Hello all – half way through 2018 and our forthcoming brexit is really causing tension eh?
A gentle plea – it’s not easy to limit comment to just the bias of al beeb because the BBC poisons the whole of National life but …. please keep it clean and choose your words so that they are acceptable to all ( yes I include me in this ) .
Anyway -lots to talk about .
More diverse enrichment. Strange how many ethnics have mental problems, but you’ll never see those stats on the beeb.
Likewise amidst the endless carping about Oxbridge admissions, you’ll never see stats about IQ and other psychometric indicators.
They’re hard to find, but they’re out there.
And this story is hard to find on beeb webshite, wonder why?
Them tricksy Jews!
Iranian general blames water woes on Israeli ‘cloud theft’
A kind of junior version of the man made global warming nutters we have in the west
Where’s Kate Bush and Donald Sutherland when clearly needed?
It don’t look as if May the Meek will let Farage meet Donald the Great ?
Finally BBC do a doco about privatising certain health procedures
like the way some dentists and all opticians are.
8pm R4 With Adrian Goldberg .. does he have a bias ?
\\ Adrian’s mother was a domestic at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham for more than 20 years; his first job was working for the West Midlands Regional Health Authority, while his sister is a nurse.
The programme takes Adrian on a personal journey to discover the true nature of opposition to private provision.
On the way he talks to patients, practitioners and experts on health provision. //
May be they ought to look at fact that for decades GPs have been self employed but with an NHS pension. When the new GP contract was re written 10-15 years ago – they all got this huge rise and may decided to go part time ( I have friends who openly admitted it). Current average salary is £105k. In many areas GPs have banded together and groups of them now own some of the largest private suppliers to the NHS.
Ask consultants if they are really FT or do they have private jobs – well I can tell you almost all of them do -they get their credibility by saying they are a consultant in the NHS and charge ridiculous amounts ( I deal with them a lot) for sometimes a chat. I would like to see how well they do if they actually had to market themselves without the NHS.
The NHS is a great idea – but needs a complete reform and please BBC stop calling them all bloody heroes and angels…they are doing a job ….
James I can confirm that. Even 15 years ago, I remember a Consultant Psychiatrist doing locum work for 2 weeks at our hospital – (this was HIS two week holiday from his own hospital) and he charged £5,000 for his fortnight stint. They get away with it because they’re needed and can charge what the hell they like !
Go to a PM outpatients appointment . Consultant and his crew turn up late because they’ve been doing private stuff in the morning after their nhs day duty . Institutionised corruption .
So someone I’m caring for is in pain and can’t get a hospital appointment for months . I ring a private hospital and get my cheque book out . We see the nhs consultant privately that week . He sees the patient , takes the cheque and sticks her at the top of is outpatients list the following Week – cutting the waiting time by over 3 months . The nhs . Institutionally corrupt and run for the benefit of amoral doctors . And if anyone replies to this saying about how wonderful it is – good for you.
And here’s some more enrichment you won’t find on the beebistan, strangely.
“Man convicted of rape after dragging teen into park bushes in ‘abhorrent attack’ in broad daylight”
If this is true, Nigel Farage still has the capacity to send No.10 into panic mode.
Ironic that a man who is making himself unemployed in 8 months can produce such fear within the bubble .
Although I do not believe the House of Lords should exist he is probably the only politician in Britain who stands no chance of ever getting a peerage and is the only politician worthy of one
Maybe they learnt a lesson after Mrs Obama went race-baiting to London schools on two seperate occasions?
On what basis do Keir Starmer and his pals get to hob-nob with our ‘friends’ in Brussels? (Back-stabbing b’stards.)
All needed now is Ali Campbell to tell the bbc to get back Barry, Mich and that lovely lady from the UN to tell us all how awful we are and Brexit will be done and dusted despite Treezer’s best efforts to spike it.
The BBC report that “Nick” the man who made up a load of stories about nasty Tory paedophile MP’s is to be prosecuted for lying and making the whole thing up.
I see that the fat, useless blob of an MP Tom Watson is not mentioned despite having repeated the allegations on numerous occasions.
No doubt he’ll escape behind “parliamentary privilege”.
He should be facing prosecution as well, instead he gets a free pass.
A small frisson of happier days passes through the BBC Newsnight/BIJ research team…
The BBC is morphing before our eyes from a biased news provider to full-blown campaigners.
yep the bent propaganda stories are coming thick and fast today

that article even has
”Mark says he never holds hands with his husband (sic) of 25 years”
umm so the bbc are backdating gay ‘marriages’ now?
‘The prime minister said nobody “should ever have to hide who they are”.’
Except if you are in anyway non PC then you had better hide it well, especially at places like the BBC
Support Richard Smith as Mayor of Ferryhill. Condemn LGBTQ intimidation and harassment
Today the Government has proudly announced a 75 point plan to improve the lives of gay people. Citing a recent survey of gay people in the UK, the BBC reported,
“LGBT hate incidents had been experienced by 40% of people in the survey, with more than nine in 10 of the most serious offences going unreported.”
On the evidence of Ferryhill, it would seem that Christians daring to voice their belief are even more likely to experience hate crime – certainly they are being increasingly hounded out of public life! But who rises in their defence?
So exactly what is the reality here? Who are the intolerant bigots? And who really are the victims?
use temp email if needed
Times advert : whose jointly leading the group legal action against VW NOx emmissions ?
Iraqi ambulance chasers Leigh Day, Windrush boat chasers as well
Stew –
I suppose there is money in the gutter for them. And with legal aid now thankfully tighter they have to find an angle to get taxpayers ‘ money . I thought they’d been shut down …
No you are thinking of Phil Shiner
\\ The disgraced lawyer Phil Shiner’s firm was given £2.3 million by defence chiefs.
Money used to cover Shiner’s legal fees before his firm was declared bankrupt.
Tankchaser claimed that British soldiers had abused hundreds of Iraqi people. //
this story mentions both
\\ The Sun reports that he was employed by a British-based Iraqi middleman named Mazin Younis, 59, who was contracted by UK law firm Leigh Day and the disgraced Phil Shiner’s firm Public Interest Lawyers.
It says Mr Younis was paid for passing clients to Leigh Day and also received money from Mr Shiner for securing claimants, and used people like Mr Al-Sadoon to help him secure clients. //
Stew ( in jest ) if it’s all right with you I’d rather not think of Phil Shiner or Mrs Shiner – to whom I understand mr shiner transferred his wealth prior to bankruptcy like any corrupt lawyer would . Leigh Day lives up to its reputation too.
I am recent member on here and enjoy all the posts and links. Given that we reckon that many younger people don’t watch or listen to the BBC, and that many listeners to BBC radio during the daytime are older people at home, then I can only conclude that the whole point of it all is to depress, frighten, bore, ridicule and demean the remaining listeners. Radio 3 is still good, but you can imagine the Beeb would love to ruin it. The Beeb likes to think it speaks on behalf of the nation…it doesn’t any more.
Indeed not. Its mission, is to tell the nation what to think. It is failing.
Times : 30 advisors in Whitehall are paid £1000+/day on a contractor basis
eg a guy retained for 6 days/month.
Defra has 3 on that rate and 460 below it.
Bet they aren’t on paye
front page news on the BBC : gays worried to hold hands from a “report” my God what have we come to with this shower of sh@t, and if they really wanted to get to the bottome of this LOL, try holding hands down Bury Park Road in Luton ….or look at the disgusting homophobic comments from a gay sauna planning aplication to show videos from the muslim ghetto there (who also got their way from Luton Borough Council through “cultural sensitivities believe it or not) and lets see the BBC report the root of the problem here …hmm tumbleweed flowing past again… unless it is the cultural sensitivities of the indiginous population as these do not matter in the slightest to the BBC…but the muslims objected en mass stating publicly that homosexuals spread disease, any comments BBC ?
lol and yet the lgbtq++ mafia wont speak out against islam
on the upside we will know when the war is in full flow due to the number of “unexplained” gay murders
yes yes I know some of you lot are gay ( i dont care what you do in private, its your life)
but this lgbtq++ islam alliance amuses/puzzles me no end
Current Affairs
Police commissioner objected to gay sauna license because it’s ‘too close to a mosque’
Nick Duffy
2nd June 2016, 12:04 PM
A Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner tried to block a sex license for a gay sauna – because it’s too close to a local mosque.
Greenhouse Health Club, which has operated in Luton for nearly two decades, had been seeking a license that would allow it to sell sex toys and show adult films.
However, the owners have now withdrawn the application, after encountering strong resistance from local residents and the newly-elected Police and Crime Commissioner.
Bedfordshire PCC Kathryn Holloway, a former TV presenter who has no first-hand experience of policing, told Luton Today that the license was inappropriate because the venue was too close to a local mosque – a five minute walk away.
She warned that granting the license would cause “widespread offence and very deep concern”, and that if it was granted “a number of potential policing issues may arise” due to a “very significant Luton mosque” based five minutes away.
Ms Holloway warned: “Luton Borough Council is usually particularly aware of matters of cultural sensitivity.
“I trust therefore that you will fully understand that, given the large and devout Muslim population in this area of the borough, there is naturally a high level of religious and cultural opposition to such a business among these residents which needs to be respected, in my view.https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2016/06/02/police-commissioner-objected-to-gay-sauna-license-because-its-too-close-to-a-mosque/
The mind boggles as to where the sauna is meant to be, because as I remember, Luton mosque is tucked up a side street in Bury Park, and anywhere that’s a 5 minute walk would still be in a highly built up residential area !!
So how much of Luton and its environs is now governed by muslim sharia law?
So we are required to respect hate crimes if they are committed by muslims hmmmmmmmmmm
”World Cup: England fans dig deep for pricier pints”
Story about some pubs putting up pints 25p- 50p during England games.
But not Wetherspoons
“You have to show loyalty to customers who have shown loyalty to you,”.
So it’s only remainer companies? BBC is not mentioning that ,,
HAHA usual photo above
chosen by out of touch BBC editor; more used to wine bars,
Multi effnic flag bunting too – pathetic BBC
Below, a random photo showing what pubs really look like during England games:
notice no one is daft enough to hold a full pint mug in the air,,
Pretty culturally insensitive of BBC to illustrate a story about English people, by using photos of a North American sports bar, from a stock collection intended to show “diversity”
Irony that photo looks like a stock image
Yep I find it on a page marked “German Toast stock photos”
That leads me to artist Rawpixel
With lots of shots of the same night
No England flags appear in that collection
..one time Union Jack is just visible (2nd page, in window)
Why would the BBC use that image ?
We can see from the keyword tag info Rawpixel use
As well as WORLD CUP FOOTBALL 2018,
The 30 Shutterstock keyword tags for that image include
African, black, African American, Mixed race, multicultural , woman
They got caught again
they couldn’t even suport a British photographer and buy a correct image
Looks more like the qualifications brief for the new BBC QT chair.
Good post Eddy and Brilliant research Stew. It says it all…
Black and wimmin 10 / 10 BBC
maybe only 9/10 no hijab, thats wacist surely, must try harder
“Nobody should ever have to hide who they are or who they love” A decree by Saint Theresa of May, to the Apostolic Nunciature to Great Britain, Edward Joseph Adams.
“Nobody should ever have to hide who they are or who they love” A decree by Saint Theresa of May, to Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Great Britain, Mohammed bin Nawwaf bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
Nobody? If so then “Sex pests should never have to hide who they are or who they love” Saint Theresa of May “Paedophiles should never have to hide who they are or who they love” Saint Theresa of May “Perverts should never have to hide who they are or who they love.” Saint Theresa of May “Muslims should never have to hide who they are or who they love” Saint Theresa of May “BBC celebrities should never have to hide who they are or who they love” Saint Theresa of May. And so on and on and on
According to Ezra Levant at Rebel Media, the bastards in our government have postponed Tommy Robinson’s appeal against his prison sentence and an application for bail. It was set for 10, July 2018 and a judge has even been appointed – Mr Leveson, whose name seems familiar.
The low life’s on the government side are saying they are not familiar with the case and need more time to prepare. One has to ask, time to prepare for what; it’s a very simple case; unless they haven’t quite finalised their stitch up story to make sure Tommy serves the full term, of he lives that long.
The swamp dwellers who are currently in charge of our country are beneath contempt.
Good news, because the grounds lodged for the appeal must be strong, if they need extra time to think up a counter
John in in Cheshire
‘The swamp dwellers who are currently in charge of our country are beneath contempt.’
Dead right.
The establishment stink to high heaven
I still haven’t seen any report of the Tommy Robinson trial delay. Maybe I’m not looking in the right places but he is now definitely an unperson in our country.
I hope his legal team and key supporters are making plans to kick up enough of a fuss such that all of his persecuters are in turn persecuted.
Should have been a mass protest at the trial all shouting the names identities and addresses of the muslim rape gang on trial so they can be privately dealt with when they emerge from their short sentences as no doubt our muslim kommunihie with their stinking Imams will protect them as it was only kaffir kids who are fair game, it is left to the public to serve justice for our children it seems
Its 1900 and England have kicked off against Columbia. Emily Thornberry will be wondering what all those white flags with red crosses are for.
No matter. Southgate has no doubt picked what he considered to be his best team.
I wonder if the BBC wiuld have done the same ? Or would they just have made sure they ticked all the minority quota boxes?
‘And the cross came over but unfortunately the person self-identifying as Mrs. Ahmed just could’t get out of the wheelchair fast enough’
Are they allowed to wave these wacist English flags ? surley all the Colombians should be given a safe platform and all English fans thrown out, try displaying our national flag in some of our diverse ghettoes ….
They have special dispensation- due to the dire game – as England are, as usual playing like frightened rabbits
If Brazil were to keep possession and pass the ball around casually for a few minutes they would all be orgasming about it
Our players are doing it to have a look around, to see if there’s anyone they can start a fight with.
I predict a mass brawl in the second half
And if you keep possesion, which is something we have never excelled at, I can even recall Mexico 1970 Bobby versus Pele and we were beaten by a team keeping possession and casually passing it around
And would also like to comment on South Americans teams desire to cheat and assault and basically fraud their way through every game and that incudes Brazil , and would refer to Belgium Japan as a comparison
Columbian headbutted England player and got away with it, Colunbian technical staff just assaulted England player coming off the field should stick to smuggling cocain snidey bunch
Definitely a racial hate crime – I’ve reported it . Looks like the ref and VAR people are bought and paid for . Or families are being held hostage by the cartel .ps – these comments should be on the footy thread but what the hell
Should we really expect any better from a country who’s biggest claim to fame is drug cartels? If the officials don’t get tough and start sending these players off this crap isn’t going to stop.
even try to disturb the penalty area grass when we are awarded penalty what a bunch of c£nts
i didn’t see it
i heard that poncy commentator claim it happened but
i wouldn’t believe anything he says
game on !!
Colombian football team

Is anyone else starting to scratch their head in amazement and puzzlement about how the Queen keeps going? I mean it doesn’t make sense.
She doesn’t use the NHS, John.
I’ve never been a republican, but honestly ? Her maj has had a relatively stress free life with no money worries, never had to wield a vacuum cleaner, deal with Phil’s smalls, cook a meal or change a bed. Every sneeze has a flunky with a tissue standing by, so the best of medical care, and has help with dressing for every occasion. Yes we see her looking magnificent on walkabouts and royal duties, but I imagine her feet are well and truly up before she puts in an appearance, and at her age, why not. Her mother lived to over 100, and I think that Anne will be the same, but Charlie ? not with his profligate lifestyle.
Best health available easy answer and a good diet
9pm Channel 30, Doco about the nanny murdered by the French ethnic Muslim couple in London
As a mark of respect to the England Team and it’s arduous victory over a bunch of South American thugs there will be no mid week thread from me –
If any one else wants to put one up fill yer boots . I was 6 when engerland won the cup and just about remember the grey and white telepics In happier days.
Oh how all the church bells rang when we won in ’66 – it was amaaaaaazing !
Intersetng we are apparently Brits now but for some strange reason no Pakis to be found ?
Does anyone else think that the England v Columbia game was too big for the American referee, Mark Geiger?
Also, didn’t the last Columbian player to cock up in a WC game get killed on is return home?
Doesn’t bode well for the penalty missers.
Ironically yes -it needed a european ref with ocd
Who wasn’t scared of getting the red one out . The Columbia thugs might have been down to 9 after the first 45.
Never seen anyone fixing the penalty spot before and I’ve been to a lot of games . We ll be seeing that in the prem next season
On a more serious note – the game was on itv which is traditionally when engerland fails – but that seems banished .
We will be faced by politicians trying to capitalise on Engerland still in the World Cup in that sickening way that they want to be seen as “ with the people “ when obviously it means nothing to the bubble .
I’m surprised the bBBC haven’t put the players current form down to their desire to stay in what they call Europe but really mean the EU, Fu2.
(Still cannot understand Southgate’s love affair with Sterling.)
Are the BBC even allowed to promote Corbyn in such a way?
Bit rich for Corbyn to talk about class – it’s more about whether politicians / journos have gone from uni into publicly funded jobs and never seen real life . PPE seems to be the lazy way for a politician to start their career to prep for a safe seat – in any party and shows the corruption of the bubble in separating these creatures from the lives their constituents – you and me – experience .
BBC JezSez propaganda releases are self-defeating.
Last time I checked, Al Beeb had not informed us that the poor girl on Bute was murdered. I expect they are shitting themselves in case one of the doctors, engineers etc recently arrived in Bute is the murderer. Maybe not. Maybe we’ll never find out – not in the best interests of ?
Loobyloo, I was wondering that too. A number of Syrian refugees were settled there, but they may have nothing to do with it. I wonder how a windswept Scottish island compares to war-torn Syria? Vitamin D deficiency would be a problem for them potentially. One would hope that this latest terrible murder would be easier to solve, given a small island community. Very sad, so many young lives being lost in this country at present.
im not a betting man but ….
Tight-knit community’ shocked by young girl’s death on Isle of Bute
Used to be tight knit, Kaiser.
Coming to the BBC! 500 extra hours of wimmins sport; can’t wait!
If they had sports with teams of really good looking women I would watch. But perhaps they will insist on a quota of ugly ones to keep up the diversity levels. Of course I would be watching for entirely the wrong reasons although beach volley ball did have some excellent technical points as well as other attractions.
Almost every minute a BBC-lefty shows how not-nice they are.
11:10pm R4 Marcus Brigstocke show the script laid out the different categories of newspaper comment; getting more extreme they got to category: “utterly vile”, and said the next category is “Melanie Phillips”
… Then cued curated laughter
the truth is racist
Excellent . I will remember this quote and use when appropriate.
The clue is in the name – Marcus – father a banker -private education – connections -Edinburgh festival – albeeb contract – out on the regular comedy circuit -just a minute – varioussnowflake comedy shows and a few advert voice overs. Happy days .
Straight though, oddly.
But refreshingly bbc in fidelity.
Seems like the mini mayor of London is right, crime is rising nationwide.
I think after engerlands footy victory we should spare a thought for Scots and others having to deal with their disappointment because of Engerland winning . Their plite will be worse if Engerland beat the swedes .
Rob Burley will be conflicted.
After seeing the antics of the Colombian team in the corners we should bring back Vinnie Jones. I remember seeing a photo of him grabbing the particulars of Paul Gascoigne. That would be a deterrent if they ever wanted to start a family! Norman Hunter would have been good as well.
This one? 🙂
Exactly. Man to Man marking with a sting.
Looking at Police is interesting in that screenshot:
long black coats on, white shirts , trousers, slim, looking smart
Compared to most today:
Bulky stab vest / high viz jacket with 24 pockets and things hanging off like the Buckaroo game, para military leggings with elasticated bottom and steel toecap boots, fascist black polo shirt. All designed to be intimidating looking, rather than offering a reassuring professional look.
Yes, let’s put them back in that uniform shall we and send them out to walk the streets in some of the shit parts of this country without a stab vest or a taser to deal with members of the vibrant young people we have here, who carry knives as a status symbol.
The PCs generally do a good job, it’s the pc idiots who are in charge cause the problems. Would you want to do some of the jobs they have to? Yes, I know they choose to do the job, with very little help from either the general public or their superiors.
I imagine though, despite your comments, if you were in need of the police, you would be the first one calling for them.
From a proud sister of a Police Officer.
Think of the boost to our “Brexit – damaged” economy…all the Scotsmen will have to go out and buy a Sweden shirt now.
Here it is usually to protect sacred architecture from being desecrated by new diverse schools of thought.
BBC now has an Indiana Anti Trump Editorial team too?
Here it is usually to protect sacred architecture from being desecrated by new diverse schools of thought.
BBC now has an Indiana Anti Trump Editorial team too?
Looks like the future-
With mass immigration and the government controlling housing to keep the bubble going, more and more will be spending the night in stables- probably with a fence to keep those totally homeless out
Why are so many stories on the BBC News website in the form of a question?
Does it mean that their veracity is questionable?
Apparent veracity from the BBC is ALWAYS questionable – that goes without saying.
Sometimes they combine a quote with a question for full separation cover on a punt.
John Pienaar has to be the most biased anti Tory writer of the lot of them. This guy will do anything to turn us against the PM while any of Corbyn’s mishaps go un noticed.
“What we know” is Al Beeb’s favourite ‘banner word ‘.
What it really means is that ……….They don’t know much really !
Wait until what the bbc ‘knows’ gets processed through the narrative filter and served up as what its audience ‘needs’ to know.
Guest Who
On “A need to know” basis. 😉
As an aside, re the image …………..
Borris – “Oi! your fly is open”
” she’ll gather her Cabinet again on Friday and try – very hard? apparently – to get agreement ”
Sounds almost a balanced article to me ,
has the writer clocked that May is intent on doing as little as possible to get us out of the EU?
Toady watch
The work experience Asian beeboid did one of those “ I could care less “ interviews about Blighty fishing rights post brexit . Ok I admit I was in a bit of a post engerland win stupor – but when it was mentioned that uk fisher men/ Wimmin / other only get 40 per cent of the fish around our own coast and the ReichEU hoovers up 60 % I’ll say that again 60% I fully woke up .
The beeboid could not see a problem – the bastard from the ReichEU couldn’t see a problem .
He said that the UK is very near to the mainland EUreich , had been fishing in UK water for centuries and just deserved to take all our bloody fish .
The Asian beeboid clearly has no interest in the subject and was likely thinking about shoes like women do ( sexist eh? -one for max) .
Then the al beeb has learned……. the electoral commission- which is owned by Blair/ Soros / Branson will find the leave EU outfit guilty of fiddling. During the brexit campaign .
The chapy from the campaign said they were given no opportunity to talk to the electoral commission. During the investigation . I fumed at this and the beeboid – coonsberg thought it perfectly acceptable . Ok why am I surprised ? But even the albeeb which goes on and on about the rule of bloody law must see something fishy there – bit like the quotas I referred to some moments ago ….
At the time, I had a feeling that the news reports of the trapped Chilean miners were not quite all they appeared to be. The situation was certainly milked for all it’s worth and drawn out for as long as possible. The Simpsons episode where Bart was supposedly trapped down a well came to mind.
Now we have a group of children trapped in a cave in Thailand. Hmmm. I see similarities with the Chilean story but if it is a contrived story, I can’t think of a reason for it; what would be the point and who benefits?
I think the children in the cave is a real story but brace yourself when the Liberals start pushing “adopt a Thai child”, “bring those children (and their families) to UK for a good education” type of campaigns.
““bring those children (and their families) to UK for a good education”
Or, swimming lessons even.
““bring those children (and their families) to UK for a good education”
what about the teacher? he’s 25 going on 9, and probably would benefit from a uk education
R4. Laura K…..she describes the Vote Leave campaign in the most derogatory terms she could use, without swearing. No substance for her comments – just her opinion. Her whole interview was so sloped I am surprised she could stand up.
A propros of nothing: The BBC have a strange grasp of election results
Erdogan: 52% a huge success
Mexico: 53% a sweeping victory
Brexit:52% a marginal victory
Typical BBC headline today
Vote Leave broke electoral law, Electoral Commission expected to say
The official Brexit campaign is expected to be found guilty of four charges of breaking electoral law, the BBC has been told.
Expected? that’s not factual news yet then. What happens if they say the opposite? Will the BBC apologise and how can they undo the damage of slating the leave campaign?
and the Electoral Commission stuffed full of remainers is still refusing to even look at the remain campaign.
Never mind their official spending, how much did/has the BBC spent with their remainiac nonsense
what about that camorons leaflet of doom, that has to be of some kind of dubious nature
A whole host of unofficial remainers seemed to be campaigning with their forecasts and crystal balls all of which cost time and money, much of it bloody ours.
The remainers have not yet come to terms with the fact that they lost the biggest democratic vote in British history.
Eg The Limpdems went in to the last general election on the ticket that they would “give the final say to the British people by offering a second EU referendum.”
Urm……….. remind me now, how many seats did they get?
Meanwhile, Al Beeb are not happy bunnies, not happy bunnies at all.
To be fair, it is something they might have said. Hence…. ‘news’. At least, to the nation’s least trusted propagandist.
”expected to be”
Is normal these days, same with leaked budget / new policy reports etc
It’s like they are feeling the public mood before deciding to go ahead, or change things
Remain: 48% a resounding vote to stay in the EU
General Election: Labour 262 seats out of 650……Corbyn wins, CORBYN WINS!!!!!!!!
R4….Got the bloke on who campaigned for Vote Leave to be investigated by a judicial review…He reckons that if they are found guilty then there has to be another referendum…
Not politically motivated at all…..what a bunch of**** [insert appropriate word]
I noticed how many times Mishal asked Michael Gove the same question, including on the fishing quota, over and over again. He is to be complimented for putting her in her place very firmly. I’m surprised he was able to do it in a polite manner.
She seems to think that repetititon is the essence of a good interview. She also seemed to be too thick to understand the concept of independence, insisting that the UK would still need to negotiate with the EU over its own waters. She probably thinks she’s clever. I think she is irritating in the extreme.
Maybe Mishal needs to read up on the Icelandic Cod Wars to see why we wouldn’t need to negotiate. Iceland set a 200 mile limit and threatened to remove NATO from Keflavik during the Cold War. I believe we have a little more leverage than Iceland if we wanted to use it. However Treezer would fold at the first nasty words via Twitter from Barnier or JC Juncker.
fnw, Govey, I am led to believe, is unfailingly polite.
I have Mary Ann Sieghart to thank for that information, relayed by the BBC doing its proper job for a change.
I have to credit Mishal with actually posing a sneaky question to Govey. A bit of superior spin bowling for a change. Our Govey spotted it and well-forward from the crease, managed to smothered it with a suitably defensive stroke.
\\ Gove’s Plan For Post-Brexit 200 Mile Fishing Grounds Is Just Standard International Law//
You guys know to check Tim Worstall’s Continental Telegraph for news ?
Sadly I have found that all those presenters/reporters who are of Asian background/culture -on all channels, display any gravitas or understanding when reporting an issue. To be fair, there are also a fair amount of young and white journos who have come straight from media training (easy to spot as they have flailing arms) with a lack of emotive experience.
LOL, Brissles. Love that “young and white journos who have come straight from media training (easy to spot as they have flailing arms) with a lack of emotive experience.” line. Brilliant.
The school with 300 holes in the roof
Basically it’s about a UK school with no money left……but that doesn’t stop the BBC showing 7 dark skinned kids (including a najib wearing Muslim) and just 3 white kids (and 2 of those 3 are of the same girl).
School , leaking roof ? The BBc didn’t bang on about the £7m eco-school that had to be demolished in 2016