Hello all – half way through 2018 and our forthcoming brexit is really causing tension eh?
A gentle plea – it’s not easy to limit comment to just the bias of al beeb because the BBC poisons the whole of National life but …. please keep it clean and choose your words so that they are acceptable to all ( yes I include me in this ) .
Anyway -lots to talk about .
BBC Panorama Title You Are Unlikely To See:
“1947. The New NHS . Money Better Invested In Rebuilding Industry?”
Sorry Peter, but ‘that’, whatever else ‘that’ may be, is most definitely not a real politician, and yes, I do realise the qualifying bar for ‘politician’ is set rather low for comfort and credibility in the UK at present. Rather this just makes me weep for my once great country.
BTW councillor Magid Magid got 1,882 votes,
but his party (Greens) leader lost his seat,
thus couldn’t be the ceremonial annual Lord-Mayor
So MM accidentally got the nomination instead
There is a proper direct elected Regional-Mayor Jan Jarvis who controls real money.
Unlike The Ali-G copycat
1,882 votes for Magid
63 million people voted for President Trump
Do we really want to go back to the age of George Brown and John Stonehouse and Anthony Barber?
US President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, from the 2006 film ‘Idiocracy’.
Life imitating art eh?
But will he face disciplinary action for cultural appropriation of a sombrero? Or is that punishment restricted only to certain other, err… ‘communities’:
A couple of days ago I was discussing this cultural appropriation madness with a friend and he suggested that all black people should only wear loin cloths and any found wearing suits should be accused of cultural appropriation.
But of course cultural appropriation rules only apply to certain people.
Tabs whenever I hear stuff like the UK’s favourite dish being chicken tandoori, by the logic of cultural sensitivity we should be made to forgo all that in favour of jellied eels and yorkshire pudding. But that would make us the insular, backward-thinking xenophobes our elite ridicules for not embracing other cultures with gusto.
It’s an infinite regress, a parody of an Escher drawing of a gordian knot which no one in our liberal fantasyland ever wants to acknowledge
Those who have been offended by the incident were offered a “safe space”.
Really. Why are people even indulging these idiots who are trying to ban fun?
Universities are going to be responsible for a whole generation of snowflakes unable to do a days work or even communicate with fellow humans. They will be so mentally damaged they may not even be able to reproduce resulting in the human race dying out!
This is 2 years old but shows the madness
Student ‘violated university safe space rule… by raising her arm at a meeting’
Soros Funded ‘Citizens UK’ demands Home Office IMPORTS Migrants to EVERY Town in Britain
I said that the BBC is a bit obsessed about black slavery etc.
Them loving Maya Angelou the black activist poet fits with that
OK we’ve had her first biography for one week and a book club special last week.
But can you believe the BBC has scheduled 5 more of her biographies ?
YES see the press release ..incredible
Was there any mention of this on the BBC?
Bbc Facebook is always a rich seam of Wut?
This one is extra special:
I am always intrigued how such stories come to their attention.
Is the whole of the BBC at Wimbledon or the World cup? Is there no news in the world except for the boys in a cave?
Does nobody think the NHS needs reform not an incessant homage to it? However despite the demand on the NHS, the BBC announce that 35 NHS workers will be with them at Wimbledon..free of charge…public sector don’t you just love the hypocrisy
On Breakfast no men in sight so – I went to ITV and 3 woman – no men. Who are these people who never see women on the television?
At least its given the ‘plastic in our oceans’ a break !
Talking of breaks, Briss, Syria seems to have gone quiet lately.
So Al Beeb tells us that thousands of jobs are at risk at Jaguar Land Rover if there is a bad Brexit deal.
What about the jobs at risk in Germany’s car industry ?
A company as big as Jag should be well experienced in W T O rules ? Also, don’t the Europeans want to sell us parts . More “project fear” ?
Just heard Lord Digby Jones say very much the same on LBC.
Mrs May needs to get us out, or get herself out and move over for a Brexiteer to run the country.
The Remoaning Remainers are terrified of a future where they will have to work harder, may experience severe difficulties and hardships, but may prosper so much more than they have in the past forty-five and a half years.
If the UK’s membership of the EU and the three or more years of our Leaving is but a dim and unwelcome memory in a prosperous and successful UK in the mid to late-2030s, the Remoaners are terrified they will be looked upon with some derision by the rest of a much more equal, content and happy UK society.
You are correct. It is the thought they might have to work harder is what scares them. They like mass cheap immigration doing the work they should be doing themselves. The Remoaners are supporting modern day slavery.
It really gets my goat when the likes of Owen Jones say “the UK can’t make things themselves…we need foreign labour” when Owen has never done a days hard work himself and he has no trade skills. He thinks the entire UK workforce is from the same mould as himself.
Tabs, I’m old enough (smirk) but not too old, eh BBC (another smirk) to remember Call me Dave and his pal GO-ey telling British business in 2010 or 2011 that they were a [I initially typed ‘lunch’ – how very appropriate 🙂 ] … were a bunch of lazy bastards and they had to get out of their chairs and out of the UK and sell abroad …..
…. to make Britain Great again. And also just to keep up with our continental neighbours and fellow members of the EU.
Just to demonstrate what they had in mind, Dave and Pal GOey went in different directions on exhausting whirlwind tours of the Far East and Latin America that lasted all of five minutes.
To be fair, I also seem to recall that both signed trade deals while they were away.
Having seen them set a good example, I was hoping that British business would step up and follow suit. At the time, 2007-2009 was fresh in everyone’s memory and there was a real fear of proper austerity (not the soft austerity we actually have had and that the Labour Party complain about) around the corner.
Nope. Martin Sorrell apart, there was a feeble whinge about Cameron & Co laying into business and life went back to normal until we might have had to say ‘TaTa’ to our UK steel business in the light of competition from the rest of the world including China. Business then had a wobbly and reclined in a state of the Arts & Crafts-style vapours on a chaise-longue awaiting a friendly union – EU, Coalition Government, Trade, whatever – to rescue them, pat them on the head and hand them easy money.
When we are out of the EU things will have to change. No more saying “Oh, we can’t do that, Brussels will not allow it.” or “we can’t build that, there’s no money.”. Our bloated Civil Service and devolved Parliaments will have to create the necessary infrastructure that we need for a population of around 75m-80m that we will have in 2021 and the sales people employed by British business will have to get out into the world and sell.
In 2010, I remember some people posting on Stephie Flanders’ Blog and who knew the Dept of Trade (where Vince Cable was busy re-organising the deckchairs and stationery) suggesting one way to save a chunk of Government (ie taxpayer) money in austere times would be to close down the Dept of Trade.
Certainly would have saved the taxpayer a bundle on some of the feeble privatisations since then.
From April 2019 and January 2022 onwards there will be no room for excuses. Government & Civil Service & Business will all have to work for UK Plc.
Weren’t we told around 2015 that UK car manufacturing wasn’t doing too well as demand within the EU was low, the exception was JRT, because they selling high-end vehicles to China.
As an aside I never undertood the logic of being in a ‘large market’ such as the EU if that market is already well-served by existing suppliers – would you open a corner shop next door to a Tesco Extra? Why should German customers buy from a UK supplier when there is an existing German supplier doing a good job already?
“Project fear”? I can assure you that it is exactly that! The Eco-loons in Westminster, with their ill-judged pronouncements, are more of a danger.
The Security Minister, Ben Wallace, has just finished appearing on TOADY trying to talk up the evils and potency of Novichok. (I use that term because the BBC are but I take note of the OPCW scientists declension on that clear identification.)
The obvious practical experimental results of the stuff are nothing for a Government Minister on heat and on TOADY.
“Novichok is a lethal nerve agent. The Russians did it and we won’t talk to them.”
Justin Webb has just spent an extra five minutes on footie and has been trying to create a scandal out of the hypothesis that England reach the World Cup Final and the PM, the Royal Family and the Queen are not being sent to Moscow to be infected with Novichok.
The TOADY programme is beyond a joke now. Sack Sarah Sands, please, Director General.
Former BBC and Channel 4 news editor and sometime Guardian columnist, Paul Mason demonstrates he has strong principles…

Some of his peers and even a few at the BBC seem to have realised he is certifiable.
Hard to explain the frequent guest slots, unless… many others. are equally nuts.
An easy mistake might be to think that those are England flags. In reality, they are Novichok patches with cleverly disguised identity, worn by Mr Mason in a spirit of scientific investigation – and all credit to the man for his bravery and selflessness.
Paul Mason – Who is he? What has he ever done of note? Why do we give a shite about what he says…as far as I can work out he is an ex C4 BBC employee..so no bias there then?
‘Why do we give a shite about what he says’
The man’s an idiot and an extreme case – let’s be generous and call him an outlier… but he does voice the opinions and general sense of beliefs of our modern journo classes. How else did get appointed BBC Newsnight Economics Editor.
Have I not been concentrating
or weren’t we told Novichok was deadly – yet both Skripals survived. We were told it degrades rapidly and requires the careful mixing of two chemicals – yet four months later apparently there’s an accidental contamination.
Early days yet for the authorities to get their story straight but on the BBC tv late newspaper review I heard an approved lefty journo take a minute off from bashing the Tories and Brexit to opine: ‘If the Russians lost track of this Soviet era Novichuk then the Russians are still to blame’
This morning our BBC journos have had a little time to have been in their editorial meetings and the line is to blame our government for a bad clean up job.
Can’t help but sense the narrative shifting.
Whenever I see news stories like Novichock my first thought is what other news item are they trying to block out of the news cycle. What mess is happening that needs to be covered up? Not sure what it is but it is somewhere. That is how low my trust in “news” from the Beeb and ITV has become.
Probably something like this:
Drain the swamp!
I so look forward to the day when a similar announcement is made regarding the bias and underhanded dealings of the biased BBC
Hopefully, some day soon, someone will step up to the plate and drain our swamp.
“Hopefully, some day soon, someone will step up to the plate and drain our swamp.”
Nigel Farage is having a go , he needs some support .
Good news from the USA.
Milord Bragg on an early socialist -William Morris -apparently an upper middle class boy born in the east end . Living an bohemian life on the backs of miners at his mines . Sounds like the ideal socialist – skirted over his real capitalist nature – reminded me of modern day labour MPs
As expected this was skirted over by Bragg .
If Lord Bragg wishes to wear a skirt, that is his privilege. His coiffure already goes some way towards re-identification.
Morris also had a big, fancy house. And inherited shares of considerable value.
Did you miss the part where, as a good ‘socialist’, he sold all that off to divide the profits up amongst the poor, in accordance with his principles?
Oh, wait….
The BBC have slipped up with this Muslim friendly article…
‘My wife can never call my name in public’
It’s about a “practising Muslim” wife who cannot shout her husband’s name in public because he is called Jihad. The BBC say “But if she does that, bystanders will panic. Security will circle. Your law-abiding missus could be taken to a stark side-room and interrogated for hours.”
The BBC have let their mask slip. Why would people panic? If the public heard her shout and looked up and saw her wearing a Niqab or Burka they should think “oh, she is a religion of Peace so no threat there then” and carry on as normal.
The BBC have slipped up and let it be known that they acknowledge Muslims do terrorism and they acknowledge the public are scared to be at an airport with them.
The BBC have tried to explain that Jihad means “a struggle for a noble cause” but they fail to mention that struggle is against the enemies of Islam i.e. everyone who isn’t a Muslim.
They’re just like us you know, Tabs.
The silly cow could just use a pet name like Ji or chopper or crasher or something
maybe I will get a german shepherd and name it after a teetotal vegetarian wannabe artist, just to see how that goes down
The article on Wikipedia (a generally fairly left-leaning site) makes it quite clear what jihad means
” In classical Islamic law, the term refers to armed struggle against unbelievers, while modernist Islamic scholars generally equate military jihad with defensive warfare”
“Of the 199 references to jihad in perhaps the most standard collection of hadith—Bukhari—all assume that jihad means warfare.”
“The practice of periodic raids by Bedouins against enemy tribes and settlements to collect spoils predates the revelations of the Quran.[citation needed] According to some scholars (such as James Turner Johnson), while Islamic leaders “instilled into the hearts of the warriors the belief” in jihad “holy war” and ghaza (raids), the “fundamental structure” of this bedouin warfare “remained, … raiding to collect booty”.[42] According to Jonathan Berkey, the Quran’s statements in support of jihad may have originally been directed against Muhammad’s local enemies, the pagans of Mecca or the Jews of Medina, but these same statements could be redirected once new enemies appeared.[43] According to another scholar (Majid Khadduri), it was the shift in focus to the conquest and spoils collecting of non-Bedouin unbelievers and away from traditional inter-bedouin tribal raids, that may have made it possible for Islam not only to expand but to avoid self-destruction.”
So ‘jihad’ means killing non-Muslims to steal their wealth. The only protection against bloodthirsty murderous tribal warfare is to be Muslim.
Hence why there are now zero pagans in Mecca, and zero Jews in Medina, because murdering all opponents is absolutely core to Islam, and naming your child jihad is to remind the world of the bloodthirsty primitive murderous religion you subscribe to.
Here’s some news .
The NHS Is 70 this week .
Bet you didn’t know that !
Next week the news will be ;
Crisis in NHS , it needs more money .
Other items in current affairs will be ;
Slavery and racial prejudice is wrong .
There’s some uncertainty about Brexit .
There’s climate change .
Thought for Today will have a subtle message which only clever people like Remainers will understand . The message will be that social justice is good vote Labour or LibDims .
Given the recent revelations, it appears that our “envy of the world” NHS is fast becoming to health care what the BBC is to news.
Why is no MSM news organisation, such as the far-left bbc reporting on the plight of this young lady, Melanie Shaw, who is a victim of sexual abuse as a child and yet has been incarcerated in solitary confinement for nearly two years, in Styal prison?
Yes, I read about Melanie Shaw on a reliable alt media website. I signed a petition on change.org, which was over 5,000 strong at the time. She has been treated appallingly, and her case is not as well known as TR. It seems Melanie’s only “crime” is to have been a brave survivor of abuse who dared to speak out about it. She should be released immediately, with a large sum in compensation, new accommodation and the support needed to try to rebuild her life.
Under ‘3 things we love today’: Discovering King Tutankhamun’s tomb: Harry Burton’s photographs.
An interesting looking exhibition of pioneering images by someone with a reputation as the finest archaeological photographer of his time. But Harry? Burton? Sounds far too English; I doubt that counts as one of those things the beeb loves. So lets shoehorn in a section headed “Locals’ ‘unrecognised’ contribution” (which the BBC says amounted to clearing rubble onsite. But it was hot. Really hot.)
All wrapping up with: “I hope it helps us see the Egyptian contribution that hasn’t been mentioned enough, hasn’t been acknowledged.”
That’s the real message; the rest is just filler.
”That job fell to Harry Burton. He took more than 3,400 photographs of the treasures uncovered by Egyptologist Howard Carter in a decade-long investigation of the famous site.
Now, Burton’s photos – many previously unpublished – are on show at Cambridge University.”
So shouldn’t the bbc be asking why all 3,400 photos have not been digitised, in best quality possible, and made available free online for everyone to see?
I suppose they prefer the convention of some elite university drip feeding them to the public
So it’s good to promote yourself to god-status if you are Egyptian but not if you are American? Not that President Trump is, but that is one of the TDS claims doing the rounds.
For the few, not the many, (if you are Egyptian).
I noticed prejudice through the eyes of my child
out of the mouth of babes I would have termed it personally
its only 2 mins 20secs but you know exactly where this is going.
A few years ago there was a BBC programme on stereotypical views of people and whether any are true. Quite surprising the BBC showed the programme as every stereotypical turned out to be true and based on fact rather than a racial prejudice.
Stereotypical views, that I can remember, which they looked at:
1. Jews control banks/politics. This turned out to be true. A disproportionate number of Jews are MPs and bankers.
2. Black people steal. True again, a disproportionate number of blacks do crime. The TV presenter was black and he didn’t try and hide this fact.
3. Romanians/Gypies steal and pick pocket. Again true, a very high disproportionate number are in jail.
If the 5 year old in the link above watched TV in the USA he will see many ‘Cop & Robbers’, ‘Car bait’ type of TV programmes which the majority of criminals are black. His so called “prejudice” is based on observation and nothing more.
Most films and tv series from the US that I’ve watched generally have a black judge and a senior (in charge) police officer !
Yeah me too, I saw exactly where it was going:
Her 5 year old son, sick to fucking death of his mother’s total obsession with all things race, decided to take the piss out of her:
”look mom (points to a dreadlocked passenger) there’s daddy (who is bald), I hope that nigga don’t go and rob de plane”
Then for good measure, throws in ” did I just say that ?, I don’t know where that came from,,,,”
As artist Henri Matisse said “There are flowers everywhere for those who really want to see them.”
Or in this womans case racial discord
His mum’s a Psychologist (most of whom are so focused on race and gender issues they are warped – I speak from having a Masters in Psychology and having suffered the feminist dominance) and she can’t understand that he may have picked up comments from her and her husband and others say – from evidence around…it is not prejudice at that age – it is honesty
My question is would she have been more bothered if her son had said man looks like dad and pointed at a white man…or that man’s got a bald head hope he doesn’t rob the plane…
However my overriding thought is – WTF is this piece of pointless self promotion doing on the BBC site?
Jennifer Eberhardt – age 53 years
the son was 5 , so when did this incident take place?
At center, Stanford law professor Ralph Richard Banks with his wife Jennifer Eberhardt, left, and his sons, from right, Ebbie, 13, Harlan, 8, and Everett, 9, at their home in Palo Alto on Thursday, September 1, 2011. Banks, who is African American, wrote the book “Is Marriage For White People?” (LiPo Ching/Mercury News).
I think we’re all aware that there is a 70th birthday going on, but a service in Westminster Abbey ? Really ? am I missing something here ?
What next, are we celebrating with fireworks 370 years of the police force which started with the Bow Street Runners. Then there is the 253 years of the fire brigade, um celebrating this with giving them courses in flammable materials !
Are we now going to have an annual NHS day / Police Awareness day / Fire Brigade Fank you day, along with all the other annual ‘days’. Its getting bloody ridiculous.
‘service in Westminster Abbey’
The NHS – It’s the State Religion.
75th anniversary to be held in Westminster Mosque?
I think we should all reflect on how Jo Cox would have been 44 this year. Is there a way we can crowbar both celebrations together?
Maybe get a Grenfell mention in there too?
It must be the ‘Google Search Box Graphic’ effect. There are surely enough centennial events to cover every day of the year but Google loves to do stuff like the 63rd anniversary, especially if they can be used to push the ‘progressive’ agenda.
Today is ” First flight of the Curtiss 18-T-1 Wasp Day, 5th July 1918″, Go Wasps!!
I agree with your sentiment Tabs. However whenever muslim loving, anti British Jo Cox is mentioned I always have the counter thought – Lee Rigby
By the way, he would have been 31 this year.
I then think of Tommy Robinson who is languishing in prison as a political prisoner.
I then think of Remainer politicians and the Remainer BBC who are nothing but traitors to the country.
Best I stop writing as I can feel myself getting angry.
Agree, Wronged. Angry and depressed…
Not BBC bias, but symptomatic of the rot it has allowed, no encouraged to seep into British politics.
I actually am coming to the view that the President should tell Theresa May that if UK politicians can’t express disagreement in a more mature manner, then he has nothing to say to us and a visit is a waste of everyone’s time. And hell mend this country.
Apparently Sadiq Khan allowed it after 10,000 signed a petition. All petitions are equal but some are more equal than others, it seems.
We seem to be turning into a complete embarrassment of a country. Would like to hold my up high but it keeps drooping in shame at what we’ve become. Whatever one thinks of Trump, he’s the President of the US for goodness sake. When all is said and done, democracy is what matters and he was elected by the American people…ditto Brexit by the Brits. Wish we had a strong (not necessarily ‘and stable’!) leader who was willing to fight our corner on the world stage…
Can’t agree more. These are the same people that ignore unelected dictators and mass murderers pretending to be legally elected representatives of a country to visit…
I really hope somebody has a long sharp stick on the day….and as for Sadick Kant – what a Kant…no real politician would stoop so low..
I wonder if Theresa May gets slated in the U.S by commentators, in the same way that we have to listen to the likes of Yasmin Alibaba Brown and her lefty friends like Owen Jones slag off Donald Trump. Yes, Trump is not without fault, but neither was Kennedy, Regan, and I cant ever remember Clinton being so vehemently criticised when in office. Trump has had indiscretions salaciously reported by the media, Clinton was caught with his pants down- but didn’t have sex 🙂 , and Prince Charles spoke of wanting to be a sanitary towel – funny how Yasmin never spoke with glee about with that one !
If I lived near London, which thank god I don’t. I’d be tempted to get my air rifle out.
A drone with a sharp point might do the job 🙂
Maybe someone with a bow and arrow, or a crossbow is capable of shooting it down.
Where’s William Tell when you need him? Or Robin Hood?
This week my wife who is nurse, had to mend some Southern Irish travellers.
The other nurses had to hide things after the travellers family were caught trying to steal an xbox from the childrens ward.
They were abusive and allowed their children to run wild without any admonishment. They displayed no concern for the other patients.
I want whoever is not charging these people for the costs of health care to be immediately sacked, and then made to personally pay for the travellers from Eire health care costs.
Why Britains taxpayers have to pay for non reciprocal health care shows up our politicians for what they are.
Lazy,weak and incompetent.
Happy 70th Birthday to the inefficient NHS. Good idea but ruined by do gooders.
Wronged, you could try sending your comment to the D/Express letters, under ‘name withheld’. They are so short of letter writers – due to the same names cropping up week after week, that its bound to be published and sympathised with.
Good idea Brissles
Believe me Brissles what I wrote is just the tip of the iceberg. If I revealed everything I hear, in particular complete mismanagement, left wing biased RCN, anti white racism (just read their nursing magazines), abusive patients, incompetent nurses, over staffed and ridiculously incompetent managers. I’m not sure my wife would be allowed to stay in her job. One she loves by the way, god only knows why.
Whistleblowers in the NHS are not protected.
Daily Express require you to have a googlemail or yahoo mail acccount. I have neither. Happy for you to send it in though Brissles under name witheld, it is authentic.
You don’t need to do that Wronged, just send an email to the address below………….
but if you still feel unable to do it, then yes I’m happy to do it for you.
“Daily Express require you to have a googlemail or yahoo mail acccount.”
Not true, in my experience.
If anyone has an hour to spare, the revelations about the NHS A&E in this Delingpole podcast are something to behold. I recommend a listen:
I’m just reading there was 3.1 earthquake in the south of England to day.
Musta bin cos of BREXIT. 🙂
Did I hear the Toady news summary correctly this morning at 0832? “Unless we know and/or make plans for Brexit we will be into tariffs totaling £1 Billion a year”. Really, so say Jaguar, Land Rover. I simply searched the Internet and found this. https://www.statista.com/statistics/386886/jaguar-land-rover-global-revenue/
It did’nt sound right when I heard it so, it took a matter of seconds to find. Well then, who is telling Porkies (sorry for any muslim reading this and/or any police task force monitoring unit, I trust they will not be offended and refer the matter to the police or CPS to report the uttering of ‘hate speech’. In fact, in the climate of today where many words in the English Oxford disctionary are now illegal to use, I appologise to anybody in sundry for my crass use of the word, “Porkies”. I hope I’ve covered all who might be offended and apologise again for anyone I may have omitted who may feel offended.” That’s OK then. I feel better now but need to lie down.
This is getting more embarrassing all the time.
Donald Trump has been barred from Sheffield and labelled a “wasteman” by its Lord Mayor ahead of the US President’s visit to the UK next week.
This cesspit needs urgently cleaning out all round, no hidden corners. But who do we support to do the job? Rest of Europe has party structures in place. We? nothing of significance thanks to this Government and the strangulation of anyone who appears capable of rocking their ship.
How on earth did this insignificant little man with his irrelevant little views, get to be in this position in Sheffield? Is it an elected position? If so, what does that say about the people of Sheffield?
Totally agree, Lucy. The democratically elected leader of Britain’s major world ally is going to be barred from Sheffield – which i doubt Mr Trump was planning on visiting anyway – by some brainless idiot who looks like an extra off a cheap rap music video.
The country is up a certain creek without a paddle.
BBC and WW1.
The BBC has the left wing view of WW1. In their view, it was all a waste of life and the working class were used by the toffs as cannon fodder. Any drama has to show the cast being slaughtered going ‘over the top’ at some point for no gain.
This view has infected Armistice Day.
The truth is very different.
Soldiers who returned home in 1918 were pleased that they had stopped the Hun, rather as Wellington had done back in 1815. They praised Haig and the generals.
About 9% of soldiers were killed. The figure was over 20% for the previous Crimean war of 1854.
Surprisingly, the percentage of Generals killed fighting in WW1 was about 22%. (232 killed)
Very few soldiers went ‘over the top’ and most survived that experience. Soldiers did not spend 4 years in soggy trenches. They were rotated between generous leave to the rear and time in support trenches.
Perhaps oddly, most soldiers enjoyed their war experiences. They were well paid, well fed, clothed and had free medical treatment for any mishap. They found lasting comradeship.
For a combination of failures, the Somme in July 1916 resulted in the deaths of almost 20,000 British soldiers in one sector. This disaster was never repeated as the Generals learned from it and changed tactics.
An excellent book on this topic is ‘Tommy’ by Richard Holmes.
The BBC from Lord Hall downwards should be forced to read it.
I know the modern narrative is that the Great War is to treat it as a wasting slaughter and read the paste great Richard Holmes work along time ago.
Our problem is both hindsight and modern group think . I disagree with the leader of the opposition would take the view that it is not worth commemorating .
Well I beg to differ. My grandad joined up in 1913, was in the first regiment to engage the hun and was in Europe beyond 1918 . He never talked about it . I’ve seen his regimental record and cannot understand how he survived . Luck I guess – his battalion went over the top on the 2nd day of the first Somme so there wasn’t the slaughter of day one.
Al beeb will concentrate on non white forces in the Great War in its way and have a black face reporting on armistice day – again in that false inclusive madness infecting liberals.
They’ll probably have a Great War bouncy castle or opportunity knocks .
Mr D’s grandfather was killed in WW1. Frequently in this world of BBC and MSM leftism, he is known to say that this isn’t the world his grandfather should have given his life for.
Meanwhile the higher echelons nationally for my church have written to the local elders to say that there should be a gender neutral loo for the building. Only thing is it has to be funded locally. Is this really the Britain that WW1 was fought for?
Thank you for reminding me about Richard Holmes – one of those authoritative types who used to deliver knowledge to the audience without dumbing down and not have a false gimmick or dusky or foreign face. His “War Walks “ are sometimes repeated on al beeb 4 at 2 in the morning and well worth the record button . How times change .
Indeed Fedup2. Holmes is no longer with us. Yes, his ‘War Walks’ covering the centuries were superb.
They would not be allowed now.
Here’s one of them. Never released on DVD for some reason.
“The EU is not democratic. MEPs cannot propose or repeal law. If we amend a Directive in a way the Commission doesn’t like they can choose not to implement it. All 73 UK MEPs together could not protect Britain’s interests. UKIP MEPs are here only to campaign for Britain’s Exit.”
@RichardPinder Have you read David Aaronovitch’s article in Times about conspiracy theories where like Lew he makes all the same logical errors he accuses his opposition of ?
His/Lew’s theory is the reason why non-lefties don’t accept the dogma his lot believe, is that they are all Conspiracy Theorists.
..Ironically a grand-conspiracy itself.
“just as they would if they were standing on your front lawn” – making common sense remarks like that will only make the dreamers cry.
Trump visits Paris: 14th July, red carpet treatment, a dignified affair from which both nations emerge enhanced.
Trump visits UK: an anarcho-fuckfest, costing millions in policing and no-doubt destruction, aided and abetted by Emir Khant, Berk-o and the traitors at the beeb, from which both countries emerge dimished.
Also a poor 25 year old Mr Nadarasa has been explaining in court ” I didn’t know she was 13 I thought she was 15″
The girl became pregnant on the third occasion and had an abortion.
The court sentenced him to 7 years.
13? A bit old for Religionists of Paedophilia I’d have thought.
To maintain some kind of BBC relevance, I would point out that comments could be going better.
Queer coppers, that’s all we need.
One response of many:
“”Will your Muslim officers be taking part in the celebration of LGBTQ community? Or will they be on other duties?””
Well! I’m running out of colour schemes that I can use in my craft projects.
Wouldn’t they be better deployed out on the beat helping to reduce the knife crime ? Insanity in this country, we must be the laughing stock of the world now.
“Please sign statement against the rise of the far-right. March against Trump & Tommy Robinson on 13 and 14 July.” – David Lammy
Can’t sign that one, but if there’s one against the unpleasant David Lammy, I’ll sign that!
First generation immigrant types like multicultural Lammy sure doing his best to divide the country even further . No common values any more – suppose that the great gain of vibrant diversity ( VD to you ) . They must be really scared of President Trump b, TR and of course us ( not you max – hope you’ve got enough material to use on your next cut and paste – looking forward to it but fear you’re losing your edge )
Perhaps Lammy will turn up on his state purchased pedal cycle .
the one in the black background seems a little out of place considering the crowd for some reason
Lammy didn’t repect it when 17.2m petitioned for Brexit
He said the result should be overturned.
Roughly translated “We must unite to halt the rise of people who are awoken to the evils of Islam and want to tell the truth”
I’m guessing that the England footy team will be called home on Friday as a protest against the latest chemical incident which is being blamed on the Russians – after all footy isn’t important – right?
Al beeb coverage of the World Cup will also stop ad the army of pundits withdrawn – right ?
Or maybe we ll just ignore it and get on with the footy as though nothing has happened . Tricky for the state broadcaster , FA , and the current new labour government to decide.
It did look like some of the south american forwards had a sniff of that nerve agent on occasions especially Neymar at one point rolling around on the floor ….
Judging by the behaviour of the Columbians in that game I think a few of them might have been on other chemicals .
Interesting to hear that fat old drug addled alcoholic cheat maradona complaining that the columbians were robbed, the coke must be affecting his eyesight
Hard to imagine that these thugs actually won the Fair Play Award in 2014.
“FIFA Fair Play Trophy
The FIFA Fair Play Award is given to the team with the tournament’s best disciplinary record. Only teams that reach the knockout phase are eligible.
Fair Play Award: Colombia”
New Labour,
New Danger.
Outbreak of enrichment in Nantes
After police shot dead one of the rough guys in a car.
Wonder how many £millions the damage is so far.in the riots ?
Seems very fashionable for third world men to hang around clubs and bars waiting to prey on and rape drunken girls coming out – 3 Turks convicted last week and an Asian peasant ‘city worker ‘ convicted today – it’s on the Londonistan evening standard in far too much gruesome detail – the vermin only got 8 – I’d hang him .
go to manchester city centre at weekend sit yourself soberly outside a night club at 2am and witness the cars full of pakistanis start circling around as closing time approaches
thats been happening for at least 15 years
Police do nothing about this kerb crawling ? why not ? where are all the convincing trannies with flick knives when you want them…..
this phenomenon was pointed out to me by a lady from wythenshaw as we sat eating a suway, she didnt know why the police didnt tell them to f off either
It’s strange really when the cultural habits of make third world peasants come up against the unrestricted behaviour of western ladies .
It’s as though all the state wants to do is do the 3 monkeys thing see hear say nothing .
Should stick them all in Broadmoor with their pretty little bearded mouths should go down well when they bend over to pray…
she didn’t know why the police didn’t tell them to f off either
Deep down, Kaiser, I think we know the answer to that!
yes she and I know the real answer to that along with everyone else
she was smart, seen it happening , kept herself safe
Contact your local press local council I know that if you do this enough they will have to do something
listening to R4 talking head says we must stay in the customs union because jaguars and land rovers maybe £1500 dearer in the eu under wto
thats enough for me then can I change my vote
…. hang on a second
how many cars do JLR sell in europe
and how many cars do audi vw bmw mercedes porsche skoda seat citroen Peugeot renault alfa ferrari lamborghini fiat sell in britain
oh the articles ended how strange
In round numbers we buy a million more cars than we make. If the EU stops buying our cars and we stop buying theirs the UK manufacturers will not be able to cope with demand even if they run their factories flat out. As ever the BBC can’t do arithmetic.
Al Beeb must have reinvented mathematics.
According to Al Beeb, our financial guru Carney, says that the UK growth is now Upward.
Who employed this man? Couldn’t we get someone from Great Britain to run the Bank of England?
He is worse than the grand old Duke of York.
Its embarrassing.
Neither he nor Al Beeb can admit it , Brexit is working !
Check out the HYS .
Can anyone explain what the ‘Ho Ha’ is about with the EU and the new copyright laws?
Will it affect Al Beeb? Will it affect freedom of speech?
1 publishers ie youtube must get assured permission from all copyright owners that clips are fair use , which is unlikely / impossible so will remove them just in case
simple changes to stuff for memes etc as often seen on here will hence be dodgy and likely banned
2 a link to another site will cost you money to upload so put a link one here for us to see and you will have to pay for it
3 biased bbc will be responsible for checking all this shit out on our behalf and liable for the consequences
Thanks Kaiser .
Censorship by Al Beeb ?
Now that this grotesque blowup flying Trump baby balloon thing is being allowed a precedent has been set.
Next time we get a state visit.
Can we make offensive flying Popes? Saudi kings? Ayatollahs?
Can we have a big flying Merkel? Barnier? Trudeau?
Or will it be like the antifa, hope not soap and the sjw lot….only allowed for the left.
Rhetorical of course, we all know the answer.
Can I fly a bullet ridden princess balloon and her headless lover next time the saudis visit ?
On 15 July 1977, both were publicly executed in Jeddah by the side of the Queen’s Building in the park. Despite her royal status, she was blindfolded, made to kneel, and executed on the explicit instructions of her grandfather, a senior member of the royal family, for the alleged dishonour she brought on her clan.Another royal family member was executed in 2016. Khaled, after being forced to watch her execution, was beheaded with a sword by, it is believed, one of the princess’s male relatives. It took five blows to sever his head, which was not the work of a professional executioner. Both executions were conducted near the palace in Jeddah, not in the public execution square in Jeddah.
Following the execution, segregation of women became more severe,and the religious police also began patrolling bazaars, shopping malls and any other place where men and women might happen to meet.When Prince Muhammad was later asked if the two deaths were necessary, he said, “It was enough for me that they were in the same room together”.
Barely civilised Savages
Al beeb giving it the big one about the NHS . It’s a personal view based on personal experience of it . And I’ve had a lot. My view, which I’ve listed here a few times , is to sell it off . Fundamentally change the power of medics so that they stop covering up, stop using the NHS as a training place before going to make cash else where and limit access to British people who pay taxes .
Won’t happen in my lifetime and if the NHS has its way it won’t be too long .
You might have been treated by lovely angels who could not do enough for you but it ain’t always like that .
True, had a lovely fat african telling me to shut up complaining while getting a purse string stitched for the second time in my side over three broken ribs, without anasthetic after they broke the first one installing a chest drain
‘lovely angels who could not do enough for you’…….
Might have been the case 30 or 40 years ago, but most of the nurses where I worked would spend more time chatting at the ‘station’ than actually putting themselves out to do more than they were contracted to do. Sounds harsh I know, but how many nurses do you see who are as thin as a whippet through being run off their feet ? more than most have weight issues and can just about waddle to the next patient to do the necessary.
Emmanuel Goldstein
“Pigs may fly”.
Anyone know how we can crowd fund one of Sadiq Khan. It would after all be a peaceful protest… I have money money ready…seriously…
I wonder if President Trump has mulled over the idea of declining the invitation to come to Blighty next week – could be a useful mechanism for swamp draining but would hand a victory to the Muslim mayor of Londonistan and the Marxists running the opposition party .
But in truth America could live without Blighty whether it’s in the ReichEU or not and unless the cheese eating surrender monkeys in mainland Europe start paying for their own security why should he bother with NATO .? Do a direct deal with President Putin when they meet at the end of next week .
I am sure that Nigel Farage will keep President Trump informed of the true opinion of the people of Great Britain.
A colleague of mine has informed me that Nigel will be back if May doesn’t get her finger out, although events may overtake him because there are rumours that there is about to be a political coup?
I sent an email to the White House expressing my views…may not make much difference but only took a few minutes and got o assume somebody reads them..except you have to list your location as outlaying state in USA 🙂
To be quite frank I wish he did not come, I will be so embarrassed to see the screaming pajama brigade with their batman wimmin hopping around accompanied by the purple haired tattooed pierced wimmin bringing shame on this country inevitably given prime coverage by the BBC, who completely ignored the thousands of men, women, children, couples etc. in London supporting free speech
I’m hoping that Trump’s sense of humour will be more than a match for the lot of them!
I sincerely hope that sooner or later the silent seething majority will rise up against this vocal but absolute minority
You know it can’t happen – too many people under educated and literally in blissful ignorance – happy to have sky sports , the World Cup and love Ireland ( my spelling ) .
But it there were shortages at petrol stations or in supermarkets … then there d be an effect ( I remember the queue a good few years ago when there was petrol shortages).
The swing against Thatcher went way too far and we are still reaping the effects of this with the Blair snake in the grass and the chaos he has caused in this country, opening up the immigration floodgates to those who despise us and ensuring “wacism” laws that they can hide behind and ensure rape gangs and other criminals operate without intervention
What has the Mayor of London done in the interests of tourism?
More knife crime in London than NY and insulting the Head of State of the Free world by flying a childish balloon.
How will Al Beeb cover our Prime Minister’s response to this London Mayor’s insulting behaviour that affects the whole of our nation?
‘Treezer the Appeaser’ should take action now or this could go down in history as her ‘darkest hour’ .
Mayor also seems more interested in appeasing: those who voted him in we all know who they were…I bet the halal champagne was flowing that night
The Mayor of London sets the budget and is responsible for making London a better place for everyone who visits, lives or works in the city. The Mayor is elected every four years. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is responsible for setting policing and crime priorities for London and will hold the Met Police Commissioner to account and work with partners to ensure that crimes goes down and criminal justice outcomes are improved.
hmmm looking for scapegoats is not apparently included as a priority when addressing knife crime
There has been chaos on the railways today in South London, with Victoria Station closed.
This has been put down to ‘signalling problems’.
But why isn’t Jezza and Labour going apoplectic about the useless private sector train operators?
Why are the BBC not all over it with self-righteous indignation?
Because the fault is with Network Rail.
Cuddly, not-for-profit, publicly owned (ie totally unaccountable) quango Network Rail.
So we get………….silence.
Network Rail, who carry a big portion of the timetabling chaos but have kept their heads down and let the TOCs take all the flak.now that has been on the BBC. A lot.
Isnt it funny how Labour and the BBC deal with incompetence quite differently, depending entirely on ownership of the service in question?