Call me a male chauvinist pig . Am I paranoid? But there are
times on BBC TV and plenty of times during the day when
the programmes could be called ” Womens Hour” over and
over again.
A good time for this is around newstimes. For instance we will
see the “liberal” Jo Coburn presenting the Politics today.
Followed by the 1PM National news where the presenters are
at the very least 75% women, if not 80%.
We in London have this followed by the Londonistan Programme
where if one of three or four women
don’t present the programme ,it’s Asad Ahmad. What is also
bizzare about this programme is that for at least the first three
or four items . Be it about crime in New York where a women
reporter has been sent over to New York to interview black
policemen, black members of the public about black gang crime
in the Big Apple. And how it compares to crime in London where
there is no mention of who perpertrates most of this violent knife
and gun crime in the Smoke.
This is is followed by several other features involving women reporters.. Quite often the final couple of items are left to
men reporters followed by the weather forecast presented by
an assortment of all sorts of weather forecasters. I suppose
“diversity” would be an apt description. Nothing wrong with that.
We see the same thing around 6PM and 10PM.
I just wonder if it’s Big Brother at the diversity department
gettting his ( If he doesn’t mind me calling him a his) own back over
the coverage of the World Cup, where we saw nearly all
male commentators and pundits?
Foscari, funny you should mention that but I did a screen grab of the sixth picture at the top of the BBC News Page, accessed via the top clicky of their Home Page on their web-site: . (extreme right, second one down)
I saved it with the title ‘THE NOT SO SUBTLE DISPLACEMENT OF MEN #1’.
I am fairly certain there will be a #2, #3, #4 and onwards.
I have some good news to report from the BBC’s TOADY Programme assistant toadie, The Horrorbin.
He used the ‘A’ word.
On the programme this morning, he used the ‘A’ word!
He used the ‘A’ word in relation to Global Warming and Climate Change.
I, Bjorn Lomborg and many, many others have been waiting for this moment. Take down those wretched wind turbines in beautiful land and seascape locations. Lever the Solar Panels off those beautiful old houses that don’t quite qualify for a Listing status.
Put them all on industrial estates and retail parks instead.
Let’s get scientific, instead, and adapt.
It is, after all, what the natural world would do.
There could be a proper popcorn job today if President Trump says anything with Yunker the unelected ReichEU bully he is meeting at the White House . Obviously the Reich EU is worried about tariffs being slapped on Kraut cars .
Bet he does a better job of putting the ReichEU in its place than out per poor politicians but of course he doesn’t live in their swamp.
AND he doesn`t drink or need a wheelchair to pour him into.
Juncker is a pisspot, bet the rest of them are too.
Trump and Putin-real men, no wonder the left hate them. We get Juncker and Soubry, Adonis and Clegg, Heseltine and Hammond FFS.
Sarah Champion, the labour MP for Rotherham, is being ousted from her seat by left wing Labour activists allied to radical Muslims. She now has permanent police protection because of the scale of the death threats against her.
The attacks are led by Just Yorkshire, a radical Islamist group largely funded by The Rowntree Foundation. Its main speaker is a radical academic, Waqas Tufail who is anti British and anti white.
The Times says: “Since 2008 Just Yorkshire has received more than £550,000 from the Joseph Rowntree trust, which has also given £230,000 to The Monitoring Group (TMG), a London racial justice charity with which Just is associated. TMG says its formation was “inspired by” the US Black Panther movement.”
Just Yorkshire has published anti Champion reports funded by “the Rotherham Taxi Association and the Rotherham Council of Mosques.”
The attacks from within the South Yorkshire are led by council’s former deputy leader, Jahangir Akhtar.
Taiba Yasseen, a Momentum supporter, is being touted as Champion’s replacement. She was suspended by the local labour party for reasons that are held secret. She has been fighting Champion’s ‘racism’ against Asian groups.
So death threats from hate groups against a democratically elected MP who is being ousted by radical Muslims funded by UK Charities and supported by Left wing labour MPs. Not worth a mention on the “world’s most trusted broadcaster”.
I fear the Charity Commission is a grand sounding name for some beeboid and his her or self identifying dog. I did a bit of work on it a few years ago and found it does anything but regulate all those outfits running tax free .
Well, shit stinks and rats have fleas. As my wife is forever telling me, “Why are you surprised ?”
In Pakistan they are in the midst of elections – lots of bribery, coercion, bombs and death – that’s our future. If you are, be thankful you are nearer the end of your life than the beginning.
Good on The Times for bringing the hounding of Sarah Champion story to light. Probably the most important and certainly one of most worrying news stories out there. Yes, I checked too and there’s not a word on the BBC, instead focused on some historic abuse case. What they choose not to cover says so much about this pathetic excuse of a state broadcaster – Toronto attack pops up and disappears almost immediately, all over the acid attack story until the full tale comes out and still no names disclosed etc etc. And we are still waiting for the Beeb to investigate the statist, undemocratic mafia-like EU and the reasons why much of Europe is turning away from it.
Truly appalling treatment of a Labour MP who was trying to stick up for some of her constituents. If you are white, and live in Rotherham, you need to be very scared. I bet Common Purpose people have wormed their way into the charities which are now attacking Champion. We are in for a rough ride over the next few decades to be sure.
The opponents of anyone drawing attention to the systematic rape of underage white, often vulnerable but mostly impressionable, teenage girls adopt their usual tactic of conflating race with religion. The perpetrators are Muslim men, they can be from Pakistan but can also come from Africa or any other Muslim country. It is not just Rotherham either, it is nationwide. It is not just this country, either, it is Holland as well and has been for decades. Before underage teenage girls became the predominant class of victims, it was underage Sikh girls. This stopped when Sikhs began to take the law into their own hands. The problem has been with us for decades and the public bodies who one would have expected to have defeated these problems were terrified into doing nothing because of political correctness. The EDL was set up for the sole purpose of bringing attention to what has been happening but was labelled a far right organisation by the MSM. What a sickening catalogue of cowardice and ineptitude.
Well said, Navets. It is indeed a shocking betrayal of thousands and thousands of girls. Why do we never get any coverage of how some of the victims have coped over the years, whether any are able to turn their lives around. Shame on the entire MSM for covering this all up, and shame on those in authority who have been complicit in the cover-up…this latter group deserve to be jailed for what they have done.
An EDL march in Worcester happened when a three year old boy was attacked .
Later it’s revealed the incidents are not connected .
That’s a BBC way of trying to do down a “far right” group .
How about
Acid attack on three year old boy .
A three year old boy was acid attacked in Worcester , where rail chaos ensued affecting other parts of the country .
Later to be revealed the two are not connected . The rail problems are due to signal failure .
“A three year old boy was acid attacked in Worcester , as Tory cuts target the poor causing a spike in violent crime with unprecedented food bank use, as the catastrophe that is Brexit sends the country over the cliff edge punishing the young who were cruelly denied a say in their own future, and continuing the oppression of women and gays and LGTKB++ and ethnic muslim minority communities who are not all terrorists as Islam is a religion of peace and love and if you are white its your fault and you should be ashamed.” an impartial onlooker said ..
Actually, to be strictly correct, which a 100% accurate BBC would always want to be, the boy was attacked, IIRC, inside a Home Bargains store at a Retail Park some way from Worcester City centre. The BBC have it right – at last – in this report:
The BBC tell me “West Mercia Police said it would not be releasing the identities of the men who have been charged.”
Let me guess the names likely to be something like Mark, Andrew or John but mohammad, abdul and jalal and being as it is likely to be mohammad, abdul and jalal the BBC is not interested in publishing the identities but if it had been Mark, Andrew and John then the BBC would be plastering their names on every news programme. Gotta love that legendary BBC reputation for balance and facts
The final news item on the Radio 2 noon news was about a woman refused a divorce until a further five years has passed as her husband wants to stay married.
The impartial, ‘I don’t hold an opinion’ Jeremy Vine wonders whether we are living in the 19th century. Perhaps we are still living in a time when a contract between two people is still binding? It used to be pretty obvious that a non-binding contract isn’t a contract.
It’s ‘you couldn’t make it up’ time. Again.
Had a rough night and woke at 3 am.
At about 0330 Mrs S also awoke and suggested to put the radio on.
It was tuned to bBBC World Service.
Surely at that time of night/day there could be no narrative, no favoured self-interest group?
A gay guy who used to dance for Madonna back in the 80s was reminiscing about his friends with HIV/Aids!!!
What are the chances of that?
Being the bBBC, quite high. Obviously.
I’m surprised you could understand the “worlds favourite radio station “ at 0330 because normally it is some african from bongo bongo land who is doing it for his English lessons.
I hope I don’t offend any one from “ bongo bongo “ land but have a listen to it sometime and you’ll see what I mean .,
Deemed worthy of the front page of the BBC webshite.
A student activist in Sweden is featured making a huge scene as she was on the same aircraft flight as an Afghan denied asylum.
She doesn’t agree with this policy.
No prizes for guessing the BBC’s ‘impartial’ approach to open door immigration.
Is it really wrong of me to wish she had been sent back with him? I have nothing but contempt for her sort and hope they are the first to suffer the consequences of inviting that culture to their lands.
Sweden is deep in the fertilizer with it’s imported third world muslim vermin Though of course our beloved BBC would never report that now would it but if Swedish patriots stand up and defend their country, culture and people against the imported third world muslim vermin needless to say the Ministry Of Truth would be blasting “Right wing neo-nazi thugs” over every news programme though being the Ministry Of Truth it will be minus the facts as we have come to expect from the Ministry Of Truth.
BBC TV News at one where our national broadcaster finds an historic child sexual abuse case they can really get their teeth into.
Luckily there’s no connections back to BBC stars such as Savile. And happily, there’s no community cohesion issues for the BBC to keep mum about – like those complicating so many current cases.
Mind you, this does involve “The State” but our Mark Easton, to give him his due, does explain this horrible doctor and his institution were part of the public sector.
He says it was part of the “health service”
However, our Mark can’t quite bring himself to complete the three word trinity : National Health Service
or to spell out the sacred initials N.H.S.*
Well, it’s one of the oh so many bbc propaganda vehicles and financed by us. Not since King John has such an obscene tax been levied as the bbc license of today. We pay to facilitate and promote the steady destruction of our culture, our standards, our religion and ultimately our nation.
I’m embarrassed when my eleven year old points out how rubbish this country has become. How he’s not safe on the streets, how law and order is a joke, how a pupil / gang member was murdered outside his prospective secondary school. He says he’ll emigrate when older – I hope, for his sake, he can.
Interestingly he says he ‘got onto the red pill’. And that’s right, it’s about waking up from the matrix-like mass hypnosis of the msm in general and the beebshit in particular.
Good at least that your son sees all the problems, and has yet to be brainwashed into thinking how wonderful it all is.
I am middle aged and am very worried about my future and that of all decent, moral British people who, like me, loathe radical Islam, political correctness, denigration of Christianity, anti-semitism, lefty extremism, corruption in politics, police, judiciary, biased Beeb etc. I would consider emigrating if I had no family to consider.
Our saintly NHS appears to have gone and done it again.
The 1pm news reports that at a ‘hospital’ in Derbyshire children were drugged before being sexually abused.
I know no more but let me hazard some guesses.
The perpetrators were promoted, moved, or given an early retirement package, with the whole thing being swept under the carpet, and management who ‘didn’t know anything’.
Just imagine the incandescent rage if such an institution had been in the private sector.
PS apologies to aslseelt above, didn’t see the post, but good to see we are on the same lines.
The NHS is run by the same people who run the bbc, local government, the police, schools and so on – really what can you expect?
– Cupcakes, snowflakes , arseholes and the morally defective.
They normally wait until people are twenty years dead, before they pop at the state providers like the NHS or schools.
Savile should have been allowed more time to moulder, being the BBCs defence for what they allowed to happen.
Everybody needs to have been promoted, retired, on everlasting Garden of Eden leave-or be safe for “legal reasons”, under a thirty year rule-David Kelly for example.
kids and trans, the BBC pet issue
“So Jeremy Vine do you want to cover the story of a schoolboy who wanted to do his school talent show , dressed as very sexualised, very swearing RuPaul ..but the school stopped it citing age-inappropriateness ?”
.. Of course he covered it and then ridiculed someone who tweeted that they supported the schools’s ban
The mother argued that the sweary and sexualisation had been edited out
.. I guess the school head didn’t want to risk that it would be edited back in.
The US TV guidelines give it a TV14 certificate
\\ This program contains some material that many parents would find unsuitable for children under 14 years of age.
… This program may contain one or more of the following: intensely suggestive dialogue (D), strong coarse language (L), intense sexual situations (S), or intense violence (V). //
LET THIS QUEEN LIVE! Dudley needs some fabulousness not some backwards bullshit about it being illegal. Also this boy is out and proud at 14, and that’s brilliant.
— David Morgan uɐɓɹoW pıʌɐᗡ (@thisisdavid) July 23, 2018
”THE men charged over an acid attack on a three-year-old boy – including his own father – have today appeared in court.
Adam Cech, 27, Jan Dudi, 25, and Norbert Pulko, 22, who are from Slovakia and live in London, appeared in court with Afghan-national Jabar Paktia, 41, of Wolverhampton, West Mids.
A 39-year-old man, the dad of the three-year-old boy, cannot be named for legal reasons.
The men today appeared on the charges of conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm at Kidderminster Magistrates’ Court.
BBC out-reported by The Scum
listening to the news this morning it appeared 5 new men had been arrested as the bbc told me with a straight face it was 3 cockneys and 2 brummies involved
Eddy ,
Grateful – had a feeling some snowflake judge might have have stuck a ‘ no reporting ‘ condition on it – I’m sure as a result of naming names plod will be out and about doing those wonderful extra patrols to “ reassure” the “ community “ .
Without prejudging the outcome of the trial let’s hope it’s deport orders all round after they’ve done their 6 months for a 5 year sentence …
Does this mean that we can refer to Muslims as psychiatric patients in the community, and imams as psychiatric social workers then?
Have we a ruling from the Guardian?
Almost a whole broadsheet page of the Yorkshire Post is an advert for the Ed balls , Trumpland show
“Ed’s American Adventure” runs the headline
I wonder how this free PR is set up
Anti Trump ? Sure to be a winner. Had to smile – bbc WS following Trump’s tweet calling out Iran. Who did they get for their opinion ?
A bloke from an Iranian University and guess how free, fair, and impartial he was?
Not sure if this is progress – in the seventies, for amusement, I read Soviet Weekly. It’s news bore nigh on zero relation to Western news. I now get the same effect comparing Fox News to the bbc.
Yes, I remember the news talking about Pravda and Tass as the Soviet state news agencies. It’s certainly hard to see how the Beeb is any different to them. One collective with all news passed through the same agenda.
Yup,’ Censored, Edited and Spun – Your BBC’
Anyway, cheerful survey – increasing numbers just don’t watch broadcast TV so the only thing that will be keeping us paying the TV tax is a draconian, oppressive and unfair law like something from the middle ages. Heck to see that TV money going to a good cause would be good, constructive and moral.
Poor old dems must be in panic mode afte the US President applies a lot of dollars to support American farmers . Great way to keep votes and cheese off the metropolitan dems who would nt know what a farm looks like except from 30 thousand feet …
A certain Labour MP – a ms Onasanya
Of Peterborough has been charged with Perverting the course of Justice – which , if found guilty, normally amounts to clink in a TR kind of way . Ms Ona whatever is , apparently , a lawyer and has a massive majority of 700.
I’m sure al beeb will broadcast the news of national importance in the way it deserves . For a labour MP to get past the CPS and be charged she must be stone bonker.
Well I never voted for her – with any luck Stewart Jackson can get back in – he may come across as an arrogant d1ck at times but at least he’s strongly pro-brexit , which is all I want from the Tories at this point.
Brexit is a start, Cooper Man. But I would want a lot more. Someone who is genuinely conservative, and is not obsessed with PC in any way, and is happy to say so, would be a good start.
The judiciary has a history. Remember another now ex-barrister, one Constance Briscoe (non-white) who was sentenced to 16 months, but only served 6 months for perverting the course of justice in the Chris Huhne (another honest and upstanding MP) affair.
It seems every bugger and his wife are corrupt. Except me and my lifelong friends who wouldn’t steal so much as a newspaper – alongside millions of other ‘ordinary’ and law abiding folk.
Sounds like a rerun of Huhne and Pryce!
Shouldn`t THEY be made to shack up together for a TV show, as part of a community good laugh?
I`d watch it-well, not really.
Camilla Batmangelidgh to play the part of Judge Bristow-darts lad, big turban.You`ll know himer?
Just heard Eddie Mair wondering why “being grumpy with your spouse of 45 years or so” is NOT grounds for “no blame divorces”.
The legal eagle with him now thinks there`s a national cause here to change the law-the one that`s been OK since 1973, the one that Labour did nothing with-yet, the Tories will now be expected to come running to Eddie to announce the law changes to please the BBC.
Unbelievable-will someone tell the legal lady that it`s only a “cause” because the BBC want the law changed today.
They`ll have forgotten tomorrow-ask John Warboys!
So, cheesed off with this I went over to Radio 3. Some femail singers moaning about having to leave their children to sing, can`t the Proms do better?.all those horrid conductors and dead white males with their complex arrangements, bloody Mozart or Monteverdi knew nothing of creches or away days to London from Cambridge after 9pm.
Un be-f***in-leavable-like the EU eh?
Nah,we`re off.
But when THIS is Radio 3 , the rot has gone deep and very fast. Ladies-do karaoke in your local pub, sing Cyndi Lauper-but if you want to be classical musicians, then get a husband to help you. Divorce will be easy afterwards if the BBC have their way.
Do like these.
“The BBC-where truth goes to die”
“BBC-offering fact free opinions, a news- free zone since 1992”
We laugh AT them, not WITH them these days.
Lead story on their site is a lake found on Mars. As I predicted, the news will soon report solely on natural phenomena as these are the only stories which offend nobody. Though I half suspect Lammy to pop up saying his ancestors built the lake therefore stop and search must be abolished.
LBC now : Sarah Champion threats is one topic for Farage’s phone-in
“Was she right or wrong to speak up against the Rotherham gangs ?”
i think NF used the M word , which is unusual
(BTW not 1400 girls
but 1,510 victims by NCA
some 140 of which maybe )
Remember last Friday’s Radio4 Point of View show
…where actually John Gray was yet another Metro-liberal,
but the libmob got incensed , cos he dared to challenge the romantic view that EU is a liberal paradise.
He said you couldn’t wave the finger at Brexit Brits as being the centre of “far right”, cos something about the EU itself was causing a far right backlash as seen in rise of European “far right” politics.
The libmob crazily labelled the piece pro-Brexit.
Now I see Adonis weighed in in reply to a tweet
Nasty little piece by John Gray on “point of view” R4 this morning in which he attempts to equate the rise of the ultra right with the existence of the EU!
He used the word “Liberal” with the same sneering disdain as used by red neck Trump supporters.
This is a new low! #FBPE— Tim Arthur (@tcarthur) July 22, 2018
I would like to do the next ‘point of view’ to praise the EU as one of the greatest forces for peace, prosperity & civilisation in the history of the world. @BBCNews – up for it?
Andrew Adonis (@Andrew_Adonis) July 22, 2018
FFS look at the first tweet
“The same sneering disdain as used by red neck Trump supporters”
He sneers at Trump supporters and then says they are the ones sneering.
Gray is that rare bird.
A lefty liberal atheist who goes where the evidence is, and thinks for himself.
Nick Cohen is another one, but -re Brexit-has been as blinkered and stupidly reflexive as Adonis.
But neither Gray nor Cohen were given their free soapbox fot having the name he has, the “narrative/backstory” he peddles-and, actually can write, think and “challenge” the libmob.
They HATE Gray…he`s not of their beehive and thinks his own thoughts.
That`s a crime with the left, he`ll know that and hopefully enjoy it.
The New Atheists will never forgive him because he says they`re not atheists, just thick…and CERTAINLY not new-Spinoza and Hegel set the bar, poor Adidas won`t know any of this.
Adonis is a follicularly challenged Mandelson without even a hint of governing experience, nor his charm.
Cathy Ashton with a Max wall wig.
The BBC love him-unelected, poncy pretensions and a know nothing like themselves.
— Prof. Rainbow Murray Ⓥ (@RainbowMurray) July 25, 2018
other guests
: Marsha Ramroop Founder @UnheardVC #CulturalIntelligence. #Communities @BBCLeicester.
: @timothy_stanley Historian, leader writer for Daily Telegraph, CNN opinion
: Simon Albury Campaign for Broadcasting Equality
: PAUL BURKE Award-winning advertising copywriter, producer and brand consultant; he has also published four novels.
: Danger Afua may be on.
Jon Sopel on Trump’s “untruths”. He claims it was the one about predicting the EU referendum result that made him sit up.
I sat up with a jolt. I had been there with him on that trip.
We didn’t arrive until the day after the referendum. He wasn’t there on June 22nd. He was there on June 24th. I pointed this out on Twitter, saying it was a bit bizarre.
Except if you look closely at Trump’s words he doesn’t say he was actually at Turnberry when he made the prediction. He says he made the prediction a day before and mentions he was at Turnberry. A mistake, or deliberately getting the media to concentrate on something unimportant?
It was Piers Morgan in the recent interview who has clearly stated that Trump predicted Brexit to him in an interview BEFORE the vote
He tweeted it 2016 as well
People call Trump an idiot but he correctly predicted Brexit & the reason why, when I interviewed him in March:
Can we start a campaign to shut down literally-a-communist-promoting extremist @OwenJones84? Seems only fair in light of his current obsessive desire to destroy @Nigel_Farage for simply having different opinions to him.
Have some consideration for other BBBC contributors please.
I noted the posts here about Fiona Onasanya perverting the course of justice.
Where was the warning about the content?
Up came the picture on Guido and I climbed on the roof.
There should be further charges, including perverting the course of beauty, having an offensive weapon (her face) in public.
She makes Abbott look pretty.
That left mob were sneering last night that they’d got rid of Ian Paisely so Tory gov was nearer to falling
I guess they weren’t bargaining on losing their own.
BBC 6 O’clock news leading on an age old story of child abuse at Aston Hall from 1947-970
Can you believe this cover up of the real Sara Champion death threats story from one of the BBC’s revered charities, the Rowntree foundation and all the recent abuse of white girls in so many UK cities by Asian men.
It’s censorship on an industrial scale and fabrication of real ‘todays’ news with something from the 70’s, deliberately to cover up the real facts which most of the MSM don’t want people to hear..
All day the internet has been showing the parking official handing a ticket to an ambulance crew who had stopped to buy some food. The man’s arrogance and ethnicity is obvious. But the BBC have covered his face and blurred his voice.
I hate Tesco – rude staff, pandering to minorities eg selling Polish crap , using slave labour from the job centre, championing immigration , bullying suppliers and dairy farmers, hogging land etc
Well done to that coloured lad handing the drivers a ticket.
Should have clamped them too.
I suppose you are right, the Poles need their Polish brand orange juice I’m sure it tastes way better than our brands, but as neither country grows a single orange- I’m not sure how.
I’m afraid my view of them is skewed by the 4 obnoxious drunken loud music playing yobs I had as neighbors.
I’m sure your concern is heartfelt. Be fair, as Boris warned, our Theresa and her oily deep state advisors will soon be sending out for crap polish in large quantities.
guest …easy to denegrate an entire website for the sake of one comment. Some might want to think a bit before making cavalier comments of which I have not seen any reports.
While channel hopping (I can’t bear to spend more than a few minutes on any beeb channel, or I feel sullied) I stumbled on some documentary on 1066. Robert de Beaumont (I think) was played by a black actor. That’s just plain wrong, historically and geographically. And confusing: a Moor at the Duke of Normandy’s court… what??
Ok, so if we’re all meant to be colour blind now, I look forward to a white actor playing saint Mandela, or Martin Luther King, or O’barmy, or any of the pantheon of beeb idols.
I’d guess whist the Moors may have had soot black skin, their features were not like the Negros – for want of a better term,
that are always chosen to play them by PC directors.
Obamma lamma ding dong was half white wasn’t he? The white half doesn’t get equal attention though. Never did. First “black” POTUS? We have yet to see one. Hopefully when he comes along he’ll be an “extreme right wing” Republican.
Oh dear, the story of the acid attack on the 3 year old boy is taking a direction the beebistan won’t like one bit.
Let’s see how they spin it, or disappear it.
DM: “Afghan mother of acid attack boy, 3, ‘was tracked down by her violent asylum seeker husband after she appeared in newspaper without her veil’ as police continue to quiz him.”
Without her veil? She had it coming then, didn’t she.
Guest – He wont need to worry too much as Aunty and probably “Max Hill QC” probably still love him. And after all he is from Afganistan so I there is always the ol “cultural relativism defense – “It is perfectly normal mlud to throw acid over your own son if your wife doesn’t wear a veil”
“Yes I agree – 6 months suspended and community service – NEXT!”
BBC London local news at 10.30 stated that hot summers will become more frequent. Tom Edwards their local reporter was asking what could be done to buildings to help in the heat. But this is the first hot summer for years. Last year I didn’t even get to have bare legs. At the handover between the reader and the weatherman, questions about whether tomorrow could be the hottest day in London ever. I was in north London today and at 11:45 my car registered 81 degrees farhenheit, the Tube was bearable. Why do I feel the heat is being overegged?
Do you think they should try using cladding or similar ?
Not being in Blighty time zone I saw Newsnight for the first time in years – people sue ing the NHS because a god almighty consultant used sodium Amatol on them in the 1960s
Followed by allegedly female gang members telling their story – done by actresses who sounded white when these animals are actually black ( see crime figures ). . Sex is an initiation ceremony at age @ -4 .
It means nothing to these vibrant vermin .
I’m not sure if what Newsnight was trying to achieve apart from celebrating diversity .
Disagree Deborah.
The weather is sweltering. It’s not a BBC lie. It’s miserable where I am.
32C today. Not fit for man nor beast. I don’t share a love of the sun. Let the Spaniards have it.
BBC London news has a story about a cabbie who likes to take photos.
This is a nice story, not news. You cannot just stop doing your job when the going gets tough but that is what the BBC do. “Reality might offend someone so let’s ignore it.” Give us back some licence fee money then as this an insult. If I want to look at photography I can visit a gallery.
I just caught the end of Newsnight segment on gang crime. Something about 3 (black) girls trying to talk the Queens English, “I aint going there am I? Know wot I mean? Init? I aint going there? I stabbed someone didn’t I? Yeah man? You know wot I mean? It’s just beef aint it?”
Then back into the studio with 2 black experts on gangs.
I hope everyone’s enjoying the programme on BBC2 each night about how boys and girls should be taught in primary schools that there’s no difference between boys and girls. Your hard-earned licence fee money is helping to pay for it.
Top man @GaryLineker. I’m biased he did play for @SpursOfficial but thank god some people are prepared to stick their neck out and not pander to the “will of the people” bollocks.
.@GaryLineker has tonight backed a referendum on May's final Brexit deal. He has a v big Twitter following that will delight @peoplesvote_uk. And he's free of BBC rules on political impartiality cos freelance/non news role etc
Gary wants a referendum so the people can be heard. Did he miss it? Meanwhile, David Lammy will oppose the outcome of any referendum because he thinks the will of the people is “bollocks”. Two beings, kindred in spirit, intellect and unbridled senses of entitlement.
Exactly one month ago Starmer was furiously networking at the European Parliament (26 June). Apparently he told the Socialists and Democrats Group of EU MEPs that Labour has not ruled out a second referendum on the final Brexit deal.
Delighted to hear Kir Starmer say to the #S&D Group in the #EP that #Labour has not ruled out a second Referendum on the final #Brexit deal.
Did anyone see the Irish Republican lovefest on the ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ with Boy George? They found a half-blood relative who married an Irish terrorist that the British hanged. The Half blood aunt was the daughter of his grandad’s brother but still a fairly distant relative as they are always keen to emphasize on their ‘Heir Hunters’ morning show . They made the bloke out to be such a hero as George sobbed a little for all the nastiness by the country he has always called home.
”By Matthew Moore 10:05AM GMT 15 Jan 2009
The 47-year-old former Culture Club frontman is due to be sentenced on Friday for the false imprisonment of a male escort after a photo shoot.
After his conviction last month for shackling Norwegian Audun Carlsen to his bed at his flat in Shoreditch, east London, he was warned by Judge David Radford to expect a jail term.
Mr Carlsen, 29, told Snaresbrook Crown Court in London that O’Dowd beat him with a metal chain as he tried to escape from the premises, after accusing him of tampering with his computer.
O’Dowd, who did not give evidence at his trial, denied to police that he punched or assaulted Mr Carlsen or swung a chain at him as the escort fled the flat.
He suggested that bruises Mr Carlsen sustained could have been due to the fact that he was HIV positive.
On 16 January 2009, George was sentenced to 15 months’ imprisonment for these offences.[46] George was initially incarcerated at HM Prison Pentonville, but was then transferred to HM Prison Highpoint North. He was given early release after four months for good behaviour on 11 May 2009”
Imagine, say Donald Trump shackling a woman to his bed, beating her with a chain and going to prison, and the BBC overlooking it..
That’s because Trump knows how to play hard ball.
TM clearly ought to have listened to his advice.
So America gets a better deal than most other countries yet Trump is an idiot? Well the proof is in the pudding. Sweet!
Funny how the beeb – anti-sexist, anti-lookist, anti-ageist, anti-discriminatory, right-on, pc, pro-feminist, holier than thou beeb – still manages to find pretty young women to interview, even amid disasters such as the Greek fires.
Or perhaps Ms Katerina Pantelidis was the only survivor in the entire country.
Phwoar, get your ke-baps out for the lads Katerina.
I wouldn’t trust Oily Robbins as far as I could throw him with one hand…he rarely looks at JRM – clearly he knows he is lying. I think time will tell that he has lied – but by that time he will be in the HoL ( a Mandelson clone)
Anyone seen/heard anything on BBC about the Labour MP for Peterborough in court for perverting course of Justice – well she is BAME…now if she were a white Tory – how much do you think the BBC would be milking it…not that I am cynical
As is often the case, when kip is impossible, it has to be a session on earphones to save a slumbering Senora O’Blene from waking up and becoming verbal…
While some programmes are fine, especially when they play English composers, I suppose it is inevitable that R5Dead comes up and the dull Rhod Sharpe was at his worst this morning, which is expected of course.
But at 3:00 am, why do the continuity bits have to use some shrieking yelling excitable gink, shouting about Lois Hambleton or some other motorcyclist, or even worse some bloke who used to be Gorrie Lineacre yelping about some other bird clonking a ball into a net as though it’s interesting, but needs to be rammed down your ears like it’s the biggest event in the whole of the history of the universe…
If I can’t sleep, I either watch a diet of Russian motor vehicle accidents via dashcams on Youtube, and think of the BBC, or quietly listen to Smooth Radio, or Gold Radio. The volume goes down during the adverts and “news” breaks. I don’t listen to Classic FM at night, because it’s usually on all day in the background.
While the sun shines, we fail oncemore to fix the roof – or some such.
What a way to start the day. No news today, so the burbling crook (or should that be crock) of BBC tv news spends half-an-hour (I’ll never get back) moaning and bitching how divorce is too difficult and the weather is too hot – mind you, there’s no chance of us being allowed any ‘no fault weather’ anywhere on the BBC horizon as Roger Harribo (the sweeetie) tees up to tell us all pensioners must die – unless, presumably, we take that Natalie Bennett seriously again – I switch off at this point.
I’ve already over-consumed. Oh what it must be to be ‘one of society’s most vulnerable’. To have the BBC actually care about one. Definition of vulnerabilty supplied only as and when…
“Carol’s the one with the facts and figures” Here we go, abacus, notebook and copy of the Guinness Book of Records at the ready, it must be the weather.
She has a new angle on the Roy Castle schtick ‘overnight low record high…’ Give me a minute or two to fathom that one out. But first a word from our sponsors (we’re coming to you from within a Royal Park) ‘whatever you do don’t feed the bloody ducks and be careful with those barbeques, lest you set the grass alight (tiger, tiger)’ As one imagines Mary Poppins, Spike Milligan and Mr Kipling unceremoniously stuffed into a Rainbow-painted Paddy Wagon and hauled off for crimes against the 21st Century – their names withheld for reasons of community cohesion…. the name Roger Harri… fades into silence as I unilaterally withdraw the electricity supply, now a song pops into my head.
It’s that slightly annoying old Joni Mitchel thing linking divorce, dissatisfaction with your lot and moaning in general, which sums up the BBC idea of summer viewing…
Late last night
I heard the screen door slam
And a big yellow taxi
Took away my old man
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
‘Till it’s gone….
Great writing from AISI indeed, OG. He has even managed to get Global Warming and Climate Change in there with dear old Joni, who was an early environmentalist (I hope) and not a mentalist-enviro.
Agh. Again! What is this coverage? As @zelo_street & @PrivateEyeNews have pointed out, @darrengrimes_ launched this crowdfunder to pay his fine. That's illegal – because the source of funds must be declared. What is this puff piece?!?
Anyone listening to the French Minister on Today R4. She basically said if we leave with no deal – the UK will suffer the most ( despite recent IMF statements to the opposite) and as the French benefit from the CAP more than anyone – they might just feel it too – Calais will be a cark park etc etc…she doesn’t have to qualify any statements and the Beeboid just encourages her… Incisive interview :-)))
On sad git note – I am shocked by the number of dead bodies I am seeing on the street as a result of the heat wave… and an MP has declared today on BBC – with no hint of challenge – that it will get worse – she said we have had an increasing number of heat waves over the last 50 years and it will get worse…Actually if you look at the Met office Stats for the last 50 years it has been a regular pattern of maximum temperatures interspersed with a relatively few spikes….
How do we elect these F—king idiots who have mouths much larger than their brains? And why do the BBC never challenge this sort of statement?
As you and I know, the reason why the BBC never challenge those arguments is that it is BBC POLICY to broadcast only one side of the climate science (in my view, the flawed, unscientific, propagandist side) and has been since the infamous 2006 meeting that they tried so hard to hide. It’s shocking, and something that a firm government could instruct them to change, but politicians of all nearly all flavours have so much invested in the climate scams (carbon-free fantasies, etc) that without dramatic change, I don’t see any end to the madness.
JA, Global Warming and its later invention Climate Change is a new Religion. You have to believe. The BBC are fully signed up to this new ‘faith’. Indeed, they probably unconsciously think of themselves as one of its High Priests or High Priestesses. (Other sts and esses are available.)
There was always going to be a problem over time. It was obvious to this (relative) youngster who took an interest in such things that, if I made it to my three score years and ten (still a little way off), I would get to see if the predictions of the mental-enviros (taken up so enthusiastically by many politicians & Civil Servants) came about.
The wild ones were for a decade ago. This decade is fast approaching an end and true Global Warming has still not happened. Neither has the world’s climate significantly changed. ‘They’ are getting worried.
Define ‘climate’ anyway. If this summer so far became a typical ‘climate’ for south-east England it would be a far more acceptable climate to an elderly me than a young me. If the winters became more wintery with frosts, snow and ice, as long as the central heating carried on working, it too would also be a much more acceptable climate to an elderly me but I recognise that many more of a similar age and older would struggle and be much more likely to die. That is what the mortality statistics show.
As the predictions of ‘the prophets’ of this ‘new religion’ have failed so far, when we get extreme weather events they will seized upon enthusiastically as evidence of Global Warming and Climate Change.
Do not despair, good Sir, do not despair. Just smile sweetly and ask the BBC to show the global heat map they put up yesterday in full, not the cropped version that left out some very small bands of light and medium blue before quickly turning purple in the southern hemisphere.
That may be why the BBC are pushing the GW/CC narrative so hard at present. The winter for the southern hemisphere is proving a tad chilly this year.
I caught some of that this morning. I don’t remember the name of the interviewer (today it was two gentlemen who sounded similar) anyway, towards the end of the interview, he seemed desperate to get her to say that the EU would have the UK back on the same terms as before!
Please take us back. Oh please, please take us back.
James, it is a hot summer so far this year but they seem to have forgotten last winter was a long cold one. Colder than average where I am. Perhaps that’s all it is? An unusual year with a long cold winter and a long hot summer. It’s bound to happen from time to time. I hate hot weather but there is no need to assume it will be the same next year. Last year was lovely.
A hot summer has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change – whoever tries to pretend otherwise is an ill-informed bullshitter. Ah, Mr. Harrabin – right on cue.
There are hot summers, cool summers, dry summers, wet summers, and non-descript summers. The reverse is true for the winter season.
Over the years, the predictions of Armageddon have spectacularly failed – ALL of them. Nobody believes it any more.
So take a hike Harrabin, you’re wasting your time, and ours, too.
OG, hope you are having a great time down in France and are well.
My reply to JA, above, refers.
As I completed it, I had a sudden ‘memory moment’ and thought of Elijah and his contest on God’s behalf with the Prophets of Baal. (First Book of the Kings of Israel, chapter 18 provides the full account.)
Think of The Horrorbin and the BBC as some of the Prophets of Baal a.k.a. GW/CC.
They have to sing and dance. They will be doing it even more frantically for the next decade if Global Warming and Climate Change do not turn up as prophesied by them for the past two decades.
Brexit is already affecting the chances of our importing loads of rain dancers from the Romania and the Balkans.
Trump killed all the Cherokee ones we used to get, and the Sioux are all trapped at the Mexican border, unable to get in to see their families.
This is the BBC.
BBC Breakfast..
As usual talking more rubbish about the weather.
Starts off with Nagga. ‘Can we expect this sort of heat for decades to come?… So Nagga? does one swallow make a summer?
Then to a mini debate with four so called experts.
First a black nurse. Answers to what are the consequences of this heat? ‘Lots of sunburn and other things’ was her unconvincing answer as sunburn is usually totally avoidable.
Next expert some architect. Solution….. Have computers to open windows in public buildings like Stockholm airport’
I remember when I was young in the hot summers there was some bloke that would go round opening windows with a long pole with a hook at the end.
Next some weather expert to suit the BBC agenda.
‘Lately, we get these heatwaves every five years or so and they are only going to get worse because of climate change.’
That clown obviously doesn’t live in the North East where we haven’t had a hot summer for the last 30 years.
Lies lies and more dammed lies, but what do you expect from our national broadcaster….
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Call me a male chauvinist pig . Am I paranoid? But there are
times on BBC TV and plenty of times during the day when
the programmes could be called ” Womens Hour” over and
over again.
A good time for this is around newstimes. For instance we will
see the “liberal” Jo Coburn presenting the Politics today.
Followed by the 1PM National news where the presenters are
at the very least 75% women, if not 80%.
We in London have this followed by the Londonistan Programme
where if one of three or four women
don’t present the programme ,it’s Asad Ahmad. What is also
bizzare about this programme is that for at least the first three
or four items . Be it about crime in New York where a women
reporter has been sent over to New York to interview black
policemen, black members of the public about black gang crime
in the Big Apple. And how it compares to crime in London where
there is no mention of who perpertrates most of this violent knife
and gun crime in the Smoke.
This is is followed by several other features involving women reporters.. Quite often the final couple of items are left to
men reporters followed by the weather forecast presented by
an assortment of all sorts of weather forecasters. I suppose
“diversity” would be an apt description. Nothing wrong with that.
We see the same thing around 6PM and 10PM.
I just wonder if it’s Big Brother at the diversity department
gettting his ( If he doesn’t mind me calling him a his) own back over
the coverage of the World Cup, where we saw nearly all
male commentators and pundits?
Foscari, funny you should mention that but I did a screen grab of the sixth picture at the top of the BBC News Page, accessed via the top clicky of their Home Page on their web-site: . (extreme right, second one down)
I saved it with the title ‘THE NOT SO SUBTLE DISPLACEMENT OF MEN #1’.
I am fairly certain there will be a #2, #3, #4 and onwards.
I have some good news to report from the BBC’s TOADY Programme assistant toadie, The Horrorbin.
He used the ‘A’ word.
On the programme this morning, he used the ‘A’ word!
He used the ‘A’ word in relation to Global Warming and Climate Change.
I, Bjorn Lomborg and many, many others have been waiting for this moment. Take down those wretched wind turbines in beautiful land and seascape locations. Lever the Solar Panels off those beautiful old houses that don’t quite qualify for a Listing status.
Put them all on industrial estates and retail parks instead.
Let’s get scientific, instead, and adapt.
It is, after all, what the natural world would do.
There could be a proper popcorn job today if President Trump says anything with Yunker the unelected ReichEU bully he is meeting at the White House . Obviously the Reich EU is worried about tariffs being slapped on Kraut cars .
Bet he does a better job of putting the ReichEU in its place than out per poor politicians but of course he doesn’t live in their swamp.
AND he doesn`t drink or need a wheelchair to pour him into.
Juncker is a pisspot, bet the rest of them are too.
Trump and Putin-real men, no wonder the left hate them. We get Juncker and Soubry, Adonis and Clegg, Heseltine and Hammond FFS.
Paywalled so here is a summary:
Sarah Champion, the labour MP for Rotherham, is being ousted from her seat by left wing Labour activists allied to radical Muslims. She now has permanent police protection because of the scale of the death threats against her.
The attacks are led by Just Yorkshire, a radical Islamist group largely funded by The Rowntree Foundation. Its main speaker is a radical academic, Waqas Tufail who is anti British and anti white.
The Times says: “Since 2008 Just Yorkshire has received more than £550,000 from the Joseph Rowntree trust, which has also given £230,000 to The Monitoring Group (TMG), a London racial justice charity with which Just is associated. TMG says its formation was “inspired by” the US Black Panther movement.”
Just Yorkshire has published anti Champion reports funded by “the Rotherham Taxi Association and the Rotherham Council of Mosques.”
The attacks from within the South Yorkshire are led by council’s former deputy leader, Jahangir Akhtar.
Taiba Yasseen, a Momentum supporter, is being touted as Champion’s replacement. She was suspended by the local labour party for reasons that are held secret. She has been fighting Champion’s ‘racism’ against Asian groups.
So death threats from hate groups against a democratically elected MP who is being ousted by radical Muslims funded by UK Charities and supported by Left wing labour MPs. Not worth a mention on the “world’s most trusted broadcaster”.
scribbling, thanks for going to the trouble to summarise all that.
My immediate thought?
Possible breach of Charity Commission rules which have recently been tightened.
I fear the Charity Commission is a grand sounding name for some beeboid and his her or self identifying dog. I did a bit of work on it a few years ago and found it does anything but regulate all those outfits running tax free .
Confirmed no new BBC page mentions “Sarah Champion”
nor does “Sarah Champion” +BBC bring anything up on a twitter search, nor LBC,
The Sun and Sky do have the story
No open comments in the Sun
The Times’ frontpage is just about readable if you zoom the image
Well, shit stinks and rats have fleas. As my wife is forever telling me, “Why are you surprised ?”
In Pakistan they are in the midst of elections – lots of bribery, coercion, bombs and death – that’s our future. If you are, be thankful you are nearer the end of your life than the beginning.
Good on The Times for bringing the hounding of Sarah Champion story to light. Probably the most important and certainly one of most worrying news stories out there. Yes, I checked too and there’s not a word on the BBC, instead focused on some historic abuse case. What they choose not to cover says so much about this pathetic excuse of a state broadcaster – Toronto attack pops up and disappears almost immediately, all over the acid attack story until the full tale comes out and still no names disclosed etc etc. And we are still waiting for the Beeb to investigate the statist, undemocratic mafia-like EU and the reasons why much of Europe is turning away from it.
Truly appalling treatment of a Labour MP who was trying to stick up for some of her constituents. If you are white, and live in Rotherham, you need to be very scared. I bet Common Purpose people have wormed their way into the charities which are now attacking Champion. We are in for a rough ride over the next few decades to be sure.
The opponents of anyone drawing attention to the systematic rape of underage white, often vulnerable but mostly impressionable, teenage girls adopt their usual tactic of conflating race with religion. The perpetrators are Muslim men, they can be from Pakistan but can also come from Africa or any other Muslim country. It is not just Rotherham either, it is nationwide. It is not just this country, either, it is Holland as well and has been for decades. Before underage teenage girls became the predominant class of victims, it was underage Sikh girls. This stopped when Sikhs began to take the law into their own hands. The problem has been with us for decades and the public bodies who one would have expected to have defeated these problems were terrified into doing nothing because of political correctness. The EDL was set up for the sole purpose of bringing attention to what has been happening but was labelled a far right organisation by the MSM. What a sickening catalogue of cowardice and ineptitude.
Well said, Navets. It is indeed a shocking betrayal of thousands and thousands of girls. Why do we never get any coverage of how some of the victims have coped over the years, whether any are able to turn their lives around. Shame on the entire MSM for covering this all up, and shame on those in authority who have been complicit in the cover-up…this latter group deserve to be jailed for what they have done.
She take my money when I’m in need
Yeah, she’s a triflin’ friend indeed
Oh, she’s a gold digger
Acid attack on three year old boy .
An EDL march in Worcester happened when a three year old boy was attacked .
Later it’s revealed the incidents are not connected .
That’s a BBC way of trying to do down a “far right” group .
How about
Acid attack on three year old boy .
A three year old boy was acid attacked in Worcester , where rail chaos ensued affecting other parts of the country .
Later to be revealed the two are not connected . The rail problems are due to signal failure .
“A three year old boy was acid attacked in Worcester , as Tory cuts target the poor causing a spike in violent crime with unprecedented food bank use, as the catastrophe that is Brexit sends the country over the cliff edge punishing the young who were cruelly denied a say in their own future, and continuing the oppression of women and gays and LGTKB++ and ethnic muslim minority communities who are not all terrorists as Islam is a religion of peace and love and if you are white its your fault and you should be ashamed.” an impartial onlooker said ..
Actually, to be strictly correct, which a 100% accurate BBC would always want to be, the boy was attacked, IIRC, inside a Home Bargains store at a Retail Park some way from Worcester City centre. The BBC have it right – at last – in this report:
The BBC tell me “West Mercia Police said it would not be releasing the identities of the men who have been charged.”
A Cliff Richard ‘moment’.
Let me guess the names likely to be something like Mark, Andrew or John but mohammad, abdul and jalal and being as it is likely to be mohammad, abdul and jalal the BBC is not interested in publishing the identities but if it had been Mark, Andrew and John then the BBC would be plastering their names on every news programme. Gotta love that legendary BBC reputation for balance and facts
Yes, the BBC should be put to sleep, its life support terminated.
Excellent article here from Conservative Woman.
Folks, we are on the winning side.
The final news item on the Radio 2 noon news was about a woman refused a divorce until a further five years has passed as her husband wants to stay married.
The impartial, ‘I don’t hold an opinion’ Jeremy Vine wonders whether we are living in the 19th century. Perhaps we are still living in a time when a contract between two people is still binding? It used to be pretty obvious that a non-binding contract isn’t a contract.
It’s ‘you couldn’t make it up’ time. Again.
Had a rough night and woke at 3 am.
At about 0330 Mrs S also awoke and suggested to put the radio on.
It was tuned to bBBC World Service.
Surely at that time of night/day there could be no narrative, no favoured self-interest group?
A gay guy who used to dance for Madonna back in the 80s was reminiscing about his friends with HIV/Aids!!!
What are the chances of that?
Being the bBBC, quite high. Obviously.
“03.30 …. gay guy who used to dance for Madonna…”
Surely the BBC knows their target audience for this item would have been out partying.
I’m surprised you could understand the “worlds favourite radio station “ at 0330 because normally it is some african from bongo bongo land who is doing it for his English lessons.
I hope I don’t offend any one from “ bongo bongo “ land but have a listen to it sometime and you’ll see what I mean .,
Deemed worthy of the front page of the BBC webshite.
A student activist in Sweden is featured making a huge scene as she was on the same aircraft flight as an Afghan denied asylum.
She doesn’t agree with this policy.
No prizes for guessing the BBC’s ‘impartial’ approach to open door immigration.
Is it really wrong of me to wish she had been sent back with him? I have nothing but contempt for her sort and hope they are the first to suffer the consequences of inviting that culture to their lands.
Sweden is deep in the fertilizer with it’s imported third world muslim vermin Though of course our beloved BBC would never report that now would it but if Swedish patriots stand up and defend their country, culture and people against the imported third world muslim vermin needless to say the Ministry Of Truth would be blasting “Right wing neo-nazi thugs” over every news programme though being the Ministry Of Truth it will be minus the facts as we have come to expect from the Ministry Of Truth.
I expect all the Electric car PR guys are getting ready to hijack BBC MoneyBox phone-in at 3pm on Radio4
BBC TV News at one where our national broadcaster finds an historic child sexual abuse case they can really get their teeth into.
Luckily there’s no connections back to BBC stars such as Savile. And happily, there’s no community cohesion issues for the BBC to keep mum about – like those complicating so many current cases.
Mind you, this does involve “The State” but our Mark Easton, to give him his due, does explain this horrible doctor and his institution were part of the public sector.
He says it was part of the “health service”
However, our Mark can’t quite bring himself to complete the three word trinity : National Health Service
or to spell out the sacred initials N.H.S.*
*praise be to the NHS and the prophet Danny Boyle
Hatred of the BBC and its rubbish can be found everywhere. Here is a chap explaining his dislike of Have I got news for you.
Well, it’s one of the oh so many bbc propaganda vehicles and financed by us. Not since King John has such an obscene tax been levied as the bbc license of today. We pay to facilitate and promote the steady destruction of our culture, our standards, our religion and ultimately our nation.
I’m embarrassed when my eleven year old points out how rubbish this country has become. How he’s not safe on the streets, how law and order is a joke, how a pupil / gang member was murdered outside his prospective secondary school. He says he’ll emigrate when older – I hope, for his sake, he can.
kingkp – F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C.
Doug is supremely insulting about the beeb’s (HIGNFY) sense of entitlement.
Do watch, it’ll leave you smiling.
Reminds me of Milo’s utter contempt.
Thank you for that – just wish he’d really gone for al beeb
Right on gaxvil.
Interestingly he says he ‘got onto the red pill’. And that’s right, it’s about waking up from the matrix-like mass hypnosis of the msm in general and the beebshit in particular.
Welcome to Reality.
Good at least that your son sees all the problems, and has yet to be brainwashed into thinking how wonderful it all is.
I am middle aged and am very worried about my future and that of all decent, moral British people who, like me, loathe radical Islam, political correctness, denigration of Christianity, anti-semitism, lefty extremism, corruption in politics, police, judiciary, biased Beeb etc. I would consider emigrating if I had no family to consider.
All modern comedy is a virtue signal fest
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
Our saintly NHS appears to have gone and done it again.
The 1pm news reports that at a ‘hospital’ in Derbyshire children were drugged before being sexually abused.
I know no more but let me hazard some guesses.
The perpetrators were promoted, moved, or given an early retirement package, with the whole thing being swept under the carpet, and management who ‘didn’t know anything’.
Just imagine the incandescent rage if such an institution had been in the private sector.
PS apologies to aslseelt above, didn’t see the post, but good to see we are on the same lines.
The NHS is run by the same people who run the bbc, local government, the police, schools and so on – really what can you expect?
– Cupcakes, snowflakes , arseholes and the morally defective.
They normally wait until people are twenty years dead, before they pop at the state providers like the NHS or schools.
Savile should have been allowed more time to moulder, being the BBCs defence for what they allowed to happen.
Everybody needs to have been promoted, retired, on everlasting Garden of Eden leave-or be safe for “legal reasons”, under a thirty year rule-David Kelly for example.
kids and trans, the BBC pet issue
“So Jeremy Vine do you want to cover the story of a schoolboy who wanted to do his school talent show , dressed as very sexualised, very swearing RuPaul ..but the school stopped it citing age-inappropriateness ?”
.. Of course he covered it and then ridiculed someone who tweeted that they supported the schools’s ban
The mother argued that the sweary and sexualisation had been edited out
.. I guess the school head didn’t want to risk that it would be edited back in.
IMDB do give the parental guidelines for the TV show
eg over 15+ for Australia etc.
The US TV guidelines give it a TV14 certificate
\\ This program contains some material that many parents would find unsuitable for children under 14 years of age.
… This program may contain one or more of the following: intensely suggestive dialogue (D), strong coarse language (L), intense sexual situations (S), or intense violence (V). //
The school will be afraid of the Muslim parents.
Get the popcorn-always like these ones over competing “rights”
not the bbc..
”THE men charged over an acid attack on a three-year-old boy – including his own father – have today appeared in court.
Adam Cech, 27, Jan Dudi, 25, and Norbert Pulko, 22, who are from Slovakia and live in London, appeared in court with Afghan-national Jabar Paktia, 41, of Wolverhampton, West Mids.
A 39-year-old man, the dad of the three-year-old boy, cannot be named for legal reasons.
The men today appeared on the charges of conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm at Kidderminster Magistrates’ Court.
BBC out-reported by The Scum
listening to the news this morning it appeared 5 new men had been arrested as the bbc told me with a straight face it was 3 cockneys and 2 brummies involved
Eddy ,
Grateful – had a feeling some snowflake judge might have have stuck a ‘ no reporting ‘ condition on it – I’m sure as a result of naming names plod will be out and about doing those wonderful extra patrols to “ reassure” the “ community “ .
Without prejudging the outcome of the trial let’s hope it’s deport orders all round after they’ve done their 6 months for a 5 year sentence …
Toronto Mental Patient claimed by ISIS
Does this mean that we can refer to Muslims as psychiatric patients in the community, and imams as psychiatric social workers then?
Have we a ruling from the Guardian?
Nice one Ali.
Almost a whole broadsheet page of the Yorkshire Post is an advert for the Ed balls , Trumpland show
“Ed’s American Adventure” runs the headline
I wonder how this free PR is set up
Online uses a different title
Anti Trump ? Sure to be a winner. Had to smile – bbc WS following Trump’s tweet calling out Iran. Who did they get for their opinion ?
A bloke from an Iranian University and guess how free, fair, and impartial he was?
Not sure if this is progress – in the seventies, for amusement, I read Soviet Weekly. It’s news bore nigh on zero relation to Western news. I now get the same effect comparing Fox News to the bbc.
How we used to laugh at other countries propaganda-ized news media and feel sorry for the bullshited citizens who never heared the truth.
…and now we get to walk in their shoes.
Yes, I remember the news talking about Pravda and Tass as the Soviet state news agencies. It’s certainly hard to see how the Beeb is any different to them. One collective with all news passed through the same agenda.
Yup,’ Censored, Edited and Spun – Your BBC’
Anyway, cheerful survey – increasing numbers just don’t watch broadcast TV so the only thing that will be keeping us paying the TV tax is a draconian, oppressive and unfair law like something from the middle ages. Heck to see that TV money going to a good cause would be good, constructive and moral.
Poor old dems must be in panic mode afte the US President applies a lot of dollars to support American farmers . Great way to keep votes and cheese off the metropolitan dems who would nt know what a farm looks like except from 30 thousand feet …
A certain Labour MP – a ms Onasanya
Of Peterborough has been charged with Perverting the course of Justice – which , if found guilty, normally amounts to clink in a TR kind of way . Ms Ona whatever is , apparently , a lawyer and has a massive majority of 700.
I’m sure al beeb will broadcast the news of national importance in the way it deserves . For a labour MP to get past the CPS and be charged she must be stone bonker.
Bi election in November perhaps . ?
Well I never voted for her – with any luck Stewart Jackson can get back in – he may come across as an arrogant d1ck at times but at least he’s strongly pro-brexit , which is all I want from the Tories at this point.
Brexit is a start, Cooper Man. But I would want a lot more. Someone who is genuinely conservative, and is not obsessed with PC in any way, and is happy to say so, would be a good start.
What on earth possessed the good folk of Peterborough when they went into the voting booth…?
No idea – UKIP even stood down from the election so as to not split the vote – and she still won! I despair.
The judiciary has a history. Remember another now ex-barrister, one Constance Briscoe (non-white) who was sentenced to 16 months, but only served 6 months for perverting the course of justice in the Chris Huhne (another honest and upstanding MP) affair.
It seems every bugger and his wife are corrupt. Except me and my lifelong friends who wouldn’t steal so much as a newspaper – alongside millions of other ‘ordinary’ and law abiding folk.
Could it possibly be that “the good folk of Peterborough” didn’t know what they were voting for? It CAN happen – allegedly.
BBC Online News:
“”Fiona Onasanya MP charged with perverting the course of justice.””
“”An MP has been charged with perverting the course of justice over allegedly lying about who was behind the wheel of a speeding vehicle.””
She was a lawyer. If convicted, she will be imprisoned. Not that being a lawyer is a factor.
Sounds like a rerun of Huhne and Pryce!
Shouldn`t THEY be made to shack up together for a TV show, as part of a community good laugh?
I`d watch it-well, not really.
Camilla Batmangelidgh to play the part of Judge Bristow-darts lad, big turban.You`ll know himer?
We demand a second vote.
Just heard Eddie Mair wondering why “being grumpy with your spouse of 45 years or so” is NOT grounds for “no blame divorces”.
The legal eagle with him now thinks there`s a national cause here to change the law-the one that`s been OK since 1973, the one that Labour did nothing with-yet, the Tories will now be expected to come running to Eddie to announce the law changes to please the BBC.
Unbelievable-will someone tell the legal lady that it`s only a “cause” because the BBC want the law changed today.
They`ll have forgotten tomorrow-ask John Warboys!
So, cheesed off with this I went over to Radio 3. Some femail singers moaning about having to leave their children to sing, can`t the Proms do better?.all those horrid conductors and dead white males with their complex arrangements, bloody Mozart or Monteverdi knew nothing of creches or away days to London from Cambridge after 9pm.
Un be-f***in-leavable-like the EU eh?
Nah,we`re off.
But when THIS is Radio 3 , the rot has gone deep and very fast. Ladies-do karaoke in your local pub, sing Cyndi Lauper-but if you want to be classical musicians, then get a husband to help you. Divorce will be easy afterwards if the BBC have their way.
More signs of the death of the BBC. As it chokes to death people are emerging to poke fun at it.
At least “Garbage Truck 1957 ” used to take the rubbish away but this new fucker “Garbage Truck 2018” offloads the shit into your house.
Do like these.
“The BBC-where truth goes to die”
“BBC-offering fact free opinions, a news- free zone since 1992”
We laugh AT them, not WITH them these days.
Lead story on their site is a lake found on Mars. As I predicted, the news will soon report solely on natural phenomena as these are the only stories which offend nobody. Though I half suspect Lammy to pop up saying his ancestors built the lake therefore stop and search must be abolished.
Beeb Bro
But it DOES offend me. They are fleecing millions of pounds from the public purse, in order to disseminate useless information.
LBC now : Sarah Champion threats is one topic for Farage’s phone-in
“Was she right or wrong to speak up against the Rotherham gangs ?”
i think NF used the M word , which is unusual
(BTW not 1400 girls
but 1,510 victims by NCA
some 140 of which maybe )
New bbc dodge.
Pretend to leave a perceived error for a sock puppet to raise, enabling an already partial tweet to get rerun.
Of course.
The entire bbc seems to be trying a mass ‘tell it often enough’.
A mirror image of what Sean Spicer could say to her and her rancid organisation.
Remember last Friday’s Radio4 Point of View show
…where actually John Gray was yet another Metro-liberal,
but the libmob got incensed , cos he dared to challenge the romantic view that EU is a liberal paradise.
He said you couldn’t wave the finger at Brexit Brits as being the centre of “far right”, cos something about the EU itself was causing a far right backlash as seen in rise of European “far right” politics.
The libmob crazily labelled the piece pro-Brexit.
Now I see Adonis weighed in in reply to a tweet
FFS look at the first tweet
“The same sneering disdain as used by red neck Trump supporters”
He sneers at Trump supporters and then says they are the ones sneering.
Gray is that rare bird.
A lefty liberal atheist who goes where the evidence is, and thinks for himself.
Nick Cohen is another one, but -re Brexit-has been as blinkered and stupidly reflexive as Adonis.
But neither Gray nor Cohen were given their free soapbox fot having the name he has, the “narrative/backstory” he peddles-and, actually can write, think and “challenge” the libmob.
They HATE Gray…he`s not of their beehive and thinks his own thoughts.
That`s a crime with the left, he`ll know that and hopefully enjoy it.
The New Atheists will never forgive him because he says they`re not atheists, just thick…and CERTAINLY not new-Spinoza and Hegel set the bar, poor Adidas won`t know any of this.
Adonis is a follicularly challenged Mandelson without even a hint of governing experience, nor his charm.
Cathy Ashton with a Max wall wig.
The BBC love him-unelected, poncy pretensions and a know nothing like themselves.
8pm R4 Diversity is the topic
other guests
: Marsha Ramroop Founder @UnheardVC #CulturalIntelligence. #Communities @BBCLeicester.
: @timothy_stanley Historian, leader writer for Daily Telegraph, CNN opinion
: Simon Albury Campaign for Broadcasting Equality
: PAUL BURKE Award-winning advertising copywriter, producer and brand consultant; he has also published four novels.
: Danger Afua may be on.
Jon Sopel on Trump’s “untruths”. He claims it was the one about predicting the EU referendum result that made him sit up.
Except if you look closely at Trump’s words he doesn’t say he was actually at Turnberry when he made the prediction. He says he made the prediction a day before and mentions he was at Turnberry. A mistake, or deliberately getting the media to concentrate on something unimportant?
It was Piers Morgan in the recent interview who has clearly stated that Trump predicted Brexit to him in an interview BEFORE the vote
He tweeted it 2016 as well
some libs aren’t good at predicting
What’s Piers Morgan talking about today ?
Have some consideration for other BBBC contributors please.
I noted the posts here about Fiona Onasanya perverting the course of justice.
Where was the warning about the content?
Up came the picture on Guido and I climbed on the roof.
There should be further charges, including perverting the course of beauty, having an offensive weapon (her face) in public.
She makes Abbott look pretty.
That left mob were sneering last night that they’d got rid of Ian Paisely so Tory gov was nearer to falling
I guess they weren’t bargaining on losing their own.
So not off to jail instantly then?
BBC 6 O’clock news leading on an age old story of child abuse at Aston Hall from 1947-970
Can you believe this cover up of the real Sara Champion death threats story from one of the BBC’s revered charities, the Rowntree foundation and all the recent abuse of white girls in so many UK cities by Asian men.
It’s censorship on an industrial scale and fabrication of real ‘todays’ news with something from the 70’s, deliberately to cover up the real facts which most of the MSM don’t want people to hear..
All day the internet has been showing the parking official handing a ticket to an ambulance crew who had stopped to buy some food. The man’s arrogance and ethnicity is obvious. But the BBC have covered his face and blurred his voice.
I hate Tesco – rude staff, pandering to minorities eg selling Polish crap , using slave labour from the job centre, championing immigration , bullying suppliers and dairy farmers, hogging land etc
Well done to that coloured lad handing the drivers a ticket.
Should have clamped them too.
I gotta defend the Poles: fine people.
I’m no fan of Tesco’s, but selling their food is just a commercial decision, responding to demand.
I suppose you are right, the Poles need their Polish brand orange juice I’m sure it tastes way better than our brands, but as neither country grows a single orange- I’m not sure how.
I’m afraid my view of them is skewed by the 4 obnoxious drunken loud music playing yobs I had as neighbors.
Sadly, they do like their beer, probably doesn’t bring out the best in them.
‘if there is hope, it lies with the Poles’
“Polish crap”
This site is going downhill fast.
I’m sure your concern is heartfelt. Be fair, as Boris warned, our Theresa and her oily deep state advisors will soon be sending out for crap polish in large quantities.
”I hate Tesco – rude staff, pandering to minorities eg selling Polish crap..”
Highly processed long life sausages and jars of pickled cabbage, doesn’t constituent crap to you r thornton?
But it is not ‘this site’ is it?
A dire comment designed to provoke but duly ignored or rebuffed.
Or garnering such a response in complement from a rare, single track poster.
guest …easy to denegrate an entire website for the sake of one comment. Some might want to think a bit before making cavalier comments of which I have not seen any reports.
The summer I suppose.
While channel hopping (I can’t bear to spend more than a few minutes on any beeb channel, or I feel sullied) I stumbled on some documentary on 1066. Robert de Beaumont (I think) was played by a black actor. That’s just plain wrong, historically and geographically. And confusing: a Moor at the Duke of Normandy’s court… what??
Ok, so if we’re all meant to be colour blind now, I look forward to a white actor playing saint Mandela, or Martin Luther King, or O’barmy, or any of the pantheon of beeb idols.
A typical 11th Century Norman, as depicted by Auntie.
I’d guess whist the Moors may have had soot black skin, their features were not like the Negros – for want of a better term,
that are always chosen to play them by PC directors.
Before someone in the BBC history dept gets all orgasmic, the Black Prince was white. Only the armour was darkened.
Yeah they talk about ‘white washing’ but the other way round is not only ok but actively encouraged. God I hate their double standards.
Obamma lamma ding dong was half white wasn’t he? The white half doesn’t get equal attention though. Never did. First “black” POTUS? We have yet to see one. Hopefully when he comes along he’ll be an “extreme right wing” Republican.
Oh dear, the story of the acid attack on the 3 year old boy is taking a direction the beebistan won’t like one bit.
Let’s see how they spin it, or disappear it.
DM: “Afghan mother of acid attack boy, 3, ‘was tracked down by her violent asylum seeker husband after she appeared in newspaper without her veil’ as police continue to quiz him.”
Without her veil? She had it coming then, didn’t she.
Don’t envy his lawyer.
Trying to swing solitary in perpetuity is about the only option.
General population he’d last about ten minutes.
In with fellow seekers of peace, I doubt much longer as this stunt really stretched their PR credibility beyond even the limits these guys adhere to.
Guest – He wont need to worry too much as Aunty and probably “Max Hill QC” probably still love him. And after all he is from Afganistan so I there is always the ol “cultural relativism defense – “It is perfectly normal mlud to throw acid over your own son if your wife doesn’t wear a veil”
“Yes I agree – 6 months suspended and community service – NEXT!”
BBC Reality Check – Does the veil protect you from acid attacks?
Whats the connection- Afghans and Slovakians?

here where the Slovakians lived
That looks like a typical local authority housing door,
so best best the Afghans bagged the nice house from council and then sublet it, and thus met the Slovaks, and then (allegedly) offered them work.
More photos of the accessed:
like these better:

at least send a tall women …
1 CCTV body cam
2 mobile phones
2 watches
2 big para military trousers
2 black union jacks?
a bunch of lucky charms? held by a safety pin..
Where is that mans’ refkective shades and German ballistic helmet with bandage attached ….and a hook to be lifted by helicopter – action man indeed .
Is it a man?
Thank you : I was using the term in a wrong asexual sort of way in accordance with police doctrine . I should have used “person”or colleague.
Scruffy !
Do they inspire confidence in you ?
Only when they dance the Zumba
Wow – that story has probably already gone – the “what sort of animal would do a 3 year old ?” Now becomes – next Trump story please …
BBC London local news at 10.30 stated that hot summers will become more frequent. Tom Edwards their local reporter was asking what could be done to buildings to help in the heat. But this is the first hot summer for years. Last year I didn’t even get to have bare legs. At the handover between the reader and the weatherman, questions about whether tomorrow could be the hottest day in London ever. I was in north London today and at 11:45 my car registered 81 degrees farhenheit, the Tube was bearable. Why do I feel the heat is being overegged?
Do you think they should try using cladding or similar ?
Not being in Blighty time zone I saw Newsnight for the first time in years – people sue ing the NHS because a god almighty consultant used sodium Amatol on them in the 1960s
Followed by allegedly female gang members telling their story – done by actresses who sounded white when these animals are actually black ( see crime figures ). . Sex is an initiation ceremony at age @ -4 .
It means nothing to these vibrant vermin .
I’m not sure if what Newsnight was trying to achieve apart from celebrating diversity .
Disagree Deborah.
The weather is sweltering. It’s not a BBC lie. It’s miserable where I am.
32C today. Not fit for man nor beast. I don’t share a love of the sun. Let the Spaniards have it.
BBC London news has a story about a cabbie who likes to take photos.
This is a nice story, not news. You cannot just stop doing your job when the going gets tough but that is what the BBC do. “Reality might offend someone so let’s ignore it.” Give us back some licence fee money then as this an insult. If I want to look at photography I can visit a gallery.
Scrap the extortion tax. Now.
Envy of the world.
Awks don’t do it justice.
I just caught the end of Newsnight segment on gang crime. Something about 3 (black) girls trying to talk the Queens English, “I aint going there am I? Know wot I mean? Init? I aint going there? I stabbed someone didn’t I? Yeah man? You know wot I mean? It’s just beef aint it?”
Then back into the studio with 2 black experts on gangs.
Bloody racist BBC!
I hope everyone’s enjoying the programme on BBC2 each night about how boys and girls should be taught in primary schools that there’s no difference between boys and girls. Your hard-earned licence fee money is helping to pay for it.
What’s GaryLineker doing ?
Ah having a tantrum against Julia Hartley-Brewer
Doing? Leaving things on the door, like all impartial bbc staff.
Another bbc fave seems to like him though.
I wonder if they hot bunk a green room?
And another fan.
Paul seems smug. Possibly… too smug on bbc ‘special rules’?
So what you are saying is, Gary…
…anything you want.
Is there anything in between those ears? Maybe that is what first attracted the bbc so?
David Lammy: “…but thank god some people are prepared to stick their neck out and not pander to the “will of the people” bollocks”
– talking about Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, presumably.
“Will of the people bollocks”?
Is that his definition of democracy there?
What’s with the pout does he (Lineker) aspire to be posh spice?
Gary wants a referendum so the people can be heard. Did he miss it? Meanwhile, David Lammy will oppose the outcome of any referendum because he thinks the will of the people is “bollocks”. Two beings, kindred in spirit, intellect and unbridled senses of entitlement.
Exactly one month ago Starmer was furiously networking at the European Parliament (26 June). Apparently he told the Socialists and Democrats Group of EU MEPs that Labour has not ruled out a second referendum on the final Brexit deal.
Did anyone see the Irish Republican lovefest on the ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ with Boy George? They found a half-blood relative who married an Irish terrorist that the British hanged. The Half blood aunt was the daughter of his grandad’s brother but still a fairly distant relative as they are always keen to emphasize on their ‘Heir Hunters’ morning show . They made the bloke out to be such a hero as George sobbed a little for all the nastiness by the country he has always called home.
”By Matthew Moore 10:05AM GMT 15 Jan 2009
The 47-year-old former Culture Club frontman is due to be sentenced on Friday for the false imprisonment of a male escort after a photo shoot.
After his conviction last month for shackling Norwegian Audun Carlsen to his bed at his flat in Shoreditch, east London, he was warned by Judge David Radford to expect a jail term.
Mr Carlsen, 29, told Snaresbrook Crown Court in London that O’Dowd beat him with a metal chain as he tried to escape from the premises, after accusing him of tampering with his computer.
O’Dowd, who did not give evidence at his trial, denied to police that he punched or assaulted Mr Carlsen or swung a chain at him as the escort fled the flat.
He suggested that bruises Mr Carlsen sustained could have been due to the fact that he was HIV positive.
On 16 January 2009, George was sentenced to 15 months’ imprisonment for these offences.[46] George was initially incarcerated at HM Prison Pentonville, but was then transferred to HM Prison Highpoint North. He was given early release after four months for good behaviour on 11 May 2009”
Imagine, say Donald Trump shackling a woman to his bed, beating her with a chain and going to prison, and the BBC overlooking it..
So what do you all make from the Trump/Drunker deal as published by Al Beeb?
How will it effect Brexit?
Well, there could be water on Mars .
wtf, Trump got further with the EU in a few minutes than May in how long? 2 years? wft?
That’s because Trump knows how to play hard ball.
TM clearly ought to have listened to his advice.
So America gets a better deal than most other countries yet Trump is an idiot? Well the proof is in the pudding. Sweet!
Funny how the beeb – anti-sexist, anti-lookist, anti-ageist, anti-discriminatory, right-on, pc, pro-feminist, holier than thou beeb – still manages to find pretty young women to interview, even amid disasters such as the Greek fires.
Or perhaps Ms Katerina Pantelidis was the only survivor in the entire country.
Phwoar, get your ke-baps out for the lads Katerina.
What a scorcher. Ain’t arf hot mum.
The BBC also do photos of children in disasters – residue of the days of Saville
I wouldn’t trust Oily Robbins as far as I could throw him with one hand…he rarely looks at JRM – clearly he knows he is lying. I think time will tell that he has lied – but by that time he will be in the HoL ( a Mandelson clone)
Anyone seen/heard anything on BBC about the Labour MP for Peterborough in court for perverting course of Justice – well she is BAME…now if she were a white Tory – how much do you think the BBC would be milking it…not that I am cynical
Always a bit worrying when an educated person begins every answer with “So…”.
So, it’s like, Jim, they are, like, padding things out a bit like.
As is often the case, when kip is impossible, it has to be a session on earphones to save a slumbering Senora O’Blene from waking up and becoming verbal…
While some programmes are fine, especially when they play English composers, I suppose it is inevitable that R5Dead comes up and the dull Rhod Sharpe was at his worst this morning, which is expected of course.
But at 3:00 am, why do the continuity bits have to use some shrieking yelling excitable gink, shouting about Lois Hambleton or some other motorcyclist, or even worse some bloke who used to be Gorrie Lineacre yelping about some other bird clonking a ball into a net as though it’s interesting, but needs to be rammed down your ears like it’s the biggest event in the whole of the history of the universe…
…at 3:00 am…
If I can’t sleep, I either watch a diet of Russian motor vehicle accidents via dashcams on Youtube, and think of the BBC, or quietly listen to Smooth Radio, or Gold Radio. The volume goes down during the adverts and “news” breaks. I don’t listen to Classic FM at night, because it’s usually on all day in the background.
Radio 5, the station that makes hospital radio sound professional.
While the sun shines, we fail oncemore to fix the roof – or some such.
What a way to start the day. No news today, so the burbling crook (or should that be crock) of BBC tv news spends half-an-hour (I’ll never get back) moaning and bitching how divorce is too difficult and the weather is too hot – mind you, there’s no chance of us being allowed any ‘no fault weather’ anywhere on the BBC horizon as Roger Harribo (the sweeetie) tees up to tell us all pensioners must die – unless, presumably, we take that Natalie Bennett seriously again – I switch off at this point.
I’ve already over-consumed. Oh what it must be to be ‘one of society’s most vulnerable’. To have the BBC actually care about one. Definition of vulnerabilty supplied only as and when…
“Carol’s the one with the facts and figures” Here we go, abacus, notebook and copy of the Guinness Book of Records at the ready, it must be the weather.
She has a new angle on the Roy Castle schtick ‘overnight low record high…’ Give me a minute or two to fathom that one out. But first a word from our sponsors (we’re coming to you from within a Royal Park) ‘whatever you do don’t feed the bloody ducks and be careful with those barbeques, lest you set the grass alight (tiger, tiger)’ As one imagines Mary Poppins, Spike Milligan and Mr Kipling unceremoniously stuffed into a Rainbow-painted Paddy Wagon and hauled off for crimes against the 21st Century – their names withheld for reasons of community cohesion…. the name Roger Harri… fades into silence as I unilaterally withdraw the electricity supply, now a song pops into my head.
It’s that slightly annoying old Joni Mitchel thing linking divorce, dissatisfaction with your lot and moaning in general, which sums up the BBC idea of summer viewing…
Late last night
I heard the screen door slam
And a big yellow taxi
Took away my old man
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
‘Till it’s gone….
I’m constantly amused and edified by your thoughts, AsIseeIt…
Great writing from AISI indeed, OG. He has even managed to get Global Warming and Climate Change in there with dear old Joni, who was an early environmentalist (I hope) and not a mentalist-enviro.
Maybe the bbc could crowdfund the appeal?
“Things were going on”
Anyone listening to the French Minister on Today R4. She basically said if we leave with no deal – the UK will suffer the most ( despite recent IMF statements to the opposite) and as the French benefit from the CAP more than anyone – they might just feel it too – Calais will be a cark park etc etc…she doesn’t have to qualify any statements and the Beeboid just encourages her… Incisive interview :-)))
On sad git note – I am shocked by the number of dead bodies I am seeing on the street as a result of the heat wave… and an MP has declared today on BBC – with no hint of challenge – that it will get worse – she said we have had an increasing number of heat waves over the last 50 years and it will get worse…Actually if you look at the Met office Stats for the last 50 years it has been a regular pattern of maximum temperatures interspersed with a relatively few spikes….
How do we elect these F—king idiots who have mouths much larger than their brains? And why do the BBC never challenge this sort of statement?
As you and I know, the reason why the BBC never challenge those arguments is that it is BBC POLICY to broadcast only one side of the climate science (in my view, the flawed, unscientific, propagandist side) and has been since the infamous 2006 meeting that they tried so hard to hide. It’s shocking, and something that a firm government could instruct them to change, but politicians of all nearly all flavours have so much invested in the climate scams (carbon-free fantasies, etc) that without dramatic change, I don’t see any end to the madness.
JA, Global Warming and its later invention Climate Change is a new Religion. You have to believe. The BBC are fully signed up to this new ‘faith’. Indeed, they probably unconsciously think of themselves as one of its High Priests or High Priestesses. (Other sts and esses are available.)
There was always going to be a problem over time. It was obvious to this (relative) youngster who took an interest in such things that, if I made it to my three score years and ten (still a little way off), I would get to see if the predictions of the mental-enviros (taken up so enthusiastically by many politicians & Civil Servants) came about.
The wild ones were for a decade ago. This decade is fast approaching an end and true Global Warming has still not happened. Neither has the world’s climate significantly changed. ‘They’ are getting worried.
Define ‘climate’ anyway. If this summer so far became a typical ‘climate’ for south-east England it would be a far more acceptable climate to an elderly me than a young me. If the winters became more wintery with frosts, snow and ice, as long as the central heating carried on working, it too would also be a much more acceptable climate to an elderly me but I recognise that many more of a similar age and older would struggle and be much more likely to die. That is what the mortality statistics show.
As the predictions of ‘the prophets’ of this ‘new religion’ have failed so far, when we get extreme weather events they will seized upon enthusiastically as evidence of Global Warming and Climate Change.
Do not despair, good Sir, do not despair. Just smile sweetly and ask the BBC to show the global heat map they put up yesterday in full, not the cropped version that left out some very small bands of light and medium blue before quickly turning purple in the southern hemisphere.
That may be why the BBC are pushing the GW/CC narrative so hard at present. The winter for the southern hemisphere is proving a tad chilly this year.
Excellent post…:-)
I caught some of that this morning. I don’t remember the name of the interviewer (today it was two gentlemen who sounded similar) anyway, towards the end of the interview, he seemed desperate to get her to say that the EU would have the UK back on the same terms as before!
Please take us back. Oh please, please take us back.
James, it is a hot summer so far this year but they seem to have forgotten last winter was a long cold one. Colder than average where I am. Perhaps that’s all it is? An unusual year with a long cold winter and a long hot summer. It’s bound to happen from time to time. I hate hot weather but there is no need to assume it will be the same next year. Last year was lovely.
Not enough popcorn.
What a booty.
BBC Online News:
“”Regular heatwaves ‘will kill thousands'””
By Roger Harrabin
BBC environment analyst
“”Scientists differ on whether the current global rash of heatwaves is definitely caused by climate change””.
Maybe ‘settled science’ is no more regarding Climate Change?
DS ” “Regular heatwaves will (correction – MAY) kill thousands” ”
Regular cold snaps definitely kill tens of thousands.
What’s not to like, Mr Horrorbin, about the present weather?
Oh, I get it. More OLD people survive in hot weather than in cold weather. So that’s it!
Summer hot. Winter cold. In between it rains. Good that press and politicians can make so much out of that .
A hot summer has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change – whoever tries to pretend otherwise is an ill-informed bullshitter. Ah, Mr. Harrabin – right on cue.
There are hot summers, cool summers, dry summers, wet summers, and non-descript summers. The reverse is true for the winter season.
Over the years, the predictions of Armageddon have spectacularly failed – ALL of them. Nobody believes it any more.
So take a hike Harrabin, you’re wasting your time, and ours, too.
OG, hope you are having a great time down in France and are well.
My reply to JA, above, refers.
As I completed it, I had a sudden ‘memory moment’ and thought of Elijah and his contest on God’s behalf with the Prophets of Baal. (First Book of the Kings of Israel, chapter 18 provides the full account.)
Think of The Horrorbin and the BBC as some of the Prophets of Baal a.k.a. GW/CC.
They have to sing and dance. They will be doing it even more frantically for the next decade if Global Warming and Climate Change do not turn up as prophesied by them for the past two decades.
Brexit is already affecting the chances of our importing loads of rain dancers from the Romania and the Balkans.
Trump killed all the Cherokee ones we used to get, and the Sioux are all trapped at the Mexican border, unable to get in to see their families.
This is the BBC.
Old Goat
Your memory is obviously as long as mine and like you, I too dislike the flavour of bullshit.
BBC Breakfast..
As usual talking more rubbish about the weather.
Starts off with Nagga. ‘Can we expect this sort of heat for decades to come?… So Nagga? does one swallow make a summer?
Then to a mini debate with four so called experts.
First a black nurse. Answers to what are the consequences of this heat? ‘Lots of sunburn and other things’ was her unconvincing answer as sunburn is usually totally avoidable.
Next expert some architect. Solution….. Have computers to open windows in public buildings like Stockholm airport’
I remember when I was young in the hot summers there was some bloke that would go round opening windows with a long pole with a hook at the end.
Next some weather expert to suit the BBC agenda.
‘Lately, we get these heatwaves every five years or so and they are only going to get worse because of climate change.’
That clown obviously doesn’t live in the North East where we haven’t had a hot summer for the last 30 years.
Lies lies and more dammed lies, but what do you expect from our national broadcaster….