The lying treacherous BBC…the broadcaster that colluded with police in harassing Cliff Richard, probably because he is a white Christian who likes to keep his private life private. The same BBC which covered for and indeed facilitated sexual abuse of children by Jimmy Saville etc.
Only when the BBC has become subscription only and when the licence fee is abolished will I even think about buying a television set again.
Interesting – and interesting contrast with Shereeza May’s very own popularity ratings!! Somehow the Biased BBC never noticed this – or it doesn’t qualify as ‘news’. –
Oh it’s all over the BBC not
cos of course they only do anti-Trump PR as they did in with this scare story in January
If his ratings continue to feel gravity’s pull, expect anxious conversations in the Republican ranks as Congress gears up for the November 2018 mid-terms.
R4 at 8: Sopel again, boring as ever, with one of his repeatetive attacks on Trump. This time trying to rope in former lawyer M Cohen to ‘get the dirt’ on Trump.
Why doesn’t he report on the illegal payments Hillary made to subvert the Trump campaign before the election, and tell us a bit more about the role in that of certain police and intelligence agencies?
Hillary’s Russian links make a far better story. An attempted coup makes a far better story. Why is Sopel so boring? Why lead a news bulletin with such old stuff?
Is that supposed to be ‘attack is the best defence’? Or is that simply an admission that the beeb is not only somewhat biased, but that bias is the very core of its approach to ‘news’?
I can only guess the reason al beeboids are fixated with cannabis oil is because of their personal experience . A story which affects a very few people is not, in my view , worthy of the blanket coverage day after day fuelled by vocal mums fighting rightly for their disabled kids . It seems that every once in a while beeboids want recreational drugs legalised .
Toady Watch #2 The New Foreign Secretary is nearly two weeks old.
The paint on him is not quite dry despite the heat. The BBC did not like The New Foreign Secretary in his previous job. The BBC did not like The Previous Foreign Secretary, but that’s another story.
“About two weeks ago”, a Chinese woman was found guilty in China of her British husband in China. The British grandparents wish to bring the two grand-children back to the UK. There is a custody battle.
The BBC are now highlighting it on TOADY and their web-site.
I wonder why?
“About two weeks ago” Boris Johnson was still Foreign Secretary. Just.
It certainly could be. I cannot help wondering whether we will be hearing a lot more about Alice and Jack Simpson, the children of the late Michael Simpson, in future BBC News programmes.
And perhaps not so much about Nazanin.*
(* Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, one time BBC employee in prison in Iran. She has disappeared from the ‘BBC Radar’ but was obsessed about for several weeks, late last year. A lot of that BBC obsessing appeared to be directly linked to The Previous Foreign Secretary.)
So the British grandparents want to separate their grandchildren from their parents and the BBC supports this?
Their standpoint changes with every left-wing position. BBC, consistency would be a start – but impartiality and the ability to tell the story and not activate on them should be the eventual goal.
“British grandparents want to separate their grandchildren from their parents ”
I understood the mother killed the father and she’s now doing life so the children don’t have any parents. They are living with Chinese grandparents, five to a one bed flat.
Ha ha – up al beeb always likes those stories where a ‘ british’ parent is let down by a foreign one – normally an Arab or a Turk who has whisked the kid/s overseas .
They know it’s got mileage , can send a reporter on a jolly , nice campaign , get a friendly MP looking for a soft issue , question in Commons , minister criticised for doing too much / not enough – too early / too late . Un / happy ending . Hire a helicopter … and then do a documentary or 5 part mini series starring the latest in fashion al beeb luvvies .
Breakfast..Story told as ‘ Courts over turn Trumps policy of separating children of immigrants – film of woman waiting for her son at airport…
Leads viewer to believe she is an innocent and son taken from her ….
Then real story…She was an illegal that took her son to the US illegally..he has been returned to Mexico…where she is
Son didn’t look too happy getting back – she says – if I do it again I would make sure I didn’t take him with me!!! WTF. So she would be separated from him??? BBC don’t seem to see the irony of this..
However a Border guard said it straight “We have put a consequence to an illegal action and it works. If you shoplift in a mall with your child, the child gets separated from your different”
So BBC create a story and ignore the law to propagate their dislike of Trump despite it being an Obama Policy..
Has the BBC ever mentioned that the policy of separating the children of parent who entered the country illegally was put in place by Bill Clinton, and the policy was enforced by Bush and Hussein Obama ?
Amd. moreover, that it was President Trump who ended the policy.
Martin, I have a notion that the basis goes much further back than that. The current US legislation does indeed date to the Clinton era – which the BBC on R4 have only ever mentioned once, I think, in my hearing – but I have a notion that its origins date back to the Kennedy or Johnson administrations. Same Democratic Party, of course.
I did a bit of a search on that but could not find anything. Am always short of time to sit doing that sort of thing (especially for no money) but may have another go sometime. Any old Americans with good memories who read this, please post if you have the facts easily to hand.
Read the BBCs article about this yesterday and wouldn’t be surprised if they set him up to let him down. They like nothing more than to stick the boot in to a young successful guy – white and heterosexual AFAIK. Of course some members of our society are excused their heinous crimes….returning jihadists, Richard bacon, boy George etc
So the protection of Islam is a global thing. One could easily believe it’s being driven from behind the scenes by some very powerful manipulators. This doesn’t bode well for the human race as a whole does it?
The plod are just like automatons reading from the sheet. I wonder how many of them know what they are saying.
On another not entirely unrelated matter has anyone heard anything about TR’s appeal? Not many working days left in July. If the judgement has been decided (and surely it has by now) how long does it take to write it up? Will the pronouncement be ‘rushed out’ on the last day of July in true civil service style?
Just had a good old barney with the missus over this… and further issues of free speech, rights to offend, dual standards, hypocrisy, and more. At least we got our noses out of our tablets to talk!
I am in the dog house however.
In the spirit of balance, I concede her point that using the phrase ‘can I not go over there and criticise Islam’ was not optimal given today’s realities.
She could have gone with something that would have made our boy in blue look even more of a tool.
My wife could have conceded several points I made. But she is my wife.
I know it’s not BBC but..
Jesus – It really is a bloody police state when it comes to free speech if it questions Islam – but in Luton it’s Okay for Muslims to march and criticises the UK police and laws because they don’t agree with them.
The Copper is a Knob – he starts off saying they (Muslims) may commit breach of the peace and offend her then switches it to her committing a breach of the peace and then makes it up when she asks if she would be breaking the law – the answer is no she wouldn’t..
Would he say the same if a Muslim went to Catholic area to ask questions? Me thinks not
Australia has fallen…
According to Al Beeb ‘May The Appeaser’ is heading for Austria – why?
Her predecessor sent us a booklet explaining Brexit. Despite its recommendation we ‘the people’, democratically voted to LEAVE the EU.
Democracy is at risk!
President Trump achieved more for his country in one day than our so-called ‘government’ has tried to get tor us in two years.
Why are we still there?
Tories – abandon ship and join UKIP, because you have been betrayed.
Theresa May does have a solid and growing raft of support from
Remainers .
Firstly, she’s in post to implement something she does not believe in.
OK – so there’s just that one point.
Good grief – we have Labour who WERE Britain and the working man and the Tories who WERE Britain and law and Order. Come back UKIP or I’ll have no one to vote for.
Two years of procrastination by our appeaser to allow the EU and the Liberal press to subjugate our once great and proud country to a failing European dictatorship.
gaxvil, the good news this morning is that Barnier has scuppered it.
So far.
I am hoping the PM will dig her kitten heels in and say “I’m not budging. That’s it. If you reject it, the Plan comes off the table, the money comes off the table and the UK heads off with No Deal.”
No way.
May will at least be totally consistent and she will concede anything and everything the eu tells her to.
So far we are told 80% has been agreed.
In other words, May has capitulated on 80% of the eu demands.
20% to go.
A remainer prime minister in a remainer majority cabinet with remainers in the top jobs, that shower is supposed to get us the Brexit we voted for?
TOADY Watch #3 The BBC caught with their pants down over Greece.
When you surrender your integrity and abandon any attempt to be a totally neutral observer and news gatherer and reporter, as the BBC appear to have done, and you then adopt positions on certain issues, as the BBC appear to have done, you are at risk of continually being caught out.
It has happened with the Greek wildfire tragedy. Could it be because of the BBC’s position on Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change that the awful news from the area near Athens was reported by the BBC – for a day or more – as an event occurring because of the unusually hot weather? It was all due to Global Warming, there was no other possible explanation.
As far as I know, it has not been unusually hot in Attica Province, unlike the weather in the UK. It NEARLY ALWAYS IS hot in the whole of Greece, let alone Athens and the greater Athens area, in high summer. No matter. As far as the BBC was concerned there could be no other possible explanation because it must have been due to Global Warming.
Hence the BBC is now having to roll back and give some coverage to the other possible reasons for the fire and the dreadful loss of life.
Those of us who know a little about Greece knew that there could be more to the story than the position that the BBC first took on it. The BBC in general, and the TOADY Programme in particular, should be very well-informed about Greece. Not only is Vasiliki Kourmouzi a regular go-to for BBC News & Current Affairs but Yanis Varoufakis has had extensive BBC air-time. Both have spoken about the problems that Greece has faced and is facing.
In addition, John Humphrys, TOADY Presenter in Chief, has or had a house in Greece. I think it may even be in the greater Athens area. He could be there now although I reckon it’s the worst time of the year to visit the south.
Brexit thought
The refn was IN or OUT
If the INs had won 52-48 ,
do you think they’d be saying we have to a watered down form of membership to accomodate the 48% Leave ?
… No they’d say “we won , so it’s carry on as normal”
The people who voted ‘remain’ didn’t know what they were voting for because the EU is continually making changes to its laws and will no doubt push through new treaties in future.
Some ‘remainers’ might be happy with that, some ‘remainers’ might have wanted things to stay the same.
I bet the vast majority of our MPs have never read all the EU treaties, let alone all the legislation, yet now they have woken up and seem to think they have something useful to add to the ‘leave’ (BRINO) process.
Let me guess Stew.
And all broadcast without ANY details on
a) what the kid had done to be expelled.
b) how many chances the kid got to get it right, before the whole ridiculous process was finally exhausted
c) how many decent kids and their education, the kid has screwed up for the school the families and the children themselves who had to tolerate the intolerable scum.
My idea?
Well the schools are closed now for summer.
Why not send the retards, bullies, skankheads and other scum-with their cokehead obese parents and rellies into school NOW?
Turn up the heating in there for them all, make them sweat it out. Throw some food bank beans into a trough with a few out of date baguettes and let the buggers fight for dinner.
And make OFSTED go in to teach them, seeing as they know so much.
Ably supported by all those libtard teachers who are failing their failing schools by being lifes losers, failures being made to go into school again so they can learn how to teach something.
Maybe some origami with that bleedin` Guardian they`ve sewn into their string vests and lycra shorts perhaps.
Gove hadn`t a clue-make ME Educayshun Mum#1.
R5 now reporting on the case of a Swedish student protester who sat on a plane so that an Afghan couldn’t get deported.
The BBC guy says he got teary at her bravery.
reports say she got them to stop the deportation and remove the guy from the plane.
(later reports say that in fact the guy hadn’t even been loaded onto the plane)
The BBC bit implied that the Afghan was simply removed on another flight.
They played the seg demonising the British passenger.
‘ Oh he’s taken my phone off me, but I’m back on the lifestream now cos the stewardess gave it back’
My new hero RT @RossalynWarren: this part of a livestream shot by Elin Ersson, who refused to take her seat on flight in Sweden until a man being deported to Afghanistan was removed.
\\ The Afghan man had just served 2 years in prison for severe assault and was being deported as part of his punishment.//
ah actually that was the one on her flight that did get deported
She was there for a younger guy who hadn’t yet been boarded.
\\ By refusing to take her seat on a flight, Elin Ersson planned to prevent the deportation of Ismail Khawari back to Afghanistan. However, the man was not onboard and has now been deported after all. DW spoke with him.
Elin Ersson’s protests made headlines around the world. Using Facebook Live, she broadcasted in real time how she was trying to stop the alleged deportation of an Afghan national by refusing to take her seat and allowing the plane to take off.
Before the 21-year-old activist boarded the plane, she believed she would find two men set for deportation: One around 50 years of age, and the other, 26-year-old Ismail Khawari.
Khawari’s family had contacted Ersson and her network of activists shortly before he was due to be deported. Together, they figured the young man was slated travel onboard a Turkish Airlines plane from Gothenburg to Istanbul. Ersson bought a ticket and boarded the plane.
Ismail Khawari, however, was not on board. He was deported from Stockholm to Kabul the following day. According to Ersson, the older man was on the plane. //
Elin Ersson : The Swedish student working with the refugee activist org
Ismail Khawari : The young Afghan refugee who is now back in Kabul
Unnmed the 52 year old assault convict
That BBC presenter GeoffLloyd just let slip that his personal podcast is co-presented with Ed Miliband and they are doing an Edinburgh fringe show together
He’s got ed Miliband on his Radio5 Show
so he’s using the BBC to promote their Edinburgh fringe show
Now the BBC presenter is interviewing his wife ! FFS
I can’t check fully that 2 year jail sentence, cos the Swedish sites are all behind pay walls
A lot of people have tweeted that narrative particularly in Swedish..but it is unconfirmed AFAIK
Hang on a Swedish newspaper does refer to an account in a Finnish newspaper
\\ Now, however, it appears that the 52-year-old Afghan who should be expelled is sentenced for crimes in Sweden. According to the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat , it is about ill-treatment.
I am from an Arab and Muslim country but we do not receive Afghan refugees. You in Sweden do not know them well ! .. you do wrong .. These will destroy your country .. I'm from the Middle East .. I know what I'm talking about
Switched off R4 when that Chinese custody debate was raging on……….and turned to bBC Radio republic of Scotland ( a rare visit )
Subject; you got it BREXIT.
A lady guest was being interviewed or more correctly remoaning about the sheer complexity involved.
The DJ thanked here for her expert views and informed listeners
“thanks to Miriam Gonzalez, international trade expert.
wait a minute ……….that’s Lady Clegg!
A self righteous snowflake who basically planned the whole thing otherwise why would she be live streaming – which is against airline regulations…she feels it is her right to overturn the law…
And she doesn’t give damn that there might be somebody on that plane who has to get home to see a dying loved one..Does she even know the Afghan or why he is being deported
And she is too dumb to realise they will just put him on another plane..
There was a summer fill programme on r4 burbling on about people needing to know about economics .
If those who did know something about economics still managed to screw things up why should those who don’t know anything about it do any better .
Al beeb don’t want people interested in economics because it would show up how dumb al beeb economics journos are.
Or more seriously how thick HMG can be in failing to manage the economy – as in cut deficits and taxes .
I still lament that Blighty didn’t set up a sovereign wealth fund … if only .
Was this immature person removed from the plane? If not why not?
I remember that man on a US flight who was physically dragged off a plane, so it can be done.
What a shame this snowflake do-gooder doesn’t turn her attention to helping Swedish victims of migrant violence. There must be a growing number of rape victims in Sweden who need every bit of support they can get. What a brainwashed, idiot individual this woman must be.
If you ever wonder if there are examples of dodgy or bad science around the subject of AGWarming and CChange, you can find one here:
Look at the first graph and the headings.
Whatever you do, DO NOT LOOK at where it was sourced by the BBC. You will go blind.
Through crying your eyes out if you voted Remain in the UK EU Referendum.
Bad news – the new Italian Government is cutting benefits for so called asylum seekers from an average 40 € a day to 20 € and closing asylum centres
Apparently Italy will save €3 billion a year .
I say this is bad news because where else will these illegals go ?
You’d like to think that with all that lovely weather, they’d go to the African continent.
Surely there could be a location where the real benefits of such a great place (well, parts that aren’t run by crooks and tyrants), could be developed for new immigrants?
It’s not even a racist answer either, I just don’t understand why someone like the UN can’t actually do something to create a new and respected state in some of the most beautiful countryside in the world.
The spin is after a ‘dull couple of months’ which the Tories actually gained up to 7% in the lead (the BBC forgot to mention that of course) Labour have managed to claw their way back to the top. This was after the Chequers barnacle which saw the Tories support drop with a gain for UKIP. Labour’s gain was no higher than before but with the Tories dropping, Labour topped a 5% lead.
Now that the dust has settled and people have realised that a vote for UKIP is actually a vote for Corbyn (no offense to actual UKIPers on here) people are giving the Tories another chance now that May has back tracked on her unpopular (and politically suicidal) plans for Brexit.
The BBC of course are seeming to try and keep the spin that Labour are back in the top spot and to convince us that Labour must be the best option while today a new poll has been published putting both parties neck and neck. I give it a few weeks and the Tories will be able to maintain a lead again yet we would of course hear no more about it from the BBC.
They are lucky that May did not get booted out I the end, that could have brought in someone who could have rocketed a 30-40% lead! As I said before, they would miss May once she is gone…
Just a thought but how many air-conditioning units are currently belching out all the heat taken to produce supercooled air into the ‘environment’? And, on a worldwide scale, how much might this influence temperature levels? And, just out of interest, how much air-conditioning hardware has been introduced over, say the past two or three decades – or, put another way, since global warming-climate change became a religion?
It’s not al beeb yet but it will be – Twitter is running a brexitarmaggedon ( spelling ) line of what people are stockpiling in preparation for March 2019.
The olive oil pipeline will be closed on the French side of the channel . Nothing will ever be sold with the word “ Mediterranean “ in it but according to some remainers everything will be chlorinated – even the bloody swimming pools .
So, there the BBC, who can and often do not get it at all right.
There was the BBC Trust, who could only be trusted to say they do.
Now there is OFCOM, rammed with ex-BBC colleagues.
Over them is the DCMS* (hold that thought).
And over them are various parliamentary inquiries, stacked with ex-BBC MPs whose pensions depend on it.
In fairness to Londonistan al beeb has reported the shoot out on Thursday night between males unknown and armed police following a car chase . No one injured it seems – even in a high density residential are not far from the Olympics Park
Interesting a possible D-notice (do not report notice) about the Scunthorpe steelworks emergency ?
8am yesterday customers were telling us about the steelworks entrances being closed and people told to stay away from work due to the bomb threats
Twitter was full of reports, like official from British Steel
9am the media were on it, talk of environmentalists had phoned in a bomb scare .
You stop the steel plant for an hour , then you are looking at costs of £millions each hour.
However bombs on the steelworks don’t make sense as the place is already support dangerous and full of safety measures.
Then at 9:40am the steelworks announced ..all over, gates open.
The press were slower , but stopped tweets by lunchtime.
Then gets to 6pm local TV news ..nada onITV or BBC
Which makes sense , cos if it was publicity seeking enviro activists then you don’t reward them with publicity.
Local paper live reporting \\ Reports of a hoax call from an ‘environmentalist group’
We have heard unconfirmed reports that bosses on the site believe the alert may have been prompted by a hoax call from an ‘environmentalist group’.//
\\ A statement from the force said: “We have arrested a 39-year-old man on suspicion of communicating false information in connection with a security alert at British Steel in Scunthorpe yesterday. //
My first thought was, it would be someone who didn’t want to go to work.
Newsnight, Ch4, KGM, Maitless, etc are often pleading with folk to come on their shows, and if they don’t they’ll empty chair them or… get busy in the edit suite…
Poor al beeb having to say the economy of America at 4.1% growth when it was hoping for less than 4 % . Big economy – big difference . Now I suppose they’ll be saying rates in the states have to go up and try to blame the American President for it .
Already a Washington beeboid who should know better has pitched it as a one off and a distraction from some nonsense with a tom from a couple of years before the president gained office.
Ed Miliband is back on BBC at 4:30pm R4 Feedback
It’ll be a matey Love-in to talk about his R2 Vine slot
He was just on R5 this morning at 11:45pm cos the presenter makes a podcast with him and they have an Edinburgh show together
Lord Howard will also be on I bet R4 is less matey to him
Other items
#2 Evan Davis discusses Sweet Reason
#3 audience comment on Where’s the F in News? (the all lib-women panel show)
A university poster which depicts one of their typical 87% of students helping in an African school is deemed racist
See, should have played the PC card ..and only pictured a BME helping in the school
University apologises for 'racist and colonialist' posters calling for students to 'explore new worlds' with image of white woman meeting black children
because white people don’t understand that they’re not actually “white” at all, argues Kim, but rather that is a concept that society conditions them to believe.
Times Frontpage : “Antisemtic posts allowed on Facebook”
doh ! Yes FB operates worldwide..and in most Muslim countries you are not allowed to criticise the government
..instead you are encouraged to blame foreigners for everything
..and the chief things to blame are “The americans” and “the jews” hence public discourse are filled with anti-semitism.
Book shops put Jewish conspiracy theory books in the window , rather that books criticising the government.
How can the discourse on facebook be magically different to that on the streets ?
There is a positive that by airing such views debunking is possible it is crazy to say that Facebook has to police discussins and drive comment underground.
8:50pm Radio 4 So is today’s POV diverse in opinion ?
A change from the usual metro-liberal spitting metro-liberal views at us ?
\\ Michael Morpurgo on a new initiative to help refugee children.
Michael says “it shames us” that Britain in recent years has done so little to help child refugees.//
Benefits of being in the EU
new decision from European Court of Justice : no we can’t have modern gene editing techniques like is allowed in the US
instead massive rules will apply.
\\ I feel totally despondent with the ECJ ruling on gene editing.
That’s finished me for the EU. //
Matt Ridly writes in the Times
\\ A 2014 German survey found that the introduction of genetic modification elsewhere in the world had reduced pesticide use by 36.9 per cent on average, while increasing yields by 21.6 per cent. No wonder we are having to import more of our cattle feed from the Americas.//
Cripes. This is getting more bizarre by the minute.
Feeling shadowbanned? Just don't follow Bad People at Twitter dot com. Will we ever tell you who are the Bad People not to follow? Of course not, because that would mean they get to challenge our designation.
The Jeremy Vine Show must have been having phone problems today because both their pet ‘British’ Muslim and Hard Left Welshman got to ‘call in’, (yeah right!).
Their Muslim got to talk about the Pakistan elections but slipped up in his enthusiasm when he revealed his true allegiance! Whoops! No more Mr. Moderate British Muslim poster boy. You can take the Pakistani out of Pakistan but you can’t take Pakistan out of the Pakistani.
Everbody’s gardens must be dead at the moment so no-one is bothered about Terry’s Allotment. He’s Welsh so let’s call up the Hard Left Welshman. Turns out sparrows are eating his bean flowers. I was disappointed that they weren’t Evil Toreee Sparrows doing the damage. Or Brexit Birds. Or Trump Tits.
Make people “opt in” to paying for the BBC!
Or maybe an honesty box at your local National Treasure Car Park.
Come on Gerard-you`ve made a good start. Now twist the knife and make us all laugh!
Mockery and comedy-offer Lineker the job of Ministry of Sporting Supremacy or something.The left HATE mockery.
BBC Eddie Mair – Trumps success – Jon Sopel spitting out words..eating humble pie ? No not the BBC
4.1% growth..- it’s not sustainable say his opponents (not at all bias), it was this high twice under Obama (from what base they don’t say), It’s all to distract from Russia oh and for luck throw in the alleged payment (before he was president) to a lady friend 🙂
BBC – they just can’t report good news when it isn’t their good news..
I noted this too James. The newsreader said that “Trump claimed” that the growth was 4.1%.
Well-was it or not? Did he make it up, or is he quoting some agency that has done this before without controversy?
The BBC must think we`re not noticing, They`re due a reckoning.
As for “this might not last”-well, duh!
By the law of averages it can`t or won`t. But it`ll always be a good deal better than if Sopel or Hillary had got their wishes granted in Nov 2016.
Biased liars.
So, we’re not allowed a bit of sun in the summer without being told it presages the end of life as we know it.
bbc WS “Researchers were up ‘till 2am” (yes, 2am) and were able to tell us that the this sun this summer is due to climate change. And countries like Sweden could get a heatwave every 10 years or so.”
Meantime my own research came up with a reference from an Irving Berlin and piece called, “Heatwave” – 1933.
Didn’t hear much about this from Jon Sopel either – this week on US ecomomy
“Jobless claims also surprised economists Thursday morning, falling 4,000 to a near 44½-year low of 218,000, signaling an economy at full employment”
Now if it were St Obama….BBC reporting their news their way
I see the Beeb are delighted to be reporting on Anne Hathaway blaming white privilege on the death of a young black woman killed by a maniac in California. Viola Davis even took the time to tweet saying “Tired of needing to organize rally’s to convince people that our lives matter.”
So I’m assuming that Ann and Viola comment on every death of a young boy or girl whatever their race.
I guess when Ann is pointing some kind of blame at white’s for not understanding the dangers that black people face daily, she can apportion a similar level of blame of those that follow a particular religion.
And maybe Viola could comment on occasions when people that aren’t her colour get murdered by black people with the same passion, unless of course ‘they don’t matter.
Off switch – bbc WS still wringing the tears out of Hispanic illegals.
It has to be evil Trump’s fault – not conceivably the fault of the people and governments of those shit-holes that that the ‘refugees’ have given up on?
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The lying treacherous BBC…the broadcaster that colluded with police in harassing Cliff Richard, probably because he is a white Christian who likes to keep his private life private. The same BBC which covered for and indeed facilitated sexual abuse of children by Jimmy Saville etc.
Only when the BBC has become subscription only and when the licence fee is abolished will I even think about buying a television set again.
Interesting – and interesting contrast with Shereeza May’s very own popularity ratings!! Somehow the Biased BBC never noticed this – or it doesn’t qualify as ‘news’. –
Seems such news means Katty needed a lie down.
Lucky Anthony and Jon are still on ‘duty’.
She may be gone for some time.
Oh it’s all over the BBC not
cos of course they only do anti-Trump PR as they did in with this scare story in January
They haven’t run an update in the last 6 months.
Trump is being a bit cheeky, a Republican president of course has high approval rating WITH Republicans
On day 1 his rating was 88%, once it dipped to 79% last August.. now it’s back to 88%
using BBC source Gallup
Among all voters it’s moved from 45% to now 42% with a minimum of 35%.
Albeeb News
Russia President Trump allegations
*North Korea
Amazon Profits
Illegal immigrants in America reunited with their kids
Al beeb seems to have moved to America without anyone noticing
* I realise Blighty had a part in the Korean War under a UN flag but it was cast in an American angle without giving President Trump much credit .
Slight amendment
They are now including a story about the Probation Service failing . Again.
Do you think Jack knows?
Comments couldn’t be much funnier.
When you become a source of mockery like this….
TOADY Watch #1 Cannabis is back on the menu.
Matthew Price, I think, interviews one of the mothers from Northern Ireland who is seeking legal UK use of cannabidoil to treat her daughter.
Matthew Price mentions the ‘B’ word. Brain damage? No.
I wonder why?
R4 at 8: Sopel again, boring as ever, with one of his repeatetive attacks on Trump. This time trying to rope in former lawyer M Cohen to ‘get the dirt’ on Trump.
Why doesn’t he report on the illegal payments Hillary made to subvert the Trump campaign before the election, and tell us a bit more about the role in that of certain police and intelligence agencies?
Hillary’s Russian links make a far better story. An attempted coup makes a far better story. Why is Sopel so boring? Why lead a news bulletin with such old stuff?
Is that supposed to be ‘attack is the best defence’? Or is that simply an admission that the beeb is not only somewhat biased, but that bias is the very core of its approach to ‘news’?
I can only guess the reason al beeboids are fixated with cannabis oil is because of their personal experience . A story which affects a very few people is not, in my view , worthy of the blanket coverage day after day fuelled by vocal mums fighting rightly for their disabled kids . It seems that every once in a while beeboids want recreational drugs legalised .
Fed, use of the B word merely a coincidence? Maybe.
Coincidences appear to be happening on TOADY today. See below. 😉
Toady Watch #2 The New Foreign Secretary is nearly two weeks old.
The paint on him is not quite dry despite the heat. The BBC did not like The New Foreign Secretary in his previous job. The BBC did not like The Previous Foreign Secretary, but that’s another story.
“About two weeks ago”, a Chinese woman was found guilty in China of her British husband in China. The British grandparents wish to bring the two grand-children back to the UK. There is a custody battle.
The BBC are now highlighting it on TOADY and their web-site.
I wonder why?
“About two weeks ago” Boris Johnson was still Foreign Secretary. Just.
It certainly could be. I cannot help wondering whether we will be hearing a lot more about Alice and Jack Simpson, the children of the late Michael Simpson, in future BBC News programmes.
And perhaps not so much about Nazanin.*
(* Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, one time BBC employee in prison in Iran. She has disappeared from the ‘BBC Radar’ but was obsessed about for several weeks, late last year. A lot of that BBC obsessing appeared to be directly linked to The Previous Foreign Secretary.)
So the British grandparents want to separate their grandchildren from their parents and the BBC supports this?
Their standpoint changes with every left-wing position. BBC, consistency would be a start – but impartiality and the ability to tell the story and not activate on them should be the eventual goal.
“British grandparents want to separate their grandchildren from their parents ”
I understood the mother killed the father and she’s now doing life so the children don’t have any parents. They are living with Chinese grandparents, five to a one bed flat.
Demon, one parent is dead and the other is in the slammer for his murder.
Ha ha – up al beeb always likes those stories where a ‘ british’ parent is let down by a foreign one – normally an Arab or a Turk who has whisked the kid/s overseas .
They know it’s got mileage , can send a reporter on a jolly , nice campaign , get a friendly MP looking for a soft issue , question in Commons , minister criticised for doing too much / not enough – too early / too late . Un / happy ending . Hire a helicopter … and then do a documentary or 5 part mini series starring the latest in fashion al beeb luvvies .
Breakfast..Story told as ‘ Courts over turn Trumps policy of separating children of immigrants – film of woman waiting for her son at airport…
Leads viewer to believe she is an innocent and son taken from her ….
Then real story…She was an illegal that took her son to the US illegally..he has been returned to Mexico…where she is
Son didn’t look too happy getting back – she says – if I do it again I would make sure I didn’t take him with me!!! WTF. So she would be separated from him??? BBC don’t seem to see the irony of this..
However a Border guard said it straight “We have put a consequence to an illegal action and it works. If you shoplift in a mall with your child, the child gets separated from your different”
So BBC create a story and ignore the law to propagate their dislike of Trump despite it being an Obama Policy..
JA, and no possible BBC ‘crossed wires’ connection between your post and mine above. 😉 🙂
Has the BBC ever mentioned that the policy of separating the children of parent who entered the country illegally was put in place by Bill Clinton, and the policy was enforced by Bush and Hussein Obama ?
Amd. moreover, that it was President Trump who ended the policy.
Martin, I have a notion that the basis goes much further back than that. The current US legislation does indeed date to the Clinton era – which the BBC on R4 have only ever mentioned once, I think, in my hearing – but I have a notion that its origins date back to the Kennedy or Johnson administrations. Same Democratic Party, of course.
I did a bit of a search on that but could not find anything. Am always short of time to sit doing that sort of thing (especially for no money) but may have another go sometime. Any old Americans with good memories who read this, please post if you have the facts easily to hand.
Often bbc editorial integrity means certain things should, can or will not get mentioned. Reasons may vary.
Read the BBCs article about this yesterday and wouldn’t be surprised if they set him up to let him down. They like nothing more than to stick the boot in to a young successful guy – white and heterosexual AFAIK. Of course some members of our society are excused their heinous crimes….returning jihadists, Richard bacon, boy George etc
Confirmation that the Australian police are governed by the same dark forces as our own.
So the protection of Islam is a global thing. One could easily believe it’s being driven from behind the scenes by some very powerful manipulators. This doesn’t bode well for the human race as a whole does it?
The plod are just like automatons reading from the sheet. I wonder how many of them know what they are saying.
On another not entirely unrelated matter has anyone heard anything about TR’s appeal? Not many working days left in July. If the judgement has been decided (and surely it has by now) how long does it take to write it up? Will the pronouncement be ‘rushed out’ on the last day of July in true civil service style?
Too many questions.
I’ve been thinking about Tommy too. It seems to have gone quiet. We want him out!
I’d like to see him and his family get political asylum at an undisclosed location in the USA.
Lucy re Dhimmi Ozzie cop.
Don’t think it is not happening in America. My FB friends report daily of this kind of thing. Yes it is world wide.
As for Tommy – a decision was postponed until the end of the month and a massive anti Tommy demo is being planned.
Just had a good old barney with the missus over this… and further issues of free speech, rights to offend, dual standards, hypocrisy, and more. At least we got our noses out of our tablets to talk!
I am in the dog house however.
In the spirit of balance, I concede her point that using the phrase ‘can I not go over there and criticise Islam’ was not optimal given today’s realities.
She could have gone with something that would have made our boy in blue look even more of a tool.
My wife could have conceded several points I made. But she is my wife.
Do those dark forces start with the letters Is…?
I know it’s not BBC but..
Jesus – It really is a bloody police state when it comes to free speech if it questions Islam – but in Luton it’s Okay for Muslims to march and criticises the UK police and laws because they don’t agree with them.
The Copper is a Knob – he starts off saying they (Muslims) may commit breach of the peace and offend her then switches it to her committing a breach of the peace and then makes it up when she asks if she would be breaking the law – the answer is no she wouldn’t..
Would he say the same if a Muslim went to Catholic area to ask questions? Me thinks not
Australia has fallen…
Helenahandbasket lives in Oz, she’ll give us an overview. Are you on hols Helen ?
Helena HandCart commenting on Guido today.
I have always assumed it’s the same person.
According to Al Beeb ‘May The Appeaser’ is heading for Austria – why?
Her predecessor sent us a booklet explaining Brexit. Despite its recommendation we ‘the people’, democratically voted to LEAVE the EU.
Democracy is at risk!
President Trump achieved more for his country in one day than our so-called ‘government’ has tried to get tor us in two years.
Why are we still there?
Tories – abandon ship and join UKIP, because you have been betrayed.
Theresa May does have a solid and growing raft of support from
Remainers .
Firstly, she’s in post to implement something she does not believe in.
OK – so there’s just that one point.
Good grief – we have Labour who WERE Britain and the working man and the Tories who WERE Britain and law and Order. Come back UKIP or I’ll have no one to vote for.
Two years of procrastination by our appeaser to allow the EU and the Liberal press to subjugate our once great and proud country to a failing European dictatorship.
UKIP is still here .
gaxvil, the good news this morning is that Barnier has scuppered it.
So far.
I am hoping the PM will dig her kitten heels in and say “I’m not budging. That’s it. If you reject it, the Plan comes off the table, the money comes off the table and the UK heads off with No Deal.”
No way.
May will at least be totally consistent and she will concede anything and everything the eu tells her to.
So far we are told 80% has been agreed.
In other words, May has capitulated on 80% of the eu demands.
20% to go.
A remainer prime minister in a remainer majority cabinet with remainers in the top jobs, that shower is supposed to get us the Brexit we voted for?
TOADY Watch #3 The BBC caught with their pants down over Greece.
When you surrender your integrity and abandon any attempt to be a totally neutral observer and news gatherer and reporter, as the BBC appear to have done, and you then adopt positions on certain issues, as the BBC appear to have done, you are at risk of continually being caught out.
It has happened with the Greek wildfire tragedy. Could it be because of the BBC’s position on Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change that the awful news from the area near Athens was reported by the BBC – for a day or more – as an event occurring because of the unusually hot weather? It was all due to Global Warming, there was no other possible explanation.
As far as I know, it has not been unusually hot in Attica Province, unlike the weather in the UK. It NEARLY ALWAYS IS hot in the whole of Greece, let alone Athens and the greater Athens area, in high summer. No matter. As far as the BBC was concerned there could be no other possible explanation because it must have been due to Global Warming.
Hence the BBC is now having to roll back and give some coverage to the other possible reasons for the fire and the dreadful loss of life.
Those of us who know a little about Greece knew that there could be more to the story than the position that the BBC first took on it. The BBC in general, and the TOADY Programme in particular, should be very well-informed about Greece. Not only is Vasiliki Kourmouzi a regular go-to for BBC News & Current Affairs but Yanis Varoufakis has had extensive BBC air-time. Both have spoken about the problems that Greece has faced and is facing.
In addition, John Humphrys, TOADY Presenter in Chief, has or had a house in Greece. I think it may even be in the greater Athens area. He could be there now although I reckon it’s the worst time of the year to visit the south.
Brexit thought
The refn was IN or OUT
If the INs had won 52-48 ,
do you think they’d be saying we have to a watered down form of membership to accomodate the 48% Leave ?
… No they’d say “we won , so it’s carry on as normal”
But it was not what Al Beeb, the Liberals and Europhiles hoped for.
That’s why they want another referendum.
I’d like to see a rerun of every football match which Gary Lineker played in, until every match was seen to won by his opposing team.
It’s only fair, he didn’t really understand why he was playing!
Scrobie, “he didn’t really understand why he was playing!”
He didn’t really understand what he was playing. IIRC, he started off in cricket.
The people who voted ‘remain’ didn’t know what they were voting for because the EU is continually making changes to its laws and will no doubt push through new treaties in future.
Some ‘remainers’ might be happy with that, some ‘remainers’ might have wanted things to stay the same.
I bet the vast majority of our MPs have never read all the EU treaties, let alone all the legislation, yet now they have woken up and seem to think they have something useful to add to the ‘leave’ (BRINO) process.
R4 Womans Hour item on school exclusion : “We are dealing with schools who don’t understand BLACK children” says mother
Let me guess Stew.
And all broadcast without ANY details on
a) what the kid had done to be expelled.
b) how many chances the kid got to get it right, before the whole ridiculous process was finally exhausted
c) how many decent kids and their education, the kid has screwed up for the school the families and the children themselves who had to tolerate the intolerable scum.
My idea?
Well the schools are closed now for summer.
Why not send the retards, bullies, skankheads and other scum-with their cokehead obese parents and rellies into school NOW?
Turn up the heating in there for them all, make them sweat it out. Throw some food bank beans into a trough with a few out of date baguettes and let the buggers fight for dinner.
And make OFSTED go in to teach them, seeing as they know so much.
Ably supported by all those libtard teachers who are failing their failing schools by being lifes losers, failures being made to go into school again so they can learn how to teach something.
Maybe some origami with that bleedin` Guardian they`ve sewn into their string vests and lycra shorts perhaps.
Gove hadn`t a clue-make ME Educayshun Mum#1.
R5 now reporting on the case of a Swedish student protester who sat on a plane so that an Afghan couldn’t get deported.
The BBC guy says he got teary at her bravery.
reports say she got them to stop the deportation and remove the guy from the plane.
(later reports say that in fact the guy hadn’t even been loaded onto the plane)
The BBC bit implied that the Afghan was simply removed on another flight.
They played the seg demonising the British passenger.
‘ Oh he’s taken my phone off me, but I’m back on the lifestream now cos the stewardess gave it back’
\\ The Afghan man had just served 2 years in prison for severe assault and was being deported as part of his punishment.//
ah actually that was the one on her flight that did get deported
She was there for a younger guy who hadn’t yet been boarded.
\\ By refusing to take her seat on a flight, Elin Ersson planned to prevent the deportation of Ismail Khawari back to Afghanistan. However, the man was not onboard and has now been deported after all. DW spoke with him.
Elin Ersson’s protests made headlines around the world. Using Facebook Live, she broadcasted in real time how she was trying to stop the alleged deportation of an Afghan national by refusing to take her seat and allowing the plane to take off.
Before the 21-year-old activist boarded the plane, she believed she would find two men set for deportation: One around 50 years of age, and the other, 26-year-old Ismail Khawari.
Khawari’s family had contacted Ersson and her network of activists shortly before he was due to be deported. Together, they figured the young man was slated travel onboard a Turkish Airlines plane from Gothenburg to Istanbul. Ersson bought a ticket and boarded the plane.
Ismail Khawari, however, was not on board. He was deported from Stockholm to Kabul the following day. According to Ersson, the older man was on the plane. //
Elin Ersson : The Swedish student working with the refugee activist org
Ismail Khawari : The young Afghan refugee who is now back in Kabul
Unnmed the 52 year old assault convict
That BBC presenter GeoffLloyd just let slip that his personal podcast is co-presented with Ed Miliband and they are doing an Edinburgh fringe show together
He’s got ed Miliband on his Radio5 Show
so he’s using the BBC to promote their Edinburgh fringe show
Now the BBC presenter is interviewing his wife ! FFS
I can’t check fully that 2 year jail sentence, cos the Swedish sites are all behind pay walls
A lot of people have tweeted that narrative particularly in Swedish..but it is unconfirmed AFAIK
Hang on a Swedish newspaper does refer to an account in a Finnish newspaper
\\ Now, however, it appears that the 52-year-old Afghan who should be expelled is sentenced for crimes in Sweden. According to the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat , it is about ill-treatment.
“He has been sentenced for crimes in Sweden and has served his sentence. But it is the Migration Board that has made a decision on expulsion,//
Switched off R4 when that Chinese custody debate was raging on……….and turned to bBC Radio republic of Scotland ( a rare visit )
Subject; you got it BREXIT.
A lady guest was being interviewed or more correctly remoaning about the sheer complexity involved.
The DJ thanked here for her expert views and informed listeners
“thanks to Miriam Gonzalez, international trade expert.
wait a minute ……….that’s Lady Clegg!
No bias there then!!
A self righteous snowflake who basically planned the whole thing otherwise why would she be live streaming – which is against airline regulations…she feels it is her right to overturn the law…
And she doesn’t give damn that there might be somebody on that plane who has to get home to see a dying loved one..Does she even know the Afghan or why he is being deported
And she is too dumb to realise they will just put him on another plane..
Sorry Stew just seen you post
There was a summer fill programme on r4 burbling on about people needing to know about economics .
If those who did know something about economics still managed to screw things up why should those who don’t know anything about it do any better .
Al beeb don’t want people interested in economics because it would show up how dumb al beeb economics journos are.
Or more seriously how thick HMG can be in failing to manage the economy – as in cut deficits and taxes .
I still lament that Blighty didn’t set up a sovereign wealth fund … if only .
Was this immature person removed from the plane? If not why not?
I remember that man on a US flight who was physically dragged off a plane, so it can be done.
What a shame this snowflake do-gooder doesn’t turn her attention to helping Swedish victims of migrant violence. There must be a growing number of rape victims in Sweden who need every bit of support they can get. What a brainwashed, idiot individual this woman must be.
Extremely inappropriate clothing being worn by a scientific researcher, I think, in our post-Post-Modern age.
Rather more worrying is where it has been placed by the BBC – under ‘Education’!
If you ever wonder if there are examples of dodgy or bad science around the subject of AGWarming and CChange, you can find one here:
Look at the first graph and the headings.
Whatever you do, DO NOT LOOK at where it was sourced by the BBC. You will go blind.
Through crying your eyes out if you voted Remain in the UK EU Referendum.
I don’t suppose it has got anything to do with not cutting/grazing parklands?
Counting fires has got to be a bit did dodgy, wait long enough and they might all join up and become one!
Bad news – the new Italian Government is cutting benefits for so called asylum seekers from an average 40 € a day to 20 € and closing asylum centres
Apparently Italy will save €3 billion a year .
I say this is bad news because where else will these illegals go ?
Treezer has a big boat waiting the bring them here
Ha ha – HMS Asylum Seeker or maybe it can be used as a prison ship or a yoot club
You’d like to think that with all that lovely weather, they’d go to the African continent.
Surely there could be a location where the real benefits of such a great place (well, parts that aren’t run by crooks and tyrants), could be developed for new immigrants?
It’s not even a racist answer either, I just don’t understand why someone like the UN can’t actually do something to create a new and respected state in some of the most beautiful countryside in the world.
Naive? Me?
So, what you’re saying is…send ’em all back where they came from? 🙂
There will, in the future, be such a state in Africa. Run by the Chinese.
Maybe we could all fuck off there and leave them here with their lefty chums
Sorry if his has already been posted but the BBC are up to their old tricks again with the opinion polls:
The spin is after a ‘dull couple of months’ which the Tories actually gained up to 7% in the lead (the BBC forgot to mention that of course) Labour have managed to claw their way back to the top. This was after the Chequers barnacle which saw the Tories support drop with a gain for UKIP. Labour’s gain was no higher than before but with the Tories dropping, Labour topped a 5% lead.
Now that the dust has settled and people have realised that a vote for UKIP is actually a vote for Corbyn (no offense to actual UKIPers on here) people are giving the Tories another chance now that May has back tracked on her unpopular (and politically suicidal) plans for Brexit.
The BBC of course are seeming to try and keep the spin that Labour are back in the top spot and to convince us that Labour must be the best option while today a new poll has been published putting both parties neck and neck. I give it a few weeks and the Tories will be able to maintain a lead again yet we would of course hear no more about it from the BBC.
They are lucky that May did not get booted out I the end, that could have brought in someone who could have rocketed a 30-40% lead! As I said before, they would miss May once she is gone…
Just a thought but how many air-conditioning units are currently belching out all the heat taken to produce supercooled air into the ‘environment’? And, on a worldwide scale, how much might this influence temperature levels? And, just out of interest, how much air-conditioning hardware has been introduced over, say the past two or three decades – or, put another way, since global warming-climate change became a religion?
Frankly the greater problem is how many there are that cannot be avoided.
It’s not al beeb yet but it will be – Twitter is running a brexitarmaggedon ( spelling ) line of what people are stockpiling in preparation for March 2019.
The olive oil pipeline will be closed on the French side of the channel . Nothing will ever be sold with the word “ Mediterranean “ in it but according to some remainers everything will be chlorinated – even the bloody swimming pools .
“Twitter is running a brexitarmaggedon ( spelling ) line of what people are stockpiling in preparation for March 2019.”
I suggest ammunition.
Some said snack pot Bombay bad boys -.which i suppose for some would be ammunition .
Certainly won’t be walkers bloody crisps (( a coka cola company )!
So, there the BBC, who can and often do not get it at all right.
There was the BBC Trust, who could only be trusted to say they do.
Now there is OFCOM, rammed with ex-BBC colleagues.
Over them is the DCMS* (hold that thought).
And over them are various parliamentary inquiries, stacked with ex-BBC MPs whose pensions depend on it.
Remember this: *
In fairness to Londonistan al beeb has reported the shoot out on Thursday night between males unknown and armed police following a car chase . No one injured it seems – even in a high density residential are not far from the Olympics Park
I’m guessing a bit of vibrancy involved .,
Interesting a possible D-notice (do not report notice) about the Scunthorpe steelworks emergency ?
8am yesterday customers were telling us about the steelworks entrances being closed and people told to stay away from work due to the bomb threats
Twitter was full of reports, like official from British Steel
9am the media were on it, talk of environmentalists had phoned in a bomb scare .
You stop the steel plant for an hour , then you are looking at costs of £millions each hour.
However bombs on the steelworks don’t make sense as the place is already support dangerous and full of safety measures.
Then at 9:40am the steelworks announced ..all over, gates open.
The press were slower , but stopped tweets by lunchtime.
Then gets to 6pm local TV news ..nada onITV or BBC
Which makes sense , cos if it was publicity seeking enviro activists then you don’t reward them with publicity.
Local paper live reporting \\ Reports of a hoax call from an ‘environmentalist group’
We have heard unconfirmed reports that bosses on the site believe the alert may have been prompted by a hoax call from an ‘environmentalist group’.//
\\ A statement from the force said: “We have arrested a 39-year-old man on suspicion of communicating false information in connection with a security alert at British Steel in Scunthorpe yesterday. //
My first thought was, it would be someone who didn’t want to go to work.
Guido on BBC #Fakenews about Vote Leave
Newsnight, Ch4, KGM, Maitless, etc are often pleading with folk to come on their shows, and if they don’t they’ll empty chair them or… get busy in the edit suite…
Can’t imagine why anyone sensible actually goes on.
” A Pakistani migrant arrested for trying to set fire in Greece”
mmm If Rape = “grooming”
What can The Ministry of Newspeak use replace the word Arson?
After all it would be racist to call it what it actually is.
It obviously wasn’t arson. The poor, misunderstood man was trying to integrate by lighting a BBQ.
Good job comrade
Arson = Picnic
Poor al beeb having to say the economy of America at 4.1% growth when it was hoping for less than 4 % . Big economy – big difference . Now I suppose they’ll be saying rates in the states have to go up and try to blame the American President for it .
Already a Washington beeboid who should know better has pitched it as a one off and a distraction from some nonsense with a tom from a couple of years before the president gained office.
Yes please (although personally I think it should be shut down completely).
Ed Miliband is back on BBC at 4:30pm R4 Feedback
It’ll be a matey Love-in to talk about his R2 Vine slot
He was just on R5 this morning at 11:45pm cos the presenter makes a podcast with him and they have an Edinburgh show together
Lord Howard will also be on I bet R4 is less matey to him
Other items
#2 Evan Davis discusses Sweet Reason
#3 audience comment on Where’s the F in News? (the all lib-women panel show)
Sweet Treason more like.
The Cliff Richard report in Comwoman
A university poster which depicts one of their typical 87% of students helping in an African school is deemed racist
See, should have played the PC card ..and only pictured a BME helping in the school
Toxic Whiteness is a thing, when did that happen?
because white people don’t understand that they’re not actually “white” at all, argues Kim, but rather that is a concept that society conditions them to believe.
There you have it. Missionary work and foreign aid is thoroughly racist.
We must stop it all immediately.
They can’t come here as refugees if we help them where they live!!!
Think of the poor empty ships sailing about the Med with no one to rescue.
Showing a picture of a woman in Wolverhampton’s West Park is hardly ‘exploring new worlds’, no wonder they ‘pulled it’.
I take it they don’t do the ‘ buy a black baby’ charity thing anymore which was done when I was at school.
Is that Madonna in the poster?
I’m guessing that black teachers can no longer teach classrooms full of white faces
Only if they are Sydney Poitier.
Times Frontpage : “Antisemtic posts allowed on Facebook”
doh ! Yes FB operates worldwide..and in most Muslim countries you are not allowed to criticise the government
..instead you are encouraged to blame foreigners for everything
..and the chief things to blame are “The americans” and “the jews” hence public discourse are filled with anti-semitism.
Book shops put Jewish conspiracy theory books in the window , rather that books criticising the government.
How can the discourse on facebook be magically different to that on the streets ?
There is a positive that by airing such views debunking is possible it is crazy to say that Facebook has to police discussins and drive comment underground.
8:50pm Radio 4 So is today’s POV diverse in opinion ?
A change from the usual metro-liberal spitting metro-liberal views at us ?
\\ Michael Morpurgo on a new initiative to help refugee children.
Michael says “it shames us” that Britain in recent years has done so little to help child refugees.//
Benefits of being in the EU
new decision from European Court of Justice : no we can’t have modern gene editing techniques like is allowed in the US
instead massive rules will apply.
\\ I feel totally despondent with the ECJ ruling on gene editing.
That’s finished me for the EU. //
Matt Ridly writes in the Times
\\ A 2014 German survey found that the introduction of genetic modification elsewhere in the world had reduced pesticide use by 36.9 per cent on average, while increasing yields by 21.6 per cent. No wonder we are having to import more of our cattle feed from the Americas.//
Cripes. This is getting more bizarre by the minute.
At least the oddly skewed bbc follow lists are explained; they know who twitter likes. And doesn’t.
Might make Katty Kay and John Sweeney’s obsessive filling and Rting tricky mind.
The Jeremy Vine Show must have been having phone problems today because both their pet ‘British’ Muslim and Hard Left Welshman got to ‘call in’, (yeah right!).
Their Muslim got to talk about the Pakistan elections but slipped up in his enthusiasm when he revealed his true allegiance! Whoops! No more Mr. Moderate British Muslim poster boy. You can take the Pakistani out of Pakistan but you can’t take Pakistan out of the Pakistani.
Everbody’s gardens must be dead at the moment so no-one is bothered about Terry’s Allotment. He’s Welsh so let’s call up the Hard Left Welshman. Turns out sparrows are eating his bean flowers. I was disappointed that they weren’t Evil Toreee Sparrows doing the damage. Or Brexit Birds. Or Trump Tits.
Beyond the current % result, the sample base is also impressive.
Make people “opt in” to paying for the BBC!
Or maybe an honesty box at your local National Treasure Car Park.
Come on Gerard-you`ve made a good start. Now twist the knife and make us all laugh!
Mockery and comedy-offer Lineker the job of Ministry of Sporting Supremacy or something.The left HATE mockery.
BBC Eddie Mair – Trumps success – Jon Sopel spitting out words..eating humble pie ? No not the BBC
4.1% growth..- it’s not sustainable say his opponents (not at all bias), it was this high twice under Obama (from what base they don’t say), It’s all to distract from Russia oh and for luck throw in the alleged payment (before he was president) to a lady friend 🙂
BBC – they just can’t report good news when it isn’t their good news..
I noted this too James. The newsreader said that “Trump claimed” that the growth was 4.1%.
Well-was it or not? Did he make it up, or is he quoting some agency that has done this before without controversy?
The BBC must think we`re not noticing, They`re due a reckoning.
As for “this might not last”-well, duh!
By the law of averages it can`t or won`t. But it`ll always be a good deal better than if Sopel or Hillary had got their wishes granted in Nov 2016.
Biased liars.
So, we’re not allowed a bit of sun in the summer without being told it presages the end of life as we know it.
bbc WS “Researchers were up ‘till 2am” (yes, 2am) and were able to tell us that the this sun this summer is due to climate change. And countries like Sweden could get a heatwave every 10 years or so.”
Meantime my own research came up with a reference from an Irving Berlin and piece called, “Heatwave” – 1933.
6:26pm BBC jokeNews show
item about liggle Syrian children in the proms
☑ PR not news
☑ Pet Issue : refugees
☑ BBC Talking about themselves
Didn’t hear much about this from Jon Sopel either – this week on US ecomomy
“Jobless claims also surprised economists Thursday morning, falling 4,000 to a near 44½-year low of 218,000, signaling an economy at full employment”
Now if it were St Obama….BBC reporting their news their way
I see the Beeb are delighted to be reporting on Anne Hathaway blaming white privilege on the death of a young black woman killed by a maniac in California. Viola Davis even took the time to tweet saying “Tired of needing to organize rally’s to convince people that our lives matter.”
So I’m assuming that Ann and Viola comment on every death of a young boy or girl whatever their race.
I guess when Ann is pointing some kind of blame at white’s for not understanding the dangers that black people face daily, she can apportion a similar level of blame of those that follow a particular religion.
And maybe Viola could comment on occasions when people that aren’t her colour get murdered by black people with the same passion, unless of course ‘they don’t matter.
What race baiting tosh.
Off switch – bbc WS still wringing the tears out of Hispanic illegals.
It has to be evil Trump’s fault – not conceivably the fault of the people and governments of those shit-holes that that the ‘refugees’ have given up on?
Not an easy read, will take a while,
But very revealing too. Clever guy.