Hello all – half way through 2018 and our forthcoming brexit is really causing tension eh?
A gentle plea – it’s not easy to limit comment to just the bias of al beeb because the BBC poisons the whole of National life but …. please keep it clean and choose your words so that they are acceptable to all ( yes I include me in this ) .
Anyway -lots to talk about .
Thanks to an inability to sleep past 5.30am this morning I endured all three hours of TOADY.
What did I glean from it? The Remainers are getting very dirty with the help of the BBC. Playing much dirtier than the Columbian footie team last night. Is there a connection between Theresa May, statements in the House, Remainers, Putin, Salisbury, a Chequers Cabinet meeting to discuss the Brexit White Paper and now Amesbury? That’s a very wobbly line but the timing is interesting.
I wonder.
Or have the the Police and Security Services, so far totally stumped – despite the spending of a massive number of ‘man’ hours – in finding the Skripal poisoning perpetrator(s), perhaps had the culprits inadvertently turn themselves in while setting up the mix of a dose of ‘Novichok’ intended for another victim or victims?
I wonder.
Will the BBC investigate all this more thoroughly than it did the Skripal attack?
I wonder about that, too, …..
…. maybe they will. That in itself will be interesting and revealing. Will they ever mention Nikolai Glushkov again? I wonder why they have taken a distinct disinterest in that event when they were so keen to pin the Skripal poisoning on Putin and ramp up retaliatory measures against Russia, threatening the very World Cup that they are now enjoying so much at taxpayer expense?
Always lots to wonder about the BBC these days.
Brilliant post. Could the latest incident in the Salisbury area just be a distraction technique, as well as one which will spread more panic and fear. What the Beeb don’t tell us is how the town has been doing since the Skripal incident: have people been coming back into the town centre, are tourists still coming to the town? Is it psychological warfare by the Beeb? Lying by omission.
The BBC…the state broadcaster that likes to cover for child abusers.
Beebo, I think it could be anything. I wrote the above before the ‘Esther McVey Incident’ in the House. You could add that into the mix.
During the afternoon I’ve been struggling to recall Richard Pinder’s (somewhat wild – really wild, in my view) conspiracy theory about the Skripal thing. Am I correct in recalling it featured an assassination attempt by a rogue MI6 operative who had access to Porton Down’s deadly little experimental ‘archive’?
You can wind all sorts of wild conspiracy theories into both Salisbury and Amesbury and Brexit.
The Civil Service appear to have set-up McVey because if the BBC reported accurately at lunchtime on TWatO (IF – that is a big if – mistakes can happen) it is rather strange that Sir Amyas Morse wrote in the last week of June requesting a meeting to discuss what Esther McVey had said in the House on Monday 2 July.
Perhaps that was a misspeak on the part of the Montacutie? It was certainly and quickly dismissed by Caroline Dinenage MP saying that taking a week to answer a request for a meeting was not unreasonable. As Dinenage has Ministerial responsibilities, she will be keen to not speak against the Civil Service but the implication was clear. Something is afoot between Whitehall and Westminster.
If you add in the Damien Green thing, Bojo’s on and off ‘Bojo Must Resign’ (twice if not three or four times), the David Davis so-called ‘ultimatum resignation’ and then the Windrush/Amber Rudd resignation, it is probably not unreasonable to say it is an unusual and very sustained period of attack on the current Government, stoked by the media, especially the Brexit hating part of the media which definitely includes the BBC.
I observed on here in late March, I think, that Theresa May had made an unwise statement to the House and could have misled the House. Who fed her that information that the chemical agent used on the Skripals was a ‘Novichok’ and it had been probably directly ordered by the Kremlin under Putin?
Just to remind everyone, especially the BBC who were stating today that a ‘Novichok’ was used on the Skripals, the scientists from the Organisation for the Prevention of (use of) Chemical Weapons specifically described the samples taken from the Skripals and various locations NOT as a ‘Novichok’ but merely a Soviet-era drug. The supposition that the BBC have been making, all along, bolstered by testimony from a spokesman who was a previous Porton Down chemist and an expert in the field was that ‘only the Russians could make a Novichok’ and that the composition of any Novichok would identify which of the limited number of sites in Russia and the former Soviet Union where chemical weapons were experimented with and manufactured.
We later learned via testimony from the hospital that they assumed initially the Skripals had taken some bad ‘recreational drugs’. Interesting that the hospital assumed exactly the same (rightly in my view) with the victims from Amesbury.
Was McVey set up to bring Theresa May down or to bolster her position in the light of her rash statement and actions in that first week of March? Either could be possible.
There could also be no connection at all between any of this other than the fact the events are taking place in the UK.
It is very strange that the BBC are asking no questions about the other dead Russian emigres and the success of their assassins (if any – apart from Litvinenko’s killer who has been IDd) and the curious failure of apparently expert assassins (up to 14 or is it 16 ‘kills’) and the clumsy attempt to kill the Skripals which only claimed a cat and two guinea pigs as victims – and there is some doubt about what caused the death of those! It may have been police neglect ie. thirst.
It is also very strange that at the anniversary points – one month, two months, three months and now four, the BBC have asked NO QUESTIONS whatsoever (on air on R4 in my hearing – I cannot speak for BBC TV) about the progress of the Skripal investigation, the identification of the person or persons and the hunt for them.
It is all quite bizarre.
If you add that crazy General Election manifesto into the mix and the curious non-appearance of many senior Tories during the campaign, the questions become almost too much to bear.
Perhaps that is why the BBC is curiously very non-curious about it all? Or perhaps they have been leant on? Or are part of a wider anti-Brexit strategy and conspiracy of which Francis Urquhart would be proud and it does all tie together. They just pop-up to make the right sort of fuss at the right time in order to move another conspiracy piece onto the correct square.
And how is Mrs Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, BBC? Would you care to enquire about her? You appear to have ignored her, apart from one brief mention, for weeks and weeks.
I wonder why?
How dare over 600 people allow themselves to be killed at Gosport Hospital just to spoil the BBC’s celebration of 70 years of the outstanding NHS service.
It’s a good thing those people aren’t alive today else they would mar the BBC and Guardian’s features: “tell us of your experiences at the hands of the glorious and perfect NHS”
If we are not carefully, the loved ones of those who died will be squealing and moaning about being forgotten by the World’s most trusted broadcaster.
We must support the BBC in crushing any mindless cavilling about the NHS which is, chant in unison please, ‘the envy of the world’.
scribbling, ah but …. there are babies to be considered. Babies trump old people. And it’s in Liverpool. Liverpool trumps Gosport, just think of the Sun newspaper and Boris Johnson.
It is strange that the BBC are not concerned about the deaths of babies when abortion is used as a form of contraception. But if it’s the death of a moderately obscure American musician, the BBC will be there straight away and for the next forty-eight hours or more.
You have to dig deep into the regional pages on the Beeb website to find coverage of the Gosport scandal. The families of the victims are photographed holding placards and images of those who died, all with a quiet dignity. My heart goes out to them and those they lost. It is truly appalling that criminal charges have never been brought against those responsible. My conclusion is that Gosport was not an isolated mistake, not one of an overworked doctor making one mistake, but rather a case of planned killing. Mid-Staffs is the same if you ask me, that was on Andy Burnham’s watch. The Mid-Staffs whistleblowers were harassed and hounded, but what they revealed was truly appalling. But of course the NHS can do no wrong according to the Beeb. Shame be upon all those within the NHS who covered up these scandals, the managers in particular. At Gosport, the managers played a major role in all of this, so it isn’t just the case of one rogue doctor, a sort of female Shipman.
In all the towns where we have had these NHS mass casualty cases, I would like to see memorial plaques erected close by, in a garden setting, with the name of every single victim. It is an absolute disgrace.
Don’t be silly Beebo .. they were old white people .. they don’t matter!
Re: The little girl murdered on the Isle of Bute
BBC manages to find a ‘good’ Muslim in a United football shirt to interview.
“Mr Ali said one of his customers had pointed out to him that it was the girl he knew who went to the school next door.”
Muslims next door to a school. On Bute. What could go wrong? Oh thank you ministry of diversity for enriching our once beautiful islands so!
The shopkeeper isn’t on Bute, his shop is next door to Alesha’s school in Airdrie.
I wouldn’t be surprised if 90% of all ‘corner shops’ next to schools in the UK are South Asian operated.
Bute has a population 7000 and 0.5% is from an ethnic minority. That means just 35 people are ethnic minority…..and the BBC found one to interview!
Central casting on speed dial, Tabs.
I will save Maxicony the trouble, the shopkeeper lives in Airdrie, next to Alesha’s school. Alesha was on holiday in Bute.
I don’t think it is unreasonable to speak to people who might have known her in Airdrie, especially when she might not a have been known at all in Bute, (apart from her grandmother).
When I click that link, I’m not seeing the ‘stani shopkeeper.
Sounds like the BBC went sticking their noses in , the family and other locals told them to fuck off, the best they could manage was Mr Ali who has a customer who said he knew the girl,,,,,
Maybe the BBC realized how pathetic they sounded , thus the removal ?
That’s because it is in this story. (Perhaps the earlier linked story was re-written?).
We shouldn’t play the BBC’s game of discarding the facts just to make a good story.
I should say that the BBC didn’t help as the story has been put across as ‘close-knit community in shock over death of island girl’ rather than ‘Airdrie girl murdered while on holiday’.
Agree JimS.
“Viewers’ comments about BBC News coverage. The Corporation’s coverage of Brexit is accused of being unbalanced, confusing and boring. Is that fair? Correspondent Chris Morris speaks to Samira Ahmed.”
Chris Morris speaking to Samira Ahmed about Brexit is unbalanced, confusing and boring.
Two Baptist Christian(?) druggies miscalculate and the BBC fires up with a reference to the Skripal poisoning.
Scraping the barrel hardly covers it
That’d be “the world’s leading public service broadcaster” in action.
Birmingham paving the way for the future of the UK again (not the beeb but HuffPost) :
The UK’s First Female Sharia Judge: ‘I Am Championing Women’s Rights’.
Dr Amra Bone wants to encourage more women into Sharia law. With an MA and PhD from Birmingham Uni, her specialisms include Quranic exegesis and ethics with an emphasis on Sharia and gender. So many boxes ticked, I’m surprised the BBC hasn’t commissioned a mini-series on her.
“In Islam women are not treated as dependent, but as equal, so we treat them equally.”
So nothing to worry about I’m sure.
Is it news ? The beginning & title make t look like she’s just been appointed
BUT \\ ….lead to me being appointed Sharia judge 13 years ago.”
…. . “As far as I know I’m still the only female Sharia Court judge in the UK but I’m really hopeful that will soon change,” she says. //
\\ In British Sharia courts, 90% of the petitioners are female and almost all cases involve divorce.//
ie Many Muslim women marry under Muslim Club rules rather that UK law, so it’s up to Muslim Club to organise the divorce.
However should you be able to marry under purely Islamic law ?
cos it seems a woman gives up a lot of rights/freedoms
.. How many divorces are refused ?
Under UK law the woman can just walk away saying I am not legally married.
Stew, not news no. All part of an incentive **HuffPostListens – Birmingham**.
—“HuffPost wants to get out of the media bubble and tell the real story of the UK. For one week we relocate our newsroom to the heart of Birmingham and invite people to tell us what they care about […] We don’t think the media has listened to people enough, so that’s what we’re doing. Listening to the stories of Birmingham, opening up our newsroom to its people and telling the real story of Britain.”
Birmingham residents can “tell us your story” by visiting the HuffPost newsroom at the Bullring or across the city on mobile ‘Listening Posts’.
Thin edge of the wedge.
But what am I saying – we’re well past that, the whole wedge is up our backside and we’re being royally f*cked.
And in case anyone believes the crap about women’s rights under the Religion of Misogyny, here’s a few links:
‘In islam women are not treated as dependent, but as equal, so we treat them equally. The word we use to describe this benign system is taqqiya’.
What do the liberal/ left +BBC and the murderer fantasist Charles Manson have in common ?
They both want to change the demographics of a country to obtain power .
The BBC with a bit of fake news generation by omission yet again.
“Vote Leave broke electoral law, Electoral Commission expected to say”
Why rush out a tory guessing at what might happen? A story which has been widely reported previous and which involves what I can see as a minor issue at any rate?
Other than of course the interference in Britains electoral process by a foreign power namely the Obamessiah.
But lets have a look at how the BBCs print arm reported the Leave campaign allegations some days earlier:
“The UK needs tougher powers to stop foreign interference in our elections ”
Really? I don’t see the BBC reporting anything about that since the Cameron Obama lying scandal they quickly hushed up.
“The big change going on now is the shift of political attention from such mass media platforms with a developed ethic of balance, responsibility and trust to a wild west that is open to foreign manipulation. None of this will be altered by beefing up a spending regulator.”
Really? Because that’s exactly what the BBC appears concerned about.
A completely speculative story which should never have been published until the actual facts are reported, and certainly not given the top billing which the BBC have given it on the main site.
No doubt they will run this again when the report is finally published and no doubt it will be given top billing again.
Bias? What bias?
Thoughtful, excellent post. This morning on TOADY the BBC invited on a lawyer who had been pushing for the Electoral Commission investigation. At least the BBC were honest enough to ask him “Why?” and the lawyer honest enough to answer “I want Brexit annulled.”
The Remainers are playing very, very dirty games and it may get worse for a month or three. I expect a distinct change of tactic come October/November time. If Brexit is still on course – God willing, it will be – they may be unable to continue like this because they may turn public opinion increasingly against anything like a fudged or partial or delayed Brexit and very much against the EU.
I won’t go back to EUgypt. Onward to the promised land of Out.
‘The Remainers are playing very, very dirty games’
Anyone notice a certain parallel between the gamesmanship and poor behviour of the Columbian national football team last night and the shenanigans of the UK (continuity) Remain campaign?
You wouldn’t know it from BBC news coverage today but there were some pretty unsporting tactics employed by the Latin Americans. They saw their English opponents had the edge in the game and an advantage in skill so they tried both with constant complaining histrionics and with pushing and shoving and headbutting to cheat their way to victory.
Not to push the analogy too far but the Ref was pretty weak and FIFA officials noticably unwilling to clamp down.
it’s not a great analogy because in a football game the ref is supposed to be neutral; Teresa May is supposed to be on Britain’s side , but clearly isn’t.
England were utterly useless, 120 mins against a very mediocre team and could not even score one goal in open play.
As usual we were miserable and looked frightened , at least the Colombian players were relaxed and smiled now and then.
The headbutt? Henderson had firm hold of the blokes arm, the butt was caused by him vigorously shaking that off. Henderson then went all gay and fell to the floor like he had been shot- pathetic
Poor gamesmanship?
what about the England goalkeeper coming off his line to intimidate the penalty taker who then missed?
If Sweden don’t field a team full of immigrants, I’ll be supporting them in the next game
Eddy, you make some fair comments but can’t help wondering do you have some Scottish in you?
I don’t quite understand the odd oikophobic partisanship of watching England play sport and hoping they lose.
AISI, I only used the parallel with the England v Columbia game merely because I was told, at least seven times on TOADY, that is had been a bit rough and Columbia had made a lot of fouls. And that the Remainers and Remoaners and their allies in the media are also playing dirty, really dirty. Except the BBC didn’t tell me that. I had noticed for myself. I even took a couple of screen grabs from the BBC w/s this a.m..
I merely took some relief in the thought that in 1966 England had to beat a team that played really dirty and that that might be ‘a good omen’ (good grief – the BBC have even got me at it, at last – IT’S THE CRICKET SEASON, BBC, AND THE OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP WILL TAKE PLACE SOON) for 2018.
Then my poor brain had to ache for a bit while I tried to remember who. Was it Uruguay?
9am R4 Prog about Canadian theatre : fine that is not an issue they bang on about.
Now what is this Canadian play about ?
..The suffering of black African slaves
Ah there we are back to a BBC pet issue
Arabs who enslaved Africans?
So born in India, Amol do you feel English/British ?
At 9:54pm last night he tweeted about BBC pay gap
Where is Amol Rajan on the Religious Pay Gap?
A BBC masterclass on muddying the waters of the Brexit debate
What kind of Brexit do voters want?
A couple of graphs showing the public are quite close between those that want a single market and those that want to end free movement.
The piece ‘commissioned by John Curtice for the BBC’ concludes:
1. many voters are not at all sure about what kind of Brexit they would like.
2. among those who do have a view, opinion is more or less evenly divided.
What a load of utter bollox! Asking the entire population what they want is like a 2nd referendum. It would be better to only ask those that voted for Brexit ‘what Brexit would you like?’ then you would see what the politicians should be negotiating for us.
I said the something similar to my wife…
Why should those who voted remain get another vote? They keep telling us that the Brexiteers didn’t understand what we were voting for so surely its only us that get another vote
And since remainers voted leave then they don’t care what the deal is unless it isn’t leave. So all in all another referendum is Brolacks
JA, someone from the Remain side gave the game away on the BBC R4 recently. Cannot remember who (Campbell? Adonis?) but they want a three question Referendum which, of course, you cannot really fairly do because it will split the vote of one side or the other. Whoever it was said the questions should be 1. accept ‘The Deal’, 2. reject ‘The Deal’, or 3. stay in the EU.*
Oh, yeah?
Cannot see the Electoral Commission letting that through. But on the other hand, on the evidence of today ….
[* That would, of course, require a tremendous amount of goodwill from the EU as we have effectively already resigned and are merely transitioning to ‘Out’ on 29/30 March 2019. As goodwill toward the UK from the EU has been curiously and rather constantly absent for most of our 45.5 years of membership, except when cashing our cheques, and most especially toward David Cameron in the autumn and early winter of 2015, I think (and hope) the Remainers are hoping for a bit much.]
8pm R4 Moral Maze
\\ Are we risking “creeping segregation” in the name of diversity and inclusion? //
eg LGBT exclusive housing, Black feminist festivals etc.
Any Owen Jones ?
Dunno but of course BBC will bring on the black lefty friends again : @RimaSaini3105 (PhD race/class Assistant Lecturer. SOAS), @DrLezhenry (Jamaican parentage, lectures @ UWL),
Just listened to a R4 11am to 11.30am programme about public transport called “Mind The Gap”. It wasn’t bad but did keep tending to state the blindingly obvious. All had been going quite well until the presenter had to bring up the old “quote” from Margaret Thatcher about a man should consider himself a failure if still using public transport after the age of 30 or so. It seems the late PM probably never said this anyway, but that didn’t stop it being used as yet another BBC jibe at anything Conservative.
Meanwhile, R5live going on and on about England’s World Cup win yesterday, even speaking to a rather confused sounding Sven Goran Erikssen on what was a very bad, crackling phone line. No detail on the apparent “attack” in Salisbury ie a couple taken ill near the town in mysterious circumstances and rushed to hospital. It could just be food poisoning, or it could be misinformation designed to spread panic and fear. R5live also giving coverage to some allegedly homophobic tweet. And yet no detail on, say, how the firemen are doing in battling the fires in Lancs area (arson perhaps?) or the arrest yesterday of a healthcare official in Cheshire allegedly charged with killing babies at a hospital in the county (all allegedly of course).
We are being lied to by omission. While the country falls apart, the Beeb concentrates on trivia and PC propaganda. I hope there are now thousands of people cancelling their TV licence fee DDs. It is not so bad being TV free, I am glad I decided to give it up.
The actual original quote “A man who, beyond the age of 26, finds himself on a bus can count himself as a failure” was actually spoken by Loelia Ponsonby wife of 2nd Duke of Westminster.
It is often misquoted to Margaret Thatcher but there is no evidence whatsoever that she said this.
But as we all know, the BBC don’t let facts get in the way of their narrative.
“No gentleman travels on an omnibus”. Professor H.C. Wyld.
More and more people are discovering how untrustworthy BBC reporting is. This youtube video is titled “Who Still Takes BBC News Seriously?”
Glad I stayed with it. No more and no less than many a post here, but still valuable and it did resonate when filleting the BBC stealth editors working their hypocritical anonymous magic with Dr/Ms. Upherself once she invoked the sisterhood cloak of distraction once finding herself of a deep hole she had dug.
9pm R4 Glorifying ancient Greek female scientist Hypatia
\\a Hellenistic Neoplatonist philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician //
It’s not so long back when BBC were arguing the first female scientist didn’t come until the 1800’s and I thought there must be a Greek one .
Ancient Greeks? Surely not? The BBC told me that it was the Islam inspired Arabs wot dunnit.
iirc the guys in Baghdad translated much Greek stuff….
– but hey –
you don’t have to go back that far to see BBC re-writing/inventing history. I’ve been quite shocked at the snippets I’ve seen on the BBC portrayed as being 1970s and1980s British popular culture.
How many people have been expunged from the record ? Stalin would’ve laughed.
Hypatia is quite well known and was mentioned by Carl Sagan in the original series of Cosmos circa 1980. According to legend, there was great suspicion of her because of her intelligence and some believed her to be a witch. She was killed by having her skin scrapped off with oyster shells, hence the expression: “She scrapped by seashells on the seashore”.
Turned on radio channel 5 to catch the PMQs and the beeboid was treated with an interview with some yank talking about President Trump . After about a minute it was obvious that this character was a Democrat and indeed worked for Obama.
You could hear the beeboid yearning for the return of a Muslim president to put us at the back of the queue again – and put winston Churchill s sculpture back in a box .
What really powers the “electric car dream” that the BBC are so ready to push.

Mislead today, bury the apology weeks later so no one gets to read it.
Just looked at the BBC reports on Englands victory (you know that race that that pays the majority of your inflated BBC wages) and not one shot of an England flag. The England flag is seen by the BBC as the right wing symbol of hate just like the National Socialist Swastika. I certainly wont be watching any BBC coverage of Englands future matches as i might as well watch coverage from the US or any other neutral country such is there desire to be seen unbiased towards there own country. If they want to show there commitment to unbiased reporting move from London (remember the tantrums when having to move to Salford?) you hyportical set of traitors.
a remainer friend recounted a conversation he had with another open borders maniac remainer, who was bemoaning the number of bbc southerners who have moved into their posh manchester area changing its character and pushing out locals
Ive still not stopped laughing
A second wind … notice that John Sopel is using the BBC to promote his book without your (BBC TV Tax) payers authorisation.
“Delighted that the new + updated paperback edition of ‘The Strange Death of Europe’ is now in its 3rd week in the UK best sellers charts.”
Regarding Michael Gove on Today, the work-experience girl just doesn’t understand that we don’t have to negotiate anything with the EU as regards access to British waters once we leave. As has been said, despite Gove’s patience in explaining, she has the mindset that the EU can dictate or fail to agree with us which is not the case.
My only criticism of Gove on this matter from previous form is that he automatically assumes that we will want to allow access for other countries’ fishing fleets and this should not be the case. He has previously said that this is because the UK does not have the catching or processing capacity for the available stocks. Of course not you muppet, because the CFP has destroyed our fishing industry to the point where it limps on as a shadow of its former glory. Rather than give that resource away, let it recover and our home industry will grow accordingly, without the onerous and unfair quota system that lets non-UK boats catch more like 70% of our resource.
Currently French fishermen have the right to catch three times more Dover Sole and four times more Cod than British fishermen in our waters. Around 40% of the Danish fishing fleet’s total catch comes from our waters, and some Danish fishing communities rely entirely on catching fish within the bounds of what used to be Britain’s territorial waters. 85% of the Cod caught in the English Channel is done so only by French boats.
The French and Spanish have always blocked much-needed reform of the CFP as they have the largest fishing fleets (operating at a huge loss) so receive the most in subsidies. Spain in fact has the largest fishing fleet in Europe but does most of its fishing outside of its own territorial waters (as there are no fish left in Spanish waters). Furthermore, Spain receives around half of the all total subsidies handed out by the EU – a good situation for them but a terrible one for British fishermen.
As a direct result, we, as a once-great sea-faring nation with the greatest trading seaborne empire the world has ever seen, are reduced to importing 60% of the fish we eat to satisfy rising domestic demand, with the fish imported being caught in what were our own waters and subsidised by our own tax-payers’ money. Many of our former fishing ports lie empty and deserted, the boats sold to foreigners and the local processing and merchant businesses abandoned. But just out to sea over the horizon, Spanish, Danish, Dutch and French boats continue to reap the harvest.
Norway and Iceland have some of the largest fisheries in the world and a booming industry as a result of retaining the lion’s share of their own resource. Under the CFP we are forced to give away a national resource in huge volumes, to the economic and social detriment of our fishing communities. We need to take back control of our waters and keep it that way.
And if the unfair quota system was not bad enough, Spain and the Dutch not only have their own quotas and their own fishing fleets, they have also got a second fleet masquerading as British which is catching our quota. An attempt by Britain to stop this was overruled by the ECJ such that Spanish fishing boats have been sailing under a British flag of convenience since 1977 and in the 80s extended this right to other EU members. In Krankie’s Scotland the dimwits have given quotas to allow Spanish and Dutch fisherman to land almost 9,000 tonnes of fish which could be worth up to £65million at today’s market prices.
But it’s all for the greater good apparently. And whatever the final Brexit looks like you can bet our fish will be the first thing the would-be Remainers give away again.
Enoch – a great post – thank you – a cut out and keep job . It’s one of the many reasons which tipped people away from the ReichEU – quite simply – it is just plain wrong .
If fishing is sold down the river as it seem to be then any politician blabbing on about democracy deserves to be taken to task ( I was going to write stronger words but the watchers would put me on another list ).
I take it english isn’t the meershaaal creatures first language because she didn’t understand what Mr Gove was saying to her .
If those who died had been of the Islamic faith…
….the BBC would be running it non-stop as another Grenfell.
Or is it had been one death in a private hospital, then the BBC/Guardian would have been all over it.
So the celebrities will not be singing Bridge over Troubled Water at Gosport
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right. They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … Jack Fincham from ITV’s Love Island hounded by fans for supporting Tommy Robinson 04jul2018
Pre 1765 times is where islam lives permanently so there is a way to go in reverse yet to fit in with their terraforming of the UK. Naturally when we all reach cave dwelling, I guess most accommodating people will (or may) draw the line…………………
Levinson so called appeal judge for Tommy Robinson pre-judges’ the appeal on BBC radio
Guido rightly took some flak here recently for his censorship of comments. However he still has the capacity to do work that an impartial BBC would have been doing.
The Electoral Commission’s finding against Vote Leave is pretty comprehensively taken apart here:
Tonight’s TV
7pm \\ The programme looks at the science behind the enticement of technology, uncovering the way that behavioural science has been used to keep people endlessly checking their phones. //
.. Brainwashing Pot (The BBC ) call Brainwashing Kettles (Facebook/Twitter )
7:30pm Randeep Singh’s help the homeless charity started in Southhall
9pm – 10:30pm BBC Four : Rich Hall’s Working for the American Dream
\\ Rich Hall explores the ethos of the American Dream, and uncovers how it has been explored and perpetuated by politicians, industrialists, writers and artists. //
.. followed by 10:30pm “How to Be a Good President: Timeshift2
9pm ITV : The Big NHS Singalong Live
#NHS #cult
RE NHS: I know of no other country that worships it health service as a god. Criticise it and you are a blasphemer. The BBC and ITV are the priesthood and have their NHS songs of praise in place. When we gained the Olympics included in the ceremonies was a ritual praise dance for the NHS. Countries like North Korea make religions of the “peoples” armed forces. Maybe that is where we are heading.
Our health service, in France, is excellent. They just get on with it.
Once upon a time the state broadcaster put PMQs on at 12 on a Wednesday and let it run its course .
Today the coverage was stopped for no reason at 1230 eveb though – as we all know – the bloke in the chair with height issues let’s it run for another 15 minutes .
I wondered if they knew the PM was going to clarify the brexit position? The bloody awful peeenarrrr was covering it speaking with the authority which only comes from not having a clue about what’s really going on . He must be on the QT shortlist as he’s a bit dusky although maybe one of the girl football pundits can take it on . – perhaps the one who looks like princess Markle of LA
Or maybe his daughter could do the job – you know the one, she works for the Labour Party, courtesy of her dad’s connections at the BBC.
Wot ol’ gravel throat herself? Sarah Smith must have puffed through lots of packs of ciggies to get where she is today: scrabbling to get over Part-time, Norman namesake and John Pienaar for a top BBC job.
I always assumed he was an Afrikaner.
BARB Viewing stats June 18-24
all top 9 were World Cup : Tunisia game 17m, to 6m Tues post-match
BBC news made #10 at 5.8m (so ITV soaps beat BBC news)
BBC2 1.2 to 2.2million
BBC4 3 to 6m
ITV 4 to 7.6 milion (soaps/football)
C4 : 1 to 2.2 million
C5 : 0.7m to 1.9m
Sussex child sex abuse family cover up ?
\\ she had been investigating allegations of sexual abuse against children within a family in West Sussex, but had decided there was no criminality and did not record a crime or undertake any further investigation. //
Wow : actual pro-active policing in Dewsbury
Undercover police cadets checked into 9 hotels
All hotels should have made child abuse checks
..only 5 did.
Nadiya waxes lyrical about Nadiya
Oh she’s redone the Pork Pie , taken out the pork and put in samosa filling
Metro : as Junior Bake Off moves to Channel4 “loses hero Nadiya Hussain”
Ugh ! curry and pastry, noooooooo ! I wonder if she’s every tasted black pudding – its made with pigs blood Nadya, seeing how you are liking to mess around with our national food.
Rochdale : Imam Abdul Rauf jailed
“Father-of-five Abdul Rauf, 51,”
BBC hits for “Abdul Rauf ”
Monday : ‘Nasty bully’ imam Abdul Rauf admits beating boys
30 Mar 2018 Ex-imam charged with Rochdale child assaults – BBC News
Remarkable coincidence
9 May 2012 Rochdale grooming trial: Nine men jailed – BBC News
.. “Married father-of-five Abdul Rauf, 43” (wow a man same age, same name, also 5 kids)
1 Mar 2017 Rochdale grooming gang’s lawyers face legal watchdog investigation …
I thought it was Meghans dad !
cor thats one handsome chap
1400 years of incestuous marriage will do that to a chap.
Never ceases to impress the calibre of editors the bbc finds, nurtures, promotes, tolerates, loses and keeps inviting back on to share their wisdom.
BBC calls on California court to find and exterminate #DoctorWho leaker.
Wonder how much the court case is costing ? Wonder how it is commercially justifiable – all over a third rate programme
Just send the TARDIS back in time to plug the leak, simples!
Lord Green immigration letter in the Times
\\ Share
Sir, James Kirkup’s praise for immigration (“It’s time to change our tune on immigration”, July 2) would be more convincing if he could produce evidence that immigration was a genuine economic benefit. The House of Lords economic affairs committee was unable to find any driving up of GDP per head in its 2008 report; nor has any real evidence to the contrary emerged in the past decade, despite very large increases in migration. As the independent Migration Advisory Committee put it in March: “There is little evidence that . . . countries [with] higher rates of labour force growth have had higher rates of growth of output per head.”
He might like to indicate what level of immigration would be sensible, leaving aside the question of a specific target, which he sees as “a poisoned well”. Does he believe we can continue with net migration at a quarter of a million a year indefinitely? Moreover, does he really believe that we can continue at anything like these levels when nearly two thirds of the public support a reduction?
Lord Green of Deddington
Chairman, Migration Watch UK //
3 other letters
Interesting, Stew. Mark Carney stated quite specifically that wider immigration had suppressed wages in the UK economy. Lord Green could have included that as evidence.
ask a leftie these
q1 how many can we fit in?
q2 what then?
what chance do you have of getting an answer … tumbleweed
Ineos to spend £2.4 bn on 2 NEW chemical plants
Popcorn time?
I have no idea what James O’Brien actually said as it seems I’ve been blocked. Not sure what for, probably for not being a lefty tw*t.
Blocked by James O’Brien?
A badge of honour Roland, wear it with pride.
BBC article on ‘The New Skripals’ helpfully points out that the alleged incident took place in Amesbury and that ‘Amesbury is about eight miles from the Salisbury Russian spy poisoning site.’ So it is, but it’s also somewhat closer to Porton Down, the home of Britain’s chemical weapons research… The story as being promoted as possibly drugs related. However, one can easily imagine the following scenario in the Home Office and Foreign Office:
“I say, old chap. We have a bit of a problem with this football thing in Russia…”
“Really? I’m a rugby man myself, so I don’t know”
“No, no, you don’t understand. We’ve been telling the population that Russia is a horrible place, yet now thousands of fans will come back and tell their family and friends that it’s nothing like what we say, that’s it actually quite nice and the people are very friendly, too”
“Hmm… I see. Could we run another Russian poisoning story down Salisbury way?”
“No! We can’t expect people to fall for that again.”
“Oh, I don’t know, they fall for all the other nonsense and lies”
(both men laugh)
“Well, why not. I’ll give the DG at the BBC a ring. We did PPE at Oxford together, don’t you know.”
Russia is a dictatorship and a police state. It can easily put on a pleasant face for a couple of weeks in large cities there the football is taking place. Meanwhile elections are fiddled, Putins opponents are periodically murdered and Putins cronies get rich at the expense of ordinary Russians. The economy is a mess, Russia makes almost nothing the world wants to buy, it relies on oil , gas and raw material exports.
Regarding Amesbury it’s early days but at least one of the victims could have been infected in Salisbury by the same Russian goons who went for the Skripals.
Bit like the UK then
Hardly. Thank your lucky stars for being a U.K. not a Russian citizen. You wouldn’t be posting on a site like his criticising your government or state broadcaster for a start.
Only a matter of time, EE.
Nor would you be imprisoned in Russia for not paying for a TV license like you can be in this country, as they don’t have one. There are political prisoners in this country, too: Tommy Robinson for starters. Some dissidents are murdered: Kevin Crehan, perhaps? Large scale vote rigging has occured in places like Birmingham and Tower Hamlets. A massive operation is underway to try and prevent or overturn the Brexit vote. The BBC leaves Soviet-era propaganda in the dust.
No, Russia is not necessarily a great place to live. They do things differently there and in ways which would not appeal to most Westerners, but which work for *most* Russians. Democracy developed over several centuries in this country; it has not yet had a generation to do so in Russia, and will follow a different course because of its history, traditions and culture. But if you are a football fan or tourist in Russia, you will find it a welcoming place and often quite different to what you expect after years of exposure to Russophobia from the government and the BBC.
There are very few places outside the anglophone world and western europe where you can freely say what you like. But it now seems that’s becoming an old fashioned concept and we will be forced under pain of loss of job or imprisonment where we must gladly accept the multicultural wealth-distribution philosophy.
Currently I’ve got no problem with an authoritarian leader who can turn back the tide of leftist madness. The main job of Governments is to keep their citizens safe, and if Putin does not begin paranoiacally slaughtering thousands of his critics then all well and good.
Russia is struggling with the concept of democracy, sure, it’s new to them as Ian said. In the vast majority of countries – graft, corruption, nepotism is the norm.
But when our own western governments are determined to tax us to subsidize an easy ride for big business, the godawful sainted NHS, BBC and quangos galore, plus millions of non-productive immigrants while our infrastructure and defence crumbles..it’s time either for revolution or a big rethink about what ‘democracy’ is actually good for.
BBC Look North tonight : guess what special issue they will air ?
“Lincolnshire girl trapped in a boys body
.. who left school last week and returned as a girl”
She is lucky she isnt a dog trapped in a girls body.
If she said she was, the silly libtards would be throwing sticks for her to fetch.
I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body.
I demand a BBC documentary.
I’m a 25 year old trapped in the body of a 69 and a half year old – top that !
RJ – join the club, it’s a hard life innit? Years ago a hippie friend did my astrology chart. My moon is actually in the seventh house so I’m part werewolf too. Sod the BBC documentary I want a full 3 season HBO drama series!
Title role of the next The Night Manager for you then IMNALY !
That’s why I don’t watch BBC .. no licence fee .. cancelled it!!!
Somehow you put spaces in that image address
click this turd for brain liberal
Thanks for that very excrement correction. My computing skills are turd rate I’m afraid.
“BBC don’t cover the NHS “, say East Yorkshire Labour
..How real world is that ?
Look North is now having a praise the NHS item again NHS staff member at work, they’ve just put that video on their Facebook
They put a video yesterday as well
“The NHS saved comedian Rosie’s life #NHS70”
and another item
\\ Lincolnshire’s hospitals are still in special measures, but improvements have been made//
Both local BBC stations have NHS specials breakfast shows tomorrow
Radio Lincolnshire
\\ Don’t forget to tune into @BBCRadioLincs’ @scottydalton breakfast show tomorrow morning from 6am. We’ll be live from Pilgrim hospital to celebrate #NHS70. #ScottAtBreakfast//
The other presenter is live from Lincoln maternity hospital
\\ Carl Wheatley @TheCarlWheatley
.. a day in the life of a hospital porter. #lizzieandcarl @RadioHumberside //
\\ Humber Teaching NHS FT @HumberNHSFT Jul 3
Our Chief Exec @MicheleMoranCEO is live on @RadioHumberside now! //
\\ David Burns @bbcburnsy Jul 3
The four most powerful decision-makers in the #NHS in our area are taking your calls this morning. Join in @RadioHumberside from 9. //
FFS The world of today’s Labour activists put in their PR is * lalaland *
Look how they did a special graphic
that makes out BBC Hull region ignore the NHS
.. that’s easily contradicted by looking at BBC Hull posts from last 2 days
TV 4 videos, 2 Radio stations have 3 NHS specials
I put that Labour graphic alongside those BBC items
The BBC is utterly obsessed with NHS 70. One statist left wing organisation supporting another. Yes hospitals and health services save lives. That’s hardly big news. It doesn’t mean that they are appropriate to the modern world or are efficient.
Infecting hepatitis patients with hiv, Liverpool pathway , shipman , cover ups , massive fraud , mass murder , phalidomide , super bugs , … I could go on … and that’s only the stuff which got to the public domain.
Any possible weapon is being used to undermine brexit
This time C4 and al beeb are going on about the remainer dominated electoral commission coming up with a finding that the leave campaign had fiddled with contributions .
Well – 9 million taxpayers cash to threaten voters to vote remain or the world would end . Now that is real fraud .
Anything to get another vote to fix the result next time .
My understanding is that both sides may , repeat may, have broken electoral spending laws but of course the Commission refused to investigate remain. In addition the government spent £8 million on a pro Remain leaflet , completely outside the spending limits. In any case despite the desperation of Remainers such as the BBC, the result will not be nullified.
It’s the soros strategy of undermining using anything – god I even read some twitter stuff about remainers hoping England get knocked out of the World Cup in order to subdue patriotism and the feel good factor . Pretty desperate .
I wonder if the nurse arrested on suspicion of killing babies will be charged on the anniversary of the NHS. Would be a bit of irony there – innocent until guilty of course ( excluding TR who has always been presumed guilty by the bubble ).
My sister in law had her daughter at the Countess of Chester hospital, thankfully, before this fecker worked there.
Seems like the investigation is spreading.
Had the arrested nurse been a darker shade of pale I wonder if the m.s.m. would have been a little less keen to publish her details?
I thought that too. Especially as innocent until proved guilty, etc.
Mathematics is not my strongest subject but I do seem to spot ’em. The BBC’s legendary problem with sums has cropped up here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-44532288
Have fun.
I think it might link to Julia Hartley brewer’s view of the Engerland game if remainer logic was applied . It being not an overwhelming 4-3 win there should be a rematch to get a better result ….
Until she is given the CORRECT result.
Wot? England 52:Russia 48 in the WC Final. That’d be a game to watch.
The BBC would no doubt claim that at least 5 of the England goals hit the crossbar but did not actually go over the line. Or that the linesman’s half-sister had spent too much money in the Borscht Shop before the game. Or that the population of Siberia blinked during at least seven of England’s goals so they will not be part of the result and Siberia will be sawn off Russia as soon as a big enough saw can or a Referendum can be found..
It’s pretty obvious what sort of Brexit our very impartial????? national broadcaster wants.
The Beeb is banging the drum for diversity. As long as it is not diversity of opinion.
Will Emmanuel Macron save us?
Unfortunately here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-44715674 the BBC do not report what Macron was apparently saying yesterday, 4 July, although they did relay it on the R4 News. The French President wishes to pass a law in France that will remove the notion of race and of different races from French life.
Zoot Delors!
Mais, fear not, the mighty Beeb has expanded its empire still further in Africa to tell the locals what… ‘they need to know’…
I see the name Skripal and I see pots of Skyre Icelandic yoghurt !
Watch out for those Russians Brissles, I wouldn’t put it past them putin novichok in yer yogurt!
There is a story that it had been suggested that aircraft damaged in combat during WW2 should be examined and the ‘shot up’ areas be ‘beefed up’ on the rest of the fleet. Then some ‘smarty pants’ pointed out that these damaged aircraft had actually made it back so it was the other parts of the aircraft that needed protecting!
I was reminded of that in this quote courtesy of ITN:
“I do want to reassure the public, however, that there is no evidence that either the man or woman recently visited any of the sites that were decontaminated following the attempted murders of Sergei and Yulia Skripal.”
It isn’t the places that have been decontaminated that we need to worry about, it is all the rest!
Actually it is a lovely bit of official ‘back covering’ – ‘the work that we did was really good, (just don’t ask about what we didn’t do).’
Well today it is reported that the police have confirmed that the Amesbury couple were poisoned by “the same Novichok agent that was used to poison the Skripal’s”.
Amazing how quickly they can confirm something that the scientists weren’t able to confirm.
Also, weren’t we told that the probable reason the Skripal’s are still alive is that the so called Novichok agent rapidly degraded to a harmless state in a short period of time?
As an aside, curiously, the words “Novichok and Skripal” are amongst the 1st three suggestions offered to me on my iPhone upon typing the first three letters! I smell a rat.
Did anyone notice the little bit of doubt that slipped in on this Skripal thing on TOADY this morning. Think it was The Humph on the job but he appeared to imply that the Security Services and the Police were not watching Yulia Skripal. They may have ‘lost sight’ of her.
She is still my No.1 suspect although I have to concede that if I have recalled Richard Pinder’s ‘really wild conspiracy theory’ correctly that might just be correct.
What is remarkable is that Amesbury in July is turning Salisbury in March on its head. A considerable amount that we were told about the Skripal poisoning now appears to be untrue.
I have a brand new wild conspiracy theory. It wasn’t Putin wot dun it, it was Donald Trump. He wants to demonstrate that the UK media is corrupt and incompetent. He poisoned the Skripals just to point at, get back at the BBC ” they have media that is bad, very bad. I want to drain the swamp. I want to make Little Britain Great again.”
Yeah !!!! TWICE I’ve headed a new page . Who can top that then ??? (sorry, its the brandy nightcap – plus the heat and I get all silly)