Friday seems to be the day our exit from the EU is going to be determined so the BBC in onslaught mode .
A week before a Head of State is due to visit and certain types are queuing up to disrupt it .
The Russians being blamed for another chemical incident so no more involvement of Engerland in the World Cup or maybe we ll win it as a protest .
and TR remains banged up with a politically delayed appeal process .
More than enough for us to rage about .Good Luck England
In general terms I think I prefer The BBC world cup commentary to ITVs….Not that I’d ever admit that to anyone……(Ooops)
The review is worth reading, for little known facts as much as balance.
I wonder what Newsbeat, Trending, etc, will make of it? Maybe Andy Marr will get on a senior Dem to discuss it with in the Liberal arts slot. Deflection… or memory hole?
As poster number 3, I claim the Bronze Medal as mine…
….despite Russian interference. Or was it BBC interference in both the US Presidential Election and Brexit?
The BBC were and are anti-Trump and we recognise their anti-Brexit stance.
One might think that the BBC staff are all Labour voters? Is there a test for this? Wrap them in Litmus paper and see what colour they turn? Red or blue? Stocks ordered.
The shires of England could fly a Khan balloon in nappies. But that would be racist.
‘Trump Balloon’ mugs are available on ebay:
As are T shirts:
Could you imagine the outcry if any stunt like this had been pulled on Obarmy’s state visit. You can see the Beboids, Channel 4 drones and Skybots etc. having to report the merest of bits of Trump’s visit then showing the balloons and rioters, aka protesters, and inflating their numbers. Then showing themselves openly sniggering on camera. Mr Trump don’t waste your time coming here. The alt-left morons will ruin the visit and our PM suffers from TDS as well.
Or if Clinton had won and they wanted to fly a caricature of her?
That would have been hard to get off the ground….
I hope that during President Trump’s visit he:
Asks Mrs May why she approved or at at least didn’t prevent, Christopher Steele interfering in the USA presidential election by compiling a dossier of lies for crooked Hillary.
Tells her to start draining our swamp, our he’ll do it for her.
Tells her to immediately release No. 1 political prisoner, Tommy Robinson.
Tells her to drop all charges against Julian Assange and allow him to leave the Ecuadorian Embassy a free man.
Tells her to stop whining about him about everything
Tells her to show some patriotism towards her country and get us out of the clutches of the EU dictatorship.
Tells her to decide whose side she’s on, the USA or the EU and she’d better make sure she makes the right decision and demonstrate it by actions not just empty words.
Didn’t President Trump a while back, according to our press, suggest to Mrs May that she could be his “Maggie” while at the same time intimately holding her hand. If that is indeed the case then she should surely remind the P.O.T.U.S. that she really doesn’t need his kind advice as she is more than capable of carrying out his very brave and very necessary agenda of her own volition and will do so P.D.Q.
Eh?! Mrs May is an appeaser and a creature of the left. She would have made a perfect BBC senior manager as she seems to believe everything that they do.
Excellent advice.
“patriotism that is long long gone, gotta brihish passpot iinnit buh keep away from my Kommuihi
Totally agree Demon. The President should not waste his time on what is increasingly beginning to resemble a non democratic shit hole run by liberal left elitists determined to drive it into the ground. I am going to be embarrassed and ashamed of the liberal left brain dead scum who will demonstrate their ignorance during his visit. I hope that he knows that there are still many in this country who agree with his policies and his agenda and admire his actions. It is just that we are drowned out by our ill educated snowflakes and neo marxists in the media.
I am watching the England game but i feel strangely detached . Indeed i fear that if England do well , let alone win the competition, then our state broadcaster and the rest of the media will go on and on and on about this shows that we are a multiracial country and that immigration has been a great success. I can just hear them comparing the horribly white 1966 team with the current team and showing how much progress has been made. And sadly millions of people who have been brainwashed not to think for themselves by our’education’ system will mindlessly agree.
Dblthinker entirely agree our dusky team will be lorded to the heights, and of course they deserve it, I have no problem with their heritage but in 4 years time if the BBC get their way we will have a couple of trannies in there as well which will be useful scuffing penaty spots with their stilletos
The Trump balloon is a perfect demonstration of the intellectual rigour of the left’s arguments. It says far more about Sadiq Khan than it does Donald Trump.
I think it will backfire as ordinary people realise the idiots we’re dealing with.
jeez france is full of revolutionary lefties and islamists and farmers who riot at the sight of an imported sheep
and even they the FRENCH managed to stay civil and show some respect to the POTUS
WTF has happend to britain , maybe all those years in the EU have europeanised us , we are now finally ruder than the bloody french
We tripped when being British, and actually thinking by having open hearts and minds that we would be valued – No, we got trampled by the various waves of PC, LGBTQXYZ, Racist, Leftist, snowflake, feminist, low intelligence careerist virtue signalling politicians – and now we have tsunami of S…te
I just hope the younger generation wake up to the fact that they are the ones who will be shovelling it for years unless they rebel..
And it isn’t the white old farts causing the issues – despite the BBC
The emir of London defends the Trump balloon as a form of freedom to protest.
Can we have a Mohamid balloon for the next visit from a Saudi dictator?
I have my money ready..
please somebody start a crowd fund..not for Saudi but one of Sadiq Khan…how can he not accept it now he has set a precedent for the president…
A balloon of the dwarfish muslim mayor of London, in the shape of a pig. I’d contribute to that.
How about some kind of balloon release of 100,000 plus to show our feelings of disgust at the abuse of our little girls in places like Rotherham and the huge list of towns and cities where the enrichers are still enriching white schoolgirls.
The number is probably far higher.
How dare you suggest such a thing, you nasty, evil, Nazi, Tory racist scum.
This is a free country and we allow ALL forms of protest and we respect ALL shades of opinion,and don’t you forget it you pig!
Exactly. Infantile morons who deal in caricature rather than facts and arguments.
It gives no indication of the hate they will demonstrate against democracy when he arrives
I would have been third but I had not been given the correct information. I demand we start the thread again. Also not enough men from Essex like me are posting within the top three so we must get our diversity team on it to fix this crisis.
Beeb apologies but apparently some threads are ‘sticky ‘ which means they stay at the top of the page – which can be a challenge early in the day. Hopefully Rufus will over see it.
If engerland get thru to the semis then I might restart the thread again —- but to go out to ikea United is far more dignified to the Columbia rugby team .
I’m trying to work out the altitude of the Baloon ( which I think the CAA will Kybosh) and the effective range of my bow and arrow ….
Given it’s mostly Open Threads these days, is there any need for them to be sticky?
There’s no need for stickiness but it seems to be the vagaries of the softy ware which make some things stick and others not. It’s keeping me awake nights( like Maxi) hence the time this thread went up – although I’m a few hours ahead at the mo….
No worries, I have my “Liberalism, Find a Cure” and my “Trump 2020” T-shirts courtesy of Mark Dice. Much classier than the “hilarious” ant-stuff.
Of course BBC breakfast could not resist reporting on the giant inflatable Trump baby which will be flown next week during that tantrum – sorry, ‘protest’ – which will cost the Police they complain is underfunded a fortune.
Imagine if someone had a giant balloon of Khan with blood on his hands, or of Obama wringing his hands: that would be ‘hate speech’ and the perpetrators would be locked up. The BBC would have an army of favoured voices to say how ‘offended’ they were. Well this offends me and millions of others. Our voices are not heard enough though. Americans died with us in the war to keep us free and we should not mock their leader based on his physical appearance.
Of course the right to freedom of expression should always trump feeling ‘offended’ but the lefty tyrants always want to have their cake and eat it, just like feminists who see girls outperforming boys on almost every level yet still play the victim card when it is convenient. So here Khan talks of the importance of free expression whilst simultaneously spending millions to monitor ‘hate speech’ against his side – opinions that are often entirely reasonable given recent events.
If it were not for the double standards the left would not have any at all.
we all know what the real point of the hate speech laws is to silence the bubbling murmurs of discontent in the native population as they awaken to the horrors that are unfolding around them.
This is though I think a terrible approach which doesn’t solve anything, you may criminalise the speech, but it wont change the thoughts
as seen online
“If you cant use the ballot box or the soap box the only choice you are left with is the ammo box”
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable.”
John F. Kennedy.
Excellent post, Beeb Bro.
The Americans like ‘pins’ – what we call lapel badges. They go in and out of fashion (think: marmalade) here and, possibly, in the US. Have no idea whether they are still popular here or in the USA.
I think if I were in the President’s shoes, I would get hold of an image of the balloon and have a massive number of lapel badges made up. I would not only have all my team wear them for the duration of the visit, I would have the team hand them out as Presidential gifts to any and everyone they come into contact with.
Making the deplorable displayable, as it were.
And mocking the despicable with a little good humour.
And I’d love to see him personally present one to the mayor in front of the media.
A marmalade one?
Golly, what a good idea.
I heard via the BBC 6pm News yesterday, the Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, make a statement to the House of Commons concerning the Amesbury poisoning or chemical attack or dumping. The Home Secretary is concerned that there will be a (implication Russian) programme of disinformation over this event, the implication being via the media old and new.
If the Home Secretary’s information is robust and evidence clear, why does he fear any discussion, debate, questioning or even outright fakery of information being put into the public domain? All he has to do, if that occurs, is to release factual evidence in response. In the clip I heard on R4, Sajid Javid said it was the same chemical in Amesbury that had poisoned the Skripals in Salisbury, that it was a Novichok and Russian in origin.
In the 7am R4 News, some of what we were told yesterday has changed today.
The drug is not necessarily from the Salisbury batch. One immediate question arises: has the Home Secretary been set up, by person or persons unknown, to make a misleading statement to the House?
What are we hearing? A ‘Novichok’ does degrade, doesn’t degrade, is affected by atmosphere, is not affected by exposure to air, is lethal to skin contact, isn’t lethal to skin contact, is degraded by moisture and rain, is not affected by rain and has to be cleaned away very carefully by someone wearing protective clothing but it can also be removed by a wet wipe.
I think it is becoming clear that after a massive investigation, Police, Anti-Terrorist Police, Security Services, the Army and Porton Down scientists all involved, with thousands and thousands of ‘person-hours’ invested, that no-one has a clue about what they are dealing with from Salisbury and Amesbury.
No disinformation here on B-BBC. Form an orderly queue to make uninformed guesses. It will be as good as anything out there from official sources and the BBC.
I will start with suggesting this is linked to illegal, so-called, ‘recreational’ drugs and the industry that has grown up around them.
The authorities and mainstream media have caught themselves in cleft stick here. Their enthusiasm to blame Putin has run together with their vagueness as to the details of the case. Of course if they own up to confusion as to those details then one might ask how they can so confidently blame the Russians? Also if the authorities admit honestly to not knowing precisely what has happened then their big anti-Russian media push only serves to panic the public.
The latest round of supposed experts are now telling us via the BBC that, yes, Novichok does degrade. In sunlight or in water. But in doors, or in a container – not so much.
Reading between the lines the suggestion now is that this latest pair of victims ‘found’ a container that was irresponsibly disposed of by the original would-be assassin or assassins. [As if an assassin should by nature be expected to be careful in this regard – well, if they were an ace 007 operative acting on direct orders from the Kremlin perhaps they should have or would have?] Then this couple opened that container and took a good sniff, together. One line of information about the pair that was released by the BBC very early was that neither had an employer. I found that an interesting and rather unusual statement to hear on the BBC. What we are meant to think about that remains unclear. I too sense some recreational drug connection.
AISI, that non-Novichok is certainly deadly ….
……. if you are a guinea pig.
Oh dear, I have offended.
The neighbours’ cats have been around to let me know that one of their number, a very, very distant relative, also died in Sergei Skripal’s house.
I do most humbly, deeply and sincerely apologise for this oversight and regret the offence and hurt that it has caused. Please note that I am a cat person, not a dog person even if I do melt a bit when a ragged, scruffy terrier mongrel gives me ‘one of its looks’.
Now, please, stop shitting in my front flower bed. If you don’t, I have acquired a chemical weapon from the local Pound Shop and I am not afraid to activate it. Vladimir Vladimirivich has given his permission, please note. You have been warned.
Up – I remember that -they sealed the house and the cat starved to death – animal loving Blighty . I would have thought it might have given a clue but I think they forgot about it .
So it was ‘said’ afterwards, Fed, but 1. can we trust anything we are told about Salisbury, and 2. what do we know about cats? That in the absence of food and water, they can survive for remarkable lengths of time and are good at foraging.
How long was the house sealed for?
Perhaps the Skripal cat ate the Skripal guinea pigs to survive?
I think we should be told.
Also interesting AISI, adding to your info on employment for this lovable couple, is that the pair were apparently in the habit of picking discarded fag butts from the street, re-lighting and sharing – and this is seen as a ‘possible source of contamination’. Nice.
Yet another question worth posing is how this unemployed pair of smack heads afford what looks like a new terrace house in Amesbury – but that answers itself, sadly.
‘…habit of picking discarded fag butts from the street, re-lighting and sharing… how this unemployed pair of smack heads afford what looks like a new terrace house in Amesbury’
“Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice
It is interesting that in the minutiae of criminal cases we see details unearthed about our society that otherwise tend to go unreported, for reasons of prudishness, or perhaps liberal self-interest and leftist political motivation.
For example we learn far more about the lives of victorian east end prostitutes from the Jack the Ripper case than any amount of pontification by the contemporary social commentators.
And so it is with our present mainstream media reporting.
For a further modern example look at the Grenfell Tower fire. Would the BBC ever shine any light on the backgrounds or make up of the residents of a typical London housing estate – the extent, shall we say, of internationalisation? Of illegal sub-letting of social housing, of illegal migration? Only the exposure brought about by the fire forced our media to shed a little light on this.
Beltane, think the Beeb described it somewhere on the web-site as a social housing community development or somesuch. Re-arrange all or some of those words to suit.
I am rather more interested in Frank Gardner’s mention of organo-phosphates this morning. Especially after we have been told endlessly that this chemical substance was ‘a Novichok’. [Novichok – a Russian term or expression for New Thing(s) ]
As I understand it most ‘nerve agent’ toxins are organo-phosphate based and the merest trace kills within seconds, although technically there are antidotes if time allows. I recall my brother showing me part of his army kit, back in the 60s, a single use hypodermic with a 5cm needle about 2mm thick which he was supposed to plunge into his thigh in the event of a nerve gas attack. That would have saved his life, apparently, except that he only had about 3 seconds in which to find it, uncover the needle, and use it.
Of course, I suppose it’s just possible that the use of other recreational chemicals might form barriers and extend life expectancy, who knows? Sounds like a fruitful area of research, perhaps?
The odds of someone else being poisoned by the same toxic agent miles apart in another town must be trillions to one. Its being said this latest couple were just ‘unlucky’ – really ? To stumble across an object or fag end coated with the stuff would appear far fetched even in a spy movie ! I don’t buy that the possible assassin just discarded his offending weapon. If it was on the ground why were there no dogs dying from possibly sniffing it, yet here we are told a couple just happen to have picked something up from the park. It would be like looking for a half carat diamond in a 3 acre field ! Even John Le Carre would be hard pushed to make that story up. Clearly we are not being told everything.
Exactly so, Beltane. I did some journalistic research back in March and April this year on the subject. (BBC, please note: you could have done this BBC, using some of your £3.5bn and BBC contacts and BBC journalistic ‘person-power’.)
I post from memory now, so apologise in advance if I’ve got any bits wrong or muddled. Organo-phosphate based chemical weapons date back to the time of WW1 although the most common weapon used, IIRC, was chlorine gas or mustard gas. Research continued in the 1920s but leading nations were concerned about the wartime use and what was being discovered and the first International Treaty banning their use in war came into being. IIRC, it has been updated and re-affirmed a couple of times since, last time relatively recently in the 1980s.
Years ago, the BBC actually serialised as a Book of the Week or Book at Bedtime, the story of how the First World War was driven in part by the new industrial petro-chemical complexes being developed in northern Europe and the UK. Some of it was dye related – the main interest of that particular author – but I’m sorry I cannot remember title or author’s name. It was very interesting. (If only R4’s BotWs and BaBs were so good now.)
What your brother had access to was a supposed antidote to an Oldychok.
Back in March we were told that Novichoks were the last attempt of the Communist empire run from the Kremlin in the 1980s to create some chemical weapons that would even the playing field in the event of war. The Soviet era was in decline and the Kremlin knew how their supposed superiority of numbers and basic equipment, including nuclear weapons, was way behind anything the West had access to and were developing. In addition, the Falkland Island liberation had demonstrated that their criminal and conscript based Army would be no match for professional soldiers.
The goal was to create something – a New Thing – that the West would have no answer to and was complex enough to not identify and create antidotes for quickly.
Novichoks may have started as an organo-phosphate or with a nod in their direction but that technology was well known in the West and the West would have had antidotes. We were told in March 2018 – how accurately and truthfully, who knows – that a Novichok type chemical weapon was unknown in the West, other than what spies had been able to discover, and there were no known antidotes.
I think it was Richard Pinder who revealed on this web-site that Porton Down scientists were trying to replicate Novichoks in order to create probable antidotes. I have a notion that that was also mentioned by contributors to the BBC R4 news programmes, one of whom had previously worked at Porton Down.
Organo-phosphates are old technology. Very old technology.
However, it is interesting the locations where all this has taken place. What are they surrounded by?
Where are organo-phosphates in routine use?
This is bothering me as I live in a n Army town close to Amesbury and Salisbury – 2 cases of potential nerve agent contaminations in towns not far from Porton Down.
I was trained as an NBC sentry in the RAF. Nerve agents are really bad shit. Survive to Fight and all that. Combo pens as described above ‘may’ save you if you’re able to autoject and poison yourself with the antidote within 3 second.
Comes in two types: persistant and non-persistent. Non-persistent is usually dispersed as an atomised spray that will ‘burn’ off rapidly. Persistent is gelatinous.
Try putting two and two together and I keep coming up with 5.
Even old establishment lefty Simon Jenkins is a bit doubtful –
What I find ridiculous is they expect us all to jump to conclusions about evil Putin (and yes I get it – he may not be a very nice man).
I have been seeing some funny comments in various blogs though eg –
‘I suppose the headline of “Russia declares war on Wiltshire” is possibly a little premature?’
My gut feeling, as a non-expert, would be false-flag incident. Russia would hardly do this just when the World Cup is going so well and all eyes are on Moscow, and Kazan, and Samara etc etc.
My other wild idea is that there is some Soros-funded element to this: create panic, waste police time, ruin business for the traders of Salisbury, detract attention from other more important matters. The Public Health England advice about baby wipes etc is laughable, there is no way they would say that if it really was a nerve agent. My guess is the couple have been made ill by recreational drugs. Just some ideas.
Can any explain this: according to a TV interview with a ‘know worra I mean (sniff)’ inhabitant of the Hostel where the affected woman lived, the police just came in and threw everybody out. Now, the police are back in the Hostel wearing bio-hazard suits to conduct ‘a long investigation’ (it’s that serious). Yet before, they were happy to throw the residents of the potentially contaminated Hostel out into the community with no medical checking, protection or advice. Just one of the many things about the ‘Novichok’ cases that do not add up – including the fact that NO evidence has been produced that Russia was involved. Yet all the politicians are convinced Putin did it! Something sinister is going on. (Porton Down nearby???)
Thanks, Frank. You have just confirmed my post, above.
Frank Gardner has implied at 7.50am (just after Thought for the Day) no-one has a clue what is going on with the Salisbury and the Amesbury poisonings.
I have a question for Frank. I recall him stating quite clearly on BBC R4, that the OPCW report precis (the summary that was released into the public domain – the full report only went to the OPCW member States) did not describe the Skripal chemical as Novichok.
As I can now be sceptical about the truth of what the BBC tell me, I decided last night to check the report precis for myself. On the OPCW web-site it appears that the summary does not say Novichok. It also does not state “Soviet-era” which is what Frank told us back in April. It doesn’t attribute anything to the chemical.
Frank, are you and the BBC providing disinformation on behalf of the Kremlin?
The Home Secretary will be concerned that you are.
See this report on the Churchmouse website. All journalists are liars, some moreso than others. But we knew that didn’t we?
Will today be the day our Prime Minister formally betrays the British people?
A dramatic day in store at Chequers
If so I have been thinking how an ordinary pleb like myself can make a difference. I do not trust a single person in the Tory party to put their country ahead of their party or personal ambitions. We are at a stage when our leaders are lying to us, weasel words, which they hope will camouflage their deception. Once we have no respect for those we entrust to make the law, then we start to have no respect for the law or those entrusted to enforce them. A very dangerous path to be on.
But I think there is one thing we can do that would show our masters that we are not accepting the Brexit sell out. And that would be to join UKIP, a massive rise in UKIPs membership might just get the message through.
What all the operatives fear most is exposure of their criminal collusion (personal or departmental) with possible loss of earnings/pensions.
So those who hold the most blackmail top trumps call the shots.
Much of the blackmail probably takes place aboard Eurostar where Oily Robbins formulates his ‘plans’ for us all. I wonder who he meets up with?
With the BBC smuggly reporting the so-called “deal” I’ve joined UKIP. The fight begins again.
Englands Dreaming
“Will today be the day our Prime Minister formally betrays the British people?”
Yep !
Shamefully it is the Globalist multinationals who control this country not the government. They will not allow us to leave the Globalist EU. Us,the people are irrelevant in terms of power. Sadly, many Remainers fail to understand ths fact. If they did, then the people’s voice would be louder.
Remainers are Fascists. Please read the quote below, it is so relevant to what is happening today.
“The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism: ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt
This is interesting.
Spot the vaguenesses, inaccuracies, guesses and speculation contained in something on the web-site of the 100% accurate BBC. Please note: it is aimed at children.
So, today’s the day. A meeting of the PM and the full cabinet to thrash out the details of Theresa’s Brexit plan.
What an utter balls up.
Has there ever been a worse negotiating strategy than the one our hapless PM has employed? Before she’s discussed this with her colleagues she’s gone cap in hand to the opposition. She’s run this past Angela Merkel before her own team have seen it. FFS! This bloody woman isn’t just feeble, she’s treacherous.
We’ll see today how brave her cabinet colleagues are. How many will openly oppose her? How many will resign?
Not many I’m guessing. Probably not any. God, what a a pathetic bunch.
When the history of these times comes to be written Theresa May will be up there with Neville Chamberlain. Incompetent, indecisive and naive.
What was it Winston was supposed to have said? “You don’t negotiate with a tiger when your head is in its mouth.”
Feeding time…
Jeff, TM is on the wrong side of history and has no nose for the way the wind is blowing. Otherwise why would she hot foot it to see a German Chancellor who wont even be around by Christmas. It reminded me of Dave’s desperate attempt to get Barry over to lie to us.
There’s definitely an interesting comparison with Neville Chamberlain , who despite his distaste for Hitler, couldn’t shake off the notion that somehow Hitler was capable of compromise and could be satiated. A slice of territory here, a military concession there and all would be resolved. Power hungry dictators don’t behave like that.
Likewise, the EU simply cannot afford for a large country to detach itself from the bloc and retain significant benefits. Worse than that it must be punished for even trying to break free. Otherwise the EU will surely disintegrate. May should, from the very start, have taken a step back and assessed the EU strategically. She simply failed to understand the big picture. Hence her unrealistically optimistic views of how the EU would make concessions. Time and time again she’s retreated in the face of EU intransigence when she should have walked away. Just as Britain and France could have stopped Hitler at any point from 1936 to 1938 if they had been tougher.
Yep there are parallels but my read of 1938 was that Blighty was so scarred by the Great War that it would have done anything to have avoided another one. So it ignored voices such as Churchill seeing the krauts rearm and push for more territory without challenge .
The ReichEU is driven by that ‘ever closer union’ crap on the preamble to the Treaty of Rome and neither Cameron nor `may could grasp that Blighty is up against another rolling juggernaut which will stop at nothing until it gets its United States of Europe . Hence the stupidity of trying to be reasonable with their unelected representatives. Need to just walk and bare the short term discomfort for the longer term freedom .
And if it all goes bandy at least it was our decision .
Yes EE I have said before that she is a Chamberlain. There are some revisionist historians who say Chamberlain was misunderstood and he was just buying time but I’m not convinced. Notice he gave away the three Treaty Ports that Britain had in Eire just before the war broke out. The Irish had put them on a meeting agenda but didn’t really expect to get them. They got them. just when Britain needed them. Well done Chamberlain.
Actually I think there is a closer parallel if we look at the General we put in charge to put down the American rebellion General William Howe. He was a Whig, (the equivalent of a remainer), and he was not unsympathetic to the colonists, but he needed the job to pay off his gambling debts. He pursued the job with a complete lack of enthusiasm. He had the power to crush them in battle and early on was on the brink of capturing George Washington but called off the chase. He wasted a lot of time as he had no sense of urgency and always thought that the rebels would be reasonable and come to their senses. They still haven’t.
He was not actually a bad general when he fought. But he’d rather not. By the time he was replaced it was too late. The cause was beyond saving. Britain suffered a major setback in the world and it would all because we entrusted someone who’s true feelings were with the enemy.
We forgot the lesson and let TM take over our Brexit.
This is not the history you get from the BBC I realize.
(As for the much overrated Declaration of Independence, I was against it at the time and have had no reason to change my mind since)
Sharia May
on the front of the Express
“We must do our BREXIT duty”
duty to who Sharia duty to who
My cartoon+take on it:
OK if we become a third country straightaway to the EU and rules and regulations are like we are a third country , then all the EU nationals that live here are from a third country to us and should go back , immediately , to their country .
We went to the cinema and things have definitely moved on from Pearl & Dean.
First up was an HSBC advert talking about youngsters that get their cash from their parents. Instead of using the phrase “the bank of mum & dad” they have now extended it to “the bank of mum & dad or dad & dad or mum & mum”. Good grief.
Next up was the army advert showing a group of squaddies in a remote mountainous location who pause and give time to one of their muslim colleagues to pray to mecca.
Surely it would be a little bit more realistic to show the actual footage of armed combat when everyone stops trying to kill each other to allow the muslims present to lay down their mat and chant their prayers…because that happens all the time in war of course.
The elite that runs this country- Government, institutions, big business, has a multicultural no borders world view that simply never gives up . Propaganda is used constantly to reinforce it. Clearly it’s captured the minds of many younger people. I’m constantly amazed at how many ( thankfully not all) people under say 35-40 buy into all this propaganda. But of course they know little history and have never been encouraged to be patriotic or proud of Britain so I put it down to the education system.
For those of us who oppose the elite view, it’s tough. We do not in general control the levers of power. But the struggle must go on!
I’ve mentioned it before here but try searching you tube silk cut Zulu advert from about 1970 … different days ….
I remember it well Fed,
Just thinking about it makes me smile.
What I would like to know, BBC, is what were Sergei Skripal’s sources of income while he has been living in the UK? And the same for Julia Skripal (in Russia), if you can manage all that as a ‘premier news-gathering’ organisation.
Thirdy I’m surprised you were able to hear the dialogue at the cinema. The last time I went a couple of years ago (to see the latest Jason Bourne) it was like a kid’s nursery – slurping of drinks, munching of sweets, the odious smell of popcorn, and the constant blue light of umpteen phones being looked at. A very unpleasant experience. Cinema and theatre etiquette is no more.
Ha ha ha,
We went to the 11.10am showing Brissles and there was only one other bloke in the whole cinema so it was perfect.
And just to give you a heads up seeing as you liked Jason Bourne type films, we saw Sicario 2 and it was superb.
Absolutely agree had exactly the same experience, shovelling food into their gullets non stop for two hours, scrabbling around in cellophane packets, and the following visit ensured we were well away from anyone and the gutbuckets all turned up as the film was starting and slurping and burping around us again, …so refuse to go anymore and wait for the DVD
I once took my son to the pantomime and watched in horror as other children took out their lunch boxes to eat during the performance (rather than the interval). The jokes were filthy and I hope the children didn’t understand them. The next year I took him aged 6 years old and 6 friends to the alternative theatre where they were doing Treasure Island. Three blokes, a broom handle and a barrel, theatre in the round. The boys sat there like angels (mixed metaphor?) engrossed as they were on that island too in their minds. Ice cream during the interval was all that was needed. They learned what good theatre was, to develop their imagination, how to sit still and how to behave. Shame the opportunities grow less as bad behaviour becomes acceptable. Mr D just read out an item in the Telegraph where some older women at the theatre were watching football on their phones at the same time as the play was being performed and with all the yelling they would have done in the pub.
Brissles – that’s a very good description of my local library + screaming kids running around.
it’s the staff in my library that make most of the noise, forever slamming doors and having loud conversations across the room. Half the dickheads are volunteers , doing another out of a paying job for the feelgood factor.
Surprised — shocked even — to see the BBC wilfully promoting English pride over the Colombia win. (Ok technically they’re just publishing a tweet, but then again that counts for 90% of their output these days).
“One England supporter tweeted how proud he is to be English”.
Is this a Battle of Britain kind of pride? A William Shakespeare kind of pride? A John Harrison’s first marine chronometer kind of pride? No, of course it turns out that the only acceptable face of English pride for the beeb is a love for the foreign and the failing. “Gareth Southgate made so proud to be English last night, his compassion towards the Colombia players who were distraught at losing was humbling […]”
Looking at a sample of his other tweets gives an insight into how the beeb bots do their Twitter trawling:
—#GarethSouthgateWould take Mr. Corbyn for a pint (he’d pay) and convince him he must oppose #Brexit
—70 years ago today @UKLabour led by the great Clement Attlee opened our #NHS up to the people of our country, not just the rich, universal care for all from the cradle to the grave, Social Justice in health/Welfare, all opposed by the TORIES, remember this #NHS70 happy Birthday
—Owen Paterson a hard tory brexiteer was invited onto @BBCr4today to spout absolute bollocks about Jaguar Land Rover and their rightful concern over a no deal #Brexit, this tory prick was allowed to dismiss their worries unchallenged, showing again #r4today is part of his club.
Ah right. *That* kind of English pride.
But how would a BBC journo just happen to come across that Twitter account ? #LeftyBubbleworld
Do his own tweets demonstrate COMPASSION ?
..No seems like knee-jerk hate of non-lefties
\\ June 22 Isabel Oakeshott, Julia Hartley-Brewer, Chloe Westley, now Ella Whelan, the @BBC have an obsession with these vile, uncaring, odious right wing female idealogues, #bbcdp //
\\ the rising star of the Conservative Party’, … he’s a shit heap //
\\ Jo Coburn is a complete numbskull, asking @BBC reporter in Moscow what is the atmosphere like amongst British fans, Britain aren’t in the #WorldCup England are, England, not fucking Britain, stick to your tory love in on #bbcdp #ENGCOL//
\\ May 31 The @BBC have certainly done it’s job today in defence of the @Conservatives, they’ve shut down debate on Lord Lawson supporting Brexit, but living in France which is not leaving the EU and tory Islamophobia, imagine if this was @UKLabour #bbcqt would be in fucking meltdown. //
\\ I’m sorry to hear this mate, but we have to keep fighting, we will get the rancid tories out of power soon,//
He ‘s got loads of tweets saying : why are you always on about antisemitism in the Labour Party ? “why is tory racism/antisemitism not discussed?”
Yes cos no one is still talking about antisemitism in the Labour Party today.. are they Stephen Kinnock ?
It is so hard to be right of centre nowadays, even if you don’t affiliate to any particular party. I was hounded out of my last lodgings partly for daring to express my views, the home owner being a bullying Labour voter. Someone I know of was trolled so badly at college for being active within UKIP for a while, that they had a nervous breakdown and it was a while before they recovered. I am sick of these liberal lefties shutting down all debate. They are the real fascists, not people such as Tommy Robinson or Nigel Farage.
As many will know, Sky news is just as absurd as the BBC/Guardian when it comes to the NHS.
In this piece, it claims Germany could learn from the UK’s NHS.
As it says, in Germany you very seldom get a patient waiting in a corridor, that operations are done in days, rather than waiting months in the UK. Sky actually found a patient who found who complained his heart procedure happened too quickly! (I kid ye not)
Sky fail to mention that it is funded with mandatory health insurance and run by not for profit private hospitals.
And Sky thinks the Germans could learn from our health system, which is controlled by a distant state and funded by taxpayers.
Who do they think they are fooling.
A few years ago I had occasion to visit someone in a Swiss hospital. Yes as Scribble says above, it was mandatory health insurance, but the benefits were what we would want here. Spotless hospitals, medical staff dressed head to toe in spotless white uniforms (as they themselves were), no waiting lists, fabulous canteen facilities and waiting rooms, all in all it was an eyeopener, and even knocked the private hospitals in this country into a cocked hat !
I wonder if the mayor and Savid Javid – peace be upon him – would mind one of these flying over London
That must be the Battersea Pink Floyd pig yes?
I think it got away and they had to have a marksman shoot it down.
So why not shoot the baby Trump thing down.
I hope somebody does….not with a gun of course, or anything dangerous – maybe the tip of an Angel’s wing suggest otherwise may lend us open to being arrested for inciting violence. Then again with all the knife and gun crime in London – there’s always the chance of it happening by accident
Has anybody got a Mohammad balloon they don’t need for a while?
Would be good if some very wealthy person could fund a light aircraft with a massive pro-Trump message, a bit like those Arsenal fans did when they wanted Wenger out.
Heard someone say on the radio
-having a Remainer like May doing Brexit is like having a vegan cooking a hog roast, it ain’t gonna turn out very well.
In regard to the anti-Trump balloon protest.
Seems it’s semi-official since little-man-Khan has given his permission.
Mind you, he doesn’t ban Hamas flags being marched through London, so I guess it’s fair and as Sadiq likes to say – all part of living in a big city.
I heard our lovable all-female BBC breakfast sofa duo this morning nattering on the subject.
Whao Steph: “Imagine being the firm getting the order to make the balloon”
Our Naga: “They probably enjoyed it”
Aw bless, that wonderful neutral BBC political balance
Steph, who shops at David Coulthard’s jaw shop
Thought DJ Humphreys was going to do himself an injury this morning
He’s got the Brexit Syndrome bad…………even worse that Alibaba Brown.
Surely it is not beyond someone to-day at Chequers to take that £39 billion bill………..and sub divide it by an allocation process to the key areas already outlined………e.g if they dont accept our solution for the Irish border….that’s £12 billion off the £39b and so forth.
Plus any further stalemate = No Deal.
The Trump Balloon.
It proves to Trump and the rest of the world that London is lost to both Muslims and the hard Left.
But to the BBC, that would be a gain not a loss.
“Build your republic on individual rights, not group rights. Have a bill of rights that inscribes these and makes them legible to everyone. Separate the Church from the State. Separate the Judicial, Executive and Political Branch. Do all these things, it does not sound like much but it’s a revolutionary idea. ” – Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens, contributing editor to Vanity Fair and the Atlantic Monthly, discusses his current paperback, “God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.” The book was a New York Times Bestseller and a finalist for The National Book Award. Program from Sunday, April 26, 2009.
I did not hear or see the Pro-Brexit March mentioned on the BBC news channels …
Thank you for contacting us regarding BBC News, specifically ‘Newswatch’ on 30 June.
I understand you feel that an inappropriate comment was made during the programme in relation to a pro-Brexit march. You also feel that our news has failed to sufficiently report on on that march which took place on 23 June.
Having watched this programme back, our presenter stated that, “Apart from the fraught issue of balance, there are other challenges for BBC reporting in this area. One is the danger of boring the audience with excessive coverage of this long-running saga.”
This was in reference to the Brexit negotiations in general, and a wide range of comments from viewers were read out on the programme.
BBC News covered the pro-Brexit demonstration which took place on 23 June, across our bulletins, on television, radio and online. We reported on this march alongside our coverage of the “People’s Vote” demonstration which took place on the same day, calling for a public vote on the final Brexit deal.
As with our wider on-going coverage of the Brexit process, we reported on both demonstrations impartially and accurately, which included reflecting the numbers of attendees at both.
I can assure you that your complaint was registered on our overnight report when you contacted us. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s made available to many BBC staff, including members of news production teams, the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind regards
Anna Sweeney
BBC Complaints Team
. . . .
Complaint Summary: BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
Full Complaint: BBC News Watch on … 30jun2018 7:56am … the BBC reported why anti-Brexit marches WERE covered, but the pro-Brexit marches were NOT covered and the reporter said that the BBC had the RIGHT to NOT BORE the public. Is this really a BBC policy to not bore the public or is it just an excuse? Also, the report went from lack of reporting to explaining that leaving the EU UNELECTED EXPANSIVE GOVERNMENT was complicated. Maybe to address this issue the BBC should should the pro-Brexit march in the news? . . . “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (Day of Freedom March 06may2018): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell “The omission (Day of Freedom March 06may2018) is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear (Day of Freedom March 06may2018).” – George Orwell
They don’t want to bore us?? Eh? Say WHAT? Excuse me but…….
Jo Cox
Jo Cox
Jo Cox
Jo Cox
Jo Cox
Jo Cox
Jo Cox
Jo Cox
Jo Cox
Jo Cox
Jo Cox
Jo Cox
BBC: The BORING Broadcasting Corporation
Trans Children
Stephen Lawrence
and all the other pet issues : Gender pay gap etc.
Lucy, you could add ‘Sex and Relationships’ (in all its varieties) and ‘Recreational Drugs’ (they are back on the cannabis thing today.) and ‘Plastic’ (it’s deja vu on that all over again on the BBC web-site.).
Thanks Lucy, I always wondered what that first B was for – it’s obviously not for British. Now I know.
You missed out LGBT LGBT LGBT LGBT…
The man that invented the TV power on/off switch should be celebrated for services to mankind.
Was it a man Lucy 🙂 ?
“My weekend column concluded with some thoughts on American government’s culture of excess. Big Government – more-more-more money-no-object government — will by definition be profoundly stupid government. Lean, constrained government would not only be affordable but smarter. The bloated moronic airport security regime is a particularly ugly example. In a decade of existence, it has never stopped a single terrorist, but it can successfully cow a dying woman born during the Wilson Administration into removing her diaper.
We can all sleep easier knowing that.”
Can anyone see an England flag on any of the BBC pages relating to tomorrows game ?
Oh just stop it.
Pro Trump rally in London banned by the Moslem Government of London and their police.
Even if it were allowed it would never be reported.
text says “effectively BANNED”
that’s massive exaggeration
cos it then says “The Met wanted to move the rally to the old US Embassy or in Trafalgar Square, removing all effectiveness and ignoring the duty of the police to protect peaceful protests.”
Allowing you to have a rally in Trafalgar Square or near to the old US Embassy is NOT a ban.
However if the police privilege the anti-Trump side by allowing them prime route, then that is not fair.
If the police are too stretched then all marches need to be treated equally , by excluding them all from prime spots.
The police have to protect the president first, and might rightly exclude marches from his secret route.
BBC Online News:
“”Giant Donald Trump baby balloon plan sparks online row””
“”A counter-protest which aims to fund a “Sadiq Khan baby balloon” has received more than £10,000 of support.””
Where and to who can I contribute!!
Thanks! I’ve donated.
Me too….:-)
Give it up Cathy. Calling people racist no longer works
There is a longer version on FB where she calls him a racist
Stupid deluded lefty robot journalist. Why doesn’t she ask the Saudis and other wealthy Gulf states why they haven’t taken any Syrian or Iraqi refugees. Sick brainwashed journalists.
Campaigners raised almost £18,000 to pay for the inflatable, which they said reflects Mr Trump’s character as an “angry baby with a fragile ego and tiny hands”.
Bizarre that ‘adults’ should be obsessed with, and use as an insult a persons anatomy…
Is there any evidence of a fragile ego? anymore than the next man
What if the crowd all take a mirror and focus the sun on part of the balloon?
Definition of a ‘Hate Crime’ –
“A hate crime (also known as a bias-motivated crime or bias crime) is a prejudice-motivated crime which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social group or race.” Aka Republican Americans?
Definition of ‘Conspiracy’ – When one person agrees with one or more parties to the agreement to carry out a crime.
Our illustrious police force will have no problem in identifying those party to the criminal agreement: those that put up the £18K
It only needs someone (anyone) to complain…………………
Who has paid for this inflated insult? I understand that the far-left momentum bunch are involved so does this mean that either directly or indirectly trades unions have coughed up some or all of the cash? If so, were their members consulted and do they support using their subscriptions in this way?
As a possible non sequitur, I understand that the far-left bbc have some 5000 people who call themselves reporters or journalists. How many of them are engaged in investigative news gathering? When was the last time one of these 5000 TV licence tax paid individuals investigated something important that impacts the lives of we who live in England? You know, the kind of issues but I’ll give the most glaring examples: muslim rapists and the large number of deaths in NHS hospitals.
Definition of ‘Negotiation’ –
“Negotiation –
1 (also negotiations) Discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.
2 The action or process of transferring legal ownership of a document.”
Definition of ‘Concession’ –
Surrender, yielding, conceding, renunciation, relinquishment.
I believe it is incorrect to describe this Governments Brexit dealings with the EU as, ‘Negotiations’. So far, in these so-called, ‘Negotiations’ it is more accurate to describe the stages as, ‘Concessions’.
It would be entertaining if the good old “British weather” kicked in on the day. High winds and heavy rain suddenly in the middle of summer. 🙂
BBC? any European news?
Swedish PM calls for urgent meeting with police after 7 gang-related murders in two weeks
Third night of riots in French city after police shoot criminal ‘Aboubakar Fofana’
“..7 gang-related murders in two weeks”. Londonistan surely?
Any leftism today ?
9am Desert Island Discs : an ORGANIC famer you’ve never heard of, but fits metro-lib idea of farming
11am R4 show about 1Xtra airing rappers who sing about drug violence,
The poor lambs are only singing about their actual lives , so it would be a continuation of their oppression if that is not allowed.
11:30am Biography of Youth Labour activist ep2/3
13:45 NHScultism
4:30pm Feedback will give the Left/lib view of the week on Radio4
..and exclude most views of non-lefties
items : Sarah Sands, Eddie Mair leaves PM, … Ed ‘Death Metal’ Miliband returns
(oh that’s cunning they are blocking their own tweets from Twitter search !)
Maybe trying to hide the way that they tweeted people who praised edMilliband, but complained about Lord Howard, not joking)
4:55pm black people with autism
8:30pm @BBCAnyQuestions from the Westminster synagogue ???? with @ChukaUmunna, @mariacaulfield, @BaronessDeech, @MartinSLewis (Money saving expert)
8:50pm Adam Gopnik…whining about Trump I guess
11pm A Good Read picks a London Toff and a black singer as guests
NO WONDER the Mayor of Sheffield doesn’t want the President of America anywhere near his city.AltNewsMedia ???? added,
Five more muslims, Yasser Iqbal Hussain, Shahid Hussain, Azad Akram Raja, all ‘from’ Sheffield & Faisel Hussain
‘from’ South Yorkshire charged with 21 sexual abuse offences.
#ProactivePatriots ✌????????????
TV tonight
BBC2 11pm 2 episodes of the Australian “Patriot Blue” drama
C4 11pm The Big Narstie Show
Will this be a retelling of the story about how they should have won? Will it mention the leaflet at £9 million …
“Everyone knows who won (52%). But hardly anyone knows how.”
Juliette Howell and Tessa Ross from House Productions, say: “We are thrilled to have Benedict at the centre of James’ brilliant, searching response to the Brexit vote – James is a writer who is unafraid to ask difficult questions and has never stopped looking for uncomfortable truths at this complicated time in our history. And we’re hugely excited that Toby Haynes will be directing this film for Channel 4.”
“Unpacking the anatomy of the historic, high-stakes campaign to win the hearts and minds of the British people […]”
Oh just stop it.
Excellent article in today’s D/Mail on ‘Whingeing Women are such a Turn Off’ by Lorraine Fisher. Sadly I cannot find it online, but its a 2 page spread by women moaning about the Beebs Bias and hating the sound of wimmins voices on every programme ! The backlash has started.
I know it’s the Guardian and not the BBC, but the BBC does report what is in the Guardian .. or is it the other way around?
But fishing experts have told the Guardian the detail of the white paper shows the reality may be much less sunny for the UK’s 11,000 fishermen. One of the key statements hidden in the 60-page white paper is: “We (UK) do not intend to change the method for allocating existing quota (within the EU Unelected Expansive Government).”
The Fisheries white paper is a fudge:
As Nigel Farage said on his LBC show on July 4 it is clear they do not intend to take back control of our territorial waters (200 miles) and the fish therein – they are guilty of total deception on the fisheries issue.
@fishingforleave have been pointing out the issues for years, as summarised by Enoch in an earlier thread.
Please listen to Aaron Brown explaining the dangers of a transition period and the problem of foreign ownership of our quota.
Unfortunately Gove only listens to The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation and The National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations who appear to be complicit.
feardear. Someone forgot to use the spellcheck before posting.Hows that happen ?
If you look at a BBC tweet you will see often see a click-bait title/intro text , that doesn’t appear on the actual web page.
That’s cos the clickbait bit is hidden in the page coding.
Thus is not immediately obvious to the editors before they press the publish button.
That’s why they didn’t see this typo inside the html
(meta name=”description” content=”A major supplier to UK supermarkets recalls 43 products over fears they contain the bacteria listeria.”)
£3.5bn News Service ….
BBC, bias a court case? Who us?
At least not all are reflexively circling the MSM wagons when folk do to them what they reckon only they should do.
BBC must learn lessons from ‘past failings’, MPs say
BBC Store, Lonely Planet loss, ..and struggling to compete with slicker US rivals like Netfix and Amazon.
Has the BBC ever lied to me …. YES.
“Gavin Hewitt in 2015 replacing video with still photos to hide a nasty refugee pushing a pregnant female refugee and small child onto a train track, the BBC made it look like the border guards were being tough.”
Has the BBC ever hidden news from me …. YES.
“May 2018 the Day of Freedom march was not reported on the main website or the main news channel and is not available on the BBC £3.5bn online search page – other news agencies including the Guardian reported it.”
Has the BBC kept the public in the dark …. YES.
“We know that the UK MP expenses continues and should be investigated with the £3.5bn BBC New Service every year to keep the MPs on their toes, David Lammy bought a bike for £650 on expenses (Claim Ref:387540/17oct2014) which is blatant misuse of Tax Payer Money. How come the BBC don’t check up each year?”
Has the BBC ignored politician’s lies …. YES.
“UK Politicians are on TV shouting austerity and recession but all have taken an 18% pay increase from 2010 to 2018. How can they talk for the people when the live in their own bubble?”
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Has the BBC let journalist break their guidelines …. YES.
“Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker uses his twitter account to say Brexit is bad, EU is good. But not once has he confronted Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage to talk about it. It is a one sided echo chamber.”
Not forgetting losing a hundred million a year with Top Gear all because some mouthy beeboid couldn’t take it like a man.
But who cares – it doesn’t matter because it’s only taxpayers’money .
BBC – another day another article about bent people- something about black people wanting their own Shame event:

”Black Pride: Why we need an event to celebrate being black and gay”
Hundreds of thousands of people will line the streets on Saturday to celebrate the LGBT community at Pride in London.
But many LGBT black people say they feel excluded at mainstream Pride events and experience racism on the gay scene.
And that’s why, the day after Pride in London, UK Black Pride takes place a few miles down the road.”
”Tanya says Black Pride reflects London’s black community”
I’m glad she explained that,,……………
”BAME people are always part of Pride In London but in fewer numbers than white LGBT attendees and marchers”
Ugh, you can almost smell the HIV in that photo
Less attendees?
Well either they are less affected by the gay virus, or there are simply far less blacks,
on one hand I would say FFS
but on the other its an inevitability with identity politics
next there wont be 50-50 gender split and gay black women will want there own event
seems they will have to cut up that rainbow flag
73 (12 months to May 2014)
56 (12 months to May 2013)
Borough-by-borough of homophobic crime in London
You really don’t like gay people, do you? I’m happy to live and let live, though I do object to constantly having it shoved in my face by the BBC and virtue-signalling institutions.
Rainbow does not include the colours black and white so is racist.
The term LGBT+ does not include heterosexuals so is exclusive and NOT inclusive.
…. and to top it all off your TV Tax Money, paid under threat of prison, is being used as a social experiment ….
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
* note that LGBT stands at 1.5% in the UK, but the BBC want 8% – so over representation.
Roland I agree. To my mind the promotion of all things LGBT blah de blah is somewhat tiresome, but I think it’s just one element of the progressive playbook wherein there are social groups that will always suffer oppression – so man the barricades against the old hetero dudes man!
But personally I’m not interested in what people get up to in the bedroom, and no gay person has ever physically bothered me. Some I have found to be irritating, some depressives, some really funny but mostly they are normal and want to get on with their lives. One gay person I knew was actually a bit of a monster, but I can say the same about plenty of ‘normal’ folks.
I can’t dislike an individual purely based on skin colour or who they might or might not fancy. From what I gather it isn’t a choice.
So yes I think Eddy should cool it a bit on the frankly mean comments. The LGBT population is always overstated in the mainstream media, so it’s not like we will suddenly have no babies being born. And all of us non-lefties could do with all the allies we can get, given the demographics for another of the left’s pet minorities.
Eddy Booth
Please Sir Mr Black Sir, is it alright for me to say I am proud to be white?
I won’t mind if you say no. Sir.
maybe ,. but if you say you are proud to be normal,,,you will be expelled
For crying out loud Eddie, is it really necessary to be quite so unpleasant and offensive? “Ugh, you can almost smell the HIV in that photo?”
In no way am I pc, but FFS we’re all human. Being gay isn’t a disease, it isn’t a perversion and it isn’t a life choice. It’s just what you are.
Gays have no choice.
And how do you know they have no choice etc?
Something must cause gayness, why not use science to study and find out.
When I heard what was going on in those sauna orgy places in san francisco in the early 1980’s, I predicted it would end badly, and it did – millions died of AIDS , causing untold grief and cost.
Their lifestyle is what is really unpleasant and dangerous ;
but the politically correct brainwashing has been so thorough that even people like yourself have been affected, to the point where you feel being offended is a hideous crime.
Jeff, rightly or wrongly, claims that being gay — er no wait a mo, — gay is an adjective meaning happy so the correct word surely is homosexual, which of course is a noun— anyway, Jeff says it is not a disease or a perversion. Well, I don’t know whether that is true or not and frankly I don’t care. What I can say is that in my 78 year existence on this here lump of rock we call England I have met and worked with countless men and women and the amount of folks who have shown any signs of being other than heterosexual has been infinitesimal, sorry, almost nil.
However, what is unquestionably the case is that an extremely small and dedicated group of individuals have somehow been able to manoeuvre themselves (probably with the help of powerful Communists and Globalists and Mr Bliar) into positions of power where they can dictate to the rest of us and our children how we should view homosexuality. This is done via television and the press by introjection, through soap operas and documentaries and magazines, especially “wimmins” mags and through our schools and colleges by so called liberal lecturers. This of course is designed to deliberately instill in our youth grave doubts about their sexuality,rendering them vulnerable, with the predicted result of teenage suicide rates.
Unless we understand what is going on we will be a pushover for Islam and as I understand it Allah doesn’t take too kindly to those that partake of sodomy. Just saying.
And finally, (as the old time newscasters used to say) Has anyone here ever seen or heard of, a male lion taking it up the arsehole? Answers on a postcard please.
I’d genuinely love to see the BBC trying to promote Islamic LGTB people. See how many folk offer to go publicly on camera with their ‘pride’ or how the police react when they start to worry about what reaction some people of a non-white ‘of peace’ persuasion might have to say about such a western expression of ideas.
O/T the EU law about further restricting copyright law was rejected 318 to 278
Pakistan Law:
“”Judge Mohammad Bashir ordered Sharif to serve 10 years for owning assets beyond income and one year for not co-operating with the NAB. He will serve his sentences concurrently.””
No wonder the UK is a popular destination. The Law is rather more harsh in Islamic countries.
Keith Vaz … silence …
Allegations under Investigation by the Commissioner {18jun2018}
Members who are currently the subject of an inquiry by the Commissioner are listed below, in chronological order according to when the inquiry began, together with a brief description of the nature of the allegation.
Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP – Alleged breach of paragraph 10 and paragraph 16 of the Code of Conduct
10. Members shall base their conduct on a consideration of the public interest, avoid conflict between personal interest and the public interest and resolve any conflict between the two, at once, and in favour of the public interest.
16. Members shall never undertake any action which would cause significant damage to the reputation and integrity of the House of Commons as a whole, or of its Members generally.
Anybody see the Daily Toynbee today.
All guests remoaners against Nigel Evans.
Anybody see qt last night.
If that selected audience was representative of Kings Lynn then they must have voted 95% to remain.
All remoaners on the panel against Priti Patel— (I’m not counting that dopey dolly bird on the end)
Anyone watch the pledge?
I haven’t heard anyone support Donald Trump and every person on every political (and other shows) all slag him off and virtue signal for all they’re worth.
Toynbee saying that Trump snatches babies from their mothers arms.
The media really are living in a separate world to the rest of us in their own little echo chamber.
I did watch the Pledge Micelle Dewbs and Malone were OK
Maajid wanted a Trump visit
It was Afua and Greg Dyke who were clearly bubbleworldworlders .. and came across as unhinged.
How does that tedious woman Afua get on everything BBC? What has she ever done ( I know some book that not many people read) but moan- despite her privileged she the new Left weapon..
Same reason O’Barmy got the Nobel Peace Prize.
I like Michelle and Carole but even they preface anything about Trump with something like “ even though he’s a bully/misogynist/crude” or something like that, before saying that the American people voted for him.
It seems that nobody can say anything good about him unless they precede it with caveats showing they don’t really like him ‘but’…..
I think he’s fantastic.
If the balloon goes up, we could reach a tipping point.
I suggest that the balloon would be likely to cause Public Disorder and should be banned.
“joint declaration of prime ministers of Israel & Poland”
<a href=""Times full page advert
..and the BBC doesn’t even mention it !