Friday seems to be the day our exit from the EU is going to be determined so the BBC in onslaught mode .
A week before a Head of State is due to visit and certain types are queuing up to disrupt it .
The Russians being blamed for another chemical incident so no more involvement of Engerland in the World Cup or maybe we ll win it as a protest .
and TR remains banged up with a politically delayed appeal process .
More than enough for us to rage about .Good Luck England
Envy of the world, not least in professionalism, trust and transparency. Apparently.
Mosque … shout out 5 times a day that Allah is better than your God.
Pray in street …. show of power.
Muslim Heritage (House of Wisdom) …. show everything in a good light, no nasty stuff.
Great visit to BMHC’s new House of Wisdom exhibition with @Afzal4Gorton – Diane Abbott
Sultans Of Science Fundraising {}
The Project
This project is about bringing hidden knowledge and authentic history to the forefront of British and European society, and helping to develop a more understanding, caring, open, and connected community, in the UK and indeed the world.
One thousand years ago in ancient desert cities, Islamic scientists discovered the principles of flight, defined the theory of vision, developed trigonometry, the numeral system that we use today, and pioneered techniques in quantitative chemistry.
While Europe languished in the Dark Ages, Islamic cities had paved streets with kerosene street lights, and they used advanced methods for town planning and architecture.
When these important scientific advances were transferred into Europe, they laid the foundation for the Renaissance.
‘Sultans of Science’, brings this remarkable story of achievement to the world. Explore the scope of knowledge presented by this exhibition, showcased by some of the most prestigious museums in the world.
Now set to be a feature in the UK, at the BMHC. It will inspire the next generation of scientists and innovators, with dedication to serve their faith and their communities.
Although not the entire SoS exhibition, this particular version, will contain the ‘House of Wisdom’, and ‘Chemistry Laboratory Rooms’.
Combining the virtual library and interactive flipbooks, documentary videos, and an object theatre, the exhibition will be a great opportunity for children, adults, religious leaders, and teachers, to interact and discuss Islam’s contribution to society.
– Diane Abbott studied history.
– Diane Abbott … product of BBC’s Simon Schama.
– Diane Abbott should know this is all twisted lies.
– Diane Abbott should visit Yemen to see how Islam advances societies.
– Diane Abbott should visit Saudi to see how Islam advances women’s rights – women driving in 2018 – so they are not leaders in progress.
The ancient desert cities were the ones where CHRISTIAN Monasteries, subjects of Islamic invasion, still preserved and nurtured the learning of pre-Islamic CIVILISATIONs. Abbott should read ‘The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain’ by Daniel Fernando Morera which gives a brilliant, authentic and DOCUMENTED history of the period. Over to you Abbott.
“Get Together Day at Levenshulme High School, where students have created a memorial ribbon to those who
diedBLOWN TO PIECES BY ISLAM GOING TO A CONCERT in the Manchester attack @Levenshulmehigh” – Diane Abbott – TwitterDiane Abbott – died.
Theresa May – lost.
Reality – blown to bits by an Islamic terrorist.
“Men cleared in axe killing trial win huge police payout of millions”
Wasn’t private investigator “Daniel Morgan” investigating Press corruption at the time of his murder in 1987 ?
and then the police framed these 3 guys instead of getting the real killers ?
March 2017, London, who dragged a drunk 18 year old into an alley and raped her ?
Times reviewer isn’t too impressed with a play that turns a Threate floor into the Jungle Refugee camp
.. Yes they made the camp into a community
but in this one side piece the writers never explain why the men want to get to the UK so much
From Broadcast magazine:
“The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has warned the BBC of “notable tensions” between its public purpose and commercial activities if it continues to ramp up its boxsetting strategy.”
They point out that the programs should be free for longer on iPlayer rather than the BBC grubbily stitching up the public (my words, but their accusation).
“PAC also said that the BBC needs to explain how it can continue running its Global News service as a commercial venture following its request for a public subsidy from the government to take it free-to-air.”
Broadcast add: “Rumours have spread in recent weeks that the BBC is seeking funding from other domestic broadcasters to buy out the 50% of UKTV it does not own, as it has exceeded its government borrowing limit.”
So what is the BBC? Public funded broadcasting or a grubby money making on the side outfit.
BBC is a Public funded broadcaster AND a grubby money making on the side outfit.
And don’t forget that Big Brother uses the BBC to speak to us and to impart on us His great wisdom.
Robbing the poor to give to the rich.
It should be privatised and funded by subscription. If it’s as good as it says it is, it would make “loads of money” for the rubbish it broadcasts .
How they get their money …………………………
Local Londonistan news leads with the doubling of so called hate crime allegations since 2014 until now in relation to ‘sexuality and gender identity ‘- which apparently is the current language . Lots of queer people ( which I understand is an acceptable term) will be ‘marching’ to get lgbt compulsory – otherwise why march ?
And followed up with a factual report saying that the significant others of the 3 Islamic terrorists thankfully shot during the London Bridge attack want anonymity in the forthcoming inquest. Personally I favour the Israeli response to the families of terrorists – which doesn’t involve benefits pays out s…
Haven’t seen the Londonistan local news for yonks and glad it’s a one off because I feel alien in my home town.
In 2013 it was revealed that whites were only 45 per cent of Londons population. No doubt trend has continued – any guesses what the white population of London will be in 10 or 30 years?
Guess? No more so than the murder/stabbing rate.
The 45% of whites in London was indicated by the 2011 Census and that since 2001 600000 (from memory) had left the city…this was explained away as people who could afford to do so relocated to Essex (mostly) for ‘a better view’. Huh!
The 2021 Census figures will make for interesting scrutiny…on previous trends the white population will have dropped again and many more thousands escaped.
I wonder what will happen when the ethnic minorities (?) feel that they too would like to escape…they will meet with resistance from all those that they have already displaced once!
They can have London…but not the countryside 🙁
Otherwise I’ll have the countryblues 🙂
cb, already happened. “I wonder what will happen when the ethnic minorities (?) feel that they too would like to escape”
There has been significant Jewish and Caribbean migration from London. Probably some Indians, Chinese and Africans also joining in.
As house prices in one area rocket due to ‘gentrification’ (local or adjoining) or some other ‘trendiness’ (think Notting Hill) long-standing owners cash in and head elsewhere.
Males appear to have been seen lighting fires at Saddleworth.
Hamas setting fire to Israeli crops
Well, they exported car attacks on pedestrians. First Israelis then Londoners.
Here’s another hatchet job – er ‘article’ on the President, comparing him to one of the most forgettable incumbents in that job.
I told you that yesterday the local Labour Party did a fancy graphic saying that BBC Hull ignore the NHS

In a 14 minute prog tonight
#1 Item The new pensioner specialist care centre unit opens in Hull
#3 Item about the 63K petition about saving the Grantham emergency unit
.. The Labour Party poster is visible for about 1 minute
#4 Item Extra funding for East Midlands ambulance service of £5m for new vehicles…plus £7m for East Yorkshire area
segued into doctor calling for a royal commission into funding
#5 Item special video report about young cancer patient, who thanks the NHS repeatedly
.ITV local news also has daily items about NHS & workers
The Labour Party is mad about exploiting the NHS cult for politics
I’m guessing that if there is very bad news coming out of the outgoing PMs meeting today about the ReichEU then it will be announced to be drowned out by the footy – could be very embarrassing since the Presidents visit is only 6 days away . The price ok kicking the can down the road again and again.
So much ammunition for beeboid remainers and the Marxists will be in their slit trenches .
Teenager charged with rape and murder of 6 year old has been found dead on Bute.
Actually it is just bad grammar from the £6.5b a year news service. Comments could be going better…
What’s his national identity?
Bradford : Bomb disposal experts in Queensbury, Bradford for the second day running as a number of firearms and grenades have been found here.
A man in his thirties has been arrested… believed to be a former soldier//
I thought I’d seen the bloke before…………..
Al Beeb reporting ‘crunch’ Brexit talks.
If our so called PM betrays this great country the only alternative is the formation of a new political party that will put Great Britain first above all else. The present Tory Party is full of appeasers.
Is Al Beeb fiddling their HYS figures again?
Despite Al Beeb’s upbeat report of the ‘Cabinet Agrees’, I still think we have been sold down the river in the interest of the EU. “Peace in our time” all over again.
We need Nigel Farage back to pick the agreement to bits.
We voted out – End of .
17.4 million people sold down the river.
I voted conservative in the last 10 General Elections.
I’m writing to my MP, telling him not to count on my support anymore. 8 others in my family circle will be doing the same.
I don’t care if Corbyn gets in, this useless load of fuckers need a kick up the arse.
theres 10 over here doing the same
It’s a long shot Pug, but why not submit the above to the Guardian letter’s page? You never know, you might get the ‘Letter of the Week’ prize, a month’s subscription to the noble organ.
I don’t mean to take anything away from the excellent piece of work by Pugz above but this is a new one on me.
The continuity announcer introduced Eastenders,
‘some of you may find this episode upsetting but it’s a very important message and should be listened to’.
Oh, what’s this? Better have a look.
Cue an Islamic funeral service/ wake/ prayer meeting, in an East London front parla as I believe a Muslim youth has been killed, stabbed by a gang of whites naturally. That’s enough for me then, If it’s an important message that we should all acknowledge, at least tell it truthfully.
Just powering up the Firestick thanks bBbc.
Donate please for a Balloon of Khan in a nappy to be flown over London.
Donations so far over £20,000. I have made a modest donation.
So the BBC goes to Andy” Mid Staffs “Burnham for punditry on the NHS. Its beyond parody.
Stop the ‘Angry Baby Trump Blimp from flying during President Trump’s visit to the UK.
Please sign the petition. Over 7,000 signatures so far.
Dover, thanks for the link.
Have made my donation and I urge EVERYONE on here to find a tenner for this, most worthwhile of causes.
The wording of the anti-blimp petition is spot on:
“On the 13th July during Presidents Donald Trump’s visit to the UK, the go ahead has been given to fly a 6m tall blimp that is the effigy of Donald Trump as an angry baby.
Not only is this insulting the freely elected leader of our closest ally the United States of America, it will also present a picture to the world that the UK public are no longer welcoming to the USA.
During these times when Brexit is in full swing I believe it to be mightily important that we send the correct message to any country we wish to strike future trade deals with and I can’t express my dismay at Sadiq Khan for giving this the go ahead enough.
Please sign this petition and let’s get this stupid idea grounded.”
Can we fly a baby mohamid balloon that will represent the Mayor and the Home Secretary – peace be upon him ?
The BBC and media put May in to wreck Brexit. She is as brainless as the BBC are treacherous and she has been the BBC’s stooge.
After March 29th, we do as we like.
Direct imports from USA, no VAT involved.
No metric, if it`s got a CE on it, it`s no better than that antifreeze plonk they used to serve us.
Is ANYBODY going to let a May-Chamberlain have any say in our affairs? Dead zombie walking.
At least the French stormed the Bastille, we`re letting them do as they like to Tommy Robinson.
GWF – I remember the Mail being particularly keen on helping to stab Leadsom in the back whilst promoting “Jean Clauds Gal”
My cousin has just come back with a degree from Birmingham.
The brochure shows that
1. They`ve been funded by the ESRC-and unsurprisingly, their report shows us all that Brexit will be crap. And this is supposed to be “independent research”.
2. The VC is on a vast amount of money there, yet speaks of injustice and social equality as he would in his brochure.
3, They are conferring degrees to Jacqui Smith and Mark Rowley-the woman whose hubby got his porn bought by us on her expenses as well as the copper creep who stitched up Tommy Robinson.
Only reason I`m saying this is that it`s pretty clear that the fish rots from the head down-and universities have LONG given up teaching, only indoctrinating and rewarding the likes of Baroness Valerie Amos for being Blairs black race shoehorn, Smith for fiddling expenses-but is a woman.
Why aren`t any of us surprised?-do NOT let your kids go to uni in this country, being my advice.
May’s Brexit proposal today.
In my view, it’s not Brexit. But it will be rejected by the EU as they can’t cope with compromise.
The next step will probably be ‘No deal’ and we walk away.
I hope.
Time to fill in the UKIP membership form
Dover Sentry
I disagree, what I’ll happen is the EU will say we want to tweak it so that they have even more control over our country.
Then Sharia May will say yes please.
How can the Tories have been so stupid as to put a Remainer in charge of Brexit?
The Tories are not Tories any more. They are greedy Liberal/Labour actors pretending to be Tories acting in self interest. “Follow the money”!
Dover Sentry
“I hope.” ?
I hope you are right .
Just heard In Our Time.
All about William Morris-privileged effete captain of industry with arsenic in his mines, child labour and the whole lot of hypocrisies. Born rich, sexually louche and a complete creep.
Who better then to represent the ultimate lefty-makes Engels look like Jimmy Reid?
But the panel were most evasive-as if his hypocrisy, privilege and double standards need concern none of us. A Mitford exempted from criticism because he was an appreciator of the Socialist Muses .
Get the idea that all the lefties praising Morris are arch hypocrites and phonies as well. Whether its Ted Kennedy or Clinton, Vaz or Kinnocks-the Left take our money and screw our economies, but remain virtuous as they do so. They just do.
Morris as Socialist eco warrior then? But of course.
Holly, a curious mixture wasn’t he, William Morris? I like all that sort of stuff (the Arts & Crafts bit) but deplore the Lefty paternalistic ‘We know what is good for you’ political imperative that came out of it.
Morris paid for it all in his lifetime, having to accept being cuckolded and then becoming a Marxist inclined to violence.
What we sometimes may not appreciate is that they were pioneering ‘on the Left’, dealing with something that wasn’t just brand new but was in the process of formulation.
It all goes to show that when you ‘make man into his own God’ (please accept women and all the other genders are included in that ‘man’) and throw away your moral compass, while some creativity can blossom and be attractive & welcome, it all turns very sour in the end.
haha there’s a social justice warrior near me has a Refugees Welcome sign in his window.
You can be sure he doesn’t actually mean it in his flat.
Would love to see his face it if a bunch of immigrants turned up one evening …
Snuffy Towers has several windows open, Lucy.
Do they count?
Tories have sold us out
Oli Robins is the modern day Rasputin
How many on this site will vote Tory at the next election?
70% of Brexiteers were Tory. Shameful Sharia May. Shameful Tories.
We are still rule takers with even less power than when were in the corrupt EU. Madness.
So much for democracy, well done Remainer Globalists, you have won.
The influential millionaire Establishment will always beat the common people irrespective if the people win a vote. I now realise more than ever that we live in an undemocratic Fascist state.
I’m out, and Labour are un-electable.
“…….and Labour are un-electable”
I hope you’re right Lucy but the way this country is going I’m not so sure.
Labour maybe un-electable, but they will be elected! Most Tory’s will abstain, allowing Labour the prize.
I wrote sometime ago that Corbyn might actually offer a better chance of Brexit, even though it would be a scorched earth vote. 40 odd years of being in the EU has resulted in a generation of politicians with no belief or vision and a civil service incapable of thinking for themselves. This perhaps more than anything else demonstrates why we have to crash out of The Hotel California. Corbyn at least does believe in something, even though its bonkers and knows he cannot be in the EU to achieve it.
I will join UKIP
UKIP, well there’s a puzzle, what’s a bloke to do eh?
I quit UKIP in disgust at the treatment meted out to Anne Marie during the stitchup they called a leadership election. Apologies for repeating myself here, but times have moved on, we need to as well.
She was smeared by Farridge and Bolton.
Half the contenders withdrew to focus the anti AMW vote just to make sure.
Well, we HAVE moved on.
I joined AMW’s party after quitting UKIP.
But, and it’s a big but, where are we now?
Almost up the proverbial creek.
The local election results suggested UKIP is a dead duck.
The sheeple took the view that only Treason May could deliver a Brexit, how stupid can folk be?
They also fell for the line, that a vote for UKIP lets in steptoes motley crew.
What? In the bloody locals? Dont make me laaarff.
Whenever the next GE comes along ( coukd be quite soon) the Tories will continue the line that you could let in Labour.
While the sheeple continue to swallow that bullshit we are fucked.
The only organisation that can mount a credible opposition to the monopoly of LIB LAB CON is UKIP
The Lewisham byelection was an odd one.
None coukd take comfort, but look what happened.
David Kurten AND Anne Marie stood! WTF.?
Where on earth is the point in that.
The poor idiots in Lewisham mived to the Limp Dumbs, admittedly not enough to win, but shit how scary is that.
No, I seriously need to rethink where my membership money goes now.
I may return to UKIP branch meetings first before rejoining.
But there is no credible alternative for a fightback than ukip.
The ‘sleb new kids on the block ( Milo yanopolis et al) will make a difference, and so will Farridge if he comes back, whatever we may think of him, and I have been scathing about him deserting us.
You’re absolutely right, the Tories have completely sold us out. The inner sanctum of cabinet Brexiteers have proved as ignoble and cowardly as I feared they would. Never trust a career politician.
I can think of only one decent man left standing, Jacob Rees Mogg…we’ll have to wait and see.
And now, of course, those who have never accepted Brexit, who have used any and every back stabbing, devious method to thwart the wishes of the people will have the wind in their sails.
This ghastly PM and her spineless ministers have sold us down the river.
And in the red corner, there’s Comrade Corbyn.
Oh joy…
When does the dwarfish muslim mayor have to stand for re-election? I hope London has had enough of him and have the sense to elect a patriotic white Christian Englishman.
In the words of Rees-Mogg we will become a “A vassal state”.
At the end of this day we need Rees-Mogg for Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Mr Trump, Mr Farage – help us out.
Taffers, Rees-Mogg has just failed to fire, yet again, A damp squib with an attractive label.
Nigel Farage high voltage but very low battery life. Not wanted as leader by most people in Ukip these days.
Trump is an American not a Brit. Sorry to break it to you. Furthermore he likes people to stand up for themselves.
But you are right to want someone. I can suggest Gerard Batten.
Gerard Batten is actually very impressive I listened to him the other week on the brexit March – probably the main reason why you never hear or see much of him on the BBC.
I think Aunty was much disheartened when UKIP voted in a leader who doesnt waffle on about tax on fish and chips. makes up frinedships with Hillsborough victims or just shag his party officials in a very public fashion.
I am afraid UKIP are probably the last hope we have as the mainstream parties have no interest in us little people and democracy any more.
If that fails – then chaos.
There is only one thing to do. Join UKIP, a surge in membership will send a signal.
Yes Englands Dreaming, it would send a signal, lost on the BBC girl in No 10, but her masters can dump her now.
We could be entering fresh territory. Tories cannot be trusted.
“Tories cannot be trusted.” Agreed. That includes anything/anybody else that they get their dirty, sticky fingers on, like the police.
I was just signing a petition to have the Trump baby balloon stopped when I noticed another petition. It had been started by barristers representing a 92 year old South Africa lady who has multiple health problems including COPS, dementia, frailty. She is cared for by her daughter and son-in-law who do have permanent residency here.The Home Office wants to deport this 92 year old lady ! Staggeringly insensitive, as she has no family back home and isn’t well enough to travel. Low hanging fruit ? Harass and bully an old white South African lady whose family do the caring for, and yet many a foreign criminal or terrorist cannot be deported. There must be some dumb officials at the Home Office. The poor lady is well cared for, and is clearly not well enough to travel. At least the family have a good barrister by the sound of it.
Ah @Beebophobic “The Home Office wants to deport this 92 year old lady !” ” Harass and bully”
Nope it’s an update on the 2016 story
\\ 5 Mar 2016 Widow Myrtle Cothill, 92, saved from deportation following public outcry //
\\the Government granted her leave to remain on human rights grounds for 2.5 years. But her leave is about to expire and she has to apply again. … Myrtle has to pay a huge visa fee to remain for another 30 months namely £1,033. //
So no they they are not deporting her, rather just asking her to pay the normal visa fee
Is that a lot ?
Depends how many man hours it takes to review the case and if it is intended to cover some government services as well.
£1k is going to cover about 25 expert hours isn’t it ?
and for her it gets her 130 extra weeks in the country, that’s £8/week.
Fees seem very high though, beyond what the family can afford. Seems a lot of money for a stamp in a passport.
I watched a bit of the BBC’s RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show last night. They went from one black presenter to another black presenter and then to a disabled gay presenter.
They then ended with Radio presenter Jo Whiley in short shorts to add some titillation.
Good to see all these presenters got their jobs on their horticulture qualifications and definitely not due to BBC box ticking requirements!
Not a matter of bias
By the sound of it the outgoing remainer PM has sold out the electorate . I will wait until I read the white paper . I hope the ReichEU reject it which I think will be the end of this new labour PM .
I’ve always s supported my MP but unless he stays faithful to his brexit beliefs ( ids) he won’t be getting my vote again and I will tell him so. His majority is only 3500 so he may well be doomed like the current Government .
Al beeb reports that Palm Sandoo , a superintendent in the London police is under investigation for attempting to get a Police medal by asking for nominations – which apparently is wrong .
I wonder how long it will take from the racism sexism empire to get into gear – presumably this story has been leaked to all beeb – I wonder who would do that and who would gain from it .
The problem is not IDS remaining true to Brexit – it’s the vast support for remain that already exists in the House of Quisling.
Even if 70% of the tory grass roots are Brexiteers, the tory MPs representing them are eager to point out that they are “‘representatives” rather than “delegates”. Their devotion to the nation and high moral principles will force them to reject a “hard Brexit” to a chorus of “fuck the electorate”. They can then go back to being well paid rubber stamps for EU legislation and unelected delegates for Euro business. Great way to exercise your intellectual and moral autonomy.
I think Corbyn would win just because brexiters have got nothing to vote for . All he need do is make promises from the money tree again and use that language about ‘a little bit more tax’ – which I’ve heard tories using as well.
As a matter of interest, when was the last time someone won a war by acceding to the demands of the enemy? In Mrs May’s case she has numerous enemies and they are all being given what they demand; Remoaners, muslims, the EU; the one group, the largest group, that is being ignored and betrayed is the indigenous British people. Now, she’s just added another enemy to the list and I hope she’s pleased with herself.
Anyone heard Treezer’s, ‘Lie of the Day’ today? I wait patiently for a more current, “Enough’s enough”, “Brexit means Brexit” soundbite.
Anyone noticed the date 7/7 since al beeb is addicted to anniversaries I wonder if it will note wat happened a few years ago on this day ???RIP
Nothing mentioned yet. The BBC are too busy poking their noses into Brexit trying to find the best way to make the PM resign and help Corbyn gain power, not that Corbyn has said anything on recent Brexit activity of course.
Funny it reminds me of the party conferences last year where a few letters fell off the wall behind May had happened to have a cold and then some nutter handed her a P45 and the BBC branded it a disaster while Corbyn said nothing on Brexit in his speech and just slagged the Tories off and bragged about his ‘victory’ and the BBC sang his praises!
Fed, they didn’t even mention the Wimmins Cricket or the Grand Prix at Silverstone, this morning on TOADY, so right-on with New Labour/Present Labour/Past Labour/even more Past It Liberals, are the BBC, that it was like this:
Item 1. World Cup
Item 2. Chequers Cabinet Meeting and Brexit
Item 3. Thai FOOTBALL team in cave
Item 4. World Cup
Item 5. World Cup
Item 6. Wimbledon Tennis
Item 7. Brexit
Item 8. World Cup
Item 9. World Cup
Item 10. TOADY horse racing tips – omitted (I think) is that a first?
The world’s most important golf tournament is about to start in Carnoustie (back there for the first time in a decade), the BBC’s poster boy, Lewis, is facing tough competition (isn’t he always?) and is no longer top of the table and Serena Williams had a baby nine months ago, funny, no mention of skin colour unlike endless BBC references to Lewis and Meghan in the past.
Never mind, England have a footie game to play and Kyle Edmunds is still ‘in’ the Wimbledon Championships. Yaaaayyyyyy! on both counts and good luck to both and Lewis and the golfers in preparation and all the cricketers playing today.
Up – bit lagged from jetting so luckily missed the Toady – feel much better cos of it.
Ooops, sorry, I forgot – the Tour de Asthma is starting today in Noirmoutier-en-l’Île (don’t think location was mentioned by the TOADIES) with Chris Froome taking part but likely to be booed by the spectators.
No great love for the Frenchies from the EU loving BBC.
Illegal immigrant in Germany murders mother and decapitates baby’s head. The State tries to censor the incident –
No fear of the BBC broadcasting details. Certainly when the Brexit issue blots everything else out.
That’s odd. G, on your TV “the Brexit issue blots everything else out.”
I tried to see what lies the BBC were peddling several times this week. My TV is being devastatingly accurate and truthful in giving the latest score (on several channels covering different matches at once) in either football or tennis!
It looks like our labour remainer prime minister has got her wish and the Tory party will lose the next general election.
She tried to lose the last one with a pathetic manifesto attacking pensioners and wanting to bring back fox hunting.
Is there NO MPs in parliament who will represent the democratic majority who want out of the eu.
What a pile of crap they all are.
I wish awful things on each and every one of them.
Is there nobody on our side?
If just a handful of Tory MPs left the party and started a debate on where to go next. This could be a chance.
Bill Cash speaking to smirking beeboid Evan Davies:
“The Repeal Act that went through two weeks ago specifically says that the 1972 Act will be repealed on Brexit day.
“Now when it does that it quite clearly also says you can’t stay in the single market, you can’t stay in the customs union, you can’t stay in the European court.”
I’m with Bill. The “the law of the land” is not being applied.
EG – Not in the Tory or Labour party – including Reece Mogg!
I think JRM will just shrug but I heard the outgoing PM state a long list of areas to which the UK would not be subject – including the ECJ – now unless she comes up with the kind of lie John Major did with vat on fuel-seems she knowingly lied to the commons and must resign
She lied, multiple times! But of course she wont resign. Technically we wont be in SM, CU or subject to ECJ, but in reality we will and everyone knows this is just a fig leaf to cover the capitulation.
I heard JRM on Toady (I think) he is clear that if the full 120 page paper shows this to be all smoke and mirrors he will not support it. I’m still giving JRM the benefit of the doubt, its understandable that he wants to go through the full white paper first. But then he has to step up to the plate or just be a cartoon posh boy
England – he’ll be bought off with a peerage or similar bribe. May must be banking on the likes of bill cash and the true brexiters being drowned by socialists such as the paid for kinnock and cable when it comes to a vote.
If anyone knows when the White Paper is coming out please tell me as it really is a ‘must read’ .
But who will replace the Tories? Labour are not going to break through as their leader has no clue on Brexit and it is causing friction between Labour MPs and supporters. The Lib Dems or UKIP are not going to win a GE so who will govern? The SNP from Scotland?
Latest football results:
Parliament 1-0 Democracy
May 1-0 Brexit
Remain 1-0 Leave
Bbc/MSM 1-0 …I don’t know any right wing tv broadcaster.
Gina Miller 1-0 JRM
May 1-0 17.4 million voters
The liars and deceivers are winning today.
When will we get our day.
It will surely come and it will be sweet.
Emmanuel – bet365 is doing a 12/1 on an own goal in a game Saturday afternoon. Seems reasonable . ( it was 9/1 for the Brazil game )…..
Listening to The Week in Westminster – I though Nicki Morgan was going to have an orgasm because she knows brexit is being defeated . Merkel ok ed the deal before May summonsed her cabinet to be told to surrender . Political careers take primacy over personal belief and none have resigned yet – although today – Saturday – I hope someone is thinking about the ministerial position . But these politicians have no real personal – unless JRM is assuming that the ReichEU will torpedo the white paper – how can he support a government of remainers ?
Al beeb will play it down until they take their position of quiet victory .
As for the week in Westminster – they talked with enthusiasm about Hansard – which appears to be meaningless toilet paper if we are sold down the river and signals the end of any image of democracy in Blighty. Lord god let me be wrong. Good weekend for the Marxists and they don’t have to say anything .
I failed to mention Batten in my comments on UKIP.
Someone has already said above he doesn’t get any media coverage because they fear his plain speaking.
I think that is true, and whats more he had two characteristics in interviews they so far have failed to neutralise in the broadcast media.
His first tactic is not to take interruptions. He continues with his answer while others try to interrupt and stop him. Many when interviewed are happy to stop, but he wont, and makes his point.
The second is to counter the PC liberal lefty types over islam when they try to paint it as peace and love. He quotes directly from the Qu’ran, or Hadith, the exact words that blow the cupids out of the water. He isn’t therefore giving sn opinion, merely quoting the texts that moslems follow.
All in all, I think the media are shit scared of him.
I would say to Gerrard, ” i like the cut of yer jib young feller me lad”.
And he’s learning.
After his take-over as leader, he gave an answer that allowed the press to spin it as ‘yet another temporary leader’.
I dont think he’ll make that mistake again.
I would mention he is (or certainly appears) particularly ‘unflappable’.
“Mrs May said we would be leaving the European Union and instead becoming a member of the Union of Europe. We will be introducing a fast-track payment system to Brussels and in return we will receive a ‘Brexit Bonus’ as we will now longer have the expense of running elections to the European Parliament or flying ministers to The Council of Europe. Regulatory Alignment will streamline the parliamentary process as any new Union of Europe directives will be introduced into UK law under the Statutory Instrument process, i.e. signed off by the minister concerned. By taking this brave course of action the pensions of Clegg, Kinock and Mandelson are assured”.
I have to give Clegg a bit of credit, even he thinks this proposal is a crock
Wow, Matthew Parris: NHS guarantees second-rate healthcare
I thought he was a red-Tory
Guess ms Paris is off to a queer march …
Gender -Online-comment-gap
Times claims that
\\ over the past 12 months, we’ve had 23,000 male commenters and just 7,000 female.
During this period women posted 502,484 comments and men 2.2 million.
.. 32 per cent of our subscribers are women //
So the 68% of subscribers are MALE accounts, make 81.5% of comments
So the 32% of subscribers are FEMALE accounts, make 18.5% of comments
Firstly that is not such a big discrepancy
Secondly such analyses where people divide into Men vs Women are super naive, cos you can’t make generalisations about ALL men/women when you know that majority of comments are made by specific people rather all men/women.
(Calculations of percentage comments
2.7m total comments
Female 0.5/2.7=0.185 18.5%
Men 2.2/2.7=0.815 …ie 81.5% )
Look you can’t make COMPLEX points from simple analysis
It is dumb to take a few men and a few women and say what they do applies in general across the sexes.
The first thing anti-sexists and anti-racists do, is act in a sexist/racist way as they attempt to divide society into 2 simple groups.
And anyway online you don’t know if an account is really a MALE or FEMALE
And I bet the data is totally skewed by a few obsessives , possibly using multiple accounts.
Furthermore maybe more articles are interesting to males rather than females you cover much more male sport.
And it all depends how people self identify each time – I feel a bit like a chap today but tomorrow I might be more in touch with my feminine side and think about shoes like other lady girls .( bit of attempt at humour for poor maxi as s/he hasn’t any).
I heartily agree Fedup2, you know I’m really looking forward to the 2021 census and anticipating how I’ll self-identify on the day. So many tick boxes to choose from, isn’t diversity wonderful!
No mate, it appears you cannot catch gayness, I’ve been told off here a few times for suggesting it.
You best fall into line if you don’t want to end up being similarly attacked.
Eddy no no no – it’s not about the preference about where organs enter- it’s about self identifying as a chap or non chap . Since I last posted here I think I’m self identifying differently …. ( I know it’s a sack of crap ).
I can’t decide whether to attend the anti Trump demo as a man or a woman.
Are they supplying pussy hats with both a cock and a vagina?
May’s Brexit.
i can’t see the EU accepting her offer.
Cameron got nothing when he went begging. Not even a piece of paper to wave as he stepped off 1st Class.
If the EU accepted May’s offering, all the other states would want the same.
Sky News has it that:-
“”Theresa May and cabinet agree new UK-EU free trade area – but step up ‘no-deal’ preparations””
Step up ‘No-Deal’ preparations??
Perhaps this is why the Brexiteers have been quiet??
Times : PR piece for Robert Harris’s new book ?
\\ His next book is set in the future.
“It’s a sort of dystopia, post-Brexit, post-our-civilisation, which only exists in archaeological remains.” //
Sounds like another metro-lib who is sure Brexit will be a disaster so has written a book about it
His second take
\\Corbyn as Cato
Stoic philosopher noted for his stubbornness and integrity //
A commenter says
\\ A book by someone from the remainer elite!
He deems you populist if you believe in representative and accountable democracy,
– and a liberal democrate if you believe in rule by an unaccountable and unelected bureaucracy. //
Never heard of him
It would help if you included at least the name of the book, so I too can add my opinion of the look of it.
Eddy Booth
Don’t know about his latest book He is
Robert Harris. The former BBC reporter who is now an author who wrote a book called Conclave about the drama involved in choosing a new Pope.
As a spoiler, the person chosen as a new Pope turns out to be rather soft on Islam, and is actually a woman who has lived as a man.
All the bad guys are traditional Roman Catholics.
Robert Harris? A bit obsessed, some might say, with Nazi era Germany.
Perfect for the BBC.
@Eddy there were 2 reasons why I didn’t name the book
#1 It’s not relevant
#2 It so far from publication it’s not been named
..rather the piece was a promo for RH, and a bashing of popularists
Times NUJ ..ah you see The police has spent £200 protecting Tommy Robinson marches
That’s right, Tommies army need police protection in case a few mouthy Antifa show up.
“Mouthy antifa” ?
Watching the lives streaming shows up things that NUJ reporting doesn’t
A large proportion of the antifa are unhinged thugs who come equipped with face coverings, smoke bombs and these days seem to account for most arrests.
And there are plausible stories of antifa agitators infiltrating the TR crowd to goad a few punches for their NUJ mates to photograph, before Tommy’s stewards can get in and calm the scuffle.
Roll up Roll up 17.4m protest votes available next GE – any takers??….choose with reckless abandon!!!
Well, having read all the posts above I reckon that the air of gloom on here is not as bad as it could be.
I feel very disappointed in what has come out of Chequers yesterday. We are now reliant on the EU rejecting this offer or it being run out of time, somehow.
At least old Part-Time sounded thoroughly miserable this morning. I take some comfort from that.
A TOADY presenter explained that she had had to work all day yesterday and into the evening, probably sitting in a room stuffed full of other journos who were no doubt gawping at her legs which she likes to show off, all the while being served coffee, tea, iced drinks, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and perhaps some chilled wine. Tough life, poor dear.
Or could it be that Remainers, including Doomsberg, don’t like what’s on offer? Maybe they will help get us out and away? I won’t go back to EUgypt!
Richard North has an interesting take on the Cabinet agreement. He thinks that the proposals will have to be rejected by the EU because of their implications for the Single Market. If he’s right the Brexiteers will have gone along with May knowing that the EU will veto the plan. That way we will seem to have made every concession possible only to have an autocratic EU demand ever more.
” What went on at Chequers, in terms of the arm-twisting or whatever else was needed to get agreement to the statement, is of absolutely no interest. If this sets the terms for the UK’s proposal for a formal agreement with the EU, covering also the Irish border question, then it spells the end of any expectation that we might have had of a negotiated settlement.
Who will pull the plug, and when and under precisely what conditions it will be pulled is a matter of detail. Like as not, the European Commission – which holds the front line position – will play the long game. This would involve it passing the decision as to whether to reject the expected White Paper on to the European Council in October. ………….
………..We can, therefore, expect a fairly muted response to the UK White Paper, when it finally appears. If it follows the form of this proposal, M. Barnier will not say yes, but he will not say no, either. Instead, after low-level talks through the summer, it will be left to the October European Council to do the deed – which may even delay the final rejection to the New Year.
Either way, it is at this point that we must consider any meaningful negotiations to be over. Mrs May, in pandering to her cabinet, has ignored the only parties that matter in these talks – the EU institutions and the Member States. Whether wittingly or otherwise, she has given a rational Brexit the kiss of death. Chaos will necessarily ensue.”
The full blog post is here:
The fly in the ointment is Merkel – may went to get her approval the day before cabinet – remember that barnier and co are just Merkel bitches who will do as their told .
The idea of the krauts being unable to send their corrupted cars to Blighty as well as the block coming from the USA would hopefully crush the kraut car industry and give them even more social tensions which best case would break the ReichEU.
As for planning a no deal brexit – does any one have any faith in the intellectual ability of the remainer civil service – to sort it out? No chance – particularly because it’s only 9 months until a50 expires.
I had it hammered into me that the four freedoms is the basis of the EUreich and that there can be no dilution because it would undermine the EUreich .