The Brexit White Paper is to be published on Thursday so plenty of hot air until then.
More hot air about blimps and plenty of al beeb and Twitter plans to frustrate both brexit and protest against the President of the United States .
We still have a degree of free speech so let’s use it wisely .
I see the BBC didn’t let up for 100 years of the RAF obviously a women doing the commentary ( that’s so 2018) a BME in the pavilion picking out BME servicemen…etc etc.
However if the BBC wanted to do a BME story from the RAF then they need look no further that 2 miles up the road from Manchester BBC centre. It all centres on the night a Lancaster crashed near Pendlebury lost after a raid in Germany. Unusually the rear gunner of the Lancaster was a RAF volunteer from Jamaica he sadly perished in the crash like so many other brave RAF aircrew of WW2. What a wonderful story that would make, the crash sites I still there (no remains) the story was well documented so where are this brave serviceman family now ?? Why did he volunteer?? All would make a fascinating story and indeed be a fitting tribute to his sacrifice. But oh no the fat lazy BBC can’t be bothered to find a story so amazing instead they bombard us with tales of Grenfal (sub letting fire walls removed etc etc) and Windrush survivors, people that turned down the chance of UK passports when Jamaica went independent and decided to live outside tax regime…so here is my tribute to a BME person who indeed deserves the attention of the BBC but who I guess will never receive such an accolade. In memoray of all those who have perished in the service of the RAF I attach this tribute.
Servicemen who gave up their lives to keep this great nation Free, Independent and Democratic. Unlike like our present leader and her broadcaster who are about to surrender us to Germany and its European Empire.
Our servicemen – Bless them all .
I have no words to express my fury about our so called Prime Minister.
my grandfather inlaw was a dambuster was in the raf pre war and didnt leave till the 50’s
been there seen it bombed it was his usual line
great old fella never talked about lost comrades , way too difficult
I thought all bbc twitter ‘news’ accounts were ‘personal’?
I’d rather loose to Croatia in the semis than loose to France in the final….the BBC will of course have neutral commentator cover for both eventualaties….
well they have few choices for a France final but wll be running around trying to find a croatian ex premier league footballer at the moment
Yesterday Tusk went on Twitter saying that politicians come and go but the EU carries on . Today he has got worse – basically telling President Trump to stop ‘bullying’ NATO countries on underfunding because America needs as many allies as possible. I wondered if it was a wind up. How quickly Europeans forget what America and us did for them at great cost.
Some might say America and Britain should have kept out of the European civil war and left them to it . Ignore the slaughter ignore what the Germans were doing and mind our business . Do a deal . But Anglo America didn’t and we continue to pay the price in a country changed for the worse – as al beeb exemplifies.
Good post.
All I`d add is that the Americans wanted us to be their mouthpiece and proxy inside the Common Market as it was back then.
Yes they won our war for us, but wanted Germany to lead a United States of Europe, but with America pulling the purse strings, puppet strings as well as having the firepower and hardware to prevent Europe ever being as dominant as the USA.
That, to me is entirely reasonable post 1945-realpolitick.
I love and thank the Americans, but the EU has large American origins I `d say. Hence why the likes of Heath, Wilson, Clark and even our local hero Enoch loathed America during and after their times in office.
This is not to slate the USA, only to say how tired, ahistorical, lazy and stupid we were as a nation to settle for comfortable mediocrity in a Widowmaker like the EU-as opposed to keeping America on its toes, and staying out of their appalling United States of Germany notion(which our political elites wanted no less than Acheson etc).
Trump is only resetting the balance we OUGHT to have had-and he`s the only one around who`ll do something about it.
Only hope Rees Mogg and Batten know their history as we ought to, and will see the “writing on the wall”…we`ll know this reference, the Nubritz will only be thinking of Sam Smith now.
Let them.
Hope that Trump pulls the plug on NATO this week.
Let the EU sink, and we`ll sign a mutual defence pact with Putins, Trump and Xi along with the trade deals next March 30th.
The EU wants war-let`s give it to the boozy pantiliners of Brussels and Whitehall. We want out, and if that`s civil war(not so)?…well fine by us.
The Tory Ship is holed, Corbyns head will be on a pole if he dares not to leave when he`s fucked the nation over, and we vote him out.
Rees Mogg or muerte.
Ironic that President Trump is saying bad things about NATO as is the current leader of the Labour Party – who detests America .
The way European countries – through their ReichEU representatives – treat the UK – why should we care about what Russia wants to do on its borders . The EU can look after itself and take on the Russians without us and America right ?
I write this listening to a beeboid on the world tonight struggling to explain whether NATO is a good thing or a bad one .
If President Putin has caused this disconnect he must be a true genius – I doubt that …
Went to my bookgroup last night, got a bit squiffy as per.
What a bunch of retired entitled public sector sponges and leeches they must have been.
They despise us.
And disguise it so well, unless they`ve had a drink.
Inverted snobs who hate Christianity, hate men, hate Trump, Brexit and all their collated works.
We were doing “Birdsong”-and basically the best they could do is trill about “War-what is it good for” “War, war is stupid”-Jimmy Cliff to Bruce via Culture Club.
And THAT is how smart our liberal ex headteachers, social services planners and genteel bitter ex wives turn out to be.
We met by a corner where a 1939-45 monument is placed-most drove past, and learn NOTHING about even the most obvious clues right by them.
Really glad I went though, to see the dark hearts of these liberal idiots who all think they`re so reasoned and nice, was quite an eye opener. Irredeemable until reality hits them hard, I fear. Price for living in the nicer shires of the Mudlands I fear.
The Trumpster knows.
We ARE in turmoil and The Donald tells the truth while our PM snubs her own people still further by saying nothing about her performance yesterday.
when a tory in leave voting constituency defects to ukip i will know the rebellion has started
Well I’ve written to my brexiter MP telling him that unless they deliver the brexit we voted for – leaving the EU and its courts then he could count on me to spoil my vote because there is no democracy and my vote is worthless.
I know that the consequence would be a Marxist Government but it wouldn’t last too long and leaving the Reich EU is more important – both would screw the country even further
Don’t spoil your vote !
Vote UKIP and tell him that .
Or vote Labour, Fed, if there’s no UKIP candidate.
Think one of the reasons why UK Plc is not as it could and should be is because too many voters always vote the same way. They are never prepared to vote tactically. They are never prepared to consider manifestos beyond what they are told by the media. They are never prepared to see if a key issue is at stake. They are rarely, if ever, willing to cross Party boundaries.
Instead, they vote like robots. ” ‘cos I’m workin’ class”, “because my parents always voted ….”, “because the other parties always say ….. ” and “I could never vote for them because they are …. < insert prejudice here."
I could never vote labour – am simply right wing and believe every one should make some contribution to things like education, benefits housing and the NHS and it the don’t they get the absolute minimum to live . Personally responsibility need be re introduced over time to wean people of the State.
That’s another reason why I’m against the socialist ReichEU and al beeb . No doubt I’d be labelled with ‘far ‘ by some but that is only an invention of the ‘hard’ left .
Shame, Fed, but your choice. I favour choice! A Conservative value stolen by lefty Bliar. But I will always try to vote. Even if it is for first time ever: Labour.
My normal/usual protest vote was Liberal/ LibDem until Clegg & Cable and the EU got their deathly grip on them. UKIP if there’s a candidate up (think I voted Freedom once and I did not like Sir Jams and what he stood for at all!) but there may not be next time.
If Labour manifesto is unchanged from 2017, I will take some consolation that at least the BBC pips will be made to squeak by an immediate rise in top Income Tax rates. I hope Corbyn & McDonnell have time to get the UK out of the EU before they are deposed by Watson & Der Starmer & the Umunna Charmer.
that doesnt make you right wing
Vladimir Lenin, “He who does not work shall not eat” is a necessary principle under socialism, the preliminary phase of the evolution towards communist society. The phrase appears in his 1917 work, The State and Revolution. Through this slogan Lenin explains that in socialist states only productive individuals could be allowed access to the articles of consumption”
Theresa’s Titanic has hit the ‘Davis-Johnson’ Ice Berg. There is much more below the surface.
Who will abandon ship? Who will stay to re-arrange the deck chairs? Will the BBC Band play on?
I need more pop-corn!!! 🙂 🙂
Makes me wonder if bojo / David David are holding off announcements of leadership challenge until after President Trump has visited . Things cannot be left as they are without resistance .
I think the President will have a few choice words / tweets reserved for the Brussels swamp .
Trump will tell Theresa to make him a coffee with lots of cream and sugar whilst he flicks through her cabinet list of names and photos.
By the time she returns with the coffee, he will have nominated the next PM.
I wonder if the BBC would like to broadcast this in the interest of representing all British viewpoints?
by Rikki Doolan Country Gospel artist, and preacher from Middlesbrough
i was thinking it was a left-wing prankster or something
(Not that I expect ViceNews to get anywhere near the truth)
Did anyone listen to JRM speaking to JHB on Talk Radio this morning?
Prior to the interview JHB stated that a leadership challenge from JRM wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.
I missed the interview due to the inconvenience of having to work.
Am I reading too much into this? A report on the news at 10 tonight regarding the resignation of two Tory vice chairs over Brexit. “The two on the far right of your screen.”
“Far right.” A subtle suggestion that they must be extremists? Or am I just becoming paranoid?
Roland, I saw that & had the same thought.
But surely, from their own standpoint, they were on the ‘far left’ 🙂
I only had the BBC on to watch the football. After the game I muted the sound and got on with other things. Later I picked up the remote, when the news was on.
That odious Donald Tusk was saying “America appreciate your allies. You don’t have that many”
Do we need friends like this?
They just can’t help their arrogance can they? And Treasona May puts up with it and gives Britain over as door-matt for them to wipe their boots on.
God help me but I’d like to see those EU barstewards eat some humble pie.
Who`s `Tusk again?
Ask the Poles-little squit won`t dare go back to his country.
When I see the crud in office at the EU, I reckon we got off lightly with Prescott and Davey-funnily enough, desired by the EU enough to give them jobs and such.
No, Tusk needs to stay where he is-in that way, we`ll not mock the Egyptians for wordshipping cats as their gods.
In 2018, we now worship the likes of Tusk and the NHS, if the liberals are allowed to say so.
Whoever that BBC cat was that they failed to bury in the BBC Garden of Remembrance?…well, let`s create a cult around it, and let John Noakes be our spirit guide, confused or not.
At least Halifax DID turn out to be useful.
Come on Redditch! Let`s dream big.
Dunno, Alicia, but hearing him on TOADY this a.m., I was wondering if he is fake. He used to speak quite good English, albeit with a fairly firm Polish accent but this morning he seemed to be Argentinian, Filipino, Italian, French and Polish all at the same time.
Lucy, I just want to get away from the whole EU shooting match and all its negativity.
Think Donald Sutherland …..
as well as Donald Trump.
Let’s be positive.
Too good an opportunity to miss:
Another anti-Trump docu on bbc just now ramping up the lefty hate
ah series about the NYT reporting-on/trolling Trump
\\ Violence erupts in Charlottesville and President Trump fails to denounce white supremacists*, before further stirring division by blaming the media for the nation’s problems at a rally. Steve Bannon leaves the White House, while the investigation into the President’s ties with Russia makes its first big move.//
* Em he did condemn , what they don’t like is that he also condemned the antifa, who seemed to be the far bigger trouble makers excepting the car driver afterwards.
Stew, you are exactly correct. Good post.
Thinking about it, they condemned him saying there are good people on both sides, where he was not referring to the white nationalists but those marching for free speech. The left of course claim he was praising the fascists, but they are clearly knowingly lying as they always do.
I’m trying to work out what Carswell is saying these days
OTOH he says
but on the other , he tweets with glee about the EU falling apart.
Don’t waste your time , he’s a Tory ‘flip flopper’. A bit like Mark Reckless…………..
Quite right Taffman. And what is worse he assumes the poise of a deep thinker. Which imho he ruddy well ain’t.
It is amusing to note that he is a believer in mass immigration and multiculturalism and yet it is these issues which are leading the downfall of the EU! Despite his holier than thou attitudes he has no claim to be an above average thinker.
I think he is a man totally lacking any principles other than self importance – A perfect Tory in lots of ways and why Ukip need to be very careful about which ex-Tories they allow into the party.
A SH1T of the highest order.
Carswell is just a voodoo doll to stick pins in , if David Willetts head reflects the sunshine too badly for you to aim straight.
These are bonedome versions of what “clever Tories” are supposed to say and think.
But they end up like John Gummer everytime-failed horsemeat.
Another Tory under cover remainer
\\ Kelly Tolhurst stood in Rochester and Strood as a Eurosceptic backed by Cameron when Mark Reckless defected.
She lost, but was elected a year later – immediately came out for remain in the referendum. //
It is good to be reminded about, thanks Stew.
If ever their is a need for a good word for when a politician lies on major issues in an election and betrays her voters immediately then I suggest ‘Tolhursted’.
For those people with still a little faith in the Tory party I suggest when talking to their MP to ask quite clearly. “Do you mean what you are saying or are you just Tolhursting?”.
Ridiculous Beeb non-news items on R5Live today eg might Donald Trump be watching the World Cup Final on Sunday should England get there ? What will they do at Wimbledon ? This is just pathetic. It is not news. It is not important.
A very good alt media website has interesting piece looking at an item on BBC website Business pages about how tarot card readers are uniting to bring down Trump. Some lefty academic sociologist is used to support the case, a man who whilst on a cannabis high rejected Christianity as wicked dogma, whilst embracing occultism. Truly appalling from the Beeb, they really are sinking to new lows here. spoke to a US alt media writer for his thoughts, and he actually said that it means the Beeb and the globalist liberal elite they represent are scared of Trump. So scared that they will write utter unscientific tripe in order to discredit him. Almost makes me want to join the pro-Trump groups that might try to counter the AntiFa mob. Wish Trump could drain our swamp too. Hope he gets his chance to see Boris J and Nigel Farage perhaps too.
Fascinating non interview by the grossly underpaid princess Maitlis with John Cleese on the news night – which i only view via youtube . He is apparently leaving Blighty and one of the reasons is mistrust of newspapers .
The thing that was not discussed was whether al beeb is within the press . She didn’t ask and he didn’t raise it. Apparently the reich EU wastes money on a survey each year and Blighty comes 33 out of 33. No surprise .
Whoops, sorry.
Deem mine a complement.
BBC Online News:
“”BBC to unveil next star salaries list in annual report””
The only issue raised is ‘gender balance’.
No mention of disgusting salary excess.
Emily looks at a piece of paper. Hilarity ensues.
I wonder of Maitlis Jr. handled the polling?
Full 10 mins
Awful rubbish.
“Don`t like Darkies”
“Scratch Your Eyes Out”
“I Like Chinese”.
Only THREE of Cleeses shockers that would make poor Emily cry, and confirm to the BBC that Lenny Henry is the BBCs next top export to the USA.
Racist, sexist and homophobic, the Pythons, Oxbridge ponces that only teenage boys thought funny-how many miserable night did we sit around as they rote learned them.
Off to the Caribbean eh Cleese?
Thought there were too many black people in Bristol and London for you!
Maybe-like Branson-he can employ a few houseboys and avoid his alimony bills.
See john-we who voted Brexit HATE your kind, even though you might have been funny once. As Morrissey sings-“That Joke Isn`t Funny Anymore” . And HE won`t be invited onto Newsnight will he?
Stuff the Beeb.
Sadiq Khan does what he does best when challenged by Piers Morgan over the flying baby Trump – lies through his teeth.
Morgan questions whether he’d allow a flying black baby with a nappy in protest to Obama or a flying pig if it offended muslims.
Khan says that it’s not for him to act as a censor.
Really? – Why then, when you received a complaint from muslims did you remove all posters of woman in bikinis and skimpy clothes from London underground?
Comments most certainly could be going better on this near perfect bbc race bait punt.
Maybe it’s a race traitor thing
Maybe people just recognise them from the adverts
“Ooh look I told you there was at least 1 mixed race couple in real life!”
One could understand an article along these lines written, say, 50 years ago or more, but it’s hard to believe that anyone really gives a toss these days. The opening two paragraphs set the scene:
“When Prince Harry married Meghan Markle there was a lot of attention on Meghan’s race.” Well, only the BBC was giving it a lot of attention, using it as an opportunity to push the deranged diversity agenda. For everyone else, it was just a member of the clapped-out Royal family marrying a divorced, second-rate Amercian actress with her eye on the main chance.
“Interracial couples may seem common but the latest figures show they account for only 7% of relationships in England and Wales.“. Well, they seem common because they are fairly common. Outside of Brazil, the UK probably has the highest incidence of interracial relationships in the world. But why is it ‘only’? Most people will be attracted towards someone broadly similar to themselves; as Mohammed Ali said “Blue birds fly with blue birds, red birds want to be with red birds — tell me when I’m wrong — pigeons want to be with pigeons”. There isn’t a figure that it ‘should be’, but 7% is actually quite a high figure.
As ever, the BBC is not being descriptive of Britain but it is being prescriptive of what the powers that be want. Almost makes you think there is something like the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan, eh?
Love that passive tense-“there was a lot of attention”!
Always the mark of liberal scum, trying to massage and yank us off.
As you say -THEY obsessed on it, we didn`t and don`t.
But the BBC do nothing but, because it suits their totalising agenda.
This site reports on it daily. Thank fun we all do.
Not sure what a “clapped out” family is.
But I think I know a clapped out website when I see one. Many of your best contributors seem to have drifted away, from David Preiser onwards.
If not a debut, a rare contribution from an unfamiliar name.
Top ‘thinking’, Willy. Very bbc. Now, let’s just glance at the counter…
Truly a World Cup Willie!
…..For everyone else, it was just a member of the clapped-out Royal family marrying a divorced, second-rate Amercian actress with her eye on the main chance. ……
One of the best sentences I’ve read in a long while.
……..Interracial couples may seem common but the latest figures show they account for only 7% of relationships in England and Wales.“. ………
Sadly our advertising industry have no truck with 7% but see fit to brainwash us with the notion that this country is ‘blessed’ with 100% mixed relationships, and I feel offended by that lie, so I’m joining the ranks of the whingers and whiners, – to whom do I complain ?
Thanks GW.
Whenever I see your catchphrase, it makes my day!
Didn`t see the comments though, not available for some reason.
But I write my own anyway for blogs .
Did see one thing though as I scrolled down.
“Why You Can Trust BBC News”-was a rather desperate little link at the bottom of the article.
Comedy Gold-will be writing that one until I have to go to work later on.later.
“Didn`t see the comments though” I assumed he meant on Twitter
click the tweet time to open up the thread.
Alicia 😉
No worries. Stew is correct. Simply copying a tweet link on twitter and pasting gives you the tweet… and comments. Often tweets reference via hyperlink the bbc ‘story’ online which, of course, does not allow feedback. Which in this case again mainly point out the bbc is either clueless or sh*t stirring per their secret Charter. An Ofcom or DCMS of coherence or competence would see their licence pulled several times a day for such undermining efforts. I was out this morning in the sun; happiness is solar powered. White, Black, Asian, Jedi… cheery smiles and greetings between all. The world the bbc tries to drag us down into is a miserable one I seek no part of.
Thanks boys.
Will get Himself or The Boy to help me out tomorrow, but will try all this secretly first. Might even use a few of those clever words like “hyperlink”. The care home might promote me then!
Heard Today pack up over the Thai link after 8.30 this morning.
National embarrassment, guessing that Mishal also needs some lads like you to keep her right.
Not that she`d ever say so.
Toady watch
Poor Asian job creation girl – meeshaaallll desperately trying to get the US ambasador to say something anti Tory anti British or to inflame anti American sentiment .
I cannot see why the ambassador wasted time going on the poisonous al beeb
Suddenly al beeb has got interested in defence and defence spending -,I just thought it wanted black faces in uk military uniforms to give itself a white warm feeling .
A sudden interest in North Korea.
Who knew that things weren`t as tickety boo as we`d all have wanted to think?
Yet the BBC are wading in, asking UN types about whether it`s true that DPRNK(wha`eva) isn`t as wealthy as we`d all been led to believe?
Who knew-well the UN and BBC obviously didn`t?
Trump gets my credit-but, of course, he never got a mention from the BBC or UN on Today in the very fact that-had Trump not gone there-well, the UN or BBC sure as hell wouldn`t be talking as they do.
Trump continues to be the man making the weather-yet these liberal oafs think that he`s reacting to THEM?
Trump makes new-this lot only fake it.
r4 7:30am alarm clock
was truly sickend what a wicked rotten start to a day
extremism on the rise
evidence a mulsim man attacked
signs torn down out side a mosque
prevent unfairly targeting muslim
edl massive rise in the far right etc etc
after the manchester attack, “manchester attack” ffs
far right marches in manchester (that would be the FLA then)
hindu extremist sikh extremists blah blah blah
its to do with poverty (some say)
then the prevent woman trying to defend herself from criticism from various muslim groups and those paragons of virtue Naz Shah and warsi
the so called bbc’s message evryone is evil and the poor muslims are under attack
total total utter biased bollox
The BBC is ALWAYS moaning about the nation being in turmoil.
They`d all be out of work at the BBC if they couldn`t parrot this opinion 7/24.
It`s all they ever say, and it won`t be unturmoiled until we bring in Corbyn or Reichsfuhrer Verhofstad to reign o`er us. No need to ask though. But when TRUMP says that things seem a bit iffy here?
Let`s hope now that the BBC will get out the best china, sit the gangstas of Walthamstow down by the ole joanna, and stage two days of endless good news with pearly queens and a Mother Brown knees-up to spite the “Great Complainer”.
Trump is accused of complaining that the EU aren`t paying their full whack to NATO.
Much as the BBC and their green mates “complain” about sea levels, or that Labour “complain” about Philip Green. Like HSE “complain” about Grenfell presumably.
Maybe I should reopen my complaint about Hillsborough-my ex had three or four games at the end of the 88/9 season where he couldn`t use his season ticket for the Leppings Lane Paddock, after the unpleasantness following the Liverpool fans over-exuberance.
How`s that Beeb?
TOADY Watch – Wimmins Extremism
Get two Wimmin together on the BBC and there will be a spat. The other day, think it was on TWatO, subject was the Nottinghamshire Misogyny Experiment. I cannot remember the participants but they laid into each other.
Well, the LeftyLibby who claimed misogyny was everywhere, all the time in the UK, immediately became upset. She laid into the ‘this is crazy’ rather more sane woman contributor who claimed it was a fuss about nothing and talked over her in a very heated fashion.
Mishal is presenting this morning with Nick who sounded horribly wheezy yesterday. (I hope he’s OK.) Mishal is obviously not a happy bunny. In fact she is a bit extreme on TOADY today.
Mishal gets extreme with the Government’s appointee Sara Khan as the head of the Commission for Countering Extremism. It could be because Sara Khan appeared absolutely balanced and reasonable.
The BBC love a bit of Wimmins Extremism.
Bbc knows who the real victims are.
Nothing on the BBC News channels yet about Corbyn promoting Naz Shah as Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities.
The Labour Party stripped Naz Shah of the parliamentary whip and barred her from party activity for three months in 2016 while an investigation was carried out.
But remember when Shah agreed with the Tweet which told victims of the Pakistani rapists of Rotherham to “…shut their mouths. For the good of diversity!”?
Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities? You certainly can’t accuse Corbyn of not having a great sense of irony.
Move ‘British’ Pakistanis to Pakistan? Problems solved!
Looking at that picture of the ‘Solution for Israel-Palestine conflict’ so thoughtfully referenced by Nasty Shah (Naz is short for Nasty, right?), I still find the phrase ‘Transportation cost’ most chilling. I believe the original German phrase, used during the early 1940’s, was Transportkosten, and it was a major line item in the accounts for implementing the last attempt at a ‘Solution’.
She hasn’t done the map overlay comparing Israeli land space to the Muslim world apparently. Then asked herself why the Muslim nations of the middle east can’t give the Muslim “Palestinians” a territory of their own.
I have a photo of the UK superimposed on Africa similar to the one above but I don’t know how to put photos on here.
TOADY Watch – (Wimmins) Racism
Mishal interviews Sheku Kanneh-Mason and has to find some racism. It is the point of her interview. Sheku is nice, balanced, reasonable and an enthusiast for music. There must be racism and Mishal forces him to say he is different. There was I thinking he loved music (and football) just like ‘some people’, ‘many people’ and ‘most people’.
Our Mishal is becoming a bit twisted and bitter and nasty. It doesn’t go with the good looks, Mishal. Try for some acceptance, balance, inner peace and tranquility instead. Sweetness and light, love, sweetness and light.
“Mishal interviews Sheku Kanneh-Mason and has to find some racism.” Yup! if it ain’t there, dig around until you find it seems to be the BBC’s guiding interviewing policy. Amazing how the muslima, Mishal, used the words, “…..people like you….” a couple of times when inquiring his experiences. Desperate to find racism.
Personally, I have the highest regard for Sheku Kanneh-Mason as I know how much dedication goes into playing a cello properly. If the World needs to call him, ‘Black’ so be it but most other musicians, I have no doubt, will not see any ‘blackness’. Indeed, as I see it, the playing of the most difficult instrument is testament to his years of dedication. But I will add, that if the majority of ‘Black’ people displayed the same dedication, maybe they would see recognition. No positive discrimination will achieve this.
My own past (and current) tutors agree that it takes, “…a good 10 years or perhaps more…” to get anywhere near playing a cello in any way half-decently. Eight years in, I totally agree.
Indeedy, G. Right on.
When I hear Israel Kamakawiwo’Ole, I just hear this smooth, velvety, wonderful voice, incredible vocal range and vibrant bass, and the ukulele. Yes, I know there’s ‘a foreigner’ behind it but does that matter*?
(* apparently, to the BBC – it does.)
The Today prog’ this morning was at its irritating, pseuds’ corner worst. They had on a couple of ultra lefties (for the sake of balance) to discuss the football.
Apparently England manager, Gareth Southgate has poked his prodigious beak into politics and waffled inanely about diversity and the ethnic make up of Blighty. FFS Gareth, please keep out of it. There are cleverer people than you preaching to us every day of the bleedin’ week about how enriched we are. Personally speaking I’ve had more than enough of it.
Football used to be a “back page” event. A little window in the week where we could avoid the stress of politics.
Just remember that tonight we’re playing a team from a country that has a population scraping 4 million. and the experience of the Croations can probably tell us a lot more about the “benefits” of diversity than a bloody pc footie manager.
Now back to Gary in the studio…
Footie extremism.
It is extremely surprising to me that England’s best previous chance to win the World Cup has disappeared down the extremist BBC’s extremely large memory hole.
No-one at the BBC appears to remember the tournament twenty years ago. It was said at the time that England had one of the best teams and had their best chance since 1970 of winning the tournament again.
Perhaps because it was in France and France won on home turf?
Perhaps because David Beckham stupidly got himself sent off for a rash loss of temper?
Perhaps because BBC favourite Arsenal, had one of their players (David Seaman) give away a stupid penalty? And then he only saved one penalty in the shoot-out against Argentinian keeper Roa’s two?
Or perhaps because another BBC favourite, Tony Blair was PM?
I wonder.
Well, I hope we do win the cup, if only to have some fresh blood that the media can lionise, which hopefully (please God) will push the press’ obsession with the bloody Beckhams onto the back burner. Beckham was never that good a player anyway, his global popularity is due to a brilliant PR management team and he wed a pop star that couldn’t sing !
Same here Brissles.
Lots of World Cup Willies seeming very pleased in our pubs, so easy to get a white wine if you sit close enough!
AND-what a tonic for Brexit-had we left earlier we might have not waited since 1966 or such. AND-won`t this make Trump our lucky cuddly mascot?
We left the EU last time he came here-imagine how great his power if our boys bring home the egg cup, winning it just for him!
Joe Hart still doesn`t write to me though. The last England looker, shame he never washed the shampoo off his gloves though.
Off to the Jumbotron later. If I`m not legless by 10pm, then I`ll stay out.
Brissles, old thing (well, it is the cricket season), David Beckham was a pretty good player in my view and heaps better than Paul Ince who also played for Man Utd.
Thing about David Beckham was that he came home in shame and with death threats from some (deranged) enraged so-called fans and knuckled down. He behaved himself, worked at his game and became an even better player. He demonstrated immense character both on and off the pitch. No snowflake, him. Look at United’s record afterward. Ince leaving the team, Beckham staying on to win a string of Trophies.
Couldn’t hold a candle to Bestie though Up2 !!
Browsing (as you do), The Public Order Act 1986, it occurred to me that as this piece of work is the legislation primarily used by the Government and its foot soldiers the police, to prosecute Hate Crimes, this Section should be noted.
Section 29J in all its fig leaf glory:
“29JProtection of freedom of expression
Nothing in this Part shall be read or given effect in a way which prohibits or restricts discussion, criticism or expressions of antipathy, dislike, ridicule, insult or abuse of particular religions or the beliefs or practices of their adherents, or of any other belief system or the beliefs or practices of its adherents, or proselytising or urging adherents of a different religion or belief system to cease practising their religion or belief system.”
The enemy’s Guidlines:
Right, so it might be asked by a rational thinker- What to do when the written primary objective of a ‘religion’ or ‘belief system’ is the annihilation of all other ‘religions’ and ‘belief systems’ ?
Yes, I think that the legislation is so ‘new’ in its application and the stasi so well prepared to attack the public with it, that should any person, provided the circumstances were right, throw back this defence, they would not know how to respond. I will download the cases cited in, “The Enemy’s Guidlines” to see if there is any legal precedent set.
You may have the right to do all those things in Section 29j but what do you do when the police arrest you to prevent a breach of the peace?
That might not go anywhere, at worse a night in the cells(!). But then your employer tells you that they are ‘letting you go’, the local child protection Stasi calls to take your children away, and don’t forget your own Prime Minister frequently equates you and your kind to those that actually maim and kill and parliament has a committee dedicated to ensuring that one and only one religion must remain free of criticism, (which is remarkable given that our whole system of government from HM down is predicated on ‘divine right’ granted by a Christian god).
It’s a lot easier to keep your mouth shut, which, of course, is exactly what they want.
It’s a lot easier to keep your mouth shut, which, of course, is exactly what they want.
That’s what parliament appears to be doing, Jim.
Wear a full face veil and robe so no one can see your jewellery!
Welcome to the future, brought to you from the past.
Is it just me or is Downing St eerily quiet considering the kicking they just gave to their citizens? No press release? Not even an attempt to reassure the voters that the PM has done the right thing?
Or have I missed something?
It looks to me as if TM is afraid of sticking her head above the parapet.
They used to call her “Sub”(as in submarine) at the Home Office.
Obvious reasons, only surfacing when it was safe.
But then again Gordon Brown was called McCavity after the TS Eliot poem-the cat who was never there, where it mattered.
Can`t we just dig up Ted Heath-who (if we`re lucky) still has some connected vertebrae that might simulate a spine in our leaders.
Best not to take much else though, given what he is alleged of not doing on his yachts to young boys. Why DO they call it a boner-there`s no bone there!
The religion of peace and tolerance in 2018 … ‘I risked everything to dance in Iran’ { 11jul2018} … does Sadiq Khan see where a total Islamic Country leads to … ban swim wear pictures … it’s a start towards an Islamic Country like Iran.
Word Search: Islam x 4; Muslim x 0; Religion x 0;
I have a photo of the UK superimposed on Africa similar to the one above but I don’t know how to put photos on here.
Good point Thatcher. Africa has more empty land than anywhere else on earth but the globalists think they can keep cramming the African population onto these tiny islands.
Wrap the image with the tags …. [img]url_link_inside[/img]
If you’re like me you need an idiots guide ! So first ‘copy’ the photo info in the bar at the top of the page. Then return to this page and press the ‘click on’ below this reply box. Up pops a small window. Then ‘paste’ the info into the box. That’s how I do it, although it was more trial and error.
By going to Twitter search and typing : superimposed Africa

I get this image (and right click over it to pick up the URL)
I added the suffix to it “:small” which makes Twitter images small instead of large
That’s the one !
Anyone else noticed the BBCs unhealthy obsession with the Thai boys rescued from the cave? I’m surprised that haven’t interviewed Gary Glitter for his opinion as he used to spend quite a lot of his time out there.
BBC have made a new 8 part series, African Women who Changed the World.
This one they celebrate
Yaa Asantewaa and the fight for the Golden Stool
where ‘she rose up against the evil British’ and “won”. Yeah she “won” so well she was captured and exiled to the Seychelles.
So BBC, how exactly did she change the world? I don’t see Ghana being a world leading country.
In the link above the BBC have a sentence in italics…
This BBC Africa series has been produced using historical and iconographic research, but includes artistic interpretation.
So it’s not fake news, omission or editing constraints anymore – it’s “artistic interpretation”.
Yep “artistic interpretation” is mentioned in the BBCNews PR tweet
(at the bottom of the link preview)
Typical of the anti British so called British Broadcasting Corporation to celebrate someone who led a battle against the British.
BBC and Yaa Asantewaa have a lot in common it seems.
Stop funding these traitorous b@stards now!
I wonder what this guy would have to say to the BBC?
Seems to support England too!
Well said Dr Curry! if only you`d preached like THIS at Harrys wedding.
Wonder if he`s got a sermon on the Aborigines-who didn`t even build a bikeshed, let alone a one floor house.
5:10 After saying ‘I’m sayings these things cos I love you and want to tell you the truth’
Then at 5:10 He criticises black women for giving to black men “$250m for a private jet for a n*&&er to ride around in”
..what’s wrong with? .. you n*&&ers, n*&&ers, n*&&er etc. ”
.. Well America is a big place , so it is possible to find one guy saying things a different way to others.
“Artistic Interpretation” sounds like a good one to add to other BBC gems like “truthiness” and “what might have been said” as they interpret facts via the medium of activist narrative.
I’d expect that ther’s have been African Queens who have warred with neighbouring tribes & sold slaves etc.
Cleopatra might have done some good things, but she will also have had big slaves.
Will Winnie be in the BBC’s 8 ?
and the new Mrs gold-digging Mugabe ?
“Yaa Asantewaa and the fight for the Golden Stool”
Are you sure this isn’t a programme on turd polishing? (h/t Boris)
Excellent post RJ made me chuckle.
Is the Golden Stool what you get when you polish a turd?
Damn. RJ beat me to it. ????
Roland, great minds think alike.
You’ve forgotten about Nkrumah inventing geometry (falsely called Euclidean) and the many other contributions of Ghana to civilization.
So this is the top BBC Breaking News … news about itself … unbelievable …. BBC Website 11jul2018 @ 12:14 BST
The top 12 earners on the BBC’s latest list of star salaries are all men – with Gary Lineker the highest paid
– YEAH! Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker is top of the league again.
Note the cherypicking
#1 Excludes top management , cos it’s only stars
#2 Excludes many top stars cos it’s SALARIES only, and some are paid via private service company instead.
Bob seems impressed.
The BBC admit Claudia Winkleman gets between £450k and £499k,
But it’s all academic – non of the buggers on BBC deserve more than the Prime Minister- for godsake Tess Daly is on almost £400k..why do they think they are worth this….
have to disagree slightly EVERY person in the country should earn more than THIS prime minister
including the tramps
They have a HYS running .
He’s wrong. Graham Norton is on the list.
Ha ha true,
Norton isn’t a man
£400,000 Tess Daly. Just shows you don’t need a brain when you have the personality of a plank, claps like a seal and is married to a pair of sparkling white teeth !
Don’t forget the Times says the BBC broke the law on FOI non-disclosure over salaries
Words are important, I would say ‘paid’, ‘earn’ implies doing something to deserve it.
Winkleman hardly deserves £10k for struggling to read the autocue through her fringe. Feltz is Cathy Newman writ large, every ‘discussion’ programme that she is on she tells the other parties what she expects them to have said and what they really mean. Another £10k ‘earner’.
Grating Lyse Doucet, waiting for the NATO summit to start, is given a lot of time to rubbish whatever President Trump has had to say. After her best efforts she is joined by a woman from The Royal National Services Institute who talks down the scale of Germany etc NATO budget shortfall. She counters the shortfall in inputs (ie cash) by claiming that other NATO members had contributed to missions (ie outputs). As if that excused not paying up. She uses as an example the sacrifice of UK troops in Afghanistan (ignoring that the UK is not one of the parasitic NATO members)
Ending the interview Doucet says “We read the tweets but is important we hear the facts” – so having failed to provide an adequate argument against Trump she decides to infer that he is a liar.
Trump merely giving us the facts.
No wonder the media hate it, can`t twist their way out of why Europe gets an endless free ride off the US taxpayers,whilst hating them for voting as they did.
Germany in Putins pocket-needs saying, how typical that it takes one man from outside Europe to say what WE all know-but the BBc would rather we didn`t.
Looking forward to their cherry picking of facts, imagine they`re all onto it now.
But he`s right-always has been.
Clear now who is giving us facts-and who is faking news and stats all the time. Thank You Mr Trump-can we rejoin you as your 51st state?
Bbc’s Baby sister.
And Jon and Krishna and Cathy were on such a roll too..
Maybe they should fact check their fact checking.
Trump hits back at Germany. [because somebody has to]
Can you imagine the POTUS negotiating an exit from the EU…
“See ya wouldn’t wanna be ya!”
“Just slip out the back, Jack, make a new plan, Stan
Don’t need to be coy, Roy, just listen to me
Hop on the bus, Gus, don’t need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee, and get yourself free”
…Paul Simon
Yep..wish he was doing our negotiations…just says it how it is but gives them an opportunity to produce counter facts/evidence..but normally just gets called.. nationalist, right wing, fascist, sexist…racist…
President Trump’s comments on Germany’s reliance on Russia, and being to a large part controlled by it, are spot on. It’s something that’s always been obvious, but I applaud Pres. Trump for saying it so forthrightly in public. He might have added that, because of that oil pipeline that the EU so stupidly agreed to, Russia is in a position to blackmail the countries which it supplies, and has probably already done so. That is a video that the BBC will never show.
8pm Moral Maze : Do we need to reform the way we do democracy? If so, how?
\\ Others believe that failing to deliver the kind of Brexit the country voted for in June 2016 – even if that means crashing out with no deal – would be an unforgivable betrayal of the British people. If the system is struggling at the moment, is it the fault of the politicians or is it because the people themselves are so deeply divided about Brexit? //
monasiddiqui7 is on the panel
Claire Fox are you on ? \\ No luckily. Will be in pub #moralmaze //
Al Beeb reports……. “Theresa May’s new-look cabinet meets amid Brexit turmoil”
Trump reports about…………” UK in termoil ” Al Beeb don’t like it .
Moral Maze : “Do we need to reform the way we do democracy? If so, how?”
I suspect that’s beeb-speak for “how do we make sure the plebs never vote Brexit again, or Farage, or Trump, or Orban, or any hideously ‘populist’ party, or anything other than the elitist, internationalist, globalist, leftist parties and policies that we, your intellectual and moral superiors at the beeb, approve of?”
EU Negotiations? What negotiations. Mays capitulation comprises an EU wish list more or less imprisoning us within the single market/ecj framework. The EU so called negotiators had to do very little save ridicule from the sidelines whilst our fifth columnists mendaciously diluted then stole our democratic instruction.
And all for what? To prevent a severe jolt to the economy which,
a) would be short lived (go into currys or any car showroom and see where most of the goods originate) and
b) would be worth every penny!!!!!!
This whole sham stinks and has less to do with the economic fallout and everything to do with globalist political elite and maintaining their power and influence.
Condescending Carswell thinks that we can escape by increment. NO! The complete opposite is true. Stay in a bit and our enemies will ratchet us back toward full membership, punitive punishment taxes and no more opt outs.
If our democratic vote is meaningless then the whole house of cards will fall and change can then only ever be affected by means far removed from the ballot box and our now debased democracy.
Muslim party leader in the Netherlands tells Dutch to leave their country if they don’t like diversity
Yep. Stage 3 of muslim conquest.
The only saving grace I can see is that the EU, in their arrogance and drunk on their misappropriated power will seek full capitulation – or no deal and whilst I wouldn’t put it past May, this will prove a difficult sell to an already downtrodden and disenfranchised electorate.
I’m too shot to keep up with the ‘leaving’ process;
what happens next?
May has sent some deal to the EU and we are waiting on an answer?
“refugees” welcome.
Mutinous migrants threaten to kill Italian crew after rescue
“African migrants threatened to kill the crew of an Italian cargo vessel that had rescued them in the Mediterranean, in an attempt to avoid being returned to detention centres in Libya.
The Italian coastguard picked up the migrants after receiving a call for help from the ship. They were being taken yesterday to Italy where the ringleaders will be questioned by police over the incident.”
so they got their way then
by threatening to kill (murder) the crew
“The mutiny on the Vos Thalassa ”
can people you have just plucked out of the med actually “mutiny”
by threatening (to murder) the crew havent they just become pirates
‘Businessman’s on the spot job offer to homeless man.’
This is not news but a story, one about which the crucial facts have probably been massaged somewhat. There is crap like this all over the internet. It is a total cop-out for our hugely expensive national broadcaster to report on this as if it were news.
Why not offer him a home?
that’s where he can rebuild his life from, nothing magic about a job, which he won’t find easy to hold being if he is still homeless and weakened from it.
Yasmin can’t do basic fact checking ?
monasiddiqui7 is on #MoralMaze this week
Kenan Malik , Shiv Malik were long term panel members
+ panel members are very often Jewish
Oh its Yazz, Stew!
Clearly fishing for an invite.
Poor lamb, I find a pair of nice boots, a glimpse of knee and sitting near the more mature gentle type as England send us off to sleep in the footy gets attention Yazz dearie.
Bottle of shared wine and Doritos too-and better than whoring yourself for the Moral Maze Yazz.
Let`s hope Harry and the lads will win this one for Yasmin. She`s a secret Millwall supporter I`m told.
Alicia, THE Yazz? Haven’t heard her for ages. Whatever happened to her?
Oh, that Yazz, Yas. Er, she’s on the Beeb all the time. (rolls eyes)
The Only Way is OUT!
God on a bike ! Yasmin and her ilk are always the first to spout that Britain is SO tolerant – yeah because you were first in the queue to get here – and now they are quick to shout that the country who gave them air space is not diverse enough ! Do they never had a sodding day off ? Funny how those who have history here before 1950 never mention wanting to be more diverse – and that doesn’t mean farmers who want more migrants to pick the crops !!!
It is SOUND broadcasting; no vision, not even monochrome. How should I know what colour Anne McElvoy, Michael Portillo, etc. are, and why should I care? (And what colour does Alibi Jones think she is, anyway?)