Missed you lobster – thought you might have been scooped up by a French trawler busily taking over 60 per cent of our sea life under the ReichEU extortion agreement … which is about to end ..
Not necessarily FE2 – He might well be caught by one of the remaining few British boats. In Theresa,s white bog paper she has certainly put Barnier and co under the cosh by politely requesting that we are granted a “fair share” of our own bloody fish!!!!!!
Fishermen and quotas again being used as bargaining chips.
Our waters are 100% our waters – if others want to fish or do anything else in our waters they should get permission and pay for it.
I wonder when the conservative party will finaly oust theresa pushmay-pullmay, Though bad as theresa pushmay-pullmay is the thought of a labour government led by jeremy the garden gnome corbyn and his collection of cretins doesnt bear thinking about.
The trolls may have gone but there’s more BBC bias than ever.
However, on the previous thread I saw that wronged felt it was too much of an echo chamber in here. To an extent I can see where he is coming from, as we all need to be challenged from time to time.
Just floating an idea here to encourage more challenge. To get the site noted by more who may not take our view, perhaps more use could be made of the Biased BBC Twitter account to challenge BBC staff? Thoughts?
The main problem here is the forum software is so primitive-
I can’t:
have an avatar, highlight text/ quotes, make sections bold, see all the posts I’ve made recently and any replies, even stay logged in, etc.
If this place was more any more popular, things would just get buried deeper and faster.
I like hearing like minded people here, often showing stories I haven’t seen.
I have no interest in debating with BBC/PC drones, I know I’m right -they know they are, pointless talking to them.
I’ve heard all their arguments – after all they are the mainstream.
They may not have heard our arguments, but you can be sure they are deaf to them.
Like the Donald trump protesters, being interviewed, few can even explain their hatred.
Or a climate thread- talking to MMGW zealots, there’s simply no reasoning with them .
Mind you it is funny when the snowflakes get triggered, so maybe a few more would not hurt.
Maybe I’ll run a homophobes without borders thread…
Some of the ‘echo’ comments could be made because some threads can run into five or six hundred posts, and that’s an awful lot to read through, so its inevitable that topic posts made in the first page could be re-iterated in a variety of ways towards the end of the thread.
I can’t:
have an avatar, highlight text/ quotes, make sections bold, see all the posts I’ve made recently and any replies, even stay logged in, etc.
You can do many of these things, with some very basic html coding commands round the section you wish to quote, italicise or make bold. For an avatar, go to Gravatar and register one under the email address you log in with here.
Though it could be made easier and it would be nice to see one’s previous posts. (Though somehow Maxie seems to know everything any given poster ever said.)
I know what you mean. When I log on it always takes me to the start of the thread rather than where I left off-so I have to trawl back through all that I have already read and try to remember where I got to.
However, if someone replies to a comment it is not obvious so I could miss responses if I don’t trawl through.
It would be good if there was a shortcut to unread posts/new posts/replies or even if unread posts were highlighted.
It might also be useful to have a search option to be able to see if a topic is already being discussed in order to prevent duplicate discussions and therefore reduce the echo chamber effect.
Years ago on this site we used to have ‘Lord Reith’ post who did appear to have knowledge of the BBC but who was, shall we say, more knowledgeable than Maxy, and more thoughtful in his posts. I have a feeling too that there was a Richard who worked somewhere in local BBBC Their posts were appreciated if not necessarily agreed with. Shame the BBC only put up Maxy these days, but BBBC has continued to grow. I think the BBC thought that it might just disappear if they ignored us. But the BBC bias grows, more people can see it, and the BBC has had to admit that more people are watching Netflix and whatever than watching them. I was just looking on YouTube an interview Sir Cliff gave to ITV after his court win. Both the BBC and ITV think it is their place to hold the police to account. I had thought it was the Law itself that should do that. I thought the News programmes were to tell me what was happening and analysis programmes, should I go to them, could then try to explain further or have people from opposite sides to discuss (BBC note, from opposite sides not two people both from the same appproved BBC viewpoint). This idea that the press are there to hold to account has come over very strongly re Sir Cliff but explains why from their Left metropolitan hold, their bias on Brexit, gender issues, conservatism etc is ok.
As far as using Twitter to hold the BBC to account, maybe I show my age. I don’t understand it. Why I should be interested in, for example, one celebrity’s publicist sending out a message when another celebrity dies, and then the BBC can report it, leaves me flummoxed. Surely the appropriate thing for the celebrity to do, is send a quiet word of condolence to the family. I am involved with a charity so thought I would follow the Charity Commission. I get messages everyday telling me there are 10 updates from the Charity Commission. I tried looking a couple of times but none were ever relevant. Maybe I am not using this Twitter thing properly. Am I the first to give up? But Roland, if you know it better than I, and think it might reach the snowflakes at the BBC , I should go for it, and encourage others here to do the same.
The problem is that the bBBC and the left in general are not interested in healthy debate. As they have demonstrated it is only their world view that counts and all other viewpoints or opinions are incorrect and “far right”.
Message to Al Beeb.
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time”
Decline in viewing figures ?
Will they tell us the truth ?
I did see some posts in the last thread about whether to ban maxincony or not..I didn’t know we had any proper trolls. Maxi just pops up now and again, fixates on some factual error someone’s made (one per roughly 2000 odd posts maybe), and then tells us we are all Nazis.
Everyone on this site is a virtually a Nazi from the viewpoint of the mainstream media, I’m long past worrying about that. It used to be called a conservative political outlook.
Anyway, my view is do what you will with maxi – ban or don’t ban. We could be like the Home Office with their bans on Geert Wilders, Lauren Southern. And rushing people off to prison pour encourager les autres.
We could ban maxi just for a laugh, arbitrary justice style. There’ll be another along like him presently no doubt. Maybe one who’ll actually be able to exchange views and tell us in what way, in what possible universe you could state that the BBC is politically impartial. And that the awful, useless uniformative pap it passes off for news & entertainment could ever be worth anything like £145 a year.
Yes, we don’t want to start becoming like the Left and losing the ability to debate (or ignore) the opposing arguments.
Banning is the kind of childish stuff they pull and gives us another tool to highlight the hypocrisy of them wanting to ban our speech and contribution whilst labelling us facists.
I think that on the whole Maxi (though I rarely interact with him) is actually quite useful in that in many ways his posts highlight the weakness of the left (and his BBC associates) because generally he is only able to nitpick, concentrating on semantics and trying to twist meanings rather than having any strong and well reasoned counter points to major topics.
He is rather like a bargain basement Cathy Newman. ” So what you are saying by missing out that apostrophe is that you want to pitchfork all blacks, jews, gays, muslim and disabled children”
I see him as some rather sad little loser, desperatly seeking personal validation by coming onto our site and doing virtual battle with all of us wannabee SS stormtroopers.
No let fight his own little war with us, until mummy tells him to put on his jim jams.
Let Maxi stay, he is a bit of fun. Either he is a continuation of other trolls here or not. But he does share their habit of ending his posts with a hostile remark, rather than drawing a conclusion. Maybe that is a characteristic of the left
Hear, hear, Lefty. No bans. Let’s be conservative out there, today.
Let’s start biggin’ up, like, da personal responsibility. Innit.
Actually, one of the truly impressive & most welcome things from TOADY Tuesday was the lad, interviewed in prison, who corrected a slightly more liberal moan about conditions and State assistance with his acceptance of personal responsibility for his past, his sentence and the thought that the future freedom has to be left better in comparison with ‘the life inside’.
OK, he may have ‘dressed to impress’ but it seemed very genuine, very heartfelt to me.
Now the EU is saying that UK citizens may not be guaranteed rights over there , perhaps we should send back the 6 million odd or more of their citizens here back to join the dole queues over there .
The EU is plying with people’s lives , not us .
Does seem strange that upto recently it’s all been about how Blighty will suffer . I cannot remember any al beeb report about the potential adverse effect of their so called “ crash out” . A crash out which I see as the referendum vote being complied with .,
“Its all about how Blighty will suffer”?
IMHO it will be the EU which will suffer.
First the loss of one of the top net contributors and the knock-on effect of other nations jumping ship. Leaving the EU desperadoes stranded and Al Beeb’s hopes and dreams of being the “European Broadcasting Corporation” ended.
You know somebody has not thought things out but is simply borrowing other people’s words when he talks about “crashing out”, “over a cliff”, “business must have certainty”, “supply lines”, “just in time delivery”, “using x as a bargaining chip”, “nobody voted to be poorer”, and many others.
Hasn’t May unilaterally already granted rights to the EU citizens in the UK, even those arriving in the UK over the next few years?
Nothing like having a mole in number 10 giving up up our bargaining chips.
When @BorisJohnson talked about “having our cake and eating it” this must be what he meant. What an appalling example of the kind of people who sometimes rise to the top in politics. https://t.co/XPPrW317sw
As the freedom of Brexit approaches you will notice the panic and desperation emanating from Al Beeb and all the Remoaners. Project fear III .
For the past two years the ‘May government’, has been spending most of its time trying to convince the nation that our world will end instead of preparing for a ‘No deal’’
Join UKIP.
Not only the Font of Truth. Whenever I tuned into LBC today, fear overdrive seemed to be on the menu. The usual technique of asking scary questions over and over again was used -“will there be food shortages”, “Will British airplanes be shot down over Europe” etc.
An interesting novelty is the “repentant Brexiteer” caller. “I voted Brexit, but now I realise I am very, very stupid and was taken in by Leave lies. Now that all the facts are available, I think we should have a” People’s Vote” and return to that earthly paradise – the EU. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa I deserve to be flogged byJames O’Brien”.
No progress with a party that addresses the concerns of ordinary people will be made under the first past the post system. The stunning success of the AfD in Germany, shows what can be done under proportional representation.
I think there are definitely a lot of remoaners who have grown up believing that being in Europe and being part of the European Union are one and the same thing.
They think that we would be physically leaving Europe and we will somehow lose the right to take our holidays in Spain etc.
They think we will no longer be able to buy things from European countries.
I think the bBBC and the mainstream media in general have played a big part in perpetuating these myths and also in the way the nanny state makes all these snowflake types need their safe spaces. We have a level 3 amber warning for hot weather today. How ridiculous is it. Like they are 3 year olds who need mummy to put on their sun screen!
Remain broadcaster quotes Remain dead tree on their shared Remain obsession, with inevitable bbc editorial integrity edit, to the extent it presumes its audience need not be told the actual topic referred to.
What a crock of tosh. So leaving without a deal that would benefit all of the huge global corporates that pay minimal tax and don’t care where they are based will lead to ‘civil unrest’ but ignoring the democratic will of the British people is totally fine.
Maybe these out of touch corporates should remember that it was not long ago that the Mayday riots would result in masked protestors smashing up the most visible signs of corporate globalism.
Do they really think that people will take to the streets because some fat cat JP Morgan banker or similar will be inconvenienced with extra paperwork to respect national identities.
I haven’t posted on here for a few months, but like many thousands of people with traditional British values i read nearly every line. Banning Maxi was mentioned and i hope you don’t do that, blocking peoples viewpoints is what the Government do. It is fear that makes people try to shut down other peoples words and nobody on this site should be in fear of anyone. We are better than that.
In some senses this website is a little out of date with comments based around BBC bias. I have been reading peoples comments for many years and it was true that the BBC was and still is politically motivated to the left. It is obvious to many now that it isn’t just the BBC, it is all media now and you have to ask yourself why this is happening. Since TM took over from DC even local news has gone very bizarre and ultimately unwatchable for most people.
I believe TM is an extraordinarily weak PM and i dont actually think she is in charge in the way we would think a PM should be. There are forces, hidden forces that seem to be calling all the shots and pulling the levers of power, not just in this country but everywhere. I have seen huge changes both in the USA and Australia in the last decade with regards to what appears in newspapers, tv and internet and you have to ask yourself who is doing this. It is more than Soros and Islam.
The BBC is biased, twisted, illogical and infuriating to millions of people and in many respects they were the 1st in the UK to go down this route, simply because they were the easiest broadcaster to control. The BBC is just a vessel for other organisations to corrupt and it appears the same has become of all broadcasters and media agencies ever since.
We need to find answers as to why the media has gone mad, Why politics has gone mad. The law has gone mad. The democratic west has gone mad and is no longer democratic in the eyes of a huge chuck of its citizens. I am always searching for answers and i find many conspiracies, so much so that it is difficult not to join in the madness, the name calling, the fear mongering.
I look forward to the day that i can just sit down in front of the telly and not be constantly bombarded by talking heads trying to force an opinion on me. One day it will happen but we must be patient and keep faith that we will find freedom again.
‘Do Beeboids’, I’ve been thinking the same thing. Here in Australia, even the commercial TV channels have moved markedly leftward in the last few years. Their news output is becoming unwatchable, especially on subjects like Donald Trump. Surely business interests should put the public’s feelings first? But they don’t. We’ve recently had virtue-signalling supermarket and coffee chains enforcing pointless eco-wackery token gestures that inconvenience customers while doing nothing for the environment.
The poltical establishment has moved leftward. A so-called conservative state premier launched a witch-hunt against the leader of the Labor (Aussie spelling) opposition for merely using the term ‘white flight’ to apply to people who’d moved away from western Sydney due to immigration.
Canadian ‘alt-right’ activist Lauren Southern visited Melbourne for an event recently. Police billed organisers 68 thousand dollars to protect the event from violent protestors.
Why is all this happening? Are the establishment so ignorant they think everyone shares their views, or so arrogant they think media can change their minds?
Helena, to be fair most Australian news and media output is reasonable and quite a relief to view if you are British. However, it is quite apparent the tide is turning in the wrong direction in the last couple of years. I fully expect you to witness a total takeover by the PC brigade.
The very well established newscasters like the wonderful Queenslander Bruce Paige of Channel 9 will be pushed aside and be replaced by people who do not represent the wider Australian community.
Helena & Do BDoEG,
With the lockstep moves by a variety of Governments in the Western World, it is impossible to escape the conclusion that there is a higher authority that all leaders bow to. It certainly aint the voters. My bet is on the UN playing the game of World domination ably assisted by the NWO, Soros et al.
Perhaps Lauren Southern’s case is a good illustration of where the various countries are in the PC mire.
The UK banned her from entering the country, the Australians charged her $68,000 for the violent actions of a completely different set of people, while her home country of Canada permitted her to change her gender to male without asking a single pertinent question.
Agree on maxi. He helps to keep us all sharp with his drive-bys.
Disagree on primary site purpose. Am aware there are lots of other sites critical of the BBC out there, many are excellent like Craig’s & Sue’s ITBBCB? and TV Licensing. However, I think as the BBC appears to have abandoned attempts at neutrality to settle back somewhere in their ‘institutional bias’ position (identified around time of the millenium) of Left-Libbyism which may now include Alt-Leftism, I think we do need to keep up the pressure by being good critics.
There must be scope soon for some more new News & Current Affairs media to emerge via the Internet. Huffington Post pioneered and Breitbart and others followed. There is no doubt that the original non-print media are getting worried. The Internet is bringing down boundaries and it is the BBC [who exist behind a wall 😉 ] and ITV & Channel Four who are becoming worried.
It might be a good idea to sub-divide this site so there is an Economics & Politics area, a Comment/Opinion Editorial Area, maybe also an Essay Area, together with the original BBC Bias bit.
Ultimately it’s up to David Vance as site owner what he wants to do.
JA, yes it has shifted. A lot. Old Arianna was a Washington ‘meeter & greeter’ across the political divide in her early years.
But then so has the BBC, it has moved substantially Left since whoever it was (Mark Thompson, pre DG days?) went public with a list of the BBC’s various Institutional Biases. I think the BBC is still moving Leftward. At an alarming rate of knots.
It’s the result of a liberal fascist bunch of gangsters called “Common Purpose”
Ten reasons why Common Purpose exists and operates.
1. The Purpose of “Common Purpose” is to pervert Democracy by instilling the concept of “Leadership” of the public, in a Politician who should be “Representing the public”.
2. The Purpose of “Common Purpose” is also to pervert the Civil Service, Local government and the Media by instilling the concept of “Leadership” of the public, in a Public Service and Media that should be “Serving the public“.
3. Decisions concerning policy and expenditure are made at meetings of Common Purpose that bypass the democratic, executive and scrutiny functions. This is what Common Purpose calls ‘leading beyond authority’.
4. Members of Common Purpose are chosen by Common Purpose for their value to Common Purpose and trained at taxpayers expense.
5. The so-called ‘graduates’ or members of Common Purpose use unaccounted employee time and resources for the business of Common Purpose and, as with their anti-democratic training, the activities of Common Purpose often escape the attention of those in authority.
6. Meetings of Common Purpose are held using a corporate account, off-books, to pay for the hospitality at these meetings.
7. Citizens are not only lied to when questions are asked about Common Purpose, but are not even allowed to know which officers have received the “leadership” training, at the taxpayers expense, and legitimate requests are still being unlawfully withheld.
8. Common Purpose coaches its members on how to avoid answering Freedom of Information requests and how to break the Data Protection Act with unlawful disclosures.
8. Common Purpose encourages its members to identify 12-15 year olds for grooming before placement for so called ‘Your Turn’ training without any evidence of having carried out the statutory criminal safety checks.
10. Those identified with Common Purpose, in any capacity or association, are among the same people determined as either corrupt or behind the worst and continuing abuses of democracy and its citizens.
What really amazes me is the apparently seamless and successful multi-agency coordination of any episode of corruption (in all its forms). This applies both domestically and internationally.
On the assumption that the presence of two or more people in any space provides the opportunity for disagreement, what is the greatest unifying or controlling force that enables this large-scale coordination?
Has any ex-Common Purpose person spilled the beans in detail on what they get up to? (Bearing mind the list of inadequacies of this blog, I suppose I shall not know if anybody answers, unless I trawl through these comments again?)
Excellent post, Richard. We know Cressida Dick, she of the meteoric rise to the top of the Met, is Common Purpose. There are said to be two Common Purpose NHS managers involved in the cover-up of the Gosport Hospital scandal. I reckon Common Purpose is far more dangerous than Freemasonry now. There always were some dodgy Masons, no doubt, but the majority were harmless enough. Common Purpose seems to permeate the media, the civil service, NHS management, perhaps some NHS medical staff, social and educational policy makers, local government, etc. It is very worrying and I imagine that Soros has something to do with it too.
Thank you Richard Pinder for that bit of education regarding Common Purpose, that is new information to me. It is remarkable they are a registered charity and in a way it does offer ideas and methods to fight back and oppose this corruption. They are certainly a part of the problem from my reading of their activities. A big thank you to everyone who liked my earlier post, i am blown away with how Populist i feel.
For quite a few years university students worldwide have been brainwashed in Marxism. These students have grown up to work in government and the media. Also, these students have become historians and history has been rewritten in many ways, for instance, that the socialist Nazi party were not an extreme left wing socialist party. (a bit like JC’s Labour party complete with young thugs breaking up non left wing meetings)
The ‘motive is unclear’ for the Toronto shooting which is newspeak for ‘definitely Islamic terrorism.’ When soppy Trudeau said ‘peoplekind’ instead of ‘mankind’ perhaps he hoped by being so inoffensive it might stop terrorists like this. It did not.
The problem for the totalitarians is that we all have the internet in our pockets now which is the opposite of a memory hole. The internet never forgets and everyone with a smart phone is a potential journalist.
I was amazed that the World Service actually mentioned that the Democrats paid for the pee pee dossier and Trump has accused them of spying. In the good old days when they were the gate keepers this would have gone straight down the memory hole. Perhaps now they realise that by just ignoring massive stories everyone knows about, as they do not fit their narrative, it makes them look bad.
“Mayor of Toronto John Tory also urged the public not to ‘draw any conclusions’ about the shooting, but to wait for police to conduct their investigation.”
Here’s a novel idea for you Mayor John – come out with an unequivocal statement assuring people that this is not Islam related. State that the gunman was not a muslim fanatic and you will resign if you are lying. That way people won’t jump to conclusions.
Telling people absolutely nothing and asking them to wait for the police to carry out their investigations makes us all suspect another cover up is in progress.
This female police officer gets knocked to the ground by a group of Islamic extremists pretending to be peaceful demonstrators and she decides to make a meal of it, probably hoping for a huge payout and time off.
Try doing the job you are paid to do madam and if you’re not up to it then go and find a job in a safe space like the local supermarket.
I’d love to know what it is that makes this ‘shocking’.
Is it that a police officer got knocked to the ground – unlikely
Is it that a female got knocked to the ground – likely
The Mail really does need to reign in it’s outdated patriarchial attitudes. Women want to be on the frontline and women demand equality hence special treatment or outrage when one of them gets treated badly should not, I’m afraid, be highlighted.
What next, female PCSO breaks a nail in ugly clashes,
female PCSO complains of ‘bad hair’ after policing march on a windy day…
When she’s on the ground, it’s interesting that the nearest people to her aren’t the EDL that are constantly mentioned in the headline, sub head and body of the article, but the Muslim protestors – hence it shouldn’t take a slide rule to figure out that it was them that pushed her over.
Amazing how that point seems to be missing from the article and that the comments appear to be disabled as well.
ps Just looking through the website, it really is nothing but a sea of endless ‘xxxx model reveals pert posterior in stunning swimsuit’ and ‘glamourous xxxx showcases fabulous cleavage in St Tropez sun’. What utter trash it has become.
For years and years and years it has been obvious who have been committing a huge proportion of the crimes in this country. That is borne out by looking at who is in prison. If our open doors policy (not just open doors, but open them and push people through) had not been applied, think how many crimes would not have been committed. Oh to return to the 50s! I am so grateful to have been growing up then and not now.
The matronly Carol Kirkwood, like other BBC weather people, too often reaches for the moral imperative in her attempts to excite us about the weather.
You know the all too familiar BBC formula: ‘It’s two degrees hotter than it SHOULD be at this time of year!’
No, no, no, we cry, don’t you understand the concept of averages? Clearly you are falling into a mode of sensationalist thinking because logic dictates half of all instances are going to be above the average. And please stop applying the moral imperative implied in the word SHOULD to the weather. Immanuel Kant you are not, and our weather is simply not subject to a conscience. If it were we could reason with it… ‘look, we’re planning a barbeque on Saturday, please Mr Weather don’t make a thunderstorm over Esher until after about seven o’clock… thanks…’
Sadly this morning our Carol goes a step further down the moral imperative road – impressing on tv weather viewers what an aerial view of Hyde Park SHOULD look like at this time of year. (A bit more green and a bit less brown. Or, at least that was what it looked like last year)
Blimey, you would almost think the BBC weather boys and girls were more keen to sensationalise and to push a warming agenda than what they SHOULD do – which is to give us a simple weather forecast.
“Immanuel Kant you are not, and our weather is simply not subject to a conscience”…one of the best lines I have ever read on here. Cheered me up no end. Thanks.
Mishal wants to talk waste recycling and recycles Mary Creagh MP (Lab) to talk about the failure of her Party’s 20 year old recycling arrangements. Mary Creagh merely dissembles over money rather than making anything worthwhile for the listener from recycled materials.
Dear old Mishal. She is a ravishing beauty but she is not the sharpest chisel in the BBC or TOADY tool chest. She does not know enough about the subject and is not quick enough to pin Mary Creagh down with some sharp questions. Either that or … she is reluctant to show up Labour’s failures over recycling and their blatant attempt for an opportunist attack on the Conservatives and the Environment Minister.
I wonder which?
Instead, a mere male has to talk some sense about materials, manufacture and their recycling. Shame, I cannot remember his name. Well done, Sir, anyway.
Next, we are on to wildlife with Martha abandoning her bees to become concerned about butterflies and grass with Sanchia Berg. Sanchia has an ‘expert’ contributor, Laura Baker, who talks at high speed but says nothing of value and nothing that the listener does not already know.
What’s that about Inform, Educate, Entertain?
Ladies Day at TOADY is possibly entertaining but fails a bit on the other two. Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet? You would think when its Ladies Day at TOADY they would be concerned about the career, never mind the pay, of another female at the BBC.
Their cutesy headline does rather highlight (I suspect unintentionally) but one of many issues with looking noble versus actually serving Gaia sensibly.
I once decided see what it took to clean a can of dog food before recycling. I’d estimate around one litre of heated water plus detergent. Now multiply that by every household on the collection round. Especially during a water shortage.
The req… demand to the public to pre wash versus industrialised processessing serves one thing: profits.
Sure, GW, recycling takes a little effort but in the Snuffy household, food cans – pet or human – would have ‘grey’ (waste) water poured into them and then be left to soak in one of the empty sinks. Often by the next mealtime’s wash up or even overnight, just emptying that can would find it clear and it could be left to drain dry prior to the bin round-up time.
A little creative thinking is all that’s needed.
Like the lady who realised that those abundant through-the-letterbox CDs, offering Internet connection in the early days, could be recycled (before LA waste contractors would take them) into bird & cat/dog scarers – with a piece of string – for her vegetable plots.
Dedicated but still impressive. The trick is motivation that works with all the GP.
Casa Who is more in favour of reuse, which is higher up the re-chain. Preferably designed in. And with commerce and authority joined up cooperative thinking.
GW, I agree but the Germans have managed it. Unfortunately, 45.5 years of EU membership have failed to infect us. Another reason to Leave.
“Casa Who is more in favour of reuse, which is higher up the re-chain. Preferably designed in. And with commerce and authority joined up cooperative thinking. ”
Agree wholeheartedly there. It is a failing of the socialist-Liberal miasma that is current and previous Parliaments that we are still addicted to the early-1960s mantra of ‘Tax and restrict’.
Time long overdue for Westminster & Whitehall to go cold turkey on that.
Decades ago, there was a programme on TV (may even have been the BBC) about an Italian waste recycling plant that had all waste tipped in at the front end.
Through a careful appliance of science, Colin, it huffled and shuffled and puffled the mix and separated it using things like water = floating, magnetism, weight = gravity, etc., and then what was left over was incinerated and used to generate electricity.
Nothing much came out the back end. Ash and smoke and even the ash was probably neutralised and turned into building material.
It was a pioneer, IIRC, the first site in the world to do this. I cannot think why it has not been rolled out worldwide.
Why not have it where we all just throw out our waste , it’s collected then the prisoners can sort it out
It can be done at the prisons or the inmates can be securely bussed to the tips .
They can sort it , wash it , bag it and it’s sent on .
That way they can repay their debt to society , and we can get on with our lives .
I can’t think that a bit of food waste makes much difference in a steel furnace. Cleaning cans etc. is more to do with keeping bins ‘sweet’.
When we were little we had to carefully unfold the corners of tea and sugar packets to make sure nothing went to waste. I doubt if Mum left any food in a tin can. (Rationing was a good master).
If you have a garden, Jim, or a community garden nearby, food waste can be composted with selected garden waste.
Second para, same for us in Snuffydom. Parents were WW2 and early environmentalists. Mind you, on the cat food thing, it was the little blighter that demanded every last scrap from any tin, especially the gravy or jelly, and her head would go in to check to see if we had failed.
The scam of recycling has been known for quite a while. The Chinese who were taking most plastics, began to complain that the plastics they were now getting were not cleaned properly, and worse, had human excreta. That meant that the plastic was contaminated and not fit for recycling. They dropped the money they were giving from around $100 per ton to a mere $6 per ton. The Chinese then put the stuff in landfill. Obviously.
This has been going on for quite a while, but Western politicians have kept a lid on it.
Switzerland are paranoid about recycling, and its second nature to their good citizens. In fact they have such good recycling plants that they IMPORT rubbish just to make the plants financially viable.
The good and true Swiss citizens are indeed religious about recycling. But that is not true of the new swiss asylum seekers etc. They scatter their waste where they want, shove used nappies into recycle bins, and worse, throw it on the street.
Once a boringly clean Switzerland is a dump – Lucerne, a lovely town, is now full of rubbish.
I laughed while driving listening to that primary school conversation
‘Will the grass return?’ was one of the BBC questions posed to the ‘expert’ – WTF of course it will it always does – anyone would think we were in the Sahara desert…agree it was a pointless waste of airtime
I had the misfortune to hear a bit of Radio 5’s Stephen Nolan last night.
Who on earth are those two idiot women wittering away on some sort of ‘the papers’ review? One thing that was striking was how Nolan knew his place in the new order – he kept his mouth shut, something he could never do with the Marksist Bishop and the Sane American.
Nolan did get one spoke in when he asked the loudest woman why she was opposed to the death penalty and after a lot of spluttering about ‘British Values’ that we all share the best she could do was essentially say that everyone thought the same as her.
The second woman threw in little gems, unchallenged, that immigration had been a wonderful benefit to us all.
All in all an excellent demonstration that the presence of woman in the world of politics and current affairs should be the exception rather than ‘quota plus’.
Last week a gaggle of snowflake students took it upon themselves to deface a Rudyard Kipling poem.
It was the usual suspects; chippy minorities and well heeled middle class lefties. I wasn’t taken aback that the great Kipling had offended these delicate little flowers, why would I be? They’re “offended” by almost everything our country has to offer…other than the benefits system, the education system, and the nice secure life our nation offers them.
If it wasn’t Rudyard’s “If”, it would be the nursery rhyme, Baa, Baa, Black Sheep (clearly racist!) or even the innocent stories of Enid Blyton. If you’re looking for something to be offended by you’ll find it.
What was noticeable, however, was the BBC’s response. They were all over these pathetic posers like a rash.
There were nice soft interviews, they were treated with respect and we were even privileged to hearing their half baked opinions on Cecil Rhodes, as they stood there looking important and self satisfied.
How is it a few miltant minorities and a handful of well heeled pseuds can muster such positive media attention?
There have been numerous gatherings and marches in London consisting of many tens of thousands of decent, hard working people, either highlighting terrorism or trying to get freedom for Tommy Robinson and (if we’re covered at all!) we’re sneered at, called names and generally despised. But mainly we’re ignored.
I just wonder what the Beeb’s response would be if a group of “right wing” youths defaced the statue of the sainted Nelson Mandela?
Got a feeling it wouldn’t be good…
Ahh good old Nelson. Founder of the military wing of the ANC who admitted to cancelling their landmine campaign because it was killing too many innocents!
The best thing I ever heard related to him was being in a book store and some know it all young woman explaining to her dim looking boyfriend that Nelson Mandela had a different name that those in the know referred to him as.
“What is it” he asked
“Mandingo” she replied.
Look up Mandingo on Google and you’ll note that he’s a rather well endowed black pornstar rather than the Saint of South Africa that she was desperate to virtue signal about.
If is aspirational and if there’s one thing a middle-class trot hates is the thought of the lower orders getting above themselves with their aspiration.
Some interesting reflective posts today.
My reflection is that the hard left extremist Labour Party is sitting pretty with a 6 point opinion poll lead. Quite why 40%+ plus want to vote for them fills me with amazement and fear in equal measure.Never underestimate far left tactics. They are sitting there, very quietly, letting the Tories tear themselves apart with Brexit, while sectretly wishing for a fairly hard Brexit. Hard enough to have the freedom if enough mad people vote for them in an election to wreak economic disaster on the UK, unfettered by the damper the EU provides. All those PC minorities we rightly so often condemn will be granted sainthood with billions of pounds of subsidies. The pound will go below 1 Euro and maybe 1 Dollar. Rampant inflation will be used as a deliberate tactic to destroy the value of middle class pensions and savings. Non-contributors to society will be feted. We will work purely to service the public sector apparatus and nationalised industries.
I am surprised this realistic scenario is not mentioned more.
Totally agree with your views and it might be even worse. Once the far left is in power we ought not to automatically assume that there will be another GE within 5 years to boot them out. They may well decide that they simply are not going to submit themselves to the will of the people ever again. After all we know for certain that they hold democracy in contempt and believe it to be dangerous.
We are living through several potentially existentialist crisis at the same time: Brexit and Globalisation , Corbyn and Islamification. I have put them in what I consider the order of increasing threat to our way of life but anyone of them is a really serious threat.
Doublethinker I also agree that if Corbyn becomes PM, apart from the third world status he will inflict upon this country, he will abandon all fair elections. He might allow one and if the vote goes the wrong way refuse to accept the result like Mugabe in election after election.
However, I cannot vote for the Conservative Party (the only realistic chance to stop Corbyn) while May or another remaindoid is leading them. That’s despite having a Eurosceptic MP.
I would need Boris Johnson or JRM to take over before I could consider it. In fact they are the only people who might stand a small chance of leading the Conservatives back to government at all. I am extremely worried about the future.
Careful now, BBC Breakfast is picking up the hot potato – or should that be hot bagel? – which is the Labour Party’s ‘Jewish Problem’
We’ll try to do some of this biligually….
BBC sofa-based Beta male – or the Nebbish – Dan Walker teams up with feisty femme – let’s call her the Shiksa with a little too much Chutzpah – Louise Minchin… that’s our sofa duo who team up to handle a tandem interview with the Jewish Labour MP Louise Ellman, with the kid gloves on.
Many observers of British electoral politics detect the faint whiff of a very large psephological elephant in the room here but the BBC certainly won’t be the ones to draw any attention to that.
Meanwhile if the BBC had got UKIP or the Tories in the racist cross hairs you just know it would be full steam ahead but when it’s Labour you have a whole a different kettle of Gefilte fish.
Suffice to say this interview was tentative sanatised antiseptic fare.
Like sex through a hole in the sheet.
You had to admire Ms Ellman’s dismissal of Jeremy Corbyn’s official statements of innocence on the issue.
“That’s just wrong and designed to confuse people”
Pretty much a definition of Labour policy on just about everything these days.
AIS – There was an interview in yesterdays Telegraph talking to a Jewish lady who was leaving the UK due to increased anti Semitism in the UK. Yet not once did this incurious journalist speculate as to why anti-semitism is on the increase here.
Ah got it! the sound of marching jackboots down the Cornish lanes has reminded me it must be the far right (ie us)
Oh bugger – I got it wrong its my neighbours diverse multy kulty black and white Holsteins returning from milking.
Oh – who else could possibly be doing this Maybe Shami Chakrabarty could help on this toughie.
When Islam, especially of the Saudi-funded Wahabist variety increases in numbers, Jews, Christians, Sikhs,Hindus, Buddhists , atheists, agnostics, and everyone else starts to suffer. The lefty liberal mob are like ostriches with their heads in the sand, but that is an insult to ostriches.
Are you the same as the metrolibs BBC put on Radio4 ?
Just now prog is about children and tech
“In our house we all play a game where you are the friend of a Syrian migrant as SHE makes her way across Europe.”
12pm :Y&Y “And ten years after people on one Scottish island got their own green power system going, we hear why more islands could now follow their lead.”
I listened to the Westminster Hour on BBC R4 yesterday evening. One guest contributor was Jacob Rees-Mogg. I’ve changed by opinion on this Dandy over the last month or so. Unless there is a ‘Grand Plan’ that he and his acolytes are clandestinely working through to oust Treezers Brexit plan, I now see him as the eloquent ‘damp-squid’. A year ago, efforts to test the waters in relation to him becoming PM worked. Then nothing. No way to treat the voting public who dream of a Churchillian figure emerging to lead us to the promised land. The ‘Promised Land’ being that we all voted for in 2016. We are fed up being misled by all in sundry.
Be patient, G. Forty Years it takes in the wilderness to get to the Promised Land of Brexit.
I suspect the PM has either been extremely clever or typically Parliamentary Tory foolish in the Chequers Plan. I am still tilted toward the former suspicion.
If you want a clue, watch the original Star Wars film and note extremely carefully the very beginning and closer to the end, the battle between ObiWan Kenobi & Darth Vader.
To be fair to JRM he has never put himself forward as a leader. I think he is too much of a ‘gentleman’ to lead, too willing to give opponents the benefit of the doubt. A leader has to be brutal when it counts.
Jim, every Moses needs a Joshua and a Caleb and others to help on the journey through the wilderness.
I think the judgement of the population in ten or more years from March 2019 and December 2020, will be an unhappy time for all the Remainers.
Irrespective of whether Brexit has been a roaring success or a disaster so far, the Remainers will largely be blamed by the public. Of course, long before then (every year?), the pro-Remain BBC will no doubt start a propaganda exercise on their behalf to convince everyone that Remainers were really only ‘Questioners’ seeking the best possible Brexit deal on behalf and for the well-being of the UK population as a whole.
I think the population at large may not believe them.
There was plenty of video’s on YouTube promoting him. Suddenly, in emphasis, stopped. JR-M could have made it clear to the public over a year ago that he wasn’t interested instead of asides alluding to, ‘we have already got a good PM’ etc. rather than being honest.
I disagree – there is no state leadership – that was handed over long ago by Cameron and the bubble . The result led to proof of the disconnect between us and them.
Like him or not – the only leadership was mr Farage and he seems to have sat back for reasons I do not understand and has done a disservice to the people who believed him leaving us in an unnecessary mess running upto March 2019
If anyone knows of any sensible view of how Blighty should be when free please let me know .
….no state leadership. Goes without saying. In fact, I’ll go further and add that what has been wrongly described as, ‘leadership’ is representative of failed management of this country for decades. Blue, red or yellow, all pathetic.
Cameron is the one to blame whatever side you are on. He was the one that was going to re-negotiate our relationship with the EU, then asked for nothing and received even less.
Cameron was the one that called the referendum, he was the one that was going to do what ever was needed but when he got the ‘wrong’ result it turned out that he didn’t have a ‘leave’ plan and effectively he wasn’t prepared to respect the wish of the people so he quit.
Farage had been fighting against the EU for thirty-odd years, providing the only alternative to BlueEU, RedEU or YellowEU. He spooked Cameron into calling a referendum, we took the opportunity denied at every general election since we joined the EEC of getting out. Farage’s job was done. No-one on the ‘leave’ side has an obligation to deliver Brexit, that is the job of government. Remember both BlueEU and RedEU fought the election on the basis that we would leave the EU so both parties’ whips should be putting all their MPs (‘leaver’ or ‘remainer’) through the Brexit lobby.
May has taken on the responsibility that Cameron welched on because she stood for the leadership. The backbench MPs have no responsibility to take on the leadership, they do have a duty to abide by the manifesto committment (Soubry to note).
Of course none of this is of any account if we are really ruled by the EU’s UK agent Oliver Robbins.
Toronto shooting. Motive is unclear say the BBC. Once again scratching their heads on what possible motive it could be. We all know it will either be a mentally disturbed ‘local man’ or a Canadian citizen. Now, move along please,, nothing to see here.
The Canadians were boasting to the Americans in the last couple of shootings in the USA that their tight gun laws means that this sort of thing cannot happen in Canada. Sadly they were, and are, wrong.
Political language, which, according to Orwell, “is designed to make lies sound truthful (Divorce) and murder respectable (Grooming), and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. (Divorce Bill)”
Very good point. No one ever makes the “environmentalist” argument against mass uncontrolled immigrztion from the third to the first world. As this is bound to increase the “carbon footprint” etc of the world as a whole, they should be advocating mass uncontrolled migration from the first to the third world. All the usual suspects should lead by example and set up sustainable communities in remote, sun drenched areas of the world. Of course if they were really serious about not wanting to squander the resources of the planet, they could just kill themselves.
Yes, but the leftist would have us believe that human zygotes, embryos and foetuses are not really human life or legal persons.
The “clump of cells” argument. Why then does the NHS offer bereavement counselling for woman who have had miscarriages? No one goes into mourning for an extracted tooth.
The left will sermonise endlessly about the evils of “dehumanisation” as a facililitation of the holocaust etc., but don’t see they are using a type of dehumanisation argument in the case of abortion.
The way remainers were wishing for the speedy deaths of the old because their votes made Brexit possible and revealed them to be morally and intellectualy inferior, shows how little “progressives” understand or believe in their own arguments.
Strange isn’t it – Lenin into Russia – the ayatollah into Iran . In the latter case I was sure the plane wouldn’t make it but unfortunately for us it did.
”Acid attack on three-year-old boy: Three men arrested” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-44921479
The men, aged 22, 25 and 26, were arrested in London on suspicion of conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm.
So far we have a 39 year old already arrested , a 3 year old boy, his
‘young family’
and Amazingly no names given?
Could it be a Pakistani family, (culturally appropriating a pushchair)
a 39 Pakistani with some honour grudge, and 3 specialist East European hit men, brought in from London 130 miles away?
it still wouldn’t surprise if it was an accident.
OF course it’s the BBC with their pro gay agenda so a link to Pakistan
wait for it
”attacked with acid by her (sic) former boyfriend,”
so it was a homo on homo attack.
Bet the BBC would not bother with a story about
a Rotherham child rape survivor going on to stand for office for the EDL etc
”The 13-year-old who built a best-selling lemonade brand”
By James Jeffrey Business reporter, Austin, Texas
”Mikaila Ulmer first set up the business when she was just four years old ”
The BBC’s weekly The Boss series profiles a different business leader from around the world. This week we spoke to Mikaila Ulmer, the 13-year-old chief executive of Me & The Bees Lemonade.
”Mikaila Ulmer’s lemonade is now stocked in more than 500 stores across the US, but unfortunately she has slipped to a “C” in her maths class.
The fact that both parents have business school degrees certainly must help, with D’Andra having a background in marketing and sales, and Theo in business operations.”
Sounds like the parents company
And how is this not classed as child labour by the BBC?
UK ‘will not block death penalty for IS duo’ (no longer call Beatles).
‘Significant’ rise in lenders valuing homes below sale price.
Student’s drag act banned from school talent show.
Horrid heartless UK eh?
Oh the humanity.
All you need do is guess who`ll be blathering on about this “injustice”. They`re all there when you see the article.
Who gives a stuff? Only the BBC and its Lord Longfords, who`ll never see a case they can`t weep over.
Unless it`s Lee Rigby or Kriss Donald. Tommies Mair or Robinson.
And founded a global empire that brought civilisation to large parts of the world.
Then gave it away. And watched as those parts of the world descended into third world white hating shitholes. All thanks to lefty politics as exemplified by the EU.
A poor little baby has acid chucked in its face and it doesn’t even make headline news on the BBC or Sky. Yes it is being reported but the BBC had as its headline the heatwave ffs! We all know where this recent cultural phenomenon comes from and yet none of the leftwing msm are willing to discuss why this vile crime is on the rise in this country. When you import the third world you get its crime. Scum. I would shoot the perpetrators immediately.
A poor little baby has acid chucked in its face and it doesn’t even make headline news on the BBC or Sky. Yes it is being reported but the BBC had as its headline the heatwave ffs! We all know where this recent cultural phenomenon comes from and yet none of the leftwing msm are willing to discuss why this vile crime is on the rise in this country. When you import the third world you get its crime. Scum. We need to reinstate the death penalty. I would have the perpetrators shot immediately. Also, we all know why there’s an increase in antisemitism in Labour but, predictably, there is silence so as not to upset Labour’s core voters or a certain community. Disgusting.
The BBC are now saying that the attack occurred whilst an EDL parade was taking place, and that 3 men in their 20’s have been arrested. If its true that these kidults are responsible AND were members of the EDL, then they need stringing up. I don’t care what their political views are, but throwing acid is abhorrent.
Brissles, the attack took place outside or inside a store in a retail park, according to the BBC, not at a demonstration. The Beeb are in a mess and contradicting themselves – and the police.
I’d call it Fake Suggestion…it doesn’t work with me because I don’t believe a word that comes out of the BBC mouth…but, of course, many will have been influenced. Job done 🙁
A bit like these frequent references on the BBC and in the papers to the UKIP councillor who committed murder, as though he was only carrying out party policy.
Yes, Fed. The fight is getting dirty. The BBC are taking their gloves off and going ‘bare-knuckle’ on behalf of the EU and Remainers. Not only did they go after the Home Sec but the next item was an attack on the PM’s Old Boy, Bojo. They then had a go at undermining his replacement at F&CO!
If that’s not enough, the final item was on a new drug that may be a breakthrough in malaria treatment. The Montacutie gets dirty (no, not her laugh) and asks the Doctor responsible for its creation whether the Government should be stockpiling drugs ahead of ‘Brexit’.
The Doc shows wisdom in advance of years and way above that of politicians and new Home Secretaries and declines to answer. Well done, Ma’am!
Yes, that use of language again.
Apparently May needs to “sell” the Chequers plan to the EU. And on they go, every word dripping with poison, mealy mouthed or simply untrue/biased.
We all spot it a mile off.
And not the number of pre-recordings with those they don`t trust like the Austrian Foreign Minister who seemed to quite rate Boris.
Can`t have that.
So they found a broadsheet bellyacher to trash him afte the Austrian had spoken.
That famed BBC balance.
Totally unhinged-can only guess that Montague. Boris and our broadsheet hacks all know their prep school rules.
Rest of us despise the BBC and their convenient hitmen and ladies.
And I particularly hate their seeming neutrality, as they drip poison and venom into anything that might make their enemies seem witty, humane or doing their duty to those whop voted for them.
Stuff the BBC-and sod Montague and her endless nastiness.
I used to watch Wimbledon when younger.
The British audience used to be so damned biased against certain players, but were never honest enough to boo-just purse their lips in disapproval.
Same types run the BBC these days. The transcript might look OK, but the tone and asides , interruptions always make it clear who the BBC favours.
Hidden bias and lies-not so hidden any more.
Heard the last bit – I thought how heartless the Monty was to try to get a decent dedicated real scientist to kill her own career by saying something bad about Brexit . Monty really is… indecent ..but beeboid -so I should have expected it.
There seems to be a real concerted campaign going. WHo is behind it ? I can guess but it could even be the government trying to sell this useless deal.
What they seem to want is a new referendum they cannot lose. With a three sided question. This is going to get very nasty . At present they are not certain they would win even a fixed referendum hence the pressure for some stitch up vote . The moment they are certain expect trouble although events are always unpredictable.
It could end up as the electorate versus parliament or at least a significant part of the voter base .
Put simply I believe that the out vote was never considered possible and when it happened the elites panicked. Did nothing for a while but now time is short. The EU will not conclude a deal and they all know it so the elite has to sell us a brexit that is fake.
This should be easy for them as they control most of the media and the money, industrial power but it is not going to plan .
One real mistake and the whole rotten edifice will collapse .
Ok they have the politicised police and the ability to give us real stick and destroy our livelihoods and silence opposition one way or another. But the election of President Trump has made this a bit more difficult and the internet which at the moment they do not control is still free.
This is not a left right matter but us versus them . Them being the power that has always felt entitled to the fruits of our labour and having the divine right to rule.
On Trump they are genuinely scared of him and his supporters . His apparent unpredictability is not how they like to work and thank God he is there. We would be in real trouble if Clinton was President .
Finally if the Commons sets itself against the voters then God knows what will happen. We will certainly face reprisals and possibly prison . The police force is no longer a citizen force but para military. The army I do not know but cannot be used in this country without causing chaos and the Queen is still commander in chief and can use her authority with the colonels in command of the regiments.
A gloomy prognosis indeed but inevitable once we challenged those who never thought we had it in us.
We should take heart. Tom Paine, Cobbett and Wat Tyler would have been on our side come what may. So would Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson and all those fine men who created the USA in 1776.
Up – not sure if it’s mistake or part of the leadership application . Diane Abbot is going to huff and puff with an emergency commons thing this after noonZ it shouldn’t be too difficult to swat her away as a friend of Islamic murderers .
Otherwise he could have announced it once the house of expense claims goes on its long hols .
Labour is making the most vile and pathetic denials and excuses for the revolting antisemitism endemic in the party, with many far-left scum actually blaming jews for attacking and stirring up hatred against Corbyn. Unreal. Funny, they never seem to make such excuses for so-called Islamaphobia… tells you all you need to know about Labour. Jews have been a valuable asset to this country and have integrated over the centuries unlike some from other communities.
Too true Alex.
Heard Martha Kearney this morning clearly thinking that she had the “Labour Party Spokesperson” brief , as she mithered away at Margaret Hodge-who, being a Jew; might normally be expected to be able to spot anti-Semitism and racism, as she knows them.
Martha said that the vile abuse aimed at her for upsetting Jeremy may well not have been put up on her Twitter feed by Labour supporters.
No other group gets so insulted like this, they`re all believed-except the Jews. Which is REAL anti-Semitism. BBC guilty as much as Corbyn here.
Bloody Tories or Jews as per I expect. Unbelievable. Is there any other race, tribe, religion and nation that is obliged to know its place and accept Corbyn or Hamas as being the definers of what “anti Semitism” is. Kearney is thick-but we can now add an apologist for Jew baiting as well now.
Disgusting. Was on 7.50 or so this morning.
That is probably the most blatant anti-semitism. Jewish conspiracy theories go back to the fake ‘Protocols of Zion’ if not earlier. Those extreme lefties are clearly anti-semites, no possible defence of their arguments or positions.
Does anyone know what is going on in Manchester, where someone had their ‘neck’ slashed, according to the beeb?
A number of people arrested for the attack at the Hilton Hotel, but -as usual- the language so vague and evasive….
When exactly did this county suddenly plunge into a pit of darkness- of neck-slashing and acid-throwing etc etc Are we suddenly a third-rate banana republic, in which the police can’t or won’t establish control of the streets??
This lawless streets are just chickens coming home to roost after decades of liberal policies and increasingly lax enforcement of the law, lenient prison sentences and regimes and the do gooders trying to blame everyone but the criminals themselves for their anti social behaviour. The liberals are reaping what they sowed and unfortunately so are the rest of us.
Manchestre died when it let this shifty scouser become Mayor of their once proud town.
The Ship Canal was built for a purpose and letting Mersey goldfish like Burnham get a freebie was as low as letting the gay Indian run Ireland as Teashop.
“Manchester-so much to answer for”.
Morrissey did warn us.
The mass-shooting in Toronto has been dropped by the BBC Online News to priority number 9 in the list of news topics. (Motive not known yet so probably terrorism).
It only happened a few hours ago.
At number 5 is a news topic on tesco store formats.
At number 6 is a news topic about a drag teen and a school.
Advert in the Yorkshire Post for their sister paper the-I
Shows nazi style photo of Trump
captioned “Dictator, Mediator, Detonator … see things from every angle”
..Em putting 2 nasty slants is NOT seeing things from every angle is it ?
Memo to 99% of Trump haters.
You are being duped by the tiny Globalist elite into attacking the man who is trying to rescue all of us from the clutches of that elite. How much longer will it take before the scales fall from your eyes? The ordinary westerner has everything to gain and nothing to lose from the President’s policies. I increasingly despair of your stupidity , blindness , meek acceptance of what you are fed by the BBC and the rest of the MSM. Just stop to think for a moment ( assuming you are able to think for yourself) and ask yourself who gains from Globalisation? The answer certainly isn’t you or anyone that you are likely to know. Then ask who suffers from Globalisation? The answer is all the working people in the West who lose their jobs or see their pay held at the same level year after year because of cheap imported Labour and you are likely to know a lot of those. So why do you oppose the man who is fighting Globalisation? Even afive year old can see that you are on the wrong side!
Sorry there Doublethinker.
You`ve used a percentage in your third word.
No Trump hater will like that, and will go off to scratch a calculator in anger.
Fact averse-no real point in talking to them.
Just tell the local imam where they live.
To be honest every angle looks the same as all the others. It rather sums up the philosophy of leftist “news” organisations, like the i, only one angle allowed.
Where is the outrage? Where are the calls and petitions to have Osil banned by the Premier League, FA, FIFA. Once more the leftist Muslim loving double standard is applied.
Dear Mr Ozil, I should imagine there are quite a few Arsenal fans who would like to see the back of you and did your love of Erdogan create a bad atmosphere within the German team camp at the recent World Cup ? Are you happy that Germany were eliminated at the group stage? And if you love Islam so much, then perhaps you can go and live in Turkey and play for Galatasaray.
Bacon jam is sold in Waitrose under the label Eat17, its more like pickle relish . But I see where you’re coming from – she’s a Muslim so I’m surprised she’s even considering it.
For the cooks amongst you, when making sausage rolls, spread some Red Onion Marmalade (yes) in with the mix and see how delicious the little porkies are.
I say unfortunately, because when I see how the scum in those pictures can inflict untold pain on dumb animals, all in the name of religion, is beyond my comprehension.
To think we now live in a world where torturing animals to death is okay but putting a piece of bacon outside a mosque in protest gets you sent to prison only highlights just how low we have sunk.
Just got a whiff-that` the word-of Eddie Mairs useless PM.
Currently he`s linking Margaret Hodge and Labour anti-Semitism to some new age gimp and his “anger management in the workplace” company.
This is not news, nor is it funny-and, it had better not be counted by the BBC as any independent serious look at Labours eternal problem with Jews.
Oh if only they`d been wiped out in the 1967 War eh Beeb?
And, as this turd is getting lipstick for its RTS AWard-Mair is talking to some camp bloke who`s watching Freeview, and is mocking it.
Which he would never do if Citizen Khan was being put onto “Dave”-that would be Reithian “excellence” i`n thinking. How are they getting way with this?
Labour MP for Stockton North – sounds like a nice chap!
Bet he loves the bBC.
Good at spelling too.
Comments could be …
People across Stockton & and beyond are invited to join demonstration against Racism & Facsism in Dovecot Street on Saturday 1.30pm when far right group Gays Against Sharia are due to visit the town. Stockton: No Place for Hate. more information here: https://t.co/TBRTT1EBku
Do like that word Facsism though.
Think it` means being biased or prejudiced against someone with facts, and then trying to be judgemental because s/he “knows more”.
Dangerous people-and in need of Brownshirt Momentum Fascists to sort them out.
Yes, Facsism…
The Russians are giving refuge to the Boer farmers. Land and safety. They welcome what they have to offer and that will be South Africa’s loss. The situation is still critical .
Another story by the bBBC designed to tell you what you should be thinking and feeling. Never mind that some men have gone through hell/committed suicide after being named and shamed before being acquitted of rape/sexual assault, we should be thinking of those anonymous plaintiffs who are always completely trustworthy and innocent.
Grrrr they are despicable bastards.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
First time I’ve logged on for a while, but being first was too good to miss!
Missed you lobster – thought you might have been scooped up by a French trawler busily taking over 60 per cent of our sea life under the ReichEU extortion agreement … which is about to end ..
Not necessarily FE2 – He might well be caught by one of the remaining few British boats. In Theresa,s white bog paper she has certainly put Barnier and co under the cosh by politely requesting that we are granted a “fair share” of our own bloody fish!!!!!!
Fishermen and quotas again being used as bargaining chips.
Our waters are 100% our waters – if others want to fish or do anything else in our waters they should get permission and pay for it.
I wonder when the conservative party will finaly oust theresa pushmay-pullmay, Though bad as theresa pushmay-pullmay is the thought of a labour government led by jeremy the garden gnome corbyn and his collection of cretins doesnt bear thinking about.
Filthy crustacean! Coming here and nicking our first post spots!
Please. Lobsters have feelings too.
Ref paper by Jordon Peterson.
“Lobsters have feelings too.”
Next you’ll be saying we shouldn’t boil them to death.
They do. Please link to the Peterson’s interview where said Lobster boiled a woman.
Sorry, crustaceans don’t qualify.
That’s not fair! Be careful, I can give a nasty nip!
I bet the BBC have a crustacean quota.
“I bet the BBC have a crustacean quota.”
They’ve been crabby since the Brexit vote.
The BBC have crabs?
I’m having a short break from the site for a while. I shall return at a later date. Trolls seem to have largely gone.
Will continue to read the posts though
See you wronged … come be soon . Be first !
The trolls may have gone but there’s more BBC bias than ever.
However, on the previous thread I saw that wronged felt it was too much of an echo chamber in here. To an extent I can see where he is coming from, as we all need to be challenged from time to time.
Just floating an idea here to encourage more challenge. To get the site noted by more who may not take our view, perhaps more use could be made of the Biased BBC Twitter account to challenge BBC staff? Thoughts?
Rob Burley might respond if he feels he’s on safe ground.
Beyond him, if making a good point you will probably either be ignored or blocked.
Am not registered to be part of the Twitterati. Nor am I registered to be Facebook to Facebook with myself.
Am afraid I have no desire to register for either.
Me neither. Other than religion, they are the biggest combined causes of strife on the electronic planet.
OG, am not at all keen on humankind seeking God either or, even as so usually and often happens, seeking to be God or be their own God.
I can, however, be very enthusiastic about God seeking humankind.
The main problem here is the forum software is so primitive-
I can’t:
have an avatar, highlight text/ quotes, make sections bold, see all the posts I’ve made recently and any replies, even stay logged in, etc.
If this place was more any more popular, things would just get buried deeper and faster.
I like hearing like minded people here, often showing stories I haven’t seen.
I have no interest in debating with BBC/PC drones, I know I’m right -they know they are, pointless talking to them.
I’ve heard all their arguments – after all they are the mainstream.
They may not have heard our arguments, but you can be sure they are deaf to them.
Like the Donald trump protesters, being interviewed, few can even explain their hatred.
Or a climate thread- talking to MMGW zealots, there’s simply no reasoning with them .
Mind you it is funny when the snowflakes get triggered, so maybe a few more would not hurt.
Maybe I’ll run a homophobes without borders thread…
Some of the ‘echo’ comments could be made because some threads can run into five or six hundred posts, and that’s an awful lot to read through, so its inevitable that topic posts made in the first page could be re-iterated in a variety of ways towards the end of the thread.
Good point, Brissles.
Problem is – we find so much bias EVERY DAY at the BBC.
Even just on one small part of the BBC, the bias is there.
As more and more people find a home on here, the chance of the BBC slipping something past Biased BBC is shrinking.
So hear you.
You can do many of these things, with some very basic html coding commands round the section you wish to quote, italicise or make bold. For an avatar, go to Gravatar and register one under the email address you log in with here.
Though it could be made easier and it would be nice to see one’s previous posts. (Though somehow Maxie seems to know everything any given poster ever said.)
But keeping logged in here? No, beats me!
I know what you mean. When I log on it always takes me to the start of the thread rather than where I left off-so I have to trawl back through all that I have already read and try to remember where I got to.
However, if someone replies to a comment it is not obvious so I could miss responses if I don’t trawl through.
It would be good if there was a shortcut to unread posts/new posts/replies or even if unread posts were highlighted.
It might also be useful to have a search option to be able to see if a topic is already being discussed in order to prevent duplicate discussions and therefore reduce the echo chamber effect.
Yes I agree Roland . My response make it a nodding chamber in a different way. Perhaps any BBC staff monitoring this could dip in …
Years ago on this site we used to have ‘Lord Reith’ post who did appear to have knowledge of the BBC but who was, shall we say, more knowledgeable than Maxy, and more thoughtful in his posts. I have a feeling too that there was a Richard who worked somewhere in local BBBC Their posts were appreciated if not necessarily agreed with. Shame the BBC only put up Maxy these days, but BBBC has continued to grow. I think the BBC thought that it might just disappear if they ignored us. But the BBC bias grows, more people can see it, and the BBC has had to admit that more people are watching Netflix and whatever than watching them. I was just looking on YouTube an interview Sir Cliff gave to ITV after his court win. Both the BBC and ITV think it is their place to hold the police to account. I had thought it was the Law itself that should do that. I thought the News programmes were to tell me what was happening and analysis programmes, should I go to them, could then try to explain further or have people from opposite sides to discuss (BBC note, from opposite sides not two people both from the same appproved BBC viewpoint). This idea that the press are there to hold to account has come over very strongly re Sir Cliff but explains why from their Left metropolitan hold, their bias on Brexit, gender issues, conservatism etc is ok.
As far as using Twitter to hold the BBC to account, maybe I show my age. I don’t understand it. Why I should be interested in, for example, one celebrity’s publicist sending out a message when another celebrity dies, and then the BBC can report it, leaves me flummoxed. Surely the appropriate thing for the celebrity to do, is send a quiet word of condolence to the family. I am involved with a charity so thought I would follow the Charity Commission. I get messages everyday telling me there are 10 updates from the Charity Commission. I tried looking a couple of times but none were ever relevant. Maybe I am not using this Twitter thing properly. Am I the first to give up? But Roland, if you know it better than I, and think it might reach the snowflakes at the BBC , I should go for it, and encourage others here to do the same.
The problem is that the bBBC and the left in general are not interested in healthy debate. As they have demonstrated it is only their world view that counts and all other viewpoints or opinions are incorrect and “far right”.
Message to Al Beeb.
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time”
Decline in viewing figures ?
Will they tell us the truth ?
I had not realised that there was a “Biased BBC Twitter account” but then I was firmly of the mind that “only twits twitter”. Stay with the forum.
I did see some posts in the last thread about whether to ban maxincony or not..I didn’t know we had any proper trolls. Maxi just pops up now and again, fixates on some factual error someone’s made (one per roughly 2000 odd posts maybe), and then tells us we are all Nazis.
Everyone on this site is a virtually a Nazi from the viewpoint of the mainstream media, I’m long past worrying about that. It used to be called a conservative political outlook.
Anyway, my view is do what you will with maxi – ban or don’t ban. We could be like the Home Office with their bans on Geert Wilders, Lauren Southern. And rushing people off to prison pour encourager les autres.
We could ban maxi just for a laugh, arbitrary justice style. There’ll be another along like him presently no doubt. Maybe one who’ll actually be able to exchange views and tell us in what way, in what possible universe you could state that the BBC is politically impartial. And that the awful, useless uniformative pap it passes off for news & entertainment could ever be worth anything like £145 a year.
I’m sure ridicule is much more effective than banning…
No bans please. We are British.
Yes, we don’t want to start becoming like the Left and losing the ability to debate (or ignore) the opposing arguments.
Banning is the kind of childish stuff they pull and gives us another tool to highlight the hypocrisy of them wanting to ban our speech and contribution whilst labelling us facists.
I think that on the whole Maxi (though I rarely interact with him) is actually quite useful in that in many ways his posts highlight the weakness of the left (and his BBC associates) because generally he is only able to nitpick, concentrating on semantics and trying to twist meanings rather than having any strong and well reasoned counter points to major topics.
He is rather like a bargain basement Cathy Newman. ” So what you are saying by missing out that apostrophe is that you want to pitchfork all blacks, jews, gays, muslim and disabled children”
I see him as some rather sad little loser, desperatly seeking personal validation by coming onto our site and doing virtual battle with all of us wannabee SS stormtroopers.
No let fight his own little war with us, until mummy tells him to put on his jim jams.
Let Maxi stay, he is a bit of fun. Either he is a continuation of other trolls here or not. But he does share their habit of ending his posts with a hostile remark, rather than drawing a conclusion. Maybe that is a characteristic of the left
Hear, hear, Lefty. No bans. Let’s be conservative out there, today.
Let’s start biggin’ up, like, da personal responsibility. Innit.
Actually, one of the truly impressive & most welcome things from TOADY Tuesday was the lad, interviewed in prison, who corrected a slightly more liberal moan about conditions and State assistance with his acceptance of personal responsibility for his past, his sentence and the thought that the future freedom has to be left better in comparison with ‘the life inside’.
OK, he may have ‘dressed to impress’ but it seemed very genuine, very heartfelt to me.
I think Maxy is harmless. If he has any sense he will take that as an insult.
Now the EU is saying that UK citizens may not be guaranteed rights over there , perhaps we should send back the 6 million odd or more of their citizens here back to join the dole queues over there .
The EU is plying with people’s lives , not us .
Does seem strange that upto recently it’s all been about how Blighty will suffer . I cannot remember any al beeb report about the potential adverse effect of their so called “ crash out” . A crash out which I see as the referendum vote being complied with .,
“Its all about how Blighty will suffer”?
IMHO it will be the EU which will suffer.
First the loss of one of the top net contributors and the knock-on effect of other nations jumping ship. Leaving the EU desperadoes stranded and Al Beeb’s hopes and dreams of being the “European Broadcasting Corporation” ended.
You know somebody has not thought things out but is simply borrowing other people’s words when he talks about “crashing out”, “over a cliff”, “business must have certainty”, “supply lines”, “just in time delivery”, “using x as a bargaining chip”, “nobody voted to be poorer”, and many others.
Hasn’t May unilaterally already granted rights to the EU citizens in the UK, even those arriving in the UK over the next few years?
Nothing like having a mole in number 10 giving up up our bargaining chips.
The EU will not use people for political points … oh,wait ….
You can take the boy out of the bbc…
If Barack Obama had a race baiting state broadcaster, it would look like the bbc.
“Newsbeat” Huh, the hippest, hate everyone older then you hunk of ‘man’ stuff you’ll ever hear…
Only for hunks an’ that’, and what a fantaaaaaastic title to get the kids organised! Huh.
“Newsbeat” – wank while you listen.
As the freedom of Brexit approaches you will notice the panic and desperation emanating from Al Beeb and all the Remoaners. Project fear III .
For the past two years the ‘May government’, has been spending most of its time trying to convince the nation that our world will end instead of preparing for a ‘No deal’’
Join UKIP.
Not only the Font of Truth. Whenever I tuned into LBC today, fear overdrive seemed to be on the menu. The usual technique of asking scary questions over and over again was used -“will there be food shortages”, “Will British airplanes be shot down over Europe” etc.
An interesting novelty is the “repentant Brexiteer” caller. “I voted Brexit, but now I realise I am very, very stupid and was taken in by Leave lies. Now that all the facts are available, I think we should have a” People’s Vote” and return to that earthly paradise – the EU. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa I deserve to be flogged byJames O’Brien”.
No progress with a party that addresses the concerns of ordinary people will be made under the first past the post system. The stunning success of the AfD in Germany, shows what can be done under proportional representation.
Fiat Brexitus, ruat caelum!
I think there are definitely a lot of remoaners who have grown up believing that being in Europe and being part of the European Union are one and the same thing.
They think that we would be physically leaving Europe and we will somehow lose the right to take our holidays in Spain etc.
They think we will no longer be able to buy things from European countries.
I think the bBBC and the mainstream media in general have played a big part in perpetuating these myths and also in the way the nanny state makes all these snowflake types need their safe spaces. We have a level 3 amber warning for hot weather today. How ridiculous is it. Like they are 3 year olds who need mummy to put on their sun screen!
Remain broadcaster quotes Remain dead tree on their shared Remain obsession, with inevitable bbc editorial integrity edit, to the extent it presumes its audience need not be told the actual topic referred to.
ITTB has noticed all departments seem to be working to a common goal.
I hope so .
Start with the senior civil servants , after hanging them move on to the BBC .
What a crock of tosh. So leaving without a deal that would benefit all of the huge global corporates that pay minimal tax and don’t care where they are based will lead to ‘civil unrest’ but ignoring the democratic will of the British people is totally fine.
Maybe these out of touch corporates should remember that it was not long ago that the Mayday riots would result in masked protestors smashing up the most visible signs of corporate globalism.
Do they really think that people will take to the streets because some fat cat JP Morgan banker or similar will be inconvenienced with extra paperwork to respect national identities.
If polled, I indicate my preference for a Nationalist party or UKIP – that order.
I want to see these politicians scared shiiteless.
Isn’t there a coordinated campaign running? Funded by the usual suspect. The Guardian and the BBC seem to be in lockstep.
I just want to throw a tuppence worth of thought .
Why not make the whole of Ulster a Freeport area ?
The Irish do it with Shannon airport , where you clear US immigration laws for visas etc .
The Chinese have done it in various places within their purview.
And no one mentions the Isle of Man – how on earth does it cope not being in the EU – and it has a freeport!!!
I haven’t posted on here for a few months, but like many thousands of people with traditional British values i read nearly every line. Banning Maxi was mentioned and i hope you don’t do that, blocking peoples viewpoints is what the Government do. It is fear that makes people try to shut down other peoples words and nobody on this site should be in fear of anyone. We are better than that.
In some senses this website is a little out of date with comments based around BBC bias. I have been reading peoples comments for many years and it was true that the BBC was and still is politically motivated to the left. It is obvious to many now that it isn’t just the BBC, it is all media now and you have to ask yourself why this is happening. Since TM took over from DC even local news has gone very bizarre and ultimately unwatchable for most people.
I believe TM is an extraordinarily weak PM and i dont actually think she is in charge in the way we would think a PM should be. There are forces, hidden forces that seem to be calling all the shots and pulling the levers of power, not just in this country but everywhere. I have seen huge changes both in the USA and Australia in the last decade with regards to what appears in newspapers, tv and internet and you have to ask yourself who is doing this. It is more than Soros and Islam.
The BBC is biased, twisted, illogical and infuriating to millions of people and in many respects they were the 1st in the UK to go down this route, simply because they were the easiest broadcaster to control. The BBC is just a vessel for other organisations to corrupt and it appears the same has become of all broadcasters and media agencies ever since.
We need to find answers as to why the media has gone mad, Why politics has gone mad. The law has gone mad. The democratic west has gone mad and is no longer democratic in the eyes of a huge chuck of its citizens. I am always searching for answers and i find many conspiracies, so much so that it is difficult not to join in the madness, the name calling, the fear mongering.
I look forward to the day that i can just sit down in front of the telly and not be constantly bombarded by talking heads trying to force an opinion on me. One day it will happen but we must be patient and keep faith that we will find freedom again.
‘Do Beeboids’, I’ve been thinking the same thing. Here in Australia, even the commercial TV channels have moved markedly leftward in the last few years. Their news output is becoming unwatchable, especially on subjects like Donald Trump. Surely business interests should put the public’s feelings first? But they don’t. We’ve recently had virtue-signalling supermarket and coffee chains enforcing pointless eco-wackery token gestures that inconvenience customers while doing nothing for the environment.
The poltical establishment has moved leftward. A so-called conservative state premier launched a witch-hunt against the leader of the Labor (Aussie spelling) opposition for merely using the term ‘white flight’ to apply to people who’d moved away from western Sydney due to immigration.
Canadian ‘alt-right’ activist Lauren Southern visited Melbourne for an event recently. Police billed organisers 68 thousand dollars to protect the event from violent protestors.
Why is all this happening? Are the establishment so ignorant they think everyone shares their views, or so arrogant they think media can change their minds?
Helena, to be fair most Australian news and media output is reasonable and quite a relief to view if you are British. However, it is quite apparent the tide is turning in the wrong direction in the last couple of years. I fully expect you to witness a total takeover by the PC brigade.
The very well established newscasters like the wonderful Queenslander Bruce Paige of Channel 9 will be pushed aside and be replaced by people who do not represent the wider Australian community.
“replaced by people who do not represent the wider Australian community”.
As with the British Broadcasting Corporation, only then can a broadcaster truly claim to speak for the nation.
another pissed off aussie on you tube
Helena & Do BDoEG,
With the lockstep moves by a variety of Governments in the Western World, it is impossible to escape the conclusion that there is a higher authority that all leaders bow to. It certainly aint the voters. My bet is on the UN playing the game of World domination ably assisted by the NWO, Soros et al.
Children of the 60s coming home . All those mind altering drugs . Mashed brains . Not enough hardship ( maxi bait)
Perhaps Lauren Southern’s case is a good illustration of where the various countries are in the PC mire.
The UK banned her from entering the country, the Australians charged her $68,000 for the violent actions of a completely different set of people, while her home country of Canada permitted her to change her gender to male without asking a single pertinent question.
I must be turning gay, I really fancy this bloke called Lauren.
Agree on maxi. He helps to keep us all sharp with his drive-bys.
Disagree on primary site purpose. Am aware there are lots of other sites critical of the BBC out there, many are excellent like Craig’s & Sue’s ITBBCB? and TV Licensing. However, I think as the BBC appears to have abandoned attempts at neutrality to settle back somewhere in their ‘institutional bias’ position (identified around time of the millenium) of Left-Libbyism which may now include Alt-Leftism, I think we do need to keep up the pressure by being good critics.
There must be scope soon for some more new News & Current Affairs media to emerge via the Internet. Huffington Post pioneered and Breitbart and others followed. There is no doubt that the original non-print media are getting worried. The Internet is bringing down boundaries and it is the BBC [who exist behind a wall 😉 ] and ITV & Channel Four who are becoming worried.
It might be a good idea to sub-divide this site so there is an Economics & Politics area, a Comment/Opinion Editorial Area, maybe also an Essay Area, together with the original BBC Bias bit.
Ultimately it’s up to David Vance as site owner what he wants to do.
Huffington post is more left wing than the BBC now…annoys me as much with its bias
JA, yes it has shifted. A lot. Old Arianna was a Washington ‘meeter & greeter’ across the political divide in her early years.
But then so has the BBC, it has moved substantially Left since whoever it was (Mark Thompson, pre DG days?) went public with a list of the BBC’s various Institutional Biases. I think the BBC is still moving Leftward. At an alarming rate of knots.
This goat is still steam-driven, I’m afraid…
Electric Goats
Who is doing this? We know that money = power so follow the money trail I reckon. Show most take all as they say.
It’s the result of a liberal fascist bunch of gangsters called “Common Purpose”
Ten reasons why Common Purpose exists and operates.
1. The Purpose of “Common Purpose” is to pervert Democracy by instilling the concept of “Leadership” of the public, in a Politician who should be “Representing the public”.
2. The Purpose of “Common Purpose” is also to pervert the Civil Service, Local government and the Media by instilling the concept of “Leadership” of the public, in a Public Service and Media that should be “Serving the public“.
3. Decisions concerning policy and expenditure are made at meetings of Common Purpose that bypass the democratic, executive and scrutiny functions. This is what Common Purpose calls ‘leading beyond authority’.
4. Members of Common Purpose are chosen by Common Purpose for their value to Common Purpose and trained at taxpayers expense.
5. The so-called ‘graduates’ or members of Common Purpose use unaccounted employee time and resources for the business of Common Purpose and, as with their anti-democratic training, the activities of Common Purpose often escape the attention of those in authority.
6. Meetings of Common Purpose are held using a corporate account, off-books, to pay for the hospitality at these meetings.
7. Citizens are not only lied to when questions are asked about Common Purpose, but are not even allowed to know which officers have received the “leadership” training, at the taxpayers expense, and legitimate requests are still being unlawfully withheld.
8. Common Purpose coaches its members on how to avoid answering Freedom of Information requests and how to break the Data Protection Act with unlawful disclosures.
8. Common Purpose encourages its members to identify 12-15 year olds for grooming before placement for so called ‘Your Turn’ training without any evidence of having carried out the statutory criminal safety checks.
10. Those identified with Common Purpose, in any capacity or association, are among the same people determined as either corrupt or behind the worst and continuing abuses of democracy and its citizens.
What really amazes me is the apparently seamless and successful multi-agency coordination of any episode of corruption (in all its forms). This applies both domestically and internationally.
On the assumption that the presence of two or more people in any space provides the opportunity for disagreement, what is the greatest unifying or controlling force that enables this large-scale coordination?
Has any ex-Common Purpose person spilled the beans in detail on what they get up to? (Bearing mind the list of inadequacies of this blog, I suppose I shall not know if anybody answers, unless I trawl through these comments again?)
Excellent post, Richard. We know Cressida Dick, she of the meteoric rise to the top of the Met, is Common Purpose. There are said to be two Common Purpose NHS managers involved in the cover-up of the Gosport Hospital scandal. I reckon Common Purpose is far more dangerous than Freemasonry now. There always were some dodgy Masons, no doubt, but the majority were harmless enough. Common Purpose seems to permeate the media, the civil service, NHS management, perhaps some NHS medical staff, social and educational policy makers, local government, etc. It is very worrying and I imagine that Soros has something to do with it too.
Thank you Richard Pinder for that bit of education regarding Common Purpose, that is new information to me. It is remarkable they are a registered charity and in a way it does offer ideas and methods to fight back and oppose this corruption. They are certainly a part of the problem from my reading of their activities. A big thank you to everyone who liked my earlier post, i am blown away with how Populist i feel.
The BBC have decreed that if you are left wing, you must therefore be intelligent.
The left have always been intellectuals. An old song but true.
Dover, they slipped up badly, then, on TOADY this morning.
For quite a few years university students worldwide have been brainwashed in Marxism. These students have grown up to work in government and the media. Also, these students have become historians and history has been rewritten in many ways, for instance, that the socialist Nazi party were not an extreme left wing socialist party. (a bit like JC’s Labour party complete with young thugs breaking up non left wing meetings)
The ‘motive is unclear’ for the Toronto shooting which is newspeak for ‘definitely Islamic terrorism.’ When soppy Trudeau said ‘peoplekind’ instead of ‘mankind’ perhaps he hoped by being so inoffensive it might stop terrorists like this. It did not.
The problem for the totalitarians is that we all have the internet in our pockets now which is the opposite of a memory hole. The internet never forgets and everyone with a smart phone is a potential journalist.
I was amazed that the World Service actually mentioned that the Democrats paid for the pee pee dossier and Trump has accused them of spying. In the good old days when they were the gate keepers this would have gone straight down the memory hole. Perhaps now they realise that by just ignoring massive stories everyone knows about, as they do not fit their narrative, it makes them look bad.
“Mayor of Toronto John Tory also urged the public not to ‘draw any conclusions’ about the shooting, but to wait for police to conduct their investigation.”
Here’s a novel idea for you Mayor John – come out with an unequivocal statement assuring people that this is not Islam related. State that the gunman was not a muslim fanatic and you will resign if you are lying. That way people won’t jump to conclusions.
Telling people absolutely nothing and asking them to wait for the police to carry out their investigations makes us all suspect another cover up is in progress.
“Mayor of Toronto John Tory also urged the public not to ‘draw any conclusions”
those weasel words alone tell you all you need to know
“Shocking moment female police officer is knocked to the ground when English Defence League marchers clash with opponents in row over new mosque”
This female police officer gets knocked to the ground by a group of Islamic extremists pretending to be peaceful demonstrators and she decides to make a meal of it, probably hoping for a huge payout and time off.
Try doing the job you are paid to do madam and if you’re not up to it then go and find a job in a safe space like the local supermarket.
To be fair she did not relax the requirements to join the police.
I’d love to know what it is that makes this ‘shocking’.
Is it that a police officer got knocked to the ground – unlikely
Is it that a female got knocked to the ground – likely
The Mail really does need to reign in it’s outdated patriarchial attitudes. Women want to be on the frontline and women demand equality hence special treatment or outrage when one of them gets treated badly should not, I’m afraid, be highlighted.
What next, female PCSO breaks a nail in ugly clashes,
female PCSO complains of ‘bad hair’ after policing march on a windy day…
When she’s on the ground, it’s interesting that the nearest people to her aren’t the EDL that are constantly mentioned in the headline, sub head and body of the article, but the Muslim protestors – hence it shouldn’t take a slide rule to figure out that it was them that pushed her over.
Amazing how that point seems to be missing from the article and that the comments appear to be disabled as well.
ps Just looking through the website, it really is nothing but a sea of endless ‘xxxx model reveals pert posterior in stunning swimsuit’ and ‘glamourous xxxx showcases fabulous cleavage in St Tropez sun’. What utter trash it has become.
For years and years and years it has been obvious who have been committing a huge proportion of the crimes in this country. That is borne out by looking at who is in prison. If our open doors policy (not just open doors, but open them and push people through) had not been applied, think how many crimes would not have been committed. Oh to return to the 50s! I am so grateful to have been growing up then and not now.
It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum
The matronly Carol Kirkwood, like other BBC weather people, too often reaches for the moral imperative in her attempts to excite us about the weather.
You know the all too familiar BBC formula: ‘It’s two degrees hotter than it SHOULD be at this time of year!’
No, no, no, we cry, don’t you understand the concept of averages? Clearly you are falling into a mode of sensationalist thinking because logic dictates half of all instances are going to be above the average. And please stop applying the moral imperative implied in the word SHOULD to the weather. Immanuel Kant you are not, and our weather is simply not subject to a conscience. If it were we could reason with it… ‘look, we’re planning a barbeque on Saturday, please Mr Weather don’t make a thunderstorm over Esher until after about seven o’clock… thanks…’
Sadly this morning our Carol goes a step further down the moral imperative road – impressing on tv weather viewers what an aerial view of Hyde Park SHOULD look like at this time of year. (A bit more green and a bit less brown. Or, at least that was what it looked like last year)
Blimey, you would almost think the BBC weather boys and girls were more keen to sensationalise and to push a warming agenda than what they SHOULD do – which is to give us a simple weather forecast.
Naughty weather!
“Immanuel Kant you are not, and our weather is simply not subject to a conscience”…one of the best lines I have ever read on here. Cheered me up no end. Thanks.
Ladies Day at TOADY this a.m..
Mishal wants to talk waste recycling and recycles Mary Creagh MP (Lab) to talk about the failure of her Party’s 20 year old recycling arrangements. Mary Creagh merely dissembles over money rather than making anything worthwhile for the listener from recycled materials.
Dear old Mishal. She is a ravishing beauty but she is not the sharpest chisel in the BBC or TOADY tool chest. She does not know enough about the subject and is not quick enough to pin Mary Creagh down with some sharp questions. Either that or … she is reluctant to show up Labour’s failures over recycling and their blatant attempt for an opportunist attack on the Conservatives and the Environment Minister.
I wonder which?
Instead, a mere male has to talk some sense about materials, manufacture and their recycling. Shame, I cannot remember his name. Well done, Sir, anyway.
Next, we are on to wildlife with Martha abandoning her bees to become concerned about butterflies and grass with Sanchia Berg. Sanchia has an ‘expert’ contributor, Laura Baker, who talks at high speed but says nothing of value and nothing that the listener does not already know.
What’s that about Inform, Educate, Entertain?
Ladies Day at TOADY is possibly entertaining but fails a bit on the other two. Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet? You would think when its Ladies Day at TOADY they would be concerned about the career, never mind the pay, of another female at the BBC.
Their cutesy headline does rather highlight (I suspect unintentionally) but one of many issues with looking noble versus actually serving Gaia sensibly.
I once decided see what it took to clean a can of dog food before recycling. I’d estimate around one litre of heated water plus detergent. Now multiply that by every household on the collection round. Especially during a water shortage.
The req… demand to the public to pre wash versus industrialised processessing serves one thing: profits.
Sure, GW, recycling takes a little effort but in the Snuffy household, food cans – pet or human – would have ‘grey’ (waste) water poured into them and then be left to soak in one of the empty sinks. Often by the next mealtime’s wash up or even overnight, just emptying that can would find it clear and it could be left to drain dry prior to the bin round-up time.
A little creative thinking is all that’s needed.
Like the lady who realised that those abundant through-the-letterbox CDs, offering Internet connection in the early days, could be recycled (before LA waste contractors would take them) into bird & cat/dog scarers – with a piece of string – for her vegetable plots.
Dedicated but still impressive. The trick is motivation that works with all the GP.
Casa Who is more in favour of reuse, which is higher up the re-chain. Preferably designed in. And with commerce and authority joined up cooperative thinking.
GW, I agree but the Germans have managed it. Unfortunately, 45.5 years of EU membership have failed to infect us. Another reason to Leave.
“Casa Who is more in favour of reuse, which is higher up the re-chain. Preferably designed in. And with commerce and authority joined up cooperative thinking. ”
Agree wholeheartedly there. It is a failing of the socialist-Liberal miasma that is current and previous Parliaments that we are still addicted to the early-1960s mantra of ‘Tax and restrict’.
Time long overdue for Westminster & Whitehall to go cold turkey on that.
Decades ago, there was a programme on TV (may even have been the BBC) about an Italian waste recycling plant that had all waste tipped in at the front end.
Through a careful appliance of science, Colin, it huffled and shuffled and puffled the mix and separated it using things like water = floating, magnetism, weight = gravity, etc., and then what was left over was incinerated and used to generate electricity.
Nothing much came out the back end. Ash and smoke and even the ash was probably neutralised and turned into building material.
It was a pioneer, IIRC, the first site in the world to do this. I cannot think why it has not been rolled out worldwide.
Why not have it where we all just throw out our waste , it’s collected then the prisoners can sort it out
It can be done at the prisons or the inmates can be securely bussed to the tips .
They can sort it , wash it , bag it and it’s sent on .
That way they can repay their debt to society , and we can get on with our lives .
I can’t think that a bit of food waste makes much difference in a steel furnace. Cleaning cans etc. is more to do with keeping bins ‘sweet’.
When we were little we had to carefully unfold the corners of tea and sugar packets to make sure nothing went to waste. I doubt if Mum left any food in a tin can. (Rationing was a good master).
If you have a garden, Jim, or a community garden nearby, food waste can be composted with selected garden waste.
Second para, same for us in Snuffydom. Parents were WW2 and early environmentalists. Mind you, on the cat food thing, it was the little blighter that demanded every last scrap from any tin, especially the gravy or jelly, and her head would go in to check to see if we had failed.
The scam of recycling has been known for quite a while. The Chinese who were taking most plastics, began to complain that the plastics they were now getting were not cleaned properly, and worse, had human excreta. That meant that the plastic was contaminated and not fit for recycling. They dropped the money they were giving from around $100 per ton to a mere $6 per ton. The Chinese then put the stuff in landfill. Obviously.
This has been going on for quite a while, but Western politicians have kept a lid on it.
Switzerland are paranoid about recycling, and its second nature to their good citizens. In fact they have such good recycling plants that they IMPORT rubbish just to make the plants financially viable.
The good and true Swiss citizens are indeed religious about recycling. But that is not true of the new swiss asylum seekers etc. They scatter their waste where they want, shove used nappies into recycle bins, and worse, throw it on the street.
Once a boringly clean Switzerland is a dump – Lucerne, a lovely town, is now full of rubbish.
I laughed while driving listening to that primary school conversation
‘Will the grass return?’ was one of the BBC questions posed to the ‘expert’ – WTF of course it will it always does – anyone would think we were in the Sahara desert…agree it was a pointless waste of airtime
Who said that “grass is like God’s forgiveness”? Was it a character in PG Wodehouse?
I had the misfortune to hear a bit of Radio 5’s Stephen Nolan last night.
Who on earth are those two idiot women wittering away on some sort of ‘the papers’ review? One thing that was striking was how Nolan knew his place in the new order – he kept his mouth shut, something he could never do with the Marksist Bishop and the Sane American.
Nolan did get one spoke in when he asked the loudest woman why she was opposed to the death penalty and after a lot of spluttering about ‘British Values’ that we all share the best she could do was essentially say that everyone thought the same as her.
The second woman threw in little gems, unchallenged, that immigration had been a wonderful benefit to us all.
All in all an excellent demonstration that the presence of woman in the world of politics and current affairs should be the exception rather than ‘quota plus’.
Last week a gaggle of snowflake students took it upon themselves to deface a Rudyard Kipling poem.
It was the usual suspects; chippy minorities and well heeled middle class lefties. I wasn’t taken aback that the great Kipling had offended these delicate little flowers, why would I be? They’re “offended” by almost everything our country has to offer…other than the benefits system, the education system, and the nice secure life our nation offers them.
If it wasn’t Rudyard’s “If”, it would be the nursery rhyme, Baa, Baa, Black Sheep (clearly racist!) or even the innocent stories of Enid Blyton. If you’re looking for something to be offended by you’ll find it.
What was noticeable, however, was the BBC’s response. They were all over these pathetic posers like a rash.
There were nice soft interviews, they were treated with respect and we were even privileged to hearing their half baked opinions on Cecil Rhodes, as they stood there looking important and self satisfied.
How is it a few miltant minorities and a handful of well heeled pseuds can muster such positive media attention?
There have been numerous gatherings and marches in London consisting of many tens of thousands of decent, hard working people, either highlighting terrorism or trying to get freedom for Tommy Robinson and (if we’re covered at all!) we’re sneered at, called names and generally despised. But mainly we’re ignored.
I just wonder what the Beeb’s response would be if a group of “right wing” youths defaced the statue of the sainted Nelson Mandela?
Got a feeling it wouldn’t be good…
Nelson Mandela – along with his wife, the inventor ands user of Necklace executions of those who disagreed with him.
Ahh good old Nelson. Founder of the military wing of the ANC who admitted to cancelling their landmine campaign because it was killing too many innocents!
The best thing I ever heard related to him was being in a book store and some know it all young woman explaining to her dim looking boyfriend that Nelson Mandela had a different name that those in the know referred to him as.
“What is it” he asked
“Mandingo” she replied.
Look up Mandingo on Google and you’ll note that he’s a rather well endowed black pornstar rather than the Saint of South Africa that she was desperate to virtue signal about.
Oh, how I chuckled.
Yep ! Mandingo – a book we all voraciously read back in the 70’s !!
Just worked it out. Sorry always was a bit dim.
If is aspirational and if there’s one thing a middle-class trot hates is the thought of the lower orders getting above themselves with their aspiration.
Some interesting reflective posts today.
My reflection is that the hard left extremist Labour Party is sitting pretty with a 6 point opinion poll lead. Quite why 40%+ plus want to vote for them fills me with amazement and fear in equal measure.Never underestimate far left tactics. They are sitting there, very quietly, letting the Tories tear themselves apart with Brexit, while sectretly wishing for a fairly hard Brexit. Hard enough to have the freedom if enough mad people vote for them in an election to wreak economic disaster on the UK, unfettered by the damper the EU provides. All those PC minorities we rightly so often condemn will be granted sainthood with billions of pounds of subsidies. The pound will go below 1 Euro and maybe 1 Dollar. Rampant inflation will be used as a deliberate tactic to destroy the value of middle class pensions and savings. Non-contributors to society will be feted. We will work purely to service the public sector apparatus and nationalised industries.
I am surprised this realistic scenario is not mentioned more.
“…. if enough mad people vote for them in an election to wreak economic disaster on the UK ‘AGAIN’, unfettered by the damper….”
Totally agree with your views and it might be even worse. Once the far left is in power we ought not to automatically assume that there will be another GE within 5 years to boot them out. They may well decide that they simply are not going to submit themselves to the will of the people ever again. After all we know for certain that they hold democracy in contempt and believe it to be dangerous.
We are living through several potentially existentialist crisis at the same time: Brexit and Globalisation , Corbyn and Islamification. I have put them in what I consider the order of increasing threat to our way of life but anyone of them is a really serious threat.
Doublethinker I also agree that if Corbyn becomes PM, apart from the third world status he will inflict upon this country, he will abandon all fair elections. He might allow one and if the vote goes the wrong way refuse to accept the result like Mugabe in election after election.
However, I cannot vote for the Conservative Party (the only realistic chance to stop Corbyn) while May or another remaindoid is leading them. That’s despite having a Eurosceptic MP.
I would need Boris Johnson or JRM to take over before I could consider it. In fact they are the only people who might stand a small chance of leading the Conservatives back to government at all. I am extremely worried about the future.
Careful now, BBC Breakfast is picking up the hot potato – or should that be hot bagel? – which is the Labour Party’s ‘Jewish Problem’
We’ll try to do some of this biligually….
BBC sofa-based Beta male – or the Nebbish – Dan Walker teams up with feisty femme – let’s call her the Shiksa with a little too much Chutzpah – Louise Minchin… that’s our sofa duo who team up to handle a tandem interview with the Jewish Labour MP Louise Ellman, with the kid gloves on.
Many observers of British electoral politics detect the faint whiff of a very large psephological elephant in the room here but the BBC certainly won’t be the ones to draw any attention to that.
Meanwhile if the BBC had got UKIP or the Tories in the racist cross hairs you just know it would be full steam ahead but when it’s Labour you have a whole a different kettle of Gefilte fish.
Suffice to say this interview was tentative sanatised antiseptic fare.
Like sex through a hole in the sheet.
You had to admire Ms Ellman’s dismissal of Jeremy Corbyn’s official statements of innocence on the issue.
“That’s just wrong and designed to confuse people”
Pretty much a definition of Labour policy on just about everything these days.
AIS – There was an interview in yesterdays Telegraph talking to a Jewish lady who was leaving the UK due to increased anti Semitism in the UK. Yet not once did this incurious journalist speculate as to why anti-semitism is on the increase here.
Ah got it! the sound of marching jackboots down the Cornish lanes has reminded me it must be the far right (ie us)
Oh bugger – I got it wrong its my neighbours diverse multy kulty black and white Holsteins returning from milking.
Oh – who else could possibly be doing this Maybe Shami Chakrabarty could help on this toughie.
When Islam, especially of the Saudi-funded Wahabist variety increases in numbers, Jews, Christians, Sikhs,Hindus, Buddhists , atheists, agnostics, and everyone else starts to suffer. The lefty liberal mob are like ostriches with their heads in the sand, but that is an insult to ostriches.
Are you the same as the metrolibs BBC put on Radio4 ?
Just now prog is about children and tech
“In our house we all play a game where you are the friend of a Syrian migrant as SHE makes her way across Europe.”
Next prog : book of the week appears to be autobiography of a Palestinian living in the West Bank
10am Womans Hours
“Now we’ll talk about podcasting”
.. “Here are the team from Mothers Against Climate Change”
… “Oh it’s hot”
MACC “Yes it is happening and we are not interested in talking about deniers”
12pm :Y&Y “And ten years after people on one Scottish island got their own green power system going, we hear why more islands could now follow their lead.”
I listened to the Westminster Hour on BBC R4 yesterday evening. One guest contributor was Jacob Rees-Mogg. I’ve changed by opinion on this Dandy over the last month or so. Unless there is a ‘Grand Plan’ that he and his acolytes are clandestinely working through to oust Treezers Brexit plan, I now see him as the eloquent ‘damp-squid’. A year ago, efforts to test the waters in relation to him becoming PM worked. Then nothing. No way to treat the voting public who dream of a Churchillian figure emerging to lead us to the promised land. The ‘Promised Land’ being that we all voted for in 2016. We are fed up being misled by all in sundry.
Be patient, G. Forty Years it takes in the wilderness to get to the Promised Land of Brexit.
I suspect the PM has either been extremely clever or typically Parliamentary Tory foolish in the Chequers Plan. I am still tilted toward the former suspicion.
If you want a clue, watch the original Star Wars film and note extremely carefully the very beginning and closer to the end, the battle between ObiWan Kenobi & Darth Vader.
To be fair to JRM he has never put himself forward as a leader. I think he is too much of a ‘gentleman’ to lead, too willing to give opponents the benefit of the doubt. A leader has to be brutal when it counts.
Jim, every Moses needs a Joshua and a Caleb and others to help on the journey through the wilderness.
I think the judgement of the population in ten or more years from March 2019 and December 2020, will be an unhappy time for all the Remainers.
Irrespective of whether Brexit has been a roaring success or a disaster so far, the Remainers will largely be blamed by the public. Of course, long before then (every year?), the pro-Remain BBC will no doubt start a propaganda exercise on their behalf to convince everyone that Remainers were really only ‘Questioners’ seeking the best possible Brexit deal on behalf and for the well-being of the UK population as a whole.
I think the population at large may not believe them.
There was plenty of video’s on YouTube promoting him. Suddenly, in emphasis, stopped. JR-M could have made it clear to the public over a year ago that he wasn’t interested instead of asides alluding to, ‘we have already got a good PM’ etc. rather than being honest.
I disagree – there is no state leadership – that was handed over long ago by Cameron and the bubble . The result led to proof of the disconnect between us and them.
Like him or not – the only leadership was mr Farage and he seems to have sat back for reasons I do not understand and has done a disservice to the people who believed him leaving us in an unnecessary mess running upto March 2019
If anyone knows of any sensible view of how Blighty should be when free please let me know .
That really requires an Economics & Politics section together with an Essay section within Biased BBC, Fed. 😉
….no state leadership. Goes without saying. In fact, I’ll go further and add that what has been wrongly described as, ‘leadership’ is representative of failed management of this country for decades. Blue, red or yellow, all pathetic.
Cameron is the one to blame whatever side you are on. He was the one that was going to re-negotiate our relationship with the EU, then asked for nothing and received even less.
Cameron was the one that called the referendum, he was the one that was going to do what ever was needed but when he got the ‘wrong’ result it turned out that he didn’t have a ‘leave’ plan and effectively he wasn’t prepared to respect the wish of the people so he quit.
Farage had been fighting against the EU for thirty-odd years, providing the only alternative to BlueEU, RedEU or YellowEU. He spooked Cameron into calling a referendum, we took the opportunity denied at every general election since we joined the EEC of getting out. Farage’s job was done. No-one on the ‘leave’ side has an obligation to deliver Brexit, that is the job of government. Remember both BlueEU and RedEU fought the election on the basis that we would leave the EU so both parties’ whips should be putting all their MPs (‘leaver’ or ‘remainer’) through the Brexit lobby.
May has taken on the responsibility that Cameron welched on because she stood for the leadership. The backbench MPs have no responsibility to take on the leadership, they do have a duty to abide by the manifesto committment (Soubry to note).
Of course none of this is of any account if we are really ruled by the EU’s UK agent Oliver Robbins.
Nadine Dorries for PM.
Toronto shooting. Motive is unclear say the BBC. Once again scratching their heads on what possible motive it could be. We all know it will either be a mentally disturbed ‘local man’ or a Canadian citizen. Now, move along please,, nothing to see here.
The Canadians were boasting to the Americans in the last couple of shootings in the USA that their tight gun laws means that this sort of thing cannot happen in Canada. Sadly they were, and are, wrong.
Excellent comparison … but all cultures are equal and must be respected.
Political language, which, according to Orwell, “is designed to make lies sound truthful (Divorce) and murder respectable (Grooming), and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. (Divorce Bill)”
MM, I think that cartoon puts ‘the finger’ on why the LibbyLeft/Socialist & Alt-Left are in meltdown.
It may also go some way to explaining why so many young people are experiencing mental health issues and problems in the UK & elsewhere at present.
Haven’t got time now to elaborate. Perhaps later.
Agree – they are being told to hold two contradictory things and believe both.
Very good point. No one ever makes the “environmentalist” argument against mass uncontrolled immigrztion from the third to the first world. As this is bound to increase the “carbon footprint” etc of the world as a whole, they should be advocating mass uncontrolled migration from the first to the third world. All the usual suspects should lead by example and set up sustainable communities in remote, sun drenched areas of the world. Of course if they were really serious about not wanting to squander the resources of the planet, they could just kill themselves.
ID, re last sentence. You have the basis for yet another Libby-Lefty/Alt-Left disconnect.
“Mum, Dad, if it’s important that we treat other people right and don’t kill, why do some politicians want to kill more babies in Northern Ireland?”
“Mum, Dad!” “The BBC have told me this murder of a baby is bad. They now say abortion is a Woman’s Right to Choose.”
Yes, but the leftist would have us believe that human zygotes, embryos and foetuses are not really human life or legal persons.
The “clump of cells” argument. Why then does the NHS offer bereavement counselling for woman who have had miscarriages? No one goes into mourning for an extracted tooth.
The left will sermonise endlessly about the evils of “dehumanisation” as a facililitation of the holocaust etc., but don’t see they are using a type of dehumanisation argument in the case of abortion.
The way remainers were wishing for the speedy deaths of the old because their votes made Brexit possible and revealed them to be morally and intellectualy inferior, shows how little “progressives” understand or believe in their own arguments.
Strange isn’t it – Lenin into Russia – the ayatollah into Iran . In the latter case I was sure the plane wouldn’t make it but unfortunately for us it did.
”Acid attack on three-year-old boy: Three men arrested”
The men, aged 22, 25 and 26, were arrested in London on suspicion of conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm.
So far we have a 39 year old already arrested , a 3 year old boy, his
‘young family’
and Amazingly no names given?
Could it be a Pakistani family, (culturally appropriating a pushchair)
a 39 Pakistani with some honour grudge, and 3 specialist East European hit men, brought in from London 130 miles away?
it still wouldn’t surprise if it was an accident.
OF course it’s the BBC with their pro gay agenda so a link to Pakistan
”The transgender acid attack survivor running for parliament”
wait for it
”attacked with acid by her (sic) former boyfriend,”
so it was a homo on homo attack.
Bet the BBC would not bother with a story about
a Rotherham child rape survivor going on to stand for office for the EDL etc
”The 13-year-old who built a best-selling lemonade brand”

By James Jeffrey Business reporter, Austin, Texas
”Mikaila Ulmer first set up the business when she was just four years old ”
The BBC’s weekly The Boss series profiles a different business leader from around the world. This week we spoke to Mikaila Ulmer, the 13-year-old chief executive of Me & The Bees Lemonade.
”Mikaila Ulmer’s lemonade is now stocked in more than 500 stores across the US, but unfortunately she has slipped to a “C” in her maths class.
The fact that both parents have business school degrees certainly must help, with D’Andra having a background in marketing and sales, and Theo in business operations.”
Sounds like the parents company
And how is this not classed as child labour by the BBC?
Perhaps she’ll progress to making Cider…and call it Ulmer’s 🙂
“You can stick Islam up ya arse!”
“If there is hope, it lies in the proles.” – 1984, Winston Smith
The disgusting front bench of Labour habitually lie and find it easy to do so.
How many lies have been said by Abbott that we are not aware of….
This is our potential Home Secretary, frightening..
No news outlet reporting it
Welcome to 2018 at the BBC ….
UK ‘will not block death penalty for IS duo’ (no longer call Beatles).
‘Significant’ rise in lenders valuing homes below sale price.
Student’s drag act banned from school talent show.
Horrid heartless UK eh?
Oh the humanity.
All you need do is guess who`ll be blathering on about this “injustice”. They`re all there when you see the article.
Who gives a stuff? Only the BBC and its Lord Longfords, who`ll never see a case they can`t weep over.
Unless it`s Lee Rigby or Kriss Donald. Tommies Mair or Robinson.
Unlikely BBC Headline:
“”Britain Thrived for a Thousand Years without the EU. Brexit Fears Unfounded.””
And founded a global empire that brought civilisation to large parts of the world.
Then gave it away. And watched as those parts of the world descended into third world white hating shitholes. All thanks to lefty politics as exemplified by the EU.
BBC Online News:
“”Newspaper headlines: ‘Voters turn to far right’ over Brexit””
By BBC News
BBC Lies. There is no reference in the feature of ‘Voters turn to far right’ over Brexit.
Nothing at all.
The BBC have fabricated a headline to suit their Left wing agenda and to get attention.
whats that then UKIP ? are UKIP far right now
But UKIP are not mentioned. The headline must be from another news feature, perhaps ?? 🙂
A poor little baby has acid chucked in its face and it doesn’t even make headline news on the BBC or Sky. Yes it is being reported but the BBC had as its headline the heatwave ffs! We all know where this recent cultural phenomenon comes from and yet none of the leftwing msm are willing to discuss why this vile crime is on the rise in this country. When you import the third world you get its crime. Scum. I would shoot the perpetrators immediately.
A poor little baby has acid chucked in its face and it doesn’t even make headline news on the BBC or Sky. Yes it is being reported but the BBC had as its headline the heatwave ffs! We all know where this recent cultural phenomenon comes from and yet none of the leftwing msm are willing to discuss why this vile crime is on the rise in this country. When you import the third world you get its crime. Scum. We need to reinstate the death penalty. I would have the perpetrators shot immediately. Also, we all know why there’s an increase in antisemitism in Labour but, predictably, there is silence so as not to upset Labour’s core voters or a certain community. Disgusting.
The BBC are now saying that the attack occurred whilst an EDL parade was taking place, and that 3 men in their 20’s have been arrested. If its true that these kidults are responsible AND were members of the EDL, then they need stringing up. I don’t care what their political views are, but throwing acid is abhorrent.
Brissles, the attack took place outside or inside a store in a retail park, according to the BBC, not at a demonstration. The Beeb are in a mess and contradicting themselves – and the police.
Is it a good sign that the BBC’s left hand does not know what the BBC’s right hand is doing?
The BBC does not possess a “right hand”…
Well, they’ve got me confused !
the police say not related to the EDL
ie never was never will be, they just need to slip EDL into the text
BBC News at One : They linked the acid attack to the EDL somehow and then seemed to explain that there was ‘probably’ no link at all!
Hint : another far-right acid attack on a baby…maybe 🙁
After posting a reply to Brissles I did wonder if she had been watching TV while I had been (self-)restricted to BBC radio and web-site.
Different news on BBC TV and BBC Radio.
Where does that fit?
FakeNews? FalseNews? FakeFacts? FalseFacts?
I’d call it Fake Suggestion…it doesn’t work with me because I don’t believe a word that comes out of the BBC mouth…but, of course, many will have been influenced. Job done 🙁
A bit like these frequent references on the BBC and in the papers to the UKIP councillor who committed murder, as though he was only carrying out party policy.
Al beeb news radio says the foreign sec has “” warned “ that there is a chance of a no deal brexit .
Clear evidence of bias . – why “ warn” if it is a benefit to us and bad for them. . We can do without German cars if that’s want the ReichEU wants .
And apparently some people don’t like the idea of Islamic murderers being tried in the USA as if that’s a bad idea .
I would prefer them to be tried in the places where they committed the crime never mind the USA
Or anywhere where they have the death penalty.
Yes, Fed. The fight is getting dirty. The BBC are taking their gloves off and going ‘bare-knuckle’ on behalf of the EU and Remainers. Not only did they go after the Home Sec but the next item was an attack on the PM’s Old Boy, Bojo. They then had a go at undermining his replacement at F&CO!
If that’s not enough, the final item was on a new drug that may be a breakthrough in malaria treatment. The Montacutie gets dirty (no, not her laugh) and asks the Doctor responsible for its creation whether the Government should be stockpiling drugs ahead of ‘Brexit’.
The Doc shows wisdom in advance of years and way above that of politicians and new Home Secretaries and declines to answer. Well done, Ma’am!
Yes, that use of language again.
Apparently May needs to “sell” the Chequers plan to the EU. And on they go, every word dripping with poison, mealy mouthed or simply untrue/biased.
We all spot it a mile off.
And not the number of pre-recordings with those they don`t trust like the Austrian Foreign Minister who seemed to quite rate Boris.
Can`t have that.
So they found a broadsheet bellyacher to trash him afte the Austrian had spoken.
That famed BBC balance.
Totally unhinged-can only guess that Montague. Boris and our broadsheet hacks all know their prep school rules.
Rest of us despise the BBC and their convenient hitmen and ladies.
And I particularly hate their seeming neutrality, as they drip poison and venom into anything that might make their enemies seem witty, humane or doing their duty to those whop voted for them.
Stuff the BBC-and sod Montague and her endless nastiness.
I used to watch Wimbledon when younger.
The British audience used to be so damned biased against certain players, but were never honest enough to boo-just purse their lips in disapproval.
Same types run the BBC these days. The transcript might look OK, but the tone and asides , interruptions always make it clear who the BBC favours.
Hidden bias and lies-not so hidden any more.
Same with me Ali, I gave up watching when I couldn’t pronounce the names of the players.
Heard the last bit – I thought how heartless the Monty was to try to get a decent dedicated real scientist to kill her own career by saying something bad about Brexit . Monty really is… indecent ..but beeboid -so I should have expected it.
There seems to be a real concerted campaign going. WHo is behind it ? I can guess but it could even be the government trying to sell this useless deal.
What they seem to want is a new referendum they cannot lose. With a three sided question. This is going to get very nasty . At present they are not certain they would win even a fixed referendum hence the pressure for some stitch up vote . The moment they are certain expect trouble although events are always unpredictable.
It could end up as the electorate versus parliament or at least a significant part of the voter base .
Put simply I believe that the out vote was never considered possible and when it happened the elites panicked. Did nothing for a while but now time is short. The EU will not conclude a deal and they all know it so the elite has to sell us a brexit that is fake.
This should be easy for them as they control most of the media and the money, industrial power but it is not going to plan .
One real mistake and the whole rotten edifice will collapse .
Ok they have the politicised police and the ability to give us real stick and destroy our livelihoods and silence opposition one way or another. But the election of President Trump has made this a bit more difficult and the internet which at the moment they do not control is still free.
This is not a left right matter but us versus them . Them being the power that has always felt entitled to the fruits of our labour and having the divine right to rule.
On Trump they are genuinely scared of him and his supporters . His apparent unpredictability is not how they like to work and thank God he is there. We would be in real trouble if Clinton was President .
Finally if the Commons sets itself against the voters then God knows what will happen. We will certainly face reprisals and possibly prison . The police force is no longer a citizen force but para military. The army I do not know but cannot be used in this country without causing chaos and the Queen is still commander in chief and can use her authority with the colonels in command of the regiments.
A gloomy prognosis indeed but inevitable once we challenged those who never thought we had it in us.
We should take heart. Tom Paine, Cobbett and Wat Tyler would have been on our side come what may. So would Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson and all those fine men who created the USA in 1776.
We were ‘warned’ by obammma that we would be at the back of the queue.
Nobody took a blind bit of notice of some foreign bloke telling Brits what to do!
And where did his passport come from?
Oh dear! The PM’s new boy appears to have made his first mistake. The BBC led with this on TWatO. No questions really asked.
Up – not sure if it’s mistake or part of the leadership application . Diane Abbot is going to huff and puff with an emergency commons thing this after noonZ it shouldn’t be too difficult to swat her away as a friend of Islamic murderers .
Otherwise he could have announced it once the house of expense claims goes on its long hols .
Labour is making the most vile and pathetic denials and excuses for the revolting antisemitism endemic in the party, with many far-left scum actually blaming jews for attacking and stirring up hatred against Corbyn. Unreal. Funny, they never seem to make such excuses for so-called Islamaphobia… tells you all you need to know about Labour. Jews have been a valuable asset to this country and have integrated over the centuries unlike some from other communities.
Too true Alex.
Heard Martha Kearney this morning clearly thinking that she had the “Labour Party Spokesperson” brief , as she mithered away at Margaret Hodge-who, being a Jew; might normally be expected to be able to spot anti-Semitism and racism, as she knows them.
Martha said that the vile abuse aimed at her for upsetting Jeremy may well not have been put up on her Twitter feed by Labour supporters.
No other group gets so insulted like this, they`re all believed-except the Jews. Which is REAL anti-Semitism. BBC guilty as much as Corbyn here.
Bloody Tories or Jews as per I expect. Unbelievable. Is there any other race, tribe, religion and nation that is obliged to know its place and accept Corbyn or Hamas as being the definers of what “anti Semitism” is. Kearney is thick-but we can now add an apologist for Jew baiting as well now.
Disgusting. Was on 7.50 or so this morning.
“far-left scum actually blaming jews”
That is probably the most blatant anti-semitism. Jewish conspiracy theories go back to the fake ‘Protocols of Zion’ if not earlier. Those extreme lefties are clearly anti-semites, no possible defence of their arguments or positions.
Labour- For The Muslims Not For The Jews
Does anyone know what is going on in Manchester, where someone had their ‘neck’ slashed, according to the beeb?
A number of people arrested for the attack at the Hilton Hotel, but -as usual- the language so vague and evasive….
When exactly did this county suddenly plunge into a pit of darkness- of neck-slashing and acid-throwing etc etc Are we suddenly a third-rate banana republic, in which the police can’t or won’t establish control of the streets??
This lawless streets are just chickens coming home to roost after decades of liberal policies and increasingly lax enforcement of the law, lenient prison sentences and regimes and the do gooders trying to blame everyone but the criminals themselves for their anti social behaviour. The liberals are reaping what they sowed and unfortunately so are the rest of us.
Blame the Mayor of Manchester for his law and order policies .
That’s Andy Mid-Staffs Burnham isn’t it ?
Manchestre died when it let this shifty scouser become Mayor of their once proud town.
The Ship Canal was built for a purpose and letting Mersey goldfish like Burnham get a freebie was as low as letting the gay Indian run Ireland as Teashop.
“Manchester-so much to answer for”.
Morrissey did warn us.
just another normal day
probably someone shagging someone they shouldnt
The mass-shooting in Toronto has been dropped by the BBC Online News to priority number 9 in the list of news topics. (Motive not known yet so probably terrorism).
It only happened a few hours ago.
At number 5 is a news topic on tesco store formats.
At number 6 is a news topic about a drag teen and a school.
I want to know about number 9 !!
“I want to know about number 9 !!”
But the BBC doesn’t want you to know about number 9.
Advert in the Yorkshire Post for their sister paper the-I

Shows nazi style photo of Trump
captioned “Dictator, Mediator, Detonator … see things from every angle”
..Em putting 2 nasty slants is NOT seeing things from every angle is it ?
Memo to 99% of Trump haters.
You are being duped by the tiny Globalist elite into attacking the man who is trying to rescue all of us from the clutches of that elite. How much longer will it take before the scales fall from your eyes? The ordinary westerner has everything to gain and nothing to lose from the President’s policies. I increasingly despair of your stupidity , blindness , meek acceptance of what you are fed by the BBC and the rest of the MSM. Just stop to think for a moment ( assuming you are able to think for yourself) and ask yourself who gains from Globalisation? The answer certainly isn’t you or anyone that you are likely to know. Then ask who suffers from Globalisation? The answer is all the working people in the West who lose their jobs or see their pay held at the same level year after year because of cheap imported Labour and you are likely to know a lot of those. So why do you oppose the man who is fighting Globalisation? Even afive year old can see that you are on the wrong side!
Sorry there Doublethinker.
You`ve used a percentage in your third word.
No Trump hater will like that, and will go off to scratch a calculator in anger.
Fact averse-no real point in talking to them.
Just tell the local imam where they live.
To be honest every angle looks the same as all the others. It rather sums up the philosophy of leftist “news” organisations, like the i, only one angle allowed.
An illustration even the dumbest liberal should be able to understand
Where is the outrage? Where are the calls and petitions to have Osil banned by the Premier League, FA, FIFA. Once more the leftist Muslim loving double standard is applied.
Dear Mr Ozil, I should imagine there are quite a few Arsenal fans who would like to see the back of you and did your love of Erdogan create a bad atmosphere within the German team camp at the recent World Cup ? Are you happy that Germany were eliminated at the group stage? And if you love Islam so much, then perhaps you can go and live in Turkey and play for Galatasaray.
Nadiya tonight : “Burgers with BACON jam”
..reall ?
Please don’t mention her, she makes me feel ill.
Bacon jam is sold in Waitrose under the label Eat17, its more like pickle relish . But I see where you’re coming from – she’s a Muslim so I’m surprised she’s even considering it.
For the cooks amongst you, when making sausage rolls, spread some Red Onion Marmalade (yes) in with the mix and see how delicious the little porkies are.
I’ve just made Tomatoe chutney courtesy of Jamie Oliver, now eating with home made pizza . Absolutely delicious with pork products.
Tesco do quite a good Caramelised Red Onion Chutney, £1 for 280g.
Other supermarkets and chutneys are available.
Google ” Pakistan Eid” – Lovely photos.
Google ” Pakistan Eid slaughter” – hell on earth.
Unfortunately I was born with a love for animals.
I say unfortunately, because when I see how the scum in those pictures can inflict untold pain on dumb animals, all in the name of religion, is beyond my comprehension.
To think we now live in a world where torturing animals to death is okay but putting a piece of bacon outside a mosque in protest gets you sent to prison only highlights just how low we have sunk.
At least the poor old pigs don’t have to undergo halal slaughter – or is what is done to them something very similar?
Just got a whiff-that` the word-of Eddie Mairs useless PM.
Currently he`s linking Margaret Hodge and Labour anti-Semitism to some new age gimp and his “anger management in the workplace” company.
This is not news, nor is it funny-and, it had better not be counted by the BBC as any independent serious look at Labours eternal problem with Jews.
Oh if only they`d been wiped out in the 1967 War eh Beeb?
And, as this turd is getting lipstick for its RTS AWard-Mair is talking to some camp bloke who`s watching Freeview, and is mocking it.
Which he would never do if Citizen Khan was being put onto “Dave”-that would be Reithian “excellence” i`n thinking. How are they getting way with this?
Sense Mair is just seeing out his contract, phoning it all in as one big joke on the rest of us.
Labour MP for Stockton North – sounds like a nice chap!
Bet he loves the bBC.
Good at spelling too.
Comments could be …
Does Stockton North have many tall buildings??
Do like that word Facsism though.
Think it` means being biased or prejudiced against someone with facts, and then trying to be judgemental because s/he “knows more”.
Dangerous people-and in need of Brownshirt Momentum Fascists to sort them out.
Yes, Facsism…
Alex keeps digging
On the plus side, I notice that Lauren Southern’s film ‘Farmlands’ is heading for a million views after less than a month on YT.
Well done, Lauren!
The Russians are giving refuge to the Boer farmers. Land and safety. They welcome what they have to offer and that will be South Africa’s loss. The situation is still critical .
Another story by the bBBC designed to tell you what you should be thinking and feeling. Never mind that some men have gone through hell/committed suicide after being named and shamed before being acquitted of rape/sexual assault, we should be thinking of those anonymous plaintiffs who are always completely trustworthy and innocent.
Grrrr they are despicable bastards.
Whose side are Al Beeb on….I can’t decide! Are they being impartial? ????
Trowbridge platform edge child not in danger, says dad http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-44924264