I mention Mr Robinson because Wednesday is due to be his appeal day. I think for any reliable report of proceedings we will need to look to non British broadcasters — if of course – the judges allow it.
and as an aside it’s the Cliff Richard case result .
Can you believe this is Britain ?
First! Yippee!
I feel guilty as I should have waited for a ‘minority’ to post first and I am hideously white.
Doesnt count BB – The rest of us didnt realise that to be at the top of the post you have to get in quick. Besides I am not convinced that you really understood what you are doing .
Now, now, Oaky! No angling for a new EU Referendum, er, I mean Midweek Thread. You had your chance. 😉
We must consider the ‘structural firstpostism’ which prevented you from posting first. We must aim to have at least half of posters whose name begins with a letter from ‘O-Z’ by 2022. This must be our sole concern and the actual quality of posts is irrelevant.
Hold on,hold on, just a friggin’ mo. Ain’t you heard? You guys are on the wrong side of history. I’ve never come first in anything BUT I take PRIDE in the fact that I’ve always come in at a very respectable last, which is a highly esteemed position deserving of the deepest respect.
You just have to believe that last is first, Left is Right,right is wrong, up is down , good is bad, men are women, death is life, and two and two make six etc.etc.etc. Geddit? Right let’s start this thread again and everybody agree that I was first!
Surely the website manager needs to conduct an indepth survey (a taxpayer funded subsidy may be available) to ensure the array of firstposters are representative of the country at large. We must ensure in particular that black transgender wheelchair users are able to post at around 0550, before they go for a swim in a Hampstead pond of their choice.
Maybe even create a charity for the purpose? RoPers seem to favour that approach. But that’s the only form of, ‘work’ they probably have.
Lefty Wright…………
Matthew 20:16
King James Version .
Don’t be silly BB, at 5.53 am they’ll either have just fallen into bed after a profitable night or doing the night shift in the hopes of a profitable night !
This first past the post system is corrupt!
Can we have a third fourth place play off that nobody cares about or watches?
And can Brissles and I share the prize money as we medal, podium or whatever else we`ll do to “inspire all future generations of women”?
And I have done shiftwork recently at this unearthly hour-so maybe I was working at the time too-who`s to say?
Well done BB.
BB: White you may claim be, but I don’t believe it. Even if you are albino you have areas of pink. If you are ethnically what is refered to as caucasian, you, like me, are sort of pink and gray patches with possible variable areas of sunburn..
If he has any Scots blood in his genes, the Big Yin would advise that BB may actually look a little blue, at least have the tint if not the taint, and require a week in the sunshine just to turn white.
I have the habit of listening to the World Service through the night for comfort/company but its decline is terrible. The elixir of ‘diversity’ seems to mean ‘dumbing down’. Rather than professors talking for an hour about prime numbers we have a report on a lesbian super hero. There is always a Groundhog SJW story; the other night was a play about Canadian settlers not having no ethnic minority performers. So, so boring.
O how the mighty have fallen. The perfect is the enemy of the good. Intellectual dynamite to soothe and stimulate your mind has been replaced with infuriating dross.
The Trump hatred was turned up to eleven and I am sick of it. Can they not give him a break? They still cannot accept that he beat them and they have lost all sense of propriety, like a jilted lover. This constant world is going to end hysteria – it is so nasty and horrible to listen to. They say this is the worst since he said some ‘white nationalists were decent people’ in Charlottesville. A flagrant lie: many were decent people who did not want a statue of their great founding father torn down, and of course it was Antifa who sparked all the violence due to their Beebian intolerance of wrongthink.
How have they let the glorious World Service be ruined like this? They must have so many employees with nothing to do who felt the need to meddle so as to justify their fat salary. Some ‘director of change’ decreed that ‘research’ shows some group finds the station ‘inaccessible’ or whatever so decided to ruin it for the people who listened in the first place.
BB Dont listen to R4 as much car radio playing up.
Sometimes early in the morning I listen to the World Diservice and they have a programme called the “Cultural Front Line”. I would say a good proportion of this programmes output is dedicated to saving the world through black disabled lesbian dance workshops.
I am convinced that the peddlers of this rubbish really do think they are making great changes in the world by peddling this virtue signalling tripe.
I am afraid this sort of bollocks is becoming more and more common on the BBC as they willingly step out of reality and clamber through the rabbit hole to emerge on the other side where the only reality that matters is that your skin isnt white, you only have one arm and no legs and your genitals resemble a scar tissue war zone where they have been regularly surgically re-aligned depending on what gender is currently in fashion in the Gaurdian.
With BBC broadcasting this appalling bilge no wonder much of the rest of the World are treating us as a joke.
This obsession with race does nobody any good. I am in an extremely diverse environment this week and there is nothing remotely resembling a problem; we are all getting on fantastically well – nobody even mentions it. Alas their is a whole lucrative industry dependent on as much division and disorder as possible to justify its existence.
Imagine what a charmed life you must have working in ‘race relations.’ You could probably say or do anything and your employers would be too petrified to question it. Unaccountable and you are only measured on something immeasurable.
I think it is a bit of a cultural marxist thing. They dont actually want people to get on.. What could be better (if you are one of these arseholes) getting paid a huge amount of money for destroying the society you hate.
I expect the majority of these types have actually given very little thought as to what will replace it but their default position is race baiting and looking for discrimination where there is none.
One thing is for sure – in the short to medium term the peacemakers do not inherit the earth, it seems that generally we have to fight for it.
I was listening or half-listening to TOADY from 6am today. I think the Running Order was the substantial decline in TV watching among the young, followed next, or later on, by the item about the resurrection of Batwoman as a lesbian for a new TV programme. Not sure whether it is a cartoon or costume drama.
I frequently post the mantra “You cannot buck the market.” on here and elsewhere.
I wonder whether the Left-Libby-Alty-Lefties in the MSM and entertainment industry will realise, before it is too late, that not everyone around the world shares their overwhelming obsessions.
You cannot buck the market.
It’s the bbc; they’ll buck anything that moves if it is girl on girl.
Surprised you missed the odd piece about transplants for “ethnic minorities” on TOADY.
The Font of Truth spends a lot of its time stating that race does not exist as a scientific concept. This suits the “it’s all skin deep” line it often takes. However, the reality seems to be that blacks with kidney failure, say, can only find close matches amongst their own “ethnicity”. As we are all supposed to be descendents of blue-eyed black Cheddar Man, this is a bit surprising.
The real world operates on concepts like sex and race while the “overwhelming obsessions” are based on “social constructs” like gender and ethnicity.
Decline in TV (and BBC radio) watching/listening by the young … yes obviously BBC! But also BBC alienating their core base of over 40’s … so who have they got left? Are these people thick or what??
They have our money regardless of listeners/viewers….as long as we keep paying their pensions will be topped up….
One overriding principle, it appears, is to think that whatever the idea is, it is ‘New’. The majority are shortsighted (or perhaps dim) enough not to recognise that their ‘wonderful new idea’, in one form or another, has not been tried or even worked through and in many instances, discarded before.
I heard a lovely expression many years ago which has never left me. It was made by a frustrated young man who asserted, “Age is the enemy of innovation”. Proponents of that philosophy led to the (what we used to call in the late 60’s/70’s) “Flowerpot Management” – think up a plan, do not discuss it with anyone else, and implement it. And watch it fail for predictable reasons at your leisure. There really is very little, ‘New Territory’.
Douglas Murray summed up the “progressive” mindview rather well recently:
“We may be in the midst of discovering that the only thing worse than religion is its absence. I mean, every day there’s a new dogma. They’re stampeding to create new religions all the time at the moment, [with] every new heresy that’s invented.
“A new religion is being created as we speak by a new generation of people who think they are non-ideological, who think they’re very rational, who think they’re past myth, who think they’re past story, who think they’re better than their ancestors and who have never bothered to even study their ancestors.”
—”I would say a good proportion of this programmes output is dedicated to saving the world through black disabled lesbian dance workshops. I am convinced that the peddlers of this rubbish really do think they are making great changes in the world by peddling this virtue signalling tripe.”
Oaknash, many years ago I had a minor courtship with a cisgender binary white human female (aka chick in old money) who was a reporter at the World Service. It really was like this. She once told me she felt uncomfortable when she had to work out in the provinces because there were so few ethnic people and couldn’t wait to get back to London. I don’t think she was impressed with my lack of constant socio-political outrage. It was hard to keep up.
I think I saw the light when the BBC allowed John Craven to produce or edit Countryfile for his 70th birthday or whatever the occasion was. All the rest of the production team appeared to be twenty somethings without a wellie between them. Since then I have taken more notice of the names etc of producers on Radio 4 when they are named, Rarely is there the name of a male with a traditional British name, more likely Asian ladies and the programmes presumably represent their interests.. Soon there will be no white males left at the BBC except for Gary Linnekar, Graham Norton and Chris Evans.
Deb, this has been the case for the last decade or so with numerous programmes on all channels , when the 2nd/3rd generation of BAME’s have flooded the workplace after leaving college/yuni. Notice the credit listings on any show these days compared to those made up to the 1990’s and you’ll see what I mean. The numbers are staggering in the tv industry – filled posts that have been denied to non-migrant applicants.
have you ever seen an “asian” who is interested in gardening, let alone farming
Well Gardener’s World are beginning to fold in this direction … they already have a black female presenter who I have yet to determine whether she has any horticultural background. Personally she seems a nice woman .. I have nothing against her as long as she has the knowledge that gardening presenters *should have* and not just be an autocue reader cos she is BAME. Presently I’m not sure about that .. she’s not telling me anything I didn’t know about gardening .. I tend to fast forward over her at the moment.
I have to confess to a bit of a crush on James Wong, who tries rationality on Twitter and cheers up the Gruniad and GQT.
According to the National Statistics office in 2016 Mohammed was the eight most popular boys name in the UK. However if you consider the various other transcriptions of the name from Arabic, it must be much further up the list than eighth. So it is not surprising that a plethora of foreign names confront you everywhere.
It also casts a light on how marginalised and irrelevant the indigenous population and culture has become. Anglification of names by immigrants used to be a common practice to show identification with the host culture. “Battenberg” became “Mountbatten”. Even Captain Bob changed his name to “Maxwell”
Graham Norton white male? Ethnic minority fluid.
Yes, indeed, the BBC ‘World Service’ has become a shameful parody, and their hubris in calling it “The World’s Radio Station” is outrageous. I fondly remember when the World Service was a by-word for intelligent, adult programming, factual, and with no concession to snowflakes and socialist-Orwellian narratives (any snowflakes that existed n those happy days of long-ago were rightly unacknowledged). Ah, those happy days when listened to the wonderful, dulcet, cultured tones of Patricia Hughes reading the news!
And Lillibulero, alas!
“I have the habit of listening to the World Service through the night for comfort/company but its decline is terrible. The elixir of ‘diversity’ seems to mean ‘dumbing down’.”
Take heart: that’s a symptom of having to adjust to the pace of the slowest with surely more to come.
I agree completely. I was such a *massive* R4 addict that as soon as I got into my holiday cottage I would switch on my portable radio to R4 and I felt “safe” again. I never ever listen to R4 anymore. I turn it on occasionally when I go to bed and hope there is something normal on there .. but it never happens. I really really feel betrayed that these lefty PC idiots have destroyed a fantastic radio frequency. Same as World Service .. occasionally through the night I would listen to World Service and it was good. Don’t now! Does anybody know how to pin the BBC down to .. just how many listeners they have on R4 and the World Service compared to say years ago? Oldcrone bereft!
Just heard some great music on Radio 3 OC.
Some Australian guitarist playing Bach and some Paraguayan classical music, some wonderful Romanian on a German record label playing folk classics from the Danube in his home country on a piano.
Beautiful, true “world music”.
Western values unspoken, but -as Trump says-we`d be idiots to thrown this away for rai music, rap crap and Coldplay bland mush.
AND-their news headlines are BBC bollocks, but with no clips or analysis. So ignore them get the washing in and then back to the best world music from Brexitland. True trade and human creative talent in our own capital.
Can`t we just put Ken Bruce and an hour of Steve Wright on Radio 3, and flog off all the rest of their noise?
And-of course-a day devoted to the life times and music of Cliff Richard.
Daily Mirror online:
“”Shock poll reveals Brits would rather have a No Deal Brexit than back Theresa May’s plan””
“”A shocking poll by the Daily Mirror shows voters have no confidence in May’s soft Brexit plan – so much so they’d rather quit with no deal at all””
Shocking! 🙂
To a shrinking few, maybe.
They scored a huge own goal with Tommy Robinson; these wily old judges were unaware of the Streisand effect which makes any attempt to hide something have the complete opposite effect in the internet age. Everyone will know the heinous crimes he was reporting on and see that despite legal terms such as ‘contempt of court’ to the layman this is a literal case of shooting the messenger. Everyone would consider child rape to be a somewhat worse offence.
Lots of mainstream outlets have covered it, ensuring us it is not as it seems. That they even discuss it to dismiss shows that there is something to it: you confer a dignity on a claim by merely responding to it.
They play such a dangerous game by criminalising ‘hate speech.’ It is like applying a plaster to a gaping wound. It’s fine for feckless leaders who want all the joys of power without the nuisance of responsibilities, who just kick the can down the road and leave their successors to clear up the mess. An accusation of ‘racism’ could spoil your image for the lucrative after dinner speaking circuit etc lined up for when you leave office; so they pretend everything is fine and a few thousand raped children is fine as long as they are ok. Ignoring or covering the wound does not heal it and without treatment it will get worse.
Well said.
“Everyone would consider child rape to be a somewhat worse offence”.
Indeed, the COVERING UP of child rape is also a worse offence.
Tommy Robinson is a political prisoner for the crime of revealing that the rapes of tens of thousands of young Infidel girls by Mohammedans was occurring for decades with the knowledge of politicians, police, social services and the MSM.
No incidence in history anywhere anytime of such a diabolical crime against children visited on them by their own kith and kin.
No wonder everything is being done to suppress this war crime, or else they all hang. Please God, keep Tommy Robinson safe.
Am fresh here from Anna Soubry’s anti-Gina Miller uninterrupted rant about Brexit on the TOADY Programme. (BBC R4 6am-9am)
Anti-Gina Miller? Yes M/s Soubry does not like Parliamentary democracy and very much does not like Referendum democracy. She thinks Jacob Rees-Mogg has hi-jacked the Government and is now PM in the shadows. She does not think 17.4 million people is a democratic mandate for a total Brexit despite her then Party, Parliamentary and Prime Ministerial superior at the time, David Cameron. David Cameron likes democracy unlike Anna Soubry and said a peoples’ vote to Leave would mean the UK leaving the EU, totally out of the EU.
She thinks Jacob Rees-Mogg had it in for John Major way back in the heady Parliamentary days of 1992 except JR-M was not in Parliament then. He was barely out of school, having graduated from University only in 1991.
Of course, John Major didn’t like Parliamentary democracy too much when it bit him and certainly didn’t like Referendum democracy because he refused to give the nation the opportunity to accept or reject an important EU (as it is now known) Treaty. He, instead, imposed it on us.
Of course, Mishal left Anna to rant on, just asking a helpful question from time to time. Mishal has a good let out here: she is even younger than the Mogginator and would not have been paying quite so much attention to politics as Anna the Anti-Democrat a.k.a. Anna the Forgetful.
AS is just an ex local news (Midlands) reader.
Pretty sure her PR people would have been utterly surprised if the BBC people they sent this ‘story’ to did not go large with both barrels.
Poor old John ‘Touch My Wood’ Barrowman; ahead of his time on air.
‘Baby with headset. Shock. Horror’
Could’nt happen to a LGBT though.
The words ‘discreet’ – ‘dignity’ – and ‘decorum’ are no longer part of our vocabulary sadly. I don’t know where this lady is from, but this is not something that would be seen in Japan – there, feeding Mums in public wear a light cover-up over baby, as it should be. We have such a degenerated ‘its my right’ attitude now in the UK who wonders where it will end. We already see babies with pierced ears (child abuse), how long before we see the first tattooed infant – sounds horrific doesn’t it, but nothing would surprise me with this latest generation of parents.
Read this somewhere, unable to vouch for its authenticity.
Four well off couples meet about every six weeks for dinner.
One dining occasion a new mum brings the latest arrival in a pushchair, and decides it needs breast feeding.
This mum is one of the “look at me” “it’s only natural” types who not only needs to breast feed at the table but ensures everybody in the restaurant and kitchen knows about it. One of the other female diners, heavily pregnant, is not too impressed.
Six months later there are two pushchairs by the table. Mum #1 does her breast feeding on Google act again. Baby fed. Mum #2 pushes most of the table cloth complete with crockery towards Mum #1 saying “I hope nobody minds if change my baby’s nappy, it’s only natural”. Mum #1 responds “Point taken.”. No more breast feeding at the dining table.
BBC’s VD show in the morning is generally about women moaning about something, or NHS propaganda.
Today I got a bit more with my cereals. “Period poverty” – a whole program about periods, and the government has to do something about it. As women are a voting majority, I suppose something will be done.
As Laurence Auster argued – womens franchise has led to ever increasing state handouts, leading to the breakdown of the family , mass immigration, and terrorism, and finally the death of a nation. France and Sweden are near to extinction. We are not far behind. Quite naturally the poor, unskilled and unemployable from around the globe, could see that they too could get all the goodies as Human Rights guaranteed it.
“Going large with both barrels” you say GW?
Oo er snarf, snarf, phwoar and the like….British smut at his sauciest?
Probably best to sue the BBC for my flat baps, with drips of vinegar where full fat used to flow-I`m vulnerable and hurting now!
Not you GW though, the BBC have made us all into being a bit odd and grasping.
Try doing that down Manningham Lane in Bradford.
And yet what do the BBC do when Sadiq Khan bans images of women dressed in bikinis on trains??? Hypocrisy and double standards much???
And yet what do the BBC do when Sadiq Khan bans images of women dressed in bikinis on trains??? Hypocrisy and double standards much???
And yet what do the BBC do when Sadiq Khan bans images of women dressed in bikinis on trains??? Hypocrisy and double standards much???
And yet what do the BBC do when Sadiq Khan bans images of women dressed in bikinis on trains??? Hypocrisy and double standards much???
And yet what do the BBC do when Sadiq Khan bans images of women dressed in bikinis on trains??? Hypocrisy and double standards much???
Funny that. A few weeks ago in a store in Birmingham, by the shoes section a Muslim woman was breastfeeding. No attempt to cover up: breast on full display but headscarf in place. Amazing that the hair was obviously considered more important to cover than the breast.
Snuffy is really dim at times.
Our Mishal has just been interrogating a Doc about leaving the EU. (Sorry, name passed me by – I was busy reading & researching and was not in a good multi-tasking mode) Yes. Before you ask, the tone was anti-Brexit. Mishal was encouraging the good Doctor to state how important it was for the UK to remain in the European Drug Agency and other bits of the EU were bolted on to that. Yes, you guessed! More anti-Brexit propaganda.
Caught a word or three and it set me off researching cannabidoil. Was the use of it legal in the rest of the EU?
The answer is: yes. Aaah! So that’s what it was all about.
Do you remember the tremendous fuss a few weeks ago about the poor lad who is totally afflicted by epilepsy and is subject to constant fits? Cannabidoil has, in his case, appeared to substantially prevent fitting but its use is currently illegal in the UK.
Then, just over a week ago, a new news item on BBC R4 (maybe TV, too?) was about a girl similarly afflicted and responding favourably to treatment with cannabidoil.
Our Mishal mentioned the legalisation of cannbidoil for medical treatment in her item with the Doctor contributor and was hinting that it was taking a dreadfully long time to change regulation. (UK bad, EU good?) So was the massive coverage recently accorded the subject on R4 not only about the dire health situation of some children but also about trying to present the EU in a better light and maybe even keep the UK closely hitched to the EU?
I wonder ……..
The next time the mothers of these sick children are on BBC R4, will the presenter ask them whether they are Remain voters or even Remain campaigners?
I wonder ……..
(Footnote: In case anyone wonders, I think I would be in favour of legalising cannabidoil for medical use & under medical supervision. I cannot understand why the Civil Service and MPs have dragged their feet on this. Oh! Hang on, I wonder some more there ……. )
They will be asked by the BBC if they voted Remain before being allowed to speak on air.
Don’t want any confusion, you see. For the common good, of course.
I heard they are setting up concentration camps for Brexit voters for being so stupid. Alistair Campbell will be a virtual prison guard, his image beamed via wide screen into every camp.
“Wake up you low information scumbags! Today you must copy our every line of the Maastricht Treaty!”
Misbehaving felons get sent to room 101 which is a vast area dominated by an ivory tower from which BBC employees yell down their noses at them.
“You dirty little Englanders!”
““You dirty little – WHITE – Englanders!”
Unfortunately the truth will be worse.
The EU is fast tracking its EU defense force project.
The justification being that a) NATO, especially with Trump as CIC, is no longer fit for purpose and B) That Putin is Satan.
The real reason the EU defense force is required is so the Eurocrat leaders can repress the emerging popular parties. Before 2035 there will be occupying EU forces in what, for centuries, were sovereign states. Complete with camps for popular leaders. .
I do not follow most events in the EU so I have no idea how the regionalisation project is faring. I expect this regionalisation to go full speed ahead. Divide and conquer
I am similarly ill-informed about education in the EU. I expect that the history lessons will differ from the history I learned. 100% lying propaganda.
“Ever closer Union” and “Whatever it takes” have taken over from “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help” as the most terrifying words in the English language”.
LCS – “The EU is fast tracking its EU defense force project.”
What these remainers must realise is that their children will, in all probability, be conscripted into this EU army. They could then be employed to crush any discontent amongst the Euro-Volk (possibly themselves). Do they really want to remain in this organisation and risk all this, or have they not thought it through?
I was saying this when HRH Nick Clegg was claiming an EU army was a fantasy, they just don’t get it. Mummy and Daddy’s money won’t stop someone being conscripted. There are times I wish it was all a dream and we’re staying in so when it all comes to pass I can sit with a cocktail and laugh. Then I think of all the innocent lad and lasses that would be called up and think noooo fight on we’re getting out.
Speaking of Maxwells gimp mask, Sir Alastair.
Someone says it`s the day of the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. It is ALSO the date when Campbell, Hoon and Falconer etc ended up with a dead David Kelly, in an Oxfordshire field in 2003.
Kopechne? Kelly?
Maybe I`ll go easy walking my dog tonight.
“Be careful out there tonight, friends”
I’ve just read a book on Dr David Kelly’s demise. Very illuminating! Not sensational just by the book coroner investigations (not). Read it .. it is very worrying how the *State* control things.
in the domain of EU competence?
If you want a chuckle first thing in the morning, take a look at the Globalist’s article: ‘Trump, the Masterful Soviet Sleeper Agent’ –
These people are pretty pissed off with the slow agonising destruction of Globalism.
What I would like explained by the MSM, including the BBC, is: ‘Is Vladimir Putin a Communist?’ and ‘Is a Putin led Russia a Communist country?’.
If the answer to those are No, then what is Putin’s politics and what is Russia’s present positioning on the LeftRight political spectrum?
I think we should be told.
Putin is I think to the “Far Right” of Labour, BBC and the Democrats. No wonder they hate him.
Absolute shit-stirring on Toady this morning.
First, a headline interview with Anna Soubry. Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein on top form i.e giving the usual easy ride to those sharing their Guardianista views. Soubry is actually sounding quite deranged, At one point wondered whether I should ring social services.
Then we get the usual anti car rubbish from some ecowarrior. Then its over to Remoaner max, this time wheeling out a doctor about Euromedicines.
They are just so transparent. Seeking out anyone with any grievance, no matter how small and immaterial. Pathetic so-called journalism.
She seemed permanently pissed the day after the referendum too.
Obviously, able to get the top shelf of her local Morrisons with little fuss.
Seems like an inebriated Sybil Fawlty, but without her nous and decency.
An EU Reichsfuhrer for Dropzone East Midlands if we` don`t burn her off our skin.
Did you hear the one about the bloke in prison who claimed to be a woman so that he could get moved to a women’s prison and then sexually assaulted four women!
He’s got balls!
Can’t find it on beeb webshite. They don’t like it when their beloved trannies go bad, do they?
He self identified as a lesbian woman presumably.
Well that was an experience! I don’t think I have been through a three hours like TOADY today. It was beginning to end anti-Brexit. I feel like I’ve been beaten up by a gang of football hooligans that included Greg Dyke giving me ‘verbals’ as well as a kicking. [Greg Dyke, rich man talking about a rich sport awash with excessively wealthy players & teams, complaining about a lack of money at ‘the grass roots’. He’s a cure for insomnia if ever anyone needs one.]
I think we might be winning.* Keep the faith!
God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. We are leaving EUgypt.
(* With due acknowledgement to those on here who voted Remain but are just against the Biases of the Beeb.)
President Trump is hated by the powers that be because he’s not too bothered about the survivorbility of the institutions that have been in governance of the world , and he’s right to feel that way .
Nearly all have been corrupted by PC and indolence .
Let’s take the police service as an example . This use to be the police force that didn’t need slogans on its cars and stationary , it did its job and it did it well .
The stations were in the middle of the towns and seemed accessible to the general public , now they’re out of town and surrounded by fences barbed wire and cameras , which there should be no need for . Criminals didn’t go near a police station before , afraid of the old bill and fearing a bobby would recognise them . The policemen then would park as near to the station , possibly on a bombsite next to it . No fences , wire or surveillance needed . What idiot would try to mess with a policemans car near the cop shop ?
Now because criminals aren’t put behind bars ( excepting extreme cases or ” right wingers ” ) the bars are put round the buildings and land . The criminals are kept out , not kept in . We all suffer , the ugliness of walls and surveillance seen in our schools , hospitals , places of work etc instead of the prisons .
So I say Go Trump , Shake the World Up .
Nibor, saw this the other day.
Watch from 3:40; the reaction of the officer after his rear window is smashed and a flare thrown in to the car. (Can’t vouch for the veracity though… it doesn’t look like migrants as the video suggests, but maybe Antifa?)
Sorry snowflakes…but the Police must now use live ammunition on these scum…stop pussyfooting….kill them.
Has this been reported on the BBC?
Apparently Jeremy Corbyn has been accused of being anti Semitic and waycist by members of his own party. Well who’d a thunk!
Let’s hope for two things today if nothing else.
Beeb website telling us about the threat to mainstream TV calling it the Netflix effect. Ofcom’s chief exec. Sharon White suggesting collaboration between the five terrestrial broadcasters would be a fine idea. News for you Sharon, politicly they are collaborating on a regular basis.
I am not familiar with Ofcom.
I am familiar with the Electoral Commission, a branch of the Labour party dedicated to the destruction of the UK.
Is Ofcom similar?
Sort of, Ofcom is a branch of the BBC set up to oversee the BBC dedicated to the destruction of the UK.
Office of Communications Regulator, LCS, now responsible for oversight of the BBC, rather than the BBC Trust. The latter was demoted down a notch in autumn 2016, I think.
You didn’t hear the music stop then?
OFCOM, OFWAT, OFGEM and all the rest: musical chairs – members leave one and pop up in another one. The only difference between the constant churning of staff is that there is no one to whip a chair out of the ring. Problem is, Government keeps putting a chair in when the music momentarily stops………..
Thanks all.
You are just too good.
“Cohen is normally fairly rational”
This must be the other Nick Cohen, the NC who writes regularly in the Guardian is unhinged, as is his colleague Freedland, Tay-Sachs condition I think.
pug, “Sorry what? You’ve got to be kidding!!! The BBC savaged Leave for the £350m on the bus and continues to do so …”
Exactly! Mark Mardell even went so far as to call the Leave Campaign liars on air.
While the BBC have done this on air on R4 for the last year or so, on their web-site they actually checked the £350m per week figure and found it to be broadly correct. More strictly, it was an £11m per week understatement.
That fact has disappeared down the BBC’s famous ‘Memory Hole’.
Has the BBC been reporting this, the Cabinet Office Europe Unit, apparently staffed by Oliver Robbins and enough senior civil servants to run a dozen major decade-long defence projects. (I have been cutting down on ‘My BBC’ so I might have missed it).
If this is true then it is a major political scandal. The Cabinet Office has historically co-ordinated cross-government activities, so for instance when we ‘went metric’ it could make sure that all departments were working together on the issue. But in the case of ‘Brexit’ a whole department was set up and so it would normally have taken on the co-ordination task too.
What we have here appears to be a parallel ministry, inside the PM’s exclusive domain (but who is the boss here?), producing its own policies and briefing and leaking against the ‘constitutional’ department.
Mrs. May has clearly lied from the start. Her Cabinet Office has been operating a Department of Remain and poor David Davis has just been a human shield. All this goes completely against all concepts of democratic government as instituted in the UK – this woman should be summoned before parliament and flung from office.
Where is ‘our BBC’ ‘holding power to account’ now then?
a rather excellent article on conservativewoman
Very interesting discussion with JRM here
He is certainly the one to watch.
“Miss Universe GB: First black winner…”
Beeb all cock-a-hoop a black woman wins MUGB.
But hang on, I thought the whole pageant was a disgusting sexist dinosaur, what’s to celebrate? Oh, I see.
Worth reminding ourselves of Bill Maher’s funny sketch, or as the BBC would put it, a good idea …
Well done Sir Cliff !!!
Over to you Al Beeb ……….
😀 !
Yay , they’re on the case !
This will cost you telly tax payers .
What have Princess Grace of Monaco and the BBC in common ?
……… they’ve both been f**ked by Cliffs.
May I be the first to use “ congratulations” which I guess will be on the front of TheSun on Thursday
He’s probably going on a well deserved “Summer Holiday” now.
Bet he visits this site.
“Over to you Al Beeb ……….”. What the Worlds Most Trusted?
Labour should be ashamed.
Instead of any constructive debate about Brexit they automatically oppose everything hoping to cause a general election.
Their 6 tests, if accepted by the eu, would mean we were in the eu, no difference apart from us having no say in anything and still having to pay through the nose.
Of course, these 6 tests are impossible but the MSM appear to think they are reasonable.
Just like their ‘costed’ manifesto which must have been costed by Abbott as it is plain gibberish
Plenty of ammunition for May, when asked on future question times about anything brexit to remind Corbyn they voted against everything.
Apart from a few decent ones our politicians are a disgraceful rabble. They have their instructions to leave the eu but are spending all their time and energy working against us, the democratic majority.
I reckon we bbbc commenters could run the country far better than this bunch of shysters.
Good of John woodcock to have gone before PMQ s . Methinks Corbyn will have to go really aggressive ( all ways good for popcorn ) to cloud over his troubles.
Corbyn has so many skeletons in his cupboards, they are creaking….those bones will burst out soon….like the cupboard full of mugs in the bonkers comedy ‘House of Fools’….but the BBC will be there with a skip to clear up the mess double quick…
shysters , I like it ,very apt
Al beeb fined just under 1500 licence fees for breaching the privacy of Sir Cliff Richards . Apparently they’ll be paying millions in legal fees so if you pay their TV licence tax you know where your money is going .
I may be in contempt for reporting a legal ruling
Lets see if BBC downplay the cost i.e. millions. Already reporting just the ruling amount not the costs , staggering amount of waffle
This highlights the arrogance and profligacy of tax-payer funded organisations..it’s public money…it’s free…indulge…the money tree just keeps giving….rip your license up…i did 12 years ago..and still the Nazi BBC hound me….to hell with them….well done Sir Cliff…
I noticed the non-apology as well by some spokesthing outside the court. We were right to do it the judge is wrong to gag the freedom of the press – well that was what I heard – “we got it about right”
And it’s much more than 1500 when you factor in legal fees.
Racist…. a word to hide 1400(estimate) child rapes over 16 years.
Islamophobe …. a word to stop you getting angry when 22 are murdered at a concert.
Hate Crime .. words to stop you hating the government and leaders.
Brexit …. a word to describe racists and Islamophobe and people who like to hate things that are stupid.
Tommy Robinson … a person who ignores the above.
Tommy Robinson’s appeal. I find it significant that the Times ran a story from Melanie Phillips supporting Tommy’s sentence on the grounds that he broke British law. She is also on Facebook explaining that she has a record of criticising Islamisation and is not an Islamic stooge.
OK. I can respect her views. But it is significant that this person is producing legal arguments concerning Robinson the day of his appeal. Will it influence the judge?
Horrendous error from Melanie. Her husband and son seem to be fully yoked to the BBC-one in Russia, the other being the BBCs Legal Affairs chappie.
But she of all people ought to know what Islam is doing and what the BBC/SJW types are doing.
They don`t like paedophile analysis of Muslims, any more than they like Jews Melanie-we`re in this together. Where Tommy goes, we`ll be ending up if we don`t help each other out Ms Phillips.
Isn’t what M. Phillips did effectively the same as standing outside the court broadcasting?
Melanie Phillips is married to Joshua Rosenberg who presents BBC Radio 4’s legal programme Law in Action. Some time back I was listening to this and heard Lord Levison prognosticating on the Tommy Robinson case – apparently it was absolutely watertight and there were no grounds for appeal. Imagine my surprise shortly thereafter when I heard that the same Levison was to be the judge in the TR appeal. Impartial not! Some time later and after suggestions this would not wash had been heard – new panel of judges announced headed by the Lord Chief Justice. Usually have great respect for Melanie Phillips views but useful to be reminded (cynically) that we all have a price – and hubby’s job might be an influence….
2018 BGT (Britain’s Got Talent) – Gives a man with no voice international audience and voice to the UK.
2018 BGT (Britain Gags Tommy) – Removes the voice of a man who tried to give a voice to children being raped in the UK.
The C4 documentary on Facebook mentioned that Tommy Robinson has over 800 000 followers and is not blocked but is treated as media status . Gurumurphy wants it taken down because he doesn’t like it . Great when non indigenous uk passport holders can call the shots.,
I have used Facebook and doubt if I ever will
Not used Facebook – typo
Get this….Zuckerberg has recruited the Nazi Soros to help eliminate all ‘conservative’ content on FB…i have had six 30 day bans to date…mostly criticising Khan and Islam..no swearing, just the facts…they can’t take it. 900 police now monitor social media for hate speech…900….Islam only has to stamp it’s foot and rant…and the Govt panics and caves in to them…while we, get censored…and jailed…no-one, no religion, should be above ridicule, criticism, or blame….but ISLAM is…what cowards we have in Govt and the media…cowards.
Grim Reaper
‘what cowards we have in Govt and the media’
A sentence of complete truth.
The questions we should all ask though are
– Who controls them? Who do they answer to? Where is the power?
Some say Bilderberg. I don’t know.
The minute these questions are tested- debate stops and is shut down as conspiracy theories.
Update……now on my 7th ban for 30 days…again for telling the truth about Islam…no swearing, just clear, devastating evidence of the utter evil of this facist ‘religion’…they don’t like it….to hell with them…i’d better leave FB for good or i’ll end up like Tommy..that is how low and cowardly our country has become…afraid of upsetting a bunch of murderous C7th minded sub-humans.
Grim Reaper,
What we are witnessing is in effect Sharia Blasphemy law being applied. They have gone over to the worship of the new god (Allah).
Whether they admit to it or not. Whether they know it or not, by forbidding any resistance to Islam they are honouring that god.
Devout Muslims are celebrating victory as their god is becoming the dominant one.
Al Beeb writhing on the Cliff Richard decision. Will the creeps put Richard through further hell by appealing ? Why not, they have no shame, and its only the taxpayers who pay the price.. The VD show getting some very “helpful” feedback.
BBC are not mentioning the costs that they are now liable for. It will be millions – not getting mentioned at all !! The damages are paltry in comparison, we are being misled
If John woodcock crosses the floor during PMQ al beeb will melt down -.if TR is freed on appeal what a day this could be…popcorn time – good to be working from home …
Bet al beeb won’t appeal it if the whole judgement is as tough as I guess.,
Fedup-oops, just managed to hit the “report comment” in error – kindly ignore. Agree this is a day to celebrate, but sadly Al Beeb’s Ms Unsworth is unrepentant (a charming lady) and they are already assuming the garb of the offended party, defenders of the journalistic faith etc etc.
I think this one slipped out rather quietly: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/constitution-unit/research/electionsandreferendums/ICR_Final_Report.pdf
Don’t go too far in to spot the flaws.
Page 10, “The conduct of referendums” –
“Referendums should be conducted in line with
two overarching objectives:
■ The alternatives should compete on a level playing field.
■ Voters should be able to find the information they want from sources they trust. ”
[£9 million booklets versus? or, BBC?]
“More should be done to enable the work of broadcasters, universities, fact- checkers and other independent organisations in facilitating access to balanced information”
Yeah right!
You can see that the lovely faces seen at the beginning of the Report have no grasp of reality.
Universities, independent?
The only reason we now have 50% of schoolchildren attending university is so that the Marxist sociology professors can have three more years indoctrinating our youth away from the influence of their parents.
BBC Bad day at the £3.5bn office on 18jul2018 … will Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker still be top of the gender pay gap by the end of the day?
1) BBC are not going to report on Tommy so will show they are not interested in free speech or highlighting the rape of children across the UK (a bit like Savile)
2) Cliff wins court case against the BBC and because it is high profile they have to report it.
3) Netflix means no one is buying the BBC’s pompous biased news and propaganda anymore.
4) The savour of the environment Elon Musk turns out to be an idiot.
‘Netflix effect’ poses challenge to British TV (British TV Tax that is forced out of people’s pockets)
Cliff Richard: Singer wins BBC coverage case at High Court
Sky goes with a question…
…answers could be going better.
Everyone’s going to NetFlix …. oh,wait … who is going to flood NetFlix with their views …. the FOREVER PRESIDENT ….
The deal will give Mr. Obama an international television platform during his post-presidency, allowing him to reach millions of people in the United States and internationally.
Does that May 21 story explain why Netflix subscriptions didn’t rise as high as expected ?
(as per Mondays announcement)
I don’t think Netflix have quite thought this one through…
Just as I was thinking about exploring the benefits of Netflix, you go and spoil it for me!
Well I’m glad I don’t do Netflix. Can’t stand Obama,
Guardian : Sir Cliff is awarded £190,000 damages.
He is also awarded a further £20,000 damages for the BBC’s decision to nominate the story for the Royal Television Society’s ‘Scoop of the Year’ award.
The judge is very, very critical of the BBC.
\\ I have rejected both parties’ extreme cases but nonetheless decided that the BBC was much more responsible than SYP, and have determined that the damages for which both parties are responsible (which does not include the aggravated damages) ought to be borne 35%/65% //
Cliff was asking for £600K, who pays the court costs ? .. (Cliff didn’t restrict his spending so won’t get anything like his full costs .. Richard has said he spent £3.4m bringing the privacy case,
The singer had already settled out of court with South Yorkshire police for £400,000 before the start of the trial.)
.. Which BBC heads roll ?
..Where’s the BBC apology ? And announcement the costs will come out of the management pension fund.
I think they said Cliff can sue for loss of earnings as well
\\ that £210K is not that much, not even half a Lineker //
\\ Senior BBC news managers Fran Unsworth and Jonathan Munro, who were both involved in the decision to broadcast the footage in 2014, looked on as they listened to the judge criticise the corporation’s decision //

Breaking ? BBC’s Director of News, Fran Unsworth, says it is ‘looking at’ appealing the judgment after Sir Cliff Richard wins High Court case against the corporation
Cliff’s lawyer spoke
\\ He said his client had offered to settle earlier with the BBC for “reasonable” damages and an apology. but the BBC had been “defiant”. //
I expect they will appeal, after all, it’s not their money they are using, its licence payers money they are so generous and cavalier with.
The term ‘schadenfreude’ was invented for this very moment. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed listening to the beeb getting a good kicking on R5.
The Germans have a word for that
Cries of freedom of the press from BBC etc, maybe an appeal = more cost. Last time I will mention the MILLIONS in costs they (we) now have to pay because of their arrogance, but everyone pls lookout for this, it is being deliberately covered up
Covered up? By the trusted and transparent National Disgrace?
Nice! Need an FOI for the final costs though. “millions” is what a lawyer estimated live on the BBC and it hasn’t been mentioned since. That will be all BBC court costs and the bulk of Cliffs costs, then there’s the appeal.
Second Labour MP quits the party in a week
\\ John Woodcock has quit as a Labour MP and will now sit as an independent in the House of Commons.
The Barrow and Furness MP, a long-time critic of Jeremy Corbyn, was suspended in April over claims he sent inappropriate messages to a former female member of staff… He has denied the claim
In his resignation letter, he said
the party had been “taken over by the hard left” and “tolerated” anti-Semitism. //
His majority is only 209
From CNN
All 12 defendants are members of the GRU, a Russian federation intelligence agency within the main intelligence directorate of the Russian military, who were acting in “their official capacities.”
Uhh? I was under the impression that was their job.
Then Russia should indict hundreds of CIA, GCHQ and others such, for similar “crimes” against Russia, taking place at GCHQ, Langley and other places. But they wont, for they will use that info to feed those revealed with disinformation.
This has nothing to do with spying but all about embarrassing Pres Trump prior to an important meeting.
Mueller should be charged with revealing important security information to Russia. But first he must be fired. And I think that is what Mueller is hoping will happen.
He cant get anything against Donald Trump. But if he can get Pres Trump to fire him for revealing state secrets, this can give the Democrats enough reason to try and impeach Pres Trump for obstruction etc.
This is how politicians devalue WORDS and devalue the LIVES of citizens.
“Today my thoughts are with those in Manchester who were lost on that terrible night and their loved ones who have so bravely battled to rebuild their lives. All of you – and many more in this great city – are the very best of what this country stands for. ”
“who were lost” – Theresa May’s wording for the Murder of 22 by an Islamic Terrorist in Manchester.
UK citizens pay a corporation, under threat of prison, £3.5bn a year … and do they report on Tommy Robinson? No!
. . .
I understand you are unhappy with the level of coverage given to the arrest, imprisonment and relocation of Tommy Robinson.
With regards to his imprisonment, the BBC reports every story depending on its editorial merit. Where reporting restrictions are in place, we follow them to ensure a fair trial and to avoid being in contempt of court.
In this case the BBC reported the arrest and sentencing of Tommy Robinson once those reporting restrictions were lifted. The Judge had imposed the restrictions in order to safeguard an ongoing trial.
The story was featured on TV, radio and online:
We appreciate you feel we have overlooked his recent relocation, and we know that not everyone will agree with our choices on which stories to cover, or the order in which they appear. Our news editors make these complex decisions, based on the editorial merit of all the stories at hand. We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision – various factors are at play and there’s often debate in the newsroom too.
A range of factors affect how we put together our news bulletins. Is it breaking news, or a dated story? Does it follow on from a recent event, or change our understanding of things? Is it unusual, or attracting national interest? We consider these things and also put great importance on verifying events and building up a clear picture – before reporting in a reliable and trustworthy way.
Finally, Editorial decisions are more of a judgement call, than an exact science – so you’ll even find variety from one BBC programme to the next.
We appreciate the feedback that our audience give us when it’s felt a story has been overlooked – it too can inform our ongoing work. Suggestions for other stories to consider can be made here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/h…
Nevertheless, your comments have been added to our audience feedback report, which is compiled daily and circulated among BBC senior management and it will also be seen by our News editing team. This report is one of the most widely read reports within the BBC, and helps inform future decisions.
Thanks again for getting in touch.
Kind regards
Ciara O’Gorman
BBC Complaints Team
I can only guess that reporting restrictions have been placed on the TR appeal because there seems no mention anywhere . I’d say it’s a bit more important than upsetting sir Cliff .
Otherwise, collusion between broadcasters/MSM? If the case, should we not be good citizens and report the anti-competitive behaviour? – https://www.gov.uk/cartels-price-fixing
Bit spooky that they obviously know a lot about it-you might actually begin to wonder whether they might not just be journalists after all.nah.
sorry more Cliff stuff:
So, at the bottom is –
“Analysis: ‘Dark day for news reporting’
By BBC legal correspondent Clive Coleman
The judge found that it was not the helicopter pictures; nor what Sir Cliff had pleaded as the excessive nature of the coverage; but rather the simple naming of Sir Cliff as a suspect in the police investigation which was a breach of his privacy.”
Rubbish! All the excessive coverage and helicopter pictures identify Cliff so no it is not just about simply naming him, liars. Oh, if we had just not said his name we would have been fine, LOL. Pathetic and blatant downplay of what they did. The BBC disingenuous much? Keep your fucking cameras and politics out of peoples lives, twats.
Have you ever noticed that it is only the intelligence of brexiteers which is called into question ? The intellectual ability of remainers’ is never questioned .
Strange eh ( I mean look at that am dram fruit loop soubry).
This is “we got it about right” reworded
“And withdrawal!” – Theresa May
Wednesday 18 July 2018 Meeting started at 11.33am
omg that picture
“omg that picture”
A familiar sight to Barnier I would guess.
As an inflatable? Can’t see it being a big seller.
Gurning as usual, poor thing.
Had a koi carp that looked like that as it croaked.
And looked better in purple than poor Mrs May.
That choker round her neck tells me that the EU have her on a lead.
Why is Bercow talking … didn’t he leave as an HONOURABLE man would … given his WORD.
“I believe strongly that the post of Speaker should not be a job for life ….” – Bercow
Good to see Sir Cliff have his day in court and win against the reprehensible BBC. Of course, the Corporation is being typically mealy-mouthed and malign about the whole thing, describing the verdict against them as ‘a dark day for news reporting’. These people really are the scum of the earth.
NOW on R4 : Another London focussed PR prog
You and Yours Special: Are we ready for a low carbon future?
\\ The UK government says air pollution is the fourth biggest threat to public health after cancer, obesity and heart disease.
We speak to a father whose daughter was rushed to hospital with breathing problems – he blames poor air quality.
We’ll find out what the authorities are doing to try and reduce congestion.
Ministers have also committed to ending the sale of new diesel and petrol vehicles by 2040.
But will we really all be driving around in electric cars?
A survey commissioned by You and Yours from YouGov suggests many people in the UK still aren’t ready to make the switch.
We’ll report from California where they already have 340,000 electric cars on the road and that number’s growing.
Plus, an exclusive interview with JB Straubel – the Chief Technical Officer at Tesla – as they try to bring their new electric car onto the market.
How is production going? Is Elon Musk still sleeping on their factory floor?
(Why bother with Tesla ..they sell a few super super luxury cars ..they are not making a big improvement to cities’ air ?)
And we’ll investigate how new battery technology could revolutionise the energy market. //
There was a good one yesterday “what have you given up to become a carer?’ The beeboid had to be reminded that caring is not a negative thing ( always ) disclosure – i was one but the it was a sign of what al beeb really think of people who need caring – particularly the inconvenient old and demented .
Note the framing picture they use
as if saying “Low carbon in UK is all about London Taxis and buses”
I bet if you took all London buses/taxis off the road and everyone walked ..it would make a quite small difference to UK CO2
I imagine that if you planning an invasion of a group of countries from Riyadh and Ankra, you would take into account the benefits derived from the ability to move freely between the countries to be invaded. You would no doubt also take into account what could happen to the principal foot-soldiers if they were caught for any reason prematurely before the main action started………….
Finding Europe the way it is, you would indeed conclude that Allah smiled on your invasion plans.
Well we all know the REAL reason the BBC hate Cliff but of course that can’t be mentioned. Needless to say he doesn’t conform to there “agenda”.
Sorry BBC stuf too.
Have you read what that woman Unsworth said … she has no moral compass..The BBC staff really do think they represent the fair just and views of the UK..are they living in cloud cuckoo land?
It isn’t their money so it’s easy for them to stall and appeal…Somebody should lose their job..do you think they will? No F.. chance
Well done Sir Cliff
Not a whole lot of information here. It looks like it might be a subliminal message from BBC.
Half expected to half a drum roll and the South African Anthem as Martha Kearney breathlessly cooed over Mandalasons 100th birthday today.
That`s the normal BBC tribute whenever royalty gets a birthday isn`t it?
Only the BBC would salute this useless President of old, whose main lesson to me was that “prison works”-he never reoffended on leaving Pollsmoor did he?
Anyway-Happy Mary Jo Kopechne Day everybody!
She would have been 78 today…but who at the BBC gives a damn?
Still, she hindered the Democrats for a few years, she`ll not be forgiven for that-but we`ll not forget her either!
“… as Martha Kearney breathlessly ‘BUZZED’ over Mandalasons 100th birthday today.”
Yesterday was the 15th anniversary of the murder of Dr David Kelly. Somehow I missed the extensive BBC reporting of the story.
New book out which gives a good reasoned argument as to how the David Kelly “affair” was controlled by The State.
Yes, interesting. Google has its benefits. I’ve just dug up a mail I sent to Kate Hoey about it when I was living in her constituency. It seems I knew a little bit about what was going on at the time. Lord Falconer apparently ordered an ad hoc inquiry (the Hutton Inquiry) to be set up under section 17a of the 1988 coroners act. This is usually invoked when there are multiple deaths and what happened is not in anyway disputed eg a train accident where many people are killed and avoids having to waste time on multiple inquests. Of course this was a solitary death where the cause of death was unknown.
So it was clearly a ruse to by pass the need to have an inquest and get to the truth.
This all happened a few years after the decline of Britain began…that dreadful day in 1997 when Blair was elected Prime Minister.
PMQs Today:
“”Tory MP Andrea Jenkyns asks “at what point was it decided that Brexit means remain?””
The prime minister responds that “Brexit means Brexit”.
Git yer popcorn ‘ere, ladies and gents….
DS – Hilarious! How long can May keep on banging that drum? We all know Brexit means Brino to her.
Some say never get in a car with a Kennedy ….
Al been seems not to be reporting the pictures of an Asian vibrant lady tearing down the TFL sign renaming “Gareth Southgate Underground Station.
I wonder if the World Cup is forgotten now – or is it because it’s an Asian looking woman committing the criminal damage ?
It’s being reported in the village Paper – the Londonistan evening standard …
Poor lady can`t read English, and though it said “The Trump Arms” I`m thinking.
Special graphic for yesterdays R4 drama
where Chinese girl was gambling addict, and black guy the big hero
+ #NHScultism
You see a lot of Chinese girls with black guys (NOT)…..only on the fantasy island of the BBC….
Fran Unsworth thinks the beeb must appeal against the Sir Cliff judgement. She thinks it’s about press freedom. It’s actually about an invasive and outrageous intrusion on the privacy of an innocent man, using taxpayer’s and licence fee payer’s money.
They don’t seem to know the difference between press freedom and witch hunt.. Or they pretend not to. Deceit is something they’re pretty good at.
The collusion between the beeb and the SY police is a low point. Can either party sink any lower? Sadly, I suspect the answer to that question is ‘yes’.
(Sorry, this should have been under a different thread. Or maybe not, as we are discussing police excesses?)
South Yorkshire police let Rotherham, Doncaster and Sheffield Muslims do as they wished-and then fiddled on Hillsborough.
So FNW-can the parties sink any lower?
After Savile and Rotherham respectively-the BBC and SYP are probably on the up, that`s how bad things are these days.
Sadly Holly, you are right. Rock bottom must surely have been reached?
Although: ‘on the up’.
I shall be watching for proof/evidence of that.
Isn’t it curious that the far-left bbc can behave in such an outrageous way regarding their coverage of the swamp dwelling police raid on Cliff Richard’s house and no one is arrested, charged, jailed or even admonished by the swamp dwellers in the judiciary for potential prejudice in any prosecution.
But Tommy Robinson stands outside a court, after the court case has concluded, with only the sentences to be handed down, and he’s jailed for 13 months.
That’s why we have nothing but contempt for the far-left bbc, the corrupted police and the foul smelling judiciary.
Robinson is going to appeal on the grounds that his sentence was excessive and the rushed process was flawed. True on both counts I imagine. It will be interesting to see how the Orwellian State that now rules us reacts to this pleb impertinence.