251 days to Brexit . The holiday season upon us. Schools out which normally means a Silly Season but perhaps that’s been going on a while now. Anyway for those dedicated to evidencing the wrongs of Albeeb here’s a fresh thread.
Weekend open Thread 21st July 2018
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Breaking news ……….
Sounds coming from the USA , has President been talking tough with drunker ????
May, may have missed an opportunity with the POTUS?
How will Al Beeb handle this ?
Interesting times ahead . Over to Al Beeb ………………
The two most misused words/phrases on the internet (Not particularly aimed at the BBC, but they do use them extensively):
Hate, as in: ’10 things I HATE about the UK’….. no electric sockets in bathrooms, no mixer taps etc etc. Now I expect these things may seem annoying if you’re not used to them, but to say you ‘HATE’ them, isn’t that a bit over the top?
Offended. Again a strong word to use. I may have been a bit put out by something. but to say I was offended is slightly OOT don’t you think?
Oh dear Beeby seems a bit taken aback that Jewish Newspapers have taken a stand against it’s Labour Party.
While channel hopping (I can’t bear to spend more than a few minutes on any beeb channel, or I feel sullied) I stumbled on some documentary on 1066. Robert de Beaumont (I think) was played by a black actor. That’s just plain wrong, historically and geographically. And confusing: a Moor at the Duke of Normandy’s court… what??
Ok, so if we’re all meant to be colour blind now, I look forward to a white actor playing saint Mandela, or Martin Luther King, or O’barmy, or any of the pantheon of beeb idols.
Obamma lamma ding dong was half white wasn’t he? The white half doesn’t get equal attention though. Never did. First “black” POTUS? We have yet to see one. Hopefully when he comes along he’ll be an “extreme right wing” Republican.
Oops, moving above post to newest thread.
In which one of the bbc’s Chief (you’ll see what I did there) go-to GALs (Gobby Angry Lunatic) shows what it is that first attracted the BBC to her…
Not sure that word choice would work for anyone less untouchable.