The Brexit White Paper is to be published on Thursday so plenty of hot air until then.
More hot air about blimps and plenty of al beeb and Twitter plans to frustrate both brexit and protest against the President of the United States .
We still have a degree of free speech so let’s use it wisely .
Just about sums up the political elite’s interest in Grooming Gangs:
Biased, socialist, collectivist BBC banging on on the 1pm tv news about ‘increases in transport pollution’ . In fact, the focus was entirely on car use. Ergo, why we should move to friendly public transport and electric cars.
What a shame all those highly talented investigative journalists in the news room just cannot quite do what we plebs out here do. Which is to read the ‘Transport Statistics Great Britain 2017’ report
Click to access tsgb-2017-print-ready-version.pdf
Mmmm. Quote ‘most air pollutants (from transport) have more than halved since 1990’.
Quote ‘there has been a long term decrease in new car fuel consumption’ (by about 30% since 2000).
There are many others, and tables, some of which (by combination) suggest train pollution vastly exceeds car pollution per unit journey. Headline car pollution is only higher because 30 times (yes, 30) more trips are by car than by train. When one considers that fuel duty and new car tax rakes in £30bn a year but only £8bn is pent on roads versus £16bn on rail you can see the massive extent to which car users are totally ripped off.
So, the facts do not exactly match the story.
But as we know, what do the facts matter when the real aim is the subjugation of the private citizen ( i.e. in this case car user) by the centralised state level bureaucracy (i.e. the BBC)
Sluff, good post.
There has been a significant fall in young learner drivers in the UK. In London, people are said to be deserting trains and buses (cost? threat of terror attack? overcrowding? unreliability?) in favour of walking and cycling.
In the 1990s it was known that Londoners spent more than anywhere else in the UK on shoes (OK, higher incomes but …) – if I’ve got that correct – it may be Londoners spend more on shoes than any other city in the world, ie. they walk more and further than anyone, anywhere else.
Additional stats that go against the chosen BBC view:
Most cars stand still for most or all of the day at home or during working hours at work
The average car journey is less than thirty miles.
Most car accidents happen below thirty miles an hour and within five miles of home. (Source: Car Insurance companies.)
Compare buses against those first two stats above. They should be a non-starter, especially in the UK’s old town and city centres. Either that, or completely redesigned to suit by someone who knows what they are doing – unlike the designers of Boris’s New Routemasters.
Up , sluff
I suppose working class type people use buses and those without expense accounts use their own cars -dear souls – to run the assault course of speed cameras , traffic lights, anpr cameras , yellow boxes and parking wardens with body cameras and RPGs .
decent people like beeboids and politicians are forced to use their expense accounts to hire taxis .
Also the requirement to get blank receipts to fiddle the expenses even further …
Fed, no.
Most cars sit in a garage, outside on the drive or road. Including company cars.
I drove a company car into work a few times but mostly used London Underground or the rail system. I cherished the reading time afforded by rail transport and missed it when I ‘became my own boss’.
I was being a bit flippant because I remember people here reporting on the size of taxi bills incurred by beeboids and politicians .
Sadly I’m not a taxi user due to cost and as a Londoner I always have to think whether there will be anywhere to park the car on my trip or when I get back outside my home .it goes without saying I’d never incur the congestion charge although the emir is thinking of extending it outward
Fed, aah, I understand.
Taxis of course are private transport, not public transport and are essential for those unwilling or unable to drive eg. registered blind, or who can charge the cost to someone else eg. BBC Licence Fee-payer. They also spend some time, sometimes considerable amounts of time, stationary even during the cabbies’ working hours.
It is only trains and buses that run continuously, at high cost to the passenger and the environment, whether carrying passengers or not. Highly inefficient and damaging in this AGW/CC/Pollution age in which we are forced to live.
Here’s what I posted March 2017

\\ Take a look at the official gov statistics on UK pollution … PDF source
The key issues are supposed to be NOx and particulate PM10
Sadiq forgot to tell s that over all they have consistantly fallen for years
PM10 fell to 30% of 1970 levels , and is just levelling out.
Their trick is to shout about hotspots, where traffic is jammed probably due to half the road been turned into bike lanes.//
(There is some correlation between pollution and respiratory problems but it’s a guess rather than robust proof, maybe particulates cause scarring thus helping bacteria)
A 1970 report explains ” A significant correlation has been shown between the death rates from pneumonia and the levels of particulate air pollution in 30 county boroughs in England and Wales. During very cold weather in London the death rate from pneumonia doubled when the duration of fog increased from 10 hours to more than 20 hours in the week preceding death. .. this pattern was not repeated in East Anglia, where the temperature was similar but air pollution much less.”
(We are much better at treating pneumonia these days ..and will be even better in the future.)
@Restroom Mole added context
Good post, Stew.
I wish I could remember which Uni Prof was on R4 about 8 or 9 years ago talking about this. Think it was a female Prof, from a Northern University, and they had done a study & published results which demonstrated that pollution sometimes struggled to cross the width of a pavement, especially & more so if it was a tree lined street.
PO captain charged in Marseilles
cos ship Azura fuel broke port sulphur limits
France Nature Environment says that fine particle pollution around the port is a hundred times higher than in other districts of Marseilles.
The captain of the 115,000-tonne Azura, which can carry up to 3,000 passengers, has admitted using fuel that did not meet the regulations, local investigators have said.
Tickbox Radio4 today
9pm Dundee..give them credit for reporting on outside London. They usually leave Scotland to Radio Scotland
9:30am Kelly Holmes talks to Helen Glover on retiring from professional sport.
☑ Victimhood Group (Kelly Holmes is mixed race, her black father abandoned her)
9:45am Book of the Week : Two friends explore what it means to be young, black and female in the UK today.
☑ Victimhood Group black
10:00am WH : Novuyo Rosa Tshuma discusses her debut novel, House of Stone, growing up in Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe
☑ Victimhood Group black
10:45am Drama of the Week : novel about medical life before the NHS
☑ NHS cultism
12:15pm Paul Jhson of the IFS, the taxpayer grant funded thinktank
13:45pm National Health Stories (Episodes 15 of 19)
☑ NHS cultism
20:30pm The say modern political campaigning is run by a Russian strategy
\\ political strategists imagine you through your data. The campaigns that succeed are the ones that hook in as many groups as possible, using advances in political technology to send different messages to different groups.//
21:00pm NHS again
☑ NHS cultism
That Paul Johnson bit was amazing . It’s not business rates killing off the high street , he told us . It’s other things . If we decreased business rates then the shops would be hit by higher rents ( so all the shops rent their premises do they , and can they never move ? ) and in any case lower business rates would be a temporary reprieve .
Obviously the presenter and Paul Johnson have never run a business .
20:30pm is it really a Russian tech ?
He mentions Russians at the beginning
saying identify Target groups use different msgs to snare different groups
Then goes onto techniques
– emotional tags like a pic of sheep going to slaughter
– a hook, like : Take back control
– define clear baddies
Now idea that last Labour manifesto was a winner we are in Corbyn advert land
– us vs them , instead of left vs right
– Now talking about how Labour targets areas, eg Corbyn is even left of some areas PR as they target both Remain voters in one area, and old Labour in others
Now he mentions “for the many” was a winning tag for Labour, but Brexit was not a winning tag for Tories and how the SNP first worked and got them 56 seats, and then fell apart at the next election.
In all mostly a shallow analysis ..and not a convincing idea that people are using brand new techniques from Russia.
Oh dear.
Indeedy! House of Cards falling down?
On TWatO, it was noticeable that there was less positivity that Putin had done it to the Skripals and he was certainly not in the frame yet for Amesbury.
The smart money must be switching to recreational drugs as a cause for both poisonings.
Esther McVey was still being muttered about as a potential resignee yesterday but her claimed ‘sins’ are nothing compared to the PM’s. That fairness pledge, Theresa, that you made in 2016, how are you applying it so far?
Your leap of logic seems astounding
8 people liked it.
But then some people seem keen to let the Russians off the hook.
Time will tell and grand conspiracies usually fall apart in time.
Stew, you need to look at evidence before you look for evidence. 😉 Further evidence, that is. As a science oriented person yourself you would, should, know that.
Skripal poisoning:
Logical evidence, rash of deaths among Russian expats: it was Putin wot dun it. Also possible, Russian business rather than a State-sanctioned hit.
Logical evidence, what is known of Russians, especially away from home: it was suicide.
Logical evidence, growing use of recreational drugs in UK: Skripal was making/dealing/consuming, perhaps all three. Evidence to support: concentrations on restaurant table (unfortunately now destroyed) and on door handle of house and, perhaps, dead pets. I would not only like to know Skripal’s income sources but also the pathology on the pets.
I would remind you what the hospital first suspected in the Salisbury poisoning and again in the Amesbury poisoning: recreational drug use.
We now have new evidence and logic suggests that Porton Down’s rush to identify the drug as a Novichok may have been wrong and the PM’s statement to the House was wrong.
Porton are obviously struggling to identify in the Amesbury poisoning and I would remind you that the OPCW spent over TWO WEEKS before reaching a conclusion they felt could be published on the Salisbury drug. It was initially reported by Frank Gardner that the OPCW declined to call it a Novichok.
We have definitely so far:
No identified assassin. Logical evidence, Yulia Skripal carried the drug: Russian State-sanctioned or a business/Mafia-sanctioned ‘hit’ with Yulia talked into doing it or it was just suicide.
There is a claim of an assassin or assassins (maybe one for each part of a two-parter Novichok) in existence and that he or she or they left the country immediately after 4 March. There is no evidence in support from CCTV in four months, so the likelihood there is so tiny as to rule that out.
Failure of Novichok to kill. Logical evidence, it is not a deadly nerve agent: could be a designer drug gone wrong or someone experimenting in producing those. Supporting logical evidence: the reported connection of the nerve agent to various chemicals used in recreational drugs (Salisbury) and readily available organo-phosphates (Salisbury and Amesbury).
The one chemical interestingly not mentioned so far is Ricin. Could that be the so-called ‘nerve agent’?
I am not particularly keen to let the Russians off the hook. But then I am not some people; I am a BBC listener but not viewer. I’m fairly unique, Stew, in that.
Am also unique in that I look at the Evidence aisle at the supermarket and ponder this or that and this & that and then queue for a till & cashier. It appears others may be more keen just to dash for the Assumptions aisle, grab the nearest from the cabinet and rush to Self Checkout and hurry home.
One other thing is noticeable: it appears to be something of a LeftyLiberal thing to assume that looking for evidence before rushing to conclusions on the Salisbury and Amesbury poisonings is to be a Russian appeaser, a Russian toady, a supporter or even a spokesperson for Putin himself.
Evidence? Yes, on here. Guest Who’s post at 8.17am today on this Thread links to this: Scroll down and read Professor Roger Smith’s post. 😉
While I may have some liberal inclinations (some Conservatives would hate me because I’m not a ‘hang ’em and flog ’em’ sort of conservative) I definitely don’t support Putin although I recognise that people do change and Vladimir Vladimirivich may no longer be a KGB thug, despite him getting ‘elected’ like one.
QT is chipper.
I like that last invitation, with answers likely that could go better if any are minded to reply who do not feel the bbc is impartial as the bbc does.
For now, I’m just doing a five-bar-gate count of cabinet brexit Tories who actually possess a spine. Davis and Boris, yes..where’s Fox, Leadsom et al?
What a bunch of gits to be fence-sitting at a crucial time like this. Not that I’m expecting much mind you, but it’s been patently obvious Theresa May is no leader for any type of conservative – even for the wishy-washy lot of chancers she thought might be loyal.
She had one job..dear Theresa if you cannot tell the EU to bugger off then for God’s sake go now, get lost..and let’s see if the Downing Street cat can do a bit better.
Borris is on his way…………..
Now will there be a REAL BREXIT?
We all read Cameron’s £9 million paper booklet and 17.5 M voted out.
That was what was promised by the Tory Government and that’s what we want.
Over to you Al Beeb, spin that one.
Wait for it. BBC response
Boris is a waaycist, a waaycist. Cover the march on Boris’s house
Sorry, not BBC bias, but it is one for their support for snowflakes and safe spaces.
Speech therapy for stuttering
Lucy, is that Andrew Adonis’ name I see under that Marcus …. script at the foot? 😉 Looks like it.
BBC Panorama set the tone for their coverage of Presidential visit coverage
“Trump: is the President a sex pest?”
Who can forget their similar prog about the last president of South Africa ?
.. the one they forgot to do
The tense is interesting : “is” implies right now ..
come on there isn’t anything recent that is why the Dems PR team had to stretch back 15 years to the sleazy secret off mic comments.
.. If they have proper evidence then yes report it
.. but their timing is fishy as hell, paid for by Team Hillary ?
(BBC the free advertising platform for lib/left special interest lobby groups)
TV reviewer : \\ BBC One have panicked
and filled the gap with People Who Dye Their Dogs and “Is The President A Sex Pest?”. //
Channel4 also Trump bash at 10pm via their series inside the American Embassy
Did the BBC cover Clinton is such a manner?
Well, yes, but it was all under the table.
They probably did but it all blew over.
They lack strategic thinking. Which is to be expected of the progressives and makes them easy to defeat when it really comes to it.
Imagine if a foreign state broad caster ran such a programme on our Queen or Prince Philip when a visit was about to take place.
it would not happen.
While the President is here I fully expect him to say little about the disgraceful treatment meted out to him and to his country .
He will be well advised to do so and to save his comments for when he is either with Putin or back home .
He has unlimited options as to how to respond and as his team are excellent at strategy I am sure they have played out various scenarios.
That such slights against the US have to be dealt with goes without saying.
His voters will expect it and probably demand it especially if Fox and the rest handle it to advantage.
Nuclear option- recall ambassador and cancel visa waivers.
many other options are available but respond to this they will and it is going to hurt this country as it has never been hurt before by an ally as powerful as the US.
We deserve it and the BBC should be ashamed .
It’s part of the BBC’s plan to sabotage Brexit. If the President changes his policy towards us the establishment will have to keep a tight hold on nanny Merkel’s hand.
If the President stays friendly the balance of trade between the UK and Germany means we could keep a tight hold on her throat – given a Prime Minister with any integrity.
Strikes me that stories is the operative word here.
9pm BBC4 The NHS : A people’s history 2/3
10pm BBC4 John Curry th gay icon from the time gay was not totally legal
BBC reveal that women have legs …. BREAKING NEWS IN LEBANON … The mayor who wants a ‘sexy’ police force. The town of Broummana in Lebanon has hired a group of young women as auxiliary police officers for the summer – and dressed them all in shorts. With their male colleagues still wearing trousers, the issue has caused a stir in the press and on social media.
Lebanon – 54% Muslim …. 100% behind the times.
Three gone, another five or more to go?
DD implied this morning that at least a quarter of the Cabinet were against Theresa May’s Brexit plan. I wonder if they will have the courage of their convictions after being bolstered (or battered) by their constituency parties?
I’m wondering if this was preplanned at their earlier meeting. Possibly they decided she had to go and the best way was to drip feed the resignations.
A bit like Labour “moderates” did to oust Corbyn.
Remind me, who did win the election to succeed Corbyn?
I did suggest there might be a cunning plan yesterday but I had nothing like this in mind.
My bit of Baldrickitis was for the Cabinet to assume an air of peace & tranquility even if Barnier rejected the May offer straight off. The Cabinet would keep it going through the Party Conference season up until the October Parliamentary vote. Then the Whips would have been made to read the runes and find if a defeat (unlikely) was in the offing whereupon Theresa May would take the offer off the table and hint about no UK money at all for the EU after March 2019
With Brussels in a tizzy, the other European leaders would be stirring the mix like crazy and it would be Barnier, Tusk & Juncker out of control, flailing around in the hot soup as Bertie would say.
It appears Theresa was not that clever. Her compromise plan has pleased no-one except Remainers who aren’t really too bothered one way or t’other about the EU and the Blairs, Adonises, Cleggs and Campbells of Hard Remain who sense a whiff of a chance to cause trouble and keep us in.
I think Mrs May will desperately rush to get her plan through before time runs out and it ends in WTO rules?
What happened to her No Deal is better than a Bad Deal ?
Mrs May is more concerned with the EU than GB.
Will we see more Torys resign?
Oliver Robbins
Who He? Who elected him? Is he an experienced negotiator in trade etc .
Did Al Beeb put him in office ?
Yes. part of the swamp
Is this a record for crap journalism at the BBC?
A non story about footballer Harry Maguire leaning on a railing. The same photo appears not once, not twice, not three times… it a record for the BBC…. I count 4……5…….6…..7 FCUKING TIMES!
How the hell can that get passed as a News article? Due to the unique way the BBC is funded they just make an article out of other people Tweets and pad it out with the same photograph.
Harry Maguire memes himself with ‘put the bins out’ caption
Oh, the bottom is endless …. After heart-shaped boob, glitter boob and boob contouring, we bring you the latest seasonal way to dress your chest.
Who’s that?
Looks like a right tit!
No tweaking now, even if your name is Santa or Klaus or both. Tweaking is a Hate Crime and Nottinghamshire Plod will be after you.
£4bn worth of resources is not enough to work out how to embed a tweet without the picture.
Like this
Looks like the BBC received a load of complaints about their lack of coverage of the London pro-Brexit march that they have made a special web page for their response:
Full text of complaint and response….
We received complaints from people who feel we didn’t sufficiently report on the pro-Brexit march which took place on 23 June.
BBC News covered the pro-Brexit demonstration which took place on 23 June, across our bulletins, on television, radio and online. We reported on this march alongside our coverage of the “People’s Vote” demonstration which took place on the same day, calling for a public vote on the final Brexit deal.
As with our wider on-going coverage of the Brexit process, we reported on both demonstrations impartially and accurately, which included reflecting the numbers of attendees at both.
Is this Europe (EU) holding the UK or hugging it?
Brexit Britain is an island nation, but it’s never been alone { 03jun2018}
It looks like the Wee Kranky is receiving an unwelcome kiss from Europe.
Nottinghamshire Police will reluctantly take the call and charge an inordinate amount of expenses to the taxpayer while investigating.
Oh well, if the Beeb say so! :rolleyes:
Boris resigns
When I put this thread up Sunday night i wrote that there would be 4 days of hot air until the white paper on brexit .
I was wrong – 2 senior ministers resigned in a day . May looking like she has been tasered .
She is answering questions ( 1600) and looks sleepless and ravaged . Touch of the Gordon Brown s going around . Second box of pop corn on the way
Even al beeb can’t keep up with it
I hope she does the right thing and goes. It is for the good of the nation now.
Write to your MP if a Tory and make your views plain .
Dave, my “Conservative” MP campaigned for remain.
Lucy, even so, might be especially good to let them know how you feel.
Our UK Democracy is at stake.
She will go if her jobs done:
binding the UK to a long, expensive contract with the EU.
You know that challenge which says put your self into someone’s else’s shoes ?
Well imagine the chap in the White House being told about all this stuff going on … would I still visit cum the 14th or ring and suggest it be put off .
I’d go on with the visit because the swamp looks more drainable at the moment …..
A failed state is a political body that has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government no longer function properly (see also fragile state and state collapse).
An Adrian Goldberg was sitting in for the creepy Stephen Nolan on Radio 5 last night when the Davis resignation broke. He interviewed JRM, he came across as a very sneery man both in the interview and in his continued comments about the interview after JRM had left. I’m pleased to find I have another BBC person to dislike.
When Theresa May says VAST AMOUNTS of MONEY …. does she mean the UK will send smaller VAST AMOUNTS of MONEY to the EU?
House of Commons
Monday 9 July 2018 Meeting started at 2.33pm
Meanwhile, the Bbc’s Blonde bombshell over the Hill has awoken and is again RT’ing like a good ‘un.
Oh look, China were lying … what will Al Gore say?
All this was due to the global phase out of CFCs. So it was a major surprise to ozone experts to find that the expected decline in these elements in the air had stalled (ozone hole was NOT recovering). And now, according to the EIA, the reason behind the slowdown has been discovered – and it’s mainly down to Chinese builders!
Interesting who else shares Katty’s ‘enthusiasm’.
Where did he work before?
One admires Kirsty’s optimism.
It is possible Brian is headed for disappointment too. Though most by now are well aware of BBC criteria on anything.
This is depressing reading. I found it on the BBC site under the complaints section. It lists all the complaints, responses and appeals to the Trust, for 2017, when the BBC refuses to comment further on a complaint.
Click to access apr_2017.pdf
Just about every single appeal is rejected as the Trust say “[whatever the complaint is] is a matter for the BBC editors and not the Trust”, or “all the complaints were repetitive”
Quite a few complaints about the BBC’s ethnic minority employment targets far exceeding the ethnic minority population – which by the “is for the BBC editors to decide and not the Trust”.
The Trust isn’t fit for purpose even more than the BBC isn’t fit for purpose. What’s the point to appealing to the Trust for them to say they have no power over BBC editors?
It’s all one big revolving door for all of them.
Over all is now Ofcom, also staffed mainly by bbc colleagues.
One might almost imagine the whole thing is stitched up better that a fallen sailor with a cannonball at their feet.
In a Times letter a QC comments on the way the gov has closed local courts to save money yet is opening a new £300m court complex near the existing Old Bailey.
“Access to justice” when you as a victim have to get up super early to get on the same bus as your accuser to get to a court in a far away town
Word has it here that Scunthorpe crims just now fail to turn up in the Grimsby Court.
Nigel Farage went fishing, caught a shark (and returned it).
Is this the best that Al Beeb can do to smear Nigel?
What with this and Trump, Al Beeb are getting more childish each day.
They should stick to Blue Peter, or maybe they are now run by Blue Peter?
Yeah … now even the Japanese who clean stadiums are cheating …
Nissan has admitted that it has uncovered falsified data from car exhaust emissions tests at most of its Japanese factories.
But, if this scandal ends here, Nissan will probably be able to say it made a sin of omission rather than VW’s sin of commission.
– Different types of sin … commission and omission. BBC has sinned in both areas.
“The return of control to parliament is more illusory than it is real,” he (DAVID DAVIS) told the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg.
Bojo has resigned. Things are getting interesting now. Not much from the BBC yet, obviously this is fast changing news so they are trying to keep up with it before they decided how to broadcast it.
News of a potential new PM is interesting and perhaps for the left it is frightening as well!
As I said before, they will miss May when she is gone
I wonder who be having the “honour” of shaking the Donald’s hand when he arrives?
Not Corbyn!
do we have a politician who hasnt slagged him off or even fit to for that matter
Farage and other MEPs
Times : US may strip citizenship cheats of their passports
Hundreds of thousands of naturalised Americans are having their immigration applications re-examined and could be stripped of citizenship… for lying on the forms etc.
I wonder how different our country would be if we had a strong leader who instigated checks and deported all our illegal immigrants.
Imagine if it came to light that there were tower blocks full of illegal immigrants in our capital and they were able to deport them…I mean rehouse them and give them amnesty.
One of the big guns needs to step up. Unfortunately the BBC have continued to demonise all potential Brexiter replacements of May. I think the majority of parliamentarians are in favour of remain or a weak brexit. We need a charismatic, intelligent, articulate new leader. The only one that seems to fit that bill is Jacob Rees-Mogg.
However, the BBC have been hammering him over his catholic beliefs and he has previously said he is not interested in the PM position – he is more interested in helping develop policy. Not sure how well used he has been on the policy front. But maybe he needs to step up and put everything on the line.
He is certainly courageous, BoBotC.
The one I wish was an MP and available for a shot at PM is Steve Hilton. He was mustard during the EU Referendum Campaign, highly articulate and knows all the EU weak points. He also appears to have none himself, apart from having worked for Dave.
Yes, he was good on Brexit-and a good link man to Trump.
But flaky in many key areas, as his rather silly book shows.
But we need them all in now, and he`s an original thinker.
Boris also knows the nature of the EU as does David Davis. They need some backing, hope Kate Hoey and Gisela will come out again.
The old True Left of Benn and Crow are still around, turn out to be patriots. Its Brexit or death-and our best know that.
I just had to look what Natalie Ktena considered to be ” Eight
most memorable kisses in movie history.” To be honest
knowing that Big Brother from the Divesity department would
be much involved with the eight films . I was pleasently
surprised that there were actually TWO kisses by hetrosexual
couples involved. Three if you include ” Lady and the Tramp”
Presuming that Tramp wasn’t transgender and that Lady was
just a bitch.
The mother and son kiss from Back to the Future was another
which I suppose we could call diverse. The three between
gay and lesbian couples were less than I expected. Then there
I was surprised that Big Brother didn’t make Natalie Ktena
make sure there was not one of of a black pig kissing a white
sheep. I wont say hog or ewe, incase it insults them as they may be
Laura whatshername is keeping an eye on things:
Is a leadership challenge on the way?
Probably easier to list the no hopers than those willing to step up.
Bit like trying to guess the next foreign sec -not that the role has much to say for it now . I suppose the current PM will reward Gove for not jumping and trying to justify the impossible today – or was it yesterday .
Or hippy Rudd is going spare at the mo
Al beeb and labour must be on cloud 9 or even 10 and really need their own pop corn to watch this farce . Political and class don’t really link do they
Let them enjoy their cloud 9 moment as if there is a new leader then that would naturally effect Labour as well.
For Corbyn being in opposition, any new PM is the person he will be up against and would actually be Corbyn’s third PM. For the past year Corbyn has been bragging about how he is about to enter Number 10 and how he will give everything to everyone but once the reality sinks in that the Tories could well have a new leader then the thought might be less pleasant for Corbyn as this new leader could very well crush Labour.
If lets say this new leader happens to be popular with the British public and even risks call a snap election, that could be a Tory victory. How would Labour see Corbyn after yet another defeat? Last time they let him off as ‘he got a few extra seats’ but next time the ‘Blairites’ in his own party might not be so soft.
It is worth to remember that Corbyn’s short lived peak was last year as well. A new Tory PM could be like the new kid at school who gets all the attention while Corbyn would be left in the dark.
If I was Corbyn then I would be nervous. He thinks that he can beat May again in the next GE and even though that has always been doubtful he could have an even harder time with someone else.
Smoogie, I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but with this current ‘crisis’ regarding brexit – if May is not quickly deposed and replaced with someone with the intestinal fortitute to read the EU the riot act then Labour WILL win the next general election.
Old Jezzer will be sidelined to his allotment, while latter-day Robespierre John McDonnell will proceed to make a lot of people’s lives financially uncomfortable. And that’s an understatement.
I do not doubt however, that he could take us out of the EU if he wanted to, by whatever means necessary. It’s a shame the vicious Marxist headcase is on the wrong side.
The hope or the bet is that a real party of the right (and not a sham one) will emerge from the ruins. Outside of that only a military coup could probably save us from 1984 style IngSoc and humiliating interventions from the IMF.
Faffing about with the current ‘Conservative Party’ which mostly seems to consist of wet drips is like trying to put a plaster on a shot-off leg.
we have round here a carnival 1 policeman no stabbings no arrests a few thousand take part
we have a lantern parade 10,000+ take part no stabbings no arrests
we have bonfire night thousands attend no stabbings no arrests
theres a family music festival which is very popular in a couple of weeks there wont be any police stabbings or arrests
at weekend they had a one world festival for all the middle class socialists and hippies round here apart from the allotment society, some sustainable energy geezers, vegan food, african music, gypsy music types the rest are greenpeace, the greens, labour, cnd , unite etc etc you get the picture.
up in the top corner who is there yep the BBC leading discussions of all things.
oddly for a town obsessed with community spirit this is least well attended just a few hundred and most of them were just sat drinking cans listening to music and sunbathing. Every one else was too busy watching england.
all this virtuous bollox doesnt really fire many people up, sooner the tories realise it the better, if its not already too late for them.
Labour or any opposition party deserve to win the next election,
Conservatives initially delaying triggering article 51 by 8 months and have since made Brexit negotiations a farce on purpose , before totally capitulating to the EU.
They still have austerity (for the poor) 8 years after the recession ended.
Still let the worlds rich launder their cash here.
Done nothing about the housing shortage in order to make the rich richer.
etc etc.
I don’t like Corbyn but could he be any worse than the extremist tories?
At least we`d have a civil war where the squaddies and cops at street level won`t lift a painted nail to defend Corbyn.
So we`ll win THAT civil war.
The PF hate May too, so we`ll win either way.
Wonder how many of my old Toxteth gang fancy a class reunion next April-lots of unfinished business, Red Stripe much cheaper these days as well
The Conservative Party have been by turns useless, weaselly, untrustworthy and disastrous with Cameron + Clegg and awful May. Things will most definitely go south with Labour, but I cannot in my heart condemn people for voting that way. It’s like we’re in Germany in 1933 – Hitler? why the hell not.
Yes he could. Don’t underestimate him.
“I don’t like Corbyn but could he be any worse than the extremist tories?”
Could be a certain Home Sec, Fu2, Cameron’s on record as saying he would like to see a diverse type of PM in number 10.
If only the had *52* letters. Oh wait…
If you are looking for a bit of light relief paddy power has Boris at 4/1 to attend the croat v engerland game and 25/1 to wear a Union Jack tie in a press con .
Declaration – i am not an employee or shareholder of paddy -gamble / or not / sensibly
Is the toast in the toaster yet ?
Has anyone twigged why Mrs May hasn’t closed down Al Beeb yet ?
If the Tory Government want to win the next GE they need to go for a hard Brexit . UKIP get your act together, there is 17.5M Votes waiting for you.
Taffman, true words indeed.
Is there a person on this site who would vote for a Remainer MP? Please tell me why.
I’d rather spoil my voting paper.
UKIP will struggle Taffman because of the power of the media elite like the BBC and Sky.
Unfortunately you are right about UKIP and this means there is no one to vote for unless Brexiteer MPs can stand as Brexiteer independents. Spoiling ballot papers is the only way in the future.
How wonderful it would be if the number of spoiled ballot papers had the majority in many constituencies.
ID – No one cares if you spoil our ballot paper, especially the media – what is the point?
If you vote Tory you get no brexit and continued immigration.
If you vote Labour you get the same with perhaps even more migration.
At least by voting UKIP you being honest to yourself.
No one thought the nation would vote to leave the EU – but it did.
What have you got to lose?
I say this as someone who was severely critical of UKIP but I do believe that under Batten they are sorting themselves out.
”Has anyone twigged why Mrs May hasn’t closed down Al Beeb yet ?”
BBC comes in useful , like at the last election, which May called to lose her majority.
Eg they helped publicize her vote losing strategies like stopping the triple lock on pensions.
‘At least by voting UKIP you being honest to yourself.’
and if UKIP dont stand in your area then what?
Remainer Sharia May’s EU or Anti British Corbyn or Stupid Green’s.
I’d rather spoil my vote to show my disgust
In that case you have a point – But if a UKIP canditate is there we should at least support them.
Yes, it would be the best option to have UKIP or something similarly brexit to vote for – but it’s very doubtful that option will be available for many people in the near future. Farage was suggesting that he would return to the fray in Gaullist manner on his LBC show before his line to wherever he was went down for the duration.
Brexiteers who went back to voting Labour or Tory shot themselves in the foot in a big way. I wanted to continue voting UKIP but no candidates were available.
“…if you spoil our ballot paper … what is the point?”
But in the referendum, if you didn’t bother to vote, you were of course firmly in favour of Remain.
ID, don’t think so because the loser would be UK democracy if there was no change resulting from that as a one-off.
I think it is acceptable to state ‘None of the above’ once but for it to be that widespread, and if it were continuous, it would let in all sorts of rogues and scoundrels to grab our democracy and do with it what they please, claiming they had an electoral mandate.
At least the current lot of rogues and scoundrels have to answer to Constituency Parties and to us.
I wonder if the ‘average Voter’ will ever have the guts to abandon Parties and elect local independents? It can happen. Wyre Forest.
It should be the case more often.
Batten needs to link with Waters, Rees Mogg, Boris and Gisela etc.
Get the old gang back.
Give us 650 “Boaty Mc Boat Face” paper candidates-I`ll take Worcester South and be then ant-Jackboots Jacqui Smiff Party.
That said, will provide a fetching photo for my leaflet wearing my thigh highs if that gets the wrinklies going.
We`d walk it-fish finger candidates, 5 Star Guest stars and loads of the likes of Roger Daltrey , Michael Caine and Bucks Fizz types.
And all promising to screw the state for more moat money.
Comedy is all it needs-the Left absolutely HATE being laughed to scorn.
Morrissey for our new Minister of Culture and Sport-he used to LOVE P.E at school as he often sang about.
You are making the assumption that British democracy actually exists in a form that takes the wishes of the demos into account.
The insistence of MPs that they are “representatives” rather than “delegates” shows that “British democracy” is essentially an elected oligarchy. Trumpeting the “supremacy of parliament” is equally farcical as they are desparate to hand over their legislative powers to a foreign entity. If some Euro business expresses a view on Brexit the MPs are only too eager to act as delegates or rather simple mouth pieces for them.
As long as the zombie parties have nothing to offer, “none of the above” is a valid choice once, twice or a thousand times.
Local Hull Look North news : long item on the Skegness ex-soldier first denied job due to Windrush issues, then sorted by his lawyer
Oh now “We asked local poet Vicky Foster to write something in celebration of #NHS70 ”
video here
I have just listened to the R4 6pm News which led on the resignations of Boris Johnson and David Davis, with plenty of reaction, comment and analysis from the usual suspects. The only hint that the EU was anything other than reasonable in its negotiation demands and lack of compromise was a very short comment from David Davis that he could not support the Chequers position as the EU would receive that and then demand further concessions, exactly as they had done throughout the negotiations. No reasoned and balanced critique of the Chequers proposals and the threats of humiliation of ministers, should they resign immediately on principle, of course not!
Yeh local radio news took the attitude, oh Brexit will just continue as per Friday except without hindrance of Davis and Boris.
On LBC Farage has basically saying : I’ll be back in the boxing ring especially if nothing happens by end of March, I’ll probably be standing for UKIP leadership, although I fully support Batten right now.
Reichmarchall Tusk was obviously on the champers at lunchtime as he twittered this afternoon ‘ politicians come and go but the ReichEU lives for ever ‘ ( I paraphrase but that’s the context) . Maxi will put me right otherwise …
Stay classy Brussels
I too heard this Grumpy Dave. What a crock.
1. Who knew that Davis and Boris were such recent disappointments to the BBC? All they`ve ever had from the BBC is endless praise-and now these two spoilers have ruined what the BBC and the EU have long been saying about their statesmenlike brilliance.
2. This pragmatic, soft and gentle Brexit that we truly wanted all along though-is now in jeopardy, due to these two Tories being infantile, and immoderate. Oh for a Heseltine, Major or Clarke to take over surely!
3. And this tragic, epoch defining chaos and carnage is despite the reasoned, calm and ever-so-honourable E.U, the gently supportive Labour Party and -of course-the BBC itself.How very dare they both!
The 6 O Clock news was clear-time to bin Brexit, get in line and let`s get some REAL statesmen in to run things…Blair, Umunna, Clegg-a Coalition of Eminent Persons led by Soubry and Campbell as either end of a gaily painted pantomine horse, and no mention of the EU letting horsemeat into the food chain.
Yes GD….as low as a snakes belly, they really have no news at all. All that sledging of Boris and Davis-when Boris hasn`t said anything. So the BBC make it all up for him.
Truly despicable, fantasy politicking from the BBC as ever.
Hoping now for the “Souffle” to implode-they never rise twice, a shambolic, seat of the pants, civil war kind of Brexit, Bare knuckles and sharp talons, once the fuzz scoot out of the nail bars.
Purl stitching as Shirley Williams is led dotishly to the Redditch Guillotine May 2019…get a nice view from Wetherspoons, I`m thinking.
Do Humberside Police believe gay people are oppressed by normal modern society today ?
Why can’t these people just be police officers, and do the job they’re employed to do? Why must they perpetuate this Twatter rubbish, and appear to support minority groups, rather than everyone? Why do they have to paint publically-owned police vehicles in rainbow colours, and bedeck themselves with similarly garish uniform accoutrements (they would have been disciplined for that, in my day…)? Why do they have to mince and prance around at events? Do they really expect to retain public confidence and esteem by doing those things? Somehow, I doubt it, but they carry on, just the same. They, like the BBC, don’t give a stuff about the public.
I am mightily ashamed to have been in that job for many years, and cringe inwardly every time I witness these antics.
Londonistan crime update -.
Today – in my bit of londonistan – man suffers life threatening injury from acid attack – and at the same time a couple of miles away – 2 shot and one run over in drive by shooting . In fairness to al beeb – the acid attack is reported but not the ‘drive by’ in downtime londonistan .
Nice that some coppers have got time to go do social engineering on the homosexuality
drive .
This, of course , is now normality whilst politicians play out power games
Goat because as an institution they no longer care about the public just cultural marxist PC dogma.
I was employed for 23 years with Strathclyde Police , I had the pleasure of working with them before Maggie agreed the Edmund Davies wage rise and the Uni graduates saw this as a juicy career choice . The graduate fast track promotion system was implemented and it was downhill all the way from then on .
Then came Health and Safety and the ability to say that this has not been properly risk assessed and it allowed them to negate the duties they would have once performed . Then came Equal rights where they now had to accept vertically challenged individuals perchance the Chinese felt unable to join and the acceptance of some of the most stupid females ( other more capable females were also accepted ) I have ever encountered .I left in 2002 just as the powers that be were starting to inform officers that some areas of Glasgow ( Pollokshields ) should be policed carefully so as not to upset the Muslim community. Kriss Donald was murdered there shortly after .
It went from good old fashioned down to earth guys who saw their job as prevention of crime to promotion obsessed and mission statement obedient morons failing badly to solve them .
Goaty – As ex-police myself I feel just the same. Its depressing.
Old Goat
How these specimens managed to pass the interview to become police officers beats me. I can only imagine that the interviewers are looking for precisely the seemingly weird qualities and beliefs these people possess, which leads me to believe that the ones in charge are a bunch of Marxists who are hell bent on wrecking our nation and making Britain a laughing stock.
No way should they be an arm of the SJW movement.
We need men with the qualities of D.C.I. Gene Hunt to run the cop shop.
Even better if it was D.I. Jack Regan
Indeed. If you, your family and friends consider that you would have the right attributes to be accepted as a police officer, then forget it.
They are only interested in those who tick the right boxes.
Those with an exemplary life record, are white, of sufficient physical stature, and who are “straight” (from the point of view of sexuality), of sound education, and ethnically British need not apply.
We know that this is true, merely by looking at the job description, and candidate expectancy in recruitment advertisements placed by many of these “forces”.
And if you DO manage to get in, your already (required) diverse “mentality” will be honed to perfection by the various compulsory indoctrination courses you are sent on.
Alternatively, if you have a degree in some Mickey Mouse subject (the more diverse, the better) and fit those other criteria, you will be given a kick in the pants, career wise, to get you sailing through the higher ranks, for which, in reality, you are nowhere near qualified or equipped.
I’ve watched this happen over the years both inside, and outside the job. You don’t get on by virtue of your merit, but more often through various “other” connections, not least of which is toeing the party line on all the prerequisites of diversity.
You only need to take a gander at the outrageous Cressida Dick, and her unearned meteoric rise through the ranks, to see this.
They are fuckwits, and they know nothing of life, let alone being able to cope with someone else’s.
…and then we get this:
Thrilled eh – Any moment now they will be reaching for the KY and investing in a couple of paddling pools and fifty gallons of olive oil.
The mind boggles!
I objected to a comment here recently about gay people. I thought it was playing the man instead of the ball. Er.. let me rephrase that.
Disliking an individual because of inherent nature I’m not happy with.
Disliking a group because of long-standing national, cultural, religious and IQ incompatabilities is more understandable, and in some cases would be suicide if we were not wary of the threat.
Eg an individual is black, he’s 3rd generation from the Windrush era but he pays taxes and works. Cool, no problem there. I could say the same about a reasonably integrated muslim. But if neither of them had ever worked and have been on welfare their entire time in UK, then I say shame on the politicians who allowed this situation to come about in the first place, and let it carry on. And so we’re stuck with the lazy bastards, on top of our own indigenous doley underclass.
The low expectations about their employability has allowed many of them to suck off the welfare teat unchallenged, while working class whites in the same situation would’ve had their benefits stopped. Years ago when working for the public sector I saw this happening. I don’t doubt it’s the same situation today.
Now can I dislike a group of minorities(of thousands or millions) who have come to these shores since the Blair era? Again not really, but in those numbers England will not stay England and some Government will have the unenviable task of sending as many back as we can. I blame the politicians who by their policies encouraged them in, and have saddled us taxpayers with giving them apparently preferential treatment in housing, social care and NHS treatment.
I certainly hate aspects of the enrichment (and I definitely do) –
terrorism, crime and murder rate sky high, welfare cheats, gang culture, rape culture, dodgy businesses etc. That kind of diversity is going to change our country forever, and not for the better. What we eventually do to try and repair this nonsense is still guess it will not be pretty.
Anyway, to get to the point. Despite me sticking up for individual ‘gays’ I despise the small minority of fanatics, always there in the civil service,local authorities, NGO’s etc who crazily daydream of polymorphous perversity for everyone – whether we like it or not. They need to be defunded, contradicted and called out for the subversive militants that they are.
But again, what’s worse it that there is a constabulary of the British
Police force that by rights should have merely said ‘OK gays have your march’ but cringeingly thought this was a good use of their time & resources to be ‘thrilled to support it’.
This attitude is a ghastly modern fashion, and the top layer of management for any ‘body-snatcher’ organisation such as this should be instantly sacked and replaced with real people. Sadly real people will now often mean ‘old people’ due to years of brainwashing the youth. We have a long row to hoe, a deep swamp to clear.
What about you Radio Humberside
did you make an NHS #cultism video ?
Just finished watering the garden, feet up, gin and tonic, switched on tv.
Lasted 10 seconds. The BBC, that endlessly campaigning excuse for a national broadcaster, has chosen to air a programme before El Trumpo’s visit entitled Trump: Is the President a Sex Pest? In hive world there’s only one answer.
Will they never let up?
Frankly, I don’t care if he’s one or not. Kennedy was an appalling sex pest, as was Lloyd George and goodness knows who else.
How are we ever going to escape from the stranglehold of the self righteous, I know what’s best for you, liberal mafia?
”Is the President a Sex Pest? ”
do they ever even answer their own ‘questions’
This could be the fatal mistake they make. Arrogance and idiocy in equal measure.
An interesting case study for media students circa 2030.
Interesting turn of phrase. Delicious, isn’t it?
Everything about that woman makes me cringe:-
Privileged, metropolitan upbringing, doors opened without having to knock, high six-figure salary, London-based liberal lifestyle, virtue signalling Islington dinner party elite, mutton-dressed-as-lamb BBC female version of Gary Lineker, promoted way beyond her ability due to PC and femanazi pressure.
I have no respect for her whatsoever.
Who’s worse…..Cathi Newman or Emily Mateless?
I think Emily has it for maniacal adherence to the cause. In an alternative universe I could see her, Baader-Meinhof style, separating the Jews from the gentiles. With Cathy her run in with Jordan Peterson might have stirred some irrepressible wrongthink.
Saying that I’d be happy to see the pair of them on the dole, where they belong.
Or taking a solo walk into one of our ‘enriched’ areas after 10pm in their ‘mutton dressed as lamb’ shite outfits.
Newman interviewing the Prime Minister (?) of Hungary showed she had learned nothing at all from her earlier humiliation.
Book of the week on radio 4 is about two young, black women challenging ‘everyday racism.’ My mum loves the book of the week and this garbage made her heart sink. Apparently too many horrible whiteys listen to radio 4 so they sought to make it more ‘diverse’, though why any black person would want to subject themselves to this is beyond me. Why do the BBC think you must be fascinated by race and victimhood just because you do not have white skin?
The BBC do not care about content or character provided someone has the desired skin colour. One black man would have loathed how everyday this modern form of racism has become.
Ex-Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has absolutely excoriated Theresa May and her Brexit strategy in his resignation letter, warning that Brexit is “dying” and Britain is “headed for the status of colony”.
I’m increasingly suspicious of Philip Hammond. Cannot help wondering whether he is the one who has pulled Theresa May back from her ‘uncrossable red lines’ in the Brexit negotiations.
He was peculiarly absent during the GE Campaign last year although by no means alone on that in Cabinet. It still seems to me that May was deliberately trying to lose her majority. Why?
On the one hand, it helps to keep some Remainer rogues in line, threatening them with a lost substantive vote and the prospect of Corbyn & McDonnell taxing their incomes, cigars and whisky to the heavens. On the other hand, it has made the PM vulnerable to what happened on Friday, pleasing no-one but herself, and forced to face the inevitable call to go from Brexiteer and Remainer alike.
Snuff – I dont think the appeaser needed much encouragement to pull back from her red lines. The fact that Hammond has retained his place as chancellor – I think sent a message far clearer than Mays opaque words as to her intentions on Brexit.
You could be right on that, Oak. Her instinct is Remain, Civil Servants esp. at Treasury are prob. in favour of Remain, Chancellor ditto. As PM she felt duty bound to deliver Brexit but …..
Group chat behind closed doors: “How can we disrupt Brexit or subvert it?”
Job nearly done except that DD has realised he had no choice, now it may be all undone unless there is another twist tucked into the fabric of No.10’s & Chequers’ curtains.
It is interesting that the BBC are now portraying the Brexiteers resigned so far as the rebels, the revolutionaries. In reality, they are the reactionaries.
‘Cannot help wondering whether he is the one who has pulled Theresa May back from her ‘uncrossable red lines’ in the Brexit negotiations.’
The traitor May was always a Remainer, I believe she was in the Remainer corner all along, her support for Brexit was fake. She was a secret Grieve, Morgan, Soubry supporter.
She wasn’t turned as there was nothing to turn. She is just a devious liar. A Globalist traitor of the worst kind.
Just checked the BBC w-s, apparently Hunt has replaced Bojo at Foreign.
To me that indicates May is rattled and not making rational decisions.
I don’t know whether it was part of their plan, but I do like way that DD and Boris didn’t resign until Gove had committed himself to the surrender document by appearing on the BBC to defend it.
If Gove hadn’t knifed Boris in the leadership election two years ago May wouldn’t have stood a chance of being elected (not that she was). This way the Brexit team can reassemble, but with Gove uncomfortably allied with the Quislings. Revenge is sweet.
I think May has only one interest in any job she does. Grabbing and holding on to power whatever the consequences. She must have the backing of the backroom grey suit grandees of the party who thought they were on to a good thing. Some of them may eventually see that they could be staring at a wipe out of Labour in Scotland levels unless they scuttle her sinking ship.
More than a hint of smugness in the tones of some on Beeb radio today as they report the Davis And Boris J resignations. Yes, I bet they are just loving the idea of a Conservative government falling apart over Brexit. The hypocritical, traitor BBC which has done nothing but promote and spread Project Fear over the last two years since the referendum. The traitor BBC, with its inflated salaries, tax dodges and institutionalised covering for child abusers. Yes, they’ll be just fine as we get more chaos and uncertainty.
If JRM really does want the licence fee abolished, then he will do as PM, at least he is intelligent and articulate and keeps his cool.
Sadly all three parties are full of charlatans and globalists, the decent MPs are pushed to the margins.
Big rise in bullying of Jewish pupils in Germany …by who ?
\\ In many cases the alleged perpetrators have been the children of Muslim immigrants, particularly in Berlin, which has the largest Muslim and Jewish communities. //
\\ Teachers have reported “You Jew” being commonly used as a term of abuse. //
but not all of it comes from Muslims
..of course not, bullies will just pick on the easiest thing they can
I bet it all does come from muslims
anti-semitism was suppressed in germany until their new guests arrived
Guido : Chris Green, Grayling’s PPS Resigns
I have handed in my resignation to the Prime Minister as PPS. Brexit must mean Brexit
— Chris Green (@CGreenUK) July 9, 2018
Conservative Member of Parliament for Bolton West & Atherton
Another one bites the dust, Tory MP who is Chris Grayling’s PPS, Chris Green, says
Sad to hear about the rise in bullying in German schools. There are alt media reports out there from northern British towns which indicate that many white pupils have to go to and from school in groups for safety, where they are in majority Muslim areas. There have been a number of racially motivated attacks in the north west ie Muslim on white but the Beeb won’t be rushing to tell us about it, wrong colour victim of course.
Yes , there are serious violent assaults on people up and down the country which are not reported on the BBC. It would be really helpful if people on this site would give information on what the BBC omits to tell us.
ID July 9, 2018 at 7:13 pm
“…. Spoiling ballot papers is the only way in the future.
How wonderful it would be if the number of spoiled ballot papers had the majority in many constituencies.”
Oaknash July 9, 2018 at 8:21 pm
“ID – No one cares if you spoil our ballot paper, especially the media – what is the point?”
I agree ID. I’ve done quite a bit of political campaigning, and often people have said that they wouldn’t bother to vote because ‘they are all the same’ etc.
My response was exactly as you stated. Not voting can be blamed on apathy, whereas spoilt papers, in the absence of a ‘none of the above’ option, are a way of expressing discontent. Spoilt papers are counted, and often announced as part of the declaration of results.
As you say ‘How wonderful it would be if the number of spoiled ballot papers had the majority in many constituencies.’