I mention Mr Robinson because Wednesday is due to be his appeal day. I think for any reliable report of proceedings we will need to look to non British broadcasters — if of course – the judges allow it.
and as an aside it’s the Cliff Richard case result .
Can you believe this is Britain ?
It’s just occurred to me that we need to preface all references to Tommy Robinson with the words ‘ the UK’s no.1 political prisoner’. Because I’ve just realised that’s in fact what he is and yet no one is treating him as such because it’s easier to just call him either a criminal, or someone who ‘ broke the law’.
So when our swamp dwellers claim we don’t have political prisoners, once again they are lying.
In addition to Tommy Robinson, Tim Burton, Jayda Fransen, Paul Golding and others can legitimately be regarded as having been political prisoners because they are all being persecuted for what they say, for saying things that our swamp dwellers don’t want said.
The BBC are not usually that sniffy when dealing with the “criminal fraternity”. Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce did time for perverting the course of justice. This does not stop the BBC from inviting them onto Daily Politics etc. Stephen Fry, 3 months for credit card fraud, was never off the BBC. It does not bother the BBC that Gerry Kelly sentenced to two life sentences for an IRA bombing where 2 persons were killed and 200 injured ended up in the NI assembly and was interviewed by them. The idea that the BBC reveres the law above all else and reviles law breakers is nonsense. No matter how hypocritical, the BBC will use any measure to malign their ideological enemies.
check out Paul Goldings latest videos for the tommy treatment we really are in a dystopian time
I like to turn things on their head.
If Tommy Robinson had been Pakistani, and had protested outside a court where white defendants had been charged with multiple rapes of under-age Pakistani girls….
Would the system have jumped all over him?
‘Course not, it would have been ‘brave Pakistani expresses his justifiable anger at horrific crimes and defends his own against racist paedo Brits, bla bla’.
Everyone is entitled and encouraged to defend their own… except, erm, us!
I see that loser and failed politician Ed Balls has secured a tv series with the bbc that will explore the lives of Trump voters…. how convenient…. jobs for the boys. Good to see the vile bbc brought to heel today over their Cliff Richard harrassment and yet no resignations from the bbc. I depise this horrific leftie bully and pray for the day these arrogant parasitical scum are out of jobs!
There of course could be an unseen agenda by employing a Labour politician financed by the Left BBC to report on Trump supporters.
What could possibly go wrong, viewers?
Why not employ Lord Farage, BBC?
Hungary joins US in refusing UN’s safe global migration compact
“Hungary will not sign the UN’s first compact on global migration, after all UN member nations except the US approved the draft to be signed in December. Prime Minister Viktor Orban has taken a tough stance on migration.”
Radio humberside have ‘prided’ their logo
Argos have shamed theirs too

Stopped me purchasing.
Reclaim the rainbow for nature, I say.
The BBC has tied itself to ‘us’.
Sadly for the BBC, people seem to feel they are on their own.
ITBB has a gander at how the market rates have handled things.
Pretty much as expected.
And celebrations
When I tell everyone Cliff’s f***** the BBC
And jubilations
I want the world to know we’re happy as can be.
Reported on BBC London news, in the context of a new app.
Between 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 children in London schools have English as a foreign language.
Not reported on BBC London news.
When did voters vote for sch a cultural shift?
Why are all these non-English speakers here? What are they contributing if they cannot speak the language?
Who is paying for all the extra and remedial teaching?
Were these costs included in the snowflake calculations about the benefits of unfettered immigration?
And yet what do the BBC do when Sadiq Khan bans images of women dressed in bikinis on trains??? Hypocrisy and double standards much???
Publishers warn of Brexit threat to record exports

”The UK publishing industry has warned that Brexit could damage its record-breaking export business.
The boss of the Publishers Association said any tariffs or other barriers to trade post-Brexit “could be a problem”.
His warning came as the industry body reported record sales of £5.7bn in 2017, up 5% on the previous year.
Exports rose by 8% to £3.4bn, to account for 60% of total income, consolidating the UK’s position as the biggest exporter of books in the world. ”
HaHA there exports rose in 2017 because of the fall in the pound
due to the Brexit vote…
they give no thank you for our vote though
You have to wonder how countries outside the EU survive
Yeh cos most books are ebooks these days, and its super difficult to export them
I had JR Hartley down as a dopey Remainer.
With Schama getting a free plug behind him in this snap, bet he is.
Or was.
Congratulations, Sir Cliff. You must be one happy Bachelor Boy right now, and ready to take a Summer Holiday. I can forgive you for singing at Wimbledon that time when it was raining.
Any costs that the BBC has to pay ought to come out of the salaries of the Beeboids, licence payers should not be paying the Beeb’s legal fees etc.
The BBC…the corporation that likes to cover for paedos and sex pests like Savile and Harris, but will happily collude with the police to try to hound and defame an innocent man.
I had left Youtube running while I washed the dishes and up popped some sort of debate in which one of the parties kept referring to ‘peer-reviewed research’. It struck me that that has got to be one of the first claims of the modern snake oil salesperson!
Consider, if someone tells you that 3 + 2 = 5 and further that 2 + 3 = 5 you can test it for yourself and also work out that there are a couple of underlying rules that are general truths. On the other hand if someone tells you that the oil of snake is good for back-ache you are pretty much reliant on them for the supply of the ‘science’ and the ‘oil’.
In the age of the science journal the poor arts graduate editor has a problem when presented with snake oil-ology so turns to a panel of ‘experts’ to get a second opinion before publishing. As the field of research gets ever narrower the number of ‘experts’ able to give an opinion gets correspondingly smaller until eventually it is down to review by the ‘peers’ of the oil salesman, i.e. her mates in The Institute of Serpens Oleum.
In fact when anyone tries to make a case using the argument that ‘other people say this too’, rather than using evidence, the chances are that they are oil pushers. The BBC loves its ‘peer reviews’, ‘some says’, ‘think tanks’ and ‘institutes’!
The Institute of Serpens Oleum. Fantastic
….otherwise known as OFCOM, OFWAT, BBC, Electoral Commission, NHS England etc, etc
Peer Reviewed does NOT equal true
It often equals PAL REVIEWED
Most turns out to be wrong
See JPA Ionninides
The emperor’s suit was peer viewed
..but it was the small boy who pointed to the truth.
See Fallacy of Argument from Authority
The BBC ought to be investigating the story that I was reading about on the BMJ website earlier, as well as on alternative media in recent days. Namely, the fact that the death rate in England and Wales is significantly higher so far this year, and that it has been worryingly high for the last five years or so.
In the first few months of this year, some 20,000 excess deaths have been recorded. The experts factor in population growth, the cold weather, the hot spell, murders etc. Some years ago I had a hunch that life expectancy would start to drop in the country and now it is happening, and the BMJ experts note that these excess deaths do not yet come under those caused by the obesity crisis. The figures have concerned many doctors and others and letters have been written to the Department of Health, which just tries to brush it under the carpet.
The BMJ discussion is on their website, also a radio interview you can listen to. They felt austerity might be a factor, as some of the worst affected areas of the country contain high numbers of poorer people. Also, they note with concern, infant mortality is on the rise.Some of that might be down to inbreeding amongst certain communities ie first cousin marriages. On ukc the other day a doctor was noting the correlation between countries like ours and the USA which dose their infants up with vaccines and higher infant mortality rates. Not that those worrying stats will stop the DOH rolling out an HPV vaccine for primary school children.
Even the elderly middle class are dying in higher numbers than they were just a few years ago. So do we have a whole load of Dr Jane Bartons out there (she of the Gosport scandal, where as many as 658 elderly patients were euthanised before their time) ? Are people being bumped off in hospitals ? Is it down to poor quality care from uncaring staff ? Or is it down to something which actually happened some time in the past, but is only causing excess deaths now eg environmental factors.
All in all, this is very worrying indeed. The DOH seem keen to brush it all under the carpet but many doctors and others who care about public health issues are cottoning on and raising concerns.
The BBC should be doing a series on an issue as serious as this.
If I were very elderly right now, I would be looking to avoid any time in hospital unless it is an absolute emergency and then make sure you have family with you, and someone who knows about medicine to ask all the right questions.
Not sure the words BBC and investigation can actually be used in the same sentence these days.
Once the narrative has been chosen, there is no need for investigation, a quick trawl, copy and paste from like minded institutions is all that is required.
My evidence? Try listening and watching Emily Maitlis’s toe-curling ‘interview’ (aka cosy chat with likeminded individual) with Lord Patten on newshite last night. Have a sick bag to hand.
Patten is a fully paid up member of the privileged elite who want to stay in the EU at all costs and have contempt for the referendum result. Naturally the BBC turn to him whenever they can.
There have been instances of the elderly being poorly treated for years. Virtual neglect by nurses and auxiliary staff regarding food and drink is one example. Then we had the Liverpool Pathway. And now we have the example of callous doctors like Barton authorising the administration of overdoses. It’s impossible to say how prevailant all this is/ has been because the NHS does it’s best to cover up. I also suspect that the end of nursing as a vocation and the switch to graduates plus the increase in numbers of elderly in hospital will have increased the death rate.
Well, who can honestly say who is treating us ? nurses /auxiliaries/cleaners wear similar uniforms. We only realise its a doctor when we see a stethoscope dangling around the neck, but it could be any bugger walking in off the street. Regularly doctors are reported to the BMC for assaults/inappropriate behaviour in far greater numbers that at any time in the past. And we are more likely to leave hospital with another ‘issue’ than not. Friends of a similar age to myself have all spoken how they feel that they are now getting sub standard treatment and believe its down to their age. Sadly only ‘going private’ is the only other option open to us.
Out of all the BBC programs are any of them not biased? I just caught a bit of daily politics with Farage and Campbell and the BBC fuckers weren’t so bad . . Only probably since they robbed us tax payers to pay Sir Cliff … Thats our money just waisted to the BBC
Hold on to your hats everybody. According to Beeb report from some self serving quango there is a “real possibility” hate crime will increase after, yes you guessed it Brexit. Total and utter crap. Self fulfilling prophecies to keep these freeloaders in a job.
That’s fake news about a fake crime by a fake journalist.
I note the stark contrast between the reporting on the bBBC and the discussion that Julia Hartley Brewer is having imminently on Talk Radio. She is asking the listeners is this so called hate crime a real crime and should the police be having to waste their time in this rather than real crime like burglary.
Join the discussion on @talkradio or 0344 4991000.
Btw I have no connection with Talk Radio in case you are wondering. I just prefer their less biased coverage and the fact that JHB is pro Brexit. A breath of fresh air in comparison to the anti Brexit bbbc
Today’s usual obsessions this morning. Constant reference to ‘crashing’ out of EU ( don’t they understand WTO terms?). Hilary Benn gives a lurid description of queues at Calais and collapsing car industry . It’s just a monologue as nothing is done to interject by Kearney. Would a pro Brexit interviewee get this privilege ? Finally a piece on hate crime, a ridiculous police and May obsession which is diverting resources. Some link made to Brexit. Can’t the inspector of constabulary worry about real crime, including those that many forces now chose not to investigate?
Traditionally Europe stops in August- which is only a few days away so in reality – and following the ReichEU bargaining timetable it gives parties a month to come to an agreement . So it’s hardky likely to happen .
So when we brexit we can use the bribe money due to go to the ReichEU to resolve any problems they cause . The Irish will realise that we are their biggest partner whether they like it or not and hopefully blood will flow in Brussels as the nations of the ReichEU realise what they have done
EE, Hilary Benn’s old man must be spinning in his grave!
I agreed with old Wedgie on two things and probably only two: the supremacy of our Parliament and a distrust & dislike of the EU.
Our Justin , who has only ever worked for al beeb, was at the University of Warwick announcing that al beeb is going to have annual awards for the best lefty student journo and the best lefty student magazine.
Justin just sounded so happy amongst his friends . He , of course , got his job through merit , not because he went to the LSE and his dad was a beeboid.
Anna Sousberry seems never off the BBC.
They seem to like her views. Not all are convinced.
Jo Coburn weighs in to suggest ‘provocation’.
WTF R4..no wonder they are losing listeners..this morning in space of 30 minutes almost all of their standard hogwash
Not enough reporting of Hate Crime, Racism, Sexism at University,
a Thought for Today about how immigration and diversity has benefited Warwick..
and now BBC thinking of appealing about Sir Cliff’s win..
We are doomed….
Yes, I listened to that. Amounts to lowering the bar again and again. Just to admit dim foreigners who live here.
‘Police warned to do better on hate crime.’
Perhaps they are focussing on the murder, theft etc rather than hurt feelings?
‘The watchdog said it took Police an average of five days to visit 73 victims (VICTIMS!) while 65 were not visited at all.’
They should not visit any of them. What planet do the BBC live on? Deal with all the actual crime. They moan the Police is underfunded, how on Earth can they be expected to physically visit every person whose feelings have been hurt? Just tell everyone being ‘offended’ is part of life and deal with it yourself rather than involve the f**king Police.
They used a sample of 180 ‘cases’ in a country of over 60 million? There were probably more people stabbed just yesterday.
This is beyond parody. Of course BBC breakfast interviewed some trougher hate crime professional who laughably tried to portray this is a crisis, as she would as ‘hate crime’ is so lucrative for her. Take the billion pounds spent annually on shit stirring ‘equalities’ professionals and use it to give poor kids bikes, books and a decent dinner. Perhaps with some education, exercise and nourishment they might not feel so hateful in the first place and will be able to deal with a bit of ‘hatred’ when it is directed at them.
Hate crime? I have already had to do at least five things I hate and it is not even 8am. Should I call the Police? No – just toughen up and deal with it. It helps nobody being such a wuss. It also demeans ‘minorities’ to suggest they cannot handle a bit of ‘abuse.’ Life is relentlessly and profoundly ‘offensive.’ Unless you learn to deal with it on your own you will be miserable, useless and a drain on everybody else.
I also hate this idea that we are a nation of intolerant, hateful people. Nothing could be further from the truth, which the paucity of even massaged figures shows. We are all getting on fantastically well, especially given the depth of the challenges we face. The true hatred is from sneering remainers like the Beeb who seek to smear all Brexit voters as nasty racists – and calling someone racist is the harshest abuse you can give these days.
The woman mentioned hate crime baddd on transgender identity. I have never even met a transgender person so how could I commit a hate crime against such a person?
Talking about hate crimes against people you never even meet – this equalities lark really is money for
old rope.
Comments could be going better.
John Sweeney has liked it, which is usually a useful indicator.
In al beebs ‘ twisted mind this was probably a badge of honour instead of making them wonder if they are neutral ..
Also totally without context. Which is typical if making it all the more odd.
I desperately want to share this on FB page, how do I get the link?
You may need to have a twitter account, but tap the page to go to the post and then click the arrow with the share options and select ‘copy link’. That’s how I got it here, and the system is good enough to show the whole tweet.
Thnk you GW, will try it.
Put the mouse over the time tag of the tweet and click copy URL
Then go where to your FB post and click in the white box, then Ctrl-V to paste the URL you just picked up.
GW Thank you, I think that may have made my day! F**k off BBC from a European. Gold-plated pricelessness.
Merkel, female, ugly, childless, traitor, worse than Hitler who wanted an alliance with the UK.
May, female, ugly, childless, traitor, conspired with someone worse than Hitler.
Soubry, female, ugly, two children, traitor, no details available to me of her having the inconvenience of a husband, maybe she stole the babies to give her the appearance of normality [failed].
I intend to return to this conspiracy in the future, meanwhile…
Tommy Robinson.
I suggest he is awarded the George Cross.
I insist that the next vessel added to the Royal Navy, God bless her and all who sail in her, be named “Lord Tommy Robinson”.
So the sovereign needs to take action on the “Lord” front.
All roads currently named after a dead, hideously black, South African terrorist should be renamed. Tommy Robinson Avenue/Street/etc should be on some of these roads. Generalising the right to name/rename thoroughfares in the UK. These should remain the sole privilege of the sovereign and the policy should be to name them after currently uncommemorated UK heroes and heroines, of which there are many.
For environmental reasons it would make sense to return most lumps of lead, bronze, etc, errected recently in the UK, to the crucible.
A prominent statue of Tommy Robinson would be a welcome addition to our cities.
Nice bit of bias evidence on al beeb reporting that people have received gallantry awards for the Islamic terrorist murders on London Bridge .
The term ‘Islamic ‘ or ‘Muslim’ is not used in the reports .
Her majesty’s inspector of Plod reckons hate crime reports will go up as we Brexit it ReichEU. I wonder what saying that achieves . If British people are fedup with what’s been done to their country they are bound to become angry .
And it the current labour government sells them down the river again they are even more likely to be upset
Indeed – I think there is room for other emotion based crimes apart from ‘ hate’
Fedup crime
Upset crime
Love crime
It’s a game anyone can play
Yes, I have been noticing certain words and wording are being used less and less
London Bridge was attacked by…attackers. Thanks BBC, I wonder who those mysterious attackers could be
At the BBC they’re all studying the old Les Dawson recordings. He had an exquisite ability to silently ‘mouth’ words (Cissie & Ada). I half expect any TV news-reader to adopt that approach soon in relation to islamist terrorists, islamists, and any other unmentionables.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABml9AvVXQ4 (2.38 mins in)
But then, I spotted this, more appropriate I think. (New islamic neighbours moving in)
“Does that mean someone is going to give me a hand out?” I have to presume that you don’t come from outside this country, preferably the Mid East, and so don’t qualify?
Are you referring to that incident when all those people were “lost”?
“Merkel, female, ugly, childless, traitor, worse than Hitler who wanted an alliance with the UK.”
“May, female, ugly, childless, traitor, conspired with someone worse than Hitler.”
Childless? Childless goes along with ugly, traitor and ‘worse than Hitler’ does it?
Thank you very much.
Mocking childless women is one of the lowest, stupidest things in my opinion.
Lucy I do enjoy your involvement on this site and you have had a couple of indirect insults today. Stick with us, and keep the posts coming.
I better not say what I truly think about last chances’ post because I will get kicked off the site.
its not really mocking them for being childless, its pointing out that they have no skin in the game that the rest of us call the future.
How are you doing bold ? are you adding tags manually?
^ not bold !
(Strong)test (/strong)
instead of brackets use > less that/greater than symbol
Thanks, I’ve learnt something today. There’ll be no holding me back now.
Tommy Robinson wasn’t racist . I don’t know his attitude to having children or not .
Guest, The BBC’s Daily Politics show hosted by Jo Coburn…who is married to Mark Flanagan (ex Labour Strategic Communications Director) MD of Portland Communications. I’m sure Flanagan has no influence and Coburn is an impartial and objective journalist.
Sorry, I’m talking bollocks.
Maybe she gets provoked?
When coburn accused JRM of not being able to represent people because he is a Roman Catholic – I checked on her to find she is a prominent member of her local synagogue- a fact she might have made clear at the start of the interview . Unfortunately JRM was too grateful to mention it .
He’ll try to sell ya the eye out of your head (as they say in Ireland)
Chris Page, BBC Northern Ireland Correspondent, this morning, gives us a load of old blarney.
[Sorry, that should be Ireland Correspondent – in his job title the BBC appears to jump ahead of the game and to recognise a united island of Ireland – but I digress]
On the subject of the of cross-border practicalities post-Brexit our Chris presumes to speak for all those in and around the border – who, mind you and according to Chris, would speak with one very nervous voice….
Editorialising for all he’s worth he tells us:
“if there’s no deal, that would be disastrous for them”
Let’s be honest. The issue of the border between the Republic and Ulster has been happily alighted upon by Remainers and the potential problems vis a vis the Good Friday Agreement have been blown up (pardon the phrase) out of all proportion. A cynical tactic to make Brexit appear as difficult as possible. The BBC are determined we must stay in the EU and our Chris Page, the chancer, is talking bolloxology (as they say in Ireland)
Are there any grounds in law to withdraw funding of the bBBC on the principle that I don’t want my money being used to persecute Sir Cliff Richard?
No Mr nice guy !
Telly Tax Strike .
Much more effective and satisfactory – Simples !
Al Beeb ……….
Hosepipe Ban – why north West England ?
Too many people in the country and too many people still coming in – Simples !
taffman, not in to north-west England. South-east England, definitely. Midlands, almost certainly. East Anglia ditto.
There’s something funny about this – or I am missing something. It doesn’t add up. It has been suggested it was the demand for water for the moorland fires that has led to the hosepipe ban. But the north-west has massive, no, make that colossal reserves, although to be fair large water surface area leads to extra evaporation loss in very hot sunny weather.
What I find amusing is the BBC’s memory hole despite their close ties to the Met Office.
The spokesman for the north-west England Water Co. said on air recently that they would need days of heavy rain to replenish their reservoirs. That was bunk in itself* but what the BBC did not remember to challenge was the reference to rain. Usually when it’s pouring with rain and water Co. Chiefs & spokesbods come on air to explain why there is a shortage of water, they explain that it is really snow that is the effective water replenishment source.
The Beeboids bless ’em have forgotten that – and from only about five years ago, too – and did not offer a challenge.
* 1. It would need the equivalent period with rain to match the rainless weeks and weeks that we have ‘enjoyed’, and, 2. rain might fill an open reservoir it does not fill enclosed ones and does necessarily reach the water table, running off into rivers and if they run into the sea …..
Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?
It’s always amazed me that the NW which has such high rainfall is always the first to suffer in a drought. Are United Utilities still in charge? How high are their dividend and directors payments? Do they invest enough in stopping leaks and in reservoir capacity? After all these years someone should be asking some serious questions of them.
Being born and bred in this country I am aware that it rains a lot. Because of that I am not too bothered about keeping the car clean, except for the vital bits like windows, lights and number plates.
There are some parts of the world where there isn’t a lot of water, (except for the times when they have far too much water), so if you have cousins in those places perhaps it is a status thing to have lots of cars and use the water literally on tap here to wash those cars weekly?
It’s the number of broken mains pipes. Remember last time they had a drought someone somewhere 25% of water is ‘lost’ through broken pipes.
Has fran unsworth resigned yet?
Maybe she will, in bbc language, ‘crash out over a Cliff’
Without a deal, I hope.
Period Poverty. Its a thing, apparently.
That advert is so embarrassing.
Yeah, I go through periods of poverty.
Does that mean someone is going to give me a hand out?
Are Jezza and John running the country?
Did the TOADY Programme, not long finished this a.m., ask if Fran Unsworth would resign?
Some of my old boys need Movacol to avoid constipation, and my fear is that “poo poverty” is an increasing issue among our older gents.
Yes, we provide Andrex, having upgraded from medicated Izal. But we now have to pay more, and Jeremy Hunt left us no money in the poo jar before he left us.
Surely constipated people need a refund, they`re not using as much water as most of us(hand washing, use of flush)-and the water rates, utility rip off companies need to refund money to the constipated.
Most of my lads BSIs are off the charts, rock hard and make good aggregate for the car park-and, as yet, we`ve had no money for fiilling in the potholes.
Bog Roll Brexit? No-we demand the hardest brown stool , tungsten turd one please.
Been a long night boys, but You and Yours have their next “dirty unmentionable cause” to agitate for, now period poverty is here.
Brown bag down to the corner shop for my Dr Whites-if only I`d known the BBC wanted to fish through my drawers, I could have stayed out of nursing.
Never liked ragtime-bloody Scott Joplin gives me the willies still!
Not BBC related as such but it seems that Theresa May has survived for the time being and no new PM any time soon.
What is everyone else’s views on this?
smoogie, I was really saving this to be first on the Weekend Open Thread. 😉 Oh, well.
Suffice to say, in 10, or 20, maybe 25 years time, if we are told that Theresa May had switched sides in the aftermath of the EU Referendum, I would not be the slightest bit surprised.
Watch this space – nudge nudge 😉 😉
I cannot keep up with it anymore. At least Corbyn has been kept out for the time being but I am still nervous
McDonell will be in No 10 after the next few GEs. Tories fault. If you lie to the electorate and your own cabinet ministers, do a deal with the EU with no oversight whilst lying you get voted out.
Dark times but can see no other outcome.
If Ms May has been watching and learning from Ms Merkel, she will still be around for a long time.
Merkel has no majority, but somehow manages to put together coalitions and ride out all storms. Some years ago she declared that there was ‘no alternative’ to her policies. She has much of the MSM on her side. So, crisis come, crisis go, she survives; apparently the Germans also think there is no alternative.
May has shown with her latest actions that, like Merkel, she will make things up as she goes along, disposing of rivals or letting them dispose of themselves. Like Merkel, she simply stays put, ignores criticism, and has a new empty phrase to explain things whenever required. That could be ‘no alternative to my policies’ or it could be ‘Brexit will be Brexit’. No matter.
The main thing for these two ladies: they have very thick skins and – above all- they stay in power. All else is secondary.
Well if you leave Brexit out of things then the only actual alternative to the Tories is Labour and with Corbyn behind the wheel it makes so surprise that the Tories remain in power. Who wants shouty old Corbyn as PM?
I do still think that a new Tory PM is needed though. The left are aggressive and will still put up a fight. We need someone who can bring in a Tory landslide, not someone who hangs in by a thread.
At least for the BBC they can feel relieved that Mogg is not PM yet.
It’ll be McDonell and he’ll be much much dangerous than Uncle Jeremy. Tories fault.
There was an opportunity, a couple of years ago, but for various reasons, it was denied you. You should have run with UKIP and Farage whilst they had the momentum, but in true recent fashion, the British copped out. UKIP may be slowly regaining ground, but confidence having already been shattered with its “leadership and management” issues, it’ll never be sufficient, now, to make much difference. Their time has passed, certainly in the short term.
As an aside, I am mightily tired of being unexpectedly logged out of this site frequently, despite having cajoled the log-in page to “remember me”…
The thing is UKIP will not gain much more votes than they had at their peak.
If people voted for parties based on the Brexit result then it would be 55% support for UKIP and 45% support for the Lib Dems. In reality it is two party politics and voting Tory is one way to keep Labour out and vise versa. The rise of local parties such as those in Cornwall and Yorkshire following those in Scotland and Wales might shake things a little bit but there is not much chance of seeing a rainbow coalition like you find in Italy in future elections.
I wouldnt place so much faith in the lib-lab-con uniparty smoogie
sharia may is single handedly driving the nails into the tory coffin
people are waking up to the fact they are all the same liars in different coloured ties
the anti-brexit chicanery
the ever tightening ratchet of the hate speech laws
bizarre dips into identity politics
and the uni-party consensus on mass immigration
the working class are waking up to the fact the labour party has abandoned them
the tory base are regularly getting fucked over by the tory party
and the limp-dems are an irrelevance
many like me will no longer lend them our votes come what may,
and if that means jezzbolla and his merry band of marxists so be it.
“leadership and management” issues – which lead to us choosing Strong and Stable … oh dear. ….
As far as I’m concerned the Conservative Party is dead. If the few real conservatives in it do not defect to bolster the fringe right parties, then I’ll tar them with the same brush ie basically communists and traitors to our heritage.
I’m more and more inclined to think that a period of Momentum running things will ‘Let all the poison that lurks in the mud, hatch out’.
There is hope ……………..
Smoogie I think democracy is just an illusion in this country this whole Brexit charade is just to keep up the pretence that we can make a difference, when the reality is we cannot.
I sympathise with your view. Will this Brexit experience, that has revealed how the elite in this country has contempt for voters who don’t agree with them, change anything?
I hope that a political realignment will be the eventual outcome and that parties who listen to and reflect majority opinion and stand up for the little man, emerge. Corbyn and his lefty fascists and the arrogant remainer Tories should be consigned to oblivion.
Meanwhile how do we deal with the horrible mess that May has got us into?
Whatever you think of Boris, and he certainly has flaws, our only hope now is for him to replace May ASAP but certainly by October. We then have 6 months to withdraw the self- flagellating Chequers offer to the EU and go back to something like the deal that David Davis and Dexeu ministers wanted but were denied by May and the awful Robbins. If we can’t cut a free trade deal in that time we must patch up something based on WTO rules ( which the EU has to observe in law) with extras that cover the gaps. But no 40 billion payment and no giving in on Northern Ireland.
Found this video from a few days ago
Excited Croatia fans throw beer over BBC reporter
Even the BBC spin this video as “excited fans give reported a beer shower” when at 0m23s you can see a beer can thrown right at his head. I don’t think the BBC are liked anywhere in the world these days.
I once threatened BBC USA correspondent James Cook when he got in my face at an airport……………………
Why was BBC USA correspondent James Cook in your face at an airport?
He was looking for BBC vox pops at Edinburgh Airport about the closing or opening of some flight route.
He’s a knob.
Jacob Reese-mogg questions the EU and something the BBC never show us that both the UK and EU won’t have a border in Ireland. So it’s not an issue https://youtu.be/I4w7W-rduZ8. Just get on with a clean cut brexit and stop using Ireland as an excuse
The BBC in full-on Remoan mode constantly frame this issue as ‘what are WE (i.e. the UK) going to do about the Irish border’.
How about asking ‘what are the Republic of Ireland (and thus the EU) going to do about the Irish border?
Even in Schengen countries there are plenty of motorway and other lorry checking stations ( there is even one on the M25 near Leatherhead)
I am always amazed by the BBC’s deliberate ignorance about how world trade and customs regimes can be made to work and have been working for years. If you look at the US FAST system that covers low risks shipments it certifies a supply chain and then the transport is simple. Many years ago I worked for a US Logistics company that regularly moved components and goods to the US from the UK automatically using IT systems. If US customs earmarked something it could be inspected in the UK, removed from the shipment, and the rest went pre cleared to its US destination. If that was possible 30 years ago I am sure it can be done now.
Enlightening post gb. If May and Robbins had wanted this max fac option they could have bombarded the EU with examples of tracking technology at work. But of course they don’t want it in order to tie us into the EU customs arrangements.
It must be that the big multinational companies, who are the biggest scaremongers about leaving such as aerospace and automotive, are also the ones who have been operating computerised tracking of components for years in under to adhere to strict mandatory international quality standards and maintain supply chain integrity. The technology has to be there even if there’s an implementation phase to deal with.
Meanwhile I’d tell Barnier and Veradker to go police their own border if they want to but we will have none of it on our side. I’d also offer Ireland a free trade deal and watch the EU sweat.
Exactly on the technology. I would humbly suggest the politicians and BBC “journalists” take a trip to an international freight forwarder’s office. They would be amazed. It seems to me the “elites” are doing a great job of making something that is relatively straight forward into bilge.
Talking about motorways, when we leave will we be getting rid of all the kilometere “mileposts” (cant think of the metric equivalent) that are along them all?
what are the scots going to do when they leave us and join the EU, will the EU insist they build a wall
Rob Burley Mk. 2.
Defensive much?
‘This is what a real body looks like’
Short video of women and (gay) men showing their bodies off and feeling proud no matter how they look – fair enough, but the BBC have concentrated on a disproportionate number of black women in the video.
Of all the people shown talking there are:
3 white women (including the organiser)
4 black women
1 very very very gay man maybe transgender
We know what real bodies look like, that’s why we prefer fantasy bodies
Interesting … Mark Steyn attends a Freedom Award introduced by Conrad Black … the same Conrad who stopped Christopher Hitchens writing for the spectator?
Attentive fans may know that Mark had the honour last month of receiving the first annual George Jonas Freedom Award at a gala put on by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. It was a star-studded affair, with author Conrad Black, director David Cronenburg, and esteemed lawyer Julian Porter, who defended Mark during his British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal hearing, among the distinguished guests.
“Yes, it is true that Conrad Black once threatened to buy the Spectator, of London, because he objected to an article I had written in it. And I laughed for quite a long time, until he did buy the Spector. ” {Christopher Hitchens – youtube – @0:39}
Conrad Moffat Black, Baron Black of Crossharbour – its a hell of a name you have to admit
Sounds like someone Captain Pugwash would have met on his travels.
This whole BBC attack on Brexit, aided by Sky and the dire lefty C4 News must surely cause enough Tory MPs to realise that we must have more diversity of opinion in our news broadcasting. Whittingdale is a leaver yet he bottled the chance to sort the bbc out heading up to charter renewal. Maybe Cameron was pulling his strings . We desperately need politicians who place principal before career perks of office .
EE totally agree…we need a UK version of Fox News or something like it, to counter-balance all the left-wing drivel
Probably need clean MPs too
This is what I found from the 23/08/2017 …
Watched the BBC News the other night (22/08/2017) and wondered why “Roy Larner” was not mentioned when news about the London attacks was on?
So did this just now ….
Search for “Roy Larner” on bbc.co.uk and get a single (1) result with a heading:
“London attack: Romanian baker and Spanish banker among heroes” [08.06.2017]
Goto page and get content with “A Millwall supporter and in my mind a proper hero and deserves our support and aid to help him on his recovery.”
Search “Roy Larner” on google and get results from (note that something is missing? bbc!)
PAGE 1: independent, thesun, theguardian, themetro, ok.co.uk, mirror, dailymail
PAGE 2: dailystar, huffingtonpost, justgiving, youtube, au.news.yahoo.com, thisainthell.us, entertainmentdaily, si.com, twitter.com
PAGE 3: change.org, facebook.com, imdb.com (N/A), 192.com (N/A), telegraph.com, ladbible.com,breitbart.com .. gave up looking
First Entry in Google Search for “Roy Larner” is Independent.co.uk [08.06.2017]
“I got stabbed and sliced eight times. They got me in my head, chest and both hands. There was blood everywhere.
“They were saying, ‘Islam, Islam!’. I said again, ‘F*** you, I’m Millwall!’
OK, now let’s try “Geoff Ho london attack” – and we find a bbc item on Page 3 / Fourth item down.
BBC: “Islam” text x 0
Independent: “Islam” text x 4
Mirror: “Islam” text x 0
The Sun: “Islam” text x 0
old post
Larner just doesn’t suit the BBC narrative. Indigenous working class Brits are of little concern to the no borders multicultural BBC
Apologies in advance, this isn’t BBC-related though my Pink Floyd ‘The Wall’ ear-worm may have been from R2?? Couldn’t get that song out of my head when I woke up in the early hours, so amused myself by ever so slightly modifying lyrics…
We don’t need no ref-e-ren-dum
We don’t need EU control
No Merkel, Macron giving orders
Brussels, leave us Brits alone
Hey! Brussels! Leave us Brits alone
All in all stop say ‘non’
You’re driving us up the wall
Love it, Fubard – shine on you crazy diamond :0)
I have been a Floyd fan for many years but these days I’d like to rewrite Comfortably Dumb Roger Waters. The vile leftist windbag!
Hey Roger! Leave them Jews alone!
Well said Lucy!!
Sing it, film it and put it on YouTube. It might go badly, depends…
Ok, well tyvm to GW it worked here. Now need to try FB
Yay it works, first time ‘evvah’
world service doing a good job I see
Or, as Johan van der Sopel might say:
“Nog een schoonheid“
Brilliant! The way the BBC journalist says “really?” just shows what a bubble they live in thinking they are still a world class broadcaster respected by the entire world.
Won’t be long before the only people they can get for an interview is Owen Jones and Brendan Cox…oh wait…
Manchester students deface poem by ‘racist’ Kipling
Students have defaced a mural featuring Rudyard Kipling’s If in a stand against his “racist” work. The author’s 1895 poem was painted on a wall of Manchester University’s newly renovated union building. But student leaders erased the work, replacing it with a piece by Maya Angelou in a bid to reverse “black and brown voices” being written out of history.
The union has apologised for failing to consult students on its choice of poem.
Riddi Viswanathan, student union diversity officer, said elected members representing students felt Kipling was “not in line with our values”, singling out his poem The White Man’s Burden.
In China, they were known as The Red Guard. This is how our culture is erased. Universities – communist activist training centres – are busy, busy, busy…
Obi-You may be on to something!
Perhaps we are entering our own ‘cultural revolution’, and soon the beeb or the police will issue us all with a ‘little red book’, containing the thoughts of Ms May, Ms Rudd, Mr Javid, Lord Hall, etc
Perhaps on the cover will be the statement ‘Brexit is Brexit’ and -imported from Germany- ‘my policies are without alternative’.
Look to the universities to erase and/or rewrite history, topple statues they don’t like, and perhaps even burn books.
Professors they don’t like will be forced onto their knees, wearing ‘dunce’ hats, and be forced to apologise for any thoughts that may be from ‘The Right’. This will all be done in the name of ‘Liberalism’, of course. And that great old discussion-killing slogan – ‘anti-racism’. ‘Colonialism’ will be another crime/thought crime, so a heavy bout of ‘decolonisation’ is on the cards.
The ‘reactionaries/racists’ may -in fact- have to attend ‘decolonisation’ classes.
Unless someone can stop this madness…
We could be facing a situation where it becomes offensive to opt out of state-endorsed racism. From Evergreen College, Washington State last year:
Biology professor Bret Weinstein was berated by dozens of students outside of his classroom Tuesday morning for refusing to participate in an event in which white people were invited to leave campus for a day.
“Now, he says police have told him to hold his classes off campus due to safety concerns […] A video of the confrontation, captured by Mr. Vincent, shows Mr. Weinstein attempting to reason with dozens of students who routinely shout him down, curse at him and demand his resignation.”
Obviously this sort of thing only happens in the US and could never start to take root here. (Don’t watch the YouTube clip if you want to remain calm!)
@fakenewswatcher: I’m afraid it’s way too late to stop the left’s ‘long, slow march through the institutions’. This has been going on for…what? 50 years or more? Education has always been a hotbed of socialist malingerers, but the BBC (and most of the rest of the media) has never been far behind – always pushing that narrative. Sneaky, subtle, mendacious and ultimately malevolent.
Rule No.1: Never apologize to a progressive (aka communist). Just don’t do it; it’s what they want. They’re not trying to make a point, they just want to make you grovel and put the frighteners on you. The trouble is that today everyone and their dog rolls over at the first sign of a pink-haired harridan. ‘Struggle sessions’ are once again all the vogue – public shaming and humiliation, accompanied by the erasing of inconvenient opinions and histories.
I could go on, but frankly, we’ve all been here before. It’s amazing what a close reading of (non-fake) history can do for one’s outlook. Just a shame we’ve allowed our places of learning (and by extension our media) to cloud the facts, even to misrepresent them completely and to lie by omission for so long.
This is how we end up with students who consider the wilful destruction of our culture and history a noble cause.
They have a “liberation and access officer” and a “diversity officer”.
You couldn’t make it up.
Obi, heard about this on LBC this morning. I was spitting feathers as I was driving along. ‘If’ is a beautiful poem (happens to be my favourite). Kipling was a man of his time, FFS! Judging and erasing the past through the lens of the present = really dangerous stuff. Leads to pig-headed, wilful ignorance, the brainless twerps. If my son wants to go to university we’ll have to think carefully about which ones are less infected by this madness…If there are any ‘sane’ ones left…
@Fubard: Well said – absolutely spot-on. As a side-note, I’ve been re-reading Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’ lately. This time I opted for a 400-page Norton Critical Edition. Apart from the slim novella itself, it’s brimming with some of the most obnoxious, pretentious post-modernist ‘critical essaying’ you’re ever likely to find.
Of course, they tell me (repeatedly), Conrad was ‘a bloody racist!’ and his masterful work was nothing less than a thinly disguised apologia for the iniquities of the Congo Free State under Leopold II.
Which is strange, because I read the text as a deliberate criticism of untrammeled colonialism, man’s inhumanity to man and as a psychological investigation into the meaning of good and evil.
I dunno; maybe that’s just a bit too obvious.
Easy to get annoyed but I remember the Marxist and Trotskyist student unions of the 70s . The difference then was that this was a dispute between indigenous Brits. After decades of mass immigration we have so many from the third world both in the universities and in union posts who hate the British Empire and white Britain. This officer sounds Indian/ ceylonese and no doubt loathes Kipling despite his being no racist and a product of his age . I love ‘If’ by the way.
The idea of sending one’s offspring to Yuni is for them to learn so that they are prepared for a good future and career, – but instead the tables are being turned, and these f…. idiots are trying to teach us by eradicating our heritage and history. Sorry if any of you on here have kids who are at university, but the way I’m feeling now, we should raise the fees even higher, so that those who really want to learn will keep their heads down and do so, and triple the fees to those from outside the UK.
I really am in a throttling mood ! This country is gradually being eroded in all aspects of our life and its deeply disturbing and upsetting. I shouldn’t get wound up, as my years are numbered and why should I care ? Let the activisits/ gender ponces rule and dictate because it will all implode eventually.
The tide is turning BRISSLES. As Paul Weston has pointed out in a few years time we will be determining the narrative.
Perhaps we will make courses in Kipling compulsory. We could make it a hate crime to insult him or in anyway smear his memory. A six year sentence would be a short sharp shock for a first offence. When the tables are turned we can have some fun. We can show them we can make up hate crimes too. So don’t give up the struggle BRIS, not yet.
In the mean time try not to let these people worry you. Kipling had a word for them. Bandar-Log! The monkey men.
every now and then the students come to their sense the ones at manchester met (poly) renamed their student union from mandela house to the brucie building and their su leader campaigned on a ticket of cheaper beer in the union
manchester uni students union is pretty much mostly empty as the majority of students cant be arsed with it or its activities
A message to Riddi Viswanathan (student union diversity officer) and Sara Khan (liberation and access officer)
Here’s a bit of anglo-saxon imperialism for you……………………….F.T.F.O.
Just heard Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 talking about canals and lock gates. After an expert explained locks are need to go up or down the different canal level Vine was then interviewing a lady by phone on the canal currently going through a lock…
Vine, “Are you going up or down?”
Lady, “we are going down.”
Vine, “is that because you….. are….. going down…. to another lock below you?”
Lady “yes”
Thanks to the unique way the BBC is funded they can pay Vine £800,00 a year to bring us quality journalism like that.
What I don’t understand is why certain long serving staffers and non entities get this superstar status within bbc land. Vine, Mair, Huw newsreader etc etc Nothing special so how worth £400-800 k?
That’s easy EE. With all our billions to use and any sense of fiscal responsibility by-passed , they can write their own paychecks. And to their eternal shame they justify this inexcusable and essentially vile excess by saying they pay ‘the market rate’ – sniggering as they do so because the BBC, through governmental chicanery, defines the market.
Manchester students deface poem by ‘racist’ Kipling
First line of the article: Students have defaced a mural featuring Rudyard Kipling’s If in a stand against his “racist” work.
Another example of the how the BBC throw is some quote marks to make the non facts fit their agenda. His poem The White Man’s Burden (1899) suggests white man should rule non white countries to improve those countries for everyone’s benefit and is therefore “racist” by students of today.
Where does this end? Will Bob Geldolf be seen as a racist in the future for sending loads of white men into Africa to show them how to drill water bore holes, improve irrigation etc?
What a sad time to live when historic white famous people are accused of something that wasn’t illegal whilst black people that did illegal things (i.e. Willie and Nelson Mandela) are elevated to God like non-criminal status.
“The return of control to parliament is more illusory than it is real,” he (DAVID DAVIS) told the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg.
“Our weather has been extreme ! ”
– Chris Fawkes, BBC weatherman
As someone used to say, calm down, dear.
I’m guessing our Chris is keen for us to forget this year’s snowy months.
Diane Abbott’ favorite money generator …. “Win a placement at the BBC and kickstart your media career”
Diane Abbott HAS got a head for figures… as long as they are her own! Blundering Shadow Home Secretary made £110,000 in licence fee payers’ cash for appearing on BBC TV {04may2017}
There’s a Trumpington Street in Cambridge. It runs right into the heart of the University. Welcome Mr President!
A certain
Sent an Abusive email to Kate hoey who is one of those very few labour MPs who do honour to her job and is a brexiter . I got these details off of twitter which is where ms Hoey republished his email address – apparently he wants her dead .
I’m sure this won’t feature on al beeb as brexiteers don’t count in beeb world – or your surname must be ‘ cox’
Trying to pull back a bit – the referendum campaign was a 6 month? Onslaught of remainer poison . They lost . Next we have heading for 2 years of msm remain propaganda with various heads popping up every so often to try and scare people to remain .
Yet with all that we are still going to exit from the Reich EU – and hopefully without agreement . Quite something .