Hello all – half way through 2018 and our forthcoming brexit is really causing tension eh?
A gentle plea – it’s not easy to limit comment to just the bias of al beeb because the BBC poisons the whole of National life but …. please keep it clean and choose your words so that they are acceptable to all ( yes I include me in this ) .
Anyway -lots to talk about .
Never mind BBC aren’t ITV waycist!
On ITV now “Violent Britain – drugs knives and gangs”
They are interviewing some youths wearing masks but they keep showing black/brown hands and associating the drugs culture with rap music. The perpetrators of these drug crimes all seem to speak with dark voices and accents innit ya no wot a mean.
How very racist. I bet the bBBC would show white hands and depict them with English accents for balance. (Sarc)
Nah I’ve had enough of this I’m going to watch BBC’s Eastenders to see what Londons really like!
Rap music = oxymoron, maybe apologise for slavery if they apologise for this violent antisocial “art form” first
Rap music = oxymoron. Couldn’t agree more but I would no more apologise for slavery than I would apologise to America for the British burning down of The White House in 1814 or for the crimes of Jack the Ripper in Londonistan, (Formally known as London)since I never owned a slave, I’ve never committed arson and I’ve never murdered a hooker (or anyone else for that matter). So why should I apologise?
Go easy on the Eastenders. In quite low doses it is linked to a nasty little malady called Galloping Brain Rot Syndrome. Usually fatal.
Khan is responsible for Setting the PRIORITIES….
Nigel Farage slammed the culture of “political correctness in policing” after it was revealed that at least 35 people had been killed as a result of knife crime in London in 2018.
Speaking on his LBC show, Mr Farage said: “We now have 900 Metropolitan Police officers dealing with hate crime.”
“Now look, I know that if people say horrible things to each other, that isn’t very nice.”
“But I would say this: Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me
I guess that, whether you are politician or plod, fighting the ‘War on Words’ is a bit easier and less risky than fighting, say, the War on Terror.
Londonistan crime update
Here’s one I bet doesn’t make the al beeb nhs love a a thon – one Mohamed Kamara -a registered mental health nurse sent to prison today for 15 years for raping a patient -threatened to kill her if she reported it . Bevan would have been proud .
Plod is looking for other victims at it seems this Nigerian muslim had rape as a hobby .
I have just been watching on BBC1 and 2 the Kyle Edmund tennis match at Wimbledon. Right through the match, well even before it started, the commentators were ‘managing expectations’. That is what they said while standing by the side of the court and all the way through until the start of the very last game when suddenly MaCanroe and Castle were saying how much he had improved and how with luck he could become one of the top 10 players in the world. Why were they negative throughout the match? To be honest I don’t know but there were mention of him not pumping himself up between points (presumably makes better television), he was privately educated at primary school level but then went to a state school, his parents have their own business? I think he is just too white and middle class to become a BBC darling. Compare with Heather Watson a couple of years ago.
Khan is also responsible for ” making London a better place for everyone who visits” does that include condoning the embarrassment and humiliation of the United States elected President when he visits ?
Just asking
On Sky : Our first topic comes from @MaajidNawaz who wants to know when the #NHS became a national religion #ThePledge
Afua Hirsh is on , use mute.
That this House, while welcoming the success of England’s football team in the European 1996 Championships, deplores the jingoism and nationalism in the pages of sections of the tabloid press which does nothing to maintain the true spirit of sport, but is reminiscent of Hitler’s use of sport to enhance his evel regime in the 1930s.
Barnes, Harry Labour Party North East Derbyshire 27.06.1996
Corbyn, Jeremy Labour Party Islington North 26.06.1996
Cummings, John Labour Party Easington 03.07.1996
Etherington, Bill Labour Party Sunderland North 09.07.1996
Evans, John Labour Party St Helens North 27.06.1996
Gerrard, Neil Labour Party Walthamstow 27.06.1996
Heppell, John Labour Party Nottingham East 27.06.1996
Jones, Martyn Labour Party Clwyd South 18.07.1996
Livingstone, Ken No party affiliation Brent East 26.06.1996
Michie, Bill Labour Party Sheffield Heeley 26.06.1996
Simpson, Alan Labour Party Nottingham South 04.07.1996
Skinner, Dennis Labour Party Bolsover 26.06.1996
Wareing, Robert N Labour Party Liverpool West Derby 27.06.1996
Session: 1995-96
Date tabled: 25.06.1996
Primary sponsor: Loyden, Eddie
“Hitler’s use of sport to enhance his evel regime”
An evel regime, eh? Is that something to do with Evel Knievel? Did they have stunt motorbikes at the 1936 Olympics? I’m sure Leni Riefenstahl would have taken some great footage of that.
c u n t s , evil , traitorous, anti british, c unts to a man(?)
MarkyMark, I never knew about this. What an evil bunch of traitors they are. The liberal-left elite have wrecked this country and it may never now recover. They are all safe in their leafy enclaves and can send their children to the best schools and universities. I have only ever been to one England game live, but consider myself a fan. I don’t think we can win, but hope we do just so we can watch the glum look on the faces of these Quislings. And let’s face it, we in England need a bit of cheer right now.
Labour believe that supporting something will bring back Hitler. Does that mean backing the Labour party could do the same?
“Facebook flags Declaration of Independence as hate speech” {washingtontimes 04jul2018}
The Liberty County Vindicator, a community newspaper between Houston and Beaumont, had been posting the whole declaration in small daily chunks for nine days on its Facebook page in the run-up to July 4. But the 10th excerpt was not posted Monday as scheduled, and the paper said it received an automated notice saying the post “goes against our standards on hate speech.”
BBCTrending had a trans special
Two trannies got in a Twitter spat
At one point some one tweeted the home address of Trannie #1 ..an intimidating thing
.. but Twitter said that’s OK
Then later when Trannie #1 tweeted “Trannie # 2 is a man”
..Twitter kicked him off Twitter on the grounds questioning a trannie’s gender is a hate crime ..and he’d had warnings
TONIGHT: The mystery of Arron Banks’ trips to Russia. Did he or didn’t he go to Moscow before the referendum?
. . .
TONIGHT: The mystery of BBC Deputy Director goes to Paris and stays at Eiffel Hotel and spends 51 pence on expenses in feb2017 … mystery and intrigue! Nurses struggling with food banks? Fair?
Graham Ellis – 51 pence
Worth sharing
RE rap music and their love of violent anti social messages, saw this live a little while ago, quality lasts a few years, it seems 74 years old https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVnfjGVkf4Y
Re Anti Trump protests and giant baby balloon. First I knew about this today and I thought it was a joke.
Is there any precedent for a visiting Head of State being so insulted? It’s not like the special group protests, for example, by exiled Chinese against the Chinese President. No, our own politicians are encouraging or even instigating this (Khan and Lammy) and our Prime Minister is too chicken to put a stop to it. The Queen should step in because it will be embarrassing to her as well.
As others have said, BBC will make sure we see what they want us to, and pretend there is no counter protest.
It is actually beyond parody that this is allowed, there should at the very least be a petition against it and the idiot Mayor that allowed it pandering to muslims. other immigrants and odd pierced wimmin and stoodents, they were allowed many marches through London last year, wimmin against Trump yet the rapist and sexual assaulter Clinton seems to be immune to this, Bills wife verbally attacked the victims publicly and used racist tactics against Obama when they were opposed, where are the marches about these racist sexist individuals ? who is co ordinating this campaign against Trump ? we do indeed live in exceedingly dark times, it is becoming openly and undeniably apparent that Trump was not meant to win by whoever oversees a so called democracy and really chooses who is President and got their nose rubbed in it, same with Brexit the hidden state within a state is working hard with the help of the BBC to do everything possilbe to slander and attack both Trump and Brexit voters
So much on th BBC about wimmins suffrage, well they are regretting democracy now, with the advent of social media their control is lost… lets see how they regulate the internet now…or sully it…fake news etc
There is a positive side to this. it will not embarrass the President as I am sure he is well aware of just how pathetic London has become and how it will make it much easier for him to persuade the US public to ditch Nato ( long past it’s sell by date ) and it will give him and Putin something to laugh about .
Two nations only matter in European affairs and one is the US and the other is Russia. It is very much in US interests to conclude an understanding with Russia that cedes to the latter effective control over the eastern part (with safeguards for Poland and Hungary) and US neutrality in any non military disputes with the Western Europe.
The main concern of the US now is Iran and Russian help is vital here. Also the ME generally where I believe the US and Russia will act together in their joint interests.
Riots etc in London are irrelevant and will only further US and Russian policy aims. Perception is always important and once the good old boys think of this country as innately hostile then we are in for a very hard time.
Well deserved I feel and a sign of how far this country has strayed from the paths of sanity and probity in world affairs
Giant counter protest baby Sidiq Kahn is currently being crowdfunded and close to target… Look forward to it!
Dear Mom,
I’m assigned to the 52nd Gender Fluid Battalion.
Infighting has occurred whenever hard work needs to be done. When heavy lifting is required many start identifying as female. When cooking is required they identify as male.
We’re starving.#secondcivilwarletter
Was this a letter home from Private Parts O.K.A. Vladimir Kutmikokov?
I’ve read that the Trump Balloon is Fake News.
I’ve read that dinosaurs never existed and the world is flat
Men are most likely to be attacked if they refused to cook, and there is nothing to stop us cooking, I enjoy it, women have had the physical requirement to join the fire service reduced cos they are not as strong, bollocks do some physical training…and why do we have to have a wimmin “expert” in the world cup studio ffs she would not stand a chance against any of the players has never played at that fitness and strength level or against any of the players and therefore is no expert whos bloody stupid idea was that , oh hang on shes black as well…nuff said 4 years time tranny football pundit no doubt
BBC Online News:
“”Anglo-French pact sees Bayeux Tapestry set to come home””
“”Culture Secretary Matt Hancock said: “The Bayeux Tapestry is a world treasure and a symbol of the deep ties between Britain and France.””
Hmmm… what has the Culture Secretary been snorting?
Some spare Novichok?
The Normans weren’t French though were they?
They were the descendants of vikings who settled in that part of France, they may have spoken French but they did not originate there.
Deep ties between Britain and France hmm thats a poke in the eye for someone..I’ll get my coat…
The Harrying of the North, which took place over the winter of 1069–70, saw William’s knights lay waste to Yorkshire and neighbouring shires. Entire villages were razed and their inhabitants killed, livestock slaughtered and stores of food destroyed. This scorched-earth operation is one of the defining episodes of the Conquest, not just from a military-political perspective but also in terms of how it has shaped modern perceptions of the Normans as a tyrannical and merciless warrior class.
Seems fair.
They lend us the Bayeaux Tapestry and we give them EU 40 bn.
‘A good deal’ we will no doubt be told by politicians who I would not trust to competently run a stall at the village fete.
I am sure we can rely on our fine London leadership and the BBC to prioritise the strategically significant issues of the day.
But then again, maybe they just want to focus on the utterly puerile LeftMob indignation of the day.
I am almost sure I saw Cameron running a coconut shy a couple of weeks ago at Little Hadham village fete,he had a tube of superglue behind his back I had my suspicions so did not partake, its not going ahead no ifs no buts
It looks like the swamp creatures have won one battle.
I did write “I wonder how the BBC will report this?”, but then I deleted it. There’s nothing to wonder about – they’ll gloat.
Looks like Dr. Kehinde Andrews, the white hater, English flag hater, general hater of everything the BBC also hates is on Newshite tonight BBC2. Get used to him as he is going to be a weekly regular on bBBC.
They are going to ask him for his opinion about whether the whites can ever do anything to please him for something he claims all whites are responsible for. I’ll save him the bother….his answer will be “no” but he will have a platform to spout his hatred towards everything non black first.
A tiny note of optimism, though not BBC related of course. Was talking to someone locally and they told me how their teenage child and friends just ignore all the PC nonsense they are being told at school, pretend to go along with it, then do their own learning online eg one young fellow who is teaching himself an Oriental language. Good to think at least some youngsters see through this tripe, but will they be able to forgive the two generations or so that foisted it upon them? At the same school, money has been spent on a gender neutral toilet, which has rapidly become a place for a bit of hanky-panky. Shame on the liberal left for reducing our education system to this, but great to hear that some youngsters are thinking for themselves.
My daughter says many at her school are the same. They think the ‘trans’ kids are only identifying (or whatever the term is) to get attention, trying to be trendy, or have issues. They think the lefties are nuts and don’t understand how the world works, and a surprising number actually like Trump and are pro-Brexit. But of course, they keep this to themselves as many of the teachers would probably report them as being potential right-wing terrorists :0)
I think there is hope – the trendy lefties have over-played their hand and taken it to a level where most level-headed kids can see the b/s a mile off.
That might be like the ‘shy Tory factor’ where people are more reluctant to express their views for fear of ridicule and also because they don’t feel that they need to. Not saying that there are a lot of kids that are secretly pro Tory but I have myself spoken to some younger people who are not interested in the left and actually hate it and never got caught up by that silly ‘Corbynmania’ last year and over time I feel that more of these youngsters are started to come out in the open
The BBC has a special page which tracks all their trans news stories
.. Since we already know the BBC’s own search function is crap, I gues the page has omissions
BBC4 Napoleon.
Turns out we were wrong about this dude, a great bloke by all accounts.
Meritocrat, anyone could work themselves up to be a king, rights of man, military genius, well read classical scholar. Only ever had to fight because he was surrounded by dynasties who didn’t want the revolution and its effects to see them fall as France did and the ensuing terror.
All the countries and alliances ranged against him being paid to do so by the oligarchs (where have we heard that word recently?) in perfidious Albion, using her vast wealth from its empire trade, protected by her navy, selling the fruits of the Industrial Revolution, a sum amounting to 14% of annual taxation, going on for over 10 years. If only we had left him alone.
Concludes next week.
Amazing how the passage of time rewrites history. Napoleon was essentially the same tyrannical demagogue as Hitler being directly responsible for pro-rata levels of death and destruction throughout Europe. And yet today his shrine is revered throughout France, his legacy is seen as benign and beneficial and – just like Brexit – we are the problem, seen as traitors to his memory and causing the collapse of the golden era awaiting. Complete bollocks.
Using precisely the same parameters, within 100 years or so, Hitler will be remembered as a gifted watercolourist and revered for single-handedly rescuing the broken German economy, restoring the pride of a shattered nation, providing the world’s first network of high-speed motorways and designing a range of uniforms copied and admired by sado-masochists worldwide.
Look North tonight
– A female Lincolnshire MP has organised a debating competition for * girls ONLY *
– She has organised for the winners to come down to parliament, to meet the PM.
‘so here I am a BBCfemale correspondent in London standing outside parliament with the girls talking it..So girls what were you winning topics ?”
: #1 Gender pay gap .
#2 other gender thingy
So hang on this isn’t really news. Rather the MP has created a MALE-less event with an anti-men agenda , and you BBC have done PR for it , cos it’s suits your own constant virtue signalling agenda.
Such events that exclude one gender are always wrong ..Cos that’s not equality.
Look North had also sent another female journo to London to cover the Hull Gallery being up for Museum of the Year award.
..It didn’t win.
The male staff didn’t work tonight, and have just posted photos of themselves receiving awards at the O2 Media awards in London.
… It’s only 2 months since they were away at another awards ceremony. (regional)
Oh the BBC Hull Radio staff are at the O2 same awards.
Nice jolly to London for the BBC clique …who paid ?
Don’rt we have gay pride overkill now ?
That needs a late night repainting job, I think.
wheres the slot on this one
BBC announces record temperature in Scotland story
… then the claim is withdrawn within a bout 3 hours
..so the issued a new story
Love it! Should be fully funded by the end of the day at present rate. Can we do a ‘Baby Theresa’ too?
12.00 noon £10,000 target reached!
Can we have a black knife balloon as well
“Black…. black… black like the souls of ….”
Katty is back in her happy place.
John seems calm.
Maybe bbc staff could be less ‘selective’ on who they target for ideological reasons. And who they cover for?
£4b is a lot of money to hold only one power side to account.
Wild guesses on eventual response?
It does intrigue what counts as ‘trending’ in bbc edit suites.
One could ask, but, well…
Brilliant …. watch as Cathy tries to form an answer to the Polish MP’s response….
It wasn’t necessary to have conflated Cathy Newman’s interview of Dominik Tarczyński with her earlier interview of Jordan Peterson (flipped 180). Both stand on their own in exposing the BBC.
I prefer this video, Maitlis & Newman against the people of Europe:
EU and ‘tolerance, diversity and human rights’ is a contradiction in terms. Empty words from the BBC’s Maitlis.
Cars set ablaze in third night of Nantes clashes
Yesterday, other media named the driver who was shot by police as Aboubakar Fofana yet to the BBC he is still a 22 year old ‘unidentified‘ young man. Incompetence? Agenda – would the BBC not have discovered his name if it was Étienne Martin?
Textbook BBC the French police say but unidentified witnesses say otherwise. Casting doubt but providing no evidence.