The Brexit White Paper is to be published on Thursday so plenty of hot air until then.
More hot air about blimps and plenty of al beeb and Twitter plans to frustrate both brexit and protest against the President of the United States .
We still have a degree of free speech so let’s use it wisely .
Desperate, desperate stuff on just now smearing the President of the United States.
Scummy, grubby, filth and innuendo from our state broadcaster.
Now implying he had sex with 14 year olds.
These people are certifiable and I fear the damage these cnuts are doing to the standing of this country cannot be underestimated.
I am ashamed of the BBC.
There will be a payback that is certain. Be of good heart and wait.
Our swamp is there to be drained and things are coming to a head with Brexit betrayal and the complete inability of the pods in charge to comprehend just what they are bringing about.
Panorama was once a respected programme, with real issues to investigate.
To insult our biggest ally like this is a disgraceful act of treachery, and they should be ashamed of the crap they put together just a few days before we have a visit from President Trump.
Did they ever do anything about investigating obama’s passport I wonder?
I suppose as we don’t watch any of the crap on the bbc any more, I’ll never know. I sometimes listen to R5Dead on earphones – like now (too hot to kip), but Rhod Sharpe was dribbling with glee at everything anti-Britain as usual.
He’s really another sort of swamp-dweller as he lives there and pokes his tongue out at us here on every opportunity. Click.
Panorama was once a respected programme, with real issues to investigate.
To insult our biggest ally like this is a disgraceful act of treachery, and they should be ashamed of the crap they put together just a few days before we have a visit from President Trump.
Did they ever do anything about investigating obama’s passport I wonder?
I suppose as we don’t watch any of the crap on the bbc any more, I’ll never know. I sometimes listen to R5Dead on earphones – like now (too hot to kip), but Rhod Sharpe was dribbling with glee at everything anti-Britain as usual.
He’s really another sort of swamp-dweller as he lives there and pokes his tongue out at us here on every opportunity. Click.
I didnt bother watching because i knew that it would just more abti Trump bile. Almost all media outlets in the entire West are anti Trump and combining to stop him on his mission to reverse Globalism and put the American worker first and they will use any tactics they think necessary.
The time for shame is past. Now is the time for vengeance.
Agree vlad.
Too many of us on this site seem happy to be below stairs as we wash the laundry and get the tittle tattle from the BBC backstairs billies on the landing.
The stately homo is now for sale, Muslims camping out outside and I don`t blame them-they smell decay, as do we.
Lets ignore all the Tory BBC bitchslaps-nobody in my orbit gives a damn.
Trump, football and then some vengeance-but at our pace, not theirs.
Turn off that telly and do something more useful instead.
And winning a civil war by salami slicings and sapper style subversion makes me a big part of history in the making.
Fussing about a May, Hammond, Rudd or a Starmer means fuckall now.
Rise Up you Men of God. Dare to be a Daniel (to quote Tony Benn)
Now surely that is an example of good leadership – caring about fairness and making sure taxpayers money is spent properly . Yet a fair number of people hear have been brainwashed by the constant al beeb onslaught resulting in the head of state of America not being welcomed in the UK capital – yet they favourite – who said a lot but did little was lauded just because of the colour of his skin.
A head of state has to be circumspect in what they say, particularly with regards to matters in an allied nation. Unless, of course, you happen to be a mediocre globalist-puppet like Obama, in which case you can interfere in their elections and referenda and tell them they will be ‘at the back of the queue’ unless they do what they are told. What would be truly wonderful would be if The Donald was to shoot from the hip and express his views about the unacceptability of political prisoners, such as Tommy Robinson, in the so-called democratic nations that NATO exists to protect. Now that really would be slapped botty time for Theresa May.
She smirks
Oh dear !
Broken link?
@Brissles The image is within an email
There is probably a line in the text which says
“to view in the web click here”
Toady talking about Trump’s SCOTUS nominee and threats to ‘gay rights.’
I am suspicious of any talk of ‘rights’ or a ‘crisis.’ It is a lefty’s way of saying ‘we want X’ and frame it as if anything other than what they demand is unacceptable. I think the way they smear the US President is a crisis but we will hear nothing of that.
Lies, damned lies and survey statistics
BBC news this morning gives a platform to one of its favoured minor campaign issues which is the expansion of mental health care provision and, inevitably, increased public spending thereon with more public sector employment (which is so often the key to BBC approval for a campaign).
Despite my sarcasm there, I take no particular stance on this issue, which may well be a worthy one – I’m simply looking at the BBC’s methods of reporting.
The BBC report focuses on a particular personal story but backs up the personable and sympathetic campaigning individual’s opinion with a boldly presented survey statistic.
Only 4% of those surveyed reckoned their transition from children’s mental health services to adult mental health services was a positive experience.
Gosh, the viewer thinks, something must be done!
Remember, I take no particular stance on this issue, I’m just exploring journalistic and editorial presentation on the BBC.
BBC London news suddenly pops up just before the half-hour. The neighbours of Luton Airport (that’s Luton Airport, not Heathrow) have been sent a survey form concerning their attitude toward airport expansion. Seems the BBC London boys and girls are tending toward support for those on the flight path who are opposing expansion.
How do I know? Well, BBC London features a chap complaining about the survey form asking people to rank their relative approval of the ‘benefits’ of airport expansion. ‘Nowhere’, he quite reasonably says ‘do they provide a place for the expression of what I happen to think are the “disbenefits”‘
We’ve all noticed this about surveys, haven’t we? They do tend to steer and to skew one toward the required answers that the surveying organisation are after. The BBC know this. This Luton Airport expansion report of theirs tells us they know.
And yet – when it suits – when it fits one of their favoured agendas – the BBC are more than happy to pull the wool over our eyes.
Skewed surveys reminds me about 10 years ago when I worked for a Silicon Valley American company in the UK office and during the 3 years I was there the share price went from $30 to $5. The CEO was useless and had a history of ruining companies but making the excuse “it’s a difficult global market” and then getting another CEO job every 3 to 5 years leaving a wake of destruction behind. People saw sense eventually and he has never worked since.
Just before I left he commissioned an “independent” staff survey and it was full of weighted questions such as:
The CEO is doing:
a) a fantastic job
b) a great job
c) a good job
The company is
a) doing well
b) doing brilliantly
c) really going places
It was only at the end of the survey you could add you own comments. A few weeks later the data was crunched and the results presented. Overall everyone was happy with the CEO and thought the company was doing well.They didn’t mention any comments anyone had made – funny that isn’t it?!?
Don’t forget the vote aggregation technique; give people five options to vote on and then total all the first or last four options as required.
‘The house wife who catches child sex groomers.’
The accompanying photo is of a white man with his hands up! Has the Ministry of Truth officially erased Rotherham, Oxford etc from history? They have some chutzpah. The second photo is of a white man as well!
Here is the link for the article
BMEs can do no wrong. Only whitie can ever be shown in unfavourable light. Yet as we know, the vast majority of groomers were Muslim of Pakistani origin.
It’s the NUJ guidelines.
They determine that the ethnic minorities should not be cast in a negative light.
And the thick so-called journos follow like brain dead sheep.
But it isn’t enough for BBC to portray whitey as a rapist, to complete the set, they must show us a black hero. ( named Eve.)
And there class we have the classic BBC “White bad, Black good” Manoeuvre.
They are especially proud of themselves if they can find a black person with a foreign name.
The BBC have shot themselves in the foot with that article. Yes he is black and guards the planes but he isn’t flying them. Of all the jobs you can do in the RAF guarding planes on an already secure airport must be the lowest.
Standby for lots more 100 years of RAF BBC celebrations with BAME personal who have been doing their RAF job for just 2 years whilst ignoring white people still alive who flew in WW2.
I bet his ‘white’ colleagues he works with on a daily basis must be really chuffed. What does it say about them – er, nothing. The BBC don’t seem to realise that they are creating ‘racism’ by continually making a point of how good BAME’s are ! There will be a backlash of festering feelings at some point in the future.
Well, the RAF Regiments job is to defend airfields, not guard aircraft. Specific aircraft guard is usually the responsibility of the RAF Police or some of the poor techies roped into additional duties (makes sense seeing as they are around the jets all day). Methinks it’s a puff piece because of his skin colour – rather condescending and belittling but thats par for the course for Al Beeb. I served with a few ‘BAME’ (hate that term) personnel during my time in the RAF. it never really came up, they were just there to do a job, skin colour, sexual orientation etc. was a non issue.
“And there class we have the classic BBC “White bad, Black good” Manoeuvre.” Rather, ‘solid black around to protect and flaky whitey? nowhere to be seen’.
It’s the same as the world cup in Saturday..who do the BBC find to interview about getting to Russia..A mixed race couple Black Guy and White woman..both really nice but when you consider that 90% of supporter are white the hell did the BBC find a mixed race couple…it had to be planned…but they don’t seem to realise the general public are not as thick as they believe and can see when multiculturalism is being rammed down your throat…and it will breed racism not cure it
And JA, did you catch ( same interview I believe) the reason he gave for not going earlier in the competition?
Yep, you got it, ‘racism’ worried him.
guarding planes in that genocidal war zone of romania
me thinks he was guarding them from pikey tip rats looking for scrap metal
Is he supposed to deflect Putin’s missiles then.
I imagine if this courageous hunter caught a Muslim ‘groomer’ the BBC would avoid the story like the plague.
And the BBC can actually report this with a straight face:
A Thames Valley Police spokesman said: “We do not encourage action of this kind as we must be very careful there is not a compromise to ongoing investigations into paedophile networks.”
As if, after Rotherham and the others, the cops can be trusted to do their jobs in this regard.
I suppose if it’s white pedophiles involved, the cops might be bothered to occasionally get off their collective arse and do something about it.
Toady watch
I really couldn’t be bothered but there was a moment today which demonstrated the disconnect of journos/ politician with human British people ( I always contend that the former are instantly dehumanised by the nature of their job ).
Anyway old sounding Humph chats to Chooka
Amuna( is that a Thai recipe ?) the two of them spend a couple of minutes joking over the fact that Chuka had been in a meeting with the dep PM who didn’t seem to know when the Boris resignation announcement was to be made and therefore looked silly .
Now – that – apparently was important,
I groaned at the depth of this desperate swamp / bubble mentality when most right thinking humans just want to know What The Hell is Going On.
I feel envious of the majority of people who let this stuff go over their head and are more interested in Love Ireland . I sometimes wish I could join them.
I suppose al beeb will be ‘ Boris Hunting ‘ to find out if he is gonna run against the outgoing New Labour PM but it gets to the stage of who give a damn – let’s just hope the French get beat in the footy .
Top 4 jobs now with remain voters.
Such a disconnect from the ordinary voters.
It makes you wonder if things haven’t been deliberately engineered that way doesn’t it?
I complained to the BBC yesterday about their poor excuse for journalism yesterday where a BBC article had the same photo 7 times showing Tweets from Joe Public about a footballer leaning on railings.
My complaint:
Usual poor journalism we expect from the BBC these days. Reporting other peoples Twitter comments is not news and is lazy journalism – imagine a similar article saying “a person on a train today said….”. The fact you find it on Twitter is just as bad as quoting a nobody elsewhere on a train – no one is interested what person A said to person B and what person C quipped back. My main complaint is the article is so bad that the same photo appears SEVEN TIMES. I don’t want to hear excuses that “it was a light hearted look at…”, or “we are showing Tweets that happened to use the same photo”. It is poor journalism from a £6b a year organisation. No one else would get away with doing such poor work and still get paid for utter crap like you produce daily. If my 6 year old did something like that for her homework I would be embarrassed on her behalf.
The BBC response (just 17 hours later rather than 2 weeks):
The article was published in the Newsbeat section of the website; Newsbeat sharing Radio 1’s remit of providing content of interest and relevance to its target audience of 15-29 year olds.
As with the BBC Trending series, Newsbeat articles will sometimes take a look at what’s proving popular on social media and why.
That said, we thank you again for your feedback. Complaints are shared with senior management and news teams every morning via our overnight reports. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC ensuring complaints can be seen quickly by the right people.
Correct me if I am wrong but is the BBC suggesting that piss poor journalism, showing the same photo 7 times, is due to the fact that it was aimed at 15-29 years olds? Let that sink in for a while…
I have seen better memes before. Lazy journalism is all over the place at the moment. Don’t get me started on local news and their overuse of ‘Google Street View’
😉 “Dear BBC. I am withdrawing my licence payment. I can use Twitter & Google for myself thank you very much. I no longer require your expensive services”
Well done Lucy, my only concern is that I will miss your comments deriding the BBC if you will be unable to see it.
Not enough people are withdrawing their tv licence for it to be effective, but I am aware that people are more aware of the left wing bias of the BBC and this site helps in that cause.
It is obviously in the interests of the BBC to have more houses being built, people living longer and an open door immigration agenda, all would result in more tv licences, therefore greater income.
You have forgotten, Blue Peter and the Muppets run the outfit. They have done for some time .
Tabs, excellent post. Bravo!
And I think you have a very good idea there by deflecting some of their stock answers in the body of the complaint. At least it forces them to scratch around to find different responses.
One of the most ridiculous replies I received from the BBC to a detailed complaint showing the facts of their slander against the Jewish State was simply ” not enough people would have been offended by what was said” The logic of this is that as long as there are only a few people who complain, the BBC will carry on inciting hatred by their misinformation and lies.
I thought for it to be a hate crime only one person had to be offended, or is that only for us straight, white, male types?
The BBC have a habit of repeating repeats!
Sometimes I try to give the BBC credit for their sloppiness because they’re trying to capture the Buzzfeed/Netflix/Snapchat audience. But this sort of thing makes me doubt that:
“On Twitter the photograph has been retweeted and liked thousands of times, and on Reddit it received more than 80,000 up votes – a sign of popularity.”
The article reads like it was written by a 12 year old, but who needs telling that online up votes = popular, especially young people?
#BBCtrending: Five facts about #BringBackOurGirls { may2014} The top BBC journalists have reviewed the hashtag and the findings are in …
1. When did it start? – 23rd April, 2014
2. How many times has it been used on Twitter? – 3.3million
3. Where is it being used? – Top Countries Nigeria 27%, UK, USA
4. Who is using it? – 56% Women, 44% Men
5. Most shared tweet? – 57,000 Retweets
Oh, and the missing, most important one for the actual 276 girls … not asked by the BBC …
6. Did #bringbackourgirls actually bring back the 276 girls? (the most important question)
“When they go low, we go high” – Michelle Obama – 2016
“#bringbackourgirls” – Michelle Obama – April 2014
In all the excitement yesterday we overlooked “International Town Crier’s Day”. Ed Miliband didn’t, he was dressed up in the full regalia. 10/10 for enthusiasm. Remember when he wanted to ban MPs from having outside jobs? He is bringing home the bacon to the tune of £2,500-a-week for his Radio 2 work…
– BBC Radio 2 paying an MP to have more work than he needs …. and where is his timesheet for seeing constituents?
Register of Members’ Interests
Ed Miliband – Payment of £2,500 expected from BBC Radio 2, Wogan House, 99 Great Portland Street, London W1A 1AA, for presenting the Jeremy Vine Show from 19 June until 23 June 2017. Hours: approx. 30 hrs. (Registered 17 July 2017)
Croatia v England: How Gareth Southgate helped us fall in love with England
. . .
BREAKING: How the BBC stopped a Nation from being proud of itself.
On their live feed they report the moment British divers came into contact with the Thai boys in the cave. 14 yr-old Adul Sam-on could speak English to them. Lovely.
Then the beeb wants us to know that the “AFP news agency has some interesting details about his story…” (Adul was born in Myanmar’s self-governing Wa State, which is not recognised internationally. Fighting has driven thousands from the state.)
“Adul is among more than 400,000 people who are registered as stateless in Thailand, according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) – though some estimates put their numbers at 3.5 million…”
It never stops.
Cue Adul coming to Britain to start a new life. Fast forward 10 years, Adul has graduated from Oxford and is now beginning his career as a solicitor/doctor/engineer/. Isn’t the UK great.
Anyone noticed on bBC ( and also papal knight Murdoch’s SKY) that any time a Brexit minded sort raises the alternative of “No Deal and WTO trade rules…………… is almost simultaneously met by words like, “disaster” “huge mistake” self destruction etc etc…………
But no one ever explains why? Or even offers a simple comparison………
Surely , after this latest capitulation to the EU we deserve our £4b
Licence tax funded state organ to provide an unambiguous explanation?
It’s only Trump that is Nasty and Horrible … oh,wait ….
Canada is my first choice if Corbyn gets in!
Can the British claim asylum in the commonwealth?
BBC can help you …. Keen to move to Canada? Here are some things to consider { 07jul2016}
More recently people in the UK have been joining the party. In the days after Britain voted to leave the European Union by 52% to 48%, Google searches for “move to Canada” hit an all-time high.
Canada, Australia and New Zealand will be flooded with angry Brits on boats if Labour win an election! Also expect so see a rise in Brits using dating sites to marry woman over seas just to get a passport. Some might try Europeans, others East Asians. Some guys like Thai woman while some might even brave it and head to Antarctica. The BBC won’t even know what to do with these stories!
Mine too, but Trudeau won’t have us….doesn’t want any more Europeans , especially from the UK and as I am white I stand no chance
Same here, us from the founding countries are not welcome for some reason!
im old enough to remember the winter of discontent, power cuts and all the turmoil of labour ruining the country and the BBC used to carry regular items on what was then termed the “brain drain” and how bad it was for the country.
seems its fine now though for every other country so long as they are coming here
Replace the people, get ones who will vote for you …wonder if the BBC will report on this with comparisons of 600K immigrants lost by the UK Home Office in 2018?
Officials in Boston are considering allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections, according to The Associated Press.
The City Council’s Committee on Government Operations is scheduled to hold a hearing Tuesday to discuss allowing immigrant residents with legal status in the United States to participate in municipal elections.
“The purpose of our local government, including the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Advancement, is to strengthen the ability of diverse, cultural, and linguistic communities to play an active role in the economic, civic, social and cultural life of the City of Boston,” City Council President Andrea Campbell, who requested the hearing, said earlier this year, according to local ABC affiliate WCVB.
With a Prime Minister Theresa May that backs EU over the USA.
With a Prime Minister Theresa May that backs Iran (who burn UK flags) over the USA.
With a Prime Minister Theresa May that fights straws over the real issues.
“Like all stunts that humiliate others, this will backfire. Leave it as a symbol of London’s failure to be civil. We Americans have bigger issues to fix and goals to achieve.” – James Woods
What’s the chances we could fly a Prophet Mohammed balloon over London as a “right to protest”? It would never happen.
The double standards like this is what is dividing our country.
This really has to be watched by everyone…
Great post OG.
Got to say that his analysis is correct, but his coming tactics may not be.
We`re past politics as he points out.
WE only need to make ourselves ungovernable-no TV License, Tommy Robinson T-shirts and endless support of Dyson, `spoons.
No car tax, just refuse to pay or participate until we the people are out of the damned EU.
Impressive young speaker. Sadly our first-past-the -post system makes it so hard for new parties to start up, unlike in say Germany or Holland.
He is convincing, articulate, smart and believable. Encouraging to see a man of, I would guess under 40, who is not a snowflake. The three main parties are rotten to the core, with the decent MPs marginalised, and the globalist elites in charge.
Impressive young speaker. Sadly our first-past-the -post system makes it so hard for new parties to start up, unlike in say Germany or Holland.
He is convincing, articulate, smart and believable. Encouraging to see a man of, I would guess under 40, who is not a snowflake. The three main parties are rotten to the core, with the decent MPs marginalised, and the globalist elites in charge.
I am watching the BBC coverage of the RAF celebration and i am astonished. I am a student of the history of the RAF and know a lot about the Srategic Air Offensive Against Germany But today i am learning that everything i knew is wrong, completely and utterly wrong. For instance i thought until today that less than 100 aircrew in Bomber Command were brave volunteers from the Carriibean but no it turns out , according to the BBC , that these brave volunteers proviided a majority of the crews who fought over Germany, supported by others from all corners of the Empire . Oh and there were a few Brits as well.
I do not in any way denigrate the bravery and contribution of the volunteers from the Caribbean but the BBC is grossly exaggerating the overall contribution to pursue its social engineering agenda ie it is rewriting history to suit its narrative. I ought not to be surprised but it is so brazen and of course most of the very poorly educated people under forty may actually believe this!
I’m surprised anyone takes the BBC seriously, in anything that it produces. I tend to avoid it all, like the plague, resorting to the maxim, that one believes nothing of what one hears on the BBC, and only half one sees. Works for me.
I stopped watching all broadcast TV a year ago. I haven’t missed it a bit. I have YouTube. I can choose what I want to see, from whomever, whenever I want. I’m amazed anyone still watches the useless broadcast media.
Yes recommended and hay ho, no telly tax .
Doublethinker, I afraid the history you learned is now out of date.
I hope the BBC retell the great story of Nelson Mandella flying as Captain on a Dambusters mission. A transgender cis lesbian male was co-pilot, Jo Cox was navigator and Jeremy Corbyn was bomb aimer.
The crew decided peace was better than war and flew over their target and didn’t release the bomb. The war ended the same day due to their actions.
A different crew which was made up of totally white Tory voters still wanted violence after the war so they formed Britain First and the EDL.
I hope the BBC retell the great story of Nelson Mandella flying as Captain on a Dambusters mission.
Wasn’t his dog called whitey or honkey, I can’t remember.
Many a true word spoken in jest. However, you forgot to mention that Diane Abbot was the wireless operator and due to an unexplained numerical frequency error thought that a signal to bomb the alternate target of enemy occupied Brussels , rather than the dams , was actually a signal to abort the operation.
Abbot would have done more damage as the bouncing bomb, Dt.
Even funnier!
“Abbot would have done more damage as the bouncing bomb, Dt.”
Especially if she was doing the navigation calculations. Britain would have been in mortal danger.
Could we stop talking about Diane Abbot. It just reminds us of how brave Jeremy Corbyn was.
I should have guessed the angle al beeb would take so I’m glad I missed it. I missed it because I went out to my local flat land on the edge of Epping Forest where I live and watched the fly- past as it formed . It was well worth it. I just wish we had a lot more aircraft
I will always be grateful for RAF for their sacrifice but wonder sometimes if it was worth it . I wonder if the Dutch remember Operation Manna in 1945 or the airlift for Berlin . I guess they would want to forget that because it’s the past.
“I will always be grateful to the RAF for their sacrifice” thank you for those words. My life changed the day I came home from school in 1944 to be told that my air crew brother had been killed in action. He was 22years
Lady , my sympathies – however long ago the loss remains .
Not al beeb but I did some joint forces work a long time ago. I was allowed into the mod library . In the RAF section there were 6 ordinary looking volumes in blue . They were the lists of crews lost from 1939 to 1945 . Thankfully the 1945 one was thinner than the others – which were all so sad and too thick. May they all rest in peace .
Further to the comments higher up about the Beeb’s cameras and interviewers honing in any available BAME’s in a sea of non whites, the roving camera scanning the parade of RAF officers lingered on the only non white in the line-up. The BBC really think we are a load of happy dafties !
“…but wonder sometimes if it was worth it”. Yes it was worth it for the next 60 years but the problem today is that the UK is full of traitors who would hand over the keys to the UK to anyone who hates the UK for what it stands for.
Fed up,
My dad flew 50 ops with Bomber Command . Eight of them to Berlin, bombed the research station for the V1 and V2 at Peenemunde and was shot down over Belgium and survivedand was awarded the DFC, and he certainly began to doubt if it was worth in the years before he died in 2009. When he first began to express. these doubts twenty years ago I didn’t agree with him but as time passes I think he was right. What is happening to our country makes me angry , I don’t agree with it, I don’t like it and I don’t want any part of it.
Double I can only say he was very lucky to survive judging by the losses. What always strikes me about the average of crews being about 21. Hard to believe now . I get viscerally angry when I hear those hindsight debates by beeboids on the bombing of cities. They don’t say much about what was done in Britain with use of v weapons or the effort the krauts were making to get the bomb before we did.
They say nothing stays the same but the way Blighty is being dragged down so quickly is probably something not to think to deeply on .
Don’t forget all those civilian women of the ATA who were the real hereoes. Dan Snow told his daughter that so it must be right.
If BBC hacks could remove their far-left ideological blinkers for a few minutes and listen to the eminent, knowledgeable, articulate and bright Martha MacCallum of Fox News they might come to some awareness of what it takes to be a truly professional broadcaster. (Though of course they could never achieve such a status themselves.)
Here she is discussing the crisis caused by May, the disgusting Trump baby blimp and NATO with the eminent Nigel Farage.
From 22 minutes in:
@TT go to the point in the video, hit pause & then right click over the vid
and you get a menu
select “Get video URL at current time”
And thus get a link straight to Farage
like this
Thanks, StewGreen,
That really is helpful. I wrote ’22 minutes in’ since that’s when she starts to introduce the Brit situation, before she gets to Farage. I’ll use your method in future and provide the minutes as a back up.
It’s always instructive to listen to BBC presenters when they are talking off the cuff.
Tory Peer and former Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington dies at the age of 99 and both Norman-but-Labour-says-Smith and James Landale have to quickly extemporise respect and praise for this patrician grandee of a past generation. At any rate until the Twitter feed supplies the lazy BBC journos with some soundbites.
And how revealing this unscripted chat turns out to be. Smith points out ‘how different’ Carrington was to ‘modern Tories’. Yes, Norman we get the message.
Landale is keen to explain that Carrington’s resignation in 1982 for his department’s failure to notice the Argentine junta’s impending invasion of the Falklands ‘was not really his fault… but his resignation was a matter of principle’. A favourite annecdote is shared with BBC viewers. Apparently Margaret Thatcher was once talking ‘forthrightly’ to some foreign dignatory when Carrington interrupted her to say ‘he hasn’t come 600 miles not to get a word in edgeways’*
James, Norman, I think we get the picture. Love Carrington (now he’s died) hate the Tories, right?
*(some might now call that ‘mansplaining’ but I guess it was a different time and Maggie’s not a bone fide woman, yeah?)
Carrington: Globalist. Hated Britain. Fanatically EU. Wanted to give Hong Kong away. Mis-advised Mrs Thatcher at every opportunity. Key player in sell out of Rhodesia. So wet that he left a puddle where he had walked. Betrayal in a pin-stripped suit. No wonder the BBC love him.
I once heard that every society honours its dead rebels, whilst only honouring its living toadies and lickspittles.
So RIP Best and Higgins, while sucking up to Lineker and Sopel.
With the death of Carrington-as well as that or Prior last year-it seems we love out dead toadies as well. But imprison or abuse our living rebels like Tommy or Boris, Jacob or Mozza.
The BBCs “Last Word” will be pleasuring themselves all over his wicca coffin in Heseltines newly-hewn arboreum of the dead.
Don`t tell Prescott though, he`s got a thing about having sex with his staff, as a stiff lies on the bier nearby.
He was our Deputy PM you know.
Who was the stiff? Never heard that one
Actor John Stride – who, incidentally, has also died this year – is listed in the credits of A Bridge Too Far as playing “Grenadier Guards Major.” Wasn’t the actual officer Lord Carrington? Anybody know how fairly this film portrays his actions in the battle for Arnhem?
1 down 900 to go
BBC ask their most influential person on topics of the day … oh. and a new BBC show is starting.
Nadiya Hussain on the sugar tax, takeaways and Bake Off adverts{ 10jul2018}
Nadiya Hussain has said she “doesn’t know who the sugar tax is helping”, adding that healthy eating is about taking “personal responsibility”.
The tax, championed by Jamie Oliver, came into effect in the UK in April.
. . . .
“[But] I hope that when people watch [Family Favourites], they can see that they can cook, and eat, and have a family, and still have lots of time to do other things.”
Nadiya’s Family Favourites begins on Monday 16 July on BBC Two.
– No Pork allowed?
Nadiya Hussain has said she “doesn’t know who the sugar tax is helping”
Putting aside the idea that it must be about the only thing she doesn’t know, here’s a clue: look at the relationship between the people in the anti-sugar campaign and the manufacturers of artificial sweeteners and the soft drinks industry. Don’t be hoodwinked by the impeccable academic credentials of some of them: look at the studies they have undertaken and which companies sponsored them.
Jim – thanks – but I don’t want to disappoint you but I’m sure I heard the imam at the local madrasa do the same sketch last Friday . For some reason he didn’t get many laughs – maybe it was the Ester Rantzen reference ….
Do you think he would have mentioned the Mayor of London if he had been present?
When you pre-write your press release slamming Trump’s SCOTUS pick but forget to add the name….
Surely they are happy that ‘XX’ got it? After all, they don’t like XY chromosomes.
Katty’s follicaly-challenged toy loon shows a superb grasp of global geopolitical reality. Licence fee payers really are compelled to fund this clown’s salary?
Political Double speak … I love the USA but I hate your leader … but not the same as I love Turkey but hate your leader … or I love China but hate your dictator ….
…. or I hate your leader for following his manifesto after beating Hillary …
“I’m marching with London against @realDonaldTrump on Friday, because I love the United States. #StopTrump”
Not Mentioned By The BBC:
“”Trump added: “Boris Johnson’s a friend of mine, he’s been very, very nice to me, very supportive.
“And maybe we’ll speak to him when I get over there. I like Boris Johnson, I’ve always liked him.”””
Notice how the games playing has started. The president is going to make the government suffer and pay for the attempt to humiliate him and his country.
Notice how empty the slogans are … #StopTrump … stop him from doing what? #GoTrump? #DownTrump? #UpTrump?
#StopTrumpFrom …. following his elected manifesto?
#StopTrumpFrom …. doing something different than normal republicans and democrats?
#StopTrumpFrom …. not following Obama’s policies?
BBC follow up on Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s mankini offer … but not on taking in a refugee or two? Odd ….
“Gary Lineker: ‘If England win the World Cup 2018, I’d present MOTD in a mankini'”
Israelis watching BBC complain about Question Time
The question “why doesn’t the UK move its embassy to Jerusalem?” – came at 17:50 minutes into the programme and was immediately followed by a remark from Dimbleby:
Dimbleby: “As of course the US government has done – or Donald Trump has done…”
Nope it’s wrong to frame it as a Trump thing, cos the ‘Jerusalem Embassy Act’ passed by the US Congress in 1995.
then Dimbleby interjects twice again to put his anti-Israel view.
plus at the end by choosing to read out 2 anti-Israel comments.
Russian interference is very very bad
So why don’t journos make more of a big deal of Lebedevs losses at his London operations : Evening Standard & London Live TV ?
He lost £18m on them last year
..Yes a £3.9m profit the year before, but that is hiding an operational loss cos it includes profit from selling off the-i
As Sheffield copes with a hate filled women hater MP and a squatting Somalian Mayor … where will it end?
“I grew up in an environment where lad culture and prejudicial language were normalised. I was in a bad place back then, and after being bullied and called many of those abusive slurs myself, I repeated them as a way of deflecting from my own low self-esteem…” {}
I’ve heard a number of politicians (not to mention the odd Beeb bot) say that the Brexit plan has to represent the 48% who voted remain. What the hell is this supposed to mean? Do you think for one moment if the result was the other way around, anyone would take the ‘leavers’ wishes into consideration when staying in the EU. This is absurd.
Could it be any more wonderful …
Crowd funding: Trump baby
Trump Baby
Stretch target : £30,000
1833 Supporters
£29,072 Raised
1 Day left
Giant Sadiq Khan ‘baby balloon to fly over London
2433 Supporters
£40,129 Raised
29 Days left
Go on, have a chuckle … and then donate.
Does that mean that there will be enough left over to have one of a pig alongside the mini mayor?
If there is any change left over .could we have a giant ,over inflated , floating Diane Abbot please ?
That would never float, even in water…
Well Diane Abbot has totted it up and she reckons if 70% goes to the Khan blimp and 30% to the Trump blimp there should be enough left for an extra 300 million coppers on the street.
If that thing really flies god knows what decent Americans will think of us.
Sir David Attenborough’s Population Matters have got their PR on page 2 of the Times
\\ UK popn will be 73 million by 2041.
… 64 per cent of adults said that it was too high and 2 per cent said it was too low.
Almost three quarters (74 per cent) said that the government should have a national strategy to address population.//
“Public want action to curb rapid population growth” – that would be Brexit wouldn’t it?
When he pops his clogs al beeb will probably have a whole week of green bilge
Forgive me if someone has already mentioned it but I’ve just seen a twitter cut of Evan Davis introducing his 3 guests last night – Matthew Paris , Ian dale and some lefty woman called Shabi . Mr Dale was introduced as a “ brexiter” he then asks Davis why the others weren’t introduced as remainers – out numbered 2 to 1 .
Now if al beeb asks for clear evidence of remainers bias there it is – not opinion – not anecdote – a fact .
No wonder no one watches Newsnight any more .
Breaking ………………
Trump likes Borris , its not on Al Beeb yet ?
They won’t like it.
Trump makes promises and keeps them.
May makes promises but never delivers them .
They won’t like that either
Taxpayer money being spent tweaking logos for pride
i spot a voter also tweaked the council logo
That magic green maths again from the Marie Antoinettes
\\ The government grossly overstated the benefits of its £10 billion climate change aid programme after double-counting the number of people in poor countries who would get clean energy.
The Department for International Development slipped a correction into its annual report on the programme, published on Friday, admitting that the number of people who would benefit from the project was 36 million, not 77 million.//
\\ The department helps poor countries to avoid becoming dependent on fossil fuels by helping them to build sources of renewable energy and providing households with clean cooking stoves and solar lanterns.//
works out at £454.5 per head
Met police award scandal
I think the “toaster” has been switched on? But from Al Beeb you wouldn’t know it?
Andrew Bridgen……….
“”Tory vice chairs quit over PM’s Brexit plan””
Any pop-corn left? Any?
Dover Sentry
Sorry, Sold out . Try Al Beeb’s.
Sorry – I’ve stocked up on it until the end of March 2019- there’ll be import tariffs on it after then – we re all doomed. I’ve got all the carbon dioxide as well
Rotherham news
Reckon they’ll have all retired by the time any investigation is finished …..
Sounds like good news, but will anyone be punished. If Dr Jane Barton and some of her staff can get away with killing hundreds of elderly patients at Gosport Hospital between 1988 and 2000 – to date, no one has been charged – then the inept policemen who let down the people of Rotherham will have nothing to worry about, and will still get their nice police pension. If only the Rotherham swamp could be drained.
As the hysteria over the footy becomes more intense feel for the beeboids and other journos who have to pretend they like football.
I used to follow a team where supporters could not support the national team because players from rival clubs were in the team . I thought that a bit too purist but that’s footy – and it gets back to normal cum the 11th of August when the season starts again….
The Louth MP is on local news saying the gov needs help to stop modern day slavery at cash washes.
Does it ?
Are the authorities that crap that they can’t just turn up at a car wash and ask for ID and then put all the illegals and the employer in the back of the van ?
Leavers not welcome!
Theresa May has staged an anti-Brexit coup hasn’t she ?
More correctly described as a coup against the British people. The future is dark when a Parliament conspires to overturn a vote that it has freely agreed to and promised to implement.
The only way forward for that parliament and it’s leader is into tyranny because it will then be forced to deny the legitimacy of any resistance having itself usurped the legitimate will of the electorate.
The whole lot of them will try to spin it every which way but this is what has actually taken place
The crowdfunding site for the Sadiq Kahn baby balloon has hit £41000. I obviously do not agree with a President Trump balloon but why stoop to their snow flake kidult level .
Donate the money to something more worthy – Royal British Legion , dementia UK or buy a guide dog . Neither of those balloons will achieve anything apart from a further decline in British public life .
It’s the usual projection from libmob
“Oh Trump he’s a big baby”
… Jesus as PJW points out : it’s not Trump, it’s the liberal snowflakes who are always squealing like babies over tiny little things.
BBC Look North and Paul Murphy are busy plugging a big new fancy machine bought in Lincoln to cut verge grass and send it to the bioenergy plant.
I know it’s PR BS cos a local man became rich after the war cos he worked out he could get the contracts to cut airfield grass and then sell it it farmers.
“It could eve offset the cost of cutting which is estimated to be £400K pa from 5,000 miles of verges”
… hang on that £400K is actually a very small sum
Then the report ends by talking about the biodiversity of Hull’s verges
What’s that got to do with the report other than the BBC is a free advertising platform for the Green lobby so the reporter has simply videoed his mate at the machine launch and aired his message.
Examining Paul Murphy’s tweets it looks like he merged two different reports without acknowledging they were different
In Lincoln he said “and another advantage of such cutting is that it can increase biodiversity”
… That is just a BS link he used to flick over to his report from Hull with verge biodiversity guy
TV is so fake.