I mention Mr Robinson because Wednesday is due to be his appeal day. I think for any reliable report of proceedings we will need to look to non British broadcasters — if of course – the judges allow it.
and as an aside it’s the Cliff Richard case result .
Can you believe this is Britain ?
Headline that hopefully doesn’t mean what it says!
Checking your pee before flushing could help you to catch cancer early
Wigan Post
Riddi Viswanathan, Sara Khan and Fatima Abid of the Manchester University students union fear that we have too much freedom of speech. As such they have defaced the moving Rudyard Kipling poem IF, and replaced it with a work by Maya Angelou.
Angelou is black and female and writes lines such as :
Why are you beset with gloom?
‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
No, I think she was an adult when she wrote those stirring sentences.
I have no idea if Riddi Viswanathan, Sara Khan, and Fatima Abid were born in the UK but surely they understand that freedom of speech includes hearing thoughts with which you disagree.
Here is the list of people on the board at Manchester University, to which I’d put the same question;
Oh, BTW, Riddi Viswanathan has already got herself an internship at the BBC.
MULTI FAITH? MULTI FAITH? Liberation and Access Officer.
She (if indeed that is how this person wishes to be identified) epitomizes all that is wrong with our universities and our country. She will have a whole career ahead of her adding no value to anything, or producing anything of any value. She will receive a decent salary and will no doubt be in a generous pension scheme, and who knows in the future, probably receive honours ‘for services to religious freedoms’, and a seat in the House of Lords, where she can lobby for more nonsense. Nice work if you can get it.
I look forward to seeing Christians, Muslims, Jews, Mormons, Sikhs and all other faiths sharing those spaces with each other. Peace be with you.
Dont forget the Pagans, Wiccans and atheists, They two deserve a slice of the pie as well.
So Sara Khan wants to banish the culture of the UK and impose her own culture. Nice.
If these students despise the culture of the country they live and study in, why don’t they ship-out to a country where they can admire its culture .
Just think, these numpty students will be teaching our kids one day.
Teaching them what? Not sorry I’m in the departure lounge and they I’m sure, are ecstatic. For a few years anyway.
We are doomed…..small numbers of ‘victims’ are all powerful and nobody dare challenge them – that’s real freedom of speech.
We have to just hope they all join the BBC just as it collapses and never work again…but in reality they will become lecturers and propagate their version of freedom of speech
We are infiltrated, beset, nay fucked with imbeciles and insanity. Please let it end, soon.
JamesArthur & Mr Goat
I refuse to believe that we are either doomed or fucked.
Keep your appetite whetted and your powder dry.
“If you …. blah blah blah
…then you are a SNOWFLAKE my son/daughter/Gender-neutral”
“If you …. get triggered by little things
..and then have raging tantrums
… and then sneer back with boo-word labels like ‘racist/denier/fr-right’
…then you are a SNOWFLAKE my son/daughter/Gender-neutral”
There is a Have Your Say has on that BBC Manchester Kipling article
OH it closed 3 hours ago
after only 3 hours of comments
\\ Stalin re-wrote history as well! //
@Magichat had the 4th most popular comment with 400 likes ..It was removed
Another ones
\\ Do black and brown people _want_ to be represented by vandals? Is this not a decision that should be arrived at democratically, rather than by a handful of self-appointed spokespeople?
The obvious thing is that students
could have written the Angelou poem on another wall
.. but chose to destroy the Kipling
..that doesn’t look like TOLERANCE or co-existence, or respect //
Al Beeb censor did not like the results – ‘Cut’ !.
It happens a lot .
The truth ends up on the floor as always.
Stew – wonder if that’s a hate crime ?
On the up side – at least mamma Mia ain’t gonna be pumping out any more pee poor ‘poetry’ and Kipling will always make nice cakes
(Easy one for maxi – miss your original thought and humour )
It comes as no surprise to me that they all have ethnic sounding names. I wonder what they were being brought up to believe, what they learned from their parents.
The same as lots of English kids are being brought up to believe I guess. That black is oppressed and white is guilty. That’s the way it is.
Faith in the BBC is dropping … ‘Generation Sensible’ in five charts {bbc.co.uk 19jul2018}
Comment: Does this reflect a change in behaviour or a change in the stats?
Are kids committing fewer crimes or are the police recording fewer crimes?
Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
Traditionally the injury / death crime figures have been most reliable . But the rest? If it needs reporting for insurance then so it is – but as we all know – if you want to report it to get plod to do anything about it – forget it. So the reported crime figures reduce as real crime goes up. I’d suggest the other indicator is the need for more prisons ….. you’d never hear that on al beeb either .
But our cretinous justice secretary thinks prison should be a last resort:
However, if you Google prison last resort, it is apparent that this attitude has been prominent in the judicial swamp for at least a decade.
It’s strange then that, if it should be a last resort, they were so keen to imprison Tommy Robinson, Tim Burton, Jayda Fransen, Paul Golding and Kevin Crehan. But there’s a connection with all of these people isn’t there, they are all political prisoners.
I also think Melanie Shaw is a political prisoner:
Skin colour may also be relevant.
home office knew about rotherham in 2002
maybe blunketts dog ate the report
When you think about it’s purpose in life, Mr. Blunkett’s dog couldn’t have been TOO intelligent.
Ta Lucy
At least he is still alive – unless some corrupt prison officer looks the other way and he gets ‘ depressed’ . Perhaps the fact that people in other countries are aware of our political prisoner and what the corrupt criminal justice mafia is doing to him.
BBC World Service……..
Oh no it isn’t.
She’s fit!
How many nuns are so thick as to not be able to put a wimple on correctly?
Hardly Sound of Music casting is she. poor old boot.
Since 2017 345 babies were found dead in Karachi with 99% being girls. A four-day-old girl was found with her throat slit and another newborn baby was stoned to death after a cleric assumed it was an ‘illegitimate baby’ when left on steps of mosque
MM – No doubt the beebistan will publish these shocking figures soon.
After all, they’re usually so concerned with wimmin’s rights, and the fate of muslims…
I see the ‘hate crime’ article has disappeared from their home page. Even the BBC could see it is a bit much running with that the same day figures are released which show actual crime is soaring.
They are increasingly like Comical Ali from the Iraq War who would say how they were winning as everything exploded behind him. To talk about transgender hate crime when the capital burns is darkly comical.
Forget hate, crime stop knife crime .
How many in Londonistan this year ?
Body count at 83 I think – total homicides average for londonistan @ 110. I’m going for 130 Stab killings this year . Plod must be overwhelmed .
Got to be a Paddy Power sweepstake here Fedup2.
Is London the easiest place to kill, are they up to that magic 9% rate yet?
And when will Sadiq get it to the Muslim baseline figure of 1.5%?
And if you`re shot or stabbed-but get acid thrown in the face first-how do we categorise it.
Acid after death to dissolve the body does NOT count as an acid attack though-rules re rules, have to draw a thin blue line somewhere. Usually around the body, in the case of the police these days.
Holly – the kids buy ‘ one shot’ for 6.99 a litre to clear the drains in londonistan . Isn’t it great that they are so concerned about keeping the drains clear?
As for a sweep stake – good idea – killings increase during the school holidays so give it a week and there’ll be more for the albeeb – don’t blame the Emir -.team to deal with oh – and “enough is enough” right?
Ps- I think plod is going into schools to ask the kids not to stab each other so that will work .
it is going to destroy the tourist trade and intensify white flight. Give it 20 years and London will be ethnically cleansed of the English .
Is that Mr or Ms plod. It makes a fucking difference. Unless Ms plod carries a gun and is not afraid to use it.
London London London
A lot of people around here need to get out more:
Crime rates in Northumbria and Durham are now HIGHER than London
R4 media show
Straight away brought on media lawyer to say the Cliff judgement was a big law change.
Mark Thompson formerly BBC and now Bloomberg next , repeated that.
The Yorkshire Post guy said, no
And although all London media rallied round the BBC
The Yorkshire Post editorial today says, no nothing has changed and the YP will continue to respect law and privacy.
The other broadhseet know-alls have gathered around the BBC to protect their wagons. If the BBC goes-so does any chance of media or future jobs in news manufacturing.
Peston, Crick and Frei-my Lord, don`t they turn even nastier when out of the BBCs bosom?
We pay for all of them still though.
After the National Curriculum, the Single European Act?
Channel 4 was her greatest error-sh was an idiot to leave us with Jon Snow etc-she had no excuse.
SORRY! A couple of hours ago I let you know I had been interviewed for BBC World at One where I gave a robust defense of “No Deal” from a business perspective, but the BBC decided not to play my interview and only broadcast the views of a Remain businessman.” {twitter}
from that link
Stop giving interviews to the far-left bbc and make sure everyone on social media knows that’s what you’ve decided.
I saw a funny short video on YouTube about the Welcome Trump/ Free Tommy protest. A far-left bbc employee tried to interview one of the marchers, who turned out to be Dutch. He asked the interviewer who he was working for. The interviewer replied, the bbc. Immediately the Dutch guy walked away, saying, ‘ No, F#ck the bbc’. So there are people in other countries who also hate the far-left bbc.
marky was just having exactly the same thoughts
Putting our money where their mouth is
I caught the tail end of a BBC Breakfast item this morning concerning the debate about the pros and cons of anonymity for the accused in sex cases. OK, it is a topical issue given the recent Cliff Richard case against the BBC. OK, the BBC allowed both sides to speak
But, and it’s a big but…. the item ends with the statement that the BBC is considering whether to appeal against the recent judgement.
In other words the BBC – having already wasted Licence Payer cash fighting a legal case that went against them – are now thinking about sinking more money into what will amount to a campaigning legal fight which puts the BBC firmly on one side of the issue.
Think again BBC. Let other parties bring these issues to court and by all means cheer them on as you usually do; in your own inimitable balanced and oh-so unbiased way. But spare us the cost.
You are right. Seems the whole news industry is pushing BBC to appeal, LOL, for obvious reasons (we will be paying for it not them) oh so many lols there
Also, the sex cases/other victims argument is a red herring but keeps popping up as justification
the sex cases/other victims argument may be valid but why does it not apply to pedo rape gangs , when its obvious there are lots of other victims, just askin
Its not valid though. the police can decide to reveal a suspect if they need other victims to come forward. The police only want victims for prosecution purposes, not to kiss their boo boo better. With pedo rape gangs there are already enough victims to bring charges and it will be public eventually
And as from a couple of days ago its not only (allegedly) Pakistani Pedo Rape Gangs that appear to get privileged protection, MP’s do too. Something has seriously gone wrong in our country.
I hope they do appeal. Public opinion is firmly against the BBC on this and it will hasten it’s demise.
I don’t think al beeb will appeal – it’s not about money – because tax payers don’t count . They just don’t want to be bound by the higher judgement – assuming they will lose again .
Whoever authorised the hire of a helicopter to film their friendly police search sir cliff Richards’ home should be fired or made to pay the thousands that cost. I can’t even be bothered to read the judgement.
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC,
I am unhappy with the BBC’s output and would like to stop funding Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s wages who has raced ahead to the top of the BBC made up gender pay gap.
a) Please let me know how I can stop paying the BBC via the TV Tax (under threat of prosecution) but still use SKY TV.
b) Can you create a BBC programme to tell the public how they can stop funding you.
c) Can I get a reduction for my BBC TV Tax due to having to help improve your News Service with the complaints below?
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
Many Thanks.
Anyone know why the BBC feels it can broadcast the name of a person prior to him being charged, and send in helicopters to film the arrest, yet not find it a problem that at least one trial in the UK is being carried out in secret?
That the person who filmed the trial is now in prison on contempt charges, whilst those who filmed Cliff Richard are hanging onto their positions, their crazy salaries and their ludicrous pensions.
Anyone else seem the young Dutchman being interviewed and his response on finding out that its the Ministry Of Truth “BBC no thanks BBC fuck of” priceless.
I’m still amazed that people treat them with courtesy when beeboids do not deserve it . Same for politicians – why not go on the personal offensive about obviously biased interviews or those who don’t listen to answers -like the Toady crew .
Those few cases such as the Cathy Newman execution are so rare that they leave a lasting impact and 10 million hits on YouTube .
By my reckoning, there are at least five people in the food chain who must lose their jobs over Cliff.
Dan Johnson-Declan Wilson-Gary Smith-Jonathan Munro and Fran Unsworth.
And South Yorkshire needs to lose the equivalent five too.
So many chiefs, not one Indian who`d know the truth even if it bit her/him.
We either have accountability and responsibility for driving an innocent man to a breakdown with no cause-or we have an out of control, lawless BBC who think buzzing a citizens house in a hired helicopter merits an RTS award.
Disgusting. Bring in the bulldozers and hound these cretins out of public life.
Profumo did nothing as evil as this, and washed toilets until; he died. The BBC deserve far worse for this. Bastards.
Al beeb news reporting with frothy enthusiasm a propaganda piece by the ReichEU about effect of the full brexit the majority voted for.
They still don’t get it. People were aware that there might be a cost for brexit – god – the state spent millions on it – but there is a cost to be free of the Reich . This time not blood but maybe more waiting time at the effing airport . I’d pay that price but so will the EU countries . They miss that bit
Al beeb 6 news also had a black female beeboid at Manchester university with a bunch of non whites reciting a poem by a black American type after wiping off “if “ by Kipling . I wonder if these people realise they are only in Blighty because of empire guilt . ? Suppose they think they had some natural right . Puts good only race relations years and encourages hate crime .,off switch time
Remember the huge cost in lives defending this nation’s sovereignty and freedom in the First and Second World Wars.
The present snowflakes cannot defend themselves against the threat of project fear and propaganda promulgated by Al Beeb.
God help them if national service becomes law under the EU.
We voted out .
Vote UKIP next.
we put up with strip search scanning and long queues because muslims might self detonate on a plane, but dont want to wait for a visa which for the most part is a nice little brucie cash bonus for the country you go on holiday to, last time I went abroad you arrived in destination stuck a tenner in machine and it printed you a visa no questions asked
I suppose that those thick clowns up in Manchester Looniversity didn`t see “My Son Jack”-some Channel 4 thing about the sacrifice of Kiplings only son in the First World War.
Rather more than Maya Angelou ever would have given, you`d be hard pressed to get the corn on the cob off that blimp, let alone any blood spilled so the nation might yet be free.
Goes without saying that the likes of Sara Khan give this country NOTHING-just a bad body double for Nana Maskouri-who could at least sing!
“I know why the caged bird sings”-because the BBC pays me to, and you eejits who pay taxes indulge us.
I think if you asked these children of the Empire what was’ The Great War ?’they d say – ‘was it something to do with Mandela .?
I noticed there wasn’t a single white person in that al beeb report – bet someone go a pat on the back for that one . Should there be white people on the tv at all. ?
I have a sneaking feeling that licence payers money might go to fund BBC LGBT staff clubs, when there is no equal counterpart of a heterosexual club
“8 Cohesion Officers ? Durham Police in March
Cohesion officers?
None of that police , crime catching stuff eh?
Collusion officers more like.
Durham Minors gala-don`t tell the BBC will ya?
Somehow I find the idea of “cohesion officers” more chilling than most of the other socially repressive slop that gets dished up.
What next, Tolerance Commandants? Fun Gruppenfuhrers?
Err… Joy Divisions?
Multiculturalism clearly a roaring success
C4 news – Jonnie snow is worried that the clear up rate is only 9 percent . I would have thought that would be 9 percent too high for the likes of him .
If the police do their jobs his type are the first to scream about ‘ communiity’ ‘justice ‘- police corruption and the like . So why bother?the sharia police can fill in for plod in his world.
Keith Vaz is happy …..

Parliament have decide not to show who is being investigated.
Al Beeb tell us that no-one is charged in 9 out of 10 crimes .
Once MPs themselves are affected by crime, things will change.
Vote UKIP – you know it makes sense .
So Al Beeb are informing us that Dominic Raab is the new Brexit Secretary. But does he take his orders from Oliver Robbins ?
I smell a rat.
Vote UKIP.
And does Olly Robbins take his from Tony Blair? Where are the investigative journaliats when you want one?
Stupid questions Bil. Shut up and accept it.
Nothing on the tv – try watching the 3 minute 34 second apology by Ian Paisley junior apologising for getting caught by the daily telegraph taking 2 family holidays in Shri Lanka and then lobbying on some human rights thing . Haven’t got a link as I don’t do them . It’s a good squirmy pop corn job. Can’t wait to see the keef vas one – that might go on for days . Pop corn time !
Sky The Pledge :The intro
Afua is on ..with another racist segment later
Greg Dyke will be doing “another crusade againt Trump”
..I’ll take my monthly bath instead I guess
Greg Dyke is odius. He has slimeballed his way from one top job to another.
Re violent crime/drug stats
..would that be anything to do with enrichers
..Are so many not technically doctors
…. but rather street-based pharmacists ?
oddly all the polish Doctors round here work as shop assistants and chip fryers, the chip portions are very healthy mind
`The Geoffrey Elfwick , Twitter account gets a reputation for parodying SJW’s

..whoomph it’s banned
Define “say the wrong things”?
Who decides what are the “wrong things”
Do you mean things you don’t agree with therefore wrong in your opinion?
Then what if it is your opinion that is wrong and the things you think are wrong are actually right?
I think free speech must have been important to all those young men who died in wars to defend it.
The Geoffrey Elfwick , Twitter account gets a reputation for parodying SJW’s..whoomph it’s banned
Yes I don’t think they clicked that he’s parodying.
Serious question. Why are there a disproportionate number of black and Asian people on adverts and why, on the Nationwide ad is a black fella telling me about England in the year 1775 with nostalgic poetry when neither he nor his ancestors would have been anywhere near England back then!
I hope I didn’t say the wrong thing. But then maybe I am right and you are wrong. Maybe good is evil and evil is good?
Aren’t they mostly ‘black’ rather than ‘asian’? My impression ‘on the streets’ is that there are more of the later than the former so our ‘creatives’ really are pushing a minority of a minority, which doesn’t seem very smart if ‘role models’ are that important.
I also get the impression that our ‘right-on’ Lenny-appeasers are having difficulty finding enough ‘talent’, or are a lot of them just pretending to be American?
Maybe it is all a plan by the ‘remainers’ to depress the UK retail market? I could believe anything of that self-loathing bunch.
Look guys if you want to ‘shift product’ you need to ‘target’ your ‘core market, which is ‘white’ women. And, as you used to know, you do that by making fun of their feckless, useless and stupid ‘white’ husbands, (SJW approved too!!). You know it makes sense.
He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.
There may well be a disproportionate number of black and Asian employees working in the advertising agencies who are commissioned to do the adverts – so its a win win for the companies; they keep their employees happy whilst being very PC in keeping with the ‘mood of the nation’.
As liked by John Sweeney.
Not On BBC News Website Front Page.
(Buried away on ‘London News’).
“”Man guilty of murdering father-of-seven in ‘brutal’ axe attack
Imran Muhammad, 31, took Seyed Khan’s body to a graveyard in a shopping trolley before hiding it undergrowth.””
Only an everyday axe murderer.
Switched on BBC2 to watch the Open Golf highlights.
What highlights?
It was just a Tiger Woods love-fest.
We saw almost every one of his shots whether any good or not.
And of the others……..was anyone else playing?
So, few golf highlights, just a crock of pro-black virtue signalling dross.
I’ve stopped all BBC exposure now except online, but yesterday I thought it would be safe to briefly dip my toe in Radio 5.
Caught an interview with a gay northern guy (tick), a writer (tick) whose book was about a gay nine year-old (tick) who falls in love with Madonna (tick), goes to University and starts a media career (tick) in London (tick).
But the author had suffered (tick) 30 rejections of his book from publishers (tick) because they didn’t think there was a market for books with a gay protagonist. “To live through [those rejections] was devastating”, he said. Cue much online shock and subsequent empathy between presenter and author… what unspeakable hurt, what an indictment of the times etc.
Now I don’t know much about the publishing industry but the bit I do know is that 30 rejections is nothing unusual at all in a competitive marketplace.
And even though THE GUARDIAN quotes the author himself saying it was rejected as being “too working class, too 80s, too immersed in pop culture, and too gay” — it turns out the author is also the editor of Attitude magazine so of course there’s only one angle for the beeb.
Back to TalkSport or the sounds of the North Circular for me.
Popular books often go through many rejections. This article is all agenda though so stopped reading at the inevitable “homophobia” reference, yea whatevs
If this person believes in his book, why didn’t he self-publish? And if he did so online as an ebook, it would probably cost him nothing. Why did he expect others to fund it?
Police enquiry into Skripal nerve agent attack steps up a gear
Comments could…
John Sweeney liked that one.
Emily liked this one, which looks interesting too.
Emily RT’d this one…
Pro… or… con?
whats he gonna do invade somewere
Blair, the one that buggered up the legal system, the one that divided us up with ‘devolution’, the one that rebated our rebate in exchange for reform of the CAP, (which never happened), etc..
CY25-Skipper is probably a Muslim, the disease brought on by Blair’s left-wing can be fixed by sucking on Blair’s right-wing.
Blair was the one getting loved up with Bush and then left us for Gormless Brown. We are still picking up the pieces today. Thanks, Labour
This the one in question?
Seems like some crisis management in play.
‘Testing ideas’: popping in some howlers to concede upon to let other dodges sneak past. No wonder the bbc is sympathetic.
Batten has understood that you just cannot back down now however much they revile you. It is time to stand on and say exactly what you think. No apologies no compromise.
Any other way and free speech dies.
BBC productions will now always be about profit and not how best to inform, educate or entertain
So they won’t need the licence tax, right?
Brian of London’s amazing conclusions on Tommy
.. I’ll add , if the who thing was supposed to be a blanket ban on reporting even things already in the public domain
..to protect jorors being influenced in the forthcoming rape trial, then how can they release Tommy ?
Cos it will generate a massive publicity drive on the internet if they did.
Ezras’s thought is that initial trial judges clever blanket ban , was probably illegal .
Meanwhile I see on Twitter Guardian journo first tell people that they are idiots, cos Tommy is not appealing his CONVICTION
..and then apologise and state in court there was an appeal against both sentence and conviction.
And The Secret Barrister seems more like an activist that a barrister..He tweeted that Ezra was in contempt of court, and is not a journalist
… Nope Ezra not arrested AFAIK
Just out of interest, does anyone know the procedure by which judges are allocated to cases?
Are we ever likely to see the Lord Chief Justice sitting at one of the many Muslim paedo rape gang trials and setting a precedent for sentencing, for example?
And regarding the ‘report’ on Newshite the other night:
I think the LCJ chooses what cases he want to preside over within the Criminal Division . He is the boss – in theory
The judgement – which ever way it goes – will be slipped out quietly and TR will be compelled to agree to stay quiet – if the state decides he should survive prison – which somehow I doubt .
Re: the Newsnight video,
“The police thought a line was crossed.”
Indeed a line has been crossed. It looks as if Muslims via Sadiq Khan own the police in London. They are creating civil unrest by forcing people to defend themselves. Socialists don’t care because that is their method. Muslims don’t care because this country means NOTHING to them other than conquest and plunder. If the police had done their jobs in the first place (years ago) by not tolerating Muslim criminals this wouldn’t be happening.
I would thank the Dutch who have traveled to show solidarity.
“The Secret Barrister seems more like an activist that a barrister.”
Exactly right. And he/she does not invite comments, which might help to balance the articles.
BarristerBlogger is a much better site. This barrister offers an article just as dismissive of Tommy Robinson, but is happy for it to be followed by a lively discussion.
Someone shouting FakeNews at the Daily Mirror
good argument
Things BBC foget to report
anyone got the inside on the Bute murder someone was arrested for naming the perp I believe
‘naming the perp’
Person arrested and charged was under 18, I believe. So no details are ever likely to be known. Another of those interesting new modern twists to our former legal system.
woman arrested
Not BBC fed up with them, it’s Tucker Carlson! always fun
flake, thanks for putting that up. At least some people out there appear to be putting some serious thinking in on political matters.
Wow! Carlson brings on Eric Swalwell who, from his own mouth, proves the point Rubin was making!
Listening to the first few sentences from Swalwell, I was thinking – ‘this guy is a lawyer’. A hard-of-thinking lawyer. A hard-of-thinking Democrat lawyer. (I didn’t hear whether Tucker mentioned his Party in intro.) Checked out his bio – yup. Lawyer prior to Congressman. Yes again – Democrat.
BTW, has anyone come up with an answer from me on Putin and Russia. Where are they both on the Left ↔ Right political spectrum?
I have both an open mind and some confusion on this. Tucker didn’t help me out any!
I’m not sure the right/left wing spectrum is of any use these days. Maybe it’s a bit too simplistic. If you read that Putin is right wing it won’t tell the whole story, it’s misleading and more of a hindrance than a help, imo
This article from Paul Craig Roberts is interesting. I don’t always agree with what Mr Roberts says but he always says something interesting:
I like Fevze Turkalp – the Gadget Detective sometimes on R5 at night. Although some of the questions are moronic, and the ‘presenters’ aren’t much better, he has a sound delivery and is clearly very knowledgeable.
But they break for the ‘news’ every half hour, so I have to bear the opinions of the gabbling autocue readers, looking at instructions from the leftie snowflakes who write the drivel. At the end of all this, is ‘sport’.
Whatever happened to ‘The Summer Game’? It was briefly reported last, after golf, motor racing, football (in the summer?), rugby league and something else…
Perhaps cricket is too English for snowflakes to understand, after all, they wouldn’t have played it at school, as Prescott sold all the playing fields.
What a shame that one of the best international sports ever invented comes after a bloke getting a huge wedge for driving like a maniac for two hours.
I caught a bit of that last night. I almost called in to say that my radio had a fault as half the time Rhod Sharp sounded like he had a cold and the other half like a broken-down female.
Seriously, is this how the BBC intends to ‘fix’ the ‘gender problem’, with two presenters on every show? (I quite like women but very few have a voice fit for radio).
Radio 2 has it’s ‘cracked’ woman too – Katharine Cracknell and the zero gravitas Clare Runacres who could make the declaration of WW3 into sounding like we have all won the lottery.
Jim, it was actually Calum Macdonald with the cold, and he’s marginally less dull than Rhod Sharpe. The girl was Suzanne Courtney, and she has that irritating crackly voice as you describe, so when Fevse turned up with a nasty cold as well, they were all honking spitting and gobbing…
Leading with the terrible idea that the presidents of the two most powerful countries in the world to meet and talk again . The swamp doesn’t like it . Al beeb doesn’t like it .
Allison Saunders – the resigning DPP – used to be a pin up girl for al beeb because she has broken the glass ceiling . Turns out she wasn’t up to the job and peerage in doubt
Beeboids fixation on cannabis . They want the cannabis oil to be easier to get so that it’s a further step to legalisation – there is a case for allowing people to chose to mash their brains but the cocoa cost might be high
Lib Dem woman MP decides maternal issues are more important that her job representing her constituents so didn’t vote on Brexit.
And the best one – which even al beeb couldn’t justify – the threat by a ReichEU bitch -the PM of Eire – that UK flights won’t be able to overfly Eire after brexit . Still can’t understand how Eire got so lost as to vote for a foreigner to lead them . And how they forgot that we bailed them out with a 28 billion loan during their economic mess.,
There has to be a cost for such threats
RIP Geoffrey Wareham who has passed at a ‘ good age’ and was the youngest RAF pilot in the Battke of Britain . He came from close to where I live . Thanks Mr Wareham .
Correction misheard – it’s Wellum
Scrobie, thing about cricket is that it’s a ‘Vicarage lawn’* game that, from fairly early on in the history of the game, actually brings together different races and naturally breaks down barriers so that Chinese, Indians, Africans, Carib & Latins and good ol’ whitee Englishmun play against each other and together in teams. It also builds lifelong respect and friendships across racial barriers.
Exactly the same with golf.
And it does it all without any rules or fencing in or fencing off or strictures (all meanings of that word) from the LeftyLibbieAlt-Lefties. Hooooraaayyy!
* OK, not ON the lawn but that wonderful concept and construct: ‘the village green’.
But that means the elite have to meet the proles, Up, and if they do, they need to abide by the laws of cricket, which they haven’t done for some considerable time!
My beef is that the awful bbc have let most cricket reporting go, and almost marginalised the county game in favour of Hewis Lamilton signing up to Austin Allegros for 25 quid and a pair of trainers…
I like your analogy of the real game of cricket though.
Scrobie, to an extent yes and there were separations in both sports initially. Gentleman amateurs and prole pros. But in the 1960s world of my childhood that changed it would be summed up within a decade by a pop group – 10CC.
“Don’ like cricket! I LOVE ittah!!!
The game is bigger than politics which is why I spent the end of the summer of ’68 in a very grumbly mood with authority. Grrrr. Messing up Test cricket, because we wanted to take our new all rounder star to South Africa. And to make things worse, the Commies had just rolled their tanks into Checko and over Alexander Dubcek.
They really don’t get it do they!
On Talk Radio this morning they are talking about the rise in violent crime, moped gangs/muggings etc.
Asking the question “why” “what has gone wrong”???
They interviewed a guy who used to carry a knife but now campaigns against carrying knives. With regard to stop and search he specifically stated that it’s clear that more blacks would be stopped and searched as there are more blacks in London (his words not mine).
They continually blame cuts in police funding.
Everything that’s going wrong in this country is blamed on cuts to this and that but nobody can see the blatantly obvious. They don’t know who is coming into the country could be millions of criminals amongst them. Let more criminals in equals more crime. Simples.
And when they talk about a fall in detection and prosecution rates they also hint at cuts. Well how about certain communities refusing to cooperate with police inquiries? I’d bet my house that is one of the major factors.
Another one must be the reluctance to put out a description of the criminals when the crime involves certain people. For example, the car-jack story from yesterday in a quiet area of Birmingham (not far from where I was brought up). A woman with a young baby in the back was dragged out of her car while reversing onto her driveway. Thanfully, the carjackers abandoned the car at a health centre shortly afterwards.
The story at https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-44893229 explains how the police think it could be linked to other carjackings in Brum. The quote from the police says ‘We are still determined to trace the offenders who have put this mother through a 45-minute nightmare that she will never forget.’ Yet bizarrely, no description is given of the carjackers even though I’m guessing the woman got a damn good look at them. SO just how determined are they to capture these thugs if the public don’t know who to look out for when parking you car?
I see an AA kind of addicts workshop here for those unable to break free from the stabbing community.
I for one have now been twenty days knife free.
But He has got an old modelling knife in his shed, if I simply have got to handle one in an emergency.
Does that count?
“The Age of Attenborough”
The Jurassic, the Cretaceous, we know each great era came to an end. This morning as BBC tv news tries to berate its viewers into recycling plastic bottles a guest seems bemused that in what she terms: “The Age of Attenborough” people are still “actually recycling LESS and dropping MORE litter”
Could it be that the propaganda isn’t working ?
Why ?
Is it simply because the BBC’s traditional platforms of tv and radio are outmoded and garnering an ever diminishing audience ?
Afterall, it’s not just this recycling BBC message that is falling on deaf ears. For instance, the BBC pushed hard the pro-EU propaganda over the years, yet when the issue was put to the people we saw a referendum win for Leave.
Is litter dropping a supply-side problem; is it just that the UK population is rapidly expanding ?
Is the BBC’s notion of enviromentalism a cultural habit, that along with, say, gardening, was only a concern for stale pale Britain that inevitably fades with our new vibrant diverse global Britain ?
Are we nearing the close of the Age of Attenborough ?
I can’t help thinking that for some of the above reasons the BBC is bringing on its own demise.
Same people who forced us all onto digital tellies as well as causing us to bin perfectly good radios?
Now telling us that we`re horrid to Mother Earth as they fly around Russia watching footy and berating Trump long after he`s gone home?
This I will not put up with.
Boaty Mc Boatface is a privileged crustacean himself, living in an eco bubble of Richmondian self regard, how much does his social care cost us?
Bugger`s not seen an animal in years, unless its a palliative care cat.
No-besides I am into “careful littering”. By which I hang up my doggy bags like pearls around the bin or old phone box, and always leave my Costa cup upright on the bus shelter seat.
This is NOT littering-this is considerate and careful littlering and there shold be much more of it.
Local BBC outlets seem very happy to take it for me, not quite at the stage where I pour or tip the contents into their letter boxes.
But getting there.
PS My dog always leaves the seat down, despite being a bloke(neutered though, as they all need to be!).
Would the BBC want to know of gender confused canines?
Great post, Alicia, wonderful piece of writing.
Good to see you are a responsible disposer of doggy poo bags. Something I hate are Attenborough wannabees who falsely accuse me of not picking up poo.
I have solved the problem of false accusations. Noting that if you are carrying a poo bag you are not likely to be approached, yet for the most part your dog will not have produced a mess and whilst the bag remains in your pocket you are likely to be accosted. So here is my solution – the virtue poo bag. It is a plastic bag containing a piece of wood giving an appearance of bulk. Just take it with you whenever walking the dog, and hold you head erect virtue signalling that you are a responsible and ethical dog owner.
I intend to market virtue poo bags containing pieces of wood derived from sustainable sources. The bag will be made from biodegradable plastic in a variety of colours to indicate your ethnicity, political affiliations and sexual orientation. Virtue poo bags should be available from ethical pet stores.
What a great idea GWF.
A variety of masking odours too, a great use for the Old Spice and Gripe Water as well as unwanted industrial drums of perfumes and the like too.
Must be a way of getting the wood, plastic models to smell like rosewater or lavender.
And why not the old dog turds that used to be white? Retro chic and stylish accessories, a boon to any travelling kit I`d have thought.
Count me in, great idea!
In respect of clearing up after your dog, if you live in the country the best method is to act like a politician and kick it into the long grass.
Polling could be going better.
Gender neutral toilets.
Should the toilet lid be left up-or down?
What lids? We will ‘integrate’ by squatting on the rim.
Aren’t you being genderphobic? The cheek of it, what about ‘almost up’, or ‘half way up/down’, or ‘almost down’ plus all the degrees of upness/downness in between? Didn’t you know that ‘biological sex is a spectrum’ and that gender is a ‘cultural construction’?
Seriously, because it’s a touchy subject, I think that all racist and sexist white toilet paper should be banned – only rainbow sensitive toilet paper should be used. I think we may find that the whole business needs looking at from top to bottom and the BBC are more than qualified in this respect.
We had to burn down a ‘Portaloo’ in Saudi because it was well past normal (or even exceptional) cleaning. no one bothered to demonstrate to the workers on a site how to use the toilet. By default, the Asian workers stood on the rim and did their business from a great height. Imagine……………………
I used to have to get the pubes out of the sinks at a local hall of residence, lots of short black curlies because the African lads only saw bidets where we saw teacups to wash.
Not even minimum wage then either.
But have some idea about the different kink and curl for a Sudanese as opposed to a Nigerian,if that helps get me a research grant.
Would Laurie Taylor care to know about my ethnographic, curlicular metatonic survey of pubic similitude in regard of the West African tribal patriarchs, as set against those of the Eastern diasporic androgynicular persuasion?
Neither make for good dental flossing, being my considered if provisional finding.
Why does anybody even want to talk about this?
Apologies: this is not BBC bias.
I called up the BBC w-s Home Page and then the newspaper front pages, as photographed out of focus (usually) by dem grate Bibbycee, and find this on the Metro front page. In pole position, too. Wot! No Guardian?
” ‘Policing cuts fuel surge in murders’ ”
Now there’s a headline in dire need of some punctuation instead of apostrophes.
Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?
Jus’ askin’ …..
When was the last time someone was sacked from:
The far-left bbc
Channel 4
The Civil Service
The Bank of England
The judiciary
Do they also fuel those poor wandering motor vehicles by whose agency so many people have been “lost”?
Looking at Al Beeb News site this morning………………
To Al Beeb, Mr Home Secretary and Mr Mayor.
London, once the seat of democracy is ‘Broken’.
Ah well, saves us all having to go to Malmo to see how Africa and Islam work out for those who vote it in.
We`ll need a London Wall as well, one big Zootime withing ten years.
But they voted for it, hope our friends on this site are slip, sliding away and out to Essex or such.
Khan is in for keeps-get out while you can.