrs May, I’m a female of a certain age and I don’t love you. The whole country is having a collective nervous breakdown aided and abetted by MSM Project Fear etc and you are worried about not offending anyone. Wish a certain President could help us drain our swamp too.
This is a ridiculous statement by May. So, what about paedophiles, beastiality, necrophilia…should those people not have to hide who they love and who they are?? I suppose that way we could at least lock them away quicker.
Some of the former in your list do not seem to have to hide, their wifes and children were also party to their crimes, wifes spoken to on the phone while raping and 12 year old victims given to their sons as birthday presents and the local Komunihie well aware, a scandal activiley ignored by the BBC
Guest Who
“Nobody should ever have to hide who they are or who they love”?
Funny thing is I have always believed that is precisely what all politicians do in order to get elected. Who ever elected an honest politician?
The Sadiq Khan at the O2 disruption
Sadiq begins by signalling “I care about Grenfell victims”
The family/friends of the “3 boys case” can be heard shouting “You don’t care about our boys ”
..There’s a few more words and then a few second chant of “Tommy Tommy before security move in and eject some of them
2 mins on Youtube
BBC One’s ‘Sunday Morning Live’ erases a third of the royal visit
Thanks for the link : it shows that other countries monitor albeeb for bias – can only be a good thing to attack al Beeb on a number of fronts.
Next time Uni of Reading come asking for some tax funding
..they know what they can do.
\\ Jog on? Really?
Funny how bold and courageous leftards become when they are dishing out someone else’s money
….ultimately tax payers money.
Just a shame that this undue largess doesn’t extend to families of white, working class children,
they STILL get told to ‘Jog On’. //
sure you have some bursaries, but largely loans
\\ Yeah, I’m au fait with your ‘other offerings’, which is why I’ve said what I’ve said.
Still saddles the student with huge debt, interest to pay on top.
Not so for these ‘chosen’ ones, though.
Their entire bill will be met by funds that should’ve subsidised more deserving others.//
So Yorkshire Post are you stirring race victimhood ?
Business section : ‘Our society and culture are continuing to hold women back’ by Griselda Togobo @GKTogobo
Centre section 12 page special : The NHS at 70
Homosexuals are now trying to ban skirts in schools,,
What a country we live in ,,
Only found out about it on a Russian news site,,,
”40 schools in England ban girls from wearing skirts to accommodate transgender students”
Some 40 secondary schools in England have banned girls from wearing skirts, one month after a school in Oxfordshire recommended it’s male students wear them to deal with soaring temperatures.
Old news, Eddy, from last September.
The BBC failed to mention that high tech innovative radios that were critical in finding the missing boys in the Thailand cave were Israeli . Ironically we heard them being used on Radio 4. http://nocamels.com/2018/07/israeli-rescuers-missing-soccer/