The Brexit White Paper is to be published on Thursday so plenty of hot air until then.
More hot air about blimps and plenty of al beeb and Twitter plans to frustrate both brexit and protest against the President of the United States .
We still have a degree of free speech so let’s use it wisely .
Still no HYS on Al Beeb about May’s ‘Great’ Brexit Plan ?
Are they afraid maxincony, or don’t they work at Al Beeb on weekends ?
Re : Complaints about no have your says HYS
The HYS traditionally have not worked weekends
..tho they seemed to work last weekend
Indeed Sunday all HYS are closed (BBC staff will all be resting after their Pride march.
but there was a Brexit HYS
\\ Submarine Treasury plays ‘softest’ Brexit card.
The chancellor has attempted to keep out of the headlines, but the Treasury’s “economic argument” has gained traction //
comments closed Saturday at midnight
I am not a footie fan but well done England on your recent win!
I hope you go all the way and bring back the ‘Cup’ , because it will restore some pride to the nation after Mrs May’s recent ‘Chamberlain moment’.
Al Beeb will be worried with the surge in patriotism.
I wonder if countries like Brazil etc had the same hysterical angst from their media over people waving Brazilian flags from their house / cars?
Analysis , Cause for Concern , File on Four , The Breifing Room .
All current affairs programmes on Radio 4 . How about the Beeb doing one that is not from a liberal/ left point of view ?
Is there anyone out there with an example of Al Beeb right wing bias or even some Pro-Brexit bias ?
Laura Kuenssberg attended the last ‘Conservative’ Party conference and Nick Robinson didn’t spit at Mrs May when she left Downing Street, what more evidence of Toreee Bias do you need?
Whenever was Jeremy given a whole week of programmes all to himself?
[Typical letter recieved and published by Feedback or News Watch, so it must be true.]
Good atmosphere in the pub at England v Sweden game. Still not that many wearing England shirts, but plenty with flags on their cars and some local shops selling flags too. The BBC will be hoping we lose to Croatia of course. Personally I’d like to see Belgium v England in the final, Belgium were so good against Brazil. Imagine if Belgium won the final, the Beeb would use it as a way of somehow endorsing the EU.
lose to Croatia?
I don’t know….
aint they the last hideously white / mono raced team?
Maybe BBC would prefer a final loss, with one of our Dulux white players to blame.
Novichok: Murder inquiry after Dawn Sturgess dies
on above. watch this video, halfway down
”Footage shows Ms Sturgess in Salisbury days before her collapse”
Why are even they showing that?
And whats happening? is she getting a refund or something
is the pig shopkeeper trying to short change her:
only hands more coin over after she has counted it
is the footage backwards ,sideways or something…
I give up
I read that the poor lady’s relative has complained that she has not received the same high level of treatment and care that was given to the Skripals. Is this true, I wonder, has it contributed to her death, will the far-left bbc be investigating why she died and the Skripals lived?
More trouble for May ?
Two Brexit resignations, will Boris make it three ?
If Jacob Rees-Mogg takes over, the Torys will win the next general election.
and Rees-Mogg will implement whatever lovely Brexit betrayal deal May has totally tied us to..
Eventually leading to a referendum to rejoin the EU, to get out of this straight jacket
Eddy Booth
Who do you suggest ?
If Tommy Robinson riding a tank to Downing street in a coup, is not available, how about simply sectioning May or arrest her on some spy/ treason charge,
Next tear up all the sell out ‘deals’ she made and tell the EU where to go.
And make Britain great again with world trade deals,
We should have left two years ago.
That’s what we voted for. To leave.
taffman, I agree. Obviously Dave, with or without the help of his Civil Servants and No.10 advisers felt he could not do that or ….
…. felt he needed to subvert the leaving process.
The discussion this morning on TOADY, implied Dave set out to hinder, subvert & delay. I should have included that in my post below but cannot remember who implied it.
In the TOADY programme today ‘the Single Market’ came up time and time again. That, yet again, demonstrates what a useless PM John Major was in signing us up fully and finally to it in 1992 WITHOUT A REFERENDUM and that, in reality, we also have to thank Maggie for nudging us in that cursed direction in the late 1980s.
How about Pretty Patel?
David Davis resigns as Brexit secretary
Mrs May is a Remainer.
There’s as much chance of her delivering Brexit as there was of getting net immigration down to 100K a year when she was minister for that.
Wonder what her reward from the globalists will be?
A job as an European Commisioner?
OK let’s start again , Mrs May .
There’s six million EU nationals living in Britain ( official figures are lower but what do they know ?) .
There are over 40 , 000 lorries a week passing through Dover docks alone . They will nearly all be foreign and DOUBLE MANNED . That’s nearly eighty thousand workers .
Now the BBC reports the loss of jobs at a factory in the UK as a calamity if it’s just 500 or less . What about what happens to those mostly eastern bloc workers there ( or doesn’t it matter , BBC ? )
And that’s not including the sundry other jobs ( do they matter BBC ?) that the eastern bloc is linked to just on the transport through this one port . And again what about the businesses ? Theyre not guaranteed money by a unique way of funding like the BBC .
Mrs May is as good as an ashtray on a motorbike .
Nibor “There are over 40,000 lorries a week passing through Dover docks alone.”
The BBC do not approve of lorries unless they are electric.
Global Asthma and Climate Anthropogenics and all that.
The BBC just don’t get it. 20 million watched the England match. A match featuring an English team of males…what do we get at half time ? An advert promising us more female sports coverage. It’s as if they are saying oops we apologise for showing a male sport, it’s not what you really want is it? So don’t worry 20 million of you watching sport, diversity is comming soon. You can’t help comparing it with Brexit ….we know you voted for it but it’s not what you really want is it ?? And while I’m awake what about the cave rescue ? A picture of a lady helping out in the kitchens for the rescue wearing a Hijab. Now I thought Thialand was Buddhist…..correct me if I’m wrong. Oh and I nearly forgot Horizon programme on dark matter…..they straight away apologised for using the word “dark” featured a comment early doors from a lady wearing a hijab, again absolutely no other input. The programme then whent off into “wtf” world so I turned it off…so 3 rants in one message that’s hot sticky nights for you .
Great post, Halifax.
…went off into wtf world…….
Love that ! I shall add that to my vocabulary if you don’t mind Halifax !
It’s my gift to you….
I’m sure I noticed one of the trapped kids wearing an England football shirt. How could that be? England is a country of racist neanderthals – why would any child want to associate with us?
That would be bad news for the BBC!
Mogg is public enemy number one, Conservative, anti EU and he actually wants the lisense fee abolished, he will have to be slaughtered by the beeb who only know what is best for us.
The thing is the public will like Mogg ever the remainders. A boost in the polls will get the Labour supporters scared! I have already seen some celebration from some lions because Labour have blagged a whopping two point lead in an opinion poll! The joke is on them though, one yet to be published pull still has the Tories in the lead…
An interesting week ahead for all and somehow I think that the BBC are not going to like it!
Just had a quick scope of the bbc social media pages.
Seems the only thing of note is a Thai cave rescue.
Almost zero on anything else.
The BBC might be sitting on their hands at the moment fearing the worse. The rumours of ‘Mogg being PM’ must be making them anxious!
This is now popcorn time if we recognise that there will be no real brexit – since Gove sold his soul he ll be the brexit minister – no one else could want it unless they are a remainer .
Vote Davis.
The white paper this Thursday might as well be Mays resignation speech
Thanks for deleting that comment on the last thread that crossed the line. I see my objection to it along with the objections of others too have also gone along with it.
This is an instance of the Memory Hole being used to good effect!
We will see but what ever happens I have a feeling that the left are not going to like it in the long term. They will miss May once she is gone
“Boy in a well” is a media industry term for an ongoing story that is very easy to report on a rolling news channel
“So we are live, what’s happening ? The boy is still down the well”
Thai boys down a cave story is that
Truth is across the planet there’re maybe 100,000 traumatic deaths everyday, so focusing on a boy in a well story is damn LAZY.
The reason I know that is about 12 years ago Radio4 had a play about this issue
so that shows that BBC has not always been completely rotten.
Did anyone catch the Channel5 documentary on Paul Daniels
I didn’t know how super-respected he was
The surprise to me was the prog featured so many Las Vegas giants
Like David Copperfield saying he used to fly over and watch Daniel’s show and tell us that he bought one of his best tricks from Daniel’s.
Like Penn & Teller repeatedly praising him.
See there was a day when the BBC worked.
At last some one has done the decent thing and all that United wasted air on Sunday politics shows was just a waste of time and air -.
Toady today has humph and comrade Robinson – any bets on the next to resign the Tory whip . I really hope she’s gone by the end of the day .
If you remember David Davis was up against Cameron for leadership of the Tory party . The wrong man lost . At least one man has honour in that cabinet – gove and Johnson should be ashamed .
I suppose soubry will be the brexit minister now she’ll get on well with the tax paid drunks in Brussels and there’s a good bar service on Eurostar .
Fed, be patient. It may be too premature to be hard on Govey and Bojo.
Another little insight was provided by DD on why the Cabinet unity lasted for nearly 48 hours. As many as 25% or more of the Cabinet were against but before taking action would have wanted to consult their Constituency parties AND members.
Conservatism is – to a large extent – far more devolved and democratic than the Labour Party.
As I said, it makes them nervous. The more likely it is for May to resign then the more likely it is for Mogg to be PM. That could be a Tory victory for starters while mucky old Corbyn is now simply ‘last years news’ and of course Mogg is the one who wants to get rid of TV license!
Could this mean that the end of the BBC is also just around the corner? I bet they wish they never ran their anti Tory/ pro Labour campaign now!
Mogg can’t do it all on his own. He’ll need support. Where do you see that coming from? Aside from us wee plebs I mean. My “Conservative” MP was a remainer. The reason I voted UKIP. There was no other choice.
I agree, Mogg is just one man and there simply aren’t enough Brexiteers to stuff the cabinet full of ones driven to push this through.
I suppose paddy power with have happy Amber Rudd as the next brexit sec as she must be Mays only friends .
Toady watch
The business was done by some girl called ‘dashi’ – she talked at the brexit supporting owner of Wetherspoons who started to give her a less innthe benefits of a full British breakfast . She cut him dead when he mentioned “fishing “ – there was panic in her voice – which is par for the course for al beeb .,
The BBC might be adding Weatherspoons to the list of things to hate. Shut them down they shall cry! It must be horrible having an expanding successful business that is open to all being kitted out in England flags and allowing people of all walks of life to come in wearing England shirts. They sell ‘All English Breakfasts’ as well and seem to have more British beers than from anywhere else. ‘Close ’em down! ‘
I was driving a..did anyone else notice she (Dashi?) told Tim Martin – ‘Sorry they had run out of time’ when he tried to steer conversation then right at the last moment she said ‘ you might find your wage bill rising when you can’t get any staff’…No evidence, no substance and no right of reply – some half baked BBC interviewer and a man who employees thousands of people…who would you listen to on business?..A typical BBC self important nobody
Toady watch 2
Bernard Jenkin being interrupted – not interviewed by comrade Robinson – mr Jenkin was making sound bite statements to which the awful Robinson didn’t listen and just interrupted using the “ we haven’t much time “ nonsense .
We are at a crucial point but listening to comrade Robinson it might be just another filler 4 minutes in the shabby toady running list .
The Nadiya bandwagon rolls on – yet another series starting next week which gives her the starring roll–s1-e1-family-days-out/
Please BBC, enough already.
Starring roll… good one. ????
Also on the cover of a weekend supplement. In the fairness of equality the BBC should have offered the chance of a cookery programme to other winners of Bake Off, but no, Nadiya was tv gold for them, an attractive Muslim woman. See how she’s had the ‘make over’ treatment, the hijab replaced by a turban, more western friendly clothes, and bright make up. The Beeb are pushing her front and centre – trip back to her homeland, presenting jointly another cooker programme, and now her own show. Clearly wanting her to be the next Mary Berry, but I just wonder how many of her own culture actually watch our programmes, from what I’ve heard many tune in to the Asian stations.
Laura’s blog on DD resignation is an interesting take on events
David Davis ‘felt he had no choice but resignation’
She seems not to be able to read the writing on the wall, which is May will be out by the end of the week. Have you got that Laura, that is the take home here not who will replace Davis at non department.
So she decides to quote a delusional Remainer instead
“One of his fellow ministers remarked, “it’s just a personal outburst”, adding: “He is not exactly the cleverest, he has always struggled to muscle into any of the complicated arguments.”
And then this subtle one
“He could provide a rallying point from outside government for those forces in the Tory party who believe the Brexit plan the prime minister is pursuing is not the Brexit that a clear but narrow majority of the public chose.”
Narrow majority, so doesnt really count does it.
I’m going to enjoy this week.
Just seen this quote in The Mail: Backbencher Andrea Jenkyns said: ‘The time has come that we need a Brexiteer prime minister, someone who believes in Brexit…
‘Theresa May’s premiership is over.’
Exactly, is she not on Laura’s speed dial.
A bbc ‘quote’ indeed.
Of course, others can play the ‘quote’ game…
“Narrow majority”
Puts the taffs in mind of their own “massive” majority to introduce devolution:
For: 50.3%
Agin: 49.7%
And, what’s more, you can bet your bottom dollar that many of those 50.3% are battling against the brexit vote.
“Narrow majority, so doesn’t really count does it.” Apparently the case for Remainers.
That doesn’t seem to work when there’s a general election (‘GE’) though. The basis for GE’s and referenda is, First Past the Post (‘FPtP’) so, in keeping with GE’s, those MP’s even ‘win’ with a ‘narrow majority’. That’s the way it works isn’t it ? But perhaps we can anticipate a new approach to FPtP based upon the aftermath of the EU Referendum and the Remainers approach? I for one would never see the next election’s MP’s voted in on FPtP as being an end to the matter. We should adopt the Remainers approach in GE’s also. That alternative that has now been created unwittingly by precedent. It sees MP’s voted in on the FPtP principle but then, things dramatically change. In keeping with the Remainers approach to the Referendum, that successful MP, despite having perhaps an “overwhelming majority” will have to take up his MP’s role by accepting and pursuing policies of the losers. And indeed, the losing prospective candidates may continue to meddle and introduce new policies and principles for the winner to pursue even after the election. And if the winning MP fails to carry out the policies of the losers, he/she should accept a by-election re-run.
Spot the flaws in this illogical sequence.
All in accordance with the Remainers wishes of course. But wait for their screams when the alternative they created, doesn’t suit.
[David Cameron on why the FPtP system is right –
Ironic that Cameron himself, may be responsible for ushering in a new voting system.
Lovely. No, really lovely. Lucky that the best candidate was easy on the eye. Too.
How many more in the queue from Pakistan and Bangladesh?
The question is; how many from Pakistan and Bangladesh are in the BBC News Press Team ???
Predominantly there already I suspect.
I counted 7 reports on the news programme that Tina Daheley presented last night, 5 of which were delivered by female journalists – Thailand, Novichok, politics, Europe and Japan, subjects of varying degrees of relevance to the British public, some important, some not so much. Funnily enough the sport, along with health, was delivered to us by men and not by ladies of Indian origin, renowned of course for their sporting knowledge and prowess. Ffs.
The only reason I noticed was that it was about 15 minutes in before I heard any male voice at all and thought that it might be a Woman Only Special. I later realised that there would be nothing in the least bit special about that.
Oppression eh? I suppose there must be a bBbc definition.
Be fair. All the white employees of the BBC believe (1) that they only have their jobs because of white privilage, and (2) it must be right that as many of them as possible are sacked and replaced by non-white people. Of course the population hasn’t yet been replaced, so fewer and fewer of us will bother to watch the BBC.
Jesus H!, check out her @TinaDaheley twitter feed. So full of bias she will fit right in at the BBC perfectly.
Take her tweet from just yesterday. She is on BBC TV, many people following her say she looks beautiful, but she still makes a dig about “mainstream society still sees light skin as attractive and dark skin as inferior and something that needs fixing” – based on no facts whatsoever and certainly not based on TV career with the BBC.
Anyway even if it is true (white skinned people in the UK probably do prefer white skinned mates – that is called sexual attraction) it certainly “doesn’t need fixing”. Does she want a law passed where white skinned males MUST find dark skin attractive – ffs?!?
What a load of boll..ks..doesn’t seem to have harmed her career. How fed up are we of all high profile BAMEs complaining about the indigenous population and making sweeping generalisations that can’t be substantiated
can you imagine if a white reporter said ‘ I’m so sad that people seem to see black skin as superior to the white indigenous skin’.There would be uproar..they would be sacked…
….How fed up are we of all high profile BAMEs complaining about the indigenous population and making sweeping generalisations that can’t be substantiated ……
Yep, very true. Give it a couple of years, and I expect to see this lady as a side kick to Afua Smirch and June Sarongpong with Godmother Yasmin Alibaba in their quest to getting Britain more khaki coloured.
I think its sad to hear this generation of BAME’S continually slagging off ‘their home’ , and yes, the rest of us are highly pissed off with listening to it. I’m also hacked off at hearing the well used phrase of “this shouldn’t be happening in the 21st Century”, give me a break. Why don’t they just get on with life, like we did as we grew up ?
She prefers wearing dark colours because it makes her appear thinner.
She looks about five minuets away from being 200 pounds
she looks just a tad darker than me at the moment, maybe she’s been out in the northern sunshine for the last 2 months
I like almost all women, but I really don’t fancy thick lips, flat noses, tight, short curly hair and enormous ar**s. Colour of the skin doesn’t bother me. Does that make me nose’ist, hair’ist, lips’ist and ar**’ist? I’m only asking because I want to know.
‘Full confidence’ and the toast is on…
The bbc does like its opinion ‘formers’…
“All along along
There were incidents and accidents
There were hints and allegations
If you’ll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al” *
TOADY today – hints and allegations:
Frank Gardner – before 7.30am – the ‘Novichok’ could have been in a perfume bottle (brought through British Customs on 3rd March? Who would have done that?)
MP for Salisbury – after 7.30am – Sturgess & Rowley had a ‘interest’ in ‘substances’ (perhaps the so-called ‘Novichok’ was a designer recreational drug gone wrong?)
David Davis MP & former Brexit Secretary – after 8.10am – there was a vote on the Chequers proposal and the PM won it with a majority of between 2:1 and 3:1. (So that’s why we appeared to have a period of ‘unity’ and Part-time was unhappy. She had cheered up after 8.30am but Katya Adler sounded positively bouyant. Are Theresa May’s strings being pulled by Angela Merkel and her strings are being pulled by the men running the EU? What? Weak willed dependent women leading the governments of Germany and Britain? Whatever next? Sisstas – revolt! Or should that be sisstas revolt?)
*Lyrics by Paul Simon – Copyright remains with him and his music publishers.
Don McLean may be worth referencing too, as little Nicky and Co. dig in…
GW, ‘the day the Brexit music died’?
Or will there be a fanfare, come midnight on 29 March 2019?
“Well Brian, it’s a game of two halves, actually more than that, with everything to play for and each half isn’t over until after the final whistle when it could be deja vu all over again.”
Leave the EU Unelected Expansive Government.
Remain in the EU Unelected Expansive Government.
I will back the people’s decision to leave the EU Unelected Expansive Government! {23jun2016}
I quit! {24jun2018}
Seems Nicky and Co. have found a ‘voter’ who says what they like to hear.
There is a plan, it’s called Flexcit. You don’t know about it because the Remainers hate it and the Brexit team suffer from a Not Invented Here mentality.
Why does the BBC see no problem for Labour in going along with the Remain wishes of most of their MPs? Were the big Leave majorities in the Labour heartlands polled by Tory/UKIP voters? Can Labour retain those seats by attempting to stay in the EU?
There is little in deranged media bubble head world that cannot be improved by a minute by minute contribution from ex-bbc editor and ongoing pundit, Paul:
And to top it all, BBC …
….the Donald is on his way! 🙂
Get your pop-corn, folks!
I sincerely hopes he speaks severely to some that he meets in the Former UK. I wish I could tell him what I think…
With the Thai cave rescue going on there is no way the BBC can turn that into some kind of Pro-Muslim reporting….
…oh wait….
See the last video clip under the heading ‘Race against the rain’ at 2m58s. BBC couldn’t get the word ‘Muslim’ in enough times (7 mentions in 90 seconds) as these Muslim ladies are cooking Halal food for the divers (well the Muslim divers at least – the rest can go and find their own food!). The Muslim Women divers even get a special mention!
Compare that with the bit the BBC have done on the Westminster Bridge terror attack today. ‘Islam’ or ‘Muslim’ doesn’t get a mention anywhere in that article, not even once.
So the Russia/Trump story turned out to be fake news despite so much coverage. Will the BBC hold up its hands and apologise or hope we will just forget?
If a news organisation is not trusted it cannot function. It is like being married to a serial adulterer. They also fully support the criminalisation of ‘hate speech’ which is loosely defined as anything which might hurt anyone’s feelings. How can you be in the news business if you believe that? It is like a Formula 1 Racing driver saying he does not believe in speeding or opening his eyes. No wonder the country is crashing.
Brexit aramageddon lies; lies on Trump; covering up Rotherham. I get this horrible feeling that those in control have no idea what they are doing. They may have swanky studios and speak well but so do dodgy used car salesmen and con men , which is indeed what they are. We have been sold this ludicrous lie of ‘multiculturalism’ which is juddering, has a burning engine emitting stench and is about to break down entirely.
” I get this horrible feeling that those in control have no idea what they are doing.” It extends far beyond the BBC. No.10 and 11 anybody?
You ought to feel your leaders are omnipotent, like how you felt about your parents when you were five.
I would sleep much easier at night if we had a badass like Trump at the helm. He would eat the EU for breakfast.
Meanwhile, on planet Beeb…
‘Pride in London sorry after anti-trans protest’
For some time now I’ve been wondering how exactly the Liberal flotilla of different ‘worthy, minority causes’ manage to flocculate together, like a raft of buoyant effluent, clung to by scuttling BBC parasites. Considering how mutually antagonistic, and aggressive, some of these ’causes’ are it’s quite a miracle they manage to co-exist at all really.
My only conclusion has been that they must collectively hate the rest of us MORE than they hate each other? Or maybe, like other misfits, it’s only by banding together into a gang, that they can inflict their resentment and anger (over the unjustness of being ignored?), on the rest of the world?
Personally I have no issue with any of them, so long as they leave me and mine alone – it’s the constant NEED for attention, and to meddle in the day to day life of everyone else, that really gets my goat.
Anyway, is it just me, or has anyone else noticed a few rifts in this floating fatberg recently?
Muslims vs Homosexuals
Feminists vs Trans-sexuals
Muslims vs Feminists
Homosexuals vs Trans-sexuals
Trans-sexuals vs Muslims
Do you think the new host of Newsnight would consider hosting interesting debates like these? What about a new series with two contestants in the ring from each side, no holds barred? If they did, I might even get a new TV Licence.
“Or maybe, like other misfits, [or the mentally deranged]……”
It used to be said that Labour grouped together to disagree and the Conservatives grouped together to agree and I think there is a general truth in that.
It is easy to get lots of unhappy people to band together to fight for ‘change’ (the great Obama’s message) but once the walls have been smashed down there is no agreement on what that ‘change’ should be and the (literal) back-stabbing begins.
The alternative is a sort of rule-by-committee where compromise is all and nothing changes, even when external events demand that. An example that I like is that of the school bus stalled on the railway crossing. Should the bus be driven forward off the crossing or backwards? Any change in position is better than the compromise of staying put.
We can see some of this in the EU debate. Either we should leave it and boldly make our way in the increasingly non-Eurocentric world or we should have seized the leadership and created a United States of Europe on the USA model, (i.e. Anglo-Saxon). Instead weak ‘feminine’ compromise, dithering, indecision etc. has just left us in a state of paralysis as Europe dies around us.
Excellent post, Jim.
Each Treaty should have been a Referendum point for the UK but because we were only loosely allowed to choose entry (via the Tory Manifesto in 1970) it was not much of a choice because many, especially the young, were desperate to get away from 6 years of Labour misrule.
Victoria Derbyshire brings us a BBC-flavoured look at the World Cup
‘How fans with disabilities have been travelling to Moscow’
‘And I will talk with a [female] journo from Buzzfeed, who was at the Pride March this weekend’ – mentioned by our Vicky, presumably, just in case lesbians were feeling left out ?
Notice is nothing about the attack … notice how the photo crops the barriers on the bridge out ….
Word Search: Islam x 0 ; Muslim x 0;
Searching for the ‘angel’ who held me on Westminster Bridge { 09jul2018}
Let us not forget that his “Angel” was a EU citizen from Portugal. After Brexit the UK will be short of Angels for helping us after future terror attacks.
Notice that the article ends with a negative for the EU …
Nigel Farage congratulated Mr Davis for quitting and called for Mrs May to be replaced as prime minister, accusing her of being “duplicitous” and claiming her response “shows she is controlled by the civil service”.
Brexit Secretary David Davis resigns { 09jul2018}
Who says the Islamic Prophet married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her when she was 8 or 9 years old?!?
According to this in depth Childrens BBC article, aimed at kids there is no mention of anything like that. Come to think of it there is no mention of murdering/raping/stoning either. Click on the other links such as “How do Muslims view other religions?” for more chuckles.
Who is Muhammad?
The Prophet Muhammad mosque in Saudi Arabia
Muhammad was born in the year 570 and Muslims believe that he was God’s last prophet.
He got married to a woman called Khadija when he was 25.
Muslims believe that in the year 610, he had a vision from the Archangel Gabriel who told him he was to be one of God’s prophets.
In 623, he made a pilgrimage to Mecca with 100,000 followers. He died a few months later, aged 63.
Muslims do not worship him because Muslims only worship Allah.
However, part of the Muslim faith is to emulate Muhammad and how he lived his life. This is why some Muslim men grow beards.
When they write or say his name, Muslims often follow it with: “Peace be upon Him.”
I’m glad his followers only copy Muhammad by growing a beard and nothing else!
Islam … founder owned slaves and child brides.
Christianity … founder owned a chisel.
Mark another difference,
Jesus was a trained Rabbi (teacher)
Muhammad (however we are spelling in now) was illiterate.
Tabs, do they mention what happens in Muslim majority countries to former Muslims who wish to become Christians?
No? I thought not.
‘….married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her when she was 8 or 9….’
A two or three year wait? As an example of admirable restraint, this has to be a lesson to us all. If only it could apply to taxi drivers.
How do they know he had a beard if they couldn’t paint or draw him…isn’t that just hearsay then?
David Davis’s letter

The BBC has put the text of both letters here
Note the BBC page does have a HYS
Your sure? I can see a HYS with over 1000 comments so far.
@Tabs , yes that is what I said “the BBC page does have a HYS”
..almost 2,000 comments now
The BBC HYS staff are back at work after their Sunday rest day to get over their Pride March hang/leg overs
Why are the Remainers winning the Likes there , for once ?
But here’s one comeent
\\ 46. Posted by bluebarsidebob
Yet again the BBC show how biased and manipulative they are.
A dangerous and corrupt body.
Every positive but of news regarding Brexit is mentioned and passed by but any sign of dissent and would you believe it, a HYS appears!
Right from the day that a referendum was announced, the BBC have manipulated and distorted the news. Time for this corrupt organisation to be held accountable. //
The Remainers are winning with regard to likes for four reasons:
a) there has been a general shift away from Brexit to Remain given the onslaught of propaganda from mainstream media + job fears.
b) the demonstrably incompetence of the government to manage the Brexit process, which suggests the UK government is not competent to govern on its own (outside the EU). This is endemic to the careerist politicians that now fill our Parliament.
c) Brexiters too embarrassed to say much – given the demonstrable incompetence of our politicians.
d) Euphoric Remainers who mistakenly think they are vindicated as they see the chaos in the Conservative’s handling of the Brexit process (which started with Cameron’s resignation).
I am sort of in camp b) but maybe it is for the best. A corbyn led government seems almost inevitable followed by a collapse of the British economy, open borders and maybe worse.
Oops sorry I read your post as “does not have”, my mistake.
I’m so used to the BBC not having a HYS for certain subjects or quickly removing them when the comments don’t go their way.
Breaking : PM has appointed Dominic Raab in Davis’s place
Her reply letter to Davies
screenshot 1
screenshot 2
Stew, he obviously drew the short straw. Did it come with a Resignation pill attached?
Whoever replaces Mr Davis needs to make it a condition of accepting the post that this Civil Servant, Olly Robbins, is sacked together with all other Remainer Civil Servants who are working for her on the Brexit plan.
Nice idea John, but could we cope with no Civil Service?
In the early 2000’s I traveled to London monthly to attend meetings and discussions with Government which were to lead up to changes in certain legislation. The point is, I was astounded by the number of obvious foreigners in the various Government departments working as civil servants. 75% or more I’d say even then. Not unexpected if I thought about it: it reflected the available labour bank in Londonistan. 2018? Must be even more foreign ‘civil servants’ than I ever thought was possible in early 2000’s. We must be, as a country, run by virtually all foreigners on a day to day basis. So, No, so far as I’m concerned and on my personal experience, I’d prefer to see the civil service cleared out.
The rot is at the centre of the system.
I think the nation would trundle on fairly well except where the CS category covers something essential like Police, or Customs/Border Force or NHS.
It was said of Gordon Brown’s time as Chancellor that even with all the extra money that went into education, the DfE had used up 50% of total Budget before cash went to LEAs. The LEAs then used up 50% before handing the remainder to the schools in their area. No wonder then that some schools had walls or ceilings fall down.
At the MoD, the British Army was said to be so over-manned in the Generals dept, they had more than some other nations had fighting troops. Why were they not made redundant instead of cutting back on fighting troops and their kit? The MoD was stuffed full of former senior Officers, that’s why!
The BBC’s edit of Davis comments
Let’s hope Mr Raab only has his current boss for a number of days or even better – hours .
Only 5 mins to go to until The Ed Milliband Show on Radio 2
There are two sorts of people
#1 Normal people people who DON’T BELIEVE the worldview of the LONDON media
#2 MetroLib people who DO BELIEVE it, like BBC, public sector & education staff
London media at work today
People in Anglesey know the new Wylfa Nuclear Power Station is basically on the same site as the old nuclear power station.
Yet BBC have done their normal thing of putting up a long news story cutNpasted from an activist group North Wales Wildlife Trust.
Beeboid universe
Radio Sheffield woman has brought up the topic of Bishop Michael Curry, the black preacher at the Royal wedding.*
Earlier the Radio Humberside woman said : “Now you as a Brexiteer have to choose between No Brexit and Fudge Brexit”
Caller “I wouldn’t choose either”
Her “No I am sorry that choice is not available you have to choose : No Brexit or Fudge Brexit”
* Ah the presenter Paulette Edwards of BBC radio Sheffield just happens to be black.
EU Trade Deal plus WTO OR just WTO.
No Brexit means NOT leaving the EU …
Imagine if the Referendum 2016 had resulted in Remain.
Now imagine the BBC’s reaction if the Tory government did everything in their power to Leave the EU?
Dover, hope you are nice & toasty this summer on the coast down there.
On TOADY this morning they mentioned (in passing? without it intended to be noted or remembered?) that there is a new EU Rule Book coming. I did mention that probability, together with further fiscal harmonisation & tax increases on another w-s Forum during the EU Ref Campaign. All the Remainers said “No, couldn’t be possible” & “Just wouldn’t happen” & “Nothing like that planned.” & “Liar!”.
Sooner or later, had Remain won, that reality would have been biting the Westminster and Whitehall villages. Some of it has crept out already: the possible EU Army mooted by J-C Juncker.
R4 You and Yours “Cutting business rates isn’t a magic solution to evening up competition with online’s PAUL JOHNSON to explain”
PJ “Business rates haven’t changed significantly over the last 30 years”
“ poor areas I would provide direct support”
Open borders ….
… oh wait…. How WhatsApp has helped heroin become Mozambique’s second biggest export { 09jul2018}
Just in passing, and not bBbc I know, but who is that complete and utter balloon who stands in the background of every interview from Parliament Square dressed like a twat and waving pro-EU and pro-Brexit placards? He was about 3 feet away from Adam Boulton this morning during an interview he was doing on Sky News, the free one.
Is he getting Jobseekers because there is no way he is looking for work? Can we dob him in to the Social Security, looks like a simple enough case/ race for them to pursue. Surely he’s a public nuisance? He doesn’t seem Roma so there is nothing to stop the police moving him on. Although someone would have to complain I suppose, an unbiased broadcaster perhaps or a principled politician.
Oh. Right.
Well he’s still a prick.
Yep I have seen him, many times mainly on Al Beeb. They always seem to have him in their camera angle when interviewing MPs. Perhaps he works for Al Beeb ? Propaganda .
Sometimes he can be heard shouting “Stop Brexit”!
Raab has a new job…turd polisher.
This is an old one from 2015 but it is a perfect example of what the BBC call “comedy”. Having a Muslim comedienne doesn’t make them funny or more or less watchable.
In this case brace yourselves for 3 minutes 45 seconds of Sadia Azmat: Things I have been asked as a British Muslim where she puts on a very racist common English accent telling us the questions she gets asked by white knuckle draggers.
At 34 seconds they slip in FGM, LGBT marriage etc issues but during the entire “comedy short” she doesn’t answer any questions that she gets asked. In fact she thinks people are stupid just for asking her about Ramadan.
So 3m45s of a Muslim slagging off English people, paid for by the BBC and archived away under “comedy”.
No gags about the jihadi rape and torture gangs I take it?
1.00 pm BBC tv news
The BBC characterise the Government as in “Crisis”
The Labour Party are quoted as saying it is in “Chaos”
Pretty much BBC and opposition in lock-step as per usual.
However, despite the excitable Norman Smith (passed-over-for-promotion-by-Kuenssberg) saying the political atmosphere was “febrile” the BBC goes relatively easy on the PM. One suspects the BBC are still confident of getting the kind of half-arsed Brexit they wanted with May in place. So there’s not so much boat-rocking as we might have expected.
Here’s the doomsday scenario. 2019 Britain has accepted a rule-taker deal from Brussels. No curb on immigration as under the radar the 2017 Merkel migrants begin to get their EU passports. No UK trade deals with the world at large as we remain within the EU regulatory straightjacket. No Brexit dividend as huge transfers of cash to Brussels continue. No reclaiming of our fisheries. No escape from the Common Agricultural Policy. Continuing legal to and fro with foriegn-based judges making rulings affecting this former independent nation of the UK. Much crying and waling as our MEPs return home. The start of a movement for re-entry into the political EU which is happily adopted by Labour, SNP and Lib Dems (though not specifically spelt out in the Corbyn manifesto but to be adopted post facto as part of a rainbow coalition deal).
Doomsday scenario
European Union, economic crash, depression, race wars, civil war, Islamic takeover. Execution or slavery of the former British population, spreading disease. All memory of a formerly free Britain erased from public memory.
( I think that’s the Labour manifesto anyway)
I think you’re describing the most probable scenario.
It seems increasingly obvious to me that a Remain-dominated Cabinet headed by a Remain Prime Minister have been deliberately obfuscating and making a general Horlicks of Brexit simply to undermine it and persuade us to give the very idea up.
UKIP, or some alliance of convenience need to go into the next election purely on a manifesto of carrying out Brexit, with an undertaking that they will call another election within, say, a year of achieving it.
Perhaps with a further undertaking to put the BBC on a subscription basis and abolish the licence fee.
And start shipping muslims out.
That, I think, would be going too far.
Don’t you think that will have to come eventually? Otherwise what?
How else do you propose solving the long term demographics? The UK native popluation isn’t self-sustaining. The muslim population is doubling every 10 years. It may offend your sensibilities but ultimately this is the only option if Britain is to retains its culture and identity. to think otherwise is merely running away from the problem and pretending it doesn’t exist.