Some boring story about some Marcon pigs roughing a protester up.
this bit was what interested me;
”a darker truth about the Macron presidency, one that we have till now all been too dazzled by his brilliance to notice. ”
Unbiased? reads more like a blog onion piece than world news article.
I dunno Eddy, there’s something in me that admires a civil servant doing a bit of moonlighting as a riot cop in his spare time, cracking a few Antifa heads. Anyway – over zealous Monsieur Benalla has been sacked now, so no more of his antics.
Tim Brown, from Birmingham, who took the photo said when he challenged Mr Stanton he was told he was a “do-gooder”.
Ian Stanton
“We were on our way to the Bath Carnival and our train was delayed,” he said.
“Devon is an inquisitive kid and wanted to pick up a stone or piece of wood from the track as treasure.
“I told him it wasn’t a good idea and then he asked if he could have a quick look.”
”British Transport Police (BTP) said they had been made aware of a photograph “which shows a child in a dangerous position”.
Mr Stanton said he contacted BTP voluntarily and was due to speak to them to give his side of the story.
BTP said they were awaiting further information prior to launching an investigation.”
What a country- we are as bad the stassi, spying on and reporting each other.
What next getting ”challenged and investigated” for letting your kids sticking their arm out to stop a bus.
It’s not like the boy had his ear pressed to the rail listening for a train coming.
Looks like the father carried out a proper risk assessment .
Shame the bloody citizens of Rotherham didn’t do some informing then ! If my childhood memories are correct they always liked a gossip, so its a pity that gossip didn’t turn into something louder.
What, louder than the actual girls themselves going to the police / social workers etc? as many did..
but no one would listen as they were in on it or too PC.
Anyway please don’t be so offensive as to compare those minor offenses with this hideous, laying beyond the empty platforms yellow line crime .
He “defended his decision”? what sort of country has this become? He wasn’t in any danger because his father was supervising him. As the Duchess said, “If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does.”
Daily express reports Approval rating for President Trump at 45% – highest since election according to NBC WSJ survey . This was done after the Putin meeting .
Al beeb portrays him in a far different way to American voters eh?
I guess Americans are pretty resistance to the bias too .
Caution -I didn’t corroborate this so possible false news . Or not
It is evident that this man was never meant to win, and there has never, ever been such a swathe of media turned against an elected president and i lived throught the reagen years dark dark times if you can read below the headlines
Our Liberal-minded media out of kilter with the general public?
Others hereabouts have commented on the BBC’s inordinate concentration on Tiger Woods during the recent golf tournament.
I didn’t tune in for any of the broadcast coverage so can’t judge. However, I suspect the notion that BBC commentators displayed a high degree of ‘Tiger Love’ was real. My sense is that the wider audience are not quite so keen on this particular sportsman. I’ve now heard a sports presenter describe how whilst watching Woods play “the media centre were clapping every shot… then came the double bogey… they all said, ok, now who’s going to win?”
The BBC love categorizing him as black.
even though he is half African -Half Thai,
ticks the Asian box on USA forms
and call himself after the famous animal of the African savanna
– the Tiger.
I remember when Tiger Woods was the new sensation in 1996 or 1997. I seem to remember something about him having Native American blood too. Anyway, early on he was not at all keen to be used as a tool for the race-baiting industry, and just wanted to be judged on his golfing ability.
Tranny, or gay, black or whinging women all now instant headline material unless you are gay or a women or a tranny and beaten up by a muslim then all goes quiet and of course our jewish population have to keep their heads down because of the muslim racists and our 13 year old girls….
Saw a headline in the Telegraph that the Jews were leaving Britain because of the insecurity. Wonder what Churchill would have said, had he been alive?
Enoch, on the other hand, might not be all that surprised.
As an officer of the British Army in 1897 and 1898, he fought against a Pashtun tribe in the northwest frontier of British India and also at the Battle of Omdurman in Sudan. In both of those conflicts he had eye-opening encounters with Muslims. These incidents allowed his keen powers of observation and always-fluid pen to weigh in on the subject of Islamic society.
While these words were written when he was only 25-years-old (in 1899), they serve as a prophetic warning to Western civilization today.
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism (Islam) lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.”
Churchill apparently witnessed the same phenomenon in several places he visited. “The effects are apparent in many countries: improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.”
He saw the temporal and the eternal tainted by their belief system. “A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity,” he wrote.
The second-class status of women also grated at the young officer. “The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men,” he noted.
“Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”
Well before the birth of modern Israel, its terror tactics and drive for world domination were felt. “Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step, and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it (Islam) has vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”
I switched on to see the report on the first day of the show, only to be to presented with Project Fear saying:
a) Brexit will completely kill Welsh agriculture, say the NFU and a Labour AM (totally unchallenged),
b) Two of the three presenters who admitted not knowing anything about agriculture (and effortlessly proving it) and never having been to the show before,
c) A star competitor in sheep shearing with obsolete tools, who was a 17 year old girl who did it badly, even ti the layman’s eye, and came 6th in a class of 6,
d) Many <20 second shots of competitors with no idea what classes they were entered for, nor any details of the qualities sought in those classes,
e) A large smattering of random shots of spectators eating ice cream.
f) A long item explaining the precautions taken to prevent a repeat of the incident last year when a Young Farmer fell in the river after a long evening drinking.
I have watched the programs about the Royal Welsh for many years, but not any more episodes this year, and probably not until the bBBC changes its ways.
Big splashes in the press about 30th Anniversary of Countryfile. Interesting that all the cast photoshots show Anita Rani front and centre, so the eye goes straight to her. Clever !
Mmmmm … agree Bris it’s the little subliminal things that Beeb do soooo well! (depending on whether the scales have fallen from your eyes or not) Watching Antiques Roadshow on YouTube (no licence 🙂 )
One shot of an expert telling some punter his “whatever” was worth 15/6 d … the shot beautifully framed with “the public” in a half moon behind them and yes! … right there in the very middle, between the expert and the punter, centre frame …. you guessed it one female wearing black hijab and other black outer garments and right next to her a female black person. I mean do they really think we are such idiots?
These idiots are causing racism .. can’t they see it or is it just me?
Antiques Roadshow always very white orientated .. you get the odd ethnic involved … that’s fine. They must have shipped in the Muslim woman! There is no way that could have happened any other way.
Heatwaves are nothing new for the UK.
I was struggling through my A-level exams during the blazing weather of 1976 when for 15 days running temperatures were above 32C somewhere in the UK.
This year has not matched that. So far, at least.
But since those overheated schooldays the planet has changed. The average temperature has risen.
And scientists are convinced that we are starting to feel the effects of humanity’s greenhouse gases warming the atmosphere. They point to the multiple heatwaves under way in different parts of the globe at the same time.
While parts of the UK are sweltering, there’s stunning warmth in Scandinavia even inside the usually chilly Arctic Circle and in Japan dozens of people have reportedly died from record temperatures.
The latest research into the future of the climate does not say that we will get heatwaves every year. The next few summers may well be cool.
But studies do suggest that heatwaves will become more frequent, and that when they happen they will last longer than they do now.
So children currently enjoying the holiday sunshine may well grow up into a world where heatwaves seem almost normal.”
Just opinions shamelessly presented as facts by David, who only has a BA degree in geography, never even worked in that field, spent his life a journalist , but somehow managed to land the gig of BBC science editor in 2012.
Me too Eddy-did my A Lvels that summer as well.
Dennis Howell and all. Also remember quite a few older people dying of the heat in France and Spain 2003, when it was very hot here too.
But-am surprised the Warmons hav`nt made much more of this heatwave to give us their global boiling crap.
I think they know they`ve lost any trust with the British people, having cried wold so long, having fiddled their data and been rumbled in 2009.
Suits me-growing sweetcorn this year!
Shukman also quoted the hot summer of 69. Our family photos show hot summers in ‘55 and ’59. Hot summers happen. We had been way overdue a hot summer but the BBC are so keen to use anything to prove it is happening. But hadn’t someone either at the BBC or the Met Office been saying some years ago that snow was going to be a thing of the past and that future children would only know it from history books? So Mr Shukman’s final line, just comes from his proforma where he adds a few lines to fill in the blanks.
Shukman “So children currently enjoying the holiday sunshine may well grow up into a world where heatwaves seem almost normal.”
Spot on, Eddy.
I remember some people after 1976 and 1977 saying “Could this become more common. Maybe the new Ice Age has been postponed?” Things quickly went back to the ‘same old, same-oh’. Then, around the time Blair looked like getting elected and afterwards, too, we were given the scare stories. For the second decade, and in some extreme cases, it was predicted for the first. “Two to four degrees hotter, we are all going to fry, dry to a crisp. The world will run out of water.”
Did I notice the BBC stating the other day that this is the hottest, driest summer since 2013 and 1976? If so, I think on that first one they should have said 2003, not 2013.
With regard to the killing of a 10-year-old girl and an 18-year-old woman and the wounding of ‘thirteen other people’ in Toronto, motive unknown, Justin Trudeau believes that ‘The people of Toronto are strong, resilient and brave’.
I don’t think two of them are any more.
BBC Look North (North East and Cumbria) in meltdown again.
‘Newcastle was lit up with a rainbow of colour as the city celebrated its 2018 Pride event.
Organisers said about 20,000 people marched from Newcastle Civic Centre to Nuns Moor Park in a parade to celebrate inclusivity and diversity’
Funny thing is that only 20 years ago Newcastle Council were locked in a battle with a small adult shop renewing its licence.
One of the reasons being, it offended the local Muslim community. As I remember, it was reported by the BBC.
Now. Were is Nuns Moor Park located?
Yes. Smack bang in the middle of one of the biggest Muslim community’s in the North East.
Greenhouse Health Club, which has operated in Luton for nearly two decades, had been seeking a license that would allow it to sell sex toys and show adult films.
However, the owners have now withdrawn the application, after encountering strong resistance from local residents and the newly-elected Police and Crime Commissioner.
Bedfordshire PCC Kathryn Holloway, a former TV presenter who has no first-hand experience of policing, told Luton Today that the license was inappropriate because the venue was too close to a local mosque – a five minute walk away.
Currently watching an unreal biased Newshite with an almost hysterical Emily Maitlis throwing all pretence of impartiality out the window, aggressively and arrogantly attacking Trump with a vehement and seething hatred during an interview with former WH Press Secretary Sean Spicer… who the f*** does Maitlis think she is? She is accusing the Trump team of all manner of wrongdoings. It is just one long leftie bbc emotionally-charged, sanctimonious attack on Trump. Disgraceful. The bbc are vile and are a leftist propaganda apparatus hellbent on distorting public public opinion.
Ask yourself why the venom and unhinged insulting. It is way odds on that the BBC has been told in simple language that it will never get an interview with the President. Never ever. That it will be at the back of the line for any real interviews with key people.
Imagine how this world class outfit must feel. That it is payback will never enter their empty heads.
I would think it unikely as the magic word “komunnihi” has been used therefore black people allowed to do what they want, Notting Hill carnival as a typical example of black people allowed to mug and steal once a year in public and any reggae festival iss kuture innit not just my opininion the NME even had the nerve in the 80s to say you had to expect this at a reggae concert, fuckin amazin, even their admirers admit if you attend a black festival you are highly likley to get mugged, Knebworth rock concerts 200 000 attendance no arrests or complaints or victims of crime in the 70s or 80s compare and contrast and maybe wonder where our crime is coming from in London especially
“severe mental health challenges” and “struggling with psychosis and depression his entire life.” Same old platitudes from the immediate family and a “family representative.” Is that a euphemism for “a bloke down the mosque.”?
Wow does that mean its not his fault ? and what are our immigration authorities doing allowing nutters into civilised coutries ? I do believe the Yorkshire ripper had similar challenges lets pop him off to Libya
I’ve just realised that’s a hat Trudeau is wearing. I thought at first it was a bandage (possibly covering a frontal lobotomy, performed to cure his multicultural delusions).
Beeb webshite is already burying the Toronto shooting by a member of their favourite cult.
They got the embarrassing headline onto the Home page late at night for 5 minutes, then off again before anyone could see it.
And look at the subheadline: “The parents of Faisal Hussain, 29, send condolences to victims of their son’s “horrific actions”.
Subtext: See what decent people these muslims are?
(No doubt they were advised to put out some such statement by Trudeau’s damage limitation team.)
Nobody has mentioned the ideology which may have inspired him.
How can Trudeau say with a straight face that diversity is strength? Every city I visit now they have barriers up at the start of pedestrianised areas, a chilling reminder of the gruesome London attacks and how the threat will be with us forever.
I thought the luvvies disapporved of hereditary dynastic families being born to power like a load of parasitic queen bees and wasps?
Silly me.
Didn`t Trudeaus mum shag around with the Stones in the mid-late 70s?
Like Carla Bruni or Jerry Hall?
Yet more reason to tell the little arsewipe to say little until he learns things.
The Toronto murders never happened – if al beeb had its way .canada was once viewed as one of those places you only heard good things about . Every one has a gun but no one gets shot type stuff .,
But now its political class has decide it should suffer our madness – I’m really surprised the Canadians are taking it ( unless resistance is censored )
“…..the number of shootings in Toronto more than doubled between 2014 and 2017 – from 177 to 395.” –
Well, why’s that then? What could have happened instrumentally between 2014 and 2017. Could it have had anything to do with immigrants could it…………..
The BBC mention briefly through gritted teeth how North Korea are getting rid of their nukes. Well, Trump has only managed to disarm the world’s greatest rogue state, potentially saved millions of lives and put so many minds at ease – especially in South Korea.
Russian ‘meddling’ though – unproven in an election Trump would have won anyway, despite the media, internet and just about everyone else powerful meddling to ensure he did not win? That gets HUGE coverage despite viewers not caring and being bored to death. As if Clinton would have met with Kim and got him to disarm. She would just swan around like a queen bee enjoying all the luxuries of power, sneering and lying compulsively.
If the Russians WERE fiddling in any American election, it would only have been to get Bernie Sanders in. And any effort to stop Hillary was aimed at THAT. Not in getting Trump in.
Yet no mention of this by the BBC.
Sanders was the Russians equivalent of Bruce Kent or Joan Maynard, Eric Heffer-useful destabilisating idiots in the unions, Labour, media and CND.
No change there.
Broadly agree. Bernie was so Left of Hillary. Except, chris, in the US they have a thing called the Open Primary in some States. It is possible in those States for Democrats to nominate the Republican candidate of their choice. Trump won the Primaries. Trump won the final run-off.
Remember here in the UK, when Labour Party offered £3 memberships in advance of a leadership election? Some Conservative Party members took up the offer in order to get Jeremy Corbyn elected as the easiest of the Labour candidates to defeat at GE time. Or so they thought.
That may have happened in the US in the Primaries which were Open ones.
On the other hand, it could be that the choice of Hillary or Bernie was so off putting to swing & some Democrat voters that they would have elected a donkey in November 2016 if it had a Democrat, or even a Republican, badge on it.
Instead they may have thought “Let’s give the Wide Boy a chance. We tried the Academic, twice, and didn’t do so well, so lets go with Trump this time.”
Daniel Greenfield also argued in his informative blog that Russian interference would have been most likely aimed at improving Bernie Sanders’ chances of winning. A very persuasive argument and one that had not occurred to me. The BBC would never broadcast that opinion, of course.
MW, when I checked out the candidates – Democrats; 2, Republicans; umpteen – I was actually quite shocked at what Sanders was saying and proposing.
When I was a lad, the Democrats would have run him out of the Party and out of the State and out of the USA for being a Commie.
He was way to the Left or Right, or both, when compared to Hillary. Hillary Clinton by then was sounding like a shrill Socialist who would have been at home in European politics. Extremism has not really featured in 20th/21st century US politics at all although there were whiffs of it in some places around the years before and after 1910 and before and after 1939.
In my childhood and most of my adult lifetime you could have squeezed a cigarette paper between the Democrats & Republicans – just. Now the gap is vast and it is not the Republicans who have moved, as far as I can see.
Brilliant, Jim, thanks for putting that up. I guess we can blame (thank? er, no, probably not) Nixon for rattling the cages of the wild Lefties and driving them out of the counter-culture and into public life for ever more.
And to my mind Trump, after so many years, here is a class of President who actually does care about the ‘ordinary’ American worker, the Constitution, and the well-being of the country as a whole.
The “free” press still at maximum RPM moaning about being “muzzled” by the Cliff Richard case.
This is the same “free” press who have spent the last fifteen years in advanced Yoga positions to avoid mentioning millions of rapes of children in the UK and elsewhere in Europe.
Who have become the world’s leading contortionists, experts the avoidance of reporting the source of explosions,
firearm use, stabbings, acid attacks, self-driving cars and lorries.
I hereby award the Nobel prize 2000-2018 for hypocrisy to the “free” press.
Two kinds of “press”-or media as we can now call it, seeing as it`s a composite of Twitter vox pox and half-arsed iPod streams from Cardiff Tech(formerly).
1. Lugenpresse-liars.
2.Freipresse-“where trhey think they`re so clever and classless and free”-Matt Frie personnifies this, Gorka buried him the other day but the bugger refuses to die.
There is another one being formed, be ready soon, Called M-Presse…and to be run by Zuckenberg, Mosley and Coogan etc.
THEN we`ll be stuffed-so time now to get your contacts book out and plot.
It`s what we Lefties at Tolpuddle do all the time-about time, we fought them with the tools they have shown to “work”.
Unlike themselves-apart from the RMT sitting back at their stall on £80K in the Tolpuddle sunshine(none of that Casey Jones stuff!)-none of the others on the TUC rally do any kind of work that isn`t state, quango and Labour BBC Compliant.
I heard her talking to a Lady Fry-Crook type( before 8am this morning, R4)
Oxbridge cut glass, Lord knows how many quangos she`s on.
Even Kearney asked her about her other job at Defra(which, of course shows that prisons are fine-she`d be full time solving their problems if they weren`t). Anyway prisoners get no rewards on leaving.
No house, no car, no wife, no job and no drugs.
Not even a party bag, cake or balloon.
Oh what shall we do? Maybe not commit any crimes Lady Muck?
Abandon ship. As if THAT would be raised by Marta and her Ladyshipp.
It is , or at least was, rare to find articles in the Times newspaper upon which readers couldn’t comment. Today there are three such stories and all of then concern Muslims. Obviously the editor has adopted a new policy. In the past there was a moderator but people soon learnt how to get their point across without triggering the forbidden words. But now it seems that the policy is not to allow any comments at all on matters concerning the RoP. I wonder how long it will be before the Times and other newspapers formally adopt the policy, which many suspect that some news outlets already informally use, of not reporting any negative stories about the RoP?
How long before the liberal Globalists accept that their lunatic support for mass migration and their kid gloves when dealing with Islam have been a disaster which has imperilled the West?
Had a flick through Private Eye whilst shopping last night.
Not funny, endless sneers at Brexit-and no real pops at the anti-Semitic, schizophrenic Labour Party and the puddle of mothballed irrelevance that is the Liberals.
Pathetic-not funny, can only imagine that Soros props it up to let all the grandkids read about themselves once Sowe or Eton have closed for Pimms.
Seem to have an anti-Jewish sneer about them too, just like their BBC.
I’ve been reading Private Eye since 1974 Alicia and I am saddened to say, I completely agree with you, it’s a shadow of its former self. The ‘satire’ and even the cartoons poked fun at one and all but now the magazine’s output is mostly anti-Brexit. I skimmed through the last issue in less than ten minutes, it’s just not funny any more (cont. on p94).
In the debate about this web-site and whether Biased BBC should be narrow-based, broad-based, whatever, we should remember it is a great place to have a good laugh, even at ourselves.
I love the wit and wisdom.
“it’s just not funny any more (cont. on p94).”
Classic! 🙂
Have had at least three good laughs thanks to B-BBC just this a.m.
Not the BBC, but another ‘News Source’ that relishes globalism – Indeed classic Fake News – “Though UK voters have changed their tune on Brexit, there is little chance that it will be reversed.”
Well, in fact, ” Leave on 48.5%, Remain on 51.5%” most recently and the conclusion? – “But, of course, when the polls are this close, their real message is that nobody can be sure who might win if the referendum were to be run again – after all most, albeit not all, of the final referendum polls two years ago put Remain narrowly ahead, yet Leave still won.” –
Fake fakery.
The wildfire tragedy in Greece. Listening, I feel for those people after their desperate problems of the last decade, especially as I have friends in Athens.
But I also have another feeling. I also feel that the BBC are holding something back, they are not giving me the whole story, they are perhaps not telling the truth.
The uniquely funded, well resourced (£3.5bn income), world leading news broadcaster seems to be very short on information and facts.
Yet little things creep out from between the lines from ‘vox pop’ contributors and local journalists. “Officials quoted by AFP news agency have suggested the current blazes may have been started by arsonists looking to loot abandoned homes.”
Well done Lee Hurst!
A rare comic, with a mind of his own.
I too noted that Krishnan crap-he`ll have to be winkled out of Jon Snows rectum-and safe to say he`s got just the right shade of liberal about him to ensure we`ll never get him off the public sector payroll. Thatcher fucked up here-she should NEVER have allowed Channel 4 to tap into our veins for its endless dole outs.
We`ve been paying for Jon Snow since 1982-boy, we deserve Corbyn for being so f***in spineless.
If you really want to be depressed see how much this champagne socialist gets for doing after dinner speeches and ‘ facilitating ‘ . But he runs a ‘ holding company ‘ to cut the taxes to be paid for his previous social system
Better economic growth, which leads to higher incomes, is reliant on a number of factors – certainty about the future (in relatively low supply at present because of the Brexit process); global growth (Britain is an exporting nation so the better growth is elsewhere, the better for the UK); and investment in better and higher-value skilled jobs (which means focusing on education and skills and making managers better at exploiting opportunities that are available).
From an outfit called United Against the Tories. I do not know whether they are disenchanted conservatives or socialists. Either way, the BBC is not to their liking.
G.W.F., it was some in the Labour Party or in Momentum (or both) who made ‘death threats’ against Part-time after she made some critical remarks about Jeremy Corbyn in the run up to the June 2018 GE. In reality, all she did (on R4) was to list some of the policies in the Labour Manifesto and their likely impact, especially on Beeboid incomes. She may have said other things or more often on TV, in order to enrage those people, but whatever – it was and is not deserved.
The BBC rather like these people as it enables the BBC to claim that they get criticism from ‘both sides’ so ‘they got it about right’.
In fact the BBC sees them as ‘their own’ so when the criticism gets too loud the BBC goes into super-defensive mode. We saw some of that with the comedy programme about the Met. Office and Lord Lawson’s minor, (compared to the BBC’s normal output), error on Climate Change.
Programmes were withdrawn, reports were written and apologies issued. On the other hand I believe we are still waiting for the apology to Nigel Farage, who, we were told, has ‘blood on his hands’ following the death of a Polish man.
I’ve seen this type of thing before. United Against The Tories are probably very thick socialists &/or students who believe the BBC are pro Conservative simply because they speak intelligibly and wear shirts and ties. Posh/polite = Conservative in their tiny minds.
How anybody could listen to or watch BBC output for 5 minutes and come to a conclusion that they’re nothing other than left wing/liberal self appointed elite defies belief.
Why is the BBC so against the ISIS beheaders being tried in the USA? They have had streams of left liberals on but nobody who says – actually it’s good. Let them get on with it – These are the same bleeding hearts gits who virtue signalled at the beheadings but then clamour to slag off UK Govt for saying ‘ these are despicable worthless humans – do with them what you will’ US…
On separate note: BBC today…in a London prison, strangely called ISIS..The BBC said there is high level of BAME in here, the warden said yes 72% – BBC – “that’s higher than the 40% in London..Why?”
Prison warden – “gangs”
…I am now waiting for the BBC to present a programme about how BAME are over represented in this prison which must be due to racism…
Our entire political class incl BBC- for they are now wielding power rather than simply reporting events & information, seem to be devoted to supporting terrorism.
I received a standard response email from my So-called “Conservative” MP this morning. Answering my email from the 8th June regarding the terrorist (“al quds”) march which took place in London. It didn’t answer a single point in my email and only stated the official “Conservative” position on Israel & “Palestine”. It side-stepped entirely the terrorist march in London. I take that as confirmation that officially the Conservatives support terrorist activity.
(Enough is Enough) Any slight chance that I might vote Tory next time around has vanished altogether. The “Conservatives” are obsolete to me. Dead parrot. Expired. So out of touch.
Now are you bothered if two fanatical murderers are dispatched to the USA , found guilty and get the death penalty ?
No neither am I .
But what we got from Al Beeb yesterday were talking heads agreeing with themselves and the Beeb’s view that the judicial process of the USA and their incarceration of murderers is worse than head hacking in the Middle East .
I was surprised they weren’t killed trying to escape. It’s a war and applying peacetime legal processes to them seems ridiculous . And lectures about ‘ due process ‘ are for people who feel safe in their beds .
In fedup world no one who went out to support isis in any way would have any right to come back and if that meant derogation from treaties well – so be it.
I was surprised even to hear George Galloway on Talk Radio agreeing that they should be handed over and should get the death penalty. The bbc are a disgrace.
“Take fright on Brexit: even the civil service head is telling us to panic”
Polly Toynbee in the Guardian today.
Polly if you explored outside your bubble recently you would be aware that the cat is out the bag. Even the sub-human, hideously white, Brexiters now know about the treason in the public sector.
We do not believe civil servants any more than we believe you. You both have an unbridgeable credibility / reliability / honesty gap.
That Guardian cat Toynbee has its head deep, deep inside the food tin!
(Actually, ‘Toynbee’ is quite a good name for a cat. Might consider that next time around. If there is one. Mind you, the last one could have been called ‘Guardian’ the way she jealously guarded her patch.)
An intriguing question might be, how has Polly Toynbee become a regular Guardian columnist and ‘go-to’ opinion monger on BBC?
Other than having an uncle who wrote an obscure and largely unreadable book, what relevant qualifications are there? Anyone know?
As for the cat connection Up2, the Egyptians mummified them so I suppose that might have a bearing.
Beltane, any decent Editor would have sacked Toynbee after that disgraceful piece she wrote for the Saturday edition after Jo Cox was killed.
But the Guardian is no longer the Manchester Guardian of old, of legend. It’s now a scrappy old Lefty rag, a Pravda without the truth for the UK.
She has merely been ‘active on the left’ and was able to leverage a job in journalism to spread the message.
You’ve just reminded me of someone else around here who we haven’t seen in a while, Polly Tuscanyvilla. Posting name chosen – I think – in honour of aforesaid Grauniad journo.
I suppose that’s the point Up2, if we find her attitudes disgraceful she has achieved her aim and kept the BBC/Guardian happy. Negativity was ever the easier option to promote. As for your comment on Toynbee’s Jo Cox piece, the essential would have been a decent editor – something of a non-sequitur under the circumstances.
At least we can take genuine comfort from the circulation dropping by the day, making her self-satisfied scribbles increasingly irrelevant. Audited ABC figures are only massaged by the free copies distributed throughout the BBC and allowed, through sympathy I can only imagine, to feature in final tallies.
Is this why the readership of the Guardian is slipping ? Or is it because most left wingers are now under 40, at Yuni, and who are mostly vocal but struggle to get past the Janet & John stage of reading ?
The Guardian is an example of a failed business model.
The Guardian newspaper sales are miniscule. Supported by BBC purchases.
I expect but cannot demonstrate that it receives under the counter EU donations and bribes.
Hence the “could you spare” begging.
We need to be informed but there is a cheaper, quicker, more environmentally friendly way to do it.
The Guardian had a justifiably high reputation for many decades.
Read by even its opponents.
It is the only newspaper that seems, to me, to have deviated violently from its history.
Today it is an extreme left wing tabloid rag.
Its news is, being very charitable, unreliable, BBC by any other name.
The opinion columns are replete with anti British bile and hatred, usually with non-white authors biting the hand that feeds and houses them.
The arts section became pop is as good as Beethoven, Banksy is as good as Turner, years ago.
Have not read it for years, probably Banksy is better than Turner by now.
The Guardian is a very important newspaper , how else will Gramscians know the line to take on any particular subject ?
It’s also important because if you decide you’re an intellectual you need to think differently to the average Joe , but not in a totally individual original way , that’s what lone wolf right winger EDL UKIP Brexit voting islamophobic odd person does .
No you need to be different but know that university lecturers , professors , BBC staff , charity bosses , senior civil servants and other self proclaimed intellectuals think along your lines too . To be amongst a great thinking elite .
I avoid the Guardian whenever possible. Forced to read it some months ago in a cafe when all the other newspapers were already taken. There was a vile, spiteful piece denigrating Morrissey, all because the former Smiths man no longer tows the PC line on immigration, integration etc. The Guardian is not fit to be cat and dog bedding at an animal sanctuary, and I wouldn’t even wipe my derriere on it in the event of a toilet paper shortage.
With regard to the recent attack in Worcester where a three-year old boy had acid thrown in his face, according to one newspaper the police have stated that “What we will do is work to make people understand that this is not the way to resolve issues and disputes in communities.” WTF !
This single sentence encapsulates the decline and fall of civilisation in this country. Since when has it been necessary to “make people understand” that it is an horrific crime to throw acid in anyone’s face-let alone that of a small defences child ? Since when have we had “community disputes” which result in such attacks ? Since when have our police become so pathetically politically correct that they dare not speak up about the “communities” in question ?
The likelihood of an Al beeb scribbler researching this cultural enrichment in the UK and the origin of this particular form of “community dispute resolution” ?
Best post this year.
In response to one of the worst incidents.
Please email to every newspaper you can and ask them to put their response on the front page.
That there is an establishment that thinks (and hires, at vast expense, further staff) making people ‘understand’ such things are ‘not the way’ shows how far things still fall in the UK.
Of course, the politico-media estate that is Westminster-W1A also gave us ‘retraining’ for nurses unable to suss that patients suffering from dehydration may need water.
That was back in the Manchester Mayor’s day I think.
Great post – and has the same tone as Sadiq Khans idea to redue knfe crime
Lets educate children from an early age that knives are dangerous..WTF
Since when did this have to be a social and ‘community’ task? Will it stop them using them will it F..K
This country is headed for the dustbin unless there is an uprising amongst us plebs
EU Unelected Expansive Government create law to fix problem they created …. EU will be able to remove this law remember … jam today … jam gone tomorrow …
Cassandra-I would be careful in the fact that you mention it
was Faisal Hussein who was responsible for the Toronto
shootings. You may be joining Tommy Robinson before long.
As for the wanker from Ankara. Can you imagine any worse
hypocrisy than the bile Erdogan is spitting out against Israel?
Lucky beeb: big news stories have allowed them to almost completely push the muslim killer in Toronto off their webshite.
But they have space for this bit of good news: boatloads of doctors and engineers on their way from Africa, courtesy of the migrant taxi service, yippee.
(Which of course will encourage more, and btw you libtards, will lead to more drownings at sea.)
Just read on the Daily Mail that the acid attack on the three year old was done by the child’s father and his mates, nothing to do with the EDL, as the BBC had been suggesting. Well I knew the whole thing had sounded odd. If anyone had travelled to attend a demo (the men had been arrested in London and elsewhere), would they really have thought, ‘whilst we are here we will just slip into a B&M store, find some acid and pour it on a child’ . Why would they have gone into a store like this away from their home town? I don’t suppose it stocks different items in different towns. Then I heard the paramedic on BBC radio, I think it was, describing the state of the child when he got there. It was a caustic substance on the child’s arm. Still confused because the BBC kept saying the authorities weren’t sure if the child would ever recover. Well even bleach, like domestos on the skin for a minute or two, will not do any harm (although don’t try this at home). Surely this shop sold bottles of water or has some sinks in the back somewhere. Didn’t anyone have the gumption to pour copious amounts of water over the child? The DM at the moment says the perpetrators are Eastern Europeans and the acid was meant for the mother. Are these people really the enrichment into our society we want. And the cost to us the taxpayers, of moving this lady to a new area for her protection? I am sorry for mother and child but it was obvious that the BBC had been only telling us half a story.
They’ve been a lot more devious than just “telling us half a story.” They have deliberately inserted people into this ghastly event that had nothing whatever to do with it. Just by mentioning that the EDL were in the area automatically inferred a connection. It’s a snide nudge!
I noticed they were also very quick to show us pictures of the two schoolboy wannabe bombers, who (surprise!) were both white.
However, the sexual assault and murder of the little girl on the island of Bute has been shrouded in mystery. We’re told the suspect is underage and so therefore can’t be named. I’m suspicious. Bute has famously accepted thousands of “refugees.” It’s a tiny place with hardly any crime. And then this.
The trouble is, due to their endless manipulations, I don’t trust the main stream media to bring us the facts.
And I don’t trust the BBC at all!
George Galloway is on Talk Radio stating that Tony Blair has made an anti Brexit video and that he is funded with Saudi money therefore the Saudis are funding anti Brexit campaigns!
Why are the people who have these worthless jobs nearly always females and BAME? Isn’t this sexist racism?..and agree with JImS..yes why do we need another
Oh goody, goody. At last we have someone to speak up for all those millions of people worldwide who have both a dick and a fanny lodged in their brain.
Fires in Greece cause many deaths Hot weather facilitates the spread of fires, but I keep thinking of the Hamas strategy of arson against Israeli farmers Can it be that some fires are caused by RoP or Hamas influenced arsonists?
The BBC does acknowledge the possibility of arson.
‘Officials quoted by AFP news agency have suggested the current blazes may have been started by arsonists looking to loot abandoned homes.
“Fifteen fires had started simultaneously on three different fronts in Athens,” said government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos.
Greece, he added, had requested drones from the US to “observe and detect any suspicious activity”.
G.W.F., I understand the area affected by the fires is a fairly well-to-do if not wealthy area where people have second homes. Three to four years ago, Greece narrowly avoided serious violence over their (real, proper) austerity, especially in the Athens area.
Although the EU has at last relaxed some of the strictures it had placed on Greece (and recently sent them some extra debt, IIRC) there is still real hardship there and maybe some extra/repeat/new resentment of the wealthy (who are known for their, ahem, ‘tax planning’ abilities) had broken out?
Then there are the pressures placed on Greece by the migration crisis. Athens has had a link to West Africa and West Africans via the shipping industry for decades. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there is not some trafficking going on.
Add in the heat, an old city centre that traps it, mix in unemployed youths, and it could be a bit of a flash point.
The absolutely disgusting and foul message that was sent by a remainer to Andrea Jenkyns MP is reproduced below (do not read unless you are prepared for VERY offensive content)
Thank you to Tim who sent me this vile email last night. (Apologies tweeters for this appauling language). We will not let these people beat us down. Going to keep fighting for Brexit.
It turns out his name is Tim Nowfel and he works for Eliatys as an AIDC Consultant.
The e-mail address for his company is and I have just e-mailed them expressing my disgust that they employ anyone capable of writing such filth and abuse.
Or very drunk. I think Mr Nowfel is paying the price since his LinkedIn is now ‘out’ . I wonder if he has more time to sent twitters without full time employment .
andyjsnapeMar 4, 09:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK ads target Iraq to deter small boat crossings More like an advertisement for the UK, JUST INFORCE BORDER…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “On 26 October 2012, Ford announced that, as part of a larger cutback of their European production capacity, the Southampton…
JohnCMar 4, 09:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What is happening is so far beyond anything which makes sense to me that I’m in the old ‘Sherlock Holmes’…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:08 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK Army 80K UK Terror Watch List 40K ……………………………… Mr Khan said he assisted UK forces to source accommodation before…
diggMar 4, 09:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A perfect example of chinless boneheads unwittingly destroying the UK from within.
diggMar 4, 09:05 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Starmer is obviously basking in the glow of being the main man in this shit-show, you can hear it in…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
BBC Online News
The Toronto massacre which has taken the life of a 10 year old girl earlier, is no longer front page news on BBC Online News.
It’s on Sky Online News front page. Sky say that the authorities are refusing to release the ‘shooter’s’ name. Hmmm…
French beating scandal reveals Macron’s feet of clay
By Hugh Schofield BBC News, Paris
Some boring story about some Marcon pigs roughing a protester up.
this bit was what interested me;
”a darker truth about the Macron presidency, one that we have till now all been too dazzled by his brilliance to notice. ”
Unbiased? reads more like a blog onion piece than world news article.
I thought al beeb was making him the new St Tony Blair in his homeymoon phase .
I dunno Eddy, there’s something in me that admires a civil servant doing a bit of moonlighting as a riot cop in his spare time, cracking a few Antifa heads. Anyway – over zealous Monsieur Benalla has been sacked now, so no more of his antics.
Impartial coverage, as ever.
Ian Stanton has defended his decision to allow his son to hang his head over the railway platform edge
Tim Brown, from Birmingham, who took the photo said when he challenged Mr Stanton he was told he was a “do-gooder”.
Ian Stanton
“We were on our way to the Bath Carnival and our train was delayed,” he said.
“Devon is an inquisitive kid and wanted to pick up a stone or piece of wood from the track as treasure.
“I told him it wasn’t a good idea and then he asked if he could have a quick look.”
”British Transport Police (BTP) said they had been made aware of a photograph “which shows a child in a dangerous position”.
Mr Stanton said he contacted BTP voluntarily and was due to speak to them to give his side of the story.
BTP said they were awaiting further information prior to launching an investigation.”
What a country- we are as bad the stassi, spying on and reporting each other.
What next getting ”challenged and investigated” for letting your kids sticking their arm out to stop a bus.
It’s not like the boy had his ear pressed to the rail listening for a train coming.
Looks like the father carried out a proper risk assessment .
Spot on Eddy, citizens informing on citizens until it becomes the norm.
Shame the bloody citizens of Rotherham didn’t do some informing then ! If my childhood memories are correct they always liked a gossip, so its a pity that gossip didn’t turn into something louder.
What, louder than the actual girls themselves going to the police / social workers etc? as many did..
but no one would listen as they were in on it or too PC.
Anyway please don’t be so offensive as to compare those minor offenses with this hideous, laying beyond the empty platforms yellow line crime .
Meanwhile real crime goes uninvestigated, unsolved, unprosecuted and unpunished.
father is a prick probably waiting until the kids start screaming then decides to take them to a quiet restaurant
“Tim Brown, from Birmingham, who took the photo”
If I took a photograph of a child without parental permission I would be arrested.
Why is Brown not under arrest?
I expect that the answer is that he is Remainer.
He “defended his decision”? what sort of country has this become? He wasn’t in any danger because his father was supervising him. As the Duchess said, “If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does.”
Daily express reports Approval rating for President Trump at 45% – highest since election according to NBC WSJ survey . This was done after the Putin meeting .
Al beeb portrays him in a far different way to American voters eh?
I guess Americans are pretty resistance to the bias too .
Caution -I didn’t corroborate this so possible false news . Or not
It is evident that this man was never meant to win, and there has never, ever been such a swathe of media turned against an elected president and i lived throught the reagen years dark dark times if you can read below the headlines
Any american president that positivley addressed the North Korea situation would normally be feted, …and russia but…what do we see: a media smear
Someone who can apply business sense rather than career civil servant self interest maybe not popular in his own government
Our Liberal-minded media out of kilter with the general public?
Others hereabouts have commented on the BBC’s inordinate concentration on Tiger Woods during the recent golf tournament.
I didn’t tune in for any of the broadcast coverage so can’t judge. However, I suspect the notion that BBC commentators displayed a high degree of ‘Tiger Love’ was real. My sense is that the wider audience are not quite so keen on this particular sportsman. I’ve now heard a sports presenter describe how whilst watching Woods play “the media centre were clapping every shot… then came the double bogey… they all said, ok, now who’s going to win?”
Same reason as Saint Serena…
…and saint O’barmy
BLACK no other reason
The BBC love categorizing him as black.
even though he is half African -Half Thai,
ticks the Asian box on USA forms
and call himself after the famous animal of the African savanna
– the Tiger.
I remember when Tiger Woods was the new sensation in 1996 or 1997. I seem to remember something about him having Native American blood too. Anyway, early on he was not at all keen to be used as a tool for the race-baiting industry, and just wanted to be judged on his golfing ability.
You have to admit, though, that the tiger is an animal of the Thai forests!
Tranny, or gay, black or whinging women all now instant headline material unless you are gay or a women or a tranny and beaten up by a muslim then all goes quiet and of course our jewish population have to keep their heads down because of the muslim racists and our 13 year old girls….
Saw a headline in the Telegraph that the Jews were leaving Britain because of the insecurity. Wonder what Churchill would have said, had he been alive?
Enoch, on the other hand, might not be all that surprised.
Churchill did say :
As an officer of the British Army in 1897 and 1898, he fought against a Pashtun tribe in the northwest frontier of British India and also at the Battle of Omdurman in Sudan. In both of those conflicts he had eye-opening encounters with Muslims. These incidents allowed his keen powers of observation and always-fluid pen to weigh in on the subject of Islamic society.
While these words were written when he was only 25-years-old (in 1899), they serve as a prophetic warning to Western civilization today.
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism (Islam) lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.”
Churchill apparently witnessed the same phenomenon in several places he visited. “The effects are apparent in many countries: improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.”
He saw the temporal and the eternal tainted by their belief system. “A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity,” he wrote.
The second-class status of women also grated at the young officer. “The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men,” he noted.
“Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”
Well before the birth of modern Israel, its terror tactics and drive for world domination were felt. “Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step, and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it (Islam) has vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”
Royal Welsh Show on bBBC Wales
I switched on to see the report on the first day of the show, only to be to presented with Project Fear saying:
a) Brexit will completely kill Welsh agriculture, say the NFU and a Labour AM (totally unchallenged),
b) Two of the three presenters who admitted not knowing anything about agriculture (and effortlessly proving it) and never having been to the show before,
c) A star competitor in sheep shearing with obsolete tools, who was a 17 year old girl who did it badly, even ti the layman’s eye, and came 6th in a class of 6,
d) Many <20 second shots of competitors with no idea what classes they were entered for, nor any details of the qualities sought in those classes,
e) A large smattering of random shots of spectators eating ice cream.
f) A long item explaining the precautions taken to prevent a repeat of the incident last year when a Young Farmer fell in the river after a long evening drinking.
I have watched the programs about the Royal Welsh for many years, but not any more episodes this year, and probably not until the bBBC changes its ways.
Sad to read that, David R. It shows how the BBC regional news is so corrupted and PC now. Glad I no longer have a TV.
Big splashes in the press about 30th Anniversary of Countryfile. Interesting that all the cast photoshots show Anita Rani front and centre, so the eye goes straight to her. Clever !
Mmmmm … agree Bris it’s the little subliminal things that Beeb do soooo well! (depending on whether the scales have fallen from your eyes or not) Watching Antiques Roadshow on YouTube (no licence 🙂 )
One shot of an expert telling some punter his “whatever” was worth 15/6 d … the shot beautifully framed with “the public” in a half moon behind them and yes! … right there in the very middle, between the expert and the punter, centre frame …. you guessed it one female wearing black hijab and other black outer garments and right next to her a female black person. I mean do they really think we are such idiots?
These idiots are causing racism .. can’t they see it or is it just me?
Antiques Roadshow always very white orientated .. you get the odd ethnic involved … that’s fine. They must have shipped in the Muslim woman! There is no way that could have happened any other way.
The BBC is vile!
pro man made global warming crap
”By David Shukman, BBC science editor
Heatwaves are nothing new for the UK.
I was struggling through my A-level exams during the blazing weather of 1976 when for 15 days running temperatures were above 32C somewhere in the UK.
This year has not matched that. So far, at least.
But since those overheated schooldays the planet has changed. The average temperature has risen.
And scientists are convinced that we are starting to feel the effects of humanity’s greenhouse gases warming the atmosphere. They point to the multiple heatwaves under way in different parts of the globe at the same time.
While parts of the UK are sweltering, there’s stunning warmth in Scandinavia even inside the usually chilly Arctic Circle and in Japan dozens of people have reportedly died from record temperatures.
The latest research into the future of the climate does not say that we will get heatwaves every year. The next few summers may well be cool.
But studies do suggest that heatwaves will become more frequent, and that when they happen they will last longer than they do now.
So children currently enjoying the holiday sunshine may well grow up into a world where heatwaves seem almost normal.”
Just opinions shamelessly presented as facts by David, who only has a BA degree in geography, never even worked in that field, spent his life a journalist , but somehow managed to land the gig of BBC science editor in 2012.
Me too Eddy-did my A Lvels that summer as well.
Dennis Howell and all. Also remember quite a few older people dying of the heat in France and Spain 2003, when it was very hot here too.
But-am surprised the Warmons hav`nt made much more of this heatwave to give us their global boiling crap.
I think they know they`ve lost any trust with the British people, having cried wold so long, having fiddled their data and been rumbled in 2009.
Suits me-growing sweetcorn this year!
Shukman also quoted the hot summer of 69. Our family photos show hot summers in ‘55 and ’59. Hot summers happen. We had been way overdue a hot summer but the BBC are so keen to use anything to prove it is happening. But hadn’t someone either at the BBC or the Met Office been saying some years ago that snow was going to be a thing of the past and that future children would only know it from history books? So Mr Shukman’s final line, just comes from his proforma where he adds a few lines to fill in the blanks.
Shukman “So children currently enjoying the holiday sunshine may well grow up into a world where heatwaves seem almost normal.”
Spot on, Eddy.
I remember some people after 1976 and 1977 saying “Could this become more common. Maybe the new Ice Age has been postponed?” Things quickly went back to the ‘same old, same-oh’. Then, around the time Blair looked like getting elected and afterwards, too, we were given the scare stories. For the second decade, and in some extreme cases, it was predicted for the first. “Two to four degrees hotter, we are all going to fry, dry to a crisp. The world will run out of water.”
Did I notice the BBC stating the other day that this is the hottest, driest summer since 2013 and 1976? If so, I think on that first one they should have said 2003, not 2013.
Surely all these awful events are being caused by Brexit.
With regard to the killing of a 10-year-old girl and an 18-year-old woman and the wounding of ‘thirteen other people’ in Toronto, motive unknown, Justin Trudeau believes that ‘The people of Toronto are strong, resilient and brave’.
I don’t think two of them are any more.
Oh right … it wasn’t his kid then?
BBC Look North (North East and Cumbria) in meltdown again.
‘Newcastle was lit up with a rainbow of colour as the city celebrated its 2018 Pride event.
Organisers said about 20,000 people marched from Newcastle Civic Centre to Nuns Moor Park in a parade to celebrate inclusivity and diversity’
Funny thing is that only 20 years ago Newcastle Council were locked in a battle with a small adult shop renewing its licence.
One of the reasons being, it offended the local Muslim community. As I remember, it was reported by the BBC.
Now. Were is Nuns Moor Park located?
Yes. Smack bang in the middle of one of the biggest Muslim community’s in the North East.
Can’t see any Islamists in those pictures. Newcastle Pride not as Inclusive and Diverse as it thinks it is
Muslims and Gays have an unofficial peace pact- at least until normal society is destroyed..
A Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner tried to block a sex license for a gay sauna – because it’s too close to a local mosque.
Greenhouse Health Club, which has operated in Luton for nearly two decades, had been seeking a license that would allow it to sell sex toys and show adult films.
However, the owners have now withdrawn the application, after encountering strong resistance from local residents and the newly-elected Police and Crime Commissioner.
Bedfordshire PCC Kathryn Holloway, a former TV presenter who has no first-hand experience of policing, told Luton Today that the license was inappropriate because the venue was too close to a local mosque – a five minute walk away.
No surrender 😉
Currently watching an unreal biased Newshite with an almost hysterical Emily Maitlis throwing all pretence of impartiality out the window, aggressively and arrogantly attacking Trump with a vehement and seething hatred during an interview with former WH Press Secretary Sean Spicer… who the f*** does Maitlis think she is? She is accusing the Trump team of all manner of wrongdoings. It is just one long leftie bbc emotionally-charged, sanctimonious attack on Trump. Disgraceful. The bbc are vile and are a leftist propaganda apparatus hellbent on distorting public public opinion.
This seems apt, currently.
Ask yourself why the venom and unhinged insulting. It is way odds on that the BBC has been told in simple language that it will never get an interview with the President. Never ever. That it will be at the back of the line for any real interviews with key people.
Imagine how this world class outfit must feel. That it is payback will never enter their empty heads.
have a little google on Clinton sex crimes and see the difference between fact and propoganda and the silly bitches that are taken in by the latter
Perhaps we should all write to the BBC with this question:
Somehow I doubt they’re called John Smith…
See RGP 10:40 below.
I would think it unikely as the magic word “komunnihi” has been used therefore black people allowed to do what they want, Notting Hill carnival as a typical example of black people allowed to mug and steal once a year in public and any reggae festival iss kuture innit not just my opininion the NME even had the nerve in the 80s to say you had to expect this at a reggae concert, fuckin amazin, even their admirers admit if you attend a black festival you are highly likley to get mugged, Knebworth rock concerts 200 000 attendance no arrests or complaints or victims of crime in the 70s or 80s compare and contrast and maybe wonder where our crime is coming from in London especially
From this day forth it shall be called the “Notting Purge”.
And talking of names, it appears our Toronto murderer (including one child) is called Faisal Hussain.
There’s a fine Canadian lumberjack name, if ever I heard one.
Welcome to diversity Canada, for which you have your moronic Prime Minister to thank.
He smugly said the following when Trump ‘banned’ muslims:
“To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada,”
“severe mental health challenges” and “struggling with psychosis and depression his entire life.” Same old platitudes from the immediate family and a “family representative.” Is that a euphemism for “a bloke down the mosque.”?
it used to be called inbreeding, a situation made more acute when the original stock were not much good.
Wow does that mean its not his fault ? and what are our immigration authorities doing allowing nutters into civilised coutries ? I do believe the Yorkshire ripper had similar challenges lets pop him off to Libya
I’ve just realised that’s a hat Trudeau is wearing. I thought at first it was a bandage (possibly covering a frontal lobotomy, performed to cure his multicultural delusions).
Beeb webshite is already burying the Toronto shooting by a member of their favourite cult.
They got the embarrassing headline onto the Home page late at night for 5 minutes, then off again before anyone could see it.
And look at the subheadline: “The parents of Faisal Hussain, 29, send condolences to victims of their son’s “horrific actions”.
Subtext: See what decent people these muslims are?
(No doubt they were advised to put out some such statement by Trudeau’s damage limitation team.)
Nobody has mentioned the ideology which may have inspired him.
How can Trudeau say with a straight face that diversity is strength? Every city I visit now they have barriers up at the start of pedestrianised areas, a chilling reminder of the gruesome London attacks and how the threat will be with us forever.
Benn? Kinnock? Prescott?
Toynbee? Smith(Sarah)?
Let alone the endless Dimblebys.
I thought the luvvies disapporved of hereditary dynastic families being born to power like a load of parasitic queen bees and wasps?
Silly me.
Didn`t Trudeaus mum shag around with the Stones in the mid-late 70s?
Like Carla Bruni or Jerry Hall?
Yet more reason to tell the little arsewipe to say little until he learns things.
chrisH, “Didn`t Trudeaus mum shag around with the Stones in the mid-late 70s?” where she would have encountered a young NY property heir at Club 54. 😉
The Toronto murders never happened – if al beeb had its way .canada was once viewed as one of those places you only heard good things about . Every one has a gun but no one gets shot type stuff .,
But now its political class has decide it should suffer our madness – I’m really surprised the Canadians are taking it ( unless resistance is censored )
Yet another lone wolf mental issues Norwegian .
The BBC report into the Toronto murders yesterday informs us that
“Mr Trudeau’s ruling Liberal party wants tougher background checks, including screening people with a history of violence.”
I hear the sound of a stable door in the wind.
This ‘history’: on a personal basis or more community driven?
“…..the number of shootings in Toronto more than doubled between 2014 and 2017 – from 177 to 395.” –
Well, why’s that then? What could have happened instrumentally between 2014 and 2017. Could it have had anything to do with immigrants could it…………..
The BBC mention briefly through gritted teeth how North Korea are getting rid of their nukes. Well, Trump has only managed to disarm the world’s greatest rogue state, potentially saved millions of lives and put so many minds at ease – especially in South Korea.
Russian ‘meddling’ though – unproven in an election Trump would have won anyway, despite the media, internet and just about everyone else powerful meddling to ensure he did not win? That gets HUGE coverage despite viewers not caring and being bored to death. As if Clinton would have met with Kim and got him to disarm. She would just swan around like a queen bee enjoying all the luxuries of power, sneering and lying compulsively.
If the Russians WERE fiddling in any American election, it would only have been to get Bernie Sanders in. And any effort to stop Hillary was aimed at THAT. Not in getting Trump in.
Yet no mention of this by the BBC.
Sanders was the Russians equivalent of Bruce Kent or Joan Maynard, Eric Heffer-useful destabilisating idiots in the unions, Labour, media and CND.
No change there.
Broadly agree. Bernie was so Left of Hillary. Except, chris, in the US they have a thing called the Open Primary in some States. It is possible in those States for Democrats to nominate the Republican candidate of their choice. Trump won the Primaries. Trump won the final run-off.
Remember here in the UK, when Labour Party offered £3 memberships in advance of a leadership election? Some Conservative Party members took up the offer in order to get Jeremy Corbyn elected as the easiest of the Labour candidates to defeat at GE time. Or so they thought.
That may have happened in the US in the Primaries which were Open ones.
On the other hand, it could be that the choice of Hillary or Bernie was so off putting to swing & some Democrat voters that they would have elected a donkey in November 2016 if it had a Democrat, or even a Republican, badge on it.
Instead they may have thought “Let’s give the Wide Boy a chance. We tried the Academic, twice, and didn’t do so well, so lets go with Trump this time.”
Daniel Greenfield also argued in his informative blog that Russian interference would have been most likely aimed at improving Bernie Sanders’ chances of winning. A very persuasive argument and one that had not occurred to me. The BBC would never broadcast that opinion, of course.
They never mention what was in the DNC emails which upset people so much, which is crucial.
MW, when I checked out the candidates – Democrats; 2, Republicans; umpteen – I was actually quite shocked at what Sanders was saying and proposing.
When I was a lad, the Democrats would have run him out of the Party and out of the State and out of the USA for being a Commie.
He was way to the Left or Right, or both, when compared to Hillary. Hillary Clinton by then was sounding like a shrill Socialist who would have been at home in European politics. Extremism has not really featured in 20th/21st century US politics at all although there were whiffs of it in some places around the years before and after 1910 and before and after 1939.
In my childhood and most of my adult lifetime you could have squeezed a cigarette paper between the Democrats & Republicans – just. Now the gap is vast and it is not the Republicans who have moved, as far as I can see.
Beyond The Fringe making the same point in 1961.
Brilliant, Jim, thanks for putting that up. I guess we can blame (thank? er, no, probably not) Nixon for rattling the cages of the wild Lefties and driving them out of the counter-culture and into public life for ever more.
And to my mind Trump, after so many years, here is a class of President who actually does care about the ‘ordinary’ American worker, the Constitution, and the well-being of the country as a whole.
The “free” press still at maximum RPM moaning about being “muzzled” by the Cliff Richard case.
This is the same “free” press who have spent the last fifteen years in advanced Yoga positions to avoid mentioning millions of rapes of children in the UK and elsewhere in Europe.
Who have become the world’s leading contortionists, experts the avoidance of reporting the source of explosions,
firearm use, stabbings, acid attacks, self-driving cars and lorries.
I hereby award the Nobel prize 2000-2018 for hypocrisy to the “free” press.
Two kinds of “press”-or media as we can now call it, seeing as it`s a composite of Twitter vox pox and half-arsed iPod streams from Cardiff Tech(formerly).
1. Lugenpresse-liars.
2.Freipresse-“where trhey think they`re so clever and classless and free”-Matt Frie personnifies this, Gorka buried him the other day but the bugger refuses to die.
There is another one being formed, be ready soon, Called M-Presse…and to be run by Zuckenberg, Mosley and Coogan etc.
THEN we`ll be stuffed-so time now to get your contacts book out and plot.
It`s what we Lefties at Tolpuddle do all the time-about time, we fought them with the tools they have shown to “work”.
Unlike themselves-apart from the RMT sitting back at their stall on £80K in the Tolpuddle sunshine(none of that Casey Jones stuff!)-none of the others on the TUC rally do any kind of work that isn`t state, quango and Labour BBC Compliant.
Toady watch
The beekeeper and the Muslim – doing something in a prison . Lefty narrative – off switch
I heard her talking to a Lady Fry-Crook type( before 8am this morning, R4)
Oxbridge cut glass, Lord knows how many quangos she`s on.
Even Kearney asked her about her other job at Defra(which, of course shows that prisons are fine-she`d be full time solving their problems if they weren`t). Anyway prisoners get no rewards on leaving.
No house, no car, no wife, no job and no drugs.
Not even a party bag, cake or balloon.
Oh what shall we do? Maybe not commit any crimes Lady Muck?
Abandon ship. As if THAT would be raised by Marta and her Ladyshipp.
It is , or at least was, rare to find articles in the Times newspaper upon which readers couldn’t comment. Today there are three such stories and all of then concern Muslims. Obviously the editor has adopted a new policy. In the past there was a moderator but people soon learnt how to get their point across without triggering the forbidden words. But now it seems that the policy is not to allow any comments at all on matters concerning the RoP. I wonder how long it will be before the Times and other newspapers formally adopt the policy, which many suspect that some news outlets already informally use, of not reporting any negative stories about the RoP?
How long before the liberal Globalists accept that their lunatic support for mass migration and their kid gloves when dealing with Islam have been a disaster which has imperilled the West?
hopefully they will wait for the ballot box as they did in the USA and EU vote here, called the silent seething majority who won’t get fooled again
Bet Ian is super proud of this one.
And QI is on form too…
“The British have been voted the worst tourists in the world!” – by who? The United Nations?
UN rights experts voice concerns about ‘structural racism’ in United Kingdom
We had an eye test two years ago, the previous test would have been in 1973.
Had a flick through Private Eye whilst shopping last night.
Not funny, endless sneers at Brexit-and no real pops at the anti-Semitic, schizophrenic Labour Party and the puddle of mothballed irrelevance that is the Liberals.
Pathetic-not funny, can only imagine that Soros props it up to let all the grandkids read about themselves once Sowe or Eton have closed for Pimms.
Seem to have an anti-Jewish sneer about them too, just like their BBC.
I’ve been reading Private Eye since 1974 Alicia and I am saddened to say, I completely agree with you, it’s a shadow of its former self. The ‘satire’ and even the cartoons poked fun at one and all but now the magazine’s output is mostly anti-Brexit. I skimmed through the last issue in less than ten minutes, it’s just not funny any more (cont. on p94).
In the debate about this web-site and whether Biased BBC should be narrow-based, broad-based, whatever, we should remember it is a great place to have a good laugh, even at ourselves.
I love the wit and wisdom.
“it’s just not funny any more (cont. on p94).”
Classic! 🙂
Have had at least three good laughs thanks to B-BBC just this a.m.
Ian Hislop and his mag have drifted leftward and bbc-ward for years.
He spends so much time on the beeb with his lefty pals that the filth rubs off on him.
Hislop is a fully funded BBC stooge nowadays
‘He who pays the piper’, springs to mind.
Hislop has earned a fortune through his small appearances on the BBC. He wouldn’t want to strangle his cheque, would he?
It’s a form of corruption, really.
Not the BBC, but another ‘News Source’ that relishes globalism – Indeed classic Fake News – “Though UK voters have changed their tune on Brexit, there is little chance that it will be reversed.”
Well, in fact, ” Leave on 48.5%, Remain on 51.5%” most recently and the conclusion? – “But, of course, when the polls are this close, their real message is that nobody can be sure who might win if the referendum were to be run again – after all most, albeit not all, of the final referendum polls two years ago put Remain narrowly ahead, yet Leave still won.” –
Fake fakery.
Ladies Day at TOADY again today.
The wildfire tragedy in Greece. Listening, I feel for those people after their desperate problems of the last decade, especially as I have friends in Athens.
But I also have another feeling. I also feel that the BBC are holding something back, they are not giving me the whole story, they are perhaps not telling the truth.
The uniquely funded, well resourced (£3.5bn income), world leading news broadcaster seems to be very short on information and facts.
Yet little things creep out from between the lines from ‘vox pop’ contributors and local journalists. “Officials quoted by AFP news agency have suggested the current blazes may have been started by arsonists looking to loot abandoned homes.”
Luckily for broadcasters, they don’t feel they need be held to anything they demand of others.
This whole ‘will you resign’ lark is pathetic, if unsurprising for that twerp KGM trying to out Snow Jon-boy.
GW, since you mention resignation, has Fran Unsworth resigned? Yet?
It is Day 2 of BBC R4’s ‘Bash Sajid Javid, the Home Secretary’.
I wonder how many days the BBC will keep the pressure up until he resigns or they give up.
No similar pressure on Fran Unsworth.
“I thought, funny. Funny, I thought. They do it for Conservative politicians but not for themselves.”
Well done Lee Hurst!
A rare comic, with a mind of his own.
I too noted that Krishnan crap-he`ll have to be winkled out of Jon Snows rectum-and safe to say he`s got just the right shade of liberal about him to ensure we`ll never get him off the public sector payroll. Thatcher fucked up here-she should NEVER have allowed Channel 4 to tap into our veins for its endless dole outs.
We`ve been paying for Jon Snow since 1982-boy, we deserve Corbyn for being so f***in spineless.
If you really want to be depressed see how much this champagne socialist gets for doing after dinner speeches and ‘ facilitating ‘ . But he runs a ‘ holding company ‘ to cut the taxes to be paid for his previous social system
Senior Beeboids do not resign, or get fired.
They go on gardening leave, and a new role is created in a new non-area, and they are rehired along with a department and extra budget.
Yeah … and Brexit cannot be blamed … or can it? Yes, right at the end …
“Millions of families ‘worse off’ than 15 years ago” {}
Better economic growth, which leads to higher incomes, is reliant on a number of factors – certainty about the future (in relatively low supply at present because of the Brexit process); global growth (Britain is an exporting nation so the better growth is elsewhere, the better for the UK); and investment in better and higher-value skilled jobs (which means focusing on education and skills and making managers better at exploiting opportunities that are available).
From an outfit called United Against the Tories. I do not know whether they are disenchanted conservatives or socialists. Either way, the BBC is not to their liking.
G.W.F., it was some in the Labour Party or in Momentum (or both) who made ‘death threats’ against Part-time after she made some critical remarks about Jeremy Corbyn in the run up to the June 2018 GE. In reality, all she did (on R4) was to list some of the policies in the Labour Manifesto and their likely impact, especially on Beeboid incomes. She may have said other things or more often on TV, in order to enrage those people, but whatever – it was and is not deserved.
It probably IS the BBC.
One of their “we get equal complaints from left and right, so we must be getting the balance right” justifications.
The BBC rather like these people as it enables the BBC to claim that they get criticism from ‘both sides’ so ‘they got it about right’.
In fact the BBC sees them as ‘their own’ so when the criticism gets too loud the BBC goes into super-defensive mode. We saw some of that with the comedy programme about the Met. Office and Lord Lawson’s minor, (compared to the BBC’s normal output), error on Climate Change.
Programmes were withdrawn, reports were written and apologies issued. On the other hand I believe we are still waiting for the apology to Nigel Farage, who, we were told, has ‘blood on his hands’ following the death of a Polish man.
I’ve seen this type of thing before. United Against The Tories are probably very thick socialists &/or students who believe the BBC are pro Conservative simply because they speak intelligibly and wear shirts and ties. Posh/polite = Conservative in their tiny minds.
How anybody could listen to or watch BBC output for 5 minutes and come to a conclusion that they’re nothing other than left wing/liberal self appointed elite defies belief.
Why is the BBC so against the ISIS beheaders being tried in the USA? They have had streams of left liberals on but nobody who says – actually it’s good. Let them get on with it – These are the same bleeding hearts gits who virtue signalled at the beheadings but then clamour to slag off UK Govt for saying ‘ these are despicable worthless humans – do with them what you will’ US…
On separate note: BBC today…in a London prison, strangely called ISIS..The BBC said there is high level of BAME in here, the warden said yes 72% – BBC – “that’s higher than the 40% in London..Why?”
Prison warden – “gangs”
…I am now waiting for the BBC to present a programme about how BAME are over represented in this prison which must be due to racism…
Our entire political class incl BBC- for they are now wielding power rather than simply reporting events & information, seem to be devoted to supporting terrorism.
I received a standard response email from my So-called “Conservative” MP this morning. Answering my email from the 8th June regarding the terrorist (“al quds”) march which took place in London. It didn’t answer a single point in my email and only stated the official “Conservative” position on Israel & “Palestine”. It side-stepped entirely the terrorist march in London. I take that as confirmation that officially the Conservatives support terrorist activity.
(Enough is Enough) Any slight chance that I might vote Tory next time around has vanished altogether. The “Conservatives” are obsolete to me. Dead parrot. Expired. So out of touch.
UKIP it is!
London’sEurope’s burning! Europe’s Burning!Greece
Now are you bothered if two fanatical murderers are dispatched to the USA , found guilty and get the death penalty ?
No neither am I .
But what we got from Al Beeb yesterday were talking heads agreeing with themselves and the Beeb’s view that the judicial process of the USA and their incarceration of murderers is worse than head hacking in the Middle East .
I was surprised they weren’t killed trying to escape. It’s a war and applying peacetime legal processes to them seems ridiculous . And lectures about ‘ due process ‘ are for people who feel safe in their beds .
In fedup world no one who went out to support isis in any way would have any right to come back and if that meant derogation from treaties well – so be it.
I was surprised even to hear George Galloway on Talk Radio agreeing that they should be handed over and should get the death penalty. The bbc are a disgrace.
“Take fright on Brexit: even the civil service head is telling us to panic”
Polly Toynbee in the Guardian today.
Polly if you explored outside your bubble recently you would be aware that the cat is out the bag. Even the sub-human, hideously white, Brexiters now know about the treason in the public sector.
We do not believe civil servants any more than we believe you. You both have an unbridgeable credibility / reliability / honesty gap.
That Guardian cat Toynbee has its head deep, deep inside the food tin!
(Actually, ‘Toynbee’ is quite a good name for a cat. Might consider that next time around. If there is one. Mind you, the last one could have been called ‘Guardian’ the way she jealously guarded her patch.)
An intriguing question might be, how has Polly Toynbee become a regular Guardian columnist and ‘go-to’ opinion monger on BBC?
Other than having an uncle who wrote an obscure and largely unreadable book, what relevant qualifications are there? Anyone know?
As for the cat connection Up2, the Egyptians mummified them so I suppose that might have a bearing.
Used to work th… sorry, used to be paid to turn up there.
Beltane, any decent Editor would have sacked Toynbee after that disgraceful piece she wrote for the Saturday edition after Jo Cox was killed.
But the Guardian is no longer the Manchester Guardian of old, of legend. It’s now a scrappy old Lefty rag, a Pravda without the truth for the UK.
She has merely been ‘active on the left’ and was able to leverage a job in journalism to spread the message.
You’ve just reminded me of someone else around here who we haven’t seen in a while, Polly Tuscanyvilla. Posting name chosen – I think – in honour of aforesaid Grauniad journo.
I suppose that’s the point Up2, if we find her attitudes disgraceful she has achieved her aim and kept the BBC/Guardian happy. Negativity was ever the easier option to promote. As for your comment on Toynbee’s Jo Cox piece, the essential would have been a decent editor – something of a non-sequitur under the circumstances.
At least we can take genuine comfort from the circulation dropping by the day, making her self-satisfied scribbles increasingly irrelevant. Audited ABC figures are only massaged by the free copies distributed throughout the BBC and allowed, through sympathy I can only imagine, to feature in final tallies.
“This ancient law of politics states that a country without borders is like an egg without a shell. What we’re observing in politics today is a strange phenomenon. I’d like to quote former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who shared the following thought with us: In Europe we are witnessing a very rare historical event, in which a region is not defending its external borders, but has instead opened them. The like of this has not happened in several thousand years.” – Viktor Orbán, 16 September 2017, Budapest
Is this why the readership of the Guardian is slipping ? Or is it because most left wingers are now under 40, at Yuni, and who are mostly vocal but struggle to get past the Janet & John stage of reading ?
The Guardian is an example of a failed business model.
The Guardian newspaper sales are miniscule. Supported by BBC purchases.
I expect but cannot demonstrate that it receives under the counter EU donations and bribes.
Hence the “could you spare” begging.
We need to be informed but there is a cheaper, quicker, more environmentally friendly way to do it.
The Guardian had a justifiably high reputation for many decades.
Read by even its opponents.
It is the only newspaper that seems, to me, to have deviated violently from its history.
Today it is an extreme left wing tabloid rag.
Its news is, being very charitable, unreliable, BBC by any other name.
The opinion columns are replete with anti British bile and hatred, usually with non-white authors biting the hand that feeds and houses them.
The arts section became pop is as good as Beethoven, Banksy is as good as Turner, years ago.
Have not read it for years, probably Banksy is better than Turner by now.
Its demise is imminent.
The Guardian is a very important newspaper , how else will Gramscians know the line to take on any particular subject ?
It’s also important because if you decide you’re an intellectual you need to think differently to the average Joe , but not in a totally individual original way , that’s what lone wolf right winger EDL UKIP Brexit voting islamophobic odd person does .
No you need to be different but know that university lecturers , professors , BBC staff , charity bosses , senior civil servants and other self proclaimed intellectuals think along your lines too . To be amongst a great thinking elite .
Why buy the Guardian when you can watch the BBC?
The BBC recruits it’s staff by advertising vacancies in the Guardian.
RJ, is the Guardian cheaper?
I think VIZ has more intellectual clout.
I avoid the Guardian whenever possible. Forced to read it some months ago in a cafe when all the other newspapers were already taken. There was a vile, spiteful piece denigrating Morrissey, all because the former Smiths man no longer tows the PC line on immigration, integration etc. The Guardian is not fit to be cat and dog bedding at an animal sanctuary, and I wouldn’t even wipe my derriere on it in the event of a toilet paper shortage.
Who is doing these knife attacks? Why do at least 4 of these 5 look, you know? Adopted names? Why do they have anglicised names?
With regard to the recent attack in Worcester where a three-year old boy had acid thrown in his face, according to one newspaper the police have stated that “What we will do is work to make people understand that this is not the way to resolve issues and disputes in communities.” WTF !
This single sentence encapsulates the decline and fall of civilisation in this country. Since when has it been necessary to “make people understand” that it is an horrific crime to throw acid in anyone’s face-let alone that of a small defences child ? Since when have we had “community disputes” which result in such attacks ? Since when have our police become so pathetically politically correct that they dare not speak up about the “communities” in question ?
The likelihood of an Al beeb scribbler researching this cultural enrichment in the UK and the origin of this particular form of “community dispute resolution” ?
Mmm, the weasel word ‘communities’ might be a clue as to the identity of the latest thugs.
Best post this year.
In response to one of the worst incidents.
Please email to every newspaper you can and ask them to put their response on the front page.
That there is an establishment that thinks (and hires, at vast expense, further staff) making people ‘understand’ such things are ‘not the way’ shows how far things still fall in the UK.
Of course, the politico-media estate that is Westminster-W1A also gave us ‘retraining’ for nurses unable to suss that patients suffering from dehydration may need water.
That was back in the Manchester Mayor’s day I think.
Great post – and has the same tone as Sadiq Khans idea to redue knfe crime
Lets educate children from an early age that knives are dangerous..WTF
Since when did this have to be a social and ‘community’ task? Will it stop them using them will it F..K
This country is headed for the dustbin unless there is an uprising amongst us plebs
EU Unelected Expansive Government create law to fix problem they created …. EU will be able to remove this law remember … jam today … jam gone tomorrow …
The EU has just passed a law that could end the problems with free movement which led to Brexit in the first place { 30may2018}
Corporations will no longer be able to undercut local workers by exploiting migrants. Looking beyond Brexit, this law will make a big difference regardless of the option chosen for our future relationship with the EU
how exactly does that shite address the depression of wages
all it really means is you must pay everyone minimum wage
Nothing on BBC News about this, yet. It’s almost as if al Beeb wants the story to go away…

Cassandra-I would be careful in the fact that you mention it
was Faisal Hussein who was responsible for the Toronto
shootings. You may be joining Tommy Robinson before long.
As for the wanker from Ankara. Can you imagine any worse
hypocrisy than the bile Erdogan is spitting out against Israel?
Lucky beeb: big news stories have allowed them to almost completely push the muslim killer in Toronto off their webshite.
But they have space for this bit of good news: boatloads of doctors and engineers on their way from Africa, courtesy of the migrant taxi service, yippee.
(Which of course will encourage more, and btw you libtards, will lead to more drownings at sea.)
Timing is everything .. worth watching what appears on BBC at night late … so can be pushed off later, but then they can say they reported on it.
BBC – showing dog in Nationalist Far Right Flag ….
BBC – NHS evil story , not shown when celebrating the NHS!
Just read on the Daily Mail that the acid attack on the three year old was done by the child’s father and his mates, nothing to do with the EDL, as the BBC had been suggesting. Well I knew the whole thing had sounded odd. If anyone had travelled to attend a demo (the men had been arrested in London and elsewhere), would they really have thought, ‘whilst we are here we will just slip into a B&M store, find some acid and pour it on a child’ . Why would they have gone into a store like this away from their home town? I don’t suppose it stocks different items in different towns. Then I heard the paramedic on BBC radio, I think it was, describing the state of the child when he got there. It was a caustic substance on the child’s arm. Still confused because the BBC kept saying the authorities weren’t sure if the child would ever recover. Well even bleach, like domestos on the skin for a minute or two, will not do any harm (although don’t try this at home). Surely this shop sold bottles of water or has some sinks in the back somewhere. Didn’t anyone have the gumption to pour copious amounts of water over the child? The DM at the moment says the perpetrators are Eastern Europeans and the acid was meant for the mother. Are these people really the enrichment into our society we want. And the cost to us the taxpayers, of moving this lady to a new area for her protection? I am sorry for mother and child but it was obvious that the BBC had been only telling us half a story.
They’ve been a lot more devious than just “telling us half a story.” They have deliberately inserted people into this ghastly event that had nothing whatever to do with it. Just by mentioning that the EDL were in the area automatically inferred a connection. It’s a snide nudge!
I noticed they were also very quick to show us pictures of the two schoolboy wannabe bombers, who (surprise!) were both white.
However, the sexual assault and murder of the little girl on the island of Bute has been shrouded in mystery. We’re told the suspect is underage and so therefore can’t be named. I’m suspicious. Bute has famously accepted thousands of “refugees.” It’s a tiny place with hardly any crime. And then this.
The trouble is, due to their endless manipulations, I don’t trust the main stream media to bring us the facts.
And I don’t trust the BBC at all!
Underage with a beard by any chance?
George Galloway is on Talk Radio stating that Tony Blair has made an anti Brexit video and that he is funded with Saudi money therefore the Saudis are funding anti Brexit campaigns!
Would you ever have this pointed out on the BBC?
Oh well …. BBC is going going gone …

Sadly, I don’t fancy her, but wouldn’t object to a quick bash.
(Perhaps this comment will draw Maxi out from hiding)
Isn’t that the job that all the other correspondents have been doing for many years?
Why are the people who have these worthless jobs nearly always females and BAME? Isn’t this sexist racism?..and agree with JImS..yes why do we need another
Oh goody, goody. At last we have someone to speak up for all those millions of people worldwide who have both a dick and a fanny lodged in their brain.
Matt ‘I love the BBC’ Hancock – now Health and Social Care Secretary – just said (BBC Parliament) ‘I love the NHS’.
Fires in Greece cause many deaths Hot weather facilitates the spread of fires, but I keep thinking of the Hamas strategy of arson against Israeli farmers Can it be that some fires are caused by RoP or Hamas influenced arsonists?
The BBC does acknowledge the possibility of arson.
‘Officials quoted by AFP news agency have suggested the current blazes may have been started by arsonists looking to loot abandoned homes.
“Fifteen fires had started simultaneously on three different fronts in Athens,” said government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos.
Greece, he added, had requested drones from the US to “observe and detect any suspicious activity”.
G.W.F., I understand the area affected by the fires is a fairly well-to-do if not wealthy area where people have second homes. Three to four years ago, Greece narrowly avoided serious violence over their (real, proper) austerity, especially in the Athens area.
Although the EU has at last relaxed some of the strictures it had placed on Greece (and recently sent them some extra debt, IIRC) there is still real hardship there and maybe some extra/repeat/new resentment of the wealthy (who are known for their, ahem, ‘tax planning’ abilities) had broken out?
Then there are the pressures placed on Greece by the migration crisis. Athens has had a link to West Africa and West Africans via the shipping industry for decades. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there is not some trafficking going on.
Add in the heat, an old city centre that traps it, mix in unemployed youths, and it could be a bit of a flash point.
The absolutely disgusting and foul message that was sent by a remainer to Andrea Jenkyns MP is reproduced below (do not read unless you are prepared for VERY offensive content)
It turns out his name is Tim Nowfel and he works for Eliatys as an AIDC Consultant.
The e-mail address for his company is and I have just e-mailed them expressing my disgust that they employ anyone capable of writing such filth and abuse.
You have to be some kind of especially stupid to send an email like that without covering your tracks.
Or very drunk. I think Mr Nowfel is paying the price since his LinkedIn is now ‘out’ . I wonder if he has more time to sent twitters without full time employment .
Wot, not an employer ‘don’t write anything stupid’ memo, few months tending the garden and then back with a nice promotion and pay rise?
Like some, eh, Jasmine?
Brilliant response from Andrea Jenkyns MP. As Mr Punch says:
Sorry, can’t do it smaller