I mention Mr Robinson because Wednesday is due to be his appeal day. I think for any reliable report of proceedings we will need to look to non British broadcasters — if of course – the judges allow it.
and as an aside it’s the Cliff Richard case result .
Can you believe this is Britain ?
Oh dear. It looks as though the bBBC’s pet project of multiculti let’s all live in harmony BS just isn’t happening despite what they would have us believe. But hey-don’t look back in anger…
Comments could be…..well you know.
Breitbart and the BBC; sharing boats now.
And the Beebtanic seems to have hit another iceberg.
The BBC sails around like the ball in a pinball table.
Not BBC bias as such, more a case of ‘are you really that stupid?’
On their website, in the weather section, there’s a picture piece showing the effects of a decent summer on Britain’s landscape – namely lots of pictures of yellow grass in Hyde Park and Buckingham Palace. The last picture is of a lush, green Lord’s Cricket Ground, with the statement: “However, Lord’s cricket ground in St. John’s Wood, north London, seems to be escaping the harsh weather conditions.”
Just a guess, but I reckon St. John’s Wood has been getting the same weather as the rest of the country – but because it’s an operating cricket stadium, it has to be watered during the cricket season!!
Amazingly none of the London ice skating venues have melted either!
For the BBC cricket is a game played by toffs. This was another chance to show that while the plebs suffer in the heat the aristos luxuriate in their privilage. To the BBC’s SJWs class consciousness is everything.
Edit – I see that the next post, from MM, is making a similar point.
Cooper Man, that is a wonderful spot. Well done, Sir.
The BBC has become totally stupid. There are all sorts of rumours about what happens in the corridors of Broadcasting House, not least ‘JN Garveys’ (was it?) empty champagne bottle story. Alcohol may be just the half of it.
Alcohol kills brain cells every time you drink it. Half a glass of pure alcohol will kill you stone dead, unless you have the constitution of a horse but you will still be brain damaged even if you do.
And if Beeboids took cannabis, even in a pure form, in the 1960s, 1970s or 1980s, then the mental problems are probably kicking in right about now.
Well spotted. There must be some real thicko snowflakes working for the Beeb now.
Notice the title …. “Tory MP attacks ‘wealthy’ Brexiteers” .. but the remainers are wealthy as well so why mention this in the title? To create a distaste for them … to make you angry … to generate hate.
BBC is a source of 50% news hate crime!
“Tory MP attacks ‘wealthy’ Brexiteers” {bbc.co.uk 16jul2018}
Pro-EU former minister Anna Soubry made a passionate speech about Brexit as MPs debated the Customs Bill.
“Anna Soubry made a passionate” – SHE IS PORTRAYED AS A GOOD LADY.
“‘wealthy’ Brexiteers” – THEY ARE PORTRAYED AS BAD PEOPLE
Looks like Billy Idol!
Needs a bit more work on that curled lip sneer though.
Yes-but I thought some of our gorgeous beauties on this site, a while back, agreed that it was in bad taste to criticize a lady – Mary Beard to be exact- because of her looks. The trouble is we all recognize ugly when we see it but we mustn’t say it. I see it every day when I shave. Then I look around me and realise that I am not alone. XX
Bit like Carrie Gracie, I thought. Must change my specs.
They’d make a good pair.
Not from me Lefty, can`t stand that old miserable lefty boot Beardie Weirdie.
The Left has a problem with getting women who are -well normal, I`d settle for.
Beauty comes from within. The Left only give off bile and bitterness.
Soubry only smells of Extra Strong mints, that keep the whiff of strong drink off her dragon breath.
Never sits with Alastair Campbell, who`s more a dry drunk than a wet one than Anna Sousberry.
Fucking hell,you must have been up pretty close to some of these characters to have caught a whiff of their breath. XX
Ha Ha Just like that!
Marky ,
Come on – Anna is good value as a representative of mad remainers who want a job with the ReichEU. The more al beeb put the likes of her an Blair on the better for my full brexit cause …
Talking of Blair —— I’m guessing Albeeb will big up his essay in the Londonistan evening standard about ‘crime being out of control’ obviously he doesn’t equate mass rapid immigration with social strain . He just blames cuts in police numbers .
Police numbers used to matter – but once Blair politicised the police and they became an ineffective snowflake self serving extension of the Labour Party their numbers don’t matter too much .
Obviously the terrorism police have to be effective but the rest are just hate and cohesion anti racist patrols making sure we are all in it together .
We’ll soon see with the riot season coming up.
Very anti Tory today but nothing on Bojo or The Mogg potentially becoming PM? Are the BBC in denial again?
any mention of barnier kicking the chequers plan into touch yet on the so called BBC westmonster
???? Coming up on @theJeremyVine Show before 2pm ????
1️⃣ As Home Office figures suggest that no suspect is charged in 9 out of 10 crimes, is it time to DIY police your own street?
2️⃣ At least 11 people have died after an amphibious “duck boat” carrying tourists sinks in a lake in the US.
3️⃣ With the summer break beginning for many children, are you a parent worrying about how much it will all cost?
4️⃣ A dog is reunited with its owners five years after being stolen.
???? Listen at http://bbc.co.uk/radio2
???? 08000 288291 ???? 88291 ✉️ vine@bbc.co.uk
A little interesting page on Al Beeb’s website was about young people not having an interest in driving and acquiring a car . Also statistics showing the annual mileage of the average Joe is going down .
But if you drive on the roads that doesn’t seem right . Journeys are taking longer despite more new roads , and traffic jams and standstills are every day everywhere especially in the southeast and London area .
So why this dichotomy ?
Ah well , easy but the Beeb won’t admit to it . The average motorist is driving less and there are more people who don’t drive . BUT ; there are more average motorists and more motorists to take the place of the mainly young folk who don’t drive . IE we have more people in the country , and a lot more immigration than official figures state .
Perhaps also young people are taking advantage of the public transport that is not as bad as Corbyn makes out. That or they are convinced that Corbyn is about to gain power and so they get their free bus pass.
Perhaps also young people are taking advantage of the public transport that is not as bad as Corbyn makes out. That or they are convinced that Corbyn is about to gain power and so they get their free bus pass.
Just give everyone a free local bus pass and improve services if they are serious about cutting traffic.
I couldn’t get on the bus yesterday because it was too full. I was refused by the driver. Arriva recently switched to new ‘mini’ buses. I was late for work.
Zero the £14 billion a year so-called foreign aid budget and put it into Railways, buses, Trams, cycle networks or any other transport infrastructure you care to think about. And we could add to that by selling of our favorite {sarc mode off} broadcaster the money raised by selling of the wretched BBC would be the first useful thing the BBC has done in its miserable life.
Didn’t Nigel Farage get creamed for suggesting similar . The other factor of course is that third worlders aren’t very good at driving and very good at doing fraudulent driving tests ..
What has the net population increase by immigration ? Al beeb was celebrating because it was “only less than 300 000 “ much less than previous years
how much extra traffic is created by the online shopping revolution? Delivery vehicles are everywhere.
Baby taken in Birmingham car-jacking found safe
‘An Audi with a four-week-old baby girl in the back was car-jacked in Birmingham.
Police said the mother was approached by two men as she pulled on to her driveway.
As she struggled to get her child out of the car, the pair drove off, injuring the mother in the process.
Another car-jacking took place on Monday in the Nechells area of Birmingham.
A spokeswoman for West Midlands Police said it was “too early” to say whether the incidents were linked, but that officers were aware.’
And a brief description of the carjackers in both cases?
If there is no description you sort of know what they look like.
Similar event in the USA reported recently, the assailant was shot in the head by the mother.
Can we have some guns please Mr Trump?
To protect us from the Communists and other criminals.
Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker uses his BBC token to promote the end of Brexit ….
“We’re not actually, really, seriously, possibly contemplating a no deal Brexit, are we? Democracy is democracy and all that but there are limits to how much we want to self-harm, surely. #PeoplesVote”
– Gary Lineker twitter 20jul2018
Response … “The self-harm is all in your fevered imagination. No deal means no more huge sums to the EU, trading under WTO rules, freedom to make trade treaties with rest of world, recovery of fishing waters, etc. Why do you want a 2nd Referendum if you won’t respect the results of the 1st?”
Democracy is democracy and all that but…
Lineker doesn’t understand. Go kick a ball around, idiot
Such a lazy cop out by Lineker
Yeah I know democracy is important and all that kinda stuff but come on people, we don’t really have to listen to the people do we?
It’s just that arrogant, high handed I believe in something mantra but then the very next words prove that you don’t believe for one second in the very thing you just paid lip service to.
The designation “People’s Vote” is particularly galling.
After the tedious denunciations of referenda and plebiscites as the instruments demagogues and populists use to undermine “our glorious representative democracy” and usher in dictatatorships and police states, they want to pretend it’s not a second referendum. You simply can’t take these people seriously. Suddenly, the referendum is the panacea for all political iils . Apparently “new facts” are now available which will allow the electorate to come to the “right” decision. Pity no referenda were held as the real pupose of the “European Project” became clearer and clearer.
Worth every penny of the £1.7 million extorted from the plebs obviously
So to him, democracy is only okay if it goes his way? surely this is against BBC guidelines or will they just say he is acting as an individual and not a £1.75M appendage of the BBC..
I used to like Lineker now I think he is gobshite…a self inflated one at that….sorry a bit late on this one
#Febrile #BiasedBBC
The BBC caters only the metro-liberal-bubbleworld
ie snowflakes
.. and to help frame the world to suit their POLITICAL agenda
So BBC = FlakeNews
#Febrile #BiasedBBC

9th of July people notice that it seems like a command has gone out by BBC News management that the narrative must be that brexit Tory politics is “febrile”
#Febrile #BiasedBBC
But surely previously BBCNews stories often mention the word ?
Previous 52 weeks : 23 mentions
ie ONCE per every 2 weeks
However in last 2 weeks :”Febrile” was mentioned in 9 stories
BBC News seems to act like a PR agency that CONSTRUCTS news narratives to benefit lib/left agendas

So it’s like someone like Alistair Campbell managed the July 9th morning meeting & said our narrative is “TORIES are FEBRILE on BREXIT”
#Febrile #BiasedBBC
But on July 18th 2 tweeters recall the BBC coverage of the Cliff Richard raid was “FEBRILE”
Projection is a common libmob characteristic they throw out labels at other people, which actually apply to them themselves.
Similar to the use of “ crash out” to leave the ReichEU in accordance with the majority of those who voted to -er – leave . Used by thick remainers
“Crash out” used to mean “go to sleep”.
The Times used the term in 5 stories this month
theguardian.com 3 times in last 24hrs, 15 times last week, and 25+ times in the last month.

Part 3 : 6 more people who noticed on 9th July that journalists slipping in the word word “febrile”
BBC’s Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker wins by beating BBC’s Chris ‘£2/3m’ Evans at Gender Pay Gap League Table ….
Match of the Day host Gary Lineker has overtaken Chris Evans as the best-paid person on the list, earning between £1.75m-£1.76m in 2017-18. {bbc.co.uk}
‘Several wounded’ in stabbing on German bus
Here we go again. A sentient knife has attacked people.
Several people have been wounded, some seriously, in a knife attack on a bus in the German city of Luebeck, local reports said.
The BBC don’t even say “man” anymore.
Edit: a quick look on Twitter says an Iranian man has been arrested. Let’s see how long it takes for the BBC to catch up and spin this.
Poor knife! It was just minding it’s own business when it was attacked.
Several? 3, 4 or 5? No BBC b******s, it’s 14 who have been wounded.
rt.com is reporting he is Iranian and also had a smouldering backpack that was extinguished. Nothing from the BBC apart from 14 injured.
Due to the unique way the BBC is funded we don’t get any real facts like other news outlets provide.
BBC are hiding this insignificant news just as a text link on the home page.
Märkische Allgemeine says that 14 were wounded by an Iranian in his thirties. The bus driver put out a fire caused by a flammable substance, meths? in the rucksack the attacker was carrying the kitchen knife used for the attack. Bus driver had presence of mind to open all doors immediately so that many could save themselves from injury.
How will beebistan spin it? Simples:
A Norwegian-Iranian doctor and engineer called Bjorn Mohammad was on a mercy mission to feed the starving children of Luebeck.
While peeling apples for them his knife slipped and tragically injured 14 people.
Little is known about the incident so far, except that it had absolutely nothing to do with islam, which is a religion of peace, as O’Barmy the Magnificent kept telling us after every murder by, erm, the religionists of peace.
A German police spokesman announced: “We are doing everything in our power to quash this story, and we urgently appeal to any witnesses to be very careful who you talk to. We wouldn’t want you falling out of a police station window, would we?”.
Are sentient knives caused by cuts?
Something has clearly changed. This would be headline news all day a few months ago. The attacker is described as a “knife attacker” currently and they have caught him. Lets see how this develops.
Lone wolf
Mental issues
Should have been stopped by police
They make good buses those Germans
This is “part and parcel of living in a major? city” as Sheikh Saddiq would say.
The Flensburger Tagesblatt 1/6/18 reports a kitchen knife attack by a 25 year old Eritrean on a police woman who was about to get off an Intercity at Flensburg station. A passenger heard her screams and went to help her. He suffered serious knife wounds and a broken arm but gave the police woman the opportunity to draw her pistol and shoot the Eritrean dead.
I don’t remember any mention of this on the BBC.
Initially Krautplod thought the police woman was trying to break up a fight between two passengers and had shot one of them??!!
What happened when Trump showed up at Sheffield and tried to get through the Loud Mayor’s ban ?
Roy Larner … presumed LOST by Theresa May ……
“Today’s awards are a fitting tribute for the courage these people showed during the London Bridge attacks. When faced with violence and terror, their instinct was to protect those around them. Some gave their lives. We thank and remember them.” – Jeremy Corbyn
– London Bridge attacks – Islamic Terrorist?
– Roy Larner Missing In Action.
Heroes cannot use bad language . If they do they are no longer heroes – what an eff-ed up country .
Liberal Peer Lord William Wallace of Saltaire
rides the Jo Cox horse in the Yorkshire Post today
in his pieces titled
“All sides need to lower the aggressive tone on Brexit”
read down it and you soon spot him being aggressive and nasty
\\ Some of the privileged right-wingers such as Jacob Rees-Mogg, who have set themselves up as champions of the people against an allegedly treacherous establishment, look to experienced Westminster-watchers as caricatures.
But their rhetoric strikes home with people who are confused by the technicalities of customs arrangements //
(yes he’s calling them thickies)
Then he throws around the term “Right Wing media”
Then says \\ mentally-disturbed people, who will follow the logic of these headlines, and plot to attack democratic politicians//
Reporting truth should not be tempered by what mentally-disturbed people might do, otherwise you wouldn’t report anything
..We’ve already had 3 of Trumps Republicans shot by a left winger
\\ The Prime Minister should therefore speak out, to tell partisans both of Leave and Remain to moderate their language, and call in newspaper editors to remind them //
Go to Twitter and spot how on the 9th July BBC new reporters suddenly started to throw around the terms ‘Febrile Tory Brexit’
Remainer hysteria, dramaqueening and constant scaremongering seems the main thing against calm, and indeed may provoke a reaction from “mentally-disturbed people”.
If you see the rant speech by soubry in the commons from a couple of day you can see how the whole brexit process is derangng certain types . Think she is looking for a stroke but perhaps the booze will ward it off.
They hide behind the Jo Cox shield as they throw aggression at everyone on the Brexit side.
“liberal peer”
“democratic politicians”?
a man without any sense of irony
Are we then to take it that HIs Lordship would like Britain to remain in the EU? If so, who are these “mentally – disturbed people” to whom he refers? I rest my case.
MSM are essentially all in the same bubbleworld
Tonight’s TV
9:30pm BBC1 Our Friend Victoria : Michael Ball looks at Victoria Wood’s candid views on sex and relationships
11:30 pm Channel 5 : Julie Walters: By Her Friends
10 pm Channel 5 : Mamma Mia Mania: The World’s Greatest Musical
11pm BBC4 : Joy of Abba
12am BBC4 : Abba at the BBC
Yes. I think it might be time for some necessary growing up in certain quarters otherwise the next generation will be drowned amidst the incoming tide of effluent from the dark continent.
I suppose that is the intention though, but I’m sure that someone will have to pay dearly for this stupidity. Eventually.
BBC Online News:
“”German bus stabbing in Luebeck leaves 14 wounded, reports say….””
The BBC have confined this to the ‘World’ page and not mentioned it on their home page (UK).
Is this because Islamic terror attacks are nor relevant to us in the UK??
Or, is the BBC trying to downplay this horror? Don’t want the Brexit knuckle-draggers to get uppity, do we?
Considering that al beeb has got such a thing for sir Mohammed farah I’m surprised that they aren’t reporting that his brother just got 4 years. Prison running team should improve though .
Omission is the greatest lie … and the BBC is the greatest liar.
I have to take whatever pleasures life allows me at my age.
But one of my highlights was the occasion when they had Mo lined up as a certainty for SPOTY.
Oh yessss..and Bradley Wiggins pissed all over him.
No fucking corridors strewn with empty champagne bottles eh?
I was over the moon, oh the pleasure.
Really? Now that is funny. Yes it strange the BBC haven’t mentioned it. After all they are all for stuff that is in the public interest – like Sir Cliff
Question … if it takes 5 female police officers to handle a single immigrant, do we need to ensure that the police force is 5 times the current size as we accept more migrants?
“5 Swedish Cops FAIL to Arrest 1 Refugee”
If a UK army is 50% female and faces an army of 100% males … is that fair?
Well, it would solve the problem wouldn’t it?
In the words of Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse, ” Women, know your place”.
The sooner women stop trying to be men, the better it will be for everyone. This is what the collectivists have been doing for decades in order to destroy Western civilisation. We need more housewives and mothers, in stable loving families with a man and a woman bringing up children who know what is normality and what is right from wrong, good from evil. But you won’t get that from the collectivists.
No truer word was spoken.
I’m a woman, but agree with much of what you say. The emasculation of the police and armed forces is a worry.
Thank you for supporting our views, Your first statement reads “I am a woman”. So will I ask, how do you know that you are a woman? What an utterly stupid question to ask you may reply.
A few years ago such a question would have qualified me as being insane. However today, that question no longer sounds quite so totally idiotic. WHY?
They were a bit pathetic – in France or Italy they would have shot him – and nobody would have raised an eyebrow…even here we might have used a tazer…
“Champion: Clear Home Office knew about Rotherham child sex abuse in 2002” {westmonster.com 20jul2018}
. . . .
They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham – 1997 – 2013 – Jay OBE –pdf}
. . . . .

There also needs to be justice for Melanie Shaw. She also is incarcerated by the state because they don’t like what she’s saying.
Well said, John in Cheshire. I have read about the Melanie Shaw case in the alt media and she has been treated appallingly, Amnesty International should be involved. I tell as many people as I can about her case and where to read up on it.
Amnesty International ?
Every time I have looked AI are part of the problem.
The clue is in the International.
Al beeb reports – plumber jailed for minimum 40 years for bomb making and plotting Islamic terrorist attacks .
Think they got his occupation wrong as he spent 5 years in afgee making bombs . He ll be giving bomb making classes in bellmarsh by Sunday and the report will be gone from the albeeb website by 6pm….
How difficult is it for the swamp dwellers in the Western world’s MSM to use the words : ” another muslim has tried to injure and kill some of us in the name of his religion”?
It would also be a refreshing change if just one of them was brave enough to acknowledge that their self-styled prophet was not only a paedophile, but also a sadistic killer.
>The seeds of white destruction must be “carefully managed” so as to prevent whites from crafting of hateful and fear-driven messages in response to their demographic genocide.
They’re not even hiding it anymore.
Love this fascinating interview. Thanks for posting it.
Am camping out in Wareham Forest , fair set for Tolpuddle tomorrow.
Butlins for Lefties-glad to see the bus prices to and from their fields are now costing the market rate-more money for Corbs from the lumpenproles.
Will watch this whilst I`m there, Bezmenov and Solzhenitsyn were our last warnings.
Trump, Grenfell, Brexit-wonder if Keith Vaz will be offering KY by the portaloos as usual?
No Israel flags allowed again I bet.
Welcome to the Pleasuredome.
ITV Calendar news
: first 8 mins is “oh scary scary we might run out of potatoes”
coming up Hull plans bigger pride festival
* If potatoes are late around here they’ll be somewhere having it better like Scotland.
How’s things in London
Daily telegraph gardening correspondent ?
Funny what gets them excited.
And what they ignore.
Speaking of what they claim vs. what they actually do.
Nifty caveat, Nick.
Hey Nick, see you covered this…
A woman who was tricked into not saying anything? Totes legit.
BBC working on a series of programmes to celebrate leaving the EU and Brexit.
That’s exactly what they should be doing!
But this doesn’t sound like anything we’re working on
Yeah, sounds more like the BBC
“BBC’s job is to analyse/explain current events not celebrate/commiserate” well theres a straight up lie right there
Novichok victim Charlie Rowley leaves hospital
Straight back on the smack no doubt so good luck to him he’s gonna need it
flake, “his life has changed” according to BBC R4 News. I wonder what life changing events have taken place?
As an example of the BBC being ‘hard of thinking’ I heard this item on the 6pm R4 News and it was “not thought to be terrorism related.”
But why would anyone jump on a bus carrying a knife and attack not just one or two people or a family but at least FOURTEEN people if not to create terror and, therefore, as a terrorist?
BBC 6pm news. No German bus attack news. Not a jot.
tipple, were you watching TV News?
Yep. I watched it just to see if they’d mention it. So within five or six hours the story is not newsworthy. How quickly they move on!
Yes, only the briefest of mention on R4 – the news reader couldn’t get to the “not thought to be terrorism related.”-bit fast enough.
Interestingly, the Beeb appear to have re-written the article or I did not read it carefully enough: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-44904183. On the web-site, the article shows a police statement rather different to the R4 News – “”The background to the crime is still unclear and is the subject of the ongoing investigation.” .
I didn’t initially realise this Muenster thing has been going on for over half a day. Have been out since 10.40am-ish until 5.50pm. Heard about it on the news at 6pm on R4. There’s another bit of BBC dishonesty for you with the time-code at the top of the article. An organisation with integrity would preserve the time (& date) first posted and then add the times of subsequent updates. No integrity or honesty at the BBC these days. It is currently showing – at approx. 20.32 – as being posted on the BBC web-site “17 minutes ago” .
James Purnell should be sacked by the DG.
Bitte, typo correction – Muenster is incorrect, bus attack today was in Lubeck.
Twelve people died in Berlin in December 2016 when a Tunisian who had links to Islamist militants ploughed into a crowded Christmas marketplace.
They have finally added that bit at the bottom
But the BBC also had to get this in there…
“The identity of the perpetrator has been clarified: a 34-year-old German citizen resident in Lübeck. There are currently no indications the man was political radicalised and no signs of a terrorist background.”
Using the word “citizen” and not even “German National” to describe an Iranian Islamic terrorist. Soon the BBC will be using the phrase “planet Earth resident”.
with an apparently self igniting rucksack
This is old news but I meant to look when the BBC were providing figures on crime a few days ago. At the time I thought it was odd that they only discussed overall UK figures..well one reason for not splitting it down maybe this ( I am using the official figures provided by Govt):
if you compare a like size population area (Greater Manchester/ ) to area covered by the Met police ( Mr Khan’s area) the level of knife crime is 3 times higher as are the levels of homicide using a knife and just about everything else..GM 32 homicides involving knife – London 98..
Funny thing is if you look at areas where the BAME population is proportionately lower so are the knife crimes..the South East which is about the same population, has 1/4 of the Met crimes involving knifes..now I am not making any inferences as we know statistics can be deceiving..I am just saying…why didn’t the BBC break the figures down? They seem only too happy to do it when it comes to things like Universities not accepting BAME or when old white men are in the majority…
The term “Old White Man” always makes me smile because I was once a young white man and like most young white men, by the luck of the draw, I morphed into the detested “Old White Man” which really means I am just a young white man with more life experience.
Today’s young white men are tomorrows “Old White Men”
Our great Marxist thinkers seem to believe that they alone can “perfect” human nature, or indeed that human nature can be perfected. Although who will decide at what stage the said perfection has been attained is anybody’s guess. The arrogance of such an assumption is beyond comprehension.
Trust Mother Nature. She may not be perfect but she is so much better than anything else on offer.
Historically there would be no modern world without white men and by and large we still run the show, despite the efforts of the cultural Marxists. East Asian men could keep modern civilisation going, could maintain it, as could a few other populations but due to cultural reasons few other races seem to be good at creating anything new. That’s not to say these things are unalterable, they could change in some hundreds of years but..
If the world suddenly went tits up, most places in the world would revert to warlord barbarism, or the stone age, especially if they aren’t far off it right now. Any over-population problem would soon be solved, so David Attenborough would be pleased at least.
As for swapping a patriarchal society with a matriarchy-led society, sorry ladies. Within a few generations we’d be shivering in the dark, out in the wilderness, scrabbling around in the dirt for earthworms to eat.
So when people tell you old white men are a curse upon the earth they are foolish naive ‘useful’ idiots if they are white themselves. If they aren’t white it’s envy and shame that their own people could not remake the world as we have done.
Amen to that.
“now I am not making any inferences as we know statistics can be deceiving”
statistics can be manipulated, but the truth is often in there somewhere.
and I think you probably answered your own question
for me they should break them down by everything and find the patterns, its not even difficult today these days
but we all know the reason is because they already know the answer to the question and dont want to admit it
Poor old beebistan: you just know they’d love to keep the Lubeck stabbing story off their webshite altogether but they can’t, it’s all over the msm, currently top of my msn newsfeed. They just can’t ignore it, the deception would be too gross and obvious even by their lying standards, so they grudgingly hide it under Europe on their webshite.
Meanwhile other sites seem to know the perpetrator (terrorist) is an Iranian muslim migrant, while our massively funded beeb don’t. Maybe they should increase the extortion tax.
Probable #terrorist attack in #Lubeck (Germany)
– Iranian man attacks bus passengers with a knife
He allegedly also left a ‘smoking backpack’.
• 1 arrested
• 14 wounded (2 of them seriously injured).
BBC narratives
: “Police said there was no indication the suspect had been politically radicalised.” (third sentence)
No on R4 9pm news
Wow happened before 3pm and the first I here is 6 hours later
Tonight I had the misfortune to tune into what radio 4 laughably calls comedy – the funniest thing available is their own pompous stupidity.
Where’s the F in News:
An energetic, intelligent female-anchored show with a female panel – using the events, trends and talking points they think should really be top of the news agenda in a series of fresh and funny challenges.
Host Jo Bunting is joined by a panel of women including London Hughes, Zoe Lyons and Doctor Janina Ramirez.
Jo Bunting is a producer and writer of topical comedy and satire, with credits including Have I Got News For You, the Great British Bake Off spin off show An Extra Slice with Jo Brand, and the successful topical chat show That Sunday Night Show presented by Adrian Chiles on ITV. Jo was a guest interviewer on Loose Ends for several years and a panellist on Loose Women.
It was just a far leftist diatribe against President Trump with some of the loons bemoaning the fact they had to work at the BBC and were therefore unable to go to the Leftie protest.
And we’re being forced to pay for this?
Complaint coming on I think.
A Far Left extravaganza then?
Thoughtful, is this the thing they have been dishonestly trailing, for the last ten days or so, as the first radio comedy programme with an all-female cast or panel?
If I recall correctly, there was an R4 thing at 11pm within the last two or three years with an all-female cast or panel.
While I’m on the subject of BBC dishonesty, am I the only one to think ‘My Teenage Diary’ currently on R4 @ 6.30pm may be faked?
IT would have to be First BBC series with a large panel of only women
IT can’t mean “all female show or all female cast, cos loads of BBC radio shows are women only or largely women.
: Women talking about Cars series
: Fleabag and sister on R4 Extra
: The Lucy Beaumont / Maureen Lipman comedy series
: French and saunders /AbFab
: Mel & Sue
: Wood & Walters
There has been panel shows with women only episodes before
\\ Dr Mark Porter Tweeted
Not sure why I am copied into this tweet but, for the record, I am the only male in the Inside Health team – our broadcast assistant, both producers and editor are all female.
As is my co-presenter @mgtmccartney.
And the rest of the Radio Science office is mostly women too. //
\\ What about “The Petticoat Line”, chaired by Anona Wynn, an all-female comedy & comment panel @BBCRadio4 from 1967 onwards? // (Home Service was renamed Radio4 in 1967)
It started on 6 January 1965[2] and ran for 14 years.[3] It was devised by Anona Winn and Ian C. Messiter.
BTW There is a men’s rights new site
9 Mar 2013
the first all female Fighting Talk on 5 Live.
The comedy sports panel show
Thoughtful, I heard two minutes of it and did find that short section funny, although perhaps not quite as they intended. Someone was asked to name the three most important women ever. Two of the three, Julian of Norwich and Boudicia, came from Norfolk. Now Norfolk is a great county, but scoring it two out of three I found funny.
As a postscript for those who’ve never heard of her, Julian was important enough that twenty years ago we gave her name to a new hospital.
So, which two UK media organisations did M Barnier take questions from, after his little tap dance today ? Why that would be the Grauniad and Al Beeb of course.
Now Al Beeb don’t seem to have paid much attention to what he actually said, because they tell us Treezer must have sighed with relief afterwards. Er, no, he did actually crap all over her dreadful white paper.
He said the following (in English, this bit to make sure we got the point): “Are the British proposals in the interest of the EU? As you know in any product like your mobile phone between 20 to 40 percent of this good is linked to services. So how will we avoid unfair competition in services because the UK would be free to diverge on services ? So we will avoid unfair competition for EU companies. If autonomous British trade independence is feasible how can we allow that ? How can we allow UK companies to have a significant edge against EU companies ?”
So there you have it folks- the EU/Commission is afraid we might actually compete successfully once we are free. Any piece of torn white paper which Raab waves when he get back to our shores will be a stitch up designed to screw us up in perpetuity. So no more jive talking from Barnier. Just keep on writing to every Tory post box you can find and tell ’em we’re not having the Third Way or any other bloody way except a clear exit. That’s what we voted for, and not this pathetic attempt to compromise with the self-declared enemies across the water…
10 out of 10.
Thinking about staged show trials, á la Tommy Robinson, got me thinking about another one; the Thomas Mair trial. Another one that was over so quickly it beggars belief. I’m not convinced he killed Jo Cox but even if he did, where’s the appeal against his trial and sentence? Who’s championing his case? Is he going to languish in jail for decades before someone admits that the police investigation and subsequent trial were flawed?
I don’t suppose the far-left bbc have a spare investigative reporter; assuming they have such a thing in their hive; who could be put on the case?
I’m sure if Mr Mair had been of the – shall we say- “correct” political persuasion, our National Broadcaster would have come up with some thing. Don’t you?
john in cheshire,
”I’m not convinced he [Thomas Mair] killed Jo Cox but even if he did, where’s the appeal against his trial and sentence?”
It’s quite clear where you’re coming from, John…
After the terrorist Darren Osborne drove his truck into a crowd of Muslims, killing Makram Ali and injuring ten others, you said;
”I think I’m going to feel very sorry for Mr Osborne… his life will be ruined… The best outcome for him and us would be a non-custodial sentence”.
Murder is ok, sometimes…
john in cheshire,
“I’m not convinced he killed Jo Cox but even if he did, where’s the appeal against his trial and sentence?”
In case you or anyone else here has forgotten. Thomas Mair shot Jo Cox once in the chest, twice in the face (one shot to the head going through her left hand), and then, realising she was still conscious and trying to crawl away, stabbed her another fifteen times.
Those were the last few moments of her life; ‘john in cheshire’.
“but even if he did…”
try richplanet thomas mair youtube
im not convinced either
despite him never speaking nobody uses the bbc weasel words “motive unknown” it was immediately “far right”
Yes, Kaiser, I have seen that film too. Very convincing arguments. According to those who knew Mr Mair, he was a quiet loner who did some voluntary work. Not interested in politics at all. Family convinced it isn’t him in the police interview film. All according to the film Kaiser mentions, and I must admit that it is a convincing piece of work. So we have an alleged “deep state” assassination to derail Brexit…food for thought.
If I remember the circumstances accurately, it would be a bit fanciful to suggest it was not Mair in the police interview film, as he was apprehended at the scene of the crime by members of the public who had witnessed the attack and one of whom was also wounded by Mair at the scene.
What is strange about the case as a whole (the only thing?) is that Mair was prevented by the Judge from making a statement to the Court. If we have any law students or Barristers on here who are close to stepping up to Recorder or Circuit status, they might be so kind as to let us know if 1. that is permissible, 2. whether it is a common occurrence, and, 3. whether a Judge should state a reason for his decision to do that. I do not recall one being given.
As to suggest the killing of an MP might be a ” “deep state” assassination to derail Brexit “, I would suggest that the calendar is an unforgiving and 100% totally reliable witness against you there.
So why would a Judge not allow Mair to speak to the Court ? All very odd. Anyway, the alt media film is all “allegedly” of course, but I found it pretty convincing. Hope I don’t get dragged off to the gulags for re-educating and brainwashing!!
Beebo, I hope you don’t experience Gulag soup either although I quite enjoy a good cabbage soup myself. That’s not, of course, what Solzhenitsyn & fellow inmates were given. Good cabbage soup. The stuff they had merely had the cabbage waved over the hot water and if any leaves fell off and in the water it was their lucky day. Protein came via the weevils in the stale bread.
You present an opportunity for me to mention some housekeeping.
I was slightly critical of something someone posted on, I think, the STW Thread which was urging people on here to take measures that are dubious in legality to protest a cancellation of Brexit or a BRINO Brexit. I think we need to guard against posting stuff like that.
We must be absolutely righteous in our postings on here if our criticism of the BBC, first & foremost, and of Government are to stand scrutiny by the public at large, let alone the authorities and our Remainer and MSM critics.
Here’s the point. We need to also be very careful with any links that we put up and any links put up by new posters whose names are unknown to regulars. We have seen what has happened legally with proscribed organisations this week. Then, last year, we saw the trouble that an ill-judged Tweet by Ann Coulter and re-Tweet by President Trump caused both the President and the Prime Minister and the two countries.
I did not watch the film. Much as I enjoy a good conspiracy along with Michael Mansfield, the opportunity for one here was limited by the actual events.
How Polly Toynbee and the Guardian got away with it, I’ll never know.
Er, except it was probably down to the good grace of those slandered and libelled by them in the immediate post-murder hiatus, in not suing the pants off Toynbee & the Guardian that probably accounts for their survival.
Agreed and echo the point . We can express views here which the MSM will not allow for their own reasons however legal they may be.
Those with editorial powers who don’t spot excess themselves should be told by any of the 99.9% of people who are good enough to share their views .
This is particularly the case in the weeks to come as the negotiation for Brexit gets more …..emotional.
Maybe I’ll see you there then.
”So why would a Judge not allow Mair to speak to the Court ? All very odd.”
Mair refused to enter a plea (guilty or not guilty) – his choice.
Refused to answer any questions during the trial – his choice.
Refused to say anything to defend himself – his choice.
It was only after he’d been found guilty that Mair asked to make a statement. Of course the judge refused – he was a convicted murderer.
Hello maxincony ‘long time no see’? Good to see your back. Always defending Al Beeb.
Have you come up with a good reason why you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich yet?
What’s you comment on the Sir Cliff case? Do you think the poor should pay for Al Beeb’s mistakes ?
Over to you maxincony……………
What ho, maxi! Are you a law student or in practice in some way?
As far as I know – my law studies were limited and a long time ago – an accused is always given a chance to speak in Court, even if they decline to plead (a plea may, in some circumstances, be entered on their behalf) or take up their right to remain silent.
Mair’s timing might have been bad. I suspect you could be correct on that point. Can you cite Statute, Common or Case Law on that?
But the Judge could have allowed it after verdict, could he not and prior to sentence? Unless again, there is a procedure rule or some aspect of Statute, Common or Case Law that might allow or require the Judge to prevent a statement by Mair.
“As far as I know – my law studies were limited and a long time ago – an accused is always given a chance to speak in Court…”
Yes you are correct, but Thomas Mair made a choice to remain silent. So Beebophobic’s claim that Mair wasn’t allowed to speak to the court is complete nonsense.
End of.
he wasnt arrested at the scene, he was arrested a good distance away a good time later by two plod
”despite him [Thomas Mair] never speaking nobody uses the bbc weasel words ‘motive unknown’ it was immediately ‘far right’ “
“On 18 June 2016, asked to confirm his name in Westminster Magistrates’ Court, Mair said, ‘My name is death to traitors, freedom for Britain’.”
“Witnesses testified that during the attack, Mair had cried out ‘This is for Britain’, ‘keep Britain independent’, and ‘Put Britain first’.”
“Mair had links to right-wing political groups including the National Front and the English Defence League…
He had attended far-right gatherings and purchased far-right publications….
In his home were found Nazi regalia, far-right books, and information on the construction of bombs…
He had searched the internet for information about the British National Party, apartheid, the Ku Klux Klan, prominent Jewish people, matricide, white supremacism, Nazism, Waffen SS, Israel, public shootings, serial killers, William Hague, Ian Gow and Norwegian far-right terrorist Anders Behring Breivik…”
Oh but never mind any of that –
I s a w s o m e t h I n g o n t h e I n t e r n e t
Can Al Beeb say anything positive about the UK leaving the EU?
Since the referendum two years ago, it has been full of Remainer propaganda.
What say you maxincony ?
“Witnesses testified that during the attack, Mair had cried out
‘This is for Britain’
‘keep Britain independent’
‘Put Britain first’.”
or something
the news agent who was supposed to be the witness put a sign in his window saying he DIDNT HEAR A THING
im guessing his tele was on the history channel for his daily dose of nazi porn as well eh maxi
too many things stink in this case, a known mentally unstable man , who’s own family said had no interests in politics
and the police found a nice little book shelf with nazi eagle on it
how convenient kkk check nazis check bnp check south africans check breviik check seems like he hated pretty much everyone
“the news agent who was supposed to be the witness put a sign in his window saying he DIDNT HEAR A THING”
It wasn’t a news agent it was a laundrette and the owner [Aamir Tahir] who put up the sign wasn’t there during the attack. He wasn’t a witness.
“too many things stink in this case, a known mentally unstable man , who’s own family said had no interests in politics”
Because you’ve never, ever before, heard neighbours/friends/family of murderers saying; “they had no idea…”?
“and the police found a nice little book shelf with nazi eagle on it
how convenient”
Yes, the evidence that Thomas Mair murdered Jo Cox because he was a far-right obsessive is overwhelming. And that’s your excuse for not believing it.
Would you be more likely to believe it if the evidence wasn’t so overwhelming?
This, Kaiser, is the bizarre, twisted, looking-glass world you have have backed yourself into.
maxi ” Kaiser,
”despite him [Thomas Mair] never speaking nobody uses the bbc weasel words ‘motive unknown’ it was immediately ‘far right’ “
“On 18 June 2016, asked to confirm his name in Westminster Magistrates’ Court, Mair said, ‘My name is death to traitors, freedom for Britain’.”
“Witnesses testified that during the attack, Mair had cried out ‘This is for Britain’, ‘keep Britain independent’, and ‘Put Britain first’.” ”
Can you explain how those words of Mair are deemed ‘Far Right’?
Could they not be equally said by someone of the ‘Far Left’?
“Can you explain how those words of Mair are deemed ‘Far Right’?”
The words by themselves aren’t far-right; the murderer who uttered them is. That is beyond doubt.
The people here dancing around in ever more ludicrous decreasing circles in defence of murderers would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.
John Gray on Radio 4 at the moment talking sense about Brexit and Europe. Amazing that the BBC allow him on their radio station.
No creates bogey men of non-metro-libs “hard right” he labels them.
He says the idea that staying in the European Union is a way of protecting liberal values is simply an “illusion
(He warns against rise of “Far Right parties across Europe”)
“Illiberal forces are advancing across the European continent”, he writes, with hard right politics strengthening their hold in many countries.
few Remainers seem to have noticed the illiberal and fragmented Europe that has recently come into being.
“The rise of the worst kind of nationalism)
(he doesn’t say that the illiberal behaviour is from the liberals)
the rise of the “far right” is nothing more than NORMAL SENSIBLE people looking on aghast at the ridiculous nonsense and madness going on around them.
and the so called “liberals” have co-opted a word which simply never applied to them, as a method to cover up their completely unpalatable policies, they are nothing but marxists
simple as.
I think any questions was on just before John Grey (how he managed to get away with some common sense for once on R4 is beyond me – I am sure someone will get a rocket) .Anyway one of the questions was about anti antisemitism in the Labour party this was answered mainly by Jess Phillips -and some Aussie lefty bint called Sharon.
All Sharon could talk about was it was all due to the rise of the far right caused of course by austerity and as for dear old Jess well at first I thought she would come out with something devastating ie something like “well in some of our constituencies we are dependant on he Moslem vote so of course some anti semitism would be a natural adjunct of this”
Nah – what we got instead was tiptoe through the Muslim Tulips where all political parties were to blame – and we should deal with it blah! blah! blah! On this she was also helped out by the Tory panelists who all vigorously agreed.
It felt a bit like a panto and I ended up shouting at the radio “Mohammeds behind you” No-one would say what we here all know that the Labour party has done the maths and has more to gain in various constituencies by pandering to the prejudices of some of the Muslim population than it does by upsetting Jews in its own ranks.
In some ways it was a neat little snapshot of what has gone so wrong with the mainstream parties today. All are quite willing to hide and ignore the evident truth in order to gain a few seats and power.
And in all honesty this is why the Holocaust happened and maybe why it will continue to happen.Truth as always takes a back seat to maintaining power for the few.
Naga Munchetty unethically niggled Attenborough to try to tell what POLITICS he’d discussed with the Queen.
Basically wanted to be able to say ‘Look the Queen is in on OUR eco-crusade’
NM : “we’re very keen to know if perhaps you discussed plastics with her when you met her?”
(No we are not, you are not supposed to disclose what the Queen said)
“No, we did not,” the much-loved broadcaster replied.
Munchetty went on: “Prince Charles, her son, has been a great of advocate of helping the environment. It’s an issue that does seem to be held closely to the royal family’s heart.”
“That’s as maybe, yes,” Sir David would only say.
Jacob Collier on the Proms, is it just me or has never so much been made out of so little, an ego on steroids.
Just another dumbing down
That’s the power of the TV and the Internet for you. Trump & Collier.
Jim, to my mind the Proms are about orchestral music. I’d include some traditional opera or operetta in that, although Gilbert & Sullivan apart, that’s not really my scene although I’ve relatively late in life encountered ‘lieder’ and enjoyed some of those. So, if you have a Schubert evening, then by all means add some warblings.
Jazz, I think, is really for Monterey and Montreux unless scored for a full orchestra. Film scores are OK if they qualify on that basis and have enjoyed the Prom on R3 that had an evening of that in the past. I’d pay to get into one of those.
But some of the more edgy stuff that the BBC have tried to slide in by a side door? No. I think their excuse “the Proms were always radical and experimental” is kind of weak. I think 100 years ago, the audience would be left feeling distinctly short-changed by much of the BBC’s present offerings.
BBC HARDtallk (well, hard on those we don’t like anyway) having an attack of the vapors: apparently India’s BJP are populists (a dirty word on Planet Beeb) and, worse still, they’re proud of their culture and religion! How dare they, only muslims are allowed to base their sense of self-identity on their religion.
Of course what really bothers Stephen Nutsack and his masters is that the nearly 200 millions muslims may be experiencing some pushback.
My heart bleeds for the descendants of invaders and colonisers (a group usually despised by al beeb, at least when they’re white).
No doubt next week Sack-butt will be putting some hard questions to the many muslim regimes that treat infidels (those they haven’t already slaughtered) as second class citizens, at best.
I have great sympathy for the BJP they know their history, they know their enemy
Please tell me you’re having a bit of a larf ‘ere ain’t yer?
Muslim cuntries don’t really ‘ate Christians do they??
Cum on. Tell us the fuckin’ troof!!
Friday’s women’s and SJW issues on Radio 4
9am Billie Jean King on Kirsty Young’s Desert Island Discs
10am Arianna Huffington, guest edits Woman’s Hour and instructed us tweeting against Trump is not enough, we have to ACT against him
11am Black Girls Don’t Cry : why some black women in the UK are more prone to anxiety and depression.
(Strange title; surely the do cry MORE )
11:30 Biography of junior LABOUR party activist
13:45 from Yorkshire’s anti-fracking grannies to the slow footballing Vietnamese monks of Plum Village, from self-cutting poets to the Chief Happiness Officers Convention in Paris, from London’s asexual community to multi-orgasmic Swedish academics, and from World Champion Muay Thai women kick-boxers to Elvis-loving dementia sufferers.
2:15 pm (Wow a drama NOT ABOUT LONDON ! ..Sheffield steelworker in WW2) ..praising female workers of course
4:55pm Mother and son reflect on the UNEQUAL struggle they still face, text doesn’t mention etnicity
6:30pm Where’s the F in News :all women panel series including Jo Brand, NeverHeardOf & NeverHeardOf
Alleged comedy
Not a Big surprise
BBC Smart meters to cut energy bills by just £11, say MPs
Also BBC article on poor wind power this season , has open comments
Be quick they’ll close it
A total gimmick and waste of money with an ulterior motive.
A huge charger for Cardiff’s electric bus is powered by diesel
Story broke May 24th
A Welsh Government spokeswoman said: “The diesel generator is not a permanent fixture and is used solely for the trial as a temporary connection to the electricity network is not possible.
“When electric buses are fully introduced, the charging points will be permanent and charged directly from the mains, with no generator required.”
(It’s a great way of avoiding road tax though .. move the engine outside of the bus.)
The Welsh government would be better off running their buses on ‘hot air’. There’s plenty of that coming from the Assembly.
Do you realise that you are the best advert for getting rid of the telly tax?
Rock on maxi!
Ha ha, well they said it themselves……..